takaful myhealth protector brochure

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  • 8/20/2019 Takaful MyHealth Protector Brochure



    my Health Protector Simply A Better Choice for Your Health

  • 8/20/2019 Takaful MyHealth Protector Brochure


    Takaful my Health ProtectorB

    Good Health is Wealth and worthcelebrating. However, healthcare costs

    are increasing considerably day by

    day which could put a serious nancial

    strain on you and your loved ones.

    Introducing Takaful my Health Protector 

    – A comprehensive medical plan that

    offers the most attractive range of

    inpatient and outpatient healthcare

    benets together with a 15% cash back

    when you do not make any claim for

    the year.

  • 8/20/2019 Takaful MyHealth Protector Brochure


    Takaful my Health Protector   1

    why Takaful my Health Protectoris a better choice for your health ?

    As a person grows older, his or her chances of being

    diagnosed with chronic conditions will be greater. There is

    a high possibility that his or her retirement savings may be

    wiped out by the medical expenses to treat these conditions.

    Our Takaful my Health Protector lets you enjoy total peace ofmind by taking care of your medical bills with no cost sharingup to age 85!

    More and more people are nding it difcult to get the

    right medical plan they need at an affordable price.

    Our Takaful my Health Protector offers you 8 affordableand comprehensive medical plans to choose from.

    Most people are concerned about the high out-of-pocket

    payments at the point of seeking care when they are alreadyseriously ill.

    Our Takaful my Health Protector allows you to access hassle-free facility with no lifetime limit if your coverage is within the

    certicate conditions. You now have less to worry about when

    you are admitted into a hospital.

    Many people usually ignore purchasing health insurance as

    they don’t want to incur premium costs. Furthermore there

    is a perception that insurance is only useful when there is

    a serious health problem and in the absence of that, theystand to get nothing in return.

    Our Takaful my Health Protector rewards you with 15% cashback when you do not make any claim for the year. This cash

    back could come in handy to help with other expenses.

    In a globalizing world, healthcare should not be conned within

    national borders especially when one is faced with difcult

    health circumstances or choices regarding the treatment

    options. An option to access to highly specialized care in all

    around the world is denitely a valuable resource. Our Takaful my Health Protector provides you the option toseek overseas medical treatment, subject to the reasonable andcustomary charges in Malaysia.












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    Takaful my Health Protector2

    Choice of 8 comprehensive and affordablemedical plans with no cost sharing

    Hassle-free hospital admission and bill settlement atpanel hospitals

    Comprehensive coverage with no lifetime limit up toage 85 years

    15% cash back for no claims

    24-hour worldwide emergency referralassistance service

    Choice of 8 comprehensive and affordable

    medical plans with no cost sharing

    Comprehensive coverage with no lifetime limit

    up to age 85 years

    Hassle-free hospital admission and bill

    settlement at panel hospitals

    24-hour worldwide emergency referral

    assistance service

    15% cash back for no claims

    Takaful my Health Protector offers you:

    At a Glance 

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    Takaful my Health Protector   3

    The benets shall include:

    What are the benefts ?

    1 As charged based on Reasonable and Customary Charges, subject to the Overall Annual Limit  2 Not guaranteed 

    (A) In-Patient and Daycare Surgical Benets

    Benets (RM) Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7 Plan 8

    1 Daily Hospital Room and Board(No limit on number of days)

    150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

    Benets (RM) Plan 1 - 8

    2 Intensive Care Unit(Maximum 60 days per any one disability)

    As charged 1

    3 Surgical Fees (Including local second surgical opinion)

    4 Anaesthetist Fees

    5 Operating Theatre

    6 Hospital Supplies and Services

    7 In-Hospital Physician and Specialist Visit

    8 Ambulance Fees

    9 Day Surgery

    10 Organ Transplant

    11 Meals and Lodging in Hospital for Guardian(No limit on number of days)

    As charged 1, up to RM75 per day

    12 Medical Report Fee As charged 1, up to RM80 per any onedisability

    13 Daily Cash Allowance at Malaysian Government Hospital(No limit on number of days)


    (B) Out-Patient Benets & Other Expenses Plan 1 - 8

    1 Pre-Hospitalization Benet

    (Within 60 days before hospitalization)

    As charged 1

    2 Post-Hospitalization Benet or Day Surgery Follow Up(Within 60 days after discharge)

    3 Out-patient Cancer Treatment

    4 Out-patient Kidney Dialysis Treatment

    5 Out-patient Stroke Treatment

    6 Home Nursing Care Benet(Maximum 120 days per year)

    7 Emergency Accidental Out-patient Treatment

    8 Emergency Accidental Dental Treatment

    9 Accidental Out-patient Alternative Medical Treatment As charged 1, up to RM50 per visit &RM300 per accident

    10 Prosthesis As charged 1, up to RM300 per accident

    Limits (RM) Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7 Plan 8

    Overall Annual Limit for (A) & (B) 100k 125k 150k 175k 200k 225k 250k 275k

    Overall Lifetime Limit No Limit

    (C) Additional Benet Plan 1 - 8

    Funeral Expenses RM3, 000

    What’s more, you may receive a 15% cash back2 provided no claim

    has been made during the coverage period.

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    Takaful my Health Protector4


    Our 24-hour one-stop careline takes away your

    worries. Aficted with a health condition andbeing far away in a foreign land with no immediate

    support can prove to be a difcult experience.

    Now, you can rest easy and have a peace of mind

    knowing that your well-being is taken care by

    Takaful my Health Protector.

    3 Purely on referral arrangement; actual costs to be borne by member 

    International and Domestic Emergency Medical Assistance

    Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation and medicalassistance.

    Car Assistance

    Emergency towing and minor roadside repair, referral toservice centre and car replacement assistance.

    Travel Assistance

    Provides information such as visa, inoculation requirements,

    weather information, assists in loss of luggage, etc.

    Concierge Service

    Assists in restaurant reservation, ower and gift delivery

    service and ticket booking.

    Emergency Referral Assistance Services3


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    Takaful my Health Protector   5


     A 6% Goods and Services Tax (GST) will be imposed on contribution due and payable.

    Your contribution can be made annually or semi-annually. It is payable up to 85 years and

    charged according to your attained age at renewal.





    Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7 Plan 8

    Annual Contribution (RM)

    1 – 5 1,005 1,210 1,400 1,605 1,835 2,085 2,360 2,665

    6 – 10 795 955 1,095 1,255 1,425 1,615 1,825 2,055

    11 – 35 660 785 895 1,020 1,155 1,305 1,470 1,650

    36 – 40 785 935 1,075 1,225 1,390 1,575 1,775 2,00041 – 45 960 1,150 1,325 1,520 1,730 1,960 2,215 2,500

    46 – 50 1,210 1,460 1,690 1,940 2,210 2,515 2,845 3,220

    51 – 55 1,345 1,625 1,880 2,160 2,465 2,800 3,175 3,585

    56 – 60 1,900 2,305 2,675 3,080 3,525 4,020 4,560 5,165

    61 – 65 2,945 3,595 4,185 4,835 5,545 6,335 7,200 8,170

    66 – 70 4,450 5,455 6,365 7,360 8,455 9,665 11,000 12,485

    *71 – 75 6,740 8,275 9,665 11,190 12,865 14,715 16,760 19,030

    *76 – 85 11,225 13,785 16,120 18,670 21,475 24,565 27,985 31,790

    (A) Male





    Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7 Plan 8

    Annual Contribution (RM)

    1 – 5 920 1,105 1,275 1,460 1,665 1,890 2,140 2,415

    6 – 10 730 875 1,000 1,140 1,295 1,465 1,655 1,865

    11 – 35 620 735 840 955 1,080 1,220 1,375 1,545

    36 – 40 815 975 1,120 1,275 1,450 1,640 1,855 2,090

    41 – 45 995 1,200 1,380 1,580 1,800 2,045 2,315 2,615

    46 – 50 1,255 1,520 1,760 2,020 2,305 2,625 2,975 3,365

    51 – 55 1,395 1,690 1,955 2,245 2,565 2,920 3,310 3,745

    56 – 60 1,970 2,400 2,790 3,215 3,680 4,195 4,765 5,400

    61 – 65 3,060 3,740 4,365 5,045 5,790 6,615 7,530 8,545

    66 – 70 4,415 5,415 6,330 7,325 8,420 9,625 10,965 12,450

    *71 – 75 6,685 8,215 9,610 11,135 12,810 14,660 16,705 18,975

    *76 – 85 11,125 13,690 16,020 18,575 21,375 24,465 27,885 31,690

    (B) Female

    *For renewal only 

    Table Of Contribution4

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    Takaful my Health Protector6

    Fees / Charges Description

    Wakalah Fee • 30% of the contribution to pay for commission and other


    • Managed Care Charge5 of RM60 per annum

    Tabarru’ Levied based on your attained age, gender and the

    chosen plan.

    4 All the contributions, fees and charges are not guaranteed and may vary in the future.5  A service fee for medical plan.

    End of Year Annual



    Any claims


    Qualify for

    Cash Back?

    Amount of Cash

    Back Received


    1 1,020 No Yes -

    2 1,020 Yes No 153

    3 1,020 No Yes -

    4 1,020 No Yes 153

    Q: Who is eligible to apply?

    A:  Takaful  my Health Protector  is available to individuals between the ages of30 days to 70 years next birthday.

    Q: How does the cash back work?

    A:  If you do not make any claims in the previous year, we will reward you with15% cash back on the total contributions paid which you will receive in thefollowing year.

    For example, a 30-year old male person covered with Takaful my Health Protector

    (Plan 4) pays an annual contribution of RM1,020:

    You will continue to receive the 15% cash back as long as no claims are made.

    Q: Can I get tax relief when I participate in Takaful my Health Protector?

    A:  Yes, you may qualify for tax relief, subject to the approval of Inland Revenue Board.

    Fees And Charges4

    What should you know ?

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    Takaful my Health Protector   7

    •  Pre-existing Illness.

    •  Any claim due to Specied Illnessoccurring during the rst one

    hundred and twenty (120) days ofcontinuous cover.

    •  Any circumcision, plastic/cosmeticsurgery and related treatment(including but not limited to doubleeyelids and acne) or its complicationsexcept as necessitated by Injury.

    Eye examination, corrective glasses,intraocular lens, visual repairmendue to refractive errors includingbut not limited to nearsightedness,farsightedness or astigmatism(Radial Keratotomy); the use oracquisition of external appliancesor devices such as articial limbs,

    external xator, hearing aids

    (including cochlear apparatus)and any other internal implantabledevices implanted pacemakers andprescriptions thereof except duringhospital connement.

    •  Dental conditions including dentaltreatment or oral Surgery except asnecessitated by accidental Injuries tosound natural teeth occurring wholly

    during the Period of Takaful.

    •  Private nursing, rest cures or sanitariacare, illegal drugs, intoxication,sterilisation, venereal disease and itssequelae, AIDS (Acquired ImmuneDeciency Syndrome) or ARC (AIDS

    Related Complex) and HIV relateddiseases, and any communicablediseases required quarantine by law.

    •  Any treatment, therapy or surgicaloperation for congenital or

    hereditary diseases, deformities ordisabilities including but not limited

    to any diseases or disabilities ofa newborn contracted prior to orduring birth or within the rst 14

    days after delivery, including any ofthe resulted complications.

    •  Pregnancy or childbirth (includingany diagnostic tests), abortion,

    miscarriage, or prenatal or postnatalcare, surgical, mechanical or

    chemical contraceptive methodsof birth control, test or treatmentrelated to infertility or sterilizationor sexual dysfunction or sex changeprocedures, including any of theresulted complications.

    •  Any medical care or treatmentreceived primarily for experimental

    or investigative purposes, generalphysical or medical examinations,not incidental to treatment ordiagnosis of a covered disability orany treatment which is not MedicallyNecessary and any preventivetreatments, preventive medicines,stem cell therapy, or examinationscarried out by a Physician, or

    treatments specically for weight

    reduction or gain or bariatric surgery.

    •  Any out-patient treatment oralternative medical treatment unlessspecically provided under this plan.

    •  Treatment for injuries sustainedwhile committing a crime or felony,or while under the inuence of

    alcohol, narcotics, or mind alteringsubstance or injuries which are self

    inicted while sane or insane.

    What is not covered?

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    Takaful my Health Protector8

    •  War or any act of war, declared orundeclared, criminal or terrorist

    activities, active duty in any armedforces, direct participation in

    strikes, riots and civil commotion orinsurrection.

    •  Ionising radiation or contaminationby radioactivity from any nuclearfuel or nuclear waste from processof nuclear ssion or from any nuclear

    weapons material.

    •  Expenses incurred for donation ofany body organ by a Person Coveredand costs of acquisition of the organ

    including all costs incurred by thedonor during organ transplant andits complications.

    •  Investigation and treatment of

    sleep apnoea and snoring disorders,hyperhidrosis treatment, hormonereplacement therapy including butnot limited to sex hormone therapyand other alternative therapy ortreatment such as but not limited to

    chiropractic services, acupuncture,acupressure, reexology, bone-

    setting, herbalist treatment,hyperbaric oxygen therapy, massage

    or aroma therapy.

    •  Care or treatment for which paymentis not required or to the extent whichis payable by any other Takaful/ 

    insurance or indemnity coveringthe Person Covered and Disabilities

    arising out of duties of employmentor profession that is covered undera Workman’s Compensation Takaful/ Insurance Contract.

    •  Psychotic, mental or nervousdisorder (including any neuroses andtheir physiological or psychosomaticmanifestations).

    •  Costs/expenses of services of a non-medical nature, such as television,telephones, broadband services,radios or similar facilities, admission

    kit/pack, and other ineligible non-medical items.

    •  Sickness or Injury arising from racingof any kind (except foot racing),

    hazardous sports such as but notlimited to skydiving, water skiing,underwater activities requiringbreathing apparatus, winter sports,professional sports and illegalactivities.

    •  Private ying other than as a fare-paying passenger in any commercialscheduled airlines licensed to carry

    passengers over established routes.

    •  Any other causes prohibited byShariah, subject to the discretion ofOur Shariah Advisory Body.

    Please also note that Takaful my Health Protector does not cover

    any medical treatment received by the person covered outsideMalaysia, if the person covered resides or travel outside Malaysiafor more than ninety (90) consecutive days.

    What is not covered?

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    Takaful my Health Protector   9

    Important Notes:

    •  This is a yearly renewable medical and health takaful plan.

    •  You should satisfy yourself that this plan will best serve your needs andthe contribution payable under this plan is the amount that you canafford.

    •  If you do not pay the contribution regularly and timely, the Takafulcoverage under this plan may be interrupted.

    •  Any revision of the fees and charges or contribution will be made uponrenewal and we will notify you by giving you 30-day notice.

    •  If you switch-over your medical plan from one company to anotheror if you surrender your current medical plan with another medicalplan within the same company, you may be required to submit anapplication where acceptance of your proposal will be subjected tothe terms and conditions to be imposed at the time of switching or

    replacement of the medical plan.

    •  If the certicate is cancelled with the free-look period of 15 calendardays, we will refund you all contributions paid less any expensesincurred for medical examination.

    •  This brochure provides general information only. It does not constitutea Takaful contract. You are advised to refer to the consumer education

    booklet on MHT, Product Disclosure Sheet and the certicate

    documents for further and better particulars pertaining to the plan(including the rider, if attached) before you decide to participate in

    a plan. Takaful Malaysia hereby disclaims any liability of whatsoevernature should you suffer losses merely by relying on the informationcontained herein.

    •  In the event of inconsistency between English, Bahasa Malaysia andMandarin versions, the English version will prevail.

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    Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad  (131646-K)

    26th Floor, Annexe Block, Menara Takaful Malaysia,No. 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.

    P.O. Box 11483, 50746 Kuala Lumpur.

    1-300 8 TAKAFUL (825 2385)


    [email protected]

    Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad

    We Should Talk

    Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad is a company licensed under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 andregulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.
