tak o19,190. some four tears ago i was suffering from...

Denver, Col.. March 13.— Mad with rage because of his defeat suit in which the man he pronounced as his bitterest enemy had been vic torious, and swearing vengeance against himself and hW entire fam ily. George Schistler, a teamster, arm ed himself wlrh a rifle Sunday, and when the smoke of battle had cleared away, three persona were dead, one missing and three others lay wounded, two at least dangerously. The deaa K. Fill, Mrs. K. Fill, George Schistler. The missing—A child of the Fills. WOunded—Dr. FVank Dulin, police surgeon. Captain William Bohanna. acting chief of police; Mike Kelly. The wife of George Schistler Is pros trated over the affair, and may die from the shock. Murder of the Fills. Schistler had brooded over his troubles with the Fill family, who were Immediate neighbors, and an nounced that he would even up mat ters. Taking a rifle of Improved pat tern and bucking on a belt of less cartridges, he started for the Fill home. Fill saw him approaching and heard his muffled threats. He tried to avoid him by entering the house, but Schistler sent a bullet Into bis brain with the accuracy o f a marks man and Fill fell dead. Mrs. Fill rushed to her husband's side and received a bullet from Schist ler’* rifle, 11 red with unerring aim. She, too. fell dead alongside the life less body of her husband. Burns House and Fill Child. Not content with the fullness of his vengeance, Schistler then set Are to the Fill home, which was destroyed, and It Is thought a son of the Fills lost his Ufe In the Are. After satisfying himself that the flames would perform their mission, Schistler returned to his own home and barricaded himself Inside. In the meantime other neighbors, attracted by the sound of the firing, appeared on the scene, but quickly retreated when buiyts began falling around them. Police Arrive. ,A telephone message was sent to police headquarters and an ambulance, with Police Surgeon Dulln, Captain Bqljanna and three officers, hurried to the. scene. The officers were directed to the FUl home by neighbors who had wit nessed the killing, and they started unhesitatingly In the direction of the house. In doing so they we:e com- peljed to come within range of Schlat ter's rifle. A volley of bullets rained around them suddenly, and Dulln and Bohanna fell to the floor of the ambu lance. The driver stopped hla horses, but another shot from the house dropped one of the animals to the ground. With thé assistance of spec tators the wounded men were taken train the ambulance and conveyed to a hospital, where their wounds were dressed. Dulln was shot three times, once In each leg and another time In the left thigh. His condition Is criti cal. Bohanna received a bullet In the leg, but is not dangerously hurt. Hundreds of 8hota Exchanged. A call for reinforcements brought all the available men from police head quarters and the sheriff’s office, and consultation was held for the purpose of formulating a plan to capture Schistler. Firing squads wi Honed In nearby houses and a larger force was placed In a portable tort made of baled hay piled upon a hay wagon. During the preliminary ar rangements Schistler kept up a contin uous Are in all directions, which returned, and hundreds o f shots exchanged. It was during this shoot ing that Kelly received bis wound. Finally fewer shots were heard plode In the direction of the Schistler house, and the hay wagon fort started toward the house, proceeding cantously and without firing. Finally one of the officers purposely exposed himself to view in order to draw out the fire of Schistler if he was still alive. Schllstler Found Dying. He was disagreeably disappointed, and the officers then charged the house and battered down the door, sound came from Inside, and, enter ing, they found Schistler lying upon a*-bed bleeding from several wounds and breathing his last. He died afterward. It Is not known whether he was hit by bullets from the weap ons of the pursuing party or commit ted suicide. Mrs. Schistler was away ffom home when her husband started on his vengeful mission, and when told of the affair fell prostrate. It is thought she will die from the shock. During the several hours' battle with the murderer hundreds of people were attracted to the scene in an outlying suburb, and Mayor 8peer and Police Commissioner Hewitt directed the work of the police to a certain ex- Consplracy to Violate United States Banking Laws the Charge. Cleveland, .Ohio.— Mrs. Cassle Chadwick was Saturday found guilty of conspiracy to violate the United States banking laws by conspiring to procure the certification of checks on a nation al bank when there were no funds the bank to her credit She wai found guilty on every count of the Indictment upon whlcfl the Jury was at liberty to judge her, seven In all. The Indictment contained 16 counts Two of these were ruled out during the trial by Judge Taylor, and of the remaining 14 one half charged her with securing the certification of checks without having the proper entries made on the books of the bank. Judge Taylor in his charge directed the Jury to disragard these counts and consider only the remaining seven, which related to the certification with funds on deposit. On all of these the jury found against her. According to the law she can b< fined on each count not more than 610, 000 or imprisonment for more than two years on each count "The government moves for fence, your honor," said District Attor- jy Sullivan. "We desire to enter a motion for new trial,” said Judge Wing. 'I will at a future time set a date the argument on the motion foi*a v trial.” said Judge Taylor, "and 1 presume the matter can rest until that time.” "That is satisfactory to the govern- int," said Mr. Sullivan. LATE NEWS ITEM«. The Bank of Lawton. Okla.. capital 610,000, controlled by McDuffie Bros., has closed Its doors. The month of February In France has been prolific of strikes, of which there has been a total of 47. chiefly owing to demands o f Increased pay. Fred Sovlne of Eel River township. Alien county, Indiana, has just fallen heir to an estate of 640,000. left by his brother, Augustus, of Buffalo, N. T. Governor Sparks vetoed the bill pro hibiting the sale of liquor within five miles of any camp or place where gov ernment work is In progress in Ne vada. Five diamond rings, valued at 61000, ere stolen from a fashionable board ing house recently In Seattle. The rings were the property of Mrs. Gene- H. Kimball, a prominent society woman. The whole territory of Arizona Is covered with water as a result of the recent heavy rains and snows, and in many places the desert that has not known water for a decade Is now a lake. More pure American art by Ameri- in artists for America Is the essence of the Ideas held by Sir Caspar Clark, the newly appointed director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art at New York, of what Is most needed In Ajner- lca. A semiofficial statement that Russia will make no peace overture has been Issued from St. Petersburg. It puts end to many rumors of late. The r's ministers believe false reports are fathered by loan agents of Jap- iese. The transfer of the French embassy from General Porter to Mr. McCor mick will lake place April 30. when, it Is expected that most of the other European transfers will be made. Thereafter General Porter Is to make a European tour. Admiral Rojestvensky’s squardon Is ot returning to the Baltic Is simply crulshlng and awaiting the arrival of the third squadron under Admiral Nebogatoff. When this Junc tion is made they will proceed Immedi ately to the far east. At Denver Judge Booth M. Malone has sentenced Peter Miller and Mi chael Dowd, found guilty of stealing 318 ballots at the election In this city November 8, last, and substituting others for them, to serve three 1 years In the state penitentiary. The members of the river and har bor committee of the house of repre sentatives and their wives have sailed the army transport Sumner for Porto Rico on a tour of Inspection. On their return the party will make brief stops at Santo Domingo and Cuba, ar riving at New Orleans April 1. One of the most exciting Incidents which occurred In Zion City, cago. last week, has just c Deacon Daniel J. Sloan, one of the highest officials in the town. Is said to have entered a blacksmith shop and engaged In a dispute with Foreman Hamilton. The argument waxed furi ous until finally, It Is asserted, the foreman picked up a sledge hammer and drove the deacon from the place. Fell Five 8torles and Live*. Charley Ruff, an 11 year old. went sleep in bis little trundle bed on t! fifth floor of a tenement house In New York and at midnight woke up to himself at the bottom of an air shaft suffering from bruises and cuts. The youngster, who is a somnambulist, had got up from his bed In his sleep, walk- ' and through a low silled window and had fallen five stories. Not bone was broken. Mrs. Stanfor Was Not Poisoned. Honolulu, March 16. — 'That Mrs. Stanford died a natural death probably w ill be the conclusion o f those who are Investigating the case. President Jordan of Stanford university has em phatically expressed the opinion that Mrs. Stanford’s death was not doe stryohnine poisoning. He Says that when be became familiar with her symptoms be reached that oonoluston. amount of stryohnine taken by Mrs. Stanford was not beyond a medical dose, he is more sore than ever that she was not poisoned. Dr. Jordan has been assisti ng the deteotives to the ex- tent oi suggestions, a* a physoian, dur ing their inquiries regarding her symp toms and the results of the autopsy. The. chestnut crop Is so heavy in the outs are selling for 4 cents a quart some section of New Hampshire that la a Common tprina Trouble. It’s a sign that the blood is deficient in vitality, Just as pimple* and other eruptions am signs that the blood is impure. It’s a warning, too, which only the hazardous fail to heed. Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove it, give new life, new a age, strength and animation. They cleanse the blood and clear the complexion. Accept no substitute. " I (sit tired all the Urns and could not sleep. After taking Hood's Sarsaparilla a while I could sleep well and the tired feeling had gone. This great medicine has also cured me of scrofula." Ur*. C. M. Boor, Ollead. Conn. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. Violated Their Contracts. Baltimore. March 12—In a speech at a meeting of organized labor here Sunday President Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor de clared that the strike of the inter borough railroad men of New York was due to the fact that the men vio lated their agreement and contracts with the company. "The most Im portant object in the labor organisa tions today,” said Mr. Gompers. “ is the honor of agreement between employe and employer." - TEA Is better than most of us know: good tea. Why do we drink common stuff? In «vary (-ck.,, of ScMlb*'. 8 « Ta b • Elmer Dover, private secretary to the late Senator Marcus A. Hanna, Is collecting data to be used In the official biography ot the statesman. Mr. Dover has undertaken the work at the request the Hanna family. TEA Schilling's Best is packed in a way to keep it good a long time; it is never loose. W,iu far n Kamriadsa Bash. A SduKag 4 China Stops Train Service. Tientsin, March 16.—Owing to forseen difficulties the Chinese rail way administration has suspended train service until further notice be tween Kaopantsze, YInkow and bln- mlnttn. It Is stated that the suspen sion Is owing to the Japanese mili tary's insistence that the railway car ry military stores. For bronchial troubles try Plso’s Cun for Consumption. I t is a good cough cnsdUine. A t druggists, price 25 osnts. The new Japanese loan was the first international loan ever placed In London, New York and San Fran cisco, jointly. TO CURE A COLO IN A DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab eu. , drugglata refund tbs money If it fells to cn E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 26c A Los Angeles street Inspector has been Indicted for receiving from street contractors bribes to report favorably upon tbelr work. Young Woman Believed to Be Object of Orest Myafary. Mabel Spang, daughter of Charles H. Spang, a wealthy manufacturer Pittsburg, Pa., who was remanded a private asylum In Yonkers, January 19, by order o f Supreme Court Judge Mareau, has been released and is now said to be In Brussels. The entire af fair remains a mystery. 8eizur* of Yankee veteel. New York, March 15.— toe steamer Saxonia Prince, which has been seized by the Japanese In the Tsu straits, left New York on December 11, sailing In the regular service of the American and Oriental line. She cleared with a cargo for Singapore and Shanghai. That portion of her cargo destined for Shanghai was valued a,t *387,000.'•ud consisted of hardware, car material, street rails, machinery, copper, etc. The most valuable part of the cargo consisted of “domestics," valued at 6538.000. The Prince line, limited, of New Cas tle, England. Is the vessel’s owner. Subway Traffic. Though traffic conditions were some what better on the New York subway and elevated systems Sunday, tne vice was far from being normal. There i a few minor accidents as i suit of the Inexperience ot the motor men and guards. TEA There is a little joy In the world in the reach of the poorest. Kuropatkln’a Entire Army Hikes for Harbin. The pint week has been one of re peated reverses for the Russians In Manchuria. It closed with a crushing defeat and the retirement of Kuropat- entlre army, or as much of It as could get away, to Tie Pass. The long battle to the north of Muk den has been one of the most- sangui nary in history. It Is impossible as o approximate the casualties, but according to all accounts thp total will aggregate something never before known In modern engagements. It Is Impossible to determine how many Russians have been cut off, but It appears that a considerable portion of the Russian army has succeeded in reaching Tie Pass, and the defense of the rear guard has been sufficiently stubborn to permit of a withdrawal that is remarkably successful under the circumstances. ««. Although Tie Pass was fortified last fall. It Is by no means certain that the Russians can hold this new posi tion for any great length of time. They at present enjoy an advantage, for the Japanese, after 10 days' unin terrupted fighting and long marches, must be In a condition of exhaustion that will prevent an Immediate effort to dislodge Kuropatkln from his new stronghold. t the Russians are In a badly shat tered condition, and If Oyama Is able to repeat his flauklng movements It would not create surprise If the order s once more given to fall back and orderly retirement was effected to ward Hlrbln. In spite ot the great Increase In the number of trains run there were railroad accidents In Germany in 1903 than In any prevlourtfcear. There only 2,000 casualties, which is 40 per cent less than during the preced ing year. TEA Our tea is alike from year to year, and so is the dealing The London fire department Is en gaged In testing an apparatus that com prises in one machine a chemlncal en gine, a powerful fire pump, a fire es cape and a hose tender, motor driv- and worked. TEA The few top leaves o f the bush and a knowing cook make tea Tor the few; alas for the many! In a mass of meteoric stone Prof essor Molssan, the celebrated French physicist, has discovered a cumber of diamonds of mlscroscoplc dimen sions. but of regular octahedral form and perfect water. TEA It goes to the spot. A novel suggesUon Is made In Lon don that the unemployed should be placed on all the juries, as there is a fee of 60 cents for each day's service. R E L IA B L E ASSAYS—Gold, 7*0: Golo and Stiver, «1; Leed, 7Sc; Gold, Stiver, Copper U-50. Samples by mall receive prompt alien Hon. Placer gold, retnrtaand richore« bought Bend tor free mailing envelope and price Ilrt OGDEN ASSAY CO., 1725Arapaie» Street, Denver, Ooloredo. Like Lieutenant Eldis of the Rus sian Baltic fleet there are many de scendants of Scottish or English fam ilies In the Russian service, but most o f them have Russianized tbelr names as In the case of the Hamilton whose name la now Humaroff. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding or pr-trudlng pit« Your druggist will refondyourmonevlf Pei- . Ointment (alls to cure you In 6to.Udaya. No A mirror, a crystal and a sword are carried before the emperor of Japan on all state occasions. "Know thyself," Is the message of the mirror: "Be pure and shine," la the crystal's in junction, while the sword Is a reminder to “Be strong.” FITS afterSi«tday*snee ofDr.Kllne’iOrefctlOrve hinonr. BendfwProeSS trial battle and Iniltsi, D».B.H.Klloa.Ltd..sn Awb8C.Phlladeljtila.Pa. Licenses are required for baby carriages In Berlin, and the vehicles are numbered. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup the West remedy to use for their children during teething period Howard E. Barton, 4 cLV„T,;’d JnSagBS&VS os appUeatlon. Control and empire work so Uetsd. LoadWin«. Or— —*------- *—*■* nate National Bank. Ayers If your blood is thin and im pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilla the medicine that brings good health to the home, the qniy medicine tested and tried for 60 years. A doctor’s medicine. Poor Health Must Attend Warsaw 8chools. Warsaw, March 14.—The authori ties today decided to order the school» reopen and unless the boys returr within a week expell them. It is ex pected the majority will continue or strike, and hence parents have appeal ed to the minister of education at St. Petersburg to keep the schools closed until thé situation la clearer. 6100 Reward, 6100. The leader* oi this paper will be pleased to tern that there laat least one dreaded disease bat science has been able to cure In ell Its .lages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh. Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical lraternlty. Catarrh being a oonstltu. Uocal disease, require« a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure1«takenInternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous —-faces of the system, thereby dcstroylngvth* __indetlon oi the disease, anti giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution —■*—listing nature In doing lu work. The itors have so much falih In lu curative that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any casethat it (alls to cure. Bend (or 0,AddrSs.nU1F. J. CHKNET A CO.. Toledo, a Id by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the bash Out of the 139 decoy prescriptions mt out by the Illinois board of-phar macy to Chicago druggists to be filled 23 contained no' trace of the drug call ed for. 66 were 80 per cent Impure, 10 0 per cent Impure, and only 31 pure. The board will prosecute 100 druggists for selling Impure drugs. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbs Kind Yoo Han Always Bought It costs 61.25 to telephone from a to Paris. It would cost nearly 62 • use the wire for a few minutes be tween Berlin and St. Petersburg, and this Is given as the reason why the line projected five years ago was never built Tonapah and Goldfield, Nevada. The O. R. &N have the short line to these camps, as well as to Portland,and all California points. Direct connection with the Southern Pacific. GEO. J. MOHLER, Gen’l-Agt. Spokane, Wash of the abolition of his office as returning officer of the school board elections H. List of Peuge, Eng land has been allowed 60 cents per annum as compensation. Each quar ter he will receive a check for 12 1-2 cents. ECONOMICAL IRRIGATOR Phillips Hydraulic I NO COST OF OFUATION. Write today for (re* Dluatrated booklet. COLUMBIA ENGINEERING WORKS th ead Jehaaea Stream, Portland, Oat. TAKo Columbus, Ohio, May 19, 190. Some four Tears ago I was suffering from impure blood and a general run down condition of the system. I had nt_ appetite, was losing flesh, and had an all- gone tired feeling that made me misera ble. I began the use of S . S. S., and after taking seven or eight bottles my akin areacleared of all eruptions and took oz ruddy, healthy glow that assured met' tnj blood had been restored to its u mil, healthy condition. My appetite 1 __ restored, at I could eat anything put be fore me, and as I regained my appetite I increased in weight, and that “ tired feel- ' ing” which worried me so much disap peared, and I was once again my old self. I heartily recommend S. S. S. as the best blood purifier and tonic made, and strongly advise its use to all those in need of such medicine. VicTOX Stubdins. Cor. B^hman and Washington Aves. Wheeling, W. V., May 38, loot. My system wa* rundown and my joint* ached and pained me considerably. Iliad used S. S. S. before and knew what It was, so I purchased a bottle of It and have taken several bottles and the aches and pains are gone, my blood has been clcas ed and my general health built up. I can testify to it as a blood purifier and tonia 1533 Market SL John C. Stxxn. I f yon have any symptoms of dis ordered blood write us and oar physicians w ill advise you free. Onr book on blood and e k la sss Tbs Swift bosolflo Company. Atlanta. 8a F Ü To Convince You THE CHATHAM Ii the BEST INCUBATOR on the market, I will send yon one, freight prepaid, and wait for my pay until October 1, 1906. It wa* given the highest award at the Oregon State Fair, held at Salem last fall. Write for our Descriptive Catalogue of Incuba tors and Brooders and omr time proposition. GEO. W. F00TT, Dept. 12 Portlind, Oregon WEIWEATHER COMFORT “ I have used your FISH BRAND Slicker forlive years andeantr^th- arything giva me ts much com- You can dsfy the hardest storm with Tower's Waterproof Oiled Clothing and llate OUIM1UARANTEE IS BACK OF THIS SIGN tPF THE FISH A. J. TOWER CO. tOWER) Boston. U. S. A. . * a JOWill CANADIAN CO. 'S * M »° [ 10,000 PlantsforlBc-J ¡“affi. rrwfSMsFssfaaMj ÌS 8 S: v- ft JOHN I . I A I Z E I SEED Oft* * J ICJ La Crosse, Wie. 1 M. J. Shields & Co. Jrowera and Importers oi all kindsof Grass and Field Seeds Dry ground, deep-rooting graceseeds (hat we arlll guaranies to grow onground that will not K luco ceieale or any oilier kind ol grace. make crop ol hay and pasture all seasons of the year Address, M. 5. SHIKLD6 A CO., WANTED RESIQfiNT S acquainted with - t h e people in his o and energetic i—, _ ------------- day. Address Box 1682. Spokane, W n P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S ._ than any other dye. One ioc _ results. Aak dealer or we send colors. MONROE DRUG CO., ' post paid at ioc package. Writs far Southern California recently experi enced Its greatest rainstorm in years.

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Page 1: TAK o19,190. Some four Tears ago I was suffering from ...montananewspapers.org/lccn/sn85053048/1905-03-18/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · in vitality, Just as pimple* and other eruptions am signs

Denver, Col.. March 13.—Mad with rage because of his defeat suit in which the man he pronounced as his bitterest enemy had been vic­torious, and swearing vengeance against himself and hW entire fam­ily. George Schistler, a teamster, arm ed himself wlrh a rifle Sunday, and when the smoke of battle had cleared away, three persona were dead, one missing and three others lay wounded, two at least dangerously. The deaa K. Fill, Mrs. K. Fill, George Schistler.

The missing—A child of the Fills.WOunded—Dr. FVank Dulin, police

surgeon. Captain William Bohanna. acting chief of police; Mike Kelly.

The wife of George Schistler Is pros­trated over the affair, and may die from the shock.

Murder of the Fills.Schistler had brooded over his

troubles with the Fill family, who were Immediate neighbors, and an­nounced that he would even up mat­ters. Taking a rifle of Improved pat­tern and bucking on a belt of less cartridges, he started for the Fill home. Fill saw him approaching and heard his muffled threats. He tried to avoid him by entering the house, but Schistler sent a bullet Into bis brain with the accuracy of a marks­man and Fill fell dead.

Mrs. Fill rushed to her husband's side and received a bullet from Schist­ler’* rifle, 11 red with unerring aim. She, too. fell dead alongside the life­less body of her husband.

Burns House and Fill Child.Not content with the fullness of his

vengeance, Schistler then set Are to the Fill home, which was destroyed, and It Is thought a son of the Fills lost his Ufe In the Are.

After satisfying himself that the flames would perform their mission, Schistler returned to his own home and barricaded himself Inside. In the meantime other neighbors, attracted by the sound of the firing, appeared on the scene, but quickly retreated when buiyts began falling around them.

Police Arrive.,A telephone message was sent to

police headquarters and an ambulance, with Police Surgeon Dulln, Captain Bqljanna and three officers, hurried to the. scene.

The officers were directed to the FUl home by neighbors who had wit­nessed the killing, and they started unhesitatingly In the direction of the house. In doing so they we:e com- peljed to come within range of Schlat­ter's rifle. A volley of bullets rained around them suddenly, and Dulln and Bohanna fell to the floor of the ambu­lance. The driver stopped hla horses, but another shot from the house dropped one of the animals to the ground. With thé assistance of spec­tators the wounded men were taken train the ambulance and conveyed to a hospital, where their wounds were dressed. Dulln was shot three times, once In each leg and another time In the left thigh. His condition Is criti­cal. Bohanna received a bullet In the leg, but is not dangerously hurt.

Hundreds of 8hota Exchanged.A call for reinforcements brought all

the available men from police head­quarters and the sheriff’s office, and consultation was held for the purpose of formulating a plan to capture Schistler. Firing squads wi Honed In nearby houses and a larger force was placed In a portable tort made of baled hay piled upon a hay wagon. During the preliminary ar­rangements Schistler kept up a contin­uous Are in all directions, which returned, and hundreds of shots exchanged. It was during this shoot­ing that Kelly received bis wound. Finally fewer shots were heard plode In the direction of the Schistler house, and the hay wagon fort started toward the house, proceeding cantously and without firing. Finally one of the officers purposely exposed himself to view in order to draw out the fire of Schistler if he was still alive.

Schllstler Found Dying.He was disagreeably disappointed,

and the officers then charged the house and battered down the door, sound came from Inside, and, enter­ing, they found Schistler lying upon a*-bed bleeding from several wounds and breathing his last. He died afterward. It Is not known whether he was hit by bullets from the weap­ons of the pursuing party or commit­ted suicide. Mrs. Schistler was away ffom home when her husband started on his vengeful mission, and when told of the affair fell prostrate. It is thought she will die from the shock. During the several hours' battle with the murderer hundreds of people were attracted to the scene in an outlying suburb, and Mayor 8peer and Police Commissioner Hewitt directed the work of the police to a certain ex-

Consplracy to Violate United States Banking Laws the Charge.

Cleveland, .Ohio.—Mrs. Cassle Chadwick was Saturday found guilty of conspiracy to violate the United States banking laws by conspiring to procure the certification of checks on a nation­al bank when there were no funds the bank to her credit She wai found guilty on every count of the Indictment upon whlcfl the Jury was at liberty to judge her, seven In all.

The Indictment contained 16 counts Two of these were ruled out during the trial by Judge Taylor, and of the remaining 14 one half charged her with securing the certification of checks without having the proper entries made on the books of the bank.

Judge Taylor in his charge directed the Jury to disragard these counts and consider only the remaining seven, which related to the certification with

funds on deposit. On all of these the jury found against her.

According to the law she can b< fined on each count not more than 610,000 or imprisonment for more than two years on each count

"The government moves for fence, your honor," said District Attor-

jy Sullivan."We desire to enter a motion for

new trial,” said Judge Wing.'I will at a future time set a date the argument on the motion foi*a

v trial.” said Judge Taylor, "and1 presume the matter can rest until that time.”

"That is satisfactory to the govern- int," said Mr. Sullivan.

LATE NEWS ITEM«.The Bank of Lawton. Okla.. capital

610,000, controlled by McDuffie Bros., has closed Its doors.

The month of February In France has been prolific of strikes, of which there has been a total of 47. chiefly owing to demands of Increased pay.

Fred Sovlne of Eel River township. Alien county, Indiana, has just fallen heir to an estate of 640,000. left by his brother, Augustus, of Buffalo, N. T.

Governor Sparks vetoed the bill pro­hibiting the sale of liquor within five miles of any camp or place where gov­ernment work is In progress in Ne­vada.

Five diamond rings, valued at 61000, ere stolen from a fashionable board­

ing house recently In Seattle. The rings were the property of Mrs. Gene-

H. Kimball, a prominent society woman.

The whole territory of Arizona Is covered with water as a result of the recent heavy rains and snows, and in many places the desert that has not known water for a decade Is now a lake.

More pure American art by Ameri- in artists for America Is the essence

of the Ideas held by Sir Caspar Clark, the newly appointed director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art at New York, of what Is most needed In Ajner- lca.

A semiofficial statement that Russia will make no peace overture has been Issued from St. Petersburg. It puts

end to many rumors of late. The r's ministers believe false reports

are fathered by loan agents of Jap- iese.The transfer of the French embassy

from General Porter to Mr. McCor­mick will lake place April 30. when, it Is expected that most of the other European transfers will be made. Thereafter General Porter Is to make a European tour.

Admiral Rojestvensky’s squardon Is ot returning to the Baltic

Is simply crulshlng and awaiting the arrival of the third squadron under Admiral Nebogatoff. When this Junc­tion is made they will proceed Immedi­ately to the far east.

At Denver Judge Booth M. Malone has sentenced Peter Miller and Mi­chael Dowd, found guilty of stealing 318 ballots at the election In this city

November 8, last, and substituting others for them, to serve three 1 years In the state penitentiary.

The members of the river and har­bor committee of the house of repre­sentatives and their wives have sailed

the army transport Sumner for Porto Rico on a tour of Inspection. On their return the party will make brief stops at Santo Domingo and Cuba, ar­riving at New Orleans April 1.

One of the most exciting Incidents which occurred In Zion City, cago. last week, has just c Deacon Daniel J. Sloan, one of the highest officials in the town. Is said to have entered a blacksmith shop and engaged In a dispute with Foreman Hamilton. The argument waxed furi­ous until finally, It Is asserted, the foreman picked up a sledge hammer and drove the deacon from the place.

Fell Five 8torles and Live*.Charley Ruff, an 11 year old. went

sleep in bis little trundle bed on t! fifth floor of a tenement house In New York and at midnight woke up to himself at the bottom of an air shaft suffering from bruises and cuts. The youngster, who is a somnambulist, had got up from his bed In his sleep, walk-

' and through a low silled window and had fallen five stories. Not bone was broken.

Mrs. Stanfor Was Not Poisoned.Honolulu, March 16. — 'That Mrs.

Stanford died a natural death probably will be the conclusion of those who are

Investigating the case. President Jordan of Stanford university has em­phatically expressed the opinion that Mrs. Stanford’s death was not doe stryohnine poisoning. He Says that when be became familiar with her symptoms be reached that oonoluston.

amount of stryohnine taken by Mrs. Stanford was not beyond a medical dose, he is more sore than ever that she was not poisoned. Dr. Jordan has been assisting the deteotives to the ex- tent oi suggestions, a* a physoian, dur­ing their inquiries regarding her symp­toms and the results of the autopsy.

The. chestnut crop Is so heavy in the outs are selling for 4 cents a quart some section of New Hampshire that

la a Common tprina Trouble. It’s a sign that the blood is deficient

in vitality, Just as pimple* and other eruptions am signs that the blood is impure.

It’s a warning, too, which only the hazardous fail to heed.

Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills

Remove it, give new life, new a age, strength and animation.

They cleanse the blood and clear the complexion.

Accept no substitute." I (sit tired all the Urns and could not

sleep. After taking Hood's Sarsaparilla a while I could sleep well and the tired feeling had gone. This great medicine has also cured me of scrofula." Ur*. C. M. Boor, Ollead. Conn.

Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise.

Violated Their Contracts.Baltimore. March 12— In a speech

at a meeting of organized labor here Sunday President Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor de­clared that the strike of the inter­borough railroad men of New York was due to the fact that the men vio­lated their agreement and contracts with the company. "The most Im­portant object in the labor organisa­tions today,” said Mr. Gompers. “is the honor of agreement between employe and employer."

- TEAIs better than most o f us

know: good tea. W h y do

we drink common stuff?In «vary (-ck.,, of ScMlb*'. 8 « Ta b •

Elmer Dover, private secretary to the late Senator Marcus A. Hanna, Is collecting data to be used In the official biography ot the statesman. Mr. Dover has undertaken the work at the request

the Hanna family.

TEASchilling's Best is packed

in a way to keep it good a

long tim e; it is never loose.W,iu far n Kamriadsa Bash. A SduKag 4

China Stops Train Service.Tientsin, March 16.—Owing to

forseen difficulties the Chinese rail­way administration has suspended train service until further notice be­tween Kaopantsze, YInkow and bln- mlnttn. It Is stated that the suspen­sion Is owing to the Japanese mili­tary's insistence that the railway car­ry military stores.

For bronchial troubles try Plso’s Cun for Consumption. It is a good cough cnsdUine. At druggists, price 25 osnts.

The new Japanese loan was the first international loan ever placed In London, New York and San Fran­cisco, jointly.

TO CURE A COLO IN A DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab eu. , drugglata refund tbs money If it fells to cn E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 26c

A Los Angeles street Inspector has been Indicted for receiving from street contractors bribes to report favorably upon tbelr work.

Young Woman Believed to Be Object of Orest Myafary.

Mabel Spang, daughter of Charles H. Spang, a wealthy manufacturer Pittsburg, Pa., who was remanded a private asylum In Yonkers, January 19, by order of Supreme Court Judge Mareau, has been released and is now said to be In Brussels. The entire af­fair remains a mystery.

8eizur* of Yankee veteel.New York, March 15.— toe steamer

Saxonia Prince, which has been seized by the Japanese In the Tsu straits, left New York on December 11, sailing In the regular service of the American and Oriental line. She cleared with a cargo for Singapore and Shanghai. That portion of her cargo destined for Shanghai was valued a,t *387,000.'•ud consisted of hardware, car material, street rails, machinery, copper, etc. The most valuable part of the cargo consisted of “domestics," valued at 6538.000.

The Prince line, limited, of New Cas­tle, England. Is the vessel’s owner.

Subway Traffic.Though traffic conditions were some­

what better on the New York subway and elevated systems Sunday, tne vice was far from being normal. There

i a few minor accidents as i suit of the Inexperience ot the motor men and guards.

TEAThere is a little joy In the

world in the reach of the poorest.

Kuropatkln’a Entire Army Hikes for Harbin.

The pint week has been one of re­peated reverses for the Russians In Manchuria. It closed with a crushing defeat and the retirement of Kuropat-

entlre army, or as much of It as could get away, to Tie Pass.

The long battle to the north of Muk­den has been one of the most- sangui­nary in history. It Is impossible as

o approximate the casualties, but according to all accounts thp total will aggregate something never before known In modern engagements.

It Is Impossible to determine how many Russians have been cut off, but It appears that a considerable portion of the Russian army has succeeded in reaching Tie Pass, and the defense of the rear guard has been sufficiently stubborn to permit of a withdrawal that is remarkably successful under the circumstances. ««.

Although Tie Pass was fortified last fall. It Is by no means certain that the Russians can hold this new posi­tion for any great length of time. They

at present enjoy an advantage, for the Japanese, after 10 days' unin­terrupted fighting and long marches, must be In a condition of exhaustion that will prevent an Immediate effort to dislodge Kuropatkln from his new stronghold.

t the Russians are In a badly shat­tered condition, and If Oyama Is able to repeat his flauklng movements It would not create surprise If the order

s once more given to fall back and orderly retirement was effected to­

ward Hlrbln.

In spite ot the great Increase In the number of trains run there were

railroad accidents In Germany in 1903 than In any prevlourtfcear. There

only 2,000 casualties, which is 40 per cent less than during the preced­ing year.

TEAOur tea is alike from year

to year, and so is the dealing

The London fire department Is en­gaged In testing an apparatus that com­prises in one machine a chemlncal en­gine, a powerful fire pump, a fire es­cape and a hose tender, motor driv-

and worked.

TEATh e few top leaves o f the

bush and a knowing cook

make tea Tor the few; alas for the many!

In a mass of meteoric stone Prof­essor Molssan, the celebrated French physicist, has discovered a cumber of diamonds of mlscroscoplc dimen­sions. but of regular octahedral form and perfect water.

TEAIt goes to the spot.

A novel suggesUon Is made In Lon­don that the unemployed should be placed on all the juries, as there is a fee of 60 cents for each day's service.

RELIABLE ASSAYS—Gold, 7*0: Golo and Stiver, «1 ; Leed, 7Sc; Gold, Stiver, Copper U-50. Samples by mall receive prompt alien Hon. Placer gold, retnrtaand rich ore« bought Bend tor free mailing envelope and price Ilrt OGDEN ASSAY CO., 1725 Ara paie» Street, Denver, Ooloredo.

Like Lieutenant Eldis of the Rus­sian Baltic fleet there are many de­scendants of Scottish or English fam­ilies In the Russian service, but most of them have Russianized tbelr names as In the case of the Hamilton whose name la now Humaroff.

A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILESItching, Blind, Bleeding or pr-trudlng pit«

Your druggist will refondyourmonevlf Pei- . Ointment (alls to cure you In 6 to.Udaya. No

A mirror, a crystal and a sword are carried before the emperor of Japan on all state occasions. "Know thyself," Is the message of the mirror: "Be pure and shine," la the crystal's in­junction, while the sword Is a reminder to “Be strong.”

FITS after Si«tday*s nee of Dr.Kllne’iOrefctlOrvehinonr. Bend fwProeSS trial battle and Iniltsi, D».B.H.Klloa.Ltd..sn Awb8C.Phlladeljtila.Pa.

Licenses are required for baby carriages In Berlin, and the vehicles are numbered.

Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup the West remedy to use for their children during teething period

Howard E. Barton, 4cLV„T,;’dJnSagBS&VSos appUeatlon. Control and empire work soUetsd. Load Win«. Or— —*------- *—*■*nate National Bank.

AyersIf your blood is thin and im­pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know

Sarsaparillathe medicine that brings good health to the home, the qniy medicine tested and tried for 60 years. A doctor’s medicine.

P o o r H e a l t h

Must Attend Warsaw 8chools.Warsaw, March 14.—The authori­

ties today decided to order the school» reopen and unless the boys returr

within a week expell them. It is ex­pected the majority will continue or strike, and hence parents have appeal ed to the minister of education at St. Petersburg to keep the schools closed until thé situation la clearer.

6100 Reward, 6100.The leader* oi this paper will be pleased to tern that there la at least one dreaded disease bat science has been able to cure In ell Its

.lages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh. Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical lraternlty. Catarrh being a oonstltu. Uocal disease, require« a constitutional treat­ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1« taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous —-faces of the system, thereby dcstroylngvth* __indetlon oi the disease, anti giving the pa­tient strength by building up the constitution —■*—listing nature In doing lu work. The

itors have so much falih In lu curative that they offer One Hundred Dollars

lor any case that it (alls to cure. Bend (or — 0,AddrSs.nU1F. J. CHKNET A CO.. Toledo, a

Id by druggists, 75c.Hall's Family Pills are the bash

Out of the 139 decoy prescriptions mt out by the Illinois board of-phar­

macy to Chicago druggists to be filled 23 contained no' trace of the drug call­ed for. 66 were 80 per cent Impure, 10

0 per cent Impure, and only 31 pure. The board will prosecute 100 druggists for selling Impure drugs.

CASTO R IAFor Infants and Children.

Tbs Kind Yoo H an Always Bought

It costs 61.25 to telephone from a to Paris. It would cost nearly 62 • use the wire for a few minutes be

tween Berlin and St. Petersburg, and this Is given as the reason why the line projected five years ago was never built

Tonapah and Goldfield, Nevada.The O. R. & N have the short line to

these camps, as well as to Portland,and all California points. Direct connection with the Southern Pacific.

GEO. J. MOHLER, Gen’l-Agt.Spokane, Wash

of the abolition of his office as returning officer of the school board elections H. List of Peuge, Eng­land has been allowed 60 cents per annum as compensation. Each quar­ter he will receive a check for 12 1-2 cents.


Hydraulic I

NO COST OF OFUATION.Write today for (re* Dluatrated booklet.

COLUMBIA ENGINEERING WORKSth ead Jehaaea Stream, Portland, Oat.

TAK oColumbus, Ohio, May 19, 190.

Some four Tears ago I was suffering from impure blood and a general run down condition of the system. I had nt_ appetite, was losing flesh, and had an all- gone tired feeling that made me misera­ble. I began the use of S . S. S., and after taking seven or eight bottles my akin area cleared of all eruptions and took oz ruddy, healthy glow that assured met' tnj blood had been restored to its umil, healthy condition. My appetite 1__restored, at I could eat anything put be­fore me, and as I regained my appetite I increased in weight, and that “ tired feel- ' ing” which worried me so much disap­peared, and I was once again my old self.

I heartily recommend S. S. S. as the best blood purifier and tonic made, and strongly advise its use to all those in need of such medicine. VicTOX Stubdins. Cor. B^hman and Washington Aves.

Wheeling, W. V., May 38, loot.My system wa* rundown and my joint*

ached and pained me considerably. Iliad used S. S. S. before and knew what It was, so I purchased a bottle of It and have taken several bottles and the aches and pains are gone, my blood has been cl cas­ed and my general health built up. I can testify to it as a blood purifier and tonia

1533 Market SL John C. Stxxn.I f yon have any

symptoms of dis­ordered blood write u s and oar physicians w ill advise you free.Onr book on

blood and eklasssTbs Swift bosolflo Company. Atlanta. 8a

F ÜTo Convince You

THE CHATHAMI i the BEST INCUBATOR on the market, I will send yon one, freight prepaid, and wait for my pay until October 1, 1906.

It wa* given the highest award at the Oregon State Fair, held at Salem last fall. Write for our Descriptive Catalogue of Incuba­tors and Brooders and omr time proposition.

GEO. W. F00TT,

Dept. 12 Portlind, Oregon

WEIWEATHER COMFORT“ I have used your FISH BRAND Slicker for live years andean tr̂ th-

arything giva me ts much com-

You can dsfy the hardest storm with Tower's Waterproof Oiled


'S * M »°

[10,000 Plants forlBc-J¡“affi.

r r w f S M s F s s f a a M j

ÌS 8 S :

v -ft JOHN I . I A IZ E I SEED Oft* * J ICJ La Crosse, Wie. 1

M. J. Shields & Co.Jrowera and Importers oi all kinds of

Grass and Field SeedsDry ground, deep-rooting grace seeds (hat we

arlll guaranies to grow on ground that will notK luco ceieale or any oilier kind ol grace.

make crop ol hay and pasture all seasons of the year Address, M. 5. SHIKLD6 A CO.,


acquainted with -th e

people in his oand energetic i—, _ -------------day. Address Box 1682. Spokane, W n

P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S._ than any other dye. One ioc _ results. Aak dealer or we send colors. MONROE DRUG CO., '

post paid at ioc • package. Writs farSouthern California recently experi­enced Its greatest rainstorm in years.