team work report


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Table of Content


1 Abstract 3

2 Introduction 4

3 Definitions 5

4 Literature review 6

5 Theories 22

6 Critical analysis 24

7 Conclusion 25

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Teamwork plays an vital part to make the performance of an organization efficient and successful. Teamwork need participation of every single person who is a part of that specific team. Forming a good team is not an easy task. It require a lot of intellectual ability. And once a team is formed than it is necessary to guide your team mates and try to keep them together in order to achieve your specific goal. Goal can only be achieved from good team work, which is not possible until and unless there is a bonding in the team mates and they don’t realize their duties regarding to their work. Best team work can be done by making a best team and making your team best is not an easy task. Once a team is formed and it has reached to the final stage of the achievement of goal it is the example of best team work. Because getting to the final goal can only be done with a good team work.

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A team can be defined as a group of people with a full set of corresponding skills required to complete a task, job or project. Not only this, but there must be some common goal shared by teams and individual However there is a big difference between a group and a team. The main difference between a group and a team is the commonality of goals and objectives. A team has some goals which are shared by all of the team members, but this is not always present in a group.

Teamwork is defined as a process which involves collaboration of a group of people in order to achieve a goal. It is basically the capability to work together for a common purpose. Teams give the advantage to work more professionally as a collaborative force in order to achieve the goal. Teamwork provides range of ideas during the time of decision making as every team member participates and offers his/her idea with a different frame of reference. Teamwork offers a positive criticism from all of the members which put in effective performance of the team members as well as the assessment of the task and performance.

Teamwork has the potential of turning defeats into successes. It is the teamwork which make possible the ordinary people to achieve unexpected goals.


1) According to Jared Lewis team work can be defined as:

“Teamwork is a word that is often thrown around in the business world. However, what exactly is meant by the actual term "teamwork" may differ from one business to the next or even from one person to the next. The difficulty in establishing a definition for the term stems from the fact that it actually consists of several facets”

2) Teamwork is defined by Scarnati (2001, p. 5)

“As a cooperative process that allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results.”

3) Larson and laFato (1989) defined team work as:

“A unit of two or more people who interacts and co-ordinates their works to accomplish a specific goal.”

4) Kogler-hill defines teams as:

“Organizational groups composed of members who are independent, who shares commons goals, and who must co-ordinates their activities to accomplish these goals”

5) Katzenbach and Smith give in the Discipline of Teams: a Mindbook-Workbook for Delivering Small Group Performance

“A small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves manually accountable”

6) Francis and Young define a team as a

“High-performing task group whose members are actively interdependent and share common performance objectives"

7) Joy and Joy define a team as

"A group of individuals, bonded together, striving to achieve a common purpose through mutual cooperation"

8) Maginn defines a team as

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"a group of people working together to reach a goal that they all believe in and that would be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve by people working alone"

9) Sanborn's definition (Team built: Making Teamwork Work)

"A highly communicative group of people with different backgrounds, skills, and abilities with a shared sense of mission and clearly identified goals.”

10) Cohen et al. Defined agent teamwork as

“A set of agents having a shared objective and a shared mental state”,

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This article is written by MAGGIE CRADDOCK. Written in September 26, 2011 the article narrates the concept of establishing each members personal power style. How to motivate others is a actual quality, but experiencing the situation within your team members encourage the spirit of trust.

In this article the participants started to make a role play so that they can understand the habitual responses of challenges. Power styles encourage other members to know about the situation in order to deal with it. We have to adopt the certain power styles like the (pleaser, the charmer, the commander, and the inspirer) so we can handle the situation more courageously.

What the participants did that they gave each other an advice on how to approach tricky situations at a given rate of performance through the learning of power styles, the bond of trust gradually increases. It gives us a lesson to appreciate the value of each other's power, styles, only then the spirit of team flourishes beyond the collaboration. This technique really helped them. It increases their confidence and the professionalism takes over. Thus the women of the coaching group got promoted.

Building up trust is difficult, but to discover the other power styles and how they interact in various situations can be a learning experience for everyone.


This article is written by ANAT LECHNER in April 18, 2012. She is a professor of business management at the STERN school of business. New York University, she teaches, conducts research and consults in the areas of organizational design and change. Including new forms of collaboration.

The article is all about collaboration. In 2008 research was conducted and 82 % said that they needed to partner with others throughout the day to get their work done. Collaboration now days have become a true challenge for everyone. The writer clearly emphasized on I K does not matter, YOU AND I WORK matters. He highlighted that individuals cannot give up their very best, until they are not in a team. As individual workstations separate people from one another.

Employees should have unassigned individual workstation. Free flowing hallways, rooms equipped with technology and group spaces for co-creation. Collaborative work happens only

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when people share their ideas, thoughts and problems with each other, and take decisions or solve matters cooperatively. It also involves the knowledge exchange, brain storming and etc. A team room can provide “COGNITIVE SPACE “to hold ideas and experiences.

Companies like CICSO, SKYPE AND PIXAR have already developed clearly designed work environments to best enable new value creation through collaboration.


The article is written by JOHN R. KATZENBACH AND DOUGLAS K. SMIT and taken from July issue. He is a founder and co-leader of the KATZENBACH center at booz and company. Which focuses on cultural and leadership joint research within client situations. The article is all about the decisions taken by teams, that they should be clear . He describes teams as a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose. He discuss the four elements (common commitment , performance goals, complementary skills and mutual accountability) He defined that people relate team work with groups so he mentioned that both are entirely different from one other, he differentiate them like :

Team work GroupsShared leadership roles Clearly focused leaderIndividual and mutual accountability Individual accountabilityCollective work products Individual work products Does real work together Discuss individually

He also declare that team should have a urgent and worthwhile purpose, select members for skill and skill potential , not personality, initial impressions, clear rules of behavior, immediate performance oriented tasks, challenges of groups, spending lots of time together.

Positivity is essential for the teams to work because it makes the team GOLD stars . Teamwork is only possible when we divide our broad categories into specific measurable performance. Specific goals allow a team to achieve small wins as it follows the broader purpose. Good t communication skills are highly recommended for the growth of teams. Team work involves technical expertise, problem solving skills and interpersonal skills.


The article is written by ALEX SANDY PENTLAND on march20, 2012. He briefly explains the power of teamwork with the help of scientific behavior. He gave importance on the substance of teams, communication, that how people communicate ( tone of voice, gesticulation, how one faces others in the group, how much people talk and listen ). He focuses on how you say it, not on what you say.

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According to him this really matters for the sake of empowering teams. They made electronic sensors called sociometric badges. From this he can predict that whether a team will perform well or not , and with a high rate of success, whether or not team members will report they have a productive or creative day and it will be based on the data collected from the sociometric badges .

Many people are uncomfortable with this because they thought that people who naturally display the good communication patterns will WIN and any one not blessed with this talent will drag a team down, but he verifies himself by telling people that this pattern of communication are highly trainable.

He demonstrates people should feel empowered by the idea of a science of team building. The idea which they can alter the guess work of putting a team together into a accurate methodology.


This article is written by BRAD POWER. In February 7, 2013.

It is all about that the companies increasingly use outside specialists to do their work. Only for the improvement in performance, they actually face two tradeoffs, the first is greater costs, outside specialists can be expensive. The second is increased risk of coordination and integration.

There are certain steps that we use to organize a fragmented team of internal and external people to improve the custom experience.

1. Create a shared purpose and end-to end process map: it indicates that the members should gather the key stake holders of a process in a multi day workshop to map the current and future process, implementation plan and etc.

2. To introduce new software's so that retailers do not rely on phone , emails and faxes. Software can provide managers with visibility and control of inventory from the order to a store shelf.

3. Create an online community for your process team: Social networking systems offer a new way to support process teams across organizational boundaries and they fabricate a new mobile application MITRE it was distributed to front-line soldiers, who then gave rapid feedback on the product through Handshake.


It is written by NANCY KATZ taken from September 2001. As companies depend more and more on teams to accomplish key tasks, optimizing each member’s performance becomes a critical challenge. Team members with weak skills can compromise overall productivity or

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place unfair burdens on high performers. So what can managers do to improve the performance of less-skilled team members is , they must encourage them not only the desire to improve but also the belief that they can. Furthermore, managers must find ways to increase the possibility that people with greater skills will help their teammates become more proficient One practical way to promote both goals is through the design of team compensation structures.

To test how pay schemes affect the ability gap in teams, she conducted a study of 100 participants in an interactive recreation, exercise called Bolo, which has been used by U.S. Army research Institute psychologists, among others, to study collaboration and team behavior patterns. In this study, the participants were separated into 3 three- or 4 member team, each of which was rough against a computer-guided enemy. Each team operated under one of five different compensation structures, but all had the same goal to beat the enemy by capturing as many refueling bases as possible. The game provided opportunities for team members to both cooperate with and compete against one another.

She conducted a hybrid scheme named as : Individual threshold , group threshold, the relative ratio. When a team’s work results in a quantifiable, tangible outcome; when members’ roles are not highly differentiated, so it’s easy to compare individual performance levels, when high-skilled workers cannot simply carry the rest of the team and when there is enough time for highly skilled members to teach their less-skilled employees. In the right situation, such schemes can all together encourage low-performing team members to improve their skills and encourage more highly skilled members to help them in this effort, thereby reaping the benefits of two fundamentally different approaches to structuring compensation equality and equity.


In this article Richard Hackman is talking about the six common misperception about team works. The first misperception that we think that smooth interaction between the collaborators saves from time wasting debates. Where in actual groups which are involved in conflicts tends to generate more creative solutions to the problems as compared to the conflict free groups. The other misperception is that it is good to mingle and new members must be added to the group so .While in reality the more the group members stays together the more the bond between them get stronger and they can work easily with each other. The third misperception is that the groups must be larger in size because they will have more resources and the chances of their disapproval will be decreased. Where in reality the larger groups, mostly face inactive coordination and it is difficult and challenging to handle larger groups. There is another misperception that face to face conversation is old fashioned and the teams should use electronic technologies for communication purpose. Well, this is not true face to face communication is much better than the visual communication. The other misperception is that whatever the result of the performance of the teamwork is the leader will always be the reason. In actual the performance of the leader does affect the activity of the team, but the best a leader can do is that he can set some limits for his team members, he can launch his

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team in the best way he can and then he can coach them and guide them how to complete their task to achieve their goal. At last it is believed that the teamwork can be easily done by finding good people to make a team and then assign them the task they can do better .Well, it is not true teams are made after a lot of thinking and great decisions and you cannot form a team and make your team work without a little bit political moves.


In this article the writer Michael Watkins has given ten basic principles to make virtual teams work, as virtual teams have become a fact of our business life so he has proposed ten principles to make them work efficiently. 1) The first one is that try to get your team together so that they can get to know each other better. If it is not possible to get them together physically use virtual team building strategy. But if you can get them together physically than go for it as it will be good for them to gather on a same platform and share their ideas with each other and communicate 2) the leaders must make it clear to the team members that what are the goals of the company and what their tasks are built in virtual teams it is sometimes a challenging because team members are not co-located, so the important thing is to focus on task design and make a process that will be used to complete the task. Before assigning the task firstly simplify it and then divide the task into subgroups of two to three members. 3) The third principle he gave is that we should create a communication charter. As in virtual communication we do not have any idea that how much the person is involved in the communication and how much he is interested, so teams should set a communication charter like, in which time communication will take place, how much background noise should be there when a person should reply via email or phones etc. 4) the third principle is to select the best communication technology. It does not mean that we should use the newest and latest technology, but it means that we should use the technology which is best and which will save the time will not create obstacles during the communication of the team. 5) The fifth principle is that we have to keep our team in rhythm. Regular meetings must be scheduled and before conducting the meetings the agenda of meetings should be cleared. 6) The sixth principle is that the language which is being used should be understood by all the team members. As all the team members belong to different cultures, so those words should be used that are easily understood by the team members. 7) The seventh principle he proposed is to create a virtual water cooler. It means to start your virtual meetings with informal talks like what are you doing, how your work going etc. to lighten up the environment. 8) Clarify and track your commitments leaders should always complete his promise that he has made to his team members. So that his team members can show trust on their leader. 9) Try to provide “push” to your team. Try to involve everyone so that everyone will be engaged and there will be less burden on your shoulders. 10) Interact one to one of your team members regularly and provide them your guide views and coach them on their task.

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The article is written by Leslie A. Perlow. In this article the author is talking about how to manage your team’s collective time. The author worked in the Boston consulting group to find some innovative ways to enhance the performance of the team workers. They did an experiment that they give a weeknight to every employee out of the office to spend completely unplugged from the office work. Initially they give four teams off, but then they give this weeknight off in ten groups and the result was positive. And the employees showed more interest towards their work. They had higher job satisfaction and better work and life balance. Later on this method was applied to more than 77 companies and the result was according to the expectations. Later he discussed how to create “enhanced productivity” days. The authors studied three different teams of a same organization. The teams were working on a same task, but they were in three different time zones.. He categorized workers in three different ways. One who can handle their work life and personal life they meet the inflexible time limit of their tasks and they are known for their extra efforts. The second one are those who cannot manage their time and work till the time of submitting and they have a lot of burden on them and they are not known for their extra efforts. The third one are those who, having the ability to do their work on time, but due to their laziness, they do not do it on time and take their work to home. They use their time to relieve their stress by chit chat including meeting free time


Team work are praise enthusiastically, but are groups considers as a team? According to Linda Hill and Kent Lineback “not every group is a team.” A team is a group of people who work together and are bounded towards a common belief; and without any goal they cannot do anything. But sometimes the managers are unable to lead the groups collectively and began focusing on individual performance rather than teams. If he fails to assign them tasks the team cannot be fully focused and will get distracted.

They should share a passion that the team will succeed or fail together, and that no individual can accomplish something while the team fails. They come to rely on each other rather than dealing things their own way. With these things not in place they are considered as a group not as a team. But on the other hand mangers should not ignore the individual for their efforts because things like that can become problems for organizations.


In this article the author Heath Hall and Brett Thompson talk the importance of team work. He tells about Jack Daniels world championship invitational barbecue competition. Their team is pork barrel BBQ also the name of the sauce they are entrepreneur too. According to the pork barrel BBQ, they said that have won and accomplish many thing but as a teams and they have learn their weakness and strength. According to Henry Ford, there are three stages.

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For coming together as a team they must share some common goal and must know how to achieve its goal. Their motto was “Reward Lives in the House of Risk.”  It reminds them that, there a many team in this competition so they have to give their best in order to achieve their goals.

For staying together they have to make out the strength and weakness of their members, how to complement each other work with coordinating. Last is working together those members who know their role and strength need to work with together with the team to produce and effective result.

In the end coming together, staying together, working together these are the ingredients of a winning barbecue teams secret sauce.


This article by Harvard management tells us about how some teams succeed and why some do not. Team members can act as a team only if they know to achieve their goals. For that managers need to maintain a balance act, as of how teams should work, gave them equal authority.

According to tom ruddy, former manager at Xerox if the teams get bigger “They need a manger to guide them no matter how successful the team is.” They must be trained how to work as a team has learned how to communicate and stay focused on the task. But that could only happen when they work together as a team learns to rely on each other. Those who fail to his can cause a problem for their organization as people tend to rely on teams and they do not give a productive outcome.

A team cannot be successful without their company supports. The managers need to give his full support to the team make all resources available to them. On this basis every team must be awarded equally because an individual reorganization may lead to conflicts within the team and that would be an example of unsuccessful team.


In this article Diane Cote senior editor at HBR did an interview with the author of Leading Teams, J. Richard Hackman, in this article they talk about how the team can produce more effective and original result of their cooperation and coordination, but according to Hackman, he says many times the team don’t agree on one thing and have a different view of things, but that’s not always the case.

In their book “senior leadership team” they analyzed top 120 teams which don’t have any clear view and that result in dysfunctional teams. Not everyone should be the team, because that can cause trouble for other members or organization. Every team needs some sort of direction.. Hackman said that give direction might get challenged for leaders and manager because some might not agree with them.

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Next he talks about fallacies about the teams that is people thinks that those teams that work together pleasantly will do better than the team that don’t that not the case. And those who think bigger teams are better that small one, those teams can be quite challenging to handle. He also said old members of the group are likely to make mistake.

Every team is effective but sometimes leaders can’t make every team successful.But even a best leader cannot make the team do well, but with coaching, support and direction it might do well. And set up training to develop the right people for the right purpose. That will improve team’s performance and work. But the manager need to balance out there and individual performance so they cannot become totally lost and lose their voices.


In this article by Bob Frish, he talks about the difficulties while making a decision. Many times the team can’t come to a conclusion, which results in the CEO making a last design. Most of the time the employee of the company doesn’t see eye to eye with their boss Bob Fresh calls this phenomenon the dictator-by-default syndrome. To overcome this problem many companies use team-building exercise, but the problems are with the process not the employee. They cannot arrive at a collective decision with individual preference.

They first need to acknowledge the problem. They when deciding on a solution they need to eliminate the options because the then CEO get involved. Once they understand what is the trouble, they can set some strategy to overcome it. They must really understand what is the goal and how to seek a solution for it. Or think up of new option instead of establishing one while making decision. The author gives two ground rules, in which first they have to build trust within each other and second they must give time to weigh each option so they can make their decision


In this article the author, TsedalNeele talks about global teamwork if there is no understanding between the teammates, then no matter what their efforts will fail. There are three ways that author thinks they can negotiate cross-cultural team work. First, these global teammates have to learn from each other their names, value they have to understand their teammate’s cultural values. Be vocal about the differences so employees can relate to each other.

Many teams collaborating with cross culture sometime find it is confusing and frustrating to accept another culture belief and values for that they have to think like them. For mutual understanding, sometimes they have to let go of their own assumption and accept them. And while accepting their culture you can make them learn yours. So both can be familiar with each other culture background and can find a common ground to work with each other.


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This article was written by Tammy Erickson on August 28 2008.It tells about the responsibility of managing tasks. During times of difficulty the demand of teamwork increases. Groups make better decisions than individuals because there is more honesty and reliability in teamwork so certain roles for leaders have been assigned.

Asking great questions to challenge organization to meet the targets and the goals that are complex and important. Building deep trust and relationship in the organization. This increases collaboration and encourages knowledge exchange. Bringing in new people, ideas and also taking them seriously.


This article was written by Jeffrey T. Polzer in 2008. It says that in teamwork 360 degree feedback is important and also helpful. Through 360 degree feedback members achieve proper goals and targets. Ideas can easily be exchanged which widens communication. 360 degree feedback improves team communication and problem solving. It also helps build trust and relationship. Receiving and sharing 360 degree feedback can be strong enough to solve problems.


This article was written by Keith Ferrazzi in December 2008. It says that companies that are doing business in distantly places and having more no of employees telecommuting are on the grow. It makes them challenging for isolated teammates to communicate and collaborate. But evidence suggests that if virtual teams are well managed, they can easily perform well.

Consultants at Ferrazzi Greenlight believe that four elements are crucial for success:

The right team. Assembling qualified people who can work independently, keeping the group size small and dividing the work fittingly for the right team.

The right leadership. Effective managers build trust, encourage open communication and set clear goals for the true leadership.

The right touch points. Virtual teammates should have face-to-face communication from time to time. This is especially useful when projects are assigned, a new employee is allotted and problems arise, in order to get rid of the problems the right touch points are required.

The right touch points. Virtual teammates should have face-to-face communication occasionally. This is especially useful when projects are assigned, a new employee is appointed and problems arise in order to get solved so the right touch points are required.

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The right technology. Maximizing productivity by installing easy-to-use systems for conference calling, sending text messages, and participating in online discussion forums so the right technology is required.


This article was written by Marshall Goldsmith on October 1, 2007. It tells about the simple steps to improve teamwork and coordination with the team.

Firstly, in a team meeting suggest each team member’s rating performance through average evaluation. Secondly, is by assessing each team member’s behavior to improve teamwork and listing them on a flip chart. Thirdly, each team member should conduct meetings with other team members to help improve teamwork. Lastly by having a regular monthly process in which team members ask other members for behavioral improvement.


This article was written by Marshall Goldsmith on October 1, 2007. It tells about the simple steps to improve teamwork and coordination with the team.

Firstly, in a team meeting suggest each team member’s rating performance through average evaluation. Secondly, is by assessing each team member’s behavior to improve teamwork and listing them on a flip chart. Thirdly, each team member should conduct meetings with other team members to help improve teamwork. Lastly by having a regular monthly process in which team members ask other members for behavioral improvement.


This article was written by Maurice Hardaker and Bryan K. Ward on November 1987. It tells about PQM (Process Quality Management) which has been successfully used by service companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations. Certain strategies have been implemented by PQM.

Gather the Team:- Teams can be a set of certain individuals from various segments of the company.

Understand the mission:- PQM’s mission is to develop clear understanding of the team’s mission which is jointly important. This mission defines the limitations of the business and

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the customer population. Teams that have defined their clear objective and targets can identify its critical success factors (CSFs).

Spell out your goals:-It defines CSF’s as a team that must get done to achieve its mission. The management team must achieve all seven CSFs over the next two years. The maximum number of CSF’s is eight and if the mission continues to exist four is the limit.

Find what matters most :- Recognize and list down what needs to be done so that the company can meet up its CSF’s. The management team has agreed on the sub goals to complete the task that must be done to achieve the goals. Such activities need the team’s concentration if the company needs to get better market share.

Follow through :- PQM needs to make a decision according to the nature of the problem. All kinds of things can modify a company’s mission and objectives such as government, challengers, restructuring and new technology. When the CSF’s change the position also changes.


People normally avoid giving honest feedbacks in formal settings, However they feel more comfortable in private conversations.

The behavior should not be too straight forward nor it should be too polite because both results in slow decision making or strict workplace respectively. Every participant should behave and participate according to the requirements of the situation.

The teams interviewed sic banks to analyze their level of condor. They found that the teams with a high level of candor were more successful than the other teams.

Organizational culture plays an important role in building a candid behavior of employees.

Three techniques to help coworkers interact more directly:

1) Breakdown meetings into smaller groups to make the team workers more comfortable and confident to share their views and assign a leader who can talk on behalf of them.

2) Designate an advocate for the teams who will notice and speak up when something is being left unsaid.

3) Give negative feedback in such a way that it does not hurt anyone.

Leaders should embrace candid behavior in order to encourage collaboration and free participants for all employees.


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To make great teams the most powerful step is to form a social contract with sets ground rules for the team members. The social contract outlines the norms for how member should interact with one another.

Social contract reinforces positive behavior and ensures a culture of trust, encouragement, respect, accountability and achievement. The sense of shared purpose leads to the remarkable growth of the company.

The social contract should reflect the majority of the group’s sentiments, What is good for the team? And what is not? What should the team keep doing, start doing or stop doing in order to achieve its goals.

The Social contract should include positive behaviors to encourage the team such as being honest, helping each other and cooperate with each other rather than compete.

When crafting a social contract one should keep in mind that the social contract may seek to reduce negative behaviors, for example, we can use phrases like “Don’t speak negatively about other employees in their absence.”

The social contract has many positive benefits such as giving employees a feeling of control and security in their relationships with the leader and team mates. It also puts a bond of trust between the team members.

Researchers indicate that the violation of social contracts can lead to employee dissatisfaction with can lower the trust of team mates as well as the leader.

But the most important to keep in mind is that the leader should model the behavior desired in the social contract.


The experts always say that despite the fact that conflict is unhealthy for a team, there should be conflict in a group and there is no way to permanently eliminate conflicts but how we tackle them is all that is needed.

The first step to tackle a conflict within a team is to stop it before it even starts. Jeanne Brett professor of dispute resolution advises to make preparations before the disagreements come up. To have solid conflict management procedures is the best way to deal with disputes. This will help you work through issues more quickly when they arise.

Another important thing to do is to ensure that you and your team share the same purpose, values and identity. The best way to do it is to make the team talk about the team itself and

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regularly discuss the purpose and goals of the team. The group should even start every meeting by reading aloud the team norms so that they all have the same frame of reference.

The best approach to resolve conflicts is to refer back something the team can or already has agreed on. If you haven’t discussed norms as a team, now will be a good time to hold the conversation.

Never frame the discussion around a dispute, but focus on setting the rules and move forward. As a team leader you should always respect each party and their point of views and whatever the decision you make, it should be in the interest of both parties.

The best way to heal conflicts is to start working again. Give the team a relatively easy task that will help them to rebuild their bond and confidence as a team.

Never let the conflicts go unattended as a team leader is the key to success.


The tasks involved in building great teams are clear-cut and easy to monitor. Team building has always been an art, not a science. At MIT’s human dynamics laboratory, we have identified the elusive group dynamics that characterize high-performing teams – those blessed with the energy , creativity, and shared commitment to go ahead of other teams.

Communication is the factor which takes a team to the next level. The key to high performance lay not in the content of team discussions, but in the manner in which teams communicate. Researchers say that the communication plays a critical role in building successful teams. In fact, they found patterns of communication to be the most important predictor of a team’s success. Such as the tone of voice they use; whether they face one another; how much they gesture; how much they talk, listen and interrupt; and even their levels of extroversion and empathy. By comparing all that data we can identify that these are the communication patterns that makes the teams successful.

The successful teams share several defining characteristics:

1) Everyone on the team talks and listens in roughly equal measure, keeping contributions short and sweet

2) Members face one another and their conversations and gestures are energetic.3) Members connect directly with one another – not just with their team leaders.4) Members carry on back channel or side conversations within the team.5) Members periodically break, go exploring outside the team, and bring the information


The three key elements of communication:

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1) Energy 2) Engagement 3) Exploration

These three aspects of communication are the ones that affect team performance, i.e how much energy you have, your level of engagement and the your exploration level. The most valuable form of communication is face to face. It also provides a good rough measure of energy. When all members of a team have relatively equal and reasonably high energy with all other members, the engagement level is said to be extremely strong. Exploration essence is the energy between a team and the other teams it interacts with.

Exploration and engagement don’t really coexist, because they require that the energy of team members be put to two different uses.


For management tasks that have long defied objective analysis, like team building, data can now provide a foundation on which to build better individual and team performance. This happens in three steps.

Step 1: Visualization.

Step 2: Training

Step 3: Fine tuning performance

Switching the team members and bringing in new blood may be the best way to improve the energy and engagement of the team. We can also measure individuals against an ideal. In both productivity-focused and creativity-focused teams, we have discovered the data signature of what we consider the best type of team member. They’re not necessarily extroverts, although they feel comfortable approaching other people. They listen as much as or more than they talk and are usually very engaged with whomever they’re listening to. We call it energized ,but focused listening. The best team players, also connect their teammates with one another and spread ideas around.

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There are numerous teamwork theories all with features to commend them, but how do you decide which might help in getting teams to work effectively? Of all the theories the theory of the Star Team Model and Tuckman’s theory are the most famous and implemented. We have selected Tuckman’s theory of team work because it explains briefly the working of a team from the initial stage of forming team to the last stage of performing.



In 1965 Bruce Tuckman developed a model of teamwork. It is one of the most known theories and it has become the basis of many ideas since it is formed. Tuckman’s theory briefly describes the way in which a team is formed and completes its task.Basically Tuckman’s theory describes the challenges that a team faces from its creation to the completion of the task that is given to the team.From the formation of team to the completion of the task the model contains four steps. These are 1. Forming2. Storming 3. Norming4. Performing


Forming is the first stage. In this stage the leader is defining the goals, aims and objectives of the team. The team members are not clear with their roles and responsibilities and are totally dependent upon their leader. The leader must direct his team members; he must be ready to answer their questions in detail and should clear their doubts. As the team members do not

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know each other so they do not trust one another.In this stage time is spent in planning, collecting information and allocating task.


In this stage the team members are interacting with each other, trying to know each other and giving their ideas. Here conflict may arise as the team members are not well aware of each other so different ideas may collapse. The relation between the team members may get better or worse. In this step it is necessary that the leader of the team has A strong personality. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to cope through different ideas and conflicts. And he may be forced to follow the process that is not very effective for the completion of the task, but he selected just to save his team from destruction.


The third stage is the Norming stage. In this stage the team is setting their limitations and agreeing to the rules and values which they will follow.Here the team members start to trust each other as they have spent some time together interacting with each other. The team members know their responsibilities and duties, now they have started working to achieve their task. Now the leader can take a step back as the team members have taken their responsibilities.


Here team members are united and are performing their task. The team members encourage each other. There is respect in communication between each team member and have built trust. It is considered as a big achievement because not all teams can get to this stage of performing. The level of the team’s performance is measured by the high level of independence, collaboration and motivation.

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According to Amy, C. Edmondson “by putting the right person at the right place according to his/her expertise and by giving them free time to interact with each other to build trust companies can achieve their goals.”

J. Richard also supported Amy c. Edmondson’s point of spending time together by saying that “the working with team results in achievement of tasks more efficiently as compared to the individual working”.

However, Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith also suggests team must spend their quality time with each other as he said in his article “Team members must communicate before and after their work hours”

On the other hand Leslie A. Perlow is not in favors of teams spending a lot time together by saying “teams that spend a lot of time together and work extra hours do not get rewarded and in result the company face high turnover rate”.

Furthermore J. Richard said it is a misperception that a larger team means larger resources that will lead to achievement of tasks more efficiently.

Paradoxically Jeanne Brett denied the fact of J. Richard and said that “resources depend upon the size of the team, but, no matter the team, depending smaller or larger all upon the skills and abilities of team members”

But Michael Watkins said “to get benefits from team members the company must engage talented people so that they bring out something astonishing”.

Ironically, Amy Gallo spot with the Jeanne Brett’s point and he said that “the secret of teamwork is not only to give them the basic knowledge but also guide them correctly. And the leader should engage them through political direction so that the team can perform well and they produce something successfully.”

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So concluding this all, team members must be allowed to spend their time together in order to know each other, but spending too much time can cause conflicts, the employees working extra hours without any rewards can cause employee dissatisfaction with the company. Also the larger teams mean that there will be no shortage of resources. But how good a team can perform depends on the skills and ability of the team members.


Most of the employees in an organization are likely to be a part of any team one way or another. These teams may be formal or informal .Through well organized teamwork the organization can be turned into a place where productivity is improving. It also helps in keep self-esteem of the employees high and give them credit in the group.In addition, the Tuckman’s theory of teamwork helps in understanding the basics of form and manage a team successfully.

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