team electricgo: 2013 apache cassandra hackathon at mcgill university

ElectriGo Electricity Predictions to Go

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Post on 27-Jan-2015




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Team ElectricGo: Apache Cassandra Hackathon 2nd Place Winner at McGill University. Team Members: - Michael Williams


ElectriGoElectricity Predictions to Go

The Goal

Predict the future power usage based off past power usage, past weather, and future weather forecasts

The Data - UsersCREATE TABLE users ( username text, addtracker boolean, adduser boolean, password text, salt text, PRIMARY KEY (username))

type User struct { Username string CanAddUser bool CanAddTracker bool Password string salt string}

User Data Exampleusername | addtracker | adduser | password | salt----------+------------+---------+--------------------------+------ bob | True | True | VWRESCEASA3453ASDF323R3Q | T5DW

The Data - TrackersCREATE TABLE trackers ( api_key text, id bigint, owner text, period bigint, PRIMARY KEY ((api_key, id)))

CREATE INDEX trackers_owner_idx ON trackers (owner);

type Tracker struct { API_String string ID int Period int Owner string Predictor *predictions.Predictor stop chan bool}

Tracker Dataapi_key | id | owner | period----------------------------------+-------+-------+-------- B25ECB703CD25A1423DC2B1CF8E6F008 | 50578 | bob | 60

The Data - WeatherCREATE TABLE weatherrecords ( station uuid, time timestamp, cloudcover double, humidity double, pop double, temperature double, windspeed double, PRIMARY KEY (station, time))

type WeatherRecord struct { Time time.Time Humidity float64 Temperature float64 WindSpeed float64 PoP float64 CloudCover float64}

Weather Data Examplestation | time | cloudcover | humidity | pop | temperature | windspeed--------------------------------------+--------------------------+------------+----------+-----+-------------+----------- d4f560cf-6a9c-4ec0-8af1-a37c5e664ff9 | 2013-11-23 02:00:00-0500 | 0.6 | 0.85 | 1 | -26.122 | 2.6062 d4f560cf-6a9c-4ec0-8af1-a37c5e664ff9 | 2013-11-23 02:15:00-0500 | 0.6225 | 0.8475 | 1 | -26.11 | 2.6018 d4f560cf-6a9c-4ec0-8af1-a37c5e664ff9 | 2013-11-23 02:30:00-0500 | 0.645 | 0.845 | 1 | -26.097 | 2.5973

The Data - RecordCREATE TABLE records ( api_key text, id bigint, time timestamp, prediction boolean, value double, PRIMARY KEY ((api_key, id), time, prediction))

type Record struct { Time time.Time Value float64 Tracker *Tracker Prediction bool Weather *WeatherRecord}

Record Data Exampleapi_key | id | time | prediction | value----------------------------------+-------+--------------------------+------------+------- B25ECB703CD25A1423DC2B1CF8E6F008 | 50578 | 2013-11-23 08:00:05-0500 | False | 15843 B25ECB703CD25A1423DC2B1CF8E6F008 | 50578 | 2013-11-23 08:15:05-0500 | False | 15739 B25ECB703CD25A1423DC2B1CF8E6F008 | 50578 | 2013-11-23 08:30:05-0500 | False | 15844 B25ECB703CD25A1423DC2B1CF8E6F008 | 50578 | 2013-11-23 08:45:05-0500 | False | 15843

How it (Roughly) looks

Why? (The Business Side)

Power usage = CostCheaper short-term power sources exittake time to start upTurn On Backup power sources ahead of peak loadSell either code or service to comapnies, both parties make money.