teachers pack - tudors seafaring

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  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring


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    Tudor SeafaringTeacher's Pack

    This teacher's pack contains activities and suggestionsto complement the teaching of Tudor seafaring at KS2

    and KS3. It was developed from the HLF-fundedTime Travelling by Water Project as part of the project legacy.

    Time Travelling by WaterWessex Archaeology

    Copyright 2010

  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring


    T ime Travelling by WaterWessex Archaeology

    This pack includes: A script to introduce marine archaeology to the class the Po wer Point presentation that accompanies this can be do wnloaded f rom

    A f un and in f ormative educational activity that allo ws your class to test their detective skills and build their kno wledge o f Tudor sea f aring

    Suggestions f or extension activities

    The f ollo wing resources are available to do wnload f rom

    1. P o wer Point introducing marine archaeology 2. Arte f act picture cards 3. S pice activity clue sheet4. S pice activity worksheet

    http: // blogs .w essexarch .co .uk / ttb w/ teacherspacks /

    http: // blogs .w essexarch .co .uk / ttb w/ teacherspacks / :

    Curriculum links at K S2 -This workshop is designed to support National Curriculum history units 4: Historical enquiry and 1 0 : Britain and the wider world in Tudor times.

    Curriculum links at K S3 -At KS3 this workshop can be used to support National Curriculum history study unit 4: Historical enquiry and unit 9 : Britain 1500-1750.

    In addition , this teaching pack can be used to explore themes within citi z enship and geography , and can be an interesting stimulus f or literacy or art . O ne o f the suggested extension activities can also be used to complement the teaching o f numeracy .


    Tudor Sea f aringThis teacher 's pack contains activities and suggestions to complement the teaching of Tudor Sea f aring at KS2and KS3. I t was developed f rom the HLF-f unded Time Travelling by Water Pro ject as part o f the pro ject legacy .


  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring



    Tudor Sea f aring

    In this lesson , w e are going to become marine archaeologists .

    What do you think an archaeologist is or what do you think an archaeologist does ?

    An archaeologist is someone who wants to kno wone thing w hat li f e was like f or people in the past .

    Marine archaeologists study anything that is in

    the water that can teach them about people in the past , or anything that can teach them about ho w people have used water in the past .

    Marine archaeologists are probably best kno wn f or diving on ship wrecks , but they also study rivers , lakes , ports , harbours , beaches , bridges anything that can teach them about people and water in the past .

    They have some very clever methods o f

    investigating archaeology under water . As well as diving , they go wading in shallo w w ater or walking on the beach to study archaeology (if you have a hi-vis coat, a hard hat and wellies or waders, dress a pupil up to demonstrate this) .

    They also work with other people who use the water , such as f isherman and marine aggregate dredgers , and they do something called geophysical survey , or geophys . G eophys is a hi-tech system which uses sound waves to map

    the sea f loor . Look at the pictures that were made using geophysical survey .

    These pictures sho w di ff erent types o f archaeology on the seabed can you work out what they are ?

    Introduction to marine archaeologyThis script accompanies a Po wer Point presentation or intro .pd f w hich can be do wnloaded f rom http: // blogs .wessexarch .co .uk / ttb w/ teacherspacks /

    1. WW2 B omber - thought currently to be a German Dornier , w hich is lying upside do wn with its bomb doors open . This was f ound o ff the Kent coast .

    2. A1 submarine - sunk whilst on auto-pilot in 1 9 11. The submarine is currently lying in Bracklesham Bay , West Sussex .

    3. The Talis - a ship carrying coal that was involved in a collision in 1 90 6. The damage to the rear o f the ship is clear in this picture .The wreck lies to the south-east o f Beachy Head in East Sussex .

    Archaeologists use all the clues available to them

    to try and learn about people in the past .

  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring



    Tudor Sea f aring

    Print o ff the series o f clues pictures o f arte f acts and cut them out so that each arte f act is on its o wn piece o f paper or card .

    Your class are going to become marine archaeologists f or this lesson . All o f the things in the pictures belonged to someone in the past .Your class are going to use all o f their investigative skills to f ind out:

    Who they belonged to

    When that person lived

    What that person did as a job

    Give one card to each pair o f pupils (depending on the si z e o f the class ) and ask them to study and discuss it .

    What does their picture sho w? What can they learn f rom it ? Can they tell when this item was

    used ? O r who might have used it ?

    Some o f the items may be un f amiliar to them in this case encourage your pupils to tell you as much as they are able to about the item , such as what it is made o f and to have a guess at what it was used f or .

    Af ter a f e w minutes study , ask the pupils to stand up and tell the class what they learnt f rom their picture . S upplement what they say with the in f ormation about each item included in the teacher 's notes (see belo w).

    By the time everyone has had a turn they should have a good idea o f w ho the items belonged to .But are they right ?

    The ans wer is a Tudor sailor.

    For older groups you could discuss what class o f sailor o wned these things w as it a common man or a higher ranking man ? What is the evidence ?

    Who 's in the box ?The clues f or this activity can be f ound at the back o f this pack or do wnloaded f rom:http: // blogs .wessexarch .co .uk / ttb w/ teacherspacks /

  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring



    Tudor Sea f aring

    Plane Tools like this plane are

    used to work wood . This example is used to suggest that the ship on which our sailor is working is wooden ,not metal as many modern ships are .

    Ru ff Many o f the class will recognise this f rom Tudor portraits such as those o f

    Henry VIII and Eliz abeth I.This may give them an idea o f w hat time period these f inds belong to but can

    they prove it ? Ru ff s were worn f rom the mid-sixteenth to the mid-seventeenth century . This one may not be Tudor .

    Coins Coins can provide excellent dating evidence . We have

    provided coins f rom two monarchs H enry VIII and Eliz abeth I - so stress that in this instance the items

    must date f rom the Eliz abethan period . This is the evidence that should lead your class to understand that these f inds are Tudor .

    Sounding lead This is a sounding lead .It has a hole through it

    vertically that would have held a string and it has a hollo w in its base which would have had sticky

    animal f at called tallo w pressed into it . The leadsman on the ship would hurl the weight f or wards over the side o f the ship . H e would then walk along the deck until the string attached to it became vertical . The leadsman could then 'read 'the depth o f the water f rom the string . To do this q uickly or in the dark , lengths o f material would

    be tied at measured intervals along the string .The leadsman could then read the depth by

    sight or f eel . The animal f at would collect a small sample o f sand , gravel or shells f rom the seabed and the leadsman could use this to navigate . If the tallo w w ere to come back clean the ship might be over rock w atch out !

    Feathers Used f or writing and f or decoration on hats and clothing .

    Shoe Most pupils will identi f y this straight a way as a shoe .Encourage them to describe it and to identi f y the di ff erences bet ween it and their shoes . D o they think that this is a modern shoe ?

    Might it be older ?

    Treasure Depending what aspect o f the period you are studying you might want to include this card to illustrate the treasure galleons that sailed to and f rom South America

    and caused f riction with Spain .


    This is a compass and sundial . Who might have used it and what was it used f or ? Talk about the type o f people that may have needed to use an item like this one , such as sailors .Highlight that to read a sundial the user must f ace

    to the south ho w w ould the compass help with this ?

    Teacher 's notes

  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring



    Tudor Sea f aring

    Pomander Tudor sailors didn 't have

    sho wers or baths , the common men wouldn 't have had a change o f clothes , or even a bed or a hammock .They would wear the same clothes when working , w hen hot , w hen cold , w hen sleeping , w hen the waves were washing over the deck or when the sun was beating

    do wn . O n a long voyage they would wear the

    same clothes f or months at a time . There was no spare water on board ship f or washing . The richer men may have carried a pomander similar to this example a replica o f one f rom the Mary Rose . I t would be f illed with s weet smelling spices and hung f rom the neck or the waist band to try and combat the smell on board the ship .Do you think it would be very e ff ective ?

    Dice This dice is made o f animal

    bone . Animal bone was a very common and cheap material , so why is the dice so small ? Tudor sailors were banned f rom playing many sports and games as they

    were to spend most o f their waking hours working gambling with dice would distract them f rom this . Conse q uently dice like this one were made very small so that they could be hidden bet ween the f ingers o f the hand .

    Pulley Another clue as to the job o f this person . What is it ? And where are these used ? Your class may recognise this f rom ships that they have seen in pictures or in f ilms ,though o f course they are

    not only used on boats .

    Pottery Archaeologists use pottery

    as well as coins to date sites because pottery manu f acture changes throughout time . This pottery dates f rom the Tudor period . The clue is in the green gla z e on the

    inside o f the pottery . This was f irst introduced in the medieval period and is a clear indicator to archaeologists as to the age o f this pottery .

    Nit combs (and their cases ) Nits were ri f e on Tudor ships and in Tudor li f e generally . There were many nit combs f ound on the Mary Rose as many men would tuck a comb into

    their clothing to keep it close to them at all times . Water preserves arte f acts so well that the archaeologists studying the f inds f rom the Mary Rose f ound that some combs still had , caught

    bet ween their teeth , the nits , still in place a f ter f our hundred and f if ty years !

    Candles These candles are made o f bees wax . Ask the class why they are joined at the wicks . Tell them that old f ashioned candles were made by dipping string into hot wax . By dipping

    both ends o f the string at once the candle maker doubled his output . They

    could also be hung up f or sale .

    Rope Another clue as to the job o f this person .

    Teacher 's notes

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    Tudor Sea f aring

    Teacher 's notes

    Hag stone or w itch stone For centuries people have

    believed that stones with natural holes in them could bring luck . L uck was especially important to Tudor sailors as they couldn 't s wim . A Tudor sailor could have collected this stone and kept it to

    bring good luck . If the ship you were on was sinking and you couldn 't s wim do you think you would want a lucky stone hanging around your

    neck or in your pocket ? Tudor sailors couldn 't s wim as they were very superstitious and believed that learning to s wim might bring bad luck and jinx the ship . Also , if a man f ell overboard the ship would not turn around to save him as manoeuvring Tudor vessels was very di ff icult . Kno wing ho w to s wim would there f ore make the inevitable last longer .

    Platter This large s q uare plate is

    ho w w e get the expression 'a s q uare meal '. The small hole would have held salt .It is sometimes kno wn as a trencher .

    Horn cup This little cup is made out o f co w' s horn . The Tudors removed the centre o f the horn , the core , leaving just

    the outer layer o f horn . The outer layer could be used to make things like this cup or could be used in lanterns in place o f glass .

    Horn spoon This spoon might look like shiny plastic , but it is made o f co w' s horn . Co w' s horn so f tens and can even

    dissolve if it comes in contact with boiling water !

    Flask Most pupils will identi f y that

    this is a f lask . Ask them what they think would have been inside it ? Most will say water point out that , f or

    example , on Tudor ships water q uickly stagnated and so the men would drink weak beer or rum f or the voyage . M ost pupils will probably think that this sounds like f un . Ask them if they still think this would be f un on a hot day when they are working really hard in a physically demanding

    j ob like that o f a sailor ?

    Latin book Is this like any o f the books in the classroom ? What clues reveal its great age ?

    Rushlight This strange looking item is a rushlight . The thicker part on the le f t (above the hand

    in this picture ) is round and is designed to hold a candle .Ho wever , candles were expensive . O n days when a candle was not available people would use a rush that had been dipped in

    animal f at . I t could then be clamped in the other part o f the lamp (sho wn pivoted open in this picture ) w hich would hold it whilst it slo wly burned giving a dim light .

    Armada medal These gold medals were minted f or important sailors who sailed against the Spanish Armada . I nclude this card if you are studying the Armada or the events associated with it .

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    Tudor Sea f aring

    Literacy The 'Who 's in the box ' activity gives some clues

    as to what it was really like to be a Tudor sailor .It was smelly and hard work . You could be a way f rom home f or months at a time . You could be miles f rom the nearest land in heavy weather with no idea ho w to s wim and you would have been drinking beer everyday . Ask the class to write an imaginative account o f w hat it was like to be a Tudor sailor remembering everything they have learnt f rom this activity .


    Make a sounding lead . A replica lead can be made f rom string , f oil and play dough or putty .Shape the f oil into the right shape around the string (look at the picture in the 'Who 's in the box ' activity or pictures on the internet to help ).Press the putty into the base o f the lead .Traditionally lengths o f material would have been tied at 2, 3, 5 , 7 , 1 0 , 13, 1 5 , 1 7 , and 2 0 f athoms ,a f athom being the length bet ween a gro wn up 's hands when their arms are extended (about 18 0 centimetres ). H ave the class tie di ff erent pieces

    o f material around the string o f their lead at de f ined intervals . E ither use the traditional f athoms or de f ine your o wn measurements every metre , every 1 5cm etc . or explore imperial measurements . Remember that measurements have to be accurate get it wrong and you risk losing the ship !

    Geography Put a map on the whiteboard and use it to illustrate the places that the Tudors sailed to .

    Explore the exotic ne w f oods and spices that were coming f rom the East Indies and South America . Bring in examples o f these things and have the class use their sense o f smell to identi f y them . U se the clue sheet and worksheets that can be do wnloaded f rom

    or f ound at the back o f this pack . U se the map to demonstrate where these things came f rom .

    http: // blogs .w essexarch .co .uk / ttb w/ teacherspacks /

    Art Tudor merchants such as Thomas Gresham (more

    in f ormation on Wessex Archaeology 's website )would have been very keen to sho w o ff their wealth . Tell the class that they have been commissioned to produce a tapestry f or him . I t will be seen by everyone who comes to his house ,including possibly Q ueen Eliz abeth I, and must be a very f ine tapestry . H e wants it to sho w his lif e and career to sho w ho w w ealthy and po wer f ul he is . What do you think would make good pictures f or his tapestry ? D iscuss this as a class or explore the history o f the Gresham ship wreck

    on Wessex Archaeology 's website f or inspiration:

    Ideas:1. H is ship f iring cannons

    2. Tudor navigational tools (taken f rom the 'Who 's in the box ' activity )

    3. G resham himsel f or other f amous people f rom Tudor times

    4. H is ships

    Ask each pupil to design one image f or the tapestry and to dra w or paint it on paper . P iece them together and display in the classroom .

    Extension activities

  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring


    Use the above website to ans wer these q uestions:

    1. Why do archaeologists think that the ship might have belonged to Thomas Gresham ?

    2. H o w did archaeologists work out ho w old this ship was ?

    3. Why do archaeologists think that the ship sank ?

    4. What is Thomas Gresham 's personal symbol ?

    5 . What type o f cargo was on board the ship when it sank ?

    6. Thomas Gresham undertook smuggling - what did he smuggle out o f the Netherlands ? And what did he disguise it as ?

    Geophysical survey image


    Tudor Sea f aring

    The Gresham Ship w reckThis ship wreck was f ound by Wessex Archaeology in the Thames in London . I t is Tudor and is thought to have belonged to Thomas Gresham a f amous and in f luential merchant who was kno wn to Q ueen Eliz abeth .

    Part o f the ship wreck being lif ted

    ICT activity Suitable f or KS3 pupilsN.B. Check f irst that the Wessex Archaeology website is allo wed by your school 's internet protection service .The site content is sa f e f or children . http: //www.w essexarch .co .uk / pro jects / marine / thames wreck / exhibition

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  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring


  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring



  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring


    http://blogs.wessexarch.co.uk/ttbw/Wessex ArchaeologyTime Travelling by Water

    http://blogs.wessexarch.co.uk/ttbw/Wessex ArchaeologyTime Travelling by Water

    Tudor SeafaringWhy did the Tudors go to sea?

    Tudor SeafaringWhy did the Tudors go to sea?


    Cocoa Vanilla








    Mustard Seed











    Mustard Seed

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    Garlic White 'bulb' which doesn't smell unless you cut it up.Tudor sailors bought these to Britain from the East Indies. Cocoa Brown powder which smells like chocolate!The Tudors found this in South America and brought it to Britain.

    Vanilla Black seed pod which smells like ice cream.

    Vanilla came to Britain for the first time in the Tudor period,after it was discovered in South America.

    Peppercorns Black balls which smell of pepper.Tudor sailors bought these to Britain from the East Indies.

    Cinnamon Sweet smelling brown powder or brown sticks.The Tudors bought these by boat from the East Indies.

    Nutmeg Sweet and 'warm' smelling light brown powder.The Tudors imported nutmeg from the East Indies.

    Ginger This is a spicy smelling light brown powder.The Tudors bought ginger by boat from the East Indies.

    Potatoes These look like potatoes! Before the Tudor period,no one in Britain had seen potatoes. They were introduced from

    South America.

    Cloves Strong smelling black spiky balls.Tudor sailors bought these to Britain from the East Indies.

    Paprika Sweet and spicy smelling red powder.The Tudors brought this to Britain from South America.

    Mustard Seed Small yellow seeds which are used to makemustard. The Tudors bought these by boat from the East Indies.

    http://blogs.wessexarch.co.uk/ttbw/Wessex ArchaeologyTime Travelling by Water

    Tudor SeafaringWhy did the Tudors go to sea?

  • 8/14/2019 Teachers Pack - Tudors Seafaring


    WESSEX ARCHAEOLOGY LIMITED.Registered Head Office : Portway House, Old Sarum Park, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 6EB.Tel: 01722 326867 Fax: 01722 337562 [email protected] more information about us visit:

    www.wessexarch.co.ukRegistered Charity No. 287786. A company with limited liability registered in England No. 1712772.