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  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract






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    July 1,2009 to .June 30, 2014

  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


    Article 33 -- Termination ._ _ _ _._ _...... 36

    Article 34 - Conclusion ofNegotia~ions .. _ _ _................ -36

    Exhibit A -- Physical Fitness Standards _ _.......... 38

    Exhibit B - Wages _ _ , ,.... 39

    Exhibit C - The Medical Plan _.. _....................... 41

    Exhibit D - Vision Care Benefits _.................................. 45

    Exhibit F - Premium Cost Share _ _ _.......... 47

  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


    his Agreement is entered into by (he City of Bridgeport (the "Employer" or the"City") and Teamsters. Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and He lpers Union Loca l ~ 91 (the




    u The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargain ing agent for

    the purpose of establishing salaries, wages, hours and other terms and conditions of

    employment tor all full t ime Detention Officers in the City.

    ll.2 The Union recognizes the Ma yor of the City or his /her des ignated representative or

    representatives as the sole representative of the City for the purpose of collective

    hargaining. Thc parries fur ther agree to bargain in good faith on all matter s relating to

    wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment.

    This Agreement applies 10 and includes a ll Deten tion Officers employed by the



    2 .n The City agrees to deduct from the pay of a ll employees covered by th is

    Agreement, who authorize such deductions from their wages in writing, such membership

    dues and in itiation fee s as may be uniformly assesse d by the Union. When a n employee

    docs nnt have suffic ient money due him/her. after deductions have been made for Pension

    or o ther deductions requi red by law, Union dues for such deduction period shall be

    -1 -

    deducted in a pay period in which the employee has sufficie nt funds due him/her. It isa lso agreed that the obliga tion of (he City for funds actually deducted under th is Section

    termina tes upon the delivery of the deduc tion s so made to th e person authorize d by the

    Union to receive such funds from the Ci ty,

    2.2 The re mitta nce to the Union for any month shall be made dur ing the four th (4th)

    payroll week of said month and shall be remitted to the Union, together with a list of

    names ofemployees from whose wages such deductions have been made, no la ter than the

    fifteenth (15 th) day of the following month.

    2.3 It shall be a condition of employment that all employees of the Employer covered

    by this Agreement who are members of the Union in good standing on the effective

    (execution) date of this Agreement shall remain members in good standing of the Union

    during the term of the Agreement. It shall be a condition of employment that all

    employees covered by this Agreement who are not members of the Union on the effect ive

    date of th is Agreement shall on the th ir ty -fi rs t (31st ) day following the effect ive dale of

    this Agreement become and remain members in good standing in the Union or pay to the

    Union an amount equal to dues payable by Union members during the term of the

    Agreement. It shall a lso be a condit ion of employment that a ll employees covered by this

    Agreement and hired on or after its effective (execution) dale shall, on the 31 sl day

    following the beginning of such employment become and remain members in good

    standing in the Union, or pay to the Union an amount equal to dues payable by members

    -2 -

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    uring the term of Agreement. Al l such dues shall be automatically payro ll deducted andr emi tted to the Union.

    2A The Union a grees to indemnify and hold harmle ss the City for any loss or damage

    aris ing from the opera tion of th is A~ticle . It i s a lso agreed that nei ther any employee nor

    the Union shall have a ny c laim against the City for any deductions made or not made, as

    the case may be, unless it claim o f er ror is made in writing to the City within s ixty (60)

    calendar days after the date such deductions were or should have been made.


    :u The City shall p repare a li st o f employees represented by the Union, showing thei r

    sen iori ty in time of service with the City, the ir c lass ifica tion and rate of pay, and deliver

    the same to the Union within ninety (90) days of signing or anniversary date of the


    3.2 All ne w employee s shall ha ve a probationary period of one (I) year from the

    completion of he ld training and upon succ essful completion of this period they shall be

    classified as regular employee s. The probationary period shall be counted as part of the

    sen iori ty after the employee is considered regular. Probationary employees shall accrue

    vacation benefits during their probationary period, however they will not be allowed to

    take vacation until after the completion of their probationary period. During probation,

    the City may dismiss , o r o therwise d iscip line. an employee and such action shall not be

    -3 -

    arb it rable. The sole and exclusive remedy for such act ion shall be the grievance process

    through Step II.

    3.3 Seniority shall mean length of service to the municipality. Such seniority shall

    apply to longevity and vacation and other applicable benefits. For shift preference. layoff

    and recall unit (rank order) seniority shall govern.

    3.4 Employees will undergo an initial training period of approxima tely six and one-

    half (6 a nd Y2 ) weeks plus an addit ional four (4) week fie ld t ra in ing period wi th t ra in ing

    content and the term of training to be determined by the Chief of Police or his/her

    designee. During t ra in ing, employees wi ll work forty (40) hours per week based upon a R

    a.m. to 4 :30 p .m work day with a one half (112) hour unpaid lunch. Employees in train ing

    will be assigned a s the Chief of Police or his/her des ignee determines. in his /her sole

    discretion, the needs of the Police Department and the training program require.

    3.5 The Shop Steward sha ll have top senior ity in the event of a layoff and rec all.


    4.1 In the event that the City makes reduction in the number of employees in an

    establ ished job classifica tion , employees with the least sen iori ty wil l be la id-off fi rs t. In

    a ll cases of reduction in force or reorganization where layoff occurs, the Ci ty wil l p rovide

    the Union as much reasonable advance not ice as possible and in no event shall such notice

    be less than thirty (30) calendar days unless an emergency or unforeseen circumstances


  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


    r ises , in which case the Ci ty wi ll not ify the Union as soon as possible . Subsequent recal lsto open positions in that particu lar job class ifica tion shall be made in the reverse order of

    the by-oils.

    . : 11 . 2 An employee shall retain seniority status and right of recall in the specific job

    classification for twenty-four (24) months following the date of his/her layoff. If thei

    employee refuses recall o r fa il s to report for work at the t ime and on the day speci fied, the

    employee shall lose the right to further recal l and such refusal or failure shall be t reated as

    a resignation.

    No new person will be hired or assigned to a vacancy in the bargaining unit so long

    as employees on layoff and with rights to recall possess the required skills an d ability to

    perform the work . The provis ion does not l imit the City'S right to terminate an employee

    for just cause.

    4A Any employee covered by the terms of th is agreement and subject to being laid-o tt ,

    sha ll have the right to bump down to another job class ifica tion covered by this Agreement

    (if applicable) for which he or she is qualified , provided they have greater sen iori ty than

    cmployeets) occupying the lower job. The City's determination as to qualification shall be

    subject [0 grievance and arbitration only on the basis that the decision is arbitrary,

    capricious or in had faith,

    4.5 The o rder of layoff by job classification shall be: a ) probationary employees ; and

    then h) regular full t ime employees.

    4.6 For purposes of this Article , lay-offs shall inc lude all r eductions in the work force

    whether by lay-off, furlough, job elimination, reorganization, or funding elimination.


    5.1 The City agrees that the Shop Steward shall have time during working hours

    without loss of pay for the inves tiga tion and adjustment of gr ievance s; permiss ion to

    absent himse lf/herself from h is/her work a rea may be withheld by the City, b ecause of

    operation requirements . but in no event la ter tha n the star t of the next regular shift. The

    Union agrees that the complaint will be handled as quickly as possible.

    5.2 The Shop Steward may attend meetings for the purpose of contract negotiations

    during working hours without loss of pay.

    5.3 The Shop Ste ward may attend meetings during working hours without los s of pay

    when such meetings are requested or approved by the Director of Labor Relations or

    his/her designee.

    5 .4 Union officers shall be able to consu lt wi th the Employer or, h is /her representative ,

    Local Union officers , o r o ther Union representatives concern ing the enforcement of any

    provisions of this Agreement.

    5.5 One des ignated Union representative shall he grante d three (3) paid working days

    per year for the sole purpose of a ttending Shop Steward train ing seminars conducted hy

    the Union or the State convention as a voting delegate. Once every five (5) years one

    designated Union representative shall he granted five (5) days leave with pay for the sole

    -6 -

  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


    urpose of a ttendance at the National convent ion, The Union wil l certi fy the names of thedesignated union representative in writing to the Director of Labor Relations and l~e Chief

    of Pol ice or h is /her designee not less than fourteen (14) working days prior to the first day

    of the leave,

    S.h The City will furn ish and ma inta in suitable bulletin boards in conve nient plac es in

    each work which may he used by the Union. The Union agree s th at the material poste d

    iwill not contain propaganda against or attacks upon the City or any offic ial thereof or

    material which violates any provision of law or City policy,



    Except ::JS speci fic ally modified o r restricted by any provis ion of this Agreement. all

    statu tory and in herent managerial rights , pre rogatives and functions are retained a nd

    vested solely in the City, including, but not limited to, the rights , in a ccordance with its

    sole and exclu sive judgment and discretion, to: direct, recruit, select, tr ain, promote,

    d iscipline , transfer, ass ign, layoff and discharge personnel; determine the number and

    type s of positions . organiz ational s tructure and tec hnology required to provide City

    services: define the duties and responsibilities of each position and function;

    determine, acquire and main ta in essen tial equipment and faci li ti es requires for services

    and functions; contrac t for services and material wi th o ther unit s of government and/or

    private contrac tors ; take any necessary measures to estab li sh and main ta in the

    effic iency of governmenta l opera tions; determine the methods. means and personnel by

    which th e City's operations are to be conducted : establish and revise or discontinue

    policies, p rograms, rules and procedures regarding employee standards of conduct and

    the manner in which work is to be performed; perform the tasks and exercise the

    authority granted by sta tu te , charter and ord inance to the City in fu lfi llment of i ts legal

    responsibil ities,

    The City'S fa ilure to exercise an y right pre rogative or function hereby re served

    to it, or the City 's exercise of any such right, prerogative, or function in any par ticular

    way, shall n ot be conside red a waiver of the City's capa city or ability to exerc ise such

    right, prerogative or function or preclude it from exercising the same in any other way

    not in conflict with the express provis ions of th is agreement.

    The above rights , responsib ili ti es and prerogatives are inheren t in the

    City Council of the City of Br idgepor t and it's Ma yor, by virtue of statutory, ordinance

    or charter provisions and this Agreement, and may be subject to grievance or arb it ra tion

    proceedings only as specifically provided for in this Agreement.


    Employees will be subject to the Policies on drug a nd alcohol testing as may be in

    force in the City of Bridgeport Police Department for uniformed personnel.


  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


    ARTICLE 8 - ATTENDANCEEmployees wi ll he subject to the City's At tendance Policy issued and effec tive Apri l

    1 .2000 as such may be modified from time to time.


    Employees will he required to submit to annual physical fitnes s tes ting which

    shall be base d upon the "Cooper Stan dards" used in the Connecticut Municipal Police

    Acade my, a copy of which is attached to this agreement as Exhibit A. Refusal or failure

    10 lake the an nual physical test (e xcept for authorized leave or documente d phys ical

    incapacity) shall be cause for discipline. Such physical testing shall be conducted

    during the employee's regular work shift. Employees must maintain the percentile of

    fitness required by the City's Police Department Training Division for successful

    completion of initial tra ining for Detention Officers adjus ted for age and gender. Any

    employee who fails the test will be rete sted within ninety (90) da ys. The firs t fa ilure on

    a retest will result in a one (I) day suspension without pay. The second failure will

    result in a five (S) day suspension without pay. Upon the third failure, the City may

    terminate the employee


    w .n All employees covered hy th is agreement wi ll work schedule of five (5)

    consecutive eight u n hour days on duty followed by three (3) consecutive days off duty.

    Work shifts shall he: "A" Shiti- II :00 p.m, to TO O a .rn, or 12midnight to 8 :00


    a.m.: "B" Shift - 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.rn. or 8:0() a.rn, to 4:00 p.m.; "C" Shift - 3 :00 p I I :0 0 p.m. or 4:00 p.rn. to 12 midnight. The hours and days of work for all employees

    covered by th is Agreement may be changed for seasonal and opera ting reasons or for the

    convenience of the public or to conform 1 .0 changes in the schedule of the Police

    De partment, after the City mee ts and confers with the Union regard ing such changes.

    Notwithstanding, no Employee shall work more than sixteen (16) hours straight, including

    overt ime, without a t least e ight (8) hours off duty between shi ft s. Shif t p reference wil l he

    based upon seniority bid after satisfactory completion of the Field Training period subject

    (0 the Polic e Department determination as to the position available and/or neede d on a

    shif t. Shi ft ass ignments wi ll be posted everyone year by the Ci ty on or about October 1 5 ' 11

    of each year.

    10.2 Employees who work in excess of their regularly assigned work week or work

    schedule shall be paid at a rate of one and one-half (I 1/2) their regular straight time hourly

    rate for such work.

    10.3 Employees who a re off-duty s ick on the da y (hey are sche duled to work ove rtime

    shall be charged a s though they had work ed. Employees who are off-duty sick shall be

    required to work eight (S) hours regular tour of duty before they can work Depar tment


    10.4 Employees who are off-duty on their regular scheduled work day, when their

    names appears inrotation, shall be charged as though they would have worked.


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  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


    nd the remedy or correct ion requested. Within seven (7) working days after submission.O J meeting shall be held between the Union Representative and the Director of Labor

    Relations or his/her designee for the purpose of adjust ing the grievance. The Director of

    Lahor Relations or his/her designee shall respond in writing to the Union Representative

    at the meeting or within seven (7) working days.

    STEP HI - if the grievance is s ti ll unse tt led. e ither party may, wi th in fifteen (15) days

    after the rep ly of the Director of Labor Relations is due, or within fifteen (15) days

    following the written reply by the Director of Labor Relations or his/her designee,

    whichever period is later. by written notice to the other. request arbitration by the


    Connecticut State Board of Mediation and Arbitration. The par tie s agree that time is of

    the essence in resolving lahor complaints and all arbitration shall be handled as

    expeditiously as possible. Said arbitratorts) shall hear and act on such dispute in

    accordance with applicable Connecticu t Sta te Board of Media tion and Arbi tration rules

    and regula tions, or o ther rules and regula tions agreed upon in wri ting by the City and the

    Union. The arbitrator(s) shall limi t the decis ion str ic tly to the applicat ion, meaning or

    interpretation of the provisions of this agreement . The arb itrator(s) shall not add to, nor

    subtract from, the terms of this agreement as written. The arbitration award shall be in

    writing and shall set forth the opin ion and conclusions on only the issuers) submitted. The

    decision of the arb it ra tor(s) shall be fina l and binding on the parties subject to such appeal

    as provided for by stare law.


    12.2 Each party shall be responsible for compensating it s own representa tives andwitnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a

    record to be ma de, providing it pays for the re cord a nd makes copies available without

    charge to the other party and to the arbitratorts).

    12.3 Grievances initia ted by the Employer shall be proc essed in this same manner but

    they may be initiated at Step n by submitting it to the Union Representative.

    12.4 Upon mutual agreement by the City and the Union. any of the time limits and/or

    steps in this Article may be waived,

    12.5 The City and the Union agree that every attempt shall be made to schedule

    arb itration hearings in d ischarge cases within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the

    filing date fo r arbitration.

    12.6 Upon mutual agreement, the parties may utilize an expedited arbitration system.



    B.IA Effective July 1,2010, the re shall be a two and one half percent (2.5%) increase

    in salaries as set forth in the salary schedule a ttached as Exhibit B & c.

    13.1B Effective July I. 20 1 I , there shall be a two a nd one half percent (2.5%) increase

    insalaries as set forth in the salary schedule attached as Exhibit B & C.


  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


    3.le Effective July 1,2012, the re shall be a two and one half percent (2.S%) increase insalaries as set forth in the salary schedule a ttached as Exhib it B & c.

    B.W Effect ive July 1 ,2013, there shall be a three percent (3.0%) increase in salaries as

    set forth in the salary schedule a ttached as Exhib it B & c.

    B.2 For the purposc of this Agreement , an employee's regular weekly earnings shall be

    that por tio n of his/her regular annual salary which helshe receives each week. An

    employee's regular hourly rate shall be tha t portion of h is /her weekly earnings reduced to

    an hourly rate.

    13.3 In determining an employee's rate of pay for any monetary benefits under this

    Agreement, the basis to be used in such determination shall be the employe e's regular

    annual, weekly or hourly rate, whichbver is appropriate in determining such benefits.

    BA In no event shall any additional monies received as a result of any other provisions

    of this Agreement be considered as a portion of an employee's regular annual, weekly or

    hourly rate.

    13.5 All employees on an annual salary shall be paid the ir wages based on fif ty -two (52)


    B.6 Employees assigned to work the "A" or "C" shi ft s shall receive a shif t

    differential of one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) cents per hour.

    B.7 All employees hired before July I, 2009, shall be paid and progress yearly as set

    forth in Exhibit B.


    3.8 Al l employees h ired after July 1 ,2009, shall be paid and progress yearly as set forthin Exhibit C.


    When an employee is called in for work outside of his/her regularly scheduled

    working hours, helshe shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours a t the applicab le

    overtime rate.


    Each employee who has or will have ten (10) or more years of continuous

    munic ipal service by October I t of any contract yea r shall r eceive, in December, an

    annual payment calculated by multiplying the sum of sixty ($60.00) dollars by the number

    of years of such comple ted service. Such payment shall not e xceed one thousand eight

    hundred dollars ($1,800).



    16.1 The City shall provide and pay for Health Benefits for all employees and their

    enrolled dependents as follows:

    A) "Medical Benefits" in accordance with the City of Br idgeportlBridgeport Boa rd

    of Education Medical Plan (including Section V-Schedule of Benefits, Revision 1/110 I,

    a co py of which is annexed to the originals of this Contract (se e Exhibit D) .

    B) Drug prescription family p lan (covering all approved medicat ions and wi th


  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


    andatory generic substitution) with an annual maximum of $1 ,000 per plan year. Foradditional prescription drug charges, 80% is paid by the City and 20% is paid by the

    employee. The co-payment shall be five dollars ($5 .00) for generic drugs, ten ($10 .00)

    dollar s for brand name drugs on the prefe rred list maintained by the City's Pharmacy

    Manager and twenty five dollars ($25.00) for all other drugs (the "Prescr iption Drug


    Effective Octobe r 17, 2005, employees must use mail order for prescription

    drug refills for maintenance drugs on the list maintained by the City's pharmacy

    benefit s manager after th ree (3) refi ll s or the co-payments double a t retail. Such double

    co-payment shall only apply to drugs which can be ordered by mail. There shall be a

    l imit of thir ty (30) days supply for any single prescrip tion at retail .

    C) The twenty-five ($25.00) dollar deductible CIGNA Dental Plan, or its equivalent,

    excluding orthodontia (the "Dental Plan").

    [J)) The CIGNA Vision Plan, or its equivalent, as outlined and attached hereto as

    Exhibit E.

    16.2 The City shall provide and pay for the cost for all employees of a Group Life

    Insurance Policy, with accidenta l death and dismemberment, in the amount of twenty

    thousand dollars ($20,000).

    1.6.3 For e mployee s, and their surviving spouses, if any, who retire on or after the first

    day of this Agreement and pr ior to the la st day of this Agreement, the City will provide


    nd pay for benefits under the Medical Plan or a suppleme ntal plan to Medica re Part Boffering benefits equal to the Medical Plan. Such reti rees , and their surviving spouses ,

    shall make the employee contr ibutions to coverage provided for herein. Coverage for

    surviving spouses shall terminate upon remarr iage. Retired employees must ac cept

    Medicare Part B if eligible. For purposes of this Article "retiree" shall mean an

    employee who is eligible to receive full pension benefits in accordance with the

    requirements of CMERF Part B and who (a) has not less than fifteen (15) years of

    munic ipal service a nd is not less than fifty five (55) yea rs of age upon retirement; or (b)

    has not less than twenty five (25) years of municipal service regardless of age .

    16.4 Wheneveran employee covered by this agreement is suspended, all health benefits

    and insurance shall be provided throughout the period of suspension.

    16.5 The City may offer the privilege of choosing an alternative health care c arrier

    and/or adminis trator and/or p lans in lieu ofthe City 's P1an(s) as set forth in Section 16.1

    of this Article. Enrollment periods shall be annually in May of each year. For

    employees electing the alternative, the City shall remit monthly to the Planes) in an

    amount up to but not to exceed that" which the City pays for the City's Plan(s) as

    speci fied in Section 16.1 of th is Art ic le . If the cost for the a lterna tive is greater than the

    amount the City would have paid or contributed had the employee not elected such

    plan, then the City agreed to deduct from the employee's pay, upon rece ipt of a written

    authorizat ion from the employee, the additional amount required for full payment of the

    alternative cost. -18-

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    ~.6 The City shall he permit ted to subst itu te insurance or benefi ts arrangements fromany source for the Plants) provided for in Section 16.1 of th is Art ic le . Such

    subst itutions shall be permi tted if the substi tu ted coverage offers benefit s and methods

    of adminis tration , processing and payment of c la ims at least equal to those specifica lly

    provided for in Section I h.1 of this Article. Before the City may substitute, it must

    negotiate the substitution with the Union. If the Union does not agree to the

    substirui ion, the City must claim the matter for arbitration in accordance with single

    member panel rules of the American Arbit ra tion Associa tion. The Arbitrator wi ll o rder

    the substitution, if after weighing the total benefits a nd methods of administration,

    processing and payment of claims offered by the City's proposal against the total

    benefits and methods of adminis tra tion, proces sing a nd payment of e1aims offered by

    the Plan specified in Section 16.1 of this Article, he/she finds that the average

    bargaining unit member will, on ~n overall basis, benefit at least as well under the

    proposed substituted cove rage. Nothing here in shall require the City to propose total

    substi tu tions for the coverage provided in Section 16.1 of this Article and substitution

    may be propose d for anyone or more o f the specifie d coverages .

    )6.7 The City shall provide a payment of lieu of health benefits for employees that

    waive such coverage, in the amount of five hundred ($500) dollar s per year.

    Hi..H The City, at its option, may change carriers for the insurance or the method of

    providing the health benefi ts in this Artic le , p rovided the benefits are equal to or bet ter

    - 1

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    specific list of benefits up to a yearly dollar amount as agreed; the details of which,shall he subject to reope ner negotiations at the request o f either party. Participation in

    the plan shall he voluntary.

    Hid:! (A) For retired employees and their surviving spouses. if any. the City shall

    provide and pay lor the same Me dical Plan as provided for the ac tive employees as the

    same may. from time to time, be modified under future collective bargaining

    agreements or if appropriate due to age. a Medicare Supplement Plan to the extent

    needed. Retired employee contributions shall be equal to the amount of such

    contr ibutions at retirement plus an increase in such contr ibutions as suc h increase ma y

    exis t from time to time.

    (B) It any retired employee shall have available coverage for Medical Benefits

    through subsequent employment of the retiree or through the retiree's spouse

    ("Alternative Coverage"). such retiree shall apply for and, if eligible, obtain such

    Alternative Coverage provided t~at the Alternative Coverage shall not exceed in

    premium cos t and/or contribution to the retire e the c ost which the retiree would hav e

    paid to the City for Medical Be nefits c overage except as provided below. The retir ee

    shall not take adva ntage of any buy-out program in lieu of Alternative Coverage. The

    Retiree and the retiree's spouse shall remain in the City's Plan even if Alternative

    Coverage is obta ined . but the City 'S Plan shall remain secondary to the Alternative


    overa ge so long as it is available . In t he event the retiree shall not be eligible foralternative covera ge or the re tiree's premium cost and/or con tribution would be more

    than the retiree's payment for the City's Plan and the City shall no! have exercised an

    option to reimburse the ret iree or surviving spouse for such additional cost, the Medica l

    Benefits provided by the City shall become primary for the retiree and the retiree's

    spouse. The retiree and the re tir ee's spouse who have alternate coverage to which they

    must contribute shall not be required 10 contr ibute to the Ci ty 's coverage to the exten t of

    such contributions.


    17.1 The City recognizes that a wide range of problems not directly associated with

    one's job function can have undesirable effect on an employee's job performance. The City

    a lso recognizes that a lmost any human problem can be successfu lly t reated provided it is

    identi fied in it s early stages, and referral is made to an appropria te modali ty of care. This

    applies whether the problem be one of physical illness, mental or emotional illness.

    finances, marital or family distress. alcoholism. drug abuse or legal problems. Therefore.

    the Ci ty believes i t i s in the in terest of the employees. the employee's fami ly and the City

    to provide an employee service which deals with such persistent problems.

    17.2 The EAP may estab li sh . and therefore e liminate . and provide i ts services to a ll Ci ty

    employees and their immediate family members at no cost to employee or family.


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    73 The decision In seek the assistance of the EAP is left with the employee. Anemployee may seek assistance Oil his/her own or may agree to accept assistance at the


    suggestion of h is /her supervisor. No employee shall be requi red to seek the assis tance of

    the EAP hy his/her supervisor nor penalized for refusal to voluntarily seek such assistance.

    17.13 No reference or record shall be made or stored in any personnel, payroll,

    supervisor's or othe r file regarding an employees' need for, acc ess to or use of the EAP.

    All records of the EAP, including wh ether or not an employee is participating in EAP,

    shall he confiden tial and not available to any person, Supervisor, Commission, Board , 01'

    other organization, without the employee's express written consent. No employee shall be

    required to waive such privilege of confidentiality.

    n.5 Employees are assured that their job, future and reputation will not be jeopardized

    by utilizing this employee servic e. Strict record confidentiality will be observe d at all

    I imes,

    17.6 Employee problems ca using unsatisfa ctory job performa nce will c ontinue to be

    handled in a forthright manner wi th in the estab li shed bargain ing agreement procedure .

    There is no conflict or contradiction with the prevailing bargaining unit procedures.

    i.7,7 To insure consistency and c ooperation, the appropriate union s teward will, if the

    employee consents , become involved when necessary. I t should be understood from the

    outset th at this service is a cooperative effort suppor ted by administration a nd Unions

    representing City employees.


    17.8 The EAP will offer retirement counseling services to individuals preparing to retire.If the employe e(s) ha ve any ques tions regarding the EAP they can contac t the City'S

    Benefits Office or their Union representation.

    A RT IC LE 18 - P EN SIO N PL AN

    All e ligib le employees in the bargain ing uni t shall be covered by the Connecticu t

    Municipal Employees Retirement Fund B ("CMERF Pund B"). The employee

    contribution to C-MERF Fund R shall be on a pre-tax basis subject to, and

    conditioned, on meeting the requirements of MERF and all other City unions

    participating in MERF agreeing to a pre-tax provision.

    A RT IC LE 19 - U NI FO RM S

    19.1 Employees wil l wear the uniform designated by the City's Pol ice Department for

    Detention Officers. No additional embro idery, patches or varia tions of the designated

    uniform will be permitted:

    19.2 Effective July I, 2004, each employee will receive four (4) complete sets of

    uniforms every eighteen (18) months dur ing the term of the Agre ement. A complete set

    shall be defined as: One (I) short sleeve shirt, one (I) long sleeve shirr which shall be

    embroidered with a badge and a name, one (I) mock turtle neck embroidered with a

    B.P.D. on the neck , one (I ) black t- shirt, one (I ) pa ir of gray B.D.U. pants and one pair of

    shoes. Such shoes shall be in conformity with the Color and type worn by the City's

    Police Officers.


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    2(U The following days shall be paid holidays: Ne w Year's Day, Martin Luther King

    Day, President's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,

    Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas

    Day. If the Mayor of the City officia lly procla ims, on a non-collec tive bargain ing basis , a

    holiday off with pay for all other City employees (othe r th an employee s o f the Board of

    Education), this bargaining unit shall receive the same benefit .

    20.2 Employee s who work on a holiday on a day dur ing which the employee is regularly

    assigned 10 work, or whose normal day off falls on a holiday, or who are on vacation.

    shall have rhe option 10: 1\) rece ive a day off tor such holiday; B) to be paid for such

    day; or C) 10 bank such holiday. Payment shall be base d upon the regular hourly ra te of

    pay at the time the hol iday was banked mult ip lied by eight (8) hours , Employees who elect

    to receive pay for holidays must noti fy the City in wri ting prior to February 151h of each

    fi scal year of the number of holidays, not to exceed twelve (12), to be paid. The Ci ty shall

    use its best efforts to make such payment by April I SI. The bank shall operate on a last in-

    f irst out basis . Holidays in the bank shall accrue unless paid or used.

    20.3 If an employee shall have unused banked holidays at retirement or death, the

    employee. or such employees surviving spouse. shall receive payment for such holidays.


    20.4 Employees shall have the choice of days off as provided above, provided that , in thejudgme nt of the City, such does not interfere with City operations. The Chief of Police

    shall de termine what department functions shall remain ope n on any given holiday. I f.

    in the judgment of the Chief of Police, it is imprac tical to grant days off for unused

    holidays for any employee, the City shall have the option of paying the employee for

    such holiday(s) as provided herein.


    21.1 Subject to the operational needs of the Police Department as determined by the

    Chief of Police or his/her designee and to provisions of this agreement concerning

    probationary employees, employees with continuous municipal service of less than one ( I)

    year shall receive one (I) day of vacation with pay for each month of such continuous

    service, but not to exceed one (I) calendar week in the vacation year such service is

    rendered. In each vacation year, any employee with one (I) or more years of such

    munic ipal service, but less than five (5) years of such service shall receive two (2) weeks

    vacation with pay. In each vacation year any employee with five (5) or more years of

    continuous munic ipal service but less than ten (10) years of such service . shall receive

    three (3) weeks of vaca tion with pay. In each v acation year, any e mployee with len (10)

    or more years of continuous munic ipal service, but less than twenty (20) years of such


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    ray the premium tor the short term/long term disability policy. Employees must submit to

    the essential terms and conditions are not adversely affected thereby. The employees will 22.7 An employee who is absent because of unauthorized failure to report to work

    the plan administrator any required claim form and medical and/or other documentation of

    their c la im and disability.

    22.4 Employees with an existing accumulated balance of sick leave based upon prior

    municipal service with the City shall have such accumulated balance frozen at the

    current rate of pay. Such accumulated balance paid out to any retiring employee upon

    separation from City service on a lump sum basis of fifty percent (50%) of such

    accumulated balance. On the death of the employee, the amount of sick leave time

    credited to the employee shall be payable to his/her spouse, and/or children, or estate as

    if such employee had retired.

    22.5 Employees who have IlO absences on sick leave and/or short term/long term

    disability and/or worker's compensation leave during anyone (I) year period from

    April I _, to March 31 " shall be paid a perfect attendance bonus of four hundred dollars

    (MOO.OO). The City will use its best efforts to make such payment prior to May 31

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    n employee it leave of absence wi thout pay for a period of not to exceed one (I) yea r. Noleave without pay shall be granted except upon written request of the employe: and a

    guaran tee hy tha t employee that he/she will s erve the City for at least one (I) year after

    h is /her return from such leave . Whenever granted , such leave shall be approved in wri ting

    and signed by the department head and the Director of Labor Relations. Should the nature

    of the posit ion require a permanent replacement, upon granting of the leave, the employee

    shall be notified of that. Upon returning hom the leave the employe e shall be placed in a

    substantially equivalent posit ion in which he/she has demonstrated that he/she can perform

    effectively while in City service.

    25.2 Failure on the part of an employee on leave to report promptly at its expiration,

    without good cause, shall be considered as a resignation.

    25.3 In the event of a hardship , and wi th the approval of the Director of Labor Rela tions,

    a department head may grant an extension of such leave for up to sixty (60) days but in no

    event shall any leave exceed a to ta l of fourteen (14) months .


    26. U Any employee who becomes medically disabled due to pregnancy or medical

    complications rela ted to pregnancy and is unable to perform her normally assigned duties

    shall submit a written statement from her physician indicating her present physical

    condition, the expected date of child birth, the nature of the medical disability, the


    l imitations to which that disability imposes upon her abili ty 10 continue with her normallyassigned duties, and the probable duration of the disability.

    26.2 Any employee so medically disabled shall be granted any benefits provided for

    short term disab ili ti es and paid sick leave to the exten t accrued . provided that such leave

    shall be granted only for the duration of such pregnancy or pregnancy disability.

    26.3 Any employe e medically disabled as a result of pregnancy and who uses s ick leave

    to the extend accrued shall be enti tled to receive all compensation which has been accrued

    under the various provisions of this Agreement. and, upon returning to work. shall receive

    full credit for accumulated seniority, retirement, fringe benefits, and other service credits.

    26.4 Any employee previously disabled as a result of pregnancy or medical

    complications related to pregnancy must return to her posit ion when she is physically

    able to perform her dut ies. The Ci ty may require medical proof of any disab ility which it

    considers unduly long in duration.


    Family and Medical Leave will be granted in acco rdance the City'S Family and

    Medical Leave Policy.


    28.1 In the event that an employee is required to be absent from work due to a job-

    related accident, and as a result thereof, has been determined to be entitled to

    compensatory Worker's Compensation payments pursuant to the state statute, such


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    mployees shall be paid the d ifference between eighty percent (80%) of that employee'sregular straight-time weekly earnings and the amount of the weekly Worker's

    Compensation pay for each of the third (3rd) to twelf th (12 th) weeks during which the

    employee is thus required to he absent from work. This provision shall not a pply to back

    weakness or hack soreness cases and no differe ntia l payment shall be made in any such


    21' !.2 Each employee in jured or d isab led as provided under this Article must choose from

    the list of health cure providers for the City of Bridgeport Workers' Compensation

    Managed Care Plan, as such may be modified from time to time by the Plan


    If an employee on workers' compensation has a modified or restricted work

    ca pacity, the City may, in its discretion, request the employee re turn to a modified duty

    position. Such work sha ll be within the restrictions outlined by the treating medical

    provider. The employee shall receive h is /her regular pay provided he/she works the same

    number of hours in his/her regular position, otherwise the salary shall be prorated

    depending on hours worked . The City shall endeavor to u til ize the individual in a posit ion

    where the work is s imilar to bargain ing uni t work. The City reserves the right to l imit the

    available number of modified duty positions. These positions are intended to be

    temporary in nature , general ly not to exceed three (3) months in duration, and prepare the

    employee to return to full duty.


    28.4 As provided in Section 25.1, the maximum length of the workers compensation

    leave shall be twelve (12) months or earlier, if the employee has reached maximum

    medical improvement. The twelve (12) month limit shall be subject to the hardship

    extension provided for inSection 25,2.


    29.1 For each of i ts employees who is summoned to serve on ajury in the Superior

    Court or United Sta tes Dist ric t Court ( in the absence of sol ic ita tion by the employee to be

    lis ted as a prospective juror) and is requi red to serve on said jury, the City wi ll reimburse

    such employees for the difference in the compensation received from the Court and the

    pay which said employee would have received has the employee worked those hours that

    the City would have scheduled for the employee's services dur ing the same time period

    subject to the following provisions:

    29.2 Employees shall be eligible for this payment after presentation to the City of a

    statement by the appropriate Clerk of the Court setting forth the dates on which the

    employee was actual ly present in Court pursuant to the jury duty summons and the amount

    paid by the Court as the resul t o f the performance of such jury duty. No employee shall be

    eligible for the City reimbursement provided herein required for jury duty more often than

    once in a fisca l year.


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    30. H The provisions of this Agreement shall he applied equally to all e mployees in the

    bargain ing unit without d iscrimination because of age , sex , sexual orien ta tion , marital

    statll~, race, color, creed, national origin, handicap, political affiliation or union

    membership. Any claimed violation of this Article over which the Connecticut

    Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities and/or federal Equal Employ ment

    Opportunities Commission would have jurisdiction may be processed through the

    gr ievanc e procedure to the last step prior to arbitr ation; there afte r, any suc h claimed

    vio la tion may he arb itrated only if so agree by both parties .

    311 .2 Subject to the parties' obliga tion to bargain pursuant to the Municipal Employees '

    Relations Act and the speci fic provisions of th is Agreement , nothing in th is Agreement

    shall p rohibit the Ci ty from act ing to comply wi th the requi rements of the Americans wi th

    Disabilities Act (the "ADA"). In the event of a dispute with respect to such action , the

    City may implement a proposed reasonable accommodation for the purpose of compliance

    with the ADA subject to the Union's right to challenge such action thereafter.


    if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Agreement shall be held for any

    reason to he inop erative. void or invalid, the v alidity of the remaining portions of this

    Agreement shall not he affected thereby, it being the in tention of the parties in adopting

    - 3 . 1 -

    his Agreement that no portion thereof, o r provis ion herein shall become inopera tive orfail by reason of the invalidity of any other portion or provisions.


    The City shall use its best efforts to furnish a copy of this Agreement to each

    employee, within ninety (90) days after execution. New employees shall be given a

    copy of this Agreement at time of hire. The Union is to receive two (2) signed copies

    of this Agreement.


    All provisions of this Agreement shall be effe ctive as of July I , 2009 and shall

    remain III full force and effect until June 30, 2014. This Agreement shall be

    automatically renewed from yea r to yea r th ereafter unless either party sha ll notify the

    other in writing not more than one hundred fifty (150) days nor less than one hundred

    twenty (120) days prior to the expiration date that it desires to modify this Agreement,

    In the event such notice is g iven , negotiations shall beg in not later than ninety (90) days

    prior to the expiration date. In the event that either party desires to terminate this

    Agreement, written notice must be given to the other party not less than ten (10) days

    prior to the expirat ion date .


    This Agreement, including the Exhibits attached hereto, IS th e e ntir e

    Agreement between the City and the Union. This Agreement supersedes a ll o ther


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    greements. with respect to terms and conditions of employment, b etween the parties .The parties acknowledge that. except as provided in Article :'1. they hav~ fully

    negotiated with respe ct to the terms and conditions of employment for the term of this

    In witness there 011 this ~~ay of ~~_, 20~' the parties hereto set their hands.


    Business Agent


    Exhibit A




    Minimum Scores for Employment as Police Officer(Scores Indicate fiftieth (50 th ) Percentile of Fitness*

    SIT-UP MUSCULAR ENDURANCE - The score is the number ofbent-leg sit-ups performed in one minute.

    FLEX FLEX:IB:ILITY - 'I'h e "sit-and-reach" testmeasures the flexibility of the lower back andhamstrings. The test involves stretching outto touch the toes and beyond with extendedarms from the sitting position. The score isin inches reached in a yardstick with the 15 th

    mark being at the toes.

    BENCH ABSOLUTE STRENGTH - One (1) repetit ion maxjmumbench press using Dynamic Variable Resistance(DVR) protocol. The score is a ratio of

    weight pressed divided by body weight.

    1.5. MI RUN CARD:I.OVASCULAR CAPAC:ITY - 1. 5 mi 1e run. Thescore is in minutes, seconds.

    AGE/SEX TESTMALE SIT-UP FLEX BENCH PRESS 1 % MILE RUN20-29 40 17.5" 106% 12:1630-39 36 16.5" 93% 12:5140-49 31 15.25" 84% 13:53SO-59 26 14.5" 75% 14:55FEMALE SIT UP FLEX BENCH PRESS 1 % MILE RUN20-29 35 20" 65% 14:5530-39 27 19" 57% 15:2640-49 22 18" 52% 16:27SO-59 17 17.75" 46% 17:24

    *Det.ention Officers shall be subject to minimum scoresbased upon the 40 th percentile of fitness.


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    7/1 1 20 0 9 7/1 /20 1 02.5%



    7/1 /2013


    $34,552.00 $35,416.00 $36,301.00 $37,209.00 $38,325.00$664.46 $681.08 $698.10 $715.56 $737.02

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    9/14/2009 7/1/2010









    $31,775.00 $32,569.00 $33,383.00 $34,218.00 $35,245.00$611.06 $626.33 $641.98 $658.04 $677.79

  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract



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  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


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  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract






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  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract


  • 8/6/2019 Teamsters Contract




    The new vision ca re plan will be provided by Visio n Service Plan. The p lan provides ac omplete vis ion examination an d lense s once every twelve (12) months , and a frameonce every twenty-four (24) months. The vision examination will include tests tode termine the ge neral hea lth of your eyes and whether glasses are necessary. A wideselect ion of frames are availab le , and contact lenses are covered i f medically necessary.An allowance will be made if cosmetic contacts are selected.

    The plan has a netwo rk o f over 22,000 doctor loca tio ns na tio nwide for you to choosefrom. WHEN SERVICES ARE OBTAINED FROM A MEMBER DOCTOR, VisionService Plan will pay the doctor directly. There will be no out-of-pocket expenseexcept for a twenty ($20.00) dollar co-payment for the examination and a thirty($30.00) dollar co-payment for materials. There c an be an extra charge for cosmeticitems such as tints , ov er-s ixed lenses, or blende d lenses, etc . These extras are charge d

    at predetermined wholesale prices.

    In addition , your benefi t inc ludes a forty dollar ($40.00) wholesale frame allowance.This typically equates to a pair of frames which retail for one hundred/one hundredtwenty ($100/$120) dollar s. Should you e xceed the wholesale frame allowance, youwill be cha rged the additiona l wholesale cost, plus a servic e fee equal to the ove rage.(Example: You choose frames which carry a fifty dollar ($50.00) wholesale value.You would be charged the additional wholesale cost of ten dollars ($10.00) plus aservice fee equal to the overage , or ten ($10.00) dol lars . Therefore , these frames wouldcost twenty ($20.00) dollars in addition to your co-payment.

    You also have the option to receive SERVICES FROM A NON-MEMBER DOCTOR,and VSP will reimburse you according to a schedule of allowances. There is noassurance that the schedule will be sufficient to pay for the entire cost of theexamination or the glasses.


    Vision ExaminationSingle Vision Lenses, up to (per pai r)



    Bifocal Lenses, up to (per pair)Tri focal Lenses, up to (per pai r)

    LenticularFrames, up to .Contact Lenses





    BEFORE MAKING AN APPOINTMENT WITH EITHER A MEMBER OR NON-MEMBER DOCTOR, you must obta in a request card brochure from your PersonnelDepartment. The brochure wi ll fu rther expla in the benefit s and procedures. Simplycomplete the pre-addressed request-for-service postcard attached to the brochure and

    mail it to VSP. The request -for-serv ice postcard should be sen t in just prior to yourdesired appointment date , s ince the benefi ts from expires s ix ty (60) days from the dateof issue. With in approximate ly ten (l0) days, you wiJIrece ive a benefit from alongwi th a li st o f member doctors in your area. For questions o ther than elig ib il ity, callVSP's National Customer Service Center at (1800) 622-7444.


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