table etiquette principles

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  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Simon & Schuster. The art of the table.Rockefeller Center. New York



    Know the vocabulary of table setting

    The difference between formal and informal

    dining Table etiquette manner

    How to eat specific food

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Formal Dining

    An elegant refined mode of entertainment diningexperience

    Setting dazzles the senses with profusion of

    sparkling crystal, glistering porcelain, exquisitefloral arrangement and magnificent decor

    Place name cards define seating arrangements

    Menu cards, where the finest meals and fine wine

    are served Food is prepared by chef; a minimum is four


  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    The food is served on time and the guests areexpected to arrive promptly

    Pre-dinner always arranged before the dinnertime approximately 30 minutes

    Champagne and cocktails or champagnecocktails are served in pre-dinner includinghors d oeuvres and canap

    The ladies is first seated by hostess,

    gentlemen and host is last Announces dinner time when the time is right

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Wine are refilled during dinner time (most ofwine and food are served one glass per one

    course) Guests uniform are formal; evening dress for

    lady- black jacket or tuxedo for gentlemen

    Host announces for grateful and thank you

    for all guest When dinner time is finished take away gift

    may provided

    Conversation or business issues are beingtalk

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Limitation of dining time

    A simple food courses are created

    Time of dining is not specific

    The time relaxation and informal talking

    Guests uniform are casual, smart casual Family and American service style are arranged

    Table setting is casual; easy, not too complicated

    No formal pre-dinner party

    Food can be set menu or buffet

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    The need of good conversation whichconcerns with objective of the party

    Host is seat in the middle

    The seats of honor are accorded those to the

    right of host Second most important seats are to their left

    Use the place cards when more than sixguests are seated

    The rest guest are seated in appropriatesitting

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    The extreme guest is seated at the head ofthe table and host is seated to his right

    Couples guest is seated separate Seating arrangement for more than one table,

    host and hostess are sit separate

    female honoree sits at the table of hosts table

    male honoree sits at the hostess table

    All other husbands and wives sit at separate tables

    Seating for best flow of conversation; do not seat together two people of the same

    profession Do not seat two employees of the same company


  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    The way of raising first glass of drink to health or

    greeting Toast is always given in formal dinner

    Host gently taps his glass with utensil, then rises totoast the honored person

    State the name of the honored guest and makes atoast (all guests stand)

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Raise the glass in the direction of the honoree,repeat the name and sip the drink

    When honoree choose to make a toast, respondsimmediately or at any time during the meal

    Informal dinner, a toast is not expected Small party, guest need not to stand

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Depends on the method of preparation andwhether the meal is formal or informal

    Formal meal; utensil are used and finger do nottouch the food except dry roll or cracker and hold

    fresh fruit Informal meal; both fingers an utensils are used

    Hamburger in a bun is held with fingers but meatpatty on a plate is eaten with fork

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Bread product

    Canaps; depends on the way are served-fingeror utensil

    Caviar; serve in a small crystal bowl laid on a bedof cracked ice accompanied by small rounds of

    toast-buckwheat pancakes, sour cream, and othergarniture; and served as appetizer accompaniedwith vodka

    Cheese; serve with cracker, bread basket, dried

    fruit, used both fingers and utensil Soft-boiled egg; serve in eggcup cut the upper of

    egg with knife , put some salt and pepper thenused small or coffee spoon

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles

    16/28 http://www.e





  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Fish; detach the head

    Steady the body with a fish fork, and slit the bodyopen with the pointed tip of the fish knife

    Use the fork and knife to lay the fish flat on theplate

    To lift the bone from the body, place the tip of thefish knife under the backbone, and with the fishfork lift it and place it on the side of the plate

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Fondue; hot melted chocolate with fruits, canbe meat or fish fondue with hot sauce

    Frog legs;- a farmed frog leg, when eatingheld with the fingers of one hand, the large

    legs are used knife and fork Hors doeuvres;

    Light appetizers served as an extra course or asnack taken out side the main course

    They are eaten with fingers or a fork

    Serve with cocktails, such as cheese and cracker

    Serve at the table before a first course

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Petit Fours; Small sponge cakes, chocolate or candied

    Serve at the end of the meal courseafter dessert, accompanied with tea and coffee

    Serving for four to five pieces

    Foie gras;

    Depends on foie gras are served Used utensil when foie gras is served as the first

    course or second course

    Appetizer may used the fingers

    Foie gras are served with sweet sauce or fruit sauce

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles



  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Shellfish; Whose bodied are protected by hard shells,these include crab, lobster, and shrimp

    Crab; Crab is frequently served in shell In the restaurant, crab is served cooked and

    cracked, ready to eat with small seafood fork

    If not break them open with a nutcracker, whichprovided with the dish To remove the meat from the legs, claws, and tail,

    the appendages are twisted off with fingers Remove the flesh from the shell with a small

    seafood fork or nutpick Discard shells in the dish provided and rinse the

    fingers in the finger bowl

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Lobster; Lobster are served boiled, steamed or grilled

    cooked in the shell is eaten with fingers, a smallfork, a knife and nutcracker

    Condiments are served as drawn butter, lemonwedge and parsley

    If the meat has not been loosened, proceed muchas for crab

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Oyster; raw oyster is served on half shell on a bed of

    cracked ice are usually seasoned with lemon,pepper, or little hot sauce

    Used oyster fork for eating

    Alternatively, bring the shell to the mouth and

    quietly suck the loosened flesh from the shell Oyster is served as pre dinner cocktail with


  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    RSVP- Rpondez s'il vous plat- Please reply

    How to hold dinner for a late guest The dinner is held no longer than 15-20 minutes

    The late diner have to come to host and offers abrief explanation, served the course in progress

    If the latecomer arrives during meal course, as acourtesy the host sees that a dinner plate is madeup for her/him

    Service person keep looking at the latecomer, in

    order to run the meal course speedy

  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


  • 8/11/2019 Table Etiquette Principles


    Thank you