tabernacle baptist church spiritual formation programs fall 2013 digital copy

Fall 2014

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This booklet contains an extensive description of information about Tabernacle Baptist Church as we move into the Fall Season (2013). Join us for worship, mission, discipleship, and fellowship!


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Fall 2014

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Tabernacle Baptist Church has worshipped and served in our urban neighborhood for over one hundred and twenty-six years. God has blessed us immeasurably through each chapter of our existence and the revival we are currently experiencing is nothing short of miraculous. Take a look around you here in the sanctuary this morning. We, as you may have noticed, are a diverse lot. Almost half of us have walked with the church through decades of ministry in the Fan. Just as many of us have only been active in the life of the church for two years or less. We are thriving and God is moving. !Last summer, we sent our senior pastor, Sterling Severns, out for a season of sabbatical, giving he and his family a much deserved opportunity at travel, rest, and renewal together. Here at home, we spent the summer mentoring youth/children, provided thousands of pounds of food to our neighbors, and welcomed several newly resettled refugee families from Burma. The vast majority of our summer mission participants have returned home. However, there are multiple family members that will not be present in the worship this Sunday because they are serving year-round in Hungary, Charlotte, Hell’s Kitchen (NY), and in ministerial positions in churches and non-profits all over the United States.The common thread that binds us together is one of calling. We are conscious in our efforts to embrace those that come into the doors of the church and every bit as conscious as we see God sending us out the same doors to share Christ’s love in the world. !We understand that God calls each of us as individuals, as well as a collective body. This fall, we will have numerous opportunities to learn together, serve together, laugh together, question together, and (most importantly) pray and worship God together. It is our opportunity to bring greater substance to our lives and to the lives of those around us. !God is calling -- calling us to search out ways to love and care for each other and our community. We hope that the offerings featured in this document will stimulate just such growth, both in our personal lives and in the life of our congregation. We have no doubt that, as we each embark on this journey of spiritual discovery, our paths will meet. We hope to see you along the way and may we all be transformed -- mind, body, and spirit!

125th Anniversary Celebration Video (2012)Embracing a God Sized-Vision Video (2014)

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CORE VALUES !MISSION: We affirm that our local church, as part of the universal Church, has been given the task of living out the life-giving and life-changing message of Christ’s ministry on earth: to minister to the spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs of all those we encounter. We pledge to use all our resources and lives to share in God’s mission to the world.

DISCIPLESHIP: We are a Christ-centered family that is passionate about equipping persons of every age to discover their calling in the world through spiritual formation, leadership development, and faithful living that is shaped by our personal relationships with Jesus Christ, the moving of the Holy Spirit, prayer, study of scripture, and the practices of mission, worship and fellowship.

WORSHIP:  We strive to be a congregation rooted in the participatory worship of God, where personal relationships are nurtured and all persons are encouraged to creatively and meaningfully express their unique gifts and stories in the worship experience.

FELLOWSHIP: We are deliberate in our efforts to genuinely love and care for one another and to create an environment where all persons can be intimately known and can grow as members of the family of God.


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Where should I park? 8

Where are the church entrances? 8

What should I wear? 8

What can I expect worship at Tabernacle to be like? 8

What do you have for my children? 9

What are the people like? 10

What if I’m not a Baptist? Should I still come to Tabernacle? 10

What if I’m liberal/conservative/etc? Should I come to Tabernacle? 10


Sundays, 11:00 a.m. 11

Worship Bags for Children 12

Podcast and Livestream Ministry 12

International Services 12


Pre-School Sunday School 14

Elementary Sunday School 14

Worship Explorers 14

Worship Bags 15

Nursery 15

Pre-School + Kindergarten Music Activities 16

Fellowship Meal 17

Godly Play: A Way for Children to Wonder Together 17

Children’s Music 18


Table of Contents

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Sunday School 20

Fellowship Meal 20

Youth Mentoring 21

Middle School and High School Disciple Teams 22

Fall Retreat 23


Sunday Morning Classes 24

Happy are Those…Who What?!: A Study of the Beatitudes 25

Burma: An Introduction 26

Worship 27

Small Groups, Sundays at various times 28

Brown Bag Bible Study 29

Fellowship Meal 30

A Book Study for Family Enrichment 30

Stories that Shape Us: Scripture Study as 31

Preparation for Worship 31

Music Ministry 32


The “Little Church that Could” 33

Team Based Ministry 34

Children & Youth Development 35

Youth Mentoring 35

Childcare Center 36


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Clothes Closet and Food Pantry 36

Stable Roots 37

ESL Class and Conversation Group 37

Judson Class 37

ReEstablish Richmond 38



Hiking 45

Apple Picking 45

3rd Annual White Elephant Gift Exchange 45



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Sunday Children Youth Adults

9:15 a.m. Fellowship Fellowship Fellowship

9:45 a.m. Preschool Sunday School

Younger Elementary Sunday School Class

Older Elementary Sunday School Class

Sunday School Blanton Class Men’s & Women’s Class

Welstead Class Judson Class Adults Series

11:00 a.m. Nursery Worship

Worship Explorers

Worship ! Worship

5:45 p.m. West End Small Group

6:00 p.m. Lisu Worship

7:00 p.m. Northside Small Groups

Tuesdays Adults

12-1:30 p.m Brown Bag Bible Study

Wednesdays Children Youth Adults

5:00 p.m. Preschool Music

5:45 p.m. Fellowship Meal Fellowship Meal Fellowship Meal

6:30 p.m. Nursery Godly Play

Children’s Choir

Youth Disciple Teams

Adult Study

7:00 p.m. ESL Class and Conversation

7:40 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

Thursdays All Ages

1:30-3 p.m. Food Pantry/Clothes Closet Ministry


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WELCOME Welcome to Tabernacle Baptist Church! We’re excited that you would like to join us for worship. We know how daunting visiting a new church can be, so we would like to make your visit as welcoming as possible. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions. If you have anymore questions please contact [email protected]. !Where should I park? Please feel free to park on Grove Avenue just in front of the Sanctuary. These spots are reserved for you, our guests. !The main parking lot is on Meadow Street between Grove and Floyd Avenues, directly across the street from the main church building . !There is a smaller parking lot behind the church that can be accessed from the alley way between Grove and Floyd Avenues on Granby Street. If all else fails, there is plenty of street parking in the Fan on Sunday mornings. !!Where are the church entrances? There are three main entrances into the church on Sunday mornings.We recommend the glass doors on Meadow Street because they open into the main hallway.The wooden doors on the right side of the portico on Grove Avenue open into the sanctuary.We have an entrance with an elevator in the Meadow Street Alley Door (look for the glass atrium). This is the best door for you to use if you visit during weekday office hours or require an elevator to enter the sanctuary. Feel free to use our loading zone in the alley to unload passengers before parking. !What should I wear? Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable, we will accept you for who you are no matter what you’re wearing. On any given Sunday you will find people wearing anything from jeans to suits and everything in between. We gather together to worship and fellowship, and we can do that no matter what type of clothes you’re in. !What can I expect worship at Tabernacle to be like? The best way to describe our worship here is traditionally creative or creatively


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traditional. We sing hymns and the doxology, we pray the Lord’s prayer together, and the sermons we hear are based on the Narrative Lectionary. However we are always looking for ways to be creative with art and music. We strongly believe that the congregation is actively involved in worship, not a passive participant. It’s not uncommon for our congregation to take part in responsive readings and we are often led in worship by members of the congregation. It’s also not uncommon for our children and teenagers to pray and read scripture, and whenever someone reads scripture or prays, we fully expect that they’ll do so in the language they use in their own home. !!What do you have for my children? Tabernacle was founded 126 years ago as a Sunday school for children in the country who didn’t have a church. (Back then, the Fan was the country). Today we remain true to that identity by being a congregation deeply committed to loving and serving children. !We offer nursery from infant through Pre-K on Sunday and Wednesday. On Sundays we offer Sunday School for children. Before service starts, feel free to pick up one of the worship bags


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located under the name tags in the hall. Several bags are marked “guest.” These bags contain a Children’s Bible and bookmarks to mark that day’s readings and the hymns for the day. It also contains crayons and an activity sheet. It’s perfectly okay for your kids to color during the service. !Shorty before the sermon, our children in grades K-2 leave the sanctuary for Worship Explorers. They play games and learn an age appropriate lesson based on the passage our pastor is preaching on, and will return during the final hymn. !On Wednesday nights we offer Godly Play and children’s choir. We also have youth Discipleship Teams for our teenagers. !What are the people like? In a word, diverse. We are a city church, and we represent our urban location. The entire economic spectrum is represented here, you may sit next to one of our homeless family members or next to someone who is financially secure. We are blessed to be an interracial and multi-cultural congregation. 1/5 of us are refugees from Southeast Asia. People of all ages attend Tabernacle. We have a large group of young adults, and have many young families with children. Our youngest member is a few weeks old, and our oldest is over one hundred. !What if I’m not a Baptist? Should I still come to Tabernacle? Absolutely! People from various denominational backgrounds including Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopalian, the United Church of Christ, and non-denominational have chosen to make Tabernacle their spiritual home. If you’d like more information on what it means to be Baptist click here, but keep in mind that we welcome everyone to attend and join our church. We don’t believe you have to agree about everything in order to worship God together. !What if I’m liberal/conservative/etc? Should I come to Tabernacle? Yes. People at Tabernacle span the spectrum from theologically liberal and moderate to conservative. We don’t always agree about everything, and we don’t want to. That would be boring and inconsistent with how we interpret the Jesus of the Gospels. We believe every Christian is a priest and is able to interpret scripture with God’s help, and that everyone’s opinion and contribution is essential and valid. Diversity makes us stronger because we have the opportunity to learn from each other. !You don’t have to think like everyone else does to be welcome here. That’s not even possible. Tabernacle is a safe place to wrestle with important issues and express doubt. !


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WORSHIP Sundays, 11:00 a.m. Worship each week at Tabernacle will be centered on the scripture passages presented in Year One of the Narrative Lectionary. The Narrative Lectionary is a four-year cycle of scripture readings. The purpose of this way of organizing the study of scripture in worship is to follow the sweep of the Biblical story from creation though Pentecost. From September through mid-December we will move through the stories of Israel’s early history, the Exodus, kings, prophets, exile and return. Beginning in December we will turn to the Gospel of Matthew. The book of Acts and Paul’s letters will carry us from Easter through Pentecost. The readings, hymns, anthems and other musical selections in worship are chosen to enhance the themes of the scripture passages. !Worship is a time when members of the congregation seek to work together to acknowledge and connect with the presence of God in their lives and in the world around them. Congregation members of all ages offer their gifts and talents as a part of the worship service; participating as readers, singers, instrumentalists, artists and speakers. We believe that worship is the most important aspect of congregational life. Participation by members of the congregation is essential for the vitality of our worship. You are encouraged to volunteer to participate by reading scripture, serving as a greeter, offering prayers, playing an instrument or singing. Please contact the pastoral staff if you are interested in using your gifts to lead in the service.


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Worship Bags for Children Worship Bags are available for our children each Sunday morning. The bags contain bookmarks for hymns and scripture passages, a Bible, etc. The Pastoral Staff creates a unique worksheet each weeks to help guide the children through the service. They are available under the Family Gallery (Name Tag Wall). We are always looking for more adults willing to stay after worship for 10 brief minutes, once a month, to receive the completed worksheets from the children. These adults will collect the worksheets and record those children who have turned in the sheet on a chart with a sticker. Children will then be allowed to exchange their stickers at the end of the month for a smaller prize (provided by the church) or at the end of the quarter for a larger prize (provided by the church). This wonderful/simple opportunity will help our children engage in worship in new ways. !!Podcast and Livestream Ministry All of our Sunday morning services are webcasted at Podcasts of the services are also recorded and uploaded onto the web site within thirty minutes of the service’s conclusion. Recordings can be best enjoyed freely through the use of the chapter feature in iTunes (mac or pc). However, you can also listen online and/or download via our website. !!International Services Whereas, all of us gather at 11:00 a.m. each Sunday morning, the Karen, Chin, Lisu, and Kachin also gather for worship in each of their own languages. Contact a member of the Pastoral Staff if you would like to attend a service as we will be more than happy to help you make the connection. Most of the services take place on Saturday night and/or Sunday evening.

�12Transfiguration Sunday Video (2013) Pentecost Sunday Video (2013)

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CHILDREN Sundays, 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. !The Spiritual Formation of our children is a very important part of the ministry here at Tabernacle Baptist Church. Hearing stories of faithfulness, love, discipleship, dedication, truth, and mercy enable all of us (especially children) to see the presence of God in our lives. The lessons we learn from these stories will stay with us for all of our lives, and they will provide Divine strength in our times of weakness. Hearing these Biblical stories

will help our children to build a stronger, more lasting relationship with Christ. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these!” Here are four ways that our children can be spiritually nurtured by these stories on Sunday mornings. !Contact [email protected] for more information.


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!Pre-School Sunday School 9:30-10:30 a.m. on first floor of Williams Education Building !All children not yet in Kindergarten in the Green Room on the 1st floor of the Williams Building. The morning begins at 9:30am with some gathering play time. Following play time, the children are led in a Bible story followed by story-related activities. The preschool class is led by Kelley Hurdle and Hope Nycum. We look forward to seeing your preschool child on Sunday mornings! !Elementary Sunday School 9:30-10:30 a.m. on second floor of Williams Education Building !All children in Kindergarten-5th grade meet for Sunday School on the 2nd floor of the Williams Building. Each week, the Sunday School lesson will focus on that week’s passage from the Narrative Lectionary. The children will use word puzzles, games, and other activities the reinforce the key themes from the story. The younger elementary children (K-2nd grade) meet in the “Younger Children’s Sunday School classroom” at the end of the hall, and they are led by Andy and Heather Rose. The older elementary children (3rd-5th grade (meet in the “Older Elementary Sunday School classroom” located across from the Coke machine and are led by a rotating team of teachers. All children are welcome! !!Sundays, 11:00-12:00 p.m. !Worship Explorers Sunday, 11:00 a.m. !We welcome all children in Kindergarten-2nd grade to join us for Worship Explorers during part of the 11am worship service. When indicated in the bulletin, the children will join one of our Children’s Ministry Leaders at the front door of the sanctuary. They will leave the Sanctuary to engage in a child-friendly lesson and activities that are based on the Narrative Lectionary passage for the day. After the sermon, the children will rejoin the congregation in the Sanctuary. We look forward to seeing your K-2nd grader in Worship Explorers on Sunday mornings! !!


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Worship Bags Sunday, 11:00 a.m. !Worship Bags are available for our children each Sunday morning. The bags contain bookmarks for hymns and scripture passages, a Bible, etc. The Pastoral Staff creates a unique worksheet each week to help guide the children through the service. They are available under the Family Gallery (Name Tag Wall). !!Nursery Sunday, 11:00 a.m. !The nursery is open for all pre-school aged children (birth-4yrs old) in the 1st floor of the Williams Building. During the 11am worship service, the children are led in activities based on the pre-school Sunday School lesson taught earlier in the morning. If your child needs your attention during the worship service, one of the nursery workers will notify you via the pager system in the nursery. We welcome your pre-school aged child in the nursery on Sunday mornings, and we look forward to ministering with them during this special time!


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!!Wednesdays, 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.

!Pre-School + Kindergarten Music Activities Wednesday, 5:00 - 5:45 p.m (weekly) !!

Pre-school and Kindergarten children love to sing and play music. The songs they learn at this age will stay with them for the rest of their lives. These songs will lay the groundwork for both their spiritual and musical development. Music activities will take place from 5:00 - 5:45 PM on each Wednesday. The children will be involved in music activities that will include singing, dancing, and playing rhythm instruments. The children will be learning traditional children’s songs as well as age appropriate Christian songs. Helen Davidson will lead this activity. Contact [email protected] for more information.



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Wednesdays, 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. !Fellowship Meal Wednesday, 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. !

Fellowship is one of the core values of the Tabernacle Baptist Church. Please join the Tabernacle Baptist Church family for a simple supper each Wednesday evening from 5:45-6:30. This community meal will allow time for both children and adults to get to know one another while they share in food and fellowship. !The suggested donation for the meal covers the cost of the food that is served. Volunteers from the church family lovingly prepare dinner each Wednesday. The suggested donation is $4.00 per adult, $1.50 per student over 12 and $1.00 per child. Please never allow the suggested donation for the food prevent you from coming and enjoying this fellowship meal. !Contact [email protected] for more information or to make a reservation. !!

Godly Play: A Way for Children to Wonder Together Wednesday, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. for younger children, 6:30-7:30 p.m. for older children !

"Godly play" is a term coined by Jerome Berryman to describe an approach to children's spiritual formation that is based on creating a sacred space in which to present the stories of our faith, wonder about them together, and then allow the children open-ended opportunities, usually with art supplies, to engage the story on their own terms.

The stories are told very simply, with simple props, and without interpretation or moral instruction. After a story is presented, the children and the storyteller wonder together about aspects of the

story that draw their interest. For instance, with the parable of the Good Shepherd, they might wonder together how the sheep felt as they followed the shepherd. Or whether the sheep have names. Or how it might feel to be inside the sheepfold. Finally, the children choose art supplies and create pictures, sculptures, or other projects that represent what they most related to in the story during a time of personal reflection and response.


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This is play. It is Godly. It is meeting God along with children rather than teaching them what we adults think they ought to know. Our faith stories are very powerful and offer plenty to think about even without our elaboration on what they "mean." Godly play is often deeply satisfying for the adults who engage the stories along with the children. What a gift for parents to bring to our families!This year, both our younger preschool children and our older school-age children will have the opportunity to participate in Godly Play. Our preschoolers will have a full hour to engage in Godly Play. Our older children will spend a half hour in Godly Play and then another half hour in Children's music/choir.

Consider joining us for an evening to experience the joy of Godly Play.

Megan Strollo, Kristen Koger, Anna Tuckwiller, Christen Schumacher, Ryan Corbitt, Joseph Perdue our Godly Play leaders, can be contacted at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected]

!!Children’s Music Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 p.m !

“My singing is a prayer, O Lord, A prayer of thanks and praise; in music, Lord, I worship Thee; Thy beauty fills my days.”


“The kids prepared and invited guests to a ‘feast’ as we wondered together about the parable of the great feast. It was a few weeks before the Maundy Thursday service. At the end of the service, Cole came running up to me in the hall, took my hand, and said, ‘Anna, you gotta see. It's another feast!’ and he led me into the sanctuary, where people were eating over the communion table to leave scraps of food as the table setting for the Good Friday Service to follow the next evening.” - Anna Tuckwiller

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!The words of this hymn express the purpose of the children’s music program at Tabernacle Baptist Church. Our children are surrounded with music—music that wants to sell them something, music that wants to encourage then toward unproductive behaviors or music that simply wants to passively entertain them. The musical activities at Tabernacle Baptist Church will seek to encourage children to actively sing and play songs that support the ideas that are foundational to our Christian faith. Children will not be listening to music, but will be actively learning to sing and play music that teaches and expresses the ideas and stories central to Christianity. In 2014-2015, the music we learn will parallel the stories used in the Godly Play program. !School aged-children in particular are surrounded by all kinds of music to be consumed. The purpose of these musical activities will be to have the children singing and playing! The school aged-children will be involved in music activities in rotation with Godly Play from 6:30-7:30 PM. The learning emphasis will center on the Narrative Lectionary passages that are included in our worship each week and on learning the musical skills necessary to become a competent musician. These children will participate in our worship service on a regular basis. The children will be divided into two groups for this rotation. Grades One and Two will make up one group and Grades Three –Five the other group. Children in Kindergarten will participate in the Pre-school Choir and Godly Play Groups. Contact [email protected] for more information.


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YOUTH Sunday Morning, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. !Sunday School Sunday, 9:30-10:30 (weekly)

!Youth are at a pivotal time in their lives where they are searching for identity. They are searching for their personal identity, their familial identity, and their Christian identity. Each week the youth at Tabernacle gather together in hopes of finding a piece of that identity. Youth Sunday School is a place where our youth can pray for each other, worship God together through song, and learn the stories of the Bible. We hope to encourage strong personal as well as corporate faith through discussion and reflection in art, music, and writing and to have a lot of fun together as well!

Youth Sunday School is geared for students 6-12. Contact David Wolf, [email protected] for more information.

!Wednesdays, 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.

!Fellowship Meal Wednesday, 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. (weekly) !

Fellowship is one of the core values of the Tabernacle Baptist Church. Please join the Tabernacle Baptist Church family for a simple supper each Wednesday evening from 5:45-6:30. This community meal will allow time for both children and adults to get to know one another while they share in food and fellowship. !The suggested donation for the meal covers the cost of the food that is served. Volunteers from the church family lovingly prepare dinner each Wednesday. The suggested donation is $4.00 per adult, $1.50 per student over 12 and $1.00 per child. Please never allow the suggested donation for the food prevent you from coming and enjoying this fellowship meal.


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Youth Mentoring !The youth team is currently seeking adults to serve as encouragers and friends to our teenagers. Generally, we pair one adult to one teen. This intentional model of discipleship provides a wonderful opportunity to serve and make an investment in someone’s life. Mentoring involves roughly one activity a month with your assigned teenager (e.g., going out for ice cream or a meal; helping with homework; going fishing; etc), but it could involve more time. It also involves checking in with the youth at regular church gatherings, praying for our youth, and attending youth outings if possible. !!Mentoring provides.....

• a way to foster intergenerational relationships with our youth • a way to model ever developing faith journeys and relationships with God • a vehicle for fun with our youth • an intentional effort to check in with our youth on their relationship with God, while

providing the youth another adult whom they can turn to with questions • another outlet for practical assistance for our youth !

Coordinated by David Wolf. Contact [email protected] for more information.


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Middle School and High School Disciple Teams Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Youth Room on second floor of main building !

As a church, we have decided that one of our Core Values is Discipleship. We have come to think of this as the process of “equipping persons to discover their calling in the world through spiritual formation, leadership development, and faithful living.” In other words, we have committed ourselves to becoming kingdom people – those given over wholly to the concerns and mandates of Christ Jesus. We have committed ourselves to discovery – specifically, the discovery of how each and all of us are called to live out this ancient faith in a modern world. !We believe small groups are one avenue for precisely this kind of discovery. We view these groups as more than Bible study (head knowledge), mission teams (practical experience), or support groups (emotional bolstering), but as some combination of all of the above. They are intended to build up disciples in a holistic way, refusing to dissect emotional needs from critical engagement with scripture or spiritual formation from ministerial practice in the world. We believe discipleship happens best when all of these aspects meet in the same place. !Our two youth small groups (“D” Teams) meet at the church building on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. All questions and friends are welcome! !Middle School “D” Team Mentors: Kate Ayers High School “D” Team Mentors: Julie Sisson and Emily White !Coordinated by the Pastoral Staff. Contact [email protected] for more information !


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Fall Retreat September 26-28, 2014 !

All youth are encouraged to join the rest of the church in its annual Church Wide Retreat. Besides intergenerational worship and fellowship, there adventure activities like caving, hiking, and the climbing wall. In addition, youth will have times and activities designated specifically for the youth. (See page 46 for details.) !Parents, please contact [email protected] for information. !!


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ADULTS!Sunday Mornings, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Sunday Morning Classes !Sunday, 9:30-10:30 a.m. (meet weekly throughout the year)

Sunday School has been a constant through these many decades of changes at Tabernacle Baptist Church. The Blanton and Men’s & Women’s School Classes have been in existence, in various forms, for more than one hundred years. The Welstead Class, primarily consisting of median adults, is our fastest growing Sunday School Class and offers a wonderful opportunity for genuine fellowship and Bible Study.

The Judson Class began five years ago when we welcomed two Burmese families into the congregation. This class is led by various leaders within the various people groups from Burma. However, everyone is encouraged to participate. Contact [email protected] if you have questions or would like more information.

!Coffee with the Pastor Sunday, 9:30-10:30 a.m., Pastor’s Study!

Visitors and guests are invited to join the Pastor for periodic informal Q&A sessions about all things “Tabernacle”. This is a great opportunity to come learn about the good things happening in our congregation and also ask questions about things you’ve experienced in your time with us. Discover opportunities to get involved in: one of four primary ministry emphases, spiritual formation classes, etc. Learn about the core beliefs of our faith tradition, the liturgical church year, and church membership. All questions are welcome. Contact [email protected] for the schedule.!


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Happy are Those…Who What?!: A Study of the Beatitudes!A Sunday school class for adults of all ages, meets weekly, September 14 - October 26 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Conference Room on first floor of main building !

Early in the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus sat down to deliver the sermon on the mount, the very first words he offered were the Beatitudes: “Blessed are the poor in spirit… Blessed are those who mourn… blessed are meek.” !These are not the kinds of words that suggest blessing, but woe. Yet Jesus seemed to offer them as words of hope and promise. How do we find happiness in our mourning? How do we experience blessing in our being persecuted? Are these words prescriptive or merely descriptive? Should they guide our living or do they proclaim God’s promise to those who are already living the conditions they describe? !They are terse little statements, yet they are pregnant with meaning. Join us as we examine together the depth and breadth of these words from Jesus. !Join us on Sunday mornings in the Conference Room from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. for the first part of the fall. !Class led by Dan Schumacher. Contact him for more information: [email protected] !


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Burma: An Introduction!Sunday morning, October 5, November 2, December 7 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall (basement level of main building) !

Nearly six years ago, we began a deliberate period of prayer and discernment together. The soil was fertile for a new beginning and there was an undeniable sense that God was preparing us for something big. We asked for guidance and God answered our prayer in a most unexpected way. Two months after beginning those prayers, a wave of Karen refugees (Burma) showed up at our door and we have not been the same since. Today, almost one-fifth of us are Chin, Karen, Kachin, and Lisu refugees. We have become brothers and sisters in Christ and believe God has brought us together to build something beautiful in the city. !Join us as we gather on first Sundays to introduce each of our represented groups/cultures from and hear from our pastor about his trip to Burma this past summer. Come hear the stories of those that came before us to build the bridge between our cultures and participate in the conversation as we live into that story two hundred years later. An assortment of Burmese dishes and American doughnuts will be served for breakfast. !Facilitated by Sterling Severns, the Judson Class, and the Stable Roots Team. Contact [email protected] for more information.


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Worship Sunday, 11:00 a.m. (weekly) on Sunday mornings in the Church Sanctuary !

Worship is the most important thing we do. Worship each week at Tabernacle centers upon the scripture passages that are a part of the lectionary cycle in which many of the Christian congregations across the world participate. The scripture passages in the lectionary cycle include a passage from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the Gospels and the Epistles. Often all of these passages are thematically similar and are inter-related. The readings, hymns, anthems and other musical selections are chosen to enhance the themes of the scripture passages. !Worship is a time when members of the congregation seek to work together to acknowledge and connect with the presence of God in their lives and in the world around them. Congregation members of all ages offer their gifts and talents as a part of the worship service; participating as readers, singers, instrumentalists, artists, and speakers. !Participation by members of the congregation is essential for the vitality of our worship. You are encouraged to volunteer to participate by reading scripture, serving as a greeter, offering prayers, playing an instrument, or singing. !Advent, Christmas and Epiphany are especially creative times in the worship life of the Tabernacle congregation. Our worship is enlivened by special music and decorations that are unique to the season. Advent and Christmas worship is filled with the traditional music and decorations of the the season with a creative Tabernacle twist. Worship in Epiphany, the current season, is filled with creative decorations, music and readings intended to enrich our relationship with the person of Jesus. !Please contact the pastoral staff if you are interested in volunteering.


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Small Groups, Sundays at various times As a church, we have decided that one of our Core Values is Discipleship. We have come to think of this as the process of “equipping persons to discover their calling in the world through spiritual formation, leadership development, and faithful living.” In other words, we have committed ourselves to becoming kingdom people – those given over wholly to the concerns and mandates of Christ Jesus. We have committed ourselves to discovery – specifically, the discovery of how each and all of us are called to live out this ancient faith in a modern world. !We believe small groups are one avenue for precisely this kind of discovery. We view these groups as more than Bible study (head knowledge), mission teams (practical experience), or support groups (emotional bolstering), but as some combination of all of the above. They are intended to build up disciples in a holistic way, refusing to dissect emotional needs from critical engagement with scripture or spiritual formation from ministerial practice in the world. We believe discipleship happens best when all of these aspects meet in the same place. Tabernacle Baptist Church currently has three adult small groups that meet on Sunday evenings at various times in the homes of groups members and two youth small groups that meet on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. (See info in Youth section of this on page 22)



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The Northside Groups (7:00-8:30 p.m.)are made up of young adults who are committed to Richmond and serving in the city. Several members have service-oriented occupations as teachers, nurses, and social workers. Some of us are students at theological seminaries and others are young professionals. A few of us have gone through the Richmond Christian Leadership Institute and others of us serve in non-profit organizations. We all have a common desire to be kingdom people for the sake of Richmond and to live in community in intentional and meaningful ways that build up the body of Christ and share God’s love with our neighbors. !The West End Group (5:45-7:30 p.m.) is an assortment of families and individuals that are striving to become more like Christ in word and deed. This group contains many professionals: teachers, musicians, care-givers, and people working in the non-profit sector. It also includes many children under the age of six at present. Their presence in play, noise, and need are a celebrated part of the ambiance which the group welcomes wholeheartedly. !For more information on Tabernacle Baptist Church’s small groups, visit you’re interested in joining a small group, contact Dan Schumacher at [email protected]. !!!

Tuesday Afternoons Brown Bag Bible Study Tuesday, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.!!

Bring a lunch and join the Pastor in the Fellowship Hall as we spend some time studying scripture together. This study is for adults of all ages. The central scriptural passage will be gleaned from the previous Sunday’s worship service. Transportation is available. !Contact [email protected] for more information.


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Wednesday Evenings !Fellowship Meal Wednesday, 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. (weekly) !

Fellowship is one of the core values of the Tabernacle Baptist Church. Please join the Tabernacle Baptist Church family for a simple supper each Wednesday evening from 5:45-6:30. This community meal will allow time for both children and adults to get to know one another while they share in food and fellowship. !The suggested donation for the meal covers the cost of the food that is served. Volunteers from the church family lovingly prepare dinner each Wednesday. The suggested donation is $4.00 per adult, $1.50 per student over 12 and $1.00 per child. Please never allow the suggested donation for the food prevent you from coming and enjoying this fellowship meal. !

A Book Study for Family Enrichment Wednesdays beginning September 10, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Conference Room on the first floor of the main building !

Parents desire to see their families succeed — to see their families stay close when the times are good and times are tough. In his recent NY Times bestseller, The Secrets to Happy Families, Bruce Feiler offers a toolbox of opportunities for strengthening families. Foremost among them is creating a family narrative, because it has proven to have a direct correlation to children’s sense of self-confidence — often binding them to something greater than themselves. !Purchase a copy of the book in advance or buy one from us when we first meet on September 10. Come meet with other young parents eager to build lasting family units.


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!Stories that Shape Us: Scripture Study as Preparation for Worship Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall in basement level of main building. !

We believe worship is the most important thing we do and we don’t believe it happens by accident or happenstance. Worship takes effort. In fact, that archaic word, liturgy, literally means “the work of the people.” If, in worship, we give ourselves to God -- if God is our audience -- then we hope to offer God our very best. !One way we hope to prepare ourselves for worship this season is by devoting ourselves to our central scripture passage each Wednesday evening, so that we can come to worship having already laid the groundwork for that day. This fall, we will reengage the Narrative Lectionary -- a lectionary driven around the great stories that have shaped our faith. We hope you will join us each week as we build a foundation for the following Sunday’s worship service. !Schedule: September 10: The Call of Abraham (Gen. 12:1-9), led by Dr. Mark Biddle September 17: Joseph Imprisoned (Gen. 39:1-23) led by Dr. Sam Adams September 24: The Red Sea Parts (Ex. 14: 10-14, 21-29) led by Sterling Severns October 1: Theophany and the Decalogue (Ex. 19:3-7; 20:1-7) led by Joseph Perdue October 8: God’s Deliverance Recalled (Joshua 24:1-15) led by Dr. Melissa Jackson October 15: Nathan’s Parable (2 Sam. 12:1-9; Psalm 51:1-9) led by Julie Gaines October 22: Wisdom (1 Kings 3:4-28) led by Dr. Scott Spencer October 29: Elisha Heals Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-14) led by Dr. Scott Spencer !Led by guest speakers and hosted by Sterling Severns.


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Music Ministry Choir Rehearsal takes place on Wednesdays, 7:40 - 9:00 p.m (weekly) !

The music program at Tabernacle Baptist is a multi-faceted program with many opportunities for worship leadership, skill development and performance. There are opportunities to sing as a part of a SATB choir, a SSA ladies ensemble, a TBB men’s group or as a solo singer. There are opportunities to ring handbells as a part of a handbell choir, a two or three person ensemble or as a solo ringer. There are also opportunities to lead handbell or vocal ensembles or children’s music experiences. We use a great deal of vocal and instrumental music in our worship; if you play an instrument we can find a use for it in worship. !Music is used in many unique ways to enhance the Tabernacle worship service. Music is used to encourage corporate worship, to encourage community, to encourage prayer and meditation and to lead people to a space in their hearts and minds where they can encounter God. We use a wide variety of musical instruments in worship from the 48 rank pipe organ in our sanctuary and the traditional piano to guitar, drums, solo orchestral instruments, and yes, even an occasional accordion! Tabernacle believes that one can worship and serve God using almost any style of well-performed music !The SATB Sanctuary Choir meets on Wed. evenings at 7:40 following the Bible studies. Sanctuary Choir is a SATB choir that is made up of adults of all ages and abilities. Choir is a place in the church to find fellowship and a place of service in the congregation. The Sanctuary Choir provides music for Sunday morning worship of the Tabernacle Community. The choir provides music for the worship service for two or three of the services each month and for all of the special services of the church. !The Christmas season is always one of the highlights of our choir year. Besides the regular worship of the church we have two concerts: One with the Richmond Concert Band on December 21st at 4:00 PM and a concert in Williamsburg, Va. at the Bruton Parish Church in the historic area on Dec. 20th at 8:00 PM. The ensemble rehearsals are arranged according to the schedules of the people who participate. Solo and duet rehearsals are also arranged around people’s schedules and skill levels. If you are interested in information about participating in the Tabernacle music program please call Judy Fiske at 804-355-0134 or e-mail me at [email protected]. I am looking forward to hearing from you. There are never enough musicians! !!!!


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!The “Little Church that Could” !Denominational and local ecumenical leaders have described us as a re-emerging downtown church brimming with creative energy and a heart for those in need. We tend to view ourselves as “the little church that could.” Many of the opportunities listed below are established ministries at Tabernacle. However, we believe God is always calling us to use our unique gifts and new ministries will inevitably surface as we continue to grow. Please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Pastoral Staff if you are actively engaged in service elsewhere and would like to request partnership. We are stronger when we work together! !!!


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Team Based Ministry In 2013, Tabernacle Baptist Church voted to establish a team based ministry structure. A team is a small group of people who share the common purpose of carrying out one specific ministry. They form a solid consensus of the purpose and effectiveness of the team and they hold themselves mutually accountable in the process. !There are found kinds of teams centered on our core values: Discipleship, Fellowship, Mission and Worship. Each teams work involves an aspect of the church's overall ministry and supports the Core Values and Ministry Emphasis of Tabernacle Baptist Church. For more information on teams or to find out how to form a team, please contact Megan Strollo, Associate Chairperson of the Board of Deacons, [email protected]. !2014 Team Leaders

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Children’s Team Andy Rose [email protected] Team Julie Sisson [email protected] Adult Team Art & Beth Wright [email protected] Pantry Team Dick Denzler [email protected] Closet Team Jane Denzler [email protected] Roots Team Erin Braford [email protected] of Meals Team Tracy Hartman [email protected] Supper Team William Strollo [email protected] Service Team Linwood & Ellen FlemmingSound Team Gerry Strong [email protected] and Livestream Team David Wolf [email protected] Hospitality Team Jeff Walton [email protected] Play Team Megan Strollo [email protected] Prep Team Jack WhiteGreeters TeamAdult Team Helen Davidson [email protected]/Worship Prep Team Peggy Strong [email protected] Team Nelson Melton [email protected]


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Children & Youth Development We began as a ministry to Youth in the neighborhood over one hundred and twenty years ago. We believe there is great value in pouring our resources and energy into the nurture, care, and spiritual development of children, teenagers, and their families. The church’s approach to family ministry is holistic in form as we integrate our young people into most everything we do. Take a tour of the nursery, Sunday School, and/or youth room to catch a glimpse at what God is doing in this area of ministry. !

Youth Mentoring The youth team is currently seeking adults to serve as encouragers and friends to our teenagers. Generally, we pair one adult to one teen. This intentional model of discipleship provides a wonderful opportunity to serve and make an investment in someone’s life. Mentoring involves roughly one activity a month with your assigned teenager (e.g., going out for ice cream or a meal; helping with homework; going fishing; etc), but it could involve more time. It also involves checking in with the youth at regular church gatherings, praying for our youth, and attending youth outings if possible. !Mentoring provides.....

• a way to foster intergenerational relationships with our youth • a way to model ever developing faith journeys and relationships with God • a vehicle for fun with our youth • an intentional effort to check in with our youth on their relationship with God, while

providing the youth another adult whom they can turn to with questions • another outlet for practical assistance for our youth !

Coordinated by David Wolf. Contact Dan for more information: [email protected]


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Childcare Center The Tabernacle Baptist Church Child Care Center has provided care of children in the Fan District for almost thirty years. We continue to seek out ways to foster community and partner with neighboring Communities of Faith in the nurture and care of children and their parents. We can see God doing some extraordinary things as the Church and Center dream together about the future. We strive to walk alongside our children as they discover their God given gifts and share them with the world. !!Clothes Closet and Food Pantry Tabernacle Baptist Church works in partnership with the Central Virginia Food Bank to help meet the needs of our neighbors. In in 2013, we distributed 2,403 bags of groceries to over 600 families, including 82 homeless persons. Some came only once and some every month. On average a family between 3 and 4 times a month. There were 225 families who visited the food pantry for the first time in 2013. We distributed over 47,000 pounds of food (almost 24 tons) this year; an increase of 34% over 2012. In addition to food, we also provide clothing !

Serve in the Clothes Closet/Food Pantry Ministry Thursdays, 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall in the basement level of our main building !Join us any Thursday from 1:30-3:00 p.m to experience this phenomenal ministry in a spirit of respect, dignity, and grace. Contact [email protected] for more information.


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Stable Roots Two Refugee families from Burma came in through our doors in October of 2007. Today, almost one fifth of us are Chin, Karen, Kachin, and Lisu Refugees. Words cannot begin to express the transformation that has taken place in the last two and a half years of life and ministry at Tabernacle. We are advocates and guides for many that come from such far away places. More importantly, we are brothers and sisters in Christ and look forward to seeing what God has in store for us over these next several years. !

The Stable Roots Ministry is always looking for ESL Teachers, tutors, drivers, conversation partners, medical and educational liaisons, job trainers, etc. Contact [email protected] for more information. !!ESL Class and Conversation Group We are working our way through an ESL curriculum on Wednesday nights at 7pm. Our goal is to put every participant on the road to fluency. We are already improving our vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar and we’re only a few weeks in! To participate as a student, come to class any Wednesday night, get the book and workbook set ($20), and continue practicing at home. To help facilitate, you can come, participate, and sign up to lead the group for one or more weeks. You may also donate to our book fund by using the memo line “Conversational English” on your check or envelope in the offering plate. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for more information on joining this helpful class. !Judson Class Sundays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the Judson Classroom on second floor of main building Join the Judson next Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. if you would like to meet some of the members of our international community. !If you are interested in participating please contact [email protected].


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ReEstablish Richmond Multiple opportunities for multiple ages! !ReEstablish Richmond is a 501c3 charitable organization that was formed in 2010 to fill a void with initial refugee resettlement. The Director, Kimberly Compton and Kate Ayers (one of our church members) serve as the sole staff members of the organization. Patrick Braford, the founder and also a member of our church, remains as an active member of the Board. ReEstablish Richmond collaborates with resettlement agencies, residential property owners, educators, faith communities and other organizations to ensure that every refugee resettled in Richmond has the opportunity to establish roots and build community. !!2014 Wrap up! We are excited to update you on what has been happening around here and what we hope to see in the coming year. Enjoy the recap! !Housing – Shelter is Security Newly arrived refugees need flexible housing options that are affordable, on the bus line, and in close proximity to necessities such as schools and grocery stores. !This year, we are growing our knowledge of housing options and opportunities through focus groups with area landlords and housing experts. We are looking forward to building our networks in Richmond and Henrico counties, which will give refugees more flexible housing options. !

How can you help? Donate to support the work that ReEstablish Richmond is doing as a partner in this community work. As an expert in housing, volunteer to be a part of our focus groups.

Job Preparedness – Employment is Independence

While newly arriving refugees often had a well-established career in their home country, they must start over from step one when they move here. This year, we are growing our knowledge about the accreditation process of various careers ranging from Cosmetology to Engineering. We are looking to expand our career-mentors to help guide refugees towards accreditation and preparedness in their field.

ReEstablish Richmond is partnering with VCU's school for international students to provide resume workshops. Students will learn how to write a resume in a



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format that can be used to get a job here, and learn how their previous experience and resilience are great skills when job-seeking.

How can you help? Donate to support our career-mentor and workshops. Volunteer to be a career-mentor to a refugee. Our current needs are cosmetology, all types of engineering, nursing, journalism, and education.

Agri-Culture – Growing food and community with Richmond’s refugees

Through a grant from VCU’s Division of Community Engagement, ReEstablish Richmond will be able to provide nutrition workshops to refugees, and invite the greater Richmond community to hear more about refugees through refugee-led workshops in the garden. We hope to see an increase in food and nutrition knowledge, better access to fresh produce and less isolation within the refugee community.

How can you help? Donate to support the garden—a safe place to grow and learn. Volunteer to come to some of our refugee-led workshops.

Transportation Education – Knowledge is Empowering

We have a robust transportation program covering a bus orientation, driving classes, extra tutoring sessions with hands-on experience with cars, and how to navigate the DMV to take a learner’s permit test.

Within the refugee communities in Richmond, we are seeing how learning to ride the bus and to drive can have a strong and lasting impact. Refugees who know how to ride the bus are more likely to be able to get to ESL classes, meet appointments, get to the DMV, or even travel to connect with other refugees around the city

How can you help? Donate to support Kate’s transportation classes and accredited behind-the-wheel training for refugees. Volunteer to take refugees through a bus orientation or to the DMV.


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TESTIMONIES !What you probably know by now is that Tabernacle Baptist is a hidden church, an Edelweiss in the Fan. You have to search for it, to find it yourself, to work with it, and as you do, this rare little church begins to look and feel and smell like a beautiful flower. (I would like to say “sound” also, but flowers don’t make music like this one does.) I came to Tabernacle after moving here from Fairfax, Virginia, where I attended an Episcopal church. I visited several churches in the neighborhood and couldn’t find place to connect. Almost reluctantly, I attended Tabernacle, a church only a block away from where I live. !I will not forget that first service when I was certain that Sterling Severns, the almost humble minister dressed in ordinary business clothes, was speaking directly to me. I attended again to see if this

phenomenon would occur a second time, and it did. From that point, I began attending the business meetings, the Wednesday night dinners and fellowship, Sunday school with the Welstead Class, and the choir, all major sources of joy to me. I was baptized just a year ago. !I also found that it was easy to give some of my time (I am retired, so I’m cheap) to the Food Pantry and Clothes Closet as the door keeper, and they call on me to occasionally drive the Karen kids and their families to Sunday services and Wednesday tutoring. Tabernacle is a major part of my life, its members are my friends, and most importantly, I think that I am discovering what God wants me to do and Sterling still speaks directly to me. - Chuck Pflugrath

!I fell in love with the members of Tabernacle Baptist Church the first time I met them. They made me feel at home which is significant in that I am so far away from my home. The people in this church family have exhibited God’s mercy and love to me. I am grateful for their presence in my life.

- Wint Wint Zaw !!!!!�40

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!Gail and I visited Tabernacle in 1964 at the urging of our good friends, Bill and Jean Finley. We were immediately impressed with the warm and friendly congregation and their strong commitment to sharing the message and love of Christ. Tabernacle's strong emphasis on religious training and spiritual development were also very attractive to us. At the same time, opportunities were provided that would help us identify and utilize our gifts and talents in ministry and service. Tabernacle's decision in the 70's to remain in the Fan and minister to a diverse and changing community, when other churches were leaving for the suburbs, motivated us to remain faithful to Tabernacle even after we moved more than twenty miles away. Over the years our love for Tabernacle has continued to grow and our optimism about the church's future has never been stronger.

- Bill Welstead ! !God helped my family come to the United States as refugees from the Chin State in Burma. We resettled safely in Richmond in 2009. We had planned to move with my brother to Dallas, Texas. However, Rev. Eric Hasha and TeeMoo came to visit my apartment and invited to us to worship at Taberancle Baptist Church. We have been worshipping at Tabernacle ever since. The Pastor’s family and church members have warmly welcomed us and helped us make a home here. I am very thankful to the church for their support. Thank you for caring for us. Now, we don’t want to move to another state because we don’t want to leave Tabernacle. This church has provided a safe place for us. - Cung Thawng


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My wife and I attended Tabernacle Baptist Church for a couple of years before we decided to become members. But we felt like we were fully part of the family long before we became “official.” We kept coming back because of the people, meaningful worship, and ample opportunities to serve. The first time we visited, we immediately noticed was that the people there were genuine and hospitable. They welcomed us, and when we came back the next week, many of them remembered our names! !Worship every Sunday is an opportunity to offer our best back to God, and it truly feels authentic —it is never showy or done just to draw people in. It is also intergenerational and interracial. On any given Sunday people of all ages and ethnicities offer praise to God through music, scripture, and prayer. It feels a little bit like what I imagine Heaven might be like. !My wife and I have both found ways to serve through Tabernacle. There are numerous opportunities to serve there. But in many ways, a church should become a “springboard” toward service outside of the church building itself. A church does not exist for itself, but rather to equip its members to share God’s love in the broader community. Tabernacle embodies this sentiment. My wife and I are better prepared to share God’s love in our daily lives because we are a part of the community at Tabernacle Baptist Church.. !- Art Wright !

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From the first moment I walked into Tabernacle I knew it was a special place. I knew that this place was much more than a beautiful historical building. It is the people in this place that made it so special. You could tell the people were intentional about being in this space together. The people were genuine in their desire to know you. The people had so much love to give, and were determined NOT to focus it all in on themselves. It’s through the people at Tabernacle that I see God’s work at hand. !As I look around the sanctuary, I am amazed at the diversity that I see. I see diversity not just in culture, but also profession, faith background, and spiritual gifts. The extraordinary talents that are represented by our congregation astound me each week. I am constantly asking myself how could God bring such an amazing group of people together and not expect big things? !While I sing Tabernacle’s praises to anyone and everyone who will listen, I am fully aware that it is NOT an easy place to worship. Every time I walk in the door I am challenged. I am challenged to get out of my comfort zone. I am challenged to love those who may be difficult to love. I am challenged by the diversity of people that I see sitting in the pew next to me. I see God’s work in bringing so many people together who are not scared away by these challenges. !I am excited about what the future will bring at Tabernacle. I believe that the journey has only begun and that people will continue to arrive at our doorstep to carry out our plans to continue to be a light in the world. ! - Kate Ayers

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I started to see God at work in Tabernacle Church when my family arrived in Richmond in 2004 after two years of missions among the Deaf in Hungary. All logic said that we should go to another church with a large children’s ministry, a Deaf congregation, and hundreds and hundreds in attendance every Sunday. Instead, he called us to Tabernacle, where there was a huge building, a couple hundred people, lots of memories, and a few bright hopes. !I distinctly remember an evening meeting when Sterling stood in front of the group and explained how the church was beginning to do all kinds of new, unexpected things. He said, “I don’t know what I’m doing, but God knows.” This exactly reflected my experience in Hungary: I didn’t exactly know what I was doing, but God knew. Sterling credits us with awakening the church’s sense of mission—meaning going and doing, not just giving money. If we were instruments in that way, then I am grateful; it was not intentional. Tabernacle revived my hope that the church could be more than a religious club. I was looking for dynamic discipleship, movement, We were touched when Tabernacle embraced our

return to Hungary in 2005. The church sent a missions team to us in 2010, and that seemed a natural consequence. In recent years, though, God has brought the world to Tabernacle with the arrival of many brothers and sisters from Burma. I hope that this causes everyone to grow, because, while America offers great political and economic freedom to those from other countries, Americans need to learn that money and power offer few spiritual advantages. !It is my hope that Tabernacle grows in ministry to the poor. Not just to apply band-aids to make them feel better (and to make us feel better at being such good people), but to bring hope in the Gospel of Jesus, and support in the strength of Jesus, and eternal life in the sacrificial love of Jesus to those who lose out in a winner-worshiping world. And I hope that the church can speak to those (including ourselves) who might feel superior because of our relative success—and who are not aware of their complicity in a system that often neglects those who cannot fend for themselves. !The body of Jesus Christ in America suffers from an extreme case of hyper-politicism. Everything seems to be relegated to labeling someone conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, capitalist or socialist, etc. This is a symptom of a worse problem: oversimplification. If the solutions were as easy as the political mouths say they are, then why aren’t they so simply fixed? The reason is that one or two (or ten) simple steps will not do. The world suffers from many problems, and shouting louder will not bring us any closer to blessing others. If each of us shut our mouths, got in touch with God (the One True God, not the one someone invented for us), and resolved to follow him in his continuing work of redeeming the world, then the name of Jesus would not be so scorned among non-believers. !I live far away. I am not aware of the daily situation there. But I know that you all work beside us with your prayers, and you help out with money, and you give us words of encouragement. I am glad to return those favors in this way. May God visit you and empower you to do the work of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus taught us to pray: Your will be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven ! - Doug Coppage, Hungary !The Coppages, missionaries in Vác, Hungary, are collecting baseball and softball equipment for use with the teams in their town and in programs at schools, clinics, and camps. If you have outgrown your baseball/softball equipment or are no longer using it—and it is still in pretty good shape—please donate it!

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YOUNG ADULTS !!Our Young Adult Team is always planning opportunities for young adults to get together. !Hiking !

What better way to enjoy the cooler weather and changing leaves than being outside? Join us on September 13 for a hike along the Beaver Lake trail at Pocahontas State Park, just south of Richmond. This is a 2.5 mile trail is of moderate difficulty, and loops around a 24 acer lake named for its iconic beaver dam. Dogs are welcome! We will meet at the church at 9 to organize a carpool to the state park, and will have the option of getting lunch together after the hike. Contact [email protected] for details. !

Apple Picking Carter mountain is too much fun to visit only once a year. Join us on October 25, as we travel to Carter Mountain Orchard in Charlottesville, Virginia to pick our own own apples and sample other products of the orchard such as apple cider, slushies, and donuts. Afterwards we will head to lunch in Crozet at a restaurant known for its diverse selection, and inclusion of gluten-free and vegetarian items. !We will meet in the Church parking lot at 9:00. The Church Van can accommodate eleven people, please bring $5 for gas, plus money for apples and lunch. Children are welcome. Contact [email protected] for details. !

3rd Annual White Elephant Gift Exchange Every December, the Tabernacle young adults celebrate the season through a white elephant party. We will meet in the home of a church member on December 13 at 6:00 PM. As per tradition, Chili will be served. There will be at least one vegetarian and gluten free option. Please bring a side or chili topping, a beverage, and a gift that costs $10 or less. Prizes will be given for the most creative, and funniest gifts. Contact [email protected] for details. Childcare will be provided. !!


Young Adults

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September 26-28, 2014

Mark your Calendars

Church Wide Retreat

Fall Retreat

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Make plans now to join us for part or all of our annual overnight, church-wide retreat at Camp Alkulana in the beautiful Allegheny Mountains! There will be opportunities for fun, fellowship, and worship as we take our "family" out to the mountains for the weekend. !Accommodations: Camp Alkulana is located approximately 2.5 hours from Richmond and offers a wide array of accommodations. Some of us will stay in insulated cabins and/or lodges. Others may choose to bring their tents and camp for the evening. Please share your preference and we will do our best to accommodate. !Cost: $40 per person, $75 max per family. !Schedule: FRIDAY 2:00-6:00 p.m. Groups leave from Richmond at various times 8:00 p.m. Turn in early or join us for fellowship around the campfire !SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. Breakfast 10:00 a.m. Intergenerational Worship 11:00 a.m. Free Time 12:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. Activities* 4:30 p.m. Intergenerational Worship 6:00 p.m. Dinner/Closing Prayer/Head Home !SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. Breakfast 9:30 a.m. Pack and Clean Cabins 11:00 a.m. Worship 12:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. Head home or free time !Adventures: Some of us will take leisurely strolls in the woods or simply sit on porches and visit. Others may choose to hike to a scenic overlook or go caving, canoeing, or even take a shot at the climbing tower. !


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1925 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23220 804.355.0134�48