technology will ruin the world class presentation

Technology is going to Ruin the World Social Impact of Technology

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Page 1: Technology will ruin the world class presentation

Technology is going to Ruin the WorldSocial Impact of Technology

Page 2: Technology will ruin the world class presentation


Technology has improved many peoples quality of life in so many ways, but also has many negative effects.

The goal of this presentation is to raise awareness on two main negative effects

The first is Privacy

The second is Distraction

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Privacy (cell phones)

Technology has significantly reduced peoples privacy some examples are:

Cell phones have made it easy to take videos or pictures of people in times they may not want their actions to be scene. They also have made it very easy for word to travel. A new issue is bullying by text

Also they have become a constant connection to social media making it easy to upload pictures of people to facebook or twitter etc.

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Distraction (cell phones)

Cell phones have become a major distraction in peoples lives

Many motor vehicle accidents are caused by people driving distracted texting or talking on their phones. Enough so that we now require a law against it, yet people continue to do it.

People walking across roads in parking lots are also not paying attention to their surroundings because they have their eyes glued to their phones

Even in school many people are distracted by their cell phones

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Cell Phone Facts

In 2011 23% of crashes involved cell phones (1.3 million)

Text Bully’s are often much meaner because they don’t see their victims

Sexting is actually against the law and can result in child pornography charges to the sender and recipient(s).

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Privacy (internet)

The Internet has greatly reduced peoples privacy.

Anything put on the internet is never truly deleted.

The internet also gives other people a way to access personal information. A great recent example of this is the bleeding heart hack, which caused revenue canada to shut down its site.

Last the internet is also another easy way for people to bully one another because anything can be said behind a computer.

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Distractions (internet)

The internet can be a very distracting

Many younger children spend way to much time playing games on the internet instead of playing outside

People spend a lot of time on facebook and twitter instead of doing work they should be completing. For example in the library at the college.

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Internet Facts

Approximately 56% of people used Facebook in 2013 and that number is still rising

1 in 3 teens/adolescents have experienced cyber bullying

Approximately 1.5 million U.S residents are victims of identity fraud online every year, which accounts for upwards of 50 billion dollars in financial loss

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In my opinion these two technologies are not going to ruin the world. My point with this presentation is that it has changed the way people are and interact with eachother. Bad people would do bad things anyway but the internet has just given people another tool to do things that will ruin peoples lives (hackers). Cell phones are not bad themselves as well, it is also just the context they are used. Imagine someone who killed another person texting and driving, that ruins many peoples lives.

Technology may not “ruin the world” per say but it has and will continue to ruin the way people act and treat others.