technologies used during planning and evaluation stages


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Post on 28-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Technologies used during planning and evaluation stages


By Tim loe

Page 2: Technologies used during planning and evaluation stages

List of technologies used:• PowerPoint • Prezi• Photoshop – Used for creation of the filming

space.• Wordpress• Word• YouTube• canon 550d – 50mm lens/kit lens • Sony Vegas • after effects• Camtasia studio

Page 3: Technologies used during planning and evaluation stages

Microsoft PowerPoint

• This allowed us to effectively showcase our research and planning. It made it easier to convey how research and planning has helped us, and convey ideas to use in the product.

This example shows how PowerPoint allows us to effectively portray planning needed to make our products. Here we can consider conventions with ease.

Page 4: Technologies used during planning and evaluation stages


• Prezi is another program used for showcasing ideas. This was useful when showing all ideas when responding to the brief.

Prezi showcases ideas in an effective, and cohesive way, allowing all ideas to be in one place, showing them how they link together more effectively. This is why it was convenient to use the software for the response for brief.

Page 5: Technologies used during planning and evaluation stages

Photoshop CS4

• Photoshop was useful for creating an effective filming space. It allowed us to create a large composition so we could display all of our locations on one file, making it easier to use during production.

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• Wordpress was used to display the planning, research and evaluation we have done in order to make our products. It allowed YouTube videos, PowerPoint and Prezi to be embedded into posts enabling us to effectively convey these pre and post-production stages.

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Microsoft Word

• Microsoft word was used for the creation of scripts and additional notes for videos. It was convenient, since it allowed for quick word processing that could be printed.

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YouTube• YouTube was used to upload videos, so they

could be embedded into Wordpress. The annotations tool on the ‘edit video’ option within YouTube was also used add annotations to a video.

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Canon 550D

• The canon 550d with the 18-55mm and 50mm lens were used to effectively convey the behind the scenes for production, and others for the planning and evaluation stages. It was convenient, since it enabled information to be displayed in a much more creative, and interesting way.

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Sony Vegas

• Sony Vegas was also used during the planning and evaluation stages to edit footage. It is convenient for basic editing uses, and helped showcase the planning and evaluation stages more effectively.

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After Effects

• After effects was used to create advanced effects for some of the videos made during the planning, research and evaluation stages. An example is the gun shots in the target audience video.

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Camtasia Recorder

• This software was used for recording a computer screen. It allowed me to showcase editing, during the planning and evaluation stages, which was useful since it more effectively shows how we created and used effects in different videos.