t, v mmlib.catholiccourier.com/1893-october-1896-september-catholic-journa… · ^•e1 w*w^p'...

o-ik T, ' V &* it r •/-h-h mm •••5- w»v*fc;A^^i ( p s w i » ^ ^ | „ ^OT(5fillS i: foct. wet* r. ie** mild * w** ^3 w, s two % : « * *r#. Bias 1*1 1 Wfeat {• Oata* «n ** ** ~ ." er. •BOBi**.'*. * ' : ' Toe Forty fioore devotion whieh but bee* in ©toa^reea'slSt aiichaei , a church wUI eleeo Saoday erenuig at InriUtioo card* here been iseoed for tbe *»rrlsgo of Ghee. I*. Qortt* .*ier~tM-3fin« iU«jtJK^--.fhfeiC(M»»- mony will taie place Oct 8tb - - . In«tatieos at* eleo est for the marriage of Miss Gortrade Leokin- ger, * member of the p»ri»b. to John fTa!*, of Bar I lag toa Iowa, This oere- mooy will also Uie place October fib. -. oca ioar or ricronr. • ,1,. Fatter Notrebeert haa anoounoed -'SsVbvVBBftBtfbo- bunts formneece on Snndey will be »t 8 »nd 10:30 oReloei* • ••• ." ,.-,. -. . ^ ' Circle held it* litit meeting on Mon- day-eiwsing» v ; " =-/ '^ ^ .- '•' ; pariah »nd' Mi»» Hellie Br»d7 f of the -ship of BtesjsfcffjyRdS^A. «# = f& ooy eventof of laet week. Mia* Qaio- Un wee initiated. Ho Utermrjr Society will l t £ iu frtt ^Tassb VMI _MJF V |^^al^| W*^m^^ tel|t|^ Oleosa WO SOO WOO) f es^B^BWBBJ BWOPBf SBB^e^BnBSag ^O SOWOFSF oeSBPO 00*OOBB^BnBSSSB& isnf: ^BmeB^B^BBjaasy WW BBBBjj^BOBsWOgVB^pO nlflBHr^at'nafe dbw MM A^ttiA OtSax'Bftfleot S»4r wnflrB*tpm*sw i T(P»„ soon 'wBsjp^B>onjr wBss>B|EWrOe Jww •U.oot. I t I t tqnsHy dl?VWd among- |pns>»|*oo». ^PMIIW^MP, aVoj mHOf- m9njwlBwBisV%< - .•> <"' ^PBySPpe* -eBOOSB'Jj W ^^fle*W r*^^ca^W^^^r^fl^^H^^^ *^B now be ft>end »t Ur wfiUy, t i t Oei BoJMlnf. ,, .., Hif h J. OBHee, eo« if Lewyer J . 0.0'Bri**!, of thie oity, JMMI* jredaete of CJornell Oellefe, luw »o- oepted • poeUloo m tlM idltoriel •Uff of H»rp«r'# Weekly ICsftslM, l£r f 0'irft»»'«c*reeJt Mr * etttdeot km been »« ejcoeptionelly brilliett one #iKrM ^**ee pieviee <« n N w n m * •hinin^ lijfhi in hit choeen profee* •kmu ° 5 will Irene Me*d, Ufent Obnrlee B. end Kre Meed, died Thnredey.it th* reeidenee <>jf her nnrente, 81 Arenne B Aneeteeie Kenneetly, denghter of John end Bmnje^ KenneeJIly, died Thnredey »t th* reeidenoe of her perente, S i Frenk eereet, eged I ]}Me-0etet, St. Mksheel'e Oheroh we* theeoen* ef e titty nret^jr wedding Wedoee* dey morning,, when Henry Aafu«t«u Been end Satile Oiter were anitedin mmttiAge. ^The heppy ooaple w«re the recipiente of meny ooBgretale- tione endnnm^ro^i reiaebtepreeente. Att eleborete reoentidn wee heW i t JSf^« 1W Soreotoitt etwet in honor of tta» newly weddedi oonjale* ••"'"iBMeeeeei l>e*fc C«. o ••tfk.'iH^'' «^efe& ''Miv^e'ftf^e^v AkeyhiiHn JmJ%^^^^mMk^ iia h&il •JtimaM«d lk*ir am tilt— *i ihe tow nrMte »<»»^*«^* tA tlM il^aiu A hw T»«rt e^fo theee epleodid toll- ertojioffioedeeke woeld herecMMt doable whet le eeked for them BOW, nod tlM qnelity wonM not neve bwen deoghtejrof[»ogood The Rooheeler Deek 0o, oewy one of the lu-geet 0 eod ftaeet etookein New TerketeU. Thegwe- erel mMUhgw- e / the eoempeey Okee- A. Hoed d^»moBetretee hie ebllity to fereiehoaeieeMiinM with the beet only end whtn yen pleoe your order yon oetn r»et eeeoied thet yon wfll aot oetly be properly oered for ft prioee wjb^ en>nnQt fnil to give emir iefeetioo, bnt aieoreoeire the beneflt of the mtnegere loag eatpetienoe In ine oebln^ work which he* tekee loti of money end yen* of diligent attention £> boeioeee to »eqoir«, The oonnp»ny*e eddreeeie 60, 61, end 68 Reymlde Arcede. m m m l*- Ont. A<*nt(, Joeoph P. Kimmel «ill ettend to oar oity oollectione, " o ' fierxl ftftfirnmeaf =, K r e r y o n e ie dieoaeebg U»e eeetite ^•e 1 w*w^P' • w i e ' w e ^w^wwewew^p^^^^<^ ^^^F weiP^p ^••^WlWie Go^erneneet d e o , hot the eMrree of LoeJeO. Leegie ure tee well knewn to IMI dteaeeeMl hw the Betwle. Him'ii JlfeMfedM^MH* ^V^kO. lUkfli ^ y y | ^ ^ ^ | t l M k rfh>n^kf eold by ll|*. Leegie will nee m ether. We wonW edriee thoee who neTt sot yet pleoed their erdere tc 4e ee et onoe. Y*sit et Soeth Clinton, oer- <BwW^e»w ^Pw^Hw^w^P* , ATMefoOeeetr. An« e Joy fccwrer hitbe oaly Oelraee bekery. It. fae d*epley of beked mods tewnot UMI esDetfte. M flfete onrwef. •, &o yon we*t to nn yeeur toW f If BO oommesroe by weexing leeer*• elweye Bendy tsete ooni SS« wfl! keep yoar tm dry n»d werm ^ e y ere nede of rabbe*, eejajie pm| «n tn «!., Kolnmbln. ;,::."- f Z.~: v .. |8.<MSeeM«i.4t-ds.se Skoetfi. 19. It eoende rktienlolw bet then we will expleint We hewe three tieMe too m»ny S 1-t to 4e ie lediW eboee, we maet lower tbeee wieee j the only ' wey i? to cnt the priee M« e«t ' ' Tbeww eJte'.eenw ef •!.' J*. GoodgerV : ±*di' WebeWt'eehoew JE thto iwiieaiiSi**.-f %4 to 4^»* Come! J.W. Meeer, 1W X.Mei. et My motto to eel! » good ertiole obeependletine peoplefenowft. Kolnmbie, K. J . Sever, U Stele et Kite yon tried XT. & Baking <fe,% Biecraii Flekee. They ere the did* tio*t end beet oreokier <M thenwrk«(- 1^ the- »a»»mber tee Heh'exhibftioe i« i*perta»e* TMofievbeg Seeeeef the on eshibitkMe in the oeteroi booth* It the Wewene Hew York w*is thie. weeeQ. JMeeecel : 9ojfl)en ek MoOwhf ewrer do Utnge by helree). TWr dieplej le Doeieetin Hell efej ereeted giwent eJtee tine. JPeee«y •!• eAe«tauwM ea till enet&eMit ewwup e m * Teriety ofhendeoaee rage, eni «M Mm w»et oe worn entered their beadeoew booth on the eeoood loor of Do«»e«tic Bell, b wbio* wee tdie- pl»y of awqnefte, body Breaeek eer> pwii, en eeaoruneat of r»ge, ete.,eeB- bteeiftir ell the oe«t e«<i pretty de> •jgnv the enej^tpre4eeeei BeMfeni gfot e * Mm ef the eerpwt yoei wem thet woold steely deoorele yomr bono. Oe the irM floor of that btiM- Leg the diepley of perloe end « b » berlVinUtBre.drnperiefeadertgeede, ertn, »o nently nrreoged, wee ee S«e m eaythieg f^eed In the efQr, Mrd e»M^*t prioee thet woejtd evnrfew yee. These exhibitioM of eholoe •hinge eely geve »~i e feiet Men of whitllertoh k MoO*l» mm ebewfag m% their ie»t»eoee etore o* toe Serem ^^^e*«e^w*"e !&# •&&}•:.$ The fifty If tb »aa«tl eihibition ef the Weuero }f,Y. Agrfceltorel * * olety wes held on tat Sooth Feir Groondi fmm Monday to Friday of the p u t w«ek f botb deje ioekieiee. With the exoeption of Thtred»y mennor t V w«ifc»r w»e «ii tb»t! oouW W ^imi. tweedoy wee ohud- ren'* dew, tad thoonodiof pebeel ehiklren oounieiioed lookieg to the grooiHle o l ia, oerfy boor. The PonlUy exhibit, seer the en* treaoe, prored » strong ewtrtciicii for the yoauf people. Doaeitio Soli, Stere Sell, the Cettle exhibit^ aowtset, botnot leett, the belloon Moeneio^ oliuneed their ettontkm throoRbont the d*y , • lArgt ooinb«r« TJeited the Feir, whieh tho meoegere inede eeoh dey •e-At-tttettw -wi potelblo. • . - : '""^v e^os^p r iv^Miewire*WF eew eeHMt Ter^"e^o»p ••iifl^BweiPieee were very ooosplete, ehcwiog thet Boeheeter ptople .know hew to neee- e*« end petroniee « firet-oleee F«ir. W* eobmit berewith pertiel liet of exUbitom wboee diepUy wee perticn* TpWaW aVI^MbWdafli .XXehV alVaaS ^TIB^B* ^af^MaMttatiart^ - Ooeof t ^ neottettreetiTe exbibltt tn r 0ottestie bolt ie enode b* the fteey on Hot nod for Oo. ~~~ pley oe veje feir groende m eolye metole of the inunentan etock oerried •J^gT ~T*^^P .^r*F*P^JMr"rP*jr *K UMIPW ^w»Jo<reep ^^W dBowHlli Ifeio et The oeeM Keoyon ie 070* ooynaoea irith tb* beet qielity end meet eryKah 1st geranente on the merkei nod iLe enttfienere of the w^w^^^^™^*^r ^^^^*^» ^^^w^^ ^ar^awprw^v^apawa^nar aw^p ^paw^r. 4u9aS%^V?a^aBBlt ittaflaf^aV ^fcs VHanMflk sWsMnal lal *WPew^^^wes]i o j| os^p^fcSwest wrsjr ^w see ows ^K T^^peesey ose Booheiter, A vk4t tt to* etore U ^eWO WS WW_W S9 Sfl^SW^PPSSSSev S( SWSWwS flPepSJr SS^^li^^Sl ^P^^^^O» w ^_^^^t^ ^a^hafcee SO j ^ slaaailAt vBpggg^^Hk SJ gLtt aVha^ai S^^^aaJai oeon otMettlon fa g^fe» etory own Opm* Heete^Wdejeod l»ta«enye*i "" there to b e ieeswoted eod the qneh- ***> m »» ty of which ie the bolt proof of tbolr wntio o o CRroit ^^^nsssj lit ->' Alt WMMI gMk^u, *a_^_^^_^^_^_, _ _ u i _ e | jg^ se^BLaW s i n i tart 11 Tltl lift. Prion* Sa^i^enosieii^i .-_Jassssf!l AHalM^eesw MBAMNM^ snweig^e^weeeew ^^ w "Qsse^ i ^WjJ a ss^r^By^^j^*^y|t - ^ ^ ye»w» li^jww^U yo. • •*ev.««f •ellHon sfcee. « ?<— Too test of An oettora, no tero ^ J J**! m,ik * ibpl«y»- by Selliree Bisev, ** s "* ,,r 1#feeo feoieryU tt Bri^hteo, IT. T wet poroosIertT toe. All ore ts> witee to eX»«ioe thoJr roeoo en Went htsteeL, p;eero>sUe so tbey sneke oelreo. - : Tin Pttptfi Crsflt fib '" s>nraTAT*»T, -.- « - # ^ : * - - ' MbJMiwI ifetj^ too* wooot ym^herekttown. HerttX*»l :<a^ ,^^j^>i ^S^f^at?* 1 ^' oof*.,., owoiotirUwbeelke^ jweposi : ' la Booboobjr. A^jtbtag t&s tbo ObotCbsse HIM JWsWsyJNIflMHHSo•*••• IPT I iMt iMMflessW. «tt BVssstaNf IJeMM J. & K«IIer 8one Fine Wotet t>l*pl*y. i t e r y lower ot flower* of flowering plenu edmlres the beemtlfnl dtiplny wndo by J. B. Seller Sons, i . B, Seller Sons aro laoooufnl deelere is choice ont flowere, whieh they reteil ot their store, et SI Korth Clinton etreet to toe loedisg eoelety peopl* of too oity. Tbey nlwsye oerry Jorge iteek of popster flowere in oeoesa, nod grew epooiel nttbotioa to Slliog ordort, lerge or en»nll,witfj B^n ^ensssiF sMa^sswsw seeo^Sr ^rewen^^seen es^ie'SnSssw^^ss> WPW ieufle Of nil tbodfflorent kieda of loefnaf e« exbibftioB tbst tbs iwfoilsreow, 000, of Bn. » BuKnhesge stieet t tnkai A t lend. Bb exhibit leoisdes elots, sterol, nodi Throe-ply Beody BotrBne' giving one nil kdeds from vrbieh te soe^n • sswe^ee^*swsssossj sswsss snots •SOBSW eflwHaUOsO^snA •rlttaaaS rfJf •BUa^ka1*SB^- 0, "VcjWVaVsBieSf Tbo Isrbke bread of threw ply is eekwowlodged^by iwefsxpern oPaw **"* smoJ'(^•SS^SSJO sn^s^s»sysj"ie sss* BspvowLl^K ojRHB bo sMde. w h s s yosvnro i s went of eoy Wod ot* rooslngyon wffl nneke oe sthteke by looTing ywor oroer st SF'SW SSnSSee*ei^^eaaasBj^W ew^!i»^o^peaTi^a^BBBasfaaBjBm e*Wrf mm t -, -^=% stettBwsf- Beo»K^„_ _.f IsBreeroted i s tbo exhibit of tbs H* &• UESwef ooese FirsusntBg Hosss wsJob hbowi is Dosntstiesoll n Hbfsry, «ning; tossn, b porter, eeeb of which U sod Srlbtlroiry fntatoboi. Aside froeatbeee rooeoeYe tbo dtopley of risk sod beMttfol'rsge sod oorpstevi topnoonHog tbo earpet dopertannot of the BOOM Fnruiehieg &iporinoi. The store d>poyttDent, of this boose so exhibit fat Store &*& of *m J|^"JP"» ***W]P?*w •*h»»*4> om»w^snsynjnaJ> Bwvrm. '•{ T!w Oreroe kes been one of the fair for os yc«r«; for tlw pest three yeers it hss rooeirod tbo diplomo for the beet genetsl diepley of foroitnr* eod botue fondsbjag, eeide from eifrwr srsdebi tad; s Wurgs ftsnbsr of Jbwt BBodele sod nferge onmber of first Tfcis year tbo bsscUfol wttlrteeif §W_ esd bthe LMSBSI W*n mmTVUmwrn tm taai PWr a DM WOjoS t» kid » leaatoeT^BUi the rata of ee *X» Bate Ksss,"who I tvia atatei Who ere artiste of both waotWHl ae^ejt 'epVklaaaO BSTILS^BI a ^aaaaMaS ^afr^aa^M eeajt eettbar b eeld to hi Lews'' oisewaf eosMe iinm 6m Xsw Verfccityhere. " fora^t.lto.Net'* wttf be w^now • ' • o e ais> .*SBBJ opj^RssatessK lira awoasssg a^Sv^Seo swsww J He Ceek C^era Uoaea hat tor he •ten for t W sWku, tMeffeaaiVan day »»athwt_ with that «t«*~jeih ^.st* ^ , T | c^old by Alt Orocrtu ^^S^xmmmmKmmWmWmWmmWnm' mmmmm *^ mmr . "Th« PPodjyJ Pataer, _ pley 6 by GUe McOoaoaxh. end b as* keowledjedto be hb aatt woTt,whe,by d e w creaseta ec MMae^noBanr chererteiO, TWoAwUdtTie K e S a l r e o eaptbia e oaaanaay, prewet t» be fcishijrde- +mimg tnm tW beitaoiei te fbe esbV Then e n eeiraial necitlaaa titnwtiinait which ore lonnawty oe*w. Weenaatfehy roiBwaed "The hodtgi) W^OmT eitso tNMt wtf awet v »jorihte oaaaair ahetwSl •w bo eerji In tkb otjr. Aoeeeaa)' of "snase. A dollar sod 9 half attraction for ftfty ooste, le whet Is esoonsoed for tbe Academy for a+xt treek, tn tbo preeeotatiou of the fornwr high prio- od "Delmoaioo'e it.8ix. w Thie piny «M preMOted at tbe Lyoeom last •oatoo and made a farorable impreo* eioo » t that boaet. "Dela^nioVa a t , 6**was written*oy Glen IfaoDooongb] wrhois feet reaching ao important pweitSon among ihs ABaortoeo p l s j errSters f3k\m*mkte^mt^V^k~+ brifbtand eparkttog ooeatdy tad fnllof fss sod sneirbBstt taboo Irons bfghlifels Now York 0%. Too J oeennonw this eoseoo k 00 exosBesS W^^P^awar^^^Vgy ^^^^^ •p^^aaaarwnap aar ^^^w ^IOaaaaSweasBi>aBi eeMoootprieod s o f t bofesebh|gs>] 0"Ssseeeasespsw ssmsissBisssr m*sw o™™ew"tss"jF M Ollb Kress, OUHTSBOII, BoBs wsswsr OOJOSWSJ9 a^nsoTSssaasop •wfe™ B omW'eri. & J. Dfllos as4 obwtof S ft. U tbo trot rsree osansdy sithas sweet tbat seeeoo Dolajoofeow st Wat gaaTakBBsbatal aotgMHgt A-b^gk AssBBSBBOBaSBYVsr sssV sbVbssbtsB? •mowBWewsl j^ B s*srss» wsow oonrmsmlswsBS^pr oVV^.'sVwwWgV Chureh Windows. HASKIH^cq;.ivjK| ft abst of hetb fHntsi TnkiilH it. ••. - ,^^v- ^^^^^^ ^^^P^^ VRP^^^HW^ w / « W ^ ^WWBSWSjeaF^SFOSBOaS-r SBRBhjBC* v * 4 » t«i»rJ.ABaBt ^%Hi l^^m^^Sp 1 . ssm-IUHlil i^^|^ s ^ * * * * ^ «^ft»&' 08O1flnvvTB 332 * -ViolBe .V^sSDBBJl'.--ag| 1 •--. : -. - . - - •..- : '*•%. '.4.-*fHf -fffe-S .... -.^^m^iM roojsof bis will bo sp w she withomt esyisg, Mr, somaawsvtty rpeeted' Is KsW lefkyf seal bo is b ^ pwe^M to «e«sj»oa»{ boot of Ulosl fbt bfs liwwiebjifwot t OaWISS I t BBtiBCaf Waroet,SJe*rpaB*%ier Who will bo oar ns&t omSR^ kef Twrysspaertoin, bat thwV toioiiCl eortaiotyebent tbe goodeof/orlab K * W ^5* !* tt * g P taw « < Iwslnjaa, ooAmthStPaol et^oeobe fetsd eMthe beetbrtftdiof wiaoe, BOSCTS osMlei B *ori. *r>~— ^^^ttsrds»JBB.VBW- •^m ^yeteaworopaow^r •bllMlig * Xse^lVssnNerQsl 10*8 «««. AbootwherT SBBOBBB) ifdaoffc** * '-..t.^ 3r***™bwg Stajiswo W«*fae**HPW*0* 1r*0tt 1 tI¥P* ol B-ft_^ #^^j* ; "-** ^^•^4,- * *-^»W-M **3i3 ,li wji ',T,'^*"ffJO>*' ; ' ««*«*«wS(*te«w*Mij«*^^ ,.<,.---J. - v.,?..'.. •• / ' V.

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Wfeat {• Oata* «n ** **

~ ." er. •BOBi**.'*. * ':' Toe Forty fioore devotion whieh

but bee* in ©toa^reea'slSt aiichaei,a church wUI eleeo Saoday erenuig at

InriUtioo card* here been iseoed for tbe *»rrlsgo of Ghee. I*. Qortt*

.*ier~tM-3fin« iU«jtJK^--.fhfeiC(M»»-mony will taie place Oct 8tb -- . In«tatieos at* eleo es t for the marriage of Miss Gortrade Leokin-ger, * member of the p»ri»b. to John fTa!*, of Bar I lag toa Iowa, This oere-mooy will also U i e place October f i b . • -.

oca ioar or ricronr. • ,1,. Fatter Notrebeert haa anoounoed

-'SsVbvVBBftBtfbo- bunts formneece on Snndey will be »t 8 »nd 10:30 o R e l o e i * • ••• ." ,.-,. -. . ^ '

Circle held it* litit meeting on Mon-day-eiwsing»v; " =-/ ' ^ ^ . - '•'

; pariah »nd' Mi»» Hellie Br»d7f of the

-ship of BtesjsfcffjyRdS^A. «#= f& ooy eventof of laet week. Mia* Qaio-Un wee initiated.

Ho Utermrjr Society will l t £ i u frtt

^Tassb V M I _MJF V | ^ ^ a l ^ | W * ^ m ^ ^ tel|t|^ Oleosa WO SOO WOO) f es B BWBBJ BWOPBf SBB e BnBSag ^O SOWOFSF

oeSBPO 00*OOBB^BnBSSSB& isnf: ^BmeB^B^BBjaasy WW BBBBjj BOBsWOgVB pO

nlflBHr^at'nafe dbw M M A ^ t t i A OtSax'Bftfleot S»4r wnflrB*tpm*sw i T(P»„ soon 'wBsjp^B>onjr wBss>B|EWrOe Jww

• U . o o t . I t I t tqnsHy dl?VWd among-|pns>»|*oo». ^ P M I I W ^ M P , aVoj mHOf- m9njwlBwBisV%<

- . • > < " '

^PBySPpe* -eBOOSB'Jj W ^^fle*W r*^^ca^W^^^r^fl^^H^^^ *^B

now be ft>end »t Ur wfiUy, t i t Oei BoJMlnf. , , ..,

H i f h J. OBHee, eo« i f Lewyer J . 0.0'Bri**!, of thie oity, JMMI* jredaete of CJornell Oellefe, luw »o-oepted • poeUloo m tlM idltoriel •Uff of H»rp«r'# Weekly ICsftslM, l£rf 0'irft»»'«c*reeJt Mr * etttdeot km been »« ejcoeptionelly brilliett one #iKrM ^**ee pieviee <« n N w n m * •hinin^ lijfhi in hit choeen profee* •kmu °



Irene Me*d, Ufent Obnrlee B. end Kre Meed, died Thnredey.it th* reeidenee <>jf her nnrente, 81 Arenne B

Aneeteeie Kenneetly, denghter of John end Bmnje^ KenneeJIly, died Thnredey »t th* reeidenoe of her perente, S i Frenk eereet, eged I

]}Me-0etet, St. Mksheel'e Oheroh we* theeoen*

ef e titty nret jr wedding Wedoee* dey morning,, when Henry Aafu«t«u Been end Satile Oiter were anitedin mmttiAge. ^The heppy ooaple w«re the recipiente of meny ooBgretale-tione endnnm^ro^i reiaebtepreeente. Att eleborete reoentidn wee heW i t JSf « 1W Soreotoitt etwet in honor of tta» newly weddedi oonjale*

••"'"iBMeeeeei l>e*fc C«. o •

••tfk.'iH^'' « ^ e f e & ''Miv^e'ftf^e^v A k e y h i i H n JmJ%^^^^mMk^

i ia h&il •JtimaM«d lk*ir am tilt— *i ihe tow nrMte »<»»^*«^* tA tlM il^aiu

A hw T»«rt e^fo theee epleodid toll-ertoj iof f ioedeeke w o e l d herecMMt doable whet le eeked for them BOW, nod tlM qnelity wonM not neve bwen

deoghte jro f [»ogood The Rooheeler Deek 0 o , o e w y one of t h e lu-geet 0 eod ftaeet etookein New TerketeU. Thegwe-erel mMUhgw- e / the eoempeey Okee-A. Hoed d^»moBetretee hie ebllity to fereiehoaeieeMiinM with the beet only end whtn yen pleoe your order yon oetn r»et eeeoied thet yon wfll aot oetly be properly oered for ft prioee wjb^ en>nnQt f nil to give emir iefeetioo, bnt aieoreoeire the beneflt of the mtnegere loag eatpetienoe In ine oebln^ work which he* tekee loti of money end y e n * of diligent attention £> boeioeee to »eqoir«,

The oonnp»ny*e eddreeeie 60, 61, end 68 Reymlde Arcede.


m m

l * -

Ont. A<*nt(, Joeoph P. Kimmel « i l l ettend to

oar oity oollectione, " o

' fierxl ftftfirnmeaf =, Kreryone i e d ieoaeebg U»e eeetite

^•e1 w*w^P' • w i e ' w e ^w^wwewew^p^^^^<^ ^^^F weiP^p ^••^WlWie

Go^erneneet d e o , hot the eMrree of

LoeJeO. Leeg ie ure t e e well knewn t o IMI dteaeeeMl hw the Betwle. Him'ii JlfeMfedM^MH* ^V^kO. lUkfli ^ y y | ^ ^ ^ | t l M k rfh>n^kf

eold by ll|*. Leegie will nee m ether. We wonW edriee thoee who neTt sot yet pleoed their erdere tc 4e ee et onoe. Y*sit et Soeth Clinton, oer-

<BwW e»w ^Pw^Hw^w^P*

, ATMefoOeeetr. An« e Joy fccwrer hitbe oaly Oelraee bekery. I t . fae d*epley of beked mods tewnot UMI esDetfte. M flfete onrwef. •,

&o yon we*t to n n • yeeur toW f If BO oommesroe by weexing leeer*• elweye Bendy tsete ooni SS« wfl! keep yoar tm dry n»d werm ^ e y ere nede of rabbe*, eejajie pm| «n tn

«!., Kolnmbln. ;,::."-f Z.~:v

.. |8.<MSeeM«i.4t-ds.se Skoetfi. 19. It eoende rktienlolw bet then we

will expleint We hewe three tieMe too m»ny S 1-t to 4e ie lediW eboee, we maet lower tbeee wieee j the only

' wey i? to cnt the priee M« e«t ' ' Tbeww eJte'.eenw ef •!.' J*. GoodgerV •:±*di'

WebeWt'eehoew J E thto iwiieaiiSi**.-f %4 to 4 »* Come! J.W. Meeer, 1W X.Mei. et

My motto to eel! » good ertiole obeependletine peoplefenowft. Kolnmbie, K. J . Sever, U Stele e t

Ki te yon tried XT. & Baking <fe,% Biecraii Flekee. They ere the d id* tio*t end beet oreokier <M thenwrk«(-

1 ^

t h e -»a»»mber tee Heh'exhibftioe i« i*perta»e* TMofievbeg

Seeeeef the on eshibitkMe in the oeteroi

booth* It the Wewene Hew York w*is thie. weeeQ. JMeeecel :9ojfl)en ek MoOwhf ewrer do Utnge by helree). TWr dieplej le Doeieetin Hell efej ereeted giwent eJtee tine. JPeee«y •!• eAe«tauwM ea till enet&eMit ewwup e m * Teriety ofhendeoaee rage, en i «M Mm w»et oe worn entered their beadeoew booth on the eeoood loor of Do«»e«tic Bell, b wbio* wee tdie-pl»y of awqnefte, body Breaeek eer> pwii, en eeaoruneat of r»ge, ete.,eeB-bteeiftir ell the oe«t e«<i pretty de> •jgnv the enej^tpre4eeeei BeMfeni gfot e * Mm ef the eerpwt yoei wem thet woold steely deoorele yomr bono. Oe the irM floor of that btiM-Leg the diepley of perloe end « b » berlVinUtBre.drnperiefeadertgeede, ertn, »o nently nrreoged, wee ee S«e m eaythieg f^eed In the efQr, Mrd e»M^*t prioee thet woejtd evnrfew yee. These exhibitioM of eholoe •hinge eely geve »~ i e feiet Men of whitllertoh k MoO*l» mm ebewfag m% their ie»t»eoee etore o* toe Serem ^^^e*«e^w*"e !&#

• & & } • : . $

The fifty If tb »aa«tl eihibition ef the Weuero }f,Y. Agrfceltorel * * olety wes held on tat Sooth Feir Groondi fmm Monday to Friday of the put w«ekf botb deje ioekieiee. With the exoeption of Thtred»y mennor t V w«ifc»r w»e «ii tb»t! oouW W ^imi. tweedoy wee ohud-ren'* dew, tad thoonodiof pebeel ehiklren oounieiioed lookieg to the grooiHle o l ia, oerfy boor.

The PonlUy exhibit, seer the en* treaoe, prored » strong ewtrtciicii for the yoauf people.

Doaeitio Soli, Stere Sell, the Cettle exhibit^ aowtset, botnot leett, the belloon Moeneio^ oliuneed their ettontkm throoRbont the d*y , •

lArgt ooinb«r« TJeited the Feir, whieh tho meoegere inede eeoh dey •e-At-tttettw -wi potelblo. • . -:'"" v

e^os^p r iv^Miewire*WF eew eeHMt Ter^"e^o»p ••iifl^BweiPieee

were very ooosplete, e h c w i o g thet Boeheeter ptople .know hew to neee-e*« end petroniee « firet-oleee F«ir. W* eobmit berewith • pertiel l iet of exUbi tom wboee diepUy w e e perticn*

T p W a W aVI^MbWdafl i . X X e h V a l V a a S ^ T I B ^ B * ^ a f ^ M a M t t a t i a r t ^

- Ooeof t ^ neottettreetiTe exbibltt tn r0ottestie bolt ie enode b* the fteey on Hot nod f o r Oo. ~~~ pley oe veje feir groende m eolye metole of the inunentan etock oerried •J gT ~T*^^P .^r*F*P^JMr"rP*jr * K UMIPW ^w»Jo<reep ^^W dBowHlli

Ife io e t The oeeM Keoyon ie 070* ooynaoea irith t b * beet q i e l i t y end meet eryKah 1s t geranente on the merkei nod i L e enttfienere of the w^w^^^^™^*^r ^^^^*^» ^^^w^^ ^ar^awprw^v^apawa^nar aw p ^paw^r.

4u9aS%^V?a^aBBlt i t t a f l a f ^ a V ^fcs V H a n M f l k s W s M n a l l a l *WPew^^^wes]i o j | os^p fcSwest wrsjr ^w see ows ^K T peesey ose

Booheiter, A vk4t t t to* etore U ^eWO WS WW_W S9 Sfl^SW^PPSSSSev S( SWSWwS flPepSJr SS^^li^^Sl ^P^^^^O» w ^ _ ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^a^hafcee SO j ^ slaaai lAt vBpggg^^Hk SJ gLtt aVha^ai S^^^aaJai

oeon otMettlon fa g ^ f e » e tory own Opm* Heete^Wdejeod l»ta«enye*i ""

there to b e ieeswoted e o d the qneh- ***>m » » t y o f which ie t h e b o l t proof of tbolr wntio o o

C R r o i t


lit ->' Alt WMMI gMk^u, *a_^_^^_^^_^_, _ _ u i _ e | jg^ se BLaW s i n i

tart 11 Tltl lift. Prion* Sa^i^enos ie i i^ i

.-_Jassssf!l A H a l M ^ e e s w M B A M N M ^ snweig e weeeew ^^w"Qsse^i^WjJass^r^By^^j^*^y|t - ^ ^

ye»w» l i^ jww^U y o . •


•ellHon sfcee. « ?<—

Too test of An oettora, no tero ^ J J**!m , i k* ibpl«y»- by Selliree Bisev, ** s "* , , r 1#feeo feoieryU t t Bri^hteo, IT. T

wet poroosIertT toe . All ore ts> witee to eX»«ioe thoJr

roeoo en Went htsteeL, p;eero>sUe so tbey sneke oelreo. - :

Tin Pttptfi Crsflt fib '" s>nraTAT*»T, - . -

« - # ^ : • • * - - '



too* wooot ym^herekt town. Hert tX*»l :<a^




o w o i o t i r U w b e e l k e ^ j w e p o s i :'

la Booboobjr. A^jtbtag t&s tbo

ObotCbsse HIM JWsWsyJNI flMHHSo • * • • • IPT I

i M t iMMflessW. « t t BVssstaNf IJeMM

J. & K«IIer 8one Fine Wotet t>l*pl*y. i t ery lower ot flower* of flowering

plenu edmlres the beemtlfnl dtiplny wndo by J . B. Seller Sons, i . B, Seller Sons aro laoooufnl deelere is choice ont flowere, whieh they reteil ot their store, et SI Korth Clinton etreet to toe loedisg eoelety peopl* of too oity. Tbey nlwsye oerry Jorge iteek of popster flowere in oeoesa, nod grew epooiel nttbotioa to Slliog ordort, lerge or en»nll,witfj B^n ^ensssiF sMa^sswsw seeo^Sr ^rewen^^seen es^ie'SnSssw^^ss> WPW


Of nil tbodfflorent kieda of loefnaf e« exbibftioB tbst tbs iwfoilsreow,

000, of Bn. » BuKnhesge stieet t tnkai A t lend. Bb exhibit leoisdes elots, sterol, nodi Throe-ply Beody BotrBne' giving one nil kdeds from vrbieh te

soe^n • sswe^ee^*swsssossj s s w s s s snots •SOBSW

eflwHaUOsO^snA • r l t t a a a S rfJf •BUa^ka1*SB^-0,"VcjWVaVsBieSf

Tbo I s r b k e bread o f threw p ly i s eekwowlodged^by i w e f s x p e r n oPaw **"* smoJ'(^•SS^SSJO sn^s^s»sysj"ie sss* BspvowLl^K ojRHB

bo sMde. w h s s yosvnro i s went of eoy Wod ot* rooslngyon wffl nneke oe sthteke by looTing ywor oroer s t

SF'SW SSnSSee*ei ^eaaasBj W ew !i»^o^peaTi a^BBBasfaaBjBm e*Wrf mm t

-, -^=% stettBwsf- Beo»K^„_ _.f IsBreeroted i s tbo exhibit of tbs

H* &• UESwef ooese FirsusntBg Hosss wsJob hbowi i s Dosntstiesoll n Hbfsry, «ning; tossn, b porter, eeeb of which U sod Srlbtlroiry fntatoboi. Aside froeatbeee rooeoeYe tbo dtopley of risk sod beMttfol'rsge sod oorpstevi topnoonHog tbo earpet dopertannot of the BOOM Fnruiehieg &iporinoi. The store d>poyttDent, of this boose

s o exhibit fat Store &*& of *m J |^"JP"» ***W]P?*w •*h»»*4> om»w^snsynjnaJ>

Bwvrm. '•{ T!w Oreroe kes been one of the

fair for o s yc«r«; for tlw pest three yeers it hss rooeirod tbo diplomo for the beet genetsl diepley of foroitnr* eod botue fondsbjag, eeide from eifrwr srsdebi tad; s Wurgs ftsnbsr of Jbwt BBodele sod nferge onmber of first

Tfcis year tbo bsscUfol

wttlrteeif §W_ esd bthe LMSBSI W*n mmTVUmwrn tm taai PWra D M WOjoS t» kid » leaatoeT^BUi

the rata of ee *X» Bate Ksss,"who I

• tvia atatei

Who ere artiste of both waotWHl a e ^ e j t 'epVklaaaO BSTILS^BI a ^aaaaMaS ^afr^aa^M

eeajt eettbar b eeld to hi Lews'' oisewaf eosMe iinm 6m Xsw Verfccityhere. " fora^t.lto.Net'* wttf be w^now • ' • o e ais> .*SBBJ opj^RssatessK lira awoasssg a^Sv^Seo swsww

JHe Ceek C^era Uoaea hat tor he •ten for t W sWku, tMeffeaaiVan day »»athwt_ with that «t«*~jeih


^ , T |

c old by Alt Orocrtu ^^S^xmmmmKmmWmWmWmmWnm'mmmmm*^mmr.

"Th« PPodjyJ Pataer, _ pley 6 by GUe McOoaoaxh. end b as* keowledjedto be hb aatt woTt,whe,by d e w creaseta ec MMae noBanr chererteiO,

TWoAwUdtTie K e S a l r e o eaptbia e oaaanaay, prewet t» be fcishijrde-+mimg tnm tW beitaoiei te fbe esbV Then en eeiraial necitlaaa titnwtiinait which ore lonnawty oe*w. Weenaatfehy roiBwaed "The hodtgi) W^OmT eitso tNMt wtf awet v» jorihte oaaaair ahetwSl • w bo eerji In tkb otjr.

Aoeeeaa)' of "snase. A dollar sod 9 half attraction for

ftfty ooste, le whet Is esoonsoed for tbe Academy for a+xt treek, tn tbo preeeotatiou of the fornwr high prio-od "Delmoaioo'e it.8ix.w Thie piny « M preMOted at tbe Lyoeom last •oatoo and made a farorable impreo* eioo » t that boaet. "Dela^nioVa a t , 6**was written*oy Glen IfaoDooongb] wrhois feet reaching ao important pweitSon among ihs ABaortoeo plsj errSters f3k\m*mkte^mt^V^k~+ brifbtand eparkttog ooeatdy tad fnllof fss sod sneirbBstt taboo Irons bfghl i fe l s Now York 0%. Too J oeennonw this eoseoo k 00 exosBesS W^^P^awar^^^Vgy ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •p^^aaaarwnap aar ^ ^ ^ w ^IOaaaaSweasBi>aBi

eeMoootprieod soft bofesebh|gs>] 0"Ssseeeasespsw ssmsissBisssr m*sw o™™ew"tss"jF M

O l l b K r e s s , OUHTSBOII, B o B s wsswsr OOJOSWSJ9 a^nsoTSssaasop •wfe™BomW'eri.

& J. Dfllos as4 o b w t o f S ft. U tbo trot rsree osansdy sithas sweet tbat seeeoo Dolajoofeow st Wat gaaTakBBsbatal aotgMHgt A-b^gk AssBBSBBOBaSBYVsr sssV sbVbssbtsB? •mowBWewsl j^Bs*srss» w s o w oonrmsmlswsBS^pr oVV^.'sVwwWgV

Chureh Windows.


f t abst of hetb fHntsi TnkiilH i t . ••. - — , ^ ^ v - ^^^^^^ ^^^P^^ VRP^^^HW^ w / « W ^ ^WWBSWSjeaF SFOSBOaS-r SBRBhjBC* v

* 4 »

t«i»rJ.ABaBt %Hi l^^m^^Sp1 . ssm-IUHlil

i ^ ^ | ^

s ^ * * * * ^


08O1flnvvTB 332

* -ViolBe .V sSDBBJl'.--ag|

1 •--. : - . - . - - • . . - : '*•%.

'.4. -*fHf -fffe-S

.... -.^^m^iM

roojsof bis will bo sp w she withomt esyisg, Mr, somaawsvtty rpeeted' Is KsW lefkyf seal bo i s b ^ pwe^M to «e«sj»oa»{ boot of Ulosl fbt bfs liwwiebjifwot

t OaWISS I t BBtiBCaf

Waroet,SJe*rpaB*%ier Who will bo oar ns&t omSR^ kef

Twrysspaertoin, bat thwV toioiiCl eortaiotyebent tbe goodeof/orlab K * W ^ 5 * ! * t t * g P t a w « < Iwslnjaa, o o A m t h S t P a o l e t^oeobe fetsd eMthe beetbrtftdiof wiaoe, BOSCTS osMleiB*ori. *r>~—

^^^ttsrds»JBB.VBW-•^m ^yeteaworopaow r

• b l l M l i g * Xse^lVssnNerQsl

10*8 « « « .

AbootwherT SBBOBBB) ifdaoffc** * ' - . . t . ^ 3r***™bwg Stajiswo


1r*0tt 1 tI¥P* ol


# ^ ^ j * ; "-** ^ ^ • ^ 4 , -

* *- »W-M **3i3 , l iwji

',T,' *"ffJO>*';' « « * « * « w S ( * t e « w * M i j « * ^ ^ ,.<,.---J. - v.,?..'.. •• / ' V.