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Page 2: Tampons and PCOS - conqueryourpcosnaturally.com...alternatives to the traditional and readily available tampon brands and pads. As an important aside, we’re also well placed to eliminate

PCOS and Tampons: It's Time To Switch ToSafety

For women with PCOS, heavy, erratic menstruation can be a classic symptom. In

this respect, both tampons and pads appear to be a godsend, making life easier…

but at what cost to our health and the environment? (Clue: PCOS and tampons

can be a dangerous mix!)

The truth about these hygiene products is that they’re loaded with heavy metals

and toxic chemicals. These can contribute to infertility, wreak havoc on an

already struggling hormone system, and contribute to PCOS herself.

Let’s take a deeper look at why women should avoid the vast majority of pads and



Ever since the phrase “mad hatter” was coined, people have considered touching

or dealing with mercury as unsafe, toxic and something that induces madness .[1]

PCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To SafetyPCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To Safety

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PCOS and Tampons: It's Time To Switch ToSafety

In spite of this, industrial science has gone on to use Mercury in a surprising array

of products, from tampons to vaccines.

Due to its highly toxic pro le, mercury was banned in the pesticides used to spray

food crops way back in 1969. However, it is still widely used today in fungicides

for textile crops such as cotton and bamboo .

Considering these materials commonly form a major constituent in tampons (and

pads), this means women are exposing their privates to mercury, as well as any

other heavy metals these crops are sprayed with.


PCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To SafetyPCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To Safety

Page 4: Tampons and PCOS - conqueryourpcosnaturally.com...alternatives to the traditional and readily available tampon brands and pads. As an important aside, we’re also well placed to eliminate

PCOS and Tampons: It's Time To Switch ToSafety

If that isn’t already enough, let’s talk about some of the harmful effects of


1. Inhibits Follicular GrowthInhibits Follicular Growth – When mercury was injected into the ovaries

of female hamsters, it inhibited and actually retarded follicular growth .

Yes, I know. We’re not in the habit of injecting our ovaries. Yet this

information is striking given the multiple ovarian cysts of PCOS are actually

immature follicles.

2. Disrupts HormonesDisrupts Hormones – Not surprisingly, female rats that inhaled mercury

vapour experienced toxicity, rapid weight loss, and disruptions in their

hormones and menstrual cycle .

3. Causes Miscarriage and InfertilityCauses Miscarriage and Infertility – It is suggested that mercury in

combination with lead will cause miscarriage, congenital malformations and

outright infertility . Lead is a common heavy metal found in pesticides

and industrial waste.

4. In icts Cellular and Genetic DamageIn icts Cellular and Genetic Damage – In studies on sea creatures,

mercury-induced lesions and DNA damage to multiple body organs . Part

of the damage included the destruction of follicles and the plasma lining the


5. Accumulates in the OvariesAccumulates in the Ovaries – Skin exposure to mercury through cream

use showed that this dangerous toxin accumulates in the ovaries . The

researchers noted the mercury accumulation may result in ovarian failure.

Sound familiar?



[5] [6]



PCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To SafetyPCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To Safety

Page 5: Tampons and PCOS - conqueryourpcosnaturally.com...alternatives to the traditional and readily available tampon brands and pads. As an important aside, we’re also well placed to eliminate

PCOS and Tampons: It's Time To Switch ToSafety

Given the destructiveness of this metallic toxin, we women need to nd

alternatives to the traditional and readily available tampon brands and pads. As

an important aside, we’re also well placed to eliminate sources of mercury around

the house as well (such as non-organic cotton clothing or toxic cleaning agents).

Whitening AgentsWhitening Agents

Natural cotton and other textiles are never the pristine white colour that you nd

in pads or tampons. To achieve this effect, manufacturers use whitening agents,

which double as disinfectants, such as bleach.

Another name for bleach is chlorine or more specifically, sodium chlorite.

Sodium ChloriteSodium Chlorite was found to deplete glutathione from red blood cells, which

resulted in excessive hydrogen peroxide production .[9]

PCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To SafetyPCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To Safety

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PCOS and Tampons: It's Time To Switch ToSafety

Without glutathione, the mitochondria can no longer create energy and have a

harder time protecting themselves or the body from oxidative stress. If you’ve

read my book Conquer Your PCOS Naturally you’ll understand how damaging

this it.

Mitochondria also play a vital roll in our immune function, helping to ease

inflammation and detoxify the body.

In a study carried out on women with PCOS, low levels of glutathione were

found, as well as increased levels of hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage .

Hydrogen peroxide is also known to cause cancer through DNA damage,

especially when it comes into contact with heavy metals (such as the ones

found in female hygiene products)!



PCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To SafetyPCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To Safety

Page 7: Tampons and PCOS - conqueryourpcosnaturally.com...alternatives to the traditional and readily available tampon brands and pads. As an important aside, we’re also well placed to eliminate

PCOS and Tampons: It's Time To Switch ToSafety

Interestingly, increased levels of free testosterone were directly proportionate to

DNA strand break down. This reveals a direct correlation between PCOS,

hydrogen peroxide and oxidative stress.

Many manufacturers of female hygiene products started to accept that bleach

was toxic, so they began to opt for “safer” whitening options instead… such as

hydrogen peroxide itself. As a nasty aside from the negative side effects

mentioned, hydrogen peroxide has been shown to create warts , speci cally

the genital kind.


When I think of PCOS and tampons, this issue is one that immediately springs to

mind! Xenoestrogens are a group of oestrogen mimicking substances that

interfere with our hormonal and reproductive systems . In women, this can

signi cantly contribute to the onset of PCOS , breast and ovarian cancer

, as well as infertility.

As noted in a study published in Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica:

Epidemiological and experimental data speak in favour of environmentaloestrogen’s to be one cause for the development of polycystic ovaries, being themost important reason for female infertility in the human. (1)

Here are two of the main xenoestrogens found in female hygiene products:


... are toxic xenoestrogens released during the bleaching process.



[14] [15]



PCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To SafetyPCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To Safety

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PCOS and Tampons: It's Time To Switch ToSafety

This compound is known to cause cancer, damaged immune function, and create

reproductive problems. Bamboo and cotton bres are bleached during

manufacture, as is the paper used to make the applicator as well.

Bisphenol ABisphenol A

... disrupts the endocrine system.

And is another plastic compound commonly found lining tampon applicators and

pads. There is increasing evidence to show that Bisphenol S and any other

bisphenol compounds are equally as toxic




PCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To SafetyPCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To Safety

Page 9: Tampons and PCOS - conqueryourpcosnaturally.com...alternatives to the traditional and readily available tampon brands and pads. As an important aside, we’re also well placed to eliminate

PCOS and Tampons: It's Time To Switch ToSafety

The safe alternative to the issues around PCOS and tampon useThe safe alternative to the issues around PCOS and tampon use

Not only are the above toxic products harming our fertility, but they contribute to

the destruction of our planet’s ability to birth too.

Switching to the Moon Cup

Instead of using and throwing away an average of 10 000+ tampons or pads in

your lifetime, you only need to use 1-2 moon cups, which last an average of 10-

15 years.

PCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To SafetyPCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To Safety

Page 10: Tampons and PCOS - conqueryourpcosnaturally.com...alternatives to the traditional and readily available tampon brands and pads. As an important aside, we’re also well placed to eliminate

PCOS and Tampons: It's Time To Switch ToSafety

Moon cups are made from silicon and do not have toxic side effects or promote

infections . They also do not cause cuts or wounds like sanitation products


In one quick switch over to the moon cup, you can support your ovaries, health,

your wallet and our planet.

From PCOS to perfect health, with love,

The team at Conquer Your PCOS Naturally


PCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To SafetyPCOS and Tampons: It 's Time To Switch To Safety