tech nidarshan 2012 general quiz prelims


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The prelims of the General Quiz for Tech Nidarshan, hosted by Rajat and me.


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“Mango People in a Banana Republic!”

Who’s Facebook Status?


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'Bha' - Bhavam (means expression),

'Ra' - Ragam (means music), 'Ta - Talam (means beat or rhythm) and X (means dance) = Y

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X was born and brought up in Nahan, Himachal Pradesh where he graduated with a master’s degree in Geology. Shunning the government jobs and the 9 to 5 route his degree offered, he shifted to Delhi against his family’s wishes and ventured on his own like an entrepreneur. Once there a friend offered him two job choices one in Music and the other as operator in an advertising firm. X chose music and the rest is history. Like his idol Kishore Kumar, he too was without any training in music but his interest in playing the Guitar and the Flute was fuelled by natural talent. His acumen encouraged X to start a band in 1996 with likeminded individuals. They released their first album ‘Boondein’ and the song ‘Dooba Dooba’ debuted at number one on the charts cementing their place in the Indian music scene.


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Name the first cricketer to score a 200 in ODIs

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XY is the trademark for a heat rub manufactured and distributed by Haw Par Healthcare in Singapore. It was originally developed in the 1870s by an herbalist, Aw Chu Kin, in Rangoon, Burma, who on his deathbed asked his sons Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par to perfect the product. Originally named for containing X bone, an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine dating back 1,500 years to treat pain, inflammation and to strengthen muscle, XY now consists purely of herbal ingredients.

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6. Fusari – who was searching for a female singer to front a new

band – of Q's ability contacted her. With SGBand disbanded, Q traveled daily to New Jersey to work on songs she had written and compose new material with the music producer. While in collaboration, Fusari compared some of her vocal harmonies to those of Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen. It was Fusari who helped create the moniker Q after the Queen song, Y. Q was in the process of trying to come up with a stage name when she received a text message from Fusari that read Q. He explained, "Every day, when Stef came to the studio, instead of saying hello, I would start singing Y. That was her entrance song" and that the text message was the result of a predictive text glitch that changed ___ to ____. She texted back, "That's it," and declared, "Don't ever call me Stefani again.”

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7. Name the presidents at Mount Rushmore.

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8. Tribute to?

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X was born in Caribbean Republic of Santa Prisca, in a prison called Peña Dura. Though imprisoned, his natural abilities allowed him to develop extraordinary skills within the prison's walls. He read as many books as he could get his hands on, built up his body in the prison's gym, and learned to fight in the merciless school of prison life. X carried a teddy bear he calls Osito, whom he considered his only friend. He committed his first murder at the age of eight, stabbing a criminal. ID X.


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10. ID

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11. ID the significance of this pic in Micrososft products.

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Michael Caine is one of only two actors nominated for an Academy Award for acting in every decade from the 1960s to 2000s.

Who is the other one?

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X: there are only like six people in the world who have decent ideas ThinkComp: haha X: and it's the job of the rest of the people to accuse us of taking their ideas haha X: while we just continually kick ass ThinkComp: :-)


13. ID X

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“I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature.” This is the artist’s poetic description of the inspiration for the painting. The painting was sold this year for a record price of $120m. This painting is one of those that has been parodied and is among the most widely recognised. Identify the painting and the artist.


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15. Campaign for ?

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John Marshall Buchanan (born 5 April 1953 in Ipswich, Queensland) is the former coach of the Australia national cricket team and of Kolkata Knight Riders team in the Indian Premier League. Buchanan is also known in cricketing circles as X', due to his similarity in appearance to The Simpsons character.

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Which superhero and (apparently) disgruntled hack recently quit his job to, of all things, run a blog ?


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X, the first film in the James Bond series celebrates its 50th anniversary in the same year as the release of the 23rd film in the series, Skyfall. Name the movie X.


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X died in Burhanpur in 1631 AD, while giving birth to their fourteenth child. She had been accompanying her husband while he was fighting a campaign in the Deccan Plateau. Her body was temporarily buried at Burhanpur in a walled pleasure garden known as Zainabad originally constructed by Y's uncle Daniyal on the bank of the Tapti River. Burhanpur was never intended by her husband as his wife's final resting spot. As a result her body was disinterred in December 1631 and transported in a golden casket back home. There it was interred in a small building on the banks of a river. Y stayed behind in Burhanpur to conclude the military campaign that had originally brought him to the region. While there, he began planning the design and construction of a suitable mausoleum and funerary garden for his wife. It was a task that would take more than 22 years to complete.


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20. ID

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The medical term for it is Cutis anserina, and it occurs due to the pilomotor reflex . essentially a disturbance of the arrectores pilorum muscles. The common term for this condition has also served as the title for a 62 -book horror series, written by an American author from 1992 to 1997. What term?


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22. Id the significance of this pic.

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23. Id this Yakshaghana artist.

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24. XY (meaning "Group without Attachment") is a Hindu religious

denomination. It is headed by Mahant Bhaskar Das. XY was established in 1720 by Ramanandacharya. It is a wealthy sect that owns many temples and mathas in the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Bihar. Members are expected to lead simple and austere lives of celibacy and to accept Rama as their God. New recruits are mainly in their teens and can be from any Hindu caste. They are put through a grueling schedule to master the Hindu scriptures (Vedas and Upanishads) and martial arts. In former times, members of the sect had a mandate to provide protection to the followers of Rama and were given rigorous training in archery, swordsmanship, and wrestling. Some of this curriculum still exists, but it is more moderate.

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Juno, once saw Jupiter, with the nymph Io in the form of a cow and asked to have it as a gift and Zeus consented. She asked Argus who had a hundred eyes in his head, to keep watch on Io. He tormented her night tying her up with a vile rope round her neck. Zeus was troubled at the sufferings of his mistress, and called, Mercury to go and dispatch Argus. Mercury assumed the form of a shepherd and strolled on blowing his Syrinx or Pandean Pipes, which were supposed to lull people. As Argus slept, Mercury cut his neck and freed Io. Juno took the 100 eyes of Argus and did what?

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The word X that we use today was born in London during the very late hours one night in 1762 when an English nobleman, John Montagu (1718-1792), the Fourth Earl of X, was too busy gambling to stop for a meal even though he was hungry. The legend goes that he ordered a waiter to bring him roast-beef between two slices of bread. The Earl was able to continue his gambling while eating his snack; Because John Montagu was the Earl of X others began to order "the same as X!" - the ‘X’ was born. His friend Captain James Cook discovered a group of islands in the Pacific and named them after him.


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“And I—and I went to my staff, and I said, ‘How come all the people for these jobs are—are all men.’ They said: ‘Well, these are the people that have the qualifications.’ And I said: ‘Well, gosh, can't we—can't we find some—some women that are also qualified?’ And—and so we—we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet. I went to a number of women's groups and said: ‘Can you help us find folks,’ and they brought us whole _______________________.” The comment immediately went viral, birthing a hilarious tumblr parody, a Twitter account with more than 13,000 followers and counting, and a Facebook fan page dubbed ”_________________” which had amassed nearly 200,000 likes at time of writing. It also became a trending topic on Twitter and the phrase also was the third-fastest rising search on Google during the televised debate. What meme are we talking about?


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"I always said I was Bob Marley reincarnated," said X, paying homage to the Reggae legend. X explained how after several years in hip-hop, he was tired of rapping and felt his creative juices plateau. While at a Rastafarian temple in Jamaica, X met a high priest and instantly felt a spiritual awakening. "No more. You are the light; you are the lion,'" said the priest. This prompted X's name change and a new direction for his music. What did he change his name to?


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X is the name of a malted milk hot drink, which was used as an interjection, as a substitute for the profanity "bollocks". This use was exploited by the company in a 1990's advertising campaign, in which a harassed housewife exclaims "X" in a context where a stronger term could have been expected, thus widening the term's exposure and usage for a while. Secondly, it is used to refer to a minor disaster or shambles, as in 'to make a complete X of something'. Name the brand.


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One night slightly more than two years ago, a Finnish video games designer called Jaakko Iisalo found himself home alone with time on his hands. While he messed around, his brain chewed over a project he’d been set at work. His employer, a small mobile games developer called_____, was short of funds and had recently drawn up a make-or-break business plan, which, essentially, involved developing a game for the hot new gadget of the day: Apple’s iPhone. Iisalo knew it had to be something fun, something with a strong central character. Suddenly, an idea began to form in his head. Switching on Photoshop, the designer started sketching a ____________ with thick eyebrows and intense, slightly crazed expressions on their faces. They had no legs to speak of, but, despite this drawback, were racing manically along the ground towards some sort of castle. What?
