t t1i- a ja - chronicling america · chicago baltimore cud other cities who will taopart in the...

A t J A It t1I- I ii VOLU NO I 249 NEW YORK TUESDAY MAY 6 1884 PRICE TWO CENTS A M tJ I- v1 I 4 TilE FIRST WAUD WAKED UP I I1 aowuna anitmt in A JLA1ZOPLIOflT y AND rANQIK OF CAttRlAOKS- Blfteea Tkeaeaeel People Oa DAW Tw ta- M U 1 Feasting Hud U4MsI1 In 11 Nsw Fredetee FseIsenppu la the Rr > k- i > i r > OesN 11M at lirerlkeNallTCe- It I Is doubtful If tho First war has bon BO disturbed of a nlffht slneo ol Jenny Lind In Castle Garden no It wat met nhht Brad usually so quiet nnd was noisy with the ratlin of Innumerable cnl 8 Prom 8 to 11 oclock nearly nil the cab travelled I louth but After 11 the tIo turned the other I way Bowling Green wnsn panilnmonlura of r shouting coachmen and enerlet1 policemen trying to get orde out of Whitehall treat Htato street fitono Rtroet UtdBroadwar a far north M Cedar street were blocked with carriages A calcium llclit 1 placed at State itreot Illuminated tho Ornen L and a don otoctrlo light hung at different polnu dozzlod the eyes of tho spectators On the eut the towerlnl new bulldlngof the Prod- uce ¬ Exehlnee was Illuminated from roof to cellar Each one of tho many hncdrod window I I stood out brightly tho dark background f it There teemed to bo no particular pollen ar- rangements ¬ J u u to the carriage and the result 1 I was that It lon became ihiposslblo to Iot any- where ¬ r near the buUdlnl People their I carriages a far as Wall street and t walked down Awnings had boon run out aver the street on Broadway and Beaver street The elevated train brought down great numbers of people who were obliged to thrll their way I among tho carriages to Exchange < The 8000 members ware OIOnlnl their now building for a ladles The large reception hall of the Exchange i U on the second story I Is 313 loot long nnd 134 feet wide and has f very high culling At the Southern end was a platform fire feet high t and on this was Cappas Seventh Regiment Band and Never orchestra The plat- form ¬ was bordered with a hedge ot growing plants lilies snow bulls end geraniums hanging from the ceiling over tbe platform was a large American flag and this was the only further attempt at decoration A great ninny members of the Exchange wore bailscH somo rod some blue and somo white Those were to Indicate that they were member of reception floor and II other committee None of them had anything II to do One of the Committee was asked what qi constituted the reception and he laid If This la simply a reception to the ladies L There are no formaltlol whatever no speeches t nothing simply light the gas I and open tho doors L Fully 15000 people were present sometime during tbe evening The walked around and around In a circle und talked One half of the ladles and twothird of the men even leg dress Prominent members of tho Pro ¬ duce Cotton Metal and Petroleum Exchanges- and many members of the Stock Exchange- were i there with their wives There was a large majority of married women The guests from Chicago Baltimore cud other cities who will tao part In the opening exercises today were tbert I in the large hall was heavy with the j odor of wax of which a liberal supply had beD rubbed on the floor and stuck to the boot V f of the company At 10 oclock the bal I wa so crowded that It WI difficult move about and the of conversa- tion ¬ drowned the muslo of the bands The bands played alternately and tantalized the younger guests with the most tempting danco musk All the elevators were ruunlnlnd crowds swarmed all through the call room was found to be a cool place and the Eoatsthcre wero quickly occu- pied ¬ ra At bal pat 10 oclock the guests began to r leave began a struggle for carriages that has seldom equalled In this city There were hundreds of private carriages hundreds of public hack and great numbers- of hacks from i Brown who bad I ii of that branch the reception To Ii char particular carriage In this muddle of iif wheels was well nigh impossible and many f gave It up in despair and took the first car- riage ¬ that offered The entire population of the First ward pretty nearly looked on t Shortly before midnight the 101 of the re- ception ¬ q ball was clear allow of I dancing The throne bad thinned out until tow but young pooplo In evening dress remain ¬ I ed They had waited because I had been 4 whlplr around that a private bal W1 to- p band struck up a for two hours after that the dancers whirled over tho sticky floor Tho Hoffman Restaurant In t the Well bulldlngwas open and erowded all d the evening l The ofllcps of the Pennsylvania Railroad on 11 the ground floor wore brilliantly lighted and U hung throuKhout with flags Many of the 1 members of the Kxohange gave elegant private I uppers and had them served In their offices I onthetoplloor- At 1 oclock there wore still several hundred t 4 dancers on the floor The carriages had thin ¬ nod out but a treat many were still In waiting About 200 members of the 1roduco Exchange met In tho Board of Mnnmrori room of the Law building yesterday and presented to l a President llerrlck a gavel of black ebony 2 baavlly mounted with sliver It Is to bo used at Inaugural of the now building today A JTAtLKLV- Jtnr WBUIINO Preceded by a Hlrcet Parade af lbs sjalv- attn JIv A ray Had a Tea FlgktF- OCOHKEKPSIE May 5This was a red J letter day for the Salvation Army of this city It Included a reception of Major Mooro and- staffof Brooklyn a tea fight In the Y M C A building a parade a presentation of color- sandahalleluish wedding Wings of the Salvation Army wero present from Newburgb FIbkl s I Landing Wapplngers Falls and other c Prom Newburgh came the Newburgh Lily and t Singing Ida The banquet or tea Oeht was attended by 300 Salvationists men women the latter wearing red jerseys with the words L LI- t71 r Salvation Army acroc tho breast The Sol vatlonlst met Major Thomas E Moore and stall at the curs and CRCorted to the tea I I fight whorothey atecheeredand sang hymns LI At 7 P M tho streets wore thronged with 1 thousands of people to see the parade Nearly 250 men and women wore in line with cornets drums tamborlnea mad banjos Ahead of the procession GOO hoodlums marched In platoons extending from curb to curb all lnllDI salva- tion ¬ hymns and behind them police After the march the procession flied Into the armory The oxprclsua consisted of singing praying and speaking 4 After a presentation of colors by Major n Mooro tim novo 3Ir Wilson pastor of the WnHli 41 Ington Stree M K Church stepped upon the I l did also Joshua Ilowroyd nnd Phtrbe Thorpe both niembors of the I PoughkoeipMo Salvation Army and then 1 Mr Wlllxon Jro< fled with the IlrlBf ceremony The was attired c flannel stilt with fltmlnir red jrwoy and hal- lelujah ¬ r Alpine bonnet The bridegroom worn a dork suit with a blue Jersey After the cere- mony ¬ Major Moore vet many questions to tho couplo relative to their fidelity to the Salvation Army hereafter all ot which were catlBfiictorlly answered Tho exercises wore cooeil by nil present singing I Found Friend in Jeans Ilrlvea lo Kuleltle by Hrutal Husband r WELLS N Y May 5 If I should ECO you drowning In sixteen feet ut water I nouliint pull you out laid Fritz Still ot this ilsce lo IIt wife on Frlds I night gelnls I an employee of the Welt launrry lie I and his situ Ihed 1 uulispplly together he belnz of a f tyrannies nature h1 I of Uoleut temper lie had btrn quarrelling with hl lfe Friday night Eke toll him ship noaldl bet tr ti If she should jump I In this tTcik II r and droYin herself Ihen he inailo time abovs renisrk- fin fin a1urlay iiiornlnir st about n oclock as an etn lnt ee Vtm of tlie tannrry une vro Klu time brides n > ir tctley A Creek ho sw I he Ijmli of Mrr CelnnosllMgln tile crei l I- tHe ran loll Hem howalktlleurIlo tic briike 1 sri trier liniklnvilonn S Yer thats my v Ife but I wont i touch ho- rI r I went to hill work In the tannery leaf II other to 1 tliu bo4lv from this etet lie paid further I si- tentlou i to the mutter until ho uni nuniin il ty tin I I t I nrniirr Later while coin to plroh > ie I a rulllii rr tie dvnd wife he trot MI drunk Wee Mrremul am v lotemtt nn Mrs riein vasl > cursold Mio loa cc e eral chllUren One Familys Naleldal Manln- DnvstT T V Y May 5The widow of Hiram I Scullion llrci with her daughter Mrs lopping at- Noitb t llarperifleld this county In li7 an elder broth ef r htrf e P1111 4 iiIcIle FOi hint atrwyr a aiiter silled htri lf then lire llsnilltons huibsnd C died and later a second brother committed suicide Recently mother alatr ot ir 10Itol diet ald- Ib1 a only on 11 with a ud l A ttW d t- I but ln laOllu ril hr aid own u Shrosi uumonI with a pulnl i Is- thouxlit Sims will 111 II weaUhy 501 ha a SimS re own but want to its with her 4spghtgr hius Ibe was afraid limit she could not r resist ii iuohlnsiioai to 0mI sulcids that treuD- I7r her uiss she udr lb InOssc et cenipasy hiss deuihtr had stepped Ir pras and wulasI W- h a fw ICC on- hj a I ill j Ltr > y s J 4 LOHBEt BV TUB fOglUT flit Kg Os OdOI tie 11 Vsuefy Pa eae JuVenlistlea al 11 Harmed VthIise PiTTBDCnoii May 6llalph Baa aloy Presi- dent ¬ of the Arthur Lumber Company of this city who returned from the sceno of the con- flagration ¬ In Klk county this mornln estl mates the loss In Elk county at over 11000000 Tho heaviest losers are tho mill owners lal A Katill of Dne Run lose 150000 mid D A Motto of Wllllamsport eCOOOO The mill of William Goctz nt Swlsnmont was entirely destroyed together with I number of othor building and a large stock of lumber not ha been rnlsHlng ulncp Thursday and It d Unit hI has perished HOUTZDAIE May6A large number of people vlBlted tim ruins of tho town ofBrlsbln- icstiirdiiy and frequent nhnwers of rain ills veiled nil fours nf n renewal of the fire A appeal h made for limneiilnto help Itrnl dreds of puoplo are compelled to sleep In their clothes haying no bed covering or budding left Money U also needed to provide shanties for temporary shelter POST JEBVIS May Oilmans Depot pro lonts n desolate appeitranco this morning Nothing remains but tha ruins of the old saw- mill ¬ tile food barns alono bolnu intact The residents wer compalloU to sleep In barns Many night In the null sleeping on tInt sawdust having lot everything lr Tlioinas O nulls extensive steam saw mill and hub factory located on the Bcbawan gunk louDluJnl above this village barely es- epnd destruction Dr Hull turned out his entire force anti burnf around the The lire moved acrols mountain mi In the track of hiI s but the space burnod over tho preceding day saved the mill property Mr Hull says that tho tire crossed tho mountains Utter than I horse could trot and that no hu- man ¬ power could have stopped It He esti- mates ¬ that 10000 acres of wood land wero burned over In that neighborhood DEPOSIT May 5The forest lire that have been raging In this neighborhood since Wnd nesilay have dnstroycd nearly all the timber left In this part of the Delaware valley The dwelling barnsandsaw mill of 8towol Cannon on Hoods Croak the barn of Jerry Scbriver on Dry Pond and the tenant house belonging to B t ladloyon the moun lAln amithniiBt nf i a C a tn I UbUUUOk Ul IIIU I1UVO been destroyed The wind which Is now com- ing ¬ up has caused tha Ire to break out In many new placeL- icKAWAXKK Pa May 5The proprietors of the extensive mills at Sbohok Falls In Pike loft Laokawaxen In the afternoon to runt their homos The air was Iliad with smoke and It was known that the road which they were to take was surrounded by fire After driving about four miles they found It Impossible to proceed further and accordingly turned back to Laokawaxen They had pro- ceeded ¬ K short distance only whon they found that the fire had reached the road As the lire was giowing hotor and the smoke moro dense every minute decided to make an effort to drive through It I t The horses were started on a dead run and tor 400 Yards they passed through a road which was lined with tire tho flames scorching the horses hair while the smoke was so intoiiso that was Impossible to see Ova yards shiest I JAMAICA May 5The fires In the woods In Central Long Island are now under control RIO NJ 5The forest fires In the still burning A tract of land ex- tending ¬ from Colts Neck to within n few miles of hero ba ben devastated It Is estimated that have already been burned over and time damage 1 reach nearly 150000 PJCD BANK N J Ma fiThe rain of last nlgnt has extinguished the forest tires that bave been raging In different parts of lion mouth county Considerable valuable timber has been destroyed NEW BEurouD Mass May IA fire wa set In the woods near 1ulsell at Dart- mouth ¬ yesterday tl burning having swobt from 100 to 200 acres land 1ROlilULT Nor A fOUABS Mr Amellsi lie Forrcila CnaSJdeaee la a Tilled Utrancer Betrayed A welldressed and attractivelooking wo man followed by her two children a boy of 13 and a girl of 10 years called at the Charity Commissioners office in Brooklyn yesterday- Two weeks ago she said I was Mrs Amelia Do Forrest a widow Today I dont know what am perhaps the Countess von Hapaburg perhaps heaven knows what Since my husbands death I have kept 1 dressmaking establishment at 4C3 Third avenue New York Throe mouths ago a tall man handsome and with plenty of jewelry began to follow me on the street arid pay mo attentions He was gen- tlemanly ¬ I but at last ho won my porslalDtiaud consent to he WHO August von Hapnburg ann was a laflulsln Austria We could got married In ho stld and then start for his estate Wo worn married on April 10 by a Now York minister and he brought me to 234 Mustrole street Brooklyn To my surprise he thom in- formed ¬ me that ho was a widower and had two children After two weeks he disappeared with his children and I havent soon bun since This lf < al ho IoU metm continued thu woman pointing to ring on liar Infer Ho told me It was a choice diamond but the jcwollor ell- atnttisnniypamtte 8ho was referred to tho New York Charity Commissioners The polIce learned that tho Mitrnulfi von Hnpsburg Is a sporting character In Wllllamsburgb and that he has probably loft the country ITZTif DrtMOVnl AKD OPIUM A Cklnaee Laundrrman Accused 1 fobbing 0 Cklcuca Man 1 kit Wit CHICAGO May 5 Frank Lovlo complained- to the police lat night that a Chinese laundry- man known as China o by squandering money and jewelry on his wife had stolen her affections and hiss her locked up somewhere abut his laundry In Clark street LevIe was a year ago to May Wheeler a hand ¬ some blonde China Joo did lila washing- and was In the habit of visiting his apartments to deliver parcels of laundered clothes The Chinaman became acquainted with tho pret ty Mrs Levi and fell In love with her He presented her with diamonds and Induced- her to visit his place on Clark street whero ho persuaded her to smoke opium Toe woman finally became addicted to the habit and was soon In the power of the Celestial On Friday lost she left her husbands home and Lvlnl suspecting that she was In China place wont nfter her Hn found a number Chinamen cards but when thy saw IItylnj him they Jed polo have promUed to raid the for Levis attempt to recover his wife Preeeedla 1 Cengreis WASHINGTON May 5 TIe Senate spent tho dsy debating the Shipping IIL Mr Miller of New York niale a long speech In favor of this bill He said that free ships would be no relief If Iron ships could Le brought Into thli country free none would be built tiers anil In twentylive yeses there would I not be a ilniyanl I I worthy of time name In time United States I Ha l hello vd In liberal cntuiennAtlnii fur rsm Ing the malls This bill would irtve about l5flhmmX for time carriers of our foreign mails Mr Miller thought we Ohllo tpend from tn year for null fUI fOOU nl Mqrrlll and uthers ntio took Pert In time ileunte It is expected that a lole on time hill will be reached tomorrow > feinrii Plumb slid Van Wyck lutroiiured blllt tn re trlct foreign cnninsnletaua corporations In time owner t umlc hermits 1 1t u > derided I In time VIrginia rnnteitcd election e DFcrrsI Cmimmi agmlne Isnl Muhoullllh1 was entitled to the leSt tin at ones took the oath ot tifllce At time etenlng seiilon a numher nf speeches vera marts cm time Morrlsmi flit Time rpeskers who alto Caied l tin wor hi esera Yullni Dem Trim llnl man t lol Wundvtnnl I 1 Pem Wlis ttnrgan- Urm > lo Kumner i Dtin Wi lt1 4 llrectenrluge ItDim Ark miami lairs Dem Aiam Those a tin onpostd I rre Misers Ferrell Drm N J Uonnellr leui In- Ini I t Hai l Mlllsrd I Iteli N V llkln Vomit i taT i James Hep N Y Skinner Ittp K lltm 4- P irIWg N Y and Taylor itch Ohio TerrlrJc Fxploilon afKalnral Oas OIL CITY Il May 5News has just reached tiers of a expiation of natural gas at hhnl- Warrn county late last night In a house occupied by a large number of Ilungnrltn laborer Tht force of time nix iisiion blrw time bmMltiK to fruvmiut anil shook time ivholn town Time nccuiiantx were hlnwn from fIfteen 10 fitly fret and althoudi I nilraruloiiilr eicar 11 In tllldalh moil of them wee IIJur1 more I leis It Is supposed escaped from a Ii Ik in the pipe Mulclde from an Old Dominion learaskliiX- OIIFOLK VI May 5Tim steamship Old Dominion from New York to Norfolk reports that on Saturday afternoon when off Long Branch an Imm- igrant bound fur Little Ark bide an excited fare- well to the deck orncer Kokl leaped overboard limo ship was ntnpicd and a boallo but the only sign tote discovered vvn e place In ort dlicolored by blood showing that time nap had been crushed br the truest al- he paiinl under It The suicide was probauly A Ucr jnan slid rftterril it nsm as fil Rats Hall and IUkl lng WINNIPEG May 5A severe rain and hal storm prsvslls here and throughout th West of hers the telegraph wires were struck bylbt fling end the telephone offices ware burned Intensity of the electrical heat r itu mat > Heputatloa for honeSt dealing has made them leaders of Pie ci uitc trad to tat n JeweyAda- C 0 iI FettI Jk Ca Grind Army suit with two sett of buttons le very popular anti guaxautMd 7U sod 72 Bgwery jai WA1T1NO rOM MKWH PROM TUX SKA- Pateraensa N aa tke Utah af flertda Why Bid Kat 1 CIty af Bss teal Pole who called at the office of the State Company yesterday seam I any further news had been received from missing steamer State ol Florida were an- swered ¬ in tho negative We are walling for he arrival of the sailing ve 111 that picked up be crew or for some steamer that may have taken them from the ship It they remain on the ship they wi probably arrive In at some Amorlcan tho of this week If on pr enl a steamer may be from at any m- oment said the lInt fact that crow was picked up by a wontbound shlpshow that the steamer Rnlni mil either down or was In Imminent danger ot sinking because they would other- wise ¬ have stayed by this steamer until they could be transferred to an oistbound steamer The action of the Captain of time Anchor line steamer City of Home In passing the sailing ship without waiting even to road all of her signals has been the subject ot much adverse criticism among seamen In addition to Mr and Mrs Thomas Hall of Paterxon who were cabin passengers on the State of Florida the foUowlnlloraeepal- nIer > wero from the her daughter Mary Tumllty Mr Elizabeth Shannon and her daughter Mary Shannon and Francis Canning They have all been residents ot Paterson for some years and were on their way to visit rllatelin Scotland LONDON Obnrrtrr expresses as tonUhment that the steamship City of Home did not follow up the Information which It re- ceived ¬ from the sailing vessel that reported having some of the crow of the State of Florida on and attempt to elicit further facts It bar importance of the msttor would justify even a little delay In the passage hint It Rays tbe fact Is that the growing mania for swift transatlantic passages bfl taken away from skippers of steamship the Intern which they formerly took In speaking eyeD whop as In the ease of lie State of Flor- ida ¬ a feeling of humanity would naturally and perhaps usefully stimulate curiosity No explanation Is yet forthcoming of the si- lence 1 ¬ of the officers of tbe City of Hmo slnco she arrived RECTOR BLOAKS FAITH CVRK- SBltke WllllasM Calls a Meeting 1 the Church ta 0cC LIght e a the BuhjeeiB- TBATFORD May 5lno the alleged cure of Miss Fanny Curtis of this place ot a disease of twenty years standlnl which was said to have boon by prayer and anointing with oil at tho hands of the they Arthur Sloan rector of Christ Church other cures of a aim liar character are said to have boon made by Hr Sloan and his reputation as a faith curer ba become well established The account of the first cure whlchnas published In Tint Bus caused a large number of letters of inquiry to be addressed to the young pastor so many In fact that It was found Impossible to reply to them oxcont by means of printed circular which wo done Homtof the members of Mr Hloans church defend the method used and others condom It The wardens and vestry ot the church withhold any expression opinion until such time as it could be spoken In the hearing ot an authority The visit of the itight llev Bishop John Wil- liam ¬ of this diocese to the parish last evening supplied the opportunity Ten persons were continued by the Bisbol and the usual service- was held was hold and 1 moetDI all persons not remain yore excluded and the doors clonea Them were no charges brought directly against Mr Sloan hut an opportunity was given to him to explain fully tbo curing of disease by faith sad prayer It was a somewhat solemn tribunal If report b true Senior Warden William H hitch Junior Warden Walter Wllcoxson sat together- near the Chairman The following vestrymen were present Robert HlusRel Stiles Hurd John Holmes Joseph Alfred Burrltt George Vilcoz Lwil Samuel W Beurdslor and L L Tho BUhop said that ho had called the meet lag simply to procure light on subject that had boon brought to his notice Hn had hat many newspapers sent to him cOllnlnlnl de- scriptions ¬ ot faith cures and the same subject When ho bad ceased spoaklng this the oburohono after another spoke their minds freely At the chose of de- liberations ¬ as near ns can b ascertained the vestry good two In favor the rec- tors ¬ olsustnlnlli course and eight Bishops ruling wax not announced and it Is believed that he will reserve it for some time The rec- tor ¬ wardens and os try are rctlcont as to wlml occurred at tho mooting and not one of them would speak on thu subject MRS ADAMS flKDS UKtt HUSBAND He is About to Hall AWAY On his Vessel but 81e line SlIm Arrested Oapt Edward D Adams who IB In com ¬ mand or a sailing vosxel running to Havana married a 18yearold Philadelphia girl six enr ago when ho was 25 She had him ar rested yesterday In Brooklyn for abandon ¬ mont filie Is I handsome brunette and was faHlilounhly droMRr They hare one child She said her onco before for night months after R quarr l and that he UBod to frighten her by enteritis tbo house wearing knives and pistols stuck Into n bolt and using language which shocked her Eighteen months ago bo left her again nnd did not return On Saturday she learned ho wax about to sail from New York and got tho warrant Capu Adams said ho could bavo lived happily with his wlfti If It bail not boon for her mother Hr got his wll8Inwcr to ngree Loan adjourn- ment ¬ for nine weeknbecaURO ho Is In the fruit carrying trade and I was very essential that MR vessel tbe John It Dergen should start for Havana at oncn He consented to provide for the support of his wife In the meantime A Head for the Headless Bedr PBILAnILlBI May 5A human head was found today In the Witishlckon Creek near the place where time trunk of a body supposed to be that of Fred- erick Btshl was picked up last March Ths Coroners Jury It wilt bo remembered after a searching Invettlgstlnn returned a verdict that the headless I body was that of Ntahl and that hli I death had hem caused Vv violence by sonic person or persons un- known to time jury Time heat found today was laklloI- he t4orotmeri ones this evening Tho hack f Is cruihed and from time appearance of the neck il it was etldently I hacked from time I hmly The head ie a suf- ficiently good stste ot preservation to limit of lilentlfl cation and Btahls brother and an Intimate friend of time missing man after hmn Inc seen the imiad both expressed the opinion that It was that of Ktshl The Coroner will continue time investigation on Wednesday By direction of time Coroner Albr Uleterle a butcher- for whom Mth worked and whose premises he was last sent was taken Into custody tonltrht and locked up The authorities are I In possession of informa- tion which I Is mid ttronglv connects liicterlcwith time mytcrlimmms I disappearamice t of Blahl One or the elite vn resembles that which would bo made by i blow with < butchers cleaver Obituary The Itev James Washington Woo a noted Ireibterlsn died In Allentown 1 ulra sge47l Ue was one of the first graduate of Lafayette College completing till course there In 1B37 and In time Union Theological Nemlnnrr In IH40 lie preached In Deckertown N J rrollMlo 1H15 sod In Chester h Yrroiii IS4 to I l last period his house yap a refngo for blaves cscnplng tn iniiada from the I Kouth l the hunilred sheltered I wafely escaped Krcmi to 1NU ho travelkd In time West anit on time FsKterii continent and berame Intereited In ml lontry- wiirk which wttli temperance work occnnlid 1 moil of his attention lo I time date nf tile micatim dlnce IIMU he hat held a phitornte In Allentown lit leaves a wlilow- v daughter limit lie married lait a ulio three sous and a Termed In 0- DnEsrlT May 5A tornado struck the loner end ofbl city at 4t this afternoon levelling a number of buildings One person was killed outright a number of other were badly Injured all lemons III Play hiTimle niternoon a tornado lon corns limo southern rail of the town carrying ever thing bcforu It Three housesone nf them i a in o story stiucturewere completely demollthed half e dozen ethers were unroII and nany barns acre scsttered tn time buildings and fences tile Vatr hounds were Icvtlled Tree toot uprooted or stripped ot tnt branches lees Van Wngnrr Kxpecled to Dir KxBurrogate Isuae Van Wagoner one of the oldeit Ion of Iateriou formerly arand Matter of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey Mssoni ulan sick lOll Wediiei4ay with an soul attack of llrlglilsdlseiie end last night ns w as not expected to live until morning Democratic Dials In North Carolina ItALKiaii May 5In tho municipal elections today In Raleigh Nswbsrn Aihevllle Qrccuiboro- Tsrlioro Durham Dohliboro Ireeuvllle and other in the Cute time I Democrats wer lucccuful m yrr lomi luilauvcs making large game Asmiilnatlan la OkieY- OUKOSTOWN 0 May 5John 6od a farm- er near Morgantown was mortslly wonuiled Isit night by an unknown annsiln who cant on horseback I his bedroom semI fired through a window whIt Uood u- ap bulls hits wits ho clue Claee Vala aa the TaHaT Hill- WAaUiunoN May 5 Representative Mor ¬ risen ssld this evening relative to the vote tomorrow on tke proposition to atrlke nut tiieeneeitngclaueso- tas Tarti huh I claim but It wilt bs very cicea > 11 k j i TiE FEEEATING DUNCANS- A mVJtDKMTOHM JMJMM ON TRWR- FKSfllTVAL JurJClo 45g Wallace aaaeseae the 17 0 Miaeilag- fanatleeleaer ta akew why ke akeald Nat ae Keasevea Tea ratkerly ar Carraaf United Btatos Shipping Commissioner Charles 0 Duncan Is a rtunc1 ruddyfaced ami will tohalrod man cln bo soon mOlt any day between I and 8 with some of his fam- ily ¬ In his big olc In Cherry street Yesterday Judge the United States Circuit Court painfully disturbed the whitehaired Commissioner by handing down 21 PAIOI of neatly written legal cap ordering show cause why ho and bis family should not bo removed from his snug official berth In Cherry street altogether The Immediate cause of his Honors decision- was the voluminous report of Examining Mas- ter ¬ Joseph Outman Jr oa Mr Duncan ac ¬ count for 1883 In February 1883 the Curt was to confirm Mr Gutman report which showed that out of the total receipts of 13253160 for 1881 just 12303160 had been paid out for expenses Of this Amount Mr Duncans three sons F0 Duncan O F Dun- can ¬ and 0 D Duncan got 11048 each United States District Attorney Kllbu Root told the Court that he considered these salaries exces- sive ¬ and Judge Walloon referred the accounts back to Mr Gutman on Oct 2 1883 for proof and explicit report on the services rendered These proofs and were returned to Judge Wallace rpr After examining them he says officially ThIs It time tint occasion Wlel the account hate been challenged by offering the part of the District Attorney The proofs taken before the Master are vol- uminous I and embrace a wide range of investigation notwithstanding the etrsnnoiistetorfao the part ot ties Commtseloner to narrow the aeM of Invsttlgation The examination aa to the extent enS value of the ar- t of the Deputy Oommlsitoaer I and tIIIMu ones gsnaralfy since Its taceptluu which III Is very much to be regretted were not brought t the attention of my predecessors It will sot bs protlt able to attempt a recapitulation ut the evidence II I Is dee ta the Shipping Coutmlsslaaer I hewever t state that wltnessss of high I respectability I I and Intslllgtnoe hive commended his administration of the ornre rot ally and approved ai reasonable I the salaries lisa I paid his seas The reasons why I cannot ecu ur In their opinion and disapprove the Idlnrlor time Master may be briefly stated I sad rest salient but controlling conelderatlona- Tbe statute that creates the eftlce provides that the salary tees sad emoluments af the Commissioner shall lu no case exceed OVOOO year ThIs salary v at deemed adequate by the legislative I department of the Govern- ment to compensate him tot all his responsibilities and services however onerous end enacting they might be Ills duties are of course more 1 Important thin those of any of hli lutiordlnates Their delis are either clerical such aa those of bookkeepers or accountantor they are service of a lower grail The law contemplates that timer are to be discharged by the Commissioner himself with such clerical SMlntsjice as way be nece ary As soccer I by time proofs the services Rhlch time subordinates of Ihs higher giedee perform are almost Identically such as are renderd bv clerks In private shipping I unices In New York cOy The Comnlssloeer recognised thle selecting all his prlnelpsl aulatants exclusive of I hr sons from this class of employees pirions who been clerks In private shipping offices Inasmuch ai his own salary sad emolument were flied by time law I at KM K> and this standard of compen- ssllon was adopted by Congress so a ufdnl remuner- ation for his neil ae well as hie action of Commivionerln appoinUnz fivedeputies to discharge clerical duties tee soon as he had occnpledths orlolr enough to ascertain Its probable Income from at 5 salary of Keats each and two at salaries et ri000 sects starts the suggestion that Its tied gravsly miscon- ceived the spirit ot the I law under which he was toed minuter time office Put when It appears en ruing year laid these fIve deputies were aIr al- S3MIO ooh limit four of them were hit end that one of these sons woe only Id year old with no more experience or qualifications I for the place than his rears would Imply a very cogent Inference arlies that he had conceived a scheme for administering his office which wat not only Illegitimate aa a radlealdeparture I from that I onnlvmpliitod by Uw but which I nae r reimtnant to all notloni of economy sail decency r wat nnt tainted with corrupt mol In IH73 these tIre deputies salarIed br lilin lrooeacli In IRM alter paying his own salary and those of the doputiea and tteeothereipnnseaof the office there remained out of receipts nf feea amountlnr to fSStw the mm of flMtoheiialdlnto time Tresssrj of the United States In 1875 the fees were 3lwiu and HH3 I less than the expenses from 1871 to the preieul time time expenses of each year have absorbed time re nuts Time theory of the Rhlpptur Cnmmltaloner I It that with the concurrence Judxe Womtruff he made an ar raumnent with his deputies by which atilary of S4000- a year to each of them wa to be allowed when time feea- of the ames would pay It because the re celptt of the office were aautuaUmr and at times the salaries wnuhl therefore have to bo much leu ami It appcart tint In 1871 they were allowed onlv 9A4VJ erich the receipts havIng fallen In that year to the nun of t2M774 Yet In 1877 when the receipts Ware still kt time deputle ashen were allowed at S3 Hot each and II le noticeable that In thie year there were but tour clerka employed In the ainreitau mitti I that they were emily pall In this exertlate the turn of fSS7 In 1H7S the nnmlier of depullei sees reduced to four time four suns of the htilpplnir Cnmmlitloner lielnirretalneil and they were paid JtKA > tacit fiubfcqnentlv one nf them rotlreil and ilnce then three deputies all nf them the toil of the Cnnimlnnnner hines been employed In 1SKJ the year specially umlor coneldrratlnn there three deputies sac tacO laid 13Cto each while time pity roll shins that onlr two clerkl were employed imo of whom too paid mill and one VIta and the receipts of time office were fiKMl which are loot balanced by the expenic These fIgures Rtan 1lnff by tliemielven are a ludtclent- onmmentnrv upon time extrKvaLAnrA ivnl luiproprlrtv of time arranxeiiient retpeotlnz depatlei and tlittr- Falarle wliluh wa mate by tIme shipping romml rlnner and which nccortllnt to his utatiinet woe approved liv Judge WooilrtilT llut It It now ihowti bv the teetltitony that during nil these years nntll IHril there were experi- enced and competent clerks etnpo ed In the nfrlce liv the Coinmloloner who nrrenot only fully qualified to performm these sorties of the ileputle but colic actually mliii perform inhntnntlally the siDle eervlce at aalarltt of frnm fjo tn ga per week And time proofs also hmv that uch compeiiAMtinn It what I is generally allowed for bmmmmlar service itm time prltatc ililiij cfltce of New York city In e low of this testImony there can be but one of two cinmlooioms Either that thorommlMioner line been so uiiuueu ny pareuai iniereii inai lie fonia not exerrue- an Intelligent Judgment reepectlnK the economical and decorous atlinlnittratlnn of the ofncr or he haa corrupt- ly exercised tile power and npiiortutltlet to farm out lit revenues aitpoll for femur dUtrlhntlon Time Idea that Judre Woodruff oreither of my other predecettort In onice wouM hare sanctioned tuch a- atate of affalrt at I now shown to have existed It not to be harbored fur a moment They were misled undoubt- edly by a plausible presentation of the tact on tIme part or the Shipping CommiMiloner and were called upon to decide upon an ex parte heating or nponprooft which did not exhibit any counten alllnff evidence Judge Wallace orders that for the present temporary regulation of the Commissioners business those rules bo now adopted 1 One chief clerk deputized In ease of neceultyto act for tIme Milpplnc Commlulontr In his official caiaolty and to be allow ad a ailary not to exceed S3 Aiu per annum 2 Three other clerks at salaries not to exceed 1200 each or two at salaries tint to exneed 91600 cacti In the dlecretlou of the lomumilif ones S All cnmpeniailon received by the Cotumlaeloner hit subordInate for services rendered dHtiHir tiNe limit to owner or maitert nf veeeelt or to seamen lobe accounted fur and returned with time receipt of the office Judge Wallace further says that although ho disapproves of the Masters report he bits no power tn compel Mr Duncan to pay Into the United States Treasury any fees which he has not Bufllclontly accounted for The receipts belong to the United State and the United States can sue for them It suit Is brouorht It may become pertinent to Inquire whether the retention of his sons and the salaries paid them was Induced by misrepresentation er sup presalon of material fttcta on the part of the Shipping Commissioner In conclusion Judge Wallace says that while tho law authorizes and emponurs the Court to remove any Shipping Commissioner whom It may have reason to believe does not property perform Ills duties he still believes that Sir Duncan should have a hearing on the proof and records of his management If he desires to retain the office In order to show that he has properly performed Its duties For this pur ¬ pose Judge Wallace enters an order denying this motion to pass the accounts of 1882 and requiring Capt Duncan to show cause on May 10 at 10 S oclock A M why he should not be removed from oOlce Lawyer Tail of counsel for the whitehaired Oommlsnioner suddenly walked Into tile Cir- cuit ¬ Court Clerks offlre yesterday and In ¬ formed Commissioner Shields that he would like Judge Wallace to know that Mr Duncan was desirous of conforming to his Honor1 In Htructlons nnd had already made changes In his system of management Commissioner Shields cheerfully responded that he would be pleased to Inform his Honor at the earliest op ¬ portunity and Lawyer Taft bowed and retired Klrasee Tickets Setd at a niseeant Mrs William C Kcbermerhorm said last evening that alto believed time profit of the Rlrmessf- fU on at time new opera honto n f6ttno and STooo but she could or lilt I as the returns nnd hilts were not math In Time flower booth upnho1 l lon made pun The expenses were erv heavy theeveiiliiv speculators offereil ticket tor smite on I- halIICI street whereas time bux nrtlce price v ss 91 It to was counterfeiting or underhand uiirk of spine kind A Knnmer Hotel Met en Flre- GioucnHTEn May 5The Pebbly Boach Iluo i Iua turntuer hotel ut hess loon a was on SUI1 ntgimt Jsnhtnr his wife wtmm had of tue hotel during the escaped with their hIves Time lIre was of rleI I 1 111 bllr time timird lcD 1 a lhlu a 1hlo liO UeaWlea lahiarlel on Vnlo Pacific I I II announced that the Union Pacific Hall Company lies reduced by lb per cent sll talirlei of- 3WIOand upwanli I all tilarlei unde i lufloo down to sud liiclinllnitleiiooiir l2 per and all ealeriea lets than flKJU by lit per cent The locmnothe enxl- neere anil nreinen whose salaries h4 already beta cut down escape this new reduction Meyer Ollkert CalHa I Gilbert Collins Jersey Citys pew Mayor took possession of Ills office yesterday Mayor Tamilg re i f 0 0 o c r COL TAN WAOKNKI DEAD A Tsrsw f aM Woe and for IS Tears a a arlr far Tke- Ool Sue Eoewoll L Van Wfvtcncn for thirteen years a reporter of Tnm SUN die early yes- terday ¬ morning In this city was born In New York In 1841 His father was an oldtime New Yorker once a hardware merchant At the breaking out of the war the son who had attained his majority enlisted as a private In the Ninth Regiment Ho returned to this city nt the expiration of the first term of his enlist ¬ mont and rotinllsted a Major of the 105th Now York and shortly after was promoted to tho LieutenantColonelcy of that regiment In 18C8 he rejoined Company I of the Ninth Itagl meat Ho left the regiment with the rank of Ilo was one of the most expert of yachting re porters He knew yachtsmen from Now York- to DOltonlnd nt one time himself own di- OuartermonterSergoant a wide aculintanl In Wal street anddld creditable neIPlprwork Col Van Woaenon years editor of tho military column of tbo Sunday Mercury In the discharge of hil various duties ho won very many friends by lila personal traits and by this character of his work For several years Col Van W sgenen suffered from an affection of the throat which prevented- his speaking louder than a whisper and which developed Into consumption Something over a year ago he went down among tbo Georgia pines for his health but received no perma- nent ¬ benefit For 11a months put be had ap- parently ¬ felt that hil condition was hopeless and deollne to art the advice of lois friends to favorable climate jot Van Waxenen wax a membr of the Old Guar and a Mason His wmo front of his mother In Harlem TlinKK ItAHDS OF CLUBS The VIe Chatty Mrs Bridget Welsh Maw CeatlBeT VaSlalra Mrs DrhgB Welsh a brighteyed Irish- woman ¬ year old who says she worked a year for den Grant at Long Branch aceUe Hn Frederioa Dremoyer and her Yorkvlllo Court yesterday of assault m Br meyer Is the housekeeper at 130 East Twentyeighth street whore Mrs Welsh lives This mornln said Mrs Welsh the If ddy earns up to mo nlPautment wld two In her hands Irish club co Tbo dlvll n stliep will I go says I and up and takes the clubs from the leddye Thea In come tbe etntlifman wit two band his Twos Mr Bremeyer Wid club hAnd wit two clubs In bl hfndl I called me own son to me assistance apaoeablo woman who hn lived wld Quaker families most of mo I did not strolko- nnnybody They othruck mo wid clubs and pitched me ton Into a tub of water Mr JJromoyer salt that Mrs Welshs son was drunk and had made a disturbance and that tbe landlord wanted the rooms vacated The son attacked the llremeyers and they de- fended ¬ themselves Madam your son was drunk said JUte DtltJ at all norr- Ho lIe Quiet disturbed the neighbors Not at sill BOlT Uooulntlsay are evidently a woman much given to talkingI- Tou Not at at all sort Will al be quiet The tenants complain tbat you are Quarrelsome Not at all at 11 sorr TakQ her roundsman Muldoon You are discharged Sir Dromeyor THE KLErATKD ROADS SCORE OffK Reveres ef the Ueelelea GIving Dr TaJ SOOOO Damages Dr C Fayette Taylor and Ill partner who held a ten i cars lease of 10 FIlblr street corner ot Sixth ateunc got Judgment for I00O agaInst the Metropolitan Elevated RaIlway Company and ot- S150OO against the Metropolitan and the Manhattan Jointly for damage caused by the operation of the road In front of their premises Chief Judge Bedgwlck told the Jury that as theccinpeateslmad felled to ceedings to condemn time property they were lr1ll Indirect as well as direct damages could of business and so on The General Term of the Superior Court Judges rrtednian and OGornmn concurring holds that these rulings were erroneous and reverses time judgment Time plaintiffs illil not ctiirco negligence snd this do feiulsnts were liable only Mr the value of private prop- erly directly taken and diminution tn > alue of erty directly caurrit by the taklnzot a part of the t c erty Time abrl ell of time plaintiffs easement in Ih street was a taking private property only so far time structure soil operation of the road were Inconsis- tent with time ordinary I lau fill uses of time street Only such taking mut te paid fur and the measure of dam- ages Is the I the prnpertye rental value The sat clause In the nogfll of the General Term U- Thill in an > aor It time caiedamizei w ere not nrcnuryto nor luuldent to time operation nf time road slid that the company was wholly ioiolvent The French Muditm la tke Tombs Eliza Parrot known as the French Madam Istily ot 54 Weal Thlrtyflrit street who was convicted In time General Seiilout of violating the Exclie law by selling liquor without a license was arraigned yester ¬ day for lenience Judge Ollilersleevs sail that ha had before him many conflicting aBIJavlts both as to Mrs 1srrets reputation and time character of her establish- ment Uapt Williams mail nothing to say analnit the place or Mrs Iarret limit other reputable standing hail made affidavit that fhohral of the place was notoriously ted He was It was but was of that Mrl Iarret was a fairly respectable woman engaged a very reprehensible business He and Ills associates Recorder myth and Judge Cowing had come to time conclusion that fines were not inOlcleiit l In casss of contlctlon of violating time excise lottery and policy laws The floes were iatd sal the men ami women fined returned to their legal traffic Iinprlscnmsnt appeared however to be it deterrent He sentenced Mrs tenet t Imprisonment In the Tombs for ten day end to pay a Sue of IUO The flue was paid Yeaec New Yorkers Loaratag t Fine A number of oun gentlemen sat on Camp- stools last night In t parlor at IS West Twentyfourth street sod welched t score ot tbol comrades substitute padded leather Jackets kn breechee cud stated cbsmolt gloves fe their usual t mint attire end Ie with great spirit Into the opening exercises of the new noID clb The walls were fringed with stat tolls network masts tied set of with some Interest- Ing Chinese armor that looked like alligator ski Mr Peter Barlow I lu a suit of t wills Hr I Murray Mitrhell and rn- g broad sword In Inlle rlol with club teacher l lobAr engaged In an Intricate endeavor Mr Kdward Livingston Ludlow Leon r dOremleux fenced brtl- llsntly with Cut Nicolas awl Mr Mitchell fought a Slid with Trot OConnor of Colombia College with outer Later therlaehof swordsgaveway Is the clash o alshea Time dab Is modelled after time Cerole de- 1Bwrlme ot Paris Judge Bart of the Bnprsme Court I It otis ot the fencer Tke Classes 1 Kscaae the Alderaen far aTlasr The Siamese embassy kept closely to their room In ths Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday except Prince Erom Mnn Saris Vararidohl who nntur01 walk with an attendant down Broadway eee sight of the metropolis ky daylight Time Prlnca said be had never seen eo noisy a thorougkfar Ills Idsntity was not discovered The emusiny took their meals In a privets dining room At S P M a lilt express wagon backed up to the Uadlson qure nlreor time hotel was plied wIth time embaMye b from time Twentythird street entrance the Siamese 1te unob- served lute coaches In welting and were don n Hroadway and to the Detbrotses street ferry in a highly democratic manner They boarded a palace car on time Silo P H train and went toward Washington I 1 a Time Aldermen have appointed Aldermen endcl Hhells Flock Unset semi Farley to bs hospitable on behalf of time city to tie Siamese when timer come back Mrs Mend Curl 1 Slek Mrs Maud Carll was absent again yesterday meritIng when abs was old at a ii lints In tie cross divorce suit et Illusdals against UtD0aln Long Island City Two doctors slid her cauSed that she was toe t sick to reins to I court Gen Tracy put OR a wit ness Ucone rrothtiiglisin who teitlfled lust he saw her near the Vourt house on frldsy when she was also ab- sent on account of atlefedslcknen I JUKtlce Strewn denlet a motion t made In behalf of W B- Illnxlale fur tear lo withdraw a Inror but he created an adjiiuriunent until Monday with the pllalII the case should then to on although or evin a portion of time jury might be unavtlotblr de- tained JustIce Drown appolnled Stenographer f > O McKwfn referee to sake tire Carl testimony out of court should both sides agree Wisraed Net to O ta fkleace I Tho Civil Bervlco Reform Association I Is Is- suing ¬ notices to customs House mind other public office nouiers utrcctini their attention to CU5 fact an ac- tive Interference In politics and participation la conten- tions It detriments to their efficiency at officIals I lice vral I customs enclnls uotsblr I Collector Robertson see lelfmtii to the Chicago IresliIeiilUI Convention and other rrOse going there lo rstivsss for their favor lie CAiidlilstc AinotiK the ololalln time employ of the city a ho are tviut are John 1 the llurean of- hlectloni John K Lvdecker Tax nAt J W Jacobun Tax Assptvort Michael Court Clerk JaeobM lollce rolrol Police Justice 1 < 1010 I bmltli Jlito Their Beat FodBttiis Vpward Two brothers John and William Allen aged It and 13 years rsipcctlvcly hired a rowboat near their home al Secaucus on 8undty and went out owlng on this llackeniack Klvir They hays not slpe been teen and at Hit host was found bottom upward In the river yesterday U I ii supposed that they have been drown ONB KNOCK DOWN AVIXCK- Tke AeTte Laborer reeves a 6a 4 Slayer Ms- Ovkar VisIts a PIiemo John Gannon an aged laborer was helping to construct a sewer In Fiftythird street near Lexington avenue yesterday afternoon Sewer Inspector James Coburn brother the pugi ¬ list came along and told Gannon to take out CM tain stones that he salt had boon Improp Gannon was n prisoner In the Yorkvlllo Po ¬ lice Court halt an hour later upon the complaint of Coburn who said ho had been assaulted by the laborer Coburns face and bald head were frescoed with cuts and bruises Gannons story was as follows- I ItakseoutthotonOii for him Ho called mo a our nail slapped my lace I put up my hands Ha knocked me down I got up anti knocked him down Mr John WhoMer an octogenarian of Cort land corroborated Gannons statement Ian ¬ non was hold for examination today COL JX IS DESlKltATK His Fnesj Toward Europe hut his tlnanc StIll Atkexr Gel Mapleson wa found In the Now York Hotel yesterday milling In a new pair of bright blue trousers aid a cutaway colt I dont know what they are going lo do about pay- Ing that guarantee lie taM Now they say 1 havent oaks them for their cheek Ive been MVInt them till Im black In the face If titer wire alt tike Mr Tracer Id bs all right Hes a gentlemen he Is and a sup- porter of opera oven It he cant bear to hear prlma donnas sing Ive juil been around tn the Academy and everything le In etntu qua Status quo mat now Is- Nllwon Hell for thats vi here ever tIming Is At 10 In time evening tIme tuionel had ceased to smile What do you think theyre done now f he ItiQtilred Gone and notified me that 1 will be sued for KU iprnl for enltlng up my scenery and omitting It Im desperate smuts Im going to Kurope on ThurMay an how Kow 1 hear they want Tracers to take up the jintgtnctit and hold It over my heed so that at soon as I make n little money they can grab It lint thev sire mistaken If they think I am going to be a Oannld tilling tip a sieve Ilks thee Academy 1 wont do n thing until that Judg- ment I li put Into my hands Mr Puke time Colonels lawyer eat br him and en deavored In vain to stop time Sow o < time Colonels eloquence when the Mapleton affair Is ifttlel down three said a comnutteeman of the Metropolitan Opera House ws nay have some news up here Bertkslkat WV Lack a Has In Twentyfive railroad men sat In the Junlata a sew Woodruff sleeper In time Brie yards Jersey City ysstsrday They were admiring the elegance ot time car and th quality of the luncheon over which PresIdent Jackson of the Woodruff Company presided when a youag man who noticed that tIme upper berths were im- pended hy chaIns la the usual fashIon said to Manager John C taut- Suppose your car rolls down a high embankment and suppose when the car Is bottom side up a very big oman in time bottom berth comes down On the top berth time top berth would close up and the lilts clicks that hold It In place In time dnv time would snap into place end the man In the top berth would be looked In with no prospect of relief until the sound of Uabrlela trumpet Is not that true t- Mr Paul ut a three for dollsr cigar gay two pads and said No Ordinarily the little clicks work with a spring and a man might jet fattened In If time car rolled Orer lies the porter turns that little handle In the undersIde of the upper berth anti down come the berth To get the berth to remain up be has to turn time handle back again Ths berth will swing shut If the car rolls ovsr but It csnaot fatten Itself The nswcarls finished In mahogany rosewd lad euajed maple Inlaid In beautiful patterns Hammered beanie enrtalu rode replace the oonnnosi shining brass ones Time car cost 14000 It wIll run between Louis- ville and Chicago Ancient Veins at Aactlasi A score of eels collectors and dealers tilted tack In armchairs In Bangs ACos suction rooms at Ian Broadway j esterday and for nearly three hours html for ancient bits ot coin comprising part 4 ot the late Prof Anthona cabinet Nearly 500 coins were soil ant today the remainder ot this part of the collection Is to be bid oft Colas ot brass bronze silver and gold were sold They were relics ot the Governments of Rome Greece end Judea The highest price for a single piece was paid by Mr O L Feuardent who paid S7I for S gold onto struck In the reign ot Pertlnax In Sonic Fourteen specimens of the very rare bronze Roman coin these brought S 1S30 or more than 3 each An as was worth little more than halt a cent Mr raMardenf who made the catalogue eald of one of therolntt This piece ii exceedingly scarce as are all the coins relating to Judea and Some retouching appears In ties legend otherwIse It It In very sir condition and he adds tn Italics Another example of nilsconcelt In attemptlrf to Improve ancient monuments The sale yesterday brought more than ISUU Mrs Jsekau Goes Away with 91000 An Italian called Antonio Jackoman lived Mpplly In time upper part of Mrs OConnors house In Third street In Dutch Kills Long Island City with hli wits and three children until a year ago when he rented a furnished room lo a well dressed youig tallow countryman whose name li reported ai Rooks After thst Jackoman was frequently Jealous On last Friday he ordered Kockt out uf time house but Rocks refuted to go A fight followed In which Jackomau was whipped by limo Joint efforts ot Rocki and Mrs Taokoman The two last mentioned then packed up their personal good and tote time house together Jauxninan said he was glad the had gone and mede arrangements to have time children cored for On Puiulay however he discovered that SilO and his bank- book recreientlnii 1000 wore mteatng Yesterday he found that his wife had Milted the Emigrant Industrial lavlngi Bank In this city Soil had drav out the entire riepoiit He got warrants for the arrest of Rocks and fIrs Jackoman but they have not yet beta found William H Yogis Will The will of William H Fogg which has been flied for probate glees to his widow Elizabeth Fogg 1000000 his house and lot 359 Fifth avenue with hit furniture books and pIctures and his lot at S3 East Thirtythird street The testator also bequeath 20000- to nil mater Rebecca Conant and S3000 to William IT- Fogg Twombly The rest ot the eitate Is given to time teitatora nephews and nieces Elizabeth Price George Khorey Harriet Barrett John T Sborey Harrison A 8borey Xlvlra Stndley Lyman M Bhorey Sarah Dowers Julia II Huntress Join Fogg Twombly Horatio- NTwombly Pluxbs Jane Twombly Howard M Twom ¬ bly Nary II Heath Nathaniel Conant and Catharine R HalL and the daughter of his deceased nephew Qeorg Hiram FogS The estate Is valued at several millions The testators widow anti his nephew Horatio H Twsmbl are the executrix and the executor ot the wIll KIIU4 With a Hat Sunday afternoon Edward Shea 8 years old was carried by hits companions to his fathers home ale First street Wllllamsburgk suffering from as Injiryto- hU head of which h died last night HI companion aid that U was inflIcted ky the blow of la bass ball hal given by one ot several young nets who w crc playing Can on River street I was playing marbles the boy said ° anti they ere playing bill when t w as struck I was stooping down He would not give any further Information The police ascertained that the blow ot the bat had been given br William Ksnney They cannot find him Robert Macon another of the ball players was arrested He said he was drunk lad did not know anything shout the ff alt Be Wnsils S1OO90 fe > r kts Board lames Hans a ship broker whose beard hung nearly to his waist visited the saloon ot Meaty Holme at 404 Van Brant street Brooklyn on Sept M with a few friends It Is alleged that he became slightly Inebriated and while he was In that condition the gas was turned down and his beard was cut oft with a pair of scissors Ills appearance was to much chanced that hit family could scarcely recognize him The lose of lila beard lie avers caused him great per eonal annoyance and subjected him to so much ridicule that he lies brought suIt against Helm for flOOU data ages Holme puts In a general denial Columbia ls Teach LIbrary M axeB < eat The trustees of the Columbia College at their regular monthly meeting held yesterday decIded that the chemical laboratory hall hereafter remain open on Saturdays A new depnrtment was ordered to be established beginning on the nnt Monday In October IHSe unless that date be changed for Instruction In time principles of library inaneicement It is destined to students to discharge time dntlea profc alonal auallfy The department will be known as the Bchtot- ot Library Economy Lold Is r rtto lbs Teirir BteOettra Henry I Hart and Henry Morrison Jr Henry I Uart S Cow holetals dealers In npholitery goods at N Union square made an aetlgnraent yesterday to Bills B Yale Preference for HMJ70 67 were gives The Its IllUee are eitlmated at 110000 and the asset are nominally fl40 n more The assignee say that ons of time causes of the failure was losseS arising out ot tile re- duction ¬ ot duties by the Tariff law ot last year A Orsat Day for the New Wore Alderman Fullgrafr who represents the Twentyfourth Aiaembly district hiss Invited the Dosed ot Aldermen to make a tour of the Twentythird anti Twenty fourth werdt The Invitation hai been accepted and the party will ttart from Third venus anti UUtk Street on Thursday at 10 A N SILBK FROM Tilt TBLZGR4PK It It reported from Nautucket that the lion Cnarlel- OCottor it seriously II- IThaOreelyrcHefitcamtrBiar tailed from Bt Johns N V rbr IptrnailX yesterday The Empress Augusta hat sustained a relapse anti there are Seers that the will die The ship Iron Cross rt Queenitown front Java re porte that five deaths from cholera occurred during her paaaage Time Senate yesterday confirmed the nomination of James A Connolly ot illinois to be Solicitor of the Trees ury It It understood howevtr that tie will decline the office A Cleveland dredge In tow of a tug ctpilied In cones qnence of the breaking of the dipper chain on Sunday ulfhl In rough water on Lake Erie lour mUea from Black River and Uie cook lad her areyr 4aubt were drowned NEWSFROMTnEOLDWORlD > fX- dTPTZAlt fiB VONtTCrtKtCmTO Jaf- XY LONDON IN JVH Fran Htlpvlatlaa Shut Eiilansl Shall Ste 1Jp All lisa et at PratsxtaruK ese 44 Scsi u the Abaadut t bauu LONDON May 6The preliminaries of th conferonco Egyptian question haw been sottledC The conference will meet In London lie first week In Juno and Is expected to lost j three weeks The Aid says that the conditions upon which France will consent to the confer Jj once are that England shall give up all Idea ol annexation and of n protectorate and that osj the other hand France shall acquiesce In lbs i right of England to maintain a mllMniTiOc- cupatlon g s of Egypt until the task of reorgan- ization has been completed Prance stipulate that the date ol withdrawal ot the British troops shall be definitely fixed hit beor oc- cupation ¬ uliail cease the Egyptian army shaN bo reorganized tenth officered partly by lirltlsb C soldiers that Franco and Italy however U Hs allowed to exorcise a share of Iniluunoeln re spoct to the financial ami jtiillclal adnilnlstni if- tlon k In Egypt liianco ploilnos honmlf not tc inlorforo by arms with tlio affairs in Egypt roe ognlzliig that England utono hat ho right M- to do Iarllamsntary ilooiiinonts just publUho- cltidoadoHpntrhtn itt Sir Kwlyn llitrlntr British ° ° w MluUter to 1 lgyIt from Ion Gordon dats4 Khartoum A rill 1J lu which ha sire As tar ai I undcrttmul the situation yoU stats that there l > no Intention of srnilng relief here or tn Seeker You refuse me 7clul ln > lm I consider lurselt free M l act acrnrdliiK lu Ircuhinnncei I aUdi hell on herds long as I can It I comm eimipreen i the rebellion I ihsil di- eu 1 otherwise I mull retire t ii time oiuuur ami leave you tIme tniielliile ilUttrve of nbniilonlng time varrlMni ol- Kcnnaar KSMIIB liirber an l liniiKols with the coo taintrlhst yomm ccitt cirnlunllv be fmcceit l to nni lin- Iho llahdl under frrciit ilitUuiltlis If you would retail peace in egypt The doouincmnitm incliula a telegram from Cot Stewart to Sir Kvil > n lUrlnir saying hen Uorden lies noiuninleil mime on liii your Isteutlos not ta relieve Khsrtuniu It in piofoied that 1 shall ft to Berber trusting to tIme turoM c f vour negotiation ° for time opening ut llr HiinVlm iind licrticr routes Doubt > IfOII it imoweter stores so far as time Pettier road is eon f reined unltM it it opened liy nh > nelng troop > 1 am lt dined to think tnj retreat mauler tmy wsy of tile equator jh and shall therefore follow Oen Conlrns fortunes VIceOonBnl Power also toloirrapeed to the Minister as follows I shall follow Oen lionton lo time enustor It l Is ales risky route but nliouid time Arnln hiossilily rcsoli Reber a- we would be eulircl blockaded on time northeaSt an4 West CAcao May 5The Arab journal Kl llavou- offlrms that Kl Mahdi dinmndn oOOOOO ran orn for Inn Gordon tho sum to be paid to tht Mahdl within three months ANOTIIKIt IttlHU- Thome ZNPOflJtZR Moran Coaacellnsl FlluyerldosdP- J Skerldun with the Invincible to TuniJEncuRBV Mtiy Fitzgerald and ton other Fonlans wore arraigned at Slice today t charged Incidentally with being Invincible and specifically with the murder of landlords and others Thomas Moran the Informer a friend ot Sheridan testified that when he joined a the Invlnolbles bo was sworn on a knlfeond that by the terms of his oath he pledged himself secrecy to Implicit obedlonco to his loader to set when called upon by them and to deal death 4 to all tyrants He connected Fitzgerald with the ° Tubbcrcnrry branch of the Irish Republican p brotherhood by swearing that Fitzgerald come to Tubberourry from London to settle some differences at the time that Mr Sexton was elected to the House ot Commons from Hllgo Moran further deposed that P J Sheridan haa visited Tubbcrcurry In the garb of a priest and load during his visit busted himself In forming au Inner circle c Prosecutor for the Crown said that James Lyons and Pat Reynolds who are now I IB i AmerIcas es were local loaders of the Society ot- Wllkarawtif DUBLIN May 5- The Michael Lydon ot Ma- trasna has boon arrested under the Crime act hem Ike aarvatlv Pasty LONDON May 5Mr John Eldon Gent and the Right lion Henry Cecil Balkei Conservative mem- bers ¬ of the noise of Commons have Joined Lord Bin dolpu Churchill is withdrawing from the Conservative n Union their aim being to form a new party the leadIng principle ot which shsll be the adoption of a eoneerva tire democratic programme Lord Churchill has asked f the Msrijulsot Salisbury to consent to the establishment of central council which shall guide ths electoral or- ganization i advooat free education sod prepare meas- ure ¬ p having in view tk subordination of the land quo eit tlou to social topic- sMIchael Davits Akantfens PolitIes DUBLIN May 6 Michael Davltt has aban- doned ¬ 1- I politic and will go to Australia sad make that country hit residence la future The reason generally assigned for this change ot residence Is the dispute be ¬ tween Davltt and 1arnell aa to the nationalization of land scheme i Arrest Nlkllleta laHassla- ST < PETIBSBUBO May 5The arrests of per ¬ vsI sons known to bs Nihilists or suspected connection with the order continue without abatement A very liege number of artillery officers have been arrested oa the cheats ot betn connected with the murder ot Col- SudetXlu Fall of a Meieer la Loud LONDON May 5A heavy rain and thunder storm broke over thIs city this afternoon and U the southern pert of the city a baU of Ore fell to time street and burst with a loud report a phenomenon that terri- fied ¬ the residents for mUss around and particularly those who witnessed It Wklulxg CIM t > Mrs SJch U Ear Mr Philip Sohott a towel manufacturer of Paterson was reading near a window st his residence at Madison Park about 10 oclock on Sunday night whsn a pistol ballet crashed through the glass It ° whizzed so close to one of Mrs Bchotti care that eke felt the movement ot the air ant then hurled Itself la- the well fhsther or not It was accidentally or put i aofsly fired the police have not yet been able to discover Sos Dastcatt ew Olvll atarrlca Haflsmfe Among Mayor Lows visitors yesterday w4 Senator Dagfett who remained In private conference with him about an hour Before the Senator left the City 1111 ks wa accosted by Comptroller Brlnksrkoi with t how shoal civil service reform I Snivel service yon mean responded the Senator PetpentagBlacussten eCu Oraat lubjeot Three agriculturists and three reporters responded yesterday to Secretary J II Realls cell for S meeting of the American Agricultural Association t- oonilder oi the noldlny ot anttionsl agricultural and cat- tle ° fair A motion to refer the subject to the Exsoatlr- Cotumltto wee carried by a vote ol a to 0 4w The Socratic ar PatereH James K Harper a Paterson philosophical cobbler whose shop has for years been the resort of tied bloods of ths city sal after whom was nsmed- IhslT M A harper Moral Agricultural Aatoclatlo end Boat Club died yesterday lie UKd to entertain thi e ° young men with Interesting ttorles and sound amities Dying Over 1OO Tears Old c Luke Walker wa burled yesterday from 8J Douglass street Brooklyn He was 101 yean old hv j lag been born In Ireland In 1783 tin same year In which Bolivar was born under whom he fought In ISIS Ills lather died at the age of 101 hie crsndfalher was 10X- bis grandmother 110 and Ills grealgrandfatuer M The Elevated Heads Muss Net Drsp Things Walter Burke trot 1250 damages In the City Court yesterday In a suit against the Manhattan El- vated Railway for damages for Injury lo his eye front 4 piece of coal which fell from an engine on the lvMt railroad while ke wee driving on SIxth oceans Tk Tnmt w rs Oslo I at Move Bask Orders were received yesterday from the Post Office Department to remove the Terrtuwn Vast Office beak to us old location on the hillside C to The Signal OOtee Fedieti Partly cloudy weather and local showers toiitheriy winds stationary temperature lower ba- rometer ¬ JOTTINGS ABOUT TOrTV The steamship Woravla strived lait evening C Mitts Weslheraby the actrew who hat been ill with pneumonia for the pMt two moOtbi at tae lloCTmaa noose la Improvln- KAlouihoremanwa found dentin CHS street near pultonali2g thlt morning He had brows hair a shaven chIn and aapearod to be 43 years old John r B Bmyth will Mil by auction at noon todtr and tomorrow In the Exchange galeiroom Ill Broal way tome private dwellIngs soil choice building lots It wu reported yesterday that Dr A Randolph Mot resident physician at the RIversIde rover Hospital who contracted typhus fever ten days ago could not recover At a meeting of the Council of this UnIversIty of the City ot New York last night the Rev John Italian nounceil tbat I friend of the university had lost waek male It a gift of SOUX In the suit of the United States against the bra of 0 A Autteuordx ti 00 for this recovery of about 200000 for alleged undervaluation of Imported goods Judge Wallace resterday affirmed the decision of the District Cooit in favor of tIme fIrm time decision being that the Government could pot sue fur the value of lIme goffus but must follow the goads ami seize One

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I1 aowuna anitmt in A JLA1ZOPLIOflTy AND rANQIK OF CAttRlAOKS-

Blfteea Tkeaeaeel People Oa DAW Tw ta-M U1 Feasting Hud U4MsI1 In 11 NswFredetee FseIsenppu la the Rr > k-



i r > OesN 11M at lirerlkeNallTCe-It IIs doubtful If tho First warhas bon BO

disturbed of a nlffht slneo ol JennyLind In Castle Garden no It wat met nhhtBrad usually so quiet nnd wasnoisy with the ratlin of Innumerable cnl 8

Prom 8 to 11 oclock nearly nil the cab travelled

I louth but After 11 the tIo turned the other

I way Bowling Green wnsn panilnmonlura ofr shouting coachmen and enerlet1 policemen

trying to get ordeout ofWhitehall treat Htato street fitono Rtroet

UtdBroadwar afar north M Cedar streetwere blocked with carriages A calcium llclit

1 placed at State itreot Illuminated tho OrnenL and a don otoctrlo light hung at different

polnu dozzlod the eyes of tho spectators Onthe eut the towerlnl new bulldlngof the Prod-


Exehlnee was Illuminated from roof tocellar Each one of tho many hncdrod window

II stood out brightly tho dark background

fit There teemed to bo no particular pollen ar-rangements


J u u to the carriage and the result1 I was that It lon became ihiposslblo to Iot any-


r near the buUdlnl People theirI carriages a far as Wall street andt walked down Awnings had boon run out aver

the street on Broadway and Beaver street Theelevated train brought down great numbers ofpeople who were obliged to thrll their way

I among tho carriages to Exchange< The 8000 members ware OIOnlnl their now

building for a ladlesThe large reception hall of the Exchange iU

on the second story IIs 313 loot long nnd 134

feet wide and has fvery high culling At theSouthern end was a platform fire feet hight and on this was Cappas Seventh RegimentBand and Never orchestra The plat-form


was bordered with a hedge ot growingplants lilies snow bulls end geraniumshanging from the ceiling over tbeplatform was a large American flagand this was the only further attemptat decoration A great ninny members of theExchange wore bailscH somo rod some blueand somo white Those were to Indicate thatthey were member of reception floor and

II other committee None of them had anythingII to do One of the Committee was asked what

qi constituted the reception and he laidIf This la simply a reception to the ladiesL There are no formaltlol whatever no speeches

t nothing simply light the gasI and open tho doors

L Fully 15000 people were present sometimeduring tbe evening The walked around andaround In a circle und talked One half of theladles and twothird of the men evenleg dress Prominent members of tho Pro ¬

duce Cotton Metal and Petroleum Exchanges-and many members of the Stock Exchange-werei there with their wives There was a largemajority of married women The guests fromChicago Baltimore cud other cities who will

tao part In the opening exercises today weretbertI in the large hall was heavy with thej odor of wax of which a liberal supply had beDrubbed on the floor and stuck to the bootVf of the company At 10 oclock the balI wa so crowded that It WI difficult

move about and the of conversa-tion


drowned the muslo of the bands Thebands played alternately and tantalized theyounger guests with the most tempting dancomusk All the elevators were ruunlnlndcrowds swarmed all through thecall room was found to be a cool place and the

Eoatsthcre wero quickly occu-pied


ra At bal pat 10 oclock the guests began tor leave began a struggle for carriages

that has seldom equalled In this cityThere were hundreds of private carriageshundreds of public hackand great numbers-of hacks from i Brown who bad

I ii of that branch the reception ToIi char particular carriage In this muddle of

iif wheels was well nigh impossible and manyf gave It up in despair and took the first car-


that offered The entire population ofthe First ward pretty nearly looked on

t Shortly before midnight the 101of the re-ception


q ball was clear allow ofI dancing The throne bad thinned out until

tow but young pooplo In evening dress remain ¬

I ed They had waited because I had been4 whlplr around that a private bal W1 to-

p band struck up a fortwo hours after that the dancers whirled overtho sticky floor Tho Hoffman Restaurant In

t the Well bulldlngwas open and erowded alld the eveningl The ofllcps of the Pennsylvania Railroad on

11 the ground floor wore brilliantly lighted andU hung throuKhout with flags Many of the

1 members of the Kxohange gave elegant privateI uppers and had them served In their officesI onthetoplloor-

At 1 oclock there wore still several hundredt 4 dancers on the floor The carriages had thin ¬

nod out but a treat many were still In waitingAbout 200 members of the 1roduco Exchange

met In tho Board of Mnnmrori room of theLaw building yesterday and presented to

l a President llerrlck a gavel of black ebony2 baavlly mounted with sliver It Is to bo used

at Inaugural of the now building today




Preceded by a Hlrcet Parade af lbs sjalv-attnJIv A ray Had a Tea FlgktF-

OCOHKEKPSIE May 5This was a redJ letter day for the Salvation Army of this city

It Included a reception of Major Mooro and-

staffof Brooklyn a tea fight In the Y M CA building a parade a presentation of color-sandahalleluish wedding Wings of the SalvationArmy wero present from Newburgb FIbkls I Landing Wapplngers Falls and other

c Prom Newburgh came the Newburgh Lily andt Singing Ida The banquet or tea Oeht was

attended by 300 Salvationists men womenthe latter wearing red jerseys with the words



rSalvation Army acroc tho breast The Sol

vatlonlst met Major Thomas EMoore andstall at the curs and CRCorted to the tea

I I fight whorothey atecheeredand sang hymnsLI At 7 P M tho streets wore thronged with1 thousands of people to see the parade Nearly

250 men and women wore in line with cornetsdrums tamborlnea mad banjos Ahead of theprocession GOO hoodlums marched In platoonsextending from curb to curb all lnllDI salva-tion


hymns and behind them policeAfter the march the procession flied Into thearmory The oxprclsua consisted of singingpraying and speaking

4 After a presentation of colors by Majorn Mooro tim novo 3Ir Wilson pastor of the WnHli

41 Ington StreeM K Church stepped upon theI l did also Joshua Ilowroyd

nnd Phtrbe Thorpe both niembors of theI PoughkoeipMo Salvation Army and then1 Mr Wlllxon Jro<fled with the IlrlBfceremony The was attiredc flannel stilt with fltmlnir red jrwoy and hal-


r Alpine bonnet The bridegroom worna dork suit with a blue Jersey After the cere-mony


Major Moore vet many questions to thocouplo relative to their fidelity to the SalvationArmy hereafter all ot which were catlBfiictorllyanswered Tho exercises wore cooeil by nilpresent singing I Found Friend in Jeans

Ilrlvea lo Kuleltle by Hrutal Husbandr WELLS N Y May 5 If I should ECO you

drowning In sixteen feet ut water I nouliint pull youout laid Fritz Still ot this ilsce lo IIt wife on Frlds

I night gelnlsI an employee of the Welt launrry lieI and his situ Ihed1 uulispplly together he belnz of a

f tyrannies nature h1I of Uoleut temper lie had btrnquarrelling with hl lfe Friday night Eke toll himship noaldl bet tr ti If she should jumpI In this tTcikIIr and droYin herself Ihen he inailo time abovs renisrk-

fin fin a1urlay iiiornlnir st about n oclock as an etn lnt eeVtm of tlie tannrry une vro Klu time brides n > ir tctleyA Creek ho sw I he Ijmli of Mrr CelnnosllMgln tile crei lI-

tHe ran loll Hem howalktlleurIlo tic briike1 sri trier liniklnvilonnS Yer thats my v Ife but I wont itouch ho-

rIr I went to hill work In the tannery leaf II other to1 tliu bo4lv from this etet lie paid furtherI si-


to the mutter until ho uni nuniin il ty tinIIt I nrniirr Later while coin to plroh > ie Ia rulllii rr tiedvnd wife he trot MI drunk Wee Mrremul am

v lotemtt nn Mrs riein vasl > cursold Mio loa cc e

eral chllUren

One Familys Naleldal Manln-

DnvstTT V Y May 5The widow of HiramI Scullion llrci with her daughter Mrs lopping at-

Noitbt llarperifleld this county In li7an elder brothefr htrf e P1111 4 iiIcIle FOi hint atrwyr a

aiiter silled htrilf then lire llsnilltons huibsnd

C died and later a second brother committed suicideRecently mother alatr ot ir 10Itol diet ald-Ib1aonly on 11 with a ud l A ttW d t-


but ln laOllu ril hraidownuShrosi

uumonIwith a pulnl i


thouxlit Sims will 111 II weaUhy501 ha a SimS reown but want to its withher 4spghtgr hius Ibe was afraid limit she could not

r resist ii iuohlnsiioai to 0mI sulcids that treuD-I7r

her uiss she udr lbInOssc et cenipasy hiss deuihtr had stepped

Ir pras and wulasI W-


a fw ICC on-

hja IilljLtr > y s J 4


Os OdOI tie 11 Vsuefy Pa eaeJuVenlistlea al 11 Harmed VthIise

PiTTBDCnoii May 6llalph Baa aloy Presi-dent


of the Arthur Lumber Company of thiscity who returned from the sceno of the con-flagration


In Klk county this mornln estlmates the loss In Elk county at over11000000 Tho heaviest losers are tho millowners lalA Katill of Dne Run lose 150000mid D A Motto of Wllllamsport eCOOOO

The mill of William Goctz nt Swlsnmont wasentirely destroyed together with I number ofothor building and a large stock of lumbernotha been rnlsHlng ulncp Thursday and It

d Unit hI has perishedHOUTZDAIE May6A large number of

people vlBlted tim ruins of tho town ofBrlsbln-icstiirdiiy and frequent nhnwers of rain illsveiled nil fours nf n renewal of the fire Aappeal h made for limneiilnto help Itrnldreds of puoplo are compelled to sleep In theirclothes haying no bed covering or budding leftMoney U also needed to provide shanties fortemporary shelter

POST JEBVIS May Oilmans Depot prolonts n desolate appeitranco this morningNothing remains but tha ruins of the old saw-mill


tile food barns alono bolnu intact Theresidents wer compalloU to sleep In barnsMany night In the null sleeping ontInt sawdust having lot everythinglr Tlioinas O nulls extensive steam saw

mill and hub factory located on the Bcbawangunk louDluJnl above this village barely es-epnd destruction Dr Hull turned out hisentire force anti burnf around the Thelire moved acrols mountain miIn thetrack of hiI s but the space burnod overtho preceding day saved the mill property MrHull says that tho tire crossed tho mountainsUtter than Ihorse could trot and that no hu-man


power could have stopped It He esti-mates


that 10000 acres of wood land weroburned over In that neighborhood

DEPOSIT May 5The forest lire that havebeen raging In this neighborhood since Wndnesilay have dnstroycd nearly all the timberleft In this part of the Delaware valley Thedwelling barnsandsaw mill of 8towolCannonon Hoods Croak the barn ofJerry Scbriver on Dry Pond and the tenanthouse belonging to B tladloyon the mounlAln amithniiBt nf i a C a tn IUbUUUOk Ul IIIU I1UVObeen destroyed The wind which Is now com-ing


up has caused tha Ire to break out Inmany new placeL-

icKAWAXKK Pa May 5The proprietors ofthe extensive mills at Sbohok Falls In Pike

loft Laokawaxen In the afternoon torunt their homos The air was Iliad withsmoke and It was known that the road whichthey were to take was surrounded by fireAfter driving about four miles they found ItImpossible to proceed further and accordinglyturned back to Laokawaxen They had pro-ceeded


K short distance only whon they foundthat the fire had reached the road As the lirewas giowing hotor and the smoke moro denseevery minute decided to make an effort todrive through ItI t The horses were started on adead run and tor 400 Yards they passed througha road which was lined with tire tho flamesscorching the horses hair while the smokewas so intoiiso that was Impossible to seeOva yards shiest IJAMAICA May 5The fires In the woods InCentral Long Island are now under control

RIO NJ 5The forest fires Inthe still burning A tract of land ex-tending


from Colts Neck to within n few milesof hero baben devastated It Is estimatedthat have already been burnedover and time damage 1reach nearly 150000

PJCD BANK N J Ma fiThe rain of lastnlgnt has extinguished the forest tires thatbave been raging In different parts of lionmouth county Considerable valuable timberhas been destroyed

NEW BEurouD Mass May IA fire wa setIn the woods near 1ulsell at Dart-mouth


yesterday tl burning havingswobt from 100 to 200 acres land

1ROlilULT Nor A fOUABSMr Amellsi lie Forrcila CnaSJdeaee la a

Tilled Utrancer BetrayedA welldressed and attractivelooking wo

man followed by her two children a boy of 13and a girl of 10 years called at the CharityCommissioners office in Brooklyn yesterday-

Two weeks ago she said I was MrsAmelia Do Forresta widow Today I dontknow what am perhaps the Countess vonHapaburg perhaps heaven knows what Sincemy husbands death I have kept 1dressmakingestablishment at 4C3 Third avenue New YorkThroe mouths ago a tall man handsome andwith plenty of jewelry began to follow me onthe street arid pay mo attentions He was gen-tlemanly

¬I but at last ho won myporslalDtiaudconsent to he WHO August

von Hapnburg ann was a laflulsln AustriaWe could got married In ho stldand then start for his estate

Wo worn married on April 10 by a Now Yorkminister and he brought me to 234 Mustrolestreet Brooklyn To my surprise he thom in-formed


me that ho was a widower and had twochildren After two weeks he disappeared withhis children and I havent soon bun since

This lf < alho IoU metm continued thu womanpointing to ring on liar Infer Ho told meIt was a choice diamond but the jcwollor ell-atnttisnniypamtte

8ho was referred to tho New York CharityCommissioners The polIce learned that thoMitrnulfi von Hnpsburg Is a sporting characterIn Wllllamsburgb and that he has probably loftthe country

ITZTif DrtMOVnl AKD OPIUMA Cklnaee Laundrrman Accused 1fobbing

0 Cklcuca Man 1kit WitCHICAGO May 5 Frank Lovlo complained-

to the police lat night that a Chinese laundry-man known as China o by squanderingmoney and jewelry on his wife had stolen heraffections and hiss her locked up somewhere

abut his laundry In Clark street LevIe wasa year ago to May Wheeler a hand ¬

some blonde China Joo did lila washing-and was In the habit of visiting his apartmentsto deliver parcels of laundered clothes TheChinaman became acquainted with tho pretty Mrs Levi and fell In love with herHe presented her with diamonds and Induced-her to visit his place on Clark street whero hopersuaded her to smoke opium Toe womanfinally became addicted to the habit and wassoon In the power of the Celestial On Fridaylost she left her husbands home and Lvlnlsuspecting that she was In Chinaplace wont nfter her Hn found a numberChinamen cards but when thy sawIItylnjhim they Jed polo have promUed toraid the for Levis attempt to recoverhis wife

Preeeedla 1CengreisWASHINGTON May 5 TIe Senate spent tho

dsy debating the Shipping IIL Mr Miller of NewYork niale a long speech In favor of this bill He saidthat free ships would be no relief If Iron ships couldLe brought Into thli country free none would be builttiers anil In twentylive yeses there wouldI not be ailniyanlI I worthy of time name In time United StatesI Hal

hello vd In liberal cntuiennAtlnii fur rsm Ing the mallsThis bill would irtve about l5flhmmX for time carriers ofour foreign mails Mr Miller thought we Ohllo tpendfrom tn year for nullfUI fOOUnl Mqrrlll and uthers ntiotook Pert In time ileunte It is expected that a lole ontime hill will be reached tomorrow

>feinrii Plumb slid Van Wyck lutroiiured blllt tn retrlct foreign cnninsnletaua corporations In time owner

t umlc hermits1 1t u > deridedI In time VIrginia rnnteitcd electione DFcrrsI Cmimmi agmlne Isnl Muhoullllh1

was entitled to the leSt tin at ones took theoath ot tifllce

At time etenlng seiilon a numher nf speeches veramarts cm time Morrlsmi flit Time rpeskers who altoCaiedl tin wor hi esera Yullni Dem Trim llnlman t lol Wundvtnnl I 1Pem Wlis ttnrgan-Urm >lo Kumneri Dtin Wilt14 llrectenrluge ItDim

Ark miami lairs Dem Aiam Those a tin onpostd Irre Misers Ferrell Drm N J Uonnellr leui In-


t Hai l MlllsrdI Iteli N V llklnVomit itaTi James Hep N Y Skinner Ittp K


P irIWg N Y and Taylor itch Ohio

TerrlrJc Fxploilon afKalnral OasOIL CITY Il May 5News has just reached

tiers of a expiation of natural gas at hhnl-

Warrn county late last night In a house occupied by alarge number of Ilungnrltn laborer Tht force of time

nix iisiion blrw time bmMltiK to fruvmiut anil shooktime ivholn town Time nccuiiantx were hlnwn from fIfteen10 fitly fret and althoudi I nilraruloiiilr eicar11 In

tllldalh moil of them wee IIJur1 more IleisIt Is supposed escaped from a

Ii Ik in the pipe

Mulclde from an Old Dominion learaskliiX-

OIIFOLK VI May 5Tim steamship OldDominion from New York to Norfolk reports that onSaturday afternoon when off Long Branch an Imm-igrant bound fur Little Ark bide an excited fare-well to the deck orncer Koklleaped overboard limo shipwas ntnpicd and a boallo but the only sign totediscovered vvn e place In ort dlicolored by bloodshowing that time nap had been crushed br the truest al-he paiinl under It The suicide was probauly A Ucrjnan slid rftterril it nsm as fil

Rats Hall and IUkl lngWINNIPEG May 5A severe rain and hal

storm prsvslls here and throughout thWest of hers the telegraph wires were struck bylbtfling end the telephone offices ware burnedIntensity of the electrical heat

r itu mat >

Heputatloa for honeSt dealing has made them leaders ofPie ci uitc trad to tat n JeweyAda-



FettI Jk CaGrind Army suit with two sett of buttons le very

popular anti guaxautMd 7U sod 72 Bgwery jai


PateraensaN aa tke Utah af flertdaWhy Bid Kat 1 CIty af Bss teal

Pole who called at the office of the StateCompany yesterday seam

Iany further news had been received frommissing steamer State ol Florida were an-


in tho negative We are walling forhe arrival of the sailing ve111 that picked upbe crew or for some steamer that may havetaken them from the ship It they remain onthe ship they wi probably arrive In at someAmorlcan tho of this week If onpr enla steamer may be from at any m-oment said the lIntfact that crow was picked up by awontbound shlpshow that the steamerRnlnimil either down or was In Imminentdanger ot sinking because they would other-wise


have stayed by this steamer until theycould be transferred to an oistbound steamer

The action of the Captain of time Anchor linesteamer City of Home In passing the sailingship without waiting even to road all of hersignals has been the subject ot much adversecriticism among seamen

In addition to Mr and Mrs Thomas Hallof Paterxon who were cabin passengers on theState of Florida the foUowlnlloraeepal-nIer


wero from theher daughter Mary Tumllty Mr Elizabeth

Shannon and her daughter Mary Shannon andFrancis Canning They have all been residentsot Paterson for some years and were on theirway to visit rllatelin Scotland

LONDON Obnrrtrr expresses astonUhment that the steamship City of Homedid not follow up the Information which It re-ceived


from the sailing vessel that reportedhaving some of the crow of the State of Floridaon and attempt to elicit further factsIt bar importance of the msttor wouldjustify even a little delay In the passage hintIt Rays tbe fact Is that the growing mania forswift transatlantic passages bfl taken awayfrom skippers of steamship the Internwhich they formerly took In speakingeyeD whop as In the ease of lie State of Flor-ida


a feeling of humanity would naturally andperhaps usefully stimulate curiosity

No explanation Is yet forthcoming of the si-

lence1 ¬

of the officers of tbe City of Hmo slncoshe arrived


SBltke WllllasM Calls a Meeting 1 theChurch ta 0cC LIght e a the BuhjeeiB-

TBATFORD May 5lnothe alleged cureof Miss Fanny Curtis of this place ot a diseaseof twenty years standlnl which was said tohave boon by prayer and anointingwith oil at tho hands of the they Arthur Sloanrector of Christ Church other cures of a aimliar character are said to have boon made byHr Sloan and his reputation as a faith curer

babecome well established The account ofthe first cure whlchnas published In Tint Buscaused a large number of letters of inquiry tobe addressed to the young pastor so many Infact that It was found Impossible to reply tothem oxcont by means of printed circularwhich wo done

Homtof the members of Mr Hloans churchdefend the method used and others condom ItThe wardens and vestry ot the church withholdany expression opinion until such time as itcould be spoken In the hearing ot an authorityThe visit of the itight llev Bishop John Wil-liam


of this diocese to the parish last eveningsupplied the opportunity Ten persons werecontinued by the Bisbol and the usual service-was held was hold and1 moetDIall persons not remain yoreexcluded and the doors clonea Them wereno charges brought directly against Mr Sloanhut an opportunity was given to him to explainfully tbo curing of disease by faith sad prayerIt was a somewhat solemn tribunal If report btrue Senior Warden William H hitchJunior Warden Walter Wllcoxson sat together-near the Chairman The following vestrymenwere present Robert HlusRel Stiles HurdJohn Holmes Joseph Alfred BurrlttGeorgeVilcoz Lwil Samuel W Beurdslor and L LTho BUhop said that ho had called the meet

lag simply to procure light on subject thathad boon brought to his notice Hn had hatmany newspapers sent to him cOllnlnlnl de-scriptions


ot faith cures and thesame subject When ho bad ceased spoaklngthis the oburohono after anotherspoke their minds freely At the chose of de-


as near ns can bascertained thevestry good two In favor the rec-tors

¬olsustnlnllicourse and eight Bishopsruling wax not announced and it Is believedthat he will reserve it for some time The rec-tor


wardens and os try are rctlcont as to wlmloccurred at tho mooting and not one of themwould speak on thu subject


He is About to Hall AWAY On his Vessel but81e line SlIm Arrested

Oapt Edward D Adams who IB In com ¬

mand or a sailing vosxel running to Havanamarried a 18yearold Philadelphia girl sixenr ago when ho was 25 She had him ar

rested yesterday In Brooklyn for abandon ¬

mont filie Is I handsome brunette and wasfaHlilounhly droMRr They hare one child

She said her onco before for nightmonths after R quarr l and that he UBod tofrighten her by enteritis tbo house wearingknives and pistols stuck Into n bolt and usinglanguage which shocked her Eighteen monthsago bo left her again nnd did not return

On Saturday she learned ho wax about to sailfrom New York and got tho warrant

Capu Adams said ho could bavo lived happilywith his wlfti If It bail not boon for her motherHr got his wll8Inwcr to ngree Loan adjourn-ment


for nine weeknbecaURO ho Is In the fruitcarrying trade and I was very essential thatMR vessel tbe John It Dergen should start forHavana at oncn He consented to provide forthe support of his wife In the meantime

A Head for the Headless BedrPBILAnILlBI May 5A human head was

found today In the Witishlckon Creek near the placewhere time trunk of a body supposed to be that of Fred-

erick Btshl was picked up last MarchThs Coroners Jury It wilt bo remembered after a

searching Invettlgstlnn returned a verdict that theheadlessI body was that of Ntahl and that hliI death hadhem caused Vv violence by sonic person or persons un-

known to time jury Time heat found today was laklloI-he t4orotmeri ones this evening Tho hack fIs cruihed and from time appearance of the neck ilit wasetldentlyI hacked from timeI hmly The head ie a suf-ficiently good stste ot preservation to limit of lilentlflcation and Btahls brother and an Intimate friend of time

missing man after hmn Inc seen the imiad both expressedthe opinion that It was that of Ktshl The Coroner willcontinue time investigation on Wednesday

By direction of time Coroner Albr Uleterle a butcher-for whom Mth worked and whose premises hewas last sent was taken Into custody tonltrht andlocked up The authorities are IIn possession of informa-tion which IIs mid ttronglv connects liicterlcwithtime mytcrlimmms I disappearamicet of Blahl One or the elitevn resembles that which would bo made by iblow with <butchers cleaver

ObituaryThe Itev James Washington Woo a noted

Ireibterlsn died In Allentown 1 ulrasge47l Ue was one of the first graduate of LafayetteCollege completing till course there In 1B37 and In timeUnion Theological Nemlnnrr In IH40 lie preached InDeckertown N J rrollMlo 1H15 sod In Chester hYrroiii IS4 to I llast period his houseyap a refngo for blaves cscnplng tn iniiada from theI

Kouth l the hunilred sheltered I wafely escapedKrcmi to 1NU ho travelkd In time West anit on time

FsKterii continent and berame Intereited In ml lontry-wiirk which wttli temperance work occnnlid1 moil ofhis attention loI time date nf tile micatim dlnce IIMU hehat held a phitornte In Allentown lit leaves a wlilow-v

daughterlimit lie married lait a ulio three sous and a

Termed In 0-

DnEsrlT May 5A tornado struck theloner end ofbl city at 4t this afternoon levelling anumber of buildings One person was killed outright

a number of other were badly Injuredall lemons III Play hiTimle niternoon a tornadoloncorns limo southern rail of the town carryingever thing bcforu It Three housesone nf themi a in ostory stiucturewere completely demollthed half edozen ethers were unroII and nany barns acrescsttered tn time buildings and fencestile Vatr hounds were Icvtlled Tree toot uprootedor stripped ot tnt branches

lees Van Wngnrr Kxpecled to DirKxBurrogate Isuae Van Wagoner one of the

oldeit Ion of Iateriou formerly arand Matter ofthe Grand Lodge of New Jersey Mssoni ulan sicklOll Wediiei4ay with an soul attack of llrlglilsdlseiieend last night ns w as not expected to live until morning

Democratic Dials In North CarolinaItALKiaii May 5In tho municipal elections

today In Raleigh Nswbsrn Aihevllle Qrccuiboro-Tsrlioro Durham Dohliboro Ireeuvllle and other

in the Cute timeI Democrats wer lucccuful myrr lomi luilauvcs making large game

Asmiilnatlan la OkieY-

OUKOSTOWN 0 May 5John 6od a farm-er near Morgantown was mortslly wonuiled Isit nightby an unknown annsiln who cant on horseback Ihisbedroom semI fired through a window whIt Uood u-ap bulls hits wits ho clue

Claee Vala aa the TaHaT Hill-WAaUiunoN May 5 Representative Mor ¬

risen ssld this evening relative to the vote tomorrowon tke proposition to atrlke nut tiieeneeitngclaueso-tas Tarti huh I claim but It wilt bs very cicea

>11 k j i



45g Wallace aaaeseae the 17 0 Miaeilag-fanatleeleaer ta akew why ke akeald Natae Keasevea Tea ratkerly ar Carraaf

United Btatos Shipping CommissionerCharles 0 Duncan Is a rtunc1 ruddyfacedami will tohalrod man cln bo soon mOltany day between Iand 8 with some of his fam-ily


In his big olcIn Cherry street YesterdayJudge the United States CircuitCourt painfully disturbed the whitehairedCommissioner by handing down 21 PAIOIof neatly written legal cap orderingshow cause why ho and bis family should notbo removed from his snug official berth InCherry street altogether

The Immediate cause of his Honors decision-was the voluminous report of Examining Mas-


Joseph Outman Jr oa Mr Duncan ac¬

countfor 1883 In February 1883 the Curtwas to confirm Mr Gutman reportwhich showed that out of the total receipts of13253160 for 1881 just 12303160 had beenpaid out for expenses Of this Amount MrDuncans three sons F 0 Duncan O F Dun-can


and 0 D Duncan got 11048 each UnitedStates District Attorney Kllbu Root told theCourt that he considered these salaries exces-sive


and Judge Walloon referred the accountsback to Mr Gutman on Oct 2 1883 for proofand explicit report on the services renderedThese proofs and were returned toJudge Wallace rpr After examiningthem he says officially

ThIs It time tint occasion Wlel the account hate beenchallenged by offering the part of the DistrictAttorney The proofs taken before the Master are vol-uminous


and embrace a wide range of investigationnotwithstanding the etrsnnoiistetorfao the part ot tiesCommtseloner to narrow the aeM of Invsttlgation

The examination aa to the extent enS value of the ar-t of the Deputy OommlsitoaerI and tIIIMuones gsnaralfy since Its taceptluuwhich IIIIs very much to be regretted were not broughtt the attention of my predecessors It will sot bs protltable to attempt a recapitulation ut the evidence II IIsdee ta the Shipping CoutmlsslaaerI hewever t statethat wltnessss of highI respectabilityI I and Intslllgtnoehive commended his administration of the ornre rotally and approved ai reasonableI the salarieslisa Ipaid his seas The reasons why I cannot ecu ur Intheir opinion and disapprove the Idlnrlor time Mastermay be briefly statedI sad rest salient butcontrolling conelderatlona-

Tbe statute that creates the eftlce provides that thesalary tees sad emoluments af the Commissioner shalllu no case exceed OVOOO year ThIs salary v at deemedadequate by the legislativeI department of the Govern-ment to compensate him tot all his responsibilities andservices however onerous end enacting they might beIlls duties are of course more 1Important thin those ofany of hli lutiordlnates Their delis are either clericalsuch aa those of bookkeepers or accountantor they areservice of a lower grail The law contemplates thattimer are to be discharged by the Commissioner himselfwith such clerical SMlntsjice as way be nece ary Assoccer Iby time proofs the services Rhlch time subordinatesof Ihs higher giedee perform are almost Identically suchas are renderd bv clerks In private shippingI unices InNew York cOy The Comnlssloeer recognised thleselecting all his prlnelpsl aulatants exclusive of Ihrsons from this class of employees pirions whobeen clerks In private shipping offices

Inasmuch ai his own salary sad emolument wereflied by time lawI at KM K> and this standard of compen-ssllon was adopted by Congress so a ufdnl remuner-ation for his neil ae well as hie action ofCommivionerln appoinUnz fivedeputies to dischargeclerical duties tee soon as he had occnpledths orlolrenough to ascertain Its probable Income fromat 5 salary of Keats each and two at salaries et ri000sects starts the suggestion that Its tied gravsly miscon-ceived the spirit ot the Ilaw under which he was toedminuter time office Put when It appears enruing year laid these fIve deputies wereaIr al-S3MIO ooh limit four of them were hit endthat one of these sons woe only Id year old with nomore experience or qualificationsI for the place than hisrears would Imply a very cogent Inference arlies thathe had conceived a scheme for administering his officewhich wat not only Illegitimate aa a radlealdepartureI

from thatI onnlvmpliitod by Uw but whichI nae r

reimtnant to all notloni of economy sail decency rwat nnt tainted with corrupt molIn IH73 these tIre deputies salarIed br lilinlrooeacli In IRM alter paying his own salary and

those of the doputiea and tteeothereipnnseaof the officethere remained out of receipts nf feea amountlnr tofSStw the mm of flMtoheiialdlnto time Tresssrj ofthe United States In 1875 the fees were 3lwiu andHH3 Iless than the expenses from 1871 to the preieultime time expenses of each year have absorbed time renuts Time theory of the Rhlpptur Cnmmltaloner IIt thatwith the concurrence Judxe Womtruff he made an arraumnent with his deputies by which atilary of S4000-a year to each of them wa to be allowed when time feea-of the ames would pay It because the recelptt of the office were aautuaUmr and attimes the salaries wnuhl therefore have to bo muchleu ami It appcart tint In 1871 they were allowedonlv 9A4VJ erich the receipts havIng fallen In that yearto the nun of t2M774 Yet In 1877 when the receiptsWare still kt time deputle ashen were allowed atS3 Hot each and II le noticeable that In thie year therewere but tour clerka employed In the ainreitau mittiI thatthey were emily pall In this exertlate the turn of fSS7In 1H7S the nnmlier of depullei sees reduced to four time

four suns of the htilpplnir Cnmmlitloner lielnirretalneiland they were paid JtKA > tacit fiubfcqnentlv one nfthem rotlreil and ilnce then three deputies all nf themthe toil of the Cnnimlnnnner hines been employed In1SKJ the year specially umlor coneldrratlnn there threedeputies sac tacO laid 13Cto each while time pity rollshins that onlr two clerkl were employed imo ofwhom too paid mill and one VIta and the receipts oftime office were fiKMl which are loot balanced by theexpenic

These fIgures Rtan 1lnff by tliemielven are a ludtclent-onmmentnrv upon time extrKvaLAnrA ivnl luiproprlrtvof time arranxeiiient retpeotlnz depatlei and tlittr-Falarle wliluh wa mate by tIme shipping romml rlnnerand which nccortllnt to his utatiinet woe approved livJudge WooilrtilT llut It It now ihowti bv the teetltitonythat during nil these years nntll IHril there were experi-enced and competent clerks etnpo ed In the nfrlce livthe Coinmloloner who nrrenot only fully qualified toperformm these sorties of the ileputle but colic actuallymliii perform inhntnntlally the siDle eervlce at aalarlttof frnm fjo tn ga per week And time proofs also hmvthat uch compeiiAMtinn It what Iis generally allowed for

bmmmmlar service itm time prltatc ililiij cfltce of NewYork city

In e low of this testImony there can be but one of twocinmlooioms Either that thorommlMioner line been souiiuueu ny pareuai iniereii inai lie fonia not exerrue-an Intelligent Judgment reepectlnK the economical anddecorous atlinlnittratlnn of the ofncr or he haa corrupt-ly exercised tile power and npiiortutltlet to farm out litrevenues aitpoll for femur dUtrlhntlon

Time Idea that Judre Woodruff oreither of my otherpredecettort In onice wouM hare sanctioned tuch a-

atate of affalrt at I now shown to have existed It not tobe harbored fur a moment They were misled undoubt-edly by a plausible presentation of the tact on tImepart or the Shipping CommiMiloner and were calledupon to decide upon an ex parte heating or nponprooftwhich did not exhibit any counten alllnff evidence

Judge Wallace orders that for the presenttemporary regulation of the Commissionersbusiness those rules bo now adopted

1 One chief clerk deputized In ease of neceultytoact for tIme Milpplnc Commlulontr In his officialcaiaolty and to be allow ad a ailary not to exceedS3 Aiu per annum

2 Three other clerks at salaries not to exceed 1200each or two at salaries tint to exneed 91600 cacti In thedlecretlou of the lomumilif ones

S All cnmpeniailon received by the Cotumlaelonerhit subordInate for services rendered dHtiHir tiNelimit to owner or maitert nf veeeelt or to seamen lobeaccounted fur and returned with time receipt of theoffice

Judge Wallace further says that although hodisapproves of the Masters report he bits nopower tn compel Mr Duncan to pay Into theUnited States Treasury any fees which he hasnot Bufllclontly accounted for The receiptsbelong to the United State and the UnitedStates can sue for them It suit Is brouorht Itmay become pertinent to Inquire whether theretention of his sons and the salaries paidthem was Induced by misrepresentation er suppresalon of material fttcta on the part of theShipping Commissioner

In conclusion Judge Wallace says that whiletho law authorizes and emponurs the Court toremove any Shipping Commissioner whom Itmay have reason to believe does not propertyperform Ills duties he still believes that SirDuncan should have a hearing on the proofand records of his management If he desires toretain the office In order to show that he hasproperly performed Its duties For this pur ¬

pose Judge Wallace enters an order denyingthis motion to pass the accounts of 1882 andrequiring Capt Duncan to show cause on May10 at 10 S oclock A M why he should not beremoved from oOlce

Lawyer Tail of counsel for the whitehairedOommlsnioner suddenly walked Into tile Cir-cuit


Court Clerks offlre yesterday and In ¬

formed Commissioner Shields that he wouldlike Judge Wallace to know that Mr Duncanwas desirous of conforming to his Honor1 InHtructlons nnd had already made changes Inhis system of management CommissionerShields cheerfully responded that he would bepleased to Inform his Honor at the earliest op ¬

portunity and Lawyer Taft bowed and retired

Klrasee Tickets Setd at a niseeantMrs William C Kcbermerhorm said last

evening that alto believed time profit of the Rlrmessf-

fU on at time new opera honto n f6ttnoand STooo but she could or lilt I as thereturns nnd hilts were not math In

Time flower booth upnho1 l lonmade pun The expenses were erv heavytheeveiiliiv speculators offereil ticket tor smite on I-

halIICIstreet whereas time bux nrtlce price v ss 91It to was counterfeiting or underhanduiirk of spine kind

A Knnmer Hotel Met en Flre-GioucnHTEn May 5The Pebbly Boach

Iluo i Iua turntuer hotel ut hess loon a wason SUI1 ntgimt Jsnhtnr his wife

wtmm had of tue hotel during theescaped with their hIves Time lIre was of rleI I 1111 bllr time timird lcD 1 a lhlu a 1hlo

liOUeaWlea lahiarlel on Vnlo Pacific

IIII announced that the Union Pacific HallCompany lies reduced by lb per cent sll talirlei of-

3WIOand upwanliI all tilarlei undei lufloo down tosud liiclinllnitleiiooiir l2 per and all ealeriealets than flKJU by lit per cent The locmnothe enxl-neere anil nreinen whose salaries h4 already beta cutdown escape this new reduction

Meyer Ollkert CalHaI Gilbert Collins Jersey Citys pew Mayor took

possession of Ills office yesterday Mayor Tamilg re

i f0 0 o c r


A Tsrsw f aM Woe and for IS Tears aa arlr far Tke-


Eoewoll L Van Wfvtcncn for thirteenyears a reporter of Tnm SUN dieearly yes-


morning In this city was born InNew York In 1841 His father was an oldtimeNew Yorker once a hardware merchant Atthe breaking out of the war the son who hadattained his majority enlisted as a private Inthe Ninth Regiment Ho returned to this citynt the expiration of the first term of his enlist ¬

mont and rotinllsted aMajor of the 105th NowYork and shortly after was promoted to thoLieutenantColonelcy of that regiment In18C8 he rejoined Company I of the Ninth Itaglmeat Ho left the regiment with the rank of

Ilo was one of the most expert of yachting reporters He knew yachtsmen from Now York-to DOltonlnd nt one time himself own di-


a wide aculintanl In Walstreet anddld creditable neIPlprworkCol Van Woaenon years

editor of tho military column of tbo SundayMercury In the discharge of hil various dutiesho won very many friends by lila personaltraits and by this character of his work

For several years Col Van W sgenen sufferedfrom an affection of the throat which prevented-his speaking louder than a whisper and whichdeveloped Into consumption Something overa year ago he went down among tbo Georgiapines for his health but received no perma-nent


benefit For 11amonths put be had ap-parently


felt that hil condition was hopelessand deollneto art the advice of lois friendsto favorable climate

jot Van Waxenen wax a membr of the Old

Guar and a Mason His wmofrontof his mother In Harlem


The VIeChatty Mrs Bridget Welsh MawCeatlBeT VaSlalra

Mrs DrhgB Welsh a brighteyed Irish-woman


year old who says she worked ayear for den Grant at Long Branch aceUeHn Frederioa Dremoyer and herYorkvlllo Court yesterday of assault mBr meyer Is the housekeeper at 130 EastTwentyeighth street whore Mrs Welsh lives

This mornln said Mrs Welsh theIf ddy earns up to mo nlPautment wld two

In her hands Irishclubco Tbo dlvll n stliep will I go says Iand up and takes the clubs from the leddye

Thea In come tbe etntlifman wit twoband his Twos Mr Bremeyer Widclub hAnd wit two clubs In blhfndlI called me own son to me assistanceapaoeablo woman who hn lived wld Quakerfamilies most of mo I did not strolko-nnnybody They othruck mo wid clubs andpitched me ton Into a tub of water

Mr JJromoyer salt that Mrs Welshs sonwas drunk and had made a disturbance andthat tbe landlord wanted the rooms vacatedThe son attacked the llremeyers and they de-fended


themselvesMadam your son was drunk said JUteDtltJ at all norr-

HolIe Quiet disturbed the neighborsNot at sill BOlTUooulntlsay are evidently a woman

much given to talkingI-Tou

Not at at all sortWill albe quiet The tenants complain

tbat you are QuarrelsomeNot at all at 11 sorrTakQ her roundsman Muldoon You

are discharged Sir Dromeyor


Reveres ef the Ueelelea GIving Dr TaJSOOOO DamagesDr C Fayette Taylor and Ill partner who

held a ten i cars lease of 10 FIlblr streetcorner ot Sixth ateunc got Judgment for I00O agaInstthe Metropolitan Elevated RaIlway Company and ot-

S150OO against the Metropolitan and the ManhattanJointly for damage caused by the operation of the roadIn front of their premises Chief Judge Bedgwlck toldthe Jury that as theccinpeateslmad felled toceedings to condemn time property they were lr1llIndirect as well as direct damages couldof business and so on

The General Term of the Superior Court Judgesrrtednian and OGornmn concurring holds that theserulings were erroneous and reverses time judgmentTime plaintiffs illil not ctiirco negligence snd this dofeiulsnts were liable only Mr the value of private prop-erly directly taken and diminution tn > alue oferty directly caurrit by the taklnzot a part of the t certy Time abrl ell of time plaintiffs easement in Ihstreet was a taking private property only so fartime structure soil operation of the road were Inconsis-tent with time ordinary Ilau fill uses of time street Onlysuch taking mut te paid fur and the measure of dam-ages Is the I the prnpertye rental valueThe sat clause In the nogfll of the General Term U-

Thill in an > aor It time caiedamizei w ere notnrcnuryto nor luuldent to time operation nf time roadslid that the company was wholly ioiolvent

The French Muditm la tke TombsEliza Parrot known as the French Madam

Istily ot 54 Weal Thlrtyflrit street who was convictedIn time General Seiilout of violating the Exclie law byselling liquor without a license was arraigned yester ¬

day for lenience Judge Ollilersleevs sail that ha hadbefore him many conflicting aBIJavlts both as to Mrs1srrets reputation and time character of her establish-ment Uapt Williams mail nothing to say analnit theplace or Mrs Iarret limit other reputablestanding hail made affidavit that fhohral of theplace was notoriously ted He was It wasbut was of that Mrl Iarret was a fairlyrespectable woman engaged a very reprehensiblebusiness He and Ills associates Recorder myth andJudge Cowing had come to time conclusion that fineswere not inOlcleiitl In casss of contlctlon of violatingtime excise lottery and policy laws The floes wereiatd sal the men ami women fined returned to theirlegal traffic Iinprlscnmsnt appeared however to beit deterrent He sentenced Mrs tenet tImprisonmentIn the Tombs for ten day end to pay a Sue of IUOThe flue was paid

Yeaec New Yorkers Loaratag t FineA number of oungentlemen sat on Camp-

stools last night In t parlor at IS West Twentyfourthstreet sod welched t score ot tbol comrades substitutepadded leather Jackets kn breechee cud statedcbsmolt gloves fetheir usual tmint attire end Iewith great spirit Into the opening exercises of the new

noID clb The walls were fringed with stat tollsnetwork masts tied set of with some Interest-

Ing Chinese armor that looked like alligator ski MrPeter BarlowI lu a suit of twills Hr I Murray Mitrhell and rn-gbroad sword In Inllerlol withclub teacher llobArengaged In an Intricate endeavor Mr KdwardLivingston Ludlow Leon r dOremleux fenced brtl-llsntly with Cut Nicolas awl Mr Mitchell fought aSlid with Trot OConnor of Colombia College withouter Later therlaehof swordsgaveway Is the clasho alshea Time dab Is modelled after time Cerole de-1Bwrlme ot Paris Judge Bartof the Bnprsme CourtIIt otis ot the fencer

Tke Classes1 Kscaae the Alderaen far aTlasrThe Siamese embassy kept closely to their

room In ths Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday exceptPrince Erom Mnn Saris Vararidohl who nntur01walk with an attendant down Broadway eeesight of the metropolis ky daylight Time Prlnca saidbe had never seen eo noisy a thorougkfar Ills Idsntitywas not discovered The emusiny took their meals In aprivets dining room At S P M a lilt express wagonbacked up to the Uadlson qure nlreor time hotelwas plied wIth time embaMye b from timeTwentythird street entrance the Siamese 1teunob-served lute coaches In welting and were don nHroadway and to the Detbrotses street ferry in a highlydemocratic manner They boarded a palace car on time

Silo P H train and went toward Washington I1 aTime Aldermen have appointed Aldermen endcl HhellsFlock Unset semi Farley to bs hospitable on behalf oftime city to tie Siamese when timer come back

Mrs Mend Curl 1SlekMrs Maud Carll was absent again yesterday

meritIng when abs was old at a ii lints In tie crossdivorce suit et Illusdals against UtD0aln Long IslandCity Two doctors slid her cauSed that shewas toet sick to reins toI court Gen Tracy put OR a witness Ucone rrothtiiglisin who teitlfled lust he saw hernear the Vourt house on frldsy when she was also ab-sent on account of atlefedslcknenI

JUKtlce Strewn denlet a motiont made In behalf of W B-

Illnxlale fur tear lo withdraw a Inror but he createdan adjiiuriunent until Monday with the pllalIIthe case should then to on although orevin a portion of time jury might be unavtlotblr de-tained JustIce Drown appolnled Stenographer f> OMcKwfn referee to sake tire Carl testimony out ofcourt should both sides agree

Wisraed Net to O ta fkleaceI Tho Civil Bervlco Reform Association IIs Is-


notices to customs House mind other public officenouiers utrcctini their attention to CU5 fact an ac-

tive Interference In politics and participation la conten-tions It detriments to their efficiency at officIalsI

lice vralI customs enclnls uotsblrI Collector Robertsonsee lelfmtii to the Chicago IresliIeiilUI Conventionand other rrOse going there lo rstivsss for their favorlie CAiidlilstc AinotiK the ololalln time employ of thecity a ho are tviut are John 1 the llurean of-hlectloni John K Lvdecker Tax nAt J WJacobun Tax Assptvort Michael Court ClerkJaeobMlollce rolrol Police Justice 1< 1010 I bmltli

JlitoTheir Beat FodBttiis Vpward

Two brothers John and William Allen agedIt and 13 years rsipcctlvcly hired a rowboat near theirhome al Secaucus on 8undty and went out owlng onthis llackeniack Klvir They hays not slpe been teenand at Hit host was found bottom upward In the riveryesterday U Iii supposed that they have been drown


Tke AeTte Laborer reeves a 6a 4 Slayer Ms-Ovkar VisIts a PIiemo

John Gannon an aged laborer was helpingto construct a sewer In Fiftythird street nearLexington avenue yesterday afternoon SewerInspector James Coburn brother the pugi ¬

list came along and told Gannon to take outCM tain stones that he salt had boon Improp

Gannon was n prisoner In the Yorkvlllo Po¬

lice Court halt an hour later upon the complaintof Coburn who said ho had been assaulted bythe laborer Coburns face and bald head werefrescoed with cuts and bruises Gannonsstory was as follows-

I ItakseoutthotonOii for him Hocalled mo a our nail slapped my lace I put upmy hands Ha knocked me down I got upanti knocked him down

Mr John WhoMer an octogenarian of Cortland corroborated Gannons statement Ian ¬

non was hold for examination today


His FnesjToward Europe hut his tlnancStIll Atkexr

Gel Mapleson wa found In the Now YorkHotel yesterday milling In a new pair of bright bluetrousers aid a cutaway colt

I dont know what they are going lo do about pay-

Ing that guarantee lie taM Now they say 1 haventoaks them for their cheek Ive been MVInt them tillIm black In the face If titer wire alt tike Mr TracerId bs all right Hes a gentlemen he Is and a sup-

porter of opera oven It he cant bear to hear prlmadonnas sing Ive juil been around tn the Academy andeverything le In etntu qua Status quo mat now Is-

Nllwon Hell for thats vi here ever tIming IsAt 10 In time evening tIme tuionel had ceased to smileWhat do you think theyre done now f he ItiQtilredGone and notified me that 1 will be sued for KU iprnl

for enltlng up my scenery and omitting It Im desperatesmuts Im going to Kurope on ThurMay an howKow 1 hear they want Tracers to take up the jintgtnctitand hold It over my heed so that at soon as I make nlittle money they can grab It lint thev sire mistaken Ifthey think I am going to be a Oannld tilling tip a sieveIlks thee Academy 1 wont do n thing until that Judg-ment Ili put Into my hands

Mr Puke time Colonels lawyer eat br him and endeavored In vain to stop time Sow o < time Colonelseloquence

when the Mapleton affair Is ifttlel down threesaid a comnutteeman of the Metropolitan Opera House

ws nay have some news up here

Bertkslkat WV Lack a Has InTwentyfive railroad men sat In the Junlata

a sew Woodruff sleeper In time Brie yards Jersey Cityysstsrday They were admiring the elegance ot time carand th quality of the luncheon over which PresIdentJackson of the Woodruff Company presided when ayouag man who noticed that tIme upper berths were im-pended hy chaIns la the usual fashIon said to ManagerJohn C taut-

Suppose your car rolls down a high embankmentand suppose when the car Is bottom side up a very bigoman in time bottom berth comes down On the top berthtime top berth would close up and the lilts clicks thathold It In place In time dnv time would snap into placeend the man In the top berth would be looked In withno prospect of relief until the sound of Uabrlela trumpetIs not that true t-

Mr Paul ut a three for dollsr cigar gay two padsand said

No Ordinarily the little clicks work with a springand a man might jet fattened In If time car rolled Orerlies the porter turns that little handle In the undersIdeof the upper berth anti down come the berth To getthe berth to remain up be has to turn time handle backagain Ths berth will swing shut If the car rolls ovsrbut It csnaot fatten Itself

The nswcarls finished In mahogany rosewd ladeuajed maple Inlaid In beautiful patterns Hammeredbeanie enrtalu rode replace the oonnnosi shining brassones Time car cost 14000 It wIll run between Louis-ville and Chicago

Ancient Veins at AactlasiA score of eels collectors and dealers tilted

tack In armchairs In Bangs ACos suction rooms atIan Broadway j esterday and for nearly three hours html

for ancient bits ot coin comprising part 4 ot the lateProf Anthona cabinet Nearly 500 coins were soil anttoday the remainder ot this part of the collection Is tobe bid oft Colas ot brass bronze silver and gold weresold They were relics ot the Governments of RomeGreece end Judea The highest price for a single piecewas paid by Mr O L Feuardent who paid S7I for S goldonto struck In the reign ot Pertlnax In Sonic Fourteenspecimens of the very rare bronze Roman coin thesebrought S 1S30 or more than 3 each An as was worthlittle more than halt a cent Mr raMardenf who madethe catalogue eald of one of therolntt This piece iiexceedingly scarce as are all the coins relating toJudea and Some retouching appears In ties legendotherwIse It It In very sir condition and he adds tnItalics Another example of nilsconcelt In attemptlrfto Improve ancient monuments The sale yesterdaybrought more than ISUU

Mrs Jsekau Goes Away with 91000An Italian called Antonio Jackoman lived

Mpplly In time upper part of Mrs OConnors house InThird street In Dutch Kills Long Island City with hliwits and three children until a year ago when herented a furnished room lo a well dressed youig tallowcountryman whose name li reported ai Rooks

After thst Jackoman was frequently Jealous On lastFriday he ordered Kockt out uf time house but Rocksrefuted to go A fight followed In which Jackomauwas whipped by limo Joint efforts ot Rocki and MrsTaokoman The two last mentioned then packed uptheir personal good and tote time house together

Jauxninan said he was glad the had gone and medearrangements to have time children cored for OnPuiulay however he discovered that SilO and his bank-book recreientlnii 1000 wore mteatng Yesterday hefound that his wife had Milted the Emigrant Industriallavlngi Bank In this city Soil had drav out the entireriepoiit He got warrants for the arrest of Rocks andfIrs Jackoman but they have not yet beta found

William H Yogis WillThe will of William H Fogg which has been

flied for probate glees to his widow Elizabeth Fogg1000000 his house and lot 359 Fifth avenue with hit

furniture books and pIctures and his lot at S3 EastThirtythird street The testator also bequeath 20000-to nil mater Rebecca Conant and S3000 to William IT-

Fogg Twombly The rest ot the eitate Is given to time

teitatora nephews and nieces Elizabeth Price GeorgeKhorey Harriet Barrett John T Sborey Harrison A8borey Xlvlra Stndley Lyman M Bhorey SarahDowers Julia II Huntress Join Fogg Twombly Horatio-NTwombly Pluxbs Jane Twombly Howard M Twom ¬

bly Nary II Heath Nathaniel Conant and Catharine RHalL and the daughter of his deceased nephew QeorgHiram FogS The estate Is valued at several millionsThe testators widow anti his nephew Horatio HTwsmbl are the executrix and the executor ot the wIll

KIIU4 With a HatSunday afternoon Edward Shea 8 years old

was carried by hits companions to his fathers home aleFirst street Wllllamsburgk suffering from as Injiryto-hU head of which h died last night HI companionaid that U was inflIcted ky the blow of la bass ball halgiven by one ot several young nets who w crc playingCan on River street

I was playing marbles the boy said ° anti theyere playing bill when t w as struck I was stooping

downHe would not give any further Information The

police ascertained that the blow ot the bat had beengiven br William Ksnney They cannot find himRobert Macon another of the ball players was arrestedHe said he was drunk lad did not know anything shoutthe ffalt

Be Wnsils S1OO90 fe>r kts Boardlames Hans a ship broker whose beard

hung nearly to his waist visited the saloon ot MeatyHolme at 404 Van Brant street Brooklyn on Sept Mwith a few friends It Is alleged that he became slightlyInebriated and while he was In that condition the gaswas turned down and his beard was cut oft with a pairof scissors Ills appearance was to much chanced thathit family could scarcely recognize him

The lose of lila beard lie avers caused him great pereonal annoyance and subjected him to so much ridiculethat he lies brought suIt against Helm for flOOU dataages Holme puts In a general denial

Columbia ls Teach LIbrary M axeB< eatThe trustees of the Columbia College at

their regular monthly meeting held yesterday decIdedthat the chemical laboratory hall hereafter remain openon Saturdays A new depnrtment was ordered to beestablished beginning on the nnt Monday In OctoberIHSe unless that date be changed for Instruction In timeprinciples of library inaneicement It is destined to

students to discharge time dntlea profc alonalauallfy The department will be known as the Bchtot-ot Library Economy

Lold Is r rtto lbs Teirir BteOettraHenry I Hart and Henry Morrison Jr Henry

I Uart S Cow holetals dealers In npholitery goods at NUnion square made an aetlgnraent yesterday to Bills B

Yale Preference for HMJ70 67 were gives The ItsIllUee are eitlmated at 110000 and the asset arenominally fl40 n more The assignee say that ons oftime causes of the failure was losseS arising out ot tile re-duction


ot duties by the Tariff law ot last year

A Orsat Day for the New WoreAlderman Fullgrafr who represents the

Twentyfourth Aiaembly district hiss Invited the Dosedot Aldermen to make a tour of the Twentythird antiTwenty fourth werdt The Invitation hai been acceptedand the party will ttart from Third venus anti UUtkStreet on Thursday at 10 A N


It It reported from Nautucket that the lion Cnarlel-OCottor it seriously II-

IThaOreelyrcHefitcamtrBiar tailed from Bt JohnsN V rbr IptrnailX yesterday

The Empress Augusta hat sustained a relapse antithere are Seers that the will die

The ship Iron Cross rt Queenitown front Java reporte that five deaths from cholera occurred during herpaaaage

Time Senate yesterday confirmed the nomination ofJames A Connolly ot illinois to be Solicitor of the Treesury It It understood howevtr that tie will decline theoffice

A Cleveland dredge In tow of a tug ctpilied In conesqnence of the breaking of the dipper chain on Sundayulfhl In rough water on Lake Erie lour mUea fromBlack River and Uie cook lad her areyr 4aubtwere drowned



XY LONDON IN JVHFran Htlpvlatlaa Shut Eiilansl Shall Ste

1Jp All lisa et at PratsxtaruK ese 44Scsi u the Abaadut t bauu

LONDON May 6The preliminaries of thconferonco Egyptian question haw beensottledC The conference will meet In Londonlie first week In Juno and Is expected to lost j

three weeks The Aid says that the conditionsupon which France will consent to the confer Jjonce are that England shall give up all Idea olannexation and of n protectorate and that osjthe other hand France shall acquiesce In lbs i

right of England to maintain a mllMniTiOc-cupatlon

g sof Egypt until the task of reorgan-

ization has been completed Prance stipulatethat the date ol withdrawal ot the Britishtroops shall be definitely fixed hit beor oc-


uliail cease the Egyptian army shaNbo reorganized tenth officered partly by lirltlsb C

soldiers that Franco and Italy however U Hsallowed to exorcise a share of Iniluunoeln respoct to the financial ami jtiillclal adnilnlstni if-tlon

kIn Egypt liianco ploilnos honmlf not tc

inlorforo by arms with tlio affairs in Egypt roeognlzliig that England utono hat ho right M-to do

Iarllamsntary ilooiiinonts just publUho-cltidoadoHpntrhtn

ittSir Kwlyn llitrlntr British

° °w

MluUter to 1lgyIt from Ion Gordon dats4Khartoum A rill 1J lu which ha sire

As tar ai I undcrttmul the situation yoU stats thatthere l> no Intention of srnilng relief here or tn SeekerYou refuse me 7clul ln > lm I consider lurselt free M lact acrnrdliiK lu Ircuhinnncei I aUdi hell on herdslong as I can It I comm eimipreeni the rebellion I ihsil di-eu


otherwise I mull retire tii time oiuuur ami leave youtIme tniielliile ilUttrve of nbniilonlng time varrlMni ol-Kcnnaar KSMIIB liirber an l liniiKols with the cootaintrlhst yomm ccitt cirnlunllv be fmcceit l to nni lin-Iho llahdl under frrciit ilitUuiltlis If you would retailpeace in egypt

The doouincmnitm incliula a telegram from CotStewart to Sir Kvil > n lUrlnir saying

hen Uorden lies noiuninleil mime on liii your Isteutlosnot ta relieve Khsrtuniu It in piofoied that 1 shall ftto Berber trusting to tIme turoM c f vour negotiation °for time opening ut llr HiinVlm iind licrticr routes Doubt > IfOIIit imoweter stores so far as time Pettier road is eon freined unltM it it opened liy nh > nelng troop > 1 am ltdined to think tnj retreat mauler tmy wsy of tile equator jh

and shall therefore follow Oen Conlrns fortunesVIceOonBnl Power also toloirrapeed to the

Minister as followsI shall follow Oen lionton lo time enustor It lIs ales

risky route but nliouid time Arnln hiossilily rcsoli Reber a-we would be eulircl blockaded on time northeaSt an4West

CAcao May 5The Arab journal Kl llavou-offlrms that Kl Mahdi dinmndn oOOOOO ranorn for Inn Gordon tho sum to be paid to thtMahdl within three months




Moran Coaacellnsl FlluyerldosdP-J Skerldun with the Invincible to

TuniJEncuRBV Mtiy Fitzgerald and tonother Fonlans wore arraigned at Slice today tcharged Incidentally with being Invincibleand specifically with the murder of landlordsand others Thomas Moran the Informer afriend ot Sheridan testified that when he joined a

the Invlnolbles bo was sworn on a knlfeond thatby the terms of his oath he pledged himselfsecrecy to Implicit obedlonco to his loader toset when called upon by them and to deal death 4to all tyrants He connected Fitzgerald with the °

Tubbcrcnrry branch of the Irish Republican pbrotherhood by swearing that Fitzgerald cometo Tubberourry from London to settle somedifferences at the time that Mr Sexton waselected to the House ot Commons from HllgoMoran further deposed that P J Sheridan haavisited Tubbcrcurry In the garb of a priestand load during his visit busted himself Informing au Inner circle c

Prosecutor for the Crown said that JamesLyons and Pat Reynolds who are now IIB i

AmerIcas eswere local loaders of the Society ot-




Michael Lydon ot Ma-trasna has boon arrested under the Crime act

hem Ike aarvatlv PastyLONDON May 5Mr John Eldon Gent and

the Right lion Henry Cecil Balkei Conservative mem-


of the noise of Commons have Joined Lord Bindolpu Churchill is withdrawing from the Conservative n

Union their aim being to form a new party the leadIngprinciple ot which shsll be the adoption of a eoneervatire democratic programme Lord Churchill has asked fthe Msrijulsot Salisbury to consent to the establishmentof central council which shall guide ths electoral or-ganization iadvooat free education sod prepare meas-ure

¬ phaving in view tk subordination of the land quo eit

tlou to social topic-

sMIchael Davits Akantfens PolitIesDUBLIN May 6 Michael Davltt has aban-

doned¬ 1-

Ipolitic and will go to Australia sad make that

country hit residence la future The reason generallyassigned for this change ot residence Is the dispute be¬

tween Davltt and 1arnell aa to the nationalization ofland scheme iArrest Nlkllleta laHassla-



PETIBSBUBO May 5The arrests of per ¬ vsIsons known to bs Nihilists or suspected connectionwith the order continue without abatement A veryliege number of artillery officers have been arrested oathe cheats ot betn connected with the murder ot Col-SudetXlu

Fall of a Meieer la LoudLONDON May 5A heavy rain and thunder

storm broke over thIs city this afternoon and U thesouthern pert of the city a baU of Ore fell to time streetand burst with a loud report a phenomenon that terri-fied


the residents for mUss around and particularlythose who witnessed It

Wklulxg CIM t > Mrs SJch U EarMr Philip Sohott a towel manufacturer of

Paterson was reading near a window st his residenceat Madison Park about 10 oclock on Sunday nightwhsn a pistol ballet crashed through the glass It °

whizzed so close to one of Mrs Bchotti care that ekefelt the movement ot the air ant then hurled Itself la-the well fhsther or not It was accidentally or put iaofsly fired the police have not yet been able to discover

Sos Dastcatt ew Olvll atarrlca HaflsmfeAmong Mayor Lows visitors yesterday w4

Senator Dagfett who remained In private conferencewith him about an hour Before the Senator left theCity 1111 ks wa accosted by Comptroller Brlnksrkoiwitht

how shoal civil service reform ISnivel service yon mean responded the Senator

PetpentagBlacussten eCu Oraat lubjeotThree agriculturists and three reporters

responded yesterday to Secretary J II Realls cell for S

meeting of the American Agricultural Association t-


the noldlny ot anttionsl agricultural and cat-tle


fair A motion to refer the subject to the Exsoatlr-Cotumltto wee carried by a vote ol a to 0

4wThe Socratic ar PatereHJames K Harper a Paterson philosophical

cobbler whose shop has for years been the resort of tied

bloods of ths city sal after whom was nsmed-IhslT M A harper Moral Agricultural Aatoclatloend Boat Club died yesterday lie UKd to entertain thi e °

young men with Interesting ttorles and sound amities

Dying Over 1OO Tears Old c

Luke Walker wa burled yesterday from 8JDouglass street Brooklyn He was 101 yean old hv jlag been born In Ireland In 1783 tin same year In whichBolivar was born under whom he fought In ISIS Illslather died at the age of 101 hie crsndfalher was 10X-bis grandmother 110 and Ills grealgrandfatuer M

The Elevated Heads Muss Net Drsp ThingsWalter Burke trot 1250 damages In the City

Court yesterday In a suit against the Manhattan El-

vated Railway for damages for Injury lo his eye front 4piece of coal which fell from an engine on the lvMtrailroad while ke wee driving on SIxth oceans

Tk Tnmt w rs Oslo I at Move BaskOrders were received yesterday from the Post

Office Department to remove the Terrtuwn Vast Officebeak to us old location on the hillside

C to

The Signal OOtee FedietiPartly cloudy weather and local showers

toiitheriy winds stationary temperature lower ba-rometer



The steamship Woravla strived lait evening C

Mitts Weslheraby the actrew who hat been ill withpneumonia for the pMt two moOtbi at tae lloCTmaanoose la Improvln-

KAlouihoremanwa found dentin CHS street nearpultonali2g thlt morning He had brows hair ashaven chIn and aapearod to be 43 years old

John r B Bmyth will Mil by auction at noon todtrand tomorrow In the Exchange galeiroom Ill Broalway tome private dwellIngs soil choice building lots

It wu reported yesterday that Dr A Randolph Motresident physician at the RIversIde rover Hospital whocontracted typhus fever ten days ago could not recover

At a meeting of the Council of this UnIversIty of theCity ot New York last night the Rev John Italiannounceil tbat I friend of the university had lost waekmale It a gift of SOUX

In the suit of the United States against the bra of 0A Autteuordx ti 00 for this recovery of about 200000for alleged undervaluation of Imported goods JudgeWallace resterday affirmed the decision of the DistrictCooit in favor of tIme fIrm time decision being that theGovernment could pot sue fur the value of lIme goffusbut must follow the goads ami seize One