talk a little about sanskrit

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  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


    I wanted to talk a little about Sanskrit this month--so you can learn the Sanskrit names of the

    poses. The asana are better described by their Sanskrit names and I am surprised at how few

    yoga practitioners actually learn the Sanskrit names of the poses. Sanskrit is not best learned bymemorizing the vocabulary--although I will share a few of the translations, but best learned by

    feeling the sounds. I am not an expert on Sanskrit and have not been formally trained! I am

    sharing the little i have learned, so please if you like it research more yourself or sign up forsome the weekend workshops (I have heard great comments on Vyaas Houstons Sanskritworkshops).

    Sanskrit is an ancient language, dating back as far as 1500 BCE with the Rig Veda.

    Sanskrit means put together well, polished, well formed, refined, perfect and is mostly used asa ceremonial language--it is not so much a spoken language. The Sages that were believed to

    create Sanskrit created it by paying attention to the structure of the mouth and where the sound

    comes out of the mouth--and by using your breath; some sounds you minimize your breath other

    sounds you enhance your breath making Sanskrit a language of Pranayama :)

    Sanskrit is a language of rhythm and sound or melody. The joy of chanting Sanskrit does not

    come from successful memorization of the words; it comes from experiencing the vibrations. Tofeel the vibrations as you chant is to experience your entire being as energy rather than matter.

    Sanskrit is about vibrations! The design of the language is that the sounds perfectly express thevibrational essence of that which they are describing. Learning the Sanskrit names of the poses

    is important, it helps you to embody the asana.

    Sanskrit words for this week:

    Asana - literally means seat but refers to a pose. Feel the short a sound at theback of your throat and feel the breath on the s sound and feel the n sound

    where the tongue touches the roof of your mouth.

    uttanasana - uttana means intense stretch and if you listen to me reciting the poses

    in Sanskrit throughout class you will hear the word ttanasana frequently! Againfeel where the sound comes from in your mouth and feel the use of your breath.

    Throughout this month in the led classes we will all together repeat the name of the pose in

    Sanskrit as you enter the pose, this will help you feel the vibrations and start to learn the pose by

    its Sanskrit name. Up to this point I have not used Sanskrit in my beginner classes, but I have

    decided to start doing that as it is easier to initially learn the pose name in Sanskrit than to learn it

    in English and re-learn it in Sanskrit--and it is developing a good habit right at the start of yourlearning yoga ;)

    The 5 sound points in the mouth

    In order to learn Sanskrit and feel its power, the location of the sounds is important. Finding thatlocation and using the right amount of breath and energy necessary to produce it according toVyaas Houston puts you in a state of harmonic resonance with the universe.

  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


    Here is a brief overview of the five sound points in the mouth; they correspond to 5 different

    groupings of consonants in the Sanskrit alphabet

    The first sound point is at the back of the throat such as ka or ga (ga has a little

    more resonance) and are called the guttural group.

    The second group is the palatal group and produces the cha or ja sound, it is onestep forward from the back of your throat and the sound is produced with a flattongue.

    The third is the cerebral group, again the sound point is one step forward of the

    palatal group. The tongue pushes off and down from the highest arch in the front

    of your mouth and produces the ta, na, or da sound.

    The fourth set of consonants is the dental group employing the tongue to lightly

    push off the back of the upper teeth such as in the tha or la sound.

    The fifth sound is the labial sound -- pa, ba, ma-- where the focal point is the lips.

    This completes the journey through your mouth. So as we learn and pronounce the pose namesin Sanskrit feel where the sounds originate and move in your mouth and breath. This will also

    help your English ;) so you can speak clearly.

    Sanskrit words and translations for this week:

    Paschima - means west or hinder and refers to the back of our body.Paschimattanasana would translate as west intense stretch pose.

    Purva - means east or the first part and refers to the front of our body. ex.purvattanasana; east intense stretch pose

    Sirsa - means head as in sirsasana

    Sanskrit is a very interesting language; it changes words so they phonetically fit together and arepleasant to speak. For example, the word namaste is actually two words namah (salutations or

    greeting) te (to you). But to say namah te is not so pleasant, so the second h is dropped and an

    s added to make the word pleasant to say namaste, phonetic harmony ;)

    As in the above example Sanskrit also likes to join words or groups of words into one word.

    This is done for minimization purposes and makes reading and writing Sanskrit easier.

    In the learning of Sanskrit you learn where to aspirate or not aspirate in a sound, where to make

    the sound more nasal, where to roll your tongue, and how long to pronounce a sound.

    Sound points and vowels

    Sanskrit has more vowels than English and also uses some combinations of letters as vowels.

    a - is gutteral, and should be pronounced with a closed mouth more like an osound as when sounding om.

  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


    i - or the i sound as in pin ispalatal, feel how your tongue stays flat and thesound comes off your palate.

    u - as in put is actually labial, feel the sound come off your lips.

    r - is a vowel in sanskrit, you slightly roll your tongue off the roof of your mouth

    with it and pronounce it with a ri sound. It is a cerebral sound, as the sound isfelt in the roof of your mouth.

    e and o and several other vowel combinations - these are starting to go beyond the

    scope of my Sanskrit knowledge but these vowels are dipthongs (two-sounds ortwo-tones) and combine 2 different sound points as the sound will travel through

    your mouth.

    ah - I want to mention the Sanskrit vowel h, it is interesting in that it is named

    visarga which means emission as the sound is made with an emission of air.

    H is used in many sanskrit words and you are to emphasize the ha sound when

    you see it in a word, for example in the chant we have the word dharinam(means holding).

    Sanskrit Vocab words for this week:

    Ardha - half

    Baddha - bound

    Padma - lotus

    kona - angle

    Feel the vibrations in your body and the placement of your tongue in your mouth as soundtravels from the back of your throat, up to the roof of your mouth, pressing off the back of yourteeth and finishing on your lips and feel a deeper connection with each other as we vibrate our


    Sanskrit is a dance of energy

    Yoga and Sanskrit are inevitably linked--all the yogic texts were originally written in Sanskrit

    and the names of the postures were all named in Sansksrit. Learning at least the Sanskrit names

    of the poses creates a deeper connection to your yoga, Sanskrit names communicate through

    sound and yoke sound and sensation, they help us to feel our yoga on a vibratory level--anenergetic level. Knowing the Sanskrit and connecting it to our practice roots us in tradition and

    gives us a common vocabulary. This is another link in honoring the connection that yoga has to


    We must understand that the word yoga (a very common word these days) does not only mean

    postures and breathing; yoga is lots of practices at multiple levels (physical, intellectual,emotional, sound, meditation, devotional acts, study of texts, etc), therefore postures and

  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


    breathing are only a portion of the whole yoga. Learning Sanskrit as well, is a portion of the

    whole yoga.

    A nice and easy way to learn to the Sanskrit is to learn one pose name per week. Repeat it to

    yourself throughout the day and during your practice say the pose name in Sanskrit before you

    do the pose (as we have been doing all month).

    "The vibrational purity and resonating power of Sanskrit is above all an opera on a grand cosmic

    scale that you can sing with your whole heart and being." Vyass Houston

    Great link with lots of information and charts:

    Words for this week:

    Anga - limbAstau - 8

    Ashtanga = 8 limbs (being yama (restraints), niyama (observances), asana, pranayama,pratayahara (withdrawal of senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), samadhi(enlightenment).
  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit


    2009 Bobbi Misiti | Be Fit Body & Mind YOGA

  • 7/30/2019 Talk a Little About Sanskrit
