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David Crockett High School Austin Independent School District Austin, Texas Student Handbook 2013-2014 1 Updated 8/24/12

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David Crockett High SchoolAustin Independent School District

Austin, Texas

Student Handbook2013-2014

Mission Statement

Fostering a community of learners and leaders.

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Table of Contents:

Class ScheduleCrockett AdministrationCounseling ServicesSupport ServicesAcademics at CrockettGeneral Attendance InformationCrockett Behavior ExpectationsGeneral InformationMessages/DeliveriesFlyers/Sales/FundraisersFree and Reduced Lunch ProgramTextbooks and ObligationsLost and FoundHall PassesCrockett Health OfficePledge of AllegianceCrockett Clubs and OrganizationsCrockett Alma Matter/Fight Song/Colors

 Dear Students,

Welcome to David Crockett High School! We want you to be involved, have fun, and be academically successful. Our mission statement is “. . . Fostering a community of learners and leaders.” We expect you to exhibit maturity, responsibility, and self-discipline. This requires your commitment and cooperation to follow school rules and regulations.

Crockett High School’s motto is “Always Victorious.” In order to be victorious at Crockett, we must each strive to be better every day. Set your goals high, work hard, and the future is yours.

Craig Shapiro, Principal

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Weekly Bell Schedule…  

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Important Phone NumbersAdministration, Front Office, Support Staff…

Principal: Craig Shapiro 414-7806 Principal’s Secretary: Diane Carrizales 414-7806 Front Desk Receptionist: Betty Hernandez 414-2532

Assistant Principal, 12th grade: Sissy Camacho 414-7803 Academy Director, 11th grade: Wendy Campbell 414-8012 Assistant Principal, 10th grade: Tai Choice 414-7898 Assistant Principal, 9th grade: Adam Holman 414-7871 Assistant Principal, SPED: Robyn Turner 414-7802 Academic Facilitator: Kelly Miller 414-0461

Guidance Secretary & Parent Connect: Janice Snyder 414-7884 Counselor, Special Programs: Corinne Oh 414-7813 Counselor – 12th grade: Curtis Barker 414-7835 Counselor – 11th grade: Susan Barnard 414-7602 Counselor – 10th grade: Shalondia Anderson 414-7886 Counselor – 9th grade: Ann McClain 414-7808

Team Leader – 9th grade: Tisha Gonzales 414-7851 Team Leader – 10th grade: Chad Ehlinger 414-7809 Team Leader – 11th grade: Mark Dawson 414-7812 Team Leader – 12th grade: Tracey Garcia 414-7812

Attendance Clerk: Judy Tovar 414-7807 Bookkeeper: Lilly Trevino 841-1702 Data Processor: Nancy Garcia 414-7873 PEIMS Coordinator: Rosa Robinson 414-7846 Registrar: Kathy Alvarado-Romero 414-7811 Librarian: Claudia Gibson 414-7844 College and Career Center: Michelle Kailey 414-0460 Communities in School: Andy Mere 841-1646 Special Education Coordinator: Tiffany Farris 414-7880 Nurse: Linda Truesdell 414-7888 Head Custodian: Kevin Johnson 414-7852 Campus Police/School Resource Officer:

Matthew Scott & Joshua Clements 841-7872

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HONOR ROLL ELIGIBILITY The Honor Roll classifications are:

        First Honor Roll (“A” Honor Roll)-GPA of 3.5000 and up (95-100)        Second Honor Roll (“A/B” Honor Roll) - GPA of 2.90000-4.4999 (89-94)        Third Honor Roll (“B” Honor Roll) -GPA of 2.4000-2.8999 (84-88)        The Honor Roll is a recognition based on scholarship achievement only. It has no relationship to the

National Honor Society requirements, which include criteria in addition to scholarship. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis will not be included in calculating GPA.

  CREDITS AND GRADE LEVEL CLASSIFICATIONAfter the ninth grade, students are classified according to the number of credits earned toward graduation.

Credits Earned Grade Level Classification5 Grade 10 (Sophomore)10 Grade 11 (Junior)15 Grade 12 (Senior)  GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSTo receive a high school diploma from Crockett High School, a student must successfully complete the required number of credits, as they are specified in the Secondary School Information Guide, and meet all standardized test requirements.

GRADE REPORTINGReport cards with each student’s grades and absences in each class are mailed to parents once every 6 weeks. Progress reports are issued 3 weeks into each grading period.

COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMSMost colleges require either the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) for admission. Students are encouraged to talk with the counselor to determine the appropriate exam to take. All juniors will have an opportunity to take the Preliminary SAT (PSAT).MAKEUP WORKAs a function of the Standards-Based Grading (SBG) system at CHS, make-up work is incorporated into

the model as a continual progression of skill/s mastery.        Each course group has a systematic plan to provide assignments to students who have been absent from

class. The makeup work should be done immediately upon the student’s return to class.         All students will be provided opportunity to make up work missed in accordance with AISD Policy.

LIBRARYStudents may enter the library during class hours with a signed library pass from the teacher they have that period or during lunch with a signed library pass from the librarian (obtained before school). Books are signed out for two weeks and are renewable. Overnight books are to be returned before the first class period of the following day. For lost or damaged books, the replacement cost of the book is charged.Periodicals must remain in the library. A copy machine is available at a nominal charge.Students must have a valid student ID card to use library computers.Unauthorized removal of any library material is viewed as a major discipline infraction.Library hours will be posted. The library is open before and after school and at lunch for student use. Students must present a library pass for library use during lunch, having obtained the pass ahead of time.


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Both experience and research indicate that a strong partnership between home and school helps lead to success in a child’s education. CHS always welcomes parents on campus and encourages parents to have open communication with school personnel, and to develop a strong partnership with their child’s teachers, counselors, and administrators. Each time a parent/guardian enters campus for any reason, the parent must sign the check in roster in the Main Office at the receptionist’s desk and obtain a Visitor’s Pass.HOW PARENTS/GUARDIANS MAY GET INVOLVEDEncourage your child to put a high priority on education, and work with your child every day to make the most of the educational opportunities the school provides. Ensure that your child completes all homework assignments and special projects. Be sure your child comes to school each day prepared, rested, and ready to learn. Attend scheduled conferences and request additional conferences as needed. We encourage you to schedule a telephone or in-person conference with teachers, counselors, or assistant principals, as needed. Participate in campus parent organizations such as the Campus Advisory Council (CAC), booster clubs, and PTSA. PARENT CONNECTIONParents/guardians can access their child’s course schedule, course history, and attendance directly from the Internet through Parent Connection, an application developed by AISD’s Management Information Systems department to allow you secure access to your child’s information. Information that you will be able to view is updated every 24 hours.   Some information in Parent Connection:Student profileStudent demographic Parent/GuardianCourse historyCurrent scheduleAttendanceCurrent gradesLinks to:AISD calendarSchool websiteSchool bus information From your computer, follow these simple instructions:

1.    Open your Internet browser.2.    Type in the web address:    Press Enter.4.    Click on the box labeled “Parents”.5.    Click on the box labeled “Register”.6.    Follow the instructions in the application to complete and submit your registration.7.    Note: From the log in page, you may also click on the documentation link for step- by-step instructions to

Parent Participate.8.    Upon registration you will be sent an email confirming your registration. This email will contain further

instructions.9.    Bring a photo I.D. to the office of Corazon Aguilar, Drop-Out Intervention Specialist, to activate your account.

If you need to schedule an appointment, contact Ms. Aguilar at 414-7879.  After your registration has been processed, you will be able to log in to Parent Connection to view your child’s information from home, work, or anywhere that you have access to the Internet! 

STUDENT ATTENDANCE  The expectation for attendance at Crockett is for every student to attend every class every day. If you must miss a class please follow the attendance policy listed below. 

ABSENCE POLICYWhen you must be absent, you must bring a note from your parent, guardian, or a doctor to excuse the absence. The note must include:

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Your name, student number, and grade levelDate of and reason for absenceParent/Guardian work and home phone numbersParent/Guardian signatureTurn in attendance notes to Ms. Tovar in the Attendance Office within 48 hours of your return.   Illness/injury resulting in absences of three days or longer must be verified by a signed doctor’s excuse.

LATE ARRIVAL/EARLY DISMISSALIf you arrive late to school, go to the attendance clerk and present a note from a parent/guardian or doctor in order to receive a pass to class.

If you need to leave school during the day you must have a permit. Go to the attendance clerk before school and present a note from your parent/guardian in order to be dismissed early. No student will be permitted to leave without parent/guardian permission.

TARDY POLICYStudents are expected to be in class on time each period. Repeated tardies will result in disciplinary action.

LUNCH Students in grades 9 through 11 are to remain on campus from 9:00 to 4:15 each day unless there is an early release for the day. Only students in grade 12 will be allowed off campus for lunch. This is a privilege and may be taken away from a senior who abuses this policy by frequently being tardy or who does not return after lunch. All 12th grade students leaving campus for lunch must be prepared to show their student ID to any faculty member who is monitoring the grounds.   OBTAINING A TEA FORM FOR DRIVERS LICENSE AND ATTENDANCETo obtain a driver’s license, a student between the ages of 16 and 18 must annually provide to the Texas Department of Public Safety a form obtained from the school verifying that the student has met the 90 percent attendance requirement for the semester preceding the date of application. Students must sign up in advance in the main office where completed forms can be picked up on Thursdays.

ATTENDANCE COURT AND TRUANCYA student may lose credit in a course for excessive absences.

If a student is brought to the office with a documented truancy, consequences will be assigned. Students and parents may be charged with breaking the Texas Compulsory School Attendance Law if 10% or more unexcused absences are recorded for the student.

Charges will be filed with the court and may result in fines exceeding $1000. 

ATTENDANCE APPEAL PROCEDURES AND CLEARING N/CsStudents who exceed 10% unexcused absences in a course will be issued an NC (no credit) and denied credit in that course. If a student has a passing grade and believes that credit should be awarded, an appeal can be made by: Obtaining an attendance appeal form from the Attendance Specialist and turning it in to your Assistant Principal completed by the date indicated on the form. Credits denied due to excessive absences may be made up by arranging community service with your grade level Assistant Principal.  CROCKETT BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS


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BE RESPECTFUL    Crockett High School seeks to provide students with a quality educational program; essential to this goal is a school atmosphere conducive to learning and free of disruption. Discipline measures can range from detention up to and including removal to an alternative education program and expulsion. Each case will be judged separately and may warrant different discipline. As a general rule, less serious offenses shall receive less severe discipline. More serious offenses may receive more serious consequences. Commission of multiple offenses of a less serious nature also may require the use of more severe discipline measures.    CROCKETT HIGH SCHOOL OPERATES UNDER THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE AISD STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCTPlease see AISD student code of conduct for specific information regarding misconduct and possible consequences. This document fully outlines Texas State law and AISD board policy. It may be accessed online at The code of conduct applies to students at all times, whether on the campus or at other school-sponsored activities or events.

SEXUAL HARASSMENTStudents must not engage in unwanted and unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, or physical contact of a sexual nature, by word, gesture, or any other sexual conduct, including requests for sexual favors. All students are expected to treat others with courtesy and respect, to avoid any behaviors known to be offensive, and to stop these behaviors when asked or told to stop. Students who believe that they have been the target of sexual harassment on the campus should immediately contact a teacher, counselor, or a school administrator. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIESOur staff is very pleased that you want to be a part of extracurricular activities at Crockett High School. We assure you that it is a worthy goal. The rules and policies governing those who represent our school are stricter than those pertaining to our general student body. For this reason, it is very important that you read this information carefully so that you understand what our school and our staff expects from all students at all times.

DRESS CODESTUDENTS WILL BE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO DRESS APPROPRIATELY, REPEATED FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Personal appearance should not disrupt the educational process, call undue attention to the individual, violate federal, state, or local health and obscenity laws, or affect the safety or welfare of classmates or students. Inappropriate clothing as determined by the AISD dress code:Improperly fit clothing, baggy pants, overly tight clothes, or clothes that expose; Halter tops, tank tops, bare midriffs, low cut necklines, strapless or backless tops, spaghetti straps, sheer or see-through clothing; Skirts or shorts that are short enough to expose the thigh; boxer shorts or athletic shorts worn outside of physical education; Visible undergarments, pajamas, or other clothing not designed as an outer garment; Gang-associated clothing, colors, jewelry/objects, or tattoos; Hats, caps, or any head covering worn inside the building learning zones (except for religious requirements). Hats will be confiscated by the administration for failure to comply with this policy. Likewise, other items of clothing with inappropriate logos or wording (i.e. advertising alcohol, drugs, sex, etc.) worn on campus or to school events will be confiscated.

CELL PHONES/PAGING DEVICES AISD policy allows students to “possess a paging device or cellular telephone; however, cell phones must be turned off during the school day (9:00 to 4:18) on school property.”  These items may be confiscated and turned in to administration if used during school hours. If confiscated, you will not be allowed return until 48 hours have passed and a $15.00 fee will be administered. Radios, CD Players, Camera Phones, Electronic Games, DVD Players, and other Electronic Devices are not allowed to be out or on in the learning zones of the campus. Crockett High School is not responsible for these items if they are stolen or damaged while on school property. For emergency contact with family, landline telephones are available to students in school offices.

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STUDENT PARKINGAll students must have a student-parking permit to park on campus. To purchase a permit, a student must have a current driver’s license, show proof of liability insurance and pay a purchase fee. Permits are sold before school and during lunch the first 10 school days; then before school in the main office for $10.Students may park in the Manchaca Road parking lot. The lower Stassney lot (next to the athletic fields) will be assigned to seniors only. Parking in a faculty or visitor area, or parking illegally, is prohibited and may result in the driver’s receiving a violation sticker on the car, receiving a fine and having the car booted. Parking lot patrols are made daily.  To have the auto-boot removed from your car, you must pay a fine. Do not drive with the boot on your tire; you will be charged for damage to the boot. VISITORSAll visitors must report to the Administrative Office and sign in for permission to be on campus and to obtain an official Crockett Visitor Pass. Students from other schools may not visit at any time unless permission is granted by the principal. 

VISITOR PARKINGParents and other visitors to the school are asked to park in the designated visitor parking spaces by the PAC building. 

STUDENT ID POLICYEach student will be issued a picture student identification card at the beginning of the year or at the time of enrollment. Students should wear the ID at all times when on campus. Students who fail to have proper identification will be assigned a temporary ID. There is a $5.00 fee for replacement of a lost card. 

The student must have the ID to:Check out books from the libraryUse computers in the library and classroomsPurchase a parking permitPurchase tickets or gain entrance to athletic events, dances, and other extracurricular activities; seniors may be asked to show their IDs each time they choose to leave campus for lunch.  EMERGENCY DRILLS AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES

Drills are required by law and are held monthly. In the case of a drill or an actual emergency, follow instructions as given by your teacher.

MESSAGES/DELIVERIESMessages cannot be delivered to students at school except in extreme emergency. We do not accept deliveries (flowers, balloons, or candy for birthdays and other personal celebrations). 

FLYERSStudents must obtain administrative approval before putting up any flyers or advertisements on school property. Organizations who put up flyers must remove the signs upon the closure of the event; failure to remove signs will disallow future event publication.


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All items sold at Crockett High School must have the written permission of the principal prior to sale. All sales for organizations not connected with CHS or AISD are prohibited. 

FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAMAll students must complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Form and submit it to the receiving desk in the Main Office.

Applications for free lunch will be provided in the students’ information packet at the beginning of the school year. New students can obtain application forms at registration.Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch are eligible for the following:ACT/SAT/PSAT fee waiversAdvanced Placement Reduced feeAISD’S summer school tuition voucherACC tuition freeScholarship/ Grant application opportunities for college

 TEXTBOOKS AND OBLIGATIONSTextbooks are the obligation of the student and his or her parents/guardians. Students are financially responsible for replacing lost or damaged books at the current replacement price.Students with obligations will be not be issued books. If a student fails to return or pay for missing textbook/s he/she will have access only to textbooks in class. Contact Mr. Davenport with textbook queries, Room 263.

 LOST AND FOUNDThe Lost and Found is located in the main office. Loss of property should be reported and articles found should be turned in to the office. An effort will be made to return lost items to their owners, but valuable items should not be brought to school.

 HALL PASSESOfficial classroom hall passes must always be used when out of class except when at lunch. (Library passes must be presented to hallway monitors in order for students to use the library during lunch.)Students in the hall without a visible pass will be questioned and returned to their class.

CROCKETT HEALTH OFFICEA registered nurse staffs the Crockett Health Office.

A child who has not received the proper immunizations will not be admitted to school until this requirement is met. Required proof of vaccines in order to enroll at Crockett: Hepatitis B, Varicella, Polio, Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.  Students are permitted to carry and self-administer over-the-counter medications provided they are in the original properly labeled container.

AISD personnel/school nurse is not responsible for self-administration medications.

All prescription medications need to be brought to the nurse to be administered from the health office.

The parent must complete a Medication Request Form and medication must be in the original properly labeled container. Exceptions for asthma and diabetes related medications are made upon nurse review. 

Students must have a signed pass to go to the Health Office.


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PhilosophyThe Crockett concept of winning comes from our school motto: Always Victorious. However, we will not risk our integrity or our physical, emotional, or spiritual well being to win any contest. We are confident that you will be a much better person because you participated at Crockett High School. 

AcademicsYour first responsibility at Crockett High School is to get the best education possible. You are very fortunate to have so many resources available to you. We expect you to attend class regularly, pay attention in class, turn in all required assignments, and study for tests. Student athletes must be promoted according to the State of Texas and AISD policy in order to participate during the first six weeks of each academic year. 

9th Grade – must have been promoted from the 8th grade.10th Grade – must have 5 accumulated credits.11th Grade – must have 10 accumulated credits or have earned 5 credits

the previous semester.12th Grade – must have 15 accumulated credits or have earned 5 credits

the previous semester.

Eligibility for the remainder of the year {2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, grading periods} requires that the student pass all courses the previous six weeks. These are only minimum requirements. We expect you to apply yourself in all subject areas and demand that you be the best student you can be.


Extracurricular CitizenshipYou will conduct yourself as leaders and good citizens on campus, in the community, and on the playing field. Use of any illegal drug, including alcohol, on or off campus will not be tolerated and will be grounds for immediate dismissal. You are a positive example for other students, and you represent Crockett; you are expected to conduct yourself positively at all times.

Extracurricular Participation It is a privilege, not a right, to be a part of extra-curricular activities at Crockett.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCESenate Bill 83 requires AISD students to recite the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags each day, after which, students will observe a moment of silence. If parents do not want their child to participate in these activities, they must notify the principal in writing.

Crockett High School Alma MatterFrom thee o Crockett High School

May we learn how to be

A part of your traditionsYour spirit, loyaltyAnd may we be proud and trueTo your colors ever gloriousAnd may your banner waveAlways victorious 

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Crockett High School Fight SongBorn on Manchaca in ‘68Greatest school in this here stateBorn of Spirit, loyaltyCrockett High will always beDavy, Davy Crockett King of the wild frontier.Go Crockett! Fight! Fight! Fight!Go cougars! Win tonight!  

Crockett ColorsBrown and Gold


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