taktik and strategy

Mungkin bisa membantu teman-teman dalam mengatur taktik dan strategi permainan. basically, ini ditulis untuk paintball games, tapi sangat bisa juga diterapkan di airsoftgun. Maaf yang gak bisa bahasa inggris, disini ga ada terjemahan bahasa indonesianya. Thanks ============================================================================== === Using Overwhelming Massive Force in Paintball Created by: Martin Guerrero (gmartin AT alumni .eecs.berkeley.edu) From the Bay Area Paintball Page ( http://alumni.eecs.berkeley.edu/~gmartin/paintball.html ) Created: 6-26-1999 Updated: 6-28-1999 You find yourself leading a team of recreational paintball players for the very first time. Initially you might set up a strategy where you divide your group into four squads. One squad to defend the base, and the other three to spread out and attack -- one squad to the left, one down the middle, and one to the right. You'd attack, get good position, knock out a few enemies, and retrieve the flag and return the flag safely all the while making sure that no opponent gets past your impenetrable skirmish line. Sounds like a good plan, right? Well, yes, potentially, it might work. But what if the opposing team puts an overwhelming number of paintball players on one side, and just obliterates that side. Because your skirmish line is trying its best to adhere to the line, you might not react fast enough. The opposing force skillfully maneuvers its overwhelming force squad and either obliterates the rest of your line, or positions itself for an attack on the flag. Your defense, lacking teamwork, massive concentrated force, and coordination is left helpless. Your team becomes the victims, rather than the attacker. You are reacting, rather than acting. You are on the path to losing the game. So what went wrong here? An evenly spread out skirmish line is an invitation to a breakthrough. One way to achieve the breakthrough is to use a coordinated attack using overwhelming massive force. However, the group must work together, and the leaders must have good vision to be able to move this massive force in any direction they wish.

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Page 1: taktik and strategy

Mungkin bisa membantu teman-teman dalam mengatur taktik dan strategi permainan.basically, ini ditulis untuk paintball games, tapi sangat bisa juga diterapkan di airsoftgun.Maaf yang gak bisa bahasa inggris, disini ga ada terjemahan bahasa indonesianya.


=================================================================================Using Overwhelming Massive Force in PaintballCreated by: Martin Guerrero (gmartin AT alumni .eecs.berkeley.edu) From the Bay Area Paintball Page ( http://alumni.eecs.berkeley.edu/~gmartin/paintball.html ) Created: 6-26-1999 Updated: 6-28-1999You find yourself leading a team of recreational paintball players for the very first time. Initially you might set up a strategy where you divide your group into four squads. One squad to defend the base, and the other three to spread out and attack -- one squad to the left, one down the middle, and one to the right. You'd attack, get good position, knock out a few enemies, and retrieve the flag and return the flag safely all the while making sure that no opponent gets past your impenetrable skirmish line.Sounds like a good plan, right?Well, yes, potentially, it might work. But what if the opposing team puts an overwhelming number of paintball players on one side, and just obliterates that side. Because your skirmish line is trying its best to adhere to the line, you might not react fast enough. The opposing force skillfully maneuvers its overwhelming force squad and either obliterates the rest of your line, or positions itself for an attack on the flag. Your defense, lacking teamwork, massive concentrated force, and coordination is left helpless. Your team becomes the victims, rather than the attacker. You are reacting, rather than acting. You are on the path to losing the game.So what went wrong here? An evenly spread out skirmish line is an invitation to a breakthrough. One way to achieve the breakthrough is to use a coordinated attack using overwhelming massive force. However, the group must work together, and the leaders must have good vision to be able to move this massive force in any direction they wish.

To achieve successful massive force attack you need:1. Good planningBefore the game starts, you might want to scout the field for potentially good obstacles, and find at least one good place to attack. Divide your squads efficiently, but not evenly. Perhaps you might combine two squads to become the overwhelming massive force you can use. You can use your force like a giant warhammer which can be sent to engage and destroy the opponent.Yes, this may leave other sections vulnerable to attack. However, with massive force, the opponent may be caught off-guard, and trying its best to react to you. It may allocate resources to try to defend your concentrated force. If any opponent gets through, your other forces will be the blockers, slowing them enough so that your warhammer group can get the job done.2. Teamwork, coordination, communication

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Simply putting people in an area, may not be enough. General paintball techniques like not putting two people behind a barricade should still be followed. People within the group should practice working together, using appropriate small scale tactics like advancing with the aid of cover fire and constant communication among members. Flanking techniques and other techniques to get a strategic advantage should be used.3. Good leadership/visionYou may need to leave a leader or two behind in the back. This person sees the whole field, and becomes the tactician of the group, directing people to plug in holes, help find opponents, and direct the entire group. People in the back can help give cover fire as well, helping teammates.

4. MobilityOne common mistake is becoming too static -- some people just stay behind one barricade, and just stay there. You get bogged down, and are unable to use your overwhelming force properly. You lose any advantage you may have had.Using overwhelming force properly requires mobility as well. The people in the massive force group should be able to change directions in a moments notice. Even within the group, a subsection of the force may need to remain mobile to get better positional advantage, such as a flanking the opposing force.In one game I played in, one of my teammates got the flag, and some of us supported him by pushing to the right. The opposing team, using its massive force well, went to our right as well. My teammate who had the flag did an interesting move by doing an end around all the way to the other side. Unfortunately for us, the opposing force saw our move, and directed their main massive group to go after our flagbearer.The opposing team did a good job by using massive force as a unit, with leadership able to guide the group to achieve their goals. They acted as one, and a paintball team which acts as one is an unstoppable team.

In conclusion, instead of setting evenly divided skirmish lines, consider using overwhelming massive force (OMF, or "oomph") to bear on an opponent. Getting a numerical and positional advantage on a section of the field will help give your team a strategic advantage. But of course, you still need good planning, teamwork, communication, coordination, good leadership, and mobility. A team which successfully incorporates these can be one unstoppable team.

NOTE: Comments are welcome. If anyone would like to write an article regarding countermeasures or alternate methods, please email me and let me know. I'd like to read it.Note from the Editor:Jean Manuel is a member of a paintball team in France. He posted lots of good articles on paintball on alt.sport.paintball and rec.sport.paintball. I liked his articles, and so I edited them here for others to enjoy. I have Jean Manuel's permission and he really likes what I've done to the articles. Unfortunately, I've lost track of him. Jean Manuel, if you are there, please email me so I can properly credit you with a proper email address.


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Created by: Jean-Manuel ([email protected]) Edited by: Martin Guerrero ([email protected])NOTE: [ ... ] will mark additional comments by editor.Introduction to the Tactics Series:I happen to write strategy articles in France. Well, posting something every day has two drawbacks: 1) I don't have enough time, and 2) it takes time to practice, to understand and to put into action something you read.Ok. There you go. I'll start with some tips:A. SAFETY1. Nothing is more important than safety: yours, the ref's, your team's, your opponent's, the spectator's. [2. REMEMBER: SAFETY ALWAYS COMES FIRST! ]B. EQUIPMENT1. You must know your marker, the common failures. It must work perfectly. Have some tools. 2. Check your marker before walking onto a field. 3. Check the screws during the game. 4. Keep your barrel clean and tight. 5. Know how many balls your hopper contains, how many shots you get from different bottles, the weight of your bottles when they are empty, and how much CO2 you can put in. 6. Use antifog lenses [if possible. If not, you may want to spray anti-fog material every so often]7. Use a stopwatch, look at it regularly.[ Paintball Guns:a) ALWAYS USE YOUR BARREL PLUG WHEN NOT PLAYING! b) First time with you paintball gun? Get acquainted with it. Ask the field owners how to use it, ask whether it is a pump gun, or a semi, ask players around you (or your friends or family), about the gun. c) Learn how to handle common problems:

Example:• PROBLEM: The Ball Doesn't Shoot Straight POTENTIAL SOLUTION: A ball may have broken in your hopper or in the gun. Use a squeegie to clean out the excess paint from your barrel (be careful when doing this! Safety first! Never look down the end of the barrel), or clean up your hopper. TIP:a) Bring a squeegie with you on the field. Accidents happen on the field and you will want to maximize your effectiveness.• PROBLEM: The Velocity won't go down even if I adjust it.POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Liquid C02 may be getting in your gun. Try shooting a few clearing shots with the gun upside down (so you don't waste ammunition). In general, try holding your gun in such a way that the liquid C02 will go back into the bottle.• PROBLEM: The Gun Doesn't Cock anymore POTENTIAL SOLUTION: Perhaps you are running out of air? Try getting more air.d) During a game, if you can't do anything about your equipment problem, DO NOT GIVE YOURSELF UP! You can still be a very useful force in the game. e) Bring the necessary tools to adjust velocity in your gun. f) Extra Barrel Plugs would be ideal

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Paintball Goggles:a) If you have a choice, try getting a thermal lens to prevent fogging. A thermal lens is essentially a double paned lens. b) You may also want to look at how much face protection the mask offers. c) Buy an antifog spray and use once every hour or so. If you wear glasses, don't forget to spray on them too. Its useless having very clear goggles but have your glasses fog up! d) You may also want to consider getting a small fan for the goggles to help them clear up.Guppies/Extra Paint Loaders:a) Close the lids VERY WELL. Make sure the Guppies are strapped securely. b) Make sure you fill each guppie all the way. If there is not enough paint, you will hear a jiggling sound when you run. Worse, you increase the chances of a ball breaking in the guppie. You DO NOT want to put "contaminated balls" (covered with paint from a broken ball) in your hopper as the accuracy of your shots will significantly go down. c) Don't position the guppies to the side of you. Even guppie hits count.]C. POSITIONING1. Choose obstacles that will protect you while allowing you to look around and to shoot back. Don't bury yourself somewhere. 2. Keep ready to move any moment. Don't stay in uncomfortable positions -- your limbs will get "sleepy". 3. Always look for a retreat route, and make sure it stays clear of opponents/ opponent paint. 4. Be a small target. Watch your marker, your legs, your hopper, your butts. 5. Stay in the shade, beware of [shadows] 6. Look around, even if you have to expose yourself to do so. Try to locate your opponents and your teammates. 7. Look by the side of things rather than over them, and move slowly: movement will catch the eyes of your opponents. 8. When you are in a hiding position, don't move. 9. When an opponent looks your way but doesn't seem to spot you, freeze. 10. When you attack, stay low. When you explore, stay high. 11. NEVER position two persons behind the same shelter. 12. NEVER immediately go to a spot where one of your teamates has just been shot. If you do have to take his job on, do it from a different shelter. 13. If you are in the center (between the side limits), don't be the farthest of your team -- you'd be shot by all of your opponents. 14. When you are behind a "solid" shelter (barricade, wall...), don't stay against it, but a little back, so you will be able to move out already aiming, instead of having to go out, and then aim. 15. Also, protect your legs. A good position is to sit with your legs against the barricade. [16. Choose a barricade which allows you the greatest field of fire. 17. When a ball barely misses you, MOVE! Don't give that person a second chance to aim again, and this time, get you. 18. Get Kneepads if you plan to be on your knees a lot.]D. MOVING1. Go from shelter to shelter. Always know which shelter you want to reach. 2. Move when the wind blows, it will be almost impossible for your opponents to hear you. 3. So, when the wind blows, keep your eyes opened for an opponent who knows that trick. 

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[4. When moving, try using teamwork, with teammates giving cover fire if necessary]E. INDIVIDUAL TECHNIQUES1. Point your barrel in the same direction you're looking in, so you are always ready to shoot. 2. Practice shooting while running. 3. Learn to shot both right and left handed. 4. When you shoot at a running opponent, shoot in front of him so he'll run into your paint. 5. When you are behind a shelter, don't shoot from the same place twice in a row. 6. Be calm, don't always shoot back when someone shoots at your shelter, but de ready for someone running at you. 7. Don't hesitate to shoot at an opponent you can't see, if it'll make him nervous or help a teammate. 8. Shoot at an opponent when a teammate is moving in on him, even if you know you won't eliminate him, so that opponent will rather look your way.F. BE A TRUSTWORTHY TEAMMATE1. Play with a teammate, in a group of two. (You call that "a buddy" I think?) 2. Never let your buddy down. If you move, tell him. 3. Be smart, but disciplined. Listen to (and ask) a teammate who has a good viewing position. Tell your teammates what you see! 4. Use a code. The main purpose of a code is not to keep your conversations secret, but to summarize long sentences in short words, and to state what has to be said, i.e what is important information. 5. Frequently look at your teammates, thay might have moved without telling you. 6. Never surrender, even if your marker is down. Stay, and pretend it works. You can also be used as a "goat". 7. After each game, review what you have learned, imagine all the things you could teach new players.G. THE RULES1. Know the rules by heart, you'll avoid penalty points [if applicable]. 2. Play fair, whatever the situation. Don't go around bragging when you win, don't complain when you lose. And never cheat. It kills the game, it kills the fun. If you rely on cheating to win, you'll never improve. And if you can't help cheating, give up paintball, please. [3. SPORTSMANSHIP]Closing Statement for Tactics 01:That's it for the first time. It isn't the most interesting part (in my opinion), but it is important. Anyway, I'll give you more precise tips of specific situations some other time. Next week I think.

Tactics II: "A Pair beats a Single Card"Created by: Jean-Manuel ([email protected]) Edited by: Martin Guerrero ([email protected])NOTE: [ ... ] will mark additional comments by editor.Introduction to Article:(* My purpose is not to give lessons about teamwork. I think that magazines already covered the subject. I know that most players don't belong to a team, and don't participate in competitions. But when they will, they'll need to know the basics, which is what i'm trying to get through to them. *)

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Only Rambo thinks he'll win alone. You won't. Especially if I'm standing in front of you, ah ah. You'll need help, and the best way to have it available is to have a buddy at hand. You don't like maths? You'll like this: 2 > 1 + 1Start working as a single group. Once you feel at ease wuth your buddy, you'll collaborate with other pairs, until you form a team. Right now, lets say it's only you (Bart) and you buddy (Ernest).A. MOVING1. CaterpillarYou have to move fast, the field is big and you don't know what's in front. One of you moves forward to a shelter, watches around, and signals the other that the path is clear. Lets say you're the one behind. Don't go behind the same shelter as your buddy! You'd make a bigger target. Stop 5 meters behind, take a quick look, and when you think you've check the surroundings enough, signal your buddy to move further.The faster method is to move past your teammate.In either case, don't move more than ten meters at a time, and always go behind a shelter. While moving, and when you arrive, stay low and still. The one behind is the one who must stand and keep ready to provide cover fire.2. LineBoth of you are almost at the same level. Actually, one of you will be closer to the tape, so he's only vulnerable on one side. The other, who's more to the center, should be somewhat behind (5-10 meters). The "tape man" looks mainly forward, his "wing man" has to take care of the center. But remember you want to move up the tape. Don't go to the center where you would be vulnerable from both sides.3. Crawler/CovererThe one up front is on his belly, crawling. He doesn't see much of the field, but hopefully, he's not being seen either. He needs someone to "be his eyes". So his buddy is behind him, way behind (20 meters), standing, walking slowly and from cover to cover, sometimes shooting a few paintballs at a bush that might be sheltering an opponent. The "coverer" wants the opponents to look at HIM, and to forget about the crawler. In case of a paintfight, the crawler will hear a lot but still won't see much. So he'll need the coverer to tell him "11 hours, 10 meters, behind a palm tree".Which also means that, when you see someone far away, coming at you, standing, shooting lots of paint, beware of crawlers!4. Goat and hunterWe used that tactic four years ago, in a 5 man tournament. On one game, we had two guns down, including mine. So I'd run in front of a more stealthy teammate. When I got shot at (and missed), I'd drop and pretend that I was dangerous. My teammate could move sideways and remove the opponent.So don't surrender, even if you're out of paint/CO2/gun/girlfriend.

B. SKIRMISH1. He's home aloneOk. You were moving forward, you fell upon a guy whose intentions seem unfriendly. If he's alone, with no help close, dispose of him fast. One of you "sticks" him, the other moves sideway to get a better angle.O (O opponent)== (X you and your buddy). ( . paintballs)

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. / (/ move)

. /

. /

. XX

Another solution is to run at the opponent inside his "dead spot":0==. ^. |. |. |. --XXOnce you've shot him, don't immediately go further than your opponent's shelter, drop behind. There might be another opponent around.2. They're a pair as wellThe most common mistake is "you take care of one, I take care of mine". It's easy to understand that 2 against 1 will normally win, but who can tell the outcome of 2 "one against one"?Quickly decide which one you want to nail. You don't have to deliberate: look who's your buddy shooting at, protect yourself from the other's paint, and soon enough, you should be in a 2 against 1 situation. Be move, be aggressive. YOU are the hunters. Les the others feel like rabbits.a) Simple fire power0 0 . <-this one is in trouble== . ==. and shouldn't be able. . to last long. .. .. .. .== ==.X X*splotch he's out* next move will be something like:0 . ..==. .. ==. ... ... X. |. |==. == |X /b) Confusing move0 0

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== ==. .. .. .. .. X== == /\ X /\ /----------------c) When dealing with barricades and two right-handed opponentsRight handed players tend to shoot by to right side of their barricade (your left). If they are within easy running range, look at what you can do:(D) (C)O O.=== .===. .. .. .. .. .=== ===X X(A) (B)When both (D) and (C) are shooting at (A), neither can see (B), who can try a run to (C). It has worked dozens of times.Closing Remarks:Remember, you must be aware of whats going on. If you dive and keep your head down each time some washable paint is flying at you, you'll never be the dangerous hunter you'd like to be. Stay calm, keep your thoughts clear. You're at least as dangerous as your opponent, so don't be afraid of him. Feel like a pro, you'll act like one. Do unpredictable things, keep the edge. If you lose it, if you're the one who's being pinned down, try to regain it. Aim at your opponent through your shelter, move your marker out and shoot. If this doesn't work, try from a different place. And once you have your opponent face to the ground, don't let him raise his head. Get him.

Tactics III: "The Art of Defense"Created by: Jean-Manuel ([email protected]) Edited by: Martin Guerrero ([email protected])NOTE: [ ... ] will mark additional comments by editor.Introduction to Article:There's a lot to say about the art of defense. There are many individual techniques, as well as team tactics. So this could be part I of a long series, if I ever find the energy to write the other chapters...Anyway, this should cover basics, and give beginners a good idea of what defending really is.

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About DefenseDefending is very difficult. However, many beginners think defending is easy -- they think it is their best chance against more experienced players. But "digging in" is not the way to victory. The first casualty of such an attitude is your state of mind. "They are better than us! We can only hope to hang on..." How right!I am telling you that defending is NOT easier then attacking, it requires other techniques, and it shouldn't be what ALL of your team is doing ALL game long: all of you for some time, or some of you all the time, but never all of you all the time.case 1: Some players defend, hold their positions while the rest of theteam attacks (tries to attack) on the other side.case 2a:all the team (what is left) has to defend because the enemyhas more surviving players than your teams. This happens.case 2b: You're actually waiting to counter-push, and you're not reallydefending.I. Waiting for a counter pushWhen you'll reach a certain level, and maybe certain fame, on local tournaments, you'll see that teams in front of you will tend to "defend", i.e "dig in", find obstacles and wait for you. Good! Exactly what you want: knowing exactly where each of your opponents are, (ten meters away from their station) and that whatever happens, they won't move. Back up a bit, shift some of your players (you can even forget about one side: THEY WON'T MOVE.) and hit where it hurts. Wooof. Easy max.Choosing to wait doesn't mean you don't want to go far on the whistle. You do. When you walked the field (if you didn't, go do it and then come back) you found places where you were protected enough, while still having good angles at "them". You found some others, maybe better, but a bit further. You decide not to take the risk. That's the difference between attacking and not attacking. In that case, waiting, "defending", is just going where you can be effective, but not taking the risks needed for an early advantage.Place your teammate in a way each one can be protected by the other. If one of you is out of sight, he won't last long because you won't be able to help him, even if he is in a castle complete with towers and dragon. Usually, two or three places/angles are very important. Put a player in each, then make sure the aliens from outertown won't get them easily. Place a second row of defenders, and keep one or two to drift behind, ready to reinforce a weakening side or to kick a push.II. BlockingYou're the newest on the team? Maybe a little overweight? No offense, but that makes you the typical blocker of most teams. Your job is to guard one wing while your slim teamates run and attack on the other side. Your orders? "None shall pass". It's you and your buddy, and you have to stand against 4 or 5 hairy ghosts who have decided it wasn't going to be your day.Ok. You don't stop them. Well, if you do, bravo. But actually, you just have to slow them down long enough for your teamates to break through. Immediately sounds easier, doesn't it?You already know what the worst mistake would be: to stay where you are. Look at what your opponents would like to do -and don't do it. They want to know where you are, and how many of you there is.So move, don't spend all your time behind the same shelter. Shoot from one place, then crawl to another while they are still shooting where they think you are. Hopefully, when you raise your head again, you'll be able to shoot from an unexpected angle.

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There will be a lot of pressure on you, loads of paint coming at you. Don't panic. While they empty their loaders, they don't do anything dangerous for you. Stay calm, and watch for crawlers or such. Don't let them feel at ease, so be unpredictable and they won't dare to advance.If you're behind a barricade in an open space, with no opportunity to move away, you can still be unpredictable. Shoot from the right, then from the left, then from the left again but at a lower level. And if all of a sudden, many guns start shooting at you, it is probably to prevent you from seeing the guy who's running at you, so be prepared. Stick your head out a split second to check if someone is truely coming at you and get ready to pop out and nail him when he'll be 5 meters away, while he'll still be running and not yet aiming. Pop out, shoot, drop down close to your barricade. Scratch one bogey.III. Some vicious ambushesWhen you're blocking, you are more or less guarding a border. When you set a trap, you want your opponents to come at you, and sometimes even to go further. You're not the prey defending itself, you're the hunter! In a certain way, you are attacking with a more "guerilla" style, weakening your adversaries push.III-A The bait and the hookThis works on wide fields with some cover. Place a bait far from your opponents. Have him look foolish and defenseless. Have him look tasty. The opponents will come in for an easy shoot, and that's where you hook them.----------------------O1 O2 The opponents are still far away. when the bait (B) starts shooting. . and attracting their attention.. . They'll think there's nooneH . . between B and them. The hook. . (H ,B's teamate) remains hidden,. . and waits. He must not be on the. . way between B and the Os,. or he'd get walked upon!B----------------------The opponents move in on B,slobbering, but ignoring H andthus leaving their side openned.. . . . . O1 O2 H has a clear shot at O1. Splatch.H Which leaves O2 in dire straits:he's caught between twodifferent angles, and shouldn'tlast more than 5 seconds.At least, that's the plan...B----------------------III-B The bait and the hook - phony retreat styleSame thing, but you'll need some good hiding places for the hook(s). Here, the bait starts differently, and the hook(s) may be located between the bait and the opponents.----------------------O O O The bait (at least one, abviously,

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but no more than 2) has gone a lotfurther than in the first exampleWhich means the field must belong enough. Foolishly, he startsB shooting at the Os. Very soon,he'll look like he's not going to beable to stay long. The hooks (oneH H might be enough, depends on thenumber of players on each team)stay low and hidden. Theopponents must get the feeling---------------------- that the Bs are the onlyopposition they're meeting.Youwant them to feel confident.

----------------------The bait looks afraid, he fallsback there's the trick- behindthe hooks. Very confident,running at that prey who showsthem its back, the Os rush in.Exactly what you wanted them todo. They'll be running in the openor stand behind sheltersprotecting them from B's paint,but not from the shots of theO O O H's. And B will also turn aroundto participate in the feast.H H Maybe you won't eliminate all ofthem, but you'll hurt them bad,B and stop them on YOUR ground.----------------------III-C The bait and the hook - zombie styleMost of the time, this "ambush" is not something you have prepared. The opportunity just appears, often when you're losing ground and the game looks rather messy.I won't "draw" any scheme for that one. It looks like the "phony retreat" one, but the hook (usually only one) remains hidden, hoping that the Os will pass by him unawared. When he'll be in their back, he'll decide wether he wants to stab them in the back, or go on the other side of the field or whatever.One tip: very often, when a team is finishing off their opponents and circling their station, they forget to look in the corners:! | because everything went so quickly! | they're not sure how many of you are! | left and they usually think that the! | last of you must be near to your! | station, trying to defend it, and they! \ want to participate in the elimination.! \ Happens all the time.

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! Z ------> O-------------------III-D DoubleRemember I told you "NEVER two of you behind the same shelter"? Well, do it for once. But one of you remains hidden. When his buddy will eventually be eliminated, the opponents will think that shelter is clear, and might even want to use it!But it means that until his teamate's suit changes colors, one of you will remain inactive, possibly for a long period of time, which is rarely good.Closing comments:Ok. That's the end of part 3. Eventually, we'll deal with teamwork and how to improve your chances of winning a tournament.But I ask myself a question (and BTW, I ask YOU the same question). Not everyone wants to go into competition. So, should I go on giving advice for people who don't play in a team, let's call them regular walk ons, or should I start writing about competition?I'll count the anwsers and reacty accordingly.The news server in France are closed at the moment, so mail your wishes at [email protected] luck, and whatever happens, part 4 should arrive next week.

Tactics IV: Beginner's Most Common MistakesCreated by: Jean-Manuel ([email protected]) Edited by: Martin Guerrero ([email protected])NOTE: [ ... ] will mark additional comments by editor.Introduction to Article:Back after a week on a tournament. Very few beginners there, but there are a lot around the world. How do you know one when you see one? Look into this...Beginner's most common mistakesA. Wrong positionsA beginners first concern is usually to protect themselves rather than being a threat to their opponents. They choose the thickest bush or the deepest hole available and settle down right in the middle of it. They don't see anything and are unable to provide information or cover fire. But they think they're in a great ambush position.Those who go further go too far and have to dive behind a tree which roots they decide to closely examine. They don't even shoot back to improve their situation, nor ask for help. And when hit, they'll wait for the incoming paint to stop pouring before they stand up and walk away, which means they'll get out wearing two or three layers of bright colors.Choose your first shelter before the game starts. A good shelter is one that will provide you with reasonable cover, while allowing you to look and shoot around. So you must be within range of your opponents, but not too close so you can still move behind your tree/barricade. If the shelter you're behind is so small that you can't stick your head out, make sure you'll have a teammate behind you to pin down your opponents at times, so you'll have openings.B. They can't lookUsually, if you see your opponent before he spots you, you've won. But beginners think that if they stick their head out, they'll be an easy target. So they never look around. Those who decide to use their eyes focus them in one single direction. To concentrate on such a wide area, they close their ears to all noises, especially those coming from their sides.Don't be afraid to look around. You need as much information as you can get. Of course your head will be a target, so look by the side of your barricade rather than above the top of it. If

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you decide to look above the top, don't do it for more than one or two seconds. It'll take that long for your opponents to: 1-spot you, 2-aim at you, 3-shoot at you and have the paint travel.C. They Don't Move!They don't move enough. If you're not useful where you are, don't stay there. For instance, deciding to stay behind to "protect" your base is ALWAYS a mistake: if the rest of your team breaks through, it means they would have done better with you among them and anyway, there are no opponents left to protect your station against. If the rest of your teams gets beaten, it means they'd have done better with you among them, and when your opponents arrive to your base, boy will you feel alone... Another example. Look at a newbie who's being shot at. He's trying to make himself as flat as possible. As flat and useless as a flat tire.When you're in a position where you are easily pinned down, with no close help at hand, there are only three things you should think of doing:• Going away as fast as possible• shooting back• Yelling for help and indicating your opponent's location. Yell, if they're shooting at you, it means they've spotted you, so don't be affraid to give your position away.Another wrong -or lack of- move. When a beginner spots you, he focuses on you and become blind and deaf to anything else. Most of the time, he won't even imagine that you, sly as you are, have moved to a place where you'll shoot from a different angle.When you are spotted (when you shoot at someone, you usually are), be prepared to move so your opponent won't know aither where you are nor from where your next shot will come.D. Not enough Communication!Beginners very seldom talk too much. Most of the time, a beginner who talks is a) drunk b) in the dead zone. A beginner keeps his problems to himself (he doesn't ask for help when needed) and doesn't brag about his knowledge (he doesn't tell you about the opponents he's spotted).The only good reason to be quiet is to remain stealthy. But once you're spotted, there's no reason not to yell, scream. You'll get the help you need, and give your teamates the information they need to kick in. Only exception: be careful when asking for paint, unless it's in your face you want it.E. They don't shootUsually, beginners are very accurate and seldom miss a player who's 10 feet away, aspecially if he is on the same team (told you, they can't look). They imagin that a marker is a gun, and try to nail targets 100 yards away (thus giving away their position). They shoot too soon, and at averything that moves. The opponent who doesn't shoot (yet) will know where to find them (they never move), and will pick them out when wanted.If you haven't been spotted, your first shot must take your target out. Wait until the flight path is clear, or until the opponent sees you. Be patient, especially when you're defending.The price of paint being what it is, they think that a ball that doesn't end on an opponent's camouflage is lost, so they never provide cover or intimidating fire.Sometimes, you have to shoot at opponents you can't see. To help a teamate out of a dear situation, to make an opponent nervous behind his tree, to keep his head down while one of your teamates is closing in on him, to make noise to distract their attention... In my team, we all share the cost of paint because we know that our front players (who use less paint) can only play if someone behind them throws paint, but you need a team to do so.ConclusionBeginners make such mistakes because they're afraid of paint. So remember: it's just a

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game. There are no "kills". There's always another game. I don't like to talk about me, but you know, I was voted 10th best french player, but on a normal tournament's day, I get eliminated three games out of four (I'm one of those players who's supposed to run very far on the whistle to reach that virtual reality barricade...).Feel dangerous. You have a marker, you have paint and gas? You ARE dangerous. Experiment, try new moves, increase your experience. Try out the moves that have "panache", that are fun. Your play paintball to have fun, don't you?

Tactics V: Winning on your First Day OutCreated by: Jean-Manuel ([email protected]) Edited by: Martin Guerrero ([email protected])NOTE: [ ... ] will mark additional comments by editor.Introduction to Article:So you've done it. You've listened to the advice of so-called friends and here you are, looking forward to the first game and not quite at ease, wearing the same pro grin you had when your mother was running after the schoolbus with your scarf and bonnet. Cheer up, with your first game, you might as well win it.How to Win on your first day outA. Get aquainted with the markerI won't deal with safety matters nor with how different markers work. Listen carefully to what the site managers will tell you. But if they don't explain to you how to use the marker, if they don't tell you never to remove your goggles even and especially when you're hit or you have fog on them, turn around, go away and never come back on this field, it is ran by clowns. [Remember to use your barrel plugs as well!]Now you have a marker and feel an urge for shooting some paint. Be patient. It's a wild horse and you need to know it before the ride. Check the inside of the barrel, it must be clean and dry, otherwise your paintballs will fly like superman after too many whiskies. [NEVER look down the barrel of a gun, unless the barrel has been removed or unless you have removed the C02 source. If it is dirty, borrow a squeegie to help clean out the barrel.]If the marker is a pump gun, try out the pump a few times so you'll know the strength require to cock it. Pull the pump all the way back, push the pump all the way forward, and shoot. Don't try to shoot too fast, the ball won't have enough to drop into the barrel, or the marker won't cock well.Shoot a few rounds to different targets to check out the how the paint flies, to see how fast it dives and which parts of the marker you should look at to aim. Don't hold the marker as if it were a unit. Let the tank rest against your soulder. [if it is a bottom line setup.]

B. Walk the fieldYou don't need to sketch a map, nor to have a satellite take a picture of the surroundings. Look where the stations are, and where the central line is. The central line is the place where the opposing teams will most probably meet, the farthest you can run on the whistle before looking like an ice cream cone. Check the main shelters such as big rocks, big trees, barricades, ditches and rigs, and crawlers paths. This will give you an idea of where to look for hostile aliens from outertown.A good shelter is not a underground bunker complete with cushions and stereo. It must protect you from your opponent's paint while allowing you to look around. Because if your main concern is only to stay clean, you might as well stay in the club house listening to heavy bubble gum music on your radio.

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Look for a series of shelters that will allow you to move forward. You are going to move forward, aren't you?C. Be friendlyYou came on your own and know nobody. Trouble is, you won't win the game by yourself. You need teamates, you want teamwork. Go and talk to the other players. Ask them if they've already played, if they know each other, if they know where they are going to on the whistle, where do they come from, what are we here for and what is the meaning of all this. Ask them if they've split into sub-groups and about what they want to do. Then try to fit in.If they have no plan nor organization, try to spot who has come with who, and assign each group to a portion of the field. [with an objective?] "Would you like to go on the right side, all four of you? Great. Tom and Jerry, do you want to go behing those big rocks and watch the center? Perfect. You'll be protecting the four musketeers left side then, remember to tell them about anything you see. And you, do you mind if I join in? Thanks, we'll go on the left side. You two more to the center, and me and you by the tape. What's your name? Cindy? Nice, same as my goldfish. Ok Cindy, we stick together..."That's it. It didn't look like you were, but you gave orders and set up a structure that is not perfect, but way better than the messy bunch you'd have been without. Everyone knows where to go, what to do, and thus feels more confident. Easy, isn't it?

D. Switch to stealth/dangerous modeNow you've organized the team, Cindy's looking at you starting to find you attractive, show yourself trustworthy. You're a cold blooded gremlin remover. When moving, novices make two common mistakes. First one is going behind a shelter and staying there for the rest of the game, sometimes the end of the day when they're deaf. Second one is walking at a steady pace, never stopping but to frantically shooting distant opponents, but besides from creating new breeds of colorful birds, the results of such shooting are otherwise very limited.To move properly, you must go from shelter to shelter. Go to the one you spotted before the beginning of the game. Look around, try to see where the closest opponents are. If you don't see any, look for another shelter further along, rush behind it, and start looking around again. See, you don't move and look at the same time. You look, move, look again, move again. If you do both at the same time, chances are you'll imprint the shape of your ear on an innocent tree that wasn't fast enough to get out of your way.Within a group, there must always be at least someone looking around. Don't switch off altogether your anti-hostile radars. The first shot would take you by surprise, changing your pack of hounds into a bunch of fleeing chickens. Those of you who are in front look around, then signal to the others they can move on. By the way, they musn't come behind the same shelters. You'd make a bigger target while still covering the same angles.This technique is very easy to learn, and very efficient.E. Don't play lonewolfTry to find the balance between your hunting instinct and the uncomfortable feeling of smelling like fresh ham. Feel at ease, Cindy's by your side, and so are Tom and Jerry. You know the principle: "concentrate your forces". Move or have your wingmen move if you are too close or too far from them. If you are going to crawl and won't be able to answer their calls, let them know. And when you meet a prey, share it! Give information about spotted opponents, eliminated teamates or gremlins.You spot an alien? Let your teamates know about it, and organize the removal. It doesn't mean you have to sit down and deliberate for hours about the best way to do it neatly. It comes very easily. You spot a lone rabbit, some of you pin him down, the others move

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sideways to get better shooting angles, or if he's really isolated, rush to his shelter and nail him at close range. Look at your teamates through the whole process, so you'll be able to signal them to provide cover fire or to shift or to charge.If you stumble upon more than one sprite at a time, don't focus each of you on each of them. It will be like that at the beginning, but what you should do fast is determine which one is the easiest target (or the most threatening -- you want to eliminate them first), protect yourselves from his teammates shots, maybe leave one of you to entertain them, and concentrate on the former. You have better chances of winning three 3 on 1s than the same number of 1 on 1s.Concentrate your forces!F. Stay calmThere you are. Some careless ignorants are begging you to change their outfit's color. Don't miss your move.You'll be surprised to see how many of their first shots will miss their targets. You make them nervous (yes, they think that poor you is intimidating) and they'll fire back in panic. Don't make the same mistake. Aim each of your shots, for at least half a second. Remember to be precise if you use a pump gun. Pull, push, aim, shoot, pull, push, aim, shoot... Don't try to go faster than you pronounce the words. Believe me, the first opponent who'll see you will miss you because he'll try to empty his loader in the same burst. But if you take the time to aim, he have to lower his head, or to clean it.If you shoot from behind a shelter, very well. But if you took the risk to stand (and sometimes you should), please realize how provoking you look to the primitive barbarians ahead. Pretty soon, let's say in less than 3 seconds, they are going to react and shoot at you. Don't try to impersonate the invincible hero. Get down again and keep on asking for information.If you get pinned down and the opponents are redecorating the right side of your barricade, aim at them through your shelter, then keeping your barrel in their direction, stick it out and start firing, then throw a quick look. Nine times out of ten, your opponent will have put his head and marker back behind his shelter. I know it's surprising, but that's the way it goes.If you're the one whose head is out, you have the advantage. So if an opponent uses the technique I just described, stay out. Lucky shots happen, but they are rare. Aim at your opponent's marker/hopper/head, and calmly dispose of him.

Closing Remarks:Be organized, be calm, feel confident. You're dangerous. You're a serial painter, a natural born paintballer, a pump fiction hero. Just remember to be humble enough to acknowledge and analyze your mistakes.

Tactics VI: Building a TeamCreated by: Jean-Manuel ([email protected]) Edited by: Martin Guerrero ([email protected])NOTE: [ ... ] will mark additional comments by editor.Introduction to Article:First of all, don't try to do complicated things. Forget what you might have read from people such as Bob Long and the like. I'm not telling you they're wrong, but if you want to learn how to fly a plane, you start with a simple one, not with a F-15. Stick to the basics.So what are the basics? USE your TEAM.

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I. BUILD THE TEAMYou need a team. I assume you already have the players, but a bunch of players isn't a team. Teamwork requires a lot of experience, so don't be upset if at the beginning, you experience troubles in communication and/or coordination. It'll come when everyone knows his job and teammates.Anyway, the 5-man format requires less teamwork than the 7 or 10 man ones. It's common knowledge. BUT, you'll be better off if you do have a team structure. The simplest one is:• 1 player at the back. The idea is: the closest to the front you are, the more paint you take, the lower profile you have to have, the less you see. But since you need to keep informed of what's going on, you need a player who will observe, standing up, somewhere behind. This player will be able to move, and will relay information from one wing to the other. Since he will have to make decisions such as shifts or pushes, he usually is the "tactician" of the group.• 2 subgroups of 2 players. In each subgroup, there will usually be a player further than the other (usually the fastest one), who will protect him. The way they work will depend of the field.SO: discuss with your players, try to find out which one would be the best "back", who would be the best "middle" and "front" players, and who likes to play with who. Your players must feel comfortable with their task.

II. USE YOUR TEAMIf you don't know where to go, nor what to do once you've reached your positions, you won't feel at ease and you won't play well. You need a plan, but to design a plan, you need to know the field, and who will fit best in which position.A. Walk the fieldHow to walk a field is very difficult to describe. Here are some simple steps (each one lasts 5 minutes):• "Free walking": each player walks around on the field to get a general idea, and spots the main features (width, length, shelters, "paths", etc.)• Running: you want to know where the "real center" of the field is, where's what we call "the line of first contact" -- the farthest you can go on the break.• Choose a plan: now you know (roughly) where your opponents will be because you know the features of the field, you should see by now where their weakness will be. Your plan must be very simple:o decide where you are going to push. Usually on one side, seldom through the center (when the center is thick or offers good cover).o logically, if you push on one side, you defend on the other.• "Individual walking": now you know who's going where. Your best attackers go where you are going to push. Send each subgroup to their area, and let them chose their first shelters, and where they will go if the push goes well or if they have to fall back.• "mayday resort": before you walk another field, gather your team around the flag station, and quickly decide where to go to if you have to fall deep back. And ask your team about which side they prefer, so you'll know what to say if you win the toss.B. Work on your morale - watch your attitudeWhatever the level you compete, try to have a professional attitude. If you start yelling and arguing each time you're upset, you won't be able to concentrate on the game nor to analyze your mistakes. Eventually, this will lead to straight losses.NEVER GET UPSET.

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Having troubles with your equipment is very upsetting. So take care of it, review it beforehand, have some tools and some spares available, even try to have a spare marker that you will carry with you to the chrono station in case anything goes wrong.Arguing is very upsetting. The golden rule is: only your captain may discuss with the refs. If you think there was a problem on the game, tell your captain, and don't speak unless asked to by the refs or by your captain.Never argue with one of your teamates. If you want to compliment him, go ahead. But if you think he didn't play well, tell your captain.The problems of your team are your team's concern. No one else should even know about them.If someone played well, tell him. Work his morale up. Build a friendly atmosphere among your team.Closing Comments:Actually, you should now read "Tactics 02" , I'm NOT going to write it here all over

again One last thing: make sure none of you cheats. If you wipe, you will win some games you shouldn't have, and you will even forget that you did so because of your cheating. You won't improve, you won't make friends.And remember: to win, you don't have to be good, you only need to be better than your opponents.

Tips/Tactics• PLAY! • Play more aggressive. (With movement and conservative firing, no stupid shots.) • Advancing without signalling where you are by firing. (Works well in woods.) • Moving to get a better angle. • Do not tunnel vision. (Keep your eyes moving, do not stare at one place for long.) • Spend time at the target range. (Make your shots count!) • The best players use the least paint. • Shoot from different positions: Kneeling, lying down, standing, etc. • Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork! • Don't be intimidated by others. • Play with confidence. • Be aware of how much body (knees, eblows, etc.) you have sticking out of your cover. They make nice targets. • When the game starts, sprint to a good position. • Move in a train position with a friend. Using less ammo but getting your enemy surrounded and ready to run out in front of you. You can shott off about 3 rounds per tree while your partner moves forward. Keep the same rotation until your enemy is easily beaten • Be patient when "hunting" an enemy, wait for the perfect shot

Speedball Tips - Paintball Tactics and Tricks

With the exponential rise of speedball's popularity in the paintball world, more and more players are trying to master this form of paintball. In this high paced game, players start out usually within shooting distance of each other, and attempt to advance up the field, usually

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to capture a flag and hang it in a set location. I, personally, have been playing speedball since my first game in early January of 2001. Thoughout the past year, I have been honing my speedball skills and playing regularly on a tournament paintball team.I find it somewhat difficult to concentrate well in a speedball game when so many paintballs are whizzing right by me, so I try to follow a few important guidelines when I play.

General Guidelines

• Tip: Keep moving. A good speedball player should always be moving from bunker to bunker, especially when the opposing team does not have a clear view of you doing so.

Explanation: The primary objective of this technique is to attempt to trick the opposing players. If someone thinks that you are still in "bunker A", they will keep an eye out at "bunker A", and try to keep the player that he thinks is there. However, if you are at "bunker B", you know your opponent's location, but the opponent has no idea where you are. While the opponent is attempting to keep an eye or fire upon "bunker A", you can easily attempt to eliminate him without him shooting back at you (until he finds out where you are, that is).

• Tip: Communicate with your teammates. Communication is one of the key and probably the most important factors in speedball. Always talk to your teammates. Your teammates should be extra eyes for you, so you can get a better understanding of what is happening on the field.

Explanation: Teammates must always communicate to be successful in a game of speedball. Eliminations of opposing team members or your team members will affect you. Ask which players are being eliminated, and make sure to alert your team when a fellow player or an opposing player has been eliminated. If an opposing player in front of you has been eliminated and you do not know of it, you may not advance to a better bunker, that you normally would move to if it were safe. If your teammate who is guarding your right flank is eliminated, and you do not know it, the opposing team may move down that flank without your knowledge and easily eliminate you. By knowing where all the opposing players are located on the field, you can avoid being shot unexpectedly, and know where you can advance to gain a better position on the field.

• Tip: Stay in one bunker, and do not go out into the open for long periods of time. One of the key concepts of speedball is the presence of bunkers, which hide the player's body from being shot. Use bunkers at your advantage, and stay at one or another. Going out into the open for a long period of time is one of the worst things a speedball player can do. Speedball is a fast paced game, and unlike in a dense forest, it will be easy for the opposing team to spot and tag you.

Explanation: This one is pretty self-explanatory if you have ever witnessed or taken part in a game of speedball. The only times you want to stay out in the open is when you are moving between different bunkers. Although I advise to usually stay in bunkers, do not be afraid to run to other bunkers. Many new players are afraid to move from bunker to bunker. The chances are, when you are running to a bunker, you most likely will not be hit, contrary to how it may look. When you do move from bunker to bunker, however, I would highly recommend running or if moving up, possibly crouching and slowly walking forward. Have

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your team practice covering each other and learn to make your way down the field in coordinated steps.

• Tip: Try not to develop tunnel vision. Tunnel vision is a state where you only comprehend what's happening in a certain place that you're focused on. If you develop tunnel vision, you will only a small portion of the field and not be aware of what is happening around you. Make sure you don't only focus on a certain opponent's bunker or objective, or you may find yourself being eliminated out of nowhere.

Explanation: Many new players develop tunnel vision and it is something that is not easily avoidable. You must always make an attempt to recognize activities going around you on the field, and not just on activities happening in a certain area. After playing more speedball, it will be easier to keep yourself from getting tunnel vision and having a larger recognition of what exactly is happening around you. However, do not mistake having an objective as having tunnel vision. There is nothing wrong with having a small battle with an opponent two bunkers ahead of you as long as you recognize your surroundings and other opposing players.

Other Small Tips• Do not wipe paint if you get hit, you won't become any better at the game.• Play hard and never loose motivation. If the odds are against you, try your best and you may prevail.• Practice snap shooting (popping out of your bunker for a small amount of time, shooting some paint at your target, and quickly going back into your bunker).• Watch your flank and look for any openings in the opposing team's flanks. If you can get into the opponent's flank, you will probably be successful in eliminating a few of them by surprise.• Try to play better teams and players than you, it's a great way to hone your own skills. • Have fun, don't cheat, and play safely!

Mau share dikit aja doktrin tempur-nya Modern US Army, walaupun lebih pas dipraktekkan di

milsim.. tapi gak ada salahnya deh untuk diketahui  . Ditampilkan sesuai urutan logisnya, dan merupakan proses yang dijalani:

- See First = pertama melihat (musuh)- Know First = pertama mengerti (itikad musuh)- Act First = pertama bertindak (terhadap musuh)- Finish Decisively = habisin musuh tanpa tanggung2

See First :Usahakan jadi pihak yang pertama melihat lawan. Artinya apa, kuasai cara/metode untuk recon dan observasi terhadap medan maupun kekuatan lawan. Praktekkan dengan sempurna. Sebaliknya, do your best supaya lawan nggak bisa melihat kita, caranya : bisa dengan cover, concealment, atau mungkin dengan gerakan tipuan atau decoy (sehingga perhatian lawan teralihkan dari main force kita -- sekedar contoh).

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Know First:"Melihat duluan" harus bisa dikonversi jadi "paham duluan". Dari hasil recon atau observasi, selanjutnya kita harus paham apa sih yang lagi dilakukan atau direncanakan oleh lawan? Kalau kita paham, baru kita bisa tentukan aksi apa yang harus kita siapin / jalanin. Know First bisa dianalogikan dengan pernyataan : "oooh, ngerti sekarang gw kondisi lawan.. mereka masih banyak pada kumpul di lokasi briefing, jauh dari objective... so kita mesti gerak lebih dulu nich dari lawan.." atau mungkin "wah sompret, semua titik dah dijagain lawan, coba kita pastiin titik mana yang paling lemah untuk diserbu duluan".. dll..

Act First:Percuma aja "paham" tapi tidak "mempraktekkan"... ibarat NATO (No Action Talk

Only)..hehe gak nyambung yach Maka berangkat dari pengetahuan di atas, jadilah pihak pertama yang mengambil inisiatif. "Bentuk"lah medan "pertempuran" sesuai dengan kemauan dan kebutuhan kubu kita; kondisi lawan, medan dan cuaca. Jadikan lawan sebagai pihak yang dipancing "bereaksi" atas "aksi" kita. Maksimalin efek kejutan (suprise effect).

Finish Decisively:Jangan tanggung2 dalam beraksi. Kalau ada kesempatan untuk menghabisi satu kompi lawan, segera habisin. Jangan biarkan lawan kabur atau konsolidasi untuk counterattack. Jangan puas dengan kemenangan sesaat, incarlah kemenangan besar.. (well, mungkin jangan terlalu semangat "MENANG" dan "KALAH" ya, intinya lebih ke keberhasilan misi kita aja.. dan misi2 selanjutnya yang harus di follow up).

tentang serangan balik yang jadi bumerang, memang ada satu cara berpikir yang mungkin bisa dipegang (..dari US Army atau USMC juga) :ATTACK and DEFEND is NEVER SEPARATED.

1. ATTACK : dalam tiap pergerakan ofensif, at least kita mesti mampu memelihara kekuatan sendiri (preserve / defend our force). jangan biarkan pasukan kita "musnah" sia-sia, kecuali dalam rangka menyelesaikan misi utama. 2. DEFEND : dalam aksi bertahan, upayakan memelihara kemampuan untuk melakukan serangan balasan (counterattack). khususnya pada saat serangan lawan ke kubu kita gagal; inilah pertanda bahwa inisiatif lawan mulai kocar kacir. kesempatan yang bagus untuk mengeliminir pasukan lawan secara decisive.

mungkin dalam case skirmishnya pak sogo, tim A / republik kalah strategi (karena belum tahu, atau faktor lain).. tapi lain halnya kalau tim A sama2 punya pengetahuan strategi / doktrin yang sama dengan tim B. kalau begini adanya, ya pasukan yang lebih lincah dan cerdaslah yang punya keuntungan. tapi pertarungan dalam kondisi ini, bisa juga seperti pertarungan dua pegulat (=wrestler), dimana dua2nya berusaha cari titik lemah dan mengunci lawannya. bukan mustahil, tapi mungkin takes time dan butuh kreativitas serta ketangguhan mental