tales from the river bank (thames valley) 2014

Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter

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Page 1: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014

Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter Magazine of the Thames Valley HOG Chapter

Page 2: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014


As I was putting Don’s piece into the magazine, and I read his thanks to the people who helped with the party, I realised that Don rarely gets thanked officially. Having been on the committee for six months now I have got to see what goes on behind the scenes and just how much work Don puts in for our club. Don and Barry did all the shopping for the party food, not an easy task. The hall was booked, music arranged and Don was there to set up and to put away. Don has led this club through years of no dealership and where many clubs would have folded ours is still going strong. So I would like to say, from all of us,

THANK YOU, DON! Last month, Sue Brown wrote about her role as LoH rep. I thought this was very interesting finding out about her role and what she actually does for the club. I have asked the other committee members to write a small piece about how they see their roles and what they do for us. I’m not sure, though, that Don would be able to list all the things he does!

I know some members have been affected by the floods and storms that have plagued us for, what seems like, months. Hopefully, we have seen the last of it now and can dry out and get back to normal. There are two social meet-ings coming up, one at the Pack Saddle and one at the Asian Fusion. Maybe we can get the bikes out for these? I have to give kudos to Toni Charles, the only one to make it on her bike to the Winter Bash!

Page 3: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014

Inside this issue…

Front cover: Mike Joiner sporting his new bag at the Saturday Social

Page 2 Start your Engines

Page 4, 5 Director’s Update

Page 6, 7 LoH - Sue’s Scribbles

Page 7 Rolling Hills Invitation

Page 8, 11 CJ’s Tattoos

Page 12, 13 Meet the Members

Page 14, 15 Calendar

Page 16, 17 Winter Bash

Page 18, 19 Chapter Challenge - Results

Page 20 Saturday Social

Page 21 Notices

Page 22 Whose bike?

Page 23 Fine Pig

Page 23 Guildford Fundraiser

Page 24 Mystery Man

Page 25 Picture Gallery

Page 26, 27 News and Events

Back cover: Meet the committee




Diane Earley 4th Mar

Michael Benson 5th Mar

Don Wibberley 20th Mar

Happy Birthday

to you all!

Thanks go to all contributors to this month’s magazine:

Don, Sue, CJ, Toni, Linda, Bernie, Pat, & Mystery Man.

Page 4: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014


Hi Everybody, Welcome to The Director’s page for February.

January was a busy month for the team on the committee. On the 11th

we had a Road Crew meeting at Stafferton Lodge which included a full English breakfast and a chance to organise the rideout calendar for 2014, which is now available on the website. The 18

th, for me, was a trip to

Sutton Coldfield for the Directors’ meeting, hosted by Marjorie Rae from Hog UK. During the meeting it was announced that Harley Davidson has now become 2

nd in Europe for bike sales with a total of 3,625 units sold

during 2013. Harley Davidson is to launch two new bikes, a Custom 750 and the pro Street 800, both to be launched in the Uk for 2015. Rally News I f any of our members are looking to travel out to St Tropez in May this year, you must register online to guarantee a rally pack. Some changes have also been made for The European Rally in Biograd, Croatia. To enter the rally site, it is by paid entry only, and the parking of motorcycles on the rally site is by registration only. More information about the changes can be found on the Hog Europe website. It has been confirmed that The Bridgewater Cider Rally will be going ahead at Sand Bay again, this year. The site was purchased by Pontins Holiday Camp Group early in January. The results from the Chapter Challenge Mileage program can be found on pages 18 and19 in this magazine - a great effort by Thames Valley yet again. This year’s challenge will run from March through to October and forms will be available at next club night.

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Hog Membership Over and over again we hear people saying, ‘What do we get for that £53 membership fee every year from Hog?’ Well... Start with being able to join a Hog Chapter like Thames Valley and enjoy what we have to offer as a family orientated Bike Club. As a member you are able to experience rallies in both Europe & around the world. A 90 page Hog Magazine every quarter which is crammed with information and stories from around the globe and on top of that we have a list of companies that offer discounts and deals to Hog members. MacDonald Hotels, Bisley Shooting Ground, Euro Camps, H D Insurance, Condor Ferries, Best Western Hotels, The BMF, Holiday Inn and Nutt Travel, All the above organisations have deals to offer Hog members, all you need to get the discounts is your Hog membership number. Hog Merchandise In issue 4 of the last Hog Magazine, on page 42 & 43, the new Hog Logo was presented to us all and a piece about new designs for patches which included a picture of a Skull with Wings and a top and bottom rocker. After customer feedback this design has been withdrawn from sale until further notice in the UK and Ireland. Winter Bash And to finish my piece this month, what a great pre-season party at Sportsable the other night!! Sixty friends & guests danced to Robbie’s music until late into the evening. Can I thank those of you who came over on Saturday afternoon to set the hall up, great job as always - well done! A special thank you to Sue Knight, Pat and Barry for their hard work organising the evening and cooking the food Saturday afternoon. A real team effort by all concerned which made a great party. News By next month’s magazine I will have news regarding talks with Sportsable about the prices of drinks over the bar and news of a way forward for the membership. Ride safe, party hard and enjoy the lifestyle.


Page 6: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014


Sue says... Quack quack! ... I think I have grown

webbed feet! What a wet

January and February we

are having. Just hoping

that it means there will be

no rain to come over the summer months!

Great to hear via Facebook that a few lucky, plucky people are

managing to get out on their bikes, but mine hasn’t been out this

month as yet.

Unfortunately I have had to postpone the trip to Nelsons

Diner on 22nd February. A few days after taking my booking

they phoned and asked for £10 per person non-refundable de-

posit! Well, a) I didn’t think that was totally in order as they

had previously accepted the booking and, b) I didn’t want to

commit everyone to turning up and spending at least a tenner!

So for the time being they have lost our custom!

I have, however, reserved tables at The Pack Saddle at

Mapledurham, RG4 7UD. This was the place I booked once

before then found it had burned down!

Alongside their main menu, sandwiches and pies are also

served. Think someone is trying to tell me something!

Page 7: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014


Sue x

So, if you are still free please come along to see how the

place is shaping up after their refurbishment. Or if you had

your heart set on the Diner, we will go there some time this


Moving on to March, and following the success of last year’s

event, I have reserved tables at Asian Fusion along the Bath

Road www.asianfusion.org for Saturday 15th March at 7.00 p.m.

All you can eat buffet, starters main and pud for £12.95.

Now, if you don’t like Indian they do Chinese; if you don’t like

Chinese they do Thai… if you don’t like any of them, then

sorry . Hope you can make it please let me know numbers at

February club night.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon,

Letter from The Director,


Hi there,

I’m not sure if you were aware that the Rolling Hills Chapter will be 25

years old this year. To mark the occasion, at our March Club Night on

Wednesday 5th March 2014 from 7:00pm onwards, we would like to

invite all of our friends of the Chapter to come and visit us for a chance

to meet and greet as well as reflect on our 25 years.

We will also be presenting our 2013 charity fund cheque to the

Midlands Air Ambulance.

Our Club Nights are held at the Gupshill Manor, Gloucester Road,

Tewkesbury, GL20 5SG.

We would really like you to be part of this evening.


Gareth Swanson

Director - Rolling Hills Chapter

Page 8: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014


It was 1972, I was14 years old and living at Home with my Mum & Dad. I answered the door to a very young policeman who asked if my parents were in. Dad came to the door and was told his eldest son (a long distance van driver, 18 years of age) had been killed on the motorway on his way to Scotland. This event has made me who I am today and influenced my outlook on life, forever! The only memento I had of my big brother was photos and of course some great memories. I needed something that was more permanent, that would tell the world I was proud of my brother and that I loved him so much. This was to be the start of my journey into tattoos, from a very young age. I was still in secondary school, aged 14, when I visited Jack Zeek, who was a very popular and award winning tattoo artist based in Hayes. I chose my tattoo - a Cross behind a Scroll with the words: ‘In Memory of Dave’.

It measured approx. 3” by 2.5” and cost £3. I went home feeling very proud & satisfied with myself until I showed my parents -who were mad at me! The madness shown towards me was a mix of anger, sadness & pride. This mellowed quite quickly and even quicker, I think, when I showed them my tattoo of a Swallow & Rose with scrolls of Mum & Dad. I eventually had 18 tattoos on my two arms before I left school.

This photo shows my 1st

Tattoo (In Memory of Dave) a Cross behind a scroll. I’ts the

one that sits between the swallows...

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Back in the 70s I experienced quite a lot of prejudice from the general public and from teachers. The Deputy Head-mistress, on one occasion, pulled me into the boys toilets and tried to scrub what she described as a silly mark off my arm. I think her reaction was because it was not common to see young people with tattoos unless they were in the Forces of some description. This prejudice has become less frequent as I’ve got older and, of course, today a large percentage of the popula-tion have tattoos, helping them to become more socially acceptable, which I think can only be a good thing. During the years of bringing up my family, needless to say I had no more tattoos. I’m sure you all understand bringing up a family is

an expensive pastime.

It wasn’t until

2002, some 30

years after having

my first tattoo and

our sons were

now teenagers,

that I decided to

start again on my

journey of tattoos,

having never lost

track of what the

Industry & Artists

were doing.

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I visited the tattoo studio in West Drayton and had my entire back tattooed, by Derek Campbell, with my favourite subject. No, not Skulls, but the American Native Indian which includes a Squaw, 2 Eagles, a Wolf and a Puma. This, for me, represents freedom on all levels. These tattoos took seven sittings and cost £1,100. The idea was pulled together by me from library books and the tattoo artist’s flash from his studio walls. In 2010 I sat down with my sons and designed the tattoos on my lower right leg which is a skull with a piston bursting through, and another showing a skull with a Fat Boy wheel going

through water. Skulls, for me, represent not fearing death and accepting it will come one day. My current choice of tattoo artists are based in Twickenham (Tattoo UK). I have been going to them since 2012 and between young Ben, and Matt the manager, I sit down with my ideas and get them to redraw them until I’m satisfied, and then get them to tattoo me. Ben & Matt have reworked my 40 year old tattoos on my arms, filled in all the bare skin (with skulls) to create what is known as SLEEVES. My influence for the sleeves came from my sons, who are both tattooed.

This picture shows me with cling film on my arm fresh from the Tattoo studio. It’s when I got home after having my 1st sleeve completed. It keeps the blood from dripping on you :)

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I am currently in the process of covering both my legs with Ink.

The left leg is Tattooed with a Death Mask, a Candy Skull Owl and a Mexican Lady Bandit. More recently added is another Death Mask and a Crow on my thigh, all influenced by the Mexican Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos), which is celebrated in Oct / Nov every year and celebrates the lives of those loved ones who have passed away. This all links in with my fascination for skulls and not fearing death and, ultimately, the loss of my brother which made me realise how short life can be and how important it is too fill it with living life to the full. With the exception of a few tattoos on my arms, every tattoo I have has meaning to me and has been researched and drawn up, or an original changed until I’m happy to have it placed on me for life. They are part of me and who I am, and are an extension of my personality. I have met people in life and especially at Tattoo Conventions that have tattoos for many different reasons, as many reasons as people are different. If you are not tattooed and are considering having one, be thorough in your choices with what you want tattooed on your skin and who you want to tattoo you. The Internet is a great place to research artists and get ideas. I would still recommend you visit the tattoo studio/s in question before making that life decision.

Tattoo your Soul - CJ

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Meet the Members

Spotlight on...


Toni Charles

Are you married? Nope, I’m ‘happily single’. Do you have any children? I had two kids, though they’re not really ‘children’ any more. They’re both grown up now, and working away from

home. My eldest works as a researcher for TV programs such as ’24 Hours In A&E’, ‘The Audience’, and ‘The Hotel’. She’s into Roller Derby in a big way. She plays for London Roller Girls, and recently got accepted on probation into the competition league. My youngest recently graduated from university, and now works in IT for RBS in Coventry.

Any pets? No, unfortunately my job gets in the way.

How long have you been riding motorbikes? I’ve been riding for over 30 years now! I passed my test

just after they introduced the two part test. Back then, all you had to do was ride around the block a few times, then ride around the block a few times in the other direction. The examiner was on foot. The best way to get a pass was to watch your mirrors to see where he was headed next, then ride as fast as you could as soon as you were out of sight, so you could get back to him before he moved too far – that way you could ensure you knew where he was and you could make sure you were riding carefully and responsibly where he could see you.

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What was your first bike? My first bike was a Honda CB 125, which I bought

when I was 18. I called it ‘Jefferson’. (All my bikes have been named after US Presidents).

When did you get your first Harley? If you count rentals, my first Harley was a DYNA

Switchback called Monroe. I rented it as a birthday pressie to myself in August 2012 from Yankee H-D, Connecticut. I rode it all around New England. The Harley bug bit me hard - I loved that bike, and promised myself I’d buy my own.

What do you ride now? I ride a Heritage, called Quincy. I also have a

Yamaha, Fazer FZ1, called Jackson.

How long have you been a Thames Valley member? Since April 2013, which was when I bought my

first Harley.

Any hobbies apart from motorbikes? I used to be an avid Xbox gamer. Motorbikes take

up every spare minute of my life, now!

Any special Harley experiences?

Riding Harleys in the States always feels special, somehow. I’m heading out to the US again very soon now. I’m renting a Harley in Atlanta and riding down to Florida for a couple of weeks.

It’s been nice getting to know you, Toni, thanks for the chat.

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Saturday Social

Saturday 22nd, 12:00

The Pack Saddle.



Ace Café Harley Night

Thursday 26th, 6:00


Committee Night

(Shrove Tuesday)

Tuesday 4th, 8:00pm

Saturday Social

Asian Fusion

Littlewick Green

Maidemhead SL6 3QR

(Let Sue Brown know if

you’re coming, she needs

to book seats)

All welcome, 7:00pm

Club Night

Thursday 20th, 7:30

Ace Café Harley Night

Thursday 27th 6:00pm



Committee Night

Tuesday 1st, 8:00pm

Dust off the Cobwebs Ride

Jack’s Hill Café, Towcester

Sunday 6th 9:00


Poker Run - first one

Weds, 9th, 6:30

Venue TBA

Pioneer Run

Sunday, 13th, 9:00-6:00


Club Night

Thursday 17th, 7:30

Ace Café

Southend Shakedown

Monday, 21st

8:45 Sportsable,

10:30 leave Ace Café

Ace Café Harley Night

Thursday 24th 6:00pm

John Radcliff Toy Run

Sunday, 27th,

9:00 Sportsable

Page 15: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014

Club Nights

March 20th

April 17th

May 15th

June 19th

July 17th

Mag contribution


March 13th

April 10th

May 8th

June 12th

July 10th

Dates, events, rideouts and activities

Details correct at time of going to print. Check the website for updates and amendments www.thamesvalleyhog.org.uk


Entries for your Diary

Oxford Toy Run

27th April

23rd Cider Rally

2nd - 5th May

Big Brum Bash

23rd - 26th May

Ireland Bike Fest

30th May - 1st June

European Rally Biograd Croatia, 2nd - 16th June

World Ride 2014 (Million Mile)

23rd-24th June

Wake the Lakes

3rd - 6th July

Fenlanders Rally

24th - 27th July

Hog n Bog Provincewide

1st - 3rd August

Sherwood Rally

15th-17th August

Thunder in the Glens

22nd - 25th August

Deva Legion Circus Maximus

12th - 14th September

Check website for Changes / further

details on all events

Page 17: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014



Winter Bash was held

on Saturday, 8th February.

For only £10 we had an amazing

buffet with hot and cold food, and a

great choice of desserts.

We had music by Robbie to dance night

away and we had a bumper raffle!

Great company, and a good time was

had by all - what a way to

chase away those winter


Page 18: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014




1066 189 596,529 BOB EAGLE 11,997 3156

HOGSBACK 64 392,750 ADAM ANDERSON 24,887 6137

ROLLING HILLS 86 282,371 GARETH SWANSON 14,956 3283

INVICTA 77 250,624 ALLAN WRIGHT 10,950 3255

THAMES VALLEY 47 177,632 PAUL MAJOR 12,047 3779

DUNEDIN 26 127,059 GEORGE SHEPHERD 10,899 4807

GREAT WESTERN 25 114,083 STEVE LINK 14,471 4563

SHERWOOD 25 106,395 ROY RADFORD 17,994 4256

FENLANDERS 30 100,345 NEIL BUTLER 9,277 3345

OXFORD 21 81,745 ADRIAN BURROWS 14,157 3893

HATTERS 15 76,707 ALYCIA CATTERALL 10,293 5114

PEAK RIDERS 9 66,018 DAVID HUGHES 19,215 7335

BIRMINGHAM 18 59,368 MARTIN MAHONEY 8,746 3298

BELFAST 6 33,460 LEN FLECK 9,018 5577

PLYMOUTH 1 12,079 CHRIS MONK 12,079 12079

Page 19: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014




1066 189 596,529 BOB EAGLE 11,997 3156

HOGSBACK 64 392,750 ADAM ANDERSON 24,887 6137

ROLLING HILLS 86 282,371 GARETH SWANSON 14,956 3283

INVICTA 77 250,624 ALLAN WRIGHT 10,950 3255

THAMES VALLEY 47 177,632 PAUL MAJOR 12,047 3779

DUNEDIN 26 127,059 GEORGE SHEPHERD 10,899 4807

GREAT WESTERN 25 114,083 STEVE LINK 14,471 4563

SHERWOOD 25 106,395 ROY RADFORD 17,994 4256

FENLANDERS 30 100,345 NEIL BUTLER 9,277 3345

OXFORD 21 81,745 ADRIAN BURROWS 14,157 3893

HATTERS 15 76,707 ALYCIA CATTERALL 10,293 5114

PEAK RIDERS 9 66,018 DAVID HUGHES 19,215 7335

BIRMINGHAM 18 59,368 MARTIN MAHONEY 8,746 3298

BELFAST 6 33,460 LEN FLECK 9,018 5577

PLYMOUTH 1 12,079 CHRIS MONK 12,079 12079

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The first Saturday Social of the year took place at

The Crooked Billet, in Iver, on Saturday, 25th January.

We were pleasantly surprised with the quality of the food,

the many specials offered and the very reasonable prices.

Nineteen club members turned up, five of whom took

advantage of the sunny weather and turned up on their

bikes. Hopefully, they got home before the rain set in!


Linda Friend

The food

was enjoyed

by all, as was



cake, kindly

made by Pat.

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All New HOG Group Riding Training Course

We will be helping HOG to evaluate an all-new Group Riding Training Course in April this year.

The course is being tested and evaluated with a view to making it more widely available for new members who have

never ridden in a large group of riders before.

The aim of the training will be to instruct in the skills of group riding, 2nd Man Drop Off & The Buddy System.

Our Safety Officer will be contacting some of our less

experienced and new “group riders” over the coming weeks to see if he can get someone to join him on the course in Oxford. This will help HOG get some mixed feedback from both ends of

the “group riding” spectrum.

After the evaluation, it is hoped that we will be able to offer this as a regular option for new riders joining the group.

Watch this space !

Discounts for Hog Members

Discounts are available on a wide range of holidays, hotel accommodation and services from the companies listed below:

Euro Camps, Mc Donald Hotel Group Best Western Hotels, H D Insurance Services Condor Ferries The BMF Holiday Inns Nutt Travel

Use your Hog membership number to

Receive discounts from these companies.

Page 22: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014

Whose Bike? Our ‘Jammy’ photographer, Linda, has been taking candid shots of our bikes when we weren’t looking! Do you recognise your bike, or that of another club member? If you correctly identify the bike and owner, you will win a bottle of wine, to be presented at club night. If there’s more than one correct answer, names will be put in a hat and one drawn out - at club night. Good luck!

If you can identify this bike, send your answer to

Linda, c/o: [email protected]

December’s winner: Mick Friend Bike: Nij


Page 23: Tales From The River Bank (Thames valley) 2014


Nick West - Double Fine for what he said at the Road Captains’ Meeting –

he knows. He was lucky to come out alive!

C J - Double Fine for the Liars of Harley – will he never learn?

Don - for advertising the TV Party on the wrong date at club night.

Gopher - for paying fines when he hasn’t even been fined!

Clive - Double Fine for telling the ladies it was nice to see them

working in the kitchen...

Pat Adams ...and I’m sorry, Fine Mistress, but YOU are Fined for

sending the above fines to Sue Brown and not Sue Knight!

Just to let you know we are intro-

ducing a ‘double’ fine category

for gross misdemeanours - so

you have been warned!

Linda Friend

Guildford Harley Davidson

Guildford HD, had a cake and coffee morning in support of Bowel Cancer, on Saturday 15th Feb. The guys playing the music were called Dave and Crippo; the two ladies serving the free cakes were Margaret and Ruth. Mick took a while to decide what cake he wanted! The raffle sold at least 400 tickets. All donations were gratefully received.


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Did you guess the identity of last month’s mystery man?

Of course, it was our very own Paul Major! So, who is this handsome hunk? No, it’s not a film star but one of our very regular members. Admittedly, it was taken more years ago than we care to remember, but how well do you know our Thames Valley boys?


Our regular feature will

return next month.

In the meantime, keep safe!

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Our very own boys

in this international ad!

Paul, Clive and CJ


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Donington Park Race Circuit Becomes

Thundersprint Title Sponsor

will be at the Thundersprint with

their full road show.

. .

£5.00 For a Weekend Spectator Pass £15.00 For a Weekend Camping Pass Well-Behaved Pets and Children Free

The Thundersprint is held at the Darley Moor Circuit,

near Ashbourne, Derbyshire, over the weekend of

May 10/11 - www.thundersprint.com.


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youtube.com/user/ tvwebmaster1

facebook.com/groups/ thamesvalleyhog

Club Venue: SportsAble, Braywick Sports Ground, Maidenhead, SL6 1BN

Don Wibberley Chapter Director Email: director @thamesvallyhog.org.uk

Pat Adams Assistant Director Email: assistantdirector@

Colin Wilkins Treasurer Email: treasurer@

Sue Moyler Secretary Email: secretary@

Fred Cotsford Membership Officer Email: membership@

Nij Jones Head Road Captain Email: headroadcaptain@

Nick West Safety Officer & Historian Email: historian@

Barry Adams Activities Officer Email: activities@

Sue Brown Ladies of Harley Email: ladiesofharley@

Lee White Webmaster Email: webmaster@

Sue Knight Editor Email: editor@

Bernie Meason Photographer Email: photographer@

Linda Friend Photographer Email: photographer@

Shirley Churchill Merchandise Email: merchandise@

youtube.com/user/ tvwebmaster1

facebook.com/groups/ thamesvalleyhog

Club Venue: SportsAble, Braywick Sports Ground, Maidenhead, SL6 1BN

Don Wibberley Chapter Director Email: director @thamesvallyhog.org.uk

Pat Adams Assistant Director Email: assistantdirector@

Colin Wilkins Treasurer Email: treasurer@

Sue Moyler Secretary Email: secretary@

Fred Cotsford Membership Officer Email: membership@

Nij Jones Head Road Captain Email: headroadcaptain@

Nick West Safety Officer & Historian Email: historian@

Barry Adams Activities Officer Email: activities@

Sue Brown Ladies of Harley Email: ladiesofharley@

Lee White Webmaster Email: webmaster@

Sue Knight Editor Email: editor@

Bernie Meason Photographer Email: photographer@

Linda Friend Photographer Email: photographer@

Shirley Churchill Merchandise Email: merchandise@

youtube.com/user/ tvwebmaster1

Pat Adams Assistant Director Email: assistantdirector@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Colin Wilkins Treasurer Email: treasurer@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Fred Cotsford Membership Officer Email: membership@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Barry Adams Activities Officer Email: activities@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Shirley Churchill Merchandise Email: merchandise@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Sue Moyler Secretary Email: secretary@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Don Wibberley Chapter Director Email: director@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Nick West Safety Officer & Historian Email: historian @thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Nij Jones Head Road Captain Email: headroadcaptain@ Thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Sue Brown Ladies of Harley Email: ladiesofharley@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Linda Friend Photographer Email: photographer@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Lee White Webmaster Email: webmaster@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Bernie Meason Photographer Email: photographer@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Club Venue: SportsAble, Braywick Sports Ground, Maidenhead, SL6 1BN

Toni Charles Activities Officer Email: activities@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

Sue Knight Editor Email: editor@ thamesvalleyhog.org.uk

facebook.com/groups thamesvalleyhog