tachyon · tachyon (tyx) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the...

TACHYON Faster than Light v. 2.0

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Page 1: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

TACHYON Faster than Light

v. 2.0

Page 2: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com


These technical notes are intended to formally document and describe the features and concepts of Tachyon, a tipping

token built on Ethereum

Page 3: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Why Ethereum? 5

Regarding Ethereum’s Future 6

Overview 7

Features of Tachyon 8

The Tachyon Economy 9

The Distribution Model 10

Roadmap 11

Long-Term Vision 12

The Team 13

Contact 13

Mandatory Legal Disclaimer 14


Page 4: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

Introduction At the time of writing this, Ethereum’s network activity is at 700,000 transactions per day [ ]. Despite 1being one of the most successful blockchain experiments of our time—a trust-less, decentralized “supercomputer” entirely online—Ethereum is still in its infancy, processing on average 7 transactions-per-second (tps). The Ethereum development team has commented on the early state of their network overall, comparing Ethereum’s current working product to early computers in the late 1980s.

With Ethereum moving from a proof-of-work to a proof-of-stake system next year, its ecosystem will inevitably expand and improve over time. Yet, as the number of assets on Ethereum grows, so will the network’s financialization: representing tokenized assets, transactions, funds, and other financial instruments, a sector of Ethereum’s network will inevitably be tied to the transfer of value. The problem arises over the fact that, since its inception, Ethereum was not intended as a currency. On the ethereum.org website, it reads:

Ether is to be treated as ‘crypto-fuel’, a token whose purpose is to pay for computation,

and is not intended to be used as or considered a currency, asset, share or anything else [ ] 2

This stipulation poses a problem for everyday users. If there exists no currency-like token to fill this role on the ETH network, Ethereum will then take the impromptu role as currency for an entire network of smart contracts, payments, and decentralized applications to its detriment. Ethereum’s inability to function as a currency is evident by its explosive transaction fee increases during price spikes and panics.

Etherscan.io (2018). Ethereum Transaction Growth Chart. Retrieved from https://etherscan.io/chart/tx1

Ethereum Foundation (2018). What is Ether. Retrieved from https://www.ethereum.org/ether2


Ethereum Avg. Transaction Fee: Historical Chart

Chart courtesy of BitInfoCharts

Page 5: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

There is also the problem of Ethereum’s lack of a set block limit. Although ETH is being created at a steady rate, its current high inflation rate (14.75% for 2017) makes it unsuitable as a currency. On top of this, as the price of Ether continues to increase, a smaller and smaller fraction will be needed for the average person. Since Ethereum was not built to be used for micro-transactions and as currency, something must be created to fill this need which will become more pressing as the network grows bigger.

We envision Tachyon (TYX), with its fitting name, as Ethereum’s complement for tipping and small transfers of value — built as a second layer on top of Ethereum, Tachyon is positioning itself to be one of most accessible token-based payment rails on the Ethereum network. However, is our expectation that other accessorized peer-to-peer token-currencies on the Ethereum network will emerge as the network’s financialization continues. However, it is also our estimation that Tachyon’s early position in this market, and given that Ethereum is still so young, means that Tachyon is entering the Ethereum space at a time when the currency-like functions within Ethereum are not yet fleshed out. Tachyon thus can be the solution to Ethereum’s currency question.

Being an integrated, peer-to-peer token for transfers of value, Tachyon is a project focused on accessibility—and this includes the novelty aspect of the coin. Meant to be embedded into existing forums, chats, websites, and so on, Tachyon is a memorable token aiming to accessorize payments in our future informal digital economy.

What’s most exciting about Tachyon are the many use-cases, plugins, and interfaces which will be built on top of it. Tachyon is approaching the cryptocurrency industry by making itself the most consumer-friendly token. Above all else, this is why TYX will someday be the go-to currency for our online marketplace.

Why Ethereum? Ethereum today accounts for the most popular network in the cryptocurrency space, the highest in

network activity, and the 2nd largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Their positioning in the

global market, via their Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, makes them well-poised to dominate many sectors

of the global economy in the future, from supply-side logistics to decentralized applications to corporate


We are not skeptics of Ethereum — in fact, we definitely believe in its long-term viability based on our

analysis of its current positioning in the industry. However, we understand its limitations and want to

improve on Ethereum’s ability to serve as a network for payment rails. The reality is that, currently,

Ethereum cannot exist as a currency.

Tachyon aims to be one of the leading ETH-based payment forms — with a platform that will easily be

plugged into existing web pages, Tachyon will be ‘Ethereum’s little brother’ and currency complement.


Page 6: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

R e g a r d i n g E t h e r e u m ’ s F u t u r e

Ethereum represents a unique chance to build a truly decentralized, global network unto which digital

communication of any kind can be had. We expect this future to include many currency-like tokens for users to

accessorize their payments on the Ethereum network, as it becomes more integrated into everyday life.

The future of Ethereum also appeared to us, upon investigation, to be the most likely to produce a large,

successful blockchain-based network and economy. Although the network is itself currently in its infancy,

compared to the scope of its aspirations, Ethereum will soon develop a rich assortment of decentralized

applications as its development continues. Ethereum’s developers have spoken of the Casper update, and

Ethereum’s move from a proof-of-work (POW) system to a proof-of-stake (POS) network. This will effectively

not only greatly expand the size of the network, with nodes replacing the need for POW miners, but POS will

also allow for faster transaction speeds, sharding, and off-chain solutions. Ethereum’s everyday applicability, if

the project follows through, will surely be a fixture of crypto’s integration into everyday life.

Ultimately, three aspects about Ethereum indicated to us that Tachyon should use the Ethereum protocol and

network at its inception:

1. Ethereum’s current position in the market, as the second-largest cryptocurrency by market

capitalization, as well as its growing Ethereum Enterprise Alliance.

2. The healthy and growing state of its network size.

3. The current robust state of its development.

All being said, although we are optimistic about the Ethereum network’s longevity, the long-term goals of

Tachyon are not solely dependent on Ethereum.

As progress on Tachyon continues, the Tachyon network will have its own MainNet which will still be ETH-

compatible. The move to Tachyon MainNet will allow for transactions to be paid for with TYX and also ensure

that TYX transactions are not caught up in pending blocks on the Ethereum network. With Ethereum as the

primary layer, TYX transactions on MainNet will occur on the second-layer. So, although the future of TYX

will involve its own 2nd layer blockchain, its Ethereum-based origins will always be a central component of its



Page 7: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

Overview Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions

commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light


Tachyon (TYX) is an ERC-20 token intended to be Ethereum’s complement. TYX aims to be the

most accessible token for instant transfers — a network for mobile payments, embedded tipping on

forums, payments, and anonymous online purchases. With the Ethereum network rapidly growing,

Tachyon hopes to be the light-fuel for the future’s informal digital economy.

What is a “tachyon?”

Depending on who you ask, tachyons might be a theoretical impossibility or an exciting prospect. Based

off the Greek word ‘tachys’ meaning ‘swift,’ tachyons are hypothesized particles faster than the speed-of-


This may seem impossible according to our current understanding of the natural world. To travel at

speeds equal to light, one needs a mass of zero. This means that to travel faster-than-light, the particle

would need to have a negative mass.

Is such a concept possible to conceive? For now, tachyonic particles serve more as a placeholder for

imaginary concepts within astrophysics, similar to how the variable i denotes an imaginary number in

mathematics (as is the case when, for example, one tries to factor the square root of a negative number).

However, string theory calculations of particle vibrations has found that the squared mass derived from

these vibrations can sometimes yield an imaginary number. We are likely limited now by our available

tools of detection.

Regardless of their validity, tachyons have captured the imagination of science-fiction writers and

popular culture ever since it was popularized in James Blish’s Star Trek novel Spock Must Die! in 1970. It’s

since been seen in Babylon 5, The Watchmen, and many other pop culture references. Science-fiction has

often referenced tachyons to send messages, payments, and digital media in an instant: TYX will be its



Page 8: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

Features of Tachyon Tachyon (TYX) is an ERC-20 token built for the Ethereum network created to facilitate tipping and micro-transactions. An ERC-20 token standard allows for the transfer of value between two parties on the Ethereum network. Its code is purposefully barebones, using less data to maximize transaction speeds on the network. What sets Tachyon apart from other projects is that it is exclusively a digital currency with an improved strategy of adoption.

Accessibility: TYX aims to be the de facto tipping and micro-transactional token on the Ethereum network. As such, it strives to not only be in as many wallets as possible, but being a currency, it must also be on as many exchanges as possible to ensure liquidity. All the features of Tachyon, including its marketing, will work towards widespread accessibility and adoption — this means that, yes, we plan to be very active on social media with our community! We want involvement.

Fair Distribution Token Parameter: The wide spread of our token distribution means that our distribution will be fairly placed in as many hands as possible to maximize its use-case. A parameter is built with the ERC-20 standard to integrate the non-ICO distribution model with Tachyon.

Fungibility: The fungibility of Tachyon is one of our highest priorities so that it can exist as a usable currency. Near-instant conversions to ETH and fiat, ample exchange listings, payment plugins, and a sleek light wallet for transfers are all on the long-term agenda for the Tachyon project.

Tested Code: In April of 2018, a BatchOverflow Exploit was found on many Ethereum tokens which caused some exchanges to temporarily halt all ERC-20 token deposits. The exploit allowed individuals to mint additional tokens which effectively ruined the supply. Although this exploit was fixed, Tachyon will make sure that, unlike some crypto projects, the code for TYX is bug-proof and rigorously tested come TestNet. The code is also light to ensure the fastest transaction speeds on ETH.

Integration: Tachyon’s goal is to be an umbrella cryptocurrency for a host of tipping widgets and payment processors that can be easily integrated into existing sites, chatrooms, forums, and small marketplaces. Our light wallet for both desktop and especially mobile will work towards these ends. The widgets, wallets, and other interfaces for TYX will be easily integrated into existing digital infrastructure. We want the internet to be powered by the light-fuel that is Tachyon.

Memorable: Let’s face it, a tipping token that rests on use-case and social media exposure must have a memorable name and brand. Tachyon has both of these working to its benefit.

The Tachyon Network: Starting as an ERC-20 token, Tachyon will migrate to its own MainNet blockchain network in 2019/2020. Although it will remain complimentary to Ethereum, this future MainNet will link all the integrated built-in tipping widgets, micro-payment processors, forum plug-ins, and so on into an overall Tachyon network. Please expect more information on the Tachyon MainNet network when we publish our technical MainNet paper in Q1 2019, as per the roadmap.


Page 9: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

The Tachyon Economy Tachyon (TYX) is a currently an ERC-20 token built on Ethereum.

‣ Circulating supply is 299,792,459 TYX which is one more than 299,792,458 m/s, the speed of

light in a vacuum.

‣ No inflation or coin burn. All coins have been minted immediately at creation.

‣ Divisible by 18 places.

TYX’s function is best served as a token for tipping and micro-payments. With the Casper update

planned for Ethereum, sending TYX will soon be cheaper and faster to send preceding the release

of Tachyon’s own MainNet.

the entirety of Tachyon’s circulating supply will be distributed through successive campaigns

With an early, free, and fair distribution at the beginning of its creation, TYX’s goal is to be the

easiest-to-use and the most fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain.


Page 10: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

The Distribution Model One of the overall goals of Tachyon is accessibility. Tachyon will be a network of payment solutions, easily integrated into existing sites, forums, chatrooms, marketplaces, and other online infrastructure.

One of the major decisions during the Tachyon project’s initial draft was to have a host of campaign-based distributions instead of an initial coin offering (ICO). A large number of ICOs held on Ethereum in the past year have been found to be scams or money-grabs, as high as 80% were proven scams in 2017 alone [ ]. To make matters worse, most ICOs have failed to materialize on their promises. Thus, we are 3averting the pitfalls of the ICO model by instead distributing TYX via a different model.

Rather than having you buy TYX from us with ETH or BTC during an initial coin offering, TYX will instead be distributed to your Ethereum wallet through our many campaigns, aimed at maximizing its reach. At the time of writing this, the first complimentary early-bird Tachyon airdrop was completed on September 28th, 2018. Our successive distribution campaigns will involve tasks, promotions, bounties, and whatever else we here at Tachyon team have cooking up to get TYX in the most wallets and maximize its visibility.

We plan to carry out the Tachyon (TYX) distribution as follows:

• A total of 60% of the entire circulating supply (299,792,459 TYX) will be distributed in a series of campaigns, tasks, promotions, bounties, and the like.

‣ These special campaigns will continue until at least 55% of the total supply is in circulation — at certain increments, community votes will take place to ensure we have your input in this process.

• 5% of the total circulating supply will be kept for liquidity on exchanges.

• 15% of the total circulating supply will be kept as a crowdfunding effort for devs, marketing, and MainNet launch. This will allow us to reward the dev community for any new creations towards TYX accessibility.

• The remaining 20% of TYX tokens will be locked by the Tachyon team.

By not holding an ICO, the valuation of TYX will be determined by the forces of supply and demand in

the cryptocurrency market. Tachyon was created without any initial crowdfunding effort or secret

investors: we are pursuing this project to improve Ethereum, expand the scope of its network, and to

create the payment channels necessary for everyday adoption.

Alexandre, Ana (2018). New Study Says 80 Percent of ICOs Conducted in 2017 Were Scams. Coin Telegraph. Retrieved from: 3



Page 11: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

Roadmap Q3 2018 —Begin Phase I

▪ Genesis block! Mint 299,792,459 TYX▪ Conduct preliminary airdrop to those interested early ▪ Establish all social media channels and their design ▪ Be listed for early trading on decentralized exchanges

Q4 2018

▪ Completion of all Tachyon distribution campaigns until 60% of the total supply is circulating

▪ Coordinate community rewards and events‣ Reward-based system for promoting and using TYX will be rolled out‣ Tentative TYX faucet release

▪ Prototypes for Tachyon plugins and interface(s) for tipping to be released▪ Continue exchange listings beyond DEXs ▪ Begin development of light desktop wallet for both ETH and TYX▪ Establish the community-led Tachyon Developers’ Initiative

‣ A community intended for the developers, designers, and translators associated with Tachyon

Q1 2019

▪ Deploy Tachyon wallet for desktop (MacOS and Windows)▪ Deploy the first Tachyon web plugins

‣ Embedded tipping plugins for WordPress blogs planned for release‣ HTML helpers and Java applets for Tachyon micro-payments

▪ Publish expanded technical paper on Tachyon’s MainNet

Q2 – Q3 2019

▪ Deploy light mobile wallet (iOS and Android) ▪ Add anonymous functionality to Tachyon wallet

‣ An address scrambler and mixer‣ Integrate anonymity option into existing wallets

▪ Release the Tachyon Micro-tasking Platform‣ Stream of micro-tasks posted by users with TYX payouts for complete

tasks▪ Release Tachyon TestNet 1.0!

‣ Bug-tweaking and network expansion with each successive TestNet version


Page 12: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

After Q3 2019, Onwards —Begin Phase II

▪ Tachyon MainNet release! ‣ Token swap from ERC20 token to TYX MainNet at 1:1 ratio‣ Tachyon block explorer

▪ Publish roadmap for Phase II of Tachyon’s development ‣ Planned: Mobile app with instant transfers between TYX-to-ETH‣ Tentative on how Tachyon develops—Community suggestions will guide

us along the way.

Long-Term Vision Tachyon, as a fully-fleshed out and developed project, will be Ethereum’s second-layer payment

rail. Let’s take a look at what Tachyon’s long-term future holds.

✓ Tachyon Network running as a second layer atop Ethereum

✓ Accessible payment rail for micro-transactions with merchant support, including TYX-for-fiat

✓ Instant TYX-to-ETH conversions (or vice versa) in one’s own Tachyon Wallet

✓ Anonymous transaction functionality

✓ Wide array of site plugins for easy TYX tipping

✓ TYX-based platform for micro-tasks & TYX faucet

✓ Vibrant, engaging dev community

✓ Strong brand recognition

This is all in Tachyon’s future. TYX hopes to someday cement itself as the go-to token on the

Ethereum network for tipping and micro-transactions, being the most accessible and fungible

currency-token in the entire Ethereum economy and ecosystem.

The fundamentals of the world economy are quickly changing —- as our traditional modes of

employment, commerce, and education become more and more decentralized, it is evident that a

new, purely-digital economy is emerging from the blockchain idea. Hastening the coming of Web

3.0, Tachyon will then be its light-fuel: as a currency for the future’s informal digital economy.


Page 13: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

The Team TYX was created by two university students who have been involved in the cryptocurrency

space since 2015. The token’s name comes from a discussion on physics and tachyons that

unexpectedly morphed into a conversation on cryptocurrencies. “Tachyon” was thereafter chosen

as the name of the tokenized concept. Now, this same concept is quickly becoming a reality.

Tachyon, from such chaotic beginnings, has come to order as a real token.

We are just two computer science developers-in-training who are committed towards this project.

For now, we are mainly preoccupied with establishing the basic functionality of this token

ourselves. However, we intend on pushing the project to its absolute limits: launching a world-

class Tachyon MainNet is our ultimate goal.

We envision TYX as a widely-used novelty token for tipping and small payments online.

Although our approach may be unorthodox, we’re quite serious about making TYX as accessible

as possible. However, it is also important for TYX to be surrounded by an active crypto-

community, so the team’s online presence is tailored towards establishing this kind of culture.


Any questions, feedback, or words of wisdom should be sent to our email which is [email protected]

Don’t forget to visit us for more information at https://tachyontoken.com.


Page 14: TACHYON · Tachyon (TYX) is a token for tipping and micro-transactions commemorating the hypothetical particle said to be faster than the speed of light _____ Tachyon (TYX) is an

Tachyon: Faster than Light / tachyontoken.com

Mandatory Legal Disclaimer All of the information presented in this whitepaper is tentative and is subject to change at any time. None of the information herein should be construed as legal, accounting, or investment advice of any kind. This document does not represent a solicitation for investment, nor does it represent an offering or sale, public or private, of any kind of financial instrument, security or otherwise, in any jurisdiction. This whitepaper is provided as-is, for informational purposes only, with the intention of describing a prospective token system called Tachyon.

Acquiring TYX tokens and storing them involves various risks, in particular, the risk that Tachyon may not be able to launch its operations and develop its blockchain and provide the services promised. Therefore, and prior to acquiring TYX tokens, any user should carefully consider the risks, costs and benefits of acquiring TYX tokens.

For any questions, please email [email protected].
