taking on steve jobs

Taking on Steve Jobs: 3... 2... 1... Action. OK you've heard it all before, innovation is new, marketing is selling, blah blah blah. How inspiring. Not. So if I told you that thinking new and being creative wasn't all a blessing, God's gift, that you had to be born creative. Well I guess this could be partially true, some of us just found that as a child LEGO was our favourite toy and that playing video games was a thing that only nerdy teenagers did (apologies for the stereotyping, I too played my fair share of Grand Theft Auto and any other 'in' thing at the time). Now innovation doesn't have to be churning out new ideas every God forsaken minute but I guess it does help if you're a go getter, someone who fights the grain and believes that they can change the way in which things are done. How I see it is that if you were to cast your mind back to many AD's ago when cavemen and whatever else roamed the earth they would have literally had the bare minimal, no iPads, fancy cars or even a dollar bill. Now if i asked you to think about the first item you reach for when you get out of bed. Picture that item so for me this would be my iPhone, to turn the alarm off and hopefully manage at least another 10 deeply slept minutes. Imagine the history behind the item, for me this would be the great Steve Jobs who conjured up the idea that changed the entire definition of a mobile phone. Immediately now

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Taking on Steve Jobs:

3... 2... 1... Action. OK you've heard it all before, innovation is new, marketing is selling, blah blah blah. How inspiring. Not.

So if I told you that thinking new and being creative wasn't all a blessing, God's gift, that you had to be born creative. Well I guess this could be partially true, some of us just found that as a child LEGO was our favourite toy and that playing video games was a thing that only nerdy teenagers did (apologies for the stereotyping, I too played my fair share of Grand Theft Auto and any other 'in' thing at the time). Now innovation doesn't have to be churning out new ideas every God forsaken minute but I guess it does help if you're a go getter, someone who fights the grain and believes that they can change the way in which things are done.

How I see it is that if you were to cast your mind back to many AD's ago when cavemen and whatever else roamed the earth they would have literally had the bare minimal, no iPads, fancy cars or even a dollar bill. Now if i asked you to think about the first item you reach for when you get out of bed. Picture that item so for me this would be my iPhone, to turn the alarm off and hopefully manage at least another 10 deeply slept minutes. Imagine the history behind the item, for me this would be the great Steve Jobs who conjured up the idea that changed the entire definition of a mobile phone. Immediately now I am seeing how much of a reliance I have on this one item and how without it my daily routine just would not be the same. On a more fresh thinking note, I can start to envision the future and how it will be all big and all mighty in its entirety, but if back then little old Steve Jobs could do this alongside a team of innovative and smart minds. What can I do now that will have an affect further along the line, I'm not saying that you have to go and invent the next big thing or drastically change views, however the point that I am on the edge of grasping here is that you should take on your own set of views and apply them to something that makes you happy. Sure working a regular office job may fulfil a certain amount of life's content but changing and forging your own path can pay off in the long run, start up your own business, take some time out to travel the globe or paint your garden fence an ever so slightly brighter shade of green. Who cares?Just do you while doing so and be the person that your inner thoughts are waiting for. Here's a half decent idea, set up a blog and start self marketing, allow others to

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take in the inspirations that are completely and honestly you, brush off your shoulder, look in the mirror and say 'you, yeah you, you're at least ten times more powerful than you think you are'.

So to that I say 3... 2... 1... Action!

By: David Buckingham