target audience


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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Target audience
Page 2: Target audience

Target audience Identification

• My target audience are a younger group of people (around 15-25). These people would be interested in finding many new artists and a wide variety of music. It is aimed at both genders as much as the other.

• This magazine would be targeted at all classes of people as it is very simple and easy to tread but at the same time is sophisticated enough for the upper class members of society.

Page 3: Target audience

This girl is young and definitely in the range of 16-25. She is listening to music on a pair of headphones that are very large and this usually they are expensive, if this girl is willing to pay a lot of money for headphones, it probably means she is very passionate about music. The t-shirt she is wearing is very original. This could say to say that she likes to be her own person and not just follow crowds in terms of her music taste and listen to new music.

Page 4: Target audience

Within this photo I can tell she is around 20 years old. Her t-shirt is a Vaccines t-shit, a bad well within my genre suggesting she is interested in this type of music. The rest of her clothes are a specific style that you would expect to see from someone interested in seeking new talent.

Page 5: Target audience

She looks around 25 years old. This fits perfectly in with the target audience. She seems to be at a music festival, this shows a large interest in music. She looks rather intelligent, and someone who is more intelligent is more likely to read, so she may want to actually read about music she enjoys, more than likely the type appearing in my music magazine.

Page 6: Target audience

He looks to be around 18, this fits in to my target audience. His clothes could have the connotations of someone who would be interested in the style of music incorporated in my magazine, because of his jeans and basketball shoes, typically associated with this particular genre of music and all of the content in the magazine, the style of his jumper also, the torn kind of retro print is very typical of this genre.

Page 7: Target audience

He seems to be in the age category set for my target audience. His clothes are a very certain style, military boots are always associated with the people listening to the music suck indie-rock in my magazine. He has particularly long hair on the photograph, and it is styled very extravagantly and could be considered as a rather ‘brave’ style.

Page 8: Target audience

His general look suggests he is around the top end of my target audience. He is wearing a t-shirt containing the Beatles and some photos of them, many people that are associated with the indie-rock genre enjoy the music from the Beatles also, so this may show his interest for that music. His hair is also very typically alternative as many people’s hair choices and style choices are closely influenced by their musical taste and icons.