talking points on the majority opinion of the supreme court final

Talking Points on the Majority Opinion of the Supreme Court The Supreme Court’s ruling confirmed what most Americans already know; that Obamacare is unconstitutional. The Tea Party Patriots has led the fight against Obamacare (technically the Affordable Care Act) for more than 2 years. Today, the Supreme Court, the majority of American citizens, and the Tea Party Patriots are all on the same side: the side of the Constitution. But our work is not done. We will not rest until Obamacare is fully repealed. The Court rightly determined that the government cannot force the American people to purchase a product, healthcare. The individual mandate is just one of many problems with the legislation. Today’s ruling is a (partial) victory for American families who want the freedom to choose the best health care options without government telling them what to do. The majority of American families are against Obamacare. Respect the will of American families, respect the Constitution, and fully repeal Obamacare. This decision also gives American businesses a reprieve from some of the regulatory burden imposed on them by the federal government, but more needs to be done. American job creators have been scared to hire because of Obamacare. Obamacare must be repealed in order to help get America working again. The ruling is a victory for freedom loving Americans, and a stinging repudiation of the President’s a big government approach on health care. This decision is a massive rebuke to the extreme progressive movement that has lost site of the basic principles that made America great: constitutionally limited government, free markets and fiscal responsibility. Tea Party Patriots have led the national debate against Obamacare from the beginning. We held rallies large and small, demanded answers at congressional district hearings, organized health care-driven issue debates and policy forums, and challenged the constitutionally of Obamacare

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Post on 20-Nov-2015




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  • Talking Points on the Majority Opinion of the Supreme Court

    The Supreme Courts ruling confirmed what most Americans already know; that Obamacare is


    The Tea Party Patriots has led the fight against Obamacare (technically the Affordable Care Act)

    for more than 2 years.

    Today, the Supreme Court, the majority of American citizens, and the Tea Party Patriots are all

    on the same side: the side of the Constitution.

    But our work is not done. We will not rest until Obamacare is fully repealed.

    The Court rightly determined that the government cannot force the American people to

    purchase a product, healthcare.

    The individual mandate is just one of many problems with the legislation.

    Todays ruling is a (partial) victory for American families who want the freedom to choose the

    best health care options without government telling them what to do.

    The majority of American families are against Obamacare. Respect the will of American families,

    respect the Constitution, and fully repeal Obamacare.

    This decision also gives American businesses a reprieve from some of the regulatory burden

    imposed on them by the federal government, but more needs to be done.

    American job creators have been scared to hire because of Obamacare. Obamacare must be

    repealed in order to help get America working again.

    The ruling is a victory for freedom loving Americans, and a stinging repudiation of the

    Presidents a big government approach on health care.

    This decision is a massive rebuke to the extreme progressive movement that has lost site of the

    basic principles that made America great: constitutionally limited government, free markets and

    fiscal responsibility.

    Tea Party Patriots have led the national debate against Obamacare from the beginning. We held

    rallies large and small, demanded answers at congressional district hearings, organized health

    care-driven issue debates and policy forums, and challenged the constitutionally of Obamacare

  • at every step. Tea Party Patriots and it many supporters cheer the courts ruling, and look

    forward to a full and complete repeal of this massive national mistake.

    And the Tea Party Patriots will not rest until the entire law is repealed.

    Tea Party Patriots will continue to hold both the President and Members of Congress

    accountable for their actions and whether they move to repeal this onerous and overbearing

    law on the American people.

    Proposed Tea Party Patriot Solutions to Americas Health Care Problems

    You cannot patch unconstitutional, and the President and Congress cannot be

    trusted to fix Obamacare.

    After Obamacare is fully repealed, then we can talk about solutions that work, and that respect

    the Constitution.

    Lets not replace Obamacare with another one-size-doesnt-fit-all big-government disaster

    cooked up by Washington politicians, lobbyists and bureaucrats.

    Tea Party Patriots believe the only meaningful solutions to the nations health care problems are

    innovative market-based reforms created within the 50 states.

    The states have consistently been the incubators of innovative policy solutions and are widely

    and appropriately regarded as effective laboratories of democracy.

    The American people would be much better served with 50 different legislative bodies testing

    and innovating (like the recent successes in Maine) than one huge federal mistake that destroys

    businesses and individual rights at the national level.

    The best solutions will increase health care choices, encourage competition in the marketplace,

    encourage multi-state solutions and develop health care programs that incentivize health care

    participation by every citizen.