technique magazine - january 2002


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Page 1: Technique Magazine - January 2002
Page 2: Technique Magazine - January 2002

W = Women R = Rhythmic M = Men GG = Group Gymnastics NOTE: Dotes anti events subject to change or cancel/ation.

2 o o 2

FEBRUARY 8-9 USA Gymnastics Winter Cup Challenge (M) 14-16 Rhythmic Invitational (R) 16-17 Rhythm ic Challenge (R) 21-28 Junior Notional Team Training Camp (M) 28-March 5 Senior Notional Team Training Camp (M)

MARCH 2 Visa American Cup (M/W) 2 Broadcast -Visa Americon Cup 1 :00-3:00p EST 3 National Elite Qualifier (W) 6-13 National Team Training Camp (W) 16-17 (#1 of 2) Levell 0 State Meets (W) (' see below) 22-24 American Challenge / American Classic (W) 23-24 (#2 of 2) Levell 0 State Meets (W) (' see above)

APRIL 4-6 NCAA National Championships (M)

NCAA Regionals (W) 6-7 Level 9/10 Regional Championships (W) 13-14 Level 10 Regional Championships (W) 18-20 NCAA National Championships (W) 27-2B Level 9 East/West Championships (W)

TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling

Los Vegas, NV Colorado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO Colarado Springs, CO Colorado Springs, CO

Orlando, FL NBC Sports Orlando, FL Houston, TX Various Sites TBD Various Sites

Norman, OK Various Sites TBD TBD Tuscaloosa, AL TBD

TBD 2nd Information Meeting, 2003 World Gymnaestrada (GG) Lisbon, POR TBD American Team Cup (MiW) TBD 30-May 6 Pacific Alliance Championships (MiW/R - Sr./Jr.) Vancouver, B_C CAN

MAY 1-5 J.O_ National Championships (M) Son Diego, CA 3-5 10. Notional Championships (W) TBD 3-5 J.O. National Championships, Individual & Group (R) TBD B-15 Notional Team Training Camp (W) Houston, TX 17-23 International Friendship Camp (W) Houston, TX 2B-June 2 Senior Notional Team Training Camp (M) Colorado Springs, CO

JUNE 9-16 Junior Notional Team Training Camp (M) Colorado Springs, CO 15-16 Level 9 Championships (R) TBD 21-23 Notional Gym Fest & PAGU Invitational GymFest (GG) Orlando, FL 23 Broadcost- Americon Team Cup (M/W) NBC Sports 30 Notional Qualifier (M) TBD TBD U.S. Challenge (W) TBD

JULY 6-7 Rhythmic Western (R) Portland, OR 12-14 U.S. Classic / U.s. Challenge (W) Virginia Beach, VA 14-21 Future Stars/Junior Development Team Camp (M) Colorado Springs, CO 19-21 Rhythmic World Championships-Group (R) New Orleans, LA TBD Rhythmic Eastern (R) New Orleans, LA TBD JO Notional Championships (TR/TU) TBD

AUGUST 7-10 U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/TR/TU) Cleveland, OH B-l 0 USA Gymnostics Notional Congress Cleveland, OH 8-10 USAG National Gymfest & Team Gymn Nationals (GG) Cleveland, OH 10 Broadcost- U.s. Gymnastics Championships (W) 8-9p EST NBC Sports 11 8roadcast- U.s. Gymnastics Championships (W) 7 -8p EST NBC Sports 16-18 FIG World Cup Series (TR/TU) Edmonton, CAN 23-25 FIG World Cup Series (TR/TU) Greensboro, NC 24 National Gymnastics Day

SEPTEMBER 28 Broadcast-U.S. Gymnastics Championships(M)4:30-6p EST NBC Sports

SCHEDULE OCTOBER 5 Reese's Gymnastics Cup NOVEMBER 1-2 FIG Congress 16 Broadcost- Reese's Gymnastics Cup 4-6p EST 20-24 Artistic World Championships (MiW) 23 World Cup Final (TR/TU) TBD Future Stars National Championships (M) DECEMBER 5-10 Senior National Team Training Camp (M)

2 o

MARCH TBD Visa American Cup (M/W) TBD or Apr. TBD American Team Cup (M/W)

APRIL 5-6 Level 9/1 0 Regionals (W)

NCAA Regionals (W) Level 10 Regionals (W)


12 12-13 24-26 25-27

NCAA Notional Championships (W) Level 9 East/West Championships (W)

MAY 2-4 6-11

JULY 20-26 TBD


J.O. National Championships (W) J.O. National Championships (M)

FIG World Gymnaestrada (GG) U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/TR/TU)

1-17 Pan American Gomes (M/W/R) 16-24 Artistic World Championships (M/W) 21-31 World University Games TBD National Congress



Seattle, WA

Athens, GRE NBC Sports Budapest, HUN Hannover, GER T8D

Colorado Springs, CO

Foirfax, VA TBD

Various Sites Various Sites Var ious Sites TBD TBD

TBD Savannah, GA

Lisbon, POR Anaheim, CA

Santo Domingo,DOM Anaheim, CA Taegu, KOR Anaheim, CA

19-29 Rhythmic World Championships - Individual & Group (R) Maastricht, NED

OCTOBER 17-19 Trampoline World Championships (TR)

NOVEMBER Reese's Gymnastics Cup 22


PAGU Jr. Interdub Championships (MiW/R Group Jr/Sr) PAGU Children's Interdub Championships (M/W/R) Four Continents Championships (R)

2 o

FEBRUARY Feb. or Mar. TBD Visa American Cup (MiW)

MARCH Mar. or April TBD American Team Cup (M/W)

APRIL 10 22-24


NCAA Regionals (W) NCAA Notional Championships (W)


2-5 24-27

U.S. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/R/TR/TU) U.S. Olympic Team Trials (M/W/R/TR)

25-27 Notional Congress

AUGUST 13-29 Olympic Gomes (M/W/R/TR)

OCTOBER Oct. or Nov. TBD Reese's Gymnastics Cup


Hannover, GER

Colorado Springs, CO USA GUA VEN



Various Sites TBD

Nashville, TN Boston, MA Boston, MA

Athens, GRE


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Page 3: Technique Magazine - January 2002

on official publication of USA Gymnastics PUBLISHER

Robert V. Colarossi

EDITOR Luan Peszek


Christa Engle Adam Braden


CHAIR: Ron Froehlich; PRESIDEIIT: Bob Coloroci; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Tom KolI; VICE CHAIR MEN: TIm Doggett; VICE CHAIR RHYIIlMIC: Andrea Schmid, VICE CHAIR TRAMPOUN[ Paul Parillo; SECRETARY: Gory AnderlOn; TREASURER: Bob Wood; fiG mCUTNE COMMITTEE: Joy Ashmore, Ron Froehlich. fiG MEN'S TECHNICAL COMMITTE[ George Be<ksleod; FIG TRAMPOUNE AND TUMBUNG TECHNICAL COMMmE[ Pol HenderlOn; fiG WOMEN'S TECHNICAL COMMITTE[ Jm rIO; AT lARGE MEMBERS: Peler Vidmar, SUIOn True; ATHLETE DIREaORS: Chari Knighl·Hunler, John Roelhlisberger, Vanessa Vander Pluym, Karl Heger, USOC ATHlETE DlREaDR: Domini<k MinkucO.



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TEOfNIQUE(lSSN 074B·5999) (USPS 016B72) is published monthly excepl bimonthly in Sepl/ Od and Nov/De< by USA Gymnoslics, Pan Arrericon Plaza, Suite 300, 201 South Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317·237·5050) or visil online @ www.usa·gYlnast ics · org Periodicol postage paid 01 Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscriplion prices: U.S.-S25 per yeor, Canado/Mexi(l,...S4B per yeor; all olher loreign counlries-S60 per yeor. II available, ba(k issue single copies 54 plus posIoge!handling. All reasonable (are will be loken, bUI no responsibil· ity (on be assumed lor unsolidled mOleriol; endose relurn poslage. Copyrighl1998 by USA Gymnostics ond TE(HNIQUE All rig his reserved. Prinled by Sport Graphics, Indio no polis, IN.

Unless expressly identified to the controry, 011 artides, state­ments and .iews printed herein are attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no respansibi/ity thereof.


A Salute to the Gymnastics Clubs of America

Are You Tracking Your Tactical Marketing ...

Symbols for Judging Boy's Junior Program Exercises

.. 6


.. 9

. 13


The 2002 User Friendly Women's Elite Program .. .

Guidelines for Using the New Vault Table .. . ... .

JANUARY 2 0 0 2 • VOLUME 22 • # 1

6 8

9 13

DEPARTMENTS Event Schedule .... .... ...... .. .......... ..... .... ... 2 Women's Nominations ..... .. ........ ..... .... 25

USA Gymnastics Message ....... ...... ...... ... 4 Women's JO Vault Values ... ... ... ... .... .... 26

Ath lete Focus .. .... ... ..... .... .. ..... ..... .. ., ... . 15 Men's Program Update ... ........ ... .......... 42

What's New? ..... ..... .. ... .... ....... .. .... .. ... . 1 6

Member Service Update .. ..... ......... ...... 1 8 Member Club Invitationa l Li sting .. .. .. .... 44

KAT & MELPD Workshops ...... ....... .. ..... 20 Classifieds ... .. ..... ....... ...... .. ........... ..... . 47

Women's Program Update ..... ... .... ........ 21 Safety Certification Schedule ..... ...... .... . 48


Page 4: Technique Magazine - January 2002

USA GYMNASTICSMessage liThe Eagle flies, we are going to the World Championships" was the message to the World Team from USA Gymnastics President, Bob Colarossi, on Friday morning, October 20, 2001. And SOAR it did! The tragedy of September 11th has caused a resurgence of patriotism within our country. As a count ry, we remember t he simp le principles upon which our great natio n was fo unded. We understand that "United we stand" is more tha n words, but a fundamenta l philosophy. This simple principal was epitomized by our 2001 Wo rld Tea m on both t he men's and women's sides, both on and off the competition floor.

The spirit of our forefathers was alive within us all as we traveled unsure waters wit h brave hearts to accept the challenge before us and rep resent our flag! This group was committed to unity and to a cause bigger t han self, a concept larger tha n life - "USA." Duty and responsibility became our banner. We were proud to be Americans.

Because each person went into t he competition subservient to the "cause," there was no sacrifice too great to make, no effort too much to endure. Although inexperienced in inte rn ationa l competitio n, t hi s team was physically fit, mentally tough, and emotionally strong. Each member had improved si nce t he U.S. Champions hi ps and we were on a mission to demonstrate America n spi rit! The 2001 Team faced the sa me challenges and concerns that all teams fa ce. But both the athletes and the coaches met t hese tria ls head-on with trust and faith in each other and in our process. For the first time in the 16 years I have been with the teams, t he comments made by internationa l judges, admi nistrators, and coaches alike, reflected all of t hese characteristics. The Team's Bronze Medal fi nish , a Bronze Medal on Uneven Bars for Katie Heena n, and all six of the team members co mpeting in at least one Individua l Event Final were major accomplishments and tangible evidence of the outstanding teamwork, athlete readiness and coach confidence.

Our training plan prepared by Martha Karo lyi, our National Team Coordinator, was rehearsed daily by the World Team Coaches, and presented to the tea m at Championships. It provided a solid base and a look of unity. Expectations were known and exceeded each day in our preparation .

Perfect or not, the "plan" was supported with 100% effort. Each day's training was focused, efficient, productive and, most importantly, looked to t he world li ke a "team effort."

The entire Women's Program renews its pledge of devotion to excellence. I want to commend the 2001 World Championships Team Members Tasha Schwikert, Ta bitha Vim, Mohini Bhardwaj, Rachel Tidd, Ashley Miles, Katie Heenan, Natalie Foley and Dana Filetti and their coaches, Cassie Rice, Steve Rybacki, Tim Garrison, Michael Harris, Tatia na Perskaia , Tom Forster/ Luminita Marcenko and Jim Walker for their great effort. Head Coach, Steve Rybacki and Assistant Coach, Cassie Rice were exemplary in carrying out their duties. Thanks also to the support staff, trainer, Debbie Van Horn, judges, Linda Chencinski, Sue Graff and Judy Dobransky for a job well done!

Almost a year ago, the Women's Program held a Su mmit meeting to reevaluate our structure and com mitment to the concept of a "national program." The world team success is a triqute to all of the National Team coaches who implemented the plan and supported it to its fulfillme nt. The future looks extremely bright for USA Gymnastics. Continuation of our united efforts, the talent and discipline of our athletes, the devotio n of our coaches and national coaching staff and the expertise and experience of Martha Karo lyi will bring furthe r glory and honor to our country, our sport, and ourselves.

God Bless the USA and all of our gymnastics family.

Kathy Kelly

Senior Women's Program Director

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Page 5: Technique Magazine - January 2002

WORLD cham ionships



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------------------« TECH N I QUE· JAN UARY 2002 )}--------------- -c:s::--lll

Page 6: Technique Magazine - January 2002

A Salute to the Gymnastics Clubs

f America


around the

country are


support for

the USA! ¥

* * * * * * * * * * * * • • ~ ~

Americans all across the country have pulled together in the aftermath of the tragedy that occurred on September 11. As we come together as a nation in these challenging times, it's appropriate to reflect on the incredible support that has taken place in our country and, specifically, in our gymnastics community.

Many gymnastics clubs have gone to extraordinary measures to help raise fu nds for the victims and their families involved in the tragedy, as well as to show support for the USA.

Clubs held candle vigils and prayer services; donated supplies to those in need; organized cartwheel-a-thons, exhibitions, open houses, bake sales and meets; raised flags and decorated with red, white and blue; organized fund drives and sleepovers; and one club even became a makeshift relief center in New York City. Although space did not permit to print all of the events and activities that were received in detail, they are posted on our website at www.usa­ ications/techn ique/2002/1 /proud. html

Thanks to all of the clubs around the country who have helped to make a difference! A few of the outstanding events that were organized are MghUghted below:

EaSfel'1} N . Pal'amus afd,ol}al Acade

al} POmpf my Eastern Nat ' 01} Plail}s N Plains held I~nal Acaderny of P , ew Jel'sey

.benefit those Cartwheel_A_ T ararnus and P In ages f, affected by th hon on Oct b Ornpton th rorn 5 to 1 e traged 0 er 13 t

en perforrn 1 Years old y. Children ra . 0 gYrnnastics h ed Cartwhe I Collected pled nglng

k,ids F=il'Sf n the child~ Sc ,ools in Pa~ e s. Cornbin' ges and Cmcil}l}a.l.' ~PO.I'fs Cel}.1. Cross. en raIsed $58 99~rnus and Pornptlng both . rl, Oh,o reI' ' ,00 for th on Plains

KIds First S ;;~:~::1r _____ .e.A~rn:e:n:'c:an~R:edj' $21,270 f% rts Center in ' . to help W' the Arnerican CInCInnati, Ohio ' cornrn Ith the Sept Red Cross "L'b ,raIsed wh enced the Kid . ernber 11 " I erty Fund"

ereby th s First R d cnsls Kid donations e , COrnpany ~ Cross Relief Fun s F~rst Contrib ' (WIth a I ' . atched all . d Dnve

utIOn). Irnlt of $5 IndiVidual ,000 c


Page 7: Technique Magazine - January 2002

Chelsea Piers Gymnastics Center New York City. New York Diablo G

9al) Raho.Ytnl)astics 9ch In a matter of hours after the attack on the World Trade Center, Chelsea Piers became a relief center for victims, fire fighters, police, and families . The gym itself was a 24-hour sleep, shower and change area. In one evening, the facility slept over 1,000 police, fire and national guard personnel. The soccer field was used for family counseling, the basketball courts were used for eating facilities and the sets of "Law and Order" were set up for medical and hospital

"'01) C /".l' 001 Diablo G • a 'TOl'l)ia

Ymna t· raised $7 535

s !cs School of S

Cross Th' In 10 d an Ramon of kid .ey adapted ays for the A ,~alifornia, d .s First in Oh· a Suggestion b mencan Red onatJons. It t 10 to create Y Jeff Metz

urned Out t b a matching f, ger a every su Und for


facilities. Many of the gymnastics staff mem'bf~e:rs~s~l~ep~tJ~~!!.-._---------l at the facility for three or four nights in .:.: an effort to help. G mnastics City k

c~rt\andt Manor. New '(or

. . cated in northern Westchester

A salute to the following clubs who sent us information on how they showed support for the USA

GymnastlCs (,ty, lo l A Thon and raised $7,350 County, held a cartwh~de ~ra-de Center Relief Fund. for the New York Wor

Le Studio Gymnastics Bellows Falls, Vermont

Kids First Sports Center Cincinnati, Ohio

Sun Country Sports Center Gai nesville, Florida

Vitaly Scherbo School of Gymnastics Las Vegas, Nevada

High Sierra Gymnastics Reno, Nevada

Sutton Gymnastics and Fitness Center New York, New York

SIGS Gymnastics Clarksville, Indiana

American Academy of Gymnastics Bakersfield, California

Eastern National Academy Paramus and Pompton Plains, New Jersey

World Olympic Gymnastics Academy Plano, Texas

Diablo Gymnastics School San Ramon, Ca lifornia

Stafford Gymnastics Center Stafford, Virginia Basel's All-Star Gymnastics and Cheer Spri ng, Texas

Columbus Gymnastics Academy ReynoLdsburg, Ohio

Los Angeles School of Gymnastics Los Angeles, California

Twist and Tuck Lincolnton, North Carolina

Chelsea Piers Gymnastics Center New York City, New York

Palmers Gymnastics Bloomingdale, ILlinois

Southeastern Gymnastics Centre Monroe, North Carolina

Fun & Fit Gymnastics Centers Burbank, California

Achievers Gymnastics Center Denton, Texas

Tampa Gymnastics and Dance Tampa, Florida

American Gymnastics PLantsville, Connecticut

Byers Gymnastics Center Rosevi Lle, California

Pottsville Gymnastic Training Center Pottsville, Pennsylvania National Academy of Artistic Gymnastics Eugene/SpringfieLd, Oregon

GC2 Gymnastics East Syracuse, New York

North County Gymnastics San Diego and Oceanside, California

Twistars USA Diamondale, Michigan

GYMCO Grand Rapids, Michigan

Midwest Twisters Gymnastics Wisconsin

All-Star Gymnastics Madison, Wisconsin

Arizona Sunrays Phoenix, Arizona

Asphalt Green New York City, New York

Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester Rochester, New York

Oak Park Gymnastics Oak Park, ILlinois

Foothills Gymnastics and Dance Center Easley, South Carolina

Rebounders Gymnastics Center Timonium, Maryland

Gymnastics City Cortlandt Manor, New York •

* * * * * * If ~ ~ .. .. .. ..



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~

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Page 8: Technique Magazine - January 2002

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In basic terms, strategic marketing addresses the questions 'what; 'who' and 'why': In other words, What is your product? Who is your bread and butter customer? Why does s/he buy? In short, your 'market strategy' is the 'story' of your business. Tactical marketing addresses the questions 'how', 'when' and 'where', specifically, how, when and where is your club going to tell its story? Tactical marketing questions might include -Is newspaper better than radio? Is yellow pages really worth it? Should you advertise 'with the tide or against it' (referring to our industry's yearly enrollment cycle)? I am certain that over the long haul, Gym clubs win or lose the game of business at the strategic level by developing (or failing to develop) a 'killer' strategy and screaming it publicly and living it privately. But, make no mistake, for growth, efficiencies and profit it is also necessary to pay close attention to the tactical level.

Consider this scenario of Club A vs. Club B: both clubs are identical: same demographics; simi lar cities; same marketing strategy; each has 500 students and $250,000 revenue; each intends to spend 3% per year on marketing; and (at the moment) each is using the same tactical marketing . Now, visualize this di ssimilarity: one year ago, Club A began to diligently record and track how each and everyone of its prospects and clients learned about it. And from this data, Club A learned to its great surprise that it had been spe nding 80% of its marketing dollars on a marketing tactic that was generating only 20% of its prospects. And so, armed with this information, Club A shifted its marketing dollars to align proportionately to the number of Prospects each tactic was generating . In other words, it allowed the results to determine the flow of its marketing dollars. The res ults over time: assuming Club A's new marketing tactics proved to be 50% more effective generating prospects (plausible); and assuming a 30% yearly attrition rate at both clubs, how many years it would take for Club A to double Club B's enrollment? The rule of 72 tells us: in five years, Club A will be twice the size of Club B. Imagine, doubling your competition, at no cost, only the simple discipline of aski ng every ca ller, visitor or registrant how they first learned of your club.


Send your topic requests to : [email protected]

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Page 9: Technique Magazine - January 2002

by Doug Hills

What are the best steps for judging a compulsory routine? From the text At Floor Exercise the gymnast will begin

1. Run, Roundoff, back handspring 2. Tucked back salto - salto at head height

To the score 8.6 The old way One way to work through the job of judging is to review the text, watch the

exercise, take deductions and calculate the score. The judge's records may look like this:


-+1 I' ,

9.3 I ' -.7

A better way

Start with one symbol

Refine a little

Refine a little more

Another good symbol

This is fine if the judge doesn't need to reconstruct the exercise or if there is a question about missing parts or bonus. The good thing about this method is speed. The downside is a lack of accountability. Athletes and coaches will need to know the details of your evaluation . Even at the end of a rotation this method makes this difficult; after a large meet it just isn't possible.

+.1 8.6

As the gymnasts improve and the rules become more complex the task of good judging has become more demanding. This article offers a way to make judging better and more accountable and easier. The cost, for the judge, is the effort it takes to learn a symbol system. Fortunately, simplified symbols already exist. This system was developed by Mike Cook of Portland, Oregon. I have added some refinements of my own.

A problem element for nearly all young gymnasts is a press to handstand. If you use just this ~ one symbol the advantages for your judging start immediately. When you reconstruct the l exercise you will know the deductions for the press, you know which deductions precede and follow the press; you have a memory jog to help you recall the rest of the exercise.

A single underline, to indicate a momentary hold (1 second), will give you a record of the element and fulfillment of a momentary hold.

If the gymnast holds for a full two seconds, add another l-second mark. F -Suppose the gymnast takes two steps (a 0.2 general execution deduction at 0.1 per step). He also holds the handstand with a slight pike (a technical execution deduction , 0.1). Write general execution deductions below the symbol and technical (angle) deductions above the symbol. This is very useful information when you review the routine. Good symbols also give you cues that help you focus on what is important in the exercise.

Many of the required elements in the Junior Olympic program would be considered extra swings in FIG competition. On Rings, Parallel Bars and High Bar many of these swings must be performed to specific angle requirements.

This is a swing forward / This is a swing forward to horizontal /~

(COli till lied 011 page 10)

---------------~( TEe H N' 0 U E • JAN UARY 2002 )f-------- - --- -----:9


Page 10: Technique Magazine - January 2002

Swing variations

Now the parts of an exercise

Mushroom portion of Class 6 Pommel


What makes a good symbol?

How to handle bonus

The real world

Front swing to horizontal to a back swing 45' above horizontal -Remember, judging with these symbols requires some practice.

On the mushroom 6 -drcle ~'/' circle


- quarter spindle -F -flair

- Circle, circle, 1/4 spindle, 1/4 spindle, circle, 1/2 circle -

Notice how the symbols are easier to read than the text.

Symbols must take less time to write than the gymnast takes to perform the element. Simple lines and curves that represent the elements leave time to write deductions and bonus. Symbols should be easy to distinguish from deductions.

Each Class 6 and Class 5 exercise has a bonus alternative. 66 Bonus elements are indicated in square brackets, b [...-~ C __ ~] non-bonus elements in parentheses. onus ~ T <-..,.)

Here is a judged exercise:

The first thing that we see is that the

6(66:;:':;: 6-F6~ I I /I tI I S

gymnast has an extra circle (before the first spindle) . Either this was an enthusiasm circle after struggling slightly with the first two or this gymnast has been practicing the Class 5 routine and got confused. He has general execution deductions (form problems) on 4.6 base the 1/4 spindles. There are body position deductions (probably 5 piking) on the first circle and the first 1/4 spindle. He gets +0.2 -. extra element I

specified bonus for the circle-flair-circle. The dismount is stuck. -.9 execution There is no bonus yet for the stick but there may if there is also a 2 bonus stick in the pommel horse portion of the exercise. The mushroom _+_. __ ...;,..,.c:..-....:..-:..-___ _

portion of the exercise will receive a 3.4 score. 3.4 score Advice to the gymnast: do the routine correctly (+0.5), clean up the spindles (+0.4), you can raise this part of your exercise to at least 4.3.

Floor examples Remember, A a mark to the left - backward, 1\ L J 1 1 1>1 R 51

Rings examples


a mark to the right - forward, ha~~~~~ng each mark from the top - 1/2 twist

back front back front back front back front back handspring saito saito saito '/2 saito '/2 1/1 1/1 1'/2 1'/2

If bonus depends on a spot, note the spot. Look at this portion of the Class 6 Rings compulsory.

The bonus for this exercise depends on performing the muscle­up without spot. Note the spot. Also, the requirement for 2 second holds in the support and the hanging-L are made clear with the double underline. [ t ] bonus Pommel horse Developmental D -Handstand full turn

Rings Developmental D -Back uprise to ~

Floor ~ ,-\

1 Class 7 dismount - L.>

----' Ha~dstand, roll forward --0 handstand (hold) Jump 1/1

"-1-=-1~O---------------«( TEe H H 10 U E • JAN UARY 2002 ),...---------------

Page 11: Technique Magazine - January 2002


Be a better judge Gymnasts, coaches and judges are the three essentials that make up the sport of gymnastics. Gymnasts are the basis of it all. Coaches give us directed growth. Judges elevate gymnastics from an exhibition to a sport. What do you bring to this mix? Are you accurate? A good symbol system will help you focus on the judging task. Knowledgeable? A good symbols system will give you another cue for knowing the rules. Are you able to re-create your analysis of every routine? Are you able to defend a controversial score? Are you able to really help gymnasts who need your help? You wi ll be able to do all these things better if you can effectively apply symbols.


...--round·off 2·sec. scale forward roll lunge rebound

cartwheel chasse candlestick

prone fall 2-sec. split forward roll Endo roll

Some generic eLements

PommeL horse sampLes

1 ...---2-sec.


straddle swings

\ -r 0 / --2-sec. circle flair swing press forward

leg cut leg cut circle forward backward

simple traverse

with 1/1 turn to handstand , J / - \ swing drop swing swing

backward dismount forward to horiz. back to 45"

~ )X/(cJ-o ~:?F undercut reverse loop back 1/2 1/4 feint

flair scissor scissor loop spindle spindle

(continued on page 31)

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--------- - - --- - -{( TEe HN 10 U E • JAN UARY 2002 )f---- ---------- - ,- ,--1

Page 12: Technique Magazine - January 2002

Rings samples

Parallel bar samples

High bar samples

-muscle muscle up 2-sec. lift to pike lower to support back

lever 2-sec.

front lever 1-sec.

cross 2-sec.

L -cross stretch stretched up with spot hanging-L inverted hang long held 2-sec. inlocate dislocate

Cast to upper arm

{\ pullover

cr-back hip


Moyto upper arm

Vl under-swing

hang 1-sec. hang 2-sec. 2-sec.

kip hop straddle back grip 'L' uprise

h V

/" nG hop swing kip front

forward 1/2 giant turn

cast to support

8 back giant

Moy to Stutz Stutz to support 452

~ X ~ 3/4 Endo inside

giant Endo

front uprise swing to


)( \ Stalder inside


Doug Hills is the author of the "Gymnastics Study Guide" software series and lives in Portland, Oregon .•

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Page 13: Technique Magazine - January 2002

You may have heard about the changes

taking place in the USA women's elite program.

The goal is to make the program more user

friendly so that more coaches and gymnasts

will give it a try. We have a lot of talented

gymnasts out there and our hope is to build the base of elite gymnastics

in America.

Below are some helpful hints and general

information. The first thing you should do is

check out pages 109 through 122 in the USA Gymnastics 2002 Rules

and Policies. This section will give further

clarification to any questions you may have.

You will also want to be sure to contact your

Regional Elite Chairman, which you can find in

the front of your Rules and Policies, and make

sure you are included on his/her "elite and TOP" mailing list. By doing this you should get all

the Elite and TOP information throughout

the season.

1. Eligibility basically anyone interested in working toward excellence and striving to meet the 'new code' is welcome at the elite qualifying meets.

2. "Banking" qualifying scores - this year you can get compulsory and optional scores in any order and in either elite 'season', yet continue to participate in the JO program . The only time you cannot do this is once you have participated in a Challenge or Classic competition.

3. A NationaL Qualifier! Yes, a national qualifier, in addition to regional qualifiers, will be held in conjunction with the American Cup in Orlando, Florida. It is hoped that most of the competitors will have an opportunity to compete on the podium!

4. Lower quaLifying scores? Yes, look at the scores for the National Elite Program, and you will see that they are significantly lower than in other years. Realize, however, that ALL gymnasts in qualifying meets will begin at the 'new code' standard of an 8.8 start value.

5. The vaulting table will be used (you DO NOTE have a choice this year!) for all Elite levels and all age groups.

6. Can I incorporate the Elite Physical Abilities into my current conditioning program with the confidence that these will be the test items for this season? YES, go for it.

7. Compulsories! Help! Panic! Try NOT to panic. All of your efforts right now should be on sound 'basics: upgrading your skills and event requirements to meet the new code. The compulsories will be completed at the November training camp immediately followi ng the World

Championships. Be sure you are on your Regional Chair's mailing list (and email list) so you receive the compulsory information as soon as it is released. Meanwhile, I would recommend that you use the following basics during your warm-ups at each event since the compulsories will most likely be "built" around these skills:

VAULT • Yurchenko timers • Tsuk and handspring timers

BARS • Cast handstands • Clear hip, stalder, and/or toe shoot

seq uences (2 or 3 in a row)

• Good technique on giants • Straight body flyaway

BEAM • Sissones, scales, arabesques,

needles, tuck and wolf jumps

• Backwalker, back handspring , standing tuck

• Front wa lkover or front handspring

• Roundoff salto or back handspring to sa lto dismount

FLOOR • Split leaps, switch split leaps, cat

leap fulls, tour jete, chasses • Tuck jump full, straddle jumps • Cartwheel to several back hand­

spring stepouts (connected) • Snap down to a series of

back handsprings • Front handspring to stretch front

layout • Roundoff, back handspring, layout

with 1/2 turn

Page 14: Technique Magazine - January 2002

United States Association of Independent Gymnastics Clubs, Inc.


The Inaugural

College Bound Invitational

An Invitational Competition for pre-college female gymnasts held in conjunction with the National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches

for Women ( NACGC / W ) National Convention


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Competition Dates: Friday, Saturday & Sunday

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Workout Days:

Competition Rules:

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. each day

Thursday, Friday & Saturday - open training 8 a.m. until 12 p.m.

NCAA Women's Collegiate Rules For NCAA Collegiate Rules go to:

Deadline Date: April 1st

General Information:

All juniors and seniors in high school, as well as recent graduates who have not yet selected a college, are invited. This event is open to all-around as well as individual event performers.

For registration information and other details, call the USAIGC at 800-480-0201, fax us at 610-518-0221, or contact us at [email protected] or

Registration is limited.

The Invitational will be closed when we reach 300 athletes per event.

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Page 15: Technique Magazine - January 2002

Katie Heenan, 16, is from Burke, Virginia and trains at Capital Gymnastics Training Center with her coac hes Tatiana Periskaia, Victor Vetrov, Galina Meliakina, and Marina Gerasimova. She's a 10th grade home school student and claims math is her favorite subject.

of John and Lisa Heenan and has three brothers. Her future plans include theatre, drama, and/or acting . Her future goal in gymnastics is to make the 2004 Olympic Games team.

It's no surprise that Uneven Bars is Katie's favorite event. Katie is the 2001 U.S. National Champion on bars and most recently the World Championships Bronze Medalist on bars as well. Competing in only her second international gymnastics event, Katie helped the USA win the team bronze medal.

Katie said, "It fe lt rea lly good to win the team bronze medal because no one expected us to medal so it made it even more special." She added, "Winning the medal on bars was the ultimate gift for all of my hard work and everything I've been through."

Katie was also a member of the 2001 Sr. Pan American Championships team that earned the gold meda l. At this event she finished seventh all-around and second on bars.

Katie began the sport in 1989 and has been on the Nationa l Team four consecutive years, since 1998. She is t he daug hter

Curriculum Poster Reward System

Jeff Lulla is a member of the USAG Preschool Advisory Board and co·aulhor of the Kinder Accredilalion lor Teachers (KAT) course. He is also a USAG National Safely Instructor, an industry consultant, and is a seminar presenter for the USAIGC, and USA Gymnastics. He owns two successful gyms in Southern California.

• Proven Effective in Building Enrollment Retention • Provides a SAFE and Progressive Teaching System • Sets ACHIEVABLE Goals rRE---"C-OG-'--N,-I-Z-IN-G-O-U-'R-U-C-E-N,-S-E-E-S-.. -. ---, • Motivates Parents and Students SiHcs 1998 • Keeps Records of when Skills are Passed Sunrise Gymnastics-• Valuahlefor Measuring Teacher Sylvania,OH

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-----------------j( TECH N IOU E • JA N U A RY 2002 )r--------------------=I-=s:-JI1

Page 16: Technique Magazine - January 2002

........ •••

••• e • ... .

. . . . . . . . ....•.•...•.


COLLEGIATE NEWS West Chester University will continue its women's gymnastics team. There was concern that the program would be dropped. This is a victory for our university and for women's gymnastics as well. Thanks to ali of the people in the gymnastics community who supported this cause through letters, phone calis, and e-mails. It was a tremendous show of support.

USA Gymnastics has added a new membership query. This query provides: Member Number, Member Type, Membership Expiration Date, City/State, Discipline Levels, and Safety Certification Expiration Date. NOTE: To execute the query, you must login using your Username and Password.





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Page 17: Technique Magazine - January 2002

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Page 18: Technique Magazine - January 2002

Safety Certification.Sanctions PDP & KAT Certification

Meet Director Certification Skill Evaluator Certification

Group Gymnastics

1-800-345-4719 www.usa- gymnastics .org

USA GYMNASTICS WOMEN'S LEVEL I·IV SKILL DEVELOPMENT CURRICULUM This new course is the first discipline-specific education to be introduced under the Professional Development Certification Program.

COURSE OVERVIEW: • Establishes a solid foundation for coaches on gymnastics


• Breaks down beginning level skills for Junior Olympic Levels I-IV.

• Provides hands-on instruction for Vault, Bars, Beam, Dance, and Tumbling.

• Lectures and video training on Coaching 101, Psychology, and Coaching Philosophy.

COURSE BENEFITS: • Skill Evaluator accreditation upon course completion.

• Course serves as the main requirement for the Level II Professional Development Certification.

• Receive the text Introduction to Gymnastics Coaching Theon}, by USA Gymnastics Director of Research and Development, Dr. William Sands.

• Receive the text Level I-IV Curriculum Guide, compiled by the USA Gymnastics Women's Program Development Staff.

• Attendance provides an exclusive opportunity to purchase the Level I-IV Skill Development Training Video.

• Receive a Level I-IV Skill Development Curriculum Course certificate.

WHO .SHOULD BE CERTIFIED? • All teachers, instructors, and coaches for women's artistic


• All novice teachers with a desire to teach women's gymnastics.

• Club owners with women's artistic gymnastics teams or recreational programs.

HOW DO I BECOME CERTIFIED? Complete the two-day, 12-hour course. Through the use of two texts, a coordinating video, and hands-on drill and spotting instruction, the course is taught by our National Instructors.

To attend, you must be a minimum of 16 years old, and either a Professional or Instructor member of USA Gymnastics. For an additional fee, non-members can attend and will be given a complimentary one-year Instructor membership.

HOW DO I REGISTER? Check course listing in Technique magazine, on the USA Gymnastics web site, or check our site for contact information for the nearest National Instructor.

Obtain course registrations from a National Instructor or download from the USA Gymnastics web site at usa­



Effective January 1, 2002

During the course of preparing the budget for 2002, the Finance Committee of USA Gymnastics had as its primary goal maintaining funding for athletes and programs at the same levels as 2001. After the initial review of the budget, the Finance Committee found the organization at a deficit.

In order to balance the budget, the following steps were taken:

• All salaries and staffing were frozen at 2001 levels • All non-program discretionary expenses were reduced

by 25% • And the sanction fees were adjusted as follows:

-Events with up to 72 athletes $50 -Events over 72 athletes $100

Beginning January 1, 2002, fees for all sanctioned events will be increased. Events with 72 or less participants will be $50. Events with over 72 participants will be $100. The new sanction form can be found by logging on to and clicking on Member Services. You may contact Member Services by dialing 1-800-345-4719 •

--1-=-1-.----------------1( TEe H N 10 U E • JAN UARY 2002 )>----------------


Page 19: Technique Magazine - January 2002

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Page 20: Technique Magazine - January 2002

USA GYMNASTICS 1001 KAT AND MELPD INFORMATION A KAT workshop consists of seven productive hours of preschool teacher education. The workshop covers philosophy, understandi ng the preschool-age child, safety considerations, class management, and much more!

A Movement Education and Lesson Plan Development Workshop (MELPD) consists of five enlightening hours of preschool teacher education. This workshop is continuing education of the KAT Program. The overall emphasis of this workshop is to provide instructors with the necessary knowledge to develop preschool gymnastics lesson plans, emphasize developmenta lly appropriate practices, fundamental skill development, and much more. This


Jan 12 Fullerton, CA

workshop is designed to help instructors meet the needs of the individual students and encourage adoption of lifelong physical activity. Attendance at KAT certification course is highly recommended, but not required to attend an MELPD course.

If there has never been a KAT or M ELPD workshop in your area, 2002 is a great time to host a workshop. Any club can host a workshop and it's free. The only things you'll need are an empty room and a TV & VCR.

If your workshop has 12 paid participants, your club wi ll receive one free registration. Member Clubs receive two free registrations.


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Feb 2 Woodstock, GA World of Gymnastics

Complimentary registrations are non­transferable and will onLy be valid at the workshop you are hosting. The workshop must maintain the minimum attendance of 12 for complimentary registrations.




Please call Rachel Heath at 1-800-345-4719 or email [email protected] if you are interested in aHending or hosting a KAT or MELPD workshop. For more information visit our website at hHp://

FREE SHIPPING on all prepaid

trophy and plaque orders over $100.00


available: Male & Female

.-.-=-2-=-O----------------{( TEe H N IQU E • JAN UARY 2002 )f----------------



Page 21: Technique Magazine - January 2002

WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL ELITE COMMITTEE Conference Call October 18th, 2001

NIECC Roe Kreutzer

COACH REPRESENTATIVES Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss Tom Forster Kelli Hill (absent) Alternate: Yevegeny Marchenko

National Team Coordinator Martha Karolyi Athlete Representative Larissa Fontaine (absent) Sr. Director Women's Program Kathy Kelly

GUESTS: World Team Coaches Cassie Rice Michael Harris Tim Garrison Tatiana Perskaia Jim Walker

I.ROLL CALL COMPULSORY PROGRAM II. The World Team Coaches with Martha drafted a compulsory program on two tracks (national and international) at the Pan Am camp last month. This proposal was sent to both the IEC and EC for their input. The committees are not in total agreement as to the direction that is best for our elite development and international preparation. Each of the World Team Coaches expressed their opinion of the two­tiered structure they proposed along with their rationale.

Donna expressed concerns about established international level athletes doing skills that are not presently in their preparation plan and the necessity for doing that. She also expressed the need for more time to consider the options before coming to a decision. Therefore, it was decided that since two members of the committee were not present on the call and

that two other members of the committee will be coaching at the World Championships that the international level compulsory requirements will not be completed until January at training camp. The National level committee will be asked to proceed with the development of its requirements for completion at the November camp.

III. The committee clarified the section in the R & P that deals with Qualification to the Classics Meets.

CLARIFICATION: Only those athletes who reached last year's qualifying score (34.5 Seniors and 33.5 Juniors) at the u.s. Classics or U.S. Championships are directly qualified to the 2002 Classic Meets.



NIECC Roe Kreutzer Coach Representatives Steve Rybacki Donna Strauss Tom Forster Kelli Hill

National Team Coordinator Martha Karolyi Athlete Representative Larissa Fontaine Sr. Director Women's Program Kathy Kelly Elite Program Manager Gary Warren Chairman, Kreutzer opened the call at 12:00 1100n EST.

I. QUALIFICATION TO AMERICAN CLASSICS Recommendation that the Junior and Senior National Team are directly qualified to the 2002 Classic Competitions. Motion Steve Rybacki Second Tom Forster PAS SED (co"/inned on p' ge 25)

Contact Tiffin for all of your mat needs. Whether you need a single mat for home

use, or enough mats to set up an entire gym - quality mats at affordable prices. Visit us on the web -

-------------------1( TEe H N IOU E • JAN UARY 2002 )}----------- ------,,--. 211

Page 22: Technique Magazine - January 2002

Some Guidelines on the Transition from the Old Horse to the New Table

Wm A. Sands, Ph.D., C.S.C.S. Director of Research and Development USA Gymnastics Women's Program

Jeni R. McNeal, Ph.D. , C.S.C.S. Eastern Washington University

INTRODUCTION The new vault table (NT) has been adopted by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) and is slowly being adopted by all countries and all levels of gymnastics. The U.S. elite program was the first to work with the NT due to the need to prepare for the Ghent World Championships in late 2001. The rapid implementation of the NT by the FIG has resulted in some necessary adaptations to vau lting and our approach to training of vaUlting. As the NT is adopted by the J.O. program, it will be important for coaches to study the NT and identify possible modifications of training and thi nking with regard to the NT dimensions.

SURFACE CONSIDERATIONS Figure 1. Optimum hand contact area on vault table

The old horse (OH) had a large top surface which was expressed in width rather than length. The OH was functional, approximately 160 cm (63 in) wide by 35 cm long (or deep) (14 in) as the gymnast faced the horse from the runway. However the curved edge surfaces of the OH resulted in a more constrained depth or length of approximately 30 cm (12 in). Female gymnasts seldom used an area of the OH that deviated sideward from the center of the OH by more than a few centimeters. Thus, gymnasts contacted the OH very near the center with hand placement roughly shoulder width at hand contact. The effective surface area for hand contact on the OH was approximately 50 cm (20 in.) by 30 cm (12 in .). The surface area for effective hand contact on the new table (NT) is approximately 50 cm (20 inches) by 50 cm (20 inches) . Thus, the effective area for hand contact has increased from appr?ximately 150? cm2 (240 in2) to 2500 cm2 (400 in2). The lncrease In aval lab le surface area on the NT over the OH is approximately 40% (See Figures 1, 2, and 3).

Figure 2. Note the dimensions and the approximate hand contact area of the old horse.

Obviously, the increase in contact area for the hands makes Yurchenko-style vaults considerably easier. Video tape records of the elite-international athletes showed that hand contact on the NT varied from approximately 30 cm (12 in) to 40 cm (16 in) within the same athlete on successive vaults. The change in the overall dimensions and curve of the surface requires some careful consideration when converting to the NT. Clearly, hand placement variations as large as those observed on the NT would be disastrous on the OH. The physical dimensions of the NT have advanced the ability of gymnasts to perform Yurchenko-style vaults due to a number of factors.

• The gymnast can be much more confident about her hand placement on the horse, which has allowed the gymnast to be much more aggressive and explosive in reaching the support phase of Yurchenko-style vaults.

• The larger and flatter surface of the NT allows the gymnast to place her hands more unevenly on such vaults as half­ons without suffering the consequences found using the OH when one hand was considerably more effective in pushing the OH than the other (e.g., Tsukahara-type vaults).

• The consequences of preflight errors are dramatically reduced because the gymnast can effectively manage and correct for some errors during the support phase.

BOARD CONSIDERATIONS The NT dimensions require a modification of board placement measurement from the OH . In an effort to make this translation simple, we measured the NT and OH dimensions in order to produce a uniform means of translating board placements. The OH run and board placement measurements commonly occurred from the measured center of the OH . We measured the NT from the near edge (nearest the vault board). The common area for both NT and OH measurements was the area of hand contact. The OH hand contact area was approximately 7 cm (3 in) closer to the vault board than the measured center of the OH . Thus, board distances could be measured from the hand contact area of the OH rather than the center of the OH .

Video tape records provided the hand contact area of the NT. Video records indicated that the most common hand contact area of the NT was 60 cm (24 in) from the far edge (landing/dismount edge) of the NT measuring toward the board edge of the top surface. The measurement was taken from the far edge (landing/dismount edge) due to the la rge and varied curves of various NTs. The hand contact area of the NT served as the reference position for measurement of board positions and translation from OH to NT.

After dropping a vertical line from the near edge of the NT we were able to translate board placements. The near edge of the NT sits at a position that would represent approximately 66 cm (26 in) from the center of the OH. For example, if the vault board is placed directly under the near edge of the NT, that distance would translate to a board placement of approximately 66 cm (26 in) from the center of the OH. Table 1 provides a means of translating OH board distances to the NT so that hand contact would occur in the proper position on the surface of the NT. In summary, to determine the board placement for the NT simply subtract 66 cm (26 inches) from the OH board placement (Figure 3).


Page 23: Technique Magazine - January 2002

Table 1. Translation of board distances from old horse to new table.

Figure 3. Board measurement for the new vault table

Old Horse (inches) 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

New Table (inches) o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

HANDSPRING FRONT·TYPE VAULTS The OH provided a different area for hand placement that facilitated handspring front-type vaults. The design of the near edge of the OH allowed the gymnast to "brace" her hands by placing the "heel" of the hands lower on the forward side of the OH (Figure 4). The hand placement, afforded by the OH, permitted the gymnast to apply more force in a forward­downward direction during hand support. This forward­downward application of force facilitated the gymnast's rotation about her hands.

The NT design does not permit the same approach to hand support for front handspring-type vaults. The flatter top surface of the NT requires the gymnast to apply a larger downward component of force resulting in a net loss of forward -directed force and reduced rotational momentum about the hands during hand support. The top surface of the NT requires that the gymnast rely more on hand-surface friction to produce the forward-directed force which ultimately assists the gymnast's rotational momentum about her hands (Figure 5) .

Figure 4. Note the hand placement on the old horse showing the "heel" of the hand "bracing" against the forward edge of the horse body dun'ng front handspn'ng-type vaults. Summary

Figure 5. Vault table hand position for front handspn'ng-type vaults. Note that the hands are placed on a more level surface.

Coaches and athletes should proceed cautiously during the transition from the OH to the NT. The elite-international group proceeded slowly and patiently while making the transition from the OH to the NT. Many weeks of vaulting onto mat stacks are advisable while making the transition from the OH to the NT.

------------------{( TE C H N 10 U E • JAN UARY 2002 )1----------------=2-=3 .......

Page 24: Technique Magazine - January 2002

Now Available! The newest apparatus from the most trusted name - AAI American

Elite™ International Vault Table Engineered with the same quality and rugged excellence you've come to trust

from AAI, American 's new El ite'" Internationa l Vault Table meets all the new FIG

specifications for competition . Features include:

• Accommodates landing mats up to 20cm

• Form fitting cover of suede-like material for non-slip feel

• Height adjusts to meet FIG specifications

• Dual locking spin and snap lock mechanisms

• Includes protective padding and tie down system for the base

• Non-marking rubber floor contacts, one with adjustable leveling foot

• Powder coated navy blue finish

• Conversion table heads available for existing American vaulting horses

Order yours todayl Call your AAI dealer and ask for Model 407-530 - Elite™ International Vault Table. American Athletic, Inc. 200 American Avenue Jefferson, Iowa 50129 1-800-247-3978 An American Sports ProductsGroup Inc. Company

---1-=2--=4------- - - - - ---I( TEe H H 10 U E • JAN UARY 2002 )1----------- --------

~ I

Page 25: Technique Magazine - January 2002

Women's Nominations for National

Committee Chair Positions

All nominations for positions must be USA Gymnastics Women's Program Professional Members in good standing for a minimum of two consecutive years immediately prior to the nomination, be at least 21 years old, and meet the prerequisites in Article V of the Operating Code Sections D, F, G and H fo und on the USA Gymnastics website (www . usa-gymnastics . org).The positions are four (4) year terms 2002-2006.

Nominations are to be sent to the Women's Program Director, USA Gymnastics office /:It March 15,2002.

Women's Program Senior Director USA Gym nastics Pan Ame rican Plaza 20 I S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 Fax: 317·237·5069

(contin ued from pnge 21)




4. Recommendation that the 2001 World Championships Team (9 members) are directly qualified to 2002 U.S. Championships.

Motion Kelli Hill Second Donna Strauss PASSED

Recommendation that the top 12 juniors from American Classic and the top 16 juniors from the U.S. Classic who attain the qualifying score of 34.00 AA will be qualified to U.S. Championships. (Senior numbers stay as listed in the R&P)

Motion Second PASSED

Tom Forster Kelli Hill

II. 2002 TESTING The committee discussed the use of a testing program and how to incorporate it into the qualification system. They will develop complexes and basic skills for the international level by January. While this is a time sensitive issue for training purposes, the IEC wishes to be prudent and take the proper time to make sOlmd decisions on the complexes and basic skills.

The following recommendations were made for the utilization of the National Compulsory for international level athletes:

Recommendation that the national team members will incorporate national team complexes and skill basics to be tested at training camps and are not required to do compulsory testing at regional and / or national qualifiers.

Motion Donna Strauss Second Kelli Hill PASSED

National Jr. Olympic Committee Chair (the National Jr. Olympic Committee Chair is elected by the National Jr. Olympic Committee).

I nominate

National Technical Committee Chair (the National Technical Committee Chair is elected by the National Technical Committee).

I nominate

National Elite Technical Committee Chair (the National Elite Technical Committee Chair is elected by the National Elite Technical Committee).

I nominate

The International Elite Committee Chai r (the International Elite Committee Chair is elected by the International Elite Committee) .

I nominate

The IEC has decided to stay with a 35.00 AA, pending the possibility of the FIG raising the start value to 9.0. This should be decided in the near future.

Call adjourned at 2:00 pm.

CONFERENCE CALL ON NOVEMBER 27, 200 1 - 12:00 PM Recommendation that all current and new elite athletes must score a 34.00AA on the National Compulsories coupled with the Optional qualification score (35.00AA senior, 34.00AA Junior) to qualify to the Classics.

Motion Second PASSED

Donna Strauss Kelli Hill

Recommendation that once an athlete earns a 35.00AA optional and a 34.00 AA compulsory in the same season, she is not required to repeat either portion during that same season.

Motion Kelli Hill Second Steve Rybacki PASSED

Recommendation that the Top 12 Seniors and the Top 12 Juniors from the rank order on day one at Classics will qualify into the Classic Team Cup to be held the next day. The teams will be pre-drawn by the order of the athlete's placement on day one. Six member teams, with five competing and four scores counting. Team Awards will be presented.

Motion Second PASSED

Donna Strauss Kelli Hill

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. OL












L 9 &

10 GYM
















, YA











or w


ut 111 T


N -





A o

r 'I, on




















or w


ut T



Note for the J.o. P


1.101 H

andspring 8

.8 A

ll Tsukahara vaults m

ay be performed w

ith S

1.102 H

andspring -'I,


a 900 to 180

0 LA turn in the first flight

1.103 Y


8.8 1.104


i -'I,

9.0 1.105

'I, on -'I, off


2.301 H

sp -F

ront Tuck

9.7 3.201

Tsukahara T

uck 9.4

1.201 H

sp -1/1

9.2 2.302

Hsp -

Front T

uck 'I, 9.9

1.202 H

sp -1'/,

9.4 2.303

Hsp -

'I, off, Bk. T

uck 9.9

1.204 Y

ami -1

/1 9.2

(Cuervo tuck)

9.9 3.302

Tsuk Tuck 1/1

9.8 1.205

'I, -1/1

9.1 2.304

Hsp -

Front P

ike 9.8

3.303 Tsuk P

ike 9

.5 1.206

'1,-1 'I,

9.3 1.207

1/1 on -H


9.2 3.304

Tsuk layout 9.7

3.306 'I, on -

'I, off, Fr. Tuck

9.8 S1

.210 1/1 on -

'I, 9.4

2.402 H

sp -F

ront Tuck 1/1

10.0 3.307

," on -'I, off, Fr. P

ike 9.9

2.403 H

sp -'I, off, B

ack Tuck

10.0 S

3.310 Tsuk T

uck 'I, 9.6

1.301 H

sp -2/1

9.8 w

/ 'I, (Cuervo T

k wi 'I,)


Tsuk Pike 'I,

9.7 1.305

'I, -211

9.7 2.404

Hsp -

Front P

ike 'I, 10.0


Tsuk layout 'I, 9.9

1.307 1/1 -

1/1 9.8

2.405 H

sp -'I, off, B

ack pike 10.0

(Cuervo P

ike) 2.406

Hsp -

Front layout

10.0 1.402

Hsp -


10.0 2.407

Hsp -

Fr. layout 'I, or 10

.0 3.402

Tsuk Tuck 1 'I,

10.0 S

1.410 1/1 on -

1 'I, 10.0

Hsp -

'I, off, Back layout

Tsuk Layout 1/1 10.0

2.409 1/1 on -

Front T

uck 10.0

3.404 3.407

'I, on -'I, off, Fr. layout



2.502 H

sp -Fr. T

uck 1 'I, 10.0

2.507 H

sp -Fr. la

yout 1/1 10.0


Hsp -

Fr. layout 1 ," 10.0


Tsuk layout 1 'I, 10.0

2.509 1/1 on -

Front pike

10.0 3.505

Tsuk layout 2/1 10.0


'I, on -'I, off, Fr. layout 'I,


10.0 S

1.505 Y


10.0 2.601

Hsp -

Double F

r. Tuck

10.0 S

3.509 'I, on -

," off, Fr. Tuck 'I,



Hsp -

Fr. Layout 211 10.0




1/1 on -Fr. layout



'I, on -'I, off, Fr. T

uck 1/1 (S

hible) 10.0

3.605 Tsuk layout 2

'1, 10.0

(Effective A


ust 1, 2001 -

July 31, 2005)










d -

off, F

lic -fla

c on





ff, Flic -

flac w

ith 'I, o

r 111 tu

rn o

n -




or S










D w

ith o

r with


t LA





or w


ut L






4.201 R

O,FF on -

Back T

uck 9.4

5.201 R

O,FF 'I, on -

1/1 twist

9.2 5.202


,FF 'I, on -1 'I, tw

ist 9.4



,FF 'I, on -Fr. T

uck 9.9

4.302 R


F on -

B. T

uck 1/1 9.8

5.307 R

O,FF 1/1 on -

1/1 twist


4.303 R


F on -

B. T

uck 1 'I, 10.0

4.304 R

O,FF on -

B. P

ike 9.5

4.305 R

O,FF on -

B. layout

9.7 4.306



on -B

. layout 1/1 10.0

4.307 R

O,FF on -

'I, off, Fr. Tuck


5.401 R

O,FF 'I, on -

Fr. Tuck 'I,

10.0 4.308


,FF on -'I, off, Fr. P

ike 9.9

5.402 R

O,FF 'I, on -

'I"~ Bk T

uck 10.0 4

.309 R

O,FF on -

," off, Fr. LO


.0 5.403


,FF 'I, on -Fr. P

ike 10.0




on -1/1 tw

ist off 9.1

5.404 R

O,FF 'I, on -

Fr. P

ike 'I, 10.0




on -1 'I, tw

ist off 9.3

5.405 R


F ," on -

''', Bk. P

ike 10.0 (A

llen) 5.406



'I, on -Fr. layout

10.0 S

4.320 R


F on -

B. T

uck 'I, 9.6

5.408 R


F 1/1 on -

Bk. T

uck 10.0



,FF on -B

. Pike 'I,

9.7 5.409



1/1 on -B

k. Pike





on -B

. layout 'I, 9.9



,FF 'I, on -2/1 tw

ist 9.8

4.403 R


F on -

B. T

uck w/

2/1 twist


4.406 R


F on -

B. la

yout w/

5.501 R


F 'I, on -

Fr. Tuck 1 'I, 10.0


ist 10

.0 5.505



'I,on -'''off, B







on -2/1 tw

ist off 9.7

or R

O,FF 'I, on -

Fr. layout 'I, (A

llen) 5.509



1/1 on -B

k. layout 10.0




on -B

. layout w

ith 2/1 twist


4.606 R

O,FF on -

B. layout w

i 2

'/, twist


Bolded num

bers indicate a change of number from

the vault lists previously printed in the JO chapter of F


ode of P

oints & the JO

Technical H





"'" «


« ... ".

o 2:

:z: ... ... ... -0


Page 27: Technique Magazine - January 2002

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Page 28: Technique Magazine - January 2002

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..... -=-2-=-8---------------« TEe H N' 0 U E • JAN UARY 2002 )1-----------------

Page 29: Technique Magazine - January 2002

ElliE PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING HOlls ton, Texas November 14-15, 2001

ROLL CALL: Chairman Gary Anderson Region I Derrick Moellenbeck Region II Brad Loan Region III Tom Forster for Mike Harris Region IV Greg LaFleur (absent) Region V Mary Lee Tracy Region VI Tony Retrosi Region VII Jen Bundy Region VIII Brian Neal for Ray Gnat IPCC Roe Kreutzer NETC Audrey Schweyer (excused) JOPC Tom Koll (excused) ABC Jan Greenhawk (excused) WPD Kathy Kelly (non voting)

Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, November 14,2001.

Gary Anderson welcomed all committee members and gave a brief overview of the meeting agenda and schedule for the weekend.

I. NATIONAL TEAM COORDINATOR The National Team Coordinator, Martha Karolyi, addressed the committee concerning the national compulsory program. Her main points of emphasis were to make sure that the compulsory routines remain simple with sequences and skills and not routines. A video of the proposed routines was viewed and each skill was discussed. Gary thanked Martha for her input and expressed the committee's goal of growing the elite base and bridging the gap between the JO program and the International Elites.

II. SENIOR DIVISION NATIONAL LEVEL Recommendation that a Senior Division (16 and over) be allowed at the National Level.

Motion Second PASSED

Tony Reh·osi Mary Lee Tracy

Recommendation that there are no automatic qualifers from the Senior Division to National Training Squad (training camp).

Motion Second PASSED

Tony Retrosi Mary Lee Tracy

III. QUALIFYING SCORES Recommendation that the qualifying Compulsory Score for all levels is 32.00.

Motion Second PASSED

Mary Lee Tracy Jen Bundy

Recommendation that the qualifying Optional Score for the Senior Division is 33.00.

Motion Second PASSED

Tony Retrosi Mary Lee Tracy

(CO lltillllCd 0 11 page 30)

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(continued from page 29)

IV. CLARIFICATION FOR THE RULES AND POLICIES Page 115. 1. A. 3 Change "three weeks" to "two weeks".

Page 112. IV. 1.

All elites must participate at the compulsory session unless they have achieved the qualifying score or are automatically qualified to the Classic.

V. NATIONAL COMPULSORY PROGRAM The committee reviewed and made its final decision on the National Compulsory Program, and the Physical Ability Testing. December 1 was the timeline set for completion of the text and video.

Recommendation to accept the National Compulsory Program and Physical Ability Tests as ammended.

Motion Tony Retrosi Second Tom Forster PASSED


I. ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Tom Koll, Chairman.

PRESENT: Neil Resnick Laurie Reid Cheryl Jarrett Don Houlton John Geddert Larry Goldsmith Mike Milchanowski Tim Rand Cheryl Hamilton Connie Maloney

ABSENT: Jan Greenhawk Gary Anderson Kathy Kelly


Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region S Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 NTCC (Sat.) JO Program Manager


Recommendation to accept the minutes of the May 2001 meeting as printed in the July 2001 Technique.

Motion: C. Jarrett Second: M. Milchanowski PASSED

III. BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT - T. KOLL Tom gave the committee an overview of the November USAG Executive Committee and Board of Directors meeting. He announced that Paul Spadaro was elected to the Member at Large position. Another discipline, Sports Acrobatics, has been added to the Board of Directors.

IV. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT T. Koll spoke for J. Greenhawk. The Administrative Committee is considering consolidating the R & P to eliminate sections that are repetitive. Also discussed was the possibility of publishing the R & P online and/ or publishing a book once every four years. Another possibility would be to maintain an updated version posted online and give the book to new members. T. .

Koll will bring forth the JO Committee' s ideas to the Administrative Committee.

V. ELITE COMMITTEE REPORT Tom presented G. Anderson's written report. Gary encouraged the JO Committee members to contact him directly if they have any questions. The new user-friendly National Elite Compulsories and qualifying scores have been established. A video has been completed and will be ready for distribution. The Senior National level was reinstated.

VI. EQUIPMENT CONCERNS A. NEW VAULT APPARATUS Tom reviewed the discussion regarding the new vault table apparatus from the May meeting. At that time, the FIG had not approved the apparatus for international Juniors. The committee stated that they wanted to wait until that approval was made before conSidering a decision for the JO program. After that approval was verified, the committee requested that questions regarding the implementation of the vault table be included on the survey for the 2005 compulsory elements, so that they each could cast a vote that reflected the opinion of the majority of coaches in their own region

Each RJOCC then reported on the information/ opinions they had received from their regional constituents. The following is a synopsis of their findings:

Region 8: Split. Arguments against it were somewhat weak, in that the judges would score higher for vaults using the table. This was not confirmed at the Jr. Elite level, at which the winner at Championships used the conventional horse. Region 7: Split, but in favor of the option for using the Table for the 2001-2002 Optional season by a 2 to 1 margin. Some felt it did not benefit the lower level teams and smaller programs. Region 6: 150 replies. Many coaches expressed anger when finding out that the table cannot be used at Open Optional Invitationals. Financial concerns and the potential problem of meets already awarded not having access to the vault table were also expressed. Region 5: 83 responses; 33 against, 50 to give option (35 d idn't coach optionals). The issue of fairness was expressed. John thought the review of this issue would come with the May meeting. He expressed concerns regarding implementation -state meets would have to have a faci lity that could accommodate the two horses. Region 4: 50 responses. Many that were in favor of choice did not have upper level kids. 2/3 were against the implementation of the table for this year; 1/3 for choice. Others expressed concern regarding the timing of the decision in mid-season; should be done in a timely fashion. Region 3: 30 returns. Results were split; C. Jarrett plans to run a report of her surveys in the regional newsletter. RTC Carole Bunge had indicated a favorable response from coaches in the Colorado area. Region 2: 45 returns. L. Reid talked to every Level 10 coach in the region at mini-congress. Majority of Level 10 coaches wanted an option. Region 1: Coaches overwhelmingly in favor of giving an option, but the issue was for which levels this season.

L. Goldsmith recommended that USAG produce a video to assist with the training methods and new techniques necessary for transitioning to the new vault table. Connie will follow up on this pOSSibility.

Scott Roth, of AAI, addressed the committee's concerns abou t availability and specifications. He informed the committee that he anticipated the NCAA would require the table for the 2003 season . If the JO Program required it for 2002-2003 season, he was certain that AAI (and other equipment companies) would be able to service the gymnastics clubs. The committee thanked Scott for attending the meeting and showing the free-standing model.

Tom informed the committee that the liability issue was

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Page 31: Technique Magazine - January 2002

addressed at the USAG Executive Committee meeting in November. USA Gymnastics' legal counsel, as well as the Executive Committee, felt that allowing a choice would involve the least amount of risk.

After a lengthy discussion, the committee made the following motions:

Recommendation that any invitational competitions that offer an "open optional division" (that is, a session not designated by level) may provide the new vault table in addition to the conventional horse. The information regarding equipment provided must be indicated in the Meet Information. Effective immediately

Motion: N. Resnick Second: L. Reid PASSED

Recommendation that Level 8-10 gymnasts be allowed an option to use the new vault table or the conventional horse at state and above competitions, effective January 1, 2002.

Motion: N. Resnick Second: L. Reid DEFEATED

Recommendation that Level 10 gymnasts be allowed an option to use the new vault table or the conventional horse at all sanctioned competitions that provide both pieces of apparatus. The meet director of State and above meets must provide both the vault table and conventional horse. All other sanctioned meets must provide the conventional horse and may also provide the vault table; meet information must indicate the equipment to be provided. Effective immediately.

Motion: M. Milchanowski Second: C. Jarrett PASSED 5 in favor, 3 opposed (Region 4,5 & 6)

Recommendation that Level 9 gymnasts be allowed an option to use the new vault table or the conventional horse at all sanctioned competitions that provide both pieces of apparatus. The meet director of State and above meets must provide both the vault table and conventional horse. All other sanctioned meets must provide the conventional horse and may also provide the vault table; meet information must indicate the equipment to be provided. Effective immediately.

Motion: N. Resnick Second: T. Rand PASSED 5 in favor, 3 opposed (Region 3,4,6)

NOTE: The new vault table is NOT APPROVED for use by Level 8 and below athletes for the 2001-2002 season.

Clarification regarding 2002 State Championships: If a state has no Level 9 or 10 athletes that require the new vault table, there is no need for the Meet Director to provide one. The State Administrative Commmittee Chair must survey all the clubs in the state that have Level 9 and 10 gymnasts to verify the need for the vault table. The State Administrative Committee Chair must convey this information to the Meet Director in adequate time to insure the availability and space for the vault table if there are gymnasts who require it.

Specifications: There will be no specifications for height for specific age divisions. The vault table may be adjusted to any height, provided it remains within the allowances identified by the manufacturer. If a two-piston model of the vault is used, both pistons must be at the same setting. All models of the vault table will be approved: Retro-fit, free-standing and cabled to floor.

The committee discussed the timeline for implementation of the vault table for the lower levels.

Recommendation that the vault table be recognized as the official, required vault apparatus for Levels 5-10, effective January 1, 2003. (continued on page 31)

- ----------------1( TECH H IOU E • JAN UA RY 2002 ))-----------------::;3:-:'=--1

Page 32: Technique Magazine - January 2002

(continued from page 31)

Motion: D. Houlton Second: T. Rand PASSED

Rationale for date of implementation: to allow clubs to budget for the apparatus, to allow the equipment manufacturers adequate time to supply, and to allow the athletes adequate time to transition.

B. ADDITIONAL MATS FOR COMPULSORY FLOOR EXERCISE Recommendation to allow all compulsory level athletes the option of using up to two manufactured skill cushions (maximum thickness of 8" /20cm), placed separately, on the Floor Exercise area.

Add the above to the 2001-2002 Rules and Policies, page 107, G.2:

Motion: L. Reid Second: C. Jarrett PASSED

VII. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE REPORT - C. HAMILTON Cheryl reviewed the minutes from the Technical Committee meeting.

Recommendation to accept the Technical Committee's recommendation for the Level 4 Vault: to add a 2.00 deduction for the coach assisting the gymnast after achieving hand support on the mat stack (instead of voiding the vault).

Motion: C. Jarrett Second: L. Goldsmith PASSED

NOTE: If the coach assists the gymnast from the board to the mat stack, the vault is void. The 2.00 deduction applies only to assistance in the support phase. Recommendation to the Technical Committee to review the description of the cast squat on and require it to include a jump to grasp the HB to count as an "A" element.

Motion: L. Reid Second: D. Houlton PASSED

The Technical Committee has accepted this recommendation; therefore, the description of the "A" element #52 .104 is "Cast to squat, straddle or pike on the low bar, jump to grasp the high bar." 5ee Technical Committee minutes of November 2001 .


A. COMPULSORY LEAPS·RUN OR STEP? Clarification for both beam and floor: quick running steps are acceptable into the leaps for all compulsory levels.

B. STRAIGHT LEG ENTRANCE/EXIT Recommendation to allow a choice of a bent or straight leg entrance and exit for all Compulsory levels for Beam & Floor acro elements, effective August 1, 2002.

Motion: L. Reid Second: L. Goldsmith PASSED

C.LEVEL 6 BEAM - BACK WALKOVER TO STRAIGHT JUMP CONNECTION Clarification that it is acceptable to lower the heels in preparation for the straight jump after the back walkover.


A. LEVEL 8 DIFFICULTY RESTRICTIONS/EXCEPTIONS· Committee discussed that a Back saito tucked on Beam was a

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rl-=3-=2----------------"4( TEe H H 10 U E • JAN UARY 2002 ))----------------

Page 33: Technique Magazine - January 2002

"B" last year, now a "C" so Level S's cannot perfonn it and receive value part credit.

Recommendation to the Tec!uucal Committee to reconsider that a back saito tucked (C) be allowed at LevelS's and be awarded "B" Value Part credit. If the Tec!uLical Committee agrees, then tlus would be effective immediately.

Motion: L. Goldsmith Second: C. Jarrett PASSED 6 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstention

The Technical Committee revisited this issue and subsequently voted in favor of allowing Level 8 gymnasts to pelform the Back salto tucked as an exception for "B" credit, effective immediately. See WTC minutes of November 2001.

Reeemmeftaalioft te allow Level 8's te :redorm "C" elemeftts afta to reeeive "B" ereait, te ee eHeetive Atlgtlst 1, 2992.

Motion: D. HOtlltOfl eeeofls: M. ~,<fiIEHaflo\t'sl(i 2 in fav01~ 4 opposed, 2 abstentions

B. LEVEL 7 BARS - NUMBER OF ELEMENTS Recommendation to the Tec!uucal Committee regarding the Level 7 Uneven Bar requirement of S elements: If, in addition to the four required elements (kip mount, cast to 60·, circle element to 60·, and saito dismount), an "A" or "B" element is attempted but is incomplete and does not receive Value Part credit, the deliberate omission deduction of 1.00 will not be applied. Deduct O.SO for not meeting the requirement of S elements, effective immediately.

Motion: J. Geddert Second: M. Milchanowski PASSED

The Technical Committee motioned, seconded and passed this same recommendation bye-mail vote on December 10. See WTC minutes of November 2001 .

X. WAIVER OF AA FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED ATHLETES Recommendation to allow athletes who are limited in the number of events in which they can perform due to physical handicap, the ability to petition to qualify to higher level meets by achieving an average score equal to the average of the All Around qualifying score. If the qualification is by number or percentage, such individuals could be added as additional athletes provided they achieve an average score that meets or exceeds the average score achieved by the lowest qualifier.

Motion: L. Goldsmith Second: J. Geddert PASSED

XI. TlMELINE FOR COMPULSORY 2005 DEVELOPMENT Connie distributed a timeline for the production of the new compulsory exercises to be implemented in August of 2005. Tom gave the committee the following event assignments, in regards to preparing texts and additional skills/ drills for the different levels.

Beam /Floor Dance: Tom Koll, Laurie Reid, Cheryl Jarrett, Tim Rand, Larry Goldsmith

Vault/Bars/Tumbling, ConditiOning, Flexibility/Drills: John Geddert, Neil Resnick, Mike Milchanowski, Don Houlton, Larry Goldsmith, Tom Koll

XII. FINAL SELECTION OF ELEMENTS FOR 2005 COMPULSORY EXERCISES The committee reviewed the responses from the surveys in regards to the elements. The elements for Level 1-6 Balance Beam and Floor Exercise were finalized so the choreographers could begin work on the new routines.

LETTER FROM BOB COLAROSSI Mr. Colarossi presented the committee with some food for thought on ideas for the future of the Jr. Olympic grassroots program. The committee will be discussing these more in depth at the May meeting, but are considering adding more competitive opportunities on a National level for our JO athletes.

Meetil1g adjourned at 10:30 a.m. SUl1day, December 2.

Next meeting will be held in Landover, MD following the Jr. Olympic National Championships.

Approved: Bob Cola rossi, USAG Presidel1t (COl/ til/lied 0 /1 page 34)


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-------------------1( TECH N I QUE • JA N U A RY 2002 ))------------ ----::3:-:3=--1

Page 34: Technique Magazine - January 2002

(coll till ued from page 33)

WOMEN'S TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MINUTES November 17-19, 2001 Indianapolis, IN

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Chen)l Hamilton at 2:00 p.m.

I.ROLL CALL: Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Region VIII Nat'! Elite Tech Chair Nat' l JO Comm. Chair Absent:

Sue Graff Linda Mulvihill Carole Bunge Linda Thorberg Char Christensen Pat Panichas (Sat. & Sun.) Myra Elfenbein Marian Dykes Audrey Schweyer Tom Koll (Sun. PM & Mon.)

Admin. Comm. Chair Jan Greenhawk Nat'! Elite Comm Chair Gary Anderson SDWP Kathy Kelly NAWGJ Carole Ide NFCAA Sandy Thielz

II. RULES & POLICIES ADDITION Under 1. Contracting Officials, page 87, add G. Meet hosts of Invitational competitions or any meets not under the organizational jurisdiction of the State Administrative Committee may use the state approved contractor or may contract the officials directly using a USA Gymnastics contract. The Meet Director may also request specific judges when they submit a "Request for Judges" form to the State approved contractor.

III. APPAREL Clarification: Leotards with "spaghetti straps" are considered incorrect attire. According to the 2001 FIG Code of Points, the shoulder strap width must be a minimum of 2 cm.

IV. JR. OLYMPIC COMPULSORY CONCERNS A. If, on the dismount, the gymnast fails to land on the feet first, a

"failure to complete a major element" deduction of "up to the value of the element" is taken, plus 0.50 for the fall. This is different from the principle used for optional exercises (any salto that does not land on the feet first receives no Value Part credit plus the fall.)

B. Level 4 Vault 1. Page 73 and 151 in new Compulsory book, #C.7. Change the wording to read: Failure to show an inverted vertical position from hands to hips.

2. Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee to consider not voiding a vault in which the gymnast achieves hand support on the mat stack, but is unable to continue over to her back without the assistance of the coach. An appropriate deduction (proposed 2.00) would be finalized by the Technical Committee, in consideration of the JO Committee's recommendation.

Motion: M. Dykes Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED

Note: This recommendation was taken to the TO Committee and was accepted, as follows: to add a 2.00 deduction for the coach assisting the gt)mnast after achieving hand support on the mat stack (instead of voiding the vault).

If the athlete is short of vertical and returns to the board, it is considered a wrong vault and that vault is voided.

3. Recommendation to delete the Level 4 Vault General deduction of 2.00 for performing a Headspring (see page 74 & 151 in the JO Compulsory Book, 2001 edition.) Effective January 1, 2002

Motion: M. Elfenbein Second: C. Bunge PASSED

4.Recommendation to add a deduction of 2.00 in the support phase for "Head contacting mat." Effective January 1, 2002 Motion: L. Mulvihill Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED

Note: The deduction of "up to 1.00" for bent arms could also be applied.

V. JR. OLYMPIC OPTIONAL EXERCISE CONCERNS The committee would like to remind the coaches and judges that all Optional rules for the Jr. Olympic program are published in the 2001-2005 edition of the Jr. Olympic Technical handbook, the minutes of the JO and Technical Committees and the 2001-2005 J.O. Element Supplement.

A.FLOOR EXERCISE 1. Recommendation to add to the Technical Handbook: page 142, add to IV. Specific Compositional Deductions A. One-sided use of elements: Add #4: Overuse of - forward/sideward or - backward saltos Up to 0.10 Effective January 1, 2002 Motion: L. Mulvihill Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED

2.Recommendation to add to the Technical Handbook: page 142, add to IV. Specific Compositional Deductions A. One-sided use of elements: Add #5: Lack of balance between acrobatic and dance elements Up to 0.10 Effective January 1, 2002 Motion: L. Mulvihill Second: P. Panichas PASSED

3. Clarification regarding the Special Requirements for Acro Series: One long acro series with multiple saltos (in one directional line or going across the diagonal and back again without stopping) counts as ONE acro series and will fulfill the Special Requirement of an acro series with two (2) or more saltos.

4.Clarification regarding the 360° turn with free leg above horizontal (#2.202 -B value): Change the wording in the JO Technical Handbook on page 136, g. Replace the first sentence with the following: The free leg may be bent or extended, but the entire leg must be above horizontal. Once the free leg above horizontal position is established, it must be maintained throughout the turn in order to receive Value Part credit, as listed.

B. UNEVEN BARS I.The committee discussed the deductions for insufficient amplitude of body at turn completion found on page 86 of the JO Technical Handbook. There were concerns that these deductions were too severe, espeCially for the elements that included a full turn on one arm (Healy technique). Many coaches have expressed that to expect the turn to be finished within 10° of handstand was unrealistic for the J.O. athletes.

Recommendation to add a second set of deductions for "Insufficient Amplitude of Body at Tum completion for Handstand pirouettes and Elements with hop grip changes with turns" (found on page 86 of the JO Technical Handbook) as follows: For all elements that include a 1/1 (360°) tum completed on one arm after vertical in the descent phase (Healy technique) For any element with 1'/2 (540°) tum or more (using any tum technique)

0-30° 31° - 45°

No deduction 0.05 - 0.10 0.15 - 0.20

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Effective January 1, 2002

Motion: M. Dykes Second: P. Panichas PASSED

Note: The deductions for Insufficient Amplitude of Body at turn completion presently found on page 86 of the fO Technical Handbook apply to ALL 180° turns (regardless of technique and grip) and also elements with 360° in handstand that are NOT performed on one arm (Healy technique.) Change the deduction for> 30° from a flat 0.20 to 0.15 - 0.20.

2. Recommendation that, for Level 7-10, a cast that is within 11°-44° of vertical will receive" An value part credit. Clarification: All existing amplitude of cast deductions will be applied (see page 73 & 84 of Technical Handbook). Make the following changes in the JO Technical Handbook, page 73, H. 1. b. and 84: E.3. 1st bullet to read: "An Value Part credit awarded. Effective January 1, 2002 Motion: L. Thorberg Second: A. Schweyer PASSED

Note: At Level 7, if all casts in the exercise are at 60° or above, no amplitude deductions would be applied for the casts that are not used to fulfill the cast requirement, since the expectation at this level is 60° (not vertical).

3. Modification of new FIG ruling on the evaluation of the amplitude of "B" circling elements: All "B" circle skills to clear support (examples- clear hip circle, pike sale circle, stalder circle) will receive "B" Value Part credit, regardless of the angle achieved, provided the hips do not touch the bar at the completion of the circle. The following deductions would apply:

Body 45° above horizontal No deduction Body below 45° Up to 0.20

Note: Since the "B" stalder does not require an open hip angle at the completion, consider the line from the shoulders to the hips when evaluating the amplitude of the body. The clear hip circle and pike sale circle angle is determined, as usual, by a line from the shoulders through the lowest body part.

4. Recommendation to change the following element listed in the FIG Code of Points under #6.201 from a "B" to a "Cn for the Jr. Olympic program: Kip-up on HB, passing through clear straddle support-swing/press to handstand, also with liz turn (180°) in handstand phase (Chow). Effective January 1, 2002 Motion: P. Panichas Second: S. Graff PASSED

5. Recommendation to apply the following new FIG procedure for timing of falls on Uneven Bars to the Jr. Olympic program, effective January 1, 2002: The 30-second fall period stops when the gymnast touches the bar to remount in preparation to resume her routine. A reasonable short period of time is allowed to resume swing. Effective January 1, 2002 Motion: P. Panichas Second: C. Christensen PASSED

6. Clarification: The FIG has recently redefined the requirements of the glide, stoop through, back kip to catch HB to receive "B" credit

- any contact with the legs on the LB makes it an "A"; it must be totally in a clear support prior to release to receive a "B". However, the Jr. Olympic program will maintain the description of this element as found on page 75 of the J.O. Technical Handbook. (Award B value with deduction for a brush or hit with legs on bar) This also applies to a glide, straddled back kip.

7. Clarification: on page 80, of the JO Technical Handbook, change 1. To read: If the hop is completed in the descending phase (past vertical), it will retain the value of the root skill and will not fulfill the Special Requirement of a flight element.

8. Clarification regarding Uneven bars deduction for an arch in handstand position: Apply the general deduction for "Insufficient exactness of tuck, pike or stretched position" of "up to 0.20".

9. Clarification on number of elements: a Glide kip (# 1.101), cast squat on (#S2.104) and back sale circle to stand on LB, with grip change to hang on HB (#7.103) are considered as only two (2) elements. As requested by the J.O. Committee, in order for the "cast squat on" to be considered an "A" element, it must be followed by a jump to grasp the high bar.

10. Clarification regarding extra swings: a. If a gymnast catches the high bar in a dead hang and takes extra swings (pump swings) to regain momentum, deduct 0.30 for each extra swing. However, if extra swings are taken, followed by the athlete jumping down, take only the deduction of 0.50 for the fall.

b. After a fall, the gymnast is allowed to jump (or be lifted) to the HB and then take a maximum two "pump" swings to initiate momentum to resume the exercise. If more than two swings are taken, the 0.30 deduction for extra swing would be applied.

C. BEAM 1. Clarification regarding the 360° turn with free leg above horizontal (#3.303 -C value): Change the wording in the JO Technical Handbook on page 111, i. Replace the first sentence with the following: The free leg may be bent or extended, but the entire leg must be above horizontal. Once the free leg above horizontal position is established, it must be maintained throughout the turn in order to receive Value Part credit, as listed.

2. Clarifications regarding the Special Requirement of a Hold Element: a. Make the following changes on page 114 of JO Technical

Handbook: Under C. Hold element 1. All elements from Group 5 are eligible, with the exception of #5.102 (Needle scale) and #5.104 (Free lying position with large leg amplitude at end or side of beam). 2. Includes any element from Groups 1, 5 or 7 that shows a handstand position for two seconds, such as flic-flac with 1/ 4

turn to side handstand held two seconds. b. "L" supports and straddle "L" supports are not Value Part

elements and are not eligible to fulfill the "Hold" Special Requirement.

c. Element # 5.204 Clear pike "V" support (2 sec.): This element must be performed with the hand support on the outside of the legs. Various leg positions with the hips lifted forward-upward (see illustration for element #5.204) will be acceptable. If held two seconds, will fulfill the Hold Special Requirement.

d. Any Scale element listed in the FIG Code of Points that does not have a deSignated angle requirement in the description must show a leg position above horizontal and must be held two seconds to be recognized as a Value Part and be eligible for the Hold Special Requirement. Amplitude deductions may also be applied.

e. Modification of the new FIG ruling regarding falls on Hold elements: For the Jr. Olympic program, if a fall occurs after the successful completion of a Hold element (held for two seconds), the Special Requirement and Value Part WILL be awarded. (Example, Press to handstand mount, holds for two seconds, then falls off. Award B value part credit and SpeCial Requirement for Hold.) Note: this differs from Elite/FIG.

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(colltillued froll1page 35)

3. Clarification of the Special Requirement of a Leap, jump or hop with 180° split: The 180° position must have the forward leg extended. If the forward leg finishes in a stag position, it will not fulfill the Special Requirement. If the rear leg is in a stag position, it will fulfill the SR. 4. Clarification regarding the compositional deduction of missing a forward / sideward and backward acro element: A flic-flac with 1/ 4

or 3/4 turn to handstand is considered a backward element. A tic­toc (walkover forward, backward) will be considered a forward OR backward element. 5. Recommendation (effective January 1, 2002) to adopt the new FIG clarification regarding the compositional deduction of 0.10 for lacking a forward/sideward and backward acro element from Groups 7 or 8: If the mount (Group 1) and/or dismount (Group 9) is the only forward/sideward element(s) or the only backward element(s), the deduction is 0.05. Effective January 1, 2002

Motion: P. Panichas Second: M. Dykes PASSED

D. BEAM & FLOOR DANCE: Clarification on Switch-leg leap or switch-leg leap with 1/4 turn (switch-side) leap: If the first leg is in stag position (knee bent a minimum of 90°) and never extends prior to the leg switch, the leap is recognized as another element, i.e., on Beam and Floor a stag-switch leg leap would be an A, a switch-side leap with a stag of the first leg would be a "B" on Floor (like a side leap) and a "C" on Beam (side straddle jump). A stag means that the 1st leg finishes in a stag position, with no extension of the first swing leg. A bending and extending (develope teclmique) is acceptable, with no deduction.

E. VAULT 1. Recommendation to add an "up to 0.30" deduction under second flight for "late completion of the twist" for Group 1 vaults and Group 4 or 5 vaults without saltos. (Add this deduction to the JO Technical Handbook, page 58 under F.3. add k.) Effective January 1, 2002

Motion: M. Elfenbein Second: C. Bunge PASSED

Note: The deduction of "up to 0.3" for incomplete twist MAY also be applicable, in addition to the deduction for late completion of twist.

2. Level 8 Vault Clarification: If the gymnast announces a 1/ 2 on - 1/ 2 or 1/ 1 off or a Tsukahara tuck or pike and performs only a 1/2 on - repulsion off, that particular vault will be scored a "0" due to the fact that no such vault is listed. However, the gymnast does NOT receive a "0" for the event. If a Level 8 gymnast performs a vault that is not listed on the Level 8 vault chart but is listed on the Level 9/10 chart, then her final score for the event would be "0" due to performing a restricted vault. This clarification will be added to the J.O. Technical Handbook at the bottom of page 57, E. 5.

3. Recommendation to add the following deduction to the first flight phase: Legs crossed "up to 0.10" (Add to JO Technical handbook, page 58, 1. Add f) Effective January 1, 2002

Motion: M. Elfenbein Second: A. Schweyer PASSED

4. Recommendation to add the new FIG Vault to the JO 9/10 Vault Chart, valued at 10.0: #5.410: Round-off, flic-flac with 1/1 turn on - '/2 off, front saito tucked

Motion: P. Panichas Second: L. Thorberg PASSED

5. Clarifica tion by FIG regarding the vault safety collar mat: For Round-off entry vaults performed at the Elite and J.O. level, the safety collar mat is required and must be placed in the proper direction or the vault is invalid -"0". The safety collar is designed to protect between the board and the vault apparahls, as well as at the sides of the board. In the J.o. Program, the safety collar mat may be used in either direction for vaults from Groups 1, 2 and 3 (Handspring and Tsukahara entry).

VI. GENERAL FAULTS & PENALTIES Recommendation to add the following deduction under landing faults for Bars, Beam and Floor, page 46 of JO Technical Handbook, under 2. Medium Faults, add letter "q": Incorrect body posture Up to 0.20 Motion: C. Christensen Second: L. Mulvihill PASSED

VII. JR. OLYMPIC ELEMENT SUPPLEMENT The committee revised and approved the JO Element Supplement to include skills that are no longer in the FIG Code of Points, skills that have a different value for JO than FIG, and those skills that have been performed at JO Nationals. The JO Element Supplement will be posted on the USAG web site and also published in Technique .. The fo llowing h-vo skills were performed at the 2001 J. O. Nationals and were added to the J.O. Element Supplement: Vault: #S3.507 ' /2 on - '/2 off, Front saIto stretched with ' /2 turn (House) 10.0, Bars: #S4.507 Swing down between the bars, swing forward and saito backward stretched with ' / 2 turn - Stretched Gienger (Hubbard & Martinjak)

VIII. NAWGJ REPORT - P. PANIC HAS FOR C. IDE Pat reported that the NAWGJ Symposium was conducted on July 12-15 in Newport Beach, California. WTC members Cheryl Hamilton and Audrey Schweyer were honored with lifetime NAWGJ membership awards. Congratulations! The 2002 National Judges' Cup will be held in St. Louis, MO on January 4-6. The National NAWGJ newsletter can now be accessed on their website (www.nawgj .org). NAWGJ administered 83 of the 112 JCI exam sessions last year. She reviewed the changes in the Judges' Compensation Package for the 2001-2002 season. Pat posed the question of what penalty, if any, can be taken if the Meet Director does not provide for the required break time for the judges. Connie replied that this would be an example of violation of sanction and should be reported on the Sanction report form to the National USAG office and also reported to the State or Regional Administrative Committee Chair to be reviewed.

IX. JR. OLYMPIC COMMITTEE REPORT - TOM KOLL Tom requested that the Technical Committee members convey any concerns they might have regarding the use of the new vaulting apparatus with their Regional JO Committee Chair prior to the JO Committee meeting December 1st. Tom also updated the committee regarding the timelines for the 2005 compulsory development.

X. ELITE PROGRAM COMMITTEE REPORT Audrey Schweyer and Kathy Kelly reported that the revised National Elite Compulsory exercises are in the process of being finalized within the next week.

(co ntinued 0 11 page 39)

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MEN'S J.O. PROGRAM COMMITTEE August 10, 2001; Philadelphia, Pa. Called to Order by Chairman, Gil Elsass at 6 p.m.

I. ROLL CALL Members: Hiroshi Fujimoto (proxy) David Klein Gilbert Elsass Dan Coon Bob Witmer Tom Fontecchio Jeff Barlow Kevin White Dean Schott Mihai Bagiu (absent) Jon Culbertson Bill Foster Steve Butcher Kelly Crumley Bo Morris Dennis McIntyre Ron Galirnore Gilbert Elsass

II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Bob Witmer Second: Kelly Crumley PASSED

Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Reg. 3 Reg. 4 Reg. 5 Reg. 6 Reg. 7 Reg. 8 Reg. 9

Athlete Rep. NGJARep.

Jr. Rep. MPC Jr. Rep. MPC

Jr. Coaches Rep. Men's Program Mgr. Jr. Nat'! Coordinator

Men's Program Director Chairman


Dan Coon and Carol Hammer both submitted written reports.

IV. 2002 J.O. NATIONAL REPORT· SAN DIEGO Steve Butcher is trying to get sponsorship.


C. Foreign Athlete Sanction information in R & P has to have its language cleaned up so that it is easy to understand.

D. Duplicate awards will be given to Foreign Athletes so that the USA Athlete will not be omitted!

E. Foreign Athletes are not allowed to be on a State, Regional or National Teams.

Bo Morris-A. Academic All-American Award deadline has been moved up to

April 1st.

B. There is a revision and update of the Basic Skills Program. It has a manual and videotape.

C. Discussion of 2004 J.O. Nationals - There is interest from group in Central Florida, some questions about ceiling height requirements.


Dennis McIntyre -A. Team Grant Program - helps programs with special Needs.

B. Discussion of the Yurchenko Vault in the Jr. Program.

Motion to allow the Yurchenko Vault for the Elite l's and 2's in competition starting January 1, 2002 and implement McIntyre's proposal into the Jr. Program.

Motion: Dean Schott Second: Kelly Crumley PASSED: 8 For; 5 Opposed

C. Vault Table should be allowed at Compulsory levels at all meets.

Motion that States and Regions will have the Option to use the Vault Table at their State and Regional Championships.

Motion: Bill Foster Second: Dean Schott PASSED

D. McIntyre will have the Future Stars information on the web within 10 days. The date for the Workshop and Competition will be November 16th-18th, 2001.

IX. AGE GROUP COMMITTEE REPORT Jon Culbertson is trying to get a J.0. Technical Director in each J.0. Region. Jeff Robinson -

A. There is an update in the works and all changes will be in bold print.

VI. MPC REPORT B. Judging questions should go to the JOTD's.

Steve Butcher-A. MPC recommends the use of Yurchenko Vault in the J.0. Program. X. 2002 FRANK CUMISKEY AWARD B. MPC deals with the total number of athletes allowed into USA

Championship Qualifier.

VII. USA GYMNASTICS NATIONAL REPORT Ron Galirnore -A. Dealt with the National Scholarship Foundation fees from the

Men's Sanctioned Meets.

B. The JOPC Rules and Policies are online.

Nomination of Dean Schott.


XI. DISCUSSION OF J.O. NATIONAL SCORES FOR 2002 A. Format will be the same as 2001.

B. J.O. Nationals Qualifying scores:

Motion for Elite l's qualifying score is 42.5 points.

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Motion: Kelly Crumley Second: Bill Foster PASSED

Motion for Elite 2's qualifying score is 40.5 points.

Motion: Bill Foster Second: David Klein PASSED

Motion for Class 3's qualifying score be 45.5 points.

Motion: Kelly Crumley Second: Jon Culbertson PASSED: 11 For, 2 Opposed


Gil Elsass-Region 3 is working on it.

Motion to Adopt Open Optional Competition Rules Proposal by any State that would like to try that System.

Motion: Bill Foster Second: Dean Schott PASSED: 1 Abstain

XIII.NEW BUSINESS Dan Coon-A. Discussion of the One Vote per Club Rule.

Motion to have One Vote per Pro Member for State Chairman.

(WomelJ 's milllllescoll t illued from page 37)

XI. BASE SCORE VIDEOS The committee began work on the evaluation of Level 8, 9 and 10 exercises to be used for Base Score videos for the upcoming 2002 season. These videos will be distributed to the Regional and State USAG Chairmen as well as the Regional and State NAWGJ Directors when completed.

Meeting adjourned at 11:15 AM Monday, Nov. 19. Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for June 7-9, 2002 in Las Vegas, NV

ADDENDUM TO THE MINUTES: The following motions were made via e-mail vote on December 10, 2001 in response to the recommendations from the Jr. Olympic Committee meeting held December 1-2, 2001:

1. Recommendation to allow Level 8 gymnasts to receive "B" credit for the performance of the "C" Beam element # 8.303 Saito backward tucked.

Motion: 1. Mulvihill Second: P. Panichas PASSED

2. Recommendation to accept the JO Committee's recommendation regarding the Level 7 Uneven Bar requirement of 8 elements: If, in addition to the four required elements (kip mount, cast to 60°, circle element to 60° and salto dismount), an "A" or "B" element is attempted but is incomplete and does not receive Value Part credit, the deliberate omission deduction of 1.00 will not be applied. Deduct 0.80 for not meeting the requirement of 8 elements. Effective immediately. Motion: C. Bunge Second: M. Elfenbein PASSED

Approved by Bob Colarossi, USAG President, December 2001 •

Motion: Dan Coon Second: David Klein DEFEATED: 1 For 12 Opposed

Motion to recommend to the MPC that the J.D. Nationals Elite 1 Champion be automatically qualified to the USA Championships in the Senior Division.

Motion: Bill Foster Second: Jeff Barlow PASSED

Kevin White-Discussion on expanding Class 3 AA Finals from 36 gymnasts to 48 gymnasts. Dennis McIntyre explained why 36 gymnasts are in AA Finals.

Motion to have the Class 3 AA Total Score achieved by combining both the Prelim Meet score and the Final AA score at J.O. Nationals. We will have an e-mail vote by September 30, 200l.

Motion: Steve Butcher Second: Dan Coon PASSED

Motion to adjourn.

Motion: Dean Schott Second: Hiroshi Fujimoto PASSED

The meeting adjourned at 10:02 p.m. Submitted by Tom Fontecchio, JOPC Secretary Approved: Ron Galimore, Senior Director, Men's Program Approved: Bob Colarossi, USAG President •

Attention Women's Judges and Meet Directors: Please note that per the Judge's Compensation Package, mileage will be reimbursed at the current IRS rate. The IRS has just announced that the mileage rate will be 36 cents per mile, effective January I, 2002.

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#2961 #2962

J .O. Program Compulsory Video Level 1 .. 6 ............ ................ $35.00 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's Incorporating Leg Swings into Your Workouts ........ ....... .. .......... ....... .. ..... .. ... ... ... .. .... $20.00 Women's National Team Training Warm .. Up Video ....... .. ... ... .. . $15.00 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Train a Front Handspring Safely ...... ... .......... ... ... .. .... ...... .... .. ... .. $20.00 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Master a Perfect Handstand .............. ... ... .... ........... .... .............. ... $20.00 Gheza Pozsar's Ballet Bar Training for Gymnasts ....... ........ ... $10.00 Bela Karolyi's Running Training Video .............. .. ..... .... ... ... . $10.00



"'The following videos are available to USA Gymnastics members only.

*#2274 1999 John Hancock National Championships .. ..... ... ... ... ... ... $20.00 *#2275 1999 World Team Trials ....... ......... ........ ... ....... ... ... ... ......... $20.00 #2277 1999 World Championships (3 tapes) ... .. ...... .. ... .... ... ......... $45.00


#2276 2000 Visa American Cup Series-RCA/Aussie/Visa Finals ............ $15.00

#2278 2000 National Championships Jr. Competition ... ... .. .... ..... .. . $25.00

#2279 2000 National Championshi ps Sr. AA Finals .... ........ ............ $25 .00

#2280 2000 National Championships Sr. Event Finals ... .. .... ...... ... .. $25.00 #2281 2000 Pontiac International Team Championshi ps ... .... ......... .. $15.00


#2282 Men's 2001 Visa American Cup ..... ......... .. ........ .................. $15.00 #2283 Men's 2001 Pontiac American Team Cup .... ... ...... .. ... .... ... ..... $15.00


#2370 #2371 #2372

1999 Rhythmic Nationals Jr. Event Fi nals (2 tapes) ... .... ... .... $15 .00 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Sr. Event Finals (2 tapes) .. ..... ..... .. $15.00 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Group Competition ......... ... ........ .. $15.00


#2373 2000 Rhythmic Challenge ....... .................. ...... .. ...... .... ....... $15.00 #2374 2000 Rhythmic JO Championships Levels 7&8 (4 Tapes) ....... . $50.00 #2375 2000 Rhythmic JO Championships Group Competition .... ...... $15.00


#2376 #2377

2001 Rhythmic Challenge ... ........ .. ....... ...... .. ... ....... ........... . $15.00 2001 Kalamata's Cup (Greece)-Rhythmic Group Compulsories .... $15.00


#2325 Rhythmic Group Compulsory Video & Text ............ .. ............ $29 .95 #2320 Rhythmic Ball Group Compulsory Video, Text & CD .... ... ... .... $25.00




#2401 #2412 #2413 #2417 #2418

1999 National Championships Double Mini Syncro/Tumbling .... ..... .... .. .... ..... ......... ......... .. ..... .. ......... .. $15.00 1999 National Championships Trampoline ..... .... .... .... .... ..... $15.00 1999 World Championships ...... ... ......... ... ... ......... .... .. ...... . $30.00 1999 World Age Group Games ...... ...... .... ...... ...................... $30.00 2000 Olympic Games-Men's Trampoline Prelims & Finals ...... $20.00 2000 Olympic Games-Women's Trampoline Prelims & Finals .. $20.00


#2402 #2403 #2404 #2405 #2406 #2407 #2408 #2409


Trampoline Code of Points Booklet .... ...... ... .......... ... ... .. .... . $10.00 Power Tumbling Code of Points Booklet .... ... .......... ......... .... $10.00 Double Mini .. Trampoline Code of Points Booklet .................. $10.00 Tram poline & Tumbling Jr. Olympic Program Video .............. $20.00 Teaching Somersaults Video ............... ... ... .................. .... .. . $20.00 Basic Trampoline - The Beginning Steps Video .. ........... ..... .. $20.00 The X .. Factor - Twisting for Trampoline Video ...................... $20.00 Front & Back Rotation - The Beginning Steps of Flipping Video ...... .... ... ....... ... ..... ............ .... .... ...... ...... .. $20.00 Roundoff, Power Hurd le & Mountain Climber Video ..... .. .. ..... $20.00

PLEASE NOTE All USA Gymnastics videos are designed to be used for educational purposes by gymnastics coaches and judges. All videos were produced with commercial equipment by amateur videographers unless otherwise seated. Our Olympic technical videos are presented from one camera angle and show the entire exercise without cuts. close .. ups or other effects and enhancements. Except for women's floor exercise, the videos do not have sound. The Atlanea Technical videos are available for purchase to USA Gymnastics members only.


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Page 42: Technique Magazine - January 2002

~~ • MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE CONFERENCE World Championship selection procedures will need to be placed in CALL MINUTES the May issue of Technique magazine. The 2003 Pan American Games

selection procedures will need to be placed in the November issue of Technique magazine. The publication deadline for these events to appear in Technique is two months prior to distribution of the magazine. He also reminded us that there are several steps in the process of approval after the MPC finalizes their recommendation.

September 17, 2001; Meeting called to order at 8:10 a.m. Pacific btJ Chair, Yoichi Tomita.

I. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoichi Tomita Tim Daggett Steve Butcher George Beckstead Kurt Golder Bill Foster Mihai Bagui

MPC Chair & Sr. Coaches Rep. Vice-Chair for Men (absent)

MPC Secretary & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep.

Sr. Coaches Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep.

Athlete Rep. Athlete Rep. John Roethlisberger

Butch Zunich NGJA Rep. (voice, no vote) Men's Sr. Nat'l Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) Men's Jr. Nat'! Team Coordinator (voice, no vote)

Ron Brant Dennis McIntyre Ron Galimore Senior Director, Men's Program (voice, no vote)

Invited: Kevin Mazeika 2001 World Championship Coach (voice, no vote)

Yoichi Tomita complimented the MPC on their team selection work at the U.S. Championships. Ron Galimore reviewed the draw procedure used at the past World University Games.


Kevin Mazeika recommended Vitaly Marinitch and Miles Avery as the two assistant coaches.

Motion: To accept Vitaly Marinitch and Miles Avery as the 2001 World Championships assistant coaches.

Motion: John Roethlisberger Second: Kurt Golder Discussion PASSED-Unanimous

Ron Galimore will formally contact the approved individuals.

III. OTHER WORLD TEAM BUSINESS Clarification: Paul Hamm is officially on the 2001 World Championships Team. He can only be removed if his injury prevents him from being prepared to help the team score.

Presently Todd Thornton will travel to the competition as the first alternate.

It is also recommended that the three alternates consider going to the assessment trial being held for Paul Hamm as preparation for the World Championships. There will be three of our country's best judges available for input and this would be a good training experience.

Mihai Bagiu left call at 8:30 a.l11 .


Ron Galimore explained the timeline necessary to publish the selection procedures for these events six months in advance. He has also sent the MPC members a timeline sheet to review the process. The 2002

Ron Galimore will gather the USA selection procedures from the 1996 Individual World Championships, as well as the team parameters for the 2002 World Championships. These past selection procedures will be distributed to the MPC members so that they can give more qualified input in determining the selection procedures for 2002.

Event Sites & Dates (all very close in timing): 2003 U.S. Championships, Location TBD, August 18-23 2003 Pan American Games, Dominican Republic, July 18- August 3 2003 Artistic World Championships, Anaheim, CA, August 16- 24 2003 World University Games, Korea, August 21-31

V. WINTER CUP QUALIFYING AND FORMAT There was lengthy discussion regarding these issues.

Motion: The qualification procedures for the 2002 Winter Cup Challenge remain the same (participants at the 2001 U.S. Championships, the top 15 Class I & top 15 Class II gymnasts from the J.D. Nationals; all others must petition by video.

The format will be changed to: The first day, All-Around Finals held using two sessions.

The second day will be the individual event finals with the top six gymnasts on each apparatus from either of the two sessions of the all-around finals.

Motion: Steve Butcher Second: Kurt Golder Discussion PASSED-Unanimous

The MPC will soon discuss the issue of seeding the two all-around final sessions.

VI. FUNDING ISSUE In reference to Paul Hamm, a clarification: he is on the 2001 World Championships Team and will receive the #6 position for funding. Paul Hamm may only be removed from the World Championships Team due to injury, but would still remain in the #6 position for funding.

Motion: Add Morgan Hamm to the #14 position for funding.

Motion: Steve Butcher Second: Kurt Golder Discussion PASSED-Unanimous

There are also emergency funds and program grants available to Morgan Hamm.


Motion: To conduct the competition at the USOTC in Colorado Springs on June 29th.

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Motion: Steve Butcher Second: Kurt Golder Discussion PASSED- Unanimous

VIII.NEW BUSINESS At the 2001 Pan American Chan1pionships in Cancun, Mexico the U.S. will not have gymnast Raj Bhavsar and Head Coach Miles Avery present. The date of this event was postponed two weeks because of the difficulty traveling due to the tragic events of September 11. It was felt by Raj & his coach that participation at the Senior Pan American Championships would compromise Raj Bhavsar's preparation for the World Championships. nus is why he and his coach must respectfully decline the assignment.

Motion: Assign Kris Zimmerman to the 2001 Pan American Championships and Sanjuan Jones as the alternate. Also, assign Mark Williams as the head coach and Kurt Golder as the assistant to the competition.

Motion: John Roethlisberger Second: Bill Foster Discussion PASSED-Unanimous

IX. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To Adjourn Motion: Steve Butcher Second: Yoichi Tomita PASSED-Unanimous

Conference call concluded at 10:15 a.m. Pacific. Respectfully submitted by: Steve Butcher, MPC SecretanJ •

New PrDgram Malerials

The following materials have been updated for 2002 and will soon be available:

WOMEN'S PROGRAM #1101 2001 FIG Code of Points ...................... ........ .......... $50.00







2001-2005 Women's JO Compulsory Book ...... .......... $35.00

2001-2005 Women's JO Compulsory Music CD ............ $15.00

2002 TOPS Manual ........ ...... .............. .................... $15.00

2002 TOPS Video .................................................. $15.00

Elite Testing Book & Video .................................. .. $15.00

2001 JO Technical Handbook .......... ............ .......... $25.00

MEN'S PROGRAM #1201 2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................ $50.00

#1202 2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book .................... .......... $35.00

#2221 2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video ............................ $19.95

#61 2001-2004 National Team Program Video ................ $19.95

#2222 Physical Preparation for Young and Beginning Boys Video ................ .. .... .......... $25.00

#51 Boy's Basic Skills Achievement Program (BSAP)* ...... $35.00

*Includes booklet, wall chart & video

RHYTHMIC PROGRAM #1301 2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................ $50.00

#1302 2001-2004 JO Compulsory Book ........ ...................... $30.00

#1303 2001-2004 Technical Book ........ ................ .... .... .... .. $15.00

#2321 2001-2004 JO Compulsory Video .... ........................ $25.00

#2312 2001-2004 JO Compulsory CD ................................ $15.00

#2415 2001-2004 FIG Code of Points ................................ $50.00

#2414 2001-2004 JO Program Guide .... .. .... ............ .. .......... $30.00

1-800-345-4719 o

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Page 44: Technique Magazine - January 2002

1111111111 :1 iI i.:l111 :.1111111'111'11111.-1111• '[~ ALABAMA Phone · 818/785·1537 3/ 3/2002 GEORGIA Dlive; Cmmel, IN 46032 Invitational Event levels - W 4·6 Club· GymStms Gym., Inc. Dawg Days Classic 3/ 2/2002 Event Site· 6100 8rewbaker 8Ivd.; Phone· 209/ 957-1919 Event Site· 1720 Epps Bridge Rd.; Club· Indy School of Gym. Montgomery, Al 36116 Fallbrook Spling Classic levels- W 7-10 Athens, GA 30606 Phone· 317/B72·5948 2/ 16/2002 Event Site· 342 Industrial Way, 2/ 14/2002 levels - M 7-l Club · United Gymstms and Cheer, llC Fallbrook, CA 92028 SCEGA'S Calif. Classic Club· Classic City Gym. Acad Phone · 334/ 2B4·2244 2/9/2002 Event Site· US Int'l. Univ.; Son Diego, Phone· 706/ 549·0160 Circle of Stars levels - W 7·10 Club· Fallbrook Gym. Club CA92131 levels - W 7-EUTE Event Site· Indiana Conv. Ctr; Indpls.,

Phone· 760/ 728·8582 2/22/2002 IN 46225

ARIZONA levels - W 4·6 Club· Southern Calif. Elite Gym. Acad. Golden Isles Inv 'l. 2/8/2002

Special Olympic Benefit Phone· 909/ 699·4499 Event Site· YWCA of Brunswick; Club Name· DeVeau's School of Gym.

Event Site· 5912 S. 28th; Fort Smith, Fa ll brook Team Challenge levels - W 7 ·Elite Blunswick, GA 31525 Phone· 317/849·7744

AR 72908 Event Site· 342 Industrial Way, 2/9/2002 levels/Classes - W H UTE; T l·Elite; M

3/ 1/ 2002 Fa ll blook, CA 9202B Tidal Wove Inv'l. Club· YWCA Golden Isles Rhythmics 7-Elite; R 5·9

Club· Flame Gym. Acad. 5/ 18/ 2002 Event Site· 1740 leslie St; San Mateo, Phone· 912/262·6014

Phone· 501/646·1616 Club· Fa llbrook Gym, Club CA 94402 levels - R 5·10, GROUP Mardi Gras Madness

levels- W 4·10 Phone· 760/728·B582 2/17/ 2002 Event Site· lena Du nn Elementary; levels - W 4·6 Club· Peninsula Gym. Mardi Gras Inv'l. Washington, IN 47501

2001 Coyote Classic Phone· 650/571-7555 Event Site· Pace Acad.; Atlanta, GA 3/2/2002

Event Site· ASU; Tempe, AI 85281 Glider Invitational Classes - M 6-4 30327 Club Tum bling Express, Inc.

2/ 15/ 2002 Event Site· Mt Soc College; Walnut, CA 2/16/2002 Phone· 812/254·7673

Club - Ariz. Sunrays 91724 COLORADO Club - Gym. Acad. of Atlanta levels - T l ·EUTE

Phone· 602/ 992·5790 2/16/2002 CO Notional Monument Inv'l. Phone· 770/975·8337 Classes - M 7 ·Elite

Club· Chmter Oak Gym.·Gliders Event Site· 609 25 Rood; Grand levels - W 7-10 LOUSIANA Phone· 626/966·8775 Junction, CO 81505 Jambalaya Inv'l. 2002

2002 Maldi Gras Invite levels - W 7-Elite 2/22/2002 Spring Fling 2002 Event Site· Lamar·Dixon Expo Center;

Event Site· Chandler High Gym; AI Golden Bear Inv itational Club· Grand Junction GYM/Kidz Plex Event Site· P.O. Box 1390; Cmtersville, Gonzales, LA 70737

85224 Phone· 970/245·3610 GA 30120 2/22/2002

2/ 16/2002 Event Site· 25 SPOltS lone; 8erkeley, levels - W 7-10 2/22/ 2002 Club· Athletes In Motion

Club - Ariz, Dynamics Gym. CA 94720 Club· Cmtelsville Twisters Phone· 225/673·4966

Phone · 480/633-8414 2/17/ 2002 Magnificent 7 Meet Phone·770/387·5629 levels - W 2·ElITE

levels - W 4·Elite Club· Golden Bear Gym. Acad. Event Site· 3870 Ma llow Rood; Colo. levels - W 4·10F Phone· 510/ 642·0792 Springs, CO 80907 Pelican State Inv'l.

Arizona Sunrays Sweetheart Inv'L levels - W 4·6 2/24/2002 IDAHO Event Site· 1973 Sixth Sf.; Mandevilie,

Event Site· Phoenix Civic Plaza; AZ Golden Bear Invitational Club· National Gym. Village Idaho Gym. Challenge LA 70471

85004 Phone·719/598·6863 Event Site· Boise State Univ.; Boise, ID 3/2/2002

2/8/ 2002 Event Site· 25 Sports lane; Berkeley, levels- W 7 83725 Club· North Shore Gym.

Club - Ariz. Sunrays CA 94720 2/ 23/ 2002 Phone· 985/624·8310

Phone· 602/ 992-5790 3/9/2002 Paige Smith Winterfest Classic Club· Wings Ctr. Classes - M 7·1

levels - W 4·Elite Club Name· Golden Bear Gym. Acad. Event Site - Univ. of Denver; CO 80208 Phone· 208/ 376·3641 Phone· 510/642·0792 2/15/2002 Classes/ levels - M HUTE; W 5·ElITE MASSACHUSETTS

Flairs Invitational levels - W 4·6 Club· Colorado Gym. Institute Inv'l. Event

Event Site· Williams Community School; Golden Bear Invitational Phone· 303/363·7272 Swing Time Event Site· 8 Micro Dr.; Woburn, MA

Mesa, AZ 85212 Event Site· 25 Sports lane; Berkeley, levels - W 7 ·Elite Event Site· 5420 W. State Sf.; Boise, 10 01801

2/ 2/ 2002 83703 2/21/2002 Club - Ariz. Flairs CA 94720 CONNECTICUT 3/8/2002 Club· Gym. & More

Phone· 602/ 926·1480 4/20/2002 St Patty's Day Cup Club Gem State Gym. Acad. Phone· 781 /938·3669

Classes - M 7-1 Club· Golden Bear Gym. Acad. Event Site · 1180 Sherman Ave.; Phone· 208/ 853·3220 levels - W PREPOPT, 4·10 Phone· 510/ 642·0792 Hamden, IT 06514 levels/ Classes - M 7·1 ; W 4·10 •

Sun Devil Classic levels - W 4·6 3/ 22/2002 Columbia Challenge

Event Site· ASU; Tempe, AZ 85287 Golden State Friendship Challenge Club· New Era Gym. ILLINOIS Event Site · Univ of Maryland; College

3/1/ 2002 Phone· 203/281·1826 Bravo Classic Pork, MD 20742

Club· Barclay's Gym Time Event Site· Burbank Airport Hilton Conv levels - W 4·Elite Event Site· 30 W 315 Calumet Ave.; 2/23/2002

Phone· 480/820·3774 Ct; Burbank, CA 91505 Warrenvi lle, Il60555 Club · Top Flight Gym. Ctr.

levels - M 7·1 2/ 15/2002 FLORIDA 3/1/2002 Phone · 41 0/992·1600 Club· Golden State Gym. 2002 Florida West Coast Invite Club· Midwest Acad. of Gym. levels - W 4·10

CALIFORNIA Phone· 818/558·1177 Event Site· The long Center; Phone· 630/393·6693

Byers Gymnastics Invitational levels - W 7-Elite Clearwater, Fl 33765 levels - W 4·EUTE East Coast Classic

Event Site· CSU Sacramento; 6000 J St; Hall of Fame Classic 2/22/2002 Event Site· Prince George's Sports

CA 95823 Event Site· Col State Fu llerton; CA Club · Apo llo School of Gym. IGI Chicago Style Com plex; landover, MD 20785

3/9/2002 Phone·727/447·2108 Event Site· Navy Pier; Chicago, Il 2/1/2002

Club· Byers Gym. Ctr. 92B31 Classes/levels - M 7·Elite; W 2·Elite 60611 Club Nome· Fairland Gym. 3/8/2002

Phone · 916/423·3040 Club · SCATS 2/B/2002 Phone·301 / 953·0030

levels - W 5·10 Phone· 714/895·2909 Fourth Annual Universal Gym. Invite Club Illinois Gym. Insf., Inc. levels - W 4·ElITE

levels - W 4·Elite Event Site· Miami·Dade Community Phone· 630/ 325·3333

Clovis Clossic Coll ege; Fl 33176 levels - W 4·EUTE Frederick Classic

Event Site· 885 Gettysburg; Clovis, CA Out of this World Invite 2/2/2002 St Volentine's Doy Classic

Event Site· 4604 Wedgewood Blvd;

93612 Event Site· 434 Pay ran Sf.; Petaluma, Club· Universal Gym., Inc. Frederick, MD 21703

2/2/2002 Phone· 305/ 233·7770 Event Site· Vernon Hills HS; Vernon 3/22/2002

Club· Clovis Acad. of Gym. CA 94952 levels/Classes - W 5·10; M 7-1 Hills, ll Club Nome· Frederick Gym. Club 2/3/ 2002

Phone· 559/327·3900 Club· Redwood Empire Gym. 2/1/2002 Phone· 301/ 695·0205

Magical Classic Club Nome - Gym. Spot levels - W 5·ElITE levels - W 7·9 Phone· 707/ 763·5010 Event Site· Orange Cty Conv. Ctr; Phone· B47/ 949·7768

Cupid's Cup Invitational levels - W 5·9 Orlando, Fl32B19 levels/ Classes - W 4·10, M 7·1 Notion's Capitol Cup

Event Site· 1740 leslie St; Son Moteo, Peter Vidmar Men's Gym. Inv'l. 2/14/2002

Sweetheart Classic· Men Event Site· Prince George's Sports;

CA 94402 Club· Brown's Gym. Centrol landover, MD 20785

2/3/2002 Event Site· Brentwood School; LA, CA Phone· 407/869·8744 Event Site· 425 E Mcfetridge Dr; 3/1/2002

Club · Peninsula Gym. 90049 levels - W 4·10 Chicago, Il60605 Club· MmVa Teens, Inc.

Phone· 650/ 571-7555 2/ 21/2002 2/ 17/ 2002 Phone·301/468·91 81

levels - W 7·10 Club· Broadwoy Gym. School, Inc. Princess Classic Club· Chicago Pork Dist levels - W 4·EUTE Phone · 310/450·0012 Event Site · 285 Adalia Ter.; Port Phone· 312/ 747-6695

Dreams of Gold Classes - M 6·Elite Chmloffe, Fl33953 Classes/levels - M 7·3, W 4·10 MAINE Event Site· 7735 Haskell Ave.; Von 2/22/2002 Sweetheart Inv'l. Nuys, CA 91406 Reach for the Stars Optionall nv. Club· Horizon Gym. Acad. INDIANA Event Site · Biddeford HS; Biddeiord, 5/5/2002 Event Site· 1740 W. Hammer In; Phone · 941/627·5342 lOth Annual Indy Classic Men's Inv'l. ME 04005 Club- Gym. Olympica USA Stockton, CA 95209 levels - W 2·10 Event Site· 9850 Mayflower Pork 2/9/2002

144 ( TECHNIQUE • JANUARY 2002 )

Page 45: Technique Magazine - January 2002


Club - Dudziak's School 01 Gym. NEVADA 5/4/2002 Invitational Event Dalmation Classic Phone - 207/ 286-3685 Cactus Cooler Invitational Club Name - Clemmer School 01 Gym. & Event Site - 1850 Manor Hill Rd.; Event Site - 513 Dickerson Rd.; North levels - W 4-10 Event Site - Cimarron Memorial HS; las Dance Findlay, OH 45840 Wales, PA 19454

MICHIGAN Vegas, NV 89128 Phone - 704/ 583-9998 3/ 23/2002 2/2/ 2002 3/ 2/ 2002 levels - W 5-8 Club Gold Medal Gym. Club -Spirit Gym. Training Ctr.

2002 Classic Cup Club - Desert Gymcats Gym. Gymcarolina Classic Phone -419/425-4653 Phone - 215/ 699-2900

Event Site - 1813 Northlield Dr.; Phone - 702/ 341 -5852 levels - W 7-8 levels - W 4-9 Rochester Hills, MI 48309 levels - W 4-ElITE Event Site - 9321 leesville Road; 2/8/2002 Raleigh, NC 27613 Sunrise Boys Gymlest Dutch Classic Club - Gym. Training Ctr. Roch. Go lor It Classic 2/23/2002 Event Site - P.O. Box 69; Sylvania, OH Event Site - Conrad Weiser MS; Phone - 248/852-7950 Event Site - UN lV-McDermott Center; las Club - Gymcarolina Gym. Acad. 43560 Robesonia, PA 19551 levels- W 7-10 Vegas, NV 89154 Phone - 919/ 848-7988 2/ 10/ 2002 2/ 9/ 2002

2/ 1/2002 levels - W 4-10 Club Sunrise Gym. Acad. Club - Berks Gym. Acad. level 7 and 8 Inv'l. Club Name - Go For It USA

Salem Inv'!. Phone -419/ 841 -2902 Phone - 610/ 372-8454 Event Site - 1111 E. Wackerly Rd.; Phone - 702/658-9003 Classes - M 7-1 levels - W 4-10 Midland, MI48642 levels/ Classes - W 4-ElITE; M 7-ELITE Event Site - 4870 Country Clud Rd.;

3/ 23/2002 Winston Salem, NC 27104 OKLAHOMA

Friendship Classic

Club - Midland Gym. Training Ctr. Hilton Inv'l. 2/ 23/ 2002 Eve nt Site - DOH lenytl Sch-Martz Hall;

Phone - 989/ 832-3045 Event Site - Reno Hilton Hotel; Reno, NV Club - Salem Gym. Center, ltd. Bart Conner Invite Pottsv ille, PA 17901 levels - W 7-8 89595 Phone - 336/ 765-4668 Event Site - 3206 Bart Conner Dr.; 3/21/2002

3/1/2002 levels - WPREPOPT, 7-ElITE Norman, OK 73070 Club - Pottsville Gym. Training Ctr.

Salute to Michigan Club Name - Gym. Nevada Snowflake Inv 'l. 2/ 1/ 2002 Phone - 570/ 628·4966

Event Site - Beechwoods Arena; Phone - 702/3 55-7755 Club - Bart Conner Gym. Acad. leve ls - W 4-ElITE Event Site - 330 McArthur Rd.; Phone - 405/447-7500 Southlield, MI 48034 levels - W 4-ELITE Fayetteville, NC 28311 Classes - M 7-1 Invitational Meet

3/1/2002 2/2/2002 Event Site -401 MlK Dr.; Allentown, PA Club - Olympia Gym. Acad. SpringIest Club - NorthStar Family Fitness/Count Nadia Comaneci Invite 18102 Phone - 810/ 247-1333 Event Site - 120 Woodland Ave., Reno, Phone - 910/ 488-9380 Event Site - 3206 Bart Conner Dr.; 3/ 2/ 2002 levels - W -10 NV 89523 levels - WPREPOPT, 4-ElITE Club - Parkettes National Gym Ctr. 2/ 23/ 2002 Norman, OK 73070 MINNESOTA Club High Sierra Gym. Snowflake Invitational 2/8/ 2002 Phone - 610/433-0011

Club - Bart Conner Gym. Acad. leve ls - W 8-10 2002 Rising Stars Inv'l. Phone - 775/ 747-7748 Eve nt Site - 8617 Monroe Rd.; Event Site - 7045 Sixth St N; Oakdale, levels- W 4-10 Charlotte, NC 28212 Phone - 405/447-7500 John Pancott Inv'l. MN 55128 2/ 16/ 2002 levels - W 4-ELITE

Event Site - Church Farm Sch; Paoli, PA 3/9/2002 Vegas Cup Club - Weyandt Gym. 19301 Club - Rising Stars Gym. Acad. Event Site - UNlV; Henderson, NV Phone - 704/ 568-1277 OREGON 2/ 9/ 2002 Phone - 651/730-4376 2/8/ 2002 levels - WPREPOPT, 3-10 2002 American Elite Classic Club -John PancoN Gym. Ctr. levels - W 5-10 Club - Gymcats Gym. Event Site - Reynolds Middle School; Phone - 610/647-9847

Phone - 702/ 566-1 414 WinterIest Inv' l. Gresham, OR 97080 Classes -M 7-1 Northern lights Classic levels - W 4-Elite Event Site - 804 McBrayer Homstead 2/ 22/ 2002 Event Site - Univ 01 MN; Minneapolis, Rd .; Shelby, NC 28152 Club American Elite Gym. John PancoN In vitational MN 55455 Vegas Vacation 2002 3/2/2002 Phone - 503/ 667-8872 Event Site - Church Farm Sch; Paoli, PA 2/15/ 2002 Event Site - UNlV; las Vegas, NV Club -Starlite Gym. levels -W4-ElITE 19301 Club Name -Twin City Twisters 2/ 23/ 2002 Phone - 704/ 434-7282 3/ 9/ 2002 Phone -763/421-3046 Club Acad. 01 Gym. & Dance levels- W 4-10 Cooed Mac Open 2002 Club -John Poncott Gym. Ctr. levels - W 7-ELITE Phone - 702/795-3332

NORTH DAKOTA Event Site - P.O. Box 390; Portland, OR Phone - 610/ 647-9847 levels - W 4-Elite 97207 levels - W 4-10

MISSOUIlI NEW JERSEY Cupid Inv'!. 2/ 15/2002

All American Spring Invite Event Site - 1602 32nd Ave S; Grand Club - Multnomah Athletic Club lake Effect Storm Spring Invitational Event Site - 10449 Midwest Ind.; Sf. Inv'!. Event Forks, NO 58201 Phone - 503/223-62S1 ext 242 Event Site - 6813 West Ridge Rd.; louis, MO 63132 Event Site - 1274 Highway 77; 2/ 9/ 2002 Classes -M7 -ElITE Fairview, PA 16415 3/1/2002 Bridgeton, NJ 08302 Club - Red River Valley Gym. Club 3/ 2/ 2002 Club -All American Gym. 3/ 2/ 2002 Phone - 701/746-2797 Shamrock Invite Club - lake Ellect Gym. School, Inc. Phone - 314/426-2496 Club -Star Bound Gym. Acod. levels- W 5-10 Event Site - 1414 SE 18Th Ave.; Phone - 814/474-1835 levels - W 5-10 Phone - 856/ 453-7996 Cupid Inv'!. Hillsboro, OR 97123 levels - W 4-9

levels- W 4-10 Event Site - 1602 32nd Ave S; Grand 3/9/ 2002

Dragon Invitational Forks, NO 58201 Club - Gym-Nest ltd. Mardi Gras Inv'!. Event Site - 1001 West Jellerson; Blue NEW YORK 2/ 9/ 2002 Phone - 503/ 640-6378 Event Site - 274 E. Fihh Sf.; Springs, MO 64015 Heartland Classic Club - Red River Valley Gym. Club levels - W 4-10 Bloomsburg, PA 17815 2/15/2002 Event Site - 250T Executive Drive; Phone -701/746-2797 3/ 3/ 2002 Club - Great American Gymn. Express Edgewood, NY 11717 levels/Classes - W 5-10; M 7-1 PENNSYLVANIA

Club - Columbia Acad. Phone - 816/229-7775 3/ 2/ 2002 Phone - 570/ 3B7 -0539 levels - W 4-Elite Club New Image Gym. Acad. OHIO Event Name -8th Annual Hug and Kiss levels - W 4-8

Phone - 631/242-8181 Arnold Gym. Challenge Meet

Gym Quarters levels- W 4-10 Event Site - Columbus Convention Ctr; Event Site - Route 743; Hershey, PA PA State Challenge

Event Site - 92 Hubble Dr.; Sf. Charles, Columbus, OH 17033 Event Site - 3360 Industrial Rd.;

MO 63304 lucky Stars Invitational 2/ 22/ 2002 2/ 9/ 2002 Harrisburg, PA 17112

2/15/2002 Club - Gym. Ctr. 01 Hershey 2/ 23/ 2002 Event Site -Jamestown Community Club Gahonna Cyclone Gym. Phone - 717/ 534-1881 Club - Central PA Acod. 01 Gym. Club - Gym Quarters Gym. Ctr. College; Jamestown, NY 14701 Phone - 614/ 863-4616 Phone - 636/498-6854 3/ 15/ 2002 levels - W 4-ElITE

levels - W 4-9 Phone - 717/231 -3962 levels - W HliTE Club -Stroup's Gym. Classes - M 7-1

Chinese New Year Invite Pony Express Gym. Challenge

Phone - 716/665-8081 Blue Chip Inv'l. Event Site - 1801 Bullens In.; Woodlyn, Ricochets WinterIest 2002 Event Site - St Joseph Civic Arena; St

levels- W 4-10 Event Site - Fairlield HS; Fairfield, OH PA 19094 Event Site - 362 S. Warminster Rd.; Joseph, MO 64505 New York Stote Coaches Classic

45014 2/ 16/ 2002 Hatboro, PA 19040 2/22/ 2002 Event Site - 6796 Northern 8lvd; E

3/1/2002 Club - Delco Training Ctr. 2/1 5/ 2002 Club -Arising Stars Gym. Center Syracuse, NY 13057

Club - Cincinnati Gym. Phone - 610/ 876-5005 Club - Ricochets Gym. Club Phone - 816/ 232-7502 3/ 2/ 2002

Phone - 513/ 860-3082 levels - W 4-10 Phone - 215/ 328-0900 Levels - W 4-10 Club - Gym Connection 2

levels - W 7 -Elite levels - W 4-ELITE Coca-Cola 2002 Brian Babcock

St louis Challenge Cup Phone - 315/ 437-4677 Buckeye Classic Memoriallnv' l. Tournament 01 Champions Event Site - Univ. 01 Missouri; St louis, levels - W 4-10

Event Site - Ohio Expo Center; Event Site - 401 Martin luther King Dr.; Event Site - 111 Oakhaven Dr.; MO 63121 Columbus, OH 43211 Allentown, PA 18102 Wexlord, PA 15090 2/1/2002 NORTH CAROLINA 2/14/2002 2/ 1/ 2002 2/1/2002 Club -Team Central Clemmer May Mobility Meet Club Name - Buckeye Gymnastics Club - Parkettes National Gym. Ctr. Club - Pittsburgh Northstars Phone - 314/ 291-5436 Event Site - 10420 Southern loop Blvd.; Phone - 614/ 895-1611 Phone - 610/ 433-0011 Phone - 412/ 487-5999 Classes/levels - M 6-ElITE; W 5-ElITE Pineville, NC 28134 levels - W 4-ElITE Classes - M 7 -ELITE levels - W 4-10


Page 46: Technique Magazine - January 2002


RHODE ISLAND SOUTH DAKOTA Heart of Texas Invite Chesapeake, VA 23322 3/1/2002 Oceon State Classic Rushmore Invite Event Site - 13900 North IH-35; Austin, 3/17/2002 Club - Northshore Gym_ Ctr. Event Site - RI College; Providence, RI Event Site - Stevens High School; Rapid TX 78728 Club - Ocean Tumblers Gym. Phone -425/402-6602 02908 City, SO 57702 2/ 15/ 2002 Phone - 757/547-0169 levels - W 4-10 3/ 2/ 2002 2/ 22/2002 Club - Capital Gym. Super Center levels - WPREPOPT, W4-ELITE Club - Ocean State School-lincoln. Club -Just Jymnastics Phone - 512/ 251-9105 Pacific Northwest Open Inv'l. Phone - 401/231-6636 Phone - 605/ 341 -5914 levels - W5-ElITE Spring Fling Event Site - 1217 13th SI. SE; Puyallup, levels -W4-1 0 levels - W 4-10 Event Site - 912 A Prof. Place; WA 98374

VIRGINIA Chesapeake, VA 23322 2/1/2002 SOUTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE Clossics Crozy Meet 4/13/2002 Club - Puget Sound Gym.

8each Break 2002 10th Annuol Wimbleton Men 's Classic Event Site - 2327 Seminole In.; Club - Ocean Tumblers Gym. Phone - 253/845-0910

Event Site - NMB Rec Ctr.; North Myrtle Event Site - 6161 Shelby Oaks Dr.; Charlottesville, VA 22901 Phone -757/547-0169 levels - W 4-EliTE

Beach, SC 29582 Memphis, TN 38134 2/ 10/ 2002 levels - WPREPOPT, W4-ElITE 2/22/ 2002 2/23/2002 Club - Classics Gym. Ctr. The Teddy Bear Classic

Club - Gymnastics & More Club -Wimbleton Gym. Phone - 434/ 978-4720 WASHINGTON Event Site - 1217 13th SI. SE; Puyollup, levels- W 4-10 WA 98374 Phone - 843/ 249-5867 Phone - 901 /388-4720 Cascadian Team Challenge 3/30/ 2002 levels - W 4-ElITE Classes - M 7-1 Excalibur Cup Event Site - 23101 56th Ave. w.; Club - Puget Sound Gym.

Cinema Invitationol Gatlinburg Gym. Classic Event Site - 5816 Arrowhead Dr.; Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 Phone - 253/ 845-0910 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 2/ 2/ 2002 leve ls - W4-6 Event Site - 1193 N. lake Dr.; Event Site - Gatlinburg Conv. Ctr.; 3/9/ 2002 Club - Cascade Elite Gym.

lexington, SC 29072 Gatlinburg, TN Club - Excalibur Gym. Phone - 425/672-6887 WISCONSIN 2/ 2/ 2002 2/ 8/2002 levels - W 4-6 Club - Columbia Gym. Acad. of Club -Weyneth Elite Gym. Acad.

Phone - 757/499-8258 Saito Nationallnv'l. levels - W 4-10 lexington Phone - 828/ 252-B746 Cascadian Team Challenge Event Site - State Fair Park; West Allis, Phone - 803/951 -2090 Classes/levels - M 7-1; W4-1 0 Judges Cup Event Site - 23101 56th Ave. W.; WI 53214 levels - WPREPOPT, W 4-10 Event Site - 912 A Prof. Place; Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 2/22/2002

TEXAS Chesapeake, VA 23322 2/9/2002 Club -Saito Gym. leprechaun leap 26th Annual Spinner Invite 2/ 22/2002 Club - Cascade Elite Gym. Phone - 262/ 782-3430 Event Site - 106 Beacon Hill Court; Event Site - 5000 Fairview Dr.; Austin, Club - Ocean Tumblers Gym. Phone -425/ 672-6887 Classes - M 7-1 Easley, SC 29640 TX 7B731 Phone -757/ 547-0169 levels - W 7 -ElITE

Scamps Boys Invite 3/ 9/ 2002 2/23/2002 levels - WPREPOPT, W 4-ELITE Club - Easley Gym. Training Ctr. Club - Crenshaw Athletic Club, Inc. Mardi Gras Event Site - 5711 77th SI.; Kenosha, WI Phone - 864/269-2007 Phone -512/453-5551 King Arthur's Challenge Event Site - 1221 29th SI. NW; Auburn, 53142 levels - WPREPOPT, W 2-10 Classes-M 7-1 Event Site - 5816 Arrowhead Dr.; Va. WA 98001 2/ 9/ 2002

Beach, VA 23462 3/30/2002 Club - Scamps Gym. Southern Star Spectacular Friendship Inv'l. 2/16/ 2002 Club -Auburn Gymnastics Center, Inc. Phone - 262/694-0805 Event Site - 570 Southport Rd.; Event Site - 99B3 West Univ.; McKinney, Club Excalibur Gym. Phone - 253/ 876-9991 Classes - M 6-1 Roebuck, SC 29376 TX 75071 Phone -757/499-8258 levels - W 4-7 • 2/16/2002 2/2/2002 levels - W 4-ElITE Club -Spartanburg Gym. Training Ctr. Club - No rth Star Gym. Northshore Inv'l. Phone - B03/574-0509 Phone - 972/562-2777 Shamrock Invitational Event Site - Inglemoor HS; Bothell, WA levels - WPREPOPT, W4-6 Classes - M 7 -EliTE Event Site - 912 A Prof. Place; 98028



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Page 47: Technique Magazine - January 2002

POSITION AVAILABLE Looking for people with the right stuff. Needed, qualified, certfied, professional leaders who con have fun and get results. Meet the owners that respect and appreciate their stoff. We are searching for great charocter, motivation, enthusiasm and diversity. Pre· school, recreaHonal. boys ond girls teams (all levels), tramp & tumbling, chee rleading, choreography, dance, self defense. We are future oriented and also strategico l~ use our Bouncehouse Rental and Sales Co. to enhance all programs. Call Joe 413·596·0089. Email resume to JOESAI6@AOLCOM Near Springfield and the Basketball Hall of Fame. 2148 Boston Rood, Wilbraham, Massachuesens 01095 PO Box 27. FAX 413-525·0351.

HIRING HEAD COACH, INSTRUCTO RS. Lakeside Moine summer compo Uve with, core for, teach girls age 7-16. Complete gym. Beginning students through advanced. Consistent, doily instruction. Gymnastics shows. Program's compulsory, optional skills promote development, measurable advancement, interest. Knowledge of USAG fundamental, optional skills; practical knowledge of compulsory levels; ability to spot, demonstrate; desire to teach children. Ability to put children's need before your own essential. College sophomores and non·smokers only. App~ today at to work June 15 through August 22. 20 Cedar Street, Taunton, Massachusel1s 02780. 50B/B22-5117; Fox, 50B/822-0447.

WORLD CUP GYMNASTICS is looking for highly qualified preschool/recreational instructors and boys/girls team coaches. Strong spoffing skills and good coaching qualifications a must. Applicants should be professional and energetic. This position is best suited for a person wishing to pursue a long term career in coaming. Salaried posttions available FIT, PIT wtth benefits. World Cup Gymnastics, 170 Hunts lane, Chappaqua, NY 10514, phone: 91 4-238·3568; fox: 914-238-3568; e-mail: [email protected].

USA Gymnastics Coach for Girls Team. Start up program. Levell and up. Call (908)782·6981. Moil resume to: Shields Gymnastics School, 8 Bartles Corner Rood, Flemington, NJ 08822.

COACHES/INSTRUCTORS/MANAGER. Fairfax Gymnastics Academy has FIT - PIT posiHons for coreer minded, dedicoted prafessionals. We seek experienced Girls and 80ys Compulsory Coaches who especially enjoy working with ages 5·11. We need

Recreational Instructors for a full range of classes including: boys, girls, tumbling, cheer, preschool and mom and tot. If any of this sounds li ke you, or you've got the qualificotions to manage a facility wtth all the above and more, coli, fox or send your resume to: Fairlax Gymnastics Acodemy, 3729 Picken Rd.,Fairlax, VA 22031, 703·323-8050.

COACHES/PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Head Over Heels Gymnastics of Central NJ is looking for coaches for its Boys and Girls Competitive Team Programs. A position is also available for a Girls Program Director. Requirements: Team player, positive aHitude, strong leadership skills, and a love of children. Full and port· time positions available. Contact Gail Boyce @ (732)671·232B or e·mail [email protected] or fox resume to (732)577-1056.

TO BUY Gymnastics coaching couple interested in purchasing gymnastics facility in Moine. Please coli 207 -B83-6613 if interested.

FOR SALE CLASS CONTROL FOR WINDOWS: all the closs management and accounts receivable features needed to run a school, a reasonable price, nelworkable, and FREE SUPPORT! Don't spend another year or another month wasting resou rces running things by hand or on a system that's difficult to use and doesn't give you what you need. doss Control has point and click ease, a flexible setup, and a wide variety of reports. Only $500 ($250 per additional workstation), includes free training and personal technical support. Serving Gymnastics since 1990. Call Vaughn Soltware Services at 800·821-B516 for information and a free demo. E­Moil: [email protected] AMEX/MC/VISA

Score Moster - NO MORE Inpuffing Gymnast Raster data!! Score Moster, the mostwide~ used soltware, just got even bener! Meet Directors con now download roster information from the USAG website. Features include: create rotations, assign #'s, the most comprehensive reporting and results can go directly to your website. Supports: womens/mens, individual/team, artistic/rhythmic/trampoline, compulsory/ optional. www.score· - FREE demo & user listing. Contact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421 , Charlone, NC, 28231 , 704-523-1812.

GYM FOR SALE. 9000 sq.h. state·of-the-a rt facility wtth a healthy and ve ry profitable program. Current enrollment is 300 and growing. The gym is 10 years old and has no competttion. We have preschool through teams. The gym is located in Illinois. Owners are being transferred so we will sell quickly. 120k, please coli 760.492.7000, this gym has a profit margin over 50%! It will not lost long.

GK RISK FREE PROGRAM: Get with the program! It's bener than ever, with a terrific assortment of NEW styles and fabri cs and incomparable sales potential. Plus, it's easier than ever to order, sell and return your RISK FREE garments. We offer customized packages for your pro shop, meets and summer camp. You only pay for what you've sold and may return the rest, there is absolutely NO RISK! If you haven't tried us lately, it's time you started earning extra profits wtth our RISK FREE merchandise. Call 1·800·345-4087 for more information on how you con get started today! Email: [email protected]

SEMINARS FIND OUT WHY, SINCE 1991 , 700+ USA Gymdub owners have invested 4-1/2 days of their career at GymClub Owners' BOOT CAMP. There are reasons why some GymClubs perpetually grow while others

perpetually flounder.Our club, Queen City Gymnastics, has grown for 26 years straight, starting with zero enrollment in 1975 and growing to 4BOO and $3.5M this year. There are many fine seminars and congresses with miscellaneous ideas, but only BOOT CAMP immerses you in on integrated, 9-Step Strategy proven to grow businesses and balance lives. Guaranteed to be the best investment you ever make. • June B-17, 2002. For a FREE portfoliO contact JEFF MmGER: (51 3) 489-7575 or [email protected].

CONSIGNMENT LEOTARDS ON CONSIGNMENT: Rebecca's Mom Leotards' popular consignment program, featuring velvet leotards with holograms, foils, gliner and prints, also nylon Iycra, is currently available to qualifying Gymnastic Clubs Owners, Parents Booster groups, Retail Stores, and Summer Camps. We ore accepting applicotions for new accounts now for our State Championship Meet packages. Get prepared for Christmas Holiday Sales, by joining our Christmas Boutique Program, your gymnasts and parents will love our leotards. Please coli our toll free line at 1·888· 2B9-2536 for details, forms, and prices, or email your nome and phone number to [email protected]


RATES 1-100 words = $100 101-200 words = $200

Your ad in Temnique will automatically be placed online for 30 doys at no addmonal marge. The address is: Your 30 doys will begin on the next regular posHng date. DEADLINES ISSUE DEADLINE FOR AD


~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::E: :g ApriI ... ......... ................. ... Mar. 10

~ .. : : :: : : :: :: :: ::::::: :: ::: : : : :::~~~

~~t~cL: : · ·:: · :: : ::::::·::: . :::::~rl~ Nov./Dec ... .. ...... ... ........... Oct. 10 NOTE: 1/ tire 1 Dlh (alts on • weekend or holiday, Ih. prec.ding won d.y is considered tb. d •• dli •••

SUBMIT Mail your ad and payment to:

USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fox to 317-237-5069.

tF YOU FAX, PLEASE tNClUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND SIGNATURE. Please designate il yaur ad should appear in Technique magazine ar USA Gymnastia magazine. ADS SUBMITTED WITHOUT PAYMENT Will NOT BE PUBUSHED. USA Gymnastics reserves the right to vary lannol. Technique is re,eived br more thon 13,000 USA Gymnosti,s professiona members plus thousands of viewers will be exposed to your ad onUne. Advertise your employment opportunity, produII, servi,e, or ,ompetition here for great results. Questions? Call Luan Peszek at 311-829-5646.

Page 48: Technique Magazine - January 2002

1001 SAFETY CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website



Monday, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard TIme) is the last

day registrations will be aICepted for courses being

conducted the following weekend. Registrations received

alter that time or on site will be charged an additional $25.

M;n;mum age for Safety Cer/if;lal;on;s 16 years. 18;s

minimum age for PrQfess;onal Membersh;p.


FEBRUARY 22 North Myrtle Beach, SC; 6:00-10:00 p_m.

North Myrtle Beach Gymnastics and More; 523 Hwy 17 N Directions: Tammy liguori B43-249-5867 Course code: - KB02222002SC Instructor Kimberly Boyd Phone 803/ 749-2484

24 Mukilteo, WA; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. GYMagine Gymnastics; Directions: Kelly Don yes 425-513-8700; 425-513-5474 Course code: - KD02242002WA Instructor Kelly Don yes Phone 425/ 513-8700

APRil 5 3:30-7:30 p.m. Mukilteo, WA;

GYMagine Gymnastics; Directions: Kelly Don yes 425-513-8700,425-513-5474 Course code: - KD04052002WA Instructor Kelly Don yes Phone 425/513-8700

10 Watertown, IT; 6:00-10:00 p.m. USA Gymnastics; Directions: liz Cornish 860-620-0510 Course code: - lC04102002G Instructor Elizabeth Cornish Phone 860/620-0510

For safety certification

courses listed

by state,

visit the Member Services section



Name:) _______________________ _

Soc. Sec. # Birth Dote ------------ ----------

Address: _______________________ _

City: __________ State: ______ Iip: _____ _

Telephone: (H) ________ (W)

Course Code:

Course City/State: ____________ Dote:

Professional or Instructor #: Current Safety Exp. Date: ______ _

Form of Payment: 0 VISA 0 MasterCard 0 Discover 0 American Express

Payment Amount: _____________________ _

Name on Cord: _____________________ _

Number: ____ _

Pro-Member with Current Safely Certification

Pro~~~~~:~ ;~he~!~r~d"~'; 'N~~"s~i~~ 'c~'rtiii;~ii~~ ' ::::: : :::::: SO c~~~6~ Instrudor Member .................... _ .. .......... ...... _ ...... _ .... _ ............ S 50.00 Non-Member or Associate Member ................................. ....... S 100.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for

on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount. Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.

Monday, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) is the last day registrations will be accepted for courses being conducted the following weekend. Registrations received after that time or on site will be chorged an additionol $25.

• All materials (including the Safety Handbook) for 4th Cycle courses are provided at the course and are part of the course fee.

• Certification is valid for four years. Please make checks payable, in ful" to USA Gymnastics Safety Certification Mail registration form and payment to: USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 USA.

GYMNASTICS 201 S.Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225 ._~~~~~::_-__ -_-__ -_-__ ~_-_-__ -_-___ ~i~~~~~~-__ -_-__ - ___ -__ -_-__ -_-__ -_-__ -_-__ -_-__ -_-__ -_-__ -_-__ -_-__ -_-______ o.!_!~~_~'!.~_I~-_~~~:~~!3 ______________________________ _ PAEFERS~


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