task 6

Task 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Task 6

Task 6

What have you learnt about technologies from

the process of constructing this product?

Page 2: Task 6

Use of equipment

We used Imac to do our research, look at sounds and edit the film. We used the camera to shoot all the scenes in our sequence, the tripod was useful when we shot outside as it made it very easy to keep the camera steady and on an even level.

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Use of Final Cut Pro

We used Final Cut Pro to do majority of the editing on our sequence. We used the effects to alter the colours and brightness of the screen. We also cut and changed the length over the clips so the film could run smoothly, this is a close-up shot towards the beginning of the opening sequence. We decided to use a close-up as it would focus the audience's attention to his (the main character 'Jason Clarke') eyes. As he opens and shuts his eyes during the 'waking up' scene, his pupil naturally change size due to the brightness of the surrounding light. We used many features of final cut pro to produce our final sequence it was very useful to create the distorted scenes with a trippy effect so the audience could empathise with the main character as they have a better understanding of what he is going through. We based the effecting on the movies Limitless and Lucy so our film feels more realistic to the audience.

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Photoshop eye

We have edited his eye to white-out the eyeball and make his iris green in an abnormal-like feel, to further add to the thriller genre. We edited this by collecting second hand images from the internet, and editing them on Photoshop (onto the photo that we shot on our filming day of the main character Jason Clarke), to fit the size and structure of his eye/face, to make it as realistic as we can (so it doesn't look-stuck on'). This particular shot, follows after we see his original eyes, then he shuts them, and then reopens them to look like this. This edit was done to give the effect that the drug had effected him. This showed the serious effect the drug had on his mind and body which I believe makes the viewers more interested in the effects of the drug because they are obviously very serious.

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Make up

In order to create a realistic cut we experimented with the equipment before the filming day. These are the results, I think this was successful as we realised how much time we needed to set aside for makeup and I got to practice to make the cuts looks as good as possible. In my research for this I watched youtube tutorials to learn the best techniques to produce the a scar. This helped with our sequence as it gives off a more intense atmosphere because the audience are shown the seriousness of the film by the shocking scars on the main character.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sflMH4xnJOc

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Use of garage band

We used garage band to experiment with different sounds, this was useful as we discovered what type of sounds would fit well with our storyline and film genre. We were attempting to make a soundtrack that entailed listening to a number of clips and selecting the few that fit with the mood we are trying to create through trial and error because of the genre of the film we looked at intense and dark clips to give off the correct atmosphere of the film. We started by looking on garage band at the clips that give off a suspense effect. We chose the clips above to go with the chase scene as we felt it would heighten the suspense and give the clip more intense feeling. This helped our sequence as we succeeded in finding the correct type of sound to give off an appropriate mood.

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Other resources used