techniques to develop creativity

Techniques to Develop Creativity Morphological Analysis And Lateral thinking M.Ed 2014-15

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Page 1: Techniques to develop creativity

Techniques to Develop CreativityMorphological Analysis


Lateral thinking

M.Ed 2014-15

Page 2: Techniques to develop creativity

Introduction• Creativity is the highest order of Human Potential

• It ensures that any nation meets its present and future needs.

• In Indian context Creativity is often synonymous with Art and Entertainment, which is meant for the elite in society, not for the masses.

• In all areas of life Principle of Reward and Punish reign high.

• In order that there is inclusive growth and development especially at the grassroot level, teaching- learning process needs to use Creativity, which has the power of self- motivation and self –actualization.

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Factors required for developing Creativity

• Creativity depends on formation of ‘Ideas’.

• Ideas when put into action become ‘Noble Ideas’.

• Noble Ideas can be learned and adapted through incubation and application

• Creativity is expressed as originality, sensitivity, imagination, flexibility, fluency, ingenuity, elaboration

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Morphological Analysis

• Developed by Fritz Zwicky ( 1969)

• Creative adaptation of Matrix analysis conceived and practiced by Mathematicians

• Involves study of two or more components

• Focuses on Principles of Combination, Decomposition and Forced Association

• Data is combined into new ways to discover original ideas or solutions

• Uses a GRID or MATRIX

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Five steps of Morphological Analysis

• 1. Concise formation of the Problem

• 2. Listing of the attributes for each parameter. All parameters have to be localized and analyzed

• 3. Construction of the Morphological Box or Multi-dimensional Matrix, which contains all potential solutions to given problem

• 4. Scrutinization and Evaluation of all solutions, within the Morphological Box w.r.t goals to be achieved

• 5. Selection and practical application of the optimally suitable solution.

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Experiment by Gujarathi Nalini Mohan (1992)• Applied Morphological Analysis in ‘ Scientific Creativity Training Programme’.

• Preparing a Train: Three dimensional Matrix of 5 X 5 X 5 combinations=125

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Educational Implications of Morphological Analysis

• Creative Design of new products, services, tools.

• Designing Curriculum to simultaneously meet 2 or more goals e.g. while teaching E.V.S , teacher can give Value education and Awareness about environment.

• Training in Creative Research

• Study effect of Teacher- Classroom variable like indirect and direct class control, classroom climate etc. on effectiveness of Teaching- learning process

• Study of parameters like Motivation, reward, competition etc. in combination

• Develops eye for detail and sensitivity

• Enables Visualization of Broader Picture.

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Lateral Thinking

• Developed by Edward De Bono ( 1977)

• Principles of Lateral Thinking:-

• Recognition of dominant polarizing ideas

• Search for different ways of looking at things

• A relaxation of rigid control of vertical thinking

• Use of Chance

• We can best understand Lateral thinking by comparing it with Vertical Thinking.

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Vertical Thinking

• Is selective, analytical

• Is Sequential

• One ahs to be correct at every step

• Moves only if there is direction

• Uses negative to block-off certain pathways

• Concentrates and excludes what is irrelevant

• Categories, classification are fixed

• Follows most likely path

• Finite process

Lateral Thinking

• Generative, proactive,

• Can make jumps

• May be wrong at some stage

• Moves to generate direction

• No negative in any function

• Welcomes intrusion

• Categories, Classifications not fixed

• Explores least likely path

• Probabilistic process

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Uses of Lateral Thinking

• Intermediate Impossible

• Random Juxtaposition

• Reversal Method

• Analogies

• Deliberate generalization of alternatives

• Different ways of looking at things

• Practice Design

• Challenging assumptions

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Educational Implicationsof Lateral thinking

• Helps creative problem solving

• Develops originality, Flexibility and elaboration

• Helps design effective curriculum for all round growth of child

• Trains in creative appreciation, creative perception, and divergent thinking

• Helps design student centric teaching-learning processes

• Creates sensitivity to situational problems, removes judgment /bias

• Helps plan strategy with holistic view

• Refines strange ideas into useful ones

• Improves interpersonal skills, develops attributes like trust, confidence, openness, honesty etc.

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