technology for digital buildings. - welt der simulation

© CADFEM GmbH, 2019 BIM inside ANSYS CADFEM ANSYS Extension for the Integration and Preparation of 3D-Building-Product-Models (BIM / ifc) in ANSYS Technology for Digital Buildings. Mastering the Complexity of Buildings Digitalization encompasses all life cycles of modern buildings today, from planning to construction and operation. BIM (Building Information Models and Modeling) as the Di- gital Twin for the building sector plays a vital role in the scope of this technological shift. BIM inside ANSYS allows easy and efficient integration and transfer of 3D-geometry and product data into ANSYS. The objective is to couple numerical simulation and analysis tools (e.g. CFD, FEA) to BIM/Ifc building mo- dels. BIM inside ANSYS provides a connection for BIM with focus on the semi-automatic gene- ration of suitable simulation models, driven by engineering simulation know-how. Key Benefits Integration of BIM/Ifc building models in ANSYS Workbench and ANSYS AIM • Graphical user interface at the connec- tion of building model to simulation model • BIM-coupling via the open and widely- used industry standard Ifc • Semi-automatic generation of geometry- abstractions for CFD and FEA. Contact for advice in CAE and your quote: Germany P +49 (0) 80 92-70 05-46 [email protected] Austria P +43 (0) 1-587 70 73 [email protected] Switzerland P +41 (0) 52-368 01-01 [email protected]

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© CADFEM GmbH, 2019

BIM inside ANSYSCADFEM ANSYS Extension for the Integration and Preparation of 3D-Building-Product-Models (BIM / ifc) in ANSYS

Technology for Digital Buildings.

Mastering the Complexity of Buildings

Digitalization encompasses all life cycles of modern buildings today, from planning to construction and operation. BIM (Building Information Models and Modeling) as the Di-gital Twin for the building sector plays a vital role in the scope of this technological shift.

BIM inside ANSYS allows easy and efficient integration and transfer of 3D-geometry and product data into ANSYS. The objective is to couple numerical simulation and analysis tools (e.g. CFD, FEA) to BIM/Ifc building mo-dels.

BIM inside ANSYS provides a connection for BIM with focus on the semi-automatic gene-ration of suitable simulation models, driven by engineering simulation know-how.

Key Benefits

• Integration of BIM/Ifc building models in ANSYS Workbench and ANSYS AIM • Graphical user interface at the connec- tion of building model to simulation model • BIM-coupling via the open and widely- used industry standard Ifc • Semi-automatic generation of geometry- abstractions for CFD and FEA.

Contact for advice in CAE and your quote:

GermanyP +49 (0) 80 92-70 [email protected] AustriaP +43 (0) 1-587 7 0 [email protected]

Switzerland P +41 (0) 52-368 [email protected]© CADFEM GmbH, 2019

BIM inside ANSYSCADFEM ANSYS Extension for the Integration and Preparation of 3D-Building-Product-Models (BIM / ifc) in ANSYS

Coupling of BIM and Numerical Simulation

This Extension merges user-friendly and efficiently the two domains of BIM building models and numerical simulation. Geometry and product data for numerical simulations can now be extracted, prepared and processed from BIM as the key data model and Digital Twin of the building sector for all its life cycles (planning, construction & operation).

BIM/Ifc building models can be transferred into ANSYS as whole or filtered sub-models. In addition, further geometry operations are available to process the geometric models. After the transfer, all known tools in ANSYS, for example for CFD fluid dynamic analysis, can be used. The associativity between the product data in BIM and the simulation model is conserved.

Integration in ANSYS Workbench and Discovery AIM

The integration in ANSYS is realized in form of an efficient and flexible Model-View-Controller coupling simulation and BIM models within ANSYS Workbench and AIM. As user interface, both a graphical model viewer and a Dialogue-Wizard are available.

The BIM UI Module is a stand-alone/independent viewer and browser application for BIM/Ifc models, integrated in ANSYS and equipped with a communication interface for the transfer of geometry data into ANSYS. The BIM UI Module enab-les detailed visual analysis of BIM Models and provides access to all BIM based functions for the extraction of geometry data or abstraction of geometry models.

The BIM Wizard Module is based on the same base functions which are also used in the UI, yet provides a quick workflow for the transfer of BIM/Ifc building models to ANSYS.© CADFEM GmbH, 2019

Geometry Processing

BIM building models may comprise a large amount of data because - in a consistently BIM-based approach - they serve as a single central source of content covering all life cycles and stakeholders. This is why it is indispensable to filter, reduce and abstract the data in order to achieve efficient numerical analy-ses and simulation models.

BIM inside ANSYS offers methods for data filtering and for the generation of partial models. For this purpose, model intelli-gence and logic of BIM models can be used, for example for filtering based on product types (e.g. for wall components) or building storeys.

Geometry Abstraction

BIM models comprise semantic data (e.g. material data or cost) as well as geometric data (e.g. component geometry or stratigraphic sequence). In most cases, geometric specifica-tions of building products focus on architectural applications. In contrast, geometry models for numerical simulations often include different requirements and specifications, for example with regard to detailing or dimensions.

BIM inside ANSYS offers a number of methods for semi-auto-mated processing of models for numerical simulation and for further use of the models within the diverse tools of ANSYS. For abstraction of models, semi-automated templates are available for the generation of so-called SimLoDs (Simulation Level of Details). The latter enable the generation of typical simplified models, especially for CFD applications.

BIM inside ANSYSCADFEM ANSYS Extension for the Integration and Preparation of 3D-Building-Product-Models (BIM / ifc) in ANSYS© CADFEM GmbH, 2019

BIM inside ANSYSCADFEM ANSYS Extension for the Integration and Preparation of 3D-Building-Product-Models (BIM / ifc) in ANSYS

ANSYS is the world’s largest provider of simulation software and offers Engineering software for almost every applicationin industry, research, and academia. ANSYS is among themost popular CAE solutions in the

CADFEM is recognized for CAE competence since 1985 – a single provider offering everything that decides on the success of simulations: i.e., Software and IT solutions, Consulting, Technical support, Engineering solutions, and Transfer of Know-how. As ANSYS Elite Channel partner and ANSYS Competence Center FEM, we serve & support the ANSYS users in Central Europe.

Technische Informationen

System requirements: ANSYS Workbench or Discovery AIM from Version 19.2

BIM inside ANSYS is a product of CADFEM GmbH; ANSYS Workbench is a product of ANSYS, Inc. ANSYS AIM is a product of ANSYS, Inc.

State 11/2018: Changes and errors excepted.

CADFEM GmbHMarktplatz 285567 Grafing near MunichT +49 (0)[email protected]

Further Offices: Berlin, Chemnitz, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Hannover and Stuttgart

CADFEM (Suisse) AG Wittenwilerstrasse 25 8355 AadorfT +41 (0) 52-368 01-01 [email protected]

CADFEM (Austria) GmbH Wagenseilgasse 141120 Wien T +43 (0)1-587 70 73 [email protected]