tag ranking

Tag Ranking Present by Jie Xiao Dept. of Computer Science Univ. of Texas at San Antonio

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Tag Ranking. Present by Jie Xiao. Dept. of Computer Science Univ. of Texas at San Antonio. Outline. Problem Probabilistic tag relevance estimation Random walk tag relevance refinement Experiment Conclusion. Problem. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Tag Ranking

Present by Jie Xiao

Dept. of Computer Science

Univ. of Texas at San Antonio

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ProblemProbabilistic tag relevance estimationRandom walk tag relevance refinementExperimentConclusion

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There are millions of social images on internet, which are very attractive for the research purpose.

The tags associated with images are not ordered by the relevance.

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Problem (Cont.)

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Tag relevance

There are two types of relevance to be considered.

The relevance between a tag and an image

The relevance between two tags for the same image.

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Probabilistic Tag Relevance Estimation

Similarity between a tag and an image

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x : an imaget : tag i associated with image xP(t|x) : the probability that given an image x, we have the tag t.P(t) : the prior probability of tag t occurred in the dataset

After applying Bayes’ rule, we can derive that

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Probabilistic Relevance Estimation (Cont)

Since the target is to rank that tags for the individual image and p(x) is identical for these tags, we refine it as

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Density Estimation

Let (x1, x2, …, xn) be an iid sample drawn from some distribution with an unknown density ƒ.

Two types of methods to describe the densityHistogramKernel density estimator

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Credit: All of Nonparametric Statistics via UTSA library

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Kernel Density Estimation

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Smooth function K is used to estimate the density

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Kernel Density Estimation (Cont.)

Its kernel density estimator is

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Probabilistic Relevance Estimation (Cont)

Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) is adopted to estimate the probability density function p(x|t).

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Xi : the image set containing tag tixk : the top k near neighbor image in image set XiK : density kernel function used to estimate the probability|x| : cardinality of Xi

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Relevance between tags

ti, tag i associated with image xtj, tag j associated with image x , the image set containing tag i , the image set containing tag jN: the top N nearest neighbor for image x

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Relevance between tags (Cont.)

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Relevance between tags (Cont.)

Co-occurrence similarity between tags

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f(ti) : the # of images containing tag tif(ti,tj) : the # of images containing both tag ti and tag tjG : the total # of images in Flickr

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Relevance between tags (Cont.)

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Relevance between tags (Cont.)

Relevance score between two tags

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Random walk over tag graph

P: n by n transition matrix. pij : the probability of the transition from node i to j

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rk(j): relevance score of node i at iteration k

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Random walk

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Random walk over tag graph (Cont.)

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Dataset: 50,000 image crawled from FlickrPopular tags:Raw tags: more than 100,000 unique tagsFiltered tags: 13,330 unique tags

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Performance Metric

Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain(NDCG)

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r(i) : the relevance level of the i - th tag

Zn : a normalization constant that is chosen so that the optimalranking’s NDCG score is 1.

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Experimental Result

Comparison among different tag ranking approaches

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Estimate the tag - image relevance by kernel density estimation.

Estimate the tag – tag relevance by visual similarity and tag co-occurrence.

A random walk based approach is used to refine the ranking performance.

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Thank you!