:taviin fj dai1.y rfime^ deapfhhfpbe/i ' - twin falls, d e...

^ ^ _■_____ : TAVI VOI.UMB 7, NilMHKll 7!l. . DEA _ _ ’'^ c i i [ ! i i y f ST ILL ISSu i MfftI '• * }— ^ -- Long--Bearioff—of— Roparotic Ends W ithout' Agroomont Question; Influenco . Poincaro Is Felt; Battle Is 1 . **' tween Finnncial Interests.' , ’ " LO.VJJO.V. jijlr Tfto .iJl coiifernnco ulltmiilInK to rtncli ^ ncrcomciit oil Ocrmiin rcimrallo nftornooti witliniit rcnclilnn n n clunlnn ul) Illo <]Uciillr ---------T...... tif--;nramntonT— fnr~ -ttin-^-rrrnpni 1200,000,000 In Uio Ocrrr Mich, ; - ' ' Tho plonni^ iii'i*i>lnii «iiirioi|. nl -------------------------iv;n'irron<riii-ni7it"ciTa"uiiin .. ...... ....... ........_^liero-wa»-no-ln(llcatlon ihai-lr ----------------- ^ ------- nic'iiiy Bcrw a 'ir trjr-fliYPTggnt F m nml AiiKlo-Aincrltuii vfcwimliiln ------------- ------------- Ttlo' 7)rliIiti“ niirt “Amjrtninn- Ii' -.Ihnt.ttio acrmnp loan'cniyiDt bc o nlilnretl n «afn/InTcilmAl nn U nn Qcrwany U ' mi-nnccil' liy ii Krench .eiifroacliniciilR, illicit Krnnoo-Tlnlfllnit - iwoiipntlnn ol /R u tir. Wffillo Franco ciinnMnrii ' , lonn n r Mcnndary lo KUftrnntocn . tr licr. own iiftUonnI prolcctlon. L T t« ithtnlow of cx-l’retulur I'd ________ caro ho»crei| gror tho. nllloil ci forencfl a# tho”plcnary aenalon ' v ' conTon«d. Tlie aliuatlon hiIII wait iWoUlo erttfeWraii tbo nlUnl rotjrvmmtall »oOier«(J.for tho pulillc tnoflilnir. : \ L. most to hurmonlto tliu illvcri; rroBch nnJ AnRlo-Anj^lcaii vl( polnln MpluK for II InntlnK ilocin Inalcad ot n prfcnrloiiK comprnml In nlmplonl terma. ilii! Innl cxI In s <loB«l1ock wfilch Ik l»t.1.lfni; procoeillnRn Ih duo Id thu. <:6rtf: of Intoreata between llio Krcncli c 111© inlornallonnl bnnkern. " rromtnr .Hcrrlot ,,IM nfrnl.l to ton-far'in.'m aklnB cnncwBlonii ' fcur of thfl MUckB of ci-I'rnii Poincaro at home. Tlio Ijimker" ' not (to back ou whnt Ihcy connli noce«Miry«RuiirnnlPW wlilioiit claiilcorInK thu projoncU 1200.000, lonn to aormnn/. ^ . Tho I^oncli wnni n Ikn on.-nn ^ tlonn, with Fmnce namirnil of boi thlnit from Gcrmnny no mailer w bnppooi; tho hnnkors Insliil ui . oMMto R»arnnie«a for thc l< ' Jml 3o.,nol wnnl Oerinnny to .* too' h|«lliy“TlPCt»n‘(J tn rtofnull. - Tho prlndiial arKument .Uiornf *tnie been orer who hlinll dec 'f whon Oarmany Ib In dafaull. -^hero hn« heon no •clash of p nonalUlM Ihoa far. a luipeful jtl ollhoiisti tho 'nIUod chlcfB nrir ginning to «how xlRna nt ihu Bln lIUKbiv* ia AcU(« S«cTeti.ry ot,8latn HurHw, who bcro UtendInK the tneoUoK Of. AmorIc«o Bar uisocliaion wan b today ■ppArontly tm<i<uhipK ibo v for aucc«nft of tho coaferoDcc. "Wblle HuRh«i haa not tilkwl lo i ot ihe altlod conterccs oTflclnlly, li iinderitood ho bv> hold Informal c voraayona with PrcmJoi- MjuiDom I'rcmler Thcunla and Cbancollnr ,|h# I'^fchcfluer Biiowdca poIntlnK ‘ ' Iho neecMlly for an ^rociiwat Opposition to Road > Pettdon la Fil WABI«SOTO^^. D, C.. July 2: . * nocnmweniJaUon th« lni«»i commorco .cqsnmlailon dony tho pllciUon of vajloua wciilcrn ira cofllnental Ilnea aeoWnit to * ^ JUlw redaqtd rntci on Tarlonp ci moitlllaa movlnR- from eaaiorn .* fjHeJTirrl^fBTTo-pSlirre-raast-i , mlnali w ltl^ ir obaorrtoB ,tha i ' TlaloOR Zt tho loDZ-uiU.short h " arttlon of tho JatoratatB comm* act waa contalmid In a roporl to ------------------------Tulirollfeff-KJ-lW -Tlommlnlon'' ___; ___ ____ ’one ot I f oxamlnan. ' rFnW <X t OOVEBXXENT ■ BSP»K8HE8 RKOE ~ ' M O & f b W .'J u ly - ■*23.—Tlio Pari KOT#mm#at tWay read# poMtc n ^ oty tor tbo murder ot Mnertcan't - - Conuil HBbrie-luL-ttllcWy^Jw”*! accorflln* to a diaptrfbbJrom Toh* " whan ItWln* fotamiaont oftic d«plor«d the oalrago In apeechoa . . . . parllainwl.. ____ _________ IN FJ pFHHF S American Army Bird •Men. to Resume th Long Flight Monda UUOrtJII. Knc., Jul) Sn-Tlii' E VnlU'd Sltttvn arwy nln*n>»v rilEht nniinid IhpSidrli) nlll n»l K<l iindvr nny ritnln h< f«in- Jl ..... dny, U wn* iM'Iit'Tfcr lu-rn today. ' This A.imrirnri llj.r* In tlxli mplil <la>>h to Kiiulniid from I'lni' Nljinllnd'plr, iiiinH the onlriilnlluii r\ . of 111.. nt»v«l lii^IlN nlilrh nlll ^ J . *-.ffUHriI~llM*lr~^lltttilrflfr«»?Ht~lhr~n*>Hi I. < . .. A tlnD tk-to.the L-nlU'U SUI.'M uud I I ll I» nr.1T W m «ary ’to unatL Ih. I J plnrlne of Ihr xcn pnln.l. « Th.- <hn-r hic plnni-« hnii>. hi'i'n ri-pnliilc<l nml nr.-‘>.ilrk nn.l'Ktnin ' for thrli' niuht to llu- h.\nu' n.uii' itio n s —try.*------------------ ----------- . Xpw-HK)-hor»i-poflcr t,ihrrly mo. tom hftTi- Wen Inolnllctl miil Un CO o l , _ Al th.' ncfrtdnim.' when- Ihi la Bo. A.... . fiji n. ar.- ninkltiu' Ihiili Ii. a.h[iliu-i<>>. th.TP niiH lulH.M-In Icn-Bl la rt n port llml th.- Knllnn , -l.IrnU I,.»rnHIChui n|it'll--.l t'>' _>]■,,,) - prrml-mlon lo Rtrotnpnny thi Atnrrlrnn* on thr flluhl i.rr.i.i Iho Atliintlr a« iiarl .if hU pro . "i.TT 'i>o»o.t I'l"" rnn- ~ iiiioRii ■; ^ i* p P i :|;^ISl.E0H(URILE5 f llul TOKIO. Joly 2n-.MnJor A. '.'?lti .MaclJin'ii. HrlllBh world fllKlii avia „ V," r.-H.inu'.l lilfi dftnKiToim Joiirno-TT th(-,Kiirlliii nt THO a. iii. lodfty. , --------- <K»aiuw-U»-»«*rn!niii attvkciiuOi Bald thc nlrninn'ltjok off from i'ru[ 1 coil- •’“ '•'"“ “ "■’'f ’l- r ^ - — I^nr fflijlfM-Tnpinni^ir-Tinnnnnri M acUrrn’a rtt'pirluro nortliwanl v m„,lly Bcnt by‘ itif! JapanoBO dwlroycr I lallvea iR. hut ' The Hrllltih piano wan moud lo CTKoht ready tor rMiinvpilon of the flit view- whllo "Mad jrpn. Col. Uroonie nnd n .'cinliia or mtmhrrn of thu.amphlhlan'n ci nmlBf. w.-r8 tielnc IcmliTcd n furcn’cll tl cxlBt- n.T nhoard lli: vonoi-1. IK up Wi'nllicr wa:i rrporlnl f!\vii/iilil< trtflliii -------------- --------- ' MAGEE APPEALS i3 TaiHE P M f: OFTffiNATK) ' Fnmonn Nen Mrxlran Kdlt.if ,\ Journi.ll>tH to Wake Tpt She hb •’'‘'■ '■ '•n ,,, - Conlrmpv ..(.'oininlUwa m » !r«foro dcclilo -------- ■■ HAST LAK VKtUS, .ST.M.. J t 2n,-Aftor ll tnmf.iru{ldo l.rcW'B i JtlKti. fn San- MUuol comuy JiiK^ni cnrcfully ■prepared toilet ihmfciK Blrnln. c, Mbrm,, /,fiii„r ot''fli\ ^ , buijuem.in Stnto-TrHjimu; npent hnor nn bU w\ilo f. “ 'C for hi# pnpar. „2!!v *t’“ ff'nR contcnlcdly at l.la I ^ pipe, tlie indaniltahlo e.lltor bent^ cfforUi to thn tnok ot "I'lllliiK L - I. i« world" 'C'hni ho ihliikii ot Nba- I lean cpurt*. Ha would nol al toaald ■"»tuf'> ' ‘'<u OurloK • of M nr of toll. S— OK o ut <* c<ritorlMj. In hU pnper *1 hna flvo llmcn brouRhl MnRco 1 -y fore JtKlRo I.*e«liy lo a.uw er chni ' of^Airlftnpt bt court, firo tl; broiJSW cnnvtctloo and lii.rdon fi 'iled ai>»ernor Hinkle. Tho caae on ajy>««I will probi 2J _ come before Iho aupreint- court ^ waiale * ' " Attorney# for Maseo oxp?ct iran^ " ‘ cnrpu* i-SfSP, one o'clock thla aflernuiin. nnd I com- broURht up be rn .I®. ‘ Hit n f *>'« I" ^ — Jb—uwiayVi^ileTlal.--ctmt-nt9 a pro- “ •I'*® MTaaled lo the Un , haul- Prcaaj be l»»uea a call to the p; imnrcB ‘*>0 country to itnnd hy l»lm ,^ ,i^ demandlnic) a frear roiRn for o« sn '^ T j>«pwa-ln.--«mi,manllB*_.-.oli„ci pendln* In court anil lo wake ui JOBET to reco«nla^ oM' el tbe three i dosa. laiuod by Ootaraer Hinkle >«r.i'«n tbe three offenae* for^hleh - le now aertlnf ■concurrent »eouo :n^M Th* sheriff part inniiM- for Ihe iwo etteniea for «hloh ihiunn ireeTPBrraiHtoilty-brottEht t fM^Sa -Imt-on- adTlce • et Mto«»Tfc- w l i , in hare nothlPR to da with tbe p*> - .{QOB^Md-Pn P W .tJ - ^ .... ' - TWIN FALLS, PbE/i SMTK I PLUS Plil I HFinillFfit ----- L U .U I/- UL.L.U1.1 ■uua............... , ■- - • - - . • - - Ji Offici.ils of Qrcat Monopo Miiin Turn io Jud^o Oiiry for Wi ^Oiit of Dcdaion—oL-Fcdar mo. Tmdo Commission W hlc ' Knocks Oul Distrimln.'ttion. Ih.' . --------- »!-"tn M:\V-Y0UK, July 2:!-Tli.- Unil illnn.’ 'l<><-’‘ » '•' <•» f„(! Midcr lh<- d<-('IMull nr Ib r (iMli:riil tru Jl,. tmiimli'iiloii onlcrlni: (hr corjiorulli •mil jiH mihnfitiiiitrii to i.lmn.lon 'll . 'I'lllhbiirth-pliiti" 'inU'- .'>i<l>-ni lui fi [;.„l ally <1l»poi.lnK of Ih.' ran.', Jiicli;.- I- Ni'rt IJniT. ttiainimn. naiu iii an nut Wi'W thl:i nlli'inoon. . . ' •Tlilii In n IniBloi'iiii proimi'llloii f-A— i7iiM-nrniiTTrnimiiw^iTrnH5innn L\ IIm' head of lIU' I'li'i'l (nml I'uM. Inr I l) oiillliH lb.' .'oHKiii.ll.iu will uppoal III.' courtii If n('.-i'n»nry lo obtulu wli iL - -•'IVn».Mmily."-»nrr nnld.-;"I-rin-n Ion on thill riiiinllon thiit will inal. - L v V anrt-niprl prmltircra -.>r-thHr-riii*iui I-m 'inntJtr.ll. Jllly 2:l-St.-.'l ..ffi m , Inlri—both <if Ihl' lliilK'fl Stnl.'ii Si. nh.ior nud -lhp-hli: Indopi'mlr BV ne. thV federal lrild.^ cnimnlnnlcm il.'cbil ir^o u IhL^ "l-ltiBf,urBh-pl.«"",iyBtem-l, wlll jilny ll lurK.) pan lu il.'teruihil; r.i wiui coinmliiBlon which.licld, tlm "riti liiirKh pllm" Bynli'ii. lo h.' p rln ' .1 cyjmlnatlon tu riolntlon iiftlio C|i I lo tho (no net. tollowed n lunc l.-Knl flcht fllKht. nialutnhi Itn policy of innklns Pll nd olh" UiirKb (he hnfle y nl'T of tin- riteol : crpw duBiry. ' ' •11 .Un- • Tho "ridnlnirKh pluB" nrlKlnat.'d Andrew rn'mPKln ui'arly .fifty you fable. nKo to pr.il.'Cf I‘lliiibur«h mnrk.'fn. u nyiil.-iu of a.iollnK prlcn ou.nli prudiiclH uianufai:(nr.-.l -nnrl bIiIph f C< frnm plnnlH niilBld.: <if ■1‘ltlnburRh u I'llliihurKh hasc price plus fri'lf; ^ from rillnbiirKir. . nn .Under thlB Bynti-m. (ho i.tocl innk< \ \ pay Ihc actual frclKht chnrKen on t WU proOurtji from .ihelr mliln where t _ _ __ product wafl iiinn.ifactiirrd to thr ci InlU Or-atlpntlon. hul Iho cubIoii iU li tt'C frrlcfit from PiltnhurKh. l'"or exiiiuplo ttn plnle In uuoti'.I • nppmxlmateiy K> a hundred ponml . n I’ltlaUiirKh mill. If a purchnnrr Uk II# i.ilddU'wcnt iHiUEht (In plat.' .T Ut.n froi" I’IKiiliiirKh. w hi'ih.r t * tin plair wrb mnde lii I’lllBlnirBh . lu Iho <'.ii.l.,in.;rH stale. Tli.' imi • prlnclpl^ipplli'O In olhcr.^ formn > l _ July flnDihci(lroir and Bti'cl. ^nd n Bootleggers Bring . in Million J3e^ 'uiotI'ivI WASUtNQTOji. l>. C.. jOly 23 MnklnB Ihclr Rreatent drive In. i Is lo'iR Uclpatlnn of Hn oxpocnyl drou .ent/ all hooiIoBRer# now/ a re ijmuRRlInR mi , Vh ihnn nne million cm of Um ar Mex-' •“*“ **'“ United Slatee every mon • niinw accordln* to flRuroe mndo pul IDK h^ lodny by offlclala ot the co gunrd Borvlce. r which Thu «orlou»n«>B of thla fiRuro .... ba- '" 'c lt Iliinnr traniiportnllonii la c chnraea ‘'enc®** caaoB'un ilir areraao. were bdiuik ,n Irom eountnr durin* tho apr, aeaaon. ll WM pointed out. iri hero Tfexas Man I* Held in Murder Inquii J ' KANSAS CITY, Mo.. July 2 3 -^ bufora '>“n> Nlabett. 16. formerly a t CWldrc Tex., WM held hero today In conn lion-ivm-Uui-niiinltt.o(_EanL!L"; ‘ i-nitarf Boycir, Alhanihra;-C«llf.;-wholo bt r,.!.' waa fonnd late .Monday near an abi doned aniomoblle lB-U.e..-*e.l(lent news- Nlabett,. i»tt« wa* arreated Tuead mrueeH- Btaiyitur wuii iniye« a ri- c l Hold, ^ lo . ..Id. U >^^ne,. Kana.,. liT on automob ut -1^ w ^eh. aecordlBR to police, • Nlab ^ d Boyce hud atolen. . - wlliiUJrtON; OkU..July r .^M . R«lidup of lympathlier# with .tti ^M al' '“5 union. jn.fBe^_who.are allei to piirlieipaled In drlrlni n ¥dIon-w6r1ter. -l« m - thi Kila I — mine laal'week; jras under., way ' . r . ' DAI 3, IDAHO, WEDNESDA:’ ^MAI RiLlTllL 5 OPPlD B! ipoly L'aFollcttc's Cliicf Adviser W.aii W ny Only Names of Natioiml A laral .... p5nuits..On.;-WouliL-Givc 11 ich ' <lorscii\ont to Bonsrcsdioi) 1. 'XlandidatM Approved. nll.'.l WASHINHITO.S. Ii, .inly ::i. enii- Ti^'liiilral ohitliii'li':. Iln.t'lnr a Hi irurl.' tliri'aU'iM-il tn" block ;i iiMJimal imi i.ll.)ii|palKn for elcclUii. .If (hu I.nKollell III.: H'h:cJi>r llckct (invc Vlrlunlly-hci II flu. o»-T.:oin.'. ■: i:l- MitnnKi'ra’ of Ihn Inil.'i'.'Udi'iil r ai 1"“ ''’' TiiTtii luday ..loiik hIeob Io- imiu voterii In ovary BiaU' uu npiuiriuul ,iu.i:jaL.Uicli:-JjJiJlma-fuf-ihu. ruuuh. iner- . inile[ii'ndolil leiiil'ir nnd hlii .l.'i .'.Tail.- Indcpcuilcnt ruiiiiliii; iiiu ^ In Nnvpmbrr; ............. __III t;.illturaia—Tu[_cgamuiL.sKhe , ih>,'r.j jM, iiV-.rD.“’)i'loii.-ni ihii.iaw f imScjiaiiknt___l'lJ;2l'l!JilS:il___d'xlii; *' I' (In- inw doe* l>r..vlib' tlul vnt,- ' . uliall 'hiiVH free dpi.orltinlly .to .• ....... Taklnic i.dvnntai:<<. uf lhat pn>' - nion. Ihu Uir.>ll<-tl.> m anarern 1 offlr- ''" '0 l'”lHtr>n« Mrj;iil:iii'il f Siool Pl«i;lnK the ludeiiemkiil lleliut tli» Cilllliiruin ballnln. U (ti.'.ie a r l';i- T.-Jt'i'I.id.'Ihcy lut.^iid' In i:airy tin flKht t/i tbo’ iiuiirr'ini'•.•niirl of I :l„l„n I'iwle, . Wh.'rfc.tbfyvir.' ..mthU-nl mjsrn^'nnnr*~----- iliiliiR Knr i. titnn ll aiipiarrd lliat ( Inib'pendrnt. tlck.'t w’.iiibl liiiv.- i]ir rilln* WcBl VlfRlnlH- bm tlul hnn lie ' .1IH> cli-ared up_ by an oiiliiliin of t <;iity- atnte’n nllurn.'>. Henry I* Bckho. :ht by ntiornoy keiirral nf Wlm:on«ln. n Pilll.. for \V.jiit VlrKlnla to' ni;.k<i i:u"rU ol ill- thoro.woutil bv.no dlt[l.:u|iy. I cauae ot UiKolbittv'ii d.'nlro tn ma < '>' hy It iiutlou-wJitc nppciil, n cnmhillt' yoarn huadud by U.>iinld Ulchlicrj; ut Cl •f". I» caKii.. hiiii I.... .. Ht wnrk fnr w.ie ."X'el ,m (hu.tvc'liiilral d.itallB of' plaul 'Il’IX'il thu tlirki't .III thn hall.ilk nf uvi Kh nt „iuiu ..ml iioi murcly In th.- UK' ri'lKhl ittiu . HiroiiKlioldii In tlw ntirihWL nichberK «ai. .with tho IUkwi'V nkoni ^ canipalBn In. isii n hna worked out a canipalKu nehei ® which th^ U-vt'ollotto lci.di-rn 1 i eilH\ ^ r 'm o r e niWnnVni lomor jjm, mdeivcndcnt tlckct- th I 'd at fiillriweil W Hooliuvnlt. . Iu order l<> cnich tho iMilloln In "falpl''- vntera, Uri<>ii..v J,, j[ plaird n fu|l llcket—frmn c.inii relKht prvHl.l''nt-ln the fli'ld wh' ,p ,|,p tirer hn rouM.. ThlB. Ihe I.iKiiUr pl, „ f >iiufiACiril>4uy.. proYiMl tu 111 ' u hau iinni.v 'U^iiueh llm.j wha Bpcnf in .o f IrnnlnK oul petty facllniial 'rown .ivcr (ho country. , Wlitio ' Uiejndupen.renl tlLk.ii , pronldent iiiiil^lcc' prcnlilent iil.i'r iilniio (ho enmpalau maniiRorn a thc cnndhlaK-). will Giidor»'i rnn ^ lllnica for enn»;re!w wllh iiriiKrumi 23._ recordti. Irrci'pecllro ot pnrty ult n. nn- i‘Hi»'i’- TOUthi - -• more lO-C^nt T Fare nonth, Results from Fight puiiiic in >Jew Y ork Ci •conat ___ .Vl'iW YOUK. July' 23,—Tcn-c , tnxi fnro cumo to >Jow York lor ?nn7nn ''CBUll ot a ' Mlp fljtlll, i, ' bl«-.cmnpaiUar,cutUnR Uwlr pri. ifUled effcellTc-Imtnedlaloly.- • ' ■prine f^uotlooB an\iounced lt(o Mocul- t'U*'*!'- Premier and , S. Cab eompante*. /auned hurr 1 chq^Ren In tsxl niotcra nnd nioi thal the KtralRht \xtr>. now aro J. cents a half mile, t^pplyluR lo tlrat as well aa auV^^edlnir ml t '”; M an W hip. W ife in Place-:of-His~J^>g- aban- Is C U im ; She Di lentlat -• PKN8AC0IA.’Wa.. July'23 —M esday. aicbanl Sbetfleld died hero to< " n o - Irblh a''Boniow^ipiiln« aUeii^fy celved at tho babda of her buabarn - r T -------------- aoblle. Shetfleld. 3S. waa Arrested and h ilBbett In Iho couiity Jail here. PeolloRHn ' Darrlneau tiatlL.DOl&hborlf(Kid..\ rnnnlnR hlxb l9<lay. 13-— shettleld. aeeocAlOff to Ibo alorr .Btrlk> wife told, became eorased a week i illetfd.lut Suaatjr w.hm tojllicoTcred t [ non- bli poaaiin^ dor bad filled.» $ble1 I IqU and in bla fury luhed hU wife aen ay ly with a hor»cwhln''wblle tbWr th • . children looked W .______________ - ; ----- .... f ■ ,■ 'I ■ 1.Y r AY, 'JULY 28. 1!)2-K D E T Boy Shoots Himself to Get in Headlin< ----------- l> •-'.•:t—lua.u)-- , , Jnn..., |:i, »lin lllis ntl.'Uip(<..i Mil- if .-bl.' fniir.liiii.-s lu tlii'-li.'ii mnnlh Y "Ju«l I.. '.'I' «h..t (h.- n.-x-i'i.piT i hi'iidlliii'-. n.Mil.l h.'," Ih hi.iliii.' his last blu' Ihrlll. iihT'.liJniis ti. lli.*. .'d liidii), I IT Hi.hhj, «h.i .l.'..iiir.'il ................... \| . nn .... Ml-, nf Illl- I....... U; . rns.'. r.'i..l “.IloH' n.rteU- nml ^ l-' l-l-l . —lli'd-h.-.-H.' niuUc^.-li titar ili'nlli.’ n Hi'ir.inrilrh'il liiill.'l n.niinl In .............. hi; i-h.-sl,- J ., . Till- >li.i.illiii; n<'.'iirri'il ji O.t - v.-vnwi ,,„j ,0 Iln. t.nln.' .if ll.e A<{. h.i}-. fo>.t.'r nu.lhiT, .>ln.. Idn ■En. nnrhnrllir.-thnl- io,..., n m.inlh ................ . ran n.ii.,, 'InUInir ri rr.o h e r ollli him, i.n.l Ihnt tnl.-e »liir'i' lii'InR brnUKbt bnr'k h.im.' h.- hi<-< .li<«h.-.l In I'nmlv .•r pni.Hl.ib* nni.iiunlill.',-. bnrrl) ua- -I.— enplnir InJiirj. . • ....... l'h)«lelan<. Ilf- |>ll7.xli'i| Ii; Ilnb. I'ani- I')'" »ln.m.->- inrnliil pr.i.-.-'V.'S. II.’. lleiKi- fiT.' Klniilinu hlm»i'lf y.'-il.'r.ln)- -hcen ho fold l.U ('.••ler mr.Hiep III- »«• «uiidi'rlnir niint (hv ui'u-.imjirr ■h.'ndlln.'H «i.nld-n) If hi-r.iWiiill. tiiiu v o " ^ ;uuliy — *■ ^ HSHOOTEOFir S : T0 K ILL H iSELl 'll fnr ' , i:t nu IJcnntlil .MhU H’h.. Is AIkiuI (i> 1 e ari' Kxlrndlted >lnl.i*s Anitfhcr Al Ihi'Ir trmpt Ju Tnke Ills Ilun l.lf.- * if lb'; lireuiin Prl-.in, . ' nl nt ------------------------ ---- 1’(HITI,A.V1>. Ore.. J.ily •Jll.-'oilv. ' Ihe ......... roil. ivlm. bi.linl.d by llir muu >l» 111 iiulrldi' by ilrnw.hlnj: a wi'uk ago nn licon ]mw lien In tbo cinerKi'ncy ho.iiill; f tho t»s\vj»vrI -»j> WrmSn; "horn, iin /. Abi.. Monday nigh', mnde n, • 01"' t»flier ul(eMi]>t (o und hla llto. (irl.'K Of olher jnmR|M of Iho win uriulli ,iin„rRvni:y ]ihy«li:l'a win. (ouiiil Cainerun lianRiiiK hy M i,n;..? ff'"" “""“I «!«' 1- • 'frTt n l'o v (hll .fltHir. II.i had a tii.-l.'^d ONI- mil of .-I heil Bh-ol ' (b.i h:ir anil ....... (ho oIIi.t .'i iihuui lib> n.'elt.'i!lei.p<'.l ..It hin c( 111- mlmal<iilali'.l tho IciiKlh U ll nlu'.'l. hnui-vor. and whcil'lh.; .In liwuaL ar,|v„,| ^'uiperoR wnn Jiannli mi'Vi'U i,y ,n^, otuk but M’aji ablo lu lom ""ll the fl.M.r with hh fcci.-^ ehe^e nnd plnred lu ", ''*■ paildi'.l crll, where ho wlll ho ke unlll .offU:«r» nrrlvo l.» tnke hi h.irk I.) jJIrmlnBliam. where ho w fnto tho 22-yVmr-old felony charj oin nf _______ Second M an in the nfjr'iic Case iTells ilaulii- and Then Denies : nf lu -. '. . wa all •.\AK1IV1I,1>:, T.ijiu,. July CH. Krnnk Ilarr.'ll, 2::. conroaBi'd niny -a for ..f .Major Kaniu.'l II. McU'iiry.' w iit.i'ndn hiTo. r.'puilhiV'd bin rnnr.'antnn I n and .Iny nn.l accui.od, Mr.rllm.ir Jl. K«r: rnnill- <‘olumbla,-k-.S. C.. of tho mur.ler. •omilv.1 Murrell, f.illowlng h'lB nrrejit In “'fill- nlKtit, «iutcs»«d. Rti lhal ho uud Klni; nluw .McU'i. after tho nrniy officer nffer.;d th< n ride In hts cnr.. Today, pollre' nnId, llar»e1l r [nt KiiiB. doohirluK'- ihe- hill CitV Mcl^ary from tho cnr. plac ^ a Rtm ul M tUary’a head nud fir 'n.eent ' tlnrOrtrWcad.-d. wllh KIur nol <1^ kill M.Uarl'. hi, nald. iirlca. ’•'•'’'■■J Harr ’ aniil, ••anii^hroMY.iuu.r tb kill mo , d i,y I’ oiH-ncd my u in u U i."...^ „,l JJ. Hiirroll aald he waa^1»»nB<l lurrteri accompany KIDR tn l^aatu'n, 8. whero KlnR wan arroatod alter t iro 10 found uno of McLeary'a ahh io the mlifta NA8ir\’lL L a Tenir,. July 23 After/hour.i uf ~RrllllnR W-'riink lit r.dl. 52. constTUdfon work, arrest \tr h'-re Inlo lait niRht In coniiecll if:” Virb‘'~triFm rilirr-'5J“ WiJ5r-'Sami Dies II. Wcl.eary'. near Columbti. 8. - on tlio-4>ftemoeti>ot-July-3, mado - Mra. eomp'ele confoaalon ^ todtv. iMJiTnnurrsroOTfrop ------------ band a .BHOOTHIW AltE »IVJ d held PORT NIAOA^.J« .V.. July Hn tbo The'Individual aundlac la tbe an l-.woa Lrxouta.tac..lhe army, UUoaaL.rti bateb team today wai: Ueut. H. m tats BheeU. Jlawall. ItM ; Lleul. li. ok ago Jonea, Fort Bannlnc, Oa., im ; Ca Ml that i.^S..8poooor. V. oC P. inatniet hlelten jjj« :„ U tu u M. I*. .Broaiiri£l5..X' leveroi Beojataln Marrlaoo, Ind.,-im ; B p three p, y. Mollaratroia, Port Coot, Nt ___ im. ___... _____ '- FIME^ Lawyers Cla t.Uy.-------------------- ---------------- ------------------- I Mui’der Tl ii.». - .............. .... i_ 'I'lT Statu’s Attorney' Cnf I'l','!- iiejil for iCxocution' '•“ J;— M 'u i-dei’c d —K t'tltrii- ]5rirf r‘lca anri Deni ill.'.’ CRIMINAL COUKT. I1 .J, 'iu^.v.Robert B. Cnnvo as lu' i.n .1 rif Is'atlmn l.c-'opohl aiui ili «''' RuIm'vI l'’v;\nks. schtiuUiuy. u"S- Ch.Wi.', s]u‘atdnu willi lUlIin}j,' a s run? i.f llu ' iiid.'^I ‘"I’’ i)f Chica.irii, anil in the nut liloniaiulLHl a siMiU-iift' of (it -.iVLLuriui.v ( ’luremu! Ua liis feoL as (.'rowf ciitu-lmie !_^ aL'tciT/atirin oi' tliL Idlliiitr •! . The Uvii aUoniins .'^'.ai G _x, JialLud-b.ujCiiieX-JusLica.Cji niakti a plain stati'iin'iil, an Li'npnld and Loob..sc|Ui: ... fliai'jzi's. r *.',iraiiu‘(l tli>‘ir ctni |u _ "irnlllne.otiTiiniuruiLsi! ca.sc. l u — ajv_Jucub_Kraiil;jv-£;iUi(‘r ul P I p Krank.s, l<('(‘]iin,ti' Iti.s v.vi-,'^ l\ .] 1. fil'd pcrftiiicinniy, idi'iitify .Ll K o b o il. 'Spcaliintr in a Jow vo ll. He idc'Dlifitid ii iiliDln.” Air' ■■ 'I’lie ransom loiU’r, tii-i lf«‘ •in;:ind Li'oindii, was prc.sunti jaslTie OIU' lie recfivL'ii; T n•j^7Hwol^^tTy-J^^I>•elral■l^K“ lnIK mum- up. --------- Pmni^nvnsifrcnTTipIc ['once did he falter tts the p insns- itis idei\ti£icatioi\. ‘ e nn- Holdihp back tears tl --------- coliJ^rankivn>"th4?r-<>(i:J;he- iiiXn 'nurdered by Nathnri Left] toolc tho witnes.s stand liofi oiKht ly t(){^ay and told of Iier laf ■ol "I'ri Drciwed entirely in l)li her tremhlinK, twitcliiii.cf h eoi, liist sa\V Roijert on the mot . “As he )eft for school inKinii —that was-the luetlimt^I loiuh Ills lifeless body,” Miv. Fr: The stricken mother w ( kPiit attorney. She arosi 1 him been confined ever since t 0 wlll court. __________ ' ^ • _________ 7 SAO PAULSHOR' OFFOODSUPPL ninyer ‘ wnr .Ilt'KNOH Alttt'>', July ' 2.1—11 in I.), xlllan to.lnral • trooim ba.vi'i b«i KtllB. ;hclr ImiK expetlisl miiji.r nlti er. rm t^■! r.'b.'l, fnn-.'.i In .Sun l-» It lanl '■"J’- “ceonllnr. lo musnnseii h-T'- Rtitd, -'^"■t.nK Infaniry unmi..«uiiiii cl>''i.ry and olrpliiiioi., ndvuii It,cm “» entrenchmeulB ,on Ih flIdOB in) (ho eoffoe'capital yMl-ri 1 „p. anorimiu folUiwluR an arllllory lit lulter '’•‘’■tliitcnc ot HH houni. . - placed Kun Piiuln cl'y haa been I.n I fired ilaiiiaserL Iho mr'Unnctti aald, number nf Arncrlcan mfiiKO.'a i not.to Hanlon l.y north-bound nhlps y tcrdny. ■V , h*io^*If ; than • nin'n were '■ ■nrttnn nn.l' the rnnt^itntia nnr ^ nrtlllcry wa« hpai<1n7sanlo.i,.'m' n Ilmn :o mllctf nwny. rldlo m?Bia, cr po- ahfrta M.Mnllm'i otly>r diapnirhen b rtlBatleeUonn linrl briikert out ami federal relnforcenienin aenl fr 23.— IKo Crando I>n Hul to nld In ; Har- (innl nllack nn .Sno Pnulo, A m rreated bor of oftlcora woro nrreatod, ^ accilon fniMl aliiirlf * ■" ^nmiiel reached tho ataRo of a n 'L Inralno. ‘'Iher nilvlceli said and . nauaa handicapped by,lack a woll orRaulxed commUaary. mVEN MONTHv ipBO. Cal., Jnly t f ??•— ‘lUaraer'Andflo*. wblUi »rriT*d.li I army Uai nl«bt. reports lliat rebel av L.rlfla oro-from-Sao. rsiulo-*ttMked- H. It, Brulllaa dreadnauahl M lau Qen li. V. ancborbd In Samoa harbor. flJ ; CapL pibg several bombe; It coulti "?«•s,.'sr:vse5i3?t.t li Bet. ..rhlcVwlth -lts ilit«f .Bblp,~thi-| , Neb,, Paulo, la' Ibe pride ot the OratH amr. : ^ ....^-,>-4^-^ . V ^ ••• ■ ■' ■■ ' . ■' ii».iiio ivi:vri»:rti ^ .. ThuiuUy; war.u.ir - o n ............. - fKj .. ................. OLD VOL. .XIiI. NO. 65 ' ?d 5 e lash as Great frial Comes On _ ^ . ivnvo .Makes Dni^natic Ap-., in' lit'-Twi). Mon Who i —K n i n i t s -;— \ )arro\\*—M akes ------- cnio^ (.'rime A'ti'ocious. T. r.lii('A (;o. .Inly ’ <ira- • WjiS nia.ji; .lo.iiay liy ■Siat'e'.s.Alloi'-_____ hf' t'diicindiMi ;t UitUM* arraignm ent ilifliard Loei) for llie .slayinn-ot '>■- illl aii.m-y i>as>iiim, doseribeil' the aLidfim'is ui-iine.'A.iii llio iiislory ii.'inii' of liie people anti tlie .state, ■(icafli. Uaitow Tnr tIu':d»'fi’n.so. spraiiR to . ideii and look is.-^iie with tiie cluir- ,;:-ua“;Urovi‘»ns,” ______ ! ___ s'.ailcii a sii:ir|) wranijlp'and w ere' .(:;iv. a-ly.-avlui-ufderedJDamw-to ------- anti fort'rowe.lo keep tiie peace. :iuirniinft- uirdov lire fire .of Crowe’s •oiiipri.-^tiiv as Darrow made a brief ,.sc.. TheyAvin.-ipertTd Uj.eacii-othor ....... - • iif-Uiuir-victiin, look the stand. ------- s iVoiil lilt- siayei's of liis son. testi- ifyiiij: rii'lit'les of apparel worn hy voit'i' and sluiwiiiK iitlle emotion, ln.Hiviph of liis son. ' tii-iiiaiMin.if ?l(),0(»();'sent fTy Loeii jntcd to Fi-a,nks. Ue identified it Tii'c-ii piece by piece tiie apparel iuiF()f'h4:ciIIsir|'ji)eal\Wcjnva^'held pIctrcniiTl’nrorhiMBeifaftfriicver e pieces of chithing were held oqt 5 that willed in her eyes, Mrs. Ja- Iie-14-year-H)ld-«clioolbo>^whoTwaa^-=T ieftpold and Richard- Ldeb,' later lefo.rc Ciiief Justice JohhT?. Caver- ' last Rlimp.so of her i)fjy. i)iack. save for tlie white rIovcs on X hanfj.s, Mrs. Franks sjiid that she noniin." of Wednesday, May 21. ool I watched him down the street saw him until they show,ed me- • - Fnuiks said. . T was led into court by an assistant •oso from a sick bed" w’here she has ;e llie death, of her son, to comc toj fvrn . ' ‘HIMINAI. COUUT, Chlcaib. ' Jiily i\l Till- pinie wlll not bn na'tlafled un- _ _ _ li-i,n .N'aihan Leopold and lUcliard 31 \f I/>el). mllll.iualre yoiitha. hauR for the flj| murder of llobcrt Kninka. school boy. .sini.-’n Adomey Crown declared today In ihi-'lrlal of (he blrarre murder caae cnl iiu.I.-r way hero today. 7 Jiinilce Cnverly flral ro-arrolsned »• k aaklnR whether Ihey wanted 'I,'’,L in ehanKr ihr'ir i)len« afler.two daya ,. i r-oiiBldr'rnllon, Thc defendants re- • "■ pll.'il [hey had not chaURed Ihelr ivMUtul ' I three i I'mwe aako'l lhal iho iDdlelmenta. iixrilay chanlnR kldnnplns for rane<w be y ijoni- continued and lhal the trial ^ tho murder indlctinentii proceed, ^ttor- ncy« nachrmeh-and-Darrow-'for-Mhe hn'lly jet.'nae. objectea and a wordy w iin- id, A jj,. ung„ej, will, ju«uco,Caverly fla- '* ally ruling that Iho trial, ebould be, "* y” - h’i'ld flrat on Ihe murder Indictment*; JndRft t'rttna Ftewe .. sro In • m ib t ‘Jiutlco-uohn- IL'-CaTurtr.""*...... . •rnr tit rhunkr. (rrlizled llttlo masi. soled for ..mn^o Ila rlKld enfnrcdmenl ot (he law, la • contral tlBure tor ialiU 'handi rotti. tho tato ot Ibu two yoatiia—whothec , they hanR. are Jailed for llfo Or S ira a; Unbicr oenlonee.' There la no jo rn ' »' ^ Jor the boy* plewled RBlIiy to' th* crime and tbia trial la to detehBlne .• L nnm “">« “ ®5^i crlcxmalaneea'-i lo aave' tliem trim Ow ; ' callowf. ij-aulo ~Cro«e.thaa.ooiBmM»cod.hlR,iOP«n r t r ^ a near addreM. lie aaldt . nd .the -Ttl/. ta Bw.aa5FBi«_, lack ot eTl'denca and at ihe'coiieluiloa tO ;ltt the extreme penalty bi lB »oie4.||m ; r these ^ eleBdaab.-4«*Utto4iH4<^^^ / ind RIeiard .Xoth' wlll,-fort^M S^S*iS^^5Sf^^ -5^ raii^ n . •• -rrv y.-v __ '.i'A'

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  • ^ ̂ _■ _ _ _ _ _

    : TAVIV O I.U M B 7, N ilM H K ll 7!l. .

    DEA_ _ ’' ^ c i i [ ! i i y f

    STILL ISSui — MfftI

    '• * }—^ -- L o n g - -B e a r io f f—o f— R oparo tic

    E n d s W i th o u t ' A g room ont Question; Influenco

    . P o in ca ro I s F e l t ; B a ttle I s 1

    . * * ' tw e en F in n n c ia l In te re s ts . '

    , • ’ " LO.VJJO.V. j i j l r Tfto .iJlcoiifernnco ulltmiilInK to rtncli

    ^ ncrcomciit oil Ocrmiin rcimrallo

    nftornooti witliniit rcnclilnn n n clunlnn ul) Illo tH to Wake Tpt Shehb •’'‘'■'■'•n

    ,,, - Conlrmpv ..(.'oininlUwa m » !r«forodcclilo ■ -------- ■■

    HAST LAK VKtUS, .ST.M.. J t 2n ,-A ftor ll tnmf.iru{ldo l.rcW'B i

    JtlKti. fn San- MUuol comuy J iiK ^ n i cnrcfully ■ prepared toilet ihmfciK

    Blrnln. c , Mbrm,, /,fiii„r o t ' 'f l i \^ , buijuem.in Stnto-TrHjimu; npent

    hno r nn bU w\ilof. “ 'C for hi# pnpar.„ 2 ! ! v *t’“ ff'nR contcnlcdly a t l.la I

    ^ p ipe , tlie indaniltahlo e.lltor bent^ cfforUi to thn tnok ot "I'lllliiK

    L- I. i« world" 'C'hni ho ihliikii o t Nba- I lean cpurt*. Ha would no l al

    toaald ■"»tuf'> ' ‘'»ernor Hinkle.Tho caae on ajy>««I will probi

    2J _ come before Iho aupreint- court ^w aia le * ' •" Attorney# for Maseo oxp?ctir a n ^ " ‘ cnrpu*

    i-SfSP, one o'clock thla aflernuiin. nndI com- broURht up bern .I®. ‘ Hit nf *>'«I " ^ — Jb—uw iayV i^ileT la l.--c tm t-n t9 a pro- “ •I'*® MTaaled lo the Un, haul- Prcaaj be l»»uea a call to the p; imnrcB ‘*>0 country to itnnd hy l»lm

    , ^ , i ^ demandlnic) a frear roiRn for o« s n '^ T j>«pw a-ln.--«mi,manllB*_.-.oli„ci

    pendln* In court anil lo wake ui

    JOBET to reco«nla^ oM ' el tbe th ree i dosa. laiuod by O otaraer Hinkle

    >«r.i'«n tbe three offenae* f o r^ h le h- le now a e r tln f ■concurrent »eouo: n ^ M Th* she riff partinniiM- for Ihe iwo etteniea fo r «hlohih iu n n ireeT PB rraiH toilty-brottE ht tfM ^Sa -Im t-on - adTlce • e t Mto«»Tfc- w l i , in h a re nothlPR to da w ith tbe p*>

    - .{Q O B^M d-Pn P W . t J - ^

    .... ' - TWIN FALLS,

    PbE/iSMTKI PLUS P l i l I H F i n i l l F f i t----- L U .U I/- UL.L.U1.1■uua............... , ■- - • - - ’ ■ . • -- J iO ffic i.ils o f Q rc a t M onopo

    Miiin T u r n io Ju d ^ o O iiry f o r W i^Oi i t o f D cda ion—o L - F c d a r

    mo. T m d o C om m ission W h l c

    ' K n o ck s O u l D istr im ln .'tt ion .Ih.' . ---------

    »!-"tn M:\V-Y0UK, July 2 :!-Tli.- Unil illnn.’ 'l a hundred ponml

    . n I’ltlaUiirKh mill. If a purchnnrrUk II# i.ilddU'wcnt iHiUEht (In plat.'.T

    U t.n froi" I’IKiiliiirKh. w h i'ih .r t* tin p la ir wrb mnde lii I’lllBlnirBh

    . lu Iho . C.. jO ly 23• MnklnB Ihclr Rreatent drive In. i

    Is lo'iR Uclpatlnn of Hn oxpocnyl drou .ent/ a ll hooiIoBRer# now/ a re ijmuRRlInR mi , V h ihnn nne million c*»m of Um ar Mex-' •“ *“ **'“ United Slatee every mon • niinw accordln* to flRuroe mndo pul IDK h ^ lodny by offlclala ot the co

    gunrd Borvlce. r which Thu «orlou»n«>B of thla fiRuro . . . . ba- '" 'c l t Iliinnr traniiportnllonii la c chnraea ‘'enc®**caaoB'un ilir a re raao . were bdiuik ,n Irom eountnr durin* tho apr,

    aeaaon. l l WM pointed out.

    ir i hero Tfexas M an I* H e ld in M u rd er In q u ii

    J ' KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Ju ly 2 3 - ^ bufora '>“n> Nlabett. 16. formerly a t CWldrc

    Tex., WM held hero today In connlion -ivm -U ui-n iiin ltt.o (_E anL !L ";

    ‘ i-nitarf Boycir, Alhanihra;-C«llf.;-w holo bt r , . ! . ' waa fonnd late .Monday near an abi

    doned aniomoblle lB -U.e..-*e.l(lentnews- Nlabett,. i»tt« wa* arrea ted Tuead

    — mr u e e H- Btaiyitur w uii in iy e « a r i - ” c l H old, ^ l o . ..Id .

    U > ^ ^ n e ,. Kana.,. liT on automob ut -1̂ w ^e h . aecordlBR to police, • Nlab

    ^ d Boyce hud atolen. .

    - w lliiU J rtO N ; O k U ..J u ly r . ^ M . R « lid u p of lym pathlier# w ith . tti ^ M a l ' ' “ 5 union. jn .fB e^_w ho .a re allei

    to piirlieipaled In d r l r ln i n ¥dIon-w 6r1ter. - l « m - th i K ila I

    ” — mine la a l'w ee k ; jra s under., way

    ' . r . ■ '



    5 OPPlD B!ipo ly L 'a F o llc ttc 's C liicf A d v ise r W.aii

    W n y O n ly N am es o f N atio im l A

    l a r a l ....p 5 n u its ..O n .;-W o u liL -G iv c 11

    i c h ' < lorscii\ont to Bonsrcsdioi)

    1. 'X la n d id a tM A pproved .

    nll.'.l WASHINHITO.S. Ii, .inly ::i.enii- Ti^'liiilral ohitliii'li':. I ln .t 'ln r a Hi

    irurl.' tliri'aU'iM-il tn" block ;i iiMJimal imi i.ll.)ii|palKn for elcclUii. .If (hu I.nKollell

    III.: H'h:cJi>r llckct (invc Vlrlunlly-hci II f lu . o»-T.:oin.'. ■:

    i:l- MitnnKi'ra’ of Ihn Inil.'i'.'Udi'iil r ai 1" “ ' ' ’' TiiTtii luday ..loiik hIeob Io- imiu

    voterii In ovary BiaU' uu npiuiriuul ,iu.i:jaL.Uicli:-JjJiJlma-fuf-ihu. ruuuh.

    iner- . inile[ii'ndolil leiiil'ir nnd hlii .l.'i .'.Tail.- Indcpcuilcnt ruiiiiliii; iiiu

    ^ In Nnvpmbrr; .............__III t;.illturaia—Tu[_cgamuiL.sKhe

    , ih>,'r.j jM, iiV-.rD.“’)i'loii.-ni ihii.iaw fimScjiaiiknt___l'lJ;2l'l!JilS:il___d'xlii;

    *' I' (In- inw doe* l>r..vlib' t lu l vnt,- ' . uliall 'hiiVH free dpi.orltinlly .to .• .......

    Taklnic i.dvnntai:. H enry I* Bckho. :ht by ntiornoy keiirral nf Wlm:on«ln. n

    P illl.. for \V.jiit VlrKlnla to' ni;.kiiufiACiril>4uy.. proYiMl tu 111' u hau iinni.v 'U ^ iiu e h llm.j wha Bpcnf

    in .o f IrnnlnK oul petty facllniial 'rown .ivcr (ho country.

    , Wlitio ' U iejndupen .ren l tlLk.ii , pronldent i ii i i l^ lc c ' prcnlilent iil.i'r

    iilniio (ho enmpalau maniiRorn a thc cnndhlaK-). will Giidor»'i rnn

    ^ lllnica for enn»;re!w wllh iiriiKrumi 2 3 ._ recordti. Irrci'pecllro ot pnrty ult

    n . nn- i‘Hi»'i’-TOUthi - -•

    m ore l O - C ^ n t T a » F a r e

    nonth, R e s u l t s f r o m F i g h t puiiiic i n > J e w Y o r k C i•conat ___

    .Vl'iW YOUK. July ' 23,—Tcn-c , tnxi fnro cumo to >Jow York lor

    ?nn7nn ''CBUll o t a ' Mlp fljtlll, i,' bl«-.cmnpaiUar,cutUnR Uwlr pri.ifU led effcellTc-Imtnedlaloly.- • ' ■prine f^uotlooB an\iounced

    lt(o Mocul- t'U*'*!'- Premier and , S. Cab eompante*. /auned hurr 1 chq^Ren In tsxl niotcra nnd nioi

    thal the KtralRht \xtr>. now aro J . cents a half mile, t^pplyluR lo

    tlrat as well aa auV^^edlnir ml

    t ' ” ; M a n W h i p . W i f e i n — P l a c e - : o f - H i s ~ J ^ > g -

    aban- I s C U i m ; S h e D ilentlat -•

    PKN8AC0IA.’ Wa.. Ju ly '2 3 — M esday. a icb a n l Sbetfleld died hero to< " n o - Irblh a ''Boniow^ipiiln« aU eii^fy

    celved a t tho babda of her buabarn■ - r T --------------

    aoblle. Shetfleld. 3S. waa Arrested and h ilBbett In Iho couiity Jail here. PeolloRHn

    ' D arrlneau tiatlL.DOl&hborlf(Kid..\ rnnnlnR hlxb l9 wife told, became eorased a week i i l l e t f d . l u t Suaatjr w .hm to jllic o T cred t [ non - b li poaaiin^ d o r bad f i l l e d .» $ble1 I Iq U and in bla fury lu h e d hU wife a e n ay ly w ith a hor»cwhln''wblle tbWr th

    • • . children looked W .______________

    ■ - ; - - - - - . . . . f ■ ,■ 'I ■

    1.Y rAY, 'JULY 28. 1!)2-K

    D E TBoy Shoots Himself

    to Get in Headlin<----------- l> •-'.•:t—lua.u)--, , Jnn ..., |:i, »lin lllis ntl.'Uip(- inrnliil pr.i.-.-'V.'S. II.’.

    lleiKi- fiT.' Klniilinu hlm»i'lf y.'-il.'r.ln)- -hcen ho fold l.U ('.••ler mr.Hiep III- »« •

    «uiidi'rlnir niin t (hv ui'u-.imjirr ■h.'ndlln.'H « i.n ld -n ) If hi-r.iWiiill.

    t i i i u v o " ^;uuliy ■ — *■ ^


    S : T0 KILL HiSELl'll fnr ' • ,i:t nu IJcnntlil .MhU H’h.. Is AIkiuI (i> 1e ari' Kxlrndlted >lnl.i*s Anitfhcr AlIhi'Ir trm pt Ju Tnke Ills Ilun l.lf.- *

    if lb'; lireuiin Prl-.in, . ' ■n l nt • ------------------------ ----

    1’(HITI,A.V1>. Ore.. J.ily •Jll.-'oilv. ' Ihe ......... roil. ivlm. bi.linl.d by llir muu

    >l» 111 iiulrldi' by ilrnw.hlnj: a wi'uk ago nn licon ]mw lien In tbo cinerKi'ncy ho.iiill;

    f tho t»s\vj»vrI -»j> WrmSn;"horn, i i n / . Abi.. Monday nigh', mnde n,• 01"' t»flier ul(eMi]>t (o und hla llto.

    (irl.'K Of olher jnmR|M of Iho win uriulli ,iin„rRvni:y ]ihy«li:l'a

    win. (ouiiil Cainerun lianRiiiK hy M i,n ;..? ff '"" “" " “I «!«'

    1- • 'frTt n l 'o v (hll .fltHir. II.i had a ‘ tii.-l.'^d ONI- m il of .-I heil Bh-ol '

    (b.i h:ir anil ....... (ho oIIi.t .'iiihuui lib> n.'elt.'i!lei.pftemoeti>ot-July-3, mado - Mra. eomp'ele confoaalon ^ tod tv .

    i M J i T n n u r r s r o O T f r o p ------------band a .BHOOTHIW AltE »IVJ

    d held PORT N IA O A ^.J« .V.. July Hn tbo T he'Individual au n d lac la tbe a n l-.w oa Lrxouta.tac..lhe arm y, U UoaaL.rti

    b a te b team today w ai: U eut. H. m tats BheeU. J la w all . I t M ; Lleul. li. ok ago Jonea, Fort Bannlnc, Oa., i m ; Ca Ml th a t i.^ S ..8 p o o o o r . V. oC P . in a tn ie thlelten j j j « : „ U t u u M. I*. .Broaiiri£l5..X'leveroi Beojataln Marrlaoo, I n d . , - i m ; B p three p , y . Mollaratroia, Port Coot, Nt___ im.___..._____ '-


    Lawyers Clat.Uy.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I Mui’der Tlii.». - • .............. .... i _

    'I'lT S t a t u ’s A t t o r n e y ' C n f I'l','!- i ie j i l f o r iC x o c u t io n ' '•“ J;— M 'u i - d e i ’c d — K t ' t l t r i i -

    ] 5 r i r f r ‘l c a a n r i D eni

    ill.'.’ C R IM IN A L COUKT.

    I1.J, 'i u ^ .v .R o b e r t B . C n n v o a s lu ' i.n.1 rif Is'atlmn l.c-'opohl aiu i ili «''' RuIm'vI l'’v;\nks. schtiuUiuy. u " S - C h .W i. ', s ] u ‘a t d n u w il l i

    lUlIin}j,' a s run? i.f llu ' iiid.'̂ I ‘"I’’ i) f Chica.irii, a n i l in t h e nut

    l i lo n ia iu lL H l a siM iU -iift' o f (it -.iVLLuriui.v ( ’luremu! Ua

    l i i s feoL a s ( . 'r o w f c i i tu - lm ie ! _ ^ a L 'tc iT /a t i r i n oi' t l i L ‘ I d l l i i i t r ■•!

    . T h e U v ii a U o n i i n s .'̂ '.ai

    G_x , JialLud-b.ujCiiieX-JusLica.Cji niakti a p la in stati'iin 'iil, an L i'npnld an d Loob..sc|Ui: . . . fliai'jzi's. r *.',iraiiu‘(l tli>‘ir ctni |u _ "irnlllne.otiTiiniuruiLsi! ca.sc.

    l u — a jv _ J u c u b _ K r a i i l ; jv - £ ; iU i( ‘r ul PI p Krank.s, l •e lra l■ l^ K “ ln IKmum- up.

    --------- P m n i ^ n v n s i f r c n T T i p I c“ [ 'o n c e d i d h e f a l t e r t t s t h e p insns- i t i s i d e i \ t i £ i c a t i o i \ . ‘ ♦ e nn- H o l d i h p b a c k t e a r s tl

    - - - - - - - - - c o liJ^ ra n k iv n > " th 4 ? r-< > (i:J ;h e -iiiXn 'n u rd e re d by N athnri Left]

    toolc tho witnes.s s ta n d liofi oiKht ly t(){^ay a n d to ld o f Iier laf

    ■ol "I'ri Drciwed en tire ly in l)li h e r trem hlinK , twitcliiii.cf h

    eoi, liist sa\V R o ije rt on th e mot . “ A s h e )e ft fo r school

    inKinii — th a t w a s-th e lu e tlim t^ I loiuh Ills life less body,” Miv. Fr:

    T h e strick e n m o th er w ( kPiit a tto rn e y . She arosi1 him been co n fin e d ev e r since t0 wlll c o u r t . __________ ' ̂ •_________


    ninyer ‘w nr .Ilt'KNOH Alttt'>', July ' 2.1—11

    in I.), xlllan to.lnral • trooim ba.vi'i b«i KtllB. ;h c lr ImiK expetlisl miiji.r nlti

    e r. rm t̂ ■! r.'b.'l, fnn-.'.i In .Sun l-» It lanl '■"J’- “ceonllnr. lo musnnseii h-T'-

    Rtitd, -'̂ "■t.nK Infaniry unmi..«uiiiiicl>''i.ry and olrpliiiioi., ndvuii

    It,cm “» entrenchmeulB ,on Ih‘ flIdOB in) (ho eoffoe'capital yMl-ri

    1 „p. anorim iu folUiwluR an arllllory lit lu lter '’•‘’■tliitcnc ot HH houni. . -

    placed Kun Piiuln c l'y haa been I.n I fired ilaiiiaserL Iho mr'Unnctti aald,

    number nf Arncrlcan mfiiKO.'a i n o t . to Hanlon l.y north-bound nhlps y

    tcrdny. ■V,

    h*iô *If ; than • nin'n were'■ ■nrttnn n n .l' the rnn t^itn tia n n r

    ^ n rtlllcry wa« hpai« “ ®5̂icrlcxmalaneea'-i lo aave' tliem tr im Ow •; ' callowf.ij-au lo ~C ro«e.thaa.ooiB mM»cod.hlR,iOP«n r t r ■ ̂a near addreM. l ie aaldt ■ ■ .nd .the -Ttl/. t a Bw.aa5FBi«_,lack o t eTl'denca and a t ihe 'c o iie lu iloa tO ; l t t

    the extrem e penalty b i lB » o ie 4 . | |m ;r — t hese ̂ e l e B d a a b . - 4 « * U t t o 4 i H 4 < ^ ^ ^/ in d R Ieiard .Xoth'

    w l l l , - f o r t ^ M S ^ S * i S ^ ^ 5 S f ^ ^

    - 5 ^

    r a i i ^

    n . • • -rrv • y.-v

    __ '.i'A'

  • / '■' PAf}H T\VQ

    : s o a■ . ■ Cull 5 Ir« . .IJ. E. Dei

    Ktlt.T(nltl. for S M rr- ,Mi r-. II. f . ' CJrllrrt t;til''rlniniilli nt

    irn-lailnK. Till' liriili- In llir

    •ilaiiKliIrr of .Mr. ..ml -HrH. I). 11. Cli.ili'------- ---------- who'Wtt h‘lh^hriHr*fi-bmt hrr-^itil- wKt*

    . were jr c s w i l .a l lliu iiiurrlauc. Jflur• yoiiiiF: cm ii't'’ li'H ni n iirr , jnr a li ln

    ' lu OftU-nn .Summit nud will rriiirii .lii

    Mni. Jcnn Nrllnnn rcliirlird Ikii.k' . Tliurntlny from tlluli. wl.rrii nJn- wi.ii

    cAllcd liy tlio ilriith Ilf I k t brcitlirr. I trn rj' Mnn'iiInK -,»f Oiirliwnl, r ii.li

    ' . wnn a liiinini-nn vInlKir In iliirlniiKli C '^tlic patit wviik.

    ' Mlim y^nun Ilrrs liry nlnl. ulnlrrti from Knnitnn. «liI..Ori'Koii

    ' vras a Iiuilnk'n.i vlitUor In Miiriaui;li ' Satiirdaj. ,

    ....... Dean tn Tcponpti to np unpr/iv-

    ■■ Ihal he 'uuU crw cnl n( th r Twlu Fnll:i ____________lio^pllal. I ^ ̂ ̂ »

    Fa^li woro bunlncsii vlnllorit In .Mur- tauKh Mondny.

    Ctia^. Mntilic'u' rrttirn rd .Iinnir Sun- day from Sm llh .SiirlnKn w hrrr li hn:>

    '■ HlJcnl Iho pant two wc< k(i for ih r lirii-ir it of hin health .

    J. W. nranuui) of rrd. a:ij t io\Tom$, to-w lt:

    . LoIa nu inh rr nlxtcm ( 10) nml xrv.I rn lw n (17), In Illock Srvrn (7) of■ Jllilo !.akr» Addition (o (he Clly ol; T w ln.l'alla . Tw in Fall* (Touuty, Idaho

    -*----------“ ■••(ho name ow -niim hrrM nnd rfenU.. . »ialiJt>*i55fcK J^'cl»l I’hil ou file in

    - • • ; tbo offbS2 ifTRr>in;rlcr of -Tvrfn■ PfcltA yoimirTM dahn.

    Pum ic Nollco Ih I lrrehy (ilvrn, Tlml- 7 --------o n 'i to n H rd ii^ ^ 'e rA u K m n .in ic in niF

    ^ hou r o t 2:00 r . .M. (Mmjulalu Tlm r)) • ^ n f Mid dny. n t ih r fronl. door

    o r Uie Court noune oT llin C ounfy 'orV - .........." T V I B - F i l l . , Blato of Idalfo ,'I Wlll.-lnV obwllenco to nald Order of Snle andJ - - ........... DM fca ot.l*or«clofcur«, a ril ibo aln.yr

    .Ooacrlbed p roperly to natinfy Plain- . . •V~'--tJtt1i-aecroo wIlB Inlrrent therm n. to- •• » • srth w .w iU j-n ll'p o d fH tha t have nr- i» . c ru n l or n iiy accnie. to llie hlphr-itf ............. bidder for caJUl. lawful money or OiuI ------- - United S lafw .

    Dated Ib li 8lh day oL July. 1021,M. K. FINCH. Sheriff.

    . P y K. F. I’ilATEIL ._ Deputy.

    ■* ...... r • k' ̂ . 7 ’’ • —

    X . _____ :____ ^

    M T . 'DeLss, r i io n o 'JXJ , '

    c. in rlajit 'I f l i h'"'?'- n

    . » • '•....n;; I.i.ik r .'l.-rlluk'—T hr I'yllil:m Slnl.m K". Ix'UI Itn Ir in ;iila r I'nlj:r mri iiiiu-'on III-,Tiiri«liiy rvJ-nlni: lu th r liu"|m-»n ll’.-IWoiin ii'it rliifi j.ioiii-i, A lir t llrf liiii.- liy |ln .”.»w“ !i-'lon a r>nrlal l io i ir '\sart rn- rr. Ijnyrd durlui: w hlrh r«-vi-r:il .inOri-nt- lor ,ln,:-.rim-|,-:lri w r .r InHI. A t,a la ir hour »i-r.li.(ii'y rrfrr^ hy rn ir, w rn l rtrrvr.l 1,y

    |M.n a l.il,M i^A .^J,^V i..i.ii. •

    nil I Tfir l'iirrli:ii ,Ml«u|onary'iinrlriy of r.r;ih r MrllioiIlM i-linr.-li w |l| Iin'rl 111 thr

    » l; jl l.iirrh pni loiii TliurMiliiy iiflrruiKiii. a i - ‘Ullh ,Mrii. T. K. ilarliim .n Jli rhnri;r n - 'o f Ihr j.roKtaiu. T h r llrv, C, M, Will- i.'d ,niiii; will i:lu ' a UiIIl . .

    ■l(t-t- O n-V nm tinn-'rrip .Mi'Tt-i:i7iip-Mnr- •lurrray li ft ihla n.umfiiK to liiulml. .tho l lll ]»vi c k-rnil u t Ihr Siiilih c al.In uu Ila- ,lll lUrr r rr rk . '

    ' ;i>lrnlr nl ArlDilnii Wrihnmlny ami ru-—T fjpjT i^ tirn rtn irS rlla to i^ri'ila l,:------------— !| i:. k. T rue Hud Mr, mid Mrii. C- V, i„r Tttn- f-iic ul Turiidiry In Twin Falla.

    Mill. II, I 'lrk r lt ainl rum I.rtiii and jMru, J, H, ll.»vli-y.,Mrii. N, D, Mrrrill,

    lull !Mf"- ■). I- Toliuiiu. Mrn. Will 'diiDdmnii ,Klij‘'|>d Mr;i. H rlirr Nrllnou upi:lit TliUfn-

    Iday In 'I'll In Falln. iTti! A lan ;r crowd ftllnnilt'll (hr ditncr , r r at ll.r I.. D, S. hull Friday rv»-ii(UK.

    I .Mi^ Dnra- 'l)ri>ai)»rU ot }li},Uy ;,|l Inlifiil Ihr wrrk rud wllh hvi' niulhri- vlr.lMni, 11, K. WlllUiimi,

    I .Ml.-ui Dni’olhy Cnriuau ban b rrn uu>jilfi MU' iiuniii ii n irn j.ii i- in r 'rr r tn i'P rr

    :__ ('i;!.(!!j:!HK-/rim'-JtJ!‘;rJoua-i;ur..truubliv;cin Mhiii A llfr Norrin rolurnrd lo he? i,;li homr In Fdi-nlrllo Sundny. a ftr r n

    J w rrkn vl!iit nl Ihe Wni, Adamnon l\mnrt f)V- Mr.-nitd-Mnv Klmer .Moyea nf Halt Ion I-nkr Dvu vIsUIuk nt life W. (j, .Moyr.i .11:, Iinnip. '> .Mrn. Cnihplirll nnd daiiRhlrra.'Nrlllrrnr mul- Tnmr nrT w in’ " raitB~Bivrnt—m rur. week iii)l ivllh .MiirlnuKh frlrmlH,

    | p e r s o n a l s |

    Mr/I. H arry Fa rrn r M l for l**ajillc- lon, Orii., Tiu-riiliiy rvenluK.- .T e n huUiiiluu— ^rm ?— f m i f c r ^ Thrro will hr n rhuUKO lu the per-

    , n iiiinri.nf .Salviiilun Army . iifficcrn .VvSv;'"r:a-iiKn'i:or>p'»nn‘ai.*iiii:

    Ijj, .nil lrfl lorhy for I/'.-wlmou. Thrlf "UrcmnorB will a rrive toniorrriw nml

    I,, .hi) i:lTeD. n- r'au^aiun. tomnrrow cvr- ji, nini; a l ,thc arm y hall ‘on l^houhJuu

    111- Dr. |Hnl .Mm'. U. I.. Aloxnnttor a rr ■ra r.Tiircird lininr thin ov('nlni; froin n

    , iitouih’i) vnraitcm irlp lo V.nucoiivcr. nd Soalllo nnd rortlnitil. l |. . -MlKB Florence (iuRiafjion Irft /Of I a Di’iivrr Ulln mnritlui; to vltili h r p ^ r - {

    no riilN. Shr will return lo h r r poiifllon iitt t i 'u J ir r lu tho cli'm rnlary nrhoulH

    n- here thin fall./ ,'irn, Frnnk I 'rcnch. whn haa been

    ]̂l vinltluK frlrmln nnd rrlnllvrn lil ihln iiV '' ''y f" r •"■r liiimr In 1/is AuKrlm

    Ihln laoruliii.-. Mr. nnd' Mrn. Fri'nrh wiro fornirrly rr.nidi;llln ot Twlu

    Ilrrn. Mrn, ,J, F. llo ln irr W Ixia AnKrlps. Jii who hnn l>rrn vim tlur h r r daUKhlpr.iL Mrrt. llliilDC..Vo3hurL-. h-fl. fnr__SXJUiry kano. '\i;iL.h.. in vli.li irlnllvon, lliki

    iiiornUif;.Ii. V. N. Amlonion went lo Hurley (hin

    inoruliiK on lnu ---------

    '& ^ ™

    I OUTIN&NOTES^ , Douclun S'lilmoii. Chnilrii l_nrnrn

    Mini A /A lr\a i.ilr i- a rr on ii wrrh.i \a - y;i«IliiU Irlji lu ih r Sii«Ioolh muiuilalini...

    . . . .N'u;::;lc.aud-J. JoUailiii hav.. noiir lo Carry ami ih r Valli Aiif Ihr .Monn on u vu.iilliin -irlp, W

    1:, (). Ilaiu.H ami fatnllv |.-fi Sun- day for K0Irl.m11 to icpcad 11 worli

    .....' . ''"'*r Mr. and Min, V. ,1. ll-inl. iMi.n will

    ’’>■ rriu ru Frl-lny Cioiu a lilp ilnoui;h ilir iLu-. ■v'rllowmtmr‘ p:i»lc;- - .......... ........... .......—

    A i'1'KAi..s TO 1111: pni:s>i
    ‘ lie replied lha t bii ilculi:U ihi:* iiVu.n- lln- eacfl nf a cuiirt, iinil that h r wau

    mil h-luK alhiwoil ilur prnrcrin" u | — thi> b»w. ^

    ~ h A N T -,\-F H .-S .-M 7: - J n l j - i s r ‘rho . y fate-' of Carl C. Mam'r, yrnlefilay , m-iilenred lu^. from three ti» nix

    nioulhn In Ihr cmia'ty Jail al rrill uIh lal uud erorylhluK hr could clenlri: Iiy

    frleiidii oi» Ihn oiimlde. cen .. - ' , ,Ihln S a r to r i a l N o ta•lo» am iica do nut iimko thu nmn. nor nrh the "Jackot" Iho -bout—Ueitou T ra » win *crlpt.

    | p f i . J | i a a B H M M ^ H M i i m ^ M H B OIpr,

    3TPUBL1C s F R ID A Y ,ii-.nn As I bave'lmore w

    I can take cWe of, I y, hm ^o n a t the Davis ^ o t

    F i l e r , - ' ~

    COMMENCING 10 H ead High G rad - Term s: Ifime v ill

    U t on approved note 10 p e r cent; 5 .per ce

    i W-R-HUR' Z MUNYOH & HOPKINS, AuctUnd.

    [ISFR1EN D 3 ^

    --------- J M f ' i i s W s. nuu- innnla," accordInK to r. loloKratn ro-

    lUi. iVL :̂!-d Iiv Mr,I Kellocl- ------------- ̂ ...» ' ■ JIn. • '?*ole.H lilteu In Octoher—lU-lnilve lonr Iho iilnlrnirnt In Ihn nlory o t tho lu -„ r 7 I,in :in lF u in iiy t-yeh le rdnv -n fa l'T r--r1.1 K lntnhury alaried tho paper wlth-Uio m hnckluir of a num ber of uihern who j,( proinlned him hujilneiA and Idnned

    him money on prouilanory noipfl. It In

    r,. k uhould be adth:d th a t Ihla loaning n t tnnney did not take place a t Ihe

    1.1 tim e he~JUnrtrd ,Ihr Indcpl'm lrct m AuKuni purely on.hlfi own rrnponnl-

    to h llliy nnd lha t tlir Inana verci noi ,r . nindo until Octohor when It wnn dr- ■r. rilled lo form a corporation. It In al- ,j- Icjted tha t Ih r noh.n wero kIvî j fr>,

    . mouoy until ._tlir corporation wa:i forfnrd, ” ' .. '

    F o r S a le -t:h lli!rru ‘a pnmpn ati^ *■ annilnln. itlJien S-lo L-. for IM S. lln r-

    h,or. Shoe Co. , - .

    C “ S A E E r, JU L Y 2 5w ork c^i niy ranch thcui- w ill sell Public Auc-

    :os. barn in tfie town of

    I A T 1 O ’CLOCK “ ide . Jersey M ilk Cows ill be given until Nou*, )tes be^rin^ interest a t cent discount for cash.-

    R.ST, Ownerstio n o crs . H . E . O B i ^ , A g t

    ^ ' .Willie

    a i c ■ 1 ■ \wxj.cvxr oivP ME

    \ SistitTuw' T'^BXr "*1* „ L ' i ' T c o - s u E r a w T i E -------- r - . -

    M.dCN. HECB-lN-m- K '

    ■ *


    I . . . . A T T H E . , .t h e a t r e s .lui: ' ̂ *oil i ; i K I ( |r.\T llV KID


    vho ■ Thrt-o w ^ j g ^ in r l e ln In Mio pie- I J- '" r r ! TTntt'inrT^y hnppenn, hut It re- hnpponn lu •'The'V ouutry Kid." Won-

    UUI, Iry nariy 'n Inlont Idcliire, which In annouiierd for two duyn n t . th r Idaho

    ii r i ihonlrr heinnnluK Friday. Thu trio •vr. cumiluia-nf Weiiley Uarry. who nccilH rtlll no mirodiirllou lo film fnii«; -'Sper"

    O'Dnuneir, the eleven year old -Ind, _ with f rr r kird fni'o and a flair of tmi

    tut- nnfl‘~ n n n r^ r in !n ~ c tif i 'i i ir 'n ro ~ T rn rr Jtke year old woudrr child who hnn brlKhl- ilrn. i-ned many a plcturu In hin iihurt

    W. ..erorn eurrcr.Tliln Wnruor Ilrolhel-n Clniinlc of

    Ih r iicreiii wnn nporlnlly wrltt'eu for Irno W tnley hy Julian Josc-phnou, iiolid alJu nueuaiiiil. ,Imi- ̂ _̂______ _

    tio3-------nre-il I-JT-AT no'ver'ciolnho ‘ t o ' I-:. J7>T S trpkeu .JI . block H, Twin J-'alln.

    IW 'd; SlirrHf h> C. U Pittman lir.,- "l':r UIB. |ian .S',i .\i-j ^q-io-iK.- ■■>“>' qu it rLilin dre.l: Tivln Falln i» 'd Falln .Ni.rlMlcic Inv. to VIIIa.^.

    o t H olIU ur J l. K’i tAv,C-i:i-l7, pljir line" ami richin of way ih rretor.

    the -;)iTd: Hollinicr W ^erw orkn Co.to nnme. 11. .SK l-Ill-IC and all

    mia'( woiidirft

    I'll"' Cnlli^umia'at no more than It cuSlopovcr» a t all polnij «re

    trip lickcti.I ">! To ( c ^ rc th li loiv fare, l;ia liT ■ (idcc( (o 0(,-J inr5‘K r7sxi:T T :A xrcnY ~

    D R I l

    - .......

    M i ? ! .

    . TUE 9NAPPY

    0 ^ t l i e re a l rcjrei'cpo l.saH sfijing t q u e n c h in g flavi


    ^ , / J j a i l / o u n J a i w -

    f e - :

    AVK!).\-i:.S|)AV, . i r i A' 2 :i,.1 0 2 L

    llnd iVef lreiitei|. p»hrf?.». 21ft a .Unlu St. riiuDc (>i3. .----- --------------— — — ^

    MOTOR PA RTSllutf-uii, K*'ex. 310.111011 .

    C hn lm rn f---------S tcpkon C yl. G rin d . Co.

    rehim—ria ^n Franciscon C invoo Ko«l

  • ' T V E D N E S D ^ i', J C L T !.% 102J.


    THE WAY BACK= ̂ ■ ■■1’:

    PARIS. July 23~Anu'rlca'B virlnr- in t: ■ loiiii Olyi'ili'c fOntrnUi'W nn* luiir. • ■ 'UIC

    ' A«conI|iV(: lilt" Kri'iKli rotnmll- t/yli'.W«'ny. M________

    ^ - -prfco pBtil. for Wm by the W u b ln iP • ton ctub 'o f tho Americas league, Pi

    ___________n o n L J ir_ e t .g l,A w t . outfleMer oftb* j c » m C lw ^ V n w . “back \p bU home a t Stockton.-Cat. tonight, “through” wllb baseball, Ji Scott made th d alatem ent boro t u t

    --------------- ,^iaahi »{. flanrgn, Hflab^bacli._iutJb, Uor of th»-;-JUu«B,-relUB0d . t 0: .Khan> ai tiay of IhfTBum'recelred by Slueble* ft V«ch wJUi. Scolt.* ScoU 1blnki|.lla "a dirty deaT' and IB Bald to b« ready to aiill.ha*?-

    -bair, rathar-A haii.'go.to . llje Seaatora under the te ra a of tbe Qurchaie'. f


    :>F^HESW A T C H I N G T H E B!

    S C O R E B O A R D q

    ■Y\rtorilliy'n ' lii'rt)-"G ahU y’ llm l- ‘ K'U. ytinih: Ciili catrln-r. wim i-tm-Vnl , nit a lirnco of IminiTii. thi' nitond dtiy 11- ban ilnno nn llUri wriX, : '

    ■'IV Colili'M TlK.'rn tnok tbe Y aukcn n tliolr own ntnilUmi rinil nhonk ibn tr iut nf flnit plBPc. I’cnnock i'uil W'lli> ‘ -iiKaKlUK III n lilU'hliii; duel \rhlili

    ;rolt In niiw lomlinK tin: lennui'.

    The Sonntnni brnli.-even xvllli lhe White riiix in It double bill. UniUii; the finit I 10 0 nnd wlnnlni; the nccoml 4 lo 1 . / _ -

    Tli OInnlii iilanKliieri'd Ihreo u .d ,Irf.irlHrHrlilHklttK-lr-lillo-lltld'-ptllllli-illtlUich IL lend Ibnl u ninlh 'Innliu: iully |.f„| l/y (he hiiin'- lenin'm iU 'd to have niiy ,, cffeet,-.Sow Y m k w liidliu 5 lo I. i„

    •* — ■" halAfter lonlnff nine iilralitlit rainrrt (he

    won aii.l.l-lnrtiiiK linme friiir «i Ibtco. ,.„|

    Thli Cuhi. Iind Hruven dlvldcil a , double hill, MrNurnnrii rheclillii: flit- eni:ii III IheTli'iil and wlnnini: 3 (o I. only 10 hAvr (hr- hnnm leaiii tu rn iiiuin ,,r„ Iho YlHltor:! uml tnke (ho iiciroiid M (oI.-' . «ll

    The Ilrown'u ilvove IliiHty 'from .ilu' •tnoiind nnd lirat-Ib r-A th letlrn li lii Ii. j|,.]

    Tho I’hllii came fiom bi'hlnd lo lulic Iho Cardii llilu la iiip C lu 2.

    _ j . ___ j-ij.n n r i im i i i i c'tit 'd b u r n r j ' r«iurTii^- ,.,i

    DodKem heiit tho I 'lrn l.n i (u I. Ink- Iny Ihlnl place frniiv ihelr vlriliiiu.

    At S a il iJ tk c : ' IM I. 1C, I JOaklnnd ....................................... !i 10 2 | J•Salt Uiko ................................... i:i 13 2

    l!nl(ri[i.n: Krniiin.' nnd lliilitr; Kat- llo-nndCooK . .

    ~ A l 1.0,1 Anr. A lhbdi' imrli' In i v- I’lllii lii'flriT tA occur l(lle thill uflemoiui liV (II bu:«jUll.ruim u lio uiu hiibbllii;; O U ' Ila ullh eiilhlinlnxiii r'iillnn. i(li;hnri1»on wlll cnnlliiiK'

    .mln.lllKhlni; tho ........................... 'I'lynn nayn In- h> wlllliii; lo plli li If c|,.^

    he ,-,(n riii.l blK-lefl lilinil.-il «l..>e, ]„„|| whlrh_i^_^.aii tvnmcniiy io iiir- '___ ij-,

    i i A C M T E R MARRE whites;;

    . I (>ra

    J S i:w YOllK. 2.t-H ntlllni: Sikl, a at'nai;iiliae_buit:i~~l>a;' niiurlLd-ftl^llni uu<Miinlcliml bulldlni: hero imlny to I.ll- Wnil/jin W erner, wblli-, nf .Mcntt'hln, Tenn, h

    :. Stkl.'w hfj finvtj-bln nanu-'ua l^uiln |,i,r.

    } advcnturr, ultlimiKh frnm I’nriii- din- - pnlchra ll hml liren nadernUiod l/iai f '

    a roinrly ymini: lnilr'Ii Womnn /a n d I j “ child 'w liifnrrnr'W llh iho ni**ni when'

    1 cliamplon, weri^ hin wlfo and daui;h-0 Icr. ............. , • .: Tho bnlller tinvo hin ornipiillon nn

    "nrtlhl." Hl:< brl'li- iiaid iihc wAii nn . artbil. Joo , nnd tavo hor ai:o a;i 2U. FIi

    SIkl III IM, • . - IThey oh lalnpil.a llcmni' todny and 1

    ) were wed a fow nilnuiin lator by a f il/'puiy city rh 'rk .

    Tltu woman Ih extremely loJr while Stkl In tilack uiv ih r o( f:vn>rv!̂ . (lu -j wan born In Iho JiinKlcii of ijcneral.

    . and laki;n,tr> I’nrln n ciirloilt)- by ii„ a r ien c b womail. i,(,|



    f PARIS, Ju ly 2:!.-C ahrioi Aliibon.e ' ,, >Ii>urry, fnmoun Apacho, wan found1 KulUy hoYo todny ’ot In ttn i ii> uno , vhOcnco lii 'ro b h ln K tho Ivim-‘ of

    AUiMl U. BUalluok Ib Nuw York. in 1D33 und waa aenlenccd to death ”

    l[ hy Iliu Kulllollno. ^

    r HKM» KOR MIUIIKKDCTllOIT, J u ly 2 3 - A ni'Krb clvins

    hlfi namu an W oltrr Joneii, allan Ji^nn» 1°'' > Jamea, la belnc held hero pcndlni; ad-2 vlco from A tlanta. Q.v, autlior'ilon Q where hn Is said lo bavc alaln a aher- Q Itf IB monltm-DKO-D -n . ________________________ _ -} I A j tc r - P in n c r T r ic k s | r

    i \ ,

    12 .S», H3_|Suai»p«clji« OelB

    A cola nV ue*d en • ehttl of pawr - ■ad U eoTcihl wllb aa Intrrtrd toniblrr

    ■2 d o A tba ^ h a a tJltap* ~■jhwred.^t ll i«u«jB wSto the tjiablrr

    to. Paeta a rltm lar dlw ot wblte paptr

    M lying on Ul* Ubl«,Jamlcd> Krltic ibt « S e o lo » a * tl, . ta b » « lo U i tha ijap^•III t««p« noUce. Wbeo the coin li

    30 • pUeed oa tbe »M»elnib (or on a white

    tW ta £ u « r wltb^ a ja s k lR j ^ pUe* Jf ' . n r r ^ a . WImb (bk aapkla le;

    nuaorod coin '^ iU ' be tafiflbl*

    ^ -lb* ptMtiwe o t w hlcb.u a neiu w i A ;" lUBOTlBg lb . tuahU r b r in n j» rk Ih*“ rro ltf.- — - .................. .

    I ' . . . , . , _____________y . .......................

    ^ D A I L Y I TIM E S -

    VORLCX^I L I ■ ■ I I .1 Horn

    ---------------— -------------;-------------- i - Mr

    TODAY’S GAMES 1 1------ . . . . I M II I I f UUU

    ' ' ’"-I h.x .v T io .v u . i.i;A i;i'i;- ' ,

    At fllic ln iin li- Kii.l'^ih; it. i .M;iew Vnik ...................... :ii.l im.1,0.1- J Twlrinelniiad ....................... I.......... wi I ! J."Ilu(t.'rlen: .M< (inlllan niiur4;tt;------------------- R-Hrt-'r- r r mrnnklyil .................................... I I:; ,,|r >llliihiiruh ................ ................. ;i lU I a f.i

    llaK.iiiun: Uiiali, DVeKlin- uml T ny .j( ;„„ i 1I-. Dr lie rry ; r.iop. i- u„.i SiuUli. U,iiv, .Mainlivlllr hll h.iiurr InM Im. ;1. UiiilH ..................................... 7 i:i II 24.I'hllaiirlphlit' ............................ I) :i f II,n.

    ll.HterlCii; Sb.K-kcr and K. ven-io, -nn iJray, lluniii. Ilnuimrii nnd I'eVkin", .wll

    At W aiihlnKlon-i:iid Clh: . H. «nOUuMU---------- - „..n,-miA-A3A—;U-prtWanhlncton ......................... UUU -lyU -l ,„ii'

    H iiderl.a; Fuhrr aud froiiiie; Mai- „ rr h rrry nnd Jtuel,_____________ _̂______ |,|j:

    GRAVEWORK I n H M W R ( l A n §F irs t NIx ’ .MI1i!h nf a o i l l o (Jap »v.iu :iiiil',„.. . ,vli .hliiiri'ii :.|i.'[it Snml.iv .,i i h . - ; , , ' . ' ;Iiinir:i f.' Klllll. hnur-. ' •

    Tl.- many ........ ..... ..f Kiiii'.^i. •:,miliil.;hl «vr.. ;̂,ll,lrn.■.l lie'll-,,rn nf |ih d,;Viii wii-i.-i. ,-;7.nrr.-ir-f:-i';i' Aii'-.i:;:;,,;;’ii.y...at ll.e Twill l atlii .•11,111.V ....... .I,Iial. Krars. ivai a r.'-'l.lnit >'r-n.l i',j„ . „ n.mmuiillv tnr (.,vrr;i1 y i i n , liav-;,..^^. iai: .......... a tailn w.-.l .‘I Inwii. l l r , _..... . -I'i" Ini'-.eM-. r r - ; ,M-nlU' 11.,ll riiii-,..|| .he ,.,ute9 SpaaMC.


    OUT FOR "SITE -_ _ _ _ I

    Th.- 'InnT I'.ill- .-liriTnhcr nr rn-r; '■

    llt .’.’̂ 'V i'.ii^'t.n 1.1 '\l.,illn J.,\iUiii; I. ,-»hn. !.. .'1.,' :,ii.l

    ■Wt I'l.ii.iJli-..- '.I . I au.l .1.1.1 ll, ' ' ' . n '

    ^ ___ t__

    .......... .......... ;.ml Ulll, in,.:. |

    The .................ail, ;il 111. ... ............... -̂-----

    ''I'l'i-iil, .......I 'l- 'iM 'tl'.!!, M,nu,.. tu n yrai"! :i- ..ia l> a-. ;iii ..>;,i:- nrcinl-nrBrTrtilrmr-Wln-ir-T-T-nprA-rrrr .■har".' It |.. iTim.' •■■■U ,-i.

    Ii;-, ainl ........ .. In ........ Ill- ,|,...r, nih.- . liauiU. r in^i.mtv," !( I...... n ,,,..

    ' llr.lnililr (Irii.llMK S.K,i;1il . u. , 1

    l!'i '‘a!-|i": a aiH'i i..t .Illl.-.-^niiil.iy in.iriiliii:.

    -I '.i: S..I. M.ti-:' li;:l,t w.-h:hl' bar- .-.I M....... l la th .r Stii,.- Co.

    ^ k a s u r e l H p

    i r ; /ifiR PFP* - - * ’ .

    lur p a r t y w i l l e n j o y a B i iy i t b y t l i e c a s e

    - w h e t h e r a t , r e s o r t , i n ' « s I k h Iv t ! o i i h t r y n o o k —

    e s o i i ic l i i 'v o r a g e , .m n d e c u ' l i i d i \ s t i s n o u r i a h -

    nil i>urh>rn 'pHort*.


  • , ■ r i c n T N y o T - n ’

    T W l N f J U S lO P P IO IA L ^ ff lW a P A P E R 0

    , T h o T im es 4 ins_.m oro rciitlfin _________ ' _________________ t’uhliwi

    P«bll*bod E ro rf ErenltiK Exccpt f- -- - - Companr. Twin

    ^ JL MASTICIta _______________

    ■ ' ' < ? ^'__________ .Eatorwi »t tho Twin Kulln l-oni.ifti

    Ually I'^blkniliin,

    \ ■ ' SUB.SCItII'Tl(D iH y , one y r n r ............................D a j V nix iiiyiitliB .........D a i l ^ onu m o iilli ........................

    ------------- -̂--------r - R e p n e s e n t a t i v G ^ M e m r 'I ^ - i, t i o n ’s c o m r a i t t u u t h u l r e p o r tO

    • F o l l e t t t * p r e d ic U s “ a b iy :j ,aT v i y c h i e v c d . ” I f t l io . S o c i a l i s t s w

    • ■ i c o r K e u u b l i c u n c a t i d i d a t e llit> ----------- =— b e - i j t H I - b i g g e r r -------------------:--------

    O v e r o n e - h a l f o f l i i o 1,1(1 a g e r e c e n t l y s t u d i e d b y t l i e U r e a u b e c a u s e t h e y w e r e a n - e s le

    ' l a ^ v s w e r e u n d e r 1(5 y c a i s . N t h a n -1 4 . • T h e r t a r e ^ m o r c , v ^ c o r r e c t io n u l_ i n s t i t u t i o n s t l n i i t ii a l s c h o o l s . ■' ’

    - T h o f a m e t h a t is b e i n i i a-----------------e o u n t y - f a i r - i 9- s f ) m e t h i n j r - o f “ \\

    ] ) r o u d . T h e p r o g r a m t h i s y c ^---------------- t h e a n n u a l c e l e b r a t i o n h a s a lrc

    . a z i n e a , i t i» U k e J y t o d r a w u ct = r 3^= ^ - r : j B ta t h i a i y g n r f lti d J Li.«tz:ii-su u t ^

    S e c r e t a r y J . M . f t l a r k e l t h a t tli w i l l b e b e t t e r , t h a n e v e r .

    The fact th at the Twin Fa and entirely wholcsojne is mk

    ..................p e o p l e . t o s e t t l e i n ^ t i w r i l y . I t[_________ f l ic k , i t . u p s e t s . a l l o n e ' s n m n d a :

    b i l l s , m e d i c i n e s a n d . c j i s k e t s i--------- *is*c-good4)laco4n-which-.ta-li'

    t o 'U e f e r f u n e r a l e x p e n s e s i n d e

    — o ' ^ T h ? m e e t i n g t o n i g h t f o r i

    t h e l o c a l s o c i e t y o f- t h e A m e r i c „ l ? b n s o c i e t y s h o u l d a t t r a c t - e n o

    1.,________ s c h p o L ^ u d i t o r i u m . — T h q - o b jo ^............... r o r i g e ' a rq i i s e ’m e n t s s o t h a t th(

    _ :— - y o u n g p e o p l e e h a l l - b e d i r e c t e d “ T a i u h g u p t h e s l a c k ” w i l l p re

    ■ t o m i s c h i e f . ' ‘.'T .h e d e v i l a l u ^ t o d o , ” i s a n o l d a n d t r u e su y ii h i m o f t h e j o b .


    T h e p a r d o n b o a r d h a s f a a j^ c e o f i t s d u t y t o t h e p e o p l e > t i o n o f G o v e m o r M a b e y a n d i

    __ ' j e c t i o n a o f h u n d r e d s o f c i t i z e n * c i d e d t h a t G e o r g e P a r r y ,_ a t t a c

    f r e e . .S e n t i m e n t a l i s m h a s g i ) v c r

    ■ m a n w h o h a d “ o n e m o r o c h a n c p e a t h i s p r e v i o u s o f f e n s e a j 'a in ; I t y o f c h i l d h o o d , a g j i i n s t a l l tei t o m e y g e n e r a l , H a r v e y H . C h i s t a t e B u p r e m e c o u r t , V a l e n t i n u T h u r m a n a n d J . ' W . C h e r i y , lli t h e _ r e s j j o n s i b i l i t y f o r lo o s i n g ': ) p r o t e c t i o n o f th e » p u l ) l i c a g a i n s

    T h e s e . j ) u b l i c s e i T a n t s , w l h a v e v o t e d l o l o o s e a m a n a l G e o r g e P a r r y , t h e y s a y , h a s ii:

    • h i s m i s t r e a t m e n t o f t w o l i t t l e j p u n i s h m e n t . S u f f i c i e n t in a iiu! t o r t h e w a n t o n a n d v i c i o u s Iia t i e o n e s ! T w o s m a l l v i c t i m s ii t h e s e m e m b e r s o ^ h e i i a r d o n P a r r y y e e t e r d a y ^ n n o t io i n w h b e t h r o u g h t h i s a c t o f t h e i r s .

    M e s s r s . C l u f f , G i d e o n , F r i w o u l d a l l o w j j o s s i b l e h a r m to c s o c i e t y e m b r a c e , a g a i n a \ a n d w h o s e f a n g s m a y s t i l l b a i l

    g o n e b y .I t i s a f o o l i s h a c t t l f a t U ic j

    _ w e a k n c M , a n a c t l h a t r e v e a l s l:-------------b o a r d a s ihsehsiSle Co (he j)r6le

    ” ' " " ' i ) I e a d i n ^ ' o f t h e s e n t i m e n t a l i s t t e a r s h e d f o r P a r r y ' s p l i g h t w l

    ____ ■ h i s v ic U m s * ! s f o r g o l t e i r . F o u r iT i a v e t h r o w n i n t h e f a c e s o f tl

    O n e e l e c t i v e o f f i c e r , t h e g o v c r

    ̂ " W t f e r i b e l ^ l l i e ^ b a r c r v o i • M d B e y w a s a b s e n t i r o i n t h e sU

    ^ h a s k e p t t h e p r i s o n \ j n j a i l u n t h s e a r l i e r a c t o f f o H j ^ ' W h a t h

    tt' - ' t o ^ v e r r i d e ' t h e a c t i o n - o f - t h e b ■‘ ^ ^ a t t a t w i l l l i n g e r im o n x W

    - — r - H * h o - a g ^ i n h a v e i n s u l t e d t h e ( -------- f r e e G f e o r g e P a n ^ ' . —

    L.' •

    I D A l l Y T i M E S I; O F T W IN P A I X S O O U N T Y ' |

    ra in tliis e jty tjian a n y o th e rliw ition ....... ........ . . t . .......................... I

    [It fiiintlny by tho Tlmffl rubllBlilne i irin l^ llfl. .Id&bo. ^

    ____________1______ IWIlor-riilillnhPr

    ' iL;yi££_M_i:ttC0Dd. CJom 'ilfillor m b . } lun, Aiirll IJ, 151B,

    ■TION HATK3 - '— .................................

    ........................................................3.00........................................................ - «0 .

    [ i l ' i 'g e i n i n U e ^ s in 'i u l is l c o n v e n - ' iU*d i n f a v o r o f i n d o i - s in g l ^ i

    v i c t o r y t l i a n w e h a v e e v e r i w o u l d v o le f o r t h e D e i n o c n i t - i h e i r “ v i c t o r y ’' \V i)u ld ] ) r o i ) a l ) l y

    ,1(18 p e i ‘5?)ns u n d e r 1 8 y c a i- s o f : U n i t i ! ( l S u i t e s ( ; t i i l d r e n ’s H u - . s l e d f o r l i a v i n g v i o l a t e d ] ) i ) s t a l

    N e a r l y o n e - f o i i i t l i w e r e - l e s s m e n in o u r 'p r i s o n s a n d

    IfiJ) 4> u r ;iJ )d v o e a t i o n -

    r a t t a i n e d l)y t h e T w in - F a i t ? " '“ \v h i c h - f v c r > 'b n d > ‘̂ h n u l d — b t - ' c ^ i s l i e t t e r l h a n e v e r . . S i n c e i l r e a d y a t t r a c t e d n u i s i r i o m a g - . c o n s i iU j i i W e , n u m b e r o f U m r -

    t l i e | i r o g n t n i a n d t h e c x l i ib iU ;

    F a l l s w a t e r is c h e m i c a l l y p u r e >HC o f t h e b e s t ;w g M m e n \.s f u l '

    I t ,i .s q u i t< ^ in c o n V i 'n i e n l t o b e f d a n e p l a n s t o d i e , a n d d o c t o r s a r e . e .x i 'ie n s iv e . T w i n F a l l s - J iv ^ n - } * b y i i ic ;U - < W im f « r t - « n d xJ. ( l e f m i l e ly . ■ _________.0---------------------- ll

    ) r t h e in i r p o s o o f ,o r . g a n i x i n g I,' r i c a n P l a y g r o u n d a n d R e c r e a - *; n o u g h in t e r e . s l t t i f i l l t h e h i g h " i j o c t - o f J t h c - m e t ! t i n g - i s - u » - 4u - " th u s u r j jK is e n e r g i e s o f t h e *.i i d t b ] ) i -o p e r r e c r e a t i o n a l l i n e s . j r e v e n t m a n y f r o m g e t t i n g i n - ̂; a ^ f iO (ls w o r k f o r i d l e h a n d s w l y i n g , . a n d i t is * w e l l t o r y l i e y e

    0 ----------------------

    ; D I R E C R I M I N A L ' ”i

    f a i l e d a y a i n ' i iv H h e p e r f t i n n - • le o f U l a n . 'O v e r t h e o p p o s i - p ' ll in s p i l e o f t h e v i g o r o u s o l) - JJ le i is , t b e b o a r d h a s a g a i n d e - t a c k e r o f l i i d e g i r l s , s h a l l g o >v

    ■ ci-ned , s e n t i n i e n U i l l s n i f t i r a « m c e ” b e f o r e a n d u s e d i l l o r c - ^ liiiH l d f c o n c y , a g a i n s t t h e j ) u r - t e n e t s o f h u m a n i t y . T h e a l - ni

    M iiff , a n d f o u r j u s t i c e s o f t h e inu C i d e i m , J . K . F r i e k , S . ' R ., h a v e t a l t e n u p o n t h e m s e l v e s tii ^ 'a m a n i n c a r c e r a t e d f o r t l i e in .st h i s f i e n d i s h n e s s . • .

    w h o s e d u t y i t i t t o p r o t e c t , “ a l r e a d y p r o v e d a m e n a c e .

    ; h a d p u n i s h m e n t e n o u g h f o r ni !e g i r l s . A s i f t h e r e c o u l d l)o p ' m a n ’s l o n g l i f e t i m e to a t o n e h a r m i n g o f t w o i n n o c e n t l i t - tr

    s a r e f a r , f a r ^ marvN’i- Y e t o n b ? ) a r d w W T v o t e d to f r e e I* h o w m a n y m o r e t h e r e m i g h t «i


    F r i e k , T h u r m a n a n d C h e n - y 0 c o m e lo o t h e r c h i l d r e n t h a t >;i a v i p e r t h a l h a s s t u n ^ ' b e f o r e Jj; a r b o r t h e b i t t e r p o i s o n o f t h e

    iicy h a v e d o n « ? ^ e r e , a n a c t o f j l i e ^ n T e n i l M ) r s j j C . . th e j ) a r ( l o n i

    D ie s is o f r e j i s o n a s a g a i n s t t h e n l is ts . T l i e y h a v e h e e d e d t h e w h i l e t h e w o e h e b r o u g h t ' t o n

    i r c j e ^ l i v e o f f i c e r s o f t h e s L ^ te »> ' t h e v o t e r e t l i i s n e w a f f r o n t . v c r n o r , o f ^ ) o s W t h e m , f n a i t - iy

    v o le d t o f r e e P a r r y , G o v e r n o r s t a t e . B y e . x e c u t i v e ^ i i ^ r h e - u n t i l y e s t e r d j i y ’s r e p e t i t i o n o f t i t h e r i t w i l l b e f o u n d i ) o s s ib l e ̂} b o a r d o r n o t ,* J h e i r s ' j s ^ t h e ̂\ e a c h 9 n e o f t h e f o u r n a m e d e d e c e n t c i t i z e n s o f U t a h b y I

    T h c - T r i b M n ^ ' '

    ' i i ^ n' hr UnlUA l'rr> I

    T H IIltSD A Y , JULY : i . ;

    I 'Iliiir.iJav'ii IIcul K m ium . I! ' ' s r - u , ; ? ' ' - - . ; ' ;[ ■ i

    siix i .^I'ii^Bradii — pri>-1 ’ — flitmnt '

    . I (ICawwj. SJanJiinl .Tlnif.).,

    UJ£. MCM ta i

    f - ,

    ' - t in i’ \Vl'l“s. _ ̂ «0n. NKWAHK~- wnn. .-I-Irll-Ii .IrMmiwlln,:- ir'XT-fnrir-tirrnrrfHrv'ff.-rliir .l

    lUi'>- »r,ii|,| k|illi»t> OtMl Clllnl III II,.'„ n»iiH’ of I'.iii.lif. Iitlrrunidn. •“H Tll- pr.ivrtH.ir lol.l ulii.i.l hrnv th..y I- ..•II,.>r lf> i.Ldrr lU-lr wnUu I j } ^ .

    . imp Joliii l.cvl.nn.- ili» >.ii ou»K

    fraiikn lilm l» iSxW mi.l .'"'al nn ukimcI M.pi lui liliu li> tlii< iMiid'*”

    S rlili..-l nnc! ili .li (hr.-w liy.lro^ “ •I'liloric iirlil tn IjIii tiK '' 1» luirii U. lli- ' (Illd uIkiiiI lifdliii: At Ih.' Ixxly nml llii. liiirnliiK of ( ll . cli>il»’» «t llL'lr vk- ! (Im. 111.' Uiiriul vt 111.- nlio.'ii iiint ln'ltIlf lIic inurilcrt'U Uoy'Biul llm (].i>(riir- Il.'ili ot IIjc ly |i .« r llr r (ill wlilrli tli.' " li'llcr 1.1 J:rc>li rrniikii wan wriKi'd, .

    Sjii'flai-I*-* I{.-««'nl Idi'ntlly* • (!rtiwi- inlit -linw tlir tUirtllli: nt l̂ '>v., nn . pnliRrt spcciiicli^ iHl ti> llll- arr.-i.l .)t [mu

    Ull- iVfyi'ilin tn tiiKl lii>w lit- i-xlrorn-d np

    "l#o Iir ihtliiK liln Ini

    roiitrmilon lo mir «it liiy iimilnlanlK. l«i' l,i'i>in.l.l cjll.Ml fnr 111.' nml hnlil lu- )n

    waiilril lo f ik aJiyimlliclluul .pirBll.in, ’I lold liliii lo nn nlirnc!,' Ilr

    * •••Suiiiio.r jdiiii Do.- roinnili'd'd (hin oP' r nmr.l.T, dmi't jnii mii.iio.u' 15. h.‘ hud in 12 parnita nn iv.-jiiiiiy- nml lutlii.-ndul an (hi , nilnr nnil run Ul Iili iTl)i' tin- ju r y - I t d.iii'i you ihliik iM- .•null! CKcui..'?' W.1 ̂ I,rO|l.ilil cV.-«|. llfi

    '•'.Nulhjii l-.-ovoUI. 1 nm ::nlni: to Id.t kIv.- yon lliat rliiinr.-.'” Ciowc t , - .h

    Bpon*U-.l. _ ' ellI.ropnlil, (Iiiiiilifiniiiilril wnn lli.-n iln

    *' lolil tliiit Iw t i 11m( v.Ty nilniiir wnn c‘i»I !:lvlni; lil* rnfr,nli>n. accnrdlni: Io / ', C row o-^ ojio lil Ill.'il hnikr down nmL rni- (..Id Mil / cm- )liS)\AL'JM-nl ' ' / -

    Croxv.' rr,ili-«l lUini(n(liie Ihr ho.ly of auhorl. .Incnl. J-rnnkn, fullirr of Ih.- nlnln yoiiili, kIcio|..-,| and li.-nt I.y Ihr .lorrow lhat linn i-dm(' iipnn liiiii, wnii '

    lllir Kinlr’H iL'conil wiinc-nti. <Sllllni: raliiily cin ihv wllii.'iin iit£nd

    lili hftti'd iL'l.l 10 hhi rnr. riank'n .w.T.-d qUi;Mlriiin In 11 |uw voir.'. look\Ink- alway^illrrrily al llir ninfc'ii al- KM nry and nrv. r nnrr Klanriil toward yiiiniK I.i'o|>ol.l mill l,oi'l>.

    Thr IHII niiircl. ivrn. nnnirwhai r.'- llrv.'d whrii Ciow.' finlnlu'.l llir nlnlcn Oli. nini: ninirmcni. rrlaxrd ami whin, li. r.'.l id|-,.'ih.'c tt!< llir . 1||- .; U.W. Davb. Chlrf loiI Wiyini.llll. Ilf llciiv.'r, Cnln. Wrrr thij hrfr .Siiinrchiv In t onniiliaiiou with , ‘iffl. lallt uf Ihr riillrcl .S'liilrn• rrrla- ^ j in',c[.,ii iiii^..., î ItMili ih'i iinrtli - Jr " ' ' l ........ I'f ihi'MliiIrhikn iiroJ- f l

    ' i'vnti.T-n-irm -n i ih(> jirfnriit ilm.v .I Thry will inakr rrporlj ami rcrum. g> llic n-laiiniui frdtii Ihln prdj.H:I In llic' li.'UurniiiM tl,« Inlrrhr. «Ii

    ,>ri* Srli.ii.1 Slltil. Artlxrn St

    ;|iiilillr !icfiitnb linn iirrlvrd In Hurley jlii liikr rhnnir dt lilu wnrk In Ihln UP |clly. .Mr, WoliirmI i nuirn Wrll rrrnm.piTT^mTroiTniriin'VFinrfiTTdfnnnrniimr' ̂Ihr maliiiwuir'nl nf 111.' llnrlry iirhiMiln j

    lulil.ili ui.“ .'N-.||lr.| li.iw ciTiHi - brinr ^,aiiini)x thrjjti,i In-.ili." umi.-.--Hr n.n- f lIjmn.ul hin ilmi.n Jniy llrrd Iml liln t•;famit y -lint:~^iinmn'nv.-'n~Tn~)i.(j>' îl»'i -B

    nml iinrkr Iliirlry llirlr fiilnri’ linnio. *

    g i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

    N e a r l y a

    i |— j p Q l 4 a f SS U lis t ic s show lliali nlmoi

    lan t to th e p u b lic t]irou({h 1 leaa s to c k s d iir in ij th o p i i a t )

    T h a t '3 ft t r onm nJoiia nmj . BooniH RO foolish wlion tins

    ^ easily p revented .-

    T h e o ld s a y in g “ InvcsllR inva riab ly - leads lo th e tlooi b u n k e rs .a d v ic e ivcro follow tho leases now .10 sU iS^crin

    T a lk to y o u r b a n k e r bo • m en ts a n d th u s s a v e yo iira t

    . ■ ,\ n


    ............................................ IIIII

    * J o e - K . S . a ^ :

    Y ou iR ^ th o cd ihposite o f thi y o u rea d , th o th o u g h U yoiT tliin k , ^ o ^ t l i in g s you a sp ire to beconic


    T O N IT E A N D I c B E n f l a a B M M a n M ^ M


  • , WEDN-nsDAV, .rt:r,v 2!. UI21.

    B u t i n e s s D i r e c t o r y ,

    A t t o r n e y s . >

    P O m ls n — w m iA M , U w jo ra . O tor . ! Cloa Book Store.

    O. C. n A l>Î T c r Cion BoolT Store.

    - Junoa 'n .-D oU jw d l Orr Xlinptuun ' B O T /nvK i.i. & cirAr.MA.v

    • y ^ a B ias . Hooiu» e. s. 7, ». g. l O

    B ^E ftl.E Y 8 WKi:i,Kt=-AllQrnojBl' ■ F lra t Natlotittl Bank BuHdlUK.

    ASHER B. W IL.SON-«Ulc«t FjriTl y NcUoottl B ank -Blilg.

    : ̂ T ^ r c r S j j c w a l i s tr« O F . Al l.KVANZI.N, A. II, I’li.

    UluL HiioclMISl nud l':i>'(:liullii:ru[illil. CoiinuKntlonn ()r> ciicti) iiml mlvicu ( 12^ u m outh, lu'lcc! 11 \Yy_st, wo jiay liUitlwr. lUBKUlo.nlii^u Suillli.iVoYAI, Sl/0 lT 'T tT7V K ~S 1101 'S—

    MWem. I'rop. \ i a o \ 8miiio St. R____ Ma-

    lio. Wtf uluo carry jicw oliot.i; '

    " t w in f a i .u^ s f i o r r i i k p a iiu n oLK nOBSKS F o r h in s (o r, g«nllem«t o r U -

    4)es. H o n e i H obo, BecoiiC btb. HonUk

    “ Pa.fAI*hM-m a t s . O ailj Uotna. 401 Mala A ra. W eat. Pbons 971.

    rO B EBHT.Rm d u and R p a r tn n ta . fkO M

    4M. Jaa tam tr* I u .

    ^ ■ ' -BAILBOAO TDTK T l f i i ^^ •--B M lbonnt ■ -

    N a 164 _______ Detiart 7:$0 b. bSo. 8 4 __________ D epart 6:il0 p . k

    ■ ^ W eitboabd--------------------w niw i«rtj.ftft p . n

    N a 16S __________ O apart 4:20’ p."nKortbbonaa

    -- --------------- - No. »10'U - 1. .......C w w - c r e - r r j t----------------E b fc r to iT B rtfae i-T filn i- '

    SonUibvnnd — N a m - ■ Twpart l ; l 0. p . n

    NOTICK TO IVKni. BUII.I.KllS ■ ^ Sealed bids w lll be rccclred by lli

    undoralRned up (o C p! irr. on Tuei d a r. J u ly 29, 1034. (u drill ,u won I

    . ftccordaaca. wllh. BOeclXlcall'i.nR on.Bl' Thn Board > e ie n r« i 'tb a righ t to n le c r a n r o r a ll blda.

    — .— _________ A .J:J^N PK B 90N . ̂ . . . VlllaM Clerk.

    * ' . Mountain Itom e.'Idaho.

    T i n lIf ■ ■

    i H elp .WantedACKNTH WANTIID lo liHl iil-l < »-

    IQ luliUrlicc) ||iii> Ai'cM'ilil .inil IIc:il1)i In*-- hnirmici', u lso n ni.i'clnl AiiK) Acrlilm l

    u iiich [i.Ti.Uiiliil, .l.'iiOi w llh per Wc . k.inclniiiilly

    “ j f c i r j i c r yi'ixr., . Aililrr;i;i .ycimlliiu f i Jnn. «'o., l.miilicr-

    :t- muii'u-BuiWLm;.

    • SAI-FISMAN—EseopMonni opportunity. lliintlpni' • carnlnitH bifi W rite McClcory Calcadnr Kaclary. Wanh-


    ■ij. S ituation W anted— i,i;rrl unciinfl

    Uoi'pllii:. Tulcc f\ill cliiiri;i' cjilcrly— iiii'ilk:i ln'iiii- i ir iiiollnrlcii!! lioiiic, Kx- II- cclU'iil ; 'w ofav . TluniT

    :^0 r^c-w . ■ . • .

    m r M T n u : u m N k s il 'k 'i iHuliy l)imi;li';i. pliinon umt V{tii:i

    — Wtic'ii licilc r wrtrk ill .li.no I'll .li riinrlcrr I'J. Wiilincc. n:ni .Scvi'iiili avc

    r - --------------------------------------

    III. W anted-M iscGllaneou(

    — (:1c'ii by ivny 'of rorllnm l, 1‘litmc TOfiJD E ------------------------------------ :-----------------)ad WANTl,;D-Sli->alilr iilrc, ni:c

    — 3. City.

    —• WANT);i> Airtciiiils nf fntlti* ntn___yryc'liililcii 111 HMinll or larco loin, fo

    fiii-'~n/TiyT'mirim“iinciniyiiiu”U'Il(1 •________ _

    M isceTiz^ous487 ---------- ---------------- 1----------- ---------------

    l-'iiiK' !il iini:'.' uml Ki'l voiir ru r iiki hll I Imvc (IhiiiiiiiliiiiPd w iavln,

    ■ i s - "\ CENT .^tO^'m: FOR FAR:W/J I.OANS-yCaD Ri't ypu tl>o money I

    ■ ton days rnrm data of application. i A. HoblBHCh.

    LivestocK ana P o u to___ . 'I '^ U ^ A I .K - ItCKliitrrnl D iirof^--\fnt- "^y t'onJ> a^i' IS moiUli*. I 'rlrft rca"urB. oriitblc. H enry Kiiutnoii, Klnihcrl

    Icliu•,IN- ---------- ----------------------------------- :-------ND- I’.OR Ilir iT H It I’UIClUi brlni: yoiirkB. piiiiiiry lo South I’lirk Krorcry.

    ----- WANTKD—Ten C!\rl city jiiopcriy. nlno nrrc in

    fo r Ciillfornla proiH-riy. II. C 0( t. I" IPK 10,1.111.. &0l fo iilth inclll..:

    ------ ~K 01l HUNT ' • M i ^ r i r ’ioot~7(7rIli'oi-. 222 UrU ;iv.-

    [T = - —t'Oll—JLl:l.\X;'.A...c.'vbin__lii..,\Vni;iiiSt>rlni;!i cmiyon. tjawloolh. 'Milioao


    [ 1-Olt U i;ST-.';'room hmiiio on Sli.th ,la :i. Hi.i.iy 7 .g j. .

    a ’-OU U i;N T -I4i;hl hotil.i'liiTplnB tui.l nlci'iiljii; nivuiii. i:;:2 CUi avonuu

    FOR UF..ST-IIoiIi.ltrcplnK (ipnrt- J U d jncnii'. coiiipluloly fumlnhRrt for liRht— - hoiiiickc'pj.lnB, on«, two and thrco mTTT TW irnr c i onnn i ir iinii ' luw n iu 'ii,- by JOfiJ. W eek,or nionlli. Tho Oxford. 42» Manln N.

    U>uil - y O l t , « i :N T _ - 3 rnoro fiirninhed apnrtmonf. _ rcnnonfthio. nunKnioW

    _ _ Aptii. Clh a lrcfl and Second avonuo mill - ' . . - -_________

    II. for ^ •

    Coliimljln Grafnnnla nml rfcor.lii for ilioiiu '̂ ■'caii. 351 Mh nvrnuu norlh.

    I'lionc ir.S7.________________

    Ji^n t I'‘OU .SAl.l;-Kio lonn hay. :itQ.ncri>ti ,cn lh lianlurtf. rhi>nl rami irffivornl anyrunn. Mace lu th« riiy, Ti'ani wnrk -of nil . n . khulji. WnnhhiKlnn liarii. I’honc :i;)7,

    lllii'lcr nn kooc| «« n^w fnr ualc or h|>>' l.i'^»itrr^?J-Hhw-faftkCT

    ------- FOU SA!.!:-t.lTiTii w uk .'r~h ;il,}carl. l.Ti'jn' uml roomy « lih inii. In Unni! ciiiiillllixi. Clnaii. li.'i'j'llh uv..-

    ------- line cniil. I'hmu- n i s j ,

    ivtne. KOR SAI.H—Slnka. Invniorlefl, nrf rrm nr -vn - IuiIUhcl ^ r,.|

    canvnfl lioiip. -Idnho Ju n k llouuo___ Phone 610. Back of I. D. S to m jlp 2ni

    '■ARM «ou^'^ • . ____________I? FOR S.VM;-l.HmlnT ynnl. Writ- ^ to ClUtcnii I.uihImt Co.. » > H>i.

    I'OR 8A I,i:-1000 ftailon Kewnnni l U 'y prcunure tiiuk novcr bccnvunud. I 'bo ii f c .™ . F o r - S a l e - A u t o m o b i l e i

    hcrly. __________________ _________________FOR H A l.i : -U if model Font roiiiv

    — In Urnt tln.i.i condition. 451 (llh nvo mil) ««nt Mionn 83HV.

    --------— ""F oil .SA L i:-l ion Foiil irilek pr.iriiillry. brand iicw.-rlienii fur caah. 11_____ Soiincri Kiiiiliprly ronil._____________•nl nf FO frS A l.i:—TnurlnK cnr. C cylinimrc- .fur, rua t'lftfO liillca, A tiamala. VUoa'

    II my CH..•niini:, ------------------------------------- -̂---------------Snniu One Ion Olil.inioliile Iruck for aalc

    •c-ih< n Scu 155 IDlh nvdino cam.__________

    > 'o r “Pop" aeo "Step," tJ ^ Cjimdo_____ Qrlndur. 147, Second aveauo north.

    fXJR SALB—Palm a n a . Kalao'ftln r j . for palatini; and kalsomlnlng. Pboa —:----- 5. Modn’n Shop. _______

    )^32w; -'For Sale R eal Estate*‘'“ '1 • FOR SAUC—< room lionut and cat

    nKc, hcnuilf.il Inwti, *hu.lc nn.l frul_____ Irci'.i. .Miinl noll ’hy Ju ly 2K. Cojib o

    • icrinii. Seo owner, 133C 7lh avtnu

    FO RJ?A U :^40 acre dniry farm an 40 acre orcha ra land. Pbone 617R3.

    , "fO RSA I.I^-H O acrcs Rood Ian. “®‘®‘ jto.OO nn Bcrc.juvn w ater r lrh t, koo

    liouno an.l barn on place. 3G ncro , /icnred and In crop. W ill take cor o

    pi\rt iiaymrnl a n .rh m a ll nmount r 13.00, cuah' bnlannJVU.rmB au needed. AC

    drcBB B oj I L ^ r c Tlinca.__________


    lib . \ IT-J RfaPllN'jT Trt' 7

    --------------- Q 6 0 N o f l ^ cT f^m iN c ,


    LS DAILY T IM E S ' ; ^

    -i' ' ThE

    ' i l f s i > ^ v ■ M o ld £TR 7 \ er»,-„ ,,,-r u .n , . h , ^ U .u t 'h

    ____ hlKlier. V(.'(jcr 'I' l r ml' nf,, .llrcell.iii a f l . r llii' i>|ie;ijii; sliMip

    U-ll.T.tl.iti ;iiii'nli-.l hy .•.i>|i. ,li'I'nilii ance uf niMl In .Suitll. 0.\llnK» ll, li,:,.,.,ul„-r. ,coin- iViiv i lo'.",l ;iliu« llu: (KU.Ill In ''I'^ni;" fr.im nn c.irll.-r r.dl.v.,',.ni|i ((Ill'll. IIU'.Ii. lil,IV. I'hiii-iinho. \v h i-:a t —y Ih,' Ju ly .. •, i:,-. i:r. i:U'.

    'n ,,,.. , . I25 '4 .l32?i> " ‘’I r< m s ■ —"nn i ■’ " ‘y .......K.-II1...........U)I ior,^. i'i:,oilfled I).-.'. . . , i'::U ''J - . a::';;inwtr O .vrs -eroln Jn ly .. . ' T.J'j ' l \ :.2 ' &4’.Jn.li;- K.'iii, . . . -1'' i ; - . 471


    r aud lU I iS - - • •• VJuly ^ -11- .Noiill'i:'! ■ 110

    •nl nf ---------Inycf _ CiriCAI.'O I’ASH (iUAlN.

    cillCACio. Ju ly ;:n.—Whcut—No, lu rd . 5i.::7^;«fi.':nu.

    {lain-N o. 3 while r.:iffD3>4c: N. 4 whllo r,‘.!',;5i'6:iVir.

    Corn—S>i'. 2 y.-Ii.iw, ji.ouH ifpi.to ' No. ;i yellow ll.OSU 'tf 1.0^: .̂ ’o>

    Orders— Says Sam

    i ? ) . . r W H R T tT ^ H t fclO L MOl} 1

    S . :


    S ~ l

    ..______ - fc


    ? i i | l i ;i ■ > ' . .

    " iS ' \ ^HAT•-=< FLlB

    I DftDMMF.P.I - •

    I ' "

    ' - J ....

    I.ll''’ .;-.' N,'. J.'lly '

    ;.':.1. :! ^ l̂llt^' ?1 ,0 ,'-U l.e:i; .S„.,

    ' ‘'T i!uii41Sr'/ysfic.r , -nmuiiiy

    ■ . 3 lw ,n ii i ’()'r,\T(ii:s.

    c m c A 'io , Jiiiy^i;::.-u ,'e ,'iiii!. la' ..in .; and Ka.ul-i r.nilO: vrry h1ii» . [ flail-;) l;ii))l»R M Tutiic lowt-

    lOK î ! i.raeil.nl l..]) nalUeii *12.75; m l«r,:-i' tiuiiehe-i up t.i J ill; ranuu lanii

    Sn .lH > 1‘onii' h'.-1d hlchcr; i.1me ; M. aily;! Te*n« vwelhcnl IS; Tix.

    &4U- ycarllnitii .J0.25.

    “ (;iM rA ?i« I.IVKSTOCK.; ClllCAOO,* Ju ly 21,—H0K» — ll

    U s : i-eliiln ia,OUu; inarUcl alow; doul ' nhIo If.ifriOt; up : top $!).3C, hlRlv

    1100' klncii la st SeiiienilKrr: Imik of ani h-iavywclKht 18^009.2

    [m ed ian wclRht I909.3G: llsh l wolK No, 2 iSrBiWrV.srK niihl tiKlitn »7riS09.2

    1 p.ii-kInK hu««. »moolh. IH.lGCfS.C : No,'inieklnK hnita. roURh. »7.7i;®S.l

    • ! ^ lan8hler pli:*. incdliim cholcc »7. 1.10‘A le 'S.sri. ■ - •N o ^ ' 7;.\(I Io- .'^ u-c|;k • (noo ' jnmnda- tii

    y /

    S ' -( Y y W S

    ■ .r . \O E F i i ; j3 '

    i'^B ib lg 'n io iipyo rlM au ;■nu: r o vv .» .v r.-n .. iim^

    ̂ ! ai.i,i,' .̂'..’tl, Hie pi,„r to ln.'n-ii>i- hill ; ......... . i.tui ll.- llml l:l '̂•lh l„ lli.̂ rleli.. i.l,;ill Mif.'ly iMie: to Vsiint.-ITuV. •|'J'J;1H.

    ̂ ' , ’. ’l' " !ir"l iirlni,' } lofi.'.'if 11 40:' rm'jllntn, J7.r,r. î)

    , ,t.. i... ;,n,l jirlin.', Jlo.::.''.

    ■ ' and rliul... fT'J,'.'.. S; ....... nunI iihl i:...lliuii j::7;,ii.-,;;:,; C,mn,'r;l [.mil I'li'l,'..., 'V '.'i'.i ,'.,lv,^i, eiill

    5;-.,l.i.r..i; ......... ... ,.liul.e »l__ I ':r7 7r.! . 1:,, i»n,mi,n cU.,Im, » .7 5 ■

    j 7:ii;'..|; !,,f'il,-.'iii,-,Uiiiu lu-lm,- (>.t

    ........... M.'.'.m i;:.'-; r,-.',|lni; lamlr.II.,ik:,- t,..,iiiu:.

    Ii„-,uiiiii .hul,-,. M".'.ii-Iii::t;:,.

    -------------" W ttiil: ;— -̂----------- :------------- —,|!0;:^'(1.*,'. .',1 ,r . , JIII.V ..................... ..u:;iiiil fur «.'„1 . .UiUiiil,-:, i5,-„l ^.llllt(,.. .ir!,,.,! .̂1.-. a l-ll .-.m.-tH-r . . ■n .a ifv 'll.'-.',i h.i:i h,iTt^itnTir-a'iiTi^(rni------------mun. M'ii.^.7:,; ..... . rowii, mediumanri et.nimon I3.2r,j|tl; ranncrn nnd i-ulliTa, Jl'li-".'.:5; hnllii, canncrn und

    , , l.oluKiiu. JJ.MCf.'l.r.O; calves, medium.’.h id .- jrtu jiin. .l(>wn tfi.r,nt'3; 190 ,

    j '" . . 10 2iio ih», jr-.5ci5f.s; :(50- ib«. up »4

    JJ,,;.- ^ Ii-cetpln 1V43‘: ifinrVVT ------uiA'Vi'u; in..lliiln, TOO,I, choice ICO- JU.\ |1„. ja.f,ii«»Ki; :00.:S0 iba. ISO,

    '• ;t,r,ii; ;:r,o iiin, up js,7r.«a,25: puck- — Ini: iiinmilh, iwavy, J7{fH; ’packing

    1'’'"": r..ini;h, lirav f. 7; nlnuchlor p1s», .I'eef:i {S.Mli:*; tci-iliT!i nnd Blockoro, I7.G0 early cfs.nii.'hern , sh.-i,'i' Rocelpt/i 17fil: m arket rn In «|nw; •janiTw. K4 lli*. dowo, no ijuo-

    "be- iniinn; h ^ y irc lK liia . m-dliim and oun.l. ,.ii„ic„ Js.r,0 f l l 0: ciilln.nnd commona nhout nil wclKh'lK JC.50«g.50;; wnthem l7.r.o; $i:!;oirA7,r,ii: ewcn. conunon lo choice


    , , , ' K. D. KKLI.Oan, AernLfor apray m aterial. N o* l»»i on band

    ■l|n'.:r calcium ar«enato u»ed la combattlni a lfa lfa w corll.. AIM fe r ttpplcB. L«l*

    < .I(>r Itrner'fl dry n rienate of lead. Call 304 Ĉ i 'j ; 2nd nvniuo norlh , Phonn 650W. P. O. ckliiK Bo* 7C4.

    mioi . ----------- ; 'AN.\OrM:KMK.\T -

    0(..'nlni: of th.. Chanllrlocr, 1% ,— tnilcH norlh ot WMblagion achijoJ ew nine UkcA Hlvd. Clilckcn dinner

    lambs iiprvcd connfn ' »Ule- Special ajtpn- ^ 'lineii. Riven lo luncbi-on*. aftornoob and Ti x.u cvenlnc partica, RetiervallonB'mad'o

    In advance. Mn

  • P A O li S IX ^ .

    . l A i l N l G E

    __. N •l^n ti'x aw Ancoxluo t.rtnnilii' Sin'«

    T h r for ..f lU'\ws[l ...rW M ^ I i n c s Tlmrn A.k^ ft.r, I’liy

    ___fur Nuii^wj

    opcui'd 111 Ju-lK.' 0 . I*. Iiuvnll s --a|iliii:. AfirV a nn |>rrl»c(l for pallcnla (n runir lo hin room o r offlcn and tiad charKfd tlinn flvr .dollars for a oonnullnllon. ^Vlun imk- M by Allomcy I ^ r . Parry for ihc i l f , fpnio, whcllicryiic Imd fald lie tiod ,

    ---------------- K m irth inrm jii’W T 'in n lc ln n 'I iT T w ln. Kalla hc rjiUl hc did not rrcnil. "DM ̂y o n lc ll Mr. Cowslll UiaLIf iliiy i.iakr t an a tlr in i'l if> run you mil i.f u jh ii ' i llio l Biieli action w m lonil fiTinnlio n , m artyr of yon and Itm l to Inm-n/io your hiinlnpna" ihe wltnoKn ninlrri h r j d idn't rccall. ^

    Mr. CowRlll trnllfird Ihnl n -fro o f i had.I.cvn KOhinlllr'l and ihnl iho »f;’o . of lh*^n aa to c rrla ln mnvrrsatlnm i lutil !..■• twocn th r profiHnor ami .Mr. CmvKill and wlinl iho thnn:> Inio■ ri|..tcwlv 111 h-;inl a htirct"iU'd c.rlmlnnl.

    . In ri'minnKC lo an un..lKtic-d ti-UT.raiiirc-cc'lvrij yc'»lorclay iiic.riilnK from rc rn lr llo uud ndilril-iK w.-n-

    | . J!i_rvi,l,;nc.:.---------------------------------* "W hrrr-Ire sicrii-. F lii.n r- clir-rily

    . Jnatilrn l-a- w rll «rriis.-.V ii.V.r.rii,;.T.. riKhl ■in 'iUlillirr.

    Till- il-i.iKlrn lunil.l.d, T h r iirw arrlvivi liitro.lcu-c.'d hlm nrlf iin.llol.rfl

    _ IC, Klm h, of C:.rml, llllncis, who hml,, ..rrlvrd ........ .. ii. v lrli hl».. HhrcKf Klm-lv »»ul. U;nl„ th f IrlrRniiti n.

    ■t , ,I S ̂ Knirnm an.l hb- h rn ih .r. Hr, O-cin.iu

    Tlmea Wont Ada Got Krnaita.

    !'■ I Aftrr-Dinnnr Triekx |

    • N», I 47—TtM This* ArmTh- v « of rhil«..,.i.»Jr, >t..l dl>.

    m..n.N trr rililbll^l In » f«B-' ni- d I'l n llmi. H di an. !■ pii«h _ t)K'n-non(‘r«fi* tu» r ' ef-cjln.ntf..cl." ojl»lnnll>. ibuwr. 1. ■eiunlly Ih- >r* o( hrnrt-. U;

    vhuiainc Ihc.rird . » .huwn In Ih. .lli- - r ir»m i only Ih ' Hp of Ihr hr^rt ■pprnn.

    r* m il ar* nf illaBiond* i> fin Ihr Inp uf U Ih* park all Ih" llin». Th» Ihrri- InnncM

    «rr l.n^i^-f«ff« ihm-n brfciT. Uir; •r* po»hr.l lain lh» p«rk; hi-nr» thr (mr Idrnllly ct lb# rauioun.er.l ace of lcMitI» In nni dl*rtil>i.- rham hrr of iiimuu-rrr, Kl-' | ‘ |f :u an la an.l linti.ry rliilri who lu n nn.l

    Illn;; for, U>- holcllnc. ..f, 11 KTlcX .uf „ cc.iimiiiiiily clliiiirrrc In T.Mn I'allit. ” - T h r . i.ninilllrrm.-.i prr.i-ul. h. 0. Alu.r.l, ,\Ia>oi- .'i, 1.. HodKln. mul ,,,

    irharlrn r . D u lth l, c;hnmh. i ..f .cm . iiirirr ; I', K, iKinih. Ilciiary. nml .IiiiIko ,■ O. R Dnnill. Klw.-rtil.-c. il.-.-lilnl lc d r. |

    I,,.. I.imlti.- upoii-UirIr filial plam. iTl a l„ lurrllm; Io ji,. Iirlfl Auyui.l I, w ll l r l j '

    hyili.jiUmiiT. , . • ,i|,,W. Allrnclaur.- ul Ihr oiiriilni: dlmir-. Ir. ilr. » ill liu'lii'li- ni.-mhriH i,f l l . r . U in f^ ,, Wll n.inllon.il orc.-iiil/iiUnii!.. whi'u fur-! l,y ihi r pliMjr.-'wlll 1.1- mad.- fcir Ihc In -|

    c liiMcin nr nihcT rlvli- .ircaiih-.allomt I»Ihr cm iiiiinlly c||nn.-r-i.ri.itrmu, Tlnvj.:

    imiuliciidvlp nf iiiiproxlmiilfly I’ lu, c|.: s . _________ _ tl

    M e m b e r s o f G . A. R . \\: llio' A ttend Fyneralii'ml. ______ . Y '

    M.-mlirif, oj Ihc lc.c-ui A, It. ppril i \ ivcM- I,I alfifuhifircr .H Ih.- fuiic iali-r

    i'; w n lc .h hrlil f.,r I). II. I'rllljohti from t,.| 'j'Mill.- llc \Mll c haiM.I Til.-Mlay, . I.nrial j "

    wnn i.)a.lo In Ihr T.. II1 Kalin r- ui. lvry. llj. Siji.rlul n./lMc- »u:i .;ivvu hy n mixed r.l

    rim.[.i.«.-.l nl Mm. 1. 11,| - T r n o r r , r - r - T ! n n i i i r x 'r .A \ i i i t r Trfii'

    J‘. .S, Mall, ,\lr.i, .M1H.I. U1 ham; u !lc>,Iil-M.IIIIou lo (lir qtinrirt miinir, - iiv

    All.lh.- fmully of Ih r cl.-i-.niird xvrtrill lifirhriaui:.- w liirihc- rxc. j.limi of 11 Jn

    ; M»n,..llc.iu..r.-»!,-l'rMlJ,.hn. o t KUiri l̂s-. ra.Mlc-h. w.

    UK • t ■ M' m a M m

    ■ . m m_A

    . s ' ' • . ‘

    A n n o u n iIvvl

    ;; -----------THElint

    H Sale O i■

    Every item of mercl Falls: Everything w

    hr g you will Ijnd prices

    UN g . • .

    i | Outing ;; T o g s

    • ■“ Ml V..WSI ('‘irt..n „Mon .May ; l oidrr.-ci Ui.- rnmpniiy In . ^hoV liOi^o In williu.; «hy-^iiff p.-uli

    I l?«1r:i'- ..hoiild m.l h r ci.Inhliiihrd. ,liT^n.' h c oil r iiu jr uw U -r'tlic cimiiUUllSiin ■ Mu / nt would h|-'ili'prlvlni: Um company of fo

    f M M M / B ' 1

    i c i n g O u r F i ]: - E - V A - j ^ l P - S ]

    pens T hulV A L U E S W I T H O U T P R

    'chandise in c^ur s to re w.ill will be priced a t a real s marked down on the v

    C om e Ea, LOOK .

    sIn .

    Irully iir rcnnin.-rclany franlhlc-. j. und * an- iioiirrl-ii nf frlcllo lf. h r iw rm riini-

    . pany. nrcriii uml roiriinhinlon.Thal Ihr parllcu lar lirh rdu ir ron- •

    • trmplnti’rt. Ill j#»)u-rotiiprn?inimy. ic.n- flicr.Mory liud Impra'cllriii.

    T hul Inrci-cl Inipni.llloii of off-p.>uk■ laloH liivad.-t.'Uit—provinrc :and'tiinc- ' ' J Him of Ihr nlllily.

    T hai Ih r rnmpaiiy haa n-n. arc I'llJ -j- Irjird, I.par.- (-.rnrrallnc. iruniml.-cnhin.

    , iraiiHfi.rmrr nnd cllnl/ll.iillon rnpnr.„ lllr:i, uild Uial lu Midi lt>cMIUv« wlivtc

    Ilirrc Ih I'pan- raparlly ul llmrji. llir ,, ri'iu lu oil inviHiini-ni ii nll.

    Thai un ilrinand rslnw nmnns ciifl-

    ' TQi^uhHwrr rnlHi-n 'i l i r .jnrHil..— iif I- rnmillliiUnUullly of pn.mwiril rrduc- > llnn nml Inilinairii iliai IM nay curry 0 Iho iiiallrr lo ‘ilir nupirmtr court ofII Ihr uiillon. t 1': a- An rx p m frnm Tnrnm n. rc-laiiir.rhy'f Ihr rnuimiJlHliiu.. han fU»-il a rtporl ’> n firr ,a hrirf rininliiallnn of roiidliioiiHV han trn ta llv rly rrpoVtril IhSl noim, nf a Ih.j ralrn c;om|.lBliir(l of a t r In hinIL uiilulm!_nuL_U2Ujil£li- - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 '; ■. :------- I'i:• S t o l e n - C h e v r o l e t .

    C a r ^ R e c o v e r e d n’-------- . . . PI

    H rrnvrry i.f Un- rh rv rn lr l ra r I."- pc '•jlcUlKlUK lo J ; I.OiliiU. -Jlijli:u_aL la ''•.s::io Tm-Hilny rvrnlci); wan mado a w r frw hi.urn latc-r.hy tly> ,Hlirriffn ot- hi

    tire throujih n i.^i(.ncrl.y who nnw Iho T uh fonn ly ] '• U llhlii S i I lo u n of San Kniii. i

    rN ro ; .Mak-lr Cily .Mur !'U|.atrh, ,

    Twin Knihi cminiy iu wlih|n ap- ^ TtnmnnitTTly : i illlli rn-T.r~Siiir t-Vmr 1

    chico by a ir mall, accordUiR io Iho ‘ new IhrouRll nrhi-.lulr i-ilah1hhi- , ,, Ih'! cvenluK .ira in ,\o. .S4 u lil ralch < if U»>-' 4-Ki-nl.lionnil mull pl;inr oul nl ' „ Suit. I.uke C lly 'llll!' next inorniuR a t '

    han K ranrinrn ul 4;4r. Unit . a flr r - ciioou,’' nrvrn honrii ami -li mlnuten Iafter- IraHnir S ail U k n Cliy: I

    1 - Airi.lanr 'uiall (or ruM rru poilUn mnkvn Ihr l|.'nl roiinrrliiuiH it di»-piilrhr.l on III-; m oraine (rain from '- poluln'^cin Ihl- Twin l-*:ilhi hramth, I

    lajluc-lu-LUuiyuaiiu-Ly—(Tali»-No—IK-j a w hiro ll rrtanrciH wiiii I lo euHt-- himmi phniu Icavlnc nl 7;ir.. i 0 The rvriiInK ;ra ln in?Krr> Ihr hm l 1 cf riiunrctlouH for wrHt-hoiind alrplnno i I. mnll. uml ovrr J iJ im irH in iiaveil : 0 lo .Sail Kraiic:lrcr0 mlniii-.-H. (^Ili;h(ly| fnnler timo In ’ ’•• iii iif le h y ’Hic'WBt-Uouad Illr mall .duo-

    lc. '(h e 'favnrnhhi . prctalilDC wllidi, • 'I _ Z(.ar .SyHtrm.

    . Tho" nalh.ii Ix illvidi-d Inlo 'th rro ‘ *nnrr III Chryeane, and triicyenoo lo Sau J'tRHtlBvo, wlUj Tfttvi a l K ccnlaiiL r-zuua -ounca.— TUua_poalaKB_lo--------------Iho nniuunl of- R rrn ln (or pnialn

    - lipfwf'f-n ‘ liud ■|nrliidliii;''nirj-viiiio , t j nncl 's a a l-'raneinco la required for »• u ir mail, IG eealK heyhnci Chuyonan

    Io mul Inciiidiai; CIlliaRO. anil Id nr r rn m for Irlirx? denllnrd for polaln

    rani of fh lca ro ' on Iho hasis of ono

    and I!..''Hi Iho, Ilrnt