task 25 evaluation task 2 - tom sharman

+ Task 25 Evaluation Activity 2 Unit G321 Tom Sharman

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Task 25Evaluation Activity 2

Unit G321Tom Sharman

Page 2: Task 25 Evaluation Task 2 - Tom Sharman


When taking images for my magazine I took into consideration the purpose of the images and my target audience for the magazine and the social groups that they fit into.

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+Social Group

Social groups refers to groups of people who differ from other groups of people in terms of social class, dominance, rank, and common interest.

The magazine I made, focuses on a certain type of social group which is into pop and rock genre music and that like other types of music too. It’s also for middle class people who have disposable income to spend on the magazine. The magazine focuses on male dominance rather. A common interest for the social group of the magazine could be that they all enjoy music of this type.

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+How are young people represented in society?

In society, young people are often seen to be in gangs and carry knifes like very few of young people actually do. This is because in the media, such as the News. The media gives young people a bad name in society as they only report of crimes committed by young people and the good things that they do.

This makes the common conception of young people to be a negative conception.

In the magazine I decided to use a mixture of positive and negative images for my magazine to give both types of opinions and conceptions.

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+Positive ImagesIn WHO? Magazine

Positive images are images that look nice to look at and that are presenting the social group in a positive/good way. This can be altered by their body language, facial expressions and use of props in the shot.

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+Negative Images

Negative images are images that are portraying young people as bad people like the Media portray in the news. Body language, facial expressions and props are a good way to create negative shots.

In WHO? Magazine

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Shot sizes is the size of the shot and how the character is in the shot. For example, if the image contains a close up of the character then the shot size is known as a close up. If the image is of half of the models body then the shot size is known as a medium shot.In the left image above, this is a medium long shot as you can see the models knees. I chose to make this the shot size as it is most effective for this particular shot due to the shot angle.In the right image above, this is a medium close up shot. I chose to make the image a medium close up as it is good for a dominant image as the image is very striking and focuses on the characters face and arm.

Shot Sizes

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Camera angles is the angle in which the shot was taken. These can be used for affect in order to create a different feel with the image and makes them more interesting to look at and can add a more better field of depth in the images.In the image on the left, the camera angle is from the bottom of the globe looking at the model. This creates a very unusual shot due to the angle and field of depth and works well for the shot.On the right image, the angle of the shot is from behind the model to make it look like they’re playing to a crowd. This is an unusual camera angle for shots to be taken.

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Costume is the costumes worn in the photo shoot to make the photo appeal to a certain type of social group and target audience. Costume is very good for addressing the class of people depending on what the models are wearing.Both images I chose, are wearing casual everyday clothes. I decided to make the costumes quite basic as I wanted the models to be seen as a normal person who has been successful in their music career. Casual clothing costumes appeal to the middle class social group because it’s how they dress and makes them feel similar to the artists in the photo’s.

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Props are used in photo-shoots as extras and to showcase equipment such as guitars. They can also make the shots look more interesting as a simple shot can be boring therefore having props can add a sense of interest to the viewer.In the image on the left, the model has a guitar in the shot. This is a great prop for a music magazine as it is a musical instrument and also adds to the genre of the magazine.The other image is an amp for a rock feel photo-shoot I tried. This is a negative portray of young people and suits it well as rock is associated with rebellious.

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Body Language

Body language is important in Photo shoots as it adds more interest to the shot and makes the user asks question. Body language can portray a positive or negative image and is a good way of appealing to different social groups and portraying stereotypes in images.The left image has quite stuck up body language were it is a passive image and the model isn’t looking at the camera making the model look powerful and better than people.However, the right image is using his arm to make him look sexy and a ‘heart throb’ to the public. This is a positive image of young people being portrayed.

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Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are important in Shots as it can change the type of image and make the image positive and negative. The image on the left is a positive image and the facial expression is quite smug and this makes the image positive.The image on the right is a negative image as the model looks very angle and has a cigarette in his mouth to make the image even more negative.

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The setting on an image is very important. It can make the shots more interesting and can create a different feel to the images and make them look more professional.On the left image, I went to a woodland area and found a stone that I made my model sit on to play the guitar to create a nice natural looking shot. The setting make the image music more interesting and looks more professional.The other image is inside a professional recording studio to give a nicer background and make the image look more professional. It also gave a nice low-key lighting feature that has been used effectively.

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Framing is the positioning of the shot. It can determine how the shot looks and make it a lot more natural and interesting.In the left shot I made the framing so that the focus is on the left side of the image. This is because the model is positioned there and on the right there is a blank space. This makes the shot look a lot more interesting than if the shot was centered.On the right image, I turned the model to the side and got a shot parallel with their body. This framing works well and creates a much more interesting shot.