task 1 work sheet 2 landscape


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Task 1 work sheet 2 landscape


Page 1: Task 1 work sheet 2 landscape

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Naughty dog

Page 2: Task 1 work sheet 2 landscape

Picture Four

Page 3: Task 1 work sheet 2 landscape

Theme or focus of images

On these six images I see well known landscapes, destroyed almost as if an apocalypse as occurred, the designers from Naughty Dog, they created these because of the inspiring game “The Last Of Us” which hit PS4 this year. Picture One is the Battersea Power Station in London this is just one of the images that are shown and the rest of the images are:

Picture Two - Shard and City Hall in London

Picture Three - Berlin, Germany.

Picture Four – Colosseum, In Rome

Picture Five - Buckingham Palace in England

Picture Six – Eiffel Tower in France

These Pictures could have roughly been anytime because the original pictures seemed to be in a summer, but the pictures are shown to be post apocalypse events which happen in the future.

Not where! When, these images show that an apocalypse has occurred, so could it be before reality, or is it a future sight into the future.


Page 4: Task 1 work sheet 2 landscape

As the photographer decides where to stand, moves the camera, or zooms in on a scene, she selects what to include in the image. What did the photographer choose to include or exclude in the image? If she had zoomed out or stood further away, what additional information could we see? The composition of the photograph can also be altered later by cropping. How does the decision to frame only certain elements in the photograph affect the message conveyed by the photograph?

These Images are well suited for what is shown because the game is similar it a perceptive for people to see theses landmarks something that not. If it was just a house or building it may just look like a rotten/ruined building, but if it was a landscape it show more area to manipulate most aspects of an apocalypse event.

Techniques used

It is hard to say what techniques to use on these pictures because they are much edited to make out to look like a zombie apocalypse, but I can talk about the previous pictures before they were edited.

I say that the rule of thirds could of been used to centre the building to make it centre of attention make sure everything is in that box, then there is the shutter speed, I’d say it was a fast one because they don’t need to use slow shutter speed because not much is happening and they took more focus on the editing of the actual photos. Could say that it was a range from 1/1000f to 1/500f maybe or even higher also you can’t really tell if there is any use depth of field because nothing seemed to be blurred out it seems to be in focus of all the images.

Strengths & Weaknesses


The strengths of these images are that it’s made by game developers of an apocalypse game which makes people who like the game enjoy these images and these made me think it could happen but also it makes it familiar to where I live because it showed Buckingham palace…

Weaknesses:-… The weaknesses are that they are not showing that its apocalypse just seems like a bit disserted also they could of shown how far into the future make us think it is real.