target audience

Target audience research

Upload: ebonypeart

Post on 27-May-2015




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Page 1: Target audience

Target audience research

Page 2: Target audience

Target Audience

My group are focusing on the film genre – Drama.

A drama film is a genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Dramatic themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, infidelity, moral dilemmas, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, sexuality, poverty, class divisions, put the characters in conflict with themselves, others and society. Drama is the most broad of movies genres and includes subgenres as romantic drama, sport films, period drama, courtroom drama and crime. Drama films usually appeal to both the young mature and older audience, of both gender, due to the strong script that all drama films offer.

My groups film is closer linked to the subgenre of crime/British drama. This would more or less bring a predominantly British audience. In addition to the language (slang) and location (England), a sense of social solidarity will be created with the audience.

Page 3: Target audience

Examples of crime dramas

Page 4: Target audience

“With a clearly defined target audience, it is much easier to determine where and how to market your production.”

My production is aimed at males and females between the ages of 15-21, specifically living in the city of London since they will be able to identify more with the content. They will generally be in the latter part of secondary schooling i.e. year10/11, in college or have just left college. The males and females will mainly be unemployed due to their occupation of being a ‘full-time student’ or could have a part-time minimal wage job such as a retail sales assistant.

My target audience would typically be of a black Afro-Caribbean ethnicity, or of mixed heritage and would live (in most cases) in a household headed by their mother, with a absent father and a few siblings.

My film predominately targets males because of the violent and gritty content of it. However, it could also interest females due to the realistic and dramatic element to it, since biologically women are more drawn to lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes.