teaching writing through genre analysis

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  • 7/31/2019 Teaching Writing Through Genre Analysis



    An Application of Genre-Based Approach in Pre-writing



    Many language teachers in China are aware that teaching writing is more

    difficult than teaching other language skills. This is cultural interference due to the

    difference in the style of literacy and rhetorical patterns of expression in their native

    language and the target language. Consequently, when students write in English, they

    do not create the text themselves; they only translate their thoughts word by word

    from their native language into English, often with grammatically incorrect results.

    However, producing a successful piece of written work obviously involves

    competence in a number of connected spheres. There is the knowledge of the topic,

    knowledge of the audience, particularly the extent to which the writer relies on the

    reader sharing knowledge, and finally there is knowledge of language conventions.

    My students are four-year English majors who are expected to start their writing

    course in the second year. At this stage, they have acquired a relative range of

    command over Basic English grammar and have a satisfactory performance on the

    sentence-level. But they still cannot do a good job on the discourse-level. I usually

    have two periods (50 min. each) of contact with the students each week. And a usual

    school-term lasts 17-18 weeks. Although being exposed to a writing task frustrates

    most of them, my students are in urgent need of a good mastery over writing fordifferent purposes. They actually wish to attain a wonderful performance on writing.

    In my teaching context, inadequate understanding of how to organize their

    written assignments often handicaps students. They are simply unable to master the

    structural conventions of the various text types they have to produce. But, part of the

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    rhetorical context and part of the content of student writing is determined by who the

    audience of the writing is and what the purpose of the writing is. Assignments that

    direct students to write for the general public or for anyone who might be interested

    tend to be much more difficult to write than assignments in which students have an

    idea why they are writing and who will be reading their writing. Are they writing to

    entertain someone? Are they writing to inform? To persuade someone? Or simply to

    explore their own thoughts? Depending on the answer, the content and structure of the

    writing will be quite different.

    In response to these questions, Ill try to introduce a genre- based approach into

    teaching practice. Although it is new to Chinese teachers and learners, the approach

    has been proved an effective method in improving learners writing abilities. This

    approach has been influential in ESP teaching of writing and begun to attract attention

    in L2 field.


    Genre-based approach is relative newcomer to ELT. It shares some similarity

    with product approach. It emphasizes that writing varies with the social context in

    which it is produced. The central aspect is purpose and audience in addition to the

    subject matter, the relationships between the writer and the audience, and the pattern

    of organization.

    In the field of genre research, Australian theories have developed from systemic

    functional linguistics, which is concerned with the relationship between language and

    it s function in social settings. The forms of language are said to be shaped by key

    features of the surrounding social context, defined as field (the activity going on),

    tenor (the relationship between participants) and mode (the channel of


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    The Australian systemic functional literature has promoted several instructional

    frameworks for implementing genre pedagogy. The most widely recognized model is

    derived from the LERN project. This model maps out a teaching- learning cyclein

    the figure of a wheel (Cope & Kalantzis, 1993). The teaching-learning cycle outlines

    the process of genre instruction in three phases: modelling, joint negotiation of text,

    and independent construction of text. In the ELT field, Dudley-Evans (1997) also

    identifies three stages in genre approach to writing. First, a model of a particular genre

    is introduced and analysed. Learners then carry out exercises, which manipulate

    relevant language forms and, finally produce a short text.

    It is widely recognized that if students are expected to write in a particular genre,

    they first need to become familiar with its purpose and features through immersion in

    the genre and the explanation of sample texts. The familiarization and immersion will

    lay a solid basis for the students to develop into next stage in the cycle. At the stage of

    deconstruction in the cycle, the students will be instructed to do genre analysis so that

    they will be familiar with language features and procedural stages of a typical genre.

    2.1. What is Genre Analysis

    Genre analysis is the study of how language is used within a particular context.

    Genres differ in that each has a different goal and they are structured differently to

    achieve these goals. The organizational stages of these genres can be individually

    characterized. A genre has a particular schematic structure: a distinctive beginning,

    middle and end. It is this which constitutes the genre of a text.

    The aim of genre analysis is to identify how linguistic features are chosen by

    expert users of the genre to realize their communicative purpose and explain these

    choices in terms of the social and psychological context. The aim of genre-based

    language teaching is to raise learners awareness of both the rhetorical organization

    and the linguistic features closely associated with the genre.

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    Genre analysis attempts to reveal the similarities between texts written for the

    same reason. By analysing how writers conventionally sequence material to achieve

    particular purposes, we can begin to describe characteristically schematic types and

    show how they are realized linguistically. This information can then be used by

    students as models to develop writing skills.

    2.2. Benefits of Genre Analysis in Pre-writing

    Studies of the role of examples in learning other cognitive skills have shown that

    the major benefits of examples accrue to students who invest more time in analysing

    them. In genre teaching, active analysis of a model before taking on a specific

    writing task may help students construct new textual patterns or enrich the patterns

    they know. Student writers are able to infer linguistic and procedural features from

    models. And those who actively look for and contemplate such features in the models

    they read are more likely to construct reliable new structures.

    Second, consulting models actively before the writing process may provide the

    students with a database for testing whether a candidate idea should be included. The

    students may infer that the practice of the writer who produced the model is typical

    and may include or exclude information on the basis of whether or not it shows up in

    the model.

    Genre analysis can also help students consciously structure their texts and

    develop effective control over different writing tasks for different purposes. As

    Swales (1987) claimed: genre analysis promoted more effective negotiations and

    consultations as well as providing each child with their own individual scaffolding

    that can be developed to produce successful texts.

    Genre analysis can therefore provide the vocabulary and concepts to explicitly

    teach the text structures the students are expected to produce. It places language at the

    centre of writing development by allowing shared understanding and explicit

    guidance. Actually, control over the conventions of a genre is a prerequisite for

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    creativity, and students simply require more information on the features that constitute

    good texts in order to improve their own writing skills. It can thus provide a

    methodological environment that develops writing skills and encourages creativity. It

    can provide opportunities for students to reflect on and discuss how language works in

    a given context and how it can most effectively be employed to meet particular goals.


    So far we have discussed on the genre based approach to teach writing,

    specifically focusing on genre analysis in pre-writing stage. According to the teaching

    cycle proposed by Australian School of genre theory, I will apply the theoretical

    concept of genre analysis in designing a practical lesson plan. Owing to the time limit,

    I will only focus on the deconstruction stage in the Teaching-Learning Cycle, which I

    would like to define as pre-writing stage in the process of writing development.

    The lesson plan is designed in the light of genre-based approach, which focuses

    attention on the purpose and the audience of a writing text. Genre analysis will be the

    main task, which is expected to be accomplished by students following different stepsinstructed by the teacher. The reason for this arrangement is that Im sure the students

    will be enlightened and exposed to a new way of development in writing skills. The

    way is quite different from a conventional one and is supported by an established


    The general plan of a 90-min. class will be described as in the

    following: (Appendix 1)

    3.1. Stage1: Introduction

    This is a preparatory stage before the students are introduced into more specific

    analysis of genre. The aim of this stage is to create general impression on the students

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    for what they are expected to do in the class. The focus is on the general explanation

    of the organization of a genre. The following steps will be included in this stage

    Step 1: Teacher general introduction of the topic. This may still be a

    traditional opening of a class in China. However, I think it necessary

    because an explicit introduction about what the students are going to do in the class

    will help to release their pressure and protect them from the shock of encountering

    with an unfamiliar topic.

    Step 2: Ask students to discuss questions which are intended to make sure how

    much they already know about the genre theyre going to study.

    Step 3: Observation on model genre text. Students are expected to do a brief

    observation of the model text by themselves. (Appendix 2)

    Step 4: Presentation of the students on the results of their investigation.

    Step 5: Teachers comment and brief summary.

    3.2. Stage 2: Familiarization

    At this stage, students will be instructed to do a specific reading and detailed

    analysis on the features of the target genre. Although linguistic features are also

    expected to be observed by the students, the main task will be on the organizational

    features of the genre. This will enable the students to be more familiar with the genre

    they encountered in the first stage.

    Step 1: Individual reading of a model text. Students are asked to read while

    preparing for questions proposed by the teacher on organizational features of the

    genre. (Appendix 3)

    Step 2: Group discussion and evaluation. The students will collaboratively work

    together with group members in order to add sufficient information about the genre

    into mind.

    Step 3: Representative presentation. The student representative of each group is

    invited to report their ideas on the observation of the genre.

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    Step 4: Evaluation on the proposed ideas of representative student. This will

    enable the students to pool into mind as much information about the model genre as

    they can.

    Step 5: Teachers comment and summary. The teacher shows the students

    transparency of a model analysis so that they may deepen their understanding in the

    discussion. (Appendix 3, Transparency)

    3.3. Stage 3: Reinforcing

    The concept of the genre established in the first two stages may be loosely laid.

    And it is a fact that the students would easily forget new information unless they can

    restructure or reinforce in the mind so as to select and store in the Long Term Memory

    (LTM). Thus, this stage will require the students to rethink and reinforce through all

    kinds of activities.

    Step 1: Reordering activity. The students are expected to do a reordering exercise

    delivered by the teacher for the purpose that they can use what they have learned in

    the previous stages to do a genre analysis by themselves. Each group should be given

    a differently ordered version of a same text. (Appendix 4)

    Step 2: Presentation. A selected member of each group is allowed to present their

    reasoning on the order of the text.

    Step 3: Checking. The teacher will show the original text and ask the students to

    check their own results. (Appendix 5)

    Step 4: Teachers analysis and explanation on the model text.


    As is claimed at the beginning of this paper, genre-based approach is new to

    Chinese teachers and learners of English writing. Whether it is applicable or practical

    in Chinese teaching context is still unknown. However, it is the authors belief that the

    approach will greatly enlighten pedagogical issues and open a new door to the

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    teaching of writing in China. It is worthwhile risking to pioneer in this field by

    teaching practice. And more theoretical arguments and empirical studies should be

    encouraged in the future.


    1.Badger, R. & G. White. (2000). A P