tabernacle christian school student ·...

1 TABERNACLE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Student Handbook "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." 1 Corinthians 4:20 2013-2014

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Page 1: TABERNACLE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Student · person realize that they are called to a life that glorifies God and edifies their



Student Handbook

"For the kingdom of God

is not a matter of talk

but of power." 1 Corinthians 4:20


Page 2: TABERNACLE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Student · person realize that they are called to a life that glorifies God and edifies their


Welcome to The Tabernacle Christian School 4141 Desoto Road

Sarasota, FL 34235


A Pursuit of Excellence Founded on Christ

The Tabernacle Christian School Alma Mater

The Tabernacle Christian School

Helping every child achieve,

Planting seeds of truth and love,

With willing hearts may we receive,

Help us grow in faith and courage,

Pure in heart and mind and deed,

Giving honor to the Savior,

Following where He may lead,

Let us rise and shine in Jesus

In the glory of His light,

The Tabernacle Christian School

We lift His banner high!

“Train up a child in the way he should go

and when he is old,

he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

No person, on the grounds of gender, race, color, national or ethnic origin,

is excluded or otherwise subjected to receiving services at TCS;

nor does TCS hire or assign staff on the basis of gender, race, color,

national or ethnic origin.

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Welcome to The Tabernacle Christian School Family!

We are so excited about our new 2013-2014 academic year! This will be the

second year under the leadership of our new Principal Ronda Crickenberger.

She did an excellent job last year during our transition and our student body

has increased significantly. This year, we have added smart boards to our class

rooms for grade four through eighth grade. These are high tech tools designed

to enhance the learning environment and deepen the interaction between

students and teachers. Last year, during our annual Gala, our PVO and

parents raised the funds to purchase this equipment. So, I want to express a

huge thank you for your hard work in helping us strive for excellence in


To our parents, let me say that I appreciate your choosing TCS for your child’s

education. It is our pleasure to educate, care for, and minister to your children.

These early years in your child’s educational and spiritual development are

critical. The Tabernacle Christian School will continue to combine academic

excellence and sound Biblical instruction to provide the foundation your child

will need in this 21st century. I know it is an awesome responsibility and I want

to assure you that the leadership of TCS will endeavor to do everything

possible to make certain the investment you are making is worthwhile.

Please know that we will do our best to do our part, but let me stress it is

imperative for parents to reinforce our core values and Biblical principles within

the home. We will do everything within our means to prepare your child

spiritually, mentally, physically and socially, but we can never take the place of

the home. Faithfulness to the church of your choice and living out your

Christian faith in your child’s eyes is key to embedding and instilling your values

and faith. You have the opportunity and a responsibility to mold and fashion

Christ within your child, and ultimately it is your walk with the Lord which will

speak volumes in the years ahead.

The theme for this year is “Build Your Kingdom Here.” We want God to build

and establish His kingdom on our campus that will bring eternal transformation

in the lives of both students and parents. The scripture verse for the year is —

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” (1 Corinthians


May the blessings and favor of the Lord rest richly and abundantly upon you!

Pursuing Him,

Dr. Dwain Kitchens

Senior Pastor

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Theme Scripture.................................. ..1 Welcome To The Tabernacle............... ..2 Pastor Letter ........................................ ..3

Staff ..................................................... ..6 Educational Philosophy ..................... ..7 Mission Statement............................... ..7 Moral Philosophy/Purpose.................. ..7

Goals……………………………………………..7-8 Statement Of Faith .............................. 9

Admission & Enrollment………………………….9-10 Immunizations..................................... 10

Financial Policies Registration & Tuition ......................11 Retuning Families .............................11 Withdraw Fee....................................11 In School Accounts ...........................11 Lunch & Extended Care Programs .. 12

Reimbursement……………………………………..12 Providing Change ............................ 12 Field Trips ........................................ 12 VPA & Sports Fees .......................... 13

In School Payments Received……………………...13 School Records Release....………………………….13

Financial Aid.................................... 13 Chapel ................................................. 13 Accreditation....................................... 14 School Hours & Contact Info ............. 14 Early Arrival........................................ 14

Attendance Policy................................14-15 Make-up Work .................................... 15 Tardiness ............................................. 15 Early Sign Out & Regular Dismissal.. 16

Student Health Policy………………………………...16 Illness During School Year ................ 16 Medications......................................... 17

Dress Code & Dress Down Policy...………….….17-19 Relationships....................................... 19

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Academic Agenda/Grading……………………….19 Honor Roll .......................................... 20 Homework........................................... 20

Physical Education………………………………..20 Academic Non-Performance............... 20 Promotion............................................ 21 Cheating/Plagiarism............................ 21 Agendas............................................... 21 Parent Conference............................... 21 Communication/Complaint Procedure 21 Standardized Testing .......................... 22 Library................................................. 22 Lockers................................................ 22 Internet Use & Media Posting ............ 22 Newsletter ........................................... 22 Weather ............................................... 22 Lost & Found ...................................... 22 Text Book & Supplies......................... 23 Book Replacement .............................. 23 Volunteers & Moms In Touch............. 23 Cell Phone & Electronic Devices ....... 23 Personal Property................................ 23 Visitors ................................................ 23 Party Invitations.................................. 23 Fire & Emergency Drills..................... 24 School Property................................... 24

Discipline Policy……………………………………..24-26 Christian Character ............................. 26

Athlete Department/ Sports Participation…..…….…..26-27

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Dwain Kitchens Senior Pastor Rick Phillips Business Manager Ronda Crickenberger Principal Dixie Souders Preschool Director Stacey Montgomery Administrative Assistant Donna Arakel Administrative Assistant Jenny Stenger Financial Assistant


Dwain Kitchens Senior Pastor Derek Whitehouse Music & Worship Pastor Mike Workman Youth Pastor Mike Workman Young Adult Pastor Lizbeth Viera Children’s Pastor Jordan Martens Discipleship & Outreach Brent & Peggy Harbaugh Directors of Counseling Leo Mascitto Facilities & Grounds


Lee Horvath Ken King Bo Medred Ed Koschara Don Light Bill Mullet


Gregg Claxton Mike Overholt Danny Beiler John King Al Brand Lance Wiegand Jim Light John Marino Mike Ricci

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The Tabernacle Christian School believes that the purpose of the Christian school is to intentionally, deliberately, and unapologetically frame a child’s educational experience through the Truth of God’s Word, the Bible. This should be woven within a strong academic curriculum that prepares the student for their next level of education. TCS’s goal is to develop a Christ-centered worldview in every student, which, it is hoped, will become the basis for their life-long, personal commitment to Christ in order to transform our world for His glory.

Scripture makes it very clear that parents are responsible for their child’s education. TCS does not seek to replace the role of the parents or the influence of the Church. The family, the church and the school must work together to help each Christian young person realize that they are called to a life that glorifies God and edifies their fellow man.


The mission of The Tabernacle Christian School is to lead every student to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and develop the spirit, mind, and body of each student to see life from a Biblical point of view.


The Tabernacle Christian School recognizes that the family begins with the joining of one man and one woman in marriage as described in the Scriptures. (Gen 2:24; Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 7:10; and Eph 5:22-23) God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged outside of marriage. God disapproves of and forbids any other sinful perversions of His gift of sex. (Gen 19:5, 13; Rom 1:26-29; 1 Cor 5:1; 6:9; 1 Thess 4:1-8; and Heb 13:4)


Our purpose at The Tabernacle Christian School is to assist parents in training a child so that he or she will develop according to the example of Jesus. “And Jesus grew in

wisdom and stature and in favor with god and man.” (Luke 2:52)


• Accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but

have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

• Accept all of life’s experiences as part of God’s eternal purpose. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God…” (Rom. 8:28) “Give

thanks in all circumstances for this is Gods will in Christ Jesus.”

(1 Thess. 5:18)

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• Obey God as revealed through His word. “…We ought to obey God rather than

men.” (Acts 5:29)

• Exercise love, obedience, and respect for others. “So in everything do to others

what you would have them do to you…” (Matt.7:12)

• Commit to honoring and following God. “You shall have no other gods before

Me.” (Ex.20:3), “…Follow Me…” (Matt. 9:9)


• Master basic learning skills.

• Acquire self-discipline and good work habits for academic success.

• Develop effective written and oral communication skills.


• Acquire skills for successful relationships. “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

(Matt. 22:39)

• Honor and respect parents and other adults in authority. “Children, obey your

parents in the Lord.… Honor your father and mother…” (Eph. 6:1-4)

• Respect and honor our nation. “Let every soul be subject unto higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God…. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom;

fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.” (Romans 13:1-7)

MORAL GOALS - Biblical based moral standard for conduct on and off campus.


• Support the school through parent and teacher fellowship.

• Aid children in family devotions, homework, and recreation. “ Bring them up in the

nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Eph. 6:4)


• Maintain a quality educational learning atmosphere through the following:

◊ Provide a Christ-centered academic environment

◊ Effective teacher-pupil ratios

◊ A firm, fair, and consistent standard of discipline

◊ Dedicated Christian teachers

◊ Contact and communication with parents

◊ Christ-centered curriculum

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1. We believe in the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures and the authority of both the Old and New Testaments. (2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:21)

2. We believe man was created in the image of God, through disobedience sinned and fell, and that the entire human race shares in man's lost and depraved nature. (Gen 1:26-28; 3)

3. We believe Jesus, the eternal Son of God, took upon Himself the form of a man by means of the virgin birth. Atonement for sin was made by the sacrificial and substitutional death of Jesus Christ through His shed blood on the cross. (Matt 1:18-23; 1Pet 1:18-21; Rom 3:25)

4. We believe salvation is the gift of God by grace alone and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and that this faith is manifested in works pleasing to God. (Rom 5:1-2; Eph 2:8-10)

5. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into Heaven, and His priestly intercession. (Rom10-9-10;1Cor15:3-8;Heb7:25)

6. We believe the Holy Spirit is the Promise of the Father, our Comforter sent to convict the world of sin, which places the believer in the Body of Christ, indwells the believer, and bestows spiritual gifts to the Church. (John 14:15-18; 16:5-15; 1 Cor 12-14)

7. We believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit is for all believers as a definite endowment of power for service and is subsequent to, and separate from conversion. The baptism in the Holy Spirit enhances the release of spiritual gifts and the fruits of the Spirit. (Acts 1:4-8; 2:1-4, 38-39; 8:14-17; 10:44-48; 19:1-7)

8. We believe the ordinances of the church, by the command of Christ, are Water Baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper, both of which are administered to those who are born again. (Matt 28:18-20; Acts 2:41; 1 Cor 11:17-26)

9. We believe in the eternal salvation of the believers and in the eternal damnation and punishment of the nonbelievers. (John 3:16-18; Rom 6:23)

10. We believe that the consummation of all things includes the visible, personal, and glorious return of Jesus Christ, the "Blessed Hope" of the Church. (Acts 1:11; 1 Thess 4:13-28; 2 Pet 3:1-13)


Applicants for grades K3-K5 must meet the following requirements: • All students must be toilet trained. • Age Requirements: K3 age 3 on or before Sept. 1 K4 age 4 on or before Sept. 1

K5 age 5 on or before Sept. 1 (Gesell Development Screening required) All admissions and enrollment are completed online through RenWeb Enrollment.

• Go to the schools website at • Click on Admissions • Click on How to apply and then Re-enrollment or New Family link

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Submit required documents to the school ◊ Physical exam (Form #3040 ◊ Certificate of immunization (HRS Form #680) ◊ Copy of birth certificate ◊ Last two years of report cards ◊ Standardized Test Scores (last two years) ◊ IEP or 504 if applicable ◊ Any other information—Accommodation Plan or Special Education Program

After completion of enrollment student/family will be contacted to schedule: • Entrance testing • Interview and Admissions Review (Review of academics and behavior will be discussed at this meeting)

Upon completion of student/family interview: • Letter of acceptance or notification of denied application will be received.

Students transferring from another school must have all accounts paid and a transcript (grades) received before student acceptance is granted.

The Tabernacle Christian School reserves the right to refuse admission to an applicant or to discontinue the

enrollment of a student if his/her conduct in or outside of school is in opposition to the biblical lifestyle taught by

the school. This includes sexual immorality, homosexual orientation, drug or alcohol use, improper or immoral

use of internet, or inability to support the moral principles of the school. Admission may also be refused or

enrollment also discontinued if the parents are unsupportive of the moral and educational philosophy of the school

All Immunizations must be up to date prior to the first day of school. (Please see list)

Preschool 4 DTPs (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis)

3 Polio

4 Hib (Haemophilus Influenza Type B)

1 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)

3 Hepatitis B

1 Varicella (chicken pox)

Kindergarten &

Grades 1st

through 6th

5 DTPs

4 Polio KG (last dose needs to be given on/after 4th birthday)

4 Polio grades 1-6

2 MMRs

3 Hepatitis B

2 Varicella for KG and grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

1 Varicella (chicken pox) for grades 6

Grades 7th

through 12th 5 DTPs

4 Polio

2 MMRs

3 Hepatitis B

1 tdap grades 7, 8, 9, 10,11

1 TD or 1 Tdap grades 12 1 Varicella (chicken pox) for grades 7—12

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All financial fees are subject to change.


Fees are payable when registering online through our RenWeb enrollment process. Fees are non-refundable.


All tuition payment plans are paid through an automatic draft payment using FACTS, our tuition management program. We offer one, two, four and monthly installment plans. All installment plans begin in June with a 1st or 15th of the month due date. Accounts 5 days past due will result in student being ineligible to attend classes and charged an unexcused absence. All tuition payments are processed directly through FACTS. Normal payments received at school will include any additional FACTS fees and a $15 TCS processing fee.

We offer a 3% discount on student portion of tuition for those families that pay in full at registration or by June 1. Student portion is full tuition and any fees due. The 3% does not apply for student portion discounted by a scholarship award. TCS will accept payment in full at school only at the time of registration, but a FACTS account is mandatory for all students regardless of payment schedule.

FACTS fees are as follows: Non-sufficient funds - $30 Late Fee - $40


Any previous year balance must be paid in full or child will not be able to enroll in the new school year.


Any student withdrawing will be charged $575 per student and after the first day of school, a quarterly tuition rate through the end of the current quarter enrolled. Written notification is required. No records will be released if all accounts are not paid in full.


RenWeb is used to pay student charges and purchases. You may access your family account by visiting the schools website and under Parents click on RenWeb link. The school ID is TA-FL. RenWeb fees are as follows: Transaction fee - $.85 Non-sufficient fee - $2.50

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RenWeb accounts are prepaid accounts. TCS accepts ACH, debit and credit card type payments. An account with a positive balance is past due. Any unpaid balance will result in a child being ineligible to attend class or participate in any school activity until account is paid in full. In addition a $10 late fee will be charged per week for accounts that have a balance due.


Lunches are available for a fee and payable through RenWeb.


The charge for the extended care program is $5.00 per day per child. The hours are 3:15 pm. to 5:30 pm. There is an additional charge for late pick up of $1.00 per minute per child. REIMBURSEMENTS: Any reimbursement request for a school expense purchased by a parent or volunteer for VPA, Sports, Gala or other school related activities will follow these guidelines:

• Parent will submit receipt to Teacher or Staff in charge of activity. (no reimbursement will be issued without a receipt)

• Teacher or Staff will fill out a green “check request” attach receipt and submit to business office for approval. • All tuition, RenWeb and school accounts must be in good standing and current in order for reimbursement to be issued. • Reimbursement will then be mailed to parent.


It is the policy of the school and for the safety of our students and staff to not provide change back for an in school purchase. Some items for purchase such as Theme shirts do not run through our RenWeb program. When making a purchase please send in the exact amount in the form of a check or cash. If there is change due back it will be applied to the students RenWeb account to lunch or extended care. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


A permission slip must be returned by deadline for all attending a field trip. Chaperones participating must comply with the Parental Participation Policy. Chaperone dress must be modest and appropriate at all times. Background screening is required for all chaperones attending by scanning your drivers license in the front office. Parents must wear a school identification sticker while on any field trip. Any student with a past due TMS or RenWeb account balance will not be permitted to participate in extended field trips.


For FL Keys, Williamsburg and Washington trips, cost of trip will be added to the FACTS tuition account and follow the same payment schedule. Any fundraising credit will be adjusted in FACTS against trip balance. The trip must be paid in full in order for student to attend. For all field trips, if at any point student withdraws from a trip there is a non-refundable fee and expenses incurred charge. In addition, no refund will be issued four weeks prior to the departure of the trip due to expenses incurred for trip. All tuition and RenWeb accounts must be paid and up to date for student to attend trip.

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All fees must be paid in full before the first practice with the exception of theatre. Theatre fees are due after the audition list is posted. Any unpaid fees will result in your child being ineligible to participate in the program. All fees are non-refundable.


All fees are due after tryouts and before the first practice. Any unpaid fees will result in your child being ineligible to participate in the program. All fees are non-refundable.

PAYMENTS RECEIVED: It is at the business offices discretion in applying payments received at school. If a student has a delinquent amount in a RenWeb or tuition account, payments received may be applied towards delinquent accounts first.

SCHOOL RECORDS: School records, transcripts, report cards, SAT reports and other school related records will only be released when student account is paid in full.

STEP UP FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: TCS participates in the financial assistance program, Florida Tax Credit (FTC). To apply for this financial aid log on to Renewing families receive online access to re-apply for assistance before new applicants. It is strongly recommended that renewing families apply for new school year as soon as access to applying is open. Once Step Up allows all applicants to apply, scholarship funds are not guaranteed.

PAYMENTS RECEIVED: It is at the business offices discretion in applying payments received at school. If a student has a delinquent amount in a RenWeb or tuition account, payments received may be applied towards delinquent accounts first.

SCHOOL RECORDS: School records, transcripts, report cards, SAT reports and other school related records will only be released when student account is paid in full. STEP UP FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: TCS participates in the financial assistance program, Florida Tax Credit (FTC). To apply for this financial aid log on to Renewing families receive online access to re-apply for assistance before new applicants. It is strongly recommended that renewing families apply for new school year as soon as access to applying is open. Once Step Up allows all applicants to apply, scholarship funds are not guaranteed.


A time for prayer, praise, worship, and spiritual instruction is set aside each week. Preschool and Elementary School Chapel begins at 9:15 a.m. on Fridays in the middle school building and also the gymnasium. Middle School Chapel will begin at 8:15 a.m. on Fridays in the middle school building. Parents, family and friends are invited to attend all chapels.

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The Tabernacle Christian School, grades K3 through 8th, is accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and Florida League of Christian Schools (FLOCS #4565). The Tabernacle Christian School Preschool is certified with the Florida League of Christian Schools (FLOCS) and holds membership in The National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC). TCS also holds member associations with Florida Association of Academic Non-public Schools (FAANS).


School office (941) 365-1050 Church Office (941) 355-8858

School telephones are for emergencies and can only be used with staff permission. Forgetting gym clothes, textbooks, musical instruments, homework, or field trip slips are not considered emergencies.


School office: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Early Care: 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Preschool and Elementary: 8:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Middle school: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. After Care: 3:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.


Pre-K and Elementary students arriving before the start of school must be dropped off at early care. There is no charge for this service. Students will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:00 a.m. Students are not allowed to wait unsupervised at the doors to the elementary

building. The five minute warning bell to get to class is at 8:10 a.m. Middle school students may be dropped off at the middle school lobby. Students will be allowed admittance to classrooms at 7:50 a.m. The three minute warning bell rings at 7:57 a.m. and class begins at 8:00 a.m.

The entire TCS campus is off limits to students prior to 7:30 a.m. also after 3:15 p.m. unless the student is with their parent, checked into extended care, participating in athletics , VPA or has permission from a staff member to be on campus.


Student must be in attendance and not miss more than nine days excused or unexcused in any given semester or run the risk of not receiving credit for that semester. Excused absences require written documentation signed by parent or guardian at the return of school. Students have one day for every day they were absent to complete school work. Please schedule make-up quizzes or tests with the teacher. If a student is absent more than twenty (20) days, whether excused or unexcused, during the academic year, his/her promotion to the next grade level will depend upon administrative approval. A student must attend at least four hours of the school day in order to be eligible to participate in any school related athletic, social, or extracurricular activity that afternoon or evening. Special exceptions must be approved by the administration. Any student serving a suspension may not participate in any extracurricular activity.

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Accepted Excused Absences:

• Illness • Doctor/dentist appointment (accompanied by a note from the physician) • Death in the family • Planned absence or emergency with approval from the administration:

◊ Maximum days approved will be five (5) days per school year ◊ Written request using the “Request for An Excused Absence” form ◊ Must be submitted to school two days before departure date ◊ Student is responsible for requesting assignments from each teacher prior to the departure date. ◊ At the discretion of each teacher, major projects or assignments that are due while the student is absent, may be due prior to their absence. ◊All make up work is due the day the student returns to school. ◊ It is the responsibility of the student to reschedule any test and quizzes with the teacher

Excused absences written documentation requirements:

• Student name and date of absence • Reason for absence • Parent or guardian signature • Medical appointments require a physicians note • Absence note must be received by second day or the absence is unexcused

◊ Homework for unexcused absence’s will not be counted for credit ◊ Unexcused absences will result in a zero for all class work ◊ Tests and quizzes will be allowed to be made up


It is the student’s responsibility to complete any work missed during an absence. All assignments which were given prior to the student’s absence are due upon the student’s first day back to class. Otherwise they have one day for each absent day to turn in the work. Any missed work while serving a suspension cannot be made up and will be recorded as a zero.


• Homework/Classwork may be picked up at 3:15pm on the day the student is absent as long as the parent contacts the school and requests it before 10:00a.m.

Middle School: • Students will view homework assignments on RenWeb. Any worksheets or class work assigned during their absence, may be picked up from each subject teacher upon the students return. It is the students responsibility to ask each subject teacher for work missed. Parents may enter the middle school building to get books from students lockers after school after stopping in the office.


Any students not present in the classroom at the designated start time of class is considered tardy. Student must report to the clinic or office before reporting to class. Excused tardy will

only be issued for doctor/dentist appointments accompanied by a doctor’s note. Any student arriving after 11:30 a.m. will be considered a half day. An elementary student will be permitted four unexcused tardies per quarter without reprisal. On the fifth unexcused tardy, elementary students will have recess detention for each unexcused tardy thereafter. Middle School students will be permitted three unexcused tardies per quarter without reprisal. They will have points deducted from their employability grade for late arrival between classes and on their fourth unexcused tardy.

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Students being signed out early should be limited to doctor/dentist appointments or emergencies. Sign out is done in the office. Anyone picking up besides students parents will need to have their drivers license with them.


Students in 3rd thru 8th grade will be dismissed from their classes at 3:00 p.m. Students in K3 through 2nd grade must be picked up in their classrooms. All students will be picked up in the elementary loop. Students who are not picked up by 3:15 p.m. MUST report to the Extended Care Program. There are no exceptions to this rule for safety purposes.


A child who becomes ill during school hours will be monitored for a period of time by our clinic staff person. If symptoms persist, the parent will be contacted to pick up the child as soon as possible. Your child must be symptom AND fever free for a period of 24 hours before they can return to school. Criteria for student pick up:

• Fever: 100 degrees or more • Respiratory: Breathing difficulty, wheezing or strong cough • Vomiting: signs of • Diarrhea: signs of • Rash: Skin irritation • Sore throat: student complaint and/or accompanied by a fever • Contagious, infectious or communicable disease

Return to school based on student symptom free or written doctor note Contagious Disease Criteria for return to school

• Chicken Pox: All lesions dry and crusted • Impetigo: Return after 24 hours of medication and blisters crusted • Conjunctivitis: No eye discharge or burning • Pink Eye: No drainage and return 24 hours after start of medication • Lice or Scabies: No nits can be present and student must be checked in the clinic prior to returning to school. • Ring Worm: Treatment must be given and all areas covered until healed • Hepatitis: Physician note required • Strep Throat: No sooner than 48 hours after start of medication


In the case of an unexpected illness or injury, the student will be sent to the clinic. A parent will be contacted if the student has a fever or visible signs of a health issue. Please make sure the clinic has up to date contact information in case of an emergency. If parents are leaving their children in the care of another family or adult, please leave a notarized statement giving them permission to sign for any emergency care that may be necessary.

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Before school personnel will assist the child in the administration of medications, the following is required:

• All medication must be brought to clinic by parent or authorized adult • A Medication/Treatment Authorization form must be on file with the clinic • All medication must be in its original container and packaging • Over-the-counter medications (i.e. Tylenol) will not be given without signed authorization from a pediatrician on the Medication/Treatment Authorization.


TCS requires modesty, neatness and respect when it pertains to attire. Any fashion that detracts from the school’s main purpose in attempting to teach modesty, neatness, and respect will not be tolerated. The administration reserves the right to determine if any or other forms of dress or grooming are unacceptable or a distraction to the educational process and require correction. All uniforms must fit properly. School uniforms must be purchased on campus. Uniforms can be purchased before and after school at the library or room #14.

Preschool/Elementary Uniforms:

Girls: Navy Blue: • Ruffled Polo dress with TCS Logo (Navy, white or gray leggings can be worn) • Pants with yellow or red TCS Polo shirt • Bermuda shorts with yellow or red TCS Polo shirt

Blue Plaid

• Pleaded Scooter skirt with yellow or red TCS Polo

Khaki: • Bermuda shorts with yellow or red TCS Polo • Pants with yellow or red TCS Polo shirt

(Note: skirt cannot be shorter than 2” from the ground when kneeling)

Boys: Navy blue: • Shorts or pants with yellow or red TCS Polo shirt (Must be worn with a belt)

Khaki: • Shorts or pants with yellow or red TCS Polo shirt

Shoes: Dress or casual with closed toes, athletic shoes, boots (no heels, sports cleats, sandals, flip flops etc. are permitted)

Socks: Socks must be worn with shoes.

Belts: Navy, Khaki, Black or Brown fabric or leather (no studs or eyelet design)

P.E.: Students will wear their PE uniforms during P.E. classes. Uniforms can be purchased before and after school in the Library or room 14. Socks must be worn with tennis shoes. Black or navy blue sweat pants are permitted on cold days. Hats are permitted during PE only. No Bandanas are permitted.

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Middle School Uniforms:

Girls: Black or Navy:

• Pleated Scooter with Burgundy or Gray Polo with TCS Logo (no shorter than 2” from the ground when kneeling) • Bermuda shorts or pants with Burgundy or Gray Polo with TCS Logo


Black or Navy: • Pants or shorts with Burgundy or Gray Polo with TCS Logo. Pants and shorts must be worn with a belt the belt must be navy, black, or brown fabric or leather, no studs or eyelets.)

Undershirts: PE shirt or a solid white, black or navy short sleeve t-shirt may be worn under Polo shirt but not to extend beyond the shirt sleeve.

Shoes: Dress or casual with closed toes or athletic shoes, or boots. (No heels, sports cleats, sandals, flip flops, etc. are permitted)

Socks: Socks must be worn with shoes.

P.E: Grades K5—8th will wear their PE uniforms during P.E. classes. Uniforms can be purchased before and after school in the Library or room 14. Socks must be worn. Black or navy blue sweat pants are permitted on cold days. Hats are permitted during PE only. No Bandanas are permitted.


Outerwear: During cold weather, solid navy blue, black or white sweaters/sweatshirts or TCS jackets may be worn in the classroom. No logos or writing are permitted on outerwear worn in the classroom unless it is TCS clothing. Jackets or sweaters are not conforming to uniform policy may be worn to and from school, but not in the classroom or in PE classes (this includes the lunch room and Family Life Center). Sweatshirts or jackets are not to be worn around the waist in the classroom.

Accessories. No sunglasses, hats (except in PE or recess), or excessive jewelry are to be worn on campus. All necklaces must be worn inside the school uniform and not be distracting. Earrings for girls shall be limited to no more than two on the lower earlobe only. No dangling or hoop earrings over one inch. Boys may not wear earrings, and no one may wear more than one wristband or bracelet on each arm. Body piercing and tattoos (real or temporary) are prohibited.

Hair. Hair should be neatly combed and not impair vision. Hair styles, color, and accessories should be modest and not a distraction to the learning environment. Hair color should be a natural hue; any students with colors deemed unnatural or distracting may be sent home until the problem is corrected. Boys’ hair may not be below the eyebrows and not beyond the lower collar. No Mohawks or similar haircuts are allowed.

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Regular fitting jeans and pants (not worn or torn) are permitted for both boys and girls. Girls may wear Capri's or shorts (must be at or below the knee) and boys may wear shorts. All clothes must be free of holes or ragged edges. No warm ups, sweatpants, camouflage, or pajama pants; girls no sleeveless blouses or midriffs.

During P.E, students in elementary and middle school must dress in P.E. uniform; no dress down passes will be accepted during P.E.


All students may dress up for special theme days throughout the year.


A substantial part of our daily lives center around our relationships. Our primary relationship should be with Jesus Christ. Having a strong, healthy relationship with Christ puts our other relationships into proper perspective. At TCS, we encourage healthy friendships between our students, including students of the opposite sex. These friendships are to be wholesome and remain on a “friendly” basis. Exclusive relationships (boyfriend/girlfriend) are not encouraged or permitted. Public displays of affection (kissing, hugging, handholding, etc) are not

permitted at any time.


TCS uses Bob Jones Curriculum. In addition, teachers have the flexibility to enhance their programs to promote optimum learning.

The grading and conduct scales are as follows:

Preschool O = Outstanding G = Good S = Satisfactory NI = Needs Improvement NA = Not Assessed

Elementary & Middle School Conduct Scale E = Exceeds Expectations S = Meets Expectations N = Needs Improvement

Grading Scale

A+ 98-100 C+ 77-79 A 94-97 C 73-76 A- 90-93 D+ 67-69 B+ 87-89 D 63-66 B 83-86 D- 60-62 B- 80-82 C- 70-72

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The academic year is divided into four, nine week quarters. Students grades are available to parents daily by accessing the Parent Web section on RenWeb. Mid-term reports are prepared and emailed to parents five weeks into each quarter.


Elementary School: Students whose cumulative average is 95.00 to 100% receive Highest Honors, 90.00 to 94.99% receive Honors, and 85.00 to 89.99% receive Merit. Honor Roll students are presented to the student body and an Honor Roll Award Ribbon is given to each student during a special chapel. An academic grade of a “D” or “F” in any subject will eliminate a student from receiving the Honor Roll.

Middle School: Certificates are presented for Honor Roll each grading quarter. Students with a GPA of 4.0 receive Highest Honors, GPA of 3.5 to 3.99 Honors, and GPA of 3.0 to 3.49 Merit. To be eligible for Honor Roll, students must have conduct grades of excellent or satisfactory and no grade lower than a “C-”. A conduct grade of needs improvement and/or an academic grade of a “D” or “F” will eliminate a student from receiving the Honor Roll.


Students must receive “A’s” in all subject areas to be on the principals list (formerly known as the “A team”.) This includes a special breakfast and dress down passes.


Routine written and reading assignments for homework are considered an essential part of a student’s education. All students are expected to complete all homework. Students are to

record daily homework assignments in their agenda books. Homework will be posted on

each teacher’s webpage. Student’s may not call parents to bring forgotten homework to

school. Students are expected to do their own homework. Sharing the work on an assignment with other students without the teacher’s permission is considered cheating. Homework assignments are given to reinforce and expand upon work done in class. The amount of homework may vary from class to class. No homework will be assigned on Wednesday evenings, although some long term assignments may be given on Wednesday night. This allows your child the freedom to attend any of our midweek youth programs here at The Tabernacle or at a church of your choice.


All students must participate in physical education. A student wishing to be excused from

physical education must have a note from his/her parent stating the specific reason. Parental excuses are acceptable for a one week period. If a student’s health condition merits a longer period of time, he/she must have a written note from a physician. All students must wear the TCS PE uniform, with socks and tennis shoes. Sweat suits may be worn at the discretion of the PE teachers. Failure to comply with dress code will adversely affect a student’s grade.


All assignments are expected to be completed whether it is a daily homework assignment or a project which may take several weeks to complete. Students who fail to regularly complete assignments will meet with parents, teachers, and administration to resolve this non-performance concern. Students with a cumulative grade below a “C-” will not be permitted to participate in any extracurricular activities, (sports, VPA, etc.) until that cumulative grade is brought up to at least a “C-”.

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Student academic failures occur when a student is unable or unwilling to do the required work and may result in a student being retained in the same grade. A student receiving one “F” may be required to successfully complete summer tutoring before being promoted to the next grade level. Promotion will be pending an administrative review when a student receives more than one “F” as a final grade in his/her core academic subjects.


The work a student completes and returns indicates what the student has learned. Trying to receive credit for work not completed by the student will be dealt with on an individual basis. Consequences may range from zeros to the removal of the student from TCS. Parents will be notified of cheating. Plagiarism is defined as the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.


Agenda Books are to be completed by students daily, informing parents of homework being assigned. Students are responsible for completing their agendas in every class. Your support in reviewing this important communication tool is vital. When writing a note to a teacher via the agenda, it is your child’s responsibility to show that note to the teacher.


We encourage parent involvement in the education of your child. Parent/teacher conferences are an important part of the communication process at TCS. These conferences may be scheduled by emailing your child’s teacher (s). In order to enable our teachers to utilize their time most efficiently, unscheduled conferences are discouraged. Teachers may not be able to conference with parents between 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. as they are responsible for the care of the students in their classroom.


We believe that good communication is a key to the success of a school. We endeavor to be good communicators with you by adhering to the communication principles found in Matthew 18:15-17. In many situations, this procedure will resolve any misunderstandings or problems.

If a student or parent has a concern about a school policy or an employee, the following procedure should be followed in order to resolve the problem as quickly as possible:

1. Contact the person who you have a complaint about to discuss both sides of the concern. (Matthew 18:15-17)

2. If the problem still exists, contact an Administrator.

3. If it is still unresolved, ask the Administrator how your concern may be presented to the School Advisory Council.

Conversely, we will try to contact you if any problems arise, or if we have any questions or concerns. Many times the school and parents receive information secondhand through the student and unfortunately, it is not always completely reliable. So please, contact us if you have any questions and we will do the same.

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The Stanford Achievement Test is administered in the spring to all students in grades K5 through 8th grade. Students also take the Otis-Lennon Test of Academic Ability in third, fifth and seventh grades. Results of all standardized testing are sent home with the final report card.


The library is available to all students for academic assistance and recreational reading. Elementary classes have a scheduled time to visit the library each week. Middle school may check with the librarian concerning access to the library before and after school hours. If a student damages or loses a book, you will be contacted by the librarian as to comparable restitution or replacement.


All middle school students will be assigned a locker to house their school books, supplies, lunches, and any other materials they need throughout the school day. Each locker will be assigned a combination lock which can only be obtained at the school office. ONLY SCHOOL

issued locks may be used. Lockers are the property of the school and can be accessed by school personnel at any time. No tape or stickers are permitted on any part of the lockers.


The use of the school’s internet system is considered a privilege. Students who inappropriately use the internet in any way are subject to penalties ranging from restriction of use of the internet to expulsion from the school based on the severity of the infraction.


For the safety and privacy of our students, please do not post to the internet pictures or videos of any students wearing the TCS uniform or participating in activities on the school campus without having parental permission. Please be respectful of staff privacy as well. (No posting of staff pictures without their permission.)


The TCS Touchline is published weekly and can be found on our website at as well as on Renweb. It contains weekly activities, lunch menu, and other pertinent information concerning events and activities going on at school.


When weather conditions exist that would affect the safety of students, parents, or teachers, we will cancel classes. Parents will be alerted via email. Closings and emergency information will also be posted on or a recorded message on the school voicemail. We will always follow the Sarasota County school system in regard to closing for weather emergencies.


All unlabeled found items will be placed in the Lost & Found bucket. Please make sure you label your child’s belongings and uniform attire. Labeled items will be returned to the student. Unlabeled belongings will be donated to a charity after 2 weeks.

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The school orders and provides textbooks, workbooks, and learning materials for students. In some situations, textbooks are on a rental basis and are returned for next year’s use. Students will purchase their other supplies from the published supply list.


Books that are damaged or lost must be replaced at a fee charged to the student. Pricing information is available in the office. Students are not permitted to color, draw, or write on the covers or bindings of their books.


Parents are encouraged to volunteer at our school. Information sheets are available in the office detailing how you can help with the PVO (Parent Volunteer Organization). All visitors MUST bring their drivers license to obtain a pass from the front office.


Moms in Touch meets weekly at school. All interested parents who would like to pray for our school, teachers and students may check the website for meeting days and times.


Personal Music, Ipads, Tablets and Electronic Devices not used for classroom use are not permitted on the school campus at any time. Cell phones are permitted, but must be in the student’s backpack or locker on silent or off mode during school hours. Taking pictures, video, audio recordings, sending, receiving or reading text messages is forbidden during school hours and during extended care. Cell phones are not permitted to be used on school sponsored trips or activities unless permission is given by the teacher or coach. Students who do not follow these rules will have their cell phones confiscated and/or receive disciplinary action. 3 or more confiscations and the students will not be allowed to pick them up and will require parents to pick them up from the principal.


Video games, toys, permanent markers, personal property, etc., are not permitted on campus without TCS staff permission. Student textbooks, binders, notebooks, backpacks, etc, should be kept in their original condition, free from graffiti, logos, drawings, etc. School supplies should not contain or bear questionable symbols illustrations, or decorations, (i.e.: rock groups, non-Christian musical artists, violent images skulls, gang symbols, etc.)


Visitors are welcome to our school campus. All visitors must sign in at the office upon arrival to receive a visitor’s pass that must be worn during the visit.


We see the importance of students socializing with their friends outside of school. However, we also want to be considerate of children’s feelings. We ask that if your child is having a birthday or other type of party and you are not inviting the whole class, please mail or deliver the invitations outside of school to avoid hurt feelings due to being left out.

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The school will conduct regular drills to prepare students for efficient emergency evacuation of the buildings. Evacuation routes will be posted by the door of each room.


Any student who defaces, damages, or destroys school property will be required to repair or replace the damaged item and may face disciplinary action.


A child’s behavior is ultimately the responsibility of his/her parents. We are not primarily an institution to change behavior but rather to educate children. With this understanding, the goal of The Tabernacle Christian School is to provide a positive learning environment in a Christian atmosphere. The Bible admonishes children to receive discipline in order that they may develop wisdom: “Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days.” (Prov. 19:20)

Discipline is a necessary and essential part of developing character and promoting growth and maturity. Discipline refers to a parent or a teacher’s responsibility to teach children the principles from the Scriptures concerning attitude, speech, and actions.

The goal of our discipline system is to correct improper attitude or behavior and to instill an improved sense of responsibility and self-discipline in the student. We will strive to establish an effective partnership between parents and educators to develop standards of behavior in our students based on biblical patterns of honor, respect, and obedience.

Teachers are entrusted to maintain control in their classrooms and to enforce rules and policies whenever they encounter students on campus. They are responsible for assisting students in understanding the reasons for avoiding misconduct and the development of self-discipline.

Students are to adhere to three basic principles:

• Respect all authority at all times.

• Treat others with dignity and respect.

• Respect the learning of others.


“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a

harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

Preschool Guidelines:

The child is taken aside and the behavior is named and discussed. He/she is told that change must take place for the well-being of the group and the child’s own happiness. Role playing and problem solving skills will be employed to train the child. Encouragement from the Bible with specific verses to shape the attitude and future response of the child will be applied.

If the unacceptable behavior continues, one or more of the following steps may be taken: • The behavior is named and a short period of “time-out” is utilized. • The child’s parent will be notified regarding any unacceptable behavior.

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If the behavior is harmful (i.e. a child hits, kicks, or any other purposeful physical act against a fellow student or teacher) the student may be removed from school for the remainder of the day and/or the next school day. An Incident Report will be written and signed by all parties involved in the incident. The pattern of behavior will be reviewed by the Administration of TCS to determine further action.

Elementary School Infractions:

Infractions are handled by classroom teacher using behavior modification and instruction.

The following list is examples of infractions:

Minor disturbances interrupting classroom order Cutting/pushing in line Making noises that may distract or bother others Coming to class unprepared (homework, books, paper, pencils, etc.) Gossip Dress code violations Horseplay or running on campus Minor disrespect (quip, murmur, expression, or gesture)

Middle School Employability Skills

Students in middle school will focus on a variety of “work habits” or “employability skills” in each of their classes. Our goal is to help students develop solid work habits enabling them to be successful in school, while preparing them with critical job related skills necessary for future careers. The Employability Infraction notice sent to parents will promote strong communication between teachers and parents regarding the child’s skills and approach to learning.

The employability skills students will focus on include:

• Dress Code Violation

• Unprepared for class with required materials

• Not on task (On-task behavior when work is assigned)

• Uncooperative attitude

• Incomplete Agenda (6th grade)

• Improper use of school resources

• Tardy to class

Guidelines for Employability Skills Expectations

Every student will start each quarter with (100%) employability points in every class. If the student does not receive an employability infraction during the quarter, he/she will receive the full (100%) points. For each infraction, percentage will be reduced by five points. The employability grade will be factored in as ten (10%) child’s overall grade for each subject area. At the beginning of each new quarter, all students will start with (100%) employability points.

Employability Notice Procedure:

• Teacher will complete the notice and email to the parent. • Parents will indicate by email that they received notice. • Parents with questions should direct them to the teacher via email.

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For the students safety and well being, certain behaviors are strictly forbidden. Actions that threaten or harm another individual’s ability to function properly and safely will require further corrective measures. These behaviors may result in an immediate suspension, or expulsion. Although this list of infractions is not exhaustive, it represents behaviors that are not acceptable. Infractions will result in a referral and consequences will be determined by the administration.

Infractions: • Fighting of any kind • Throwing objects in a classroom, hallway or school area • Vandalism, destruction or misuse of property • Insubordination, sarcasm or disobedience shown to teachers, staff, or parents • Blatant disrespect toward teachers or other students • Lack of reverence • Cheating (May also receive a “0” on work, quizzes, or tests) • Lying and deception • Gossip • Language such as cursing, taking the Lord’s name in vain, slander, mockery, obscenity or offensive slang expressions • Stealing (may include borrowing without permission) • Inappropriate reading materials •Public displays of affection (kissing, hugging, handholding) • Leaving or skipping school without parent/school permission • Possession of nonprescription or illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, or any form of weapon (If illegal drugs are found, the authorities will be contacted) • Sexual immorality, impurity or talk thereof


In an age of social media we ask that a student follow certain guidelines. Any inappropriate, vulgar, crass conversations, pictures, postings and the like there of, may be addressed for corrective action by the administration. No postings regarding TCS staff or volunteers is to be made at any time. Full cooperation is expected from both student and parents. If at any time the school feels that this cooperation is lacking, the student may be requested to transfer to another school.


Athletics are an important part of the middle school. Through sports, we encourage the display of sportsmanship, character and proper attitudes and behavior. General sports information or questions about practices or game schedules can be directed to the Athletic Director or Team Coach. Sports Participation /Athlete Requirements:

• Every athlete must have a physical on file at school before they can participate in the extra-curricular sports program. If a physical is not on file they must get a sports physical to participate. • If you join a team and then quit mid way you may not be able to participate in another team sport. This will be determined by the Athletic Director and Principal.

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• Christians are commanded to be different from the world around them and this includes athletics (Isaiah 55:8, 9). We operate from a different perspective because Jesus Christ is the center of all our attention both on and off the athletic field/floor. We are to have His attitudes, actions, and moral mindset. (Philippians 2:5; Romans 8:28).

• Attitude of Athlete:

◊ Dependability by player and be at all the practices and games unless excused by the coach. ◊ Punctuality - Be on time for games and practices. ◊ Respectfulness - Show real concern for team members, coaches and opponents ◊ Enthusiasm - Take an interest in every part of your sport ◊ Faith - Display faith in the Lord

4141 DeSoto Road Sarasota, Fl 34235 941.365.1050