task 2&3


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Post on 14-May-2015




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Page 1: Task 2&3



Jess Britton

Page 2: Task 2&3

Out of focus

When I experimented with focus, at first i made all of the image out of focus. I made sure that I changed the focus so the images like almost like fine art. These are the results that I got. These three images are all quite interesting to look at, and they sort of hurt the eyes. I decided to go out again and try to take some more. I varied the focus levels on the next set, and made it so that only a small amount was in focus, or nearly all of it. These images seem to have worked better, because they look more interesting. These are all on the next page. The second image on this page is most likely the one image that is completely out of focus that has worked the best. The first image is a little too bland; there isn’t much going on to draw people in. the third image is the same, there are only block colours , and since you can see the corridor in the background, which looks out of place. I changed the camera setting to manual, I set the camera on a wide aperture and I moved the focus ring so that I could get the different effects. For the last image on this page I could have changed the focus so that either the corridor or the wall was in focus.

Page 3: Task 2&3

Out of focus

These are all of the images that I took when I chose to have a focus point. In the first image I positioned the camera on an angle, focused on the tree and made sure that the background was out of focus. I used this effect on the bottom two images as well, so that the front of the image was the focus point. With this image I decided to try something different. I believe that this is the best image I took. The foreground is the part that is out of focus, the white walls are in focus as well of the floor. Having the closest part of the image in focus in the most common way to use this technique, so I experimented and tried to see if this would work.

Page 4: Task 2&3

Use this slide to annotate your best image

With this image I decided to make only a small amount of the image in focus. This is in the bottom left corner, and I changed the focus of the camera so that the rest was out of focus, even though everything in the image is connected and close together.

Page 5: Task 2&3

Hockney Photomontages

With this technique, I had trouble editing them together in Photoshop. This would have been easy if I has printed then and laid them out on a piece of paper, but with Photoshop it could lay out some of the images that I took. This is one of the sets of images that worked. I only took about 6 images of the same subject, and they edited on Photoshop well. I took a lot of photographs of a silver sign, but Photoshop couldn’t put them together. If I was using this experiment in my work I would cut and paste them on paper. This would probably be the easiest way to produce this effect. If I was to do this again I would take more photographs of the same subject and print them out.

Page 6: Task 2&3

Use this slide to annotate your best image

Page 7: Task 2&3


When I was taking photographs to get a movement effect I found that this was the hardest one to do. I believe that the bottom image is the best one, but it barely captures any movement. The top two images haven’t worked because they don’t seem to be showing any movement. If I was to try this technique again I would make sure that I used a tripod so that the image captured only a small amount of movement, without the camera shaking.

Page 8: Task 2&3


For this technique I found that I couldn’t particularly get the images to look as they should. I used a long shutter speed to capture movement of different people, but as I was looking back at them I found that the whole image looked blurry. The only photograph that I could say had worked was the last one on the next page, this is because the corridor is in focus and still, but there is movement at the end. If I was to try this again I would make sure that I had a tripod, so I knew the camera was completely steady.

Page 9: Task 2&3

Use this slide to annotate your best image

Page 10: Task 2&3


When I was experimenting with taking images of reflections I used the auto setting because I didn’t need to change the shutter speed or the aperture. I did however use the focus lens on the camera on the bottom image and the larger image on the next page because I was able to see the reflection of the tree when I did so. I believe that these two images worked the best, simply because the reflections were subtle, which added something different.

Page 11: Task 2&3

Use this slide to annotate your best image

Page 12: Task 2&3

Harris Shutter

To try this experiment I decided that I needed to use the Harris Shutter app, since this was the easiest way to get this effect. When I was taking photographs I made the whole image look abstract, I moved the camera around in between shots, so that it had a fine art finish. After I tried this a few times I decided that I should keep the camera at the same place, and make sure that I captured movement from other people. I believe that this effect worked well, and the image that I took that captured movement worked the best. This is because it captured just one person moving, which, if I was going to use this technique for my final images, it would create a unique image.

Page 13: Task 2&3

Use this slide to annotate your best image

Page 14: Task 2&3


When I was experimenting with this technique I tried to get a weird looking final image. All I had to do was put an object on a scanner, and make sure I moved the object as it scanned. If I was to use this technique on my final images, I would make sure the object that I was scanning was larger, so that I could produce something that was a normal size. Since I used small cards and coins from my purse I found that the finished image was too small.

Page 15: Task 2&3

Use this slide to annotate your best image