tancet me basic engg

 PART 02  BAS IC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE (Common to all ca ndidates ) o f point o f the De rr ick D E Derrick 32.  A  200 kg block is in contact with a plane inclined at  3 0 "  to the horizontal.  A force  parallel to an d acting up t he plane, i s applied to the body. If the coefficient of static friction is 0.20, the value of  P to just cause mo tion up th e plane is 33. the edge 'CB 7 of a cube of edge  1 m about the centre of the base of the cube  OCDE, shown  be low . 34.  The motion of a particle is gi ve n b y 112 a  =  where  a  is in m/sec 2 and  i s  in when  t  =  =  Find the relat ion  between and  t Find the moment of the Force ' F acting along

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(Common to all candidates)

of point of the Derrick 



32.   A   200 kg block is in contact with a plane

inclined at   30"   to the horizontal.  A force

 parallel to and acting up the plane, is appliedto the body. If the coefficient of static friction

is 0.20, the value of  P to just cause motion upthe plane is


the edge'CB 7 of a cube of edge  1 m about thecentre of the base of the cube  OCDE, shown


34.   The motion of a particle is given by112 a   =   where   a   is in m/sec2 and   is   in

when   t   =   =   Find the relation

 between and  t 

Find the moment of the Force 'F acting along

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35.   A particle of mass 10 kg is moving along the   41.   A water column of volume   6.5   litres is

circumference of a circle of radius 10 m. If the subjected to a direct pressure of 

tangential velocity of the particle is 5   1.8   .   Determine the change inthen the kinetic energy gained by the body in

volume of water column if the bulk modulus10 rotations is

of water  is taken as1.   500 J

36.   The packing factor for   y- iron is

1.   0.34

37.   Which one among the following is a

thermoset material?

1.   Rubber 

2.   Nylon

3.   Urea formaldehyde

4.   Teflon

42.   Density index of  a material   is

1.   greater than one

2.   less than one

3.   equal to one

4.   indeterminate

43.   The constituent of cement that imparts quick 

setting to cement is

1.   Magnesia

2.   Iron oxide

38.   Which metal among the following would not3.   Alumina

undergo corrosion?

1.   Copper    4.   Silica

2.   Gold

3.   Silver 

4.   Iron

39.   Domain structure is exhibited by

1.   ferromagnets

2.   paramagnets

3.   diarnagnets

4.   both dia and paramagnets

44.   A surveyor's mark cut on a stone or rock or 

any reference point to indicate a level in a

levellingsurvey is called

1.   reduced level

2.   change point

3.   levelling mark 

4.   bench mark 

45.   According to the United States Bureau of soil

40.   At absolute zero, the probability of occupation   classification, the soil is designated as 'coarse

of energy levels below the energy level,   clay' if the particle size varies from by electrons, is

1.   0.0001 mm to 0.002 mm1.   1

2.  2.   0.02 mm to 0.06 mm

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.   capacitors   A   and   B   are placed in

Capacitors and

=   F. The maximum energy stored in

circuit when   240   V,   50   Hz supply is

applied to the circuit is


2.   1.92 J

3.   192 J

4.   12.9 J

47.   With reference to the network shown below,

 by applying Thevenin's theorem, find the

equivalent voltage of the network when

viewed from the terminals CD

48.   "In a transformation of meshes, i t

must be remembered that the resistance

of each arm of the star is given by the

of the resistance of the twodelta sides that meet at its ends divided by

the of the three delta


1.   product, product

2. sum, product

3.   product, sum

4. sum, sum

49. An alternating voltage of is

applied to a series circuit and the current

 passing is   (2+   . The impedance of the

circuit is

1.   8.6

2.   18.6

3.   1.68

4.   1.86

50.   A moving coil ammeter is wound with

40 turns and gives full scale deflection with

5 A. How many turns would be required on

the same bobbin to give full scale deflection

with 20 A?

1.   10

2.   403.   12

4.   21

51.   The percentage of carbon in eutectoid steel is

1.   0.8

2.   0.4

3.   0.02

4.   1.2

52. Which one of the following is not using

electron as a source of energy?

1.   Solar cell

2.   MHD generator 

3.   Fuel cell

4. Atomic power plant

53.   Temporary metal forming process is

1.  Welding

2.   Brazing

3.   Mechanical bonding

4.   Soldering

54. Under isobaric conditions, the Gibb's phaserule takes the form

1.   F = C- P + 2

2.   F = C- P + 1

3.   F = C- P + 3

4.   F = C - P

55. Which one of the following metals is moreductile?

1..   Copper 

2.   Silver 

3.   Gold

4. Nickel

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56. Express the following switching circuit in binary notation

 L  = (AC +




57.   Applying theorem find the

equivalent of 

1.   +

2.   +   y' 


58.   LAN stands for 

1.   Local Access Network 

2.   Local Area Network 

3.   Link Access Network 

4.   Listed Area Network 

59.   An electronic semiconductor device tha t isfabricated with permanently storedinformation, which cannot be erased is called

1.   Random Access Memory

2.   Read Only Memory

3.   Memory Data Register 

4.   Memory Address Register 

60. Which of the following are the systemdirectories in

1.   bin, etc, lib, tmp

2.   local, usr, dev, bin

3.   bash, etc, lib, tmp

4.   sys, dev, bin, usr 

61.   If is the angle between the vectors and

such that and   =

then the value of i s


2.   1 / 2

62.   If   a  =   ,   then which of the following is




3.   a-i

4.   a =( -&)i

64. Which of the following points lies on the circle

with centre   (3,-2) and radius  3 units?

3.   ( -1,3)


63 .   The value of the determinant given below is

65.   A  die and   a   coin are thrown together. The

 probability of obtaining a prime number on

the die and tail on the coin is




A  =






4.   0

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-connected in series have resistances

and   300   and temperature

of  0.001 and  0.004 respectively at

The resultant of the combination at

C is

1.   954

2.   549

3.   1094

4.   850

67.   A  boat is at rest under the action of three

forces, two of which are   = 4i   and

= 6   . Then the of the third

force is

1.   - 4 units

2.   - 6 units

3. units

4.   - 10 units

68.   A body that absorbs all the radiation fallingon it is called a

1. good absorber 

 perfect black body

3.   black body

4.   good emitter 

69.   Quantum nature of light is not supported bythe phenomenon of 

1. Compton effect

2.   Photoelectric emission

3. Emission or absorption spectrum

4. Diffraction of light

70. Current carriers in an electrolyte are

1. electrons and negative ions

2.   electrons and positive ions3. positive and negative ions

71.   A  real gas would approach the behaviour of 

an ideal gas at

1.   low temperature and high pressure

2.   low temperature and low pressure

3.   high temperature and low pressure

4.   high temperature and high pressure

72.   Boron trifluoride will act as

a base

2.   an acid

3.   both as a base and an acid

4.   neither a base nor an acid

An electric current is passed through an

aqueous solution given below. Which oneshall decompose?

1.   Urea

2.   Silver Nitrate

3.   Ethyl alcohol

4. Glucose

74.   The element of highest electronegativity is

1. Flourine

2.   Chlorine

3. Oxygen

4. Caesium

75. Which one of the following involves a polar 




3.   Br 



4.   H-4. electrons and ions