ta si - digifind-it · lta si in lit a ood dr< t id 1 |incl%t|, mo office at baaway, n. j.j...

tani la si t In lit a ood Dr< t id 1 |incl% t| , mo Office at Baaway, N. J.j as' So^hd-Class liat^r, iliiii "1'he' 'floor•'opened:.' A heaa.nnd;hands folded o u t / ' " ' "- : 4?iM* n<lftl " irS HndW TiU.iWeaaiijfij'iBi hind'jhlmf cimb d, Editor and Prop in. j •- •-;,! ••• ( ; •., . -.--•• I - ; . • ;• • J The gardonci* still st-od by tho door. The ntltimau d'd t ^ 1 t tl hi ;.W!ift!ttiot ho coo Vtook;the linos hand),' almost 'ere she know -who out tho, g]|Vii g thd tiipre^sion tl ujwy, | Lvdia kedlonilbthdiwr The gardonci still s t o d by tho door. The gentltimau d'd- not^Boem 1 to inptlco him. Hven |tho ithp^rtuiibablo Iyd|h!doiild'n'ot' re- tai jf tati' ^ $ iore was. tho c s uesa!-That-per ble dignity i: ginto think over tho*mattor. 5b reaUy loves'him I must brin ecpncUuitidu.. Tho effoot or roserypt ; ^ golf-cbutrol | p^ y| train jfrom starting' as ,i»^o flaw $ 0 . n e w comer. Tho Fairfax whom sho romemDercd wovo a full beai'd and ' ' ™" 6 months, * —SK— A.DVERTIISEHS door yiqlucd'i'tjad ly to-hfir d ghiy onWoflw SECOND ' TIOflAL subdied {j.isp of.(wrm4 8howa8]now tnO Vpm uk—all f \v6maii; ho tUp many and'a mdit u&'tb|bttihdii man's loco was as smooth f ; p y |bettihedwi:,h,atiliat, ' I i p,"{ : Baid>hp quietly; butfirml>,'<« ave flnlBhod. what you havo |to say, I f W«o Ai'thur Fairfax, i had hrid'' Hid 1 . . pession had phangpd.'. jaia.ddtt^st friend ; >vould >;bim would, I know, he conutor- pgpdHs.darV.. -. neverhavoknowbhim, No w was doubtfl ' r | : ;"' was doubtful. Shj^s looked again :my.remarks, X would like to aik no question, j Youfaavojust- prt fcssfe^ l . contempt., 1 -Haw is It, you'dld notiplaco,Lthe,iaattlorjiu. the f 'dU d onalBUpt y " Corsets CHAPTER XXII.-COHTINUE thH Fairfax to lio nit lmow, Sho BuMvliorov His 6\vn lamll learn his! whe thatthomectiiig Portuuo helpfed .I.:- 1 ' . O.oo ^,-os :<> oent.8 per line, eicn Insertion. JLp desiring lo occupy considerable jl(j;tu or lime, can Uajvo special and ~ | Hustles, II* DI'ilKL'TOliY. g g 8 « WKIMKItAKER, . K.UIWAV vnicn, 11. .supplied. ST., (AIT BITTON SHOES Lers Is hi WveTi jorcda M uovel iat si bu cordi reyol ;<\!.t:>J STRBKT. K i n * I T . (X IS HI NO GOODS, AND TA1U.R WA.KK, •s and Hanec*. Stoves' an* Ware Repairril. ap$'8J-]]r J STACY'S, JMI'KBI^L C.UiDS aif is Club luifs, n per dozen. : \L CARDS, thl:K t),-vel, gilt M per di'ii ii. pi.v. apUO-ly M M K L L ' i> UENOWN'KD AT loiiBKTT'S, j Hroad :m.l '-Vest Jersey Streets, ! KLIZM'.ETH, N.l, ! i:;:< aad v'r i.n \Valnu|ta of delicious ::c« md r r'^'ssuppliefl atBhortnotlce •I.NKT U C. R, MELICK, ^ 11 LAMBlER'f, ITSTICE OF TttE (PEACE, to 24 Main Strfeet. :o I uuiooiO) hlrts, Dresai Forms, Underwear. 8klrt Kxtonaera IU all if---" ' JAMMINGS m the New „.„..„ a silk Braided Fronts and Tassels 8tyI( ^ ^ . . . ^.^eB^ButtonBjlnallthfeTHew '\~ Goods, Balls, AnpUquc, Flowers, Arosene,OhentUe, Wash 811k tai Embroidery Flosses, Momle Butcher's Linen. Plush, • . •: i j SATIN TWILLED RIBBONS, FANCY C{ RDS, SBbuand* Flosa ^ 1 i k a Millinery (floods, Foa^herty Ribbon^ Velvets. ROUND HATS AND BONNKTSjottthe latest stylo. WMcCall'a Patterns for sale. I TO THE_PUBLIG. As It seem* to be the general Impression that am interested in the Wood Yard over ihb rtver ormerly run by Mr John Benett thlllto in th ormerly run by Mr. John Bennet tlty all thoso that wten to buy th that I have no Interest In tfcat y er hb rtver thlalslto no- Wood ot mo. In any p , wh ] y thoso that wten to buy their Wood ot mo. that I have no Interest In tfcat yard In any par- titular. It la run exclusively In my BrotSer'lin- terest. I am at the old etatad on Hazelwood ave- nue, near the Columbian school House, whore i tceop on hand a; lull supply ot ] Wood, Locust, Cedar arid w Bean Poles Intheir season; The "Old Gray Mare" will bo a tull gM nat you are getting your Wood from me. 1 i. T. HEWITT. , Hahway, October 88th, 1B88-U SCOTT AVE, REAL ESTATE.* Whlloglvintr my attention to Bartholdl Park 'roperty, 1 propose aluo to sell other property n, and In the vicinity of Scott avenue, at reg- ular commissions. I have now In my hands lor sale: . ; r- • L . 9 acrjes, house, barn, Ac, ts.000.halt dash, io acres, house, Darn, &c, »l6,ooo, •• " 6 acres, house, barn, &c., $7,&oo, " " 30 acres splendid for private rf B'dei ces, <JOO «r aore. AH on easy tenuB, 6 and 6 per cent ln« crest. : * A number ot Lots on Scott and Elizabeth Ave- nues andPrice street, $10 to$i8 perfoot] Also my Lots on Hamilton street. 30x1055. , a lota on St. Ge»rge'a Avenue, 40x114. l lot on Ulver Btteet, 60«5, UouBt) and Lot on Milton Avenue, V,U0. Also, at Lake Bopatcong. a nice little summer F - —" tSTOacres, yeryeaay Also, at La Hopg. l residence, 160 (6etfaketront,|s.poo,an largo lake tront,$M per acre.j Both on tes A J M g terms. nov. i6-tf oth on very es A. J. MTTEB. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM AT (he weik from $1.50to$3 <4 4i ]"J 1" 1 1 Ml life r 1 - N © fed) KT RMS)! ': si & SO. H CD i ml CD- ' tD " 1 crl Oi . turer of SKGAB8, i d eta<l DeEler in all the Best \unuiacture and Imported Se- -.;n etc Mbcre-haum, Brlar- j Srhokers' AtildleU ot i lrvhnK streRt: Orpera "cy.inlng! and Oiling meerr r holders, fctc. Agent tor the iramiM'o , ol Hew YOrk. • •in.-3 'a UA KSH, PSALiBli \)t K S . HAN'• US 'iace l -.: si i.T \-.l. V HOLLOW WAJRB, USACE8, ! Tim Roofing, j&C. Hi.aw»T,N.J. : ll I i PURCHASIXG AGENT LtrabertlB, win be promptly at- Paintsj, ij, in all CARPE.VTl-R KeS4eii« tif- -LEHiGH-:-C INI) KIND NG WOOD Carriaffo Pao- g street,, BAHWA .AKK. is T ir i ST.- Miirt STREET, HinWAY. LL. Sawing mhand. J anil «acher of Organ etc.all rtment in ithe ll are welcome IMI'ORTEP So fTOBiCCO ^"ageHlardwa BAHW>t.W.J. TI i ijtATioiub on ocait BEFORE BDT1HQ ELSEWHERB. As you will find BARGAINS tlittt you can not afford to lose. VESOELIUS. T> AHWAY POST OFFICE. 'NEW tORK TIME. ^.x. TO TAKE EFFBdT NOVEMBBB 19,18S« e ' - MAILS1BRIV1. f J > New York, North, East and West 5.1BV. m. Tnrough Southern and Phlladeipnla,5.98a.m. Woddbrldge and Perth Amboy, 8. X) a. m. i PhlladelpBla and Way, 8.43 a. m, New YorkjNorth, East and Wayj9.l8 a.m. Through West, 6.49 and 10.49 a. a. ? rTfV 3 ^ NerYTkfNmnaVdE^ Through southoru.PhUadel P New YorK .North and Bast,5.»3ri, m. Woodbridiro andPerth Amboy, 5.96 p . m. 1 Ma{l8 ( are n recelv?d troin Elizabeth, New. Jersey city, Delaware k iftOkawa^Mand NJBW Jersey Central Ral^oafiBjat5.i5a£d9.i8 i^ 1.50 a n d 5.58 p . m . WoodDriageandPerthAm»py.«J.6Oa.m. ; HewYork,Nortb;andBaat.Ti80d,m. . j New York North 1 ; Eaai;and WajUl0*.m i Philadelphia and Way, &AS a. mi . i Through Southern andWest. &45 a. m. New York, NortftTEast and waj. 10.1B a. m. Woodbrldge.KM5a.in. ^.. ,'J,.- -l Nov York. North and KaBt.l».Bi p.m. , New York, Nonthj Eaatand Way ,4.90 p . m. Philadelphia and •WayiMSP-'ni., | woodbrtttge andiPerth Ambpy.iWOp.m, Through Southern and west 6.1H) p. m. , Mails "lose for all points at 6.45 Pr mi- iSallB are dispatched lor Eliza Jeth, Now; Jersey city, Northern New Jersey, Delaware Lacuawanna, and Now JpnwCepnral Kallroa* %llBa?edlBpaWhedfo>Pu1ladolphi Princeton, New Brunswlok.Metuclien,8outtt and West Jersey. Bel videre Delaware Railroads at Sunflav MallB arrive at 6. al i& O c l e n opfnon°a P un"a^rom».8 tolO.SCa.'m.t , MONET 'OBDEIS, , cakbeoDtainedatthlBofflce Tayable at any Musical - I Instrument? : thoso who help them f-M Ero leavingf tho vi ana Ting call on thi . in Croat' inv. A , f M56.^./.iuandluVjS; •s-i-io.85 a. m,J5.49 and 10.S5 p. d. BR- Crosslng-o.57a.m. anJml.49 p. m G.42 5.42 p. m J^orBay,nead,Tom8 Bl?er and IntermedUto stations, 9.67 a. ro. 1 i SundayfcrainBleave Rahway f or^p6intB on N. Y,| and Long Branon road—10.85 a. m., and 6.43 p.m., iji ' 1 ' ForEUzabethia.49,5.85 «.O6, 8:84,0.54,T.08, % 746 T5T 8808S3 888 9 08 » r 33ioO71O JO Uabetha.49,5.85 t.% 7.46, T.5T, 8.80.8.S3, 8.88 10.40,11.36 a. m.,lU,45, MS 4.32, 5,38, 5.5T, «.S9, 8.47, 6.&6 94oio»5 nwii8i ms¥ «., 8:4,0.54,T.08, 9 08 », r 33,io.O7.1O JO . 1,49, !S 05 S.89,8.85,' T.48,2.08,8.«j 869 day8524»74 .47, ,T.48, .08 p.m.s¥nday85-2. to40 a m 19180 .08, 8.«j, 8.69, -2.4»,7.4i,8.30 1.80,1.88, 8.80 l0a 1008 d 9.4o,io.»5, .w,i,.8i p.m.s¥nday852. 9.W, 9.38,9.68,10.80.to.40 a. m,, 191.80,1.88, 8.80 8 86,3^»,4^8,5.S9,e.5!l,T.00,8.83,»l0a, 10.08 and HU8p.m, 'i .• '! ! • ' FOrNOwattt-l.49,5.85, 6.05, 8(84,8.54, T.08, 7.4T,,8.J0.8.9J. 8.88, 98 5. 10.0T, 10.80. ia40,U.85,a.milia.4«, 1.13j 1,« a.05.S,89.8.85, 4.88,6.*6,5,67^.»r,6.*7,S.e8,7.4S,8.0! ,8.82,8 £9,0.40, 10.35,1 IM and nil p. m, SuDda7B-3.4», 7.4a, 8.BO,9.«3,9.88;9.«S.10.80,l0.40a.m.lS.80,1.8«,«.»Oj >.B6.», 5.9J,, 8.5J, 7.00,8.38,9.03,10.03 and ll.lJp.m. !!; i iFor NewYbrk—«.49, 6.85, 8.05, 8.84. tM, 7.0817.47.148, 7.68, 8,30, 8.93, 9.08, 9.88, lO.OTy 10.80,10.40,11.88, a. m., 18.45. 1 l), 1.43,2.05,9.91 3[85,4.8},5.S(I,6.B7,6.8},S.47.0.58,7.43,8.03,8.38,8.5», 9}4<i 10.45,11.OS nndll.81 p.m.8unday3-J.49,7.42, 8iSo; ».«8, ».83, 9.58, 10.80 and 10.4Q a. m., H.8D, 1.8J, S.30,t38, 3.35, 4.33, 5.99,0.52,7.00 8.S3, 9,O3.iO.O3andUil3p.m ; ; FprBrooklynall through trains connect at Jersey Olty with boats ot "Brooklyn Annex," affording direct transfer to and from Fulton street, avoiding double ferriage and journey acroBsNow York city. » I : Trains leave NewYorlc tor Rahway—6.00, 6.30, 7.00,7,30, f.40,8.00, 9.10, 9.S0, 10.10, 11.10, 18.00a. m., ls.so, l.oo.a.oo, s.so, 3.00, 3.90,4.00 {.10,4.40,5,00,6.10, 5.90,5.80, 5.40,6.60, S.CO, 6.10 «.S0, 7.00,,9.00, 10.15,11.45, p.m. and 13.15 midnight. . Sundays—0.1(1,8.00,9,oo, 9.45, 10.00, 11.00, u.oo ft. m.,U)0.J.00,8 00,4.00,4.30,6,00.5.20,6.80,7.00, 7.45, 8.S0, 9.00. 9.80. 10,00^11.00 p . m . , , 18.15 midnight, ill Passengers wishing to take southern or Western express trains not stepping at Rah- way, will be obliged to take a procedlng train to some point wherethe express train makes reeularBtop.il 1 | For further l ntormatlon apply to the ticket igent,wuowititurnl8htlmeublesandglveln- f ormatlon aatoroutes, checking baggage, &c. ChaB. E. Pugn, QeneralManager i J. R. wood, General Passenger Agent ;F.w .JaoksonQen- lStPiiRfNJ .P.ii.R.ofNtJ. 1 JOa. 0RAWF0BD.8Up't N. Y. Dl V. f N CHANCERY OF \ NEW JER- I . 8BY.—To Noah T. Pll^e and Josephine Mc- Ilvaine, now Josephine Zann, and John Charles jthn, herhuRbind. By virtue ot an order ot ; tho Court ot Chancery ot New Jersey, mado on tbeday of the date here- otlnacause wherein Harriet M. Walt, Bxecu- tnx of the la»t will and ttsatmfent of W. Boward Walt, deceased, U Complainant, and you and bUiers aro Defendants, you are requiredtoap- pear and plead, demur or answer to the hill of said Complainant, on or berore the TENTH DAY OP JANDAIIY NEXT. 6r thd said hill will ho taken as confessed againBt you. The aald bill 1B filed to foreclose a mortgage given by Joseph W. Bavate, in his lifetime,tothe snld w) Howard WultTTin his lifetime, dated Novomber SSd, A.D. 1871 on l4nds In said mort- gaee described as situate In the City ot Babway, Tnthe-County of Union and Btate of New Jersey: but which W fact are situate jpartly inthe said Olty ot Habwayand partly in theTownship of Linden, In sMd County and State; andyou Noah T. pikeandJOBephlneMcllva(ne, nowJosephlno Zahn, aro made Defendants;be-*use'-you ore grandchildren of the said Joseph W. Savage, who la now deceased; you, the Bald Nouh T. m e . be- ing a Bonot Josephine w. Pike, a deceased daughter of Bald Joseph w;8ava.«e,deceaMd, and you the said Josephine JJahn being a daugh- ter of Caroline Frances MoIlvalno, also .a de- ceased daughter of said Joseph w. Bavagre, de- ceaaed, and have or miy olalm to n_aye spme in- il 8ollcjtor8 tor Complainant, Pr $9.60: 146 Main street, Bahway; N. J. Dated Novemher 9thJ 1887.' nov. s*-7w COliNTZ 8URRO- GATE'S OFPlCJ^, Ootboer aist, J-sw-dW. Uodyke Selover, the Admfntorawr otwuitam TfHarnwS'deceased. Burfpgate'a Order to Ltm- • rmlnnBdation otthe ahovenamed Administra- tor it la ordeied that, said AdmlnMrajor give, PUblte notlceto the crWltora ot the estate of said demand h,within nine nviJWot thlBOrteVi wlthlh twfinvy da ot the most pubucl Maces- nninn for two mon id'twenty daysTb vy days hereafter In fly aces- in the county of and also within tne vertlslng tho same In t th same space ot lt« rtiw UNTY.jstJRRO; 1 JDeccmberl7th, \r A'dmlnlBtritor with tho NBlk deceased. _ GAT OFF JameaaDurand, d of T Order EXW By f ' ! GSO.aS.PAttB.OT, ptttfOgate^ fiv deC"?-iw as it nlwuys vos. i_'c sho mado .••A. The ftnni had just tli Mrs. Fairfax was rain. caller, tnlting! kindly hor to proceed, she <•*•:> "ItseemR Arthur is little business uiTuir. * keep ino hoi-j some t r know horo us Arnold I tors accordingly, ;.:. heavily undoracorcii ;: lio ncej.iiif, l(ft anj' on- ahouts or nom do pl-.i ford"—for Lydia w^s known Ui us, then,' foi jiolnt that \\ o have < you." | Of cpursoLj ai:i sii. Sho then helps part- ! was .t mo- •:i tho missli g son. .-'italoud, and her i.-i-est and neggiug nuod: Mt. Dcsortl l on a writes, 'thit innv y, I oring throu problcimas und what t At tlio cards of heon tho her to rot •whoro the: rciorncil Shout t.li toMt. D.- Windsor 1 i nnny call' juluares. rn with ' I- Sho was of hor pr >vltH thorn. Wlioroyi of all obse was tUo finely proi brilliant ci overjoyed b l c m . ' Of p:»r •yore, H 1 ounji Kii':. irtioiicd li • mplcxion, Hy tho tv •<. AddrosBJiny let-" •—here lio had line—" 'Ul m e . on .MOW of myhvhore- OhtMiffl :io namo btr which -••you will oxcuso silenco u»on t)mt .'.tiugly divjulged to '. nnd New VorltJ ondcav- -urnoy to iolve tho • -tiow to i*et there, •1 sho fdund the ainone •vJhom had - loft a iiole asking . :n to Itiirf Harbor, ii'ling October. :ii:i simple solution .i-io she would go tho obsorvod oyos, nivdl lier vorv never failed to a(n toward bar. On the they avri sunset afternoon rod ut Jit iw the hi 1 ':- high, and tho wuUv- smooth as. n,inirror. gold. Tho weak w..- und the air was IM.. BO. Tho jthln sinoU' neys of jtlio farm-1: surging agiiinst the far-oit tjnklo ot Hi among tlio pastures J coutrnstpf light mi<l hunter, breaking th. itfrighUnied tho sea along tin; shore; the one by sno into tin- white stimner lying: mado a itBClf Up* Elegar QuUiaroi called I,yiii.. of tho in those on they ne.\ t shore." among t Qulnaro two latt' Bvt 0 noodldss to say, Tho tall, . that clijar, wliito, •>• wondbrful bluo nor ana carriago sccotd glanco lovolyl calm day •rt ferl-y. In tho 1lio Island loomed l-'renchmnn's hay, iiod likdburnishcd *• lirst oi October, not uimiejisaiitly IR from'this chim- . the clear water, A ribbeii coast; tho rd bells, ringing . woodd; the sharp i !<•; tho yiin of tho lias of the air, as SHE IX>OKBt AOAIS. .taken. There was that unmistakeahleforo- hood; that samo scowl of sad, thought. As hostopped dowt from thp poroh, a voice, clear-cut, hard, I lotallic as his own, whpn ho choso it to hjs t o, toll upon his ear. <%r. Fairfax, I belie ro!" ' ;, ' The man looked up, B artlcd.- . Not ton foot from him sat Lydla, a look bt keen, cool triumph en hor faco—Lydla whom ho had complete' y forgbttoa, or sup- posted two thousand mi leg away 1 "Graat Hoavon^! Lidy Lydia, you horo I What do you wani of me!'! "Immediately to git into this cart. I hhvo a littlo business aftalr to sottle wltk you." i Her volco 'was commanding, and tho words fell fromjhor lips llko clean, crisp, Bharply-cu-} coins. j Fairfak -'.uw there was nothing olsetodo butoboyi With eyort fastoned upon tha ground, with laggard; stops and silent as the gravo, ho slowly took WB seal side. * Ho'know ho was taken wholly at a disad- vantage^ besldo lie hcjd by iio means rocov- orcd from tho shock Natalio. Ho seemed ovor his wits; to bo >f the last sceno with to have lost control utterly poworloBS to thqn,youdld notiplaco,Lthe,iaattlorjiu. the, nanda of a'dotpcUvo! 1 .Hqw is, it you dodl' wlta mo porBonoiar-l In .othar," wjirds, ho\y carao you horc.'ana what do you \vttutwUi H " i , '!•-• I ' ' • ! '{•'• Bhonskodhoi , this bo turned | suddenly sharply aroui d and looked her full! in fd | ; • | i 1 • Mr dco. ,.|.; ; .. | ,. ii 1Mr. iquostjibn was pQrfectly;nu^uyal; biit : effect.was i tabtdiy and! ldih bepn in th tp: ffec.wa no* bepn. in. tho " f aait ovli bepn. in. tho j mood! tliat renubred tfl f against surprise, IFdirrai would hav Ced^hii/ f' : J ; p y ; ^ y ; xtrabtdinary, and! liadiho f mood! tliat renubred tflm i IFdii ld ha! f i 4 _ . : J ;.] hrank back upon hor soat f keeii Borutiny qf thpsol iccamacrima'on.thenpttlo,; ildii it; soemedto.jhor t)iat' foco gaiing BOflxpdlv into' ad ull;'that thosb resist- to lior yory souljs dopthB t I t d d d iu a pictujli thu'. •u tho iniail t OOttll^i'S ' >rc noted of the "b;\y sh'-: turned tl.. After pein em KUl-Kii-'. .-euiarkcd in * from . ng boal i '..ir, an -..iv .Iat iHlftllibl: i . lin. tho K copo with ovon a child, much loss a won\aii of tho montal caliber of Lydia, whose feol- iiigsworo stlrvod tc thp utmost; wh)so| facultlos woro at tljoir brightest and| keenest; who also ieompd to havo under perfect' control. T^iorowaB rem Ing to him mind enough to know tfy Bllonco was hisstron <eat hold, until those^ I Bcattcrod senses of 1is could.bo collccte 1. I Ho had offered to take the rolus as he tered, feeling that, as a woman, |Wlth their haunt ' tho reat ttn sor9 occupied wit^i fancy work, has }er dock, all impressed lores. Tho . icntioli to several -. Having viewed .-m\ in the village, ,.ao ti the "ocean out aovcml, and !i 1 Olei Gore, Miss nncction with tho ie \v.y, botii taken nUout the boj^r.-i two delightfully mys:. Eld-Fio d is a sort of i a young ilisslUchofort. lie inses tc tho aun terious gether only ca faitorvit - of September by 4t At uso in woman, wli"• r.nmo as it rcccivu visiii of Mr. A in" Character, wl vith Mr. I''o\ lers over su. w with her outriding. I hav*. glimpsi of her as sli. horso. Jfiho is ccrtn.; beauululbrunctto l gentlctnnn—I see i- bears i remarknlily the Princess Natan* "Ah, indeed," ri'i: lous 8 ilf-control. thoyrruBt be, thes I hopo I shall have "Can you tell m••- ingth'i. convcraali' mous mildiug in tb Bho had thus u. she v-ished—all she wishc4- sho w as calm and izing f ocicty cbmnic-n'Uitiou o tho ot lor point of ti-iuty. the shape of is said to bo may. she ro- A Miss Strong— 1'c.x, tile other niys- . is at Ciieii Cioro—to- . nisolf, ire about the • ••>sful n getting an s i e fre||uchtly goes I*n caufeht-a fleoting i.isUosbyonherblack - t lie moat stunningly .v:c ever seen. Bomo tho papers-says sho i iiiso rqscmblanco to ILydiii with marvel- • (,'into a curious pair visitors at vour rosort. i~'k at them." siud shel coolly chang- . 'what villagot : ntiillj is that enor- i learned what T Ah How od! How tracl- Wl vent was u| irtumult, than " ' imen was true. Upc n two things she was fax must bo seuu Natall vlsiteu. but ho was clover 0ulwnrdly, I. talkiilg with patron- thls, that and ut hor brain worstl and far moro realized Her present 16 haddeceived lior in isolved. Falr- too, must bo that Fairfax 1 all, except tho tell-tUo blush! Hew cunniigly had ho i^ct- Jow skillfully manaded hi3 Jow skillfully manaded p ompletely thrown ovpry ono off did Bho want mny» "Was it re- Ah'l Mr. Arthur Fairfax, hbro youWre, snugly unscmcod it ati out of tho waylpinco, con 'i milatind yourself upon tho met that you luddoi safolv n honq inav find \ But I nm h i- \ h, Lydia, ^ ho near f 11 to u u h out my wmi | Toy tho spite i f \ d i) o two, after her arrival, Lydia w in. througji with tW-usual dOin ^sof stran >m i« Bar Hnrboi Ofcourao, Bhe md licr aijnt tiavoled \yitn 0 coin ici 'i Ins m \n hud nit been idlO, clui- Ing lla short st i \ccoJdm2 to LydlftS lnst •uctious, ho h id man feed to itjeuro a elm pso of both M ss Kothofort and Mr Fox Tho foimoi lu. in^tivntly i W g n « c a astio Princess XiUHo, Tho latUr as the gen lomin ho h d ficaukntly afcen with MrlDickOxfouiiu tlio bftlo'Bnltany vil 'ocouvcycJthciosultijof his invostiga- tiou 1 Bto Lydn win now bocamo.assured thai sho was not about to kttack tho wrong seems' unable totl Bposb of his hands •, ^j> be, With the reins,'could much hotter gai| solf-control, while tolosiihors. . "Iprolorto drvo, mysolf, sir," Blio re- plied with dignltj* . i Then thos u p p l e d fires of her | flamed; forth. "Aro you a professional brlt Bibly, this is tho usual way with An gontlemon; their! method of profossli votion^hivalryandall that Is nobhj courtships commonly cohduoted mannor, inthis TbcdeV Republic of ; Fairfax answered nothing. Ho; was now idly losing. IL kooplng up this tho upper bund. " In my country, Icy, putting torn Jesses to kuow .Irado, ho! soon wou a tiave nothing !( J , iiuing ground, anasnornp'- she >vould onlyi pe BlJiW continued shej i i tboso' ','"wheui n gontleminpro-. g obo'ut ui to ca^o lessj wo hardly look to W day !dr two aftoWards, ruha*my ! w lydla gasped, li,, under tho robing oyosj "p&$ in her conf u quletj strong :s soemedtor j .Bipyos plorcbt .. . . . , . r .., .. nd caught its inmost | secrets, dud seemed U ^ d y : ,'Whatov(jr'*your | answer, tl ; " (Bho Btammbroa out brentlales.sly. -'Yocl, Bh|amo-faced manner: ; ,| : 'Ii you khpw all, why 'dp.you ask V . i l Ah," : repllod ho, BilBlaklng-tncmeanlng of her ails'wdr, but still' failbig'to compro- *»>ri(l tho causo pf horj coafuaion, "yes, I dp ibwalL" "'|i 'I- ; ' She hid hor ft^co in her hands toconpoal r fcpiingpf Bhamo. I Hocotlldhavo up ro- Bbcct for hor now; and—horrlbu) thought!— sppposlng ho w;rotofnnlto it public J In asking this discomposing Question of his, 'drfax bad been actuated or^ly tiy tideairo _ learui what v as publicly known about tUo .bduction of iho Princcsb—if hislaccom- iliccs had been discovered-, if 6tliors, bo- idoB Lydia, know of! his guilt and where- ibpUts; or if slio only Had gaiuqd tho secret, lohadniado i^o accusation at all-against or; and wus, itho'roforo, laketi aback arid miplotoly myitUled by this behavior. What idjshc meant j Ho could not atop to reflect. O'wos resolved upop this y\m\. , His future, at uny rate, was ruijicd—«o ho to<ik it fbr gi-^ntcd. j Still h'o would mako the bitat of t^rcumstanccB. He would Se- cure Lydla as a shield to protect, from tho shafts of justlco,Dlokand his'otlior accotn- plidps. Ho continued: "Now, I will ton j'ou all about it. You know—" , j f'Stop!" sho cripd, beseechingly. Bho had become desperate. ' ; 8top! Mr. Fair- fax. 1 must cjxplniri myself. You say you know all. You do n|ot. lam not the bpld croaturo you l)olieve mo." Fairfax listened >vith growing nstoniBh- laeut, Lydia continued: , , "Some timo after Natalio^ disappoar- ance,: a sing liar dream awakened in my mindjuu unpl jasnnt BuspicionL i I'drovp it away, timo land again. ! But; time ami; agaiu, it re urncdl A. brlof, confpronco* vyithLpuyal,'thojFronoh dotectivoj Pnly^ Bonflrmed tny belief that this unwelcomo yiBitor was Jfi ght in demanding dntertiiin- ihout', But, )n such Blightjjgrounds, nov/ coUld-Ibriug 1 accua'ation agaJiiBt an individ- ual whom I supposed not only p. gentlomnn but a mdu 'it shico'rity—one bf tho class whioh my ckporidncp, 09 a rich woman with flattoroVs «nd Bycophatitajhas led, mo hithortoto bollovo either ilpUUous; or do- tunctl I could no^, do it; onS yot thnt flus- pioi6n,ro£used to.be put dqw.n.j There jwas but pno rospH loft..mo-o'ithprjto proVo it, Dr^isprovo'ft; an^ljlhat toy mysolf nlono. Oh \ do not then think it boldness ot Bhtuno- Icssnoss that led inoovc>: the sjoa in .thifc un- wojtinnly mannerj", , . • > \ Fairfax listened iu wonder, pidi sho really moan that Bho had done, this to shield liimi Was )t posiiblo that, after all, JDick was right! ' | j : ,' i Turfing t award 'hor again, he abruptly asked! ,| - . . ; |. |I)o you tican to say that i you (actually tame M An orica wishing to ppovo iny! lnno- coricoJ" , , I ' ! 'I'I do," nuBwered sho, foarlo^slyi ( and ioklng unflinchingly iutohlsjoycs, , Fairfax,;Beijing' that.tho gpl was] very highly wrought-u^ and''keenly foli th s dis- grace and iwkwjirdnptts of hbr poiltij) i, ro-, solvodtocpmforihor." Besides, hoKvas mor- tal and coiild scarcely reproajj'a secret feel- ing of. exultation over tjho rfact that nb, tho (nan of humblo fortune: had]tosuch |an un- BUspootod| extent, aroused ,tno inteijo$t of tho greatest "catch" inEnglftnd. j \, 'JYpu .aromiitakon," aaia ^o,j"Ijao not coiift dor you ijold or shaniieless. jDt is I who vm disgraced; I who; liavo ruined my ropu ati'oii £ thp oyes of tw< lovely women. And yot lam not tho obando aod.wretch you mus'. thin ; i-iuo. [ I told Vou t io tr itWjjit that ratal ball, li the llarchlonos '. Ihpjrprhad »'6on' the Prhicess bofore thai ••; opening, about sundowj [I ^Jaw hbr--:andif ^-pu will ... _^ io in si uoli. that ucithei'cliild nor dog noticedaofl ' 'liow| Ma^' 1 toolores v/oi '4a'y ng mustii't'mnkpnnynoiso. My.'lHtlc,: hi^ a hcijd-ticho find is ly!hg ; dot TiJ | jw<$ f (vvojgoin'g liway, Mo,'sho st.ysj 'sh'all' nuvor kopl my Mn. Aniold Fcj cioi-c." :: \ | • ! •' * ! n.oro iiiolllllo thing began softly Jto bit Max raised his head, poijmdod pn ' with Uls itall knu bogan ' wlthlibr; wltilojbis eye y p the snlfflo J tokened tno'ti iar that, if possible, ho too would st cd o tei ._-•_ .-- |. ! • .-- -j - r - j «• i 'Lydla looked]on for Bomo 1 lime withO'i I stirring, .Finally, sho walked.qu -" Jj — - J thp child and, kissing hor, oni'd: "What is'lyoiir uamq, you* i girl I" ':, j ] . - ' Dolores lopjked up butr did not least sign ofAilarm, or avon ovjiri gajtcd at Lrtliu, asif ptudyilig Bho at last cpncludcd to|mako fri tho stranger nijw-coiner ifldcd upon 1) Jilaxtoo,hud beenji v 1th doubtful oye, bu sneo. Ho 1oso, Bhoo owjmg tno and walking .up to Lydia, raise* mendous paw jin token if umity. "My name? ia Dolores my 'litUo mn|mma!| up sSairs. Who aro you, protty 1 id, "'if'ou may Cull roo aunt Lyd your 'little ntammn 1 tio, and wian talcpmo upistuirs to see hor." "But she is ill and mistu't bo aist)ur "Yes, but I havo coujo to makd hi Como littlo Dplor63, take moup, oij I afjij go by'myself " "Will'you make her well! fol-, cjunt Lydia, I \vaut my llttjlo mat . well." Pausing suddenly she lopkc qulrin|fely lip into Lydlii's faco, and said; "Do you know myMr. Arnold pFoxl' 1 .. "Yes, my little ono, Ij do. Why t[' "Because, if y6u qannialec ^vish you would bring raim back want himto go and my 'littla m^m] because he was "Woll, deario, I will) sco what|I Lydio began to suahect that tween Natalio and Filirfax had &ono 'fy further thi>n she had kupposed Hand-in-hand tlio pilr wont ilp-i talra lowed by Maxj who soemod to jth nk It his ' 'bounden duty to nttdnd Dolot'ps whoi'i Bho went. Natalio"s jloor was ihu t| Lydia knpeked. answeij cijno. - knocked ogain and jnoro louhly unswor. Pushing oppn thodoir, ho U> in. Tho rooni was darlijoned. A | fl loosoncd luiir streajning do-ivu back, with clasped hands nn|Ll down to tha covorlidJ ^as knjsoli bed-sido. - It was Naftalio. Lydia stooped down and Dolorcslto go and snpaktolie pUicing her hand, ou ivor iked urc,; I kvit'u; f h ovei, cad ng. ai her bent "Little mamma, 1 wants to'soo you." [wakoup. im, a ihlhor rniT ijpfittln'^ a barWkrianj gother, sir, youj havo placed jyourso<f jin a position oxcebd.ihgly unonvia^ltfj an^ bavo l o s t t t e coufldPhco Of alt to^peotflbW ?por- BOUS' -Whom bhtf lnbau't; by {"aU r jsiiccta- blopirsousf \yus atrifloUncertain | "Nbw.V enldaho, begiuuing to g d rif'k "Nbw.V enldaho, begiuuing to gitw^im tr ' 1 under rairfax'k porsisteut slloitco and hu xlluio to enrogo him T "now, sir, I have 110 timo to wa3to •With you m this matter; nor doIcaiojBo to 1 do wit 1 oman| of tho vaguo Ideas ot right and wongyo^ «oomto possess" Hdrvoico assumed U|i*grotful tone, tinged vtyli a Bhado of toutl|#nosB as abd pi-ocoedod "Thoro was a tiidoiwhon mo -n"nd was rosolv ning, she informod d and, tho next rBho inhw PP -m oth i w o , ^ if Miss Gulnare caijtfor tho occision,i it| her '"*" todglad '«J lond hor the vehicle,, X a d y L y d i a piofor going in the ba- No, sho wishedtogo th) village-cart Sp, o) •ing Lady Lydia, that Fd flashing oyoplain?" the the jinLeepingthts y dla intended first -ere adjoining, and Qore-whore, -andEld-Flold g emado the very thooneJortho gtouuds ol tho lat t of the scene betv SHEET MUSt & MUSIC BbOKS ial,onU plating : 1 •wori nt tho o oaes the g! Horo, sho'hod jsrraiidi of varlouBKlndBon Boarding House, iuaatrango seen but-once that most women Bhe stole another glanotLi dnd now. beganfanp aottce at regular raea. MOTHER and, u ashamed to ed : Rooms, Fi ] umish yrnlng baok u 0HAPT tfOT AtX HlB FAU, Lydla sat ju W collected, witn iKINB'iSSOBT tone, g ty abd pi-ocoedod "Thoro was vnattoiB appeared jdlfforently"-t ^ero sho turned and gave Fdti fav. u sldelona glance that pjLOBOuted a curious compound of Bhy- uoss, scornful defiunco, yot curiosity , Fairfax, tio, At | tl>is singular | remark, raued his oyos lu rnupwaid inqul ing look. What could snomc-An* | 5 Kcsumingjici thUilng bautour t'l oh ill not ask,ubr do I car jthta out-' ,"-th"iB was a dolibc rate falae- youi motives, 01 your com so ir fagepus affau, >•..»>• .—. - - f . hood She \vas buruinK with dosi :otoleart it all.—' I want to t!eU you that |I( talie must bo immediately loleascd and, whi tj is; moro, sent safely bacltl Do you meih Jo say» wretched fool! that jouforamement sup- posed yoi^cpuld|Win hor lovo in this way J to J know. to possess, Bhould Sho contlriuod for some tiniQ *•_ f - f ^ . b ^ ^ •« *m #V * I J ^ tor, biting manuoj Meanwhile. Fol! fall to percelV Even tho most obtuso villain coif dWt fail to'seoBUohathlng^ wore impoU ib\p -And Pm surprised that a man of tie ounnlug which this performance of youra in this bi it I - u fax 1 was fast jrogaming lilBoldtimipomppsure u | ' ' Thoio w^ somithin^ abputjljta s range man that was lrnfeslstlblo (Eve- was ofton moro effective; than •-*"-- Ljdli .fluence of tits over Tit was the oldstory of.the adl dtwiliwhioh el ontty forces' tecomiiio. another as his supo; Shoirlea' to Hflh up, hor ( ai BueceodB In fooling her growl jnoif© and more \« "t Then she bega I to TCfleot, ,i ive cphto&t,,Teflpotlou gene: iturudf Uayo.it—ipvodihor. Tho .v on'aflairpf buturapnvont. lias Buffered and booii unl t belieyoiBho has uovet lioo fior brotlijor'B death. Inover ti-&ub|l!od hsr intu'.to-iaay.'.-wtion L " ~ -''- L - J You wpy Uolo thing \ya3 kr - .think sho L ildouot. pipi' since since ivus, and} uajturiiliy, was indignant at learn- ing my cSurao 'ofaaujJUcity., Bho IB tho love- liest-, purost arid most utigoliii being on 'oarthl"! | ; ' • 1 "• j . ; "Ayo t; that sto la V warnjrty acfdpd | Lydla, ( 'I havo y< must' ful pi-ovin mt her 1.1 vhicli shd dl tclo for jou tjiOf ho", svitho'utiho loatit tirtge of jealbiiky ! : ''pf •course,)' lio wont tin to,m; promised to frcd her, und ! {l thi >lc havo Decn sont heio byiino.c donco tpUkohni back 1 shill your sole Uiui'go Tlio otca«noi by camo is I'.till in Now Yoik, but; I giuph t)>o explain to htojj ho •© You{\lll notiolnso poor a i "I l»i. "Hoxj Tvill ioul" said ho, lookuik up , "Iluvo rulloil aftoi nslcifijTlitoifaUyovtiy tiling I e\on borio\>eil u h.tfjjolsuni ii order toc m y outjmy plans IT J jtajvo notbj- ingoLst-t> worklioi, I Siiill .a, loaat atuvo to ropaytlni You do n6t k ovy that I am l inotcsslonlcasi' 1 .9w it all, 1 1 p'lo l " j ," a3\cdho, in curpris d iji ilydtaJ q>: Hhe.folt hH Boriitilibing ga to visibly etriianiwacd iBy no h d f thj Ii q'iiotly Miss Carn3- f3ho anrt/orcd cimyjiy "I hwoboon ti* VOJU hoino' "^tijthjuyou ^.d tho 1^—'- LydlkblusVd ' ; j Vaii/'ax looked ntthog rl Shs |certabily must jbo .i iomaU_itj'c wompn. to havo Uiulu;ta.kon r BuUi oil CIJ nd ns Bhe declared sho Yiakl como upon Net d b Is imh Prln- cesk ejho was, ns»modly, tao finest woman bo priq pver si on and became means v/as hor rigtrd for thjui jann |>oi kohsy •'IlSkofiyonouo moio invW 1 ho con- Undad "I shall not pea tho Piincoss again -»t least, lo BpoaK Witbl hou 'Will jou toll pns |arp aroused as locd, I rcauost M | If justlco appear olpno lyfieo jtho liutiIfcel qulfo silrot^wtBhowul v.,,-^-.!'^ oven thoiiamdo| thesteamor that brought hor horo and takes hor back to *; ahtt rthUok thp Luply; Lydla (d enoughtoBtaiid byi NatcUo slowly turned a pallid 11 ... Dolores. Her oyos were dinjini< :d by L - ing, and her cheeks toar-stn arising, sho absentjmindedly byj the band and moved lau gi {hd windpw, apparently absoi- o 'arid not Uwaro of chotall i mitionloss in tho doorway, oujrtain find sat down in O^H; window, with Dolories in I101 lolaH about her, anil talking iJ thin' tho girf, in a dreamy state. MDolo|cs, my arcst, lotos, «'o shall see liini ncvo slio added, cniphat cally, began ipiivpoat thd rofrain ! " For lovo that f om thohi I h Rsturos ociin, nomojro. Mo moro a ;aln, no mbrc |"Na«uio!" Baid a cloaraofl ybu no], going to B]>eal: to mo}" [Evori this difl nojt seem to|av hjor rc\ erio. Shoplowly horhoAd and looked mec! ijitolligeutly at ilydia, n tjealKowholitwas !|"NataUe!"ngaiil said th* littlo sharply, and with a t< 'fNataUe, nrouso voursolf. iomo 1» take you a\vay." "Litjt o mommL'" brok in lij dia come to mako yov nppoared to bo h t g d bb pp Sho staged, rubbid i l i | Na'ta|ij rtupoir thon &gleam of lintolligeu'co face. ! Sho cried put: "Lydia," and njUompte-a|to! toward hor mend. do'athly ptilo, and Lydla s artns. upon tho couch, atives, had tho gii-1 ijctuni to ppon^d again, a! recognizing th wit-hiiflection. "I havo been esviipaid" tho Tho lder, .unt ; acotbward ain!n)verl cons volo< ,koh' jarUJ liously ime. waking) froml a Ml norpyes, bmd Bhotflve:^ 1 - ,rise nnd nibh iho- TOttpj+|d, ;forw nbt jj foroii ink I eve y pleasant thoug "And youwil hov'o'I will you*: HOTO dho a io lattrnf luad h(J tud, by itntbf mill ileasuro ox stieinp insciouiijossj id tho dnrk good 6i foolish, valid.. fainted i ThGUl • - u v • BhO,! lustW DlHtanU tompted to rise d h | j i couch, but foui d, to her sutpi-is feltjixtremoly —'- ' ' ! I "Vnnncr wtv oung woii " ' juy porfpctly 1 still an," baiu lydia, ominaud j until you N Hi ,av- un- '!- ' ! -om ! ''• I tho! sho ire ^•jplay- yoa tiu , p hor-lhut if ihov BUBplci to my coniudcrjtca ik> tho her too keep thorn .io hcre must 1 bo sutiRued, ivaW slf and Btifloi' iwypoutilty th i t I f l it itairs lit to iicvf 'clock '^that la larcbo, Isrtuot" 1 oLnowiH" »«Oh,lltnowOT0»Jthitj Calling I out -110011 llontho! 1 ), Sho Bijo;^", o au3wcr, » l Coming, Madorafil-ojl "Never raind' . ow Only huiry aid 1 Blpnchu, wondprufg-nl |bf this utroa^ but «pmrr came lo hor ftl |bd in, riadlnca?todop noUco " ,It informed , iLyditt ^roadaprcs, lferej Mi " It inustihavo bebn' t ipoketoino,'*Eald tteilngly. <, Lycila, meawwl hasty line toMiss Guln; only I4^f' S^^ BM m~^*^»*** «^B W^^ r^^w p-n^ dne rwilllluncli wit I jou later iniho af «rnb loolt na.ion In and flat disownment by Jior owji "jmilyv mf a* disappointment to Natalto iuld m an gradual declino and death, jl iovo; Iiay, thisn, that if thoro is to op 'ering hor family .can botter enduro it a Bho, . . |. .. - ! On' tl o. other hand, if hor proaont de- BBion ihould chance to bo only the result pinine under oonfirioment, ov disappoint- —jnjt hi mlBplaccd' friendship, the souaor Bt e leave shore thobbttor. 1 J riiuB Kasoned the practical, yot Ayarm- nearted >i romari. And Bho resolved to makootj Ieh3tbnc attempt to bring them together b iain.' . . '- '•-.'. - I . JBut no one with any degree of certainty an lay \ laps for tho future. JTho X rooks say thoro is an avenging ! femesis, on tho trnck of an uniformly lucky : uin, ana that whonho seems most-fortu-' fiito the! man is : (overtaken by hio Neniosis, itad fror I that moment begins his downfall. ^The'N ;mesis had at lost-caught Fairfax, pvefytlingas beforpit had seomedtofa- vor, uoi i seemed to militatp ngaiuit him. CHAPTKR XXV. THE OETECTIVM AGAIN. Whild Lvdliv an4Natalie had been talking,) a largo Bteam-yocht glided noiaelossly down tho bajj and anchored off Cromwoll 1 s-har- bor. A boat put off from'tho yacht and camo rdpidly toward the.shoro. (Voile tho yacht was coming to anchor, a n sitting moodily and dejectedly looking put oflonu of tho windows of Olon Gore pottngo raisod,his oyes toward the sea, be- yond tno pines that stood between him and Ith'o shore. [ i Ho fiiw, or thought he saw, two masts iand t 1 io extreme tip of tho blackened smoke stack of a steamer projecting up abovo .ho trees. Ho looked again. There oUitily hud boon no vossel thuro in the morui lg, and that was a very extraordinary placo or anchorage. Tak ng his hat, ho walked rap'idly towqVd •ho ah iro.- Aa ho gained an opening in 'tho wood hocaptain's gig was about half-way botu entho yacht and tho landing placo. The yacht plainly onough wns tho "Na- movu i." Thoro was no mistaking her. Qnly an ho Ir or two ngo ho had telegraphed iher capta n and was momentarily expecting an answ sr. Now, hero, as by magic, in all her .aquatic beauty boforo them lay tho yacht. Ho a uld scarcc|y bnliovo his sonso3. As the. captain nearcd tho shore, ho rccog- nbiod Fairfax, and, raising his hat, ho greets edhinwith: , | "G wl aftprnoon, Mr. Fairfax. I'm glad tofie;you again, sir." Th) latter {returned tho saluto, and has- tene I toshako hands with his late com- paui in in adventures. Tho captain, after a cord al inquiry after, Fairfax's health, ''and mon especially of that of your fair cousin" —he '0 a sly, knowing twinkle momentarily flllei his eye—answered Fairfax's inquiries as t< the cauBO of his unexpected prcsenco, by I anding him. an envelope, with tho cool rem irk: "My dear sir, your gomo's up. All tho wor d will soon hear about it. At present, I and two others-bosido yourself and your owt confidants—aro thp only persons in Am 3rica who know tho truo state of affairs. The 90 two others ero Jean Louvait and Jea I Lcrol; tho former head of the police department at St. Malo, tho latter at St. Bri iux. Theao two mon aro noted rivals, one letters from a friend lu Havre havo told mo that they have boeii liko bloodhounds in the ir por]tinacity-to discover, the trail of tho abriictoijs of the stolen Princess KatalitJ. No w a tolpgram, in cipher, from Mr. Neb- bit ^ tells me he has 'just learned that both Lo lvait jand Loroi lately sailed by separate st< amerB for New York. , , ' You lmow tho, glory and tho reward that av aits the dUooveror of tho Princess's w! loreabouts.' Thoy have spared, and will sp iro, nothing in thoir efforts tofindhor. M •. Nobbitt telegraphs mo that ho is con-, vl iced they know your whereabouts and all tH out you, and wants mo, immediately on ncoiptpf this telegram 1 , to start for Bar ,H irbor and take you all off on the yacht to siraoremote place selected .by yourself. "Fortunately I bad steam up and all my cpalin. Wo came up hero flying, I can tell HOT. William do Lesson, Mot Golden Text, Jolinj vl, Vorso 10-20. j i [From Lesson. Helper .Quarterly by^° •. of H. 8. Jlo'rtinijil; Phlladelpb a.*fll' Notes.—Jesus heard, l e,wliat ciples told him.' Deaoit, 01 ,u_.._ place. Luko ix, IP, says }fc v a s to" called Bethsaida, or houso of flshihgi" passion, or pity for tlieli dcwlato fcom Evening, i.ej.tho flrat eyeiing, ojeten from IS o'clock to 0, fvhJo the evening, verso 33, began^ it 0. ^T; now passed, or tho day is c' 03ing &^ time for buying, food ^s passing Loaves, or bread cakes in tho form of a pjj To sit down; i. o.,torecline, ifterthe Jewl 1 ] manner^ Fragments,' or^nkon pieces, yN \*~ "flW crumbs. Baskets,-round; aid plaited, "rw , ^ holding bread ami flsliti ' '• - ( J [J Jt§ V. 1'J.I Vioweil from ono iolnt, it seems f ' straiigo ihing that Jesus shoi .Id ha\e he this con municatioji. For en uld Herod '. touched him before tlio tin: e? No Bi would a roid'the danger to vhich howas 1 j called. The child Jesus i must flee frorii power of this Herodp fathei', whilo tho one that-directed'thd flight cou hjm from tho tyranUs wild quietly departed into J3g£ i pt,.a'id so pkeedboyond his reach 1 S th h b d py might have been, as the disc d 1 t h t d d havo! >t rngc > in this caso. g pics of John posed, 1. o., that danger .hrentened J from thosame hand thai f law tlioir m Thoy told him of it, mid' lio nt onco quib withdrew. Yet w hen "his hour i\ as co with what perfect cfllmiiesghodid go forth meotthe soldiers commissioned to take ! ly' Is thodesii'otoavoid need of tho samo spirit that 1: calm and true iu tho presehcoof thatwh must bo mot? V. 14. How long Jesus desert plnco beforo ho wen told. But when howeit out of dangorai olds us firm 1 hod boon in 1 foithwoorej forth, "ho tho surround great inultitudo," __. . cities and villages . Tho itiost license ct to soo him and tojhear lini sc&s to possessed tho pcoplu Api among \ unworthy motives, there v ero, boj qaw manytbfit wero liigh'and. noblo'and j They followed him on foot They ran t cling thd lake, in 01 dor ta reach the whoro ho was. Thoy brought thoir They thirsted to hear his -n orda. Is i wonder lie was mo\ ed with compassion? V. 15. Thus the day woro away, it now evening. Was tliorp any provisio tho night? Could thby ]iassit theicl wero theso thousandi ; to bo fed?And disciples—thoughtful, J rudent' souls, world's wisdom would c ill them—cam asked Jesus tosend tho u .ultitudo aw ay Jth thoy might go into tho leighbo ing villages andinnloosomopio\isioi for their wants, jit was in thoir niiuds a red difficulty Those 5,000 souls must bo fed, md tho women and children cared for And how could tnis Ibo donq, if they remained 11 that desert p^ iV.'liS. No doubt thoy |w ero, beyond ; urc, surprised when ho calmly "They ueevd not'doptir Gno ye cat." And. Philip, dou itless, spoko ings of allltho disciplts \ hen ho spoke arid impossibility, of thejr "200 pennyworth of t our currenoy—whence \ V. 17. And their repl; side, i. o.,from their thoy could see and h ndlo camo from Ch belief kin that I u. "If you havo road tho message, yc 0 >serro it says that Louvait 'and Loi- will tl-wlll Y\ 0 a br on I nam .'ath belo\ : lunch i o CO, A* fid tbo: lor, vyoiddoss Lydia who ;Uf :bs: ful sach Now York on thoGth/or thoTtu. To- day ia tho 7th. I knPw Nebbitt woll enough t >believo that when bo soya a thing is |to it Ib so. You may dopouduponjitthat \vljon thoso i ion arriifa inNow York thoy vn\\ como di- •jjectly hire, if they are obligod tohire a i pecial engine to it Thoro'will bo a raco I lotween them! Each will stimulate . tho ither, and neithor vvill losPa' moment | "I know LouVait wpU. When hb's around hero's no child's play, I can? tell you. Jte is dways in dead earnest. Hpcdn talk English .iko a native. HiBgoogrophy is something wonderful; his lmoviflodgo-of human' nature still tnoro so, and.hi3 ability iu th? direction of yesouvcos ino3Vwon^ovMpt all. They, ay LoroV although not so full of genius as^ icuvait, supplied ..t'4i9..:lack by pjtioncoj' precision and a trcmovidous bull-dog porti- nacity." • i : _ . '; ; -. . : Fairfax's jawhod.d'rOppod during tho.first: part of the rlcipltal; but, as thocaptain pro cocded, hobocainp mdro aad ;inoi'o aroused.. His old;titnp firp; .hUquici decisiori; .his fortllo invention,^ all returned te| hlfti»;R3iro^ spection, , Toflbctioh iiiid disAppoUitmpntj must bo cast to thowinds Action, instant action, was tho word Looking ovci Nobbill's tologiam (as translated from tu'i ciphoi dispatch) ho found it corrobol otcd the captain's tittci- anccs All dicamiucs, moodi"ess ^v rs ban ishod Tajrfax ^M3 himself p j-i i • Captain," 6aidUo, "bo lundyto loavoat a moment's uohco I cUail not, for I can not, go back with jou, but nlLKhoin yoa •brought, with tho hdditio i of D ) «kLjdia 'Broadacres, hor aunt nnd thoir 80rvantg, will fcturn mtho 'Namo\ io' It 13 now two 0 clock Byfi\c o'clcck precisely they must I bo roady to start" 1 "Ayo, oj<3, Mr Fairfax That's busi-i nes3," said tho worthy oflkoi, his head nodding approvingly I But how \vas it that Louvait nnd Lcrol had discovered tho whoioaboatls of Natalio? Simply bocauso tho gcntloman who had Been hor at tho ullago church thaflist8an- day after hor airlv.vl, and had Bpau| the rest of tho daypUzsllng out hor identity, soon afterwards returned to libcity homo, and, being »\ivan of pronunonco, had boon ! interviewed by a r journalistio frioad In talking about blaeummor at Mount Do3oit ho had inadvertently mentioned thofact of seeing Bomo atrango wsman thoro f/ao otrongly resembled tho Fnnc033 Natalie RadziwUL I "Of course," ao added, hiughingiy, "it was otify a reoombhiucb " >' , • Nevprtholoaa, a 'journalist,^ often at his wit's end for Hows, bspeclaUy when it must be furnished at reguuur periods, and this Ciapeclal journalist, at that particular timb, ohancod. to bo In that! predloamont Thus it happened thnthla wjopkly letter to aLon-* don society paper contained t among others, (Us little item; > ••• \ >\ M A woman bearing a strong resemblance' ho t]> herself,' dipoadp ncline of 1th & to the Princess Nntalio RadziwfU la B HnrboTjOnck^^ir' fashionable; Atlaatlo wutMBPPNpffty she be the renowned beauty, Bho bas^choson to conceal hor Identity under the wm dt tyitmt of MIBB Robhefort." ' , * , , iCxandom arrow of ten hits whore q wollt aitSahttili >'Aertafumanarowtt airootSaBhottaili. >Apertafumanarowtt bow at a venture and sinotle tho King bo- tw6ea the joints of his naruosa '* And this tib bh W tt dttSTft doing it. Foj read' {-about •ero thoyto*|>t camo from Chi k loaves nnd twofishes. And undortako tho task of fc cdlng thoso t with such a tniserablb B V, 19. Wha,t a pictui» thU'vei-se fore us! Jesus, in tho midst off" 5,000 man, witfi tho lad's scanty n bis bonds, looking u)toheaven m jiving ero ho comment ed tho work o bution to thd hungry throng He rooted tho order of tl oir sitting do by fifties, or in ranlJs, * >r bands of tl ber, probably! exteudmg in ckcles him, for thd §ako of n ore conveni See! Ho brejiks and givestotha and thoy distributo 0 tho multituc the supply in his .ha ids is not din Still be breaks and gn estotho dlsci thoy bear it to 'tho wn iting thousan them. There is no no se, no attemi pbasizo tho wondrous work. It still indthoibi-eajljis mu tiplied in hia fd qnietly,hsthe dow is f Ad h l d th he hich live io 'i. [around ac :cess. lipjes, I But. > hod. and 'ore oni- jon, ,' sas . ormed upon tlo_grass, And I10W long does this continue) 1 [ V.20J This vei-sb tells.us,i o,til<all,wore satisfied. \ "Thoy, did ^11 oat, and 1 Nor was this all. |Fo - thoy bad morfe at the ending than at tha biglmung of their (jlesoi t meaL "Thoy took up of tho f 1 agmentB thoifc re- mained, twelvo baskets full"—orjasiJ/ohn puts it, '"jyiiich romamod o^cr-ondpboye,to them that had eaten ' Now, mview of I this narrative, it inay bb woUto if- 1 - 1 - v - Those ovangclista mjanifestly rel matter of ftwt.- Thoio is no iQom,! ing or eiplainiugi it away," What Bert is th'afc 5,000 hungry men, besv nnd childrenj wero fed in a desert flvo loaves nnd tv i, that all) ancp, and. that tnclvo boskets t\ ments were takei up when tho me eluded*'This is what thoy do a most simple^ and Mattel of fact bread means broad) ami nothing 5,000buiigrymen,tjho feeding ofithtm, sutisfying thhiij huuger, and iho baskets, ot fragmputs that r moan exactly tht^sovcij tilings, uninnnly tritling 1 v(ith tho affirm anything ElUx LEbSONS 1' Miracle as I signs,—Tho xn commonly wo call kniracie3 i known as mightjy woiks, wo: NowTestamcntj-tflways in,« as signs. Aud tjW distinction pondorod, mighty worki {'a power involved, in thern^ senso of theinarvqlous, Avliile tho purpqso for jwmch they were tho onjl thov ar<p meantjtose w t oa lndrvlduaTs or, with ments, if tho end: a vimrbo of portanco, any ixj ondituro can. And m that^ case i honeglect to pondituxxs would b jcrlmltiaL N6' lymg bock of tjieMTmu-bclea 1 or Loid wastoprove tho xcaht^ot be tho Son of God. Therefore ouch porks ns none but QK)d cou them ho always appealed An them, it was criminal not to bet 2 Hoto swoitly tho'exa. point? tho lessbn bf giving thi Tho act that in ibis je^rdV' suroly tho right and fitting tl 8 How theesampto ot our all waste JIo could inuHIply" extent, but lio could s il0fc co'l waste of A single- fragment^ •wasla- that -jturnsi, aside, an; God fromMte uatural and 1 " Tha example ot JesusN spirit of thankfulfiesj, forbids^! ono caff waske (that ybi- 1 -^ receive. And therefore^ fist a i iiknplo thoonz- y do a8- yromea from nbund- s- / -The feelings of ot followiog-lft addf*8Hte placed-in ; a-vbntt tho mark, •which was Louvalt- % - •>_ i \ *• * f ' v % a t r

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Page 1: ta si - DigiFind-It · lta si In lit a ood Dr< t id 1 |incl%t|, mo Office at Baaway, N. J.j as' So^hd-Class liat^r, iliiii ... Mr. n Bennet tlty all thoso that wten to buy th tha


la si





id 1| i nc l% t | ,


Office at Baaway, N. J.j as' So^hd-Class liat^r,

iliiii"1'he' 'floor•'opened:.' A

heaa.nnd;hands foldedo u t / ' " ' • • "- :

4?iM*n<lftl"irSHndWTiU.iWeaaiijfij 'iBi hind'jhlmf cimb

d, Editor and Pro pi n . j •- • - ; , ! • • • ( • ; • •., . -.--•• I - ; . • ;• • J

The gardonci* still st-od by tho door. Thentltimau d'd t ^ 1 t tl hi ;.W!i ft! ttiot ho coo V took; the linos

hand),' almost 'ere she know -who

out tho,g]|Vii g thd tiipre^sion tl

ujwy, | Lvdiakedlonilbthdiwr

The gardonci still s t o d by tho door. Thegentltimau d'd- not^Boem1 to inptlco him.Hven |tho ithp^rtuiibablo Iyd|h!doiild'n'ot' re-t a i jf tati' ^ $ iore was. thocs

uesa!-That-perble dignity i :g in to think over tho*mattor.5b reaUy loves'him I must brin

ecpncUuitidu.. Tho effoot or

roserypt ;^ golf-cbutrol

| p^ y |train jfrom starting' as ,i»^o flaw $ 0 . n e wcomer. Tho Fairfax whom sho romemDercdwovo a full beai'd and ' ' ™"

6 months, *—SK—


door yiqlucd'i'tjad ly to-hfird ghiy onWoflw

SECOND' TIOflALsubdied {j.isp of.(wrm4 8howa8]now tnO

Vpm uk—allf\v6maii; ho tUp many and'a mditu & ' t b | b t t i h d i i

man's loco was as smooth f ; p y|bettihedwi:,h,atiliat, ' I i

p,"{:Baid>hp quietly; but firml>, '<«ave flnlBhod. what you havo |to say, I


W«o Ai'thur Fairfax, ihad h r i d ' ' H i d

1 . . pessionhad phangpd.'. jaia.ddtt^st friend;>vould >;bim would, I know, he conutor-

p g p d H s . d a r V . . -.neverhavoknowbhim, No wwas doubtfl ' r | : ;"'was doubtful.

Shj s looked again :my.remarks, X would like to aikno question, j You faavo just- prt fcssfe^l . contempt.,1-Haw is It,you'dld notiplaco,Lthe,iaattlorjiu. the

f ' d U donalBUpt y "

CorsetsCHAPTER X X I I . - C O H T I N U E

thH Fairfax to lionit lmow, Sho

BuMvliorovHis 6\vn lamll

learn his! whethatthomectiiigPortuuo helpfed

. I . : - 1 '

. O.oo

,-os:<> oent.8 per line, eicn Insertion.JLp desiring lo occupy considerable

jl(j;tu or lime, can Uajvo special and

~ | Hustles, II*

DI'ilKL'TOliY. gg8«


vnicn, 11. .supplied.



LersIs hiWveTijorcda

Muoveliat sibucordi


;<\!.t:>J STRBKT. K i n * I T .


•s and Hanec*. Stoves' an*Ware Repairril.



JMI'KBI^L C.UiDSaif is Club luifs, n per dozen.

: \L CARDS, thl:K t),-vel, giltM per di'ii ii.

pi.v. apUO-ly

M M K L L ' i>


Hroad :m.l '-Vest Jersey Streets, !KLIZM'.ETH, N. l , !

i:;:< aad v'r i.n \Valnu|ta of delicious

::c« md r r'^'ssuppliefl atBhortnotlce•I.NKT U


^ 11 LAMBlER'f,


t o 24 Main Strfeet.


I uuiooiO)hlrts, Dresai Forms, Underwear.

8klrt Kxtonaera IU all if---" 'J A M M I N G S m the New „.„..„a silk Braided Fronts and Tassels

8 t y I ( ^ ^ . . . ^.^eB^ButtonBjlnallthfeTHew

' \ ~ Goods, Balls,AnpUquc, Flowers, Arosene,OhentUe, Wash 811ktai Embroidery Flosses, Momle Butcher's Linen.

P l u s h , • . •: i • j


SBbuand* Flosa^ 1 i k a

Millinery (floods, Foa^herty Ribbon^Velvets. ROUND HATS AND BONNKTS jottthelatest stylo. WMcCall'a Patterns for sale. I

TO THE_PUBLIG.As It seem* to be the general Impression that

am interested in the Wood Yard over ihb rtverormerly run by Mr John Benet t t h l l l t o

in thormerly run by Mr. John Bennet

tlty all thoso that wten to buy ththat I have no Interest In tfcat y

er hb rtverthlalslto no-Wood ot mo.In any p

, wh]

y thoso that wten to buy their Wood ot mo.that I have no Interest In tfcat yard In any par-titular. • It la run exclusively In my BrotSer'lin-terest. I am at the old etatad on Hazelwood ave-nue, near the Columbian school House, whore itceop on hand a; lull supply ot ]

Wood, Locust, Cedar aridw Bean Poles In their season;The "Old Gray Mare" will bo a tull gM

nat you are getting your Wood from me.1i. T. HEWITT.

, Hahway, October 88th, 1B88-U


Whlloglvintr my attention to Bartholdl Park'roperty, 1 propose aluo to sell other propertyn, and In the vicinity of Scott avenue, a t reg-

ular commissions. I have now In my hands lorsale: . ; r- • L .

9 acrjes, house, barn, Ac, ts.000.halt dash,io acres, house, Darn, &c, »l6,ooo, •• "6 acres, house, barn, &c., $7,&oo, " "

30 acres splendid for private rf B'dei ces, <JOO«r aore. AH on easy tenuB, 6 and 6 per cent ln«crest. : *A number ot Lots on Scott and Elizabeth Ave-

nues and Price street, $10 to$i8 perfoot] Also myLots on Hamilton street. 30x1055. ,a lota on St. Ge»rge'a Avenue, 40x114.l lot on Ulver Btteet, 60«5,UouBt) and Lot on Milton Avenue, V,U0.

Also, at Lake Bopatcong. a nice little summerF - — " tSTOacres,yeryeaay

Also, at La H o p g . lresidence, 160 (6etfaketront,|s.poo,anlargo lake tront,$M per acre.j Both ont e s A J Mgterms.

nov. i6-tf

oth on very e sA. J. MTTEB.


(he weik from $1.50 to $3 <4

4 i


1" 11M l

lifer 1- N©



' :



CD i


' tD" 1cr lOi

. turer of SKGAB8, id eta<l DeEler in all the Best

\unuiacture and Imported Se--.;n etc Mbcre-haum, Brlar-

j Srhokers' AtildleU oti lrvhnK streRt: Orpera

"cy.inlng! and Oiling meerrr holders, fctc. Agent tor theiramiM'o , ol Hew YOrk.

• •in.-3

'aU A KSH,PSALiBli \)t


'iacel -.: si

i . T \ - . l . V



Tim Roofing, j&C.Hi.aw»T,N.J. :


I i


LtrabertlB,win be promptly at-

Paintsj,ij, in all

CARPE.VTl-RKeS4eii« tif-


Carriaffo Pao-g street,,



isTir i ST.-


LL.Sawingmhand.J anil

«acher of Organ


rtment in ithe

ll are welcome




TI i ijtATioiub o n ocait


As you will find BARGAINS tlittt you can

not afford to lose.




New York, North, East and West 5.1BV. m.Tnrough Southern and Phlladeipnla,5.98a.m.Woddbrldge and Perth Amboy, 8. X) a. m. iPhlladelpBla and Way, 8.43 a. m, •New YorkjNorth, East and Wayj9.l8 a.m.Through West, 6.49 and 10.49 a. a.? r T f V 3 ^NerYTkfNmnaVdE^Through southoru.PhUadel

P New YorK .North and Bast,5.»3ri, m.Woodbridiro and Perth Amboy, 5.96 p . m.

1Ma{l8(arenrecelv?d troin Elizabeth, N e w .Jersey c i ty , Delaware k i f tOkawa^Mand NJBWJersey Central Ral^oafiBjat5.i5a£d9.i8 i^1.50 and 5.58 p . m .

WoodDriageandPerthAm»py.«J.6Oa.m. ;HewYork,Nortb;andBaat.Ti80d,m. . jNew York North1; Eaai;and WajUl0* .m iPhiladelphia and Way,&AS a. mi . iThrough Southern andWest. &45 a. m.New York, NortftTEast and w a j . 10.1B a. m.Woodbrldge.KM5a.in. ^ . . ,'J,.- -lNov York. North and KaBt.l».Bi p .m. ,New York, Nonthj Eaatand Way ,4.90 p . m.Philadelphia and •WayiMSP-'ni., |woodbrtttge andiPerth Ambpy.iWOp.m,Through Southern and w e s t 6.1 H) p . m.

, Mails "lose for all points a t 6.45 Pr m i -iSallB are dispatched lor Eliza Jeth, Now;

Jersey city, Northern New Jersey, DelawareLacuawanna, and Now JpnwCepnral Kallroa*%llBa?edlBpaWhedfo>Pu1ladolphiPrinceton, New Brunswlok.Metuclien,8outtt andWest Jersey. Bel videre Delaware Railroads a t

Sunflav MallB arrive at 6.ali&Oclenopfnon°aPun"a^rom».8 tolO.SCa.'m.t

, MONET 'OBDEIS, ,cakbeoDtainedatthlBofflce T ayable a t any

Musical -• IInstrument?

: thoso who help themf-M Ero leavingf tho via n a Ting call on thi

. in Croat' inv. A

, f M56.^. / . iuandluVjS;•s-i-io.85 a. m,J5.49 and 10.S5 p. d .B R - Crosslng-o.57a.m. anJml.49 p. m


5.42 p. mJ^orBay,nead,Tom8 Bl?er and IntermedUto

stations, 9.67 a. ro. 1 iSunday fcrainB leave Rahway f or^p6intB on N.

Y,| and Long Branon road—10.85 a. m., and6.43 p.m., iji ' 1 '

ForEUzabethia.49,5.85 «.O6, 8:84,0.54,T.08,% 746 T5T 8808S3 888 9 08 »r33ioO71O JO

Uabetha.49,5.85t.% 7.46, T.5T, 8.80.8.S3, 8.8810.40,11.36 a. m.,lU,45, MS4.32, 5,38, 5.5T, «.S9, 8.47, 6.&6

94oio»5 nwii8i ms¥

« . , 8:4,0.54,T.08,9 08 »,r33,io.O7.1O JO

. 1,49, !S 05 S.89,8.85,'T.48,2.08,8.«j 869day8524»74

.47, ,T.48, .08p.m.s¥nday85-2.to40 a m 19180

.08,8.«j, 8.69,-2.4»,7.4i,8.30

1.80,1.88, 8.80l0a 1008 d

9.4o,io.»5, .w,i,.8i p.m.s¥nday852.9.W, 9.38,9.68,10.80.to.40 a. m,, 191.80,1.88, 8.808 86,3^»,4^8,5.S9,e.5!l,T.00,8.83,»l0a, 10.08 andHU8p.m, 'i .• '! ! • '

FOrNOwattt-l.49,5.85, 6.05, 8(84,8.54, T.08,7.4T,,8.J0.8.9J. 8.88, 9 8 5. 10.0T, 10.80.ia40,U.85,a.milia.4«, 1.13j 1,« a.05.S,89.8.85,4.88,6.*6,5,67^.»r,6.*7,S.e8,7.4S,8.0! ,8.82,8 £9,0.40,10.35,1 IM and n i l p. m, SuDda7B-3.4», 7.4a,8.BO,9.«3,9.88;9.«S.10.80,l0.40a.m.lS.80,1.8«,«.»Oj>.B6.», 5.9J,, 8.5J, 7.00,8.38,9.03,10.03 andl l . l Jp .m. !!; i

iFor NewYbrk—«.49, 6.85, 8.05, 8.84. tM,7.0817.47.148, 7.68, 8,30, 8.93, 9.08, 9.88, lO.OTy10.80,10.40,11.88, a. m., 18.45. 1 l ) , 1.43,2.05,9.913[85,4.8},5.S(I,6.B7,6.8},S.47.0.58,7.43,8.03,8.38,8.5»,9}4<i 10.45,11.OS nndll.81 p.m.8unday3-J.49,7.42,8iSo; ».«8, ».83, 9.58, 10.80 and 10.4Q a. m.,H.8D, 1.8J, S.30,t38, 3.35, 4.33, 5.99,0.52,7.00 8.S3,9,O3.iO.O3andUil3p.m ;; FprBrooklynall through trains connect at

Jersey Olty with boats ot "Brooklyn Annex,"affording direct transfer to and from Fultonstreet, avoiding double ferriage and journeyacroBsNow York city. » I: Trains leave NewYorlc tor Rahway—6.00,

6.30, 7.00,7,30, f.40,8.00, 9.10, 9.S0, 10.10, 11.10,18.00a. m., ls.so, l.oo.a.oo, s.so, 3.00, 3.90,4.00{.10,4.40,5,00,6.10, 5.90,5.80, 5.40,6.60, S.CO, 6.10«.S0, 7.00,,9.00, 10.15,11.45, p.m.and 13.15 midnight. .Sundays—0.1(1,8.00,9,oo, 9.45, 10.00, 11.00, u.oo

ft. m.,U)0.J.00,8 00,4.00,4.30,6,00.5.20,6.80,7.00,7.45, 8.S0, 9.00. 9.80. 10,00^11.00 p . m . , , 18.15midnight, ill

Passengers wishing to take southern orWestern express trains not stepping at Rah-way, will be obliged to take a procedlng trainto some point wherethe express train makesreeularBtop.il 1 |

For further l ntormatlon apply to the ticketigent,wuowititurnl8htlmeublesandglveln-f ormatlon aatoroutes, checking baggage, &c.

ChaB. E. Pugn, QeneralManager i J. R. wood,General Passenger Agent ;F.w .JaoksonQen-

l S t P i i R f N J.P.ii.R.ofNtJ. 1JOa. 0RAWF0BD.8Up't N. Y. Dl V.

f N CHANCERY OF \ NEW JER-I. 8BY.—To Noah T. Pll e and Josephine Mc-Ilvaine, now Josephine Zann, and John Charles

jthn, herhuRbind.By virtue ot an order ot;tho Court ot Chancery

ot New Jersey, mado on tbeday of the date here-ot lnacause wherein Harriet M. Walt, Bxecu-tnx of the la»t will and ttsatmfent of W. BowardWalt, deceased, U Complainant, and you andbUiers aro Defendants, you are required to ap-pear and plead, demur or answer to the hill ofsaid Complainant, on or berore the TENTH DAYOP JANDAIIY NEXT. 6r thd said hill will hotaken as confessed againBt you.

The aald bill 1B filed to foreclose a mortgagegiven by Joseph W. Bavate, in his lifetime, to thesnld w) Howard WultTTin his lifetime, datedNovomber SSd, A.D. 1871 on l4nds In said mort-gaee described as situate In the City ot Babway,Tnthe-County of Union and Btate of New Jersey:but which W fact are situate jpartly in the saidOlty ot Habwayand partly in the Township ofLinden, In sMd County and State; and you NoahT. pikeandJOBephlneMcllva(ne, nowJosephlnoZahn, aro made Defendants;be-*use'-you oregrandchildren of the said Joseph W. Savage, whola now deceased; you, the Bald Nouh T. m e . be-ing a Bonot Josephine w. Pike, a deceaseddaughter of Bald Joseph w;8ava.«e,deceaMd,and you the said Josephine JJahn being a daugh-ter of Caroline Frances MoIlvalno, also .a de-ceased daughter of said Joseph w. Bavagre, de-ceaaed, and have or miy olalm to n_aye spme in-

• il 8ollcjtor8 tor Complainant,Pr $9.60: 146 Main street, Bahway; N. J.Dated Novemher 9thJ 1887.' nov. s*-7w

COliNTZ 8URRO-GATE'S OFPlCJ , Ootboer aist, J-sw-dW.

Uodyke Selover, the Admfntorawr otwuitamTfHarnwS'deceased. Burfpgate'a Order to Ltm-

• rmlnnBdation otthe ahovenamed Administra-tor it la ordeied that, said AdmlnMrajor give,PUblte notlceto the crWltora ot the estate of saiddemand

h,within ninenviJWot

thlBOrteVi wlthlh twfinvy daot the most pubucl Maces-nninn for two mon

id'twenty daysTb

vy days hereafter In flyaces- in the county of

and also within tnevertlslng tho same Int th same space ot

l t « rtiw

UNTY.jstJRRO;1JDeccmberl7th, \rA'dmlnlBtritor with tho

N B l k deceased._ GAT OFF

JameaaDurand,d of TOrder•

E X W By f ' ! GSO.aS.PAttB.OT, ptttfOgate^fiv


as it nlwuysvos.

i_'c sho mado.••A. The ftnni

had just tli

Mrs. Fairfax was rain.caller, tnlting! kindlyhor to proceed, she <•*•:>

"ItseemR Arthur is •little business uiTuir. *keep ino hoi-j some t rknow horo us Arnold Itors accordingly, ;.:.heavily undoracorcii ;:lio ncej.iiif, l(ft anj' on-ahouts or nom do pl-.iford"—forLydia w^s known Uius, then,' foijiolnt that \\ o have <you." |

Of cpursoLj ai:i sii.Sho then


part-! was.t mo-

•:i tho missli g son..-'italoud, and heri.-i-est and neggiugnuod:Mt. Dcsortl lon awrites, 'thit innv

y, I

oring throuproblcim asund what t

At tliocards ofheon thoher to rot•whoro the:

rciorncilShout t.litoMt. D.-

Windsor 1 innny call'juluares.rn with '

I- Sho wasof hor pr>vltH thorn.

Wlioroyiof all obsewas tUofinely proibrilliant ci

overjoyedblcm.' Of

p:»r•yore, H 1ounji Kii':.irtioiicd li •mplcxion, •

Hy tho tv•<. AddrosBJiny let-"

•—here lio hadline—" 'Ul m e . on

.MOW of myhvhore-OhtMiffl

:io namo btr which-••you will oxcusosilenco u»on t)mt

.'.tiugly divjulged to

'. nndNew VorltJ ondcav--urnoy to iolve tho• -tiow to i*et there,

•1 sho fdund theainone •vJhom had- loft a iiole asking

. :n to Itiirf Harbor,ii'ling October.:ii:i simple solution.i-io she would go

tho obsorvod

oyos, nivdl lier vorvnever failed to a(ntoward bar.

On thethey avrisunset

afternoonrod ut Jitiw the hi1':-

high, and tho wuUv-smooth as. n,inirror.gold. Tho weak w..-und the air was IM..BO. Tho jthln sinoU'neys of jtlio farm-1:surging agiiinst thefar-oit tjnklo ot Hiamong tlio pastures Jcoutrnstpf light mi<lhunter, breaking th.itfrighUnied tho seaalong tin; shore; theone by sno into tin-white stimner lying:mado aitBClf Up*

ElegarQuUiaroi called I,yiii..of tho inthose onthey ne.\ tshore."among tQulnarotwo latt'


0 noodldss to say,Tho tall,

. that clijar, wliito,•>• wondbrful bluonor ana carriago

sccotd glanco

lovolyl calm day•rt ferl-y. In tho

1 lio Island loomedl-'renchmnn's hay,

iiod likdburnishcd*• lirst oi October,

not uimiejisaiitlyIR from'this chim-. the clear water,

A ribbeii coast; thord bells, ringing

. woodd; the sharpi !<•; tho yiin of tho

lias of the air, as


.taken. There was that unmistakeahleforo-hood; that samo scowl of sad, thought.

As ho stopped dowt from thp poroh, avoice, clear-cut, hard, I lotallic as his own,whpn ho choso it to hjs t o, toll upon his ear.

<%r. Fairfax, I belie ro!" ' ;, 'The man looked up, B artlcd.- .Not ton foot from him sat Lydla, a look bt

keen, cool triumph en hor faco—Lydlawhom ho had complete' y forgbttoa, or sup-posted two thousand mi leg away 1

"Graat Hoavon^! L idy Lydia, you horo IWhat do you wani of me!'!

"Immediately to gi t into this cart. Ihhvo a littlo business aftalr to sottle wltkyou." i

Her volco 'was commanding, and thowords fell fromjhor lips llko clean, crisp,Bharply-cu-} coins. j

Fairfak -'.uw there was nothing olse to dobutoboyi With eyort fastoned upon thaground, with laggard; stops and silent as

the gravo, ho slowly took WB sealside. *

Ho'know ho was taken wholly at a disad-vantage^ besldo lie hcjd by iio means rocov-orcd from tho shockNatalio. Ho seemedovor his wits; to bo

>f the last sceno withto have lost controlutterly poworloBS to

thqn,youdld notiplaco,Lthe,iaattlorjiu. the,nanda of a'dotpcUvo!1 .Hqw is, it you dodl'wlta mo porBonoiar-l • In .othar," wjirds, ho\ycarao you horc.'ana what do you \vttutwUi

H " i , ' !•-• I ' ' • ! '{•'•Bhonskodhoi , this bo turned | suddenlysharply aroui d and looked her full! in

f d | ; • | i 1 • Mrdco. ,.|.; ; .. | ,. ii 1 Mr.iquostjibn was pQrfectly;nu^uyal; biit

: effect.was i t a b t d i y and! l d i hbepn in th

t p : ffec.wano* bepn. in. tho

" f a a i tovli

bepn. in. tho j mood! tliat renubred tflf against surprise, IFdirrai would havCed^hii/ f ' : J ;

p y ; ^ y ;xtrabtdinary, and! liadiho fmood! tliat renubred tflm

i I F d i i ld h a !f i 4 _ . : J ; . ]hrank back upon hor soatf

• keeii Borutiny qf thpsoliccamacrima'on.thenpttlo,;ildii it; soemedto.jhor t)iat'foco gaiing BO flxpdlv into'ad ull;'that thosb resist-to lior yory souljs dopthB

t I t d d d

iu a

pictujli thu'.•u tho iniail •t OOttll^i'S '

>rc noted ofthe "b;\y sh'-:

turned tl..After pein

em KUl-Kii-'..-euiarkcd in

* from. ng boali '..ir, an

-..iv .Iat• iHlftllibl:i . lin.

tho K

copo with ovon a child, much loss a won\aiiof tho montal caliber of Lydia, whose feol-iiigsworo stlrvod tc thp utmost; wh)so|facultlos woro at tljoir brightest and|keenest; who also ieompd to havounder perfect' control. T^iorowaB remIng to him mind enough to know tfyBllonco was hisstron <eat hold, until those^

I Bcattcrod senses of 1 is could.bo collccte 1.I Ho had offered to take the rolus as hetered, feeling that, as a woman, |Wlththeir haunt

' tho reat ttnsor9 occupied wit^i fancy work, has

}er dock, allimpressed

lores. Tho. icntioli to several-. Having viewed.-m\ in the village,,.ao t i the "ocean• out aovcml, and!i 1 Olei Gore, Missnncction with tho

ie \v.y, botii •taken nUout the boj r.-itwo delightfully mys:.Eld-Fio d is a sort of ia youngilisslUchofort. lieinses tctho aunteriousgetheronly cafaitorvit

- of September by4 t At

uso inwoman, wli"• r.nmo

as itrcccivu visiiiof Mr. A in"

Character, wlvith Mr. I''o\lers over su.w with her

outriding. I hav*.glimpsi of her as sli.horso. Jfiho is ccrtn.;beauululbrunctto lgentlctnnn—I see i-bears i remarknlilythe Princess Natan*

"Ah, indeed," ri'i:lous 8 ilf-control.thoyrruBt be, thesI hopo I shall have

"Can you tell m••-ingth'i. convcraali'mous mildiug in tb

Bho had thus u.she v-ished—all she wishc4-sho w as calm andizing f ocicty cbmnic-n'Uitiou otho ot lor point of ti-iuty.

the shape ofis said to bomay. she ro-

A Miss Strong—1'c.x, tile other niys-

. is at Ciieii Cioro—to-. nisolf, ire about the• ••>sful n getting ans ie fre||uchtly goesI* n caufeht-a fleotingi.isUosbyonherblack- t lie moat stunningly.v:c ever seen. Bomotho papers-says shoi iiiso rqscmblanco to

ILydiii with marvel-• (,'into a curious pair

visitors at vour rosort.i~'k at them."siud shel coolly chang-. 'whatvillagot: ntiillj

is that enor-• i

learned what





was u| irtumult,than " 'imen was true.

Upc n two things she wasfax must bo seuu Natallvlsiteu.

but ho was clover

0ulwnrdly,I. talkiilg with patron-

thls, that andut hor brain

worstl and far mororealized Her present

16 had deceived lior in

isolved. Falr-too, must bo

that Fairfax 1all, except tho

tell-tUo blush! Hew cunniigly had ho i ct-Jow skillfully manaded hi3Jow skillfully manaded pompletely thrown ovpry ono off

did Bho want mny» "Was it re-Ah'l Mr. Arthur Fairfax, hbro

youWre, snugly unscmcod i t ati out of thowaylpinco, con 'i milatind yourself upontho met that you luddoi safolv nhonq inav find \ But I nm h i - \ h,Lydia, ^ ho near f 11 to u u h out my wmi |

Toy tho spite i f \ d i) o two, after herarrival, Lydia w in. througji with tW-usualdOin sof stran >m i« Bar Hnrboi

Ofcourao, Bhe md licr aijnt tiavoled \yitn0 coin ici 'i Ins m \n hud ni t been idlO, clui-Ing lla short st i \ccoJdm2 to LydlftSlnst •uctious, ho h id man feed to itjeuro aelm pso of both M ss Kothofort and MrFox Tho foimoi lu. in^tivntly iWgn«caas t io Princess XiUHo, Tho latUr as thegen lomin ho h d ficaukntly afcen withMrlDickOxfouiiu tlio bftlo'Bnltany vil

'ocouvcycJthciosultijof his invostiga-tiou1Bto Lydn win now bocamo.assuredthai sho was not about to kttack tho wrong

seems' unable to tl Bposb of his hands •, j> be,With the reins,'could much hotter gai|solf-control, whiletolosiihors. .

" Iprolor to drvo, mysolf, sir," Blio re-plied with dignltj* . i

Then tho s u p p l e d fires of her |flamed; forth.

"Aro you a professional brltBibly, this is tho usual way with Angontlemon; their! method of profosslivotion^hivalryandall that Is nobhjcourtships commonly cohduotedmannor, in this TbcdeV Republic of ;

Fairfax answered nothing.Ho; was now

idly losing. ILkooplng up thistho upper bund.

" In my country,Icy, putting tornJesses to kuow

.Irado, ho! soon wou a tiave

nothing !( J ,iiuing ground, anasnornp'-she >vould onlyi pe BlJiW

continued shej i i tboso'','"wheui n gontleminpro-.g

obo'ut uito ca^o lessj wo hardly look to Wday !dr two aftoWards, ruha*my! w

lydla gasped,li,, under thorobing oyosj

"p&$ in her conf uquletj strong

:s soemed to rj .Bipyos plorcbt .. . . . , . r.., ..nd caught its inmost | secrets, dud seemed

U^dy: ,'Whatov(jr'*your| answer, t l ; "(Bho Btammbroa out brentlales.sly.

-'Yocl, Bh|amo-faced manner: ; , | :'Ii you khpw all, why 'dp.you ask V

. i lAh,": repllod ho, BilBlaklng-tncmeanlng

of her ails' wdr, but still' failbig'to compro-*»>ri(l tho causo pf horj coafuaion, "yes, I dp

i b w a l L " "'|i • 'I- ;' She hid hor ft co in her hands toconpoal

r fcpiingpf Bhamo. I Hocotlldhavo up ro-Bbcct for hor now; and—horrlbu) thought!—sppposlng ho w ;ro to fnnlto it public J •

In asking this discomposing Question of his,'drfax bad been actuated or ly tiy tideairo_ learui what v as publicly known about tUo.bduction of iho Princcsb—if hislaccom-iliccs had been discovered-, i f 6tliors, bo-idoB Lydia, know of! his guilt and where-ibpUts; or if slio only Had gaiuqd tho secret,lohadniado i o accusation at all-againstor; and wus, itho'roforo, laketi aback aridmiplotoly myitUled by this behavior. Whatidjshc meant j Ho could not atop to reflect.O'wos resolved upop this y\m\. ,His future, at uny rate, was ruijicd—«o ho

to<ik it fbr gi-^ntcd. j Still h'o would makothe bitat of t^rcumstanccB. He would Se-cure Lydla as a shield to protect, from thoshafts of justlco,Dlokand his'otlior accotn-plidps. Ho continued:

"Now, I will ton j'ou all about it. Youknow—" , j

f'Stop!" sho cripd, beseechingly. Bhohad become desperate. ' ;8top! Mr. Fair-fax. 1 must cjxplniri myself. You say youknow all. You do n|ot. l am not the bpldcroaturo you l)olieve mo."

Fairfax listened >vith growing nstoniBh-laeut, Lydia continued: , ,

"Some timo after Natalio^ disappoar-ance,: a sing liar dream awakened in mymindjuu unpl jasnnt BuspicionL i I'drovp itaway, timo land again. ! But; time ami;agaiu, it re urncdl A. brlof, confpronco*vyithLpuyal,'thojFronoh dotectivoj Pnly^Bonflrmed tny belief that this unwelcomoyiBitor was Jfi ght in demanding dntertiiin-ihout', But, )n such Blightjjgrounds, nov/coUld-Ibriug1 accua'ation agaJiiBt an individ-ual whom I supposed not only p. gentlomnnbut a mdu 'it shico'rity—one bf tho classwhioh my ckporidncp, 09 a rich womanwith flattoroVs «nd Bycophatitajhas led, mohithortoto bollovo either ilpUUous; or do-tunctl I could no , do it; onS yot thnt flus-pioi6n,ro£used to.be put dqw.n.j There jwasbut pno rospH loft..mo-o'ithprjto proVo it,Dr^isprovo'ft; an^ljlhat toy mysolf nlono.Oh \ do not then think it boldness ot Bhtuno-Icssnoss that led ino ovc>: the sjoa in .thifc un-wojtinnly mannerj", , . • > \

Fairfax listened iu wonder, pidi shoreally moan that Bho had done, this to shieldliimi Was )t posiiblo that, after all, JDickwas right! ' | j : , ' i

Turfing t a ward 'hor again, he abruptlyasked! ,| - . . ; |.

|I)o you tican to say that i you (actuallytame M An orica wishing to ppovo iny! lnno-coricoJ" , , I ' !

'I'I do," nuBwered sho, foarlo^slyi ( andioklng unflinchingly iutohlsjoycs, ,Fairfax,;Beijing' that.tho gpl was] very

highly wrought-u^ and''keenly foli t h s dis-grace and iwkwjirdnptts of hbr poiltij) i, ro-,solvod to cpmforihor." Besides, hoKvas mor-tal and coiild scarcely reproajj'a secret feel-ing of. exultation over tjho rfact that nb, tho(nan of humblo fortune: had] to such |an un-BUspootod| extent, aroused ,tno inteijo$t oftho greatest "catch" inEnglftnd. j \,

'JYpu .aromiitakon," aaia ^o,j"Ijao notcoiift dor you ijold or shaniieless. jDt is Iwho vm disgraced; I who; liavo ruined myropu ati'oii £ thp oyes of tw< lovely women.And yot l am not tho obando aod.wretch youmus'. thin; i-iuo. [ I told Vou t io t r itWjjit thatratal ball, l i the llarchlonos '. Ihpjrprhad»'6on' the Prhicess bofore thai ••; opening,about sundowj [ I Jaw hbr--:andif -pu will

... _^ io in s i uoli.that ucithei'cliild nor dog noticedaofl' ' l iow| Ma^'1 toolores v/oi '4a'y ngmustii't'mnkpnnynoiso. My.'lHtlc,:h i^ a hcijd-ticho find is ly!hg; dot TiJ |jw<$f (vvojgoin'g liway, Mo,'sho st.ysj'sh'all' nuvor kopl my Mn. Aniold Fcjcioi-c." ::\ | • ! •' * !

n.oro iiiolllllo thing began softly Jto bitMax raised his head, poijmdod pn 'with Uls itall knu bogan 'wlthlibr; wltilojbis eye

yp the

snlfflo Jtokened tno'ti


that, if possible, ho too would st cd o te i. _ - • _ . - - |. ! • . - - - j - r - j • «•

i 'Lydla looked]on for Bomo1 lime withO'i Istirring, .Finally, sho walked.qu -"Jj— - J

thp child and, kissing hor, oni'd:"What is'lyoiir uamq, you* i

girl I" ':, j ] . - 'Dolores lopjked up butr did not

least sign ofAilarm, or avon ovjirigajtcd at Lrtliu, as if ptudyiligBho at last cpncludcd to|mako fritho strangernijw-coinerifldcd upon 1)

Jilax too, hud beenji v1th doubtful oye, busneo. Ho 1 oso, Bhoo

owjmg tno

and walking .up to Lydia, raise*mendous paw jin token if umity.

"My name? ia Dolores my 'litUo mn|mma!|up sSairs. Who aro you, protty 1 id,

"'if'ou may Cull roo aunt Lydyour 'little ntammn1 tio, and wiantalcpmo upistuirs to see hor."

"But she is ill and mistu't bo aist)ur"Yes, but I havo coujo to makd hi

Como littlo Dplor63, take mo up, oij I afjijgo by'myself "

"Will'you make her well!


cjunt Lydia, I \vaut my llttjlo mat .well." Pausing suddenly she lopkcqulrin|fely lip into Lydlii's faco, and said;

"Do you know my Mr. Arnold pFoxl'1.."Yes, my little ono, Ij do. Why t['"Because, if y6u qan nialec

^vish you would bring raim backwant him to go and my 'littla m^m]because he was

"Woll, deario, I will) sco what|ILydio began to suahect that

tween Natalio and Filirfax had &ono 'fyfurther thi>n she had kupposed

Hand-in-hand tlio pilr wont ilp-i talralowed by Maxj who soemod to jth nk It his ''bounden duty to nttdnd Dolot'ps whoi'iBho went. Natalio"s jloor was ihu t|

Lydia knpeked. N» answeij cijno. -knocked ogain and jnoro louhlyunswor. Pushing oppn tho doir, ho U>in.

Tho rooni was darlijoned. A | flloosoncd luiir streajning do-ivuback, with clasped hands nn|Lldown to tha covorlidJ ^as knjsolibed-sido. - It was Naftalio.

Lydia stooped down andDolorcslto go and snpak to liepUicing her hand, ou



urc,; I kvit'u;f hovei,

cadng. ai


"Little mamma,1

wants to'soo you."[wako up.

im, aihlhor

rniT ijpfittln' a barWkrianjgother, sir, youj havo placed jyourso<f jin aposition oxcebd.ihgly unonvia^ltfj an^ bavolos t t te coufldPhco Of alt to^peotflbW ?por-BOUS' -Whom bhtf lnbau't; by {"aU r jsiiccta-blopirsousf \yus atrifloUncertain |

"Nbw.V enldaho, begiuuing to gd r i f ' k

"Nbw.V enldaho, begiuuing to gitw^imtr ' 1 under rairfax'k porsisteut slloitco andhu xlluio to enrogo him T "now, sir, I have110 timo to wa3to •With you m this matter;nor doIcaiojBo to1 do wit 1 oman| of thovaguo Ideas ot right and wongyo^ «oom topossess" Hdrvoico assumed U|i*grotfultone, tinged vtyli a Bhado of toutl|#nosB asabd pi-ocoedod "Thoro was a tiidoiwhon

mo- n " n d was rosolv

ning, she informodd and, tho next


PP- m oth i w o , ^

if Miss Gulnare

caijtfor tho occision,i it|her '"*"

todglad '«J lond hor the vehicle,,X a d y L y d i a piofor going in the ba-

No, sho wished to goth) village-cart Sp, o)

•ing Lady Lydia, thatFd flashing oyo plain?"



ydla intended first

-ere adjoining, andQore-whore,

-andEld-Floldgemado the very

thooneJorthogtouuds ol tho latt of the scene betvSHEET MUSt & MUSIC BbOKS ial,onU plating: 1

•wori nt tho ooaes the

g! Horo,sho 'hodjsrraiidi

of varlouBKlndBon Boarding House, iuaatrangoseen but-oncethatmost women

Bhe stole another glanotLidnd now. began fa np

aottce at regular raea.


u ashamed toed: Rooms,Fi]umish yrnlng baok u

0HAPTtfOT AtX HlB FAU,Lydla sat ju W

collected, witniKINB'iSSOBT

tone, g tyabd pi-ocoedod "Thoro wasvnattoiB appeared jdlfforently"-t ^ero shoturned and gave Fdti fav. u sldelona glancethat pjLOBOuted a curious compound of Bhy-uoss, scornful defiunco, yot curiosity ,

Fairfax, tio, At | tl>is singular | remark,raued his oyos lu rn upwaid inqul ing look.What could snomc-An* | 5

Kcsumingjici thUilng bautour

t'l oh ill not ask,ubr do I carjthta out-'

,"-th"iB was a dolibc rate falae-youi motives, 01 your com so irfagepus affau, — >•..»>• .—. - -f .hood She \vas buruinK with dosi :o to leartit all.—' I want to t!eU you that |I( talie mustbo immediately loleascd and, whi tj is; moro,sent safely bacltl Do you meih Jo say»wretched fool! that jouforamement sup-posed yoi^cpuld|Win hor lovo in this way J

toJ know.

to possess, BhouldSho contlriuod for some tiniQ

*•_ f - f ^ . b ^ ^ •« *m #V * I J tor, biting manuojMeanwhile. Fol!

fall to percelV

Even tho most obtuso villain coif d W t failto'seoBUohathlng^ wore impoU ib\p -AndPm surprised that a man of t i e ounnlugwhich this performance of youra

in this biitI - u

fax1 was fast jrogaminglilBoldtimipomppsure u | ' '

Thoio w ^ somithin^ abputjljta s rangeman that was lrnfeslstlblo (Eve-was ofton moro effective; than• - * " - - Ljdli

.fluence of tits overT i t was the old story of.the adldtwiliwhioh el ontty forces'tecomiiio. another as his supo;

Shoirlea' to Hflh up, hor(aiBueceodB In fooling her growljnoif© and more \« "t

Then she bega I to TCfleot, ,iive cphto&t,,Teflpotlou gene:


Uayo.it—ipvodihor. Tho .von'aflairpf buturapnvont.lias Buffered and booii unlt belieyoiBho has uovet lioofior brotlijor'B death. Inover ti-&ub|l!od hsrintu'.to-iaay.'.-wtion L" ~ - ' ' - L-J


Uolo thing \ya3k r - .think sho

L ildouot.pipi' sincesince

ivus, and} uajturiiliy, was indignant at learn-ing my cSurao 'ofaaujJUcity., Bho IB tho love-liest-, purost arid most utigoliii being on'oarthl"! | ; •' • 1 • "• j . ;

"Ayo t; that sto la V warnjrty acfdpd | Lydla, (

'I havoy< must'ful pi-ovinmt her 1.1vhicli shd

dl tclofor joutjiOf ho",

svitho'utiho loatit tirtge of jealbiiky! : ''pf •course,)' lio wont tin to,m;promised to frcd her, und !{l thi >lchavo Decn sont heio byi ino .cdonco tpUkohni back 1 shillyour sole Uiui'go Tlio otca«noi bycamo is I'.till in Now Yoik, but; Igiuph t)>o explain to htojj ho •©You{\lll notiolnso

poor a i"I l»i.


Tvill i ou l " said ho, lookuik up ,"Iluvo rulloil aftoi nslcifijTlitoifaUyovtiytiling I e\on borio\>eil u h.tfjjolsuni i iorder to c m y outjmy plans IT J jtajvo notbj-ingoLst-t> worklioi, I Siiill.a,loaat atuvoto ropaytlni You do n6t k ovy that I am

l inotcsslonlcasi'1

.9w it all,1 1 p'lol " j," a3\cdho, in curpris

d i j i

ilydtaJ q>:

Hhe.folt hH Boriitilibing ga tovisibly etriianiwacd iBy noh d f thj I i


Miss Carn3-

f3ho anrt/orcd cimyjiy"I hwo boon ti* VOJU hoino'"^tijthjuyou ^.d tho 1^—'-

LydlkblusVd ' ; jVaii/'ax looked nt thog rl Shs |certabily

must jbo .i iomaU_itj'c wompn. to havoUiulu;ta.konrBuUi oil CIJ nd ns Bhe declaredsho Yiakl como upon N e t d b Is imh Prln-cesk ejho was, ns»modly, tao finest womanbo priq pver si on

and becamemeans v/as

hor r igtrd for thjui jann |>oi kohsy•'IlSkofiyonouo moio invW 1 ho con-

Undad "I shall not pea tho Piincoss again- » t least, lo BpoaK Witbl hou 'Will jou toll

pns |arp aroused aslocd, I rcauostM | If justlco

appear olpnolyfieo jtho

liutiIfcel qulfo silrot^wtBhowulv. , , -^- . ! '^ oven thoiiamdo| thesteamorthat brought hor horo and takes hor back to

*; ahtt rthUok thp Luply; Lydla(d enough to Btaiid by i

NatcUo slowly turned a pallid 11 ...Dolores. Her oyos were dinjini< :d byL-ing, and her cheeks toar-stnarising, sho absentjmindedlybyj the band and moved lau gi{hd windpw, apparently absoi- o'arid not Uwaro of cho tall imitionloss in tho doorway,oujrtain find sat down in O H;window, with Dolories in I101lolaH about her, anil talking

iJ thin' tho girf, in adreamy state.

MDolo|cs, my arcst,lotos, «'o shall see liini ncvoslio added, cniphat cally,began ipiivpoat thd rofrain

! " For lovo that f om tho hiI h Rsturos ociin, no mojro.

Mo moro a ;aln, no mbrc|"Na«uio!" Baid a cloaraofl

ybu no], going to B]>eal: to mo}"[Evori this difl nojt seem to |av

hjor rc\ erio. ShoplowlyhorhoAd and looked mec!ijitolligeutly at ilydia, ntjealKowholitwas!|"NataUe!"ngaiil said th*

littlo sharply, and with a t<'fNataUe, nrouso voursolf.iomo 1» take you a\vay."

"Litjt o mommL'" brok inlij dia come to mako yov

nppoared to boh t g d bbpp

Sho staged, rubbidi l i |

Na'ta|ijrtupoirthon & gleam of lintolligeu'coface. ! Sho cried put:

"Lydia," and njUompte-a|to!toward hor mend.

do'athly ptilo, andLydla s artns.upon tho couch,atives, had thogii-1 ijctuni toppon^d again, a!recognizing t hwit-hiiflection.

"I havo beenesviipaid" tho

Tholder,.unt ;







waking) froml a

M l

norpyes, bmdBhotflve:^1-

,rise nnd nibhiho- TOttpj+|d,;forw

nbt jjforoii

ink I evey

pleasant thoug"And you wil

hov'o'I will you*:HOTO dho a

io lattrnf luad h(Jtud, by itntbf mill

ileasuro ox stieinpinsciouiijossjid tho dnrkgood 6 i

foolish,valid..fainted i

T h G U l • - u v •BhO,!


tompted to rised h | j icouch, but foui d, to her sutpi-is

feltjixtremoly — ' - ' ' !

I "Vnnncr wtvoung woii• " • 'juy

porfpctly1 still

an," baiu lydia,ominaud juntil you



un-'!- ' !-om!

''• Itho!sho

ire •jplay-yoa


, phor-lhut if ihov BUBplcito my coniudcrjtca ik > thoher too keep thorn .io hcremust1 bo sutiRued, ivaW slfand Btifloi' iwypoutilty th

i t I f l it

itairs lit to iicvf'clock '^that lalarcbo, Isrtuot"1

oLnowiH"»«Oh,lltnowOT0»JthitjCalling I out -110011

llontho!1), Sho Bijo; ",o au3wcr,»l Coming, Madorafil-ojl"Never raind' .ow Only huiry a id 1Blpnchu, wondprufg-nl

|bf this utroa^ but «pmrr

came lo hor ftl|bd in, riadlnca? to dopnoUco " ,It informed ,iLyditt roadaprcs, lferej

Mi" I t inustihavo bebn' t

ipoketoino,'*Ealdtteilngly. <,

Lycila, meawwlhasty line to Miss Guln;


I 4 ^ f ' S^^ BM m~^*^»*** «^B W^^ r^^w p-n^

dne rwilllluncli witI j o u later iniho af «rnb


na.ion In and flat disownment by Jior owji"jmilyv mf a* disappointment to Natalto

iuld m an gradual declino and death, jliovo; Iiay, thisn, that if thoro is to op'ering hor family .can botter enduro ita Bho, . . |. .. -

! On' tl o. other hand, if hor proaont de-BBion ihould chance to bo only the resultpinine under oonfirioment, ov disappoint-

—jnjt hi mlBplaccd' friendship, the souaorBt e leave shore thobbttor.1 J

riiuB K asoned the practical, yot Ayarm-nearted >i romari. And Bho resolved to makootjIeh3tbnc attempt to bring them together b

iain.' . • . '- ' • - . ' . - I. JBut no one with any degree of certaintyan lay \ laps for tho future.JTho X rooks say thoro is an avenging

! femesis, on tho trnck of an uniformly lucky: uin, ana that whonho seems most-fortu-'fiito the! man is : (overtaken by hio Neniosis,itad fror I that moment begins his downfall. •^The'N ;mesis had at lost-caught Fairfax,pvefytlingas beforpit had seomed to fa-vor, uoi i seemed to militatp ngaiuit him.


Whild Lvdliv an4 Natalie had been talking,)a largo Bteam-yocht glided noiaelossly downtho bajj and anchored off Cromwoll1 s-har-bor. A boat put off from'tho yacht andcamo rdpidly toward the.shoro.

(Voile tho yacht was coming to anchor, an sitting moodily and dejectedly looking

put oflonu of tho windows of Olon Gorepottngo raisod,his oyes toward the sea, be-yond tno pines that stood between him andIth'o shore. [i Ho fiiw, or thought he saw, two mastsiand t1 io extreme tip of tho blackenedsmoke stack of a steamer projecting upabovo .ho trees. Ho looked again. ThereoUitily hud boon no vossel thuro in themorui lg, and that was a very extraordinaryplaco or anchorage.

Tak ng his hat, ho walked rap'idly towqVd•ho ah iro.- Aa ho gained an opening in 'thowood ho captain's gig was about half-waybotu en tho yacht and tho landing placo.

The yacht plainly onough wns tho "Na-movu i." Thoro was no mistaking her. Qnlyan ho Ir or two ngo ho had telegraphed ihercapta n and was momentarily expecting anansw sr. Now, hero, as by magic, in all her.aquatic beauty boforo them lay tho yacht.Ho a uld scarcc|y bnliovo his sonso3.

As the. captain nearcd tho shore, ho rccog-nbiod Fairfax, and, raising his hat, ho greetsedhinwith: , |

"G wl aftprnoon, Mr. Fairfax. I'm gladto fie; you again, sir."

Th) latter {returned tho saluto, and has-tene I to shako hands with his late com-paui in in adventures. Tho captain, after acord al inquiry after, Fairfax's health, ''andmon especially of that of your fair cousin"—he '0 a sly, knowing twinkle momentarilyflllei his eye—answered Fairfax's inquiriesas t< the cauBO of his unexpected prcsenco,by I anding him. an envelope, with tho coolrem irk:

"My dear sir, your gomo's up. All thowor d will soon hear about it. At present, Iand two others-bosido yourself and yourowt confidants—aro thp only persons inAm 3rica who know tho truo state of affairs.The 90 two others ero Jean Louvait andJea I Lcrol; tho former head of the policedepartment at St. Malo, tho latter at St.Bri iux. Theao two mon aro noted rivals,one letters from a friend lu Havre havo toldmo that they have boeii liko bloodhounds inthe ir por]tinacity-to discover, the trail of thoabriictoijs of the stolen Princess KatalitJ.No w a tolpgram, in cipher, from Mr. Neb-bit ^ tells me he has 'just learned that bothLo lvait jand Loroi lately sailed by separatest< amerB for New York. ,, ' You lmow tho, glory and tho reward thatav aits the dUooveror of tho Princess'sw! loreabouts.' Thoy have spared, and willsp iro, nothing in thoir efforts to find hor.M •. Nobbitt telegraphs mo that ho is con-,vl iced they know your whereabouts and alltH out you, and wants mo, immediately onncoiptpf this telegram1, to start for Bar,H irbor and take you all off on the yacht tosi rao remote place selected .by yourself.

"Fortunately I bad steam up and all mycpalin. Wo came up hero flying, I can tell

HOT. Williamdo Lesson, Mot

Golden Text, Jolinj vl,Vorso 10-20. j i

[From Lesson. Helper .Quarterly by °•. of H. 8. Jlo'rtinijil; Phlladelpb a.*fll'

Notes.—Jesus heard, l e,wliatciples told him.' Deaoit, 01 ,u_.._place. Luko ix, IP, says }fc vas to"called Bethsaida, or houso of flshihgi"passion, or pity for tlieli dcwlato fcomEvening, i.ej.tho flrat eyeiing, ojetenfrom IS o'clock to 0, fvhJo theevening, verso 33, began^ i t 0. ^T;now passed, or tho day is c' 03ing &^time for buying, food ^s passingLoaves, or bread cakes in tho form of a pjjTo sit down; i. o., to recline, if ter the Jewl1]manner^ Fragments,' o r^nkon pieces, yN \*~ "flWcrumbs. Baskets,-round; a id plaited, "rw , ^holding bread ami flsliti ' '• - ( J [J Jt§

V. 1'J.I Vioweil from ono iolnt, it seems f 'straiigo ihing that Jesus shoi .Id ha\e hethis con municatioji. For en uld Herod '.touched him before tlio tin: e? No Biwould a roid'the danger to v hich ho was1 jcalled. The child Jesus i must flee frorii t£power of this Herodp fathei', whilo tho onethat-directed'thd flight couhjm from tho tyranUs wildquietly departed into J3g£ipt,.a'id sopkeedboyond his reach 1 S th

h b dpymight have been, as the disc

d 1 t h t d

d havo!>t rngc

> in this caso.g pics of John

posed, 1. o., that danger .hrentened Jfrom tho same hand thai f law tlioir mThoy told him of it, mid' lio nt onco quibwithdrew. Yet w hen "his hour i\ as cowith what perfect cfllmiiesghodid go forthmeotthe soldiers commissioned to take !


Is tho desii'o to avoid needof tho samo spirit that 1:calm and true iu tho presehcoof thatwhmust bo mot?

V. 14. How long Jesusdesert plnco beforo ho wentold. But when howeit

out of

dangoraiolds us firm 1

hod boon in 1foithwoorej

forth, "hotho surroundgreat inultitudo," __. . —

cities and villages . Tho itiost license ctto soo him and tojhear lini sc&s topossessed tho pcoplu Api among \unworthy motives, there v ero, boj qawmanytbfit wero liigh'and. noblo'and jThey followed him on foot They rantcling thd lake, in 01 dor ta reach thewhoro ho was. Thoy brought thoirThey thirsted to hear his -n orda. Is iwonder lie was mo\ ed with compassion?

V. 15. Thus the day woro away, itnow evening. Was tliorp any provisiotho night? Could thby ]iassit theiclwero theso thousandi;to bo fed? Anddisciples—thoughtful, J rudent' souls,world's wisdom would • c ill them—camasked Jesus to send tho u .ultitudo aw ay Jththoy might go into tho leighbo ing villagesandinnloosomopio\isioi for their wants, jitwas in thoir niiuds a red difficulty Those5,000 souls must bo fed, md tho women andchildren cared for And how could tnis Ibodonq, if they remained 11 that desert p^

iV.'liS. No doubt thoy |w ero, beyond ;urc, surprised when ho calmly"They ueevd not'doptir Gno yecat." And. Philip, dou itless, spokoings of allltho disciplts • \ hen ho spoke


impossibility, of thejr"200 pennyworth of tour currenoy—whence \

V. 17. And their repl;side, i. o.,from theirthoy could see and h ndlo

camo from Chbelief kin that I

u."If you havo road tho message, yc

0 >serro it says that Louvait 'and Loi-will





br onI nam



: lunchi oCO,

A* fid

tbo:lor, vyoiddoss

Lydia who

;Uf :bs: ful

sach Now York on thoGth/or thoTtu. To-day ia tho 7th. I knPw Nebbitt woll enought > believo that when bo soya a thing is |to it Ibso. You may dopouduponjitthat \vljon thosoi ion arriifa in Now York thoy vn\\ como di-•jjectly hire, if they are obligod to hire ai pecial engine to d» i t Thoro'will bo a racoI lotween them! Each will stimulate . thoither, and neithor vvill losPa' moment |"I know LouVait wpU. When hb's around

hero's no child's play, I can? tell you. Jte isdways in dead earnest. Hpcdn talk English.iko a native. HiBgoogrophy is somethingwonderful; his lmovif lodgo-of human' naturestill tnoro so, and.hi3 ability iu th? directionof yesouvcos ino3Vwon^ovMpt all. They,ay LoroV although not so full of genius as^icuvait, supplied ..t'4i9..:lack by pjtioncoj'

precision and a trcmovidous bull-dog porti-nacity." • i : _ . '; ; - . . :

Fairfax's jaw hod.d'rOppod during tho.first:part of the rlcipltal; but, as tho captain p rococded, ho bocainp mdro aad ;inoi'o aroused..His old;titnp firp; .hUquici decisiori; .hisfortllo invention,^ all returned te| hlfti»;R3iro^spection, , Toflbctioh iiiid disAppoUitmpntjmust bo cast to tho winds Action, instantaction, was tho word

Looking ovci Nobbill's tologiam (astranslated from tu'i ciphoi dispatch) hofound it corrobol otcd the captain's tittci-anccs All dicamiucs, moodi"ess v rs banishod Tajrfax ^M3 himself p j - i i

• Captain," 6aidUo, "bo lundyto loavoata moment's uohco I cUail not, for I cannot, go back with jou , but nlLKhoin yoa•brought, with tho hdditio i of D )«kLjdia'Broadacres, hor aunt nnd thoir 80rvantg,will fcturn m tho 'Namo\ i o ' I t 13 now two0 clock By fi\ c o'clcck precisely they must

I bo roady to s tar t"1 "Ayo, oj<3, Mr Fairfax That's busi-i

nes3," said tho worthy oflkoi, his headnodding approvingly I

But how \vas it that Louvait nnd Lcrolhad discovered tho whoioaboatls of Natalio?

Simply bocauso tho gcntloman who hadBeen hor at tho ullago church tha flist 8an-day after hor airlv.vl, and had Bpau| therest of tho daypUzsllng out hor identity,soon afterwards returned to lib city homo,and, being »\ivan of pronunonco, had boon!

interviewed by ar journalistio frioad Intalking about blaeummor at Mount Do3oitho had inadvertently mentioned tho fact ofseeing Bomo atrango wsman thoro f/aootrongly resembled tho Fnnc033 NatalieRadziwUL I

"Of course," ao added, hiughingiy, "it wasotify a reoombhiucb " > ' , •

Nevprtholoaa, a 'journalist,^ often at hiswit's end for Hows, bspeclaUy when it mustbe furnished a t reguuur periods, and thisCiapeclal journalist, a t that particular timb,ohancod. to bo In that! predloamont Thusit happened thnthla wjopkly letter to a Lon-*don society paper contained t among others,(Us little item; > ••• \ > \

MA woman bearing a strong resemblance'

ho t]> herself,'




• & •

to the Princess Nntalio RadziwfU la BHnrboTjOnck^^ir ' fashionable; AtlaatlowutMBPPNpff ty she be the renownedbeauty, Bho bas^choson to conceal horIdentity under the wm dt tyitmt of MIBBRobhefort." ' , * ,, iCxandom arrow of ten hits whore q wollta i t S a h t t i l i > 'AertafumanarowttairootSaBhottaili. >Apertafumanarowttbow at a venture and sinotle tho King bo-tw6ea the joints of his naruosa '* And thistib bh W tt dttSTft

doing it. Fojread' {-about•ero thoy to *|>tcamo from Chi


loaves nnd two fishes. Andundortako tho task of fc cdlng thoso twith such a tniserablb B

V, 19. Wha,t a pictui» thU'vei-sefore us! Jesus, in tho midst off"5,000 man, witfi tho lad's scantyn bis bonds, looking u) to heaven m

jiving ero ho comment ed tho work obution to thd hungry throng Herooted tho order of tl oir sitting doby fifties, or in ranlJs, * >r bands of tlber, probably! exteudmg in ckcleshim, for thd §ako of n ore conveniSee! Ho brejiks and gives to thaand thoy distributo 0 tho multitucthe supply in his .ha ids is not dinStill be breaks and gn es to tho dlscithoy bear it to 'tho wn iting thousanthem. There is no no se, no attemipbasizo tho wondrous work. I t stillindthoibi-eajljis mu tiplied in hia

fdqnietly,hsthe dow is fA d h l d th


hichlivei o



lipjes,I B u t . >hod.and •'oreoni-jon, , 'sas .

ormed upon tlo_grass,And I10W long does this continue) 1 [

V.20J This vei-sb tells.us,i o,til<all,woresatisfied. \ "Thoy, did 11 oat, and 1Nor was this all. |Fo - thoy bad morfe at theending than at tha b iglmung of their (jlesoi tmeaL "Thoy took up of tho f 1 agmentB thoifc re-mained, twelvo baskets full"—orjasiJ/ohnputs it, '"jyiiich romamod o^cr-ondpboye,tothem that had eaten ' Now, m view of I thisnarrative, it inay bb woU to if-1-1 - v -Those ovangclista mjanifestly relmatter of ftwt.- Thoio is no iQom,!ing or eiplainiugi it away," WhatBert is th'afc 5,000 hungry men, besvnnd childrenj wero fed in a desertflvo loaves nnd tv i, that all)ancp, and. that tnclvo boskets t\ments were takei up when tho meeluded*'This is what thoy do amost simple^ and Mattel of factbread means broad) ami nothing5,000buiigrymen,tjho feeding ofithtm,sutisfying o£ thhiij huuger, and ihobaskets, ot fragmputs that rmoan exactly tht^sovcij tilings,uninnnly tritling1 v(ith thoaffirm anything

ElUx LEbSONS1' Miracle as I signs,—Tho xn

commonly wo call kniracie3 iknown as mightjy woiks, wo:NowTestamcntj-tflways in,«as signs. Aud tjW distinctionpondorod, mighty worki {'apower involved, in thern^senso of the inarvqlous, Avliiletho purpqso for jwmch they weretho onjl thov ar<p meantj to sewtoa lndrvlduaTs or, withments, if tho end: a vimrbo ofportanco, any ixj ondituro can.And m that^ case i ho neglect t opondituxxs would b jcrlmltiaL N6'lymg bock of tjieMTmu-bclea1 orLoid was to prove tho xcaht^otbe tho Son of God. Thereforeouch porks ns none but QK)d couthem ho always appealed Anthem, it was criminal not to bet

2 Hoto swoitly tho'exa.point? tho lessbn bf giving thiTho act that in ibis je^rdV'suroly tho right and fitting tl

8 How the esampto ot ourall waste JIo could inuHIply"extent, but lio could sil0fc co'lwaste of A single- fragment^•wasla- that -jturnsi, aside, an;God fromMte uatural and1"Tha example ot JesusNspirit of thankfulfiesj, forbids^!ono caff waske (that ybi-1-^receive. And therefore^

fista i iiknplothoonz-y do a8-yromea


s- /

- T h e

feelings of otfollowiog-lftaddf*8Hte

placed-in ;a-vbntt

tho mark, •which was Louvalt-% - •>_ i \ *• * f ' v % a t r

Page 2: ta si - DigiFind-It · lta si In lit a ood Dr< t id 1 |incl%t|, mo Office at Baaway, N. J.j as' So^hd-Class liat^r, iliiii ... Mr. n Bennet tlty all thoso that wten to buy th tha

raised by conscription. Vet so w j w e r etbe finances of the Btale managed byrflean8 of a sinking f u n i i a y ^ f j

" himself ha.1 framec.iuat iWState bondswere nlwaya abovo ^ar. and; after P ^ e n tof tbo war debt there was a balance'- "•-Sfaio Treasury—forj the first time intV years : i •'• |; '•'•'.

Gbvernor Piirkeriretired

^0>r6 itjformed l.y oue <jr the commit-

t e e on •settlement, j

decisJorToniic! Assistant At' At recent]'torney Geo Lral declares tbdt ifostmasters

must collect one cent on eparcel or le


be required/fore they can get tbem

...from his



decision strongly advocated: amnc' ciliatlon. ' • ' i

i|try and

>acl.ter. Tlicrefore!ln

advertisedfutureparcel or le.ter. T |

those havlnt letters, & c ad^rt.sed,-willJto pay the extra oi e cent, be-

not altogether (cstitutc ofare anxious to j^t into the'swim" 1 his winter, at Trenton.jrk-of-lbe-L'oard-af Freehold-

^ C E

flahwaythose' w h oRepublicanAsseasor-Clors-Busin^s f g ^Reed, thinks he is alu-ml for tl|c Engross-ing Clerkship of the senate ; find UeorgeWrigfct is deftly manipulailng; the wires

an IaspcctorBhlpfif the Stateh h rtions ° f

. E ,

r that lead td• • p ; t e y : W . e r c n r e U i c other jportions of, S^lliriy'S.mplfmenU^l. In 1880

Union crAin|ty to cmnc in ?|-is n question h e w a a a g f t i n considered a possibility fordf |lie .outside Presid nt. and was complimented bv votes

in tbo National Convention. In 1882 bewas appointed Associate Justice of tbeSupreme Court, a position which bo haspince held and tilled with dignity and hon-or.

gpmeof . thd Republicans or flie .outsideVillages and tpwns are propounding.

•"• |~ ^».«a»»~—;—I—IN A NUTSHECL.



iatlon.Ho resumed the practice pf law at

hold, and although at the CIOBC of hishe retired from office a comparatively pman, his practice became very exteneivoand he amassed considerable wealth] i

jln 1871 he was again propofted as a can-didate for Governor'. lie at first refused,but on the day of the convention everyotnei [candidate retired fromtho Meld, andhe *As nominated by acclamation. Hestill bebitated about accepting the no|mlna-jtlon, but he finally consented. Althoughin that year every other State in the Northcave heavy Republican majorities, he waselected by . ,

His succwaoajorlty.oVernor Bedle. appoint-

ed him Attorney General of the State, andi ^ animously conhis appointment

fid b R

al of t eunanimously con-

i h this appointment ^ a s u n a n i m u yfirmed by 11 Republican Senate withoutreference. He soon resigned the ofllne onaccount of its intcrence with his personalpractice. In 1868 ho received the vote ofthe State delegation to the Democraticconvention for President. In 1876 be was

» - *rt/\ - _ .1 1QOJ

A n - U h | n S c sums up fhe whole tariff, v l i D p P r 9 O n n l a p p e a r a n c c Q o v e r n o r P f t r k e r

question, paw under discussion as follows: w a 9 commanding, being over six feet, inwAerr9T~' ' ] J heigb't-and weighing over 260 pouudB. His

1. Surpluk taxation for tbe current flsCafl m , a n ?£" w e i;0 vf,ry, 1ult™(;t ive' a"110"?11

year, $118 000 000. * dignWled. and while bis ability and honesty2.'The Treasury glutted at jlbo close of j bronchi him. the respect, bis'benevolente current figcul year with 3}14O,OO6 000 an(1 kindly disposition won hitnUlie love

• -•> -~-~A '. of all classes of men ' -the UUIICUH iifLwi j . ,,

taten from private enterprisq aud sioredin public v« nits.

8. John Shcrinftn'p blundering fundingof the pub ic debt forbids bonds to beculled or puid, except with bis own pre-mium to 1116 bondholder, until 1891, when$230,544,600 become due aud'payable sttheir face, and 1007. when S733.440.850become due, and payable at their face.PltOl'OBAXS :t

1, Tilt Democratic Policy— Off with tbeneedless tates on clothing, fuel, shelter,food. Let alone tbe taxes on whisky,beer, tobacco.

2. The Republican Policy.—Oil with tbetaxes on wilsky, beer, tobacco, BO as tokeep the wajr l a m on clothing, fuel, shel-ter, food.


would not have beep rjiudh moreshocked

death of

1Monday morning last, when

receive^ the first intelliconce of the•Governor Joel Parker, and

read the following dispatch, if It had beenone of our nearest relatives ;

Pnil.ADBi;>niA. Pa., Jan. a.—Ex GOT.Joel Parker New Jersey's wat1 Governor,died at the Jreaidence of a relative in thiscity at 12:88J this morning from the effectsof a paralytic stroke with which he was

; Saturday afternoon.attacked laslKnowing

hood, as a[him intimately from our boy-neighbor—and also knewing

bis excelled character, good dature, andfeeling diBpasition, uprightness and hon-esty in all things, we learned to love andrevere him, Accomoanying liim, withother good old Democrats, to politicalmeetings in different sectionp of Mon-mouth coun y before we had attained ourmajority, it was from him, to a great ex-tent, wo lea Tied to cherish the principlesas expounded by him, and to believe inhis standard


of Democracy—for we neverhcajd of hij forsaking anv Democraticnominee, or indulging in any personalpolitics, whnh custom, of late years, hasbecome too frequent among those profes-sing party piinciples.

Joel Parker was so well known, not onlyin Now Jersey, but throughout the wholeUnited States, that it seems scarcely neces-sary for usonco to his h

:o make any extended refer-story ; but. as it is about all

we can do niw to honor one whom we sowell knew anjd appreciated, we gi|ve below

his ifte and servicti as veryby the Philadelphia

a sketch ofcorrectly cofnpilcdLtdger :

JoelParkeK was born in Freehold town-ship,1 llonmouth county, Ne)w Jersey,November 24, 1816. His rempte ances-tors had beep nativrs of that State, andhis father, C larlcs Parker, wad a promi-nent busineis man and held many posi-tions of trus; in the service of the State.He was Asfemblyman from ^lonmouthcounty for fire years and State Treasurerfrom 1821 to 1887, being retained in spileof political changes on account of hisfinancial abil ty and his faithful, dischargeof his duties Upon his appointment asTreasurer, ic 1821, Charles Parker removed with his 'amily to Trenton;, in whichcity hisjon Joel received his eijrly educa-

brated High

from whichin 1830. He'

Upon beinghe-settled atresided. In

tion. Ho afterwards attended the celo-ISchool in LawrencVille, and

in 1880 e"ntoVed Nassau Hall, [Princeton.t t-i.u knetitution he wasigraduated

chose the professiFTnnrtr '

lion of thelaw and Bturlled with Henry |\V. Green,afterward Chief Justice and (J!hancellnr.

I admitted to the b,ar in 1842,Freehold, where hie has since

1848 Mr. Parker marriedMaria II., thb eldest daughter |of SamuelIt. Gumaiere,of Burlington, N.J., a mem-ber of the So :Iety of Frionds. >: In 1844 Mr. Parker made bis1 entry into' politics by stumping tbe State frjr the Dem-ocratic candidate for President, and inevery subsequent Presidentiali campaignhe has been one of the most (prominentspeakers for the Democratic party, notonly in his own 8iate, but in ?Jew York

. and Pennsylvania. In 1847 he was elected! to the New Jersey Legislature, and had.

the distinction to be tho youngest memberof the Housi).: | His legal learning and hispower aa ft speaker made him Very promi-nent in his party, and although in tbe

. minority, exorcised such an influence thathis friend, Gebjree F. Fort, Was electedGovernorof tho State in ISSO.In the follow-

. ing year ho Was appointed Prosecuting At-torney for iJ-orirnouth county, and servedin this capacity for rive years. I l a 1800 heW&9 chosen [a 'Presidential Elector, and

ECtors whocast their, vot es; for Stephen A {Douglas Inthe Electoral! Cblbge.

For Beyeraljyearg prior to tne civil warMr. Parker yaa_Brigadier Qeqeral of theMonmquih ajid .Ocean Brigade,

ded and drilleduniformed miGGovernor Olden, a Re-

son commaridfinest bodies ofState. l a 1361publican, nominated him as Ma;of the flvo central counties in.with the viev of organizing;'thepromoting vjlunteering. Thea i o s l f i d th

and in per-bne of theitia in the

or Generalthe State,

militia and[Senate un-iation and


tlcetitball, fttime Kon Tui

Couup t

ptrs wjcenteThe)

aolmously cjonflrmed the no_. ......the result pr >ved that the conSdence thusreposed in a Democrat was not misplaced,for; chiefly; hrough his influence amonghis old ralllt a followers several regimentsof good fighting men enlisted for tho war.

In 1863 bu'pounty presented bis nameto the. Democratic Stato Convention fornomination I ol the high office of Governor.Oil the .fou ;tn 'ballot r he received theunanimous <r6te of the convettiqn. The' suit provei: tho wisdom of the choice,

after a ciost exciting contest Mr. Part was elected over a very Popular opient by "t tie) unprecedented majority of"'" 15,00 voti s. He was i laiigurated

and htjd office for thr ;e years, in,.V,,»IUDI try ink period of our 1 istory. .%%» Kcoriidf Joel Parker 13 Governor

Jersey in those trying years was>vhi:^r>by man miglit well, beThe manner in which i roops were

ulprJpd and forwarde I was most^ jhiti. State and tb > niisn who

JYIien the President's pro

of all classesTbe funr-ral will Inke place Friday of

this week at 11 o'clock A. M., from thePrcspytcrian church in Freehold,. It willdoubtless be one of tbe largest ones everheld in the state, as associations and offi:ciala in evety section are making prepara-tions to attend, including Gov. Gideon andthe state officers. By request of the familytbere will be no military display. Theeight remaining Supreme Court Justiceswill act as bearers. Gov. Green has issueda proclamation in which he tenderly al-ludes to the ead cVeut, orders the publicbuildingB to be draped for thirty days,flags to be placed at half-mast, and a salute on the day of the fuueral.


The January term of the Union countyconns opened on Tuesday, Judge Van-Sycklc presiding, with associates McCor-miek. Harper and Hycr. Tbe first busi-ness being the swearing in of the GrandJurv, tni-y were called and properly sworn,Judge VunSyckle staling to them thatthere appeared to be no special matterthat needed their attention. The follow-ing is tbe list:

Geo. M. Stiles, foreman. Jos. G Miller,Wm. J. Leonard, John M. Ctene. Plain-field ; Ferd. Grave?, H. PaRe Hough,Alford B. Cook. Lewis P. Springer, Rail-way ; Lewis Bacon, Frank J. Vogel, Clias.Wirenhlng. Edward C. Woodruff. LewisW. Kingslev, Edward P. Edwards, Wm.T. Jones, John M. Pruden, Elizabeth ;Ertfff M. Pierson. Westfield; Slites 11..Parse, Funwnodj Philip Sbangie, Linden;George II. Krause, Cranford; J. EdgarMeeker. Springfield; Elias R. Moorhouse,New Providence; D. Hobart 8ayre, Union;George Manly, Summit.

Tbe list of causes is very short, and it isnot likely that there w'll De much businessfor the terra. There are only five caseson tbe supreme list and two of them werereported off for the term, The case of BenSquire vs. A. C. Kelly is the only one of alocal connection—Alward & Parrott forSquire and Garret Berry for Kelly. Onthe circuit list, D. P. Carpenter vs. TheNational Bank of Rahway, was put downto try without a jury on the 18th inat.,Ephraim Cutter and E. fl. Savage, attor-,neys: Frazee Lee vs. Nicholas Mooney,same, Jackson & Coddington and Yail &Ward, attorneys. The Jardine and Robin-ron cases were reported off for the termby consent.

Tbe justice and jury appeal lists are alsoscant, the only one from Rahway beingMary Robinson vs. 8amuel Forbes, andthe Moras heirs vs. Forsdykc.

The great "trespass" suii of J. R. Shot-well against the editor of this paper is not"on the list," Mr. Shotwell'g attorneys,instead of proceeding to trial, having giv-en notice of a motion to • strike oat tbepleadings set forth In the answer to theirdeclaration.

After the business, of tbe opening of theterm bad |been concluded, ProsecutorWilson moved tbe ijourts adjourn out ofrespect to tbe memory of Judge Joel Parker,whose death' had been learned of withsorrow, and a committee to draft suitableresolutions be appointed. Judge Van-Syckle granted the motion and appointedas such committee Messrs. Lindatjury, J.R. English aud Alnjard, and the circuitand oyer adjourned.!

The following licenses were granted inthe Common Pfeas :l C. Denzler, Chas. B.Coon and Catharine Authus, Linden, JohnJ. Wahl, Westfield, and Nancy V. Blod-gett.-Springfield. The applications ofJos. Campbell andi Murphy, of Summit,were laid over to Saturday. \

,! For the DKHOCIUT.


The cry of"Fire I Finire I" between threeand four o'clock in the morning of the 80thult., brought a citizen of Rahway speedily\p tbe scene of the • disaster. He at oncebecame a deeply interested witness, ofyour preparations, ahd your struggles withthe devouring flames. He saw the men-acing danger and your prompt efforts tomeet them. lie witnessed your exposure,your courage and endurance, and does notfeel that he is at liberty to remain silentunder the pressure of obligations whichsuch noble efforts imposp. He wishespublicly to put on record bis grateful ap-preciation of your heroic efforts to save,not only the Chapel of St. Paul's, but the

sere received, hipond were:[fted iwiih

by tbe .:e Bent at once tb the front,'lion; dollars' of | war

bis hands,; every, dollar pf>rrectly accounted for to the' Lee' invaded Ptntiiivl»nni»

p.Qs call for

irintell instantly,iromfitness, and

U i which he

buildings more immediately exposed tothe fire. You exhibited on the start thevery height of wisdom in selecting the verypositions tnkcD, in and by which to cheekand repel the arlvancidg flames. It Wasthe wisdom of goodI geberatahip to do justwhat you did do. ' fou topk the very keyto thct position, and you held it most un-flinchingly until th) victory was Becured.There was good judgment in all tbis. Itwas accomplished vlth carefulness, andcalmnessand in goo 1 Order; and then youworked harmoniouily together and youproved what Is plain to the eyeB of evenstrangers that you could arrest and stay awild rushing fire, which biit for your wis.dom and coolness and courage, wouldhave proved a far n ore extensive and dis-astrous conflagratlo I I have written thismuch because Ibilleve your efforts soworthy demand it; and I make no doubtall those interested i l your work that nightwill, endorse all I have said. . '

Personally, and as Kector,of 8t. Paul's,thank you for What you did for our

pyour energies so wei th ti "

y t y o u did for ourChapel and for what you prevented byyour energies so well displayed I b l i

y u prevented byl displayed. I believe

t tb Bin the sentiment " Honor to tho Brave."GratefiiUy your Wend. .



BJopdgood, Daisyswell, Annie Condron,

Room 1. — HatiBonney, 8tewart CiHaltie Dunham, Hattie (Martiri, A~nnleO'Donnell, Jos. Poker^ Nellie Reynolds

Clara MeadJere| Birdy Searde-

p , Jos. PoTterlLena Stoll, Gertlie Tie-J

Room 2 —Sadie Waifield, .Arly Prall, ClkraRueRue.

'Rown 8.—Sadie feavis,m Sadle ])avis, kddie LuLauraDunham.LauIra Madjson.Ella!P"M^a ran?ef i eW ^lliman, Frank Balfz.

Room 4.—Annieman, Mamie Lea

| y Searde-Grimstead, Jennie

Ludldw,ll! H l

Crowell,' EvaH l "



We 'pro not enjoying,vrhat

• jFor tne DKUOOIUT. :-.


might be1'

W not enjoyng, gtermed, a "real rjeal estate boom,1', never-

^ have hart mom reaHanlid build-d f

t , sthelessi^e have hart mom reaHanlid build-ing; renovating and rtpilring going on fortbe last1 two year*,! ffian we,have oxpcrienced before iu ll ut

t h htogetherit I re

ffian we,ha pfore iu 'fifteen: years,-.all putAnd there has been more activ-

t' thaftin the


together., And there has been mity In real estate tbo pist'vcar thaftin theten years preVioii9. A, few pears ago aperson1 could hardly g ve a piece of proper-ty awav; now people do' buy, and }heyare reaping the benefll of modorato prices.And aj they invariably pay the cash itshows |l| conclusively hat there is somemoney left in the place, yet for good in-vestment. We could, if1 we had the space,name quito a numb.ir of fine builr|inesthat have been crec ed within the lastyear; also quite a lumber of addllioris,extensions and repairs; and as to oldbuildings that have ;been made to looknew bjC lite modern style of painting, theyare almost Innumerable 80 far we havedone wHrrmrly well but what has beendone, lias been'done within ourselves, andthere i* but little more wealth distribntediamong! us than there was twelve months

. To make our city increaso in wealthmu«t do somethlnt; to bring wealth in-

to it. Wo must invite capital either tobuild residences on speculation or domanufacturing, or both.

What wo 1 want thjn most now, is toadopt pome method to shnw the outoidficnmmiinitv tbe errrtt advantatrt'R in net-tiinu in this pliic.o for anv kind of busi-ness. Something that would lead to ourhaving! a new class of owners to bo con-stantly cominsj in among us, able andrertresnntative owners "who would tye ableto^'plank down" for what they want.Then, of course, tbo question naturallyarises, bow are we to get the "ear" of thisclass of people, so as to inform them oftbo great advantages in settling in thisplace either for business, or comfort andpleasure ?

It islfluggested that tho real estato menwho arb generally the sellers, and propertyowners who wish to sell, form themselvesinto an association for tho purpose of ad-vertlsitte the place in a general way to tbointerest of all—something on this plan:All agents pay a nominal sum as their fee;all owners of property also a, sum in pro.portion to the amount of property theywish to dispose of. Appoint a committeeof one'to advertise in New York papers,three or four times a week with two orthree lines which would not cost over $1for eaob insertion ; let them be somethingsimilar to this form : "If you want to geta house and lot at a bargain, go to Rah-way." ! "If you want to buy near-by lots,plots or farms at low figures, go to Rah-way." : "If you want to live in one of theprettiest, healthiest and host regulatedcities on the P. R. R., go to Rahway." "Ifparties want to buy or hire near by NewYork, for mannfacturing purposes, go toRahway." "If you want to live in thecountry and have city advantagjs—sewerswater, gas, electric lights, etc., go to Rah-wav."

It can be easily seen, bv this mode ofcheap I advertising, one hundred dollarswould go a preajt ways toward letting theoutside communities know what we haveto offer. Thls8hould bring investors here,and bring them right on the sjjiot, wherethey could see for thifmsclvrs that we havejust as flne| lands ns l iy out,of doors, andadmirably suited for any and all purposesthat land can be put to If a fair andhonest showing up! 19 made by our landagents|and property owners, it looks as ifmany a good bargain can bo made|to theinterest and surprise of many strangers,and the relief of many land burdened prop-erty owner, at a little cost.

Tbefe are varloun reasons to justify anincrease of bona fide sales this year, asmost all of the dickering lots that havebeen hnnging on the ragged edge for sev-eral years hare been disposed of in one•way of another, and sales made hereafterwill boUn a more substantial and businesslike form, There are already slens thatpurchasers of vacant lots »re on the lookout, andit is believed this Rhows a tendencytoward getting to building early in thenew year.

There is no lack fKr a choice of situa-tions ;i besides the klmost Innumerablescattering lots all ove.T tho city, there arctwo enterprises—"B&rtholdi Park" and"Forest Park." The latter is on the southside of the citv and well siiuatcd, the former is on the north side and hut a fowminute's walk from Scott avenue station.It is understood, on these lands a fewgood building lots can be had by almostthe mere asxing for them, provided partieswill bjild at once. This \* particularly BOexpressed by the owners of Barthofdi Parkproperty. Therefore, we say there is noexcuse, for persons of moderate means notto build, if they desire to do so, in thisplace next ypar—be they either natives orst rangers.

Kahway, is it is situated, ought to havea healthy influx of at least five hundrednew comers this year, who in all probabil-ity would come if they knew whereof wespeak.; All: it wants to give Rahway aboom, is for} the wideawake business menand property, owners to put their headstogether in view of starting things up, byadvertlsinc at home and abroad our manygood qualities and advantages. '


Mn. EDITOR :—As I understand there hasneen some objection made recently to theringing of the bell in the tower of 8t.Paul's church, during an alarm of fire, Ithink it would he well perhaps, to give atthis tlmn a little piece of history. WhenSt. Paul's was erected there were in ourthen ivlllage, tbe 1st Presbyterian, and 1stM.Er churcbes.both where they now Btand;down lown were the two|colored churches,two Friends' Meeting Houses,all on SecondBtreet.' now Irving—and the Baptist onMilton lnnu, (now avenue). None of thesehad a [tower on them, and no bell for firealarm purposes, except the one on the 1stPresbyterian chuicb, and on that the pub-lic had no claim in this direction, except sofar as the good will of the church extend-ed toward the welfare of Hie public, whichI am happy to say has been the case eversince the present church was erected.When St Paul's had reached tbe top ofthe brick work of tho tower, the buildingcommittee, from financial stress of cir-cumstances. res)lved to stop, but a newidea firae to their rescue and a subscrip-tion lltft was started, to erect thn woodwork and place therein a bell, which itwits distinctly stated in tbe preamble;should be used for fire alarms, and that thepexton- of the church, whoever he mightbe. sbbuld be employed with the consid-eration that' il was a part of bis duty toring too same on all occasions of fire. Notonly was a considerable amount subscrib-ed outside of tbe membership of St. Paul'sPurish(*9r tbo tower, but a large propor.tion, nearly seyenty.fWe per cent, of thecost of the bell, was contributed for thevery purpose above stated, by the publicand not members of tbe parish. Duringthe whole term of the first sexton, VictorChalllcr, never was tbere a fire, night ord b h d i h l d


Wa( we reqifesteia to pub Is^ihe follow-„ whMportraya very. yNldly^bo

_ ini many housel jolifls where thefemalt; ppvtiol neglect th t t ^ t a e dutk-Bfor i i l t e f ;iotl6rJB' or chai itlftnd- putillabpnefactJW- :• 'ft l J» t W c i ' roW the £ a % '

written by Jiilia Walcritt,and entitled " Our Chrlstti ,a^«•]; ' I

W11 didn't hai e intich of a|( ^{ristmas' My Papa and upslo and p e, j. ' ' ,po r "mammal gone out to t ie prison

0 'o trim up ihe poor prise lore' tree; ,A dBthei. mbrblgBrowiilpBlstor, • '.. ' i

M?as down t i the 'By.lurni M day . ITo help at the great turkey jdlnnor,

•j nd teach games tuo orpl ana to playlSh) belongs t ) a cluu of yoi ing ladles

AnthBf'beiutifuiObJIaV'tU»y aay, ' iTUtogoamingpoorjono:omochildren ,

.' nd mako all their aid hi irts more gafk

And Auntie, you know my Auntl61 •'* 'fUe'amy oWn papi's half Bia'oriKnte,

Bhi'was 'bllgMltobo round at the chapel1 rill 'twas,-Oh sometime i dreadfully late

Fo • she pities the poor wor i out curate;IIU burdens, she says, an: so great;

So she 'ranges' the flow-re a id the mualoi .nd he goc3 homo around by our gate.

I s louia thinlj: this way must bo Iouge3t.1 ut then, I uppoafi hn knows best,

Aunt Kate Bays he Intones most sp'endld;i,ndbisnaqiels Vaao Algjernon West.

My rapa bad jbougUt aiblg [turkey/rkl had It s^nt hoinf ' h lstmas Eve:

Uu tflere wasn't a soul he e Hi cook lr,Vou aeo Brlijlget bod Wire: itened to leivo

If the couldn't go off with ler cousin,(tie doesn't look like her (no bit)

Sliisays she belongs to a " Union'1

And tbe union won't let 1 er submit.HO we ate brelid and mlllc (ir our dlnnor,

Lni Borne raisins and cat fly, and thenlit se and me went down st lira to tho pantry

: 1 'o look at tbe turkey again.

Papa sild be would take UE put riding—Tbo' bo thought that ho c Idn't quite dare

For Rosle'd got cold and kopt coughing:fhere was (Jampnoss and chills In the air.

OU tho day was m long and BO lon,esomo lAnd our papa WAS loneso ne as wo;

An|i the parlor was dreary -no sunshine.And all the pwreet rose*,- b'e tea

Aijd the red ones and ferns »nd carnationsTnnt have made our bay window RO bright,

MimmaM picked (or tbe m in at the prlBonf o make tbclr bod hearts pure and white,

Arid we all sa*. up olo36 to I ho window,pose and me on our papa! k two knee?,

And we coun'ed the d e u lllttlo birdies

Rosle wanted to be a browh aparrom;:Jut I thought I would rahor. by tyr,

Bn a robin 'hat fll"S awar1 lylnters,Vbere the sunshine and gay blossoms aro

And papa wished ho was a jail bird,'Cause Be thought that tt oy tared the best

But we all were real glad \ re weren't turkeysTor then we'd boon killed with tho rest,

Tl at night I put; into my p Jayers-1 Dear God, we've been 1< nesome to-day

K< r Mamma, Aunt,Ktuol and Bridgetfiery ont aft (Jem all wenl away—

Won't you plpass mako a c bb, or society,Fore It's tlpae for next Cl irlBtina* to be,

T( take card ot ptillanterpl it's fam'llcs,Jke papa and Iioslo and rne ?'—

And I think that my papa' i grown ploua,'or ho listened, as still a i a raouso,

Till I got to Amen;—then 1 e said ItBo It sounded all over the house.



Thb Christmas Festival of tbe Sunday8chnol of the 1st M. E. Church took plac<on Wednesdav evening of last week andwas a grand affair—the sit eing being fineand the rroitatinns and ottcr (xerclses excellejt. Tho pastor. Rev. Mr. (Jowins andwife.ofilcejrs and teachers were

received valuable presents, and the

bereq in the «a:me way. T iechildren werecared for in quite a sumj tuous manner,and, altogether the occasir n was one thatwill long be remembered f >r its pleasures.Tbe scholars who took tt. peclal parts in

andrecltatlons we|-e Edith Pierre,Geo.Jonn!8yckMamSppajticR'NelliiGeor;

Ross, Jos. Sbackcltod

e,o Cooppr, Gus8io (j)ori8se, Mamie, Irvie Kinzie. Lizzie Randolph, Net-^no. Florence CowlnHlOranle Cooper,s Westervelt, Belle Wester^elt andjie Pierre.




. EdnaWraiuht,Ella Randcjlph, Geo. Van-

Millie Lawrence,] Richard For,

e annual Christmas f|:i Street Chapel OPOII 'r.ed on Friday

evening last. Tbo interior of the Chapelwa9 beautifully trimmed with flags andeverj reens. The tree—wt s a handsome

ind literally loaded with presents forholars. Santa Claus was there bim-

one,the s<!self, . _ . . . ,He Was heard coming at a distance withjingling bells, and when l)e came in he

lind right royally perfjsrriied bis part.

bk like a bowl full ofnature. He distributed the prizes to

the olldren. who sang rriany carols forhim tnd declaimed, both tc the satisfactionof "Santa" and the audiem e. He broughtsome fine presents to the teachers, too,and a large bird (that Americans considerto be the bird of next importance to theAmerican eagle) for Mr. I'arvey, the vet-eran, but when he finally p esented our re-porter with a .Ish horn, said reporter "fold-ed bi§ tent like an Arab an i silently stqleaway,"

FIRST nArnsT ontmoii.

The Christmas Festival if tbe SundaySchool of tbe 1st Baptist church was heldon Thursday evening last. 1 'be church wasQUed by tbe school and its friends. Tbeexercises, which were very (injoyable, conelated of singing, recitation 1, and an ad-dress by tbe pastor. The speaking landsinging by the infant class vas very Inter-esting. 8anta Cl»us, in full dress, waspresent, and delighted the children withChristmas gifts. Supt. R. Kent receiveda handsome silk umbrella from the school.Rev. Wm. Rolllnson, Miss w , Gage,. Mr*.G. C. Miller, Mrs. Geo. Plum, Miss B.

hamberlain, J. R. Rollinsin and Geo. O.Miller, received valuable [presents fromtheir classes. Mr. T. Cartrignt, who as-

with his cornet, also [received a fineumbrella. Tbe girls of the[infant class re-

ill ]of

wiste from the table, or'other food! comtn

five pounds In alent food. Tbeab flshi can

Dnly fed to domestic animals.

: ; • - ( , . ! •

henot'-owners'elect flve'ki^A'ruat

fo« the;erection-of n^w biistanding thecondltl

' ["his year there w; 1the tow.nshipfl u .

_. grade South and Nbrthairing the Central R R. from E'Plulnfleld. ; !

Tbe town committee of Crarifprd. harepaisod a resolution in favor of co-operst-im: with Mr. Rlpley, overteor ol road dU-trl >t No. 11, in opening South av enue fromWiatfleldtoOranfoKl. r I ' 4 •'

I ] t Is now goneraly coiceded ithkt thegrowth of Wealflfld lsduq more to the im.p¥iivement ]61 public roads \hiu fo anyoilier one, caiiee. Orange, on tlie Morris& Essex TI..R., owes its Jurowtiitolgood,roi.da. Rabwav an 1 Elizabeth, we think,are not up with flnina other towns in thepr'sent condition ol their carriDge roads

7our potjda are tc be stocked With Ger-man carp, three, on the lands of OhaunceyB.| Rlpley, and .one nedr the prtjmiges ofpy, near the p nmises ofPr«tmaster Addison 8. Clark. Applicationwr qmiidMaRtNnvp nbfir bv Mr Rlnley totiiA"U. 8 Cnmminslin ofi Flnh and|Fish.erics, in Washlngto 1, for the flahj add theapplication wpsien nterl iby the Potnmissldn December 22d. mbject to t ie approvalof [Congressman Kc in. ' His approval wasobtained last week, arid the young carpare expected daily This spe:iesof fishthrive in our lakes 1 nd ponds with muddybottoms, grow to th weight of rr'om' three

few years, and are ex-po fed on


Tho first Rtatemet t of tho Union CountyBank, of this city, appears in, anothercolumn and., makes a very goo 1 fibowlng,considering the unf ivorabln cln utnsiancesexisting when it wm organizer as a fluc-cepsor to the National Bank o Rahway.When the new bark was operrd the 7thof May last, tbere vere only !>73.OOO of

i d l l tydeposits, includingof this'city's funds

d hhised,t fa

yserved, there are n

l !

v e y >7.i consideral le amount

now. a« bo ob-— r , - r , • - - -jearly $108 000, on de.nosit.'tond a surplus! of over $2 000, whichis equal to over four per cent. Of earningsonl the! capital stock.


aljo remember-

istivitles of the

ellv1' with Jolly

, was tbere a fire, night orday, but that hell was rung, and it shouldDohaving


aby one should opposeis strange, and why the

|Tbc Sunday School of tb s church had agrand time as usual. The marching of theschool while singing was mow and veryeftuctlve feature, proceec Ine. from/ the

room by the side alslps 'of the churchisstranger, unless they are n n a w a r n o n t 8 l f t n d tf3 • • • • • - • •"rTh!lCeK , , A SUBSCRIBER. l c e n t f

[The above is from one of our old resl- c a r o l 8 ldents, and will no doubt be nows toOf tbe present generation.—ED.1

Wardens have allowed tbo contract to failis stranger unless the


^.^alnment,departing with happy hearts and smiling'aces.'

San a Claus afforded mucti:amusement;with l ie telephonic messages!and replies.He ca^ne all the way from Bchring Btraitfr,stopping at the principal towns and cltteB,but h^had Rahway, "on the list." Hisnasal organ was somewhat frosted by .thelong journey j but under {the benignantsmile if Joe Rollinson, and tho tempera-ture (f the auditorium it lopu became a'roan ing nose," and Santa cheerfully dls

tribut id his presents, glvin rjgeneral satis-faction. '

A DVERTISKD LETTTEljlS. \*» ITHe'oHowlnptett.flrB remain uncalled tor

at tile Kahway l'oot nfflce, Janunry 4 h. 1888:.Ml«a Annio KnikPDnr.Mrs .lauiea i ukrla,Mra.

II. Walscham, Edw.nl vvpod, A. I LI Benham,.1. ,11ms, Halph Mills, WllliarnTP. SteVrArt, - N. P.Kelly. ^ s

Persons oallln? for tbo above wlllpleasesay"ttdvertlgfld." 6.M.OLIVER.P. M.

U WION C O IT N TY S T f R R O .OATH'S (jKFICll Deoernbpr 16tb. J|887 —

Ix)renz Hursob. the AifmlnlBtratorof QoDOwff.iUup'cli. deceased. Surrogate's Ordqr tb j Limitcreditors.

On application of ihrt nbnvo namKl Adminis-trator, Ills ordered tlint s.iUI Administrator givepublic nojlco to the creditors of (.no estate ofBaldrtecPdentfn bring In their debt^. demandsor claims nmlnsi tim s imp, under Oath, wltblnnine months from thlsllnte, by settlnjirupacopyofthlsordrr, wlihln twenty days hereafter, Indvo of HIP moR' pnblla plncfs in th? Icounty olUnion, for two months, nnri nlfo wltl)ln tho saidtwenty dins, l.y advertising >bf> dime In tbeNATIONAL DEJIOCBAT f"r tin1 snmespi cenf time;aqd If anv creditor Rhall nciriect to szblblt blRor nor debt, demand qr clAim. wiihln the saidperl"0 of nine months.' publia TIOMOP lelngglven»s aforesaid, snohcredlmrshnll be forever bar-red of bis or hrr aotlnn thcrtor ogalnst t' e PaidAdministrator. flv '

Jan «-9w GKO. t. I'AHROT, 8Urrog'ato.

AHDKnar those wiio 'Mdth'a nd thru act: < hey will Mod*ionorabli> employment that willDT fk*1 them f'om tjielr honesand families The nronts nrfl large

forevery in 'ufltrlouB DTB 'nJronny h»»omade an I arp now m iclnu several hundred do'-larsamnntb. It Is easv fnr nnv one|to make Kandupw'rdspT day, *ho i» wl'il'ig to'^ork.Either Rex, young or old; capital nntineede"!: westart you. Kverj'Ui11 fr|n»w. Nonpejcial sbllltvn quire 1; ymi, read»r, pan (In It «H * ell as anyone. "'rite to «« at o n e for fn'l t«rticular»,which wo mall fro \ Addrrsa 8TIN8ON 4 •O.,Portland, Maine. )intt-ly



•• HASTJSHave you


ItUf Itiie time;

irst. What

soap. |Usei washing

finished yoiirl kvashing?






use Ivory

other kind,

} ap 66 you usepowder and yo^i

it docs i.h6i work forj yb\\/"

1, but the clothes wtm'/last

alto{;9ther; it cleans more! easily

and I find the clothes last asother j't let me use washing powder."

Of course uiey won t.

to save

clothes I



The sample of

jieither wil

clothes jit the cxpenj

doReader, which do yon I Value mostJ U u rIf tho latteh then don't l k her use washlrig: p

•I • I ' T I

inline, but I use


iof my tjme and ba


Dear s | r s


I Deaillem Lumary Soap, of reat p

art/ Soap•Ity and

ing "power.

The John (S >'•"">Ptincetop. N- •


t anyhot


received upmthjan

\rery respectfully yoijrs,

school of Science, H. B. CORNPROFESSOR

. W O R D OF^ W A R N I N G .

Thereiare many white soapfr, each represented to be" just a$|goo^ sjs|ltheviARe NOT, but like «ll cJunterfeits, lack the peculiar and rfemajkithe genuine, uk for " Ivory)' Soap and lijsift upon getting it. I i

• COpjjrlght I8SC. by jprocter & Gamble.

bd itl



is an



ory't'jiliei o

CTATRNfEVT OF THE UNT"• ' COt!STY RANK,of Rih#>i.v.N.^.. con tbe Tulrty-nrM dav pf December, 1887.



#10T;8«0 ftSH dnd M'or^agoa is,0i8 00furniture and fixtures wf>oo oo

Loans andStocks, Ho;ReM Bsta,Cnsh nn h

'• In ISinknf tbo State N. V.Duo frOB otbor banks.,

'ore a

^ g ,furniture and fixtures., w,f>oo oo

3 20I0 4IH 44

90S 71


Capital stock- < t fO,O(J& 00HurolUS 9,(W7 97Individual Depos i t s . . . . , 107,031 6TDUB to other banks 4,489 1

HM.44S UII, O. A. OLIVER, cashlerof tho Union County

Rank or lUhwnv, N. ,l. do solemnly swear thatthe above statement is frue to the best of myknowledge and belief.

<f. A. OLIVER, bCorrect-Attost.


Sworn and subscribed before me this Fourthday of January, 18S8 E. fl. 8HKRWO0D,

w Notary Public

; FORTho Cheapest anii B :st Weekly Paper for

Young Men aid Boys in theUnited States.

ONLY $ 2 0 0 P E k YEAR.A Blxteen pige paper, Illustrated by the' besttists and containing stories d k t h '

,ho most popUi or writer j.Agr t r " i he IK


.Vintt'tnmtlc* fronS'eit York; nV>rt U l * h d i / b t l f

m f ;[forty Ualn*each uuy, dji/y; btiutlfuiVy loee ltd, icith good drainage; eitheater it hand; tcalhs /tagged to depbifandtoprahd »tre-/l; tehoalt, ekurehif> ttorr*, tfcjnrar by; jxut the place forpltaita: it am comfortablt home.

l e p g p p r , lus tra td by the bestartists and containing stories and sketches'from*ho most popUi or writer j j

Agrpai stor- " i he lldy Itcporter, or the Ad.ventures of a Young Arny CoVrest ond>>nt •• com.menced In Vol. II, No. I Heidy Jan. 7 lssa

The AMERICAN BOY WBB pubUshed for oneveir as a monthly, nnd ts SUCCPS3 was to treatas tp nompollts publlca ;ion In weekly fo-m*

It will run In eacn nutiber tbreo gieat: c i t i n .ned stories, will cr.n«tai tlv contain sketches oftravel, curious customs'of other lands, adven-ventures on land and Sf a, fun tor tho bovp•oreatlog experiments, asemi artlolei

how to do things," an> —

pI ^ tbe sfeaso

ing, w« make this offer foreither >n Oliver or Prospicfc Street



t lence counterEqarcbing throueh theer aisles to their seats,): A number ofIs were Bung very finely, besides ad>

winterclimate of OldVofnt Comfort3hiPennsylvania Railroad Company• haTaiv[h»t

gC- !.°JUn a Bet}eB o f Pleasure tours tohat well-known winter resort, on^Ianuary

12th and 24th, and February 2d,- 1888.Tbo toura will bo made by social ™

_ very flotly, besides addresses and 1 other exercise a. j . A^ very en-tertaining part of the protramrao was: &reading by Col. J. B. Idgar, and re.sponsea with linging by a number of ladlesana gentlemen ln_tho. distance, from the

sin abundancehe usual offer-

poor were madEe, jand jvaluable

° ? a gentlemen lri_the, dial1 ^ W f o o m > ^ e r r e 8 n m e i l l

present* to the organist anp sexton.


Roomzell, Laura Krewsoi),Turner, Kate Ruf, AnnieClara Snipman,

g ,Presidentof prajse


ill be made by SpecialitrainVvia tho New York, Philadelphia and l^dr-folk Railroad, leaving Philadelphia; at ?:00A. M., and arriving at Old I^oint at 5:00'i'. M. fThe round trip tickets will be gbodfor ten] days. The tickets will be goodgoineionly by New York, Philadelphiaarid Norfolk Railroad, and, special train,but tourists will be allowed a choice ofroute8;ifor the return trip. -They may re-turn via New York, Philadelphia arid Nor-;folk,Railroad, or by the Chesepeake »ndOhio vi,a Richmond and Washington, withBtopofer privilege at both •plsicesiwitjiinthe limit of tickets. • i The rate-fpr the;.flr«;route is $9 from Philadelphia; and for thesecond $11. A special rale of $8 per dayat the'iHygeis Hotel will, bo granted Jthptourists during, the limit of thelrjticketf),

will bo sold hofa all stations iastiand, west of Philadelphia, from which con-nection can bo m«de. with -the special-byregular tr^n on the date of thetour.f

; Mr and ]|Ir8. Chas. E. Kraia larie npmber of their, f lends on NewYearia at their commod 6u3 residence.Mrs. Pratt tfas ,assisted b^ jBixteeni ofRah/way's promlhent,Bocie y young ladle's,Who Vied with1 each other U making it theBpclajieyent of-the season, j The floral de-<jor,atjlorJ8 weyo BuperbVanp added greatly



.to'..!tbe: beaulty of the jBrjadious pa»orswbild,. , . . , meet atrains ofmusibj.frornan invisible or jhestra delight-ed thje ears'of the many gi ests. The sub:per and table decorations wjere under the•-1-11-- of'fcater^r" TimtionB, who. had

*•'*' - • ' — - ' • • n l s h every: deli-' 1 ten o'clock

ever, and anon .'the

jbhari'carle blq:-.,.^,..cacy f the season offords.the I ormal. receptloh was,ing; was indulged In un••t"u—•''•-^••^r.esent;;yJ


_r linYXeceivibg. were,in,:Jennie.Liggett,

Emma i Martin, Mary -

MrriiJDr.; Edgar T. 6 , „ „ . „ , , VI1 , BA,Tuesday to jpiri her huBbandatParkerBtdn^^l?ttM».Iwberelhe.baa Bettled. and fepottiibeadt

' IoiandB^ril^^feMlnnle J: Martlnji

IB they we

respond«nt8. „paper ot the "blnod nnd|iliunder" orderren s can aifeiy trust n m the hi,n(-boyk Remt-mb-rlt is Si.on choaper ,uaii ,othferboya' paper now t ub'lshcd. ei monthRsmonthsontri i l B0ce,ts. Two conusswmsentto;.nyuddres8for)3.a5. HammeC0DleJTABMon Application. It U so id at overy - P * n t

throughout the United L - - •

to erect a cottage not [to cast less th

first one that will select a

BOin street, Philadelphia. i No. &rf HH'.Ian CSw


it entertained

ft late! hour,- .ass i s tedf '

Misses JTeni^ a m itetwell, CarrieEmma .North,


Central Dry Goods Stori,


Fancy Lace Flouhcings ^ind N^ttsI



for even

ne Fans and K

EyeniUg Shades

ngwear, [

d Gloves,

n Silk*,Alio, to

Henriettas, Albit^sa &




i : REMNANT8, '




least amousr ,Jtho; wonor inventive pfogiess latJiod and Bysteid ot work

needed; yofireturn to n£

Bra,'you i ig

Urnsthin? else Idress TBU. Granit.out



%m!- ton;







1st pribe.1,400,!we

or any other jlot tl

to Cost not less thftn $l,50UTo the sejoondl one,'to

discount 7J) per cerj|

ieylot nd


I K yv<^^mmn ST., RAHW


JeSv:• . • ; ' ( • . •




to costl less [than $1,200, vferwill dikooiiafc 60 pei? centsubmitted and guarantee made as jto rL"""

Foil further jjartioulars apply


ele|(|t, of the same L|i a cottage on

will discount 80a cottage not tolie third to buile





oiyariotJB kinds on hand otnoUooat

_Wrtkindsand tBlans Boots.

r rates..

iano'i <":!•':••'



w of Jill


'•:)•-'.• L



7 :*e.Corner Cedar St.,

We have the he Elgin Nationa



) e

onleas th'ab














of other businessexclusive attention. ^

concluded,tcffOtire from the Dry Go<4it, 1888, and in order

manse stock in the shortyill'commence on \ Saturdat-iQ-rand Clearing Out Si

gam. Wiel^e now busy markingces, and lio loasonable offer vanythin^gj ;Ti\is is a splenaitisecure £oods less than oost. anabe missed. Remember, weintend to go out of the Drvf|Qbusiness April 1st. and everyworth |of stock must bebefore that time.

It will be no troubleeverybody is invitedaround.

* Bear in mind -.hat tihosefirst will get the best -Assortment •* ^






-O -10.D .1,?tne Music (

*ear, at "T


ISTjtsJ v v ^.IFLSL, X". J.





Important AnnoumDuring the month of January, and preparatory


.o our

let mteft.

TRW CROP].•vm.it Me

In this otfenne wiil b^ found the

«®*Newest Effects ana Latentof the season s importation.

R E M N A N T S O F D R E S S GOODS at prices mucn oeiofr tter vawtl


fvVFET rill

House.1[the mudIqnfre of J-l| 6 t t '


John Fetter THE Biitcko

IABEW. C.|on Tbun


icrate l J

ITHEBAXI.\ Friday ofl


market andl kills itBecause he always buys the best stock n ne

i everv^day at his own Slaughter House.

Beef, Mutton, Lamb and Veai,;

Corned Beef, Tongues ana Pork.Also, Smoked Ham, Bacon ana

As the warm weather appoaches you will, i find Fresh

keep better and taste sweeter than that brought from New V

, Yours truly,

—tfohii Fetter THE |ButcNo. 15 Cherry St., and 261 Grand

Four-Ton Standard Hay Scale for sale



i LBS. of 1l i t U K t

: LB«J of II t B A K I

IWm. b |eat's d a ]Extra •

[I. E. ch j

i Frfd.i Ibis e l l




There :

« Prestig nextJ

a Ibis c |Jeorge i

Mr. Q l>tw0 w l

father, i l


With, years practice and xperience, knowledge of js pertaining to Iiisurance,1^^1 confidently task!

ompanies atal continuance

patronage so generously bestowed in the pastAgent fjor.::/":^.FiremelisInsiiraiMJe

Fir© Association, PhJla.«4



4 sQueen In lurahce C).

d ! issnranceMerchants'Insurance Co.££,:if^?^^e«!!>rntten upphjaU kinds ofFumture^ Rents, Leases and other

i Farni Buildings ajSpedaltv^T I

London ijssurancetrance CMerchand




»se, W»




n&^I .

ytthoapes$r.>k,patterns, ^rbec-,go,nnt*jrrepr68PiirJ clileft,


ifoBtrwfc'of BChiju


mm m

piufli Tbueritasaortmeitt.-i

j Plait)





363 and Bte|W


Page 3: ta si - DigiFind-It · lta si In lit a ood Dr< t id 1 |incl%t|, mo Office at Baaway, N. J.j as' So^hd-Class liat^r, iliiii ... Mr. n Bennet tlty all thoso that wten to buy th tha


-.- i






low tt



and U





I Corppanina-contiuufi in the pa

fire In}1 &

igs, Me


Tongujh Killed Meat j


and miterial


of tie


tdon & 01°be>


Street, Newark!



Mr.ingemontsttsar,'under t

^ ^ l ^ O l i N E U - , . 1 tyori tinnterprisei0vvark.il


.. _ the , T, of the city weri»vagaln a'of ViPlre rjaudthe rlqj


, r - . . . . r w. .uwy.«/ nwRauiu a armed by•*•K« ««! the cry of ViFlre riaudthe rlq{ Ink of the

. l i . i . ^ ^ t e bell of- Bt; Paul's IplBcopal cturcb, and:^ f ^ S S S £ l « ? - - - ^ - «»tt.:Ww»M flatus lltiip'the heavens,fif ?iln n t t S , V Li proceeding from th§ large carria factorypi lake abou\ltwo tons of ft thl-wi5ely knoWn firm ot^fetfleld &

IJackBpn.'.Bltua.tedibn Ir»lag.ctreet, opUs own against all > posltej the elte of the'Opera1 Ho ipe which

• ! i | - . ' l :

^ 7 t S S . l f i M a l n B i r e c t :•_

-(,. « \ l ' | r 01TPIT8 at tnei'1;.,,,. n Si|>reJiii Main.

Musical Instrument-1*I at the MuMonnd

ihls week—

Us own against illff •>« v?da.used to good ajd-

p g o t& hand of boys, tyone In-fiance, whe 'iaro.\ra8j "no reciprocity"on. the part {storekeeper. ' "

% Eli 1 JKftn Dramatic Company,re8et Esq.,as manager, will

nve a wee entertainments In Wash-ington Hall 'i,into'ctty1; commencing 3kalOthjtlth Upular prices of 26 and j 8

% ElizwHh;M; M.lv a we

p he rite of theOpera! Ho iibe whichburned a few yeart ago.l Hat riening atthis hour of the morning, consid iraole time

at thJ admti

, y ; c g 3pular prices of 26 and


•tlon; Oailw!ton fett at Clt'HVKIL'S

KUnvtjy. Jcl.-tt

McCORMirK &|dot- i tf_

IOIW a> tlie Music and StationMu n strict. BPl f f i

cents, nt "I'll?Jan t)-U

pn vvltri1i u a p


?~S ilntn St.

PKCOHATTWi > n n « \ nn^ n u m e rIn, l^e^vnvf>f q

rv«nit * varleiv 0' ' M b r i t P i i n i u f c t u r

.1 nt Hie Musicnn^stah mri7u


FN '

•« v.ii. r)nisat Bottom Price:A ni>. foot otn»yo>c*str<*t]


KB.—Four c n t a ^• ta f6r ft . .sinUoWryBtore. 121

and upTat MoCORMl Kd

„, importedf.. ; al«o.ron\

9-1 f

THmtit[nn'ii ' r i f f , both gooda l o Portl

ArplT 8t Mllion avenue.

VP atlintho gnllon,

TO LKT,O L K T n o u s . l ,two acres of ground, pipnt

w l t lnut<« froJOSEPH T.

K — Spnoj-ate from tlientlng; fpj sale tiy ttie ouni-e. (atiMonery SJUire, 121 Main street.

ift,<r I ail'PS'•THE SUB

- I I T , 1MIA. <• r»'

.! forSi.Ue o|

-rocK of: ov*. i-tc. )vi•T -lore. 121 plain 8 t

e holiBs pralsoto;iAkepladejthjel6(8uilday evenly was pOBt]ofjlbe storm nttl nefctTWv. B. 0 _to make addjpses

Sheriff GlaW has 'jlby selecting icoloiconstables fp- the .Bryant, of Crmford

| departure he1 tf as gijvjry that went out.

j The funeral ot Ithe late Wm. Ftrom St. Paul'scity on Mondayoccurred at tho'II., at Perth


announcedJl.l.churchilast*"|ed on account

mday | evening,olhfts are expected

( before the-firemen'weto arouseand got the apparatuses upon t le grounand the building being of wood, with mucjhinflammable material in it, the flames hiBoon gained such headway itha it was im-'possible to savo iny portion of .the im-mense building, arid the efforts of the fire-men were very! successfully bent uponsaving the adlolnlntr buildings, which indude the Chapel of St. Paul's shurch, thedwelling and store of M. J. Joyne, theplumber, and the dwelling ana outbuild-ings I occupied)by F._L. Schuppman, andbelongln ~;lnk"to Dr.;;J. H. Bhbtwbil, onavenuoj, And never did any tie dy of .brave

t\i A An i firemen do betterjjwork! than Sn as done byen the record" | e herblo members ot the RaUway flre de-

partment on thia, occasion. The Chapel-«-•<-•-'*- '- * few feet frcm the burn-

[an as one of j thet terra—Joahua

honor of tho bew'charge of the first Ing building, "wis saved! wl h but little

damage by the scorching of the weatherboards and cracking of' ho window

eterson J widow of glasses by the hefct, as was a s»' the houseterson. toolc place I of Mrj Boyne, the;prlnclp<l lamaue to It

* church ln| this I" belnac iby water, the falling o! a portion of' . .DJt building

is fnrniture.

Bwopal church In] thisnrnoon.laat. Her duathdenceofheif son Wm;


" SAVAOB"BELFAST ?—1Ireland? Girefl^rhy so? Be<Ahl! "J



_ the national pa}n ofup ?i Earache,1 of course 1

tilt's Erlnl iear-in.)

•Year's.>888. j 'The Uni^lounty.Medicalioclety wlil

^ *»rlor8 of Mrs. Randolph, in

tho filling in from the burnupon it, and thejremoval of

Fortunately the wind wh ch had beenblowing almost a gale the fore'part of the.nlKhti had subsided, or the cin

: • * 'mm*:

thippaper wil\ be much interestedthefolloioing



"We have! decided to distributeamong the clidritab'o institutions•withia ft circuit o£ twenty-flva milesfrom New Yo

Tircufy-Opro rat a, as

Hall tho suraofVollara, ,

or tlw number;of duri"German LaMdry Soap" WrapptrsheldJby. each liiistftution on the Fi]ret

'of. November, l ^ - Commitday veto distribute

by ind or

tliis donation to' bellected- by irjsl!ituti"nB holding eajthousand or iii6re "Wrapp re."

This takes InMUeaotNewY )rk.

•on* w< r _IlttlTATldpiSIiatmdry

meet at IbtElizabetft,

»rlors of M s pWednesday, everting of

ill b d l l uweek.' Jlnpro will be a dlscuRslon upon aw e e k •••' A f l ( r 0 w i n oe a IUBCHMBHU upuBuhWtfntcresting to the profeBBion,|open-ed fiy-T)r. Mravlag, atterwhlch there willbeacolldtion.' I

a nu«rt. 6rMCKat MoCuRMXCK Utdecs tf r

- n o u s e . laronitiB,d i


JP3 l« ' t t - |

• s. thfy nrj» wort»> more nt whecntiindershlrt for 45 cents,

' No. * (pherry street.

OpntB' and•BISK," No. 4



New Jersey.



Papet*rleB, Bnvemilea,jot oren' d at the Miisla^ o 11ftnov 11-

! j The ntw Lehigh Valley Hallroad brancheoinethrouBh [the premises of Mr" Tbep.Folsom, in Westflpld township, has neces-sitated the demolition of his old dwelling:,for which he will be remunerated, an"Mr. B. F. Thorn, of this city, (has the coitract, we understand, to'erect for himnew dwelling. , LI The wires of the Teals, Electric Lkht Co.thftt were1 expound to the intense heat atthe burninc of Hetfleld & Jackson's fac-tory on Friday morning lost, snappedasunder, breaking the circuits governingthe lights at Milton and the lower part ofthe city. Repairs were made, however,during 8aturdav,and the circuit was com-

^ Defore night.

; j»r. and Mrs. Alex. Batts »nd Mr. andMrs. M. G. Uaney paid their weekly visitto Miner's Theatre, at Newark, last Satur-day evening, to see Mrs Langtry. Beforetaking the train for home the party hadthe pleasure of wishing one another a hap-py New Year, and that the closing hours

doubtless have been carried to the oppo-site side ot the'I street and over into Mainstreet among the wooden buildings in thatdirection. As It was, theintenso heatthoroughly blistered the paint on the frontof the residence of Mn John L. Freeman,opposite, and aeharp lookout was kept fortha falling spirks about the mouldingfabtory of Frank P. Freeman. Bcuupp-man's small barn, was pretty well burnedIn tide, it having been neglected to someej lent while the firemen were bendlntc alltbelr. energlesfj to s^vo the Chapel andB

' • • : / . .


,1 - O P -




o f*)?»•»«'SSKSffll1

i«t jreaf by


and «co tllnt cacliBLVB arid bearsTBADE-MABK Jo



•••• * I S S E. : z - i "


i Eyer^ person rjre^ntiingtlnsNATIONAL jT

of |their piircj in ftnj


, jDetermiried to haye no dullsaje of reliable good^, and nr"



lumiat-oiijT" a discouhib of sik pei

tmentj of 01

ent; clipppd fjbm mi

cenii'ott-i'eyei^-iv estabiiejinaent.-

•• i-\


now offering

msale ot reuaDie goous, auu^y ..v.. r . . — o -[Ladies' Musll a Underwear ever ihown in NewJYork. These goods]bought last July before the gTeat ad,vs,nce in •v"> •****• nf muslin: are elteed to be just|as represented, and rnibt beat one-hfllf tlieir value, A cleari iweepshall devote a jwhole, floor to the sale.


The NtwOct. 39,.i8Sj,in Ntw 1V.%35fiOO, dendwtrt dittribitint,

Thi systetlnumber 0/Laundry S<teach instilltheir /rieilcould, duri


of '88 may be as joyous as the flrst, Wasthe parting wish of four.

The fall and winter advertising rush be-ing now over we can devote more space toreading matter again, to which, we opine,our patrons will not object. Our columnshave been more than ever sought byadvertisers during the season just passea,which is an evidence that the advertisersrealize where they can best make knowntheir desires, and procure custom.

a selling offthe first of

a >y le's,; as soon as they were safe, two ortnre s streams Were directed upon the barnand the flames were speedily subdued-

Tl le water works performed handsomelyand no set of men could excel the firemenhj their good judgment and good work,andjit should put to shame any who havepreviously to stigmatized the departmentfor he actions of a few individual firemen.No praise that we could pen would be toogreiit to bestow upon those who in thebitter cold and amid the freezing|waterrisked their lives and their health to savetne property of others. We leave it for Ione who saw more ol It than we did (Rev.'Dr.j Norton) to give his opinion ot thefiremen in another place.

The loss on the Hetfleld & Jackson fac-tory, according to the figures of one of the i * ^ ' 1 ^firm, are about $10,000 on the building, $1>09fl-63;

and $8,000 on the stock and partly made *MtaaWork there happening to but littlo finished , LIHIS.work, on hand at the time. There was an CLiKTONInsurance of $6,000 on the building and —$0)000 on the stock, etc.

The origin! of the flre Is a mystery. Itwtis first discovered by Mrs. Scbuppraan'smother, who happened to awaken andobserve the reflections of the flames which


S * VSHT,.ri«tod in

f 113 Ciamoni


/ork Dailies :l'/ «'„"*ftlllishcti a •'k and Bre;ted by Chasited by com a" •

r of awardswrapper! «.'n/t turned •»tion, they I' 'th all of sgthc year a-

,•/ leadi

hated u'

v ratfe• Srft.O,


endingarititiwhom>* .$0//,

ig citi-

pon theermanittte byi from? 1 (hey1SP7.

one "''f larger-bentl-N. Y. Clwr: German H -

- - ' ft, $2,Gl«.3t); ><

i, are .l, $3,081.89; St.liutf Aiyhunof

i l f OuMisslori

Kronta, *l.iM8.85; Home <• rLlttlo Sister^ of tho Poor, fdown, 55 inlull In N^Y. Ci'

.. tion df Iminl-t in? AgMof tbo, I M ; und so ou


S. HiggiusAND PA«K »M--.

HAT AM 1 T<' DOThe symptoms ofppily but too wellsis first di8COYereo oy m m . Q U U U | ^ I U U U . -»-i •

itither, wh0 happened to awaken and happily but too well kn'•«». 'observe the reflections of the flames which in difforen, individuals u» somehad just sprung up. apparently, in her bed- Bilious mm is seldom i brcalropm, which was in range of tho window Too frequently, alas, In- i n art«n »i,o fnn.tnrv where the flre started, in the appelito fcr liquids but ii"t for aroj m, which wa ginthe factory where the flre

d d t t on thopwhere theredays—neithsmith depa

pps c floor, morning.

had been, no fire for ir had there been any flre inment, on the first floor, since

Is are un-hoy differbxtcnt. Aifast eater

excellentJolids of a

His tongue wi!i liarqly bear in.e y flewood department on tho second floor, morning. H g

h h h d been no fire for some spection at any time; i! itd f d it is roughp

and furredTho i

- r . - >•

cd to go into other business, whichinterfere with his attention to theand the healthlof his son Lewis C. hoslbeen such recently as to warn him that'hemust engage in<sorae leas confining occu-pation. Bee their new advertisement.

The bells of ibe city rang in the NeWYear, and the "Y O! boys" (?) yelledthe old year out. The snow that had fall-en the early part of Saturday evening wasquickly dissipated by the rain storm thaicame in with eighty-eight, and lasted duning the whole of Sunday. It cleared up,however, during the night, and no faultwas found with Old Prob. on Monday, asthe weather was salubrious.

-__ i There was enough "canal water")R_ I in this city on Monday last to float an oys-

ter Bloop, and a great many "schooner"rigged cra't wero seen beating to wind-ward in chopped seas. There was two ofthese crafts, with a pleasure party aboard,capsized while on tho "starboard tack"

=c5 in that localitythat would have caused it.] i h l J B desirI Michael J. Boyne desire to express his

thanks to the Rahway firemen, and citi-zens in general, that so promptly removedhis goods from his dwelling and saved it-> *«-- e,—„„ X f r nnvnfiM wife and

and tend

All the! knore notionf their own

i l

Ills guuua fiuui UUF u . - n

from the flames. Mr. BoyneM wife and All iutiriiveBuiu<,i, »»...,...„young child were kindly cared for dnring blindly, becausethey have nothe night and following day by Mrs. of the ii.ternal constructionPatrick Dunn until his house was again bodies than they hare nt the chemical

ed for occupancy. He had an insurance composition of a Bta "- -J—'-'•»• •»•«r_allof his property, of $1,700, and estl- human ttomach aspate his loss at $000 at Dr. F]W. Oliver'

fitted for occupancy. He had an insurance composition of a star. .., ._tv of 81 700 and estl human ttomach as shown in|the mamkin" ' ' at Dr. F - • -

N.J.,thl!y nmovu .. „„.means, end learn why the iiew quinine.


I means, ancl lea yto be more than usual called K>skine, cures it whed

isany time;it is rough, m nil events,

i wh )lly <


rne89 in the pitifTo correct all this, if not afTet

Grutbs J- ugu&t Flower, it costsand thou iands attest its clllcacV

ir lives most people take medicine

(will be



uof Our

119 and J 2 i

\ ^ ^ f HOk *—AAV.

,, Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery, Iand Children's |Hemj and Tuck Drawers,'lwith well-made'i button holes, at l ie. !I LOT No!. S - 1 6 c . ;

\ Plain Muelin Cheniisea, 10c.} L O T N O . 3 - l O c .) Corset Covers, Chemises, Drawers, trimmedwlthllaceajand embroidery, 19c.I LOtTlNf 4-83C. j

Ruffle, Drawers, very strongly

OFFERED.•e arranged for an .fext'raihe largest and finest' 'dis|)|

Ne Jthe p nice of muslin j ate

closed <{)ut entirely duringd t f f t

ut y gmade, and to effect

Tucked Chem

II Cambricinade,28o. |1 L O T N, O. 5 - 2 7 C .:; Embroidered Rnffle Drawers, CambricRuffle Drawers, I lain walking Skirts, 27c.i LOT No. 6 - 2 9 C .

L\ce-Edged Drawers, 29c.'LOT No. 7 - 3 3 C .

Embroider© 1 Raffle Drawers, PompadourWlki Skit 8&

1 No. 8 - 3 7 c .N|ght-Qowns, ;Chemises. InseijtJon

Eitbrolderid JSdge Drawers, >™«]

Shirts, 37o|,OT No. 9 - 3 9 c .

{Embroid sred Chemises,:ge Drav ers, 39c.

'JL.OTJSO.10-43C.High.nei ;k Lace Corset CoverB,

eredRufllp Drawers, Insertionlambric Ruffle Walking Skirts,

JLOT NO. 11-47C,. Embroidered Ruffle SkirtB,

drawers, Night-Qowns, high neckired Corset Covors, 47c.

koTNo. 12-40CEinbrolflerod Chemises, Nig|l

1 Rffl ,ses, Walking Skirts,


iace Rufl|ed Walking Skirts, 4^L O T N o . 1 3 - 5 3 c

Lace Chemises, EmbroideredEmbroidered and Insertion Drnbroidered Edge Skirts, 53c.








... -. flatulencyof the stomach

l a cure try.bulia tirifle




should inspect these goods. No auoh oppdrtunity wsecure underwear at such wonderfulljy lov' «-'«»<•offered cannot be duplicated by any otherprice.

Ourof $12 Newmarkets at $5.08 ; $6 JaqketsI $1.98; Children's $10 and $12 Plush Coais at $3 98

| 39o., formerly sold at 05c, 75c. and 85c, is still goi

]: ;Also » fine sasortment of underwear up td 78c, 89o, and $1.25, which pos

not be bought elsewhere for double tho money. Wejguarantee these goodsas represented, and not the shop-w6*n| stuff I sold by oilier houses at January shouse Is a, rel able one, and when wo ofEor bargains they are gcuniue burg»•nteod to bo tuch, and worth the attention;|of every lady in the land

A SplendidIt will pay'; ladies to purchase their unde:

markably low. Young ladies about to ma

ivelo b


wear at this sale, while the .•ry, and who are preparing thai.

We guarantee tuat tllouse in tjhe United States- for

t $1.08 ;$3 9

again tmtsagth

Children's $0 Eiderddv$408 d D j ^and and

g on, and every bargain sfearchershould take advantage of it.

BARGAINS ^VERY 0AY| IN EV|ERY•W Goods delivered free of charge within a radius of 100 miles of Newt

orders promptly filled.

nt the cHy examining the

at Dr F W. Oliver's druR stdre, Rahway,H J., thiy will seo what iadif&stion reallya ' iL lnarn whv the ^ew quinine.

other reme-drSenZPonThe^treeS! « Monda>7}p | 0 ^ ^ utterly useless


and, cenk

,nd prices, u n r If1"^" H wu» a u o t u ».....— ----«?.

,V MccoRMiCKfcBM baiiaata w ere badly shifted.decJ-t!

oaen week

llold their me units Mr. W. F. Roasell removed into WBk at s r. M.. l n the newly erected nnd, comraodiDus residence,enue and rdlfon t h e .lElmonte,1 on Elm avenue on Thprs-

lfe f th bJlld

n ^> .-< »•»> m this city

tTl' 'Lin

mmence In

\ \ r


I!ridpeport.Conb.• ar'sday.tho gfest of

the observance of New Year's. TtieH- * i ,quor dealers must have been liberal in dis- _ \ „ „pensing free drinks to callers. The sime ^ T " 1 8 ! 9 ^°?,D

¥ O I M " .seems also to have been the case In other tholoraejw, Kalkoska, Mi.l...places, judging from the following editor-ial in the Newark Journal:

This country, and this state,

. solely to Dr..(• Remedy, of H<

, ihU I liver ami kidney disease.a n d t h l 8 | w a s unable to go about.capsizea wuue ou iuv „. r

near the depot during the afternoon, and i THIS coumry, nuu IUIO o.»w., —it was a bard matter to right them, as their ;city have done altogether too much in the w a | m}™ Io g" »"""'• - r - -- - •U-H.O ,O „„„ hftdiv shifted la»t ^c^;: by vtay of furnishing testa for a n d , ,c aa_d o a ma,° 8 Y 7 k 0 I l m y

J f . n

anivsumea. « « i . J «nio i« . Every newspapei Bntt" a r a v s Uold, u^ both lands tor^Dr.r i v..*nnAv>a -ffnvrirlte Remedy. Price $1 a

citylast week by v«ayteroperan<» sermons

i d h been full

shall always holdKennedy's Favorite Remedy


t h e .lElmonte,1 on Elm avenue on T p?ay last The construction of the bJlld-mg la first-class In every particular andvery nicely arraneed, Mr. E. Muddell, thehuilder, who is the father-in-law of Mr-


printed hts been full of accounts of dlsori ^ u . a c 1> %*•• -•-• •der and crime directly caused by rum, and bottle, Six tor $5.it seems »s If the local news of yesterday I —was raado up of little else. Drinking and A O^ASD OITOMTN-ITY.-Idrunkenness have been everywhere. It is ciothiersof 815 and 817 Brod

.,—_,. T. •„ .»„„„. o),»mfi. „! , n l j . (or several yeari

| pally doDe by his own handsWe acknowledge the receipt of a hand-

some New Year's token from Miss J. M.


whenmuchwhole year.

»• -cost


now i of> "

bound book of. photographic vieprominent buildings and scenery in Bristol,Clifton and vicinity, together with a verybandsrtme New Year card and a sprig ofEnglish holly, witb the berries, which'hadbecome pretty well mashed ini thei journey

ocean. ,I'Brunswick, -was « - : t-nrtay was an oxcellent day for ther stay-athome-from-church peoplb. The

snow which commenced falling Saturday• 1.' day for the brgan- afternoon, turned to rain, late in tjie even-•iit i-f-Kislature, Of New ing, which continued throuehout the |fol-

~ lAwintr dav. the weather greatly moderat-• - * A-l- -1 .1 ai

the 2d

Amos H. VanHorn, the great furniture for thdman, of Newark, gave] the third' annual first to]supper to his employjes on New Year's " |night (Monday.) Plates for thirty wereset, and besides some of Newark's digna-taries. the follo^rine employes participated:E. P. Clement, Otto Harris, Chas. Wil-cox, J. W. Walpole. John Parks, Thto.Henderlang. William Griffith. Wm. Rem-ington, C. Rowe. Silas VanHorn. CharlesDean, Williami Delaney, Herbert Kline,Joseph taller, James Lent, Frank Coean,

•• - «-_ i » rt^mni Wi l l iam Gun-

dec 23-4w.

Colyer & Co.,d street New-

passed havef tho " 'is wehave

t,s down to thecose me... uu.. jthis only lasts

month and the first o come will bebe served.

close them out

r. C E. Bar-1I owe

Kennedy's,N.Y. I hadfor five years

now well.

J. Udolitenstein! Grand, Eldrldgc and Forsytli Streets

$2 A YEAR.

Three blocks East of the Bowery.

The Largest Fancy Good* HOUB6 in (lie |! State.

Bee Hive!NEWARK, N . J.

II I (


Holiday Presentati


••.-••:;|:•;','; !/,-/i-v;'.^i;:'.;::;^''..C'?MS:W&i?:

i ••'•.



v1-:*&&.- i • j.':



^_-i-AND IN






Silk, L a w n a u d Linen l iandker<ch! eft for H o l i d a y Presents , i-f—y100 Silk HandkerchlefB, small checks.18 Manloure Betts, etc_

coloW large size, 25 eaehworth 50c. I I>r«8» Goods [for^ HpUdayBrocade Silk Handkerchiefs, white,

and colors, 40c. to $1 each.Sil^ Mufflers, jsvhite* cre*m and colors


, cream

$1 toCto $3 each, j 1 !

rCai bmere Mufflers 50c. to $1 each. plain colors, 40 to 47cCh ldren'a Linen Handkerchiefs in Fancy 5,000 ydsi Dress Goods, pic

11n box, 25c. • " plain colo/sl 0 to 25c, por yd" ' " *- v » ™ f'"llnn<l fast COlorS, 17

Ch|Box,littles' Linen Hemstiched Handkerchiefs15,13. 20,T25,80c. up,

Ladies' E " "2°L&"PColored Embroidered Handker-chie

Li dies'

nts' W e n Hemmed Handkerchiefs,121 > 80o. each.He l iday



is | BO Kjsseavjj

•jsar it»•ment

w^kar.adies' extra long Cashmere Gloves, 25,

,40,50c. ' \I adies' Merino Vests, long sleeps, 40,

$ $12550,adie M75c. $1, $1.25.d i ' B l t

oupje the I

n Gpats atGfiods at


28-ln Wool filled Tricot, 28c wo80-in. all-wopl Tiicot 47o

0 i l l b l Dress Godds"-in", all-wofl Dress Golfs, cheikBUnd^

!LSte t^J^As.{ aid cJecl diNew Calicos, fast colors, Tand^i

, OVJB. up. , 82-in. extra heavy Calico, now p|att£rri8,

ibroidered Handkerchiefs, 15,110c. /Holiday Bargains fn Bluck Chsh

m e r e : • • ' i f •'•- •dies Colores 25 to 50c. each.

i i l H

mere.40-in. Black Cashmero,, 30, 60

00 70 80 nd $1fflalHoVMtttdied Handker- 85c. worth 00. 70, 80c. and *h

msszssssHalf B.leached Table Linen, 20




5 g ,\m

P r c


ds, cheiks andL

aids, cli eel and1

d 8



2J5' 8 0 ,

andalnt >J» ^ .Blerlno Cnder-

& • fB&riet Medicated Vesft, *1,

^fiiS'Balbriggan Hose, navy and seal,, worth 50c, or

Ladies1 Black Hose, regular made, 2.J,

40,50c* ., iFull Bleached Table Linen, 50,

$1-Red bordered Table Linen, 30 aad^Oc,big bargain. -.. , '•'

Crotchet Quilt , 80c,r. - n .


i£rf leUle8Q,»Holiday Barcaiiis In BlaM

d Comfortablcg ly Barcaand ComfortablcgFull size

$1 50» up.White

d Comfortablcg .Comfortable's, 75c. $1

tS^l, $i.60,*2, $2

35,40cjadies' Fleeced Hose, regular made, 25,40c.

Ladies' Hose, black and colors, 10c. and

\k fnll line of boys' and girls' hose from

(Ladles' Kid Gloves 89c. $1 and $1.25.fjancy Articles for Ho l iday Gifts


^ 1I\r-wooTBiankots,*exYtan%'Ba*OT*ra:;;

fme.U-4 and 124,-|6;jl«. ^..wcjrth $0,;

IB for. - • ' • • • ' - . • ; v > : ' -


Bargains In Silk tmbrellHoliday Pi-csents.

gilk and silver 1






lowing day, theing.

eather greatly mminiBteraotthUcltyal-

A. Griffith, *Wlll!am Ounwell/LoulB Otto, Arthur

86me of theres inavB uccu ,T.».U Mr. VanHornn. eighteen and twenty-one yeara

respectively. Speeches, songs stories andrecitations followed the removal of thecloth and Mr. VanHorn was highly com-plimented as a citizen and businessman.

Mr. William Jewell nd family narrowlyescaped asphyxia «nd death! from the in-

ation of mephitic air. at his residiUnion street, Tuesday morning last.

>. fleems that through some 'defective con-dition of the chimney flue tne house be


• ; » «

theore aWSct and in doingswooned a

rledb<irtoiasb, dilfcoverethe fuiine'* ofchildren out

twenty-five years , isi a graduate^

unity DEP#T

No oiher Store in the Sta|e wi\l of-fer such assortments as we hav| foryour inspection. ! i

No other house will sell yo(u, w|thsmall ai profit, as we will i

Buying Immense Quantifies,Selling [immense Quantities, i

"" ' i early in the molrning.

a i M Yeaf Cps.


Largest N

Phoi o Albums and i Franjes,graph and Scrap Books, Dolls anfits, Fans, Leather Goods forgentlemen and children

j l rd


!>• ?ir«dike, <i t h i s•'• P-Mif Ccrjurdl a y Tt , is wil l

' thtAVlMj'.!':.

of the 2d M. E .M(\ Hcv. Mr. Egh<M.K rhurch, will



*SM). uli,,,rM ln „,.(«* . . l ^ s s s r ^ s ^*i the advanced • # ot over;

""•Dec. 1'4, i7 M^ , Mn, wn in GoUen#n| Ban-| ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ t w >

SOI) i

/ H e r Coifimisl'Js seriously

'r*k of p\(i^•rted qu\i^ critical.

' <»:•<! i t s <

In' it«viriai



Dress' Goodsv t 1»X\

rents up.itTCllicft,

d*, | MIII.IIl M< ( i l isses and

of theelder of tho A. ta. c u u i w » -. . ._.

district, made his last'oflldal visit toipecond church of this otty on Tuesday

evening, on the occasionbis terni


> conrort Vo u riven b$j m-,"*'I" i havi «ceived a jcoi

withast of

regard, forwelfare

' i tt lbgttne|-^:M r c_.T ions wre,| ytd$m Bf Tte,


'*>«)•, in the IiaptUt church

><«H.TaDHf.rn Bends coply^ ioo late"'>* fpacc thin w e e k a n n o u nfcirig great b e c l f tiin» " J - y , " •pB,Tti fo. • . - - r T i , n

*t«nMn carpet, M d furniture jto c low reason o l i v ^ g ^ " ^ , i physical in-j'^mal hne. of good8 afterUck talc, ye^i^^^^^-.i^Mtf:^,

hV'vU^ "ridBMon announces - . .

4-rch l\lh.°mas'fnrmfr'y offoiijBethev • IWs city, \? unite BI

^ " attack of malar ia l ,



5«r- A. flchneldcr teceivod 4 vfery!

,^ze piece _surmounted wilk "^ ''

be guardian'isa^eat-gr?identjofthe

NewinYorkcity, AiiRn: H; Qailatlv* of the!iwnM was prt


fa respondent the PP ^ S i d e r a b l ^ B t a t o ^ ^ ^ rhe

.!-• ^-I»«n1ir instalKO »Di? " " . A n r.7%1. O. ••»'AtliMi.-*---..-.-.:<;,-'-v--ii-.-1- ;T^'.~^I:-^'}^



mm&ssmsirand pulled ontthestragcleWnile the bustle a6d rush

we l>ad no leisure to salso, in the court;counsel on one elde,

•" '•• o n t h e

ile the bustle awe l>ad no leisure to sdaro:for any but thfect goods. Endsattandy goo Is stick, brokenprtmeoteonoverycountcr.anytblDgtbathaaered .from caret tB'handling wore pashftd

MftheBenilDgaarejUstaBgoodh ck

and ex-Comptrol erjdf 1H; Campbell, a r t ] 1

as present M a wit-

assprtmeBuffered .

i d e | A


lence'ioJOl^on Saturday.t

i c y being ionfuctelBC^! The«m»lnfr^



^^^mw^B^v*yt and


[Mnen Tulblc §el».rets, Fla|no (|




overs.man CmI^wWieespi


ere itu'i sale.ofche^p clothingtllke^de paper dJtdeiTvairv lor

d tead

. The following^g-rgj theiri redpecuro Airman, -

talked toLait^ta?




wcrowds jgone—a?

ounrer AH

er, w e h yWe istoreld array;


gilt-' Ime trade wasro:for any but thegoo Is stick, broken

wi0^ffiBazaar. BrwwJ, Halsey,

,'i haveraisWseUjliavo been



-t-IUfribri ->< 1 • 1 •

!. . . • I • . . \ - H ! » :(BXCKPT OSS IK B U Z A | | * | p -

dsFme Hosiery

j len and c h ,

esj, gentlemen arid chijmd Boas, Clocjcs, B

k L F


genfor ladMuffs md Boas, C l j ,Hat and Coat Racks, Lace FjichuSlippers, Plush Lambrequins,Stand land Piano Covers, Aprondren's plush and •• worsted' Caps,Umbrella [Stands, Chenille Poelegant La|ce Curtains,- Smokeffsbles, Floor Easels, Blocking Set

' k e Bles, Floor E a , oocks,'Smoking Jackets, BoV

Misses Sac'ques Ladles' SacjSmog J eSac'ques, Ladl

P l h d Ses' Sacjques

i P C



ki Ink

B o iramedubber


. Cornitlemen

•' andall theildren's

AuLlSSe i.hjav\^w\.»| — ,-_Gloves, Plush and Satin £jn Cdshioins,Kniv< s and Scissors, 6dor< and^OushionSets, \ ?erfumeries,iElegani Display ofNove tieSjiiFancy ^rnpty CandyjBoxes;Chris mas'. Tree Qriiamerits,

fine Quilte Skirts,Garrients' elegant Plush I andPape Papeteries, Ca! digan" atic]Jack* ts, Tfoy Trunks] boy'k anRubt er Boots, Chatelaine •SilveiWatch-es, KnifBrpche Sha'vls, Fbckejt Oom-panurjs, Ringsi for j ladies, geand children,; y a t c h / ' 'Chartns, ^loth-bouh^ No^eleading Authors at 29 cents,Ghristma?. Bpqksjasc., Ha ad T ravelingBagsi; Tojlrist ^lieatnet' Sets, I Fancy

1 iWajte.Plain and Pain led P acques,- • • - - • ; ' 'K l^^ i ?adi^moker is;


Come While You Can


841 BVay, cor. 13tlTOR

, andest 1 low.




dren Furs,Vases,, Finelegant

chilp BrassPokicres

, Has-s Clothing,

J Coats,


tfvTD IMMKDIATBLTLolesalehousoon mH WD01USUIO uuuui u u »i.w»

nomes. (Sent, any distance)" m d e Everything\i"m\fig made. Bverythlog• W*fl. Address Ar'lstloeee.



t, NQYttTlc. M. ', FEK PROFIT andlI CENT." canvassers JBlectrlo Belts, Brusf-

ed for Elrctrlo Coneitco for terms. Dr. Scott


,WtiiCfflfeBTf CUM'WttPC![iieittn'gi-M*- • -in- -I',:


: -v;.:'-;i:; •

tmei las





bftce «uue.



JrnbrellasjCanes,[Goliars and




HAIRthowgj,I t clcmnscahair blUnt

Me. am


T adedleSSrk at. thelV

Go paycahParti1'

For fine- 5or|INSTANTAKEdU

AT M 0 D E R A 1


T E N T Storolron)ar.






le Krsj


Within^ the Eeach of 111!aim at this time to place our goods so low that the

lid N one should 'fail to secureIt will be our «um *v ««» «^.« . . re neatly dressed by the Holidays. N o one should'fail .toj' s,ecure

Dress Suits at the low price of $7 , and'then if-you wisli.td completjour $3 Overcoat will give you a neat su i t *' .'• .:'•• L- i ; 1 vv;j

poorest canone of ouryour outfit,

$3 Overcoat will give you a neat suit.

Goat, Pants, Vest aM OwGoat for $;This suit is worth $ 1 5 0 ^ Our $ 1 0 . ^ Diagonal 3-button Wai

d to the finer grades Our Kersey and Hgonal 3Our Kersey and

h i t



HadeAnnual sa'.ejj

k • Bi-r-Qenuine onjlronLiehi<fl






Chillinate., suit Ban

handsome, and so on up to the finer grades. Our Ketsey; anq»»coats is iuperior W any, and we wouldJbe pleased to show yoii the

Jffeste 6v^coats $2.99, $3.|b i i iEverything is on the tumble, and sweeping;redi|iGtkns,",at'ihi^'.t:

every purchaser an advantage of a reduction .of ']z\ )er j ceriL j',^worth $5.06 This is,np sham, and yet people will gjo n>iles t<*/*garment sold for a inuchhighetprice. • v * ; ' 1 ; i : ^ f, We dp not iritcrid to resort to any fictitious'adverlisin^^o *

store. We'are hwe'to stay^and asfor.'Qut-of•io>n>n.,clbthi|e!rdvu:cannot he"done^nor will iteverbe,T!hlyiri.printers'in|?vandnjclothings ;JlnBoyy Suite t ie prices range from $2,7^,'$y to $|Stnts $i.75,',$ijlt6 $12.50." In Men's Pantaloons you Icarij ; <


dng 'Suit is Ielton Over-'e goods., * -

: '\

me, TOIL give,;

•e this same.

• I





rj-r^b'^ fej^iJS

derioioVe9*i), specially tor.



W M 1



* > '



i,,;<Mf^?*•' «r:>


Page 4: ta si - DigiFind-It · lta si In lit a ood Dr< t id 1 |incl%t|, mo Office at Baaway, N. J.j as' So^hd-Class liat^r, iliiii ... Mr. n Bennet tlty all thoso that wten to buy th tha

fonal'Di mocrat.

«H.;ohose i freeholders of* PC




Dec. 1. 887.'

of tho board of

counly of Union

Decimber 1, 1887, at

H8.8QohcIockr siPreUl-DirfHo " f ' f 1 »nd.i-Freo

Howard, Houston,y



Kleinlmus tit tell, ! Nolle,


Kyte, KlcD. Itoll, Tliompsbn, Vanderbeek,

k Wcd.-10 'bnt-FreeliolderCinnody-lT minutes of I ist Reeling (omllting

list of of,bills onlercil pui<>ud

holder Wtst


I) vycru read andi '

to take a recess

c nndiliiig com-

ipitleo tlrao to audit buliir.ee of bills. Car-

••recess nl| the moiontexieptFruliMrter Ca

Boatd of Clwun freeholders of theCO.MMUNICATI

To theOtunty of UnionG E N MIBUBN :—Permit

nticutl >n 10 certain clains Into sheriff ngidnst tlioI was elected in tlio full oeil Upon iny duties as

iTucsdi v 'nfler t i t wen1 Woven}bcr A I) 1881. a

'or tlio full term <ofllcewit.iuiBiicceeisheriff.

!fecB anIng jtocounty

of188!arid seplace onncc ofsaid bojail ampristine a.

Thesuch shforeyo1

ibers wero pres-


me to call yourbil I h

yns wbicli I have


tII November 11, 1od by Geo. M.• l l y commissionI iLe rljflit tocollecmy snid oflicc. Iauthorities liud tin

assumed: 'offleq. taken »county jail, a cerlnin Sir.tlmt tin? as agent for thJioldere control thereof; tli

tlio fuid board elm:KJted'ono SylvesierIjttr. Marsli, who,ray term us such

freeholdersray teiraof

of Union.1881 ami enter-

joriff on tlio firstMonday in

d continued inthree yenifl, to

84, when I wasStiles, E»q , asgave to mo all, all fees pertain*

found that theawfully, when Isseesion of theklarsh having al

board of free-at in the ppriugijjeil their ageuiCiiUill, Esq., inluring the bal-lieriff, kept forossrssion of the

excluded me from

iw beyond qtiestioiirlff the sum of I?y prisoner commitl

nlsoga\erao the sum of twelve cents foreach pc&on discharged fron prison.

By law I was entitled to lie turn of tencents! pi r dif m for ench prduring riy said lerm.

JJesTd S the use of thein and connectednnnexei

I respto cause

kept atknown i

eel fully aBk yourtills claim to be nt

I am realty to lie guidedbat lime by I lie i\as a warden as lotiu

ers victi aled, received anding my erai.

Very RTi

On mition of Freeholder

control of the

gave to mo asenty-flvc centsid to prison. It

soncr victualed

various roomswith the jail.K-norable bodyonce iidjmled.by the recordsut of your bodynlier of prisonli'chnrged dur-

spectfully,39 FoBSYTII.

West received

law be eiven In orilorPto obtainJet of (ho legislature kl its! nextS bi i l i i f ect nn

a; specialsessioni to

S'nble ilMi" lK»»rdi i f erect tuwjbuHd -aJrnwbr|dgi) itcross! oij. over tae"ver Hi iiH lersL'Ctloiii " ! "

_.recf.|n-;-EllJ!iibelfi.-lN;tJ.director or this boilrd.lt Iiei - .l > sign Mid nolle* i i far]behalf,*.--,,---(onniy:attorney. dirdctedi to.prepare landl )ok after, tho |rtiw»g<| <lr ""'i14C - :% ',"'

FreenbiderAV'cst moved its adoption,

which was orri-il. ,' ! JBy Freehplder LJttelll: ' jResolved, Tlmt the• 1*11?? Of it, 8. New-

bery for building lirtdge near th) residenceof Mr. BIeik% amounting to $ 5 0 , hi percontract, bo pHl<l whin prbperJy audited.

; |Ou motion of Fi|e>lioIjlej-:Del»bif adopt-ed unanimously. r.\

: ; I i . :|;- ,By Freeholder Howard:; i . IRe#Ace<l, Thnt 'the Mil of F. F. Winans

amounting 1<J flfiy-jO^e dolhrs and fiftycenu bo paid when properly apnrojred.

Freeholder Thompson moved itj adop-

tion. I IOn roil call adopted, unanimously.By Freeholder Thdbpson: : [._Retolvid, That, tixo ditterent ^oH clerks

throughout the county be compiDijated tothe nmount of $3.00 Who wailed upon theclerk of the board of freeholdera] ut Eliza-;belli to receive instructions for workiDgtho new ballot boxes. t ;

Freeholder Roll n)o|ved Its adoption

TOnBFarftwell,:BdvraM MiUOTki

iftnnist wart 3

( F a e m «Va^va1i Rahway *15-John,ICiarK4tU' ward Kahway $7.50; M. 8-MCrowellUi ward Hahway ji* Now providence;Mattmns

^ Ge5ilV|Lt%wnm^vagK|.g•IM.T 2nd word Hniuvrfty $0* Jo& J* FrftDKHH Jp lsc

SividNeetus Jr., 7th ward W - , US Oscar B.Snston wris t ' vard Elli. li.BO; Crantora,, J.' C. Ttanlrtn 18; Matthias T. Hoagland «d 6thart EUht $W C anrord. Wm. I). B golow $15;raaford,'F ll Irving: $8; Cranford, pavld A.rcrettMf ( W . / . flooney 4th ward, Biz., »9:

Lost by the following jvdte,Ayes — Freeholder*! D

Kleiuhnns, Roll, Thompso;Nays—Director Hubbtfrd?and' Fi

Lit to

Iilcks,rlgbl.^-6.eeJioldersI, Nol le ,

i nnd rerefred to legal cjommitleo nnd

^county t tjorney.,To (he I oarcL of Chosen Fr eholden of the

Count:/of Union: \8overa.bills for serving nibpocnas arid

witness fees paid lo witnesses for tlio pur-jjpse of Uifelr attendance "

•'of count i) canvassers hni


befhave I

me for i ]y approval.I am unable to approv(

advise tllievo the board of canvassersauthorityissued.

other thanby the loards of election,evidenceillegal, ciusequently the if suing of tho

re the boardecu banded to

the; same ore reason I be-exceeded theirbpoenos to beno power to

termiuin? theunty officers,

the returns made but and signed

blr payment, for tlward of can vasserIn directing saidPUP net give9 then

receive duly evidence, in dof the different c

o be taken by

subpoena) and payment ofillegal.

Tliis w is fully established

nnd any othericm would be

itness fees was

in case of tbe18), where theState tf. <3overuor (Dutch

chief justice hold that the bonrd of countycanvassers had no nulhori y to look be-

official returns. All other evi-ontside of thislorized. The

hind thodeuce produced before themwould] beBtatuto'islion. Itcanvasserthe resulthe psrsoionly uponproduced

directs that the bo

Nov.! •

illegal nnd unautoo clear to admit c f misconstruc-

rd of countyt fsbnll make thui' statement of

and their determination as toi wno chall be el«the staloinents wand laid before

directed by said act.

On motiDn of Freeholder \and placoc on file. '


Tho quarterly statement'owas readDebbie pi

Directorballot boxand thoyboxes. Oi



and on motion (qed on file.


Hubbard stated4 bad uot arrivedL H U U U UO

wished to

it was unat imously ugreed to.1 By Freeholder Debbie:

The Pamphletg to

this countyHall balloplaces throigbout the county.

box at th<election diethis countyirregularity

borrow Imotion of Freeh

. ._. IJIWS of 1&B7Sections made it compulsory on

ed, upon andlich Eball behe board as

ABD,ity Attorney.est received

B-Jthe wardenf Freeholder

that tho newor Plainfleld,o two extralder Howard

to procure the ne\boxes for tho so

s, Thu 6uid boxes linving therenew and untrieddand locking thenthis county, nece

on certainfor workin

, fore used iint least oneof the seve nl polling-places tlicounty 8lio lid receive instrutho proper manner of wofki

Member of the boar I of electionsroiighout theotions ns toig tlio ballotng place onthe voters ofagainst anyagainst thoaid instruc-

t s respective pollfor tho benefit of

arid also to guard•'that might nrisi


our designated by)f ;| costs nnd iuco ivcnience to

Hie county

such instru

VVood nnderal pullingand

conirivnuce3nut hcrulo-

isittiting that

elcctfdn lavfs of this state iftmnsliadnH been given; nnd

WHKHE*S; The clerk of th s board didissue his ncljcp to certain members of theboards of c ectlon in the seve-nl cities andtownships throughout the counly, forthem to api war and receivo s icli instruc-tions' and such members did appear at the

themselves lor their business, andWnKBBAJjTlie snid law (iocs not spe-

chilly provl leany compensntic u or loss thatmay bo sustained by tho member of theelection bo? rcl who was so notifled to re-ceive eucu instructions and which wasactually ne itssary to conduct thi election,at theii-resjebtlTe polling plucfe hi a propermanner and according to tbe provisions oftheaforesail lnw.j therefM-elx it;

X Tli.al th6 lega com,mitteo with

such notice

lUorncy take tbe natter underi'-,and determine upon what

compensate riiliall bo paid to uch of thenumbers oF:th<3 several tlection boardswho were »>ppttfled to appear to receivei appear Io receive

tions if any, aud repWi tho same' t J l i t ti

[lowanl, Houston, Kylo, LIMPierson,; Vanderbeek, W fist—9.

Not voting. Doty—1.Absent, Curmody—1.By Freeholder West:Reunited, That all bills and claims against

the county involving the payment ofmoney aud requiring the approval bf theauditing committee, rnUBl hereafter wopresenteil such committee on or beforeeach Wednesday next preceding! the regu-lu'r meeting of the board, aud allj bills notso presented shall lay over (ill next regularmeeting. I I •' •

Freeholder DjbWe moved Its adoption.Tho motion was adopted uniuiiriously.By Freeho'der West [ :f

WIIKHHAS, It "apjearlDg thlit; underthD old law the Sset Jersey J supremeccrtirt has decided tliul the Bheriff of thecounly of Union iaeulilltd jto Uio posses-sion of the counly lull and thoiDitstody ofthe prisoners tliereju, and llmt FrederickF. ulasby. the sheriff 6t tlie county, nowhas the absolute possession of 6iiidxj iil andthe custody of said prisOnera therein,tlmreforo it j

Raolved, That this board!; take and as-suras the benefits of llio provisions of anact entitled "An act to ii)thorlz9 theboard- of chosen freeholders io the sev-eral counties of this state to assilrne andxerclBe thecuitody, Irille, Keephig andli'ir 'f of the cokinty jails iu their respec-

tiyo counties and of tne prisoners in suchjails and for the regulation aud manage-ment of such jails anil of the prisonerstin-rein," approved March S8, 1187; andthat therefore this board by virtutf of B»idacl do now and hereafter wuTa&si me andexercise the custody, rule, keep ng audcharge of Hie jail of ihij county and of theprisoners therein in accordance with theprovisions of the same, and for thnt pur-pose alial! appoint a warden and matron ofsaid jail who shall hold office for tlio termof five years' and until their successor orsuccessors arc appointed, and such; wardenso appointed lo give bond for tie faithfulpcrformauce of his duties in such sum andwllh such sureties as this board may re-quire nnd as provided b^sald act, and whois also to assuino all the liability for thoescape of any prisoner in his charge orother mismanagement'ot said'jail'as is nowimposed by law upon the sheriff; and it isfurther

Resolved, That the director and clerk ofthis board be aud the same are herebydirected nnd authorized to file a certificateof tho action hereby taken by this boardwith the secretary of state, as directed byaforesaid act.

On motion of Freeholder Kyte adoptedunanimously.

By Freeholder Doty:Retdted, Thnt tlie bill of J. F. Luby be

paid when properly audited, the amountof bill being $50 as per contract.'

Freeholder Debbie moved its.adoption.On roll call adopted unanimously.

By Freeholder ETyte:Resolved. That the salary of warden be

fixed at $1,850 per annum.Freeholder West moved lit; adoption.

On roll call adopted unanimously.4

By Freeholder Roll:

Resolved, That the salary of matron befixed at $300 per annum.

Freeholder West moved its adoption.On roll call adopted unanimously.

By Freeholder Howard:

That bond of warden be fixedat $5,000, aud making sureties not less thanthrco.

On motion of Freeholder Kyte adoptedunanimously.

By Freeholder Kyle:

Revolted, That the present committee onjail inspection bo authorized to prepareand submit to this board such rules andregulations as they deem best adapted forthe proper management of the county jail.

On motion adopted unanimously.By Freeholder West:Resolved. That a copy of the resolution ju

rej&rd to llio nppolnlment of a warden undor tho law approved MHYCU 28. 1887. iogeiher with a demand for the poa^esslon ofthe.jnil and the custody of the prisonersIherein MS served on F. F. Ulasby. thesheriff of the county, and thai the same beturntd over to the jail committee nnd war-deu elected when such demand shall be BOmade.

Ou motion of Freeholder Roll adopted.Freeholder West moved to proceed to

electa warden.

Freeholder Vflnderbeek nominated ChasW. Dodd. of Plainfield.

A ballot being taken, O W. Dodd re-ceived 14 votes; blank 1; and was declaredelected warden.

Freeholder Pierson moved to go into theelection for matron, and nominated Mrs.Fnnujy Dodd, of Plainfield, I

A ballot being taken Mra. Fauny Doddrcceijed sixteen votes, and was declaredelected.

tl io following bills, audited and ap-proved, were read and ordered paid by aunanimous vote;


it i

c y, aud repWi tto lldsbpara'at Jlieir uext meeting.

Freehold r; Roll: moved its adoption,vhjc)i:wa8|ost i 'i

By Freebililliler jVanderbeek: jaring Ihn,

t1 thy-Hiley ^ s on May 20. 188. by the court :of general quarteI the county f II for the lerm of

• • - • | - - »[ flno of $200 nnd|py, prosecution'I Hiat llio sailj October 29,

\ t r C 4 b imidcm


<v rccMfine 6f>200 has 1

l|(i-:s>tlil Onhill onks;; therefore boint. this boiird i_

2 iiiil Utiu aud costs

! lifer- bv

' • I 1 ' -

¥,., upprovaVvn!

one Titno-, 6enlenccdsessions to

five monthsp $ 0 and

?And it furlheiRiley escaped froi$$3. and thnt.lhot^J/Vy has used'nbout; tlio; turn

^ rccMpI urb thof $200 h

he costs ofappearingthe jail on

vardun Syl-voiy effortof $125 iusaid Riley,

y uunthat the

it'..said Caliillllutyj, collector's be

A'm»1rtf0ityfim ot this bowj 4- 6n;moilo i.jif.Freeholder *"

i,[ uuaulmousl;

icier Houston:g liy resolution ofy| 7.1887. tlmt theee>b build a brider at Spencer sti


ei'h cunrgIhc county

th herebyso Imposedthe same haid cbargito strickenoks, on tinIgo of sale


thisrepojrt ol

a over tintet was in-

fore bo ii! P O r t < ) r 4 l d « ) » « n i tcsollUion or this board in >ebechanged so as tb read 8um.g

Mreet, au<

tli6,notlc« I [quired bj

8mltht8.5O; Wm.RunkleHosen&er w, ~"Gerard r •

»U.«; Wm.'.A.Fanwood F k

Drakefsl.GO: Bejamin S75; Kaiper Pucto.I7.S0; jfaeob Klein

Wm. nunkie $18.I"oyne Itzw; cranti



Cranrort; IstaosrwuV"lariesWart



Jaa blMom I s : Salg C h S l e ^ - 0 ^ - ^ " 'y J . ,jez«7<88

.J.00;M.i J.$S07; Jacob

H. J:DlxonJabez8aul t |Amo3blxon

; J O n 8 w l r tcoroner* Account-rW.

ccount-ouver & Drakemsi-ElMte M. i

3 *


;A6eotint>-IS.60;'JpseGeorge ,w


nei, Petora



Wayyi8t -y

Sway" Sdfarti wart

Kllz., >Clias. 0 war


White;: Lead.-PoJnW,

anaaiaige'Bnd weil


PuttJ-polon, and P^i itera' Haterial^ j

of aU ktads.jtc jetlier with' a

i c >f |

• f • • ^ * * ^ ~ - ^ i

%r Call and examine

njour ilno promjp


twr c1 vandevJillahan id Bnd

r 4tu ward Kllz.. ifl; John J..ward Klfc, S8: Randolph 8.

wartward Ellz.,[8i Lewis :


~ ^ >" "" - iMmltlltfi:colHlor II. K U

man Dunn,J4: E. a


Having'roy uenilost sue

I |«m pinff prices:


to do

MOO7 80

, win. C. Btanberry JU; Clarfc0- Jacob Majrcr Id Sad wart'Ott 4th wart I'lalnflold $17.-,

Freeholder V|nderbeek moved to ad-

journ.The director declared the board ad-

jhursday, Jan, 5, 1888, nt

2:)!0 o'clock r. -\i.\, 'CitApi-E? E. REED. Clevk.

14 teeth., mooteeth looo

9 oo

New rrtjeoss,w

c ad )pted new weiKii'rove Dental OneraUoihei bf st work at the followTemporary sot, uppor oRed huhber Gum Set,"Black and rink Rubber,Hed and Pink Kubt>er,r

One Tooth on P l a t e —Each additional ToothExtracting with Gas,

PainlessEach additional Tooth.Crown Teeth FittedGold FillingsAmalgamGold and Piatlna. . .Adamantine Phosphate

ot the ToothAll woik Is warranted a

rpruniiei.fl have beon dolDg m

lontt try 1" this p*n ol,venty-flvo years andxid w> rk (at above retPer80°Dflrrotnoutof towi arriving] before 10 A

cau havo twUi nttei uesameiday: plates

POWDERAbsolutely Pure.

This Powder never varies, A marvel of purity.rtrength and wliolrthill the ordinary klcompetition with tweight alum or phearn, ROYAL BAKINCNew York.

itneness. More economicalids, snd oannoi bo so'd |lnmultitude, of lowoBt Bhortate powders SoMonlpin

'bwDEBCO.. 106 Wall St.Jul.9-ly

MartyrsSet'k n l i c f in viuse Aj-ri''.< Sarsagrpt Ihu years ohavo escaped, luvearlier. The tronut lucul ; ami,rltla did its .Alterative mill 1!coinpollcd to suff

Tho wife of Sist.| Lowell, Mosssubject to severeof stomach amifeet emit has b<Sarsapnrilla..

Frunlc HubertsBoxton, Hay.s 11 in irlbtu heu<laeli(!M,Ayer's Snrsaparimedicine tlmt vrui

Perman"Evorv Spring

UMAD W. Do\>iBrooklyn, N. Vable li('.a<lache.s.of Ayer's Sarsa|vIKIVI: not htul i\time."

" I siifTeroil frtion, ami di'liilit.vto i j n u mvsi'lf alMrs). M. M. I,e\Mais. " A-yur's Sa niurvuloii.s chaifeel strong and w

Jonas Gannaiiwritus: " For \dretiilfully, averycaiiRuil by impubiloii.snosx. Itweaks tlmt my IiNtliinj; rSartaparilla. Tline|coiii|>lolulv."

WIICII Mis. r.(Bridge Ht., Sprin,iisi! A.VM'S Sarsa|for BIIIIIO y<!ars fof the kidiwys.WIM' afllictcil wappntld!. ii ii > 1 i in I8iia<l«d her to inwhich lienulitudhealth is now peracho shoulil try

Ayer's SPrcpiircd by T>t. ,1. C.

Price $1; >lx bolll-B

o HeadacheI, until they l>ej;iii toirillii. 'I'lifii tlicy n:-

fTuiinK rln-y luighfhey tried tliis remedyWo. WQ.S constitutionaltil .^yor's Sursnpa-clivte work as and Purifier, t iny were

ilel Page, 21 Austinwas, for u, long time,

licadacht'.s, tlio ii'sulter disorders. A per-il effectetl by Avar's

727 Wnnliins;!oii st.,ho fonncrly liinl I I I -ami until !'<' tooki), nfvt'i' fuiuiil anyI gi^o „

3nt Relief.for years," writes

, L1i'2 KiftHKiith St.,I hard hail intolvr-(.'Oiiiineuccd I lie use

ilia last March, ntnleailacho Hinco that

i lioailuclie, Indians-iml "it's Imnlly ablett tlio house," writes., of A st., Lowell,s:i|iarillu has worUoili in my ease. I nowI as ever."•2K(]., of Lvltlns, Pa.,irs I havo HiilTureii>rin^, from headache,y of the. blood amiiMiicd for days andid would split open.lie till I took Ayor's

medifino has cured

r-vra Rflnngor, of 24ield, M a * . , bewail totilln, KIK; haiLsnllorodn a Kerioiis afTocliuncry Spring, also, she

i headache, loss of>Htiou. A friend per-Ayor's Sarsaparilla,ir wonilerfiilly. HerL-t, [ Murtyrs to head-

rsaparilla,tycr & Co., I.owell, M»»»$j . Worth (5 a bottle.

s. C. MOf the firm of MI



SHOE MANUFACTURERSHas ro-opentd tho Store formerly occupied by

' /lEYMJnt? r At <nii>r»'n !I. ALBERT,

46 Irvir g Street,Wltli a new and complete stock of

hildren's and Men's

fn manufacture.

Ladies', Misses',, s ii; Chiefly ot our i

Our goods are mi deaf the best material andworkmanship, and bane stood tbe criticisms ofNew York buyers' for tqetost 40 years,

I hope to obtain a shajre or your patronage,6. O. MILLER,


Eummellioff• P i l e JE*

ry 86 Warren s t , N. Y.


.- i i j . -, . - 1 • I . *• '" • '" ' : ' ' ' '

HlHo 115 Main Street,•i r

Where they h a v e i a l d l n a full stock ol everything'.in the line, of | • M..:;'1 .- .- ;-.:,: I- .•:•


- ••! i n ' : ' i " • • f i • • ' T



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!LOWB3TPRibE8., :

A fbreiprnah ip.Char

Boarding Houses arid]


Ealiway, N; J ;

of Ladies'. Apparel


Main Street,agent some tlrai

I ABSoclatioD,f i In tbo S

M l * e d

S.>tore j


; Rahway, ^. J,wlth'tUe Albany iuiame bt tho largest and

of Nflv York, and.8- to facilitate and

fr p.ade to order

yw« maro.no P lns iu trying to pleaso the little ones. JY

stock ofPB,y8" Suit" and o('orc,a^.,.Clilldi-an'8 LLfri &SneeBreeoUea. rBoys' atidChildreiiJs Clothing u

The increase In our Custom Trade bas compill d us to 'keefl thiswith tliaCbolcest GoodsJ an4 b ^ g . u n M oi r own ^ P ^ ^ ^S S t r a n d WorkmatiBlilp. Fit'oualraiteed. M«n.s strong


,...'. . . . . . i »i koo

Cement, Color60e. to 1 00

represented or money

nanl -al and ororatlv^o State for the past1:1 eon'lilue to do a»;CeU pnoeb) as I have

•palrod wltbin tlvo hours


S«XT *O 8BAJ1N t



iPlmliUl, SteamREPAIRING (





New SanitaryBaTlnghadtwoyean

t he same at N


—W A L






Q^ALITY. s3. V. i.'L


All work cash.









. H .—





Fre8hQoodB3onutantl}oi bandiromihemoBitopilarmakers. Better (podsfor the pricesban elsewhere, and tbe obly place In townbe re many of tho standard varieties can be

lought. Every pair warrar ted as represented.Qents' Calf Boote, Guitore and 3hoes made tomeasure.

flapalrlnsrdone a tabor! notice et3-ly


Milton Lake

! Milton[EdTABUSHE:

Icfe Wholesale & Retail.OFFICE : 28 OHflRRY 8T.


H A ^ W * T . N .J . Mar.l. 1PR






BROW:suterepurchased the busliieBB rorm

lucujdby him at

138 MAIlecoria 0<y^ Is prepared to db dentalwbrk In allts br inolibB 1 n tne best manner and at reasonible prices.


ri> non-

;e hours from 8:80 to it,ozoept Sundays);iand durl igthe'evi

d T h r t d a s n d S t " ~Tuesdiiy, Thursday sand Sat


harcp Tuesday evening

and 1:80


« dallytngftof

Malaria, D

pon«, never gripe o

b l A fquil y buslnoss.An a ftbe;' should bo In evor


Oet the genuine, whichwrapper, rreparcrt by •]

Bonqif. Bold,ly nil 'dea


JBIIMOSDS AND FINE JE^> ElOld E Gl d S i t l j

I '•'! ' 'I

"SSy's and (tlhildi^ik's Olo|

^ v m S S t5 cents and up.

ou *IU flrid'ja well • (fwsortep» -H-«coa^ Bojb' ^parat|d


nds acd at Lowest Prices.FtJRNTBHIN&i pOODS!

Trunks Bags, Satchels, p t c , frdte firjit hands acd »l





The Instantaneous Process.

Bring the Little O ies i ±e Aged'Who wiere so difficult to manage with

Jbihg selected by! the

ne old process.

HaiVai-d,Yal«t, Pririfi.eton,WeBtPoint ana U61umbia, as

Class Photographers,4 WE TSI^K,




hafje Sold my StafelOo.M e k | p ^

xurers; andj Memdved myNewark, foj., wh|ere I h

y\&21 Atlantic 8t,k

menti of J. •#. Morehousi&123 Broome St.,


Paper Manufac-ntire business toe Two large and

at 520 Broad St.ader ,th0 manate-

.. t p ot{ier I at 1J81under t i e man^ement of


of allm ^that;! they

k heverything:ik shape of tidises or Muies• A l l e n T ^ ^ f i i i A v i r t 1*Jmi~.~. .'_-J^: ^ ' JajLj.- i - - . !_ , -• I .so, Persbns

driveryfjip havb? i have Me

to, Examine ^uch,i:


stan^ly ke1spfrbmULEand MULES,

nndtiuh ities* so th&t per .a distaKoe needj t.ave nowill fii] ,d| anything and




too farto JEJC-

6f goingoan be


an< acftuto;anoei fof | th^ie>.t0 *jhavB ^^' 'Ijl'''aiiyphe els©W&m&^ZOlM to

mtthe ooun

W, and

e^per tjh




''t'5*'.V *'"."'-"-''


ia 4

> thatstook





Winter fvertoat

Thesti coocls are lined, in tho best iia Mado .. . ,j






ancindies' Rockers La |ies'

Reclining Chairs, ?en





i -uw-a--:*•» Bt-»,

W mm



Ciffers ovelr 50 diflterent Styles of Ladies' arid- :-rneh s n'f.•Writing Desks in Antique Oak and Cl.

LeceAtion Chairs, Ladies' Easy Chairs in Plush and Broca(eL C><- :> i;,k' Sralokint Chairs in Plush or Leather. Writing Desks in Atitiqtie Oaflc :n

<A Cherry, AntiquA OaJsqitab]: for

$t OO,GOO worth bf C50 PARLORS JIT50 Walnut BED RO(50 pieces TAPE5TRHll S d B k ^5 pHall Stands, Boc kca^ps, Sejcret;


,t deduced pricey a id s

ki C C

pyI Blacking] Cases, Comcitj%and aHhe Lo vest

jJSP A Fancy C trdto inspect the Largest






Walhut, including 50 different patterns. TABLES in Antique Oan. ..hlru,,ibr|ry, Parlor or Sitting Room, in brass trimmings—all at reduce,: r ct

0JA.BPJET8 AND FURISTITjURE.Furniture at Cost to close out the balance of ouri FalL Stock.and

in I lushM SUIT^y BI



reduced from ^75 to $50., Marble Top, (7 pieces),deduced from $75 to $50.ELS, reduced from 75 cents per yard to 50 cents,ries, Writing Desks, Fancy Lounges, Mantel and Pieri Glasses.Holiday Presents.. >'•:'•''ldren's Chairs and Tables in endless variety. In factj, theJlarg-.s:

given toevdry one visiting our establishment, whether '.hev buy or -.01.y g11 the Latest Designs and Novelties the trade can produce.




OR CREDIT.De|liv^red, Free of Charge, to Any part


,111 11


FijiltonFisNi0- ]7 Cherry





- A M I , —

ish in LargoFRESH DA


c^idtry an 1 .B'UQHTAliD8

(I) - 4 .

KindsofVeget, IN8KAHON.






I 1



Democrat Building, RAiH W A,V



5er to the p nDllo a large apd


Parlor, Bed Roorji aiFURN I









i s !



| M





'r H h


Accordions, Fifes, Flutes, Drums, Harmonicas, Jewsharps an<| othaInstruments and their appurtenances, such as Strings, etc

Skst Music ani Music- • I

On hand or obtained on onjer at Ssh

Music for. sale J

. SonietHir^g New iifAjiieat, compact and small instrument, ofexcejl

a J o w - . p n c e . . ! : ' . , / - • • . - , : • • / • .-';i . -^ .-. -' ' :• • : ' " " ' • ] • • • • • ' : 7 \ : ' • ' • ' • - ! • " " . y • • • • S - ' . - ' - ' \ • " : i - : - - ' ;

Ak t of old sjyle Acco^io^'leliing ok" at

ort nonce,

t 5 cents per sheet.



At a Large Discount froW Mark ;d Piices.



elow cokt.

1 one cowl







OiCO !


•TSTIAV 1failesiieaadr Hone Mad

bacccSoQCtlnottarPlp/ptlOH. elo.Jrtptrlnit, ;iloeiiiti insu


HOT 4.1

ice Rani


received aliruestore.1C. W. Ba |

:es for Cash.& > V M X ; .-.•'•

> y^ir-y'c^ (I'f'

J '



jndurjos,)lets,'and|FjOolscatc."; Envl