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Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Six Steps to Literacy Page 4 Sound Attack Pages 5 - 219 Alphabet Chants Pages 6 – 13 The First Ten Days of First Grade Pages 14 – 32

Let’s Dance! Pages 33 - 228 How do I teach the Hunks and Chunks? p. 33 - 37 How do I play Word Wall Games? p. 34 – 41 The Phonics Dance chants p. 42 – 48

The Hunks and Chunks and Extension Lessons Pages 49 - 146 sh, ch and combined Review p. 49 – 53

th and combined Review sh, th, ch p. 54 – 56

ing, all and combined Review p. 57 – 61

ace, ice and combined Review p. 62 – 66

ar, or and combined Review p. 67 – 71

ea, ee and combined Review p. 72 – 76

oo, ew, ui and combined Review p. 77 – 83

oo the sweeties and oo the bully brothers p. 84 – 86

ay, a _e, eigh, and combined Review p. 87 – 91

ou, ow and combined Review p. 92 – 96

ink, ank and combined Review p. 97 – 98

ir, ur, er, and combined Review p. 99 – 106

oi, oy and combined Review p. 107 – 111

igh and ight p. 112 – 113

wh ~ the Question Words p. 114 – 117

aw, au, aught, ought and combined Review p. 118 – 123

wr, kn and combined Review p. 124 – 127

oa and ow as long o p. 128 – 132

ph p. 133 – 134

ai and the ai, ay, eigh Review p. 135 – 137

tion, sion, and ion p. 138 – 141

ed at the end of a root word p. 142 – 146








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

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Extension Lessons Pages 147 - 228 old p. 148 – 149

The plurals s, es and Drop the y add i-e-s. p. 150 – 154

Soft c and Soft g p. 155 – 162

Silly Plurals p. 163 – 166

Consonant clusters versus ir, ur, and er p. 167 - 169

ea = a long vowel (eat) or a short vowel (bread) p. 170 – 173

ear = ear or er and combined Review p. 174 – 178

ing, ang, and ung p. 179 – 180

Drop the e. Add I-n-g. p. 181 – 184

Double the consonant at the end of a root word p. 185 – 188

Compound Words p. 189 – 190

Contractions p. 191 – 194

Prefixes and Suffixes p. 195 – 204

Verb Tenses p. 205 - 208

Adjective, Noun, Verb sort p. 209 – 210

ight and ite Sort p. 211 – 212

ack, eck, ick, ock, and uck p. 213

Super Silent e at the end of a word p. 214 – 216

Super Silent e breaking the rules p. 217 – 218

Mystical Magical y as e or I at the end of a word p. 219 – 220

ink, ank ,& unk p. 221 – 222

ell & ill p. 223 – 224 atch p. 225 – 226 itch p. 227 – 228

Monster Words and Worksheets p. 229 – 233

Spelling Tests (A New Way to Approach Spelling) p. 234 – 237

Step 3: Vocabulary (Becoming a Word Detective) p. 238 – 240

Supplemental Manuals ~ Continuing the Literacy Process p. 241

Word Lists for Lessons p. 242 – 256

Picture Links, Monster Word Cards, Posters p. 257








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

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Beginning of the Year First Grade Alphabet Sound Review And Word Associations ~ revised 2006

To be chanted from the first day of school until the end September.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “a” Make a big AHHHH sound with your mouth. Notice how wide open your mouth is. Chant, “A–a-a…..Abby is sad. A-a-a is A! (Show your muscles when you say the long A to reinforce that it is a long strong vowel sound.) Then have the class cry, “WAHHHHHHH!”

“b” - B – b - b. Baby wants a bottle! Now burp your baby.

“c” - C says “cah”. Cat, meow!

“d” - D – d - d. I’m a digging dog!

“e” – (Hands in motion like a train) chant, “e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e” – pointing up in the air – “e – e – e – e – e. Eddy loves his teddy and Eddy loves E!” (Show your muscles when you say the long E to reinforce that it is a long strong vowel sound.)

“f” - F – f - f. Froggy loves flies!

“g” - G – g – g. Goat, Goat! (Sound like a goat when you say, “Goat!” and don’t forget to make your horns with your fingers by your head.)

“h” – (Breathe hot air on the top of your hand.) H -- h – h. I am happy.

“i” – “i” dot it, “i” dot it, i – i – i. Iggy loves her wiggy and Iggy loves I! (Show your muscles when you say the long I to reinforce that it is a long strong vowel sound.)








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

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sound, have them write a lower case “i” next to the capital I. As they do, tell them not to forget to dot it! The last vowel you have them identify will be the Vowel of the Day. Ask them to color in the vowel of the day. Review its name and its sound. Tell the class that all of the words they will write on this day will have the same vowel sound. Have them thank you for telling them what the vowel in each word will be.

Step 6: Can your write the word I say? Call out simple CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words that contain the vowel sound and rime of the day. To begin say the word slowly so the class can hear each sound. Draw lines on the board to show the kids how many letters a word contains. Point to each line and say the sound. As you say each sound, the class writes the letter that coincides with it.

The idea is to have the kids write words using the letters and sounds from the alphabet review. For example: Never ask a class to spell a word like “chat” during this review because they don’t know the “ch” hunk and chunk yet. “Ch” is not part of our alphabet review. You COULD ask your class to spell a word with a consonant cluster (blend) because you can hear each of the sounds in the cluster during the alphabet review.

Once a word is written it is time to be a word detective. Have the class underline the phonogram of the day. For example: if you are writing the word sat, it would look like this: sat. We underline the common ending and then practice reading the word in two parts. First we get our mouth ready to say the initial sound and then we read the phonogram. Finally we read the whole word. It would sound like this: s ~ at ~ sat. *****If a word contains a consonant cluster we would get our mouth ready and read the blend and then the rime. For example: if you are writing the word flat, it would look like this: fl at We underline the consonant cluster and the phonogram. Then we get our mouth ready to read the first part of the word (fl) and then the second part of the word (at). Finally we read the whole word. It would sound like this: fl ~ at ~ flat.








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When your class is ready to read and write, knowing

these rimes (phonograms) will help them. When a student does not know a word automatically, one decoding skill is to look for the onset and the rime. The goal is to look for letter combinations that make up sounds rather than

trying to sound out individual letters.

_ack ~ back, black, crack, lack, pack, quack, rack, sack, tack, shack, slack, smack, snack, stack, track _ail ~ bail, fail, frail, jail, mail, nail, pail, rail, sail, snail, tail, trail _ain ~ main, pain, rain, brain, chain, drain, gain, grain, plain, Spain, sprain, stain, train _ake ~ bake, brake, cake, flake, lake, make, wake, rake, shake, snake, stake take _ale ~ male, pale, sale, scale, stale, tale, whale _ame ~ came, frame, game, name, same, tame, flame, blame, shame _an ~ an, can, fan, man, pan, ran, tan, van, plan, span, than _ank ~ bank, blank, drank, prank, rank, sank, shrank, spank, tank, thank, yank








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

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Day 11 ~ Time to Dance! Once my class has done the Alphabet Review and Phonics Dance what comes next?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Day One of a New Hunk and Chunk

These steps are the same for your Monday and Wednesday lessons. Those are the two days during the week that you

introduce your new hunks and chunks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Step 1: Let’s Hunk and Chunk. Hand out the coordinating worksheet. Ask the class to look at the top of the page, circle and say the new hunk and chunk sound each time they see it. You will call this hunking and chunking (circling) the hunk and chunk. A hunk and chunk can be a noun when it is a letter combination. It is also a verb when you practice the art of circling the letter combination.

Step 2: Let’s Write. Now it’s time to write four words that contain the new hunk and chunk. These words should not be the same as the words the class will be asked to read. For example: You introduced “ing”. The first word you would ask your class to spell is the word ring. ***Once the students have written the word, they must circle all of the hunks and chunks in it! Be a word detective and show what you know about a word. Underline the consonant clusters and common rimes. If the word has a prefix or a suffix, bracket the root word. Ring is a single hunk and chunk word so only the ing would be circled. ***See the Word List Section for your selection of words.

Step 3: Ask the class to spell two more words that contain the new hunk and chunk. For example: You would ask your class to write sing and king. Don’t forget to have them hunk and chunk (circle) the hunks and chunks! Underline consonant clusters too! ***Only ask the class to spell words that contain the hunks and chunks you have reviewed. If you have not introduced the e-a hunk and chunk, you WOULD NOT ask the class to spell the word eating.

Step 4: The last word your class will write will be the Word Wall Word of the Day. It MUST contain the hunk and chunk you just introduced. For example: If you have chanted “ing”, your Word Wall word of the day could be thing. Don’t forget to have your class hunk and chunk both the th and the ing.








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

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introduce or review with your class. You can choose to concentrate on one specific concept or three different concepts. **The possibilities for these games are endless. Here are ideas to get you started.

Step 5: Let’s read! Now it is time for your class to try to read words containing the hunk and chunk of the day. Begin this step by having the class hunk and chunk the words listed underneath the words they have written. Don’t forget to underline consonant clusters and common rimes. Once they have hunked and chunked each word they will start reading, placing a checkmark above each word that has been read. Your job is to monitor the reading being done by each student.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Word Wall and Word Wall Games


1. Synonyms 12. Categorizing 2. Antonyms 13. Rhyming 3. Homophones 14. Vowel Hunt 4. Compound Words 15. A, B, C Order 5. Contractions 16. Plural Game 6. Nouns 17. Syllables 7. Proper Nouns 18. Fill in the Blank 8. Pronouns 19. Root Words 9. Verbs 20. Suffixes 10. Adjectives 21. Prefixes 11. Sentence Structure 22. Chunk Hunt

**** Bingo or Magical Words are fun ways to incorporate games into the learning process.








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Phonics Dance

VDowd©1999 Revised August 2008. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sh – Say, “S-h, sh, sh, sh. S-h, sh, sh, sh.” (Put your finger to your lips and make the sh sound as you say the sh sound three times.)

Ch – (It’s time to do the chicken cha cha dance!) Say, “C-h, ch, ch, ch. (Flap your arms to resemble chicken wings.) C-h, ch, ch, ch.” (Cha Cha down.)

Th – Point to the linking card and say, “This is a thorn and that is a thistle.” Chant the hard “th” first, “T- h, th, th, th.” (As you say the hard th, think this and that.) Repeat saying the soft “th”. “T-h, th, th, th.” (As you say the soft th, think thorn and thistle.)

Ow – Make the letters o and w with your fingers. Hit them together and say, “O - w, ow. There’s a cow going down, d – o – w – n! That’s the way to get down!” (Pretend to slide your arms down the slide as you say d-o-w-n.)

Ou - Make the letters o and u with your fingers. Hit them together and say, “O - u, ou. O-u-t. o-u-t. Get out of here you bumble bee. O – u – t. Out, out, out!”

Ing – (This is the King of ING’s dance.) Say, “I-n-g, ing, ing, ing. I-n-g, ing, ing, ing.” (Jump up and down and turn in a circle three times as you chant ing, ing, ing.)








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

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Extension Lessons

~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that we

know the hunks and chunks, what

do we do?








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

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Name ______________________________ With a noun…… S or e-s means more than one!

S or e-s means more than one!

1. ____________________ 2.___________________ 3._____________________ 4.____________________ bush bushes girl girls box boxes flower flowers

Word Wall Fun!

1. ___________ 2. _____________ 3. ___________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name ______________________________

With a noun…… S or e-s means more than one! S or e-s means more than one!

1. ____________________ 2.___________________ 3._____________________ 4.____________________ bush bushes girl girls box boxes flower flowers

Word Wall Fun!

1. ___________ 2. _____________ 3. ___________








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

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Name ___________________________________ Silly, silly i and e. How will you say the letter c?

Smarty, smarty a, o, u. When you see c what will you do?

1. ____________________ 2.___________________ 3._____________________ 4.____________________ cat car cry circle city center centimeter

Does the word I say have a smarty c or a silly c? 1. ___________ 2. _____________ 3. ___________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name ___________________________________

Silly, silly i and e. How will you say the letter c? Smarty, smarty a, o, u. When you see c what will

you do?

1. ____________________ 2.___________________ 3._____________________ 4.____________________ cat car cry circle city center centimeter

Does the word I say have a smarty c or a silly c? 1. ___________ 2. _____________ 3. ___________








Copyrighted Material.© 2012, VDowd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic

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