techhub riga saeimas innovation & science sub-commission presentation february 18th 2014

The Center of the Startup Community in Latvia

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The Latvian parliamentary sub-commission on Innovation and Science asked TechHub Riga to present on our members and the impact of innovative startups on the economy. This presentation talks about TechHub and its growth and the last three slides (in Latvian) provide some of our views on the relevant considerations for the Latvian economy.


Page 1: Techhub Riga Saeimas Innovation & Science Sub-Commission presentation February 18th 2014

The Center of the Startup Community in


Page 2: Techhub Riga Saeimas Innovation & Science Sub-Commission presentation February 18th 2014

What is TechHub?

Co-working space for new technology startups

Founded in London (by Elizabeth Varley (CEO) and Mike Butcher (Editor, TechCrunch Europe)

Based at Google Campus in London

Now also in Riga, Bucharest, Swansea, Bangalore and Manchester

First and leading co-working space

Sponsored by Google, Pearson publishing and BlueVia

TechHub Riga is the first international expansion location for TechHub

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What is TechHub Riga?

Co-working space for new technology startups

Startup event organiser

We help establish international contacts

Goal is to help create the “Skype of Latvia”

Startted from Open Coffee Club

Non-profit foundation

Board are unpaid volunteers

Income is from member fees and paid events

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TechHub Riga Membership

In 2 years we have:

•Resident space full: 70+

•Well over 100 total members

• event participant list 800+

•Mailing list: 900+

•Twitter: 1,900+ followers

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TechHub Riga Events

Monthly Meetup

Mobile Monday

Developer meetups Ruby On Rails


Python User group

Big data


Visiting speakers, including top entrepreneurs and venture capitalists

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Partner Events

Our space, with prominent sponsor logos, is also increasingly used by partners for their events

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TechHub Riga Member Success

TechHub Riga resident startups have already raised over EUR €2.5M, including from top international investors:

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TechHub Riga Publicity in Latvia

Local media follow us, they love what we do!

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Startup/jaunuzņēmums nav parastais MVU

• Parasti nav ienākumu kamēr izstrādā produktu• Meklē biznesa modeli (“product-market fit”)• Ātra izaugsme vai ātra nāve• Nav aktīvu kurus var izmantot par

nodrošinājumu• Vienīgie finansējuma avoti ir akciju kapitāls vai

neapmaksātais darba spēks

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Kāpēc šie uzņēmumi ir īpaši?

• Spēlē globālā tirgū no pirmās dienas– Ir globlālais izaugsmes potenciāls– Veiksmīgie būs starptautiski uzņēmumi ar mātes

uzņēmumu Londonā, Ņujorkā vai San Fransisko• Veido jaunu intelektuālo īpašumu un vērtību• Salīdzinoši liela investīciju ieplūde uz maz

darbinieku skaitu• Nes Latvijas vārdu pasaulē

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Ko valsts var darīt lai atbalstītu?

• Nesajaukt uz inovācijam balstīto uzņēmumu atbalstu ar “dzīvesstila” uzņēmumu atbalstu

• Finansiālo atbalstu vajag pareizā formā: investīciju vairošana nevis grantu programas un trešo pušu pakalpojumu finansēšana– LGA mazo aizdevumu programa laba– Eņģeļu un riska kapitāla ko-investīciju veicināšana– Tehnoloģiju inkubātors Rīgā, kur cilvēkresursi nevis

telpas ir galvenais pienesums• Padarīt dzīvi maziem uzņēmumiem vieglāku!

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Andris K. Berzins, Chairman and [email protected]. +371 29568157

Alise Lezdiņa, [email protected]++371 29667744