technical english 2 workbook

Technical English Workbook

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Pearson Education Limited

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We would like to dedicate this book to the memory ofDavid Riley, whose tireless professionalism contributedso much to its creation and success.

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Page 4: Technical English 2 Workbook


Unit 1 Action1.1 TeamworkMaintenance equipmentGiving instructionsDescribing a series of actionslmoerativesPresent simple't.2 TrainingRepońing Iobs in progress/comp|etedPresent continuous and present peńectJust a minute, Hang on.1.3 MethodDescribing how things workAsking questions about a robotMethod: by + gerund

Unit 2 Work2.1 BoutinesDescribing routines and current actionsTa|king about an organisation chańPresent simple and present continuous2.2 PlansStating plans and intentionsFormulae in emailsFuture: Present continuous and going to2.3 New jobReading and updating a CVRevision of tensesWord stress

Review Unit A

Unit 3 Comparison!' :.]aat!35rs arrnension limitsj.:n;ra::i e adjectivesRevision: 4m wide: a width of 4m3.2 ProductsAsking, offering and checkingSpecifying requirementsModals: would, could, shallPronouns: one, ones, Which one?3.3 EquipmentComparing three or more itemsComparatives and superlativesthe -€st of; the mostlleast + adjective

Unit 4 Processes4.1 lnfrastructureTalking about an infrastructure proiectDescribing a processPresent simple passive + linkers: flrst4.2 ManufacturingDescribing a manufacturing processPresent simple passive + linkers:simultaneously4.3 CommunicationsDescription of a communications satelliteNarrating events in space explorationRelative clauses (non-defining): which, who

Review Unit B

Unit 5 Descńptions24 5.1 Uses

Describing uses or functions of commonobjectsGerund: (used) for + verb + -inglnfinitive: (designed) to + infinitiveact as + noun: it acts as a propeller

25 5.2 AppearanceDescribing the shape and appearances ofbui ld ingsln the shape of two-lthree-dimensionaladjectives: circular, conical

26 5.3 DefinitionsGiving a definitionDefining refative clauses + wholwhichlthatType nouns: device, system

Unit 6 Procedures6.1 SafetyDescribing safety hazards, regulations andproceduresModals + passive: must be removed6.2 EmergencyRecommending emergency actionDescribing necessityRevision of zero conditionalModafs + passive: should be freedthey / the m lth e i rl thei rs6.3 DirectionsFollowing and giving directionsDirection phrases: Go straight ahead.

Review Unit C

Unlt 7 Services34 7.1 Technical support

Diagnosing causesSuggesting solutionsTa|king about ceńainty and possibiIiĘCeńainty/possibiIity: You mustlmay havechecked ...Suggestions: Try doing ...

35 7.2 Beporting to clientsRepońing on work doneLaying out a business letterPast simple passive: A lift was installedRevision: expressing purpose + to

36 7.3 Dealing with complaintsSympathising' apo|ogising, offeńng a so|utionRepońing damage/fau|tsDescribing damage: bent, crushed, crackedFormulae in letters: P/ease do not hesitate ...

Unit I Energy8.1 Wave powerDescribing movement and motionPresenting technical information orallyrotary linear...8.2 EnginesDescribing the operation of an engineDescribing a hybrid carReference and cohesion: whlch referring toa pnrase8.3 Cooling and heatingNoun families: reactor/reactionDescribing a flow cycleRevision of physical changes: melt, freeze

Review Unit D

Unit 9 Measurement44 9.1 Sports data

Describing the purpose of measuringinstrumentsUsing a service scheduleA thermometer measures temperaturelisused for measuring temperatureDescribing frequency: every 24 months

9.2 SensorsTalking about safety data for carsExplaining forcesSafety ratings: marginal, acceptableForces: bending forces9.3 PositioningExplaining a lidar speed gunDescribing a radar control system.f ndircct Mr- questions: how fast tlrey arc flingDiscourse markers: ln other words

Unit 10 Forces10.'l PropertiesStating obiectivesDescńbing propeńies of materia|sf ndirect YeslNo questions: The aim is tofind out if the plastic bends.10.2 ResistanceResistance to forcesMarking stages of a presentationProperĘ suffixes: -ableDiscourse markers: Let's move on to10.3 ResultsExplaining resultsDescribing a manufacturing processResuft markers:' thereforeCausative verbs: harden

Review Unit E

Unit 1' l Design11.1 Working robotsDescribing robots in industryRobotics terms:'feach-a nd- repeat'11.2 Eco-friendly planesDescribing aeronauticsDescribing an aeronautical proiectCause and effect + present simpleNeeds anafysis + toolenough11.3 Free-flying sailsMarking stages of a presentationAdvantages and disadvantagesDiscourse markers: The aim of this talk isto . . .Formulae and questions in a presentation

Unit l2Innovation12.'l Zerc emissionExplaining needs, problems and solutionsReduced re|ative c|ause: pań of the powerproduced by the engine1 2.2 Technological changeDescribing simple machinesDescribing a historical processDefining refative clauses + that, which12.3 Vehicle safetyDescribing safety systems and sensorsPresent simple active

Review Unit F

64 Audioscript





1 2


1 5

1 6


1 8

1 9




70 Answer key

Page 5: Technical English 2 Workbook

1 Teamwork

Look at the pictures and complete the crossword puzzle. What is thevertical word?

2 Number the steps for refuelling a plane in the best order.

! S*it.t on the pump.

! eusn the nozzle into the fuel socket.

I Drirr" the fuel tanker to the plane.

! eurnp fuel into the plane's fuel tanks.

! Cl"utt any spilled fuel off the plane.

! S* off the pump.

! Close the fuel flap.

! Ru.on" the fuel nozzle.

! Op".t the fuel flap under the wing.

3 Give these sentences the opposite meaning. Use words from 2, Section 1 onCourse Book pages Ł5.

1 The car enters the pit lane.I The car leavee the pit lane,

2 The driver opens the fuel flap.

3 Thev loosen the wheel nuts.

4 They raise the car off the ground.

5 Someone switches on the fuel pump.

6 They take off the old wheels.

They take away the old wheels.,7

Page 6: Technical English 2 Workbook

2 Training

A trainee is phoning.the companytechnician. He needs to changethe ink cartridges on his printer.Complete the dialogue.A: Switch on the printer.B: I've awitched it on,A: Now lift up the lid.B: I'm liftinq it up now.A: Take out the old cartridges.B: I've themA: Now put in the new cartridges.B: I'm themA: Push the cartridges in firmly.B: I've themA: Now put down the lid and press 'Return'.

B: I've 'Return'.

A: Now wait. The printer will now do the ink charging.B: I'm I'm still -!Ah! I think it's finished.A: Good!Nowyoucan off the printer, or print a document.

Write dialogues between a supervisor (S) and some trainees (I). Use thewords in brackets and the checklists below.I S: @ow / get on?) How are you qettinq on?

T: (minute / alarm) Juat a minute, I've taken apartthe alarm.S: (check I yer?) Oood. Have youT: (not yet / do). No, notyet. l'm atill

2 S: @ow / work I go?) How ia tha work qoinq?T: @ang / still / clean)S: (put / yet)T: (yes / them)S: @ow / get on?)T: (minute / handles)S: (paint lV"t'tST: (still / almost)S: (how / work I So?)T: (still / almost)S: (install lyet?)T: (not yet / next)

cartridge holder


f take apartalarm

! check thewiring

Mechanlct] clean spark


Z prt on newtyres


f take offhandles

! paint thedoors


E tit new harddisk

! installmemory card

Page 7: Technical English 2 Workbook


3 Method

1 @ Listen to six dialogues. Write the dialogue number next to the device.

Atr B! c!

%D L-rh*, eE IT.TE

lt lB3 H ffineceiver

l"t t'n*'Y


2 @ Complete the explanations about the devices in 1. Use the verbs fromthe box. Then listen and check your answers.

activate activate attach carry deactivate pass plug press press protectstań stań stań switch tum turn







You atart the motor by preaeinq this button.A person coming near the house

the motion sensor.You it on by

on the light by

this button.The driverthe lock.

adapter and switching it on.The storeto them.The sales personover a scanner.A thief will

the engine by

the charging process by

goods by

the strips by

the alarm bv

the key in

You in the

a magnetic strip


unsold goodsbetween the transmitter and receiver.

3 Read the text about the robot in 8, Section 3 of the Course Book, page 9. Writequestions for this interview with the inventor of the robot.1 A: How much

B: It weighs less than 5 kilos.

2 A: HowB:

3A :B:

4A :B:

5A :B:

6A :B:

7A :B:

8A :B:

It's onlv 508 mm tall.

By means of a sensor in its body.

The camera.

It's in the robot's head.

By using a computer.

By means of a wireless receiver.

It's in the box on its back.

Page 8: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list


air pressure




emergency stopfire suitflap


fuel .gear lever




pit lanepit-stop crewrear













laser beam

outboard motor

plaster hole






ticket machine

water heater

water valve
















spil l



lift uppick uppul lout

push input downput onput together

strip off

switch off

switch on

take aparttake away

take offtake outturn off

turn on

almost donehang onimmediatelyjust a minute

nearly finished

one minute





Tick the words and phrases that you remember from Workbook 1. Study theothers.

Complete the sentences with nouns from the Word list. Some alternativesare possible.1 Loosen the nuts with the2 Raise the of the car with the wheel-iack.3 Adjust the in the tvres.4 Pull the cord on the to start the engine.5 If you see an accident ahead, press the brake and do an

Push down the with your right foot.Clean thea cloth.

on the driver's helmet with

If vou need hot water. turn on the


89 Tighten the safety belt across your

Page 9: Technical English 2 Workbook

1 Routines

Find these things in the pictures.

a) crane b) underwater pipe

Write questions and answers aboutWhat do they usually do?

c) fire drill

these people. What are they doing today?2

What ia Sven doinq today?He is repairing an underwater pipe.What, doee Sven ueually do?He trains sub-sea engineers.What is Hans doing today?

4 What does Hans usuallv do?

5 What is Eric doing today?

He checks the electrical equipment.

Look at the organisation chart and answer the questions.

Who reports to the Chief Electrician? The Electrician.Who does the Chief Electrician report to? The Maintenance )upervieonWho reports to the Assistant Driller?Who does the Roustabout report to?Who does the Pump Man report to?Who does the Assistant Driller report to?



Electrical department Drill crew Deck crew


Assistant driller

Derrick man

Pump man

Who reports to the Crane Operator?

Page 10: Technical English 2 Workbook

2 Plans

Complete the dialogue using the verbs in brackets.

Two crew members on land are talking on the phone.

A: Have you heard the news? A maintenanceteam (1 go) is going out to the platform nextMonday.

B: What (2 do) ore they going fo do? They can'tdo any drilling

A: They (3 inspect) the fire


damage.Who (4 go)AII the supervisors and the maintenancesupervisor.

B: How long (5 stay)platform?

A: They (6 want / finish)the end of the week. They (7 need / inspect)

all the machinerv and check all the electrical svstems.Then what?They (8 intend / come) back and present their report.If all goes well, they (9 hope / start)weeks later.

repairs one or two

Read the email from theMaintenance Supervisor. Whatdoes the company need to buyfor repairs to the oil platform?

Use Jay's notes from 2 to send an email reply from Jay to Peter. Useall the phrases from the box.

As you are aware / Regards / Do let me know if / With reference to / Could youplease / ! confirm that / Thanks for / | attach

Example: Dear Teten

Thanka for . . .

With reference to ...

on the




eo6@ffi-ffi* ĘpĘ R"p|vj{j*oŁ-_T5Junk RcpĘ R€pv Al| Foff[q-_ nnn

T" f, ";

R"J, s"t'",Y ofr""'From: Peter Boyle, Maintenance Supervtsor

.. Subject: .l-.-P"i|'"to Beta2 Platform

i:i:ł.' our site Visit, p|ease investigate and find some supp|iers for the products be|ow.

Please email the product information to me before our meeting on Friday'

1 We need to buy some o""' tl*i b""'"rs for the repair work' This will stop waste and tools

fromfa|l ingontoworkersbe|ow. . ̂ ) ̂ . .^),,^+. n+Łnl.|nt 'aaes{row

Regards, Peter

':?,ii[T[tr$li.[i!"eq'i*o-q.:AY:,odvcot;a*aohpasesf rovwthetr w ebsl.tei Ls tyivs s)Lte,* stń,Łab|e.ł

2 We need to buy some fbnw"'gYi""f"ty nets' This will prevent serious accidents to personnel

when working at height Rs tne "i'uour."

L damaged' we must make sure the repair crew can

Y,!#iI -^* a wu ak o .sl,tp1LLes a wd {t*s s ałetu vtea; Lttwp ort,a wŁ


Page 11: Technical English 2 Workbook



New job

E Reaosections and

part of a CY then listen to the interview. Complete the missingupdate some of the information.

@ Listen and write the questions.1 _

re Write the words from the box on the correct lines. Then listenand repeat.

e|ectrical e|ectńcian e|ectriciĘ electron engine engineer mechanica|mechanism occupation operator technical teehnician



lst syllable stressed:2nd syllable stressed:3rd syllable stressed:

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Surname / First name(s) Muti, Laura

Desired employment (1)(21

Computer technician

Work experience

Dates From - to -

Occupation or position held Computer technician

Main activities and responsibilities Do computer upąradea; inatall goftware,memory carde, anti-virua ayeteme, etc,Do

Name and address of employer Wiqąino ?upporbUnit 12Delly End Induetrial EetateWindeor

Type of business or sector I nfo rm ation Tech nol oqy

Reason for leaving presenVlastemployer

Wante to move to Swindon


Page 12: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list

accident rate

blowout preventer

control room



emergency escape


heat shield













sick leave






















on duty

off duty



on leave

business sector





job title





run (= ssn6us1l



Find the best person for the activity. Choose jobs from column 1.

I Crane operatoro operate the cranes.2345t)7

repair electrical faults.operate the drill ing equipment.maintain and repair the pipes.conduct fire drills.plan all the work on their platforms.move heavy objects around the platform.

saretydrill Eil r"oon

ilactivity request

crane operator






safety officer

site manager




l 1

Page 13: Technical English 2 Workbook

Section 1

1 Describe the pictures using the verbs in the box.

activate carry examine insert put raise receive replace rotate runstep strip


replacinq the spark plugs. F

SheThey the generator.She off the old paint.He the alarm.

're carryinq some batteries. K- the wheel.




10l 1t2


a key.a training course.

the car.on the alarm pad.

on a fire suit.She a mobile signal.

2 Find pairs of verbs that mean the opposite. Join them with a line.

bring.out loosen lower

switch off raise take away

put in put on

take off take out

switch on stań

tighten turn otf

3 Give instructions for changing a set of spark plugs. Use verbs from Exercise 2.

Drive the car into the garage and turn off the engine.the bonnet of the car.the first lead.the old spark plug with a box spanner.the old spark plug.a new spark plug.

the new spark plug with a box spanner.the first lead. Repeat steps 3-8 with

the other spark plugs.the car bonnet.the engine and drive out of the garage.




^6FB"dffi "ffi:t Dffi

X=WWtrffi Htr,,ź3 ^pą L

Page 14: Technical English 2 Workbook

Section 2

Read the article. Replace the numbered words and phrases with a word orphrase from 2, Section 3 of the Course Book, page 14.

2 Complete the body of this email with phrases from the box.

This is also to let you know that / Do let me know if / I'd like to confirm that /Kind regards / Fońunate|y / Thanks for / | wou|d appreciate it if you cou|d /As you may know / | attach / | am sorry to tell you that / With regard to /

your email. (2) the Safetv Conferencenext week, (3) I plan to attend. Sorry for the short notice.(4)

I poeition2C_3 p- i -4e -5q -6 t_7 b-s-8 s -9 w-e-

l0 j_ t_11 j_ d_L2 i_13 e-14a15 r-

(s)the latest.

(6)(7)(8)instead. (9)printing the Conference Programme.

Looking for a New Job

When you are looking for a new (1) job, you must prepare a(2) document that you can send to possible companies. This

contains (3) details about yourself, also your (4) schools and

colleges that you attended.

A company first needs to check whether you have the right(5) certificates and whether you spent time (6) learning

how to do the iob after college. Preferably, you are already

working in the same (7) area of work. lt also wants to know

about your (8) abilities - for example, do you speak a foreign

language, and can you use a computer?

A company will study the record of your (9) work that you

have done. For your present job, you must give the (1 0) exact

name, and a (1 1) description of it. lf the company asks you

to attend a (1 2) meeting, be prepared to answer questions

about your present (1 3) company and your (1 4) work that you

do. Mention if you supervise any staff, because employers

appreciate people with these kinds of ('l 5) duties.

the PowerPoint slides that you requested.I'll email you the Executive Summary by Friday at

Marco Burgos has been ill for the past month.he is going into hospital for an operation.his deputy, Pedro Granada, will take part in the Forum

forward this email to the person responsible for


(10)(1 1)

Kurt Brandt

you need any further information.

l 3

Page 15: Technical English 2 Workbook

1 Limits

1 Read the text and answer the questions.Eurotunnel Freight runs rail freight services through theChannel Tunnel. Lorries are loaded onto wagons at oneterminus and unloaded at the terminus on the other side.The train journey lasts 35 minutes. At €400 for a one-waycrossing, the price is higher than by ferry. Containers orunaccompanied trailers cannot be carried. Dangerous loadscan be carried but not large, abnormal loads.

However, there are advantages in using the tunnel. First,the journeys are quicker and loading and unloading takes lesstime. Train journeys are more frequent than ferry crossings.

There are between three.and six departures per hour, compared with oneper hour for ferry sailings.'Fi.nally, the trains are not affected by the weather,with 94 per cent of trains departing on time. In winter, fog and high winds cancause delays or cancellations of ferry services. Howeveą trains continue tooperate below the Channel whatever the weather.

1 How long does the train journey take through the Channel Tunnel?

2 Which is more expensive, a crossing by tunnel or by ferry?

3 What kinds of loads cannot be taken through the tunnel?

4 What are two advantages of using the tunnel?

5 What is one disadvantage of using the ferry?

2 Complete the factsheet on maximum dimensions from the diagrams.

Eurotunnel1 Lorries2 Lorries3 Lorries4 LorriesFerry freight5 The length /imif depends on6 The

freightmust not be heauier than 44 tonnes.

18.75 metres.4.2 metres.2.6 metres.

the individual ferry.for lorries on all ferries is 4.8 metres.for lorries on all ferries is 6.7 metres.for standard lorries is 44 tonnes.

7 The8 The

Eurotunnel freight Ferry freight

4 . 2 m

18 . 75 m

4.8 m

(depends on ferry)


Page 16: Technical English 2 Workbook

2 Products

1 Match the words to the questions about ePhones.

1 dimensions a) What is the diagonal distance across the screen?2 weight b) How long does it take to recharge the battery fully?

3 screen size c) How much does it weigh?

4 capacity d) How long does the battery last?

5 battery e) What other things are in the specification?

6 charging time f) What are its measurements?

7 features g) How many gigabytes does it have?

2 Complete Part 1 of a phone dialogue. A customer (C) is asking a sales clerk (S)about power boats.

C: Hello. I'm interested in the Combo 150 and the Combo 200.S: Right. (1) Would you

Sales Department, or (2)a catalogue?At this stage, I just need a catalogue.OK. Could (3)Sure. It's McCredy. That's M little-C big-C R-E-D-Y. McCredy, initial B.Is (a) or -?B for Bravo.And (5)The Firs. Wvatt Avenue.Could (6)Yes, it's W-Y-A-double-T. Wyatt Avenue, Dundee, Scotland. PostcodeDD3 7NU.

Would (7)DD3 7NU.And could I (8)Sure.01382 458222.Fine. I'll get that in the post to you today.

Complete Part2 of the dialogue. The customer (C) is placing an order. Useinformation from the table.

Hello, I'd like to order a Combo power boat. I've seen your catalogue.(l) Which one would you like to order, the 150 or the 200?(2) The larger one, the 200 model.OK. What size fuel tank? The smaller size holds 50 litres and the larger oneholds 70 litres.(3) .Which colours? We have a blue and yellow one in stock and a red andcream one.(4) .What about a trailer? We do a standard one at €460. or we do a heavierone at ę525.(5) .

S:C :S:C :S:

Model ProCraft Combo 150/200 Colour blue/yellow; red/cream

Fuel tank 50/70litres Trailer (extra) €460I525


Page 17: Technical English 2 Workbook

3 Equipment

GM Read the quiz and circle your answers. Then listen and check.

I How far away is the nearest star?

a) 3.46 b) 4.24 c) 4.36 light years away.

How deep is the deepest part in the world's oceans?

a) 6,742 metres b) 8,213 metres c) 10,911 metres

On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which of these materials is thehardest?

a) silver b) glass c) iron

Which of these gases is the least common in the atmosphere?

a) oxygen b) hydrogen c) nitrogen

What was the hottest temperature on Earth, recorded in 1922?

a) 49'Celsius b) s3'Celsius c) 58' Celsius

What was the coldest temperature on earth, recorded in 1983?

a) -78' Celsius b) -89' Celsius c) -97'Celsius

2 EE Listen and complete the sentences.I The nearest star is called Alpha Centauri.

It's and can be seen from the southernhemisphere.

2 A - ship sent down an - probe to theon the seabed at a place called the Marianas Trench in the

deepest point

3 The Mohs scale of mineral hardness . t tranges f romta lc ,wh ich i s -onthesca le , tod iamond,wh ichi s - .S i l ver i s -o f thethreemater ia Isandg lass i s

4 The of these three gases is nitrogen. Hydrogen isthan oxygen and is of these three gases.

Read the headings in the specificationdelete the wrong answers below.

table for four luxury yachts, then

Sherakhan is the (most / /easf) expensive of the yachts.Oceanco 702is (as expensiue as / not os expensiue as)Alysia.The second longest yacht is (Sherahhan / O'Mega /Oceanco 702 / Alysia).Alysia is the (fastest / second fastest / slowest) of theyachts.(More / Fewer) guests can stay on O'Mega than onAlysia.There are (fewer / more) crew members per guest onAlysia than on Oceanco 702.




II ; ' 1 1 6



Alysia $116 .7m 85.3m 33kph 36 34

Oceanco 702 $ 1 1 1 . 8 m 82m 35kph 12 28

O'Mega $64.1m 82.6m 30kph 32

Sherakhan $55.4m 69.8m 1 Okph 26

Page 18: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list







cruising speed




idle speed




roof rack

steel rim wheel

storage capacity











nuclear power









world record























-ffi! t a t r r t l z r t : t r t I t l t * : -

tltNtl--TH-L f t t z - : l t r t t t v t L -






1 Label the parts of the vehicle with words from the Word list.

t 7

Page 19: Technical English 2 Workbook

1 Infrastructure

1 EE Listen to the interview about Stage 2 of the High-Speed Rail Link. Writedown the details.Channel tunnel opens:Rail Link Stage 1 opens:Rail Link Stage 2 opens:London-Paris (2002): hoursLondon-Paris (2007): hoursStage 2 took-years.Manpower: hoursNumber of tunnel drills used:Cost: S @ cost per drill: SA train travels through kms of tunnelsand over bridges.

2 rcE Listen and circle the words and phrases that you hear.1 You must be very pleased with the successful completion / success and

completion of the project.2 The French built their high-speed link 30 months / 13 years ago and now

we've just finished ours.3 Eurostar / First-class trains can now travel at a speed of up to 298 kph /

148 mph.4 The twin-bore / twin-core tunnels pass under seven miles of service /

surface railway track.5 Did you use a tunnel / funnel drill like the ones / one in this photo?6 The rock around / ground under London was so hard that we bored / wore

out six of them.7 It means / seems we spent SI7 I 570 million on drills.

3 Use the words and the verbs in the box to complete the text about antifreeze.

finally first next at this stage then increase open pour prevent screwunscrew use use

Antifreeze (1) to prevent the water in the radiatorfrom freezing. Rust (2) from building up in theradiator system by the use of antifreeze. Also, the boiling point ofthe water in the cooling system (3)(4)(6)(8)

the bonnet of the car (5)the cap to the reservoir (7)the antifreeze (9)

reservoir. (10) a funnel (11)to avoid spilling antifreeze onto the car. (12)after pouring in the correct amount, the cap (13)back on.


London St Pancras

w.t"rl"o Ashfo;\c. D9vfl

- Channel Tunnel Rail Link,sectron 1

- Channel Tunnel Rail Link,section 2

- Existing route to Waterloo



into the

Page 20: Technical English 2 Workbook




The pictures show the stages of mantrfacturing ice cr€am. Match them withthe speech bubbles.

Weheatthe mixto82' Cto kill off bacteria.(1).Thenwe coolthe mix

rapidly to 4' C.Ticture

Here we Vackthe ice aream in tubsand Vut it int o a blast, freezer at -5O'to -4O' C. 9o we freeze the tubo of ice

cream t o make them harder.Ticture

Here we weiqh all the ingredientoand mixthemtoqether in |arąetubo.We use cream, milk and

ouqar to make ice cream.?icture I

We addflavouro andcolours tothe mix.


Here we Vump the mix throuqh aepecial barrel freezer.We whiV a lot ofair into it atthe gamet,ime. Uv to hał

the volume of ice cream is air.Ticture

Here we addany fruito, nuts orbiscuit'pieceo tothe semi-frozen


2 Write a description of the manufacturing process, using the passive. Use thelinkers from the box. One of them is placed in the middle of a section.

Firct, aII the ingredients are weĘhed and mked together in large tubs.Cream, milk and sugar are used to make ice cream.

Page 21: Technical English 2 Workbook




3 Communications

1 Write the numbers of the satellite parts next to the descriptions in the text.Each satellite has a frame or bus (/0), which is strongenough to hold everything together.All satellites need a source of electrical power. Thiscomes from solar panels However, these donot work when the satellite is in shadow, on the sideof the Earth away from the Sun. Therefore a ring ofrechargeable batteries (-) is installed.All the satellite's systems are monitored andcontrolled by a computer (-).All satellites have antennas, which receive radio waveinformation from the ground (uplink)

and transmit radio wave information back toEarth (downlink) (-). The antennas ( ) are

connected to the radio (-) on the satellite. Satellites are controlled bythe ground-control crew in many ways. They can change the satellite's orbitby firing the main rocket (-) or request information.All satellites have an attitude control system, which controls the positioningof the satellite. For example, the side with the solar panels may need to facethe sun. Or the side with the camera or antennas may need to face the Earth.Puffer jets ( ) use gas from a pressurised tank ( ) to change theattitude of the satellite.Satellites carry items of equipment that 'listen, speak, see and touch'.In addition to radio antennas, they may carry a telescope or camera, athermometer or sensors.

What do these words in the text refer to? Underline your answers.I which Qine l) a) satellite b) bus2 This Qine 3) a) electrical power b) frame3 these Qine 4) a) solar panels b) satellites4 which Qine 10) a) satellites

- b) antennas

5 They Qine 15) a) ground-control crew b) ways6 which (ine lQ a) attitude b) attitude control system7 that Qine 22) a) items b) equipment

Join these pairs of sentences. Use who or which.I The first artificial satellite was a metal ball. It measured I metre across

and weighed 83 kg.2 It had four long antennas. These sent radio signals back to Earth.3 The first creature in space was a dog called Laika. It spent ten days in

orbit in 1957.4 In 1968, Apollo 8 sent photos back to Earth. It orbited the Moon.5 The first man on the Moon was Neil Armstrong. He landed there in 1969.6 The first tourist in space was a man called Mark Shuttleworth. He paid

$20 million for his trip.7 Two Mars Rovers sent back information about the planet to Earth. They

landed in 2003.Example: 1 The firat arbificial eatellite wae a metal ball, which meaaured

1 metre a;roaa and weiąhed B5 ką,

Page 22: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list



conveyor belt


cutter face

dril l

hydraulic cylinder




steel shoe



digital TV card

feed horn


high frequency

low frequency


PC monitor

satellite dish


TV station






air conditioning

assembly line

body shop




chassis line


drive shaft

laser guide

oil drain plug

oil f i l ler cap

paint shop

panel shop





trim line


dril l












rightside up



upside down

1 Cover the table. Make compound nouns from the words in the boxes,

2 Write adve

At the beginning: first,

rbs from column 4 on the correct line.

After this:

At the same time:


conveyordrivehydraulicdrainassemblya i rf i l ler

\ cap

\ l ine

\ cylinder

\ shaft\o.r t


laser cardpaint monitorPC hornsatell ite satell itefeed dishcommunications shopDTV quide

At the end:


Page 23: Technical English 2 Workbook

Section 1

1 Complete the dialogue between a car salesman (S) and a customer (C). Makecomparisons between the two cars.

1000 r300

Engine size 1.0 l i t re 1.3 l itre

Top speed 1 55 kph 1 70 kph

Acceleration 0-100 kph: 15.7 seconds 0- '100 kph: 11.5

Fuel tank capacity 40l i t re 50l i t re

Fuel consumption (combined) 18.5 km/litre 16.5 km/litre

The 1300 is quite a bit (1) faater (fast) than the 1000.Yes, but doesn't it use (2) more petrol?Sure, the fuel consumption on the 1300 is a little bit (3)

(hish).So, I'l l have to fil l up with petrol (4) (often).In fact, the 1300 has a (5) Qarge) fuel tank.How much (6) (large)?It holds l0l i tres (Q than the 1000. So that evensthings out. The 1300 has (8) (great) acceleration. Soit's much (9) (safe), because you can overtake (10)

(fast).C: Because it 's got a (11) (powerful) engine, I suppose.S: Of course, The 1300 is (12) (good) value for money.C: But it's quite a bit (13) (expensive). You see,


C :S:C :S:


1300 is (14) 513,000, and I want to spendthan 510,000. So the 1000 wil l be (16)

(good) for my budget.

2 Complete the left-hand side of the leaflet about post sizes.

1 Letter: lf your item fits inside the blue area, i.e. is /ess fhan240mm x 165mm,is no thicker than Smm and weighs under1009, it is classed as a Letter.

2 Large Letter: lf your item fits inside the area, i.e.

weighs 7509, it is classed as a Large Letter.3 Packet: lf your item fits inside the - area,

353mm x 250mm or is25mm and weighs -7509, it

is classed as a Packet.

2 Large Letter (353mm x 250mm max)

1 Letter (240mm x 165mm max)cmm ma(



Page 24: Technical English 2 Workbook

Section 2

1 Put the verbs in brackets into the passive and fill in the missing words.

Jorrugated cardboard

How corrugated cardboard is made.

Large rolls of papeĘ (I) which weigh about 2.7 tonnes,(2 transport) are transported from the paper mill to the cardboardpackaging factory. Here they (3 load) intoone end of a huge machine called a corrugatoa (4) - is91 metres long. One roll of paper (5 press)between two heavy corrugating rollers, (6) - are heated(7) - steam to a temperature of 185' C. (8) -, thiscorrugated paper (9 glue) between two otherlayers of papeą called liners. At the end of the machine, the rollof corrugated cardboard (10 trim) by slittingwheels and (11 cut)blanks.

into large sheets called

(12) -, the cardboardblanks (13 feed)into a printing machine, (14) - prints the productinformation and the manufacturer's name. After the printingprocess, some batches of cardboard (15 wax)(16) - make them water-resistant.Die-cutting is a process which cuts a cardboard blank into therequired shape. (17) -, a die-cutting tool (18 make)

out of a flexible base and sharp raised lines ofsteel. This (19 fit) onto a roll in a rotarv die-cutting machine. Cardboard blanks (20 feed)into one end of the machine and pieces of cardboard (21 cut)

corrugatedmed lum

Dle-cutt ing blank

out of the blanks by the die-cutting tool. (22)the blanks (23 band) together and

(24 transport) to the customer.

Answer these FAQs about satellites. Write full sentences using the passive.

1 How do we put satellites into orbit?a) location: round the Earth b) method: rockets

9atellitee are put into orbit.round the Earth by rockete.

2 How do we provide electricity on a satellite?a) method: cells b) location: solar panels

3 How do we change a satellite's orbit?a) method: rocket b) location: base of the satellite

4 How do we collect weather pictures all over the world?a) method: dozens of satellites b) location: in orbit

5 How do satellites transmit weather photos?a) destination: back to Earth b) method: radio signals

How do we use images from survey satellites?a) method: computer b) purpose: to update maps

I e-cutt ing tool


Page 25: Technical English 2 Workbook

1 Uses

Rewrite the sentences, using the word(s) in brackets.

I Chisels cut out pieces of wood. (are for) Chisela are for cutting out pieceeof wood.

2 Jump leads carry an electrical current from a charged battery to a flat one.(used)

3 Carburettors mix fuel with air. (designed)4 The two thick fins at the rear of the ship are like stabilisers. (act as)5 Lightning conductors carry electricity down the side of a building in a

thunderstorm. (designed)6 The impeller on a jet ski is like a propeller. It pushes the craft through the

water. (act as ... and )

2 Read the sentences. Write the sentence numbers in the correct columns.

A Uses for a net B Uses for a sheet C Uses for a tyre


1 You can use it to provide shade.2 You can split it and use it as a water dish for chickens.3 It can be used for protecting fruit from birds.4 You can use several of them to catch falling objects on a building site.5 You can cut it up and make rubber shoes from it.6 You can carry tools in it.7 They can act as weights to keep down a large plastic cover.8 You can use it to climb a tree.9 It can be used for containing luggage loads in a plane.

10 It can be used for protecting food from flies.11 Three of them placed vertically can act as a growing-pot.12 You can use it to prevent chickens from flying away.

3 Write your own sentences for the pictures in your exercise book.

Seueral of them ... You can .. You can.

Seueral of them . You can . It can .


Page 26: Technical English 2 Workbook




śB Listen to the descriptions. Write the description number next to theright picture.

2 śE Listen and write notes about three of the buildings in Exercise 1.

(l) A person who designs a building

Match the adjectives in the box to the nouns.

circular conical cubic cylindrical dome-shaped hemisphericalrectangular semi-circular spherical square triangular

4 EEt Are the words in 3 two- or three-dimensional? Tick the correct box.Then listen and check.


Building A Building C Building D



Type of building

Year completed

Architect (1)

Nouns Adiectives two-dimensional (2D) three-dimensional (3D)

1 triangle triangular

2 cone

3 rectangle

4 cylinder

5 semi-circle

6 dome

7 hemisphere

8 circle circular

9 square

10 cube

11 sphere


Page 27: Technical English 2 Workbook

3 Definitions

1 Match the products with the sentences.

1 The Ultrasonic Distance Meter is portable; it allows you to measurelarge rooms.

2 The Zoomba Vacuum Cleaner is rechargeable; it cleans floors automatically.3 The Garage Parking Sensor fits to your garage wall; it helps you to

park safely.The Ticko mini helicopter is radio-controlled; it flies for up to 10 minutes.Street Gliders are two-wheeled; they fit on the heels of your shoes.The Extendable Window Cleaner extends up to 3.5 metres; it allows you toclean high windows from the ground.

Rewrite the sentences in 1 using the words 'that' or 'which'.

sensor system tool instrument device toy robot which that

I The Ultraeonic Dietance Meter ie a portable instrument which allowe you tomeaeure lar7e roorne.



3 Write sentences using the words and phrases in the box.

around at the top at the bottom from into out of through


A sales personAn inventorEntrepreneurslnvestorsThe lnternetWebsitesTechnicians


peoplea personsomeonesystemsa system


service and repair equipment.allow you to access and download

information.takes an order.designs new devices.put money into a new business.connects PC users and websites.set up new businesses.


Page 28: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list












































jump lead





alarm pod



bass amplifier


booster car seat

bridge (boat)



disaster victim



helm unit

hul l




l ink


ocean liner




soup bowl





torque wrench




















Circle 16 words that were in the text about the LifeGuard system for rescuingmen overboard. Then check your list with the text in 5, section 2 of theCourse Book, page 55.


Page 29: Technical English 2 Workbook

tililEMatch the sentence halves.I Heavy crates are lifted2 Storage boxes are stacked3 Light pallet loads can be moved4 Cylinders must be strapped5 Aisles have to be kept clear6 Chemical spills need to be cleaned up7 Blockages must be removed

1 Safety

a) to pallets.

b) by hand trucks.

c) at once.

d) by fork-lift trucks.

e) by specialist safety staff.

D on shelves.g) of rubbish.

2 Complete the safety regulations for forkJift trucks. Use the modals and thepassive form of the verbs in brackets, with nof if necessary.1 All forkJift trucks should be maintained (should / maintain) by a specialist

contractor.Safe operating instructionseach type of forkJift truck.

(should / provide) for

Unqualified operators (should / allow) to drivefork-lift trucks.

4 Vehicles (must / Ieave) unattended with theengine running.

5 Trucks (need / park) overnight in designatedareas with the brakes on.

6 A battery-powered truck (need / put) on charge atthe end of each working day.

7 A truck (must / take) on the highway withoutwarehouse manager's permission.

8 Levels of oil, water and antifreezeat the start of each working day.

(need / check)

3 Rewrite the Safety officer's notes for a fire evacuation procedure.


lf you hear the fire alarm:1 if you hear etc. - stay calm If you hear the

fire alarm, atay calm.2 when fire alarm sounds - building evacuated

immediately MUOT!3 / stop work + switch off machines

4 X stop + gather personal belongings

5 X use lift6 X re-enter building - Fire Officer gives all-clear


Page 30: Technical English 2 Workbook

2 Emergency

Write sentences for a diving safety manual, using'must' or'should'.

1 If a diver's position is not known, it's necessary to locate them immediately.If a diver'a poeition ia not known, they muat be located immediately.

2 If a diver is trapped underwateĘ we recommend freeing them with a knife.lf a diver ie trapped underwater, they ehould be freed with a knife,

3 If a diver's oxygen is low, we recommend providing an extra air cylinder.

4 lf a casualty is not buoyant, we recommend inflating their wetsuit.

5 If a casualty is slightly injured, we recommend giving first aid in the boat.

6 If a casualty is not breathing, it's necessary to carry out artificialrespiration at once.

7 lf, a casualty is seriously injured, it's necessary to phone the rescue services.

2 Read the interview about cave diving. Complete the notes below.

lnferviewer: Whot's it like cove diving in the UK?

Divel: |t,s nothing |ike diving in Mexico or Fronce. For o stoń the woter is very co|d, ondyou con'i see onyihing becouse there is so much soil in the woter. Also, the coves hereore smoll ond nonow, so you shouldn't otloch your oir bottle to your bock. lf you do, you'llget stuck!

|n|erviewer: So how do you gel stońed?

Diver: First, you need to hove the right equipment for cove diving, You should weor ohelmet ond o wetsuit; it's thinner thon o drysuit. You should olso toke thick direction lines,so you don,t get |ost underwoter, 4-ó mm thickness is the minimum.

Inlerviewer: ls it o good ideo to dive with o buddy, I meon onother diver?

Diver: No, you should never do thot. You con't see them ond they moy get in the woy orblock your exit. And one more thing: olwoys osk permission from the londowner beforeyou visit o cove on their properiy.

3 Rewrite this article on'buddy breathing'. Change the male/female forms tothey / them / their / theirs.'Buddy breathing' is a system of sharing one cylinder of air between twodivers. Sometimes you still have air left in your tank at the end of a dive,but your partner has none in (1) his/hers -. At this point, you give(2) him/her your face mask to breathe through. After (3) he/she hastaken a breath, (4) he/she passesmask back and you take a breath. You continue this while you both ascend.Buddy breathing is for emergencies. You should manage your own air supply,and your buddy should manage (5) his/hers



Page 31: Technical English 2 Workbook

3 Directions

EE Complete the directions.I Co etraiahlt aheaa at the crossroads.2 Turn lelt at the3 At the roundabout, take the4 At the roundabout, go down the slip road and5678

the station car park and turn left.Take the

on your lelt.Tum right at the

2 EEI Listen to two sets of telephone directions, which start at Point X onthe map. Follow the routes and find the destinations on the map.Directions 1: Destination A / B / C / D (circle)Directions 2: Destination A / B / C / D (circle)


! turi" rotr.

3 Write email directions starting at Point Y on the map, like the example in 3,Section 3 of the Course Book, page 47. Explain how to get to the BMG office inthe Swindon Business Park on the map (Point D).Thank you for

Swindon Business Park.


Page 32: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list





hand truck



safety issuÓ



ańificia| r€spiration



first aid

arodiverissueposit ionprocedure



sketch ńap

slap road

traffic lights


attend to










1 Cover the Word list



respirationresuscitationspil lsuittruck

and comolete these comoound nouns, Then check.6789


2 Use verbs from the Word list in their corrcct lorms to comDlete the sentences.I First, the diving trainer managed to the missing diver2 Then we the casualty.3 Then we managed to attention by sounding our alarm.4 Finally, they our boat back to the port.5 The report6 The manager has

8 Don't7 Gas cylinders must

a new system of safety procedures.the purchase of new fire extinguishers.

to the pallet.the hand truck!

carefully. They contain glass.9 Crates must not more than three high.

l0 Those boxes must11 Tyres must to the correct pressures.


Page 33: Technical English 2 Workbook

ilrSection 1

1 Underline the correct spelling and w te the word in the space.I generater2 transmitor3 carboretter4 protractor5 stabilizer6 conducter7 recieverI propelor




2 Match the devices with their exDlanations.a) Triangular in shape, this supports the sloping roof of

3 T-junction b)4 U-bend O5 A-frame d)6 Dlock e)7 G clamp l)8 E{lip

I V-belt2 U-bolt a house.

A steel device for attaching a cycle to street furniture.A fitting that goes on a shaft.A tool for liring a machine lirmly to av/orkbench.A fitting \,r'ith a plate and two bolts, used a lot on boats.A water trap which prevents smells from coming out of awaste pipe.This drives things like the fan and water pump in a car.A rectangular pipe fitting where twd pipes meet.

3 Read the article about a new anti-collision svstem. Underline the best words/Dhrases, Then check vour answers.


U!ti1 now' ships' radŻr anti collision Śystems (Acs) haveonly (l) transported / operdled over greater distances. Theyhave been (2) ubLe / lnablc to track ships closer than about4.8 kilometres. Exisring ACS (3) infonnatian / equipnentis difficult to operate, and rcquircs a sepuate (4) display /ilJ.n,! €łl and lalge amounts of space'

Now m inventor has developed a new ACS. Its radar systemc^n (5) lletect / heasurc rargets at short and long distances.The system can be Drodfied tfuough its computer ro can], out extra (6).fuł.t'ons / dineflsio\ls.For example' the (7) lrażsnliftet / disP|ay can show map lines with shipping channe]s neal aport. Also, it c.n be (8) p,ogranned / calculated b ignore targets inside certain areas.

The n€w Acs (9) .ołla'lJlcoll'i's'J ofa display screetr. a computet |wo sels ofswitches and ajoystick. Information fron the radar systemis displayed. as nomal, on adisplay screen. A firstset of switches instructs the computer to produce data for display on the screen. Each of thefirst set of switches is (10) labell1l ..ilh /.nfutĆhetl to a name or abbreviation which describesthe f'unction. A second set of switcbcs (l]) 1re4.J / Ćo'tlrob a second set of functions throughthe cornpulcr progam ' Also. lhe ship.s own position can be mov€d from the centre of thc screen(I2) via / b)"

"rca s orlhe joysńck'

Page 34: Technical English 2 Workbook

Sentences 1-6:at|ow carry conveń disp|ay inspect|ock require tow transpoń useSentences 7-i 1:authońse avoid carry carry outcarry out leave load load permitreluelsecure turn off

Section 2

Complete the safety manual about the transport of explosives. Use the verbsfrom the box in the passive. or in the past participle form, with or without noa.

Find the route (driving on the left) from Gate Aof the port to the mine. Write an email givingdirections to the lorry driver-

Exafipie: Leave the part py Oe@ A. You il cametÓ a cro1Óraaa9' TDrn left et Lhe cra1.roadg.

Dangerous goods - tran5poń nequirements lor exp|osives

1 Expfosaves (must) must be trcnsported in metal boxes with a wooden innerliner. The load (must) - except when loading or unloading.

2 Trailers - by passenger vehicles (must) - totransooń exoIosiVes'

3 EXPLOSIVES signs (must) - on all tour sides of the vehicle.

4 A firc extinguisher No smoking - within 6 metresof the vehicle.

5 The vehic|e (must) - to transpoń explosives and (must)

6 Emergency equipment (three triangu|ar signs, three pońab|e f|ashinglights) (must) -.

7 Up to 500 detonators (may) with up to 250 kg of explosives.The detonators (must)- in a separate compańment of thevehicle, at least 2 metres away.

8 Night-time dńving -. if this by the transport supervisor

I A parked vehicle - with explosives (must)unattended.

10 Populated areas (should)- wherever possible.

11 Refuell ing (should) - belore the explosives l f avehic|e (have to) -during the tńp, this (shou|d) inthe most isolated place available. with the engine

Page 35: Technical English 2 Workbook

1 Technical support

1 Match the nouns and thelr definitions.I attachment O2 browser3 tlrewall b)4 lP address (r)5 password O6 potrup7 resolution setting d)8 security setting9 wlreless e)




an advert that suddenly appears on ascreen without you searching for ita connection between a computer andthe Internet via radio wavesthe set of numbers which identifiesevery computer on the Internetyou can lock this on your computer tostop other users from changing ita series of letters or numbers that youtype into a computer in order to use itsoftware that allows you to accesswebsites on the Interneta network security system used torestrict external and internal traJficyou can change this to make imagesIarger or smaller, or in coloursomething that you send with anemail, e.g. a document

For each printer problem, write a diagnosis (D) and suggest a solution (S),using the guide words. Refer to the language box on Course Book page 53.1 The printer always prints in colour.

Diagnosis: you haae definitely checked the 'Colour' box. Suggestion: checkthe 'Black' boxExamplei You nust have aheakeĄ the'Colour' bax. Try aheckin? the 'Elaak' bax.

2 The printer is using a lot of ink.D: perhaps you cheched the 'Fine' box on the Ptint Quality menu. S: checkthe 'Draft' box on the menu

3 The LED lights on the printer don't come on.D: it's possible thefe is o loose connection s: unplug the pńnter, plug it inapąin

4 The pages come out blank, without any p nt.D: it's certain the ink caflridge is empty. S: check the le,el of inh remaining

5 There are gaps on the printed page.D: the print head nozzles haDe prcbably become dirty, s: cleąn the printhead nozzles

6 Pages are print€d ln the wrong order.D: you haDe definitely cheched ńe Automatic' box on the Paper Handtingmenu. S: check the 'Re,e$e' button on the menu


Page 36: Technical English 2 Workbook


Put the verbs in brackets lnto the passive. Then match the sentence halves.

I Design-and-Build was oppointed

3 A lalse ceiling(construct)

4 The covered walkway

5 Four indoor tennis courts

(extend) on two storeys

9 A single-storey eńension

a) to allow wheelchair access.b) to provide all-weather practice

facilities.c) to provlde extra Iiving space.d) to provide an 'at home' office

nearby,e) to enlarge the kitchen and dining supervise the project fromstart to hide electrical wińng andpipework,to link the main building to provide disabled access to theupper floors.



Reporting to clients

l f ;2 - :3 - ;4 - ;5 - ;6 - ;7 - ;8 - ;9

2 Rewrite the draft email as a covering letter to a client. Set out your letter likethe example in 5, Section 2 of the Course Book, page 55..

Ann,Pls will you draft a letter to our client at Nilsson including the detailsbe|ow. Enc|ose a print-out of our repoń, which I am sending you as anattachment. l'll be in the office on Monday. Thanks.Herbert Ritr,Project Manager

Client: Mr Tom Berghaus, Nilsson plcContact details: Unit 38 West Business Park, Swindon SN42 6BHSubject: Quotation: Extension at Swindon officeLetter: Thanks for your letter of 3l Jan 08, inviting us to preparequotation for above project,We visited the site on l2 Feb 08 + took measurements & ohotos.Enclose report, plus outline plans and quotation.Our fees: agreed on a job-by-job basis; can be a fixed sum / an hourlyratel a % of project cost.No charge for initial visit and quotation.lf need to discuss details of repon, don't hesitate, etc.Kind regards,Yours, etc.

Page 37: Technical English 2 Workbook

3 Dealing with complaints

!S Listen to the phone dialogue from a customer with a complaint.Comolete the Comolaint Form.

EE Match six dialogues to six ol the damaged articles.I : - 2 : 3 : - + - 5 : - 6 l

Reply to a letter of complaint, using the phrases in the box.

cornp|aining abod / How€voi / | am pl€as€d to inform you / | am so.ry to h€rI apologise forthe inconvenience / in stock / purciase pdce / Plsese do not hesitateThank you for / Unforlunateiy' / Yours sinc€rc|y' / a fu|| tefund

Date and rime oI call 1O.45 2OOA/O2/25

Description of goods

a reptace arepatr A rehtnd a reduce

Cuslomer response Aacrep! ll rcject




Dear Ms Jensen,(r)(a)

your leiter of 28th FebiuarTrthe poPtable TT with 18 mln-wiale

screen Lhat you purchased at our Etore.(5) that the loft-hand side of the casewas cracked and that the screen was broken. (4) -.we do not have any slmilar Tl/s (5) - as this model ish^ ]^nd . r m ' r l . /A \ (ż \

we wi]l give you (8) of the (9)(ro) this has caused, especially since youtook it vrith you on holiday expecting to use it.(rr)quedes about the refund.( re)Tom BqrarsStoae Ma,nager

to contact me if you have any


Page 38: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list






lP addross



regolution setting

securily setting





inteńer€ (with)

log (into)



CCTV canera






smoko dotector







l €duction









dsal (wlth)















in addition

in stock

comp|ete the steps in the complaints procedur€, usingvelbs flom co|umn 4'I Don't - fault at the start.



the details of the complaint on the computerthe problem to the the customer for the inconvenience,a discount off the nexl purchase, orthe faulty article with a new one, orthe purchase price in full.the next complarnt.



Page 39: Technical English 2 Workbook

iltilIrWave power

EE Co.plet" the table. Then listen and check your answers.Types of motion: oscillating / rotary / leciprocating / linear

Type ot lanear

Examp|€s of pistons

EE Listen to a presentation about waterjetting. Underline the phrasesthat you hear.1 oul range of pumps operates d) Ćompressions b) ąt pressures fuoń 70 to

2 Pumps can operate to a maximum f low r a1e oI a) 773 litres pet minuteb) 73 lites per second.

3 Diesel units are available as d) srte b) slAe l.lailerc ot a) road tailersb) hose traders.

4 standard electric units can be mounted on oJ słli's b) słls or trailers.5 our accessory range includes hoses, oJ ó) socłets, guns and

a) tootballs b) foot oalDes.6 These allow a, ,re operation b) the operafol to shut off the water jet with

their foot-7 Hoses range from 6-32 a) cm b) mm in diameter, to suit all applications.

l!! Listen to the next part of the presentation and note the details.


Ind|l3W Application water ietting pr6śsure (psi)

B€moving painllrcm machineryand

10,000 -

2 Removing dińand oil, from

3 Removing oiland

c|eańng b|ockages from drains

5,000 -

10,000 -

r i l

Page 40: Technical English 2 Workbook

2 Engines

Write the headings for the operation of a four-stroke diesel engine. Firldletters for parts in the diagrams and write them in the texl.

stroke - stroke - stroke



Intake sEoke. Air (1) p alone is drawn into the cylinder (2) through theintake port (3) - by the vacuum created by the descending piston(4)Compression stroke, The intake valve (5) closes and the pistonascends (6) . Air is compressed in the top of the cylinder (7) andis heated to 700-900'C.Combustion shoke. Diesel oil (8) is injected into the top of the cylinderby the oil injector (9) . lt mixes with the compressed air above thepiston. Combustion drives the piston downrrards, and turns the crankshaft(10)Fxhaust shoke. The exhaust valve (11) opens. Exhaust gases(12) are pushed out of the cylinder through the outlet port (13)by the rising piston.

Read the article about the hybrid car Which two things mal(e the wheelspo round?

You dfive a hybrid car ike an ordinary car. When you s ow down, the electrlc motortLrrns nto a generator, wh ch recharges the batteries. At trafJic lghts, the petroengine swtches off. Take your foot of{ the brake and the car starts, us n9 only itselectric motor to provide maxjmum acceleraton.

A hybrid car is more energy efficient than one with a petrol engine alone. Youcan tTave twice as faT on 1 itre of petro than in a petro -drlven car In addition, thequantty of CO, that comes out of the exhaust s about 'l tonne less per year from ahybrid Accelerat on from 0 100 kph is I 0.9 seconds, whlch is the same as for a2 | tre petrol engine.

Hybr d cŹr owners pay ]e55 tax, and they have |ower fL.]e consumpt on too' |nadditon to a lthis' they get a qU et carwth good peńornrance.

What do these words refer to?t which oine 2) a) the functioning of the electric motor b) slowing down2 its (line 3) a) the car b) the braie c) your foot3 one (line 5) a) a car b) energy c) a hybrid car4 that 0ine 7) a) 1 tonne of CO, b) the quantjty of CO, c) CO,5 which 0ine 8) a) the given acceleration b) the given speed

c) the given time6 they (line 11) a) less tax b) car owners c) hybrid car owners


Page 41: Technical English 2 Workbook

iltlil3 Cooling and heating

1 Comptete the text with words from the languageWhen a 4Ź9 condenses' it becomes asolidifies, it becomes a When abecomes a When a

Fill in the blanks.

se Book page 62.When a

melts, i tevaporates, it becomes

anc Decomes

aro turns

chamber after

and turns to ice.

is to compress the gas. (compressor/

So, for example, ice (a sol id)water (a liquid). And when water boils, the water (a liquid)and becomes steam (a gas). With cooling, the steamto water. With freezing, the water


The function of thecompression)

Inside, a rotary (8)

top of this unit, a (14)


ref ri geran t/ref ri gerator)

box on Cour

heat and cools the air.

fan removes hot air from inside a room. (extractor/extraction)

2 The device has an 'On/Off' switch, which permits easy(operator/operation)

forms on the outside of cars during cold, damp nights.(condenser/condensation)

oI water from the soil is greatest at midday. (evaporator/

allows fresh food to be stored for longer. (refrigeration/

is the result ol aJl equally strong physical force in theoppositedirection. (reactor/reaction)

8 Deep-sea divers may have to spend time in areturning to the suńace. (decompressor/decompression)

3 Complete the texl about an air-conditioning unit with words from the diagramand the box. Some words are used more than once.

absoń provide reduce remove support

Air-condit;oning (1) remoydg heat and humidity from the air andexpels it outdoors. An independent air-conditioning unit(2) cooled air on demand for rooms in oifices,schools and houses. The temperature indoors (3)by means ol a closed system of tubes containing a refrigerant.A strong frame outside the house (4) tne

pumps the(6) under pressure around the condenser coils. Asit cools, it condenses and passes through a naEow tube, throush

condensing unit. The (5)

an expansion valve, to the (D

it over the (9)changes from liquid to gas, it (11)

inside the warm air from lhe room and blows

As the refrigerant in the (10)

The refrigerant (now a gas) flows through a larger (12)the compresso! which sends it round the (13) again. At the

rotates and forces air over the (15)to drive away the heat. Simultaneously, the (16)


inside the building forces the cooled, dehumidified air into the room.

Page 42: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list






exhaust port




intake poń



sparK prug



high pressure



















1 Label the diagram with nouns from column 2.




Intake stroke ofan (l)


Page 43: Technical English 2 Workbook

Section 1

Complete these phone dialogues using the correct form of the verbsin brackets-I (connect / unplug / plug)

A: The pointer on my screen doesn t move.Bi The mouse and keyboard might not be firmly (I) ccnnectel to Ihe

computer Try (2) L)nplu1qinq a|..d Il\en (3) pl!44ir4 in the connectors.2 (have / be / compress)

A: I sent an email lvith a large attachment thatbounced back to me.a broadband connection.

Or the attachment might (5) greater than the sizeBi The receiver nra) not (4)

l imii of their nrai lbox. Try (6)l l ( iDterfere / change / access)

the attachment.

my router and my conputer hasAr The wireless connection betweenstopped working.

B: Somebody may have (7) with your user settings.

(s) your router settlnŚs'

Write the headings above the r ight sect ions of a Consumer Rights website.Then underl ine the correct words or phrases,

a) When you are not coveredb) Goods should be of satisfactory

Cłual i ty e) Examine goods and Ćonlplain atc) Your agreement is with the retai ler once i l they are faulty.

You could (8J the username and passlvord lor

d) Proving goods were faulty whenyou bought thenl


| f th € goods were fau ty when yoU bolght theń. cońp a ńto the retz er ' e 'g ' the store where yoL] bolght theń,lf the store says you (l ) mrghr / have to co.ract themanutactUrer j that s wroń9'

Coods (2) mlst / may be of sat sfactory qua ty andft for t l re purpose that was ntended, e.g. a torch(3) Ćo!/d ,/ sho,/d ]|ght Up' ] f yÓU 2sked about a spec fcpurpose e'g' '!v th s DVD p ayer WÓrk With my br.ńdX TV7.. then you (4) h 'Ve to / ca ' cÓmp|ain i f i t doesn.twork n that spec i tc stUŹt|on,

\au 15) shauld / couldrry ro exarnlne the goodsand compla ln wth n 2 wee(. l f yo! do th s , you

(6) shou/d / ĆŹn I get a fu|| refund' |f you wa t onger lhana week. yo! (7) rnust / may not get a refund. Instead yorl(8) ĆŹlr t , / D.y be of fered a rep acement. or r reduct ion.or a cred t note towards your next purclrase.

f you take the goods back to t l re retarer wthin s xrnontlrs' the stole (9) ńas to / shou/dnt plove they werenot fauty at the tńe of sa|e ' After S ix months ' yo! (]0)have to / mustnt prove that they were fa! ty at the trme

fa| |11) ńrght not / cannot comp a lń | f yo! p l rchasedthe goods for the wrÓng plrpose. or |f yo! kńeW t|re!oods We|e falky when yol] bouglrt theń


Page 44: Technical English 2 Workbook

Section 2

1 Complete the description of the Wankel rotary engine with the parts inthe diagrams.A rotary engine is an internal combustion engine with a rotary(I) pioton.The(2) - of the rotating piston open and close theports in the (3) -wall, so no valves are needed. The triangularpiston rotatcs in an oval-shaped (4,

3lgni t ion Exhauś

l lntake. The rotary piston rotates' Af fńe sdme f!.me, it uncovels the(5) This allows the (6) to flow into the cylinder

2 compression. The (7) Iotates. /4t l,łe sdme lime' the(8) is compressed into a small space between the piston andthe cylinder wall.

3 lgnition. The compressed fuel is ignited by the two (9)Immediarcbr afteruards, the expanding gases drive the piston round on thepower stroke.

4 Exhaust. The pistonrotales. Simultaneously, it uncovers the(10) This lets the (11) escape.

5 The triangular piston creates three (12) So, there are three

So, higher rotation speeds are possible.

ignitions for each rotation of the piston.6 The rotary engine has only two moving parts, the (13) - and the

2 Rewrite the sentences in paragraphs 1-6 as single sentences. Use bhen/ąsand .,}tlcł. Do not use the words in italics'Examplei 7 A9 the rotary pietan rotatee, it uncovere the inlet pott, tyhich allawe

the air and fuel mixfure to flaw into the cylinler.

3 Find words in the puzzle to match these definitions.



take in, Ior example. heat or moisturelower the pressure of somethingincrease in volumea high-pressure pump that compresses therefrigeranta set of coils that gives out heat to thesurrounding aira set of coils that er.lracts heat from thesurrounding air

7 a de\,rce that decompresses the refrigerant inthe coi is

8 a machine with an electric motor and rotatingblades that moves the air around

9 a fluid that can evaporate and condensel0 a system of pipes bent into a U shape many


B E R G E R N T G I J z N

E X N s o N L E c B ox o z T R s E T o F c o L s T

E o B T o c o E s s o H

c o N D E N s E R T o N T B

G E D E c o M R E s s E L T R B G


Page 45: Technical English 2 Workbook

1 Sports data

Describe the purpose of meaśuring instruments, using one of the examplestructures and the words in brackets. Use the vocabularv from 4. Section I ofthe Course Book, page 69.Examples: a) You u6e a thermometer tp ficaąure temperature in Ae1reeg

Celsiug,b) A l,herfianeter i9 u€ed for meaauńng teńPeratura in ae,reeż

Cel6iua.c) A l.hermofieter mcaeułe, temPcrature in de^ree7 ce]^iu..d) You meaaurc temperalture in deqrees Celai!4 with a t.herfiorhetcn

I (you measurc / tyre pressure gauge) You meażure air pressure in p6i with atyre presaure qauqe.(is used / kilopascals)O/ou use / distance)(scales / measure)Orou measure / Watts)O/ou use / stop watch)(measures / speed)(is used / height above sea level)o/ou m€asure / beats per second)

Complete the details about car service intervals with words from the box.

after always every intervals less lfian over

lf the annual kilometrage (the distance travelled in ayear in kilometres)is (l) less lńan 15,000' an oi| cha!8e service should be carried out at(2) - of 12 months.An Insp€ctlon service (3) - includes an oil change Service'll the annua| Hlometrage is (4) - 30,000, the losp€cdon s€rvlc€must be carried out (5) - 30,000 km, and not after l2 months.A brake fluld change is required (6) - 24 months.

Read the schedule for servicing petrol engine vehicles. Underline theright verbs.

OilChang6 Servlce1 oi| flter |ubńcated / r€newed.2 Engin€ oi| changed / ircpected.3 Brake pad thickness r€newed / checked.Inspection s€rvic€ (|n aC|dition)4 Doorch6ck stmps c|gan€d /|ubricat6d.5 E\haust system inspected / cleaned.6 Coolant in radiator topped up /

In addltlon (every 30,000 km)7 V-belt checked and torsioned / loosened

In addltlon (every 60,000 km)8 spark p|ugs tight€n€d /renewed'9 Air fllter renewed / topped up.

1 0 Air li|t€r housing c|eaned / rep|ac€d.

lltt'',;u @

Page 46: Technical English 2 Workbook

2 Sensors

1 EE Not" th" -swers to these questions about car safety tests.I How safe were the cars in 1997?2 What safety features did they have in 1997?3 What do you mean by'marginal'?4 Is onestar better or worse than five-star?5 Are cars safer novr' than they used to be?

EEE Listen to three parts ol an interview about car salety. Fill inthe tables.

2007 Number of sma|| car mode|s test€d: a

Mode|swith front' side ancl head aińags:

Mode|s with dńv€r's aińag on|y:

Models with three-star safety rating:

Models with fourstar safety raling:

Models with five-star safety ratangl

3 Write noun combinations for the phrases.

1 forces that squeeze one side of a material and stretch the other Óendtng


forces that squeeze or press togetherforces that stretch or pull apartforces Lhat twistforces that slide in oDDosite directions

a crash test of a healy goods vehicle

a dummy used for testing the impact of a crash from the side

1997 Airbags

Mod6l None orlver's Safely ratlng (circle)

1 Hydra poor / marginal/ accoptable / good

2 Lindos poor/ maĘina|/ acc€ptab|e / good

3 poor/ marginal/ acceptable/ good

Syros poor / marginal /acceptable / good

2000 Airbegs

Mod€| None Driver's Dual safety ratlng (chcle)



3 Malaga


8 a sensor which measures acceleration in a sinqle direction


Page 47: Technical English 2 Workbook

3 Positioning'| Read the text. Choose the best words/phrases for the gaps.

What fu a lidar speed gun?Lidar stands for.light d€tection and ranging'. A lidal speedgun sends out a very short burst of infrared laser light. It isused by the police to calculate speeds.How do€g the lidał system work?Light from the gun travels at (l) - 300 million metresper second and is reflected back to the speed gun by thevehicle. The gun calculates the time talen for the return tripol the signal and divides it in two. (2) -, it can calculateits distance from the car.How does the speed gun calculate the speed of anapproaching vehicle?Because the speed gun tal(es (3) - 1,000 sarnples persecond, it can compare the change in distance between thesamples and (4) - calculate the speed of the vehicle.How accurate is the lidar system?Since it takes (5) 300 measurements in a third ofa second. the measurement of a vehicle's speed is veryaccurate. (6) , the cone of |ight that comes from th€speed gun is very narrow Even at a range of 300 metres, thecone of light is no more than I metrc in diameter.(O -, a specific vehicle can be targeted by the policefrom long range.

I a) nearly b) exact c) approximate2 a) In other words b) In addition c) For example3 a) in addition b) for instance c) more than4 a) more than b)inthisway c) nearly5 a) just over b) for example c) in addition6 a) However b) In addition c) In otherwords7 a) In this way b) That is c) For instance

Replace the phrases using the word(s) in brackets,An airport radar control system sends out a burst ol high-frequency radiowaves, which lasts less than a microsecond. The radar system then turns offits transmitter. turns on its receiver and listens for an echo. For each aircraftin the area, the Air Traffic Controller can monitor:

their location (wh€re ) uhere they aretheir altitude above sea |evel oow) ńoD ltlgłttheir air speed Oow tast / fly)their rate of descent (how fast / descend)their rate of ascent (fast / ascend)their separation distance from other aircralt (how far apart)

their flight path (which direction / fly)




their distance from the airport (how far away)

Page 48: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list




false start


heań rate monitor

heart beat



tennis ballseryice










Global PositioningsFtem (GPs)


lidar systern


nautical mile






iust under








in adclition

that isapplv



Complete these descriptions using words from the Word list.I An altimeter measures ollilude in metres above

measures the ak pressure in units calledIt

2 A GPS system calculates your posit;on, or in other words yourI[ measures the - times from at least three

which the Earth at an of 11,000

3 A radar gun at tennis compet;t;ons uses the -

as the tennis bal l From this i t calculates the speed of the


The radar gun is pointed at the tennis player and takes many readings

A radar system can planes in flight as they theairport. The transmits a short ofhigh{requcncl radio uaves. When lhe signal is - back to thereceiveĘ the system can measure the speed of the plane andits distance from the airport.

Page 49: Technical English 2 Workbook

l Properties

Choose the riSht test from the box. Make sentences, using the past tense andthe given words.

compresslve-strength /drop/ elasticity/frame/ impact-rEsistance/ heat-rsslstance / tensile strength







aim / see / forks / bend / when / struckwith forceThe ajm of t'he frame teżt waż to 6ee,yhether the fÓrk. waD]d bena Whenthey were struck ,vith force.purpose / find out / material / delorm or break / when / pulled apart

aim / discover / material / bend or break /when / hammercd with force

objective / find out / material / crack or deform / when / compressed

purpos€ / discover / mate als / break/ when / stretched

aim / find out / material / deform or melt / when / heated to 120 degreescelŚius

7 obiective / see / laptops / crack / when / dropped from a height ol 60 cm

2 Complete the crossword.You can't scratch or Ćut it. It's -.You can bend it and it doesn't break. It'sYou can form it into a new shape, which itkeeps. It's -.Opposite of hard.You can't bend it. It's -.After you delorm it, it returns to its originalshape. It's -.It doesn't deform or break when you compressit. lt's strong in -.h breaks if you strike or drop it. lt s -.It doesn't stretch or break when you pull it. It'sstrong in -.It doesn't breakwhen you drop or strike it. lt's







l3Vertical word: It doesn't burn or deform when youheat it. lt's -.

Opposite of strong.It doesn't break or deform when you twist it.Ithas - strength.It doesn't deform or break when you pull itapart. lt has strength.

Page 50: Technical English 2 Workbook

2 Resistance

1 EE Undertine the stressed syllables. Then listen and check.

3 por ta ble6 un mo vea ble9 com bus ti ble

l0 cor ro sion

2 !Ę Listen to four radio adverts. Tick the product descriptions.

EE Choose signpost phrases from the box lor a presentation about flooddefences. Then listen and check.

1 b!ęąL a ble4 re sis tant7 un bend a ble

2 in au di ble5 e las tic8 wa ter proof

a) My objective in this talk has been tob) As you can see in this photoc) Let's move on tod) The main aim oI this presentation is toe) That b.ings me to

I'd like to finish bythe ne).1 graph indicates thatAs shown on the first graphI'd like to start by




I dlgitalcamera 3 home safe 4 blker's helmet


Phrase Presenlation noles

1 nLrLr:. atv'Z!r.. 4 n.!^tv.q + e\atiLŁtl|. f

2 i a ' i , ' Le r { f , I 1

) :j) - 4 Ś1|/theał Lńt'V'c

3 'ł.i'Ś h,Lh: ai k.iNe| 1\ąfu:. | '|'.|d .ali f,t.d d.itL.... Ar,,r r.Ldav., - t+ ti.r baLEe

ń,w.e. ż., t I i"|. hLa. - +|.l.1 |,tr|e| bu!t'. i.

19 - cat.., - + Śnn|cn.d |etnEL.D^.|et.

d t a - o

6 :...1 ]iżc,.' | +Ln rrŁO,|.t1 ,'|/.u^t nŚ. xi <> _ 3! .r,t1 t+ t!/rr ..1

7 111 ! 21 . . ' . . ' n 'e r . | . ŚŁ | | -ą|Ł| ,2 ! = Ee l<_ h, 4tt cl t.L.-u.!



Listen again and complete the presentation notes in Exercise 3


Page 51: Technical English 2 Workbook

3 Results

I Choose the right words/phrases oi cause and effect.

Answer the questions.

I What causes global warming:2 When did the increase in carbon emissions start?:] Are the icecaps melting faster or slower than forecast?4 What name is given to the water that comes from nrelting snow and ice?5 Why does water absorb more heat than ice?6 How do large icecaps act against global warming?7 Witl sea levels rise more or less than the earlier iorecast?8 What three kinds ol energy can be produced in Africa. Europe and lceland?

Use verbs from the box in their right {orm to complete the tefi.

f|atten harden harden heat |engthen sharpen sharpen shaĘen soften

How slvords are madeFirst a piece oI steel is (1) heatea anć,furnace. The steel becomes red hot atCels ius and orange at just under 1.0{X)

(2) l n aabout 650 to 820 degreesdegrees Celsius.

the basiĆ sword shape'Next, the piece of steel is (t i)the sword tip.Final ly. before the grinding and polishing stage, the blade must be

After the piece ol steel is (:l)

(8) . After the blade is (9)

i t isby hammering into

t one end to create

it must

(4) ar)d (5)

annealed, or (7) , so that it is easier to

be (10) again. It is therefore placed in a hot saltbath lor a period of t ime. At the end of th;s stage, it is put in a quenchtank, which cools the blade rapidly and also

G|obal warming wi|l happen Ihst€r

Incrcard carbon .missions since 1850 hr\e raised th. percentagc oi CO. in th. arrnosphcrc. $hicb ( 1 ) .r/rif\ / '1,-vr/rigIob.1 \'amrin!' The forcst fireŚ in Asi,r. ELlrop. lnd lhf USA in ]{)()7 increased crrbon elllisŚ|()n\ fuńhel' (]) so,/,.1JatnroŚpheric telIpcftllules risc. lhi5 is cal|sin.! the ice 'll the poles l(l |lreIt mlch 1.|\let thalr sc once lhought

\\'Ć no$ underslttnd hoN and s hr icecaps llrch so fisl. (.] ) {J / łl.'1,,ł,i' meh$llcr runs do\ n lo the basc of lheicecapŚ. pans ol llren slip lnd] inlo thc sea aS iceberls Pools oi$alerlbmr o lhe surflcc' (1l s''..,/s) lhismakest|r. i.e darkcr. (5) il //'"|.ńł,,/ Jo absorbs nrore hc!t' This is alre, y hlppcnin! i|r GrcĆnllnd llnd \'est Ant.rctica'

(6) '\il(. /,.łl a ł1l1l of thcsc chaogcs. lhc icecips ś i|| n]el( l.aŚer lhxn e\peclcd' The ń\ins se.l lć\cl u iIl (7) 1"nd /'1'sll/l in dro\\ ning man) ()f lh. sor1d.Ś nx)sl Crosded cilies. In rddilion. lhis couU (81 1edd /'|'l! 1() much higher riscsilr 8k)bul tenpelllutc. (9) /l'.,' /}?.dłj1 lct\ heal lionr lhe sun is rc|]ccted back iIt() space by lhe |educcd icecaps'About 3'5 miIlur years ago. lelDperatures incrcNed |o 2 ] degrees łbo\c krd!)'.s leyc1' (l0)rtj d '"Jll/l,/ Tl@ei1re. se']le\el\ ro\e bv ]5 nletreŚ. \!hich i\ abovc the presenl li)recast oi 5r] cenlinelf..'

so. ho$ cln Ne rĆducc cltbon cnrissionŚ,] onc study leconrmends liD|ing lhe elc.I.ici1)' nex\ orks ofEuropc. NonhAl i ic and lce1and with h igh \() l1u3e DC ełb|es ' This w()uId pro!n|c grealer choice of rencwLlb|e polvc l ' ( l | ) AJ a'?Jł/ l / B. .dł l . . c\eł 'counlr ! 1n the nc l\\ork could ( l ] ) // l .ł ,/aJ u\Ć b} 'droc lec l l i c i ry l iom sc i rndinayid lnd ńe Alps.geothe.mal po\ er iiom l(elaud xnd e lectricit) iron ne$ \olr ther'rnrl pr^\ er planr \ in the S,rhir.i.


(11 ) i t .

Page 52: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list










tensile strength




high-rise building



single brace






inaudibrs (D





hull plate














straighten (6)


Find adjectives in the Word list that mean the opposite.I audible 2 breakable 3 combustible 4 moveable

Find verbs in the Word list that mean the opposite.6 bend 7 darken 8 narrow 9 shorten 10 soften12 weaken

5 portable

11 succeed



Page 53: Technical English 2 Workbook

Section 1'|

Read the text about sonar and tick the right columns in the table.


How sonań|) worksActive sonar sends out a burst of sound. or'ping', which travels through thewater. reflects off the target and returns to the ship.

To find out the distance to the target, the sonar system measures the timefrom transnission to reception. Since the system knows the speed of soundin wate( which is 1,500 metres per second, it can calculate the distance.To measure the bearing of ihe object. i .e. in which direction it is. a multi 'beam system is used. The echoes that are reflected back are processed bycomputer to locate tlre talget, bL]t cannot i(lentify it. However, in waĘ thesound ol a ping made by a submarine inrnediately shows the eDemy its owrllocation. which may be dangerous.

These days, f ishing vessels use active sonar to detect and locate f ish, sincesound waves travel diiferently through fish than through water When activesonar is used to measure the deDth of water between the vessel s transducerand the seabed, this is known as echo sounding'.

Passive sonar listens to sounds generated by the target, A computer systemhelps the operator to identify the vessel type, its distance, course aDd speed,and even the ship itself. Computer-assisted displays are similar to above-ground radar displays.

Passive sonar has several advantages. It is silent. 1t has a grealer rangethan active sonar' It allows the uset to ;dentify the target' HoweveĘ it requiresexpensive equipment and is more costly than an active sonar system.' i sonar - sound navigation and ranging

1 T.ansmits and receives signals

2 Receives signals only

3 Used to find oui distance to target and its b€aring

Used to identify a vessel

5 Used for fishing and measuńng the depth of the water

6 More expensive, but works at longer distances

1 Noisier, and more dangemus to use in a war


Page 54: Technical English 2 Workbook

Section 2

Match the words with their definitions.break breaking point clamp crack deform secure withstand yieldpornrI to change shape /dform2 the point where a material breaks3 to resist -4 the point where a material deforms _5 to separate into two or more pieces -6 to hold firmly7 to break so that surface tines appear -8 a tool for holding something firmly -

2 Complete the engineer's report with verbs from the box and should'

|engthen straighten strength€n widen

Road improvements are recommended for thisaccident 'black spot'.The road is too narrow and has sharp corners. Itshould be - and -

3 The side wallsenough. They

on the bridge are not strong

4 The approach roads on both sides aretoo short and steep. Therefore they

3 Match the cause and effect. Then combine the sentences usins the word/phrase in brackets.Examp|e| | The ou cable1 Were taken oul'' and new Wirinq v/a6 ihÓtalled la7t year'

and a9 a re,u]tthe number af e]ecLriÓal acc|ć1eftt'g ha7 fallen t'o zera'

4 Underl ine the stressed syl lables.

1 The old cables were taken out, and new wiring a) The air-sea rescue team were able towas installed last year (and as a result) locate its position very quickly.

2 Concrete horizontal decks were placed under the b) The company will start to manufacturefloors five years ago. (and so) the sports car early next year

3 All our diesel engines were replaced two years c) We have decided to use titanium insteadago with hydrogen engines. (As a result) of aluminium.

4 The frame of the new bike has failed the d) The number ol electrical accidents hascompression and rigidity tests. (Iherefore) fallen to zero.

5 The captain of the damaged sailing boat had a e) The building resisted yesterday'sGPS system on board. (Since) earthquake at 8.4 on the Richter scale.

6 The crash-testing ol the new model was f) Carbon emissions in the city have gone100 percent successtul. (As) down by over 50 percent-

de larD f lex i b i l i ty

ń q.d ri gi di ty


Page 55: Technical English 2 Workbook

1 Working robots

1 Complete the text with words from the Dox.

compressed danggrous di'ferent e|€chic mechanica| mobi|e Bmotor€p€at€d spec|fic

Robots are machines that are guided by (1) mechanicaland elecl.)"onicmeans. They carry out functions lhat may be (2) heavyłuty'unhealthy, or ones that are (3) many timeś. Robots run on

ait, sensorc and computer(4) motors, (5)systems. Some are fixed, and otheas are (6)

Some robots arc operated by (7) control, as in undersea orspace €xp|oration. other robots are set up to do their tasks by a.teach.and-repeat'method. For example, an operator teaches a robot a (8)iob by moving the robot's arm through the (9) posit ions. Thepositioning data is recorded and stored in the robot's computer memory.

2 Write the headings above the six texts aboutworking robots.a) Painting b) Handling c) Welding(r)d) Palletisinśł e) Finishing D cutting'u joiningtwo pieces of metaltogethert,) placing heary things on a large wooden frame for storage

Car assembly plants have used robotsfor many years as this process producesdangerous fumes and bright lights. Robotarms have to carry a weld gun that can weighover 100 kg.

This was an early application of robots, as theprocess produces harmful, flammable lumesas thp paint evaporates. The robots havequite thin arms as they don't have to carrymuch weight.

3Robots are a good choice as the process caninvolve dangerous technologies. The robotholds either the part or the cutting tool.

4With a six-axis robot. you can finish parts ina1l kinds of materials. The robot holds eitherthe part or the tool. You can also use a mult!DurDose tool at the end of the robot arm

Robots have the power and speed for thiskind of job. They can move car parts, eggs,chocolates, bottles of drinks, and loads up tol20 Ę. They can perform at rates of l50 picksper minute.

As an example, a robot picks up bags ofcement and places them on a pallet. lt countsthe bags and knows where the next one mustbe placed. Simpler four- or liveaxis robotscan be used, e.g. lor palletising foods orbuilding materials.

Page 56: Technical English 2 Workbook

2 Eco-friendly planes-l

Complete the text with words from the box.

drag engines engines friction gravity lift lift pressure thrust thrustweight wing wing

During flight, air flows over the toP of the cuNed (1) ''iłr4 faster and with lesspressure than the air flowing under the wing. The greater (2) - ofthe afu under the wing creates (3) If the lift is greater than theearth's (4) the plane will fly. Moveable slats at the lront of the(5) -, and moveable flaps at the rear and underside increase thewing surface area at take'off and landing. In this way, they increase the(6) - force at slow speeds.

Drag is caused by (7) as the plane moves through the air(8) slows the plane. To keep the plane moving forwards, the planeuses propellers or jet engines- These turboprop or turbojet (9) -provide (10) -, which pushes the plane forwards.

In a gl ider, there are no (l l) which push the air backwards.In other words, there is no lorwards (12) Lift is provided by airpassing over its wings. It also uses a rising current of warm air (thermal) tohelp it ascend- If the l i ft is less than the (13) - of the gl ider, theglider wil l lose alt itude.

Read the text about an eco-friendly plane. Complete the table with YES/NO'.

The design brief for the Fl I came from a need for a small bus ness arrcraft. Bythe 1990s, business travel in ELrrope had serious problems. Bus ness lets weretoo expens ve. They needed long runways. so they could only u5e the maina rports. Because blsiness peop e had to take sched! ed f ghts, they wasted aot of t me' First, they had to trave] to a ma]or airpoń. Then there Were freqlentde avs at the airDort and tn the a r

A survey showed that 97 percent of business people travel only in groups ofl-3, so clearly there wds a need for a sma a r tax . lt a so showed that therewere 5,000 srnallairf ields n the US and 2,000 n Europe. ln additron,90 percentot the popu at on n the USA and the tlK I ve wrth n a 20 mrnLrte drive of the rtoca a r00n.

The pfoposed a rcraft had to f ly slowly enouqh to and on sma .irf elds, buttast enough to compete w th arrlnes (650 kph). The so utron was a six-seateraircra{t, with a turboprop engine, s nce sa{ety fules now aLowed passengerrircraft to have a single engine. Over 300 winq desiqns were examined beforedeve oping one with redLrced drag and lower fue consumpt on

Comparative survey results business iet air l ine lurboprop laxi

Point-to-point travel (near client's base) NO

De|ays when using major airpońs


Page 57: Technical English 2 Workbook

3 Free.flying sails

1 Et You *" going to llsten to a talk about a catamarai ferry. Put thesignpost phnses from the box in the corr€ct place in the table. Then listenand check.

a) Let's talk about performance data.b) I'd like to start by asking you a question.c) I d l ike to move on to the dimensions.d) I'd like to finish by showing you this graph.e) Now let's look at the load.

Finally, I should mention some disadvantages.That brings me to the design.The aim of this talk is to ...So, was there a problem with the design?Lefs turn to some of the advantages.




Phras€ Ples€ntet|on noteŚ

h Ąi] : e la\-i.ńe cĘ\eL.! r.tlŁ,'h |r.4h|/!l iet |.LE a^c fu.kLti' huL! fe| | LE

2 .:||! / : H..,'' .,.d |Ś |h. .'.!1/Ę| e,' ,Ę::2^, F,'r.. L(!j i ! !l.żł !/

3 = I , f r ' r . L . L . f L r t . t _ i r ' t , , I ;

ą! +'.}'t.| !)| e,' |2\ !! ,|Ł 3w ż|. '



7 4..Aą|.c! data' tt.>s !.;oa: !^ Ś, 'icŁ Ś|,d'

I Pt!b!| , |'1,telLat 'śed +,r th'


10 .n,ah'..c^Lto|,] f'.et ŁaŚŁ. |/\ e Łar.'Ńi'! | r I u^ 1

kn:4' Etct taŚ.. .!/1,L^ .'


Listen again and lill in the gaps in the notes in Exercise l.

Match the nouns in the box with nouns of the same meaning.

dm bńef c||6nt comoonents data d|monsions drawback issueop€r.tion Śignpoś


parts 6789


workingdisadvantage measurcmen$facts ques onobjectivecustomer


Page 58: Technical English 2 Workbook


4 Word list





p3 ticipant












design brief





gre€nhousg gas

jet turbine



noiso l6v6l















cru|s€ contro|


di€3€| oiI



|iving quańers


moońng bit



gtainless steel


tractlon kite


usB conn€ctor

UsB docking poń














Complete the sentences with verbs from the Woad list.I We should - a survey.2 The design must be3 They need to - noise levels.4 - the cable lrom the mooring bit now5 A long wingspan should - l i ft.6 Planes - greenhouse gases.7 Ships - a lot ol diesel oil.8 l l l now - some advanLages.


Page 59: Technical English 2 Workbook

ilra1 Zero emission

Add the headings in the box to the sections. Then underline the right verbs tocomplete the press release about a hybrid car.

Advantageś componentś Need Prob|ems so|ution Techno|ogy

l Need. Greenhouse gas emissionś, e.g. co, and nitrous oxide' must be(|) reduced / imProaed to avoid global warming. Petro| engiDes (2) aÓsorÓ,/ Ćonsume too much fossil fuel.

Electric-only vehicfes calrbe (3) used / generote4 but theirbatteries a-re too heavy and their range is too limited.

Hybrid cars (4) p'"opose / combine a petrol engine and anelectric motor into one system. The motor (5) pertoffis / proDideshightorque in the low rpm range, while the engine (6) deliuers / prcpels extrapower at the higher rpm range.

The hybrid car is (o Óased / soloed on Lwotechnolo$es, thegas/petrol engine, and the electlic motoĘ with generator and battery'

Hybrids (8) u,l.,ńs.ondl emŻ less co, than petro| vehicles.The engine can (9) run / tansmit on gas, petrol or bio-fuel. The battery(|0) rechą|Ees / generales itself, so no extra electrica| cables are needed.

The battery is (11) srspended / positioned between thetwo rear wheefs. The generator and inverter/converter arc (12) Iocated/ mounted beneath Ihe floor and prcvide power for the electlic motor.They also recharge the batterywhen required. The petrol engine and theeiectric motor are (13) Iocated / mounted onto th€ chassis. The power splitdevice is placed next to the engine. This transfers part of the power(14) consumed / produced by the engine to daive the wheels, and the restto the generator, either to (15) rccharge / maxlmise the battery or to(16) pouer / increase Lhe electric motor.

2 tabel the diasram with words from the box,



reduction gear

Page 60: Technical English 2 Workbook

2 Technological change' I

Wri le lhe words phrases in lhe box on the r ighl l ines.

abacus boiler compass crtme crank and rod hydrauliciackpul|eyand belt robot sp€ctac|es wedge wind fuńine windm;||

I Tools: dbacue2 Simple machines:3 HeaW machine tools

Match words from Exercise I with these definitions.1 a machine that can use tools and is controlled by a computer r'bÓ'2 a machine that turns in the wind and generates electricity, or grinds corn

4 Sellrunningmachines:

3 a machine lhaL is used lo provide heating or hot waler

11 a piece of wood or metal with one thick edge and one pointed edge

4 a rod attached to a wheel which rotates when the rod moves backwardsand forwards -

5 a frame with two lenses worn over the eyes to help you see -6 a large tall machine used by builders for lifting very hea\y things

7 a hand-held device used lor calculating8 an instrument that shows directions and the north pointI a machine that turns in the wind and generates electricity -

10 a machine with a wheel over whjch a belt, rope or chain passes

12 a tool for lifting a heary weight olf the ground and supporting it in the air

3 Write a paragraph about a waterwheel, using the guide words.earliest - waterwheel - made - Grcece- 2,000 years ago / made - wood /consisted - horizontal wheel - rotated -when - stream of water - hit - paddles /force - water - made - wheel - attachedaxle - rotate /axle - attached - waterwheel - one endcircular millstone - other /

millstone - rotated - grind - corn - flour/ Later - vertical waterwheels - used /These - could - built - greater size - withgreater power /

Example: The earliest bąteruheel uasmade in Grcece 2,000 yea,s ago.

59 :

Page 61: Technical English 2 Workbook

3 Vehicle safety

ElE L|sten to the interview betwe€n a Tv 'ounalist and a cal safetyexpert. Delete any questions on the list that the journalist doesn't ask.

Question3 about tyre s€n3oBI name of invention:

ol inventor:on or purpose:

5 technology / principle:6 main parts / featuresr

2 name3 functi4 needl

7 location of parts:8 operation / how they work:9 advantages:

10 disadvantages:

Listen to the interview again. Note the main points of the expert's answers inthe checklist.

Complete the sentences about the functions of sensors with verbs fromthe box.

activat€ a|low contain delect ensuE give prevent provide repoń 59nd

l current vehicles Óontaln 50-100 sensors and this numb€r is continua||ygrowing.

2 These sensors -vehicles to listen and react to the environmentaround them.

3 Electronic sensors - that new vehicles a-re the safest cars onthe road.

4 Quick-reaction crash sensors - the airbags and the tension onthe seatbelt.

5 Outside temperature sensors - a signal vrhen there is a risk of ice.6 Engine management system sensors - information on exhaust

gas quality.7 Seat occupancy detectors - the passenger seat airbags from

opening in the event of an accident if th€ seat is empty or if a child's seatis fitted.

8 Acceleration sensors - if the vehicle is lifting off its vertical axisand if it needs to apply the brakes to one, two or three tvheels.

I Height sensors - approaching vehicles and automatically adjustthe headlamps to prevent oncoming drivers from being blinded.

l0 When combined with the Global Positioning System (GPS), sensors- the driver his or her location.

l l*

Page 62: Technical English 2 Workbook

4 Word list





fu€l ce||

luggage spac6

nrtrous oxide







balancs scalos





magngllc polg




pu ey





clank and rod


pulley ancl bolt

rack and pinion



drlll bit

dń|| string

libre-optic cable




percussion dń||ing












1 Find words from the Word list that mean the oDoosite.I decelerate2 grip3 handrrafted4 hea!ryweight5 input6 lose


7 pollution

Page 63: Technical English 2 Workbook

Section 1

Complete the dialogue about using SAI NAV (satellite navigation) for carjourneys.

advantageŚ cou|d cou|d dlś€dvantages dńwbacks improve shou|d strengthsuggest suggest weakness would

A: So what are the m ain (I) advantaqes ol lsing SAT NAV?B: Well, its main (2) - is that you can listen to the directions if you

are travelling alone.A: So would you say it has any (3) - or (4) ?B: Yes, its main (5) - is that SAT NAV routes don't include height

restriction details. If you are driving a high vehicle, you may end up on anarrow road with a low bridge in front ol you, where you can't turn round.It happens all the time.

A: So, how (6) -- you (Dimproved in future?

B: Well,I would (9) - that all SAT NAV routes (10)include data like low bridges and narrow roads- Meanwhile, if you aretravelling with a passenger, you (11) - ask them to mapreadfor you.

A: Really? Why not use the latest technology?B: Because it needs to be (12) . Did you hear about the results

of a recent test for three car-teams? The car that followed an Internetwebsite was s|owest, the sAT NAV team waś second fastest, and arrivedeight minutes after the winners, who were using a map!

2 Complete the description of the Hotcat catamaran with phrases from the box.

a) An important advantage ls that b) As a resu|t c) on each side oI th€o one d.sadvantago of this dąsign e) The boat pgńorms best when0 The design uses g) The Fsult is that h) Thls dEslgn makes i) This means that

(l) (t lour aluminium alloy beams to connect the twin hulls, and a trampolinefits inside the beams tensioned by a rope. The two-part aluminium and carbonfibre mast is suppoIted at the base by a cuPshaped shoe ńveted onto thecentre of the forward beam. A downhaul rcpe tensions the mainsail, and anouthaul rope flattens the bottom edge of the mainsail along the horizontalboom. (2) , the Hotcat is extremely lightweight, which reduces drag andallows for high performance speeds. (3) the upwind hull skip across thesurface of the water and reduces resistance. (4) mast, there are steelwires which support the crew's harnesses. (5) - the crew can lean out tocounterbalance the elfect ol the wird. (6) -the Hotcat can be pulled uponto the beach. (7) - sailing at right angles to the wind. lt doesn't sail sowell into the wind, or with the wind directly behind it- (8) is that thebow of the downwind hull may dip into the waves in rough seas and so theboat may tum over. (9) - , in this situation, it is impossible for a singlesailor to raise the boat back into an upright position.

that it (8) - be

Page 64: Technical English 2 Workbook

Section 2

Write the questions for an interview with an engineer about laser drilling.I (start / investigate) Whcn aid peaple firet slrart lto investiqate la6er Ari inq?

They first started to investigate laser drilling in 1997.2 (kind / lasert

They used powerful lasers from a discontinued milita-ry programme.(effect / laser beam)It splits the rock, or meltsOow / split) -.


The laser beam heats up moisture in the rock. The moisture turns to steamwhich breals the rock.

5 (split / more ellicient / melt) .Yes, it's much more efficient than melting it.

6 (energy / require)No, the same amount of enersry is used to split different kinds of rocks.

7 (what / research)we're studying multi.beams, using different beams in a singl€ ho|e.

Match the applications (l-4) and th€ descriptions (a-d) to these too|s.A pulley (4/ ) B wheel and axle ( / a)C rack and pinion ( / ) D ratchet and pawl (- / -)

1 cars€atb€łt 2 car steeńng 3 dentiśb dń|| 4 |ift/e|evator

Inside the tool, a very small turbine isdńven by compress€d ai. at spe€dsof up to 800,000 rpm. A drill shalt isattached tothetuóine at one end andto a dri|l bit at the oth€r which rotatesand cuts into the tooth.

A cab|e is attached to a car at on€ 6ndand a coufńerweigm at the oth€r end,which ba|anc€s the weight of ihe carplus the passengers. At the top of thebuilding, the cable passes over a pulleywhich is dńven by an e|ectńc motor.


c) When the s|eeńng wh66| is tuln€d' it d) Asudden stop makesthe clutch withinrotates the stoering column and thepinion attachsd atthe othorend. Thepinion moves a |ackto th€ right or |6ft'Each end of the rack movos a track rodconnected to one of th€ wh€€|s.

ths belt housing rotate. This moves apaw| which |ocks the ratchet attach€dto the beft shaft. Ths pawl prevents theratchet from turning' and |ock the b€|tin position.

3 Insert one of these phrases where possible in the text. Use each phrase once.

that are that are lhalis lhat is which ale which is which was which w€r€

The BOP ttWT is a blowout preventer developed by a team of engineers atDrilling solutions plc. A blowout preventer (BoP) is a laĘe valve fitted to thetop o{ a well. It is a device designed to prevent oil or gas in the ground fromrushing up the drill pipe. By closing this valve, usually operated by remotecontrcI, the drilling crew can regain control of the flow of oi| oI gaŚ.

The BOP uW7 contains severalnew components invented to improveoperations in underwater drllling sites. These include components designed tofit tightly around the underwater drill pipe. Othe6 include cutters fitted withhardened steel shearing surfaces that can cut through the drill pipe in a severcblowout. Drilling Solutions recommends that all BOPS are inspected and testedat regular intervals agreed by the local Salety Officer.

Page 65: Technical English 2 Workbook

B: Il's quile simple. First you fix it firmly onto the wall Unit 2 Work

i:f ".::::1.i'lJi:i:llJ:"dfi .':ii:l'lł:lll:"ń--

Unit l Acdon

@Dlalogue IA: How do you start this?B: First you fill it with fuel and connect this cable

here' Then you start the motor by pr€ssing this

Dialogue 2A: How does this work?

a power supply inside the house.Ar So, how does it work?B: A person coming near the house tlrrns on the li8ht

by activating the motion sensor.

Dialogu€ 3A: Can you tell me how to use this?B| sure. First you need to chaĘe the battery and

insert the card here. Then you switch it on bypressing this button. Then take the photograph.

Dia.lĘEe 4A: How does the driver start it?B: Theysit in the seat and checkthat the gear lever is

in the .P' positlon. That means .Parked'. Th€n thedriv€r starts th€ engine byturning the key in the

A: And how do th€ydrive oII?B: The driv€r presses the brake pedaland moves the

gear lever to the 'D position. That means'Drive.

Dialogue 5A: How do you use thiŚ?B: Easyl Plug the adapter into the wall socket and

switch on the electricity supply. Then, plugyourmobile into the lead that comes out of the adapter

Dialogue 6A: So how does this system work?Br The store protects hiSh-value goods by attaching a

magnetic strlp to them. lvhen the goods are sold,the sales percon deactivates the st.ips by passingthem over a scanner. A thief will activate the alarmby carrying unso|d goods b€tween the transmitterand receiver when he leaves the shop. The still-active tag s€ts oII the alarm.

@I You start the motor by pressing this button.2 A person comlng near the house turns on the llght

byactivating the motion sensor in the light.3 You switch it on by pressing this button.

The driver starts the engine by turning the key inthe lock.You have staited the charging process by pluggingin th€ adaptel and switching it on.The store protects goods by attaching a magneticstrip to them.The sales person deactivates the strips by passingtiem over a scannetAthief will activate the alarm by carring unsoldgoods between the transmitter and receiv€.

[| = Interńewer;L = Laura V€rdi]l: I've read through your CVL: There are a Iew changes since I sent it to you. | 8ot

married last month so I've changed my sumame.


L:t :

I lL:I:


So it's not Laura Mutl but ...?Laura Verdi. That's V-E-R-DJ.Righ! I ve got that. And you ve applied for the postol Computer Technician-Yes, but I see lrom your website that you are alsoadvertising for a SupervisorThatt correct. Do you want to applylor the post ofSupervisor too?

Verywell' we,l1talk about that job in a minut€.when €xactly did you start your job at Wiggins?In January 2004. So I've been there loul years now.And you say that you do computer upgradessuch as installinS new software, installing memorycards, ant-virus systems and so on.Yes, but in addition,l now do site visits. I visitsome of our bigger cllents' offices.I upgrade thecomputer systemś in theil offices.So is that more responsibility and more pay?Yeś, thatl right' But they stil| call me.computerTechnician'.And why do you want to leaveWiggins?It's too far to travel. I'd preler to work in Swindon,where I.m |jving nov|' By the \łay, wiggins recent|ychanged its name It s now cal led'SuperLink.



That's SU-P-E-R-LI-N-K.

@I Do you want to apply for that post too?2 When exactly did you start your iob at Wiggins?3 so is that mor€ responsibi|ity and mor€ pay?4 Why doyou want to leave Wggins?

@,l 1st syllable str€ssed: engine, mechanism, operator,


Page 66: Technical English 2 Workbook

2 2nd syl1able str€ssed: electrical' electron.m€chanical, technician'

3 3rd syllable stressedr electrician, electricity.engineet occupation,

Unil 3 ComparlBon

@I The nearest star that can be seen with the

na}ed eye;s ca|l€d Alpha centauri' lt.s 4'36lightyears away and can be se€n from !h€ southernh€misphere' Howeve( the nearest star to Earth is4.24 light years away. lts name is Proxima Centauriand it is so laint that you cannot see it with the

2 The deep€st part in the world's oc€ans is in th€Pacilic Ocean, at a place called the MarianasTr€nch. AJapanese ship sent down an unmannedprobe to the bottom ol the ocean there. to a depthoI l0 '9l1 metr € s '

3 The Mohs sca]€ oI minera] hardness was created ranges from ta1c, which is numberone onthescale, to diamond which is number ten. Silveris between2.5 and 3.lron is between four and five.Glass iś betlYeen sixand seven' sosi]ver is thesoftestof the three materials and glass is the hardest.

4 The most common ot th€se thre€ gases in theatmosphere is nitrogen. Alter that cornes oxygen.Hydrogen is less common than oxygen and is the|eaśt common of these thre€ gases.

5 So lar the hottest temperature recorded on Earthwas at a place called AlAzizyan in Libya. Thetemperature reached a record 58" Celsius.

6 The coldest t€mperature ever recorded on Earthwas in 1983. A temperature ol-89'Cels ius wasr€corded at a place called vostok in Antarctica'

EE1 The nearest star lńdt con be seen uilh lhe naked eye

is call €d Alpha centauri'|I's 1'36lĘhtyearc auayand can be seen from the southern hemisphere.

2 A Jdpanere ship sent down an unmonned probe tothe deepest point on the seabed at a place calledthe Marianas Tr€nch in the Pocific ocean,

3 The Mohs scale oI mineral hardn€ss was oeoted in/812.It ranges lrom talc, which is nrmberone onthe scale, to diamond, which is nzmberten. Silveris lhe so,tes. o1the three materialŚ and glass is tń€

|t.s Novemb€r 200? and I've just mad€ the journey.rom Paris to London' It took m€ only two hoursand fifteen minut€s' How last do the trains go?Eurostar trains can now travel at a speed of up to298 kph.Thats faster than it used to be.Y€s' when the channe| Tunnel opened in 1994.trains on lhe EnBl ish s ide had lo use lhp eisr ingrail link Folkestone to Waterloo. The journeytime then between London and Paris was two hoursand minutes. Things sp€eded up a bit in2003, when Stage i of the High.Speed Link op€ned'So how long has Stage 2 of the project taken?|t.ś taken over l l years' Engineers have workedfor more than 100 miUion hours. building over60 kilornetres oftunnels. The twin-bore tunnels- that s two tunnels running side by side passunder seven miles ol surface railwaytrack.And you used a tunnel dritl like the one in thisphoto.ln fact w€ used sev€n of them' The ground und€rLondon and the southeast was so hard that wewore out six of them.That must have been exp€nsive'Y€s' at a cost of sl0 million each, that mealrs wespent S70 miuion on tunneldr i l ls.I think I now understand the sire of the project.Good!Between Folkestone and London your trainhas just tfavelled through 32 kilometres of tunnel


l .D:



l :D:


l ;D:

and crossed over 150 bridges.l: Thanks lor all that inlormation.

3BI You musi bevery pleased with the successful

completion of the project.Th€ French built their high.sp€ed link l3 years agoand now we've just finished ours.Eurostar trains can now travel at a speed of up to298 kph.Th€ twin.bore tunnels pass under seven mil€s ofsurface railway track.Did you use a tunnel drill like the one in this photo?The ground under London was so hard that wewore out six of them.It means we spent 570 million on drills.

Unlt 5 Descriptiong

śB4 The mostÓmmono| these three gases in the l The |ront of the building i5 made Up oftwo very

atmośphere is nl'l'ogen. Hydrogen is /ess common 'ldn large wedges, which is unusual' |n the centre,o,łgen $l' is ihe ledst common of these three gases. betwe€n the two wedges' there is a large open

UDir 4 processeB space, which is triangular The windows in the

EE l:liTeilT*ffilin':::"i-.',1"';*::J::Il = Interviewer: D = Directorl the river.An interviewer talks to the Communications Director oftlre High-Speed Rail Link project.|| You must b€ very pleased with th€ successful

completion oI the project.D: You're right. The French built their high.sp€ed link

13 years ago and nowwe'vejust finish€d ours'

2 The windows in this building are all square orrectangulai. At the bottom ol the building aI€pointed arch€s for the €ntrances to the building'Ther€ is a singl€ larg€ balcony at the front, onthe first floor Higher up, the iront of the buildingdivides into three triangu|ar partś, with the sides

Page 67: Technical English 2 Workbook

of the triangles rising in steps. There is a smallpointed dome at the top in the centre, supportedby eight thin columns-

3 This is a rectangular town house, which fitsbetween two others. Allthe windows arerectangular, and theyall have balconies. Some olthe balconies are r€ctangularwith round€d corners'The oihers are triangular with rounded corners.

4 Some oI the windows in this buildingare rectangular.oth€rs are nr the shape oi round€d or pointedarches. Steps lead up to the main entrance, vhich isin th€ form oI three arches' The top part of the clocktoweris very thin and reaches high inio the sĘ

śEll = lntervieweriE= ExpertlPicture Dl Where is this building exactly?E: It.s in copenhagen' 'n Denmark' It was complet€d

in 1999.I: And what is it exactly?E: It's a library. It s the Royal Danish Library.I: And the name of the architect?F' The compćn) |ha' designed Ihe bu. lding is

Schmidt, Hammer and Lassen.I: schmidt. Hamm€r and . ' .?E: Lasser. I ll spell the names for you. SC-H-M-I-D-T,

HAMMER ,andL -A ' S - $EN .

Plcture Cl What about this building?E: lt's a town house in Barcelona, in Spain. It was

completed between 1898 and 1899.l And why is this house famous?E: Th€ architect was Antonicaudi'I: Could you spell that name please?E: Yes. A-N-T-O-NJ, G-A-U-N.

E: This building is a hospital in Barcelona. Or rather,part of a large hospital called Sant Pau. Thafs S AN.I P.A.U.

I: Thanks' Is th€ architect famous too?E: Oh yes. It was des'gned by the architect Montaner.

Thats M-O-N-T-A-N-E-R. It was complered in 1930.Il Thank you very much-

GETwo-dimensional ad jectives: triangular, rectangular,semi-circular, circular. square.Three-di rensional adjectives: conical, cylindrical,dome shaped, hemispherical , cubic,spherical ,

Unit 6 Procedures

EBI Go straight ahead at the crossroads.2 Turn lelt at the second set of trallic lights-3 At the roundabout, take the third exit.4 At the roundabout, go down the slip road and join

5 Come out ol the station car park and iurn left.

6 Tal(e the second turning on the right.7 You'll pass a garage on your left.8 Turn right at the T-junction.

EEDirection5 IRemembeĘ you'll be driving on ih€ l €ft. on themotorway, you ll see a slip road for Swindon BusinessPark. Dont take that one' Go on about two kilometr€sIurther and take the second slip road' That on€ is alsomarked Swindon Business Park. Follow the slip road.It ll go through an underpass under the notorway.Now, there ar€ two sets of tralfic lights along this road'Turn right at the second set-.. yes, the second set. Gostraight ahead at the roundabout. Th€n you.ll see someshops on your r;ght. Opposite the shops, you'U seeour office on the left. Turn leit and drive round to theVisitors' Car Park at the back.

Dlrectlons 2Go along the motorway. Take the first slip road on yourleft. lt'll be marked Swindon Business Park. Followthe slip road down a short hill and you ll come to aT-junction- Turn right lrere. yes right ... and go underthe bridge. This is an underpass under the motorway.Go a little further. At the first crossroads, go straightalread' Then you'll śee a park on your right. At thesecond crossroads, turn left. You'll see our office onthe corner on the left. Drive into the Visitors' Car Parkat the iront.

Unit 7 s€rvices

EIEI P=Pe t e r i C=Cus t ome r ]P: Cood morning, Customer Service. My name's Peter

How can I help you?c: Yes, good morning.l m ringing up to complain

about a DVD player I bought online from you.Oh,l'm sorry to hear that. What's the problem?]t just doesn.t work.It's never worked sinc€ I tookit out of the box.Does the LED come on ivhen you switch it on?

And can you put a DVD in?

And when you press'Play', what happens?The disk goes round, but the screen is blank.we1l,I do apolog'se for that. There must b€something wrong with the machin€. What model isthe DVD player?It s ... let me see. It's a 2086 model.And could I have your name please?Yes, my name is Antonia Rosiock. Thai sR-O-S-T-O-C-K.And do you have the order number at hand?Yes, ii s order number 396502/08.Good, l've got that. tught, Ms Rostock, can I justsummarise the problem? You.v€ told me that theDVD player that you bought online lrom us doesn twork and has never worked.Is that right?


Page 68: Technical English 2 Workbook

Cr Yes, that's right.P: Well, I can tell you that we'll replace your DVD

player You']l receive a replacement bycouri€rby the end of next week. Are you still at the sameaddress. in Liverpool?

C: Yes.P: Good. We'll collect the laulty player lrom you at the

C: That s great news.P: And we'll give you a 55 discount ofl your next

purchase,C: 6ood! I'll accept that. Thankyou.

3EICS = Custorner Service;C = CustomerlDla.logue IC5: Can I help you?c: Yes, you can. Look at my case!The suńace is bunt.

Look at that burn mark] And th€ ]ock is iamm€d'

Dlalogue 2CS: How can I help you?Cr Mycase got damaged during the flight.CSr I'm sorry to hear that. Could you show me?Cr That's not diilicultl Look, the handle is all crushed

and twisted. And the top is dented' see-ther€|And it's scratched.

Dlalo8u€ 3CS: How can I help you?Cr You ve just delivered a desk to our shovrroom,

At SRN Olfice Stores. The problem is. it's badlydamag€d' The top surlace is very badlyscratched'And the front r'ght-hand leg is bent.

Dtalogue 4CS: Can I help you?C: I've got a complaint. You've just delivered a desk

to our off i .e.It s damaged. The bottom drawer isjammed and it's dented.

B. oscillating motion is lound in machines lik€ clocksand watches. The pendulum of a clock oscillatesfrom sid€ to side' As it swings. it rocks the anchor,which advanc€s the escape wh€el by one tooth ata tim€. so the escape wheel rotates in short steps,and contro|s th€ drivingwheel and the hands o|th€ clock.

C. The pistons of diesel and petrol engines move Ina reciprocating motion. They move upwards anddownwards in the cylinders' Th€ pistons of a steamengin€ also r€ciprocate' but move horizontal|y'The blades of many cutting machin€s have ar€ciprocating actionl lor example, a hand.held saw

D' El€ctric motors provide rotary power to lots ofmachines, tools and devices. The hard-disk drlvein a computer rotat€s' other examp|es with rotarymotion include lans, outboard motors and circularsaws. A chain saw haś a band of steel teeth' whichis driven rorlnd and round by the motor.

EEl our range of pumps operat€s at pressures from 70

to 2,750 barPumps can operate to a maximum flo$'rate oi ?73litres p€r minute.Diesel units ar€ available a5 sit€ trail €rs or roadtrailers.Standard electric units can be mounted on skids or

our accessory range includes hoses. nozzles, gunŚ

Th€se allow the operator to shut off the watef jetwith their Ioot.Hoses range from 6-32 mm in diam€ter, to suit allapplications.

3ENow I m going to talk about some applications ofwaterielting in three industries. Im going to give you a lewexamp|es; of course. there ar€ many more.CS: Dented?

C: Yes. As you look at the lront ol the desk,on the left-hand edge.

Dta.logue 5

itt dented Lefs look at this lirst s|ide' the automotiv€ industry'so we're talking about tbe manufacture ofcars,lorries,buses and so on,

CS: This is EasyHire. We've got a problem with the hirecar which you returned last night.

c: oh r€al|y?cs: Yes. Th€ windscreen is cracked at the bonom

cornet on the passenger! side. And the driver!door is tammed. We can t open it.

Dialogue 6CS: Hello. This is EasyHire. We've got a problem with

the hire carwhich you returned this morning.C: Oh,I'm sorryto hear that. What's the problem?CSr One of the front sidelights is broken. And the

driver,s door is badly dented' we'lI have to r€p]ace

Utrtt 8 Ercrgy

@A. The motion ofa rocket is linear let engines Iorce

the rocket in a Śin8le forwards direction-

As one example, w€ can use water jettingto r€movepaint from machinery and conveyors. B€cause it's hardto remove paint' w€ may use pressur€s from 10'000 psiup to 40'000 psi' Y€s. that's 'ortythousand' lour.oh.Lel s look ala second Industry. theconstruct ionindustry' so the conśtruction of bui|dings' roads,bridges and so on. In this industry, we can use waterjetting lor removing concrete, or dirt, or oil lrom allkinds of vehic]es and mixer truck' we don't ne€d ahigh pressure for this; 5,000 psi will be high enough.A third industry is hjghway maintenancei so th€maintenance of roads, bridges and so on. Twoapplications h€r €: the lirŚt is the removjng oI oi|andmud lrom roads, bridges and llyov€rs' For this we usea pressure of between 5,000 and 10,000 psi. The secondapplication is for clearing blockages from drains. Forthis we need a h'gher pressure. say betw€en 10.000 and14,500 psi.


Page 69: Technical English 2 Workbook

Do you have any questions about these sampleapplications?

I]Ńt 9 Measurementll = Intervieweri T = Technic'anl

GEI I: How sale were the cars that were testecl in 1997?

Ti Cornpared wiih today, theyvere much less saie.2 I: What salety leatures d'd they have nr 1997?

T: They had vefy lew Almost none of the cars haclalrDags.

3 I: What do you mean by a 'marginal' salety rating?T: Marginal' means 'not very satis factory', or in

other words, not very good'.4 Ii ls on€.star better or worse than iive-star?

T: on+star iś the lowest safeiy ratiDg' Five star isthe highest saiety rating today.

5 I: Are cars safer now thar they used to be1T: New cars are safer now, because they are

stronger and have more saiety leatures.

śEI: How safe were the cars that you tesred in 1997?T: Compared with today, they were much less safe.

They had very lew sa{ety features. For example,almost hall of the cars didn't have airbags. Out ofthese four snall cars, one ol them didn t have anarrDag.

I: Which one s'as that?T: The Lindos had no airbag.I: What about the oiher three?T: Well, the Hydra and the Syros both had a single

airbag for tbe dr'ver. And the PŁxos had dualairbags. so better than average.

l And did it have the highest safety ratinglT: No, in lact it didnt. The Pa,xos was rated 'acceprable'.

The Syros was rated'good'. The Hydra was rated'marginal'and the Lindos was rated poori

GBI: Tell me about the results lor 2000.T: As you can see, they were still selling a lew cars

without airbags. So the Lorca, Ior exampie, had no

improved so much. All but two oi the cars ihat wetested got a five-star rating. The two models thatdidn't get five stars lrad a four,star ratirg. And allthe cars had airbags.

l Al1 ol them?T: Yes. all eight oI them. One of the carc had only one

airbag for the driver.l: I see. And the other seven?T: T' ,pv dl l had fronr. srda d-d hFad r:rbJgs.

Unit 10 Forces

GE1 ]xęał a ble2 in au di ble3 po! ta ble4 re !!! tant5 e ]ąg tic6 un q) vea blei un be!śLa ble8 ]gą ier proolI coln Dls ti blel0 cor Iq sion

EEI The digitalcamera fits easily into your hand ard

weighs only 125 grams- It $ithstands corros'on andshould last for years.

2 TIre diver's watch is lor specialist divers and iswaIe'p'ÓÓf Up lo 60 melrps' It 's aIso !er\ lougnand won t break. Corrosion? Not a problem. Justrinse the waich after diving irr salt water

3 If you wani to keep your documents and valuablessafe at home, why not get a hone safe from ourrange? Each model is very strong and very hea\ burglars rvoD t be able to carry it out of yourhouse.It also protects the contents iroln fire andheat and resists corrosion.

4 We sell a large range ol helmets for cyclists andbikers. Our bikers'helmets are very strong. Theydon't burn, ihey don t break and they withstand

śETbe main ailn oi this presentation is to discuss thedanger to London of flooding. and to examine th€causes. \Ve'lla1so examine the iopic of flood delences.I d like to stat by llsiing three main causes of possiblefloodins: (1) the rise in sea levels; (2) the combinationoI high tidcs ancl surge tides coming from the north-east; (3) thc sinking oI southeast Lngland.Let's move on to llood delences. In the 197{ls. the banksol ihe River Thanes below London were raised bytwonetres. About 32 kilometres ol flood delences $ereimproved in this r!ay. Above London, approximately80 kilonetres oi river banks were raised.Thal br 'nqs Ine to lhe Thrmps Bdr ' re ' . a \ ' g-moveable flood barrier that was bullt in the 1970s.As you can see in this photo, the barrier consists oIten moveable gates. which are pivoted and supportedbetween these concrete piers. When closed, the barrier

l :T:

I iT:


arrDag.And what about the other threelThe Pamplona and the Malaga both had dual airbags.The Zamorajust had one driver's airbag.Whai about their salety raiings? Were they betterthan in 1997?Yes, generally. As you can see, we changed to a starrating, with one-star the lowest and iour-star thehighest safeiy rating.And clid anyof these Iour cars get a iour-star ratinglYes, the Malaga had a fou. star rating and thePamplona had three stars. The Zamora had twostars and th€ Lolca had a one star rating'

śBl Tell me about the results lor 2007.T: Well, by 2007 a five-star rating had become the

highest rating because safety standards had


Page 70: Technical English 2 Workbook

can withstand a pressuIe of 9,000 tonnes. The probl€m,how€v€r, is that this barrier will not b€ enough toprevent future flooding, because sea levels are rising.As shown on the first graph, in 2001 an IPCC reportpredictecl an annual rise of less than 2 mm. Thlslorecast a rise ofjust ove| 40 cm in sea lev€ls bythe€nd ol th€ twentyjirst century.However' th€ next graph indicat€s that sea levels arerising laster than we €xpect€d. Between l993 and 2006,sea levels rose by 3.3 mm per year on average. Thiswou|d result in a rise ol nearly 90 cm byth€ end ofthe century.Myobjective in this talk has been to list the factorsthat could cause flooding' to examin€ the possibleeffects, and to discuss methods oi ilood prevention.I'd |ike to Iinish by showing you this map of the aJ€asof London that will be below sea level by the year 2100.Ir we do nothing. a]l thes€ areas wi1lflood'

Unit ll D€'ign

śBCood morning everyone.The aim of this talk is to examine the differ€nce betwe€nmonohu|l lerri €s and mu|tihull lerries, or catamarans.|.d like to start by askjng you a qu€stion. How o|d is thecatamaran design? The answer is that it was probably firstused by lishermen in southem lndia about 1.500 yearsago. Later the design spread through southeast Asia-And that brings m€ to the design ol th€ catamaran. Ithas two hulls, which are joined tog€th€r by a fram€.In the West, people have built sportingand commercialcatamarans for the past 100years. And now th€y arealso used as very large lerries, like the one on this slide.Each of the two hu]ls ls power€d by one englne'A1lright, now l€t\ turn to some olthe advantages of th€catamaran design. First, thelre lighter and laster. Also,because multihulls are wider than monohulls, theirstabilityis better. The catamaran Soes fastest whenthe waves arcsmall' Now I.d lik€ to move on to thedimensions ol these ferries.lfyou look at this nex slide,you can see the largest catamaran ferry in use today.|t's approximately 126 metres łong. just over 40 metreswide, and has adepth of 4.8 metres in the waterRight, so now lets look at the load that this ferry can

First, th€ Hss 1500' lt can cary over 1500 passengersand 375 cars' Neń' the Hss 900. As its nam€ suggests'it can carry 900 passengers and iust over 200 cars.Let's talk about performance data. How last can it go?When in servjce, the HSS 1500 travels at over 75 kph,although it can reach a maximum speed oI overll0 kph. The HSS 900 is a little slower.So, was there a problem with the catamaran design?No. But there was a problem with the allum;nium alloyused for the hulls.Finally, I should mention some more disadvantages ofthe multi-hull ferry. An important one was the build

cost. It is always more expensive to build a multi-hu|l ferry than a monohul| ferry. Then ther€ was thequestion of running costs.|.d like to linish by showing you this graph, whiĆhcompares the fuel costs ol the two types of ferry,monohulland multi-hull. Theres a huge dillerencellt'smore expensive to run one multi-hull ferry than it is torun sev€n monohul| Ietries'So, the rnost important factor today is luelconsumption. Fuel costs are certain to rise, not fall, infuture. so' I dont think we shall see the construĆtion ofany more multi hull ferries.Thank you.

Unlt 12lnDovation

3El: Hello and welcome. This week, we have an expert

on car and lorty senŚors, Hans Anklam. welcom€'Hans. So let! talk about the new ttre sensorwhichyour company has developed. First of all, i,!'hat isit exactly?

sE: It.s a Tyre Pressur€ Monitoring system. or TPMSior short.

l: And what\ it for? What does it do exactly?sE| It monitors th€ pressure and temp€ratur€ o' your

b'r€s'l: Why do we need this new sensor?SE: The lirst reason is to prevent road tralfic accidents.

20 percent of accidents are caused by tyre failure.In addition, a survey śhowed that 20 p€rcent ofcars had t}Tes that w€r € under'inf]at€d.

l: So, using these sensors will help reduce accidents?SE: Yes, detinitely.I: And what technologyor principle is this sensor

SE: lt makes use ol electronic sensor technology, andalso wireleśs data display.

I: So the main component is a sensor?SE: That's right.It's placed directly onto the wheel

inside the t}'r€, with a c|amtrin or snaPin fitting'I: So, tellme about its operation. How does it work?SE: The system consists of four valve-mounted brre

pressure sensors, and one central radio frequencyreceivlng unit, which is powered by batterles-The inlormation is transmitted bywireless to thedisplay in front of you, where you can see thepressure and temperature data.

l: And it's easyto install, you say?SE: Yes, because there are no v{lres. And the battery

lasts lor ten years, or 100,000 miles.Rjghtl Could you sum up the advantages of thisnew tyre pressure monitoring system?

SE: Of course. Number one, it reduces tyre lailure andresulting accidents. Two, it helps reduce t''re wear.And thr€e, it helps to reduce lu€l consumption.


Really?It's a fact. And we all know how much a tanklul ofpetrol costs th€se days.

60 ,

Page 71: Technical English 2 Workbook

1 Action1'I

4S :T:


Teamwork1 socket 2 nozzle 34 m€chanic 5 wheelgun 67 cr€w 8 iackVertical word: teamv{ork1 Driv€ the fu€I tank€r to the plane.2 Open the tuel flap under the wing.3 Push th€ nozzle into the fuel socket.4 Switch on the pump.5 Pump fuel into the plane's luel tanks.6 Switch off the pump.7 Remove the fue| nozzl€.8 close the fu€| flap.9 Clean any spilled fuel off the plane.

I The car leaves the plt lane.2 The driv€r closes the fuel ||ap'3 They tighten the wheel nuts.4 They lower the car to the ground.5 som€one switches o'l the Iuel pump.6 They put on the new wheels.7 They bńngout the newwheels.

TrainingBr I've switched it on.Bi I'm lifting it up now.B: |'ve taken th€m out.B: I'm putting them in now.B: I've pushed them in.B: I've pressed 'Return .B: I'm waiting. I'm still waiting! Ah! I think it s

finished.A: Good! Nov{ you can turn/switch oll the printer,

or print a docum€nt'1 S: How are you getting on?

T: Just a minute. I've taken apart the alarm.S: Good- Have you checked the wiring?T: No, not yet. I'm still checking it-

2 S: How is the work goinS?T: Hang on. I'm still cleanlng the spark plugs.S: Have you put on the new tyres yet?T: Yes,l've put them on.

3 Sr How are you getting on?T| Just a minut€. I've taken off the handles.s| Have you painted th€ doors y€t?T| No' I'm sti|l paintlng th€m' It's almost

MethodA5 84 C3 D2 E6 FI

I You start the molor by pressing this button.2 A person coming near the house turns on the

light by activating the motion sensor3 You switch it on by pressingthis button.4 The driver stalts the engine by turning the k€y

in the lock.5 You start the charging process by plugging in

the adapter and switching it on.6 The store protects goods by attachinS a

magnetic strip to them.7 The sa1€5 person deactivates the stńps by

passing them over a scanner.8 A tniel wil| activat€ the alarm by carr}'lng

unsold goods between thetransmitt€r and

I How much does the robot weigh?2 How tall is the robot?3 How does the robot stay upright on the bike?4 What helps the robot ride in a straiSht line?5 Where is the camera?6 How does the robot follow the cofiect road?7 How does the robot receive inslructlons?8 Where is the wireless receiver?

4 Word listI wheel*irn 2 front/rear 3 air pressure4 outboard motor 5 emeĘency stop6 accelerator 7 visor 8 water heater9 chest




finished.How is the work golng?I'm still fitting the new hard disk. It's almostfinished.Hav€ you instal|ed the memoIy card yet?No, not yet- I'll do it next.

Routinesa) second pictlrre b) first picture c) third picture

I What is Sven dolng today?2 He trains sub-sea engineers.3 He's operating the main crane.4 He maintains the punps.5 He's conducting a fire drill.6 What does Eric usually do?

I The Electrician2 The Maintenance Supervisor3 The D€rrick Man4 The crane op€rator5 The Derrick Man5 The Driller7 The Assistant Crane Operator and the


2 Work112

Page 72: Technical English 2 Workbook


Plans1 is Soing out2 are they going to do?3 are Solng to inspect4 is going?5 are th€y going to stay6 want to linish7 n€ed to inspect8 lntend to comet hope to startstee|mesh barrielś, lightweight sal€ty netsDear Peter,Thank for your email.with relerence to your enquiry about steel meshbarriers, I conlirm that I have found a companythat supplies a good product. I attach some pagesftom th€lr website' Do let m€ klow ifyou think thlssystem ls suitable.The Śame company also supp|ies and fits safetynetŚ' As you are aware, it is important to lit thesalety nets correctly.Could you please let me know if you need pricesbelore Friday?Regards,Jay

New jobt

I Do you want to apply for that post too?2 wh€n €xactly did you start your Job at wiggins?3 so is that more responsibi|ity and mor€ pay?4 Why do you want to leave Wiggins?I lst syllable stressed: engine, mechanism,

operatot technical.2 2nd syllable stressed| €Iectrical, electron,

m€chanica], technician'3 3rd syllable stressed: electrician, electricity,

engineet occupation.


4 Word listI Crane operators3 Drillers5 Safety Officers7 Roustabouts

2 Electrlclans4 Engineers6 Site Managers



turn oII 2 raise]oosen 5 tałe outtighten 8 put onswitch on 11 start

3 take off6 put inI lower

CVeducationtrainlngsklllsiob tltle



Surname / Firstname(s)D€siled (1) Computer technician

(2) SupeNisorWork exp6rlenceDates From January 2004 to 2008

Occupataon orposition held

Computer technician

Main activities andresponsibilities

Do computer upgrades; installsoftware, memory cards,anta-virus systems, etc.Do site visits. Upgrade clients'

Name and addrgss SuperLink, Unit 12,De||y End hdustńa| Estate

Typ6 ol busingss or Information Technology

Rgaśon fol |gavingpresenvlast

wants to move to Swindon;it's too far to travel to presentcompany; now living inSwindon.

Review Unit ASection 1I I He's replacing the spark plu8s. B

2 They're carrying some batteries. K3 She's rotating the wheel. I4 They're examiningthe generator C5 She's stripping off the old paint. E6 H€'s activating the alarm. J7 she's inseńing a key. L8 She's running a training course. F9 He's raising the car. Al0 She's steppingon the alarm pad. G1l He\ putting on afire suit. Dl2 shes r€ceivinga mobile signal. H

2 bring out-tate away loos€n - tightenlower- raise put in - take output on - take off start - turn offswitch off - switch on

Section 2I I position 2

3 personal information 45 qualifications 67 business sector 89 work €xperience l0ll job description 1213 employer 1415 responsibilities

2 Thanks for your €mai|' with r€gard to the satetyConference neyt week,l'd l;ke to confirm that Iplan to attend. Sorry for the shoit notice. I attachth€ PowerPoint slides that you rcquested. Thisis a]so to let you know that I'l1 €mal|you theExecutive Summary by Friday at the latesr.As you may know, Marco Burgos has been ill lorthe past month' I am sorry to t€|l you that he is

Page 73: Technical English 2 Workbook

illgoing into hospital for an opelation' Fortunat€]y,his deputy' Pedro Granada' wil| take part in th€Forum instead.l would appreciate it ifyou couldlorward this email to the person responsible lorprinting the Conference Programme.Do let me lmow if you need any turther information.Kind regards,Kurt Brandt.

3 Equipment'I

rb zc ab 4b 5c 6b2 I The nearest star that can be seen with ue

naked eye is call €d Alpha centauri' |t's 4'36light years away and can be seen from thesouthern hemispher€.

3 Comparison11


LimitsI 35 minutes.2 A crossing by tunnel.3 Containers, unaccompanied trailers, large

abnormal loads.4 Journeys are quickeri loading and unloading

takes less time; thele ar€ more frequent tra'niourneys than Ierry departures;the trains arenot alfected by th€ wealher

5 Bad weather can caus€ delays or cance|lationof ferry departures.

I Lorr ies musl nol be heourelthan 44 tonnes.2 Lot|ies must nol be longerthan 18.75 m€tres.3 Lo||iPs nusl nol be h'gńerthan 4'2 me|res'4 Lotries mu not be uiderthan 2.6 metres.5 The /€nglł 1imit depends on the individual ferry'6 The ńeigłr lirn'l for lorries on all lerries i5

4.8 rnetres.7 The uidth linit ior lorries on all ierries is

6.7 metres.8 The ueight lin tor standard lorries is 44 tonnes.

Productsll fc 3a 4g 5d 6b 7e

I Would you like me to put you through to oursa|es D€partment

2 shall I send you a catalogue?3 Could you give me your name and address,

please?4 Is that B for Bravo or P for Peter?5 And your addr€ss' pl€as€?6 could you sp€ll .wyatt'' please?7 Would you mind repeating the post code?8 Could I take a phone number?

l which one would you lik€ to order. the l50 orthe 200?

2 Th€ larg€r one, the 200 mod€]'3 I'd like the larger one, please.4 I'd like the r€d and cream on€.5 Right' I'Il talrc the mor€ expensive one. th€ one

at €525.


2 A Japanese ship sent down an unmanned probeto the deepest point on th€ seabed at a placecalled the Ma-rianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean.

3 The Mohs scale of mineral hardness wascreated in 1812. I l ranges lrom talc. which isnumber one on the scale. to diamond, whichis number ten. Silver is the softest of the threematerials and glass is the hardest.

4 The most common of thes€ three gases isnitrogen. Hydrogen i5 l €ss common than oxygenand is the least common of these thre€ gases'

1 sherakhan is the leaśt expensive oI the yachts.2 oceanco 702 iŚ nol as exTensive as A]ysia'3 The second longest yacht ;s O'Mega.4 Alysia is the second fastest of the yachts.5 F€w€r guests can stay on o.Mega than on Alysia'6 There ar€ Iewer crew members per guest on

Alysia than on Oceanco 70f.

Word list1 trailer 2 luggage 3 cubic capacity4 rool rack 5 4"4 6 steel rim wheel7 wheelbase 8 clearance 9 cab

rrocessesInfrastructureChann€l tunnel opens: t994Rail Link stage l op€ns: 2003Rail Link Stage 2 opens: 2007London-Paris (2002): 2 hours, 55 minutesLondon-Paris (2007):2 hours, 15 minutesS t age2 t ook l l y ea r sManpowen 100 million hoursNumb €r oi tunneldr i] ls used: 7s70 million @ cost p€r drill: s10 nli|lionA train travels through 32 kms ol tunnels and over

150 bridges

1 You must be very pleas€d with the successfulcompletion of the project.

2 The French built their high-speed link 13 yearsago and now we ve just linished ours.

3 Eurostar trains can now travel at a speed ol upto 298 kph.

4 The twin-bore tunnels pass under seven milesof surface railway track.

5 Did you use a tunn€l drill like the one in thisphoto?

6 The ground under l,ondon was so hard that wewore out six ol th€m.

7 It means we spent S70 million on drills.


li, ?f

Page 74: Technical English 2 Workbook




Antifreeze is used to prevent the water in theradiator f rom lreezing.Rust is prevented lrom building up in the radiatorsystem by the use of antiire€ze'Also. lhe boi l ing point of the water ln the cool ingsystem is increasecl.First the bonnet oI the car is opened.Thenthe cap to the resewoir is unscrewed.Next the antifreeze is pour€d into th€ res€rvo'r.At this stage, a funnelis used to avoid spillingantifreeze onto the car.Finally, alter pouring in the correct amount, thecap is screwed back on.

ManufacturinglE 2A 3C 4D 5F 68l First, all the ingredients are w€lghed and mixed

together in large tubs. Cream, nilk and sugarare used to make ice cream.

2 Firsr, rhe mix is heared ro 82' C to kill offbacteria. Then the mix is cooled rapidly to 4'C.

3 Nexl, flavours and colours are added to the mix,4 Then the mix is pumped through a special

barrel freezer Simultaneously, a lot of air 'swhipped into i t . Up ro half rhe volume of icp

5 At this point. iruits, nuts or biscuit piec€s areadded to the semi-frozen mixture,

6 nna|ly, the ice cr€am is packed in tubs and putinto a blast freezer at-30'to-40" C. So thetubsof ice cream are {rozen to mak€ them harder'


2 At the beginning: firstAfter thisr next, thenAt the same timer meanwhile, simultaneouslyAt the encl: Ilnally, lastly

Review Unit BSection 1'|

1 faster2 mor€3 higher

5 larger6 larger

8 greater9 safer10 faster11 more powerful12 better13 more expensive

15 less16 better

2 1 Letter: |fyour item fits inside the blue area' l' €' lsless than 240 " 165 mm, is no thicker than 5 mmand vr€ighs under l00g' it is classed as a Letter

2 tŹrge Letter: l| your item fits inside the gi€yarea, i.e. is less than 353 x 250 mm, is nothicker than 25 mm and weighs under 7509, it isclassed as a Large Letter

3 Pack€t| lf your item Iits inside the whlte ar€a. i'e'is more than 353 ' 250 mm or is thicker than 25mm or weighs over 750g, it is classedas aPacket.

Section 2

I357I9l 1


pressurised tank

2 downlink4 radio6 pufferjets

ring ol rechargeable batteriessolar panels 10 blrs (=frame)main rocket nozzle

1 I23456789l 0l ll 2

which weigh

are loadedwhich isis pressedił'hichbyNeńis glued;s trimmed

Ajter this

13 are fed14 which15 are waxed16 to17 Firstl8 ls madel9 ls lltted20 are led2l are22 Finally23 are banded24 transported


lb 2a 3a 4b 5a 6b 7aI The first artificial satellite was a metal ball,

which measured I metre across and weighed83 kg.

2 It had lour |ong antennas. which s€nt radiosignals back to Earth.

3 The first creature in space was a dog calledLaika, which spent ten days in orbit in 1957.

4 In 1968' Apouo 8, which orbit€d the Moon' sentphotos back to Earth.

5 The first man on the Moon was Neil Armstrong.who |anded th€r € in 1969.

6 The first tourist in space was a man called Markshuttl €worth. who paid $20 million lor his trip'

? Two Mars Rovers, which landed in 2003, sentback inlormation about the planet to Earth.

Word listconveyor belt, driveshaft, hydraullc cylinder. drainplug, assembly llne' air conditioning' lill €rcaplaser guide' paint shop, Pc monitor. sat€]lite dish,feed horn, communications satellite, DTV card

2 I Satetlites are put into orbit round the Earth by

2 Electricity is provided by ce||s on the solar pan€ls'3 A satellites orbit is changed by the rocket at

the base of the satellite.4 weather plctureŚ all over the world are

collect€d by dozens of satellites in orbit.5 Weather photos are transmitted back to Earth

by radio signals.6 Inages from survey satelliteŚ are used by

computers to update maps.

1s , l

Page 75: Technical English 2 Workbook

il5 Descriptions11

UsesI Chisels are for cutting out pieces ol wood.f Jump leads are used for carrying an el€ctrica]

current from a charged barteryto a llat one.3 Carburettors a|e design€d to mix fuel with air4 The two thick lins at the rear of a ship act as

stabi]is€rs'5 Lightning conductors are d€sign€d to Ćarry

electric'ty down the side of a build'ng in a

6 The impell €r on a jet ski actś as a propeller andpushes the cralt through the water.

A : 3 . 4 , 9 , 10 , 12 B r l , 6 , 8 C i 2 , 5 , ? ,l s€veral of th€m tied together can iunction as

2 You can split it and sow seeds in ir.3 You can cover a container of rubbish with rr.4 sev€ral of then can act as protectors on the

sides of a boat.

5 You can put one over your b€d to keep out

6 It can be used for covering furniture.

AppearanceID 2B 3C 4A

2 The Zoomba Vacuum Cleaner is a rechar8eaorerobot that/which cleans floors automatjcally.

3 The Garage Parkingsensor iś asensor systenrlhal which I irs to your garage ual l and helpsyou to park saiely.

4 The Ticko mini helicopter is a radiGcontrolledtoy that/which flies for up ro 10 minutes.

5 str€et G|iders are two-vrheeled devices thavwhich lit on the heels ofyour shoes.

6 Th€ E-xtendable window cleaner is a tool that/which extends up to 3.5 metres and allows youto clean high windows from th€ ground'

1 A sales person js a person who takes an order2 An invFnlor is someone wbodesigns new devices.3 Entrepreneurs are people that s€t up new

4 Investors ar€ people who put money into a new

5 The Internet rs a system rhat connects pC users

6 websites are syst€ms which allowyou !oaccess and download information.

7 Technic ians are people who sprvice and repairequipment.

Word listdigital-sonar. transmit, overboard, consist,atarm pod. hydrophone, helm unit, submerge,transduceĘ hull, dashboard. reIay' viśibIe. audibIe.via. navigate.

rroceouresSafetyld 2f 3b 4a 59 6e 7cI All fork-lift trucks should be mainrained by a

specialist contractor2 safe op€rating instrUctions should be provjded

for each type ol lork-lift truck.3 Unqualilied operators should not be altoweo ro

drive fork liit trucks.4 Vehicles must not be lelr unattended with ure

engrne runninS.5 Trucks neecl to be parked overnight in

designated areas with the brakes on.6 A battery-powered truck needs to be put on

charge at the end ol each working day.; Ą l lu l 'k mUst not be tałen on lhe highway

s i lhoul the warehouse manageas permission8 Levels of oi1. water and antifreeze n€ed to be

checked at the start oI each working day.I If you hear the fire alarm, stay calm.2 When the fire alarm sounds, the building must

be evacuaiecl immediately,3 Srop work at once and switch o(f att machines.4 Do not stop to gather your personal belongings.5 Do not use tbe lift.6 Do not reenter the building untit a Fire Olficer

gives the all{lear.





3 I triangular 2 conical 3 rectangutar4 cylindrical 5 semj"circular 6 dom€.shaped7 hemispherical 8 circular I square10 cubic l l spherical

4 Twołim€ns'onal adjectives: triangulaJ,rectangular, semi.circular. circuiar, square.ThreełimensionaI adjectives: conical' cylindrica|'dom€-shap€d, h€mispherical' cubic'spherical.

DefinitionsIE 2B 3C 4A 5F 6D1 The Ultrasonic Distance Meter is a portable

instrument that/which allows you to measure




2 Building A Bulldhg C Building D

City Barcelona Barcelona Copenhagen

Country Spain Spain Denmark

bui ld inghospital library

1930 1898-1899 1999


Page 76: Technical English 2 Workbook


7 If you discover a iire, b.eak the glass on thenearest lire alarm,

8 Only use a fire extinguisher ifyou have received fire extinguisher training.

- the iire is very small.- by doing this you will not place yoursell in

9 A1l aisl €s. stairways' escape routes and fire exitsmust be kept clear of blockag€s and rubbish'

i0 Fire doors should not be wedged open.

1 II a diver's position is not known, they must belocated immediately.

2 II a diver is trapped underwaier, they should befreed with a kniie.

3 II a diver's orTgen is low' an extra air cylindershould be provided.

4 Ii a casualty is not buoyant, their wetsuitshould be inIlated.

5 II a casualty is slightly injured, Iirst aid shouldbe given in the boat.

6 II a casualty is not breathing, artiiicialrespiration must be carried out at once.

7 II a casualty is seriously injured, the rescueservices must be phoned.

Do get permission from the iandowner before youvisit a cave on their property,Do use undervater lin€s so you don.t get lost'Do wear a helmet and a lYetsuit.Don,t w€ar a drysuit.Don,t attach your air bottl € to your back'Don.t div€ with a buddy.

1 theirs 2 them 3 theyhavetaken4 they pass 5 theirs

Directions1 Go straight ahead at the crossroads.2 I urn ,ert ar thc sp.ond spr ot lraff ic l i ' , jhLs.3 At the roundabout, take the third exit.4 At the roundabout. go down the slip road and

join tbe motorway.5 Come out of the station car park and turn leit.6 Take the second turning on the right.7 You'll pass a garage on your left.8 Turn right at the T-junction.Directions 1i Destination ADirections 2r Destination C

Remember, you'll be driving on the 1elt. On themotorway, you'll s€e a slip road lor srvindonBusin€ss Park' Take this slip road' when you cometo the rounclabout, tate the second exit. That lllakp you a.ross d I lyover ovpr r l .e 1rolorqJtAt the other end of the llyover, you ll come to aT-junction. Turn left at the T-junction. Go alongthis road and you']l se€ a large Leisure Centre onyour right. Just a bit lurther you ll see our o{ficeon the left. Turn left here and you'Il see a sign tothe Visitor's Car Park.

4 Word list'I

I firsi aid f scuba diver 3 safety issue4 recovery position 5 evacuat;on procedure6 aJtilicial respiration 7 ca.dio-pulmonaryresuscitation 8 chemicalspill 9 wetsuit10 hand truck

2 I locate 2 attended to 3 attract 4 towed5 recommended 6 authorised 7 bestrapped8 overload I bestacked l0 behandled11 be inf lated

Review Unit CSection 11 I generator 2 transmitter

4 proiractor 5 stabiliser7 receiver 8 propeller

2 192e3h4 t 5a6b7d8 c

3 t operatea 2 unable4 display 5 detect7 display 8 programmed10 labelled with ll controls

6 conductor

3 equipment6 functions9 consists12 by means of


Section 21 1 must be transported. nust be lock€d

2 towed, must not be used3 must be displayed4 is required, is allowed5 must b€ converted' must be inspectedti must be carried7 may be carried, must be secured8 is permitted, is authorisedI loaded. must not be leftl0 should be avoidedl1 shou]d be carried out, ar€ loaded, has to b€

refuelled, should be carried out, turned off2 Sanpte ansuer

Leave ih€ port by Gate A- You'll come to acrossfoads. Turn lelt at the crossroads. Thenyou ll go lnto an underpass under the highway.Continue past the Le'sure Centre until you come toa Tjunction near the sea. Turn right here. Take theIirst turning on the right.On this street there are tbree sets of iraffic lights.Go straight ahead at the first two sets of traffic1ights. Tb€n you'll pass a big cinema on the left' Atthe third set of trałfic lights' turn right.Take the second €xit at the firsi roundabout, andthe fourth exit at the second roundaboutAlter that, take the ihird turning on the left.lfyou come to the beach, you ve gone too far Do aU'turn and go back ancl take the first turning onthe right. Stay on this road. ln 35 kilometres, you'Ilcome to the mine.




Page 77: Technical English 2 Workbook

7 Services1I2


Technical supportl l 21 3g 4c 5e 6a 7h 8d 9b

I You must have checked the Colour'box. Try

Dealin with lai

Word list







checking the Black' box.You might have check€d the .Fin€' box on thePrint Qual i tym €nu. You cou1d check the.Draft '

There could be a loose connection. Why don tyou unplug the printer and plug it in again?The ink caJtridge must be empty. You couldcheck the level of ink rema;ning.The print head nozzles may hav€ become dirty'Try cleaning the print head nozzles.You must have checked the 'Automatic box onthe Paper Handling menu. Why don t you checkthe'Reverse button on the menu?

2C 3F 4D 51 6HThankyou for 2 complaining aboutI am sorry to hear 4 Unlortunately

a full refund I purchase price

6 Howev€rI am pleased to inform you

0 I apoiogise Ior the inconvenienceI Please do not besitate

Reporting to clientslf was appointed2a were widened3g was constructed

5b were built6i was installed

9e was built

admit 2 recordapologise 5 ollerrelund 8 deal with

1 I4

3 summarise6 replace

Unit 38 Wesl Business ParkSwindon SN42 6BH

Qlolationr Extension at Swindon otliceThank you foryour letler of 31si January 2004. inviting us|o p|gparo a quolaljoń for lhe above prciect.W€ visited lh6 sit6 on 1ah February 2008 and tookm€asL'rsmonlś and pholos. I have p|easu€ in enc|ośingour r€port' inc|uding oul|ine p|as and ourquotalion'Ou rees arc ag@d on ajob-by-job bsis. This can be alixed sum, or a hourly Ete, or a pe.centage ol the projectcosl. There is no charge for rhe initial visii and quotalion.|l you n6€d lo discuss the detai|s of the rcpoń' p|e6e donot hesilale to contacl us.

1 Wave power8 Energy


lb 2a 3a. a 4a 5a, b 6b 7b

comDlalntsDate and time of call 10.45 2008/02/25

Order number 386502/08Descdption of goods DVo o|av€r

2086Oetails of comolaintSolution ofiered replace; C5 discount off

Customer response

1 B c o


Removing paantfrom machinery and

10,000- 40,000

2 ConstructionRemoving concr€t6'diń and oi|' from


3 Highway Removing oi land

bridges and tlyoversClearing blockages

5,000- 10,000

10,000- 14,50076

Page 78: Technical English 2 Workbook

3 Cooling and heating 4





F noinec

Intake stroke, compression slroke. combusl ionstroke, exhaust stroketD 2A 3C 48 5E 6G 7F 8t 9H 10J1 l L 12K r 3Mpetrol engine, electric motor

la 2a 3a 4b 5a 6c

As the rotary piston rotates, it uncovers theinlet port, which allows the air aJld fuel mil(tureto flow into the cylinderAs the piston rotates, the mixture iscompressed into a small space between thepiston and the cylinder wall.when the compresśed fuel is ignited bythetwo spark plugs, the expanding gases drive thepiston round on the power stroke,As the piston rotates, it uncoveB the outletport, which lets the exhaust gases escape.As the triangular piston creates thr€echambers, there are three ignitions for eachrotation of the piston.As the rotary engine has only two movingparts, the piston and the drive sha{t, higherrotation speeds are possible,

absorb 2 decompressexpand 4 compressorcondenśel 6 evaporatoreYpansion valve 8 lanrefrigerant l0 a set of coils






'I When a gas condenses, it becomes a liquid. whena liquid solidifies, it becomes a solid. When asolid melts, it becomes a liquid. When a liquidevaporates, it becomes a gas- So, lor example, ice(a solid) melts and becomes water (a liquid). Andwhen water boils. the water (a liquld) evaporatesand becom€s steam (a gas). With coo|ing, thesteam condenses and turns to water, With freezing,the tr'ater solidilies and turns to ice,

2 l e x t . a c t o r 2 ope r a t i on3 Condensation 4 compressor5 Evaporation 6 Refrigeration7 reaction 8 decompression

3 is reduced

l l abśo.bsl3 condensing unit15 condenser coi ls

Word list

2 provides4 supports6 refrigerantI blower10 evaporator coils12 return tube14 fan16 blower

1 int€rnakombustion engine 2 cam 3 intakeport 4 intake valve 5 sparkplug 6 piston7 crankshalt 8 cylinder 9 exhaust valve





3 l47l 0




9 Measurement1't I You measure air pressure in psi with a tyre

pressure gauge.2 A barometer is used for measuring pressure in

kilopascals.3 \ou use an odomclcr lo measure dis lanec in

kilometres,scales are used 'or measuńn8 weight in ki|ogams'You measure power output in Watts with a

YoU use a stop watch to meŹsure time in seconds.A tachometer measures speed in kilometres per

8 An altimeter is used for measuring heightabove sea l €ve| in metres.

9 You measure rate of heart beat in beats persecond with a heart rate monitor.

2 Sensorsl l Compared witb today, theywere muĆhless safe.

2 They had very few. Almost none ol the cars hadarrbags.

3 .MaĘina|. means .not very satisfactory', or inother words, not very good'.

4 one-star is the loweśt safety rating, so muchworse than fiveŚtar rating is thehighest saiety rating today.

5 New cars are safer now' because they ar€stronger and have more safety features.


shouldshouldhas to

less than


intervals 3 alvraysafter 6 every

changed 3 checkedinspect€d 6 topped uprenelved 9 ren€wed

Review Unit DSection 11 I connected 2

4 have 57 interfered 8

2 l c 2b3e4d

3 l h a ve t o 24 can 57may810 have to I

Section 21 I piston

3 cylinder5 inl€t port7 pistonI sparkplugsll exhaust gasesl3 piston




I carnot

2 edges4 housing6 air and fuel mixture8 mldure10 outlet port12 chambers14 drive shaft

Page 79: Technical English 2 Workbook

1997 AirbagsDriver's Dual Safety rating

Hydra margrnal2 Undos3

Syros good

The aim ol the impact-resistance test was todiscover if the material would bend or breakwh€n it was hammered with forc€.Thp objFctive of the .omprcssivFstrength testwas to lind out wheth€r the materialwouldcrack or delorm when it was compressed.Th€ purpose o' the elasticityt€st was todiscover whether the mat€rials would breakwhen they were stretched.The aim of the plasticity test was to Iind outwhether the material would deform or meltwhen it was heated to 120 degrees Celsius.The objective oi the drop test was to se€wh€ther the laptops would crackwhen th€yw€r € dropp€d lrom a height of 60 crn.

I hard 2 flexible 3 plastic 4 soft 5 rigid6 elastic 7 compression 8 brittle 9 tension10 tough 11 weak 12 torsional 13 tensite

Resistance2I I bIęaL a ble

3 pp! ta bl€5 e l4q tic7 un bę]4l a b1eI com blls ti ble

'n au di blere sis tantun u9 vea ble!gą t€r prooicor19sion


68l 0

1 bending forces2 compression forces3 tension torces

5 sh€ar forces6 a hea!ry goods vehicle crash test7 aside impact crash test dummy8 asingle direction acc€Ieration 5ensor





2a 3c 4b 5a 6b 7a

how high they are above sea levelhow last they are flyinghow last they are d€sc€ndinghow fast they are asc€ndinghow far apart they ar€ from other aircraftwhich direction they are flying inhow far away they are lrom the airport

2i 3c 4e 5b 6h 7g 8a 9I

discuss danger to London of flooding + exam'netopic oI flood defenc€s-3 main causes of f looding: l) r isF in sea levels l2) tides lrom northrast;3) sinking ofsoutheastEngland.1970s banks of River Thames raised by2 metres' B€low London 32 km oI Ilooddefences. Above London,80 km oI river banks

Thames Barr ier. huge moveable f lood barr ierbuilt in 1970s.10 moveable gates' pivot€d + supportedbetween concrete piers. When closed, barriercan withstand pressure of 9,000 tonnes.2001 IPCC report predicts annual. ise of. 2rnm.= rise of ' 40 cm by end of century.1993-200d sea levels rose by 3.3 mm averdge .rise ol . 90 cm by end ol century.list factors flooding' + €xamine ellects +discuss methods oł ilood of areas of London below sea level by2100.




Word list1 altitude, sea level, kilopascals2 latitude, longiiude, transmission, satellites,

orbit, altitude, nautical miles3 l idar system. cpproaches. rpnnis ba l lsprv ice4 detect, approach, radar system. burst,

feflected, approaching

10 Forcesl Propertiesl 1 The ainl oi t]re fram€ test was to see wh€ther

the Iorks would bend when they were struck

2 The purpose of the tensile strength test lyas toIind out wheth€r the material wou]d deforrn orbreal( when it was pulled apart.


2000 AińagsNone Driver's Dual Safety rating

23 Malaga


2007 Number of small car models tested: 8Mode|s wrth frort' side and head ajóaqs:7Mode|s with drivers aióao on|v: 1Models with 3-star safety rating:0Models with 4-star safetu ratino:2Models with s-star saletv ratino: 6

2 1 digital 2 daver's3 homebiker!helmet




Page 80: Technical English 2 Workbook


ResultsI causes 24 Since 56 As a result of ;9 because l011 As a result 121 Increased percentages ol CO, in the

atmosphere.2 1850 3 Faster 4 Meltwater5 lt is darker6 They reilect heat from ihe sun back into space

8 Sola! hyd.oelectric and geothermal energy

r€sisted yesterday.s earthquałe at 8'4 on theRichter scale,A1l our diese] engin€s wele r€placed two yearsago with hydrogen engines. As a result, carbonemissions in th€ city have gone do\,Vn by over 50% 'The frame of the n€w bike has failed thecompression and rigidity tests. Therefore,we have decided to us€ titanium instead ofaluminium.Since the captain ofthedamaged sailing boat hada GPs system on board, the ail.s€a rescue teamwere able to locate its position very quickly.As the crash-testing of the new model was100% successful, the company will start tomanulacture the sports car early nexl year.

A s 3A s

result 8 lead

3 t neatea 2 softened4 lengthened s llatten€d7 softened 8 sharpen10 harden€d ll hardens



3 heated6 sharpened9 sharpen€d


Word list1 inaudible 2 unbreakable 3 non-combustible4 unmoveable 5 non-portable6 straighten ? lighten 8 widen 9 lengthen10 harden ll lail 12 strength€n

mobiledifferentReview Unit E


Section 21 i deform 2 breaking poinr 3 wirhstancl

4 yi€ld point 5 break 6 secure7 crack 8 clamp

2 2 Th€ road is too narrow and has sharp corners'Ii should be widened and straightened.

3 The side wal]s on th€ bridge are not strongenough. They should be strengthened

4 The app.oach roads on both sides are tooshort and steep. Therefore they should belengthened.

3 1 The old cables were talen out, ancl ne.w wiringwas installed last year, and as a result thenumber oi electrical accid€nts has fallen to fero.

2 Concrete horirontal decks were placed underthe lloors live years ago, and so the build'ng



debE destruetive elgstic eElEsron Rexibll ityi!dicate isolate isolation objcetiveres!s!!s id ńgidity speciry lC!son tarsion w;th6taEl

Section 1

1 Transmits and receives signals2 Receives signals only3 used to find out distance to target

and its beańng4 Used to identify a vessel5 Used forfishing and measuring the

6 More expensive, but works atlongerdistances

7 Noisiet and more dangerousto use

11 DesignWorking robots1 mechanical 2 dangerous 34 electric 5 compressed 67 remote 8 specific Ilc 2a 3f 4e 5b 6d

Eco-lriendly planesI wing 2 pressure 3 lift 4 gravity5 wing 6 lilt 7 friction 8 Drag 9 enginesl0 thrust li engines 12 thrust 13 weight

Free-flying sailsth 2b 39 4j 5c 6e 7a 8i 91 10d] Aim:Examin€ difference between monohull

Ierries and multi-hull Ierries.2 Question: How old is the catamaran design?

First used by lishermen in southern India,1.500 years ago. I ater. design spread t l .rough

3 Two hulls, jo'ned together by a Irame.Sporting/comlnercial catamarans built f or past100 yearś, e.g' large ferries:two hulls, eachpow€red by on€ engine.

4 Catamaran design. Lighter and faster Theirstab'lity is better. Go [astest when waves aresma1l.

5 Dimensions: ]26 metres IonŚ|40 meIres wide;depth of 4.8 meir€s in the water.

Comparative surveyjet


Point-to-point travel(near client's base)



YES YES NODelays when usingmaiorailports



Page 81: Technical English 2 Workbook

8 Problem: Material used for the hulls, a typ€ ofaluminium al1oy.

9 Disadvantages: Build cost. MoIe expensiv€ tobuiid a multi'hull t €rry than a monohull ferry'Also.unning costs.

t0 Graph: Compares fuel costs. More expensive torun one multihu]l lerry than s€ven mono hull

Fuel costs ceriain to rise. not fall, in future.

3 l components 2 drawback 3 data 4 aim5 client 6 operation 7 dimensions 8 issue9 signpost 10 bri €I

4 Word list1 1conduct 2 implov €d 3 reduce 4 Untie

5 ma.ximis€ 6 emit 7 consume 8 mention

2 InnovationZero emission

Load: HSS 1500. 1500 passengers and 375 cars.HSS 900. 900 passengers and 200 cars.

Periormance data: HSS 1500: in-service speed75 kph, 110 kph max. HSS 900 is slower.

Ne€d 2 Problems 3 solutionfechnology 5 Advantages 6 Componenlsfeduced 2 consume 3 usedcombine 5 provides 6 deliversbased 8 emit I runrecharges 11 positioned l2 locatedmounted 14 produced 15 recharge

2 t lattery 2 inverter/converter3 electric motor 4 drive wheels5 reduction gear 6 engine7 power split device 8 generator


3 t contain 2 allow 3 ensure 4 activate5 send 6 provide 7 prevent 8 reportI detect 10 give

Vehicle safetyThes€ questions are not asked:2' 10

1 Tyre Pressure Monitoringsyśtem CIPMS)'3 It mon'tors th€ pr€ssure and temperature

4 To pr€vent road tralfic accidents' caused bytyre Iailur€- Because about 20 percent of carshave tyres that are under-inflated.

5 It uses electronic sensor technology, andwireless data display.

7 The sensor is placed directly onto the wheelinside the t)'re.

8 The system consists of four valve-mountedtyre pressure sensors, and one central radiofrequen.y re.eiv ing un . powpred by batter ies.The information is transmitted by wireless tothe display in front oi the driver, wbich showsthe pressure and temperaiure data.

I Ii reduces tlre failure and resulting accidenis.It helps reduce t)'re wear It helps reduce Iuel

111 I


4 Word list1 l accelerate 2 release

4 lightweight 5 output7 zero-emission

3 mass-producedb garn


Technological change1 Tools: abacus, compass, wedge, spectacles.2 s'mple machines: clank and rod, puu€y and

belt.3 Hea\T machine tools: crane, hydraulic jack.4 Sell running machines: boiler, windmill, robot,

1 robot 2 windmill 3 boiler 4 crankand rod 5 sp€ctacles 6 crane 7 abacus8 compass 9 wind turbine 10 pulley and belt11 wedge 12 hydraulic jack

The earli €st watervheel was made in Greece 2,000years was made consisted of ahorizontal wheel, which rotated when a stream ofwat€r hit th€ paddles' The force of the water nadethe whe€l and the attached Łde rotate' The Łxlewas attached to thewaterwheel at one end andto a circular millstone at the other The millstonerotated to grind corn into llour.Later, vertical waterwheels wele used. Th€se couldbe built to a greater size' with greater pow€r.

Review Unit FSection 11 t advantages 2 strength 3 drawbacks

4 disadvantages 5 weakness 6 would7 suggest 8 could I suggest 10 should11 could 12 improved

2 l f 2 b3h4 c5 i 6 a7e8d9g

Section 21 1 When did people first start to investigate laser

drill'ng?2 What kind of lasers did they use?3 what eliect does ih€ laser beam have?4 How does it split the rock?5 Is splitting more ellicient than melting?6 Is more energy required to split different kinds

7 what are you researĆhing now?

2 Al4lbt Bl3lat C12lc; DlIld

3 a blowout preventer laEigh-!!4s developeda large valve that is litteda device that is designedthis valve. which 's usually operatedfeatures which were inventedcomponents tbat are designedcutters that are fittedintervals which are agreecl

I 80

Page 82: Technical English 2 Workbook

Technical English ts atwo-level course for students in technical orvocational educatioD, and for company emplovees in training at n'ork.It covers the core language and skills that students need to communicatesuccessfully in all technical and indusnial specialisations.

Level I is for students with a basic knorvledge ofgeneral Engllshlvho norv require an elementarv course in English fbr specihc purposes.(CEF level Al )

Level2 is lbr students rvho have completed Le\'e] ], or have an e]emeitałvknorvledge ofgeneral English, and now require a pre-interrnediatc coursein English for specilic puryoses. (CEF levelA2)

tsBN 973 1 1053 t654 2
