task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben TurnerUnit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12 (Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website) http://www3.yha.com.au/ The structure of the YHA Australia website I think is very well laid out and it is mainly very colourful throughout the site. On the whole, I feel that the assets and colours used within the YHA Australia website is staying in touch with the whole theme of the site and it uses appropriate styles for the layout of the YHA Australia website as well. As a whole, I think that it integrates the colour scheme very well and it uses contrasting colours in order to reflect the background image of the YHA Australia website. The colours used within the site are the following: Blue Orange Green White (This colour has been used as an amplifier in order to make the other colours stand out)

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)


The structure of the YHA Australia website I think is very well laid out and it is mainly very colourful throughout the site. On the whole, I feel that the assets and colours used within the YHA Australia website is staying in touch with the whole theme of the site and it uses appropriate styles for the layout of the YHA Australia website as well.

As a whole, I think that it integrates the colour scheme very well and it uses contrasting colours in order to reflect the background image of the YHA Australia website. The colours used within the site are the following:

Blue Orange Green White (This colour has been used as an amplifier in order to make the other

colours stand out)

Page 2: Task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

The text that is used throughout the YHA Australia website is very well implemented throughout all of the content within the site and it uses suitable text colours so that it fits in with the overall colour scheme. The style of font that has been used is Verdana where the sample of navigation buttons is at 13.5 font size but it actually varies within the site as well.

Overall I feel that it utilises the backdrop image very well as it uses a light-pink and fade out pink for the booking section where there is a search engine for users to use to make any request in relation to hostels and other things.

See illustrations below…..

Page 3: Task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

The logo I think is very well thought through as it is keeping in touch with the overall theme for the YHA Australia site as this is also at the same time making users aware of who the site belongs to. It also uses a hotspot as well where this allows users to gain access backwards and forwards within the website.

Page 4: Task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

The banners used within main homepage of the website are mainly advertising hostels, YHA membership, accommodation, travel insurance and New Zealand Booking Hostels etcetera where any Australian backpacker can directly access to these in order to put in place the best means of going about touring in Australia.

Page 5: Task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

Page 6: Task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

Page 7: Task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

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Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

Page 9: Task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

The screen icon that is used throughout the YHA Australia website is the Hostelling International Icon where you get to discover the real hostel experience worldwide. It also displays the customer reviews based on the hostel experience around the globe and how highly it has been rated from 1 to 100 percent. In addition to this, it also used social networking and broadcasting URL websites as well such as, Facebook and YouTube etc.

Page 10: Task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

The rollover buttons mainly use rollover effects where the initial colour is blue as and it changes to orange once you hovered over it with the mouse device. This is applied towards the following: Subscribe and My YHA.

There are no animated GIFs included within the Australia website.

The navigation within the YHA Australia website I feel is very easy because in general uses a combination of hotspots and drop down menus where it enables users to access all of the main features within the site. First instance of effective navigation is where registered members would input the booking number that has been obtained by them and type in their email address so that they can receive their bookings. Secondly, I am able to search for a certain hostel within Australia by inserting the following search criteria Sydney, select a particular hostel and it will then direct you to the webpage accordingly to the request made by the user of the website. Overall I feel that it makes efficient use of the navigation system because it uses reflective colour schemes and appropriate search engine.

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Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

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Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

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Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

Page 14: Task 1i analysing the yha australia website

Ben Turner Unit 65-Web Animation for Interactive Media 16/10/12(Task 1i-Analysing the YHA Australia website)

There is no emphasis of animation being integrated within the YHA Australia website. However, it does use a combination of frame by frame and still images within the YHA Membership – Discounts in Australia YouTube which uses a FLV (Flash Video) format where it uses Australian accents as part of the audio/sound that has been included within the animated video.