tax reform 2013 the first step on the path to economic growth and fiscal stability in north carolina...

Tax Reform 2013 The First Step on the Path to Economic Growth and Fiscal Stability in North Carolina 1

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Tax Reform 2013

The First Step on the Path to Economic Growth and

Fiscal Stability in North Carolina


Why Do We Need Tax Reform in

North Carolina?


Despite being one of the “Best Business Climates” in the U.S. during the last decade according to Site Selection Magazine & other publications, in NC: Job creation is not keeping up with workforce growth Job growth, unemployment, & poverty is worse than

the U.S. average From 1990 to 2000, we were 11th in U.S.

wage and income growth; In 2009, North Carolina was 45th

In 2010, we were 48th


A Surprising Statistic

Economic Success---and Failure












1969: 79.14

1973: 83.14

1982: 81.44

1989: 89.08

1997: 92.88

2009: 87.62

NC Per Capita Income as a % of US Average Has Been Decreasing Since 1997


2011: 86.7

UNC Center for Competitive Economies


Source: U.S. Census Bureau cited in Raleigh News & Observer Article in February, 2013

10.9 % DECLINE SINCE 2000

FY 03-04 FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10$0








$203,437,950 $378,340,914






NC Economic Development Spending (Cumulative)

Slide 6

Slide 7

NC Job Creation Performance 2000-2010

Job growth has lagged behind workforce growth for at least 12 years

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Manufacturing 35.2% 32.7% 25.5% 18.8% 10.8%

Government (incl. Military) 21.1% 19.6% 18.5% 18.1% 21.1%

Trade, Transportation and Utilities 18.5% 18.1% 19.6% 18.7% 17.8%

Services 14.9% 19.2% 25.2% 32.0% 39.1%

Financial Activities & Information 5.4% 5.5% 5.8% 6.5% 6.7%

Construction, Agriculture & Mining 5.0% 4.9% 5.4% 5.9% 4.5%

Shrinking Sales Tax Base• The sales tax base has narrowed significantly over 40 years

The bar graphs below indicate how North Carolinians spend $100 of their income as a % of items subject to sales tax

We spend a smaller % of our income on items subject to sales tax now than in the 1970’s & more on services not subject to sales tax


Sales Tax Base Erosion

From Presentation by Economist Michael Mazerov to Senate Finance Committee in 2009 10

State Tax Structure

FY 1970-71 FY 2011-2012


Overreliance on Unstable Income Taxes for State Revenues


20% of General Fund revenue comes from these two volatile sources.

Why Tax Reform Was (Is) Needed• Pitiful job growth & increasing poverty in NC• Steadily decreasing per capita income and

median household income• Major changes in how NC economy functions• Steadily shrinking sales tax base• Increasing reliance on volatile income taxes• Increasing budget deficits• Unsuccessful economic incentive programs• Overly complex and confusing tax statutes


Suggestions to Senate Finance Committee by Four Independent Experts on 6/11/13

• North Carolina’s current tax code is outdated and unsuitable for our changing economy

• Economic incentives have not produced jobs • Need lower income tax rates (especially

corporate) & broaden sales tax base to more services

• Reduce sales taxes on B2B transactions• Tax reform alone is not enough but is

necessary for job and income growth14


House Bill 998, S.L. 2013-316 House Bill 112, S.L. 2013-363 House Bill 14, S.L. 2013-414

The Most Sweeping Changes to NC’s Tax Code in Many Years

Basic Components of Tax Law Changes



ElectricityPiped Gas

Estate Tax

Motor Fuel Tax Cap

Personal Income Tax• Flat rate v. current

rate brackets – 2013 = 6%, 7%, and

7.75% (Current rates)

– 2014 = 5.8%– 2015 and thereafter =


• Enhanced child credit– $125 per child if AGI <

$40,000 (new)

– $100 per child if AGI < $100,000 (current law)

• Eliminate personal exemptions – One per taxpayer and

dependents – Current amounts:

• $2,000 • $2,500 if AGI <


• Increase standard deduction to $15,000 (MFJ)– $6,000 (MJF) (Current


Personal Income Tax Changes – Itemized Deductions

• Currently, all federal itemized deductions allowed

• Effective 2014, only two deductionsHome mortgage + property taxes paid on real

estate allowed on federal return• Capped at $20,000

Charitable contributions allowed on federal return Other federal deductions eliminated

• Medical expense deduction• Unreimbursed employee expenses• Miscellaneous deductions• Personal property taxes

Items Eliminated

No fewer than 40 tax exemptions, deductions, credits, or refunds were eliminated or allowed to sunset as provided

Broadens the tax baseSimplifies the tax codeEases compliance and administration

Personal Income Tax Items that will Expire

• Credit for premiums paid on long-term care insurance

• Earned income tax credit• Credit for adoption related expenses

Personal Income Tax Items that were Repealed

• Personal exemptions• Tax Credits– Child care expenses– Disabled– Property taxes paid on farm machinery– Education expenses– Non-itemizer charitable contributions

Personal Income Tax Items that were Repealed

• Deductions from income– Retirement income– Severance wages– $50,000 business income deduction– Many itemized deductions– Parental savings trust fund – Firefighter & rescue squad– Payment for erroneous conviction

Corporate Income Tax Changes• Reduce flat rate of 6.9%– 2014 = 6%– 2015 = 5%

• Trigger for possible future rate reduction – 2016 = 5% or 4%– 2017 = 5% or 4% or 3%

• Triggers– FY14-15 GF revenues =/> $20.2 billion– FY15-16 GF revenues =/> $20.975 billion

Corporate Income Tax

Items that will Expire Items that were Repealed

• Credit for manufacturing cigarettes for exportation (2018)

• Deduction for certain telephone subscriber fees

• Deduction for savings & loan supervisory fees

Personal & Corporate Income TaxTax Credits that will Expire Tax Credits Repealed

• Ports charges• Recycling oyster shells• Renewable fuels• Work opportunity• Interactive digital media• Article 3J• Qualified business venture• Film (2015)• Renewable energy (2016)• Historic & mill rehab (2015)• Low income housing (2015)• Railroad intermodal (2038)

• Construction of dwelling units for handicapped

• Real property donations• Conservation tillage

equipment• Gleaned crops• Construction of poultry

composting facility

Tax Preferences Retained

• Personal Income Tax– Deduction for all social security income– Deduction for “Bailey” retirement income– Child credit – Standard deduction

• Corporate Income Tax– Credit for research and development (2016)– Credit for investing in a major recycling facility

(no change from current law)


• Rate changes• Additions to the sales tax base• Elimination of exemptions• Sales tax refunds• Various effective dates

Rates• No change in the State tax rate of 4.75%• No change in the local tax rates of 2% to 2.25%

(Mecklenburg rate of 2.5%)

• Manufactured homes– Currently 2% with $300 cap– State rate of 4.75%, effective January 1, 2014– No local tax

• Modular homes– Currently 2.5%– State rate of 4.75%, effective January 1, 2014– No local tax

Sales Tax Base Expansion

• Amusements – January 1, 2014– Live events– Movies– Attractions for which

admission charged• Exemptions– School events– Nonprofit events (2)– Agricultural fairs – Youth sporting events– State attractions

• Service contracts – January 1, 2014– Agreement by which seller

agrees to maintain or repair tangible personal property (TPP)

– Not labor

• Exemptions– TPP exempt from sales tax,

except motor vehicles– Items used to fulfill service

contract– Asset on utility owned property– TPP sold to motorsports for

which a sales tax refund is allowed (S.L. 2013-414)

Eliminate Sales Tax Exemptions

Repealed January 1, 2014 Repealed July 1, 2014• Nutritional supplements

sold by chiropractors• Meals sold in higher

educational facilities• Newspapers

• Bakery thrift store • Sales tax holiday for school• Sales tax holiday for certain

energy star products

Other Sales Tax Changes• Exemptions for farmers– Annual gross income requirement from farming

activity of $10,000– Effective July 1, 2014

• Tax refunds for nonprofits– Cap at $45 million State and local

(~ $666 million of purchases)

– Effective July 1, 2014• No change to tax refunds for local

governments• Extend sunsets for passenger air carriers &

motorsports for two years, January 1, 2016


Effective July 1, 2014

ElectricityCurrent Law Effective July 1, 2014

• 3.22% franchise tax– Embedded in electricity

rates– Subject to local

distribution• Sales tax – 3% residential– 2.83% for dry cleaners– 0% for manufacturers &

farmers & datacenters

• Eliminate franchise tax– Utilities Commission

directed to change rates accordingly

• Increase sales tax rate– State rate only– General combined rate

of 7%– Local distribution

formula– Retain current


Piped Natural GasCurrent law Effective July 1, 2014

• Exempt from sales tax– Embedded in utility

rates– Subject to local

distribution• Excise tax on a per therm

basis• Exemptions for

manufacturers, farmers, and datacenters

• Eliminate excise tax– Utilities Commission

directed to change rates accordingly

• Subject to sales tax– State rate only– General combined rate

of 7%– Local distribution

formula– Retain current



• House Bill 101 eliminates estate tax• Effective for decedents dying on or after January

1, 2013• Reduces General Fund revenues by ~ $52 million


Caps tax rate at 37.5 cents per gallonEffective October 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015House Bill 966; SCS for House Bill 998

What is the Price of Inaction?

• The long term costs of failure to continue with major, meaningful tax reform are obvious from the economic information presented—continued decrease in personal income, increasing poverty, budget deficits, unemployment, etc.

• Everyone agrees the current tax code is antiquated and simply not adequate for NC’s new economy---- it MUST be changed