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Teacher Pack – Key Stage 4

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Teacher Pack – Key Stage 4

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Teacher Pack

Key Stage 4

Thank you for downloading The Big Class Challenge teacher pack for Key Stage 4.

Here you’ll find everything you need to deliver your lesson, including a plan and resources, as well as this link to a slide deck. The resources can be printed as individual worksheets, one per pupil, or as a booklet.

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Pre-reading and preparation

Everything is ready to go, but do spend some time having a read through so you are confident in how the content fits together.

All the key information you need to guide your pupils through the lesson is included in the session plan and in the notes on the slide deck, and you don’t need to do any special preparation or research to be able to lead the lesson effectively. However, if you do want to gain a bit more of an understanding about the post-school pathways you’ll be exploring with your pupils, do have a look at Section 2 of our Post-School Success Toolkit. You might find the double page spread on apprenticeships on pages 31 – 32 particularly helpful in understanding the basics of this route.

We hope you enjoy the thinking and discussions this lesson will provoke in your pupils. We anticipate that it may bring up lots of questions from them that you may not necessarily be able to answer, but we have directed pupils to a number of websites on the final guidance sheets where they can find more information, and our Post-School Success Toolkit is a great place for you as a teacher to explore this work in more detail.

Join the Big Class Challenge community

If you deliver the lesson during the national Big Class Challenge weeks between 11-22 December, you and your pupils will be part of a movement including other schools up and down the country taking part in this activity at the same time. It may be that time just isn’t available during December, but if that’s the case, don’t worry; this lesson can be delivered at any time.

Share your experiences

We’d love to hear if you took part in the Big Class Challenge via Twitter. You can share your experience of getting involved by posting your own tweet and incorporating our Challenge the Impossible campaign hashtag #TFChallenge, or use our template tweet

‘I just took part in the Big Class Challenge with my class at [insert school name, using your Twitter handle if you have one] #TFChallenge’.

You might also like to attach a picture to your tweet.

Please encourage fellow teachers in your school and network to take part in the Big Class Challenge and deliver this lesson to their pupils! Teacher packs from EYFS to Key Stage 4 can be found on our Big Class Challenge website.

Finally, remember that to complement the lessons teachers are running, we are asking volunteers to deliver talks to pupils about their careers, and the journey they took from school to get there. Share our volunteer guidance pack with people you know working outside the classroom and encourage them to deliver a talk in your school.

Good luck, and have fun!

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Lesson Plan

Lesson overview This lesson will give pupils the opportunity to identify the fields best-suited to their talents, passions and values, and equip them with some short-term strategies for furthering their understanding and experience of careers and pathways. The lesson also aims to dispel common myths around post-16 and post-school pathways, and prompt pupils to consider longer-term goals.

Lesson objective To explore the pathways linked to your talents, passions and values, and how you can develop your knowledge of these options.

Success criteria • To identify the career fields you may be interested in based on your talents, passions and values

• To know some key facts about Key Stage 5 and post-school options • To understand how you can gain pathway and career knowledge and experience in

and out of school

Lesson outline and timings

Teacher Pupils

Do now (10 minutes)

Instructions on the board for when pupils arrive (slide 1).

After 5 minutes, run through lesson overview, objective and success criteria. Explain that, whilst you know many of your pupils have high career aspirations, often they don’t necessarily know how they will reach those goals, or they might have decided on a career field without really knowing much about it, or having properly considered other options. This lesson will be the starting point for addressing some of these things.

Finally, take some feedback on the do now (slides 2-5). Take pupil thoughts on the extension task, but don’t address any questions at this stage – explain that you will be coming back to them at the end of the lesson.

On arrival independently use worksheet 1 to mind map everything they already know about apprenticeships and university. Extension activity: what questions do they have about university? What questions do they have about apprenticeships? (Pupils can move onto this if they become stuck on the mind mapping exercise!). Some will have the opportunity to feedback thoughts.

Beginning(10 minutes)

Ask pupils to think, pair, share what the differences between a ‘passion’, ‘talent’ and ‘value’ are. Pupils who are able to establish definitions quickly could also consider what the connection is between passions, talents and values and post-school choices (slide 6). Cold call on some groups for feedback, before highlighting that the connection is that what we love doing – our passions, what we are good at – our talents, and what is important to us – our values, should help us to choose our post 16 and post-school options, as making sure that we build upon what we enjoy and succeed in in year 9/10/11 gives us a good chance of enjoying and succeeding later on.

Spend some time identifying (you could pre-populate the slide with these) and describing your own passions, talents and values (slide 7), before asking pupils to spend five minutes deciding on their own, and writing them in a bullet point list (or on individual post-it notes).

Then model writing your talents, passions and values on the venn diagram (slide 8), before giving pupils three minutes to write/place their own talents, passions and values on their venn diagram.

Think, pair, share what the differences between a ‘passion’, ‘talent’ and ‘value’ are. Extension: what is the connection between passions and talents and post-school choices? – some will have the opportunity to feedback thoughts.

Independently write down talents, passions and values (optional: on individual post-it notes).

Independently write/place talents, passions and values on the venn diagram on worksheet 2.

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Lesson outline and timings

Teacher Pupils

CHECK (AfL) (10 minutes)

Explain that the areas of overlap on the venn diagram are really important, as the ideas contained there are particularly pertinent to us and our individual preferences and skills. Highlight that there are a range of career fields that link to and will help us develop in these areas (slide 9), and that we should consider them all carefully before we make final decisions.

Ask pupils to examine the career fields on worksheet 3, and put a tick next to any matches with their venn diagram. These could be matches based on types of activities e.g. designing or investigating, or matches based on subject e.g. maths.

N.B. worksheet 3 has an extensive list of career fields, and pupils are unlikely to be able to read all of them thoroughly in the time allocated here. Encourage them to skim and scan for key words that match with those on their venn diagram, and encourage them to come back to this worksheet as part of their action plan. If you would like to share some information with pupils about the career fields in your local authority as some additional context, visit Nomis, type in your schools post code, and scroll down to the ‘Labour Demand’ section.

Independently put a tick next to any of the career fields they think might match well with their passions, talents and values on worksheet 3.

Middle (5 minutes)

Explain that now we have a clear sense of the career fields that might link best to what we like doing, are good at and care about, we need to make sure that misunderstandings about certain pathways we might follow to get into those careers aren’t stopping us from evaluating all the options.

Give pupils five minutes to decide whether the Key Stage 5 pathway state-ments are true or false (slide 10).

Work in threes to label the Key Stage 5 pathway statements on worksheet 4 true or false.

CHECK (AfL) (10 minutes)

Run through answers (slide 11).

Ask pupils to discuss the most surprising statement, before cold calling on some groups to share their thoughts.

Correct/annotate answers.

In threes discuss the most surprising statement – some will have the opportunity to feedback.

End (10 minutes)

Explain to pupils that considering options and the future beyond school is not something that can be tackled in one lesson and they are are now going to have some time to look through the ‘next steps’ advice sheet to think about what they need to do independently from here. Highlight that, across the year, they might want to consider doing all of the things on this list, but you want them to pick out three things that they would like to focus on over the next term. Explain how they should use their action plan worksheets to record their next steps (slide 12).

Independently fill in action plan work-sheet 5 using next steps advice worksheet 6.

CHECK (AfL) (5 minutes)

Ask pupils to swap their action plan with the person sitting next to them, and highlight one action that they think is the most important or urgent. Cold call on some pupils to share their selection, with reasons for their choice. (slide 13).

Revisit success criteria to finish (slide 14).

Optional: run through any follow up (see below) (slide 15).

Swap action plans with a partner, and highlight an action that they think should be a priority. Be prepared to justify choice.

Follow Up Action plans to be stored according to school practice (e.g. glued into planners). Could be revisited at parents’ evening/review days as a supplement to discussions around academic progress.

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Worksheet 1

What do you already know about university and apprenticeships?

Mind map any ideas you already have about university and apprenticeships below.


What questions do you have about university?

What questions do you have about apprenticeships?

University Apprenticeship

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Worksheet 2

My talents, passions and values


Passions Values

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Put a tick next to any of the career fields below that you think might match your passions, talents and values

Worksheet 3

Career fields*

Accountancy – Accountants are financial whizzes who make sure that businesses keep track of their money and pay their taxes. They are also business experts and can give advice on how to shape up your finances.

Administrative and clerical – Administrative and clerical jobs are roles that involve keeping a company's paperwork and records up to date.

Advertising, marketing and PR – A career in marketing is all about selling products and ideas in creative and innovative ways. Marketing covers lots of different areas, from research, to placing products in shops and offering customer support.

Agriculture and environment – People who work in this industry deal with how we use, maintain and protect our natural resources, including the food we eat – issues that are hot topics in the modern world. Alongside more traditional, hands-on jobs such as farmers and tree-surgeons there are also roles focused on environmental policy or education.

Animal welfare – Animal welfare is all about protecting and looking after animals that are sick or have been mistreated. You could be employed as an animal care worker, or you could work for the RSPCA as an animal collection officer or as a care assistant.

Armed forces – The armed forces exist to protect the country and its interests. Jobs in the armed forces are also about helping people affected by conflict or natural disasters.

Art and design – Artists translate their feelings, opinions and observations into creative work. Designers use their skills to find solutions to practical tasks. There are lots of creative jobs that support artists and designers too, in galleries, auction houses or through collectors and others who need people with special arts knowledge to track down the next big thing.

Banking and finance – When it comes to dealing with money, there are two main types of banking. Retail: These are the high street banks where you, your folks, and businesses keep their personal savings and apply for loans and mortgages. Investment: These guys help people and organisations raise money or make profits investing their cash. Investment banks can also help you to buy, sell or merge your own business.

Charity – The charity sector provides support to people and animals in need, raises awareness or influences positive changes in things like policy, the law and research.

Civil service and government – Members of Parliament (MPs) can propose new laws, put forward questions for debate and, if they are members of the ruling party, they can become government ministers and take charge of a main service area like Education or Health. Civil servants support government ministries to develop and deliver on their policies and provide services in a huge range of areas.

Construction – Construction is the business of building properties and other structures for residential, commercial or public use.

Consultancy – Consultants are independent professionals hired by businesses to assess the way they are run and come up with plans to improve a project, make them more successful or rescue them when things are going wrong.

Education and teaching – Empowering others with knowledge and skills.

*Definitions taken from successatschool.org

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Worksheet 3 – Career fields

Energy and utilities – Energy companies search out materials, like gas, oil and natural forces like wind, to transform them into energy.

Engineering – Engineers use their scientific and mathematical skills to come up with practical ways to make our buildings, technology and machines faster, stronger and safer.

Entrepreneurship – Entrepreneurs are people with big ideas who build and manage businesses from scratch.

Fashion and beauty – Jobs relating to the purchases and process that enhance the way we look.

Hospitality, leisure and tourism – Hospitality, leisure and tourism jobs cover all kinds of experiences, from travel to dining out to visiting museums or even running a theme park.

IT – IT (Information Technology) is filled with programmers, engineers and designers working to build new software, sites and programmes to help you work, learn and play in new ways.

Law – Lawyers are the experts who interpret the law. They represent individual clients and companies over disputes, or in criminal cases. Lawyers also support us through everyday issues like buying a house or getting a new job.

Manufacturing – Manufacturing deals with the production of things using machines, tools, chemicals and good old-fashioned handcrafting.

Medicine and health care – As a doctor, nurse or specialist, you will work directly with people (or animals) with mental and physical illnesses and give lifesaving healthcare and advice. Behind the scenes, there are also a huge number of scientists researching diseases and the human body to develop new drugs, materials and technologies.

Performing arts – Jobs in performing arts are all about using acting, music, writing, dance and design to entertain and educate people.

Police, security and emergency services – The emergency services are on hand 24/7 to help us when we are injured, in an accident or the victims of crime. Private security staff, like bouncers, bodyguards and event stewards also work to help keep people safe in public and at work. Beyond the police, intelligence organisations investigate threats to national security like terrorism and can gather secret intelligence at home and overseas.

Publishing and media – Jobs in publishing and media are all about creating, producing and delivering content, from novels to newspapers to live TV dance competitions!

Recruitment and HR – Tracking down the right people for the job and making sure they are looked after at a company is the task of recruiters and human resources (HR) departments.

Retail and merchandising – Working in retail you could find yourself designing products, choosing stock for your collection or coming up with ways to get your products noticed.

Science and research – Scientists develop new chemicals, foods, drugs and materials, investigate disease and the environmental impacts of pollution, develop software, help our buildings stay standing, explore the universe and even predict the weather.

Social care – People who work in social care help others overcome challenges in their lives. Some situations that you may deal with in a social care role include: child protection, working with people with mental health issues, supporting homeless people, working with people who have addictions etc.

Sport and fitness – Jobs relating to indoor and outdoor pursuits, physical development and health.

Transport and logistics – Jobs in transport and logistics are all about building networks and creating supply chains to help people and goods travel across the country and beyond.

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Label the following Key Stage 5 pathway statements true or false:

Worksheet 4

True or false?

You need to study law at A level and/or at university to become a lawyer

You need to have studied a subject at Key Stage 5 to study it at university

One type of qualification you can get from an apprenticeship is a degree

Apprenticeships exist in three fields, construction, engineering and banking and finance

Vocational qualifications like BTECs are only for pupils who aren’t clever enough for A levels

AS levels are stand-alone qualifications and don’t count towards your overall A level grade

Sciences and maths are only worth studying at A level if you want to be a doctor

You need to study maths at Key Stage 5 to work in banking and finance

Doing things like Duke of Edinburgh and EPQ are a distraction and don’t support university and apprenticeship applications.

Universities are more difficult to get into than apprenticeships

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Worksheet 5

Action planSelect actions that you want to take from ‘worksheet 6; your next steps’ and fill them in here.Top tip: write any questions you had from the do now here too, and any of the career fields you looked at earlier

that you’d like to find out more about!

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Worksheet 6

Your next steps

To develop your talents, passions and values outside of lessons…

• Visit your school or local library and find the sections that link with your talents, passions and values – ask the librarian if you need help working out which books might help further your understanding.

• Find out more about your school council – are there any projects or initiatives they are working on that you could participate in that might link to something you are passionate about or talented in? Or visit http://www.ukyouthparliament.org.uk/ to find out how your voice could be a positive force for change.

• Ask teachers of the subjects you love if there are any events or competitions you might be able to participate in, either individually or as part of a group. If they don’t know of any, research and make suggestions!

• Visit http://www.ncsyes.co.uk/ to become involved in projects in your community, developing skills valued by unis, apprenticeship providers and employers. You could also consider getting a part-time job to develop these skills.

To find out more about Key Stage 5 options…

• Visit www.careerpilot.org.uk for more information on your options after Year 11 – there are some hints and tips for your parents or carers here too!

• Start to gather prospectuses for sixth forms and colleges in your local area (including your school’s if there is one), and explore the courses they offer.

To find out more about university and apprenticeships…

• To find out more about the university experience, and to start investigating courses and institutions, visit https://university.which.co.uk/ and https://www.ucas.com/, or visit local university websites for summer schools.

• To explore the world of apprenticeships, visit https://www.getingofar.gov.uk/, where you can learn more about what they entail and how to apply.

To find out more about careers…

• If you know the subjects you love, and want to think about careers they might lead to, visit www.successatschool.org.uk.

• To gain further insight into a variety of employment sectors and occupations, visit http://www.mycareerspringboard.org/. Take their careers test to understand even more about industries that might suit your talents, passions and values, and then access written and video guidance on a huge range of careers.

• To build a virtual CV and gain access to work experience opportunities, register with https://www.mykindafuture.com/

• Practise your interview technique with a virtual interview experience at https://www.barclayslifeskills.com/i-want-to-prepare-for-an-interview/school/virtual-interview/.

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