,~t~ct our all motors the daily news i,' 'k nova...

'K \ . , iJ '. '.\ ", . OUR SALES STAFF SPECIAL PRICES ON 1963 PONTIACS ' . . ' THE DAILY NEWS All forms III Insurance' , . .. ;: Nova Motors Ltd. ('.\1\ LOT I 1 11_' \\ ,\, " \ \ \ \' " \ \- , . . ... ' ST. JOHN'S, NE\VFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, H)63- 100,000 In , Washington WASHINGTON (AP}-Thc vanguard has hc- gun arriving in this incrcasingly-nervous Unitcd E,tatcs capital for today's hi., Negro-sponsorcd "march for jobs and frccdom,"!'> Thc latcst cstimate frol11 thc of thc Negro marchers and their white sympathizcrs is that at least )OO,()()() persons would take part ill thc dCll1onstration, including 25,000 to :35,O()() Wash· inJ!;tonians, Authorities they look for 1 :-.-.. -.---- -.. . . - ... ------ no majo\' trouble, but thcy arc \ mlo c(frd--01, threatened - nl t a kin J! extraordinal'y 12:111 a.m local time Thl1r,:u:IY. tions. For example. in a In,t. l,.,ilway SPOhS1l1ilil said most minute mOl'e, the District of would not stat'! passenger hl1ubia "Yashington I commis.\ t rlll.ns which not sioncrs prohihited nil sales of thcw li1.al dcstmallOn before alcoholic dl'ink fl'l1m midni"ht' tlw Ihrcatcned strike hegins. EDT TI'P5dny night to 2 1l.owcl'el'. he alsn that if .' \Vater Sl. Elizabetb Ave. 12 PAGES ... .'" SEVEN CENTS· . III , . Miners Freed' \ VIRGI:-lIATOW:-.I, Ont. (CPJ- \ dirt.blackened, exhausted mlllcrs were freed from under I : about fil'e tons' of rock early ,Tuesday after being trapped ,3,200 feet underground for five I hours. . Two other miners were !it: i jured but six escaped injuf.v' 1 when two fans within minutes I of each othcl' blocked sections : of the Kerr·Addison Gold MIne. i ! Rescuers worked throul:h th, night to free Stanley Pieluek, 42, of nearby Kearns and Jnf- frc Paul, 48, of Larder Lake, cast of here, the two dazed i miners tried to dig their OWl!. ! way out. .: I The condition of both was' scribed as good, . . I I TRAPPED IN POCKET Paul said he and Pieluck I'" 11,';,1 I'l'llin IIho,t hl1,lmnn Is rntomllrll ,,·,,1 l1"i,l, h," Klinr 3, and " ,i'" \ irdn hlrssr'll walrr " [. ".. lit, 1"'1\ill\ hu,hand hns becn trallpcll \ \'1 ldq,11ll1t11. Thursday, trmns are undel' way at the he· ginning ni a strike, CIWY cffort Some ;;,000 !lul.icc, n.ati,mali wOl1ld he made to mll\'C them )!IHlrdsmen. depultzed to a tel)llilml whCl'c ;nd police reserl'ists ha\'e been could cunl"cnicnlly get othcr assigned to croll'd· and trmlblc· transportation. 1 were trapped in a clear area ,six feet by 10 feet, but ! were hemmed in on both sidM i by fallen rock and collapsed i mine shorings. I "I was buried up to my waist, I but Pieluck was pinned; almost I to his reck and couldn't move," I he said. "I W3S able to. free I myself and then I dug 'nim I uut," eel '11 l tl. . control duties, About 4,000 ular army troops and marines arc in barracks neaJ'll\' with helicopters ready io' felTY them into Ille heart 01 the city if necessary, Besirlcs rail tl'nl'l'lIcr,. the are cnmin)! in hy hU5, "lane nnd I'rira,- automo- hile, Police hcadquHrtcl's csti. mntecl that the gmnti tntal of marchcl's from out of tOll'n RAILROADS nUSy Union Station is read\' for its WASIII:\'G1'ON: Workmen at ,big.gest business in years. CA;I;;I;O;l; BALLS "A:-IISII I the I.ineoln i\lemorial aI',! might he 76.000, \: ,nihL'.! in .111\'ant'c 115 nnll' ani Rml. nfflcmls reported that 20 • ,,. . ,. [ shown as they erect n photo "We Marcil' I Paul he' :JIld Pieluck started digging their way 'out I as the rescue party dug., :0- wards thcm, Five hours later thev met. '" ' :' ,I ,,' altcrnativr, BUl the I special trains, each currying lCh,. Scotland I A.pl-1 stand Ilcar the front 01 the : !'.1! 'i','ci;,tly.t\",ignl'd "tcrl capsule' 1 pcrhaps 1,000 riders, are due tu than, Iron. cannon oaUs bnilding ill preparation for the .... "j -ill'arly a, wide as the tn.inch roll inlo thc statiun betwcen vnlllslwd Sunday mght from thc march on Washington scllc· ,'1 1'''';;1'1' liI,ld tn the chamber j:3:i a.m. and 11::;0 a.m. toclay. rampa:·ts of CIII7.Can tor· duled for today. Thc crowd , ... ,' "Ill'l'\' II'crr trnpped was I Tile train,S nrc sciledul .. d \0 m.el' U.S. :resldent 1?lI'lght 01 "Fffedom Mnrehers" is ex· .' ',,' :I[',1IHIl1IWt! when it was found' start leavlI1g here at 0: 10 p.m Elsenilowcr s S cot tis h resl· peetcd to form at the Wash· nil' hoi,' had a hend that might if everything goe" nccord· dence. The cannon balls wdgh inglon Monument and' then : .. ' ;.". It. The Imrncss worked Ill!! to plan. the last olle is to 50 pounns cacll. Poltce uelIeve march down Constitution .\\'e. " " 1\\lhl111t a hitch pull out at 8:15 p.m, tlley were stolen hy a scrap to the Mcmorial.-IUPI Tele. . ,nol . , dealer. They were staci;c11 be I photo).' Togetller" Virginiatown is Ir. miles east I of Kirkland Lake. I I IIAROLD 'The mothcr gently helped her· (CP)- "When thl'ee·year·old son up the mar· \ arc I\'e going to see the march,: bled stcps of the white col· Momm),7" : limned Lincoln Memol'ial final: . Dunlop Resigns :''''Y IMorc dawn Tuesdnr, ahout ,ThiS assUnl.es thnt a U.S· side the castle's Wilt Century I '-__________ 1 ."11. ,i\ feN east the Throne.Fel. Wide railway stnke docs not go cannon. hn "Sl'n"C holl" a giant drill ":-lot Ulltil latcr, dear." ; destination of the (C!'l- Edward A, . _________________ -..:.:..::.::...::=-= 'cidl rights march. where the I Dunlop said Tuesday he has .' "D' . . ',·e:" .. m' .. ' -, Ros tpo n es' ... I giant imposing figure 01 the i asked Min!ster: Pearaon '," 111 bccan cutting a 12·inch hole in ,', (If direction, Fellin sug· " .. : \ the drilling point. .',1 mOI'cd at n rapid pace all I' : !It then ran into n mechanical '.1' around 135·fool '." ,1 ICI rl. ,\ rill moved SAIGO:-l (,O\P I-President Ngu Dinh Diem has postpuncd in· definitcly a Nutiunal Assembly ,llll\'cr. ltrilling a life· ,.i line :li' Wll.1. 1 O\\,I':R clcction scheduled for Satur, llm'l' the 12·illrh hole is com·: day. The decree indicates the pll·ted, It could be enlarged as I .. thr Tlmme.Fellin hole sees no qUick end Prcliminarv plans also the CrtSlS that has ,Put South ,,': I ""Hr.,1 ftlr. once it is completed, \ let Nam under marital law. , t nOll"n supeNensative Workmen were building a gi· 1Il1l'l'llpholle nil automatic ant election tally board in the ,'n:: t f ' cen re 0 Saigon Tuesday when , . \ \!\ TIll' minel's I"st Diem drcided to put off the' \'ot· reo ing unlll further notice, The as· 011 sembly has never held much rcal authority. The current as· "',h'h n : I:!wr \'"rlt'll hearing from BO\'8 .\\I!:. 20 , .. ' .. Rnh CharmshUl'Y, the secret· Ii" . .:, :II')' III mines directing the tl"r both "think tl,ere is sembly of 123 memhers was elected in August, 1959, ,', •. a. thnt Bo\'a may T I' 0 0 p concentrations in· ',1) ,till hI' altl'e, apparently exist. creased in downtown nn ncid mine water." bllt there were hints of arc· Throne and Fellin had only laxotlon elsewhere in martial E 'le c t,·O· n i Great l>:mancipator this' to accept hiS reSignation from I inscription: the Board of Broadcast Gover· "In this temple, as in the nors. hearts of the people for whom The 44·year.old Pro,1!ressil'e he saved the Union, the memo Conservative candidale for'· For· hist st.lI!lcnt foes nf Diem', :'\alll's secret police and intclli· admmlstl'atHln hut mtcnds to gence apparatus. He has heen remain an nlly in the \'ar: at timcs openl)' cl'itical of the against Communist insurgent.. Il:nited Slates, which has lJro· Xhll controls SOli t h Vwt: vitcd 14,000 military men to train, supply and adl'ise the South Vietnamcse armed forces and is committcd to an 'Iid program cstimated her e at $500,000.000 a year. ory of Abraham Lincoln is en. est 'Hill in the Sept. 25 provin. shrined forever," cial election said he told A federal trooper noted the Pearson in a he "intcnds tourist crowds had increased on I to devote his full energies to thc day preceding the march, his new political career. probablv drawn by the batter· He was elected a pal't·time ies of' television cameras the member of the BBG in 19.R Di.em CUd as inte'.'im 11,000 metal folding chairs lining whl!n. it was first formcd in foreign ":hcll he tm''1ed II approaches of the memorial, reVISIOn .of 9 mlda 's natiolnal down the resignatIOn of Vu Van the circus· like tents to house broadcastmg structure. Mall from that job and oug·: the hundl'eds of reporters Red lIIr. Dunlop, blinded in an gcstecl . he take a three.month; CI'OSS workers, press agents' accident after leave tn:tead. I and staff officials. I serl'mg III the African cam· Hailed as the I' f h : S:gns pinned to trees along I paign in the Second World \\'ar, T M 0 de. both sides of the long ornamen'l is executive director of the CII· lI oP ! Pnodsl lOn, 'd a u are ; tal reflecting pool spread be· nadian Arthritis and Rheuma· a ay ami un,'on Irme( Ie· I . . 'r t ports he was arrest. He tween the Is_m __ _____ _ is a' Buddhist who shaved and thc tall. \\ aSlllng· head like a monk and an. ton gmonumcnt directed passers· u,nder God, now," said one nounced he wante I t to water foun· sign. pil:lrima!(e to and mobile comfort sta·l. "We. march. for ,first.class cit· raided Buddhist pagodas and hans. . now.' said. another, arrested more than 1,000 monks the flag·enclrcled \;a,h. \'.? n: arch lobs for all, and white workers were busy These would bl! picked up by ',' '.11" lin, t)'l'r of water before a six. law, ,." '.' ': ,< 'I'" iUl'h lifeline hole reached them C . . :' .. ,':,., ""'11:" Aug. IR jnst ns they had been I \I r fell' . were and nuns last Wednesday lll"ton 1110nument, young Negro I now, said a third, Early Monday it was an· stapling and sorting some 80" the marchers as they aS3em· nounced Mau would be leavmg 000 placards to be carried by bled at the Washington Monu- for India on a chartered til' the anticipated huge crowd, fo· ment to prepare for the mile· Viet Nam plane. Several west· cussing the burden of the Ne- long walk to the Lincoln shrine. ern ambassadors and William gro's plight into the heart of I "We have about 80,000 of C. 'I'rueheart, deputy cll ief of the nation. these placards ,md we expect the U.s. mission, went to the "We march together. Calhn·· more." said a Negro worker, airport to see him off but he I' lie, .Jew, Protestant, for dig-I directing the in their " ,",", .,,",, F,,1Ii11, all hut 111' for dead. cased. Barbed·wlre burncndcs )' : I' ,',', tlirl was farlhel' down the were removed from upt.ow,n ". hr ,haft ant! separated fl'om them area .where Saigon s ," •••• " .•• f ahout 2.'i feet of debris. raculhes 01 law, .medlcllle ;, ." R', l' 0" I" "\\'e think we ma" hn"e pharmacy al'e situated. CII'II· . \ na l. • , • • a lans replaced m·ll·t ,. .' c "'. chance to rescue Bo'{ " I ary men as ne'ler reuched the airport. nity, for brotherhood of all men stapling and stacking jOb3. , " .... '.,.r "11 III t,m'tIon Smith deput" stRa'te news censors, · , ''''. in I!a\" ,..' · : .,-, • , mille said after the . , .... '\ 't ... : '.',111,',' . Inlks witll Fellin, who workert MEETS OFFICIAL!! , . U.S. Ambassador II e !l r y Bill Is Passed For' Binding Arbitration ,,-, ., 't dl . h .' .,-"',, \l :,< tIr. rxci e Y \\'It them only seven Cabot Lodge, who presented his! ..... ....... , credentinls . to Diem Monday, .. had separate talks Tuesday:,;::' It with officials high in;,:;';""" 0.1' . " .. 51 n , .. '. 49 6\ .. '. :.2 . " . s:! i'i I 4S ." a.m, hOllrs after his rescue, Chal'mshury was less optimis. tic. sayin::: "\\'" jllst can't form opinions noll'. Remember from the start we thought the possi· hilit)' thnt any of them was alh'c was remotc." Fellin Quit Diem's administration-his ad·" viser·brother Ngo Dinh Nhu and Interim foreign minisler Truong Cong Cuu, The South Vietnamese re· quested the- meeting with Lodge, 'whose government has made plain it disapproves of mUitary moves to crush Budd· IIUE, SOUTII VIETNAM: Women pray oulshle Tu Dam Pagoda for Rev, Thlch Tleu Dleu who became the eighth Buddhist 10 commit suicide by burning III the religious dispute with tbe government,-<UPI Radlotelephotol. WASlllNGTON (At) :.- with year work rules dispute to be' Any freight in transit would the United States 011 the trcsh· settled by bargaining. be left on sidings at the border hold of a railro'ld !trike over Rebuffeci in its leadership's 1I10st Canadian freight moving job· cutting work .rules,. the Sen· appeal.lor an industry postpone· to the U. S. is non-perishable ate Tuesday nhiht passed a ment of the strike deadline, the and would suffer no damage by bill providing for compulsory Senate voted 75 to 17 to such a delay. binding arbitratioll of Ihe main its bill down to approximate!y Details of tbe effect of' a issues in the dispute. The vote the same terms as: III strike on passengers and freight Ca nada l I d l was 90 to 2. the. measure aW3lhng House schedules would not be avail a- n VO ve ' n The bill closely parallels 8 action. . hle until WednesdBY after. re· I H.'\ZI,ETON, Pa, (AP')- Anna . measure to be taken up in the House leaders predIcted that ceipt of the AAR embargo ! is gelting her way at last. House of Representatives today can· notice . To i For 8 long time the wile of Brl·t,·sh ,·.n Ro b ." in a drive to prevent a crippling gresslonal acllon III rapid order ------.----"- I Davey Fellin, reScued 'along rail shutdown, which has been once the Senate finished work 'tHE COUNTRY PAllSON. \ with Henry Thl'one from. nenrly . scheduled for 12:01 a.m, Thurs· on the measure, two weeks entombment in a day. Earlier, .J. E. Wolfe, chief i coal mine, has wnnted him to BRADFORD, England (Reut· Cannda. redoubling their efforts to It would estahlish an arbitra· negotiator for Ihe railroads, I give up mIning, e'rs) - Inquiries .Into Britain's . Information on the son's namc two men they Ilnmed as wautcd tion board composed of two said "1 know of no reason' why But It's hard for an old pro great train robbery spread to and wbere he lives was not im· for questioning last week. -New representatives e'a c h of. the the railroads 'should comply" 11kc Davey to quIt.' . Canada Tuesday as pollce'in this mediately available, and better pictures of 28·year· railroads and the unions and with a request for a new strike RURged as. mining Is; most of northern industrial city Investl· . The main search for the l'ob· old racing car. driver 'Roy John three public members agreed delay. . the men who hack coal out of gated a parcel containing £500 bel'S and their loot concentrated (The Weas'ell' James. and 41· on by the other four or ap· Wolfe's statement· came after the earth, living much or'thelr In £5 notes found In an aban· in London and in severalrp.sort year·old car dealer Bruce (ley· p'linted by the president. the Democratic and Republican IIl'es out of the 'sunlight, have doned store, - centres: nolds werc' prepared for distri· Within'90 days the board leaders of the Senate. urged the a certain rough and gruff senti. Pollee .were trying to deter- The money stolen in thc hold. bution. .1I0uld be directed to issue a railways to delay Ihe imposition menl ahout their. trade. They mine whether the money was uP. of . n Royal Mall train at The Daily Mirror said police binding· decision (In' the contro· of new work rules, .. .. don't quit easily, : . . connected with Brltain's great Cheddington Aug. Q amounted to also asked authorities in Vienna versy over, the proposed eJimin·, In Montreal; CNR· and CPR Arter what. he . h' as. been trllin robbery. . I more than' £2,600,000 ($7,800,· to be on the lookout for' 'file alion of some firemen 5 spokesmen' said a strike would through,. however. Fellln ;'has The money, found in a pile 01)(1). . Weasel afler a tip that a girl j()bs on diesel locomotives 'and mean, al: Iraffic from Canada JlTomlsed. his wlfc 10' call :it a of old newspapers by demolltlon The Daily Telcgrnph snid po. thougbt to be a friend of his nad the size and'makeup of road and southwards would slop at the day undel1lround. . workers, was In a . store' for- llce that men they flown there. yard crews:. The board's' deci· bOrdcr,· Dr, Anthony Fedullo, Fellin's merly owned by a 70-year·old .want 10 troce were travelling in •. 'Eight .person3 have so· far sion would become effective. 60 '. An American Association of physician, came out from a ses. window - draper Identified only dlv.1dually or in couples after been charged and remanded 111 days later. Railways: embargo notice w'ould thing peo- slon with his patient 'l)1esday as Mrs, Farrell. . dlsapp'earlng £.rom their usual connection with the record cash As amended by the Senate be sent the. Call1idian railways .ple III that good ones 10 orten and quoted Fellin' a5 saying that 'Ielt Bradford In July for underworld haunts, . . . theft, About one·tenth of the before passage the bill would and' shippers would then ·be. eOll\e {rom ancestors who Anna wins, a slX.week visit with ·her son In Other reports said police haUl. has been recovered. leave other issues in· the four- notified, ... , weren't."" '. \ . : J .: ' ! i II .. ., ! . , , .. ', i, ; I f , i I I '. i I , , , ; I ; I I I I , '. · , · " : !' ; : i · I : i i ; 1: ; i , , , , , ; , , : : , , , . , . j : I : , i: ' , : I , . L ,: , ., , , I. ,( ," i' , " ! . I .' , I .i, · ,: \. [I I · · , I 'I I .I I I i! . · ' .. : ' I . '1 ,. I,' " I, I'

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" \ \-, . . ~\( ... '


100,000 In , Washington

WASHINGTON (AP}-Thc vanguard has hc­gun arriving in this incrcasingly-nervous Unitcd E,tatcs capital for today's hi., Negro-sponsorcd "march for jobs and frccdom,"!'>

Thc latcst cstimate frol11 thc l~adcl's of thc Negro marchers and their white sympathizcrs is that at least )OO,()()() persons would take part ill thc dCll1onstration, including 25,000 to :35,O()() Wash· inJ!;tonians,

Authorities ~Jill they look for 1 :-.-.. -.---- -.. . . - ... ------

no majo\' trouble, but thcy arc \ mlo c(frd--01, threatened - nl t a kin J! extraordinal'y J1r~r.al1' 12:111 a.m local time Thl1r,:u:IY. tions. For example. in a In,t. .~ l,.,ilway SPOhS1l1ilil said most minute mOl'e, the District of co.IIJII~S would not stat'! passenger hl1ubia "Yashington I commis.\ t rlll.ns which lI'o~lld. not l'I!1H~h sioncrs prohihited nil sales of thcw li1.al dcstmallOn before alcoholic dl'ink fl'l1m midni"ht' tlw Ihrcatcned strike hegins. EDT TI'P5dny night to 2 a~ll. 1l.owcl'el'. he alsn ~aid that if

~., .'

\Vater Sl. Elizabetb Ave.





III , .

Miners Freed'

\ VIRGI:-lIATOW:-.I, Ont. (CPJ-

\ T~o dirt.blackened, exhausted mlllcrs were freed from under

I: about fil'e tons' of rock early ,Tuesday after being trapped ,3,200 feet underground for five

I hours. .

Two other miners were !it: i jured but six escaped injuf.v' 1 when two fans within minutes I of each othcl' blocked sections : of the Kerr·Addison Gold MIne. i ! Rescuers worked throul:h th, night to free Stanley Pieluek, 42, of nearby Kearns and Jnf­frc Paul, 48, of Larder Lake, cast of here, ~s the two dazed

i miners tried to dig their OWl!. ! way out. .: I The condition of both was' ~. ~ scribed as good, . . I


Paul said he and Pieluck

I'" 11,';,1 I'l'llin IIho,t hl1,lmnn Is rntomllrll • ,,·,,1 l1"i,l, h," ~,.andrhlhl I'"t~:· Klinr 3, and

" ,i'" \ irdn ~t",.~ l'Ilnt;\11l11l~ hlrssr'll walrr " [. ".. lit, 1"'1\ill\ hu,hand hns becn trallpcll

\ \'1 ldq,11ll1t11.

Thursday, trmns are undel' way at the he· ginning ni a strike, CIWY cffort

Some ;;,000 !lul.icc, n.ati,mali wOl1ld he made to mll\'C them )!IHlrdsmen. depultzed ftr~me!l, to a tel)llilml whCl'c ~lasscn.~el's ;nd police reserl'ists ha\'e been could cunl"cnicnlly get othcr assigned to croll'd· and trmlblc· transportation.

1 were trapped in a clear area

,six feet by 10 feet, but th~y ! were hemmed in on both sidM i by fallen rock and collapsed i mine shorings.

I "I was buried up to my waist, I but Pieluck was pinned; almost I to his reck and couldn't move," I he said. "I W3S able to. free I myself and then I dug 'nim I uut," eel

~ '11 l tl. .

control duties, About 4,000 ~,'eg· ular army troops and marines arc in barracks neaJ'll\' with hi~ helicopters ready io' felTY them into Ille heart 01 the city if necessary,

Besirlcs rail tl'nl'l'lIcr,. the m~rchel's are cnmin)! in hy hU5, "lane nnd I'rira,- automo­hile, Police hcadquHrtcl's csti. mntecl that the gmnti tntal of marchcl's from out of tOll'n

RAILROADS nUSy Union Station is read\' for its WASIII:\'G1'ON: Workmen at

,big.gest ~~l"s business in years. CA;I;;I;O;l; BALLS "A:-IISII I the I.ineoln i\lemorial aI',!

might he 76.000,

\: I~ ,nihL'.! in .111\'ant'c 115 nnll' ani Rml. nfflcmls reported that 20 • ,,. . ,. [ shown as they erect n photo "We Marcil'

I Paul ~aid he' :JIld Pieluck started digging their way 'out I as the rescue party dug., :0-wards thcm, Five hours later thev met.

'" '

:' ,I ,,' l'i\\I'l'~I'nt'Y altcrnativr, BUl the I special trains, each currying PRl>:~I\\ lCh,. Scotland I A.pl-1 stand Ilcar the front 01 the : !'.1! 'i','ci;,tly.t\",ignl'd "tcrl capsule' 1 pcrhaps 1,000 riders, are due tu ~1()I:c than, ~o Iron. cannon oaUs bnilding ill preparation for the .... "j -ill'arly a, wide as the tn.inch roll inlo thc statiun betwcen vnlllslwd Sunday mght from thc march on Washington scllc·

,'1 1'''';;1'1' liI,ld dl1~ tn the chamber j:3:i a.m. and 11::;0 a.m. toclay. rampa:·ts of CIII7.Can Cas~le, tor· duled for today. Thc crowd , ... ,' "Ill'l'\' thr~' II'crr trnpped was I Tile train,S nrc sciledul .. d \0 m.el' U.S. :resldent 1?lI'lght ~ 01 "Fffedom Mnrehers" is ex·

.' ',,' :I[',1IHIl1IWt! when it was found' start leavlI1g here at 0: 10 p.m Elsenilowcr s S cot tis h resl· peetcd to form at the Wash· nil' hoi,' had a hend that might ~nd if everything goe" nccord· dence. The cannon balls wdgh inglon Monument and' then

: .. ' ;.". 'l1a~ It. The Imrncss worked Ill!! to plan. the last olle is to 50 pounns cacll. Poltce uelIeve march down Constitution .\\'e. " " 1\\lhl111t a hitch pull out at 8:15 p.m, tlley were stolen hy a scrap to the Mcmorial.-IUPI Tele. . ,nol . , dealer. They were staci;c11 be I photo).'

Togetller" Virginiatown is Ir. miles east

I of Kirkland Lake.


n~' IIAROLD ~lOlmISON 'The mothcr gently helped her· \\';\SH!:-IGTO~ (CP)- "When thl'ee·year·old son up the mar· \

arc I\'e going to see the march,: bled stcps of the white • col· Momm),7" : limned Lincoln Memol'ial final:

. Dunlop Resigns

:''''Y IMorc dawn Tuesdnr, ahout ,ThiS ~11 assUnl.es thnt a U.S· side the castle's Wilt Century I '-__________ 1 ."11. ,i\ feN east ~f the Throne.Fel. Wide railway stnke docs not go cannon.

hn "Sl'n"C holl" a giant drill

":-lot Ulltil latcr, dear." ; destination of the Wed~esday! TORO:-lT~ (C!'l- Edward A, . _________________ -..:.:..::.::...::=-= 'cidl rights march. where the I Dunlop said Tuesday he has .' "D' . . ',·e:" .. m' .. ' -, Ros tpo n es' ... I giant imposing figure 01 the i asked Prinl~ Min!ster: Pearaon '," 111 bccan cutting a 12·inch hole in ,', (If ROI'~:~ direction, Fellin sug· " .. : .,11~ \ ~r,ll'd the drilling point. Th~

.',1 '''~ \'i~ mOI'cd at n rapid pace all I' : !It d~y, then ran into n mechanical

'.1' hrl'nktl~\\"n around th~ 135·fool '." ,1 ICI rl. ,\ ~111~l1cl' rill moved SAIGO:-l (,O\P I-President Ngu

Dinh Diem has postpuncd in· definitcly a Nutiunal Assembly

,llll\'cr. ltrilling a ~ix·inch life· ,.i line h~ll'.

:li' Wll.1. 1 O\\,I':R CA~U:RA clcction scheduled for Satur, llm'l' the 12·illrh hole is com·: day. The decree indicates the

pll·ted, It could be enlarged as I .. thr Tlmme.Fellin c~cape hole go\'ernme?~ sees no qUick end \\",,~. Prcliminarv plans also t~, the CrtSlS that has ,Put South

,,': :':i~ I ""Hr.,1 ftlr. once it is completed, \ let Nam under marital law. , t .,~~

~"l1dm;: nOll"n ~ supeNensative Workmen were building a gi· 1Il1l'l'llpholle ~nd nil automatic ant election tally board in the

,'n:: l~i'lmt'l'a. t f ' cen re 0 Saigon Tuesday when , . \ \!\

TIll' rt';cu~tI minel's I"st Diem drcided to put off the' \'ot·

reo ing unlll further notice, The as· 011 sembly has never held much

rcal authority. The current as·

"',h'h n : I:!wr \'"rlt'll hearing from BO\'8

.\\I!:. 20 , ..

' ..

Rnh CharmshUl'Y, the secret· Ii" . .:, :II')' III mines directing the

tl"r l"l'~I'\lr, ~aid both "think tl,ere is

sembly of 123 memhers was elected in August, 1959,

,', •. Il~ a. I\Os.;ihi1~t~, thnt Bo\'a may T I' 0 0 p concentrations in· ',1) ,till hI' altl'e, apparently exist. creased in downtown Sai~on,

Ul~ nn ncid mine water." bllt there were hints of arc· Throne and Fellin had only laxotlon elsewhere in martial

E'le c t,·O· n i Great l>:mancipator bear~ this' to accept hiS reSignation from I inscription: the Board of Broadcast Gover·

"In this temple, as in the nors. hearts of the people for whom The 44·year.old Pro,1!ressil'e he saved the Union, the memo Conservative candidale for'· For·

hist .n~1I1 st.lI!lcnt foes nf Diem', :'\alll's secret police and intclli· admmlstl'atHln hut mtcnds to gence apparatus. He has heen remain an nlly in the \'ar: at timcs openl)' cl'itical of the against Communist insurgent.. Il:nited Slates, which has lJro·

Xhll controls SOli t h Vwt: vitcd 14,000 military men to

train, supply and adl'ise the South Vietnamcse armed forces and is committcd to an 'Iid program cstimated her e at $500,000.000 a year.

ory of Abraham Lincoln is en. est 'Hill in the Sept. 25 provin. shrined forever," cial election said he told ~!r

A federal trooper noted the Pearson in a lett~r he "intcnds tourist crowds had increased on I to devote his full energies to thc day preceding the march, his new political career. probablv drawn by the batter· He was elected a pal't·time ies of' television cameras the member of the BBG in 19.R

Di.em n~l?ed CUd as inte'.'im 11,000 metal folding chairs lining whl!n. it was first formcd in ~ foreign mlllls~er ":hcll he tm''1ed II approaches of the memorial, reVISIOn .of 9 mlda's natiolnal down the resignatIOn of Vu Van the circus· like tents to house broadcastmg structure. Mall from that job and oug·: the hundl'eds of reporters Red lIIr. Dunlop, blinded in an gcstecl . he take a three.month; CI'OSS workers, press agents' arm~ tr~ining accident after leave tn:tead. I and staff officials. I serl'mg III the African cam·

Hailed as the I' f h : S:gns pinned to trees along I paign in the Second World \\'ar, T M le~.o 0 • de. both sides of the long ornamen'l is executive director of the CII·

lIoP! Pnodsl lOn, 'd a u f~sappel are ; tal reflecting pool spread be· nadian Arthritis and Rheuma·

a ay ami un,'on Irme( Ie· I . . 'r S· t ports he was und~r arrest. He tween the L~~~oln ~!,emo:181 Is_m __ o_cl_e~y_. _____ _ is a' Buddhist who shaved ~is and thc tall. o,,~.foot \\ aSlllng· head like a monk and an. ton gmonumcnt directed passers· u,nder God, now," said one nounced he wante I t b~ to telephon~s, water foun· sign. pil:lrima!(e to Illdi~ a~te~O t~o~p: t~uns and mobile comfort sta·l. "We. march. for ,first.class cit· raided Buddhist pagodas and hans. . IIZ~~SThIP' now.' said. another, arrested more than 1,000 monks ,~t. the flag·enclrcled \;a,h. \'.? n:arch f~r lobs for all,

• and white workers were busy These would bl! picked up by ',' • '.11" lin, t)'l'r of water before a six. law,

,." '.' ': ,< 'I'" iUl'h lifeline hole reached them C . . :' .. ,':,., ""'11:" Aug. IR jnst ns they had been I \I r fell' reg~latlon~ . were

and nuns last Wednesday lll"ton 1110nument, young Negro I now, said a third,

Early Monday it was an· stapling and sorting some 80" the marchers as they aS3em· nounced Mau would be leavmg 000 placards to be carried by bled at the Washington Monu­for India on a chartered til' the anticipated huge crowd, fo· ment to prepare for the mile· Viet Nam plane. Several west· cussing the burden of the Ne- long walk to the Lincoln shrine. ern ambassadors and William gro's plight into the heart of I "We have about 80,000 of C. 'I'rueheart, deputy cll ief of the nation. these placards ,md we expect the U.s. mission, went to the "We march together. Calhn·· more." said a Negro worker, airport to see him off but he I' lie, .Jew, Protestant, for dig-I directing the youngstcr~ in their

" ,",", .,,",, F,,1Ii11, all hut ~iven 111' for dead. cased. Barbed·wlre burncndcs ~": )' : I' ,',', tlirl R~\'n was farlhel' down the were removed from t?~ upt.ow,n ". 'r~'"','"' ~,:,'. hr ,haft ant! separated fl'om them area .where Saigon t:~I~'erslty s

," •••• " .•• f tim~ h~' ahout 2.'i feet of debris. raculhes 01 law, .medlcllle ~~(I ;, ." R', l' 0" I" "\\'e think we ma" hn"e pharmacy al'e situated. CII'II· . \ na l. • , • • a lans replaced m·ll·t , . .' ~-r c "'. ~lIl1d chance to rescue Bo'{ " I ary men as ne'ler reuched the airport. nity, for brotherhood of all men stapling and stacking jOb3. , " .... '.,.r "11 III t,m'tIon Smith deput" stRa'te news censors, · , ,,~ ''''. in I!a\" ,..' · : .,-, • ~"I" , mille seerelar~', said after the

. , .... '\ 't ... : '.',111,',' . Inlks witll Fellin, who workert MEETS OFFICIAL!! , .

U.S. Ambassador II e !l r y ~:. Bill Is Passed For' Binding Arbitration

,,-, ., ~ 't dl . h .' .,-"',, \l :,< tIr. rxci e Y \\'It them only seven Cabot Lodge, who presented his! ..... "· ....... ,

credentinls . to Diem Monday, ~';,\~~:' .. had separate talks Tuesday:,;::' It "~"<' ,~., with tw~ officials high in;,:;';"""

~i~ht 0.1' ~lin ~h~

. " .. 51 n , .. '. 49 6\ .. '. :.2 ~-:!

. " . s:! i'i I 4S 4~

." 6:1~ a.m,

hOllrs after his rescue, Chal'mshury was less optimis.

tic. sayin::: "\\'" jllst can't form opinions noll'. Remember from the start we thought the possi· hilit)' thnt any of them was alh'c was remotc."

Fellin Quit

Diem's administration-his ad·" viser·brother Ngo Dinh Nhu and Interim foreign minisler Truong Cong Cuu,

The South Vietnamese re· quested the- meeting with Lodge, 'whose government has made plain it disapproves of mUitary moves to crush Budd·

IIUE, SOUTII VIETNAM: Women pray oulshle Tu Dam Pagoda for Rev, Thlch Tleu Dleu who became the eighth Buddhist 10 commit suicide by burning III the religious dispute with tbe government,-<UPI Radlotelephotol.

WASlllNGTON (At) :.- with year work rules dispute to be' Any freight in transit would the United States 011 the trcsh· settled by ~'Olleetive bargaining. be left on sidings at the border hold of a railro'ld !trike over Rebuffeci in its leadership's 1I10st Canadian freight moving job· cutting work .rules,. the Sen· appeal.lor an industry postpone· to the U. S. is non-perishable ate Tuesday nhiht passed a ment of the strike deadline, the and would suffer no damage by bill providing for compulsory Senate voted 75 to 17 to ~trip such a delay. binding arbitratioll of Ihe main its bill down to approximate!y Details of tbe effect of' a issues in the dispute. The vote the same terms as: ~roposed III strike on passengers and freight

Ca n a da l I d l was 90 to 2. the. measure aW3lhng House schedules would not be avail a-

n VO ve' n The bill closely parallels 8 action. . hle until WednesdBY after. re· I H.'\ZI,ETON, Pa, (AP')- Anna . measure to be taken up in the House leaders predIcted that ceipt of the AAR embargo ! ~'ellln is gelting her way at last. House of Representatives today cham~er cou!d~omple.te can· notice .

To i For 8 long time the wile of Brl·t,·sh Ti~a ,·.n Ro b ." in a drive to prevent a crippling gresslonal acllon III rapid order ------.----"-

I Davey Fellin, reScued 'along rail shutdown, which has been once the Senate finished work 'tHE COUNTRY PAllSON.

\ with Henry Thl'one from. nenrly . scheduled for 12:01 a.m, Thurs· on the measure, two weeks entombment in a day. Earlier, .J. E. Wolfe, chief i coal mine, has wnnted him to BRADFORD, England (Reut· Cannda. redoubling their efforts to locat~ It would estahlish an arbitra· negotiator for Ihe railroads,

I give up mIning, e'rs) - Inquiries .Into Britain's . Information on the son's namc two men they Ilnmed as wautcd tion board composed of two said "1 know of no reason' why

But It's hard for an old pro great train robbery spread to and wbere he lives was not im· for questioning last week. -New representatives e'a c h of. the the railroads 'should comply" 11kc Davey to quIt.' . Canada Tuesday as pollce'in this mediately available, and better pictures of 28·year· railroads and the unions and with a request for a new strike

RURged as. mining Is; most of northern industrial city Investl· . The main search for the l'ob· old racing car. driver 'Roy John three public members agreed delay. . the men who hack coal out of gated a parcel containing £500 bel'S and their loot concentrated (The Weas'ell' James. and 41· on by the other four or ap· Wolfe's statement· came after the earth, living much or'thelr In £5 notes found In an aban· in London and in severalrp.sort year·old car dealer Bruce (ley· p'linted by the president. ~ the Democratic and Republican IIl'es out of the 'sunlight, have doned store, - centres: nolds werc' prepared for distri· Within'90 days the board leaders of the Senate. urged the a certain rough and gruff senti. Pollee .were trying to deter- The money stolen in thc hold. bution. .1I0uld be directed to issue a railways to delay Ihe imposition menl ahout their. trade. They mine whether the money was uP. of . n Royal Mall train at The Daily Mirror said police binding· decision (In' the contro· of new work rules, .. .. don't quit easily, : . . connected with Brltain's great Cheddington Aug. Q amounted to also asked authorities in Vienna versy over, the proposed eJimin·, In Montreal; CNR· and CPR

Arter what. he . h' as. been trllin robbery. . I more than' £2,600,000 ($7,800,· to be on the lookout for' 'file alion of some ~2,OOO firemen 5 spokesmen' said a strike would through,. however. Fellln ;'has The money, found in a pile 01)(1). . Weasel afler a tip that a girl j()bs on diesel locomotives 'and mean, al: Iraffic from Canada JlTomlsed. his wlfc 10' call :it a of old newspapers by demolltlon The Daily Telcgrnph snid po. thougbt to be a friend of his nad the size and'makeup of road and southwards would slop at the day undel1lround. . workers, was In a . store' for- llce beU~·ve. that ~7 men they flown there. yard crews:. The board's' deci· bOrdcr,·

Dr, Anthony Fedullo, Fellin's merly owned by a 70-year·old .want 10 troce were travelling in •. 'Eight .person3 have so· far sion would become effective. 60 '. An American Association of physician, came out from a ses. window -draper Identified only dlv.1dually or in couples after been charged and remanded 111 days later. Railways: embargo notice ~ w'ould "~ne ~ne thing abil1~t peo­slon with his patient 'l)1esday as Mrs, Farrell. . dlsapp'earlng £.rom their usual connection with the record cash As amended by the Senate be sent the. Call1idian railways .ple III that good ones 10 orten and quoted Fellin' a5 saying that Sh~ 'Ielt Bradford In July for underworld haunts, . . . theft, About one·tenth of the before passage the bill would and' shippers would then ·be. eOll\e {rom ancestors who Anna wins, a slX.week visit with ·her son In Other reports said police wer~ haUl. has been recovered. leave other issues in· the four- notified, ... , weren't.""

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Page 2: ,~T~CT OUR All Motors THE DAILY NEWS I,' 'K Nova Ltd.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19630828… · THE DAILY NEWS All forms III Insurance ... Dinh Diem has

I: , ~

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, .,'


Upper Island

Cove Garden

Party ~1':\:\IARn'S BAY - Th,~

~nnlllli ~ard~n party of St. l'rtfr'~ Parish. Upper Island (,,'\'c. was held on Wednesday ~nd Thursday of last weck and \\"a~ a hn~,· ~lIf,·rss. Proceeds all\~lIntcd til two thousand dol· br,. TIll' ~ala ""cnl was nnder tilt' dir",·thlll "f the I'".'tor, Ih,' H,',. r. n. 1111\\'$,·11. who was ilHI\l,·trd in .1111~·.

Th,' "Tw~'1itr" ordlrstra Pllt In .,1\ ('x,'cllent "rrfnrman"(·s. al\ h\lt !In,· of which wCl'e free (\! ,·har~r. t'nfol'tllnall'ly, nn .'\It,h','1' ,bill',· was rained Ollt \~,t II'rek, h\lt this will b~ hl'1.1 (\n \111' first slIitnhlr rl'enin~ and 1'1\"l'i~,'s to he nn oulsland· h,~ "\l'llt.

-Conception .Bay News Spaniard's Bay

Personals Miss Fannie Gosse celebrated

her birthday on Monday, August 26. Greetings and best wishes come {rom her moth p.r. 25 Years' With

U. Towns Co.

IIR. GRACE-(Staff) - Mr. Clarcnce Thlfttle has compleled twcnt~'-fi\'e years of faithful service with Ihe United 'fawns Electrical Company, and in recognition of this long term of sCI'I'ice, he and Mrs. ThisUe were cnabled to cnjoy II month's \'acation which they spent visit· ing relatives and friends at Swift Current.


lIlt. GRACE-(Sta!f) - IIIrs. Blanche Payne who had been visiting hel' former home at Fogo, returned to Harbor Grace last week,


Lady Visits

Harbour Grace

It: (I ...

The Rev. J. S. H. Moran, B.A., B.D., one time Minister of th~ Bay Roberts United Church Pastoral Charge, was the

HR. GRACE-(Staf{) - ~liss preacher at the morning SCI"

• • • Ethel Knight of Milwaukee, vice at the Spaninrd's Bay Ampng recent visitors to Jlar· Wisconsin, U.S.A., has been United Church here on Sun·

bor Grace were Mr. and Mrs. visiting Harbor Grace during day, He Is now enjoying a holi· Walter Cheeseman of St. John's the past week, and was a guest day with relatives and friend,; also Mr, and Mrs. John Riteep at Pike's Hotel. in Conception Bay. On Sunday and two dnughters. Miss Knight, who~e mother he was the guest of ~Ir. and

• • • was born at Harbor Grace, a Mrs. ~Iark Gosse. AftCI' his va-Mr. and Mrti. Lo Stevenson daughter oC a once well·known cation cnds Mr. ~Ioran will reo

and son Peter, who had I'aca· Snelgrove family of Bear's Cove turn to his mInisterial duties at tioned at Harbor Gracc, mlltor· at the cast eml of the town, Shubcnacadic, N.S, ed back to Corner Brook on has been contacting several • • • Tucsday where Mr, Stevenson Is friends of her mother's family :ltr. and ~Irs. Augustus Shcp· employed with the C.N,R, and Is delighted with this, her pard have returned to Boston

• • • second visit to the town of Har· having spent several weeks here

Planned Civil Rights March l.".!!..rs Memories . .--.....

B'onus March In '32 Was

l'nrl1\~ r,',','nl I\'('el" the in· In\\'" ,,! Ihe sel'cntel'n room ~t 1','ter\ ,1'1"'0\ has rCl'ph rll :. 'hl l l'l't1::::h P;111\t ,h .. h .11Hl 11~l\\' n~\ ~.;!nh'r!' art' h\l~" at tht' r>\;

trr1(lr "r t1\" t,,'ildin~, 'C'.' U1\Il~l"h i .. a1:o'" l'l\il"~ . na~n~('rl thi, w",·k. WU!l ~11 the \\'01':, l'('he ,1":11' IInd('r contral'l hI' k'\"!\1 ;.1hl'1I1". •

Their visit was a most enjoy· able one. The mlny fricnds which ~lr. and ~ll's. 'fhlsUe ha\'c made during their resi· dence at Harbor Grace join in ctxcnding congratulations to thelll and extend bcst wishcs [or many marc years of em­ploYlllent wilh thc U.T.E. Co. and to thc many householders which he has served so well,

Mr. nnd Mrs. E. R. S,:am- i bor Grace and its surround· I with relatives. mell and sons were week-end Ines. . ! i\Jrs. Oswald ;lliller and son I gucsts of Mr. Scammell's sister 'Paul arc here from 51. John's and brother·in·law, Mr. and Mrs. An Old House on holiday and arc Ihe gues!:; E. p, Sheppard. of ~Irs. ~Iao' Seymour.

One Way

Sp.gns ignored

\~'l'~ht\r prl'l.il't't th~lt th,' nrow It'\'~,,:· 1'1.11~S tn fl,1 imlll('(Ii~I!'l"

I. 'h~1 d 'lll1fi!lin~ tho .. 110.1' Il ,tit '''1'','''~> anol >lII'pli,·c,. Ill!. GRA('l!;-(Sla£f) -One·

way signs which have bcen placed at the entrance of sev­

New ~d.~",t';i.' ~""r Nal roans in this town are be· S ~'... in;: constantl)' ignored and this

('0111 be II sOUl'ce of hazard to ulhel' motorists nnd also to

Sf' \ \'I.\Il1Y~ nA \' ._ \\'I1"n pedestrians who expect that ,,!1(\.'1 "!,,,,~, l",xl W('('k (Ill' Sill'll regulations as indicated ,1111.1:'0':1 "f :;t. .' nd"cw', 1'011. hl' the signs arc meant to be cl'p.:ali"'l \lili b''''il' -t'Hli.,s ill, strictly followed. ~'l',;:lki:~.: n,'\\' lJ1lildin~. I Residents of at least one road

I are 10\ld in their complaints of ~'·",'n:b· ",'nsll'lI(·tl'll. the' the many motorists who persist

• .. !t",,1 ,"'n,isl; (If two c·las.;· in entering the wrong way and 1.',':11'_ lIa,hr"'l111< and loqet,. also of those who obstruct trai· d!!"" '·;;l1~.'rn 11H a I'llOm fM fi.· by parking and causing the :!", n:w .. \ Tit"\'(' i, a f:11I oncoming motorist to keep blow. ~''''''I\1\'nt 'n,1 all lIill bl' fill" ing his horn until the offender ':.\"1' 'll';Ht'\! . I I~ real y to move on.

!': \n<iI'l'I"', (,1l1l~I'CI:atil\n Another source of annoy· !.'I':ll' Pan 1'( the parish of anl'C is that of a motorist who \"'1"'1' "lallll l',lI',' nightly parI,s midway ncar

. . ..' the centrc of this road without ,11'" I'n:1"11';11 Df th., ncll' !lighlS and when rcady to leave

~:"I:~"llt;11'\ "'1",,,1 i, ~Il'. Donald hacks ?U~ onlo I:larve~ Street, ;,"11 •. 1 .nll~ h.·. will hc assisted' thus T1sl;lIlg. an .lIlcomlng car. : ~_~li~~.2 h~lli, ,Iaml'.,. I It seems lllgh tune that some


• • • I Miss Jessie Russell, st. John's, is visiting her cousin, Miss Madge Oke, LcMarchant St.

• • • ;Ill', Earl Crocker left Friday

accompanied by his wife and daughter, Gloria, to commence a vacation which will take them to Port Blandford, Corner Brook, Channel, and at the conclusIon of which they will go to Halifax where Mr. Crock­er will ... commence a year's study in welfare work.

CLAIMS RECORD PERTH (Reuters) - Beauti·

clan D 0 rot h y Williams, 35, THroy claimed the world cave.! itling ,,'I'ELL lIlE I AlIl GROWING OLD record Monday after complet-ing her 88th consecutive day in They tell me I am growing old, a cave at Yallingup, 120 miles I tell you that's not so, south of this Australian city_ The house I live in is worn out Miss Williams said she planned And that of course I know; to stay in the cave another two It's been in USe a long, long days. while,

Its weathered many a gale, attention be given by those in I'm really not surprised, you authority to such breaches of think traffic regulatiotls before an It's getting somewhat frail accident or something more The colours changing on the serious occurs. I roof,

The windows getting dim, The walls a bit transparent, And looking rather thin;


The foundation'S not so steady As once it used to be, . My house is getting shaky But my house isn't ME.

My few short years can't make me old,

I feci I'm in my youth, Eternity lies just ahead, A life of joy and truth; I'm going to live forevcr there, Life \Vill go 011, it's grand, You tell me I am getting old You just don't understand;

~ . . The marriage of Miss Bernice

Kennedy, daughter of ~Ir. and 1\Irs. William Kennedy, to Clay· ton Victor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Jewer, will take place on Saturday, August 31, at Spaniard's Bay.

.;. .;. . The following couples cele·

brate wedding anniversaries on Wcdnesday, August 28: ~Ir. and :llrs. Cecil W. Gosse, :'Ill'. and Mrs. Kenneth Neil, Mr. and ~Irs. Lewis E. Gosse. Congrat· ulations.

Here to SIIend her annual va· cation with her parents, Mr. and i\lrs. William FI)'nn, is ;lliss Theresa Fly:m, R.N., who is on the Nursing Staff of Sick Chil· dren's Hospital, Toronto. Also visiting 1I1r. and ~Irs. Flynn is Miss Sandra Morgan of Toronto.

•• 0

i\lrs. Ronald Gosse and ~on Cameron are home for a visit and arc staying with Mrs. Gosse's parents, Mr. and 1I1rs. James Murrin, Pond Side_

* • • ~[r. and Mrs. Lewis R. Gosse

of Whitbourne with their two children spent part of Sunday here with relatives.

• • •

Army troops routed bonus army. At left, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, then chief of staff. At righ t, ~Iand to face, his second in command: Col. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Demonstration at lhe Capitol 2, 1932, was held 10 protest ment of Con;:;-rss with 110

action tal,en Oil immediate of the bonus.

The dweller in my little house Is young and bright and gay, Just starting on a life that lasts' Canst. A. Vokey, Mrs. Vokey

SCH_~_OL;~~;f' BAGS ~- .....


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Parker lU~U ~Io\ll'o,e Limited are pleased to announce that they now cam- n Illlc of SCHOOL BAGS. These bags are made of genuine lcathrr with reinforced stitching. They have both adjustable carry­ill~ straps and sturdy plastic handles and feature two locking fasteners. TIll'sC bags nre priced at only

$3·25 EACH

A smaller bap; si~nilltl' to those described but with only one lock sells for.

For all your Back-to-School. Footwear requirements use our. New Convenient Credit Service. Choice of Plans to suit yoU 1

Throughout eternal day; and sons Jimmy and Wayne rc-You only sec the outside, turned to St. John's on ~londay Which is all that most folks do, having spent a fortnight here. You tell me I am getting old, • e 0

You've mi:..:ed my house with ME.



of the best known residents of Water Street West, Harbor Grace-Mr. Daniel Neil-passed away In his sleep on Thursday night, August 22, at the age of seventy·three years,

The late Mr. Nell, whose oc· cupation as a carman made him a familiar figure in this town, was highly regarded as an honest and conscientious work­er by all with whom his em­ployment brQught him into contact. As one of the rapidly declining group of carmen, he wl11 be missed by many •

Ltlft to mourn are his widow, three Bons, WIlliam and Daniel at Harbor Graco and David at Collnet, and, four daughters, Mrr., Gerlle Carpen­ter, Violet (Mrs. Clarence For· ward), Mary (Mrs. Thomas Yetman) at Harbor Grace, and Annie (Mrs. Clarence Somer­ton) at Bell Island_

Mr, Neil is also survived by fifty five grandchildren, one brother Leo, and a sister, lIIrs. James Byrne, both residing at Bell Island. He is also mourn­ed by a large circle of friends.

The funeral took place from his late residence at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Harbor Grace, and interment was at the R.C, Cemetery.

Deepest sympathy Is extend· ed to the bereaved family.


BAY ROBERTS, - Passed peacefully away at the General Hospital, after a short lllness, on August 8, Theresa, beloved wife of lIIr ~rdon Critch, aged 59 years,

Left to mourn beside her husband, are four sons, Henry at Loretto, Ontario, Langdon, Wllliam and Kevin at homei two daughters, Rosalie (Mrs. Lloyd Dennis) at Niagara Falls, Barbara at borne; one brother, three sisters, seven grand­children and a large number of relutlves, , . Funeral services' were held on AugUst, 1a to Central Unit· d Church. Interment was In the U. C, Cemetery.

Deepest sympathy is express~

Cadets John Pauls, William Chipman, Gordon Young, Gar· field Barrett, Clyde Mesh and David Fitzgerald arrived home on Saturday from Camp Alder· shot, N.S.

Local Roads


Tents, and make-up shelters such as the one in center foregrouud, bonus veterans in flats along the Anocostia River. They also buildings.

SPANIARD'S BAY - The Local Roads Committee, under their chairman, Mr. Ronald Finn, last week made a survey of all the thoroughfares cClming under their jurisdiction. There Is never enough money to do all they would like to do each season, but from converliation with the group we gather thai they plan to use wisely the The civil rights march on Washington planned for toda\.', Wednesdayh, funds allotted to them. t t e

This week a grader Is being is to be a peaceful affair, with perhaps 100,000 persons coming 0 :~ put Into service, and some small by train, bus, and plane-and some on foot. Far from pe~ceful ~rOt~! bridges will be repaired, Gravel· the descent on the city by the Bonus Army of World \\'ar 1. In . ling of certain roads wm be and summer of 1932. 'What began as a planned march of 300 men delayed for about two or three - . d'l 1945 'hroonled weeks when trucks from the medIate payment of a soldIer bonus, not ue unt! ,111l?S, I

Department of Highways will "army" of some 20,000 at its peak. After being frustrated 111 th.elr be made available. Some rest· a depression-haunted Congress, violence broke out between pohce dents have offered to ~pre~d I ers, With two bonus marcher deaths and violence gro\l'il?~' tro?P!r gravel without remu~erahon In ed in and the bonus army was routed but the memory of ,he bnt order to get the maximum bene· . .. , fit from every dollar. hngers over the capItal. ______________ .. -.---~

We would like to suggest that now Is as good a time as any P b I· for local residents to think U Ie about n town council, We have only to look around us to see the benefits gained therefrom.

Public Examination


BRlGUS Grade XI: Honours, Joan

Marshall, James Hearn; matri­culation: Leo Flynn, Gary Fow, ler, Ronald Hayes, Eileen Cur· ran, Bernadette Flynn, Judy Walsh; pass: Francis Butler, Patricia Clarke, Angela Hayes, Thomas Fowler.

Grade X: Denis Flynn, Ron· aid Burke, William Farcly, Jerome Fowler, James Power, Bernice Edmunds, Irene Hayes_

Grade IX: Patricia Marshall, Madonna Hayes, Joseph Hearn, Genevieve Butler, Raymond Hayes, Ronald Tucker.

Library Closled




Grade XI: Honors Matricu­lation (in order of merit): Eric Stevens, Claude Barrett, Donna Russell; matriculation: Shirley Badcoek, Edith lIIcrcer, Jean Mercer, Carol Parsons, Rose Marie Sarnways, Lorraine Stev­ens, Gordon Greenland, Wayne Hussey. Pass: Rosalind Baggs, Violet Efford, Cynthia Gosse, William Crosbie, Nelson Brad· bury, John F. Dawe, Allan Jack. son.

Grade X: Doreen Bishop, Florence Mercer, Edith Nor­man, Linda Snow, Maxine Sno\V, Carol Yetman, Noel Bradbury, Douglas Churchill, Lincoln Jones, Ted Mercer, Ernest Mugford, William Snow, William Trickett, David Young,

: Kearley, Calvin Mercer, Gary i Rec,eives I ~{ercer, Kenneth lIlorgan, Don- C II I aid Nosewor~rnest Walsn. DistanCe a


POINT Grade XI: Honors, Robert

~Icrcer, Boyd Russell, Arthur VeYi matriculation: Heber Bow­ering, Fred Butler, David Gif­ford. Aubrey Mercer, Lloyd Mercer, Selby Snow, Ruth French, Jean ~lereer, :Margaret White; pass: Wayne Bowering, Max Parsons, Rosalind French.

Grade X: Roy Boland, An­thony BoWering, Calvin Porter, Irving Russell, Walter Russell, William Russell; J.IIniol' Sen­ior, Thomas Stringer, Irene Badcock, Claudine French, lIlar" ina King, Glenys Roach, Judy Stoodley.

Grade IX: David Boland, Don· aid Butler, Boyd French, Ter· ranee Mercer, Eric W. lIlorgan, Melvin Mullett, Wayne Russell, Clarence Russell, Douglas Rus­sell, Boyd Snow, Iris BradburY, Evelyn Dawe, Gloria Kendall, Daisy Littlejohn, Gladys Mer· cer, Olive' 1I1ercer, Mary Mar· gan, Dorothy Parsons, Shirley Snow, Glenys Sparkes,


'-____________________________ • __ ... ed to those who mourn,

BAY MBERTS.-Mls8 Par­sons, our librarian, has advised that the library will be closed for two weeks beginning Aug. 31, and will re-open Sellt. 14. (Readers please take notice).

Grade IX: Eileen Badeock, Carol Greenland, Annie Kear· ley, Heather Laing, Jean Men· ehions, Phyllis Mercer, Pauline Norman, Monica Parsons, Linda Roach, Carol Sparkes, Hazel Walsh, Glenys Yetman, Eric Badcock, Gerald Brown, Calvin Russell, John W. Dawe, John Grade XI: Matriculation, Wil.


NCII'folllldtanll \I'll 1980 cst number 0

tbe la::Centage.\I'ISC, 0

, P prol'lnces, tl elnp\IlYIDenl dr

liS Incrcasln:~ pOPl1

.. 'the opinIon of th IS 'II"CS f,conoml provo ,. ,

\p~;C. In.ts ltc' (j "f,n1P:O)'OIcnt lit

I~ Ihe j\tlalltl 'Jus t rc~cnst:d.

, h'cl s~ys thai II .• ,mP I o"ln-' ,. At1:I1~ c pr. -tbe ___ '-'--


SOOIl .1.1"melnt is expertrd t

V I Soulhey. ~ from •. • c~ IIf DOSCO

m3n3f'o. , 1<lnnd, II'llh rcspecl · penin" IIf Ih~ 111111' rt"0'" • date of \"I'·npl'lIln!!

Island mincs has released as yct. mining operalions II' down 011 .JlInc 14. workmen \f) install

icreenin~ plan I. Iras announced al that opcralions ill would rrsumc arn

of '\1I~ust.

COllccpt iOll I 200 mark, The four fish lOll s total to tIl(' n

Harold Fretlch. Karan :\n1l. lanl , a 64.'5 Jlou,Hh·f'

· The smallest fisl Lahoullt\·. I

fish, weighing the Tina \1

The Fi"htill tT I.: ,"-t ,-..

This 0111'.

Frank \ I oore. I The Shamroek I

The .j().'5 Jllll St. John·s.

said in Montrenl ' iSSUe hears the !

H·E1611888. · bill howcver i~ a

according to pa per is pOOl

.is bad. the qucrn's Is' blurred and weak

pots V"'''l.IllY'S FllU

Cove .• I -~U"'J1 levelled

Page 3: ,~T~CT OUR All Motors THE DAILY NEWS I,' 'K Nova Ltd.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19630828… · THE DAILY NEWS All forms III Insurance ... Dinh Diem has

.' , , ..

eed 77,000 Jobs By 1980 t '

•• " '1 ",

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II III 111'1',1 75~,OOO jobs for Ihelr anllrlllale,1 labor hlrce, all inen'aSl' of 21K,OOll ol'er 1!16~.

ClllIshh'rnllulI was given to Ihe IIIHrrlng reqllirements o( ~I'IIfoun:lland Rnll the Marl· lim" Ilrol'incrs, by APEC,

,.\ ~llokesllmn (or AI'EC ~nlC\, "On Ihe bnsis o( .ollr "X;\lllillalion of COlldllions 111 ~"II'fnnllllhnd, II'C Ileilel'c Ihal ~Ii pN' "1'111, or roughly ~7,110ll 01 thl'sc ncw em\lloy. 1111'111 1I11\lIlrlllllltirs will be III'r,lcd ill thnt Ilrol'in(e," Tn [('nl'll this IIbJccllve calls

fur a i,i per crnt IncrcRse III :'\ ,'II' fmm"lnnd's emll!oymellt III Ih,' ncxt 111'0 IlecRdcs, COlli·

1';lrrrl 10 n 33 pcr cent III' m'n,r III Ihe ~IRrltlme pro· \'IlIfl'S.

"lhis s\lllalloll obl'lolls\y (ails for sllrrial Ilolirirs to ~ssisl l\c\'l'lo(lIllCIII, \mrticn· lar;~' ill :"il'wfolllllllalltl," lite ~ll\lkl'Sl1lan saicl,

"nllth ohjrrtil'cs," he con· thIll"" "the creation o( 11,· 01111 III'I\' jlllls In Newfonnd· Ian" .md of lH,OOO new jlllls ill tbe ~Iarltimc Ilrovinccs b~' 19~O, drnuntl a com\lrehen. sil'\' appronch to accelerated Ilrl'rlolll1lCnt of the Atlantic rc~lon with the greatest pos· sible rool,rrntion among the

200 Tun,a \' .. 11,,'1':1,.1\ Ha\ 's tUlia total has passed

"'.\! '11.11 ~', '.~:: t,'''1 1i·1t LItHIt'd Tut'sda\' hrought this :::' :,'Lll t,l Ih., n'l'onl hi.~h of 201. Ih:,ll 1 'l'l1l-h. KI'lli(!I'l'\\'s. fishillg from ".1'1 \1111. hlldt'll tltt' higgest fish of the .1',' i'tllllldel". ',1'1,111",1 li~h fIll' thl' da\' was boated b\'

',: \ .1:"'1\1111, l' ,So \a\'al Bast', A~'gellli:l. : '\ II. Ic:hill\! ·1:1:2 POII1lt!S, was (hoated) .' :',.' rill,1 \Iaril',

" ri~\I!!II'.! 1 ;llh also aCl'otllltl'll ror nile Iii" ,'Ill'. a ·17R POlllldl'I', was landed

~",.'I~ \1.">11'. llarhol' CraCt'. ~::' '11,1'1111 'I'~ III acclHtntl·d I'm the fOlll'lh

!:II' tl" p,I'lllldl'r was boated hy Jack ,\, ~I .I"ltH~,

-----__ ........ __ ..... _~-..... --...... ~=--_~~-I

lice Warn Of 1I1lteljeiters : ~l"ll"1 I' in dr·, the fil:ttN' 20 in the upper leU

;:1,~ r:lI, tHill' it is' corncl' has a break in it. i A check with local authori·

.. ,,! ,~ \: '\'::'"al Tu~s· , tics rCI'ealed that none of the ,',:',1,- :'0-,:, ~n" ~crial 'counterfeit bills hRs turned up ,- '.~I~II~;;,' ! in Newfoundlnnd yet.

, ,~,,,, r: IT " a PIIOI'! The spokesman howeI'e!' •• ,.'~'-::,~::'~ III the, warlled the general public to .'",','.'.,,' " ,I:{",r. the Ibe on the lookout for the bills " ._,' ,l 'I' t Ill,' POl" , and 10 report any found to the

. ,Ill ,<",[ wrak and: proper mlthoritics 'as Iluiekly as _______ -_- : possible. .

I'arious levels o( government anll the IlllbUe' antI llrJ\'ate agcnclcs !nvolv·cd. If they nre to be obtalnell."

NIAC . M1ember Visits, NBT

1Iiark Staple, firsl vice I'rcsi, I dent of the Newfoundland As· sociation of Commerce, caUel1 at the Newfoundland Board of Trade 'I'uesdny and discussed with N AC secretary A. G. Ayre. items nrising from the recent Lewisporte meeling of the As· sociation,

!Ill' Staple is the immedin ie past president of the Channel· Port aux Basques Chamber of Commerce. .

It is understood that Jolr. Staple will be in SI. John's to· day, and will return to Port

I nux Basques by road tomorrow.

Minister On Tour

Fisheries i\linister C, M. Lane left Monday (or a tour of the province's south const fishing plants,

~Ir, Lane is accompanied by R. Young, a mcmbcr of the New(oundland Fisheries Deve· lopment Authority.

The south coast trip will com· pletc a province·wide tOllr dill" ing,the past several weeks when the minister tnlkcd with fisher· men and I'isitcd all government and private fish plants, except for the south coast area.

I ~Ir, Lane expected to be 'away from his office for a


ASSUME RELATIO:-<S BEH);. Switzerlnml (A P)

I The S I\' iss gOl'e1'llment an· : nounccd ~lol1dny it hns taken lover British diplomatic repre· I senlatioll in Guatemala. Guate· I mala broke orf dilJlomatic rela· 'lions with Britain last month after the British gOl'ernment plcdged independence (or neigh· boring British Honduras which is claimed by Guatemala,


Vatican, announeed Mopday that Pope Pa,ul VI will receive, chan· cellar Adenauer of West ~;er· many in and official audience Sept. 17.

FlI,~I IIANNED LONDON (AP) - '1'he South

African gOI'crnment has banned the Pelel' Sellers film Heavens Above because severll1 scenes show a Negro on equal terms with while men, British Lion Films reported Monday ni ght. The company refused to mllke any cuts in the film, in which Sellcrs plays an idealistic viellr WhO picks a ,Negl'o garbagc man. r.layec! hy Brock Pet~l's, as his clufrchwunlen. ~ ,

Prf)motions Named For Constabulary

Chief of Police Edgar ,J, Effective Scptember [ir,t the Pittman Tuesday released the' promotions arc: list of promotions 10 be made, within the New(ollnlland Con· I Pro'moted to Dislrid In· stabulary in Septemller, : spector is Head COllstable Char· ,

les Ii, Saunders ..

'1'0 hecome head constaille' are sergeants John R Brown and Chesley Yetman, I


· , , " . ..... " , I",

• .. ' .< · :.'\

';.-. ~

, .;. '.


.:,. · , .-

L ~.

Blaze Levels School, A group of children mingle'

around salnged furniture (above) rushed from a Ro, man Catholic three·room sellOol which burned to the ground Tuesday afternoon at . Portugal Cove.

It is suspected the blaze started from children smok· ing on the school premises. The building's furnace and electrical system had been I turned off, a (ire department I spokesman said \

A school official said child. ren will he taken by bus to : the ~Iajor's Path school! when the new term opens in I September. I

S6,OOO insurance was cal" . ried on the Sl6,OOO building. :

A lone firefighter, left, i \Jours water on the smould· I ering remains.-(News Staff I Photos). I ,


2S Free SUF Awards Scholarship

"You're htcky'\ said ~1~lg·

istrale D, J. Gillis in co!!rt here }lotHlny when hr Iwnd. William Crocker, a student, Thc grand master of !he so· ('(I n 835 fine to a -I~·year·old . of Sl. ~lichael'5 School, Creston 'I· ciety made the an~ollncclllcni st. John's man. • Soulh. P,B" has been named, this week at Bonal'lsta where , The man reccil'cd Ihe Inill' i winncr of the 1963 Memorial I the SUF held its 90th annual illlUIIl fine when he Jlleaded 'S~holarship from the Socie~y of 'I communication. ' guilty to a char~e of (\ri\'ittg ,L'nited Fishermen. It was learned that 1111', wilhout a licence. 1---------- Crocker will begin his a:'(s

"Other lle[J"I.. Ilay their' II) k S t ; course at Memorial Unil'er&i;Y Promoled [0 sergeants are' three dollars el'ery year. but I 000 ea s 'I with the opening of the 196~~64

acting sergeants Danirl c.)1'" you just 11rh'e and don't pay I school year, ' The new 14·storey nurses'l belt. Albert King, Villceot a 1'[,111," the magistrate said. FI" h 1 Coming a close second with

residence at the General lIas· Noonan and Frederick Alurrin, I The m~n had been 11rhitt~ for Ig t I a few marks below the winncr's pital here should he opened in '1'0 fill these vacancies fil'e i without a licence for ~,1 was ~larJlYn Avery, a student

Re:sidence Opens Soon

September, it was learned Mon, cun.stables, arc pro~olcd. 10, years" Ilc \\'as, aJlIII'chcnded : ~lore thatt half of the total o~ the QUeen Elizabelil Hegiopal day. actlllg sergeant. They arc COli' follu\\"IIl!!" 111111')1' accident I ( b l' Htgh School, Foxtrap. ,

t hi K" 'I" Il.' 1 h;' . ' • number 0 scats a nard tIc all" . Construclion o( the building s a es el In H urI Ie, ,I P : 111 thc cllr, ,_ '_" .' '''I . Therc were no entries (01'

has been completed and equl·p. Clark Austin LeDrew, Jam~,' I 1" aft 10' Chartel f he 1\ Lab, th h 1 I' f St J h . , , , rador I!l" planned bv the ~"W' P 5C 0 ars up rom .. 0 n 5 ment is now being installed. II. ;'oloscworthy and Donahl· . "_..' -. _ .. " If dl • 'd fT' d '1 -, and the grand master has wIth

Randell f the cm 1 OT'I'\\ - , OUIl and Boat 0 ra e, laIC h o. " \'0\ ICPI _ D<tl'id E.: lJeen IJl)oked I the concurrence of t e exccu· • , ,II!lIklll,;, 2;;, n la\\' i!radu~I,' 01 i \' okcsn;an for thc boarJ live, awarded that portion, of

PREPARE UN I'LA~S I the lInil'('('sily of ,\Ihcrta, has I ,,:.1 'l~p 1" It'll ' I II lhe scholarship to Miss AI'~ry . \LGIEns lAP' PI'"IIII'", '" I I ff' 'II '11 I ,d'u UCSI ay t la II c 01 er la '11 b' f' t t" - cdI', I). Jet'll (l "ei1l \' IIIsta cd us :1<1. t She 1\'1 e"1II her ITst vcar

ilCI'"cl'IIIC Fck'lll'l (If 1,'IJ"' '11' I tl' )11 1 " I . I f I' t 'the 44 sea s havc been re·,. 0 • I ·u'


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" • J U " 'a jJl'CSII en () "e Na !tHlal 1 ". In SCience at ~Iemona 111' rivcd m' Algiers :llondav fill' '1 Fe!\cl"Ilion of ,. 'I II' 'u ' ;crvcd for the tnp whIch 11'111 "t .

" J.,', '..' '- a at nn J1J\'cr· t kif S t 22 t ?5 1 VerSI y. . three.day offlcml VISIt. He \\'as >'Ill' Students, it was ullnoullccd I a e p ace ~OI11 ep. '. 0 ~ • I j t·

~pots \\'~ FilmS i

-, I \' , . i"t' 11\ (' •• three' . "'.1,\ ,1 In ('11 I'd • I

~~I:i:~D \, \ i ~(ll\)lsrs I • no.,;';....."

• '\:11\\1\ Ht',lll . I

:"'1 "III., val' clll-' \1i~ht d;\l\la~t' .•.

\"1111'\ "11'1'1'1 :'~I . , hit ;\1Il\ ;'1;1;

~!I\d I' I I I l"lt 'I!,! It \' ~, .. ' 1\<1 il\illril'~' .1'" l '\I ,,, .,. ,-

I • 11,".'" ,

' ,1111 Inll'~ l'1l1-1',1 1 I

" ., '\i\:lIt dallHltll' ' '. :''1 l1ril''. ,... I ",,~Ih ,\I 1'1111(' • • • 'I "'VARI) WINN~RS-NeWfOltndlnnd cadets who at CnmJl Ahlershllt took top cadet prizes in

. , . hoy ran illlo each bnltnllon, Hrst row, le(1 to rlgltt, T, ,I, Clements, Corner Brook; W. II, Evans Grand , lll\injlln'o\, Falls; J. L, SannderS, Grand Falls; 11, J, Power, Bell Island; R. W. Bursey. lIell Island anll I'. D.

lit\' I l( ~ICln)'. St. John's, Back row, left to right. I'I'otestant chaJllalns accompanying them, lIIaj. A, J. ." tl1lrk, 1,lt .. ) narrelt, mand Falls; Maj, G. G, lUerccr. St. John's;, ond Capt. A: C, Snow. formerly of lIarbor .. I '~Il\ "all cn). Grace, now of Dartmouth. Nova Scotia,-(NatiunRI Defence Photo),

;;. \\\' 11\ van treat- I

~::'illi;'::I~'w_' ParadeEnds Cadet Camp ~"1· . 1\'30 p, Ill. '

r,\f l"lIl!i\iOIl A parade in perfect weather ,Cadet J. V. Fartly of St. . thll\'\I,~t\ . , • 1'11)' Aug. 23 has marked the enli of John's, It was also lcarned. that

, six weeks of Intensive trarn· Newfoundland caliets won the

, . nl1;\ll . 9:30 , hl\) "'\1 11" " {'Il ISlon

dnlllage ..

Ing . for cadets at Camp Alder- Jlrizes for best fadel in every shot, from all iou,r Atlantic company. provinces, These arc cadets, "A" Com·

Major general R. W. lIIoncel, pany: '1', J. Clements, Cornel' general officer commanding, Brook; "B" Company: R W. Eastern Command, was Inspect-' Bursey, Bell Island; "C,,' Com· Ing offlcer. The ceremonies In· pany: W, H. Evans, Grand Falls; eluded 'inspection, :mareh past, "D" Company: P. D. Menny, SI. and presentation of awards for John's "E" Company; J. L.

One prqflc!ency, Saunders, Grand Falls; and Maj. Gen." Moneel presented ,"FlO Company, H. J. Power, of

the' Battalion RSM tropby to Bell Island,

Durinl! his remarks Maj. Gen. Moncel addressed himself to the sevE-rnl hundred spectators and told th~m that for a regu· lor forc,! an inspection of this type was some of tile most re­warding things they could do. He also compared our action o[ teen, agl! problem kids against the fine lads on parade,

The g'~neral officer command­ing added that the Newfound' land' cadets did "very well" in winning seven of the ten trop. hies awarded lor top cadets.

greeted at Algiers Airport hy Monday. .I.ncluded 111 the tlincry ?rc I • Premier Ahmed Ben Be!!<t, ,\n. I VISits to Goose Bay, Happy val· I APPOlNnlENT CO~UNG nounced purpose of the I'isit IS, L,\(;OS, ;..'igcria IHeuler~1 _I ley. Wabllsh and Labrador Cit)'. i SOON

,consultation in prcpaI'ntion fOI' Foreign illinister ,j,tja Wachuku ,and Sept. lies, Quebec, i Attorney General L. R. ! the next session or the U;I1 As· left h~rc for London Tllcsd"y to Tall;s will be held by !hc I Curtls s;,id ~Ionday the ap· scmbly, which both plan to at· si~n the partial nuclear test.ban travellers with officials of the i polntment of a new registrar tend, . tr~aty 011 behalf of )iigcl'ia. HI! Happy Valley chamber of Com· 1 of the Newfoundland Supreme

___ ,__ I "!II ,abo l'ISlt }lcscolV alld! mcrce, A, A. Edwards, Labra'l Court may be made soon. , PROTEST Alit SORTIES ,\\ aslUlIglolI fol' the same rea· dol' commissioner, and with of· i The new appointee will .

NEW DELli! (AP) - 1miia ~ sun 1Illd is scheduled back here ficcrs of the Iron are Company I replace registrar J. A. Win· ' has prolested fo Communist I Sept. 'I of Canada. tel' who retires this year China against recent ground ' and air intrusions, Prime Min· ister Nehru told Parliament Monday. Since April, there have I

been 10 ~round intrusions and i 10 arr violations, Depntv Dc· fence Minister D. n, Chal'an said earlier, in reply 10 a ques· tion tahled hy 34 mcmhers.

Hurricane Tail Hils 'fhe lail cnrl of hurricane

"Beulah" swept across the south coast, (;rand Banks and East coast of Newfound . land Tuesdny night.

StoTm warnings were is· sued throughout the area by the Dominion Public Weath· er Office in Gander Tuesday afternoon,

Thc warning said that the hurricane began moving 450 miles south east o( Cape Race, and was going north· eastwards at 25 knots. Dur· Ing tlte progress of the storm, the velocity was In· creased somewhat.

R a In s were Ilersistcnt throughout Tuesday. I\'ith oc· caslonal periOlls ,of heavy gusty wind experlcnced.

The centre of the hurri· cane was reported to !lass about 250 miles east of st, John's, while gale (orce winds extel\(lell about 250 miles frolll tlte centre.


BAGS Rayon finish with rubber

ized lining ... Plaids and

Plain Browns. Shoulder

straps and buckle closing,





Roy Rogers 'n' Dale Evans with

Picture on front of Brown or




SCHOOLBAGS Some with handle others shoulder straps.

All with lunch pocket,


, ., " . • j. , j

. ~ 'I , "; : " : I ' , ,

1 I

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Page 4: ,~T~CT OUR All Motors THE DAILY NEWS I,' 'K Nova Ltd.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19630828… · THE DAILY NEWS All forms III Insurance ... Dinh Diem has

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TIlE DAIL Y NEWS Newfoundland's Only Morning "aper

A t 8ay~--Maybe'

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It:U"t 'UI'IClUrl'IO,~ • Canlllli $12,00 Slef In~ ... \1o,," IUftJdom &II~ IU

"'nip m.t.tu SlI,OO per ... num AgUlorllld •• ...,.,.d .1 ... mall b)' Ih' ~ 1lI!1~. l"'lm.n~ Olla". and for ~a.rmtlll 0/ ,.,.;all In .. Ih.

Th. OAlL' NE" ... I mornlns "Ipot .. t.bU,had In 1114 .n4 ,.blbh.d II IhI Now. BuUd1n1 3!H!9 D.oltworth S\., St. JOIuI'I, 1I.", ... 41a.4, b7 lIobl •••• •• d ComplIQ', LII'Ilted. .


Thl Canldlla Pr.. b nclu.lve" o.lIltOd to tho un for ropubUclllo. of III nowa dupllehea ID 'hllp,per .radl1-.d 10 II or 10 III. AII .. lated ..... or nout ... Ind alIo 1111 local tIIWI IIIblb. od Ih,raln

AU Pr ... SI .. lc.a and f •• lure arllel. In Ihll paper .... eoprrlJbled •• 4 Ihllr roprod .. lloD I' ~..,1tJbJt.~

MeDdtu A •• 1t tar ...

.1 Clre.I.II ••

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28, 1963

Growth Of The tendency towards the

mlwement of people from small :\nd isolated places to more con­\'cllient centres has Bet up a trend tnwards ll1'banization which, in ~llmc areas, is creating new prob­lems.

High among these preblems is ho\\' to pro\'ide steady employ­mE'nt ill cxpanding townships.

The Towns They suffer, in short, from un­

deremployment and lack of pro­ductive industry within easy reaching distance of those who need jobs.

CRITICIZES OTT A W A Editor Dally News,

Dur Sir,-May I through the medium IIf your paper express my thoughts with rcga rd to the proposed CBC·TV statIon for St. lohn's, and northern Newfound· land.

We cannot hide under the excuse that we haven't sufficient representatives in the Gc)Vernment of Canada to plead our cause and bring this litHe· industry to fruition. Both provincial and federal wise, we arc strongly (LlBEnAL), Per· hapn it would be to OUr advantage in the next federal election not to plnce' all our eggs In one basket.

What amazes me and thousands oC our voters, is the silence with which our

. I fl !

,.. . ' 8('1mc of them depend chiefly

on their central situation and the market to\\'n activities that go wi lh it. They de\'elop as distri­buting anel shoppin!! centres und thc~' benefit a:; well from concen­tration of district administrative l'cn'ices within their boundaries,

The operations of a fairly lib­eral welfare sy:;tem may conceal the ur,gency of the economic po­sition by putting a tolerable floor under the living standard of the people without adequate employ­ment. But this is a palliative rather than a cure. At best it is nothing more than an expedient which should be used onlY as a means of gaining time for the formulation of a plan' of sound economic development.

repl~esentntives at Ottawa are treating this issue. One would think thnt they would be shoulin!! from the tOIVel'S on Parliament Hill, with all their might, for this new industry. But nlas, such is not the case. There seems to be a booman in t.he wood·pile, and a hush, hush hu,i· nes; associated with the whole matter. which leaves the imol'ession Ihat some one is trying to slimi this projcct. Well. lIlr. Booman. you' had better come out and sh()w yoursclf, if not the wea51es wi11 chase you out beforc long, and then you'll be a disgrace to yourself hv your cowardice. Remember what Mr. Dnuqln~~ saiel, (the honeymoon is ol'er), Don't he like thc foolish \'ir~in!;, They for1!nt to trim their lamps and wcre caught in the dark, Trim yours now while there is still time, and let ~'our light shiM from ottawa, so thnt the "oter~ cRn ~ee the reflection on a new CBC television mast(towering hi~h from some promon· tory in this province, neal' SI. ,10hn';, wouldn't it be nice if our reprc,p.l1· tatives could point to that mast in th~ ne;,t federal election (which by the II'ay is not too far dist~nt). nnd say. 1 help· ed to bring that TV slation to New· foundland, when things weren't ltoiM our WBY. ! stood up in tlte House of Commons and made my,elf heard on th,~ matter, because I felt that thr. people of this province were justifierl In asking for this industry, If some of our worthy renresentatives had the coura~~ 10 do that, I'm sure the voters of this province wOlllri rememher him In the next election, Bul as things st:lnrl now, it. seems thaI it is the reorcspr.· talive from another province of Canada, is nleading our cause,

----:----------,-.--------------- .-

But these things are not enough In then1sel\'es to give a vigorous nIH! pr(l\lressi\'e life to towns that nrc without expanding means of lnqustrinll(l'owth. Some of them depended hll'gel~' on logging em­ployment but the \'olume of this 1,as dcclinecl wit)1 the increasing mechanization of the woods oper­!'.Iions, ~\nd man~' of their new I·;t;zcns fincl work scarce while 1\\';11(: [,('Isis arc higher.

Till" community problems of pI'0\'iding municipal services and mretin,iZ demancls for additional :;chonl facilities are <lggravated h~' the lo\\' levels of average in­l\lmeS and taxa ble resources.

March On The negro march on Washing­

ton planned for today has been desi~ned as a peaceful demon­stration in' support· of the civil :ights legislation that is now be­fore Congress, It is the outcom'~ of many months of agitation in the form of civil disobedience protests rlgainst the denial to American negroes nf some of the rundamcnt!ll rights of citizell­~hip. And it is a declaration of I he netermination of the l1e'~ro leaders to persist in this strug­~'e for equality,

While this kind of problem is primarily provincial, it comes very directly within the orbit of the Atlantic Development Board which, in association with the Provincial Government, should undertake specific sUl'veys that will reveal the true situation of certain of the new urban centres ::md what can be done to provide t.hem with a healthy economic foundation.

l~or some of the new towns this is a matter of great urgency to which the appropriate authorities should address themselves with­out delay.

Washington reveals itself in the denial of equality in job opportunity, of access to many hotels and restau­rants, and of decent housing.

The question of social accep­tance may be a matter for the individual. It can)Jot be legis­lated. But the fundamental rights of dtizenship belong to the negro as much as to any other dtizen. His tragedy is that he has to fi~ht to procure what be­longs to him under the constitu­tion. Toc1ay's demonstration will foclls attention on that fact but it involves also the danger, in spite of all the precautions that have bMn taken, that malevolent peo­ple may try to convert a peaceful march into a disturbance. It mllst he honed t1;ut this threat can be avert~d a~d that the march on

n was said in the past th~t a cel'tain Hon, ~entleman from away out west (1;tabhed Newfoundland ill the bar:!'). I'm be/!inning to think alon ~ wHh tllousands of other Ncwfoundlanders tll3t there is even now R certain Hnn. gentleman, elected by the pconle of this province, not onlY stabhing Newfound· land In the hack. but is twisting the knife in a hackward lurn,

A few years a~o. a certain news r0111,

mentator from this province al'ailed of every oPllorttinity to express his views on the (have not llrovlnces) that voice i.~ conspicuous by its silence now, when the peoplp are asking for an inn"stry that would contrihute substantially to the economy of the province. It spem~ to me and to thousands of other, fr,ln1 this province that the slogan of onr I'eprcsentafives at Ottawa is (J,ct's cater to thc minority, the heck with the mao jority) ,

Gentlemcn. there's ~oin~ to he a cla;, nl reckonin~, Let il he long or short anel ~mu will be call~cl to .eive an account of ),ollr stewardship. \Vhil~ you ~at in n 110ft ~cat ~t ottawa. ::cttin~ pi~htern thousand dollars a ycar of the tax· payers money. fnr keeping your ton~\1e in your check. If 1 rcmember correctly, there was n certain younJ( politic inn from St. John's. made an appeal to the !'oters or hi~ district. askin~ for thrir support on the basts. that if cll!cted hp. lVouJrI sland \10 at ottawa and fiqht !or an), thin~ that woul(l be good for Ncw, foundland. Here again. is a voice th~t is conspicuous bv its silenee. like our fh'c other representatives,

It has bcen w~1\ said. "That a word to the wise is sufficient." Awaken there· fore from your inerti~ Hon. ~entlemcn. This is no time to sleen In your se3t. Stand up and be counted anc! lenil vOllr

many parts of our province where W'Jrse insects tthan flie! are conected with fish. for fishermen have been battling these insects down throullh the ages. These insects are ofCOUrSf!, maggots.

In my opinion the people of St. John's have nothin~ to worry about in regards to the cleanliness of this fish sold in the coves. This fish comes from the pure blue ocean waters outside the SI. John's narrows. The fish is caught in a radius from Cape Spear to Cape SI. Francis brought in fresh daily and put to the people. There wheelbarrolYs and boxes may appear to be out of- date, which I admit they are, but they are clean and the fishermen themselves may look rug· ~ed and untidy but the product t!tey handle is well washed and handled with care.

Keep the wheelbarrows rolling my fine St . .John·s fishermen,

The writer seemed to me to be very inexperienccd and didn't seem capable of giving advice 10 a fisherman for as he said Newfoundland has every tv;, of fish in the world, we only have ahout 15 per cenl,

In regards to canneries slarted throughout the province, what wnuld we get to put into them when w~ can't now meet OUr export demands. with the plants and markets we already have in the province,

I would like to sec morc iridustrirs st3rtin~ up. especially In Ihe fish busi· ness, but there must be qualified pro· duction in the places where these can· neries would be started. Our salmon supply is 100 small. I don't know of any supplv is too small, T dOli't know of ~nv speeies here in Ncwfoundl.nd that would reanir~ canneries, They have, heen tried from time·to·time down throu~h the years and have enoed In failurc.

There is " great demand for' a fish markel in st. ,Tohn's, but why a fish market on thp waterfront, when WP al· readv have fish markets operatinl! whnl'~ fish can be bought fresh or frolen. Th~ market owners nav R IIreat cleal Int(pt the equipment a'nd Iicpnee and all items th"t are reollired Iw law,

I'm sure thest. PlaCE'S ~hottld hal''' " nrrferencp to ~arry on thp.ir h'l~in~~~ ann nn addr.n fj~h market woulrl mp'n el<tr~ competition which i~ not npporr1,

T hop~ tn see in th- f"tur •. ~ rP.1111Ar whnl.~alp Illar. whprp. the f;.hprmcn l'ou!!1 ~PI1 thp,ir fi~ )1on ~ M",m;«ion basi. alonl' tho linp of tho FI,lIon Fi.h. market in 1'1.'" vork T thinJr thi~ ",rinlrl he more profitable to our Newfoundlantl fishermen.


1n a homogeneous society lhis racial l'onflict may he luiI'd to understand. It is nol, as Home seem to imagine. a demand for ~odal integl·ation,. Nor is the inequality of the negro restricted In the south. It is found there nnt only ill segregation in the :-chooll' and in public places but :\150 in the restriction of \'otin~ p\'i\'i1e!!e~. But in the north it

. Washinftton will help to persuade COJ1(lress of the basic justice in the President's civil rights legis­lation and of the need to pass it expeditiously into law.

voice to the many thousand, of volcp,.~ St. ,Tohn's East, from this province who are askiM for

The Much Troubled Fair a new industr:.- in the tnlpvision fieill. Let your slo/!an bc, a CBC television for Newroundland. with headQuarter~ ~t 5t Jnhn's. with power enough to scrre all of the northeast coast of this nrov· ince. If you are not heard rcsi~n from thl' Pearson Government. because you will be sure then that not onlv bal Np.wfnundl~nd brcn sl'abbpc! in the back this time, but that a saber has bcen drh'cn in to the hill.

Montreal's desire to have a \\'nrld fail' in 1967, the centenary y~ar of Confederation, ha:; been

.... ~ rll~l\ling into double, double toil - lind h'OuliIc., .

world and be a memorable sym­bol of the celebration of Canada's hundredth birthday.

Bible Quotation

There was first .. thc choice, Pc. .' ~ site. When St. Helen's island was ChOSl'll, there arose the prob- . lem of the c~st of preplII=ation"·'

J\ new commandment I give unto you';

Thanking you for space, Mr. Editor Yours Irulv. GEOR"E WILKINSON,

which includes an enormous That ye love one another, as I have DI:FJ.:NOS FISHERMEN amount of fill, And time in this loved you, that ye allO love one an· Editor Daily News. connection !ieems almost, as im­portant liS money,

On top of this one harassed member lifter another of the planning commission has resiJ:m­ed and replacements are not like-ly to be, too easy to obtain, .

The fair is barely at the start­ing point with its finances uncer~ bin, the preparation of the site ~'et to bellin. its planning com­mission without a head, and time exertinJl its inexol'able pressures.

All will probably come riFlht in the end but a vast amount of toil, mental·.and nllysical. will . have to be ,squeezed into less than three years if the Montreal fair ,II to. present a good face to the ,

other,-John 13:34. Loving one another like dear friends

is not enough. We are to love after the . fashion of the Son of God.

Dear Sir,-In defence of our 5t. John's fishermen who sell fish in thc cove. as I, myself am a very particular fellow in regards to catinl! clean fj,h food and I haVe bought fish in the

ENFORCE SAFETY LAW cove several times and have seen no Kingston Whig.Standard dirt connected with this fish either in

The Construction Safety Act places the wheelbarrows or even boxes. responsibility for its enforcement on Although 'a recent leiter to the editor the munlcipaIltles. In what we hnve In the Tele~ram hi~hly endangers the

. witnessed in Ontario since the Aet was 'UveUhood of these SI. John's toilers of passed last year. It has been obvious . the deep. These men struggle hard be· that many municipalities simply wllJ fore day and after dark to make an hon· not aceept ,that responsibility. What Is est Iiving,for, themselves and their !am· happening is that many contracters are Illes. They ask no quarter from anyone. llul!hlng at a law which seems" to be they need praIse instead of being drag· nothlnrr more than a few pages of well· ged In the mUd. Intended but ineffective words. . T am an experienced fisherman and 'Inspcetors can order work on flro· have fished in the. United' States,' most

lects to fttop if' they' discover safety via- parts of.. tlie . mahiland aiid !ndeed here Iqt!onR. Tberr are pp.nalties of up to In Newfoundland. and In all Dlaces' $1,000. It Is time a few of these werp. where fish is handled, I havp. yet to allessed, see no flies buzzinf: around. There arc


Dear Sir,-With yoar permission' T would like to write a few lines in sup· port of the CBC·TV !tation which has been held up by the minister, respon· sible for broadcasting; Mr, Pickersgill.

Before the Liberals came into pOlver this station 'for St. John's' has been rec· ommenced by' the ;Soard of BroadCast Gi:lvernors but now MI'. Pickersgill and his colleagues appear: to, be unnecessar, ily holding up approval bY the cabinet on the matter.

Why this should be SO it is hard to say for I feel sure that all of St,'John's citizens arc of the opinion that this would be a wonderful asset to the city.

It was interesting to read the leiter published by members of the st. John'!: Citizens, it will be very interesting to read the results of the next federal elect ion if this station doeil not go through

Yours truly, FRANCES REDDY,

Ge1ns qf· '}~houg ht Chastity' is the cement of civilization

and progress. -Mary ~',ker Eddy. * .. ...

The true test of civiliution is, not .thp census, nor the size of cities, nor th~ crops,-'-no, but the Idnd of man the' country turns out. '

-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

THE NICKel News of the death of J, p, Kielv reo

vives memories of long ~go. He it was Who introduced the motion pictUre to Newfoundland when he leased the top floor of SI. Patrick's Hall in 1906 and called it the Nickel Theatre, The namn was, of course, short for nickeloden and the correctly represented the price of admission. There were thrilling times for small boys as they rocked with laughter at the antics of the burlcs(lUC comics or the time, shouted warnin~s to the cowboys about to be attacked hy lndians. and sat on the edge of theil' seats as the thrillers of the time 1m· folded jerkily before their eyes, In those earliest days of the mOl'ies in st. John's one rea1Jy got one's money's worth for !il'e entertainers performed between the shows. Some of them Il'ere to become quite well known in shrw business. And, of cOl1l'se. there WNe the sound effects. Professor ~!cCarth)' presided over the piano and provided the theme music, .Tack Cronin. 1 he· Iieve, played the drums and clicked the coconut shells that simulated the sound of galloping hooves for the westerns.

I am not quite sure in what order the other theatres came along, There wa, one for a while in what was then known as the British Hall and has since become Bishop Spencer ColJegp. The Ollcpn wn; a second·run theatre fnr the Nick~1 ~o one had a whole week in which 10 <:'(' a pieture ori~inally featured at the Nickel. Then therc was the Stal', The Crescent on Water Stn'c! was the Ic~<t attractive of all the mOl'ie houses in st. John's but pr~sl\mabl\' harl its own foJ. Jowing. 1 recall pushint! my way Ihro"~h the crowd tn attend the first perrOI'III' ance at the :I!ajestic whkh was a ~rear

harn of a place at the corner of Dl1el:, worth Street and Theatre Hill. now usert as offices and an appliance store, The Majestic never quite took on anrl must have provcd a pretty 1Inprofltable in· \'cstment for its promoters, It~ most hectic moments were the political mert ing~ for which it was userul~, thc iarllest hall in the elty for a !n::jnr pOlitical rally. The last meetin!! tho! I recall in the Majestic was that which was the innocent cause of the riot of April. 1932. There wa~ never a morc re~pccfable meeting and certainlY never a more respectable )(alhering on the platform. The meeting wa~ held tn

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tonsidtr r;_'so:~I';'lij, : ,",t'.· .

the Ilovernml'/lt', "."",-1 r"'" • - • • • ,I I' a l' ;','.

qUlry Inlo thr ('1\,11''',' '"I' r'I'" ," - .' ·t1 ,. utes of COllnd!. (liII "f :h1'" . came a, grrat fJ:!radJ' tl) "lP~':~' d.elegatlOn that W;1, hrjn~:n~ f:,". hons to the lInll'" Ilf ,Icc,"""

out of the pal'ad" (,'''''r Ih, r:;: .

,Tim Kiel)' a1>" ""1 tll,- Ci"".

was a ]c~itimatp tl:fl:l~rr W\l~ , ':

had t\WJ sra:-:nn ... (If alppf·':~I"':.'·:'· therp ~I,o that CIII k.'" ""~,' '" lI'ere held, It h"'1 ., :] II rrr.' ;",:' two noxc:o;, and ,..;nll),' llr'lp1r' I.T~;' to llcquirr :l IlW~! ~tlr'.' ilf f;'l!'~ '.

theatre lI'all,rr{ ii, ',/",:'<1, ,I, ',' hest Ilr the l'l'II/'rln":' "'''''''. '!,; "

hy FlnTPnl'P (; l() ... ~ "!1·-'!,1:'rj.; rJ :, was a smfl:11 r{)ll1i):~n~' l'1't ('2":·,.'

to St, ,John's IllHI",. Ii" he:" Francis Complr'n, !':',,:h,..',.f ~";,

ton and Sir ('0":1'·"" ,lb\",1;' Casino ultim:lIr-lr ·'lr·{·'l'lr ~ .. ,.,.::

was the ori~~ina! r',l,!)i'!)1 \nr:: burned, thr nrw r~'\;")l I'I'.~'; :~~ ..

nut the .\i,·lcc!. [>II' :1!1 I~, ',. , oC its (l;'\n-ho!\I!I1H'd ~~~.~, '~1:

theatre that lnl" ~(,'1l'r:,ti", '!

we aporopriatect I':het ('Jme 11 \e ' a~ Collcr:;e rOrlWI· ::1]!: ("1;1~ .

to ~ee th" r;:,,,I"il; 0' Ehi:, l:: Perils of Paul'l'o, t','" "':f;:1 ' the crl(lbra1t'r! PI·:1,·1 \\"1':',1 rj:

star. It W(l" thprt, 111'1) 11."(· (ir~:·.:

acouainted H'it:, ill,- I\n.\"~'~r.r

with Ihat patlH':'" !i'111' (hlr':": wistful w~,·~ \'."11' (,1\1' "\":1111J'~t" j;.

;lS Out' 1~1I~'1I(\1'. TI,· ~\.~" 0; ,.

CI'arlic Cbapli,; nil! \\'b, rtll::' other J!rral ('nmi,·,: (1f !lpt ; ....

AI'bll"klr, ,1ohl1 1:':',,", F'o'l

~!abcl :>inrlltand ,."d flte rr<:' ," time went 011 \r~l" lInt -.1\\" :\..P;'!":'·

fin('lst momrtlt.'; "·;11 i"nr:rl Gr:l. Gish sister:" pl'l" \r:r:. ;~: t I . f I I , .•. ,I '

o lCl'I\ 0 t 1(' (:: ,l:n~·!j'· ',~ ~ ,

far·off rl:1Y.-':, 11'1' 1,1 ;,::-~:; .. -;

anr1 Franr;, \. ::,:, .. ' ',.", ,:'-" and Ra110n \"" i'." r::C'.t ,; . rhl! yn\ln~ Il,",:' first, talkie in \1 .Tohn Bfl.l'ry:n":'f .. ,

Xiekd lI'a' "':",', warc!~ :mcL I t~"··'.

wns if.s {ir"t ')l"';!:' ... 1 •

rnanv or 1I~ il"'·· '.'. >.: \ :1'~·~:;'~'~: .". ,·",·~~~~l i\r1ck£l1 I':; P'~:"\~' ;-, 1,,··~·

, • "-"1'1:,'''; flood of ll~sl,:," ,. !" '.' ... ""

" "Now if YOIL mj;ls this "ne, :you'll owe 'flit .jive JolllITs I"

Shorty Short Story

1963 by NEA, Inc, . RAJDt;lt

Lee Carter . William

Midnight Raider I

'Id coon in existcnc \1'1. nalOe from n

got !~, chickcns he phil wh victims were alwa) r~c h bccause be nevI ,vas C e an itlenlifrin

Icav r t' to b i"ht piece 0 II So"!e , ~rt or metal w:

sh ln·d, 'n the I'icinit)' , , roun I

i 'dcr broke all knOll R'II t \'ear when I

3' • _0 h~ns at one rarlll. ,. Id tr\, to count tl

jhOU en' hal'e spent II' I~::c~ him. ),ou d ~l't

like the popul:llion , lie becanle so n~t"rto.

he farm associatlO~ ( t 510:) bonnt)' (or 111m, a Waters Rnd I WI'

p,~p who [ina 11)' I':IUI!

0~~lk5 had be('n 'nyu Old Pop had s~II\\,l'd a I . dO"5 wcrcn' as :::1)(

nls ' he Co 1'1111 one, old Pop raisrd lhl'

refused \0 l;cll a tI, he met the pl'ospel'll' and dcd<lcd he was ~III for Ihe doll.

Peler,', a pnult Oltl pop III

after The ll:.idrl' I otd Pop ('al

our hll'",e a littlr Whl 'n d "'hooped: "(Jnme 0 I . I 'I I " "cl hllll ()nI~ I '

joi~rd him outsicie, di,tanrc from I

Old Pop Icl th!' tit! lie has only two 110

Yell .Iml Sup!'rchicL l' nr ,,"ise they lIIal

he's nallled thrill I'i~: began a tirde to pi

trail. SlIddcnly Itrl and st:lrtr.d nltl "" I

Pop lit his rarhidl' 1i~ off in his l::ll1<'lli

,Pop has OIlC le~ ,horl 'Ihe other. hut he can 0

. most youn~cr men. and SlIperchicf \1'1

down tile creek 011 a r the trail was rr

They were alcolll a qu a mile norllt of us 11'11

Pop rhan/!cd directi( walking wcsl

that the dogs li'l

north, Old I' ,aid. "It \\'on'l Raidcr tak('s II

olf the creek and ~I the ril'cr."

II' • ~,

gone just ha!fl\'al' arr whell Ihe dOl:s' "tar: to that time I'rf hi

i to rcalizc how r I had heen an exr cold winter.

SuperchicC bawl , upriver, Old Pop lit and started making

the brush, 1 came hack 10

my eyes water that I dropped hehin Pop lookcd back I

"Come 011. Boy. the) to tree," The rlogs I

making long howls , barkin~ in short I',

theY'd hit that· I Old Pop muttered,

the long, clear bawl treed came fioal

10 us, we got to the (I. jUmping up on a

that leaned oUI 0

a good 20 \'al Boy," Oid Pop· s What you're alonl: a hole up there al: and th~t's wherc he I was Jletting !'id

e?ats Old Pop I

he d It'ecd Midn before in this I'crv t

before, though' Would jUl1111 so far Water that the (

hardly he'lr th I the .' e sp , antma I crossed It Was impossible to

\00 hard to dim • • •

were marh 11'1 ,had elim bed

, hOles, 1 shlnniec I'dln It.he tree and lo(

e Imbed pretty I Ih1a g\aneed at the r

t ,I Wa\ frozen s lJ seen it that \\'a.~

SlIaU\, tl in tl·' tere arc I~ Ice,

I kepI I' I' c 1m ling up the hOle I\'

mp. to finr! the . . Old coon s d~n Pop. 'd . airnl!(\ ,al It II'

the hoty electric t e and there

back pair or red Bo ,at me. "PI

lTte. {,' Old Pop c: and brOke of{ I !

yelled like Old me. SUddenly

carne aha! '<nn'Onh"" like' I fur

'He mad. 'iln~flv. toward

'«ll".,.~He hit that I ice like a

was knocked Pop had fig Werlc, whefe

hi .,. and Oldrn p With • ' and Put hi Up look Irom all ~ in I I

to 10' ko ver the I p 0 at the I mOp divided Ih.

andl , NoW"l'rn I Old Pop 11

(1'h~ lad) -

Page 5: ,~T~CT OUR All Motors THE DAILY NEWS I,' 'K Nova Ltd.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19630828… · THE DAILY NEWS All forms III Insurance ... Dinh Diem has

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':h:-rt Story ,

New Era In Technical Training Steamship Movements C.S.L.-CLARKE TERRA , ZS, Leaving Boston Aug. 3D i

NOt A SERVICES ; for· Halifax· and . St. John'. i. ,:


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Ry ROS HOWARD In:'i:\IPEK. ICPI-A nell' era

in technicnl training here be­"in~ Serl, 3 when the Manitoba hl,litule of Technology opens il~ doors on a 121-acre campus in ~uburban \\,innipe~,

The three·storey brick and lilllcslonc structurc, equipped wilh :10 laborntories, 24 shops and ~o classrooms. is a joint (,'d"rat . pro\'inci(1t errort to Cit! 1111' gatl between the higb school and unil'ersitl' le\'els in ~Iani-III\la. .

\ 'nl1,'r dirwion or A, Hoy \'\\W, 4R, Cormel' \'ice·principal Il{ TtlrUllto's Hrcrson Institute' of T " " h U 0 tog y. the $4.000,000 "..Illllli l'ombines adl'anced tech­nlltog)·. lrade and industrial It':ll'hillg rou,.s!'s,

~I,.. \.011' says thc I'enture pro­lid,'s "te"liary" or post-seeon-11:11'1' s,'lwol education Cor stu­Ih'ni" nnl\'illin~ 0,. unable to l'llnlinur on to college,

Thl' instilule is divided into 1\\"11 sections. ·each with ils .1IVn 1',·inl'il':11. The imh!';t,.int divi­'illn untier ,Jmnes WakerieU is UHlrt' io\l-ol'icnted, :'lr, Loll' S:1)·'. while lhe lcchnolo/lY ,Iil'i­s;IIn \tnMr E, R. An~ood tends

to be more Cield·oriented, TECH COURSE TOUGII .

The technology courses range from one 4o-week school year to 8 Cull two-yenr course. Both medical laboratory technology and medical radiological tech­nology require additional 12·to· 20-month training· periods in hospItals . acter the Initial six­month classroom traIning.

On the industrial or trade side of the school, courses last three to 12 months depending on the training necessary, Arter thc course is completed. however, the sludent must spend a speci­fied length of time on the job beCore he receives his diploma.

Althougb full technology courses cover only two years. tbey're not considered easy, Mr, Low noles that 2.400 hours oC lectures are given in two 10-month years-the game as Ry­erson gives in lhl'ee scven­month yOal'S,

Most of the 2.000 students ex· pected to enrol this YCal' will he engaged in the pre-emplo;'­ment 01' tracle courses hut ~Ir, Low foresee~ n great expansIon in the technology courses which expect 200 to 300 applicants in

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AT YOUR LIBRARY I many al'ms oC the SOl'iet secrct police may reach him.

,\II\"·;.\Tl'RE STORY , ImSTORlCAL STORY Th. l\inJ:'~ Goblct. by DaI'ld i In Clandara Evclyn Anthony.,

Fleldwr. is 11I1 exciting story i author at' lI'iciely rcad historcal hll' young pcollle told, t,hrou~h thc I nOl'els. writes oC an era Wh!l1 11(1I"1"'ltllll1 of a sensl!lI'e CI!teen· i the clans oC Scotland were torn y,'ar,"ld . Italian buy. whose ups I hy the harshness oC ancient jus­:lnll d'lII n" hapPllless and sad- lice and thc demands oL royal I\l'~', lhr .I'eader sharcs., • obligations. The story is one of

1 he ~rtlo~l t,akes place III prc- passionate romance and High­,,'nl-tlny I Clllce, and among land 8cl\'enture in the time oC I "th"1" lotent happenings feat.lres Prince Charles who comes out of I lill' Ihl'lt oC a rabnlons ~ob1ct or- exile to press the Stuart cause I·

kin:tl1y made for Henry 111 of for the last time. :'\:lI"mTe. 1.EGA\. STORIES

Shlri,', Ilcrtainin~ to the law. 111"'lhcr in print or 011 Cilm, can ;11\\":1)', rind inlerested readcrs ami \'ir\\'~rs.

,1"hn I\'elcome who has IInln;hl logether a selection eal­!"ti Ilcst I.ellat Stories attributes '1lnle of lhc popularily of this IYIl" of slory to the elrama in­h"Wll in the clash oC wills that lakes plnce in the courtroom. alill !'ome 10 our cllrosih' about the "dark secrets lawyers' are be­lit'I','d 10 c"rr~' with them and Ih,',· (':1n somelimes-under ft

sllii:lhle cloak o{ distinguished n;1I11CS and places-be enticed inln 1,·lling.

This pOJ1lllarit~· i~ not new ,11\.1 lI'ekomr includes in hi~ col­h'l'Illln authors as separate 111

Ilmc as Oickcns and ~Iaupa~· ,;.nl, "galha Christie and Somer-

~1URDER STORY ~Iargo\ :-/eville is an Australian

author who has had success with her mystery stories in England as well as in her own country,

A recent.. story called, Drop Dead conccrns the death of Claude Nevinson. a successful restauronteur, Nevinson had mado a good many enemies but this Cact didn't help Detective­Inspector Grogan in his task of discol'ering how and why Nevin­son fell to his death from the balcony of the flat occupied by Anna Herbert· who. strangeh' enough. lived in the samc block on the same floor as Nevinson'! wile,

Personals ,,'I ~1:llIgham, BAY ROBERTS. _ Mr, and ~1\'STr.R\" STORlE~ : ~tr!, Walter .J, ~Iereer of

Eric St:lnl~y Gardner says that ~liami. Florida, spent some time IIll' plll\ularlly or thr mystery I'isiting relatives at Dildo. after ~hlry I~ duc 10 the f~lct that tney which they. motored to Bay hl~ly occupy thr. nund and thus Roberts where thcy spent tlVO allord "cl~xatlOn to modern wceks visiting Mr. and lIIrs, mUlll; weaned II'lth their pl'ob- William F. Guy. They return­Il'm~. ed to Huntington. Long Island,

.\m~1I1!:. the mystcr~' nOl'els at last week. where they plan to Ihc (,oshn~ ,I~ an om~lbl~~ oC ~pend a holiday with their lhn'c m\'slcI'lCs hI' :\Ial gCII AI- d ht d . I M 1iu~h~m' called Thrpr Cn5e~ Cor allg er an son-Ill' aw, ,1', ~I~. fnmpion. in which Albert a~d Mrs, John p, ,GUY' They Campion sloves the secret oC a 11'1,11 ~eturn to their home It IOl'k,'d tower, inl'estigates a !llIaml at the end of August. thn'r·ycal'·old murder, has deal-in~, wilh aU alleged traitor, !'l'r STORY

Whcn Anato\i Granol'sky join· rd the :\KI'D-The secret Rus­sian police Force-his Cirst job was 10 SOl' on his Cdends. inelud­in~ Slalin', son ancl other sons oC prominent Communist Party mem\lrrs, 1.1Iter, his orders were 10 prol'oke these youtbs to sedi­lious talk,


Mis~ Essie Parsons motorcd to St. John's Friday where she will join relatives and visit Niagara ~'all! and the Main­land.

• • •

Septcmber. NEED GRADE 10

He suggest~ expansion at the institute is Inevitable because no similar technology schools exist in Manitoba. and because oC experience at Ryerson which recently· doubled capacity of the school.

In addition to technology and

trades. practical arts courses such as library assistants. busi­ness administration and secre­tarial science will be included in the school calendar,

MI'. Low says that in keeping with post-secondary school edu­I)ation. all courscs rcquire at least Grade 10 and most of Ihe technology and arts courscs de-

mand . junior matriculation or high school graduation,

In an errort to combat rising unemployment as soon as pos­sible, the industrial section 01 the school has already started training before the formal open­ing oC the institute. Classes will be held the year round at the pre-employment level.

Our Boarding House with Major Hoople r-.-----~---------~--~---------



"REMEMf,Ej7, R(,,;:;:::R. R06cRS, THE .'I:~N Jf>.KE CLIlIMEP HrHllr,\ WI11l HIS· CAR<! WEI_I., 1415 !1.Ec'AL HAM!: IS SWAMPY SWANSON, A NI6HT SWt=E'PlZR IN p.. cur-RATE ORU6 STORE" ,."NIl I>.N OLD I'-RtEND OF .JAKE'S!




8AiNCROfT'S BANCO " Tcxas. under the Compromise oC 1850. sold jls claims to lands

: that now make up one·half of : :-lew Mexico and parts of Colo­: rado, Kan~as. Oklahoma and ! Wyoming. at a price of $10 mil­~ lion,

BY NELSON C. NYE ® 1M3 Nellol\ C. Nlt.Dl&trlbuled by NCWSplyer Enlerprl&e Am.

THE 8TOR Y: Bellson Is closing thl: cleal on some hor· ses whlebi he wI\( lise as "props" In his plan \0 get free land In the RID Grande valley.

I bankcr's identification satisfy I

i YOll '!" 'I

Blue Eyes. pushing It around. \ PTAR~lIGAN COLOR,\TIO:-l tentatively noddcd, "Tap," he Summertime plumage of the said. "sashay OVCI' to Ihe bank ~ ptarmigan is black. brown and and see if you can gel I de-I· white" but, with the approach

• • • scription of Benson," of wIRter. they molt into • VII The older hand trotted off! snow-while garb,

Then I saw his look tighten, without so much as a backward A slyness crept into it. "If glance. It was pretty impres-wc're pardncrs," he said, "it sive, I'd been inclined to sug- , looks like to me I should git gest we all tag along thai while half of them checks," we were over there I'd write

1 considered him, fla bber- out a check for him, I left the gasted, Patiently I said: "The words unsaid, fact that we're partners Is one He twisted I ~moke, blue thing. Shil'l. we-" eyes playing over liS cool as a

"You can git around that. wcll chain, He wasn·t about to I You told Finchbone I'm yet walk off from these bangtails, range boss. You can fix it up I cleared my throat. "I I:ot with him fer me to draw-" the impression. from my talk

"He'd consider that mighty with Waggoner's foreman., queer, I'm afraid, Bcsides". there'd be mostly Travelers in I

S.S, Highliner due St. John's I! Leaving Halifax Sept, 6, DUe.l 1.1 Aug, 31st. st. John's Sepl. 9. Saillui. for i '.:

M,V. Hamudoc leaving Mon-I Liverpoor same day. I' :. treal Aug. 31st, due SI. John's Bcechmore leaving Liverpool!: I .;;. Sept. 3rd. August 29, due St. John', Sep- ~ .. ,

S,S, Gulfport salling from tember 5, Leaving for Halifu: ; , , Montreal. Aug, 29th. dUe 51. and Boston September ~. dlle' " John's, Sept. 5th. I Halifax September· 8 and Bos- I. : i' :

S.S, Novaport sailing frolll ton September 11. Leaving Bo5' ! Montreal. Sept. 5th. due 5t. ton September 13 for: Saint \, John's Sept. 10th, Jobn. N,B,. Halifax and St. .

S,S. Highlinel sailing {rom John's. Nfld, At Saint: ,John, ' . ~Iontreal. Sept. 11th. due St, N.B. Septl!mber 14.· Leaving John's Sept. 16th, . HaliCal( September 20 for St. '\

S S, Gulfport sailing from John's. Nrld. Du~ st. John's .. ~Iontreal.· Sept. 13th, due 51. September 23 and sailing (or, ! John's. Sept. 18th, Garston and Livcrpool same·

S,S, t\ovaport sailing [rom day, Due Garston September 30 . ~Iontreal Sept. 20th due st. and Liverpool October 3. John's Sept. 25th, • Heering Rose leaving !.Iver- :

pool Septemher 12,· du!, St. . :I HARVEY &: CO. LTD. John's September 18, Leaving.

• Fergus leaving Charlotte·' for Halifax and Boston Sep·, i . town. P.E,!. Saturday, August tember 19. due Halifax S(fJlte~- I ~ 3i. Leaving Pictou. N.S, Thurs· bel' 21 and Boston September 1 day, August 29, Arriving SI. 25. Leavin:: Boston September .John·s Tuesday, September 3. 27 for Saint John. :<l',B .• Halifax, Leaving st. John·s. Nfld, Tues- I and st. John's. Nfld. At Saint I , day. Scptembcr 3. I,Tohn, N,B. September 28, Lea\,· ;

• Fergus leaving Charlotte· ing Halifax October 4 for St. i : town. P.E.!, Friday. Sept. 6. John·s. Nfld, Due 5t. .tohn's. !

leaving Pictou. N.S. Thursday, October 7 and sailing for Liver­Sept. 5. Arriving St. ,John·s. pool same day. 1\fltl. Monday. Sept. 9. leaving st. John's, NCld, Monday, Sept, 9,

• Fergus leaving Charlotte· town, P.E.I. Sept. 13. leaving Pictou. N.~, Thursday. Sept. 12. Arriving SI. John's, NCid. Monday. Scptcm ber 16, lea I'ing


SrEA~ISHlPS LTD. Southern Star sailing

Halifax for· 51. John's, Augu~t 30th,

from Nfld.,

st. John's. Nfld, Monday, Sept.

16~ Fergus leaving Charlotte' I • BAR BS .. lawn, P,E,r. Friday. Sept. 20. leal·ing Pictou, N,S, Thursday Sept. 19. Arriying St, John·s. I By HAL COCHRAN Nfld. Monday. Sept. 23, leal": Somc monel' talk~ so loud I·; in;: St. !ohn's, Nfld. ~{ondaY1: man marries it. : Sept. 23, '. • 0

• Fergus lr.aving Charlotte·: A great manv swimming" to\\'~, P.~.I. Fri~ay. Sept. 27" spots on Lake Erie are so pol· : ! lcanng PIC tall, :'< .s, Thursday.: luted thev're a dirty and dan- , : Sept, 26. Arl'i\'ing St, Jl)hn's. i gerous trick on the kids I ! Nfld, Monday. Sept. 30. leadn;:: • •• . , " St. John·s. Nfld, ~Ionday, Sept.· Some husbands do a week's . ~. 30, washing erery Saturday night. : : i

• ReCrigeration, : and sing while doini it. . ! 1 , • * • , i:

FURNESS WITHY AND About the only way you can i: COMPANY LTD, depend on ~ummer weather is ,

Sycamore due at BOston AII~. : as a topic of eonversati~:~



- : I · I

, , . ,

: I · , '

: ~,

· [,

, , , ,.

1 said. "time we've paid for thi~ bunch and sometbing he these horses I won't have more referred to. I believe. u 'dust· than $40 in the bank," horses, Does that make 8ense1"

Dorrus' cheeks grew dark, "Everything we left with l! His eyes turned ugly. "All here." the youngster said. "If them big ideas," he snarlcd- they're yours I'll poinl 'em out "what Y9n figgerin' to use fer to 1'011," With wide lip; flexing money?" noncommittally he lifted I

SAVE UP TO 5115 "Far a~ it will go I'm cOllnt- malch to his smoke, afterward ,

ing on using what I get for the· hreaking it between two fin- I eaUle ane! broom tails already gel'S before letting it drop into I on the ground," I'd no inten- the heavy yellow dust. tion of standing around argu- Shil'l Don'u; snorted, I was ing the maller, "U it takes not able to dismi,s the Cell ow more than that." I said. "we'lI so lightly. I could not help borrow it," feeling, despite his youth and The horse~. a~ promised, were histrionics. I was looking at a

penned and waiting, Two !el- I highly capable man, Frankly lows in rangc clothes, chewing lone I would prefer to step and whittling, sat on the top around if he would let me. rail of the nearest conal. Un- • • • til I spoke they paid no visible The quiet piled uP. broken attention to anything beyond presently by the approaching the stead', bite of their knives. clump of boots, I glanced J looked the stock over. "Either around at the sound and saw of you fellows connected with the man who had left coming these horses?" up in the wake of the burded

"What about 'em?" the young- banker. Finehbone, peering er one said. glancing up, questioningly at me. IntrodUl:cd

"If they're billed to Bancroft himself somewhat pompously to Benson they're mine." Blue Eyes, The youth heard

over regular jet economy fares between

October 1 and April 30



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~Ir, Robert Pepper who has been attending short, ririe and coaching courses at Camp Alder­shot. returned home Sunday, He was accompanied by Mrs, Pepper who had been holiday. Ing at Kentville, Nova Scotia,

• • • In I \\'a~ An ~K\,D Agent,

Granolsky tells the story 01 the artual workings of the Commun­i>ls who run nussia, how he de- Miss ~Iargaret Pepper and ridcd 10 escape, and the hair- I Mr, Robert :'Ilart.in leave Friday rai,in~ Hight to freedom that' for Labrador CIty where they {nllnwed. will take up their duties on the

The youngster-sandy-haired. him out. saying only in return: blue·eyed and freckled-tossed "You know this gent?" down hil: stick, put away his (To Be Continued)

Choose TCA DC-8 Giant Jet or BOAC turbo-prop Britannia to Britain ... for important new savings! Spend up to three weeks with the familv .. - show off the children . _ . see old friends, Three ,yce~s with play-during Europe's own gay season of bal­lets, plays, wine festivals Fast and frequent con­nections from London ... your gateway to all· of Europe! Jet away or a minimum stay of 14 days. up to a ma.-..;imum of 21. Complete your h'ip al1\;­time between October 1 and April 30, Use TCA ~ convenient "Fly Now-Pay Later" plan if you p're­fer. Save with rCA's new 21-Day Jet Economy Excursion Fares to Britain or Europe.

;. . '1 ; : 'I

~:;:- ll\lt l;,- :'" ... ~hr !h'.c~

't" "r~' "( "';,\."\",h. .' ,- .. , ""'rd lhr lfl ._;, -'. I,'r :n fmd Granorsky noll' Iil'cs obscurely. tcaehing staff oC the Carol Pro·

nerer kno\\'in~ when one of the jec! Private School. --II ASTRO.GUIDEII By Ceea"

For Wednesday, August 21

· Present-For You end Yours, •. Re50urce{ulncss pays ocr under favorable lunar as· pects, Don't depend 011 guess­work today.· Seck proof of facts of ",hich you're uncertain before making definite cammitmenill. 11'5 ellS}' to invite antagonism by ~ ins too demand ing. This ;, a ~O<ld day to repair IIoOJsehold equipment.

· Post ••• The French royal Future ••• It il. c.qleCttd that· ~ourt Wa! once noted for its Ibis year'. June bride wiII·have .

· daMrat. f u D C ti 0 u. On dle ' hacks of lickets given to invited had an average of 3.4 cbildren

, gucslll were outlined the for- by the Wm sbe', in her thirties, ; ma1ilies tbat were required. Eli· ,


queue ("ticket'') eventulIlIy tbaeby addmg greatly 10 the . meant proper court bdlavior. population explosion.

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES lIolft M.reUt to April 191 liBRA IS.pl. 21 to Oct. 211 <-H .. rd roar <IIUIf .. ~.t1 n .. d It In Don't ",rleel • I7'IIpI'" that alP! "'. th. da,l ... ad. Ililr "dolo .. " ~cdl dlcatell1n ...... It cOuld l><=u ..,~ TAUA.US !April20 I. M.y 20) SCORPIO 10d. 23 to HOf. 211 TIll ... II)lnp oat ur<fullJ lielor...... Him I4coIf po, ofl. ,!tat :rou .... """" inr Into • 'haalion thot ... , be .... 11y. pa~""",, mulla .11'" ...... Ibtt.

GEMINI lM.y 21 to Jun. 21) SAGtTTARIUS IHof.2Z to D..:. 21l rnud, 1nIriIu ... d lUnda! .,. rllllllOlll Unsettlal aoatIon.o are a r..ult 01 Ido '" \he GtmlnI chrt. Be '<U7 c.mtlouI. _~, . ........ CANCE_ IJwi. 22 to J.t, 21) yet •• I ...... Do _nr Oft - ...... :-.-. IUtl" La .. IB...r. _OJ 70U It.... CAPRICOItN ID.c. 22 t. J ... ,., ~. ""'. bUJ wi ...... Oft 110. 1oItaI1 .. ",t Le ... lI.tlda, ""f""sled. Get _II: l1li rl.... .1 ... , btl", ........ to pleullr ..

lEO (July 22 t. A.,. 211 . A(j)UARIUS (Jan, 21 .. F.b. It' Ktt'P Itttnriea feled crt ~patiCllll flOOd new. aboot I _ttcr TtrT DOt'..t r

ranait1 .. 4 ,..... .. ".,. will .d...... dur 10 10IU lleart ...... I ...... ...t. . Vllt&O ( .... ,. 22 .. Stp!. nl PISCES IF.1t. 20 ...... rc~ 20) !loP.'t ....... -7tIo1II,. Gol'" _ 01 tIM lI,m.'" calm ...... _III a, ___ """'""" of ,.. 1tooIt.b .... IOa..,.".;.L oIen ..... l.., tria to ...... ,.. ft.,

knife and clasped both arms about a drawn·up knee, "These here broncs. IIntil they're paid for. is Three D's. according to what I been told, You Benson?"

"That·s right." I nodded, "You I:ot anything to pro\,e

it?" I lookl!d at the kid. and at

the older hand with him, It got no chanlle out of either one. "Shirl," I said. ignoring his scowl. II tell these fellows who I am."

The youngster said, "That wouldn't help none, don't know him. either,"

Unwinding. the youn!:ster dropped. off his high perch stepping around tn the right 01 U~, At the same tim" the othr hand moved up on our left.

EVf!n DOrl'llS turned still. • The cold df. dread began I' (:reep through my stomach knowing Shirl's temper ant the need bottled in him It strike out at something,

jJlue Eyes said, watchin; both of us: "Expect my bas! might not be too tickled, bul these kInd of ponies don't get broke fl'om the brush at thf snap of a finger." It was aboul as near as he could come to an apology. It didn't warm up th e cut of his stare. "If either 01 you gents can prove to mr you're Benson-"

"Button," Dorrns lipped, "you've bit off more'n you can chew."

"Shirl. be· still!" I cried. try inJ:( to scout a saCe way through this. That kid wasn't Roing tn back down one inch He stnod braced. for trouble iike a dog

'with Iirted hackles, The last • 0 I,." liM .... lI....,. .... ~ · : thing I wanted here or a ny-

L-________________ .!"'!!' .. '!'_."!!_!!' •. '!'.~ . place was gunplay, "Would I


Three sailors were killed ~nd two others scriously injured early Monday when their car struck a guard rail and burst into flames near Brunswick. Kiiled were John H, Bowen. 22. oC Manchester. Ten n,. 'lnd James M, Jones, 38. of ~ll)unt Kisco. N.Y, Richard A. Prior, 21. oC Nashu~. N,H. died en route to the Chelsea, Mass" na­val hospital. -_._--






••••• * •••••••••••••••• *~. lamplt TeA 2t-day Jet Economy Excol1ian Fuulrom St, John's

LONDON or I)UBLlN* $300.90 PARIS $346.10

$30.90 down $35.10 down

$23.70 monthly (12 rna!;)

$14.05 monthly (12 mos,)

.via connecting carrier ,

St11l1ower farel untU Jan. 30th by BOAC turbo·prop Britannia.

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. , .;. •.. :., .. " .

Cllbs Come To Ilait Surging

Life To Pllillies

t\,. TIm \'.\:'\.\01,\:'\ l'RE~S I \'hl,'a,~,' l'uh~. l·,'ming 10 I;(c

:n till' I;.h' irl1lin~~. tcmpnrnrily ~nllC',1 tht ~ur~ill!: I'hilndclphia I Phillil" TUI'~o~y. h~nding Ihc I :,\~I:,'nJ\ l.l'~r.ue·s fourlh·plnc~, ~lu~ n H ~~th:lCk, : :;h~I',ld h~' \1l'nnis Bcnnett's'

~l\r hit rilrhill~ 1lI·.'I· the iiI'S! ~\~ il\nil\~~ whilr t~c l'hillics !>m!1 "I' a 3'11 I.'ml. thl' Cub, Amcrican Leogue ~~:I~l\i Ihl' ldtlialllit-r ~!trl' he W L Pel, GBL (\,"",;,,\\ 1\,., run, nn ~ sin~\e :\ew york 85 46 .6i9 -t>y ""II Huhhs lind Dick Bel' ~!innesota 72 58 ,554 121. I <'It's "~<'I'ifk,' fl)' ~nl\ Ihen Chkngn 72 58 ,5fi4 12\,% ]";I,II',i ll1l' hn'l'~, Il:lltimorc 72 61 .SU H

,';1,'\ !\:lhl!oC'\l\ln hlPk 1l1'Cl' alHI Delrllil 1i2 liS .484 21'. 1:,'1 ,,,,I I'i 111l' innin~ "Ilcr hil.! C\evelllnd 64 69 .481 22 Int;: i,,'1\ L1I1dl'nt:l In Illl'\,C ill I Boslon 112 1m ,47323 Ph' \~'a,;: 1::11 n:1l Ihr ('uhs ):01, I:os Angl'!cs liO 73 .451 21i ~,' h'l1\ le'l' lh., \\'in11in~ run in: I\ansas Clly 58 72 .446 '!fiI,~ 'Ill' 1'!d;lh ~" Ell i s nlll'lolI: Washington 48 83 ,366 .17 ~ .1:1.,':', n~'" I'd I" t hiI'd nn non ' Cl'aw dl'ol'e in t 11'0 1'11115 wit h a "n"' ... ,'11'-\,' 1"1\ ,"1"'(' I,nll'" I .. , , ", . .. " ,.' 'hnme 1'1111 :lnt! a hunt singlc. ':, " ,J,': 111.1' fly hy Billy II II, : ll'adin!( Chicago While Sox 10 n ,1,1"'< , '11-1 I'icto\'\' ovel' Clcvcland In­, 1\':1,' 1 ~'~'!I'I'~ lhluhl,' Ird to I dians TlIr~day ni~ht. ;hl' (:"t, 111I1:Hh'lnllia I'lln 111 lI~r Darc :.Iicholsun vouni( Chi. :' ': I:n"",~ ;l1Id 11"11 1l1'111l'!rl' ~ ca~() outfieldrr lJ'rokc Ihe ma-0" \~·i n:' ~m ~:l' ,1ft 1 ,~nT\· .. lnck· I jOJ: irH"\u' on~.5cason strikeout "" "",.,1 'II" I',., '1' .. "1·... I,'tnl ~ , " " '. ",' "'.. " record fal1nin~ foul' straight .. ti,.. (I'lh, 11II.h' ~'I'\)anll'! 1'1:' limes 'to run his total lor thc ~I;>,""\ ,1.lr\,'''1 III ,Ihc ~C~':'I'tl~ scason to 144 two mol'C than I"~ ::.-t h', :'1;'111 111:101')' 111 10; \!ar'l1on l\illel;I'cw 01 1!inncsotn ;"," ,'n' 1"I,,!'\'!llIn 5 record ~ h'ad last ,"cal'. ~,,,, " 1",- , I Singles' hv ?I!cCrnw, Floyd

II \\ ," 1'1\1>' the thi"" 10» 111 ~ Robins011 alit! Pcle Ward gal'c 11 ~:>"h',. f,,:' II,.. l'illl>, : thr I\'hitc Sox a run in the lirst

, •. " ~"--, : innin~ OCllll'C McCrall' hit his I I ,\ I 1 1\11 : .\~,=~ (1111 ~k· hnmcr in the fifth. Ward hom.

'rrcd in the ninth.

The Old Mi1l ! : RALTDIORE IAPI- A wlllk, I a halk and a scratch infield sin·

Ilrilr In ~IO\'lr \ glc b)' Wayne Cnuscy scored ".'nl~hl at nu,k )' 1l1l' winning run in the 10th in·

"1 1.11';1: ~lO~E\," nin/: TllcMlay night as Ed Un· :-:"r:'IIl, ~,'\,hla 1.0I'l'l1. ! kol\' pitched Kansas Cily Ath·

,-,,1"111'. ,'III('l11a,_"l1e i Irlics tn a 2·1 victory ol'cr Bal· ';,'l! Ilr;! 1l1~ Hallgc a'nd Old i timore Orioles. :.l:i: ,'1:1,' 1,\,,'11 daill' 1~ :\oon I' nalw'~': II'ho allo\\'ed only

FIIli;, I' 'I'h!' Sllh'lllll'tlcs scrcn IlIt5 •. !!?t the run he . '.. I needcd 111 11'111 111 the lOth when :-.. :ur,!;\)' ~hl' Big Dance ,Jo~e TarlabuU dl'clI' a wall; olf

1 h., ~,lIlO\lrl!l'~ ,GCOI'''C Brunet moved to ~cc. 1'11111W ~OO~li nr B·'581 : ond ~n a balk 'and scored \\'hen

~":~Ii,~~.::~ ! Causcy's high choppcl' got past - ,- ----- 'Boug Powell lor a single.

h'i"': :nll'l\l (,f ['uhlie Works \ :\ two·out homer by Norm - d ' Sicbel'n in thc Iirst inning ~ en ers i S~OI'CO the first Kansas City

__ __ ,\'Ull. Powcll slu~~cd his 22nd ~nu:\1 TE\'IlEHS An'l' hon~cl' leadin~ ofl thc sCl'cnth

T'1a:~~rl' 11' nfb',' ~Ianagcr to IIc the scm e. :\~~d fl~\h'r:-t'd "T('IHll'r For -

PITTSBURGH (API - XCI\' \\'!1"r:' HI'!';1il';- Bl'lI Island, York ~Iels kickcd in both Pitts. ,,'\! :·"lIlhi1.llhl", 11'111 hr receil" bllrth runs with one ollt in the r,i :::':11 ;,;;,1 p,m. ,;\,D,S.T.l, ninth II1l11ng 'l'ues(lay night, 1'1:\Il,\ \-, ~r!1tl'1l\hrr 13, 1963.1 committing two c r,. 0 r s on

,~iann)' ~Iota's single and stak· 1'1."", 'I"'l'ifil'alions and i inl( the Pirates to a 2-l viclory.

r,':':::, I,f Il'lhlrl' "311 he secn, I The ~lcts had a 1·0 lend with Cr' 1.':\ t,.' o\ll,lilll'd Ihroll~h: onc out and Dick Schofield on

n"t \1 \l E. K:"IGIlT, I first lI'ith a walk whcn Mota • , , , sin~lcd, scnding Schoficld to

\li~lrkl En!linerr, I third. When Duke Carmel et I!,I',W, of ra~lnda, the ball get away from him, !. \I, H,ox ~bnO, I Schofield romped home wlth , I. ,Iohn s, !IIcwfountllond. I the tying run.

T., h' "lln,id,'rc(1 l'nch tcnller ' -----------1\':1,1 h' mad" on the printcd I k;';::,< .'"l'l'lic<l 11,1' thc nepar~·: 1111'111 ~",I ill al'l'(\l'llanl'!' with I'

til" r~nd'iinn, ,rt ["l'lh thercin. Tl", 1.," r,1 Or anI' lender not'

r:f\'t'~";H'll~' :1t·l'l'Plr~i. .

~I;\X Sl!LL\\'AS, I Office ~Ianager.!

I •• '- I

1'l'\'~rln1!'nt "I Public Works

Tenders I I

-- !

~E:\u:n TE:'oiDERS AD.,

For comfort Bnd rclaxation dine at the


CANADIAN FOOD. Wc clltcr to IVcddlngs,

Parties, Banquets. BAMBOO GARDENS,

IIARVEY ROAD • DIal 85815.

Opcn until 1 a.m. 7 days a week,

l'HI':~~En t,) Oflicc ~lnnaRcr' _.:::.::========~ ~:1d ,'nlj,)r,cd "Tender For "I'l'ak \1 ~h'r Hl'pair~-I'ort\lgal em ~ ~,'ulh, :\cII'foundland", II :11 Ilr l'l'l'rlwd IIntil 3:30 p,m. C:\1'.~T"

l\T\l;\E~[).\ y. ~cp\rl1lbcr 11, 1963_

l'lan~, ~p,'l'i!ieations nnd fl'r:n~ of It'nctrr can be scen, or (an l'e l,htaincd throuch:

c,1:1l.\t.n E. K:'>iIGIIT, Hi~trirt Englnecr, H.I',\\,. of Canada, 1', O. HOl 4600, iiI. John's, :'>icII'foundland.

,.(\ 1>r ronsidered cach tender m\l~t hr mad,' on the printed forms ,ul'l'licd by the Depart. ment and in accordance with the conditions srt forlh thcl'c!n,

The lowcst or an~' tender not n",'r~ an l~' ,1rccllt cd.

MAX SULU\,AX, Office ~Iannger_


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Better Living Costs Less

when you go All-Electric

..;a,.~~~ t""lfi!B' Cbeap Reliable EI~ttrlel" I ' ID and Around 81. Jolm'.

Nattonal League

Los Angeles St. Louis San Francisco Philadclphia Milwaukce Cincinnati Chicago Pittsburgh 1I0nstun Ncll' York

W L Pct_ HDL 78 52 ,600 --72 5n .550 61'. 72 sn .550 6 I'. 71 61 ,538 8 71 62 .530 9 70 65 .519 10',2 Gi 63 .515 11 fiu 63 ,512 1!',~

4n Po:! ,371 30 41 89 .315 37

,Joe Chl'islophcr thrcw wildly to the plate and Mota camc 111 wilh thc deciding run.

Dr;TROIT <API- Phil Regan, bacl,cd by Al KaHne's sparkHn~ play, pitched Detroit Tigers to their sixth stl'lIight victory, 4·1 OI'cr L05 Angcles Angcls Tucs· da~' ni!:ht.

Kaline whacked a run·scoring sin~lc "nd n homer and took the heart Ollt o[ an AI1~cl rally with n brillinnl throw a, the Tigers moved into lilth plnee in the Amcrican Lcague.

Bob Sadowski singled home an IIn,~al'ned run 101' Los An· /:clcs, bul lI'as cIII down lI'ying rOl' a double on Ihe hit hy KaHne's throw from thc righ! field corner,

Kaline's two hits slretched his

LOS ;\NG~:LES (AP1- Frank Howard's two,run homer, Ihe first home run (1)1' Los Angeles Dodgtrs in nine !lamcs, started the National League leaders on Ihe way to a 3-2 triumph \lver CincinnatI Thursday night.

HOUSTON (AP)-lIank Aaron hit a two . run homer in the fourth inning, then singled and scored the lie·breaking run in the ninth inning as Milwaukee and Warren Spahn whipped Houston 3'2 Tucsday night.

Sphan, now 17-5 and closing in on II 13th 20:victory scason, reo corded hi~ 344th carccr triumph when Aaron Icd off thc ninth with a singlc, slolc second. look third on a single by Ed Math· ews and rode homc on ,Joe Torrc's singlc,

SAN FRANCISCO (.liP) Willie Mays slammed thc 400th home run 01 his major lea~ue caree,' Tuesday night, thc lirst 01 three conseculive San I~rnn· cisco Giants homers that helper! Jack Sanlord to a 7-2 victory ol'cr SI. Louis Cardinals,

The victory pull cd Gi~nts back into a second . place tie with Cardinals, 6',1, games l:>e· hind National Lcague Icading Los Angeles Dodgers.

Ten Pins Ladies League

HOTSPURS won the Minor Socecr title witll n 2-J squcaker over Cclties in the cll:lmpionlh' ycstcrday m()l·nin~. as _ twcnty minutes of sl~dd(!n ,~calh oycrtime was nccdcd to (l!:t'idc th~ Mcm~cl's o~ the WllIlIllIg ch~b arc: (left to l'1~ht) brst row, John Raymond, .John 'il't1t\, Bruce captam; ~hkc Chafc; standlll~: Boh WatT, Pat Hanlon, Gcrry ~Ialonc~ BrIan Whipp, League vIsor; Boh Browne, Kevin Husk, Waltcr But!cr.-(Staff Photo).

,-.\~ -' .. -----~IHotspurs Are Minor Soccer 4",#'

-. <~:

~~~( .. !

The ~1innr SOCCPl' leaguc lin, i utcs of sudden·death overtime Il'ictury n',or Celti~1 f del' coach Brian Whipp couldn't! to detide the championship 1191;:! charr.pi~nship, ~:': 1 I I 't' f" I I team. did he <,'orr tn" ~I'n" ' lave 1:1( a more CXl'l lll~ lnlS 1 , .. - ... lI~r

. , ',I Ine nrlll~ ~i1,1 after III

hitting strcak to 14 gnmcs in To Be Formed his battle with Boston's carll ~

th~" It did yest~rday al ch~r'l . (;erry ~!alo~c scored the win· del' ~"\'r "~ltil'! the lui­chll1 Park when It took 20 mill'; nmg goal to glrc Hotspurs a 2·1 I lim half. ~

------.----~,,-- .. -----

Yankees' Big Spr Has AttendaIlce BIn

Yllstrzemski lor the bn~ting litle. __

XEW YORK (APl- Fire·ball· illg Jim Bouton came within three outs of pitching a no,hittel' and scttled lor a two· hitter ns New York Yankces de,'eated Boston Red Sox 50{) Tuesday in thc first game o[ II twi'l11ght doublcheader at Yankee Sta· dium.

The Yanks al,o 1I'0n the second game. shutting out the Red Sox a~aill, 3,0 or: the five - hit pitching o[ Ralph Terry, The twin victories in· creased thcir bulging American League lead to 12', games,

Bouton had allowcd only two base'l'llllncrs and had relited 22 men in order before pinch·hitter Russ ~ixon bounced a singlc up thc middle leading off the ninth.

Bouton, \\'ho started thc' year In the bullpen, aJlowcd lirst·in· ning base runners on an error and a walk. thclI relil'cd thcm In order unti! Nixon b the ninth. Gary Geiger followed with the onll' othel' Red Sox hit, a single 10 ri~ht. But Bouton got Chuck Schllllng to hit into a double play and retired :arl Yastrzemski on a ground ball to end the game,

Probable Pitchers By TilE ASSOCIATED PRESS Probable pitchcl's for loday's

ma.ior league basehall games, with won.lost rccords in brack· ets:

AmerIcan League Kansas Cit y. Wickersham

(10011l at Baltimore, Pappas (12-8) eN)

Boston, Wilson (9·14) at :.lew York, Ford (18·7)

Los Angeles, Chance m·l5) at Detroll, Lnry (3·61

Chicago, Hcrbert (11-)) and Pizarro lI5·B) or Fisher (S'B' at Cleveland, Hamos (6,6) and Donovan (10·10) (TN)

Notional League Cincinnati, Maloney (1%) a!

Los Angeles, Podrcs (] HO) (NI

New York, ,Jackson (11-15) at Pittsburgh, Cardwell Wi - 12) (N)

Philadelphian Short (S-10) at Chicago, Toth (S·B)

Milwnukee. Cloninger (8·8) at Houston, Farrell (10·10 I (N I

St. Lou!~, Gibson (14-7) at San FranCISco, O'Dell (11-6)

Crystal Paiclce Night Club


The Crystal Palace gives the best Catering Service to

Wedding., Private Pllrtle!, Dinners Ind Danc:es.

.. For information coutacl

MRS. A. RYAN lit 90024



A mecting to form a ladics, ten pin league at the PI":~J' Bowl is schedulcd for Thurs· I day night in the league room' 01 the Bowl. The mectiM will get underway at 7,30 p.m.

This league \I'm be open to all ladies interested in rolling ten pins this fall and winter, and any ladies wishing to lake up the game for the first timo are welcome to attend the mcet· lng,

Of course those having cx. perience in ten pin huwlint: will also he welcome at the mecting,

Change , dl

Schedule BELL ISLAND (Staff) -A

change in thc Bell Island senior football league's schedule was announced by Lcague sccretary Phonse Haweo last night.

Frontaire~ and CLB wcre to havc clashed in a league fixture tonight but this i:Dmc has now been re·sel for Labour Day at 3.00 p,m, The two tcams are tied for first placc in the Lea· gue

Tonight's Camc will now hal'e CLB and Frontaircs clashing at thc Sports Field here in a 6,30 p,m, fixture,

Andy Bathgate I~nks Contract

NEW YORK (AP) - Andy B~thgate, high - scoring right wmger of the New York Ran. gel'S, has signed his contract for the 1963·64 scason. the National Hockcy League club suid Tucs. day,

Bathgate tolallcd 81 points on 35 goals and 46 assists last sea' 60n.

He is the fourth Hanger to come to terms, The olhers were g~alie .Ja1!ques Plante, right wmger Rod Gilbert and left winger Camille Henry.

Suspended LYNN, Mass. (AI') - Paul

Horning, suspended Green Bay Packers halfback, Tuesday de. clined a $25,OOO·a-season olfer to play out his National Football League suspension with a team in the Atlantic Coast League.

The offer was made on behalf of Ted Barron, owner of Boston Nu·Way Sweepers.

Hornung, who was placcd on indefinite suspension from the NFL for betting on games, was reported to have termed the of· fer "very tempting," but de. clined.

Hornung, it was said prefers to ~it It out and try to 'get back into the NFL as soon as pos. sible.

Practice ' Corner -ST. BON'S

St. Bon'. senior soccer tum will bold an important prac­tice tonight It Shamrock !leld starting at 6,30 sharp. All play. ers are ,asked to make a special effort to attend,

BREAKS OWN RECORD­MIAMI, FIa,: The camera eye catches Joltn Pennel at an I1nUSlIlII angle as he hurls himself towllrd cross·har duro Ing the Gold Coast 111\ U Track and Fiehl Meet at t1w University of lIIlami here Allgust 24th. Pcnnel, a sen, lor at Northcastern Louis. iana, State, craCKed the J7. fool pole vault barrled with a record, leap of 17 feet 3/4 inches. lie broke his previous record of 16 feet an(\ 10 1/4· Inell !,et in London August 5th.

Training C£lmp S1', CATHARINr;s (CP) -

Sixty-live Canadian youths ar· rived here Monday fOI: a week of training at the Chicago Black Hawks amateur hockc;1 training camp.

Following an intcr . squad game Friday, 10 or 12 will be invited to return to the OHA Junior A st. Catharines Black Hawks camp beginning in the last week of September.

Among them arc Wayne Makl of Sault Ste. MarIe, Onl., a brother of Black Hawk star Chico Mnki, and Tom Mohns 01 Pembroke, Ont., a cousIn of Boston BruIns' Doug Mahns,

,Horseshoes All games In the Horseshoe

League were rained out last night. AU those games that were, rained out wiJI be played tonight. AnYone that is unable to make their game is asked to phone 866863.

By .JOE REICllLEIt : ".\nything" \\'ould hal'e to be I to end Ihe Yan~e! ;\E\\' YOR KI:\P I-XCW York a miracle if the Yankecs shQuld' "The ()ther dues m::,~

Yankces' I'IInaway in what is' mbs capluring their lourth S'le· \10 build Ihemsell'es '1 b Inughingly caUed the American, ccssive lcague championship: Ic,'cl of Ihe Yan~~1s," 11 Leilguc pennaut race has rast: and their 131h in the last 15 'j' "They cannol wa:t Ix a frightening pal! orer the rest: years. Yunhes to '.'caken. ltfj o[ the cluhs II'hose lagging at· I XCII' llork oll'ns a 10'2 gamc, continue to dmlop alj tcnllance is bound to suficr Icad orcr its ncarest rival. Not i up young ball player • ." even more the rest of thc ,ea·' ,incc e~rly Augusl of 1958 when I ATTE:>:IlA:>:rt: DOlI'S SOIL ! they led by 17 ;lames have the The Yankees' coml:r.!

Even .Toe Cronin, the nor·: Yankees enjoyed a more com· I nance " refleclea m ~I mally optimistic Icaglle prcsi· I lorlablc mat·gin. I' tendance !i~ures, dent, admitterl Monday thmg, II If the Yankees play just ,500 Only Boston, Chic.;", looked "hleak," hall the rest of the way, the I more and Kansas Cit1

";'>/atU1'ally. I'm disappoinleo I second place Chicago White SOl{ aborc their 1,~2 fir~'t with the s t a 11 d i 11 I! :;," sdid i or tile ~1inncsota Twins would last t',ro clubs by !l~ Cronin, I hal'e to win 31 of .thcir remain· I gin~. , , ..

"The Yankees seem to hal'c 1111~ 39 g,-.mcs to he. DetrOit " 2,j0,@ b,:j a safe lead but that's no rca,oll; "I remcmher back in 1923 the I ye"r's pucr and LIs, lor the other clubs 10 quit Iryin~ : Yankees had a Ii·game lead at trails loy 21i,[I/',1. EIEl to oI'Crlal,c them. There still 15 I just about this stage of the kccs ",'0 !'1OI'C tha~ a 101l~ ways t" go and, as ~as 'race," Cronin said. "B;- Labor I low rneil' '02 ,,' hecn prol'en so mtll1:: time:; he, Day their lead had shrunk to 'I corrcspDr.ri;!1~ date, H!

I forc, lInything can happen ill: a mcre game." as 11 11\:lJlc i~ ha'il basehall," i Hc said therc is only onc way under E";~" cro\\'d I'r:I,

Rookie Makes Go By JOE nmCtlLI::It 'n·w record at Jmlianapolis las: I ag"in,t l1'p D"tim! ~

NEW YOHK (Al'l - "This, Yl'lII' aa,1 his Icnm had won the! sqll3d g"mc while ,,. year was his lasl chtllll'c," pennant in the American As· Mexico," ,aid Up!e ~!analicr Al Lopcz was saying, soeiatiun," could ha:'dly wait fC:~ "II he failed agllin, we had no, An alkollnd athlete in his return to lell me !bo,lttl nthel' choice hut to Ict him 1'0, college days at Grol'e City, Po" ehan:~(' in Peter!, II mean, Ollt o[ the organizatIOn' Petcl'S \\'as starting his ci~hth 1 "Sldp, :011 shou:d

I altogethcr, We \\'CI'C all out 01: scaSDU in nrolessional baseball. the war he ' I options on him," : WAS SLO\\; i big hitlcr.< on t::1

This was the odds YOlln~ Gary' "The:; said I wasn·t Ihrowing Iral'e,j nr. 'co, .'Tr.I Peters no\\' a leadin" candidate' hard cnoub"h" Ihe taU well·, J'ammed ~h~;e tlpt·

• l"> "I b ,,, [01' American Leaglle rookie 'I built southpaw recalled n!tcr: was a ll::!1~ of eau,!; , hunors ftlced when he I'epo':ted Sunday', spcclacular. "T hey I [0\11' of til' II' bats 111~ to the Chicago White Sox train· said J was spending 100 much I' baIt... " , ill;: c1lmp in ;'lal'ch for the time trying to thro\\' to spots. Pc leI's j"llcnln the sixth time. They \\'ere right. I could throw bullpen fnr l11or~ thal

yet Sunday. the poiscd 26 . hard but I conccntrated too beforc hc got hi;. year . old southpaw pitcher lie, mu~h on trying to del'clop a chance, He got hll ,

Ileated the New York Yankces sinker pitch instead o[ rearing hecaus.r .Juan PJ1Sr~o,w 2'1 in 1:: innings 101' his 15th back and .inst letting go." acc lell.handr~, toc'l

i triumph o[ the year, Hc has Peters figured so little in he 1l':IS 10 plch, \., 'becn beaten fil'c timcs and his Lopez', plans lor 1963 that whcn game H.

/1,750 \\'on·lost percentage is thc the m3nagcI' took'''the regular lIis 15·5 record to best in the league. ' ~quad for a three'game trip to tcll5 thc whole

I His 153 strikeouts also Is the ~I.cxico. Peters lI'as left hehind ,10 cOlnplctc ga~l~~ ,loop's top. with bullpen coach Ray Berres i to nay J['~lherl" ,

"l"rtmkly, we wcren't I'ery and a bunch 01 sccond and third I zlinr: I.~i earned r:1

II optimistic about his chances,' I strin~crs. best am"n~ ,th~" I ' ~I1.::":~-"-:~-= had only an I "Ga~~~~~ur innin~s I has _':o~ _~'~ "s


Canadian I'rss Staff Writer That old cliche about putting

the [oat back in football may be dead, but fans may soon be talking about pultlng the Cana· dian back in Canadian foothail.

Of the 306 men being paid at play for the nine Canadian Foot· ball Lcague clubs, only 13 gm· duatcd this season from Cana· dian amateur or eollcge ranks.

It·s a statistic likcly to dis· courage all but the most deter· mined Canadian youngster, and one possible efleet is that the situation may get worsC. And tQ think that at one time there wcre no imports,

The main reason the Cana­dian is being squeezed out of the CFL is not difficult to find. General managers o[ the nine cluhs have found the rule on number of imports to be flex­ible.

There are 26 players who played all thcir previous [oat· bal! in the t;nitcd Statcs now eligible to drcss as Canadians. This includes 14 out·and·out im· ports who have taken out Ca· nadian citizenship and 12 of those dual - citizenship typcs, NIne other imports 'orc nearing the day when thcy too will ne· come Canadians,

, ' ' bul h"S iJ GO SOUTH YOUNG MAN thl> 511u3110n "naoll

The best way [or ,I Canadian cerncd ahout (, kid to make pro footbalJ these sters. days is to attend a U.S. college. ONE NEil' )O;ATIIE,t P The idea is becominl' 50 PODU' "I\~ nerer seen I

lar thllt some CFL 'clubs noll' for a Canadian I~ pay theil' Canadian prospects' I cJuh," he 5aid. I tuition to American colleges Wydal'cn~', Irom where thcy can develop under 01 lI'e,tern ~ood coaching and stif[ compe· was the only tition. season._,

been so", British Columbia Lions, for

cxamplc, have sevcn Canadians who attended U.S. colleges.

CFL clubs are permittcd to carry 16 imports for the first three games, 15 thereafter. but of tlte 30 players dressed [or anyone game, only 13 maY be imports.

But look what happens when Toronto Argonauts pick their lineup for a game. After se­lecting the 13 imports. thcy promptly add the names of such stalwarts as Jackie Parker Dick Shallo, Dave Mann and Billy Shipp-alI onetime ArneI'· icans who, after at Jeast five years' residence ill Canada, have taken out citizenship pa­pers, young Jon Rcchner is an American·born Canadian, bring­ing to 18 the number of U.s, natives in the lineup.

General Manager Lcw Hay· man is obviously plellsed about

There ha5 o"t sion 01 late ab ' proper to press rn seck his Cana 13 in alter he has been try long enough, lrl~

n calS . '. Hayma ... pllc!i ... guiJly of thiS don't try to talk ~:, ' taking out cana d I and it's never pa~ec¢l conlract. '!'hey If ~ dian citizens ontlll i~ t(\ We nCI'er IUth1l1

"The rea!on vllr of this type each. of the time lact~in~ have ~one pas, d" were first allonl '

haS on! , Ha~mant rule bul

the Impor mattcr o[ 'd like tlonaJily, 11\, dress all 11 game, '

Cop Win

ISLAND-( lire the

Baseball ch~ the title und t 's Baseball L,

.estcrday as th.c: }I hOOlcstllndm t Ie I' b t their elm 0

lost only I

that was the g:m the finals to th

Brook ope (inals here In --- ----.,

.Bon s Re-

and Fr.l1dlans hI baseball contc

at the Clly B~ night and noW tI wlll r:n:sh the s

01 the I-cagl re.schcoulctl for t

Ichedu led In t Foolba 11 League v out last night and I

rt.scheduled for game at the eh pitch 11'11\ start

, with Argonauts a clashIng, be the third ga

1m season as "rgl 25·0 to TI~cr.C

dropped ROI: 12,1 on Saturday.

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Page 7: ,~T~CT OUR All Motors THE DAILY NEWS I,' 'K Nova Ltd.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19630828… · THE DAILY NEWS All forms III Insurance ... Dinh Diem has


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t1 () ti\ Crowl' On' 15-7 J" ~,; ~

,. ."

... "( ~/t

hIli, On 'Bell /slanfrJ , I I~I \ \ P-,Slaff)-The Corner Brook l~., ~n' !lit' Ul!i:l All-Newfoundland " '\;",,;\,11 1,h;:l1lpiol\s, The Baronetes . ,"; tilil' ;:1111 111l' trophy donated by the

".', F:,ddl \ 1':lg\lC at the Sports Field · 1~'!i1\\.;1 ,', I h.,'\ \"l'.~ ist .. 'rcd a 15-7 victory ',. h'I11~":;'\Hhl\~ lkll Islancl All-Stars. , ,~.il "Iim" hI I he Pl"l)\ inc:al crown the

: ' 1,,,( \1t111 IlIll' ~n\lll' in nine outinO"~ ,"- \' to.

, " ".1' Ih' !'.I11Il' tl\:'t Bcll l~lnnd won to '. 1111.,1, hI tIll' limit.

.'.::: 1;I,lI1\. "pl'IIl'11 the hest of tlll'ee '",.d, h," t' ];1,1 Saturday ns they wnl.


Bon ~I\

I~(\ .. ~clleduled

Mlnor football

eduled l'\""\ 't.: :t~ t1\('

;,,\,', 1 "'tm' "", • ,t.: ~:~\q .~l"I\ h",

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FI'lldlans now hold second pl;lcr In I.eague standings on a .·2 llIark while Guards Arc fbI on 6·~. A Felhl 1'lclol"Y lon'~!Jt will hnl'e them dead·· lockrd tor thr top slot.

~t. non'~ are third with R H rerord but 1I0ly Cros5 hll I' also won three gamel hUI hal'l' fll"r defeats. A loss hy ~I. non's tonlllht wllllea\'e thrnl tied "Ith the Crllsaden, ~1. Pars nrc III the cellar on '!·ti.

l"hl' nlll)" O'Ne!1l ~lel\1orlal Trol'h~' and sreond round honors In thr I.eague nl~o fie, \wnds 1I1'0n the outcome or lonh:ht's action. 1\ SI. Bon's I'jdon' "ill bal'e them tlcd \\ Ith Guards for the second rOllnd Rnd force a playon g.m\, on Thursday While a Frlld derision wlll gll'e (;uarrls the O'Nrlll Trophy,

\1,1\"1' lIall 15 the Ilrobnble I,itrhrr {or Frank Knight's rrildlans tonight with Ron \lulll'r ex preted to start on Ihr hlll lor Don R~'an's St, IInn's Iram, GallIe time Is srll'n O'rlOI k.

YOUllg, Reid Are lJlVPs loped Bell Islnnd 16·4 hut the Island stars were far from dead nnd they edged the Baronetes 5·4 on Monday to even the count after S\ln­day'~ fi~ture was rnined out. That ~;mne went t':!n IIlll1ngs,

Eric Young started on the mOllnd for the Corner Brook club yesterday nnd went to the bottom of the seventh inning to regist>!r the victory. He wns rcplnced by Richie Williams in the seventh ns Bell Island struck for three runs.

Young carried the big hat for the victors us he clouted n home run with the hases loaded for four runs on his grnnd slnm in the top of the fourth.

Young wns nnmed as the most: valuable player for the ehnmpions while Bell Island cntcher Max Reid got the nod for his squ:u\'s MVP and both received their trophies from Joe Wadden, Enstem Vice-president of the New­foundland Amnteur Baseball Association.

Wlidden nlso handed over the champion­ship trophy to Jim Brisbois, coach of the win­ning Bnronetes,

The game wns played in II slight drizzle that got henvier ns the innings went and in the eighth umpire-in-chief, Jack McCal't~,'i, of SL John's, held up the action for 15 minutes, Fin­ally he called the gnme with Corner Brook bat­ting in the top of the ninth,

After holding Corner Brook scoreless in the top of the first, Bell Island scored three times in the bottom of the first inning to have the hometown fnns cheering, The Bnronetes got one run in th~ seeond frame nnd jumped into a 5-3 lead with a four tnlly third,

Five runs in both the fourth and fifth in­nings salted nwny the decision and the title for Corner Brook while Bell Island had one run in the sixth and seored three times in thc seventh.

ELE~:rED to J!Cad, tIlc Sf. J?Jm's Amateur Comm ercia] Bowling League for the coming season at tIle ~A)Op.S a~1Ilual l1~eetlJ1g l:,st I1Ight were: (left to right) seated: Jim Hyall, executive member' Fred ~ ~)pCl.' ~'.\Ceyl'csldent; D!ek r-..h,l.rphy, preside.nt; Ch arlie Williams, sccret:lry; Bruce Perry, tr;asurer; s(t.'IlI~lflJ1g, Rill Abbott, Vl11ce \\ Ithers, executIve members; Art Holloway Len Sullivan auditors,-Stal Photo), ' ,

53 Enter Bowling,

Co mercial rphy Back

With 46 teams from last ~ea· son answering the roll·call and scI' en new squads heing accept· ed the Commercial Bowling Le1!gue heIr! its annual meet· ing. presentation of reports and c\celion of officers at St. Pat's Allcys last night.

Stores, Colonial Cordage. '1' Purity Factries. Bowring Bros., Daily Kews. Canadian Genern! N. 1\Iotors. Furness Withy, A. Great Eastern Oil. C:\IB. Lon· Electric, Royal Grocer)", ~Iodot Harvey and Co.. Standard don )Jell' York and Paris. ~afel, :;ho)1. :llnfg., Harris and Hiscock, Unitod Towns. Dominion Dis· New teams: Ayre, Limited.

. ... -.- .. ------------------------_._- Dick ~Iurphy was re·clcrted president of the league as hl' servcs his 16th term as hear! of the group. Fred Soper is back as "icc, president and Bruce Perry was re·clecled treasurer.

l\f\d. Light and Power, 0'· tributors, II. .I. Thomas. GHi The Eastern Trust Co., Geurg" l\(Jefc'.s Grocery. .Joh Bros., Winter. St. Clare's, B. A. Oil. Phillips and SOilS, Cnited :'-lai! ~an~dHm Marconi. Evening! COAC, Clay tOil Construction. G .. and Foundry. !leginaitl P. Gor!

1 eleoram. E. 1". Barnes, !lay: S. Doyle. C. It. Bell. Giant ~Iarl. : den Ltd .. Creative PI'inter, anrl B,lrsey. Ayres, Harvey and Co." Top Tone. Colonial Garage,. Publishers, ~[e\J'o 310tor3 .

~nne(essary Games Scratched St. Pat's and Charlie Williams wiII he the

': ,; C ~ t'·

,romc 01 toniRht's game when l"mterl (11:1)" 1I0ly Cross at the Hr. Egan fi~lrl. A win or a tic

lose a point tonight in their released for tllnight's game but new secretary. Elected to the game against Fcildians at the the junior lineups were not executive committee were Bill Felldian Grounds, then they arc given. United coach Ben Lake Abbott, Vince Withers and Jim out and the four playoff teams released a definite lineup while Ryall while Art Holloway and will be Holy Cross, United, St, Crusaders pilot Andy Samuel. Len Sullil1an arc the nuditor~. Pat's and Feildians. Holy Cross son wBsn't sure and has given Dec ~!llrphy conducted the

Have Game Rain.ed !OlJ.t

: '

,.I'.l'1 it'r the Cru~adcrs will knock ~,: ~~;;~lt \'nilrd out of the running. .. .~.~ r:· If Ihe [OUr semi·final learns

. . ...• .m' deddcd lonight then Holy l·n'>;. Fdldians and St. Bon's

. . ~~ r 1111\ he put in a hat to be drawn .;: I'~r· for ;rcond, third and fourth

: ".,,\, .. ~ I'milion~. 51. Pat's have first ,'~j :\ \ I I'\al'c clinched. The first name

.', l.~l ttl be drawn will tal,c second, ::,:: II I he second will lake third to

, \ ~ l\,: :d· . ph)' St. Pat's and the Ihird will :; ;'" 11' t

... ,:\11 lake fourlh to play the flrst It'am tll he drawn.

::\1, The semi.finals and finals will hi' a best two of three ser·

~'f t'tl . . il'~ wilh the winner taking the . \ ' 1:1;,1· \'\)c~1 trophy. If United win

. :.' ,: ,\ ,,{t ",night. they will pIa)' St, Bon's '.' "i:":::i; . Thursda)' night and if they win . • Ihat It will mean the full sehc· .. , ' .. '1\" ,::" .. - 11\11" will hal'e to be played.

J The same situation stands in ;,h, tht' junior league. If Guards :::nr

" .' ~ " t ~ hr Blue

have first place clinched so the the nnmes of several players to election of officers. other three teams will be put be ready lor nction tonight. Plans call for the league to in a hat to decide the other UNITED-Goal: Dave White; swing into operation' (Ill Tues· three playoff positions. {ulls: AU Crews, Carl Cluett; day, September 3. with seet.iom

b bl h· h halves: Lewis Mercer, Les "A" and "B" being used again Another ig pro em w IC tllis year. Last season the

the league is up against is the Clarke, Winston Welloll; for· I fact they any junior players wards: Air Johansson Eldon eagUe was forced to have four who are going to school aren't Butt Hop Rollings,' Rupert sessions of 1Jo\Vhn~ per night

permitted to participate in any Daw'e Bob Eddy. ,but only th;ee seSSIOns Will be , t featured thiS year.

outside activity which means HOLY CR(tS~ - Tom Healy, The report of outgoiJ:g sec· the junior championship would Dou~ Phel~n, Jim Phelan, Harry relary Bill Abbott shoIVP(! that have to be declared" before EnniS, Cyn! Kean, Bob Woods, the league had enjoyed a mOot Tuesday next or most of the Gerry Tobin, Jack Phllpott, successful and active schrrlnle teams will have to play without Roger Maunder, P.at Hearn, last season while the treasure'r's several of their top plDyer~, Mike Maloney, Bern.le Be~nett, report revealed that the !ea:tue

As many games as possible Barry Maunder, Jim FIIIlay, wail in a healthy financial posi· will be scheduled over the Frank Purcell and lIlike Kin· :ion. weekend in an effort to avoid sella. . . The league will adopt th~ this ticklish problem. Both games IVI\] start at 6.30 "national count" this year as a

_.:T.::.he~t\.::.~.:.o...:s.:.en::.:i_or=-ll_n_eu:::p_s_w_c_r_e_sh_a...;rp:..:. __________ motion was passed las: night I to have the circuit become '. standardized with the other! leagues in the city. I

The secolld game of the Ail-New­foundland Eastern Senior football semi-fi,nals was rained out last ni.ght. St. Pat s and the Grand Rank Gee Bees were to havc played at Buckmaster's Field at 6::30 p,m.

Sl. Pat's own a :3·2 ed!!c in the t"o game, total ~oal series 'for the ri,~ht to host the ll\'ovineial finals as the\' won the semi-final opener on MOIi· day night.

Dce Murphy, Eastern Vice·presi . dent of the Newfoundland Amateur Foothall Association, held a consulta' tion with St, Pat's coach Bren Curtis ancl CeeBees coach George Hirkmml before he declared the game off.

Now the two c1uhs will meet in the deciding game of the semi· finals tonight at the Buckmaster's pitch with

starting time again set fa\' 6:30 P,1I1· A win or a tie will send the Irisll i;ltO the finals while the GeeBees mU5t win by two goals for a finals' berth,

Meanwhile Gander and Corner Brook arc scheduled to meet in a· special suelden death game at Spring­clnlc tonight to decide their finalist. After the' Corner Brook c1uh opened the Western semi-finals with a ;)-1 win at Corner Brook the Gander FIv­ers C:lllle hack with a 3-1 deci~ion ~11 their home pitch to force the dend­lock in the series nnd now the de­ddil1!!: )!ame is set for tonight.

The finals, a best of three i!ames dfair, will he played on the home pitch of the Eastern victors with the new Colonial Broadcasting ~.ystem trophy going to thc winners,

. ~.:,,!;;~' " ! \: (' 1\\\1·

Meet Tonight

Star Finals Set Tonight

Two Races Scheduled

The SImon Levitz three. mile .. : ' ~fidget Race and the James R.

n:~hf~ . · ~. ;''',' .: : '.,' l1~n. The finals of the Plaza Bowl Tucker five mile Juvenile race :~: I' I"". ,., ,n.! Ihe I nlup Star weekly bowling tour. will be held thIs evening under I"':' 'I: :.: :,'ni~ht I namrnts will be held at the' the Nfld. Branch of the AAU

mile was won by Denis Furlong of St. Bon'" in 28.11 just fonr seconds faster than second place John Coaker o[ CLB. Coaker is th~ only returnee from last year's :race.

The question of having each team wear uniforms depicting' the firm they represent was brought before the hodv allrl While no definite actio~ was taken on the issue the meetin~ expressed a wish to have all teams in uniform.

A committee was appointed 10 I look into the holding of a din· ncr and dance for the league this year. Named to the com· mittee were Walter Dalton, Herb

Siki And Noble face Marino And Parente

,\ '~I:i' I llowl tonight with the 35 men of Canada. ~ ~.~I:~:r ,..~ :!l~ lOp i Hnd women who placed first or The three mile with five

· .~ . ! ;'.;(II( ~ll\ will ! second in the weekly events e.ntrles. will start at 6.~0 a~d •• t ~' .1: "!ht' tr~:n . takin~ part in the finals. five mile w!th fOllr entrlcs 11'111

." .\H ~ilr ":ir.ch. . start at 7 a clock. All those tak· I~ ".: l',':lln, are Thr prize for the finals is lng part In the races are asked ':, .,~ T'o.:_hl thel' Sl,OOO nnd the Rction is slated to be at the East End Fire

. ,to ~et underway at 7.00 p.m.' Hall at 6 o'clock for tr:lIispor· .. :. .. , :' :~r "",'eted i Following the finals, a dinner talion to tlie starting lines. '. ·'r .'," ,,~;:,: I\nr. and presentation of the prizes Last year's three 'lIile was t> l:lt:) 1'.11'11 for I is scheduled for the Plaza Res· ~von by Ji~ lIIurphy.of 5t. p~t's

1 W::),:, 1\ ill he (aunnl. In 17.15 mmutes while the five

Entries in the three mile: Jim Power, St. Bon's; Frank Raymond, St. Pat's; Don French, C.T •. B.; Bob Fry, C.L.B: Hub· crt Dawson, Legion.

Entries in the five mile: Geoff Follett, C.L.B.; John Coaker, C.I..B.; l{evin Morris, Unattached; Vince QuIgley, SI. Bon's.

.. :':' (~ ":I!: lIawk~ !

~~r~I:'~:~:~;~~ht rt. 1 Kilbride Softball Statistics ". · ... r •. llie (If Ih~ <~.:\ II i:h Am The fonowing are the stalls· last night: Giants .......... .12 ~.: he Ica;uc Illes of the Kilbride junior soft· STANDINGS Indians ..... . .. 12 ". ~i'r" ~n Salur. hall league as releascd by Bob' P W L Pts, Pirates .... . .... .12

Whelan to the DAILY NEWS Dodgers ....... 12 ID 2 20 Yanks ........... .12 --.----~~~~~~~~~~~~

A 4 11i 5 7 10 5 7 10 2 10 4


Out Front Junior Stoyles .... .... .4B4

Husk and Dee ~Iurphy. If this Sweet Daddy Siki returns to i . affair can be arranger! it would St. John's on Thursday night' r he an addition to the card party and he brings his manager· par· I I

that has become a tradition with tner, Magnificent Duke Noble" : the league. with him as they get set for a '

Some concern was expressed tag· team match with a pair of on the running of a schedUle talented Italians in the main 1

with the firms nn Water Stre~t bout at the weekly Stadium I

being open on Thllrsda)' nighls wrestling card. but the exe~utive ~vas empower· Tony Marino and Lorenzo ed 10 I~ok Into !Ius matter and Parente will join forces to take the~ Will ~ndeavol1r. ~o change I on Siki and Noble in the main a night With the CIVil Service bout that will be a best of two League. of three falls. .

Teams back from last )'ear Siki is one of the best known arc: Brookfield, Avalon Tele· and talented grapplers in the' phone, Canada Packers. Nfld. professional wrestling game to· ~rewery, Bennett Brewery, day and his manager,partner Nfld. Tractor, Import ~totors. Nohle is nn lip and coming Parker and Monroe, Royal fighter with plenty of ability.

Softball Together they form a tag·team that rates in the loP ten in North America


few friends in the city. He oftrn

I rcferres to Newfoundland as "nl:; second home." .

Zhysko on the other hand 1 saw his first action in SI. John'~ last week and took a very un· popular victory over Fisher Boy Bath of Harbour Gra~e. With Lyons regarding New·' foundland as his "second homc" he'll be going all out to avenge his . "fostcr brother" when he tangles with Zbysko on Thursday night.

Tiger Tasker will be back as' referee for the card and one other bont will also be featured in the night's action. Tickets for the card go on sale at the Stadium on Thursday at 9.00 a.m.

By Paul Crane. .... .... .... .471

charged to Jack White. Top bat· ler of the contest was Glenn Clarke who went two for three at the plate.

with • two for three perform· Mike Stoyles .... •... .419 anee. Dave !Power .... .... .... .390 Meeting

A victory over \IIarino and Parente would 100kTeal good on Areo Bowling:' the record books and Siki, could be reached late last night speaking for himself and Noble, but as they are scheduled to 1

told the DAILY NEWS lost appear on a wrestling card at' Leaguci Meeting·

~Uln, II! •• t '1:b ttd l>od~rts 6-4

"-_ ll!I~ hurlrd h' """ ..... IS " • n, lou Wll

VICTORIA PARK Dodgers squeezed by Rockets

5-4 II John Weill picked up the win. The loss was charged to Dave Dlwe. Top batter of the contest wla. Gus' Crotty who went two for three at lhe plate.

Dodlers behind John Wells defeated Rockets lI·1. The loss was charged to Dave Rowe. Gordon Smith of the Rockets WI. top baUer of the Marne

TODAY'S GAMES· BlnnGrman Park

10.3D-Dodgers vs, Sunbeams 2.SD-Mets va. Bravel,

(Babe Ruth)

Frank Stanley.... .... .... .341 Neal Camp'Jell .... .... .... .... .313

Top Pit(her-Junior Stoyles, 9-1.

Home RlIns-J oe Mackey and Dave Powcr, 2.

Churchill Park Strikeouts - Neal Campbell, 2,DO-Tigcrs vs. Jets, (third 85.

game of finals) Victoria Park

1l.DO-Roeketa VI. Dodgers, (first game of finals)

2.3D-Roekets VB. Dodgers, (2nd Ilame of finals)


2.0D-Intliahs vs. Pirates. 3.3D-Pirates vS. Indians. 8.3D-Angels vS. Mcts.

_ night that they plan on going Harbour Grace tonight, both I (j A special meeting of the all out for a victory on Thurs· should be available for com· I .

four team Ilelcgatel Imolvp.,1 1 day.· mont some. time today. I -In the senior softba\) semi. i "Marino and Parent~ arc two Thursday night's card will The annual meeting of the finals has been I :llled .0; t" I weight lifters and nothing more, also feature aTictl:er two of Area Bowling League is sehc:' night. '1 They know very little about three falls fight. 'lrnis one wlr. duled for tonight. It will start.

I wrestling and wlll be easy vlc'l have a 45 minute time limit and at eight o'clock at the lengu(.· It wlll he held in 'la' ~;I1'···· Ums for myself and Duke. Of I' will match Bi\ly "Red" Lycns room at the Plaza Bowl,

Department of Ihe DAILY I course we are well aware that against Firpo Zbysko. All those wishing to enter D:'

NEWS stU!' lJ ~ these Italians love to win and i Lyons has been· a very popu· team or to roll as individuals· anti all executive members : we'll be takIng no chances in' lar grahbler ill 51. .Tohn·s [Ill' in the league this fall and win· anti the lour dc.egutcs con· jlhc main bout.': i the .past f!!lv .~:ears nnd besIde.' I ter ~re Invited to attend this . eerned are to nttend, Neither Marmo or Parente makmg mar.]' luna has quite a meeting. . .

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Page 8: ,~T~CT OUR All Motors THE DAILY NEWS I,' 'K Nova Ltd.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19630828… · THE DAILY NEWS All forms III Insurance ... Dinh Diem has

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rf· .... -:'~-:7.17· - U-: •. ::ccr.! I' iii ~

, Ann Landers ~ t ~ t . ". nswers Your Problems i 1

\..... __ .:. ..... __ ~~:: • .:..~: • .'.;.,.~.:;;;:::-=~:r:_-:t::a.~ I"'.r .\1111 t:~lIdrrs: Shollld a manied IIlAn with two

rhihtn'lI hr allo\\'rd to date? When I say "datc" I mean l'tl1~'I~' ~,'dal-drinks. dinner and nothing more"

,,~' hll,band insists that this is accepl'able behavior m ,'III' >l'I·ll't~· and that c\,eryonc cxcept hyprocritcs, 1'l'Ill1es and squares docs it opcnlr. He also insisls that Iho..<f \l'h" can't do it ol)('nly arc probably doing it secretly.

)I~' IlIIshand says he bclieves in being completely h"'"'~1 with me and hc hopes I won't force him to turn Int" a snrak, lie also says a man appreciales his wife m,',,' afler he has been 0111 with other women.

This all sounds reasonable to me when he is saying It. hut II'hrn I am alone and slart thinking about it, it d"I'sn'l SN'm to add up,

I ~Ih'uhl lell ~'Oll Ihal I WAS born in Europe where tIll' il"'.~ I,f home ami family arc quile different Ihan in 11m 1','\I11\r)', rle.1se aOI'ise me.-~IRS. B.

\lcar )Ir~. n.: You sOllnd as If you've just had ~ I11ll' hraln washrd and can't do a Ihing with It. If ~ "" I\alll to ':0 alonr, wUh this dcslgn for living U'R \1oh"tI~·'s hnsillr~s but )'onr Oll'n. But please don't hll.\' thr Itlra that rI'Crybotly docs It and It's perfectly all rklli.

l'hr marrird man who can" J:ll'c 111' tlatlng I~ li~r till' ;'.i·~·rar old matron who stili wears her '''r''rit~' I'ln.

• • • f\t'~r ,\lIn bntlcl's: .\111 1 an unnallll'al lll'andmolher

H ',"I '.1' yr~. Ihcn Ihere arc a 101 of 115 because many of 1';11' (\'Iflld~ fcel Ihr samc way.

,,~ \\Ianir(1 children think it is my rcsponsihility 10 ~I' II 111\ thclI' youngstcrs wlwncl'cr they hal'c something I,' do. I he\'c no ob,ir(·tion to hcipin~ (Jut in a pinch, h\lt II ;r,'IIIS as if I am bClIIg pinched foul' and live timcs I \\ rck,

We hal'f til 0 daughlcrs and a SOil. I am worn 10 I

fr . .::I,' rllnnin~ hetwcen their homes to care for their "'ll~,lrell, .\11 thr girls play golf, bridge, do club work ~I\tl br~~ Ihal Iheir families don't lie them down. Of (,,'III,,' they don·t. Bill' the~' tic ~!E down plenty,

1< Ihrre il wa\' 10 ~a\' no without gl\'inj( the impres ~IO'I I alii lettillg ihc ~irls dO\l'I!',' ~Iy nerl'es aren't IVh.t 1'1,': lI,e,1 h' I", and I jusl can'l lake raising anotlier sct (If ~ t'"I1::>I,'r,.-EXHAl'STED,

nc~r F.,: Tht l.ard knrw what lie was Ilolnll "h"11 IIr C~\'r thr ~'olln!! 10 the young. Some grand. lI'other~ InH 10 sit-and for them J say fine. But tl\(' m~n~' older folks are rUII ragged and Imposed lII'on hI' inconslderatr children who dump their reo 'I;nl\'l1~ilhle, on tired llramlmothers, because they ~ 11"11 thr)' can ~rl a\\'a~' II'llh It. Since you obviously 'rrl illll'o~ClI lI11on, why don't ~'ou Just sa)' so?

• • • 1'0.11' .\1111 I.andrr,: ,\111 I hcing made a fool? 111i~

~II:\'\; h:l' ::ollr Ollt wilh me fil'c limes. She is a lot of 1\1:1 .111ct I like iwr (·ompany. But whenevcr we get to Ih­h'lIIl (Innr ,h~ ,eh'es me the bllm's rush and before I ~lIt\\I' it 1'111 ,'alldin~ on the porch with a silly grin on In~ farr anti \lltrc is a closed door between us.

Tim ~irl is 16 yrars old and I knolV darned \\'el\ she 1m hrrll ki>s~d, So wh), am I getting the icc The pI";; in 0111' ('roll'd hal'e been gil'ing me the horse laugh Rnd I'm ~ick of it.

Ih'''' mnrh lon~cr do ~'ou think I ought 10 go along with the hrothcr·sister acl.-NO HITS, NO RUNS, NO ERR0I1S.

llear So: And how do the guys In the crowd know! 11~I'r )'ou hecu 1lll'Ing them a progress report? Mayhe the ~trl figures her company Is suCIlcient payment (or the e\·rnlll~. I think ~'Oll ought to date her just aa Il1n~ 3~ )'ou're IlIck,. enough tn get her to go out with ~ 1111. She ~Olll\d~ plenty A.O.K.

l'(lllritirntial tn ALL TORN UP: Get off YOllr knec~. /:ii'l It',. had for your lIylons and 1I'0rse for your self-'r~I'r,'\. This is no way to g~1 a boy friend back.

.\rr you Irmptrd to smoke because the crowd doe~? If '''. ~rlld fm' .\XX LMWERS' booklet "Tcenage Smok­in~." rndo>ill~ wilh ~'oU\' request 20 cents in coin and A 1I1n~. ~r1f·mldrr'$cd elll'elope,

.\t n Landers will be glad 10 help )'011 with YOllr I'rohlem!', Srml Ihrm to her in care Canada Wide Fel' IIIHS. ~31 $1. .Iamr~ 51. Wesl, ~Iontreal, Que" enclosing • ~Iilmped. ~elf·addressed enl'clope.



M·G·M and CINERAMA present .. '!}IE " .'


..... _IM III lFONDDrm iii)IiJM


EYEi'\ING SHOWS: 6.30 - 9.00 ~IA TINEE: 1:30

AD~nSSION PRICES E\'enin~-Adults ....... .l.OO-Children , ....... 35c. ~Iatinee-Adults ........ 75c.-Children ....... ,25e.


. "1t '"



\ \

The Mature Parent



Dear Mrs. Lawrence: Ollr ll·year·old son and another noy recently got into trouble with a neighbor. While this man and wife were away. th,~y turned on his lall'n sprinkler and forgot to turn it ofr.

Our boy admitted what he did, but the allIer still lies about it and denics el'cn bcbg with him at the time,

What bothers me IS that my boy is still so upset by this. lIe keeps complaining thai it's IInfair his friend ha~ got away with a lie. while he had 10 tell the truth-

,~NSWER: Then he "hud" 10 Icll it. You fOI'ced him to lell the truth.

O,K lIis irl'itation is. I expeci. Ihe rcsult of this, Tdl. iug Ihe truth was nllt ilis choice, So nolV he is wrcslling with the pro and con of a con· fliel he wasn't allolVed III rc· soll'e fnr himself at Ihe lime yon decided it lor him-Io h usl 01' distrust the truth,

The only Wil)' I 1m 011' 10 (~'lr· rrd slIch a mislalie is to ad· mit it 10 the child. In admit· tin~ ollr appropriation of a decision Ihat belonged 10 him. we call also suggest Ihal his il'rilatioll is part 01 the indeci· risnll he has not slrugl:lccl through himself and say:

"Don't be afraid of bo)ing allgry. It's not easy to tcll the trulh. To be able to tell thc trllth means wc can sland letting other people knoll' \\'e are capable 01 doing something wrong. It means we hal'c stop. peel being afraid of being dis· appoinlmcnls 10. them, So ii's a hard Ihing to do, And people ~et mad before they decide to do it."

If children arc not perl11ll· ted 10 hammer out such moral choices Ihemsell'es, Ihe choiccs don't stand up.

Like your boy. thcy see the olher boy getting away with Ihe fals~hood. Ihe chealing 01'

sOll1e olher form of lyin~. Rnd inel'itably bcgin to enl'Y his ~uccess, They hegin 10 won· del' if they'rc stupid and the oilIer fellow smart. Be(!allsc we have spared them the Icn· sions, impatience and anqer illl'olved in the painful expo­sure of themselves as disap· pointing, their Irust 01 the tntth is never solidiI' rooted, And they may take p'ermanent refuge in cynicism-that laz)' evasion of our obligation 10 decide on what we believe in and what we don't.

This has not yet happened to your boy. His "upset" is evidence that he is still strug, gling toward decision on whal he believes in.


Color plays an imporlant role in our daily lives,· Since women spend sCI'eral h 0 u r 5

cach week in the kitchell, they need a cheery place in which 10 work, In selecting colors 101' the kitchen, either in .Ip. pliances. wallpaper paint, con· sider the exposure of the room.

.. .. .." .. . ~: . '. ";' ' .. :

'.", (: ,

'";''''' .

Holwell--Power Wedding Mr. and Mrs. George Holwell, following their wedding which was solomnized at st. Francis of Assisi Church, Outer Cove by Rev. R. A. st. ,John, The bride. Anne Mary, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Power, Outer Cove. the groom is the son of iVIr. and Mrs. George Holwell, Tm'bay Road. The bride was at­tended by her sisler Catherine as maid of honour, while her sister Mary Power and Doreen Holwell were bridesmaids. The groom was assbted by his brothel' Gerry Holwell as best man, while Keith Holwell and James Power ushered.

VvT e The Women IIY RUTH ~IILLE'fT

When a W()I\1H11 has warmlh mill charm, she adds a g1'0.1t deal 10 any occasion. shc makes fl'icnds \l'ith the Al'c"t· cst of casc ani I is ortcn c'nl'lcc! hy olitcr \\,(\\11en uccause a I her popularity.

Thc ,,:omen who elH'Y her would do well, II1stead, 10 cmulate her.

She Iikcs tn mect nell' pcople and 5h(\II'S il in sel'eral ways, Shc is fricndlv and interested at the first meeting. She rc· memhers the pcrson's namc, alHl gocs out of her \\'a~' 10 speak first the nexl'lime Ihey mee!. And she is always quick 10 inlroduce a nell' acquaint· ance to an old friend.

She lalks enollgh 10 put oilicr pcople at ease. but not cno\l~h so tll<lt she ever monopolizes the COI\I'ersation, When some· one clse is doing the talking she list ens wilh a responsive· ness that is hoth satisfying and flallering.

S\IC lallghs easil)" 50 Ihal thc litlle incidcnt someone clse lells' fOI' n laugh never falls flat.

OIhcl' women are comforl· ahle in her prcsence. for shc docsn·t trl' to outdo them. or give hers'elf a big build,"p,

She doesn't ~eem to need 10 always be right.

She Is as pleasant Bnd agree· able with women as she is with men.



Shc can make omall talk with Oll1.1'hody, It isn·t CSpl'·

ciall\' scinlill:ltin~-hllt it is fl'ielidly alld inlcrcsting illHI


;\'lll olle of the traits that 1I'0n Itrr tlie reputation for br· ing a delightful pcr~on is dif· ficult It, aequirc. ;\n,'flllc can dCl'elop warmth and kindncss if she carcs enough to work at il.

Opcn sandals are Ihe ollly kind a! shoes that make sense wIlen thc tcmperaturc reaches, 90. Any olher kind of foolwcar will be hot ano uncomfortablE'.

Alailners By 1I11LLETT

Two 9 a I swearing the sam e dress at a gathering can retreat: to the irrespective: corners and come out' smiling.. '

Milk Isn't For Vitamin C BY GAYNOR MADDOX

Q - Evcryone tells me I shOUld gil'e my children loods rich in vitamin C. Then why nutritionists urge me to gire Ihcm lots of pastcurizcd milk when I know that pasteurized milk is low in vitamin C?

t ,

Socia 1-Perso -Co lu mn-.,

UE'fUIINS HOME . Healher and Gregory Snow

who havc bcen spcnding a vaca· lion with their grandparents, Mr, and ~!rs. R, Snow. Torhay

, road. enplaned for Iheir homc, A-Dr, Philip L, White sec· Long Island, Ncll' York. on Aug,

rctal'Y of the Council on 27. Foods and Nutrition of T h c American ~!edical Association .. explains Ihat loday we do nol count on milk to prol'ide vita· min C, bul rely on many othcr foods for it. "Pasteurization dnes reduce thp. amount of vita· min C in milk. The ioss is estimalcd 10 bc ahoul 20 pCI' cent. "

He cOI,linucs. "Some pco,Jlc are unduly concerned about lhis In" of I'ilamin C ill thc diet and USC it as an argu· ment to condemn paslcllI'i. zatilln, This, of coursc. i s folly. Thel'c is no rp.a,on fill' conccl'n· wc simply rio not count 011 milk as a source of .. ilamin C, ~l1iny ()ther fonds pl'ol'id~ this nutricnt to (lUI' dirt, slich as cabba~e, citrus f,'uits, tomatoes. melons, her· rirs. hl'occoii, aspLlraguc;, Brl1~· sels sprouts. iUlil cmIiiflowcr, The hcalth henrfils of the milk pastc\lriwlion proccss far out· wcii!h Ihc di.'ad\'anta~cs 0 f small nulricnt loss,"

Q - please ~ive l11e ~Olllr p"actical adl'ire on how to selcct lop qualily peachcs,

A-Ripeness Is a dcsired charactcdslic of top qllaitt,v pcaches, Shoppers shollid not confuse ripencss with the de· )!rec of redness 01' "hlu,slt.' as this trait I'aries with t h c I'ariel)·. Some I'arieties are naturally redder than others.

lio check the background color or grollnd color, The hackgTOllnd color should b e whitish or yellowish. dcpendin~ nn whelher thc peach is white or yellow f1cshed. A ~rren hacki!round color indicates Ihat the peBch was immalure when picked. Immature pcac;,cs do not ripen well and often lack !laval'.

KI~D:,\ESS TO CI.OTIII:\G If you want your clothes to

last, YOII must lake care of them, As soon as YOII get home (or the evcning. put on a comforlable. robe and hang the clothes vou'l'e worn orcr t h P. showcr rack, Or on a clothesline, to air.

~liss Barbara LeDrell'. 293 LeMarchant road. left on ~[on· day past for Los Angeles. Calif., wherc she will residc with relatives [or an indefinile per· iod.

\'ISITING :llr, I and :I!rs, Alexandcr Mc.

Gowan and their 10111' children of Mahwah. New Jersey, motor· ed from !heir home 10 Wesley. .. illc. and on 10 st. John's. ar· ril'inl( here August 2~. They arc Ihe g~lests of :'[r5, ~Ir· Gowan's brother and ,isler·in. law. Mr. and ~Irs. Ford. 48 King's road. After 1; years' abscnte from the prol'ince. :III'S, :llcGowan ;s vcry impresscd with the pro;!rcssivc dwn;r' that she has ;;ern,

oj! III •


)Iiss Leone Din~wrll, ('01'11('J' Brook: ~liss Alice ~1. ~lurpl1)', Buchans: ~Ir and ~!rs. A. S. White. Taunton. ~Iass.: W. ~1. Gregory. Gno,c Bay; ~Ir. ~nrl

~Irs, Ross Rohinson. Gallant's: ~Ir, and ~Irs. R. W. DaullI. L~·n. brook. N,Y.; ~Ir, and ~Irs R.



rematntng to take advantage of the wonderful values in


. , . 11.\ I'I'\' IIIRTIID\t

lIapp\' hl','t'n I . I ~\" ,

:I[ar)' Sn(m I'or" 'I . . '~~a!. II ho celehrates htr :' rlay It)"al' \U"u. .. . 'I I'rfll\l nltJlnnll" Carol Anne ~;~ 'il fnelld, at her Pir;;,



The story behind Fleischmann'S

fast rising dry yea8t!


Cool colors 5 u c h as ihe blues and greens may be best if the kitchen gets bright sun· light. On the shaded !ide 01




m~~~~~ :Jus"!" /'ooK A"!"1I-1E GI?AIN~ IfJ ORDINARY YfAST: YOU



'Ihe house? Then use 1 i g h t? warm tones such as yellow or pink. .

CAPilli NEWFOllNDLAND'S FRIENDLY THEATRI _______ w _____ • ________ ___

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CCLUI.IBIA PICTURES ""'" 1'!!!~!P'!'",,'f'P.!j DhVID SUSSKlIID _,.






" ,


FAsn:~ RI5ING.







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Today . Bullelin

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·""1'1I,\\" Aug. 281h.

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(i.ll3-Xationnl Ncws Ii. Hl-Sports Ii,~ll-:\,C\\'s

Birthday lO.3U-NclVs Headlines lO.3t-The I\Icrv Russell Sholl' 10.40-The Jolly Miller Contest 10.45-The 1IIerv Russell SholV lO.55-NelVs and Wcather Il.Oa-Thc Gary Parr SholV 1l.30-News Headlines ll.31-Thc ;<,Ierv Russell Sholl'

'1l.55-News and Weather ! 12.00-The Merv Russell Show

li.:H1-Dick ERrl Club 93 7.t10-Ncws Highlights i,OI-Dick Earl Club 0:1 n.On-Jamboree 1I.30-National ;';C\\'S

n.31-.Jamborce !JJtl-NeIl'S Highlighis P.!l1-:-Ifld. Soirce !J,4:i-:-IClVs

III tlO-News Highlight~ PJI. 1!1.tll-:-ialional Ncl\'s 12.30-Ncws and Weather IlU5-l'irk Of The Pops 12.35-The i\lcrv Russell Sho\\' ItlA5-Srort~ 12.45-Fi,hel'men·s Forecast 1ll.5il-Lrltcr, ant! ~Icssagcs 12.48-The i\!erv Russell Sho\\' I \,I'O-i\c\\'s Highlights 12.55-Ncws and Weather I 1.01-)lu~ic in the Night l.OO-Ncws Summary 1:!,tlO-Ncll's HighligbtH 1.l5--World Of Sport l:!.i1;;-~ltl>ic Ir. The Nir:ht 1.20-The Merv Russell Show I:!.:W-Nc\\" 1.30-News I:!.:l:l. -:'Iu.-Ie In Thl' :-light 1.35-Transporlalion Rcport 1.00-N"1I'5 In A jlinttlc and Travel Guide 1I11 .. 1~II~cn and Sign Off 1.38-The )Ierv Russell Show

.. _ .. __ .. ____ I.:Ul-The Gary Parr Show

v 0 C M Dial 590 .n:ll:>iESll.\ Y. Aug. 2Hth,

- - --------_._-- ,

;\ ~\ H.~tl-SH!n On li.:hl-Nc\l'S and Weather li.::.>--Th,' lIil: Allan Show IiAll -~Inrning ~Icdilatlun liA3- World Of Spor' ti !ill-TIl:' 1Ii11 ,\ll1n Show (i,55-:-icws nnel Weather ~.t:tI--'l'hc 11,:1 Alilln Show i.IJ- World 01 ::iPOrl i.2tl-Thl' Bill Alian ShuI\' 7.:\5-Tran~portallon R~port ;,:lll-The Bill Allan Show i.43- World Ot Sporc ;.50-Thc Bill Allar. Show 7 .r.;j-:,\ C\\'5

n.lft-HCW '1'0\\,('1 Torbil~' c \\'<'alll!', Heport t

a,lI:I-1'>cws (~ationall n.lIIl-Thc Ilill Alliin Show n I5-Spllrt~ Capsule tl.lB-The Bill Ailan Show

2.00-Ncws Headlines 2.o1-Prizes & Problems,

On Parade 2.~{)-Ncws Headlines 2.31-Prizes & P"oblcms

0!.1 Parade 2.55-News and Weather 3.00-Bob Cole Show 3.30-News Hcacliines 3.31-Bob Cole Show 3.55-News and Weathcr 4.00-Boh Cole SholV 4.30-News Headlines 4.31-11oh (ole Show 4.55-Ncws and· Weather 5.00-Supper ,Club 5.30· -News Headlines 5,:Il-Suppcr Cluh 5 40-Robcl't Goulet Show 5:4,j--Fishermen's Forecast 5,4B-Supper Club 6.00-Bulletin Hoard 6.l2-i'iio\'ic News !l.lil-World Of Sport Ii 30-I~uriy I!:vening New,

iloundup 7.0:)-Fleis~hmann·5 Riddle

a ~:i'-:'\I!\\,S and \\'callJcr 7.J5-Shillelagh Showlime II.III-ilit 'J'IIIW UI The Day 7.30-News Headlines :: :15-- \\'111'111 01 Spurl 7,31-llack '1'0 The Bible n.~tl-'I'hc Ui/i Allan Show R.IW-News I\cacllincs H.~:;-:'\c\\'s anll Wcallwr 8.01-CI·C31ll Of Thc Crup, !],llll--I'urtall Ul Prayer News anel WCl1thcr !llla-The Uill Allan Shuw I ((1.~5-\\'()rld or Spurl Il.:!ll-News H~'lIlhncs HUl5-News 11:1' -Thl' Bill Ailan Show I Il.OU-ItCA/<' Towc!r 'rorba)·. n,45-What's That Song I Weather Hepor!

Contesl II.U2--11ig Top Ten n,~Il-Thc Bill Allan Show tl.30 --News Hcad1ine~ \lU,;;-Stor~ Chlh 11.31-The Night Sho',\', In.IlR-Thc Men' Russell Show 1'>ews and Weather 1O.2~--Anni\'crsary and l.05-Sign orr .. _-_ .. - ---_ .. _._------ ---.--

State Flowers i ACROSS ~6 Varnl~h

I 1 "Xutmc~ Slate" Ingredient floller 49 rtowcr of

7 \'crmont !lower lIawall 1 .. In~cr 52 Game

,1 droit 53 Charm 1 cmplre Slale" (i4 Sailor

'1wer fi6 AppellatioM 1 - l1eauly 57 Gasoline t)'pe l':~;~ian Inlilan DOWN 'othlng 1 Uodecancse • 'nls 1.land

'Ie name 2 Soon 21 'rallahaos'ee '1' ~ Conslcllation flo',I'er

,·nn.free ·1 ScolllEh ~2 ,\011l311y .. , ,:all yard 23I'a!;~ .

• ::·ing wlncs 5 For example 24110m,n robe .. return (ab.) 25 Wolfhound ~ 'Joil. Slate" 6 'rllt~ ~6 Uorsal bones

wer 7 IIIndu disciples 26 Fold Ivar.) ~ :ltro\1cd 8110usehotd god 2911a\1 CSp.) . • "ng 300reenland ~ , Esl;lmos " ;'fc~crates 3111yperhollc

1.1 lunctlon

38 Rodent 41 Rapid (music) 42 Small 1"1; ,13 Douceanc,.

Island HTouchon 46 Tlhelan prie,t 47 Bay

4' ,'I Intnlaw r.:-~,;;;:;;,~~~~

, I

-_. ---_ .. _---- \

C J I) N· TV , _~~!'D~ESlIAY, Aug. ~:~~'_II

4.25-}'astor'il Study 4,30-Scarleit lIill S.OO-Vacatlnn Time 6.00-Cartoon carnival 6,30-Thc World Of SllOrt 6,40-Ne1l'S Cavalcarlc 7,OO-Wagon 'Crain S.OO-Loral News S.IS-Natiollal News S,30-To Tell Tite Trllih 9,OO-Arthur Haynes 9,30-illy Three Sons

IO,OO-Front allli Cenlre lO,3D-Ben Casev n,30-News illagazlne 12,30-News allli Weather 12.40-Pastor's Study 12,45-Slgn Off

.. WI'N (fl/~~ A' T'

I ~1~~ I 1:I~it~t BRIDGE . ~ ~ j


lIy OSWALD ,lACOIlY Somc players nere!' false·

carel. Others false·eard cvcry time they get a chance. The winning technique lies somc­where in bc·twcen. In addition therc arc m:lny occasions when a falsc·card is downri~ht silly,

South eoncealcrl his nice cluh suit ill thc hid ding and when West got orr to a club lead tbings lookecl hright in· dccd. Ea~t played the nine and South promptly false-carded himself right out of game and ruhber.

South won with lhe nee of clubs. led the nine Of dia­monds ancl finessed. East took his king and looked around for thc right I cad. A club return appearcd hopeless. Obviously West had no[ led from either quc8n.jack·ten or king·clucen· jUl·k·ten of dubs so South was marked with at lenst the ace· king·queen of that suit. A ~oadc shift did not luok vcry ;!ood either, hut tlte heart suit showed cEslinct pus'ilJilitie~. Ea:;t le(l the two of hearl~.

Smlth's j.lck lost to Wesl's quecll ilnd the ace droppcd his king A third heart lead g,l\'C j<;ast tricks with thc Icn Hnd eight and left IHlOI' South high lind dry on the rOl·ks.

If South lHld simply \l'on the first elub with the jacll EilSl 1I'0uid haw had a tuugh pro·

I ~)~~.I!l; ,:'~1,~ .. 11::'~.~" ();, .. :J.~lbs le:I~~


• Q 10 n ., 9 0 5 3

• AQJO ",74



• K 7 3 .,AQ7 • B-t ~ ,,010 n 5 ~:


., 10 R 42 • K53 ..,06

.1 I


.A81 IIIU • IU 9 7 ",AKQJ2

B"lh vulnerable

, I

~nlllh Wcsl Norlh f.2st 1 N.1.'. p,,~;;

~~ • 1"':~~:1 a L.T. }Ja:;::


O~Cllil1g Ical1-'" 3

Pa!:'s l'a~.: Fa, .. ,

uest frulll a suit headed lJy ace· qucen·ten or even ace-king·ten. In either of those cases a club

I return would bc Ihe winner and East would surely have made it whereupon South would romp home.

To get :,onr copy of ... ·un at Brldgr." just Hend your name, address, IlUd 50 celltll to Os·

'wahl Jael~i>y Reaier Service, care Daily News, P.O. Box 48D, Dept, A" Ra~:' City Station, New Yorl: lf', N,Y.

CARD SENSE Q-Thc bidding has been:

East SOllth West North 1 + 1. Pass 2N.T. Pass 3. Pass 3 N.T. Pass ?

You, Soulh, hold:.' ,2 .• AQJ765 +4 .AK987

What do you do? A-Bid four hearts, Your

hand crl(,s out for play In a suit.

TODAY'S QUESTION Again :East has opened one

diamond. You, South, hold: IIAQ87 .AK65 +3.108

63 What do you do?

Answer Monday

1'iIE D.\ILY NEWS, ST, JOH!,\'S. l:E'.':FOrXnLA~:n, AUGUST 23, lCS~-·q .



. ' ,


Ii; ,., ...... r.

"Gce whiz! I just asked Pop's boss if he'd bring soma . salt from~he .. m[~,e he r.uns!'~ ..


~.-'"::-"i/:"":- .... ~ ... 1 -"'-,1 ~

~: :. ~,~;;"r ,,:",' MR.GON.J3A,TOMMY MI5';ES~~1 0

"~ ",~ PANCHO. IlUY 7H~ lCO .:.J: . ". ANOTHER BURRO.1H"N T~J<g, ;

10MW AND PANCHO ElACI'- .: " 10 'lHg COUNTRY. ., i




• ~ I • , ..


~ .~' z



liE NE::CS 11'10 THINGS. TIl"

Ft\/A1L!AR SURROUt~O!t~GS Ht=. t CVES ••. ANP SetAE HO.~ESTY FRet,\ yeU!



'(ou NEED To BE BETTEi<- PROTcc.Teo







"" .. ~ . . .. -. "'-.. ....... " .' 1'" •. ,. r,;""" >. '"

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BY V. T. 1!t\\IUN



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. ,

Page 10: ,~T~CT OUR All Motors THE DAILY NEWS I,' 'K Nova Ltd.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19630828… · THE DAILY NEWS All forms III Insurance ... Dinh Diem has

. ,

, '.

.. .


Acet)'lcne and i.~ .. Electr'ic Weldin~

Contractors Sllpplics.


HEAP & PARTNERS (NFLD.) Ltd. WirinG Materials, Wire anCi

Cnllles, Motors, Starters,


Contrac~ors tIS' ENGINEERING a;TD, .. I & FOUNDRY Lamps. Switche,. I,l/lhting

,CO., LTD,.; ECixtures. aIr, '

Topsail Rd. llial 9·5099 We slleciahze in Wash Ins,

Simonizing, Greasing. T.V. Service

SERVICE TV Phone 8·6865

Day or night.

For your Building Re· quirements, Paint and


I "",,,' LHAl 8·508B ·'~O i ;. Buildin~ ~Iaterials ,5lrrl 5ra!foldll1g ('rn~mcntnll

.~ Sprl~a.l.le 51. Dial 11·203: Open tlaily 7.30 a.IO.-12 p.m

Wm, Sinnott, Service Station ~Ianaj!er. WEST END



• ( . . ! Iron RalHnGs, Cllain Llnlt Fenc·

~HESTER DA WE LTD.; ing, He·llIrorcl,,!: Steel, elc. 1 James R. Tucker ltd, 1

~ Far all your I\ulldlng I 27 Sprinl1dale St Rr.m;_~!rolI'BI

Complete servidng - Large stucks of accessorics always

available. ------_.-----Trucking



;' • Rtqu!rrmcnts. \ ALL SALES 1-1 •

~·.,rs.Ul nil. - SHAW ST'I EQUIPMENT AND Electrical Fixtures Open daily from a a.m.

to midniGht. ------._--FRED SHEPPARD'S

Must . 9.1171 i CONTRACTING 1.. TO. _______ i Generai Contractors, Enginrw, and Supplies

Equipment R~ntals.


TRUCKING Bonaventure Avc., St. John' !

EMERSON 1111:11 nn! Salt! and

j\!I;h0rjzE~ 1)11\11)\,[, SF.RI'IQ

For ali T\', .. TOPSAIL ROAI>. Well Dr'IIII'ng

pnOSES: 92000, 9·2009.

(Jim Harvey, Prop.) leMarchant Road

DIAL 8·6056

Local ard 10M distance. • ' Vans, Stake, Dump, Pick·up and

Crane Trucks for hire. ;

THI': l'E."TR.\L I\.\UBER ~llllr-We arc now upera\. Ull: \0 chain. you t3.n be &$Su~ (II prompt. e(ficl' tnl. 1..&Dllary SCM'lrc N~ nlllnl: problem. :!4 New l,I,\\rr :;'rrr! I,"pusl!e Ade· blrlt l.lolors LId. R

----------------1 ___ B_a_ke.~' ___ I


Best by "Taste.f~it':'. Baked Sy .'\'.



r.L\ll\,'S OE.WT\' S!lOt'PE cor Blind ~nd I'rr~cl111 ~ts. r~,\nc tH!I:>l-Il-'iSgll. SpC"I' Ill:Inl: In cold WJI'lng, hair Jtyll:\~, CUlling and tililing, r.U:lh·urm~. [ari~L. ric, 14 "rrralon. no lI'alting.


Dry Cleaners


For the Fastest most efficient Dry-Clean­ing and Shirt Service. Ph: 98017 • 98020

Dm~ Stores ---~I. CONNORS Ltd.

Prcscriptlon9 Pickup and dcllvcry s~rvice.

PHONE 8·2206

·Elect. Services

Cit·)' Electrical Co., Ltd.

(Electrical Contractors) Electric Repairs, to

Ranges, etc. PHONE 8·3767 .86 Casey Street


.' The hll1owill~ offiec space is available: for rC'ntnl. orcupalle\· Septe111 bel' lst:

Executive Suite-Four Offices-1116 sq. ft.

Single Office and Storage Room 360 sq, ft.

Single Office-320 sq. ft.

Accessible from both Water Street and Duckworth Street. Vault facilities avail­ahle if required,

Phone Mr. Mason 8.2121 or write Box 1330, St, John's, Nfld,


Phone 85171 jy3,U



Pianos and Organs




Uellresentilll; the world's finest' Hardware-Sporting Goodll.

Dial 8·2109. Tires R~5. 8·6021£ I



L. G. ' T:.

(",r. fl'r,llWall,' J:li1.\IJeih

93279 jhtli.lm!h Pianos and Organs. I

Plate, Safety, Sheet Glass, ST, .JOIIN'S 1Ir.. GRACE. HARRIS & HISCOCK


SCOTS TAXI-Daily from SI. John's to Bona\'isla, Bonal'ista to .'it. John's. St. John's call 8·2352; Catalina call 5555, 5336, 4

' B~llIrlror nnbd nPdleXDlgl lalss9· 369" Dial9·ml Dial 5075 \ :LTD. a ae tnlars . a . ~!' - PHOPAr-~E GAS-- i 169 Water St. Phone 8·735~ jne19,lmth


Waler strc(! DIAl 8·2658 84123


Dependablc Fire Insurnncl, Prompt Claim SetllrmenL~,

DIAL 8,7035

CROSBIE & CO., Ltd .. t\g~nts for



Service Station.


Cor. n1arkll1arsh Rd. amI A!b~ny Street. Phone 9·4880.

'fires, Tubes, Accessories, I.ubrication, Washing. See Pete (or a job compl~.~.

CAR RAD'lO SALES We can install n new radio in nny car from $55,00 up

Jack's Radio Shop

71 Long's Hill I'll ONE 8·7<148




APPLIANCES DIAL 8·3001 to !I·3005


Pick.up and Delivery Service Kenmount Road, Dial B3331

Well Drilling -~----.----

We Repair Shoes all Makes and Sizes. 1

Reasonable Rates.




AT$edow~ S. W. SHORT


WATER Jan28,ly


I~.a-I' Hamilton Hott~1 I 123 - 125 Hamilton Ave'i Caterin.g to Permanent I

I and Transients. For reo


I WANTED-Experienced I:irl i to Jive in ~Iust ha\'e reo ! ferences. Phone 9·202.l

~\I:lI\11i3·.·.m[! in Indian:·; Tyll:. T('~ lIorsl'hrad" XI'.


DIAL 9-0011-2-3-4

Prompt Delivery On • STOVE OIL



Home Repairs





Call 867872

Wm. Grouchy 59 l~ield St. - 867872 aug12,lmth

i servations Please dial

8 .. 5636


and all the trimmings for Carnivals, Parties. Garden Parties, Fairs, etc. Plush and Stuffed Toys a Sp~c.

Rugl ii.lmlh ialty.

I , ! \\" ANTED-Immediately are· I Iiahle girl or woman to do , light housekeeping and help

eare for smail cbild. Inter· ested parties please phone 930492.

------- '11 PATItlCK STREET Attenllol'on Woodstock Cottage l i WANTED-Comics, ll1agazinr,

PHONE 8·4815 ! pocket nOl'el" violins, guit· Club Limited jlylOlmth 3 Salesmen Wanted 1 ars, good shates and boots.

WOODSTOCK TOPSAIL i ,John D. Snow, 9 Kew Go\V· Phone 7.2314, Long Pond National Companl' with offices: er Street. jne19,lmth.

}\xchange, St h coast to coast, opening branch Woodstock Dining Room and enograp er in Slk·IJohnA's. 1:-linin1l\1\l S135.00 :LENDEU TABLETS: Aid you Coffce Bar will r~opcn Augnst Required wee y. pp lcants must be 10 retain a Slender figure. 30th. We ext<'IHI a cordial in. 21 or over, be neat, own car, 0 b

. . " and have grade 8 or betIcI'. For .,2.00 a ottle of 100 tablet; l'l!ahon to. ~Ilr gllests and .,. Bl' Fisheries Research Board . t + II 'I S Orders mailed c.o.d. JOI1:\ friends 10 I·ISII. \\'e 'lol'e to I d' J l' . appolII men. en ., r. .lI'orin, D

I f C'[\" a at St 0 1n s Dlltles • I . . SNOW. 9 New Gower St.. . t' tl h' I I I f 0 "" ,. . ., Kenmol1nt Mote 9·4031 11 am' maIn ,lin Ie \[11 stam arc 0 h' I I I ,.. St John's catering that \Voo;!sl, 'k h d I to ha~dle stenogrnp IC an.d to 12 H.m.-7 p.m. to 8 p.m. . ,

. )c a typewntlen work of the Umt I aug27 28 I (1m) ,~II.1oyed for so many years. 1 Chief and scientific staff and; , ---------- CII\\UTiIl\ ,. Ihank YOll for I'{)ur patronage. Iff' t' f U .( ~---I UVESTOCK F'OR S,\LJ.: I, PUU\TlI .. ·

QualificatIOns, Grade XI, busi' Can SIIETLANIJ PONY COl.TS, 1 T' .,:'Th~ PEARl. SAINT JOHN. genera o. ICC 1'OU Illes 0 m.. I .

aug2i1,Hi '\ I . I" I'll ~ .. .... _ ~.~.. ~ ... _~~.~.~.~ ncs.~ course, minimum two Registered- SI25.00. Ernest I ' .. """: ." .. ;,;',

, Wc)odstoc:k Coftoge Club Limited'

Dining Room and Coffee Bar

. Sid Phillips, P, O. Box ~,02 ',Ie·" , c"l" \11': ..•.. years experience. a ary, c· Accommodate ' I'" 1"·,'''1'·, pending upon qualifications, to Fredericton, N.B. "" '" ,,". ',.".

.. I allg2~,101' I ,v·;'.'.'· 1;, ',1I:h .11 '.' '. hegin at some POInt In Eca c -$3150 to $3600. Appointment B d f"r "\ !.ur. . at lowcr level if 1\0 [ully qnali· oar ers NOTICE' (,fl\\ECTfO~ ; fled' candidate offering. I .'i:nHfE Apply in writing to Fisheries In a' private home. II '1':';,,,\ "The (,ri": Research Board Canada, Unit Herhert Sherrill wants to c(Jn~ St .1,"'11'; !~III ;:

OPEN August 30th Cllier. Technological Unit, st. Interested parties (act woman whose maiden name' ,\,;::",' 28th Wi:! ' CATERING TO:- .Tohn's, giving fuil name and ad- was Laura Acreman. $20 rc. ti'"1 ,,' I.(.";.'p'r:€

Business ~Ien's Luncheons dress, age, marital stahls, edu- Phone 8-49112 ward. Contact Herbert Sherrill lIul'l'd,:" ['n GrHl 3 Course A La Carte cational qualifications working at 802 Oliver Ave., Indianapolis. rkr.

AFT~RNOON :rEAS I experience. names and' addresses !E,diana, U.S.A. aug28 : ('O\\I:rTlII\ . Spec131 cold dmne~'s-3 course of two references, including that FOR SALE : ,\ItY ~orTlI roW A L" Carte, lIot dmner orders. o[ n teacher. Include with ap- P k' V· H : TO ~.I~[1

Stauke,n by booking. plication certified COpiES of a r lew ·ote I "l'r,,'I' ·ne (H:;;'· NDAY SPECIAL Grade XI and husiness !;chool In good condition ,: .I"hl\·' 12:[11 p~.

Family lunches and dinners, marks. Applications accepted 118 MILITARY ROAD 'I'll'! ~9th wiil" . Children under 12 years of age up to September 10, 1963. ONE GIRLS BICYCtr: 'VI ha If price. ahg27,28,30 : lere people go by choice not C '\11 ,,: I'l1r: a~\ .

'SPECIAL DINNERS: Size 22 1 hy chance, excellent accommorl· .. i \. T,l\.'r!lnr ~.; Steaks, Roast Duck or Salmon Steaks or any extra special din· ners guests require can be ar· ranged by calling: MUS. PEARL SAINT JOnS,

Phone .............. 72313 Long Pond Exchange

ALSO Banquets, Wcddin;:s, etc,

Booking~ one week in ad\,Hllce. ~lanagcment wish to. assure

gnests that all food is home· made. aug23,14i,cod

FOR SALE: I alion. Bedrooms, wall to wall COO) ~"'l,h l'J"

ONE BOYS BICYCLE carpet, adequate bathroom :,"1"".' FLEMING STREET Size 24

Off BONAVENTURE AVIlNUE Ideal family home with dining Ca II 92412 room, living room, 3 hedrooms'j bathroom. modern kitchen, oil allg28 furnacc, hardwood floors. Jo'ree· __ . ________ _ hold property. Greatly l'cdIlC~ cd (or quick sale.

TOPSAIL PONt) 6 acres of land, going at BARGAIN.

:' TRA'fjE,<Upt,':: ...,. -" '

• l.· ~ > ), •

I facilities. Ideal location situat cd on Bus route. • )0'1\ 1::1 GilT I .

T I h 8 2557 I I"r"i~ht f\l( S'. ." e ep one - 1 ncr Br\lo" srrri:,., ,.

311g15,lmth,eod in~ ri, ,I .l~"', ~orlhrrn 1:"ll~rr ~I.

MOTOR CARS will hr ,(('<,plre!;' ..

Frri~hl 1.'. aC, ~"l Ra i 1'1"." Frrl~hl ,·~w nn Grrcn 1l1)" J ..

" 13rar.ICI order 10.' .

Plaza Bo-vvl Effective September 1, All Summer Reservations Will Be Null and Void.


Modern 3 bedroom Bungalow, lar~e Jiving room, dining room, modern kitchen, oil furnace, hardwood f1oo~s. Spacious grounds. This property has to be seen to be appreciated. Re· dueed in price.


a new MERC 60, 6 Ill' MERe 110 , 9:8 HI' MERC 200, 2D HP MERC 350 , 3S HI' MERe SOD, SO HI'

=='1'" MERC 650 , 6S HI' MERe 850 , 8S HI' MERe 1000 ,100 HP

Trade In your ,ii . on 3 1963

MERCURY .nd I ~=~ neW boat.

Only MEReU RY gives you whisper·quietJet·Prop exhaust.

• by trip of )!.\. substitute.1 .

ber 4th, frcl~h~h; Uaiiwa)' FCi'I, 'V} • fN LOVE WITH A



\ 1'1',1 ,. 5,00 p.lll. : 1,·-

Enjoy the fame~ service and I.·' the

i . Fall and W'inter Reser­wations Are Now Being Ac~epted.

GODSON'S IIOTEL Furnished or unfurnished. Ap· proximafely 100 acres of land. Going at n BARGAIN. DOMINION BUILDING


xxxx ~ ~xx~ gxx ~XX~ x XXXX X f I ~xxx ~ ~ 2 X

DIAL 97339

.. • • ',' -I 'I~' ... .~. :,

~t!. _:'

. ".s. ~".! ''. \ "



. Chester Dawe B1d~., I P.O. Box 414, st. John s, Shaw Street, phone 8-4152.





eWSpaper SERIES ~

I N 28 ·11 23 3D 15 31

37 33 42 3.5


claim Bingo Phone on the day

Kin -I

Wm. L. TAlI





WAREHOl Central W ntcr


F. M. O'LI Tcl. I


T.V. REI OUr Service Dep

40 hour wee OV ... I';~_ profit slu

plan etc.

Apply in


369 WATl


FOR ,ulll",II.W_oOdworkcrs It

of two 28' x 1 l( 70', kitchen a[

. soUd lnalde PII . :ltb PlUmbing fi:

'Uunallln,,,d,.II'.1 located ( In ladltlol

h water pumplr hOllie, &eneratol

l ~1IIe Ire lncludl Ill' Plclty to feee

11\ alld II' It pre Wlttl

equlPlnent In

Page 11: ,~T~CT OUR All Motors THE DAILY NEWS I,' 'K Nova Ltd.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19630828… · THE DAILY NEWS All forms III Insurance ... Dinh Diem has

, \ " .

" \


BINGO paper SERIES No. 78

I N G 0 " I, ·m 69 -.. ;~~ ) ~\) i1 67

:~ \ ·w 70 .- oj 1 61 • I ,

" 5·[ 74 . ~. , ,I~ (iO 63 .,- 50 65 ."




;:"1 Singo Phone 8-7269 by 10 p.m. ~n thl' dCly published.

~ Kin - Help Kiddies





, \:,,,': l~,IAl'\l(l1l1 will be op~n from r .; :", :.1 \ ~ :00 noon and from

: \ ..... :,,1:\1(1 1'.11\. on THURSDAY ;' rl\\p \' .\\l\!\\st 29th and 30th. '. ""," :\\",1 Til'S and Crests may ... ','"


anc! \\ \l\Flllll1SE SPACE

l·~nlt.ll Waterfront Location, .\pph-

f, M. O'LEARY LTD. Tl'1. ~-2119


T.V. REPAIRMAN ... :: ~\': \ lIt' Dqlartment. Benefits in­:,':~ -l\) 11,\111 wrrk. time and half for :,::;r. rr"tit ~llO\rin~ plan, hospitall .. " ( , ~',t1 f:~'.

\ i'l''' ill pel'son to:




FOR SALE I. ~"l~ I\' . ~~:., ~"':I\,'rkm insulaled pinel construction, ":i'~ ~;, \"'\ ~S' :< I~O', two storey bunkhoum, (,.\ • . IlI'h~n and ona 24' x 96' dining hill ~ ~~~~d ilUi~~ patti lions. Dul\dlngs Irc com: __ U4 \llumbln~ flxhltCS, hot air heating' &ys­~:it:' l~al~d on 12 x 12 Umber crib

, In add Ilion, one Vulcan V·III boiler I "lln ' ~ pumping and chlorination system, ~ '. Etntrlror hOUle, pump houl. and

l ~Ia~ Included In this offer. The' camp IIta 1114 I)~ to feed and bouse Ipproxlmately;

at prfJent hlj:lted In Bile Verte." u Water transport I. Ivalllbte;,-

I'q I"lnen! and power ,enerator Irt Jlol, '

WRESTLING Stadium-Thursday Night


Tag Team-Two of Three Falls








Two of three Falls-45 minute time limit.


Referee-Tiger Tasker.

Tickets on sale at the Stadium on Thursday at 9:00 a.m.



Shorthand and typing essential.

Apply BOX 647 cloTHE DAILY NEWS aug28,30scp3

R.C.Ai ~.'.' P~.Af i


R.C. Anthony Insurance Ltd. Imperial Oil Bldg. Elizabeth Avenue

TEL. 9-5079

WANTED-by the Amalgamated Regional High School, Corner Brook, Newfoundland,

ACADEMIC TEACHERS for subject teaching in grades 9, 10 and 11. One physical instructress for girls and one physical instructor for boys. Apply:

MR. W. C. ROBBINS, Principal. weds,fris,jul,.

1963 Newfoundland' Agricultural

& Homecrafts


is now available

Write, or telephone No. 8·2411 for a cc:'9Y

To: EXHIBITION MANAGER, St. John's Memorial Stadium,

St. John's lug28,30

. ,

THE PAILY ~EWS. ST. JOON'S. Np;_WFOUN.I;lLA~D, AU,GUST 28, 1963-11 .

¥ B. P. O. ELKS

ST. JOHN'S LODGE 245 Special entertainment for Elks

and their guesls, WEDSESDAY, AUGUST 28th, 9 P.M.


Stenographer ~anted Typing Essential

Shorthand and experience preferred hut not essential.

COLONIAL ·SALES CO., LTD. Telephone 82208

NOTICE On sale by tender the M.V. Louisa George' moored at Burgeo, Built in 1946,

Dimensions: Length 66 feet, breadth 22~~ feet, depth 9~~ feet. Registered tonnage 66 tons. Powered with an 88 H.P. Kelvin Diesel Engine built in 1952, installed in Louisa George in 1957.

Equipment: Ship to shore Radio, used, one year.

Deck Hoist, Light Plant, two anchors and chain, One dory.

Tenders will be. received up to September 30, 1963. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Interested parties contact:


P. O. BOX 418 Olug2B



REMOVAL NOTICE The St. John's Adult Education Centre has been moved to the Government of Newfoundland Adult Education Head­quarters, Fort PepperrelI, Building No, 567 (formerly the High School), Telephone Number: 8-2040,




WHEN TO REGISTER: Grade XI Students-Sept. 3, 4, 5-from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Grade IX, X,Elementary-Sept. 9, 10, 11-:­from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Art-September 18 and 25-from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.


COURSES OFFERED: Elementary. Art-Basic Fundamentals, painting in oih and water colors.

Grades IX, X and XI-English,. Mathe­matics, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Foreign Languages. .

FEES: Elementary-no charge. High School and Art Students, full year $10,00,

High School Students, half ·year-$5,OO. To be paid at registration.

P. J. HANLEY, Deputy Minister of Educatie'n.





(At Gonzaga High Schc)ol) USUAL PRIZES - DOOR PRIZE $100

There will also be a Sale of Home-baked Goods.


, •




All Athletes participatin~ in the Meet are requested to be on the Field by 10 a.m· Team Coaches should arran~e to have ,. their Athletes at the Portugal Cove Ferry ~

I h -, by 8:15 a.m., in order to trave on t e ~ John Guy leaving for Bell Island at. ;;. 8:45 a.m. ::!


Preliminaries for the 100 and 220 yar.d ii-~ dashes, both Senior and Juvenile will be ~ held in the morning should the number ,"1

of entries warrant, ,~ ~

The Hammer Throw, Senior, and the Discus Throw, both Senior and Juvenile, will, in all probability be held ill the mornin~. aug28

HOMES ~ . it: rt'

FOR SAlEj , ~

REDUCED ,,,r~ ~;::

McNElLY STREET '~~ ~,)~

For the family who are looking for above the :;; average home. This could be it. This fine split;!: level has 4 bedrooms, large living room with .... I fireplace. Ample dining room, built·in kitchen, -, , hardwood and tile £Ioors, cast iron baseboard :! : radiation heat, also suitable for a small apartment :: or recreation ane! study area and landscaped in ~ front. Frechold land. ~


N'EW COVE ROAD Here is a fine family homc. This wcIl kept 2 storey has 4 bedrooms. living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, 2 fireplaces, hardwood and tile floor!. Furnace heated. Fenced and landscaped. This home is priced for quick sale.

TORBAY ROAD 2 apartment Bungalow, dwelling has 3 bedroom!, Ii ving and dining room, built·in kitchen, and bath· room hardwood and tile floors, ample closet spac •• Furn~ce heated. Apartment has 2 bedrooms, livinl room kitchen and bathroom. Landscaped front , and rear. Freehold land.


f ~ ~

i ~ p. ~

~. ~ ~ a, '. ~ ~. ". :"' "

QUEEN'S ROAD ~ Excellcnt 5 bedroom. 3 storey dwelling. This is a j" fine family home or suitable for a boarding house, , this home has living and dining room. kitchen and_, batbroom, linoleum floors. This hom'c is in ~xcel­lent condition and must be !cen to be appreciated. \' Call our office for appointment to view. i

FOREST ROAD If you are lookIng for an investment, this COUld. be the property for you, 2 storey, 3 apartment dwelling. 2 apartments have 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom, 3rd apartment has one bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom. THIS HOME IS SELLING AT A BARGAIN.




· • • • · l Here is a fine dwelling, located on the flin.gc area of the city. This home has 3 bedrooms, livmg and ; dining room, kitchen and bathroom, hardwood and ' tile floors full concrete basement. Furnace .heat- I ed. Freehold land, landscaped. Large paba In : rear garden. •


Excellent block of l~nd fronting ?n the~once~tlon Bay HIghway and measuring 140 x 500. Thl! Is an excellent buy at an asking price of'only $1.500. Call our office for further particulars.

" !

t' :;.' ;' , , ' ,. I

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Page 12: ,~T~CT OUR All Motors THE DAILY NEWS I,' 'K Nova Ltd.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19630828… · THE DAILY NEWS All forms III Insurance ... Dinh Diem has

i ~ \ , I I

i , I


\ I

I, t


, cr row pr no S47\~ 47\, 171i C Mall'onl 125 100 400 1~0 crR 2025 $32 3P'4 32 + % Cdn Pr.t rr 575 Slori 10~~ 10i~ - III

C Vlck,rs 280 210 20 20 - 1\

AT THE'Ii========~

I~&!!!:-=tf! ~~N TAR-lIME~CEMfNI Cent Pel Coo MS

100 740 710 740 950 527 27 27 ~o S42\, 12'.. 42\\

TORONTO . Manol.. liS 2000 U 15 IS Quonto Marln~o 2MOO 81, 8~ 8~ RanGer

29000 22 '0 2n -I 700 130 IJO 130 500 10') 103 103

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33,62 36,51 5.11 5,59 6,89 7.~3

1O,3a 1l,39 1,64 507

42,3 41 n 5.82 6,40 9,05 9,92 7.53 8.25

10.28 11,21 2 .iO 4,11 3,51

19,10 18,Ot 6,94 4,82 4,51 6,3 I 5,49 1i.51 3,6S 9,27 7,Q2 4,71 1266 384

5,3R 1,.11 1.4,30 4,9d 902 458 5,61

10,69 8,09 539 7,5. 6.20 6 15 4,52

4,85 3 ~5

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]:iD 521 21 21 150 ~31 31 ~I 400 ~J03~ :l"'~ 3U'1I _ 1':1;

1680 521' :1, 20 l R Z(lt".t ,~

Robert F. :\Iarx ", 6.25 TIlE GHEAT

sn ! till. 471'1 471~ - ;/4

SO SIl21 t. 62"1 621,.

2375 ~12 IP~ t11Jt _ 1~ .202S SlOTi '0'2 10J~ to ~~ J~f'1 !2!1 29 29 150 ~15~'" lS';' 1:: ' ,. - I~ 2<lO SlOl'~ 101 ~ 101'jj -1~'g

29" S~51~ 55'''1 531fz - ~~ 100 SU' .. Itl] 14;'-:' CASAOIAN

HUNGER Cecil W oodham­Smith ." ... "



Alnx Atph.

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Bv Lcwis Broad 7.25 CHURCH HILL i\1.I.5.-Thc Origin and

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PHONES 8·5 L~:, 2-5144 ang28.30

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P, It: I 1'1l'q!l'

~t 1111 \ n :-;\wr ,,\ I,',

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I Crtmp Soup 2;)0 91'l I)~ 99 -1 '\\'oo\l\lh 2~O[) Cilll Dry loon 2~1 >l:!l 2~ - Jk C Drew xd 500 !P~ 9~~ 9:1~ I 'rot31 Sales: 4,021),001)

I lro{ hili I

CPR 1700 2p1:.1 2!t1,. 2~1 J , CllS(' JI .::!5f:On In:t~ 1('!1~ 10' ~ _ L~ , Ci'ltrr Tr :3400 ';.51~ 444"1 ,H'II- I,' Celanese 7100 !W;' 32"s 53 - 1-Z : Ch['~ Ohio 52(\{} 6~·lJ 6~1'i IW' ... - ''!I Chr~'~ler 172200 (.97fi fi:ll fiB -2 CltiCS SV 4600 67i'il 671.;a (j7~4 + 14.1 Cle .... itc 1)00 40 3tj1 H :'191 ~ -It;,! COl'<l Cola IjOO 02t~ 102 102 ens xd 5lioo 711 f,91~ 6fI11- 1:;' Corol Solv !!:i60() 29'4 ::!Bs'R ',!!J'\oI .. !\~ Con Edl5 ]800 B8% SA 88 - \4 Contalnt'r 3200 2a1" 2R :B'~ - 1'4 Con Can 4000 46~\j. 46 111 461'4 - 1~ Con Oil J700 64 63;1.. S.t + Iii Copw Sll 700 36':'. 36::-1 3UIR.I... II~ COl n Prod 4600 5912 ·UF. 59~" Crane Co 300 55:5..,. 55 55 -1 Cr Zen ~lOO 49', 4B'<' 48', _ "

Tl n~ 1,1\ 1 r toni .\ 1

l'!;th I,' " \\r H"r~

:O>ElI' \'OIlK rr.u~I:O>(; STOCMS liy The AS!iorlall'd Pn-,!IS

Beth Stet'l Jll~ Monty W Borg Warnl!r 46 1-:1, !'.'\' ernt C ilnd 0 6·P... Radio Corp Cons Edison Eil South PaCIfic Gl'n Eh'c 791~ Std Uli !o..J Goodyear :'la ' " Uld Aircraft

IG', I 22', I

ill, 35'. .\tHtltll /'012 , \"h{'~'11

tt ''''''l'''n ,"I\"I]i I" ]6 _,~ I Temng 20SO fiB 68 &8 /\Iumlnl 4C& 526~, 26~, 26;,- ~~ " 1',.. 1I'r. I:"n " tt 62 -I Ten !tory ~OO 121, 12\, 121, AlUm 11'. pr 467 $J91'. ~9" 391<-"

II" '.0" ~'" 7\, 1', ;,\ ,'hom L 1300 51 54 54 An, 11\ pr SO $15 45 45 - 1. CUrti,! Wr 2liOO 20~8 ~012 201':1: _ 1 ~

Gt .~or Ry 52 1 ~ \"lnacl!um lnt T T 513 ~ \\c5tngSe

4P, I Bnquf;- ( \~T 14 1 " Bani.. \In't 2~.)1 ~ Bank \ .. "

r .. ···· I~.t' .. rn 21 :2(\ :Ol~ _,~ TombUl 500 65 65 ('5 -2 ,\rg C [1 100 $8~t 811; m~ + h l'tl",... 1''''''''' ~~ e~ Torbrlt 1500 4o'~ 40 41) -3 Asbcsto,o;. 1306 $2~ 2H~::!.t f't't"I:-"ft .... ,~ $l{\\, Hll, 101~ Tormont 18S2S 26 24 26 +1'r2; Bank Mont 575 $Ii,n. 6J!. fj4~~ _ t,~ I' <'.,. ~q f.ll 5.10 6]~ -10 TOl'la,' 4503 9 81'. 11', - '" !lank NS 130 571 71 7' -~. l'r·n. ..., S:l\. ~~1, 3:\-', _ 1~ Trilnfll Res 1000 10 10 10 l1anq en 272 $1G '/2 751~ 7J~2 - It.l. 1'["",,''1a :~Il)O ;'4z 7 7 _ 1" I TrlbaJ: 36000 150 136 147 +. Banq PC 130 S50h 50'. 50!. + 1,,, ""1:'1~· 1''''' 1':", lil'2 Ii" Trln Chlh 3100 12 12 12 ,nattl r 22.5 $17 Ii 17 -lh: ra·t till ~(\, 2"~ ~:,!5 2~\ 11 Ashcstns 771 305 300 3()~ Dath P A 280 $Sl'!& SH4. ~JI'. r,r, tun ':'~! ~:" 2~" 2.~O -5 lin Duffad 9~OO 6.1 62 l\3 -1 nell IJhone 2031 55.]3 .. 53 53 - 'It. r 1 .0: ... 1 ~:;"'fl f:\'l fi ~1'.1 {In Keno !"'OO 570 56S 570 Drazn 1102 300 300 300 '~""" ~'1' ~O 29 ~O +1 Vn MacUe HOOD 32\, 27 30\, + ~ BA 011 494 $26',. 2.'. 26\. , • ., .... ~". '1'\0 Un ]2-' 12t. Un .~ort S500 11 11 11 DC Forest }OO $191, 1MII 19;. + ~~ 1'" ;'_1' T ,"<n 16 ,~ H" _ 1> Upp Can 1100 I~O 116 116 ~ Be Pow 7~80 S24'. 212m + ~. r~t""A 1,' n 14 H 14 \'fludoo 4uao 4', 41f.a 4YJ DC Phune 225 5S4~~ 5~JI~ S4h - ;4-rrt'I~Mlr ,\M l~ P'; ql~ Vauzt' 2S00!lS M 51 -1 nrock\'l pr 100 S7;~ N. 7~. + 3.1!1 r...",NoJi l:!;n il ';9 7" -13 \'npar roo 16 16 16 Build Prod 50 $25~1 =.lY.1 2!11,~ + I" Gom ~II"' ~M $1", 2'''' ~n "lolam (;500 218 210 210 -5 CI Fndry 2,10 S22,., ~2', 22~ I Glut nK In:\ 51:', 12'. \2:0.. Weedon ,\700 4 ~ 4 +~, CSl4 185 S~O'''.I SO 50 G" ~Ilnlnl ~;'" 1: 16 16 W Mal" 65110 ffli 51> m - I> CAE 925 $'011 91. 10\. + '. (".ald.l. t('l"I1\ :61~ 2f,11 :t61~ Wt'~1 Mine. 200 330 325 32.5 -5 Cdn 8rrw J035 $10 t()4; 10~. _ 1, c:, •• ~\ 1" Il1 2,1 2J ~JT; IV ne.,or 3000 141'. 11 11 Cdn Brew bp 75 sm, 531'. 53\> q O:t'~"'T jn" 11 11 11 " 1\ . Milroy 2900 Il5 140 ISO -2 C Chen' ]50 $10" 10 10 _ '; O ... ~u. ,~., 4:0 m ~15 -20 Wlltscy 41500 17 161> 161> C Imp nk. 116 $621. Wi 62~'-~' (lo,', I ... ~ !\IlOO t' 7 \,.Ie I..ad 4000 81'. 6>,; 8\. Alpha A 350 1m 5 5'" - I. O.-ur 'in !oi 815 M5 \'k Bcnr HOD lID 108 110 -I Alsul 3285 16 16 16 - V" 1hUMr 7ro:".0 210 ,15 \'oun~ IIG :100 8 8 6 A beau ben. 2334 7 7 7 11.1'11 nnct t~"" 13 13 Il Yukena 3367 4V" 4'. 4'" - ~ Ameran 22500 51'. 5 5 n •• 'lltn ~1"'" 8 • n Yukon 2100 42 42 42 ,3 Ang A lIo1y 1200 215 210 210 H R 01 I..te, ]Y\l 14 14 14 Zenm.c 5000 2t 201, 21 Arno 1000 6v" 6~ 6\0 + V" Ih.""a,' !",O~ 19 19 1~ Zulapa 56065 25 2l IS tJ Alias Tel 4065 275 265 270 anS 11"" Jlf"l1 1:'1'; 1!\1' '~5 ~9{l + !Ii OILS AI()u tus 2211 29 :1 ,28 140 RlIlhUtr 8~O S:f,~1 2~l., 2!r\f,.\ .~ AP Coni 3103 61 til til Dc-lIcchu 10200 12 10 10 -2 ""ft" 4'2, m jl~ 4'0 -I I All nox 4000 30 30 30 mue Ban 500 3JO m 325 -5 PlI~ B.y .M Sl~ 5~" 5~\\ - 'k Almln.. 900 23D 225 m -2 Dornlle 3000 13 13 13 -2 1Iw.P,", 1\"<1 10 9 9 - I> Am I.educ 5500 5 4'" 411 C Colli.. 1:50 $11'., 101. 11\; + I R"1I" r.. 310" 24 21 21 . Anchor 1100 10 61> 81'. -31'. Ce"land 21.00 IW 145 ]W -10 lr111\ Cor nH"'5::!~ + 2 I An" U De\' 10700 24 20 22 -2 Chib Cop 2000 8 e 8 I",. O'r 11M ft2 '1 r2 • 1 DaU ~1' rr 100 S21 2S 2S + \I Chipman 100 3 3 3 h. 3',00 ft5 RI RI -I n.nFf 1300 111 110 111 -4 Comodore 284 100 400 400 J .... h' 4';1,) I] 12 12 nnt. 500 4 4 4 - I'. CrapeI' 760 $38'. 3m 38\, - '\ JO't F.'pl Ill:. 13', 12 12 Cal t:1I ;90 SI81, 18\\ 1m CQ Yell 6000 5 4 4-1 JtltI... 2''''' I', l' \ 4'\ Calvert 700 !6',~ IRY. 161, Copstl'm 1000 15 IS 15 Jobor~. ~ 10 10 10 + I'. CS Pete 1200 400 ~9S 400 Crusade 3000 6 8 8 J"'III ,"0' 2311 2\', 23'\ C Delhi 551 38~ 385 385 DeUa Elecl 1000 190 185 185 JC'I\!:lUItt\ ~!\1 14'';1; H Hh +~, C Dcll1l w 211]00 100 100 -4 Denrm1t 100 S16t,., 16~' 161,. + 11 J"'l<1 2~'0 131 1M 130 Cdn nry 2600 m 4W 465 D EXl,lorers 1000 ]0 30 30 -2 JOW1f\' III 21 27 27 - I'. C Ex Ga, 700 102 100 10 D I.e.,. 1000 19 19 19 + I\l 1\t<le;,r .:00 21 18 19 -I C LI re.. 1801 141'. H\I H\\ + ~ D Ollclolh 160 126 28 26 _I IIt,,'Ule 30300 7', 61> 1 +I, Cent Del 2967 71 730 735 -5 DUmonl 1000 19 181> 181'. + ~ IItfT .\dd 1113 6\0 62~ 6~5 -5 Charter 011 100 141 III 141 -, Dmogaml 18700 113 136 138 -I 11.\'1. ~ 12 III> 12 - \-\ C Drngo. 2000 8 8 8 -I EMI Sull 500 255 255 2~5 -5 1\tn T.~" tOOOO 2S\, 24 25', +1 D •• ·I'al 2000 62 62 62 Eqly Expl 129700 9 ~ 6-3 KlJ\ foil. 12.\!IO 20 16\1 17 + I Dome Pele 1050 $1311 13!1 13~, Fab 8000 12 10', 11 +1 ,L.b' )lln ,]~ MRli 28 28 -1 Duvan 7000 R m 8 +'" Fontana 7000 3 3' 3 L IlIIIlUI1 lB9W no 160 775 Dynamic 2000 18 18 II Ft nellance 6500 17 17 17 1 •• hUnl !OOO m Rl\ 8\~ Far~o 1400 215 2t2 215 +1 Fx L.ke 24000 20V" 19 20 L 0", 1000 15 15 15 GlaCier ~OO 9 9 9 FrlglSloro 1400)10 100 110 L '$11.,. 16\ :25 225 225 +9 0,· rlalOi 2500 51! 121, 1m - % Fundy 1000 5 5 5 ' .. ""qq, 2.),} 370 370 370 Grld.1t 000 36 36 36 +1 G Au'otron 31no m 410 410 -15 La.,.. 1000 lOll 30V. 301> -2 1I0me A 1092 sm, 111'0 1111. Glen L.kl 700 145 140 145 ~tt. Am lolOO 21 2,1\, 25\'0 -I lIome B lfi3 '11', 110/. 11'. In'Plr.ltn 200 210 240 240 ... lteh 311\11 165 160 180 11 B 011 G 113 SI4~1 141\ 1411 + II Int AUa. 200 120 115 120 H l. ....... rt NlOO, ! ! a Medal 32570 420 385 420 ,,35 Inl Ccram 5000 6 a 6-1 !.Ib,n.. 150 $151, 151,] 151> Mldcon IiOOO 30 30 30 Int lIel1um 13700 130 115 130 + 15 LL Lac 300 74 163 165 -10 Mill Clly '000 16\. 161\ 16\\ + ~ Inlerprv 0 1500 11 11 11



Bowaters LONDON (AP1-Bowater Pa­

per Corp. closed at 375 7\~ d on The London Stock Exchangc Tuesday.

Brinco TORONTO (ePl-Brineo $4.80

bid; $4.90 asked.

Canadian DoHar NEW YORK (ePl-Canadian

dollar up J-64 at 92% in tcrms of U.S. funds. Wcek ago 92 J1·32.

Pound sterling down 3.{i4 at $2.79 55,64.

U.S. Dollar MONTREAL (CP) - The

United states dollar in terms of Canadian funds was down 1·32 at $1.081. Tuesday.

Pound sterling was down iii at

$3.02 5-l6.


McDONALD-Born Aug. Bth,

at the General Hospital, Pem­hroke, Ont. 10 Staff Sgt. and 1\Irs. K. C: 'McDonald, a baby

boy. Mrs. McDonald is the

former Dorothy Moore of st. John's. 'J,ondo 119SO 110 110 140 + 10 ,MUrPhY 100 210 210 210 -10 Inv Fnd 25 ssm 5m 511'0 + V.

'l.o .. lrt 5500 1 1 7 - I'. N Davl.. 11500 14 14 14 ,Iubll.. 3400 215 205 215 "L11H1h.1 9(lOO a m 8 Norlhcal 71~23 J8 36 38 + I~ Kentln, 200 450 450 4SO

t.rn. 1000 6!'. 8\'a 6', - 1> ramolt 700 40 40 40 Kle.. 6500 460 440 4W + 15 , ' I ,

'" ~ : I : I' , t: , 1 , I

\ I

I j , I, I' I , · i . , t, ,

: '

101'..... 100 320 320 320 -5 Permo 3100 351> 35 :J,\\C\ + \0 Kodiak PI 5166 105 00 1900 -10 11l1li_ 2600 219 216 219 reruv 011 I~OO 1\0 54 54 -10 KonUkl 25110 4 4 4 TV )&,,,.1 2000 4 I 4 - I'. rlac. 3500 46 46 46 -I Lab Acrep 100 $7;1 7~1 7'1

'lIlJIrl.1 3000 4 3', 3'\ - \, Pon~er 700 2~ 25 21 -I Ladnboro 2511D 12S 125 12l -I REPAIRS M.lanl< Ull 17 75 75 rro,·. Ga. 2200 I~O 147 1511 LamonI A 150 $10 10 10 + 1\


~/uctd ," " CANDIES , r '; .. , A,'ailable exclusively from the following ::, :, Drug Stores: . : r:UOTEL' DRUGS ELIZABETH DRUGS , : TORBA Y DRUGS KENMOUNT DRUGS ,

• t

. " " .




Charles R.' Ben Limited ·'·,iT.,j~HN·S


, CORNER BROOK '. ' .. , ... 4 •


1.logllde 4000 4~ 4\, 4V" + 1 Mnl.rtlc H 3510 32 25/ 32 -3 Mclnlyr. 100 $l6~ 461'. 46\, McKinney 4000 14 IJ 13 -1 Mer ChIp 2000 14 14 14 + I Mid Chlb 500 20\\ 201'. 20\, -2\, ~!I~.p.. 500 161 161 164 -I M15tan~. 1000 19 19 19 -1'01'1 Cp I pr m $47 , 47 47 +;, Que Smelt 3300 10 10 10 Red Crsl 11000 2V" 2l> 21'. Ruby Foo ROO 255 ZSO 250 _! Saucon D 6500 29 27 29 -2 SLIver ReR 1000 3m 3B J81l. - I> 511.. Sum! 29600 61 53 61 +4 SII,'er 'J'Wn 21500 28 25 28 +2 S Dulaull 62500 181> 16V" 171> - l\ Spnrla. 3750 42 10 40 -3 Slolrs Ex 4900 240 227 240 + 12 Tach. 6000 9\, 6 91> + IV" T.II.mo. 8600 75 70 75 tl Tlb F.'PI 2000 5\c\ 51!o 51> U Albesto. 100 305 30S 305 -5 U Corp D 5ll $151'. 25~ 25\, - ~ Un Obllokl 2300 ~I 49 51 + I Total Sal • ., Indu,trlal. 94.100, mIne. Ind ou. 614,200,



PHONE 94123 Electronic:

Centre Ltd. 90 CAMPBELL AVE,

After hours 'Phone 9·6995 Bug22

I 'mOHlIOID/lG"") SUMMER . I· th .. ~d" .rcu_ ~ SPE.CIAL . . Ladies' Summer Dresses (plain) $1 00

Cleaned, Refreshed and Pressed •

.~ I; Hughes-Maynard Cleansers Ltd. BLACKMARSlI RD.


; ,PHONE 9-2186-7


Hamilton Avenue ExtensIon

PHONE 9·5300



Merc)' Hospital on Tucsdny,

August 27th, Mary Hannah,

aged 77 years, widow of the late Thomas Fennessey. Left to

mourn are one son, Rev. James Fennessey; four daughters, Clare (Mrs. Edward Power) of

this city, "rary (Mrs. Wm. Mc­Gee), Pueblo, Colorado, Joan

and Isabel, at horne; one sister,

Bride (Mrs. M. H, Leary),

Brooklyn, N.Y. and Due brother ,John Henna, of Charleston, South Carolina. Funeral on Fri­

day, August 30th. from 140 PaL

rick Street to SI. Patrick's

Church for Requiem Mass at

10.30 a.m. aug2B,29

Deere ,i300 6n1,7, 61 6i'a-I':'2 Dlst Sell' 200 471i! -17 47

Kennecott 72:1,

Dome ~1 1300 32 :Jt1~ 31\~.,. 1., Douglas 3300 23'3 22:1;" :?2:L~ - 1~ Du Pont 2~(}() 2~3 2~O',~ 2403" _2'4 I E.st Kod xd 3300 111'1 110'i. 1lI1' + .,1 Eaton MIg 3600 35", 35~~ ~5~h I El Paro 17()(}Q 185 A 181~ 181,-2 _ J"

Firesln s·wn 36 l , 3j1~ 35~" - :I~ Ford 16800 533 , 531" 531 4 - :;''11 Fruth Tn 3400 3~:I. 30~~ 30'3-Gen Dyn 7400 2:P4. 231~ 233" _ l~

~IOST .\CTl"E TOROSTO STOCKS 81 'lh~ Canadlj'ln Pre!}s

ISDt·STIlIAI.S Gen Elea B500 50'. ;g!~ 793 4 _114 Sloe''' Gen Fds 3300 85'1. 8~~1 aF~ - v... BC ]lOW Cen MiIl5 5000 39 JB~" :3817, - u.I :\ta~~.F GMC 26700 74!~ 74 741/" - l~ f' Ilr;m Gen Tire 15600 2~:J.(. 2.tti 2·H. - J;' I P;clflc P Gil P01C Cp 3900 52~s! 5::! 52·- li" Shell Glidden iOO 43~" 42', ~2~~ - ~" Goodrich n:mo 5~1A 54 :WII I Mt'l 1 Goodyear 2000 331, 331~ 38'" - ~~! ou~;to Grand Un 2700 233 .. 261,,, :ZS!/4 - L~ I N Dn\'(' Gt .\ P 2100 461\j, 46 46 _ ~~ I " I s Gt Nor R~' 29GQ 531.J 52 1 ~ 52

'i -17 R. Unl.~pher

GuJ£ Oil ]9tclO 50 "!l~1t 49~8 +:\~ W Derail" Homstk 13011 51:!3 ,n l ... 311" - l~ I C lIud B!l-l 100 5t1t" 51'" 51'4. IIS(,O. lntcrlilKe :300 26 1 ~ 26 :!fi _.,: ~'ln~glidlil lnt Du. 7500 450 1,!l 4~2 4~2 -B I ' I t H;'I V 52011 "73 ·r,L' .-1' ]' N Senator I~t Ni~k 6600 ~2~: ~il~ ~~p: 'T'_:l: :o;'orthcal

Snit's lIIr:h Low Clo~,. Ch '/i:f' 26961 $2~'~5 24 1, 211';1 T l~ 5:1'i SH 1:178 14 5Ill ~'jJI7: 531~ j3~~..1 3~ jilO S:12'~ 12' " 12~H 'T' I~ ,U2J $tll'~ 16 1 • 1~'11

OILS 11'ij(} 42:0 38J ~10 :19,)1 I) 22 1:1 2IJ 113UO 14 11 11 1l!/(}(} 32 30 :;2 ':'515 117 113 115

'tJXES 8:::500 17 71116-1 41 73509 3R

tll)OO() 20 Ij 71325 33 36

I' 41 33 19 38

,35 -I

Int Pap 6601) 307 q JO!'£! 30l/l - :':i

Int Tel C::WO 52'~ 5134 51:1", - t'l ORIGIN OF "YOSE~nTE" John!';.ll 3600 4818 1tl1i.j, ·181" - :\"1 Kellogg !'ion 7~1".! 7..\, 7\\~ + I" Henne-cot 4100 731,,, 72:1:1. 62~" - 'r1J

Konett. 23300 31]1,8 293~ 30 -'8

The name "Yosemite" dcril'cs from the word "Yosemit) "

which meant "the grizzlics" or KresJ:r J2lJ() 22}, :W" 221 .. - IIJ

Lib McN L 1100 14 13', 13', - '. "the killers" and was applied Litton 7100 72', 71', 71~, -I t . 11 I d' f C I'f ' Loew'! 2200 lfi;~ 161ft 1~~8 + t~ 0' a cy n lans 0 a I orma ~!,," S Gar !iOO 2'.: 2 , because of their lawlessness Mar"lh or :WOO 59 sa~ 5a~K - ~s I • ~Iarsh Fld 3600 3fi~ :U.l~ 3t~" + I~ I

~!arlm 15000 19', I~" 19', I CO:\IEBACK FOR PEERESS McKee 100 16 16 16 ... 1, I LONDON ( ~Icrck 4500 1000h 103 103', ~ I • CP )-.J azz singer ~lpl' lion 430n 112'.1101> U:'., -1'\ Stephanie Wise of Toronto IS ~lInn)n! 7[100 62 61'. 61', - '. going back to sholv busI'ncss"

,Bn1Iuf' l'l I Brll : BI.lld

Uhh: I'I'~I

I (' .... !I';,ll1·hl

r Imn HI., \ t'dn (~r'\

(,111 H", I'

Ie Jllt J I i CPR

1 ~(',I ~'1! l~ fl IInll::r

Minn Ont 900 2F-s 21;~ 21 Ss Mob.sco xd 1100 9\\ 9'. 9 "'. The Daily Express says she' )[oo"nlo !)IlOO 511. 53'. 53', -I', has si!!ned a contract to ,"ppeal' !\font Ward 4900 391, 33iR 3.8'II-:-i:I...... " ;-,;,t Al'int 800 2;;, 27', 2;', at the Estllhlishment Club in Nilt Cash 4200 10 fi9"" ti~18 + ,'i L 1 ' S h d' 1 . t I Nnl Gyp, 1000 46'" 16', 4&", _', om on s 0 0 15 flC next • NY Cent 9200 2211 22', 22'. - '., month. Miss Wise married the' Nor Pac 53[10 18'. 48'. 43', - Ii Earl of Listowcl, former Bril-Outb Mar SiOO Ill,-, 11 11 1 " •

Parke Dil 85300 33~~ 3O-:~ 32' '.z + 1'& Ish govcrnor-genernl of Ghani'l. Penn nn 28500 ~O~~ 203, '10"8 • 19"8 TJ r PepsI Cola 11400 57'. 57 '7 _.~ I tn . a , ley were C1vorced Ill) J 7,1 rn I h PCizcr 21700 5~~A S31~ S3~l -l 3" I earlier this year .

:1 ,

BYRNE-Died suddenly at

Stephenville Aug. 27th Michael

Francis Byrne, aged 45, Leav·

ing to mourn his sad loss, loy·

ing wife Sheila, five children, Anne Maxie, Kathryn, Maureen, Michael and Denise, three sisto ers, Florence (Mrs. V. O'Hiel­

Iy), Mona (Mrs. H. Power) and Theresa (Mrs. W Wall'!, seven brothers, George, Edward,

Joseph, Kevin, Gerald and Wil­

liam, all of Corner Brook, and James of St. John's. Funeral

notice later.

A. H. MURRAY & CO., LTD. 51. John's

We carry a large stock of all MACHINERY SUPPLIES,


SAUNDERS - The funeral or the latc John Saunders,

which was 10 have laken place today at 2:30 p,m. from St.

Thomas' Church, has now been postponed until Thursday at

2:30 p.m.

We specialize in SKF BEARINGS for immediate delivery.








(Not il1l!ertcd by BDard of LIquor CDntrol)





erra Nov~ USED

tT!alt (J _kc<llifl barr

01" " fount! a I ~"c ~" wherc 2;) J11 m TlIe~dny .

~p~I:IIClr.~ hrotl~1 cxplnsiol1 w

fh'c others :II wcre rOllnd, 1I0t inlillcdi"t~ly

• hcther all)' 01 II millct ' ~no\\,l1 or . Can~Jdlal1~.

!'CIIC rffort wa' I· pla~;lIcd h~ Ind' lIIedwnil'al, lill hllrkrt, Ollle

Gulf sulphur ~aj,1 thc hal'

sal'co thc Ii; 11:11111<1. 21

22. III Gr"III~. file cfllnpaninns renchr< of the

deroo-t e' cr , St:.lr,', Iii r-:uIII son b(lin~ rXl1rc"'~

nol irlrntili(' anli I'clntil c

l'i~iL sair! he hralkd

included ~!c[\innc [i,e mt'll, Ti!('

to hlock nl

immrdi:llcly art.

i:3() a.m.,·· .nd .\lcl\inney

through the brukcn air \'C

it. IIC sal'cd Ihn

. I'm prctty Sl1l air," Hanni

miner ~~ hm'e


Toppl n

);C\\' ne~ ill thc Co

C<jne~;lIal' Ihc

gOI'erllmenl n In Parliament I . 10 pill nf! In old