talk for mmu students

Steve Connor

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Talk for MMU students

Steve Connor

Page 2: Talk for MMU students

We are ten



staff members



Born in the Ukraine, currently in the Northern Qtr



+We are part of a European network





Film Web



Strategy &Reseaech


communications for a sustainable future

Page 3: Talk for MMU students

this week we are mostly...

Page 4: Talk for MMU students
Page 5: Talk for MMU students
Page 6: Talk for MMU students

Cambridgeshire Guided Busway



Rampton Drift

Links to A14

Wildlife habitat corridor

Town centre


Pill boxes

Employment areas

Linear park / water park

Primary street

Sports hub

Primary schools

Green buffer

Secondary school

Local centre

0 100 200 300 400 500m50


0 100 200 300 400 500m50


Framework Master PlanFINAL February 2012

Gallagher & Homes and

Communities Agency

Development areas

Movement network of primary and

secondary streets

Town centre & local centres

Secondary school site

Primary school sites

Sports hubs

Existing settlements

Green infrastructure exsiting and

proposed key vegetation, greenways,

green buffer & linear park

Strategic footpath/cycle links to


Attenuation ponds

Potentially retained buildings in old

barracks area

Listed pillboxes

0m50m 100m 200m 300m 400m 500m

Cambridgeshire Guided Busway



Rampton Drift

Links to A14

Wildlife habitat corridor

Town centre


Pill boxes

Employment areas

Linear park / water park

Primary street

Sports hub

Primary schools

Green buffer

Secondary school

Local centre

0 100 200 300 400 500m50


0 100 200 300 400 500m50


Framework Master PlanFINAL February 2012

Gallagher & Homes and

Communities Agency

Development areas

Movement network of primary and

secondary streets

Town centre & local centres

Secondary school site

Primary school sites

Sports hubs

Existing settlements

Green infrastructure exsiting and

proposed key vegetation, greenways,

green buffer & linear park

Strategic footpath/cycle links to


Attenuation ponds

Potentially retained buildings in old

barracks area

Listed pillboxes

0m50m 100m 200m 300m 400m 500m

Cambridgeshire Guided Busway



Rampton Drift

Links to A14

Wildlife habitat corridor

Town centre


Pill boxes

Employment areas

Linear park / water park

Primary street

Sports hub

Primary schools

Green buffer

Secondary school

Local centre

0 100 200 300 400 500m50


0 100 200 300 400 500m50


Framework Master PlanFINAL February 2012

Gallagher & Homes and

Communities Agency

Development areas

Movement network of primary and

secondary streets

Town centre & local centres

Secondary school site

Primary school sites

Sports hubs

Existing settlements

Green infrastructure exsiting and

proposed key vegetation, greenways,

green buffer & linear park

Strategic footpath/cycle links to


Attenuation ponds

Potentially retained buildings in old

barracks area

Listed pillboxes

0m50m 100m 200m 300m 400m 500m




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Page 8: Talk for MMU students

Focus today:

behavioural changeplace identitycorporate sustainabilityvaluing naturetourismculture and the arts

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a bit of theory

Page 10: Talk for MMU students

Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do?American Psycho

Page 11: Talk for MMU students

From Richard Wurhman’s Information Anxiety


Page 12: Talk for MMU students

What did you just ?

Page 13: Talk for MMU students

Sustainability 151 Cheap Flights

102 Porn

Page 14: Talk for MMU students
Page 15: Talk for MMU students

would love to i will if you will not on your nelly

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getting it right

Page 18: Talk for MMU students

The weirder you're going to behave, the more normal you should look.P.J. O’Rourke

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People are not intending to take action in the foreseeable future.

People are intending to change in the next 6 months.

People have made specific overt modifications in their life styles.

People are intending to take action in the immediate future.

People are working to prevent relapse.

Individuals are sure they will not return to their old unhealthy habit as a way of coping.

Page 20: Talk for MMU students




/ Buy


Campaign duration

Hmmm... interesting

So what’s the deal?

Okay, I’m on board!

Let’s tell the world!

Page 21: Talk for MMU students

1 to 1 Telephone

PresentationEmail Event

Direct mailPrinted material

NewspaperTV / radio


effectiveness reach

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Recycle, or we kill the kittens.

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internal=external(good behaviour can bolster your brand)

Page 26: Talk for MMU students

our practice

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Page 36: Talk for MMU students

Clumsy call to action

Impenetrable chart

Superfluous information

Page 37: Talk for MMU students

A dismal display

‣ Live energy displays are in their infancy.

‣ Display screens are creatively rudimentary: graphs, charts, statistics and garish colours tend to dominate.

‣ They are unlikely to appeal to its busy staff and student populations who will need to obtain information at-a-glance, in foyers whilst waiting for the lift.

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Page 39: Talk for MMU students

24 hour clock

Lecture block timesBuilding open

24 hour clock

Daily energy limit

Green is good, we’ve kept within our limit.Red is bad, it means we’ve used too much.

Today’s hourly energy use results.







Page 40: Talk for MMU students

Between 7-8pm we were 20% under our energy limit.

Nice one energy savers!Here’s a kitten...

Nice oneenery savers!

Massiveenergy fail

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Page 42: Talk for MMU students

global exemplarsof great campaigns

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making place identities

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Project: Public Relations and designClient: MediaCity UK/Central Salford

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A stroll to a lighthouse, ice cream by the sea....

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac eros quis urna volutpat euismod. Morbi fermentum nibh id lorem. Nunc eu sem eleifend lorem vulputate ultricies. Quisque ante turpis, pretium nec, lacinia quis, rutrum vulputate, nunc. Nullam porta enim laoreet lacus. Suspendisse ac erat. Suspendisse ut odio id massa convallis consectetuer. Suspenisse potenti. Sed id enim.

Maecenas venenatis nibh eu leo. Nam risus. Phasellus semper nisi eu quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer turpis justo, mattis id, accumsan nec, porttitor bibendum, leo. Integer pretium elit ac nunc. Vivamus eu sem et velit blandit aliquam. Proin sem magna, pellentesque sollicitu-din, rhoncus eu, placerat quis, ipsum. Sed scelerisque nulla non massa. Vestibulum volutpat magna vitae sapien. Maecenas venenatis nibh eu leo. Nam risus. Phasellus semper nisi eu quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer turpis justo, mattis id, accumsan nec, porttitor bibendum, leo. Integer pretium elit ac nunc. Vivamus eu sem et velit blandit aliquam.

Page 53: Talk for MMU students

The Grange

click on the thiumbnails to view

back to restaurant listing

back to restaurant listings


home help site map terms + conditions site credits

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque ac eros at dui lacinia tempus. Curabitur est diam, vestibulum blandit, dignissim nec, aliquam nec, tellus. Vestibulum eu lorem. Integer a nisi a lacus scelerisque egestas. Phasellus lacinia. Nulla faucibus ultrices quam. Morbi ligula elit, auctor et, pellentesque id, viverra ornare, elit. Aliquam ultrices, nibh quis luctus elementum, nisl lorem feugiat libero, non commodo libero dui ac nibh.

Every day for lunch from 12 noon to 3pm, and every evening for dinner 7pm to 11.30pmAfternoon tea and light snacks served all year round between 3pm and 5pm.

Set lunch 2 courses £12.50, 3 courses £14.50; set dinner 2 courses £14.50, 3 courses £19.50; A la carte starters from £6, main courses from £12.50

Acacia Avenue, Bebbington, CH42 2JUtelephone 0797 628 2120 email [email protected]

<< this one is times new roman

The unspoilt charm of Wirral Peninsula

Storybook introductory paragraph here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat est at quam. Praesent mi. Proin et augue a elit ultrices aliquam. Sed feugiat, ligula et mattis vestibulum, urna diam porttitor urna, sit amet auctor sapien nunc vitae lectus. Phasellus nibh augue, mollis in, faucibus eget, semper at, turpis. Aenean elit lectus, commodo quis, dapibus moles-tie, pellentesque a, purus. Mauris laoreet cursus felis. Cras hendrerit nisi et ante. Nam lacinia.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat est at quam. Praesent mi. Proin et augue a elit ultrices aliquam. Sed feugiat, ligula et mattis vestibulum, urna diam porttitor urna, sit amet auctor sapien nunc vitae lectus. Phasellus nibh augue, mollis in, faucibus eget, semper at, turpis.


home help site map terms + conditions site credits

A stroll to a lighthouse, ice cream by the sea....

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac eros quis urna volutpat euismod. Morbi fermentum nibh id lorem. Nunc eu sem eleifend lorem vulputate ultricies. Quisque ante turpis, pretium nec, lacinia quis, rutrum vulputate, nunc. Nullam porta enim laoreet lacus. Suspendisse ac erat. Suspendisse ut odio id massa convallis consectetuer. Suspenisse potenti. Sed id enim.

Maecenas venenatis nibh eu leo. Nam risus. Phasellus semper nisi eu quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer turpis justo, mattis id, accumsan nec, porttitor bibendum, leo. Integer pretium elit ac nunc. Vivamus eu sem et velit blandit aliquam. Proin sem magna, pellentesque sollicitu-din, rhoncus eu, placerat quis, ipsum. Sed scelerisque nulla non massa. Vestibulum volutpat magna vitae sapien. Maecenas venenatis nibh eu leo. Nam risus. Phasellus semper nisi eu quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer turpis justo, mattis id, accumsan nec, porttitor bibendum, leo. Integer pretium elit ac nunc. Vivamus eu sem et velit blandit aliquam.

A stroll to a lighthouse, ice cream by the sea....

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac eros quis urna volutpat euismod. Morbi fermentum nibh id lorem. Nunc eu sem eleifend lorem vulputate ultricies. Quisque ante turpis, pretium nec, lacinia quis, rutrum vulputate, nunc. Nullam porta enim laoreet lacus. Suspendisse ac erat. Suspendisse ut odio id massa convallis consectetuer. Suspenisse potenti. Sed id enim.

Maecenas venenatis nibh eu leo. Nam risus. Phasellus semper nisi eu quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer turpis justo, mattis id, accumsan nec, porttitor bibendum, leo. Integer pretium elit ac nunc. Vivamus eu sem et velit blandit aliquam. Proin sem magna, pellentesque sollicitu-din, rhoncus eu, placerat quis, ipsum. Sed scelerisque nulla non massa. Vestibulum volutpat magna vitae sapien. Maecenas venenatis nibh eu leo. Nam risus. Phasellus semper nisi eu quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer turpis justo, mattis id, accumsan nec, porttitor bibendum, leo. Integer pretium elit ac nunc. Vivamus eu sem et velit blandit aliquam.

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Project: Pennine LancashireClient: Regeneration Pennine


Discover your new favourite place...

Project: Pennine LancashireClient: Regeneration Pennine


Discover your new favourite place...

Page 57: Talk for MMU students
Page 58: Talk for MMU students

The great outdoors

The real beauty of the Western Lake District lies in the undiscovered places – the rugged fells, the natural allure of the coast and the tranquil lakes brimming over with such beauty that, once discovered, you might want to keep to yourself!

The valleys are truly inspiring. Eskdale, Ennerdale, Borrowdale – the lowland landscapes are peppered with farms, forests, villages and streams. Whether you’re on a gentle short stroll or a more ambitious hike, the Western Lake District makes for the perfect adventure, safe in the knowledge that there’s a warm welcome at one of the pubs, inns or hotels on your return.

And if you’re looking for adrenaline filled escapades, you’ll be spoilt for choice in the Western Lake District. Kite surfing, rock climbing, ghyll scrambling, mountain biking – if getting the adrenaline pumping is your thing, then this is the place for you.

Don’t miss

Wasdale awaits As the deepest lake in England and voted Britain’s Favourite View, Wast Water already has outstanding credentials; but the views across the whole of the Wasdale Valley are breathtaking. Dramatic mountains rise like a huge amphitheatre from the shores of Wast Water, creating the backdrop for your next adventure. You can take to the water in a canoe, kayak or rowing boat. For landlubbers there is climbing, walking, biking, abseiling, horse riding – whatever you choose to do, Wasdale is an amazing location.

Scafell Pike Whether you’re tackling Scafell Pike on its own or as the middle leg of the ‘Three Peaks Challenge’ (sandwiched between Ben Nevis in Scotland and Snowdon in Wales), the sheer achievement of scaling England’s highest mountain is something you will never forget. There are a number of ascents to choose from but no matter which route you take, each affords spectacular views of Wasdale, Eskdale and even across to Wales on a clear day.

Coastal adventures If you’re heading to the coast for the wildlife and birdwatching opportunities, planning a coastal walk or even taking to the sea on a boat trip, the Western Lake District can offer all kinds of shoreline adventures. Our expansive beaches are the perfect place to take the sea air and truly relax. It’s also the place to set off on your Coast to Coast walk or C2C cycling adventures – a challenge of endurance that take in some of the most beautiful scenery in the British Isles. One place that should be on everyone’s itinerary is the Solway Firth – it’s easy to see why it is has been designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Brilliant Bassenthwaite Technically the only ‘lake’ in the Lake District, Bassenthwaite is suitably impressive. And with no settlements on its shores, Bassenthwaite is the epitome of ‘getting away from it all’. Seek out Blackstock Point and you’ll be rewarded with incredible views. Honestly, we challenge you not to be impressed.

1 Wast Water 2 Cumbrian

Heavy Horses3 Ghyll scrambling 4 Kite surfing 5 Derwentwater 6 Drigg Beach 7 Whitehaven Marina



6 7




Download or order FREE walking and cycling guides, to discover fantastic new routes and places in the Western Lake District.

Leave the crowds behind to enjoy the beautiful coastlines, stunning scenery and peaceful fell tops of the other side of the Lake District.

Western Lake District The area

View our interactive map at:

1 Silloth on Solway2 Allonby

Solway Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty3 Maryport Maritime Museum

Lake District Coast Aquarium – Maryport Maryport Marina

4 St Bees Beach & RSPB Reserve5 Silecroft6 Haverigg (near Millom)


32 Maryport: 01900 811 45033 Cockermouth: 01900 822 63434 Keswick: 01768 772 64535 Whitehaven: 01946 598 91436 Egremont: 01946 820 693

Tourist Information Centres

21 UNESCO World Heritage Site, Allonby 22 Crosscanonby Salt Pans23 Senhouse Roman Museum24 Wordsworth House – Cockermouth25 Workington Hall26 John Ruskin Memorial Friars Crag

– Derwentwater (near Keswick)27 The Rum Story – Whitehaven

The Beacon Museum – Whitehaven Whitehaven Harbour

28 Watendlath (near Derwentwater)29 Egremont Castle30 Hard Knott Roman Fort – Eskdale 31 Ravenglass Roman Bath House

Muncaster Castle Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway


7 Hadrian’s Wall Path – Bowness on Solway Hadrian’s Wall Cycleway – Bowness on Solway

8 RSPB Campfield Marsh Reserve – Bowness on Solway

9 Bassenthwaite Lake10 Bassenthwaite Osprey Project11 Whinlatter Forest Go Ape!12 Derwentwater SSSI

Keswick Launch on Derwentwater13 Loweswater14 Crummock Water (near Loweswater)15 Ennerdale Water16 Longlands Lake (Egremont)17 Scafell Pike18 Wast Water19 Duddon Valley ‘Three Jewels of Lakeland’ Walks20 Hodbarrow RSPB Reserve (near Millom)


Western Lake District The other side of the Lakes

If you’re looking for natural beauty and rural charm, a place to escape the crowds and find real countryside adventures, visit the Western Lake District. It’s a special place, where Wordsworth lived and Wainwright walked, a place where secluded beaches and unspoilt countryside go hand in hand with a rich Roman and maritime heritage.

If you love the Lake District, the Western Lake District is home to many of the assets that make this area truly special – both Scafell, England’s highest mountain and Wast Water, the deepest lake, are here.

Unique to the Western Lake District is its stunning coastline. It’s perfect for shoreline adventures, taking to the sea and coastal walks. The Coast to Coast Walk, which takes in some of Northern England’s most spectacular scenery, starts right here on our coast. A large stretch of the coast is a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – the birds, wildlife and coastal environment make up a distinctive and precious landscape. The Solway Firth is truly beautiful and watching the glorious sunsets over the Irish Sea is something you’ll never forget.

Uncovering the heritage of the Western Lake District will take you on a fascinating journey back in time – ancient castles, Iron Age forts, historic harbours and even tales of smugglers and slaves are an important part of what makes this area what it is. And with so many towns and villages scattered along the coast and across the countryside, you’re sure to find the perfect place to sample the local food and drink, explore the wealth of independent shops or use as a base for a longer stay.

Tempted? Read on to find out more about the Western Lake District and create your perfect break…

Cover image: Skelgill Bank, Catbells towards Bassenthwaite

Image left: Sunset at Drigg Beach

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Page 60: Talk for MMU students

Project: Brockholes Client: Lancashire Wildlife Trust

Funders and Partners History

The mild spring brought a flurry of colour to Brockholes this week-end, as the apple trees in and around the visitor centre burst into bloom. There’s still time to visit during apple season, and our team were there to photograph them in their glory.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla imperdiet dictum aliquam. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penati-bus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pha-sellus mattis risus ut nunc rhoncus hendrerit. Donec porta conse-quat dolor, sed vehicula ipsum accumsan ut. Donec fringilla lacus dictum arcu facilisis ut bibendum odio varius. Integer et justo in ante vulputate iaculis vitae pellentesque diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam in erat diam, sed dictum quam. Mauris porttitor egestas blandit. Ut dignissim rutrum iaculis. Maecenas id nisl eu neque tempor aliquet. Fusce hendrerit, nisi eget mattis varius, turpis dui pulvinar libero, bibendum porttitor massa est at tellus.

Sed feugiat mi vitae nulla gravida non ullamcorper eros egestas. Cras suscipit vehicula imperdiet. Nam et libero sit amet ligula congue interdum vel ut lacus. Pellentesque a mauris elit, id aliquam orci. Maecenas aliquet mattis dignissim. Morbi at tellus vitae nisi molestie pulvinar nec a eros. Quisque dictum tempus est vitae vestibulum. Ut condimentum posuere vulputate. Nunc mollis conval-lis augue ut bibendum. Mauris libero ipsum, gravida non suscipit ut, fermentum eget lacus. Vivamus mi odio, rutrum vehicula porttitor id, dictum non mauris. Fusce sollicitudin, massa id molestie ullamcor-per, sem magna tempor felis, at volutpat quam lectus a erat. Mauris ipsum ligula, bibendum in pulvinar ac, placerat id ipsum. Phasellus sollicitudin tincidunt nisl vel mollis. Aliquam a tellus leo. Mauris adipiscing faucibus consequat. Duis ut tortor odio, et scelerisque.

Organisational info Media Jobs Contact usSitemapPartners T+Cs Privacy Policy

Project: Brockholes Client: Lancashire Wildlife Trust

Funders and Partners History

The mild spring brought a flurry of colour to Brockholes this week-end, as the apple trees in and around the visitor centre burst into bloom. There’s still time to visit during apple season, and our team were there to photograph them in their glory.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla imperdiet dictum aliquam. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penati-bus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pha-sellus mattis risus ut nunc rhoncus hendrerit. Donec porta conse-quat dolor, sed vehicula ipsum accumsan ut. Donec fringilla lacus dictum arcu facilisis ut bibendum odio varius. Integer et justo in ante vulputate iaculis vitae pellentesque diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam in erat diam, sed dictum quam. Mauris porttitor egestas blandit. Ut dignissim rutrum iaculis. Maecenas id nisl eu neque tempor aliquet. Fusce hendrerit, nisi eget mattis varius, turpis dui pulvinar libero, bibendum porttitor massa est at tellus.

Sed feugiat mi vitae nulla gravida non ullamcorper eros egestas. Cras suscipit vehicula imperdiet. Nam et libero sit amet ligula congue interdum vel ut lacus. Pellentesque a mauris elit, id aliquam orci. Maecenas aliquet mattis dignissim. Morbi at tellus vitae nisi molestie pulvinar nec a eros. Quisque dictum tempus est vitae vestibulum. Ut condimentum posuere vulputate. Nunc mollis conval-lis augue ut bibendum. Mauris libero ipsum, gravida non suscipit ut, fermentum eget lacus. Vivamus mi odio, rutrum vehicula porttitor id, dictum non mauris. Fusce sollicitudin, massa id molestie ullamcor-per, sem magna tempor felis, at volutpat quam lectus a erat. Mauris ipsum ligula, bibendum in pulvinar ac, placerat id ipsum. Phasellus sollicitudin tincidunt nisl vel mollis. Aliquam a tellus leo. Mauris adipiscing faucibus consequat. Duis ut tortor odio, et scelerisque.

Organisational info Media Jobs Contact usSitemapPartners T+Cs Privacy Policy

Project: Brockholes Client: Lancashire Wildlife Trust

Funders and Partners History

The mild spring brought a flurry of colour to Brockholes this week-end, as the apple trees in and around the visitor centre burst into bloom. There’s still time to visit during apple season, and our team were there to photograph them in their glory.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla imperdiet dictum aliquam. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penati-bus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pha-sellus mattis risus ut nunc rhoncus hendrerit. Donec porta conse-quat dolor, sed vehicula ipsum accumsan ut. Donec fringilla lacus dictum arcu facilisis ut bibendum odio varius. Integer et justo in ante vulputate iaculis vitae pellentesque diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam in erat diam, sed dictum quam. Mauris porttitor egestas blandit. Ut dignissim rutrum iaculis. Maecenas id nisl eu neque tempor aliquet. Fusce hendrerit, nisi eget mattis varius, turpis dui pulvinar libero, bibendum porttitor massa est at tellus.

Sed feugiat mi vitae nulla gravida non ullamcorper eros egestas. Cras suscipit vehicula imperdiet. Nam et libero sit amet ligula congue interdum vel ut lacus. Pellentesque a mauris elit, id aliquam orci. Maecenas aliquet mattis dignissim. Morbi at tellus vitae nisi molestie pulvinar nec a eros. Quisque dictum tempus est vitae vestibulum. Ut condimentum posuere vulputate. Nunc mollis conval-lis augue ut bibendum. Mauris libero ipsum, gravida non suscipit ut, fermentum eget lacus. Vivamus mi odio, rutrum vehicula porttitor id, dictum non mauris. Fusce sollicitudin, massa id molestie ullamcor-per, sem magna tempor felis, at volutpat quam lectus a erat. Mauris ipsum ligula, bibendum in pulvinar ac, placerat id ipsum. Phasellus sollicitudin tincidunt nisl vel mollis. Aliquam a tellus leo. Mauris adipiscing faucibus consequat. Duis ut tortor odio, et scelerisque.

Organisational info Media Jobs Contact usSitemapPartners T+Cs Privacy Policy

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Client: UNESCO




07/12 11/14


Fundraising requires local capacity

The power of numbers when scaled


Keeping in touch QUICK DONATE

Explore our sitesYour donations

Newsletter sign-up



07/12 11/14



Client: UNESCO

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Workspace Functions





Workspace Functions





Workspace Functions


Hebden Bridge Town HallBrand identity

Project: Brand IdentityClient: Hebden Bridge Town Hall

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Steve Connor