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Talent Trends Quarterly | Q3 2018

navigate a newbusiness landscape:

how HR techis powering recruitment.


tableof contents.

Talent Trends Quarterly

how HR tech ispowering recruitment04technology’s place inthe recruitment cycle125 ways to accelerate recruitment with smart technologies14

HR tech readiness& adoption indices15talent trendsby sector18talent trendsby country24

3Talent Trends Quarterly

There has never been a better time for employers to explore the possibilities that technological innovation can bring to their recruitment processes. It is now so much easier to source and screen talent, but at the same time there’s an added level of complexity that requires companies to consider the recruitment process more specifically to determine the best mix of tech and touch to improve hiring outcomes.

Michel Stokvismanaging director,

Talent Innovation CenterRandstad Sourceright

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector


Science fiction fans know that a cyborg is part man, part machine and equipped with superior strength, intelligence and problem-solving skills.In today’s highly innovative human capital marketplace, recruiters may soon become the new cyborgs.

Talent Trends Quarterly

how HR tech ispowering recruitment.

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While they won’t sport bionic arms and legs, recruiters will be empowered like never before by technology that makes them smarter, more efficient and connected. The recruiter of the near future will be able to find the right talent with the push of a button and possess the people skills to engage and convert top candidates into employees and workers. And that’s not science fiction.

In fact, a lot of the innovation described is already here. Tools to automate search and screen are growing smarter and more refined with each iteration. Candidate relationship management (CRM) platforms are like a Swiss army knife for talent leaders, automating many workflows and centralizing data for greater insights. Artificial intelligence (AI) is helping businesses personalize and customize candidate touchpoints to create memorable hiring journeys. People analytics deliver past performance data, but also predict future talent needs. It’s easy to assume your life as a human capital leader will become easier. But maybe not.

This rapid and powerful transformation may not be a clear win-win. While technology is changing how your business acquires talent, it’s also the great equalizer — your competitors will have access to similar, if not the same, tools. This means technology alone won’t give you an edge. How you use it to accelerate people will. And most of your peers already acknowledge this.

Our 2018 Talent Trends research — which surveyed more than 800 C-suite and human capital leaders in 17 countries — confirms this. Tasks such as candidate database search (51%), tracking HR data/metrics (51%), the creation and management of HR analytics (51%), and the initial screening of candidates (49%) are the top four areas that talent leaders say should be mostly or completely automated. This isn’t surprising because technology can expedite these activities and provide value beyond what humans can deliver.

On the other hand, employers believe people skills and the human touch are still important when it comes to other tasks. Down-selecting using video interviews (28%), interview scheduling of shortlisted candidates (27%), and engagement and management of talent communities (26%) are the top three functions that employers would like handled mostly by humans.That’s likely because each of these touchpoints provides another opportunity to reinforce personalization during the candidate journey.

It is worth noting, however, that our data shows mixed feelings about these top areas for human involvement. For instance, while 28% say they’d like candidate down-selection via video interviewing handled mostly by humans, nearly as many (26%) prefer the process to be mostly automated, with some human involvement. The same holds true for interview scheduling; where 27% say they prefer humans to manage this process, 28% would like to see the process mostly automated, with some human involvement.

How much of the human touch is necessary depends on a number of factors, such as role types, urgency, volume and more. For example, an employer may schedule interviews with top candidates personally for the value of direct connection, but prefer to schedule initial interviews for an entry-level position using technology to accelerate the process. In either case, automation can help free recruiters from spending time on low-value tasks, allowing them to create stronger bonds with hiring managers and candidates, and resulting in increased conversions.

Most of our survey respondents believe this as well. Sixty-eight (68) percent say knowledge workers will be freed up to do more advanced work; and 66% believe human workers will be more efficient, productive and innovative. Sixty-five (65) percent feel the candidate experience will be positively affected, and smart technologies will open up new opportunities for talent. This outlook is further affirmed by 73% of human capital leaders, who say smart technologies will have as much, if not greater influence, on their organizations this year.

Talent Trends Quarterly

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector


which recruitment tasks do employers want to automate?

Talent Trends Quarterly

tracking HR data and metrics


of HR analytics

candidate database


initial screening of candidates

reference checking of candidates

matching candidates

against vacancies

searching for passive candidates

management of new hire onboarding

interview scheduling

of shortlisted candidates

management of talent

engagement and communities

candidate down-selection

via video interviewing


































top tasks employers want completely or mostly automated, by country:

• Australia: 82% management of new hire onboarding

• Belgium: 45% searching for passive candidates

• Brazil: 58% tracking HR data and metrics

• Canada: 55% reference checking of candidates

• China: 73% candidate database search

• France: 61% management of new hire onboarding

• Germany: 47% initial screening of candidates

• India: 73% matching candidates against vacancies

• Italy: 57% searching for passive candidates

• Japan: 41% reference checking of candidates

• Mexico: 41% creation/management of HR analytics

• Netherlands: 64% creation/management of HR analytics

• Poland: 63% reference checking of candidates

• Singapore: 84% candidate database search

• Sweden: 72% candidate database search

• U.K.: 58% tracking HR data and metrics

• U.S.: 60% candidate database search

mostly or completely automated mostly or completely handled by humans equal split between humans and machines doesn’t matter as long as it’s completed

explore additionalcountry data

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector


Smart technologies, powered by AI, machine learning and analytics, will have the greatest impact on your recruitment process. How? In every step of the recruitment continuum, innovation will accelerate output, aid in the selection of candidates and give you better access to talent. Technologies such as chatbots enhance engagement with talent and hiring managers, which results in a better candidate experience.

This is what accounting giant Ernst & Young (EY) is counting on as the company steps up recruitment automation, especially when it comes to matching talent with openings. According to HR Executive, the professional services firm is developing chatbot technology to onboard hires and help candidates find roles that are right for them.

“We see AI and automation as having great potential to free up our recruiters so they can spend more time identifying great prospects and providinga better experience for our candidates and hiring managers,” Larry Nash, U.S. director of recruitingfor EY, told HR Executive.

Like many employers, EY is taking advantage of the proliferation in bot innovation. Platforms such as AllyO and Wade & Wendy use AI to improve recruitment outcomes through a more natural way to engage candidates. According to AllyO, the company has helped its clients increase capture and conversion rates up to six times over a more traditional approach.

Using AI to find and convert candidates is a priority for many employers, but what about the quality of hires? This has always been an issue troubling recruiters, but with the proliferation of better screening technology, it might become a non-issue in the near future. Deloitte analyst Josh Bersin recently wrote that AI-based innovation will do a better job of finding the right talent by eliminating bias and focusing on the traits that make a hire successful: ambition, learning agility, passion and sense of purpose. He cites one client whose hiring success rose 30% by using the pymetrics gamification platform to assess candidates.

As another example, consumer giant Unilever is using a robust digital toolbox to accelerate recruitment performance. Leena Nair, Unilever global HR officer, recently explained that the company’s recruitment strategy for graduates includes gamification and video interviews that are based on machine learning algorithms. The use of these tools “has saved cost and 100,000 man-hours of interview for us and also time wasted on many things,” Nair says.

the transformativeimpact of AI.

“Technology in my opinion is madeto support recruitment, not replace that function. Recruitment tools shouldhelp a recruiter to be successful at their role. They should streamline processes, allowing for simple engagementand tracking. They should provide reporting tools that not only support larger cost savings initiatives, but that can also contribute to workforce planning and understanding the talent landscape — not just within an organization, but in its talent pool.”

Talent Trends Quarterly

Alya Abdounsenior manager, business process solutions

human resourcesKaiser Permanente

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector


how do employers expectsmart technologies will impact talent?

Talent Trends Quarterly



























































































knowledge workers will be freed up to do more advanced work they will positively impact the candidate experience

they will help make the recruitment process more efficient we are reskilling workers who will be impacted by adoption, so they can find other roles internally

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector


One important way for technology to enhance recruitment is with the value of data. With analytics now being built into just about every tool under development, you’ll have greater insights into everything you do, including:

• what roles in which markets will pose challenges for your recruitment team

• when you can expect to ramp up hiring based on business cycles

• how to plan growth initiatives based on available talent

Jason Roberts, global head of technology and analytics with Randstad Sourceright’s Talent Innovation Center, explains that analytics aren’t just a buzzword of the moment. Rather, the power of data will drive how you recruit and become fully integrated in your entire candidate life cycle.

“Bringing together data from all of the HR systems that we utilize today empowers algorithmic prediction like never before. This is what makes data driven decision-making possible in an age when it has become absolutely essential,” Roberts says, pointing out that predictive analytics will eventually lead to more accurate workforce planning, help talent advisors prioritize tasks and more effectively conduct assessments, among other functions. With many employers building talent communities, these tools provide greater pipeline insights.

the power of datain recruitment.

One company successfully leveraging analytical tools is Hub International, a U.S.-based insurance broker that began implementing a number of data tools to hire better workers three years ago. Charles Lilly, a program manager who supports talent acquisition for more than 400 North American offices, told TechTarget that the company purchased technology to examine different candidate experience touchpoints so it could better invest resources in areas such as job advertisements.

“We see things we weren’t able to see before,” Lilly said. “Before, we couldn’t tell if they were coming from LinkedIn or another site. With better insight, we can see what people were doing before they interact with our website. It helps us figure out where to spend time and money advertising for candidates.”

How can better insights for your organization improve access to talent? Most likely, you’ll not only find the right skills more quickly, but also the right cultural fit. This means not only a shorter time to hire, but also longer retention, greater engagement and enhanced productivity — all of which lead to better business performance.

Talent Trends Quarterly

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smart technologies

the business impactof talent technology.

Talent Trends Quarterly




































apo r




























55% 70%












HR tech strategy





































apo r







74% 79%

















52% 72%













has transformed or had a positive impact on my business will have the same or greater influence on my business this year

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector


As a human capital leader, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the growth of recruitment and people management technology. Knowing where to prioritize investments, how to integrate tools into your existing infrastructure and how to apply them in the most meaningful way requires a deep understanding of your talent acquisition processes, the marketplace and your business needs. You will most likely need to invest in internal resources or seek outside expertise to unlock technology’s potential.

But regardless of how you get there, the need to leverage innovation is now more urgent than ever as competition to win talent has intensified. On the other hand, if you can effectively develop and implement a robust technology strategy that fully complements your workforce, you will achieve a perfect balance of tech and human touch to help you leap ahead of your competitors in both business and talent.

staying aheadof the competition.

“There’s always money to invest in something. If it’s important, if it’s impactful, you can always shift existing investments or create savings to make it happen. If it’s important, find a way to get it done.”

Talent Trends Quarterly

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

Timothy Streetersenior director, global talent acquisition


watch the video

12Talent Trends Quarterly

technology’s placein the recruitment cycle.There are many opportunities to make your recruitment process more effective, objective, faster and, in some cases, more personalized using recruitment technology. But the perfect mix of tech and touch will likely vary from employer to employer.

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector


Here are just some of the recruitment cycle touchpoints where technology can help you better understand the needs of your business while providing a straightforward, quick and easy recruiting experience. Watch the Talent Velocity video to see an example of a proven tech and touch process flow.

Talent Trends Quarterly

workforce planning& analytics search & match talent relationship

management candidate screening interviewing selection & hire

• integrating data from talent technologies with external sources for insights

• market intelligence for workforce planning

• business and workforce based on the availability of talent and future demand

• posting jobs to careers site and other channels

• employee referrals

• database search/ web mining

• auto-matching and candidate scoring

• direct sourcing

• personalized CRM campaigns

• content marketing

• talent communities and talent pooling

• marketing and advertising

• growing and maintaining the candidate pipeline

• surveying and gathering feedback from candidates

• candidate communications

• preliminary screening via chatbots

• skills and personality assessments

• digital interviews

• behavioral interviews

• interview scheduling

• interview prep

• completion of interview

• consultations and debriefs

• communications

• reference checks

• background checks

• offer letters

• onboarding processes

market analytics andconsultative data

candidate searchand automatching

talent relationship management and communities

AI chat for screening and candidate management

auto schedulingvideo


references and background checks

recruiting performance analytics

online employeereferral

online recruitment and networking events



the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector


1. Optimize your investments.There are many technologies on the market, so choose wisely. One way to ensure the highest return is to consider any acquisition holistically. Thinking beyond time and cost savings, ask how a recruiting marketing platform or chatbot can lead to greater engagement and higher recruitment conversions. When building a business case, account for all the benefits and costs that might result.

2. Know when to automate.It’s tempting to automate as many steps in your recruitment function as possible, but technology isn’t always the best option for getting work done. Determine which tasks favor the human touch, such as those requiring empathy, a white-glove experience or subjective interaction. Also, consider that some technologies may be too cost-prohibitive at this point (over time this will likely change). For those that currently don’t make sense, revisit their viability in six months, since technology development is accelerating all the time.

3. Seek help for clarity.Human capital leaders are being asked to be experts across many areas: processes, operations and the business, to name a few. Adding technology to the growing list is just one more demand asked of you. Look for support when it makes sense. You can gain the insights you need from industry analysts, professional organizations, technology vendors, and your talent strategy or outsourcing partners. A recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) or managed services provider (MSP) will likely have deep expertise and the implementation experience you need to help facilitate your investment.

4. Help your teams transition.One of the most promising aspects of smart technologies is their ability to free up your workforce to focus on more strategic and value-added services. Help your workers redefine their roles post-implementation to keep them engaged and productive. Explain how tools will help them shift their focus to create greater value to recruitment outcomes.

5 ways to accelerate recruitmentwith smart technologies.

5. Don’t forget the candidate.If your goal is to enhance recruitment conversions, make sure your technology strategy also accounts for the candidate experience. Tools that enhance communication, make the application process easier, provide status tracking, serve content and engage job seekers in other ways should be part of your investment road map. Not only will these technologies help to create a more memorable hiring journey for talent, but will surely improve your overall employer brand too.

Talent Trends Quarterly

benchmark myHR tech strategy now

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector


How prepared is your organization to leverage today’s technological innovations?

Since 2016, our Talent Trends research has collected nearly 2,000 responses about organizations’ technology strategies and investments. In the indices on the following page, this feedback is normalized and used to assess HR tech readiness and adoption globally and on a country level, providing a basis for comparison.

Talent Trends Quarterly

benchmark your HR technology strategy.

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

117 Australia

115 U.K.

110 Sweden

106 U.S.

103 Netherlands

94 China

94 Poland

90 Canada

89 Belgium

89 Singapore

no data Brazil

no data France

no data Germany

no data India

no data Italy

no data Japan

no data Mexico

136 U.K.

129 Canada

107 Japan

105 U.S.

103 France

103 Poland

100 China

100 Netherlands

97 Australia

96 Belgium

96 Sweden

93 India

90 Brazil

90 Germany

82 Singapore

no data Italy

no data Mexico

127 Sweden

121 U.K.

111 China

110 France

104 Singapore

104 U.S.

99 Brazil

96 Australia

96 Germany

91 India

90 Canada

85 Poland

84 Belgium

79 Mexico

77 Netherlands

75 Italy

70 Japan

HR techreadiness index.

A score of 100 is the baseline global average set in 2016. An indexed value of 80 or lower indicates weaker perceptions and readiness, while a score of 120 or higher suggests strong optimism and adoption.

According to our latest indices on tech readiness and adoption — with some exceptions — organizations around the world have remained nearly unchanged since our 2017 survey. This may reflect a slowdown in investments and implementation as many are still grappling with how best to utilize existing tools.

Get your scores:

HR tech readiness & adoption calculator

decreased by 20 pointsor more moved down 5+ places

moved up 5+ placeswithin 20 pointsof previous year

increased by 20 pointsor more


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

2018 rankings2017 rankings2016 rankings

Talent Trends Quarterly

17Talent Trends Quarterly

120 U.K.

113 Netherlands

109 Australia

108 Sweden

105 Poland

98 Belgium

97 Canada

95 China

92 U.S.

83 Singapore

no data Brazil

no data France

no data Germany

no data India

no data Italy

no data Japan

no data Mexico

150 Canada

147 U.K.

126 Belgium

115 Brazil

114 U.S.

113 Australia

113 Netherlands

112 Poland

107 China

107 Japan

104 France

98 Germany

95 Singapore

88 India

88 Sweden

no data Italy

no data Mexico

148 Sweden

142 U.S.

138 U.K.

123 China

123 Singapore

119 Brazil

119 Germany

115 France

112 Australia

108 Canada

106 Belgium

104 Netherlands

103 Poland

100 India

97 Mexico

88 Italy

88 Japan

HR techadoption index.

When compared with data from 2016, tech adoption scores have increased markedly, indicating a stronger outlook on the results of adoption and budgeting for talent technology. Among the different countries surveyed, there are notable rises in Sweden, Singapore and the U.S., while there are significant drops in the Netherlands and Japan.

Get your scores:

HR tech readiness & adoption calculator

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

decreased by 20 pointsor more moved down 5+ places

moved up 5+ placeswithin 20 pointsof previous year

increased by 20 pointsor more

2018 rankings2017 rankings2016 rankings

How are global HR technology trends impacting employers in your industry?Read on to learn how C-suite and human capital leaders across five business sectors view the future of work and the role of both humans and technology.

trendsby sector.

18Talent Trends Quarterly

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What does smart technology mean for your organization?

When it comes to investing in workplace technology, it’s no surprise that automotive and other manufacturers are leading the way among all sectors.

• A large majority (70%) believe smart technologies will open up opportunities for talent, and nearly as many (64%) say it has either transformed or had a positive impact on their businesses.

• Like in their own production activities, they see efficiency and consistency as the biggest benefit (60%), followed by the ability to automate workflows (49%) and freeing up humans to conduct more strategic tasks (43%).

automotive & manufacturing.

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

It will open up new

opportunities for talent.

56%tracking HR data

and metrics

52%initial screening

of candidates

51%reference checking

of candidates

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

28%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing

28%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

68%It will positively impact

the candidate experience.

27%reference checking

of candidates

67%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

64%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

78%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


Talent Trends Quarterly

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

51%candidate database



Although talent scarcity and competing for talent are top of mind for the financial services sector, talent leaders here also say maintaining their HR technology strategies and the digitalization of HR are also high on their priority lists.

• When it comes to the top benefits of AI and automation investments, employers expect greater efficiency and consistency (56%) will help them better attract, acquire and engage talent.

• More than half also say these smart technologies enable them to better scale recruitment (51%) and provide the talent they need in the face of scarcity (24%).

banking &financial services.

Talent Trends Quarterly

What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

It will open up opportunities

for organizations like mine.

52%initial screening

of candidates

52%searching for

passive candidates

51%candidate database


Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

27%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

27%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing

68%It will positively impact

the candidate experience.

23%management of talent

engagement and communities


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

63%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

68%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

71%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


In a business where automation is at the heart of production, a majority (64%) of consumer goods employers see the opportunity for smart technologies to improve efficiencies and consistencies when it comes to talent management.

• Unsurprisingly, 68% also expect the advancement of smart technologies, such as AI, robotics and automation, to result in job displacement for workers, especially because machines will not require training (43%).

• But, talent leaders in this sector are also optimistic about how the these tools can help address talent scarcity (39%) and free knowledge workers to focus on more advanced work (61%).


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Top 4 expected benefits of smart technologies:

It will result in job

displacement/loss for

many workers.

It will positively impact

the candidate experience.

64%greater efficiencies

in our processes

43%ability to contribute immediately

with no training period

39%freeing up human talent to

focus on more strategic work

61%There is too much hype

around AI and robotics.


Talent Trends Quarterly

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

43%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

43%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

68%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.

39%addresses talent scarcity

in certain fields

Top 3 concerns about smart technologies:

71%reduced human touch

in the work place


on automation

43%loss of skilled



What does smart technology mean for your organization?

While some might feel threatened by the rapid advancement of technology, 65% of talent leaders in the IT and technology sectors believe AI and other smart technologies will open up new opportunities for their organizations.

• They also believe these tools will help workers to be more efficient, productive and innovative (64%).

• What will be the biggest benefits in employers’ views? Greater efficiencies and consistency in talent processes (51%), followed by the ability to automate workflows (44%).

IT &technology.

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

It will open up new

opportunities for

organizations like mine.

Organizations are much

slower to adopt these

technologies than expected.


of HR analytics

50%candidate database


47%initial screening

of candidates

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

32%reference checking

of candidates

31%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

64%Human workers will be

more efficient, productive

and innovative.

30%management of talent

engagement and communities


Talent Trends Quarterly

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

57%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

66%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

76%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

As a regulated industry that has traditionally been slow to adopt new technology, the life sciences and healthcare sector is now undergoing tremendous changes as a result of innovation.

• That’s why 67% of human capital leaders in this business say developing a robust technology strategy has had the biggest impact on their business in the past year.

• Notably, 49% of employers want to automate the tracking of HR data and metrics along with the creation and management of HR analytics — both areas where machines can outperform people.

life sciences &healthcare.

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

Human workers will be

more efficient, productive

and innovative.

51%management of

new hire onboarding

49%candidate database


49%searching for

passive candidates

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

35%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

28%reference checking

of candidates

67%It will positively impact

the candidate experience.

28%initial screening

of candidates


Talent Trends Quarterly

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

58%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

58%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

70%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.

Explore the following pages for data and findings from human capital and C-suite leaders in each of the 17 countries surveyed in our Talent Trends research. Here you’ll learn about the prevailing attitudes and outlook s of these leaders on the impact that technology has and will have on their talent acquisition strategies and practices.

trendsby country.

24Talent Trends Quarterly

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What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 expected benefits of smart technologies:

It will open up new

opportunities for talent.

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

67%greater efficiencies and

consistency in our processes

60%ability to automate


50%ability to contribute immediately

with no training period

Top 3 concerns about smart technologies:

69%reduced human touch

at the workplace

50%increased costs to invest

in infrastructure

73%It will help make the

recruitment process

more efficient.

44%loss of skilled



Talent Trends Quarterly

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

54%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

50%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

77%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

It will open up new

opportunities for

organizations like mine.

45%searching for passive


44%initial screening

of candidates

37%reference checking

of candidates

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

44%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

37%matching candidates

against vacancies

50%It will positively impact

the candidate experience.

33%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing


Talent Trends Quarterly

37%candidate database


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

43%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

47%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

73%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

Human workers will be

more efficient, productive

and innovative.

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

58%tracking HR data

and metrics

55%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates


of HR analytics

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

31%reference checking

of candidates

31%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing

78%It will positively impact

the candidate experience.

24%initial screening

of candidates


Talent Trends Quarterly

24%candidate database


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

72%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

80%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

80%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 expected benefits of smart technologies:

It will open up new

opportunities for talent.

It will decrease personalization

of the candidate experience.

68%greater efficiencies and

consistency in our processes

54%ability to contribute immediately

with no training required

52%freeing up human talent

to focus on more

strategic projects

Top 3 concerns about smart technologies:

72%reduced human touch

in the workplace

60%loss of skilled


64%Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

52%decreased competitive



Talent Trends Quarterly

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

54%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

42%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

64%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

It will open up new

opportunities for talent.

It will open up new

opportunities for

organizations like mine.

73%candidate database


64%initial screening

of candidates

57%matching candidates

against vacancies

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

37%management of new

hire onboarding

33%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

86%Human workers will be

more efficient, productive

and innovative.

29%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing


Talent Trends Quarterly


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

64%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

82%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

66%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

It will open up new

opportunities for

organizations like mine.

We are providing training for

workers who will be impacted

by adoption, so they can find

other roles internally.

61%management of

new hire onboarding

53%searching for

passive candidates

53%tracking HR data

and metrics

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

30%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing

25%initial screening

of candidates

64%Human workers will be

more efficient, productive

and innovative.

25%matching candidates

against vacancies


Talent Trends Quarterly

25%candidate database


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

58%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

54%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

74%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

It will enable our company to

source, attract and engage

the right talent.

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

47%initial screening

of candidates

46%management of talent

engagement and communities

43%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

41%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

38%reference checking

of candidates

46%My company is excited to

increase investments in smart

technology this year.

36%searching for

passive candidates


Talent Trends Quarterly

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

58%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

33%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

58%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

It will open up new

opportunities for

organizations like mine.

It will positively impact

the candidate experience.

73%matching candidates

against vacancies


of HR analytics

70%tracking HR data

and metrics

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

26%reference checking

of candidates

21%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

84%It will open up new

opportunities for talent.

15%management of talent

engagement and communities


Talent Trends Quarterly


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

15%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing

78%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

84%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

96%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

It will open up new

opportunities for

organizations like mine.

Human workers will be

more efficient, productive

and innovative.

57%searching for

passive candidates


of HR analytics

48%tracking HR data

and metrics

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

41%management of talent

engagement and communities

36%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing

72%It will open up new

opportunities for talent.

30%matching candidates

against vacancies


Talent Trends Quarterly

30%reference checking

of candidates

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

58%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

64%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

80%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

Human workers will be

more efficient, productive

and innovative.

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

41%reference checking

of candidates

41%candidate database


38%initial screening

of candidates

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

41%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

38%management of

new hire onboarding

49%It will positively impact

the candidate experience.

34%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing


Talent Trends Quarterly


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

38%tracking HR data

and metrics

35%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

19%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

51%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

Human workers will be

more efficient, productive

and innovative.

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.


of HR analytics

36%candidate database


34%reference checking

of candidates

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

49%tracking HR data

and metrics

49%management of talent

engagement and communities

64%My company will be able to

source, attract and engage

more of the right talent.

46%management of

new hire onboarding


Talent Trends Quarterly

46%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

56%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

62%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

84%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

There is too much hype

around AI and robotics.


of HR analytics

61%tracking HR data

and metrics

61%initial screening

of candidates

42%It will result in job

displacement/loss for

many workers.


Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

25%searching for

passive candidates

25%matching candidates

against vacancies

25%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

25%management of talent

engagement and communities

33%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

52%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

55%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Human workers will be

more efficient, productive

and innovative.

It will positively impact

the candidate experience.

57%We are providing training for

workers who will be impacted

by adoption, so they can find

other roles internally.


Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

63%reference checking

of candidates

57%searching for

passive candidates

51%matching candidates

against vacancies

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

30%candidate database


24%searching for

passive candidates

24%initial screening

of candidates

24%management of talent

engagement and communities

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

51%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing

40%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

38%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

64%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.

38Talent Trends QuarterlyTalent Trends Quarterly

Singapore What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Top 3 expected benefits of smart technologies:

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

It will positively impact

the candidate experience.

84%greater efficiencies and

consistency in our processes

64%ability to contribute immediately

with no training period

58%freeing up human talent

to focus on more

strategic projects

Top 3 concerns about smart technologies:

68%reduced human touch

in the workplace

60%loss of skilled


84%My company is excited to

increase investments in smart

technology this year.

40%increased costs to invest

in infrastructure


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

56%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

70%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

78%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

It will decrease the personalization

of the candidate experience and

negatively impact recruitment.

It will result in job

displacement/loss for

many workers.

72%candidate database


69%initial screening

of candidates

69%management of talent

engagement and communities

78%It will help make the

recruitment process

more efficient.


Talent Trends Quarterly

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

12%candidate database


12%tracking HR data

and metrics


of HR analytics

the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

78%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

58%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

84%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.

40Talent Trends Quarterly

the U.K.

Talent Trends Quarterly

What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

It will open up new

opportunities for

organizations like mine.

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

58%tracking HR data

and metrics


of HR analytics

45%initial screening

of candidates

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

39%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing

31%management of talent

engagement and communities

68%It will open up new

opportunities for talent.

28%initial screening

of candidates


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

66%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

64%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

76%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.

45%management of

new hire onboarding

41Talent Trends Quarterly

the U.S.

Talent Trends Quarterly

What does smart technology mean for your organization?

Top 4 tasks employers want mostly handled by automation:

Knowledge workers will

be freed up to do more

advanced work.

Human workers will be

more efficient, productive

and innovative.

60%candidate database


56%searching for

passive candidates

56%interview scheduling for

shortlisted candidates

Top 3 tasks employers want mostly handled by humans:

30%management of talent

engagement and communities

28%tracking HR data

and metrics

70%It will open up new

opportunities for talent.

26%candidate down-selection

via video interviewing


the recruitment cycleglobal HR tech trends benchmark my strategypractical tips trends by countrytrends by sector

72%are providing tools, guides and communications to enhance the candidate experience.

64%say AI and automation have a positive impact on their businesses.

66%say smart technologies will have the same or greater influence on their business this year.


of HR analytics

Talent Trends methodology.The 2018 Talent Trends study is a survey of 800 C-suite and human capital leaders across 17 countries, conducted by a third party on behalf of Randstad Sourceright. Online surveys are conducted via external panels. Interviews are self-administered and can be taken on any device (including mobile phones, tablets, desktops and laptops).

Survey samples include leaders at international and regional organizations in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, India, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S.

about Randstad Sourceright.Randstad Sourceright is a global talent solutions leader, driving the talent acquisition and human capital management strategies for the world’s most successful employers. We empower these companies by leveraging a Human Forward strategy that balances the use of innovative technologies with expert insights, supporting both organizations and people in realizing their true potential.

As an operating company of Randstad N.V.— a €23.3 billion global provider of HR services — Randstad Sourceright’s subject matter expertsand thought leaders around the world continuously build and evolve our solutions across recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), managed services programs (MSP) and integrated talent solutions.

Read more at www.randstadsourceright.com.

© Randstad Sourceright. 2018human forward.