technological timeline

chnological Timeli BY: MERT, AYUSH, HUGO, PHILLIP

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Technological Timeline. By: Mert, Ayush, Hugo, Phillip. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Technological Timeline

Technological TimelineBy: Mert, Ayush, Hugo, Phillip

As humans evolved so did technology. From the very basics likes rocks to the most advanced like PlayStations. The point of this power point is to show the evolution of technology between the three main eras. Cavemen times to medieval times to the present. We hope you enjoy this blast from the past!

In the cavemen time cavemen used many handmade tools to hunt and get themselves food. Cavemen were really resourceful using whatever resources they could find to create tools. These tools shows us that mankind were inventors from the really beginning. Some of the weapons that cavemen made and used were:SpearsClubsHammersStone picksStone tools Sharp rocks and toolsBasic trapsCavemen weaponry

Cavemen clothingmost cavemen didnt have clothes but some of them did but when they did they weren't made out of luxury materials like cotton or polyester so again they invented clothes using there resources. They were much like us using different clothes and material for different location/habitats and whether. The clothing that caveman used included:PlantsTree barkAnimal skinsAnimal furs

Cavemen HomesBack then people (cavemen) didnt have four story houses with a 200 mc2 garden and a pool. Heck they didnt even have a nice cushioned bed like ours! They just lived or took shelter under whatever they could find. And most of the time they didnt mind because they didnt know about all our luxury living. Mostly they lived inCavesHollow treesOr took shelter underCliffsTrees or tree branchesIn bushes

Cavemen tools Cavemen had every day and helpful tools just like us. Once again inventing most of these tools out of whatever resources they found laying around. Some of these tools were very advanced and useful when others were more basic and more rarely used. But whether they were advanced or basic or rarely used or often used they were always part of their life. These tools includedFire RocksStickChalkWoodWheelsPlantsStone toolsTattoo toolsTattoo ochre

Medieval era

A long time after the caveman era, the medieval era started and so did the evolution of Technology to make human life easier.

WeaponsWeapons were used for fighting, self-defense, and war. Swords, spears, canon, guns. They would make war with other countries they would kidnap and/or kill. People would use war as a peace maker so if they fight a country and win they pray and think they are in peace but then the other countries have another war so they put water around the castle and if someone attacks they fall in the water.

TransportationPeople rode on horses and bulls. Carts pulled bye horses with wheels made out of wood. Wealthy people would ride them and poor people would be the horse owners the transportation was very evolved physically because there were no cars no trains (there were trains but not our modern trains)

MoneyDuring the medieval times, money was made of metal coin Paper didnt exist. The price of the coin was what it was made of. The most valuable coins were gold then silver, and then copper there were many different coins, each had different pictures and inscriptions on them.

HousesWealthy people would live in a big house with jewelry the wives would have a lot of nice furniture. The kings would have a big castle made out of brick. Poor people would live more in the woods the houses were more of mod and wood or straw. They wouldnt have much furniture that doesnt cost very much.

Present day technologyFrom the present day we have picked up a couple of the vital information to add in to our blast from the past time line presentation! The four very vital invention we choose from the present day time include the invention of the first light bulb the invention of the television, the invention of the first computer, personal computer and the telephone and of course the mobile phone.

1st light bulb

First of with the light bulb. The first light bulb was invented in 1860 by a man named joseph Wilson swan. Joseph invented this electronic wonder by using charred paper as filament. But even though Joseph Wilson swan created the light bulb first a man named Thoma Edison used charred bamboo yarn in 1861, which was much more suitable.

Invention of the television

The next invention were going to discuss about is the invention of the television or TV. Kalman Thiany was the man who invented this much used device. Kalman had developed a radarscopes in 1926, which was the basis for the prestigious television or TV.

First Computer

The first computer was created by Konrad Zuse who built the precursor of the modern computer in nineteen thirties binary numbers. I think we can all thank Mr. Zuse for creating this extremely useful device and making all our lives easier.

First personal computer

The first personal computer was created by the very much loved and missed electronic legend Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs had a partner to aid him in his quest of course and his name was also Steve, Steve Woznaik. They worked together in Steve Jobs garage to create the Apple ][ or the Apple1. In their garage together they sold over 100 of this famous first invention.

First smart phoneThe first smartphone was the IBM Simon; it was designed in 1992 and shown as a concept product that year at COMDEX, the computer industry trade show held in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was released to the public in 1993 and sold by BellSouth. Besides being a mobile phone, it also contained a calendar, address book, world clock, calculator, note pad, e-mail client, the ability to send and receive faxes, and games. It had no physical buttons, instead customers used a touchscreen to select telephone numbers with a finger or create facsimiles and memos with an optional stylus. Text was entered with a unique on-screen "predictive" keyboard. By today's standards, the Simon would be a fairly low-end product, lacking a camera and the ability to download third.

THE ENDThanks for watching the journey from the past!We hope you enjoyed. Thanks!