t p mmsmswmmnyshistoricnewspapers.org › lccn › sn83031566 › 1865-01... · •nrnuttun cot*....

•nrnutTun cot*. B*U*r thaa frand'enr, tyattat* ' |»k_A«d«t T«A ^1«*»ar*athaV ^ r Ah*artthaixsaf«Un«lgnbot , »wo«, Wia»*ymp»thI»tUTfe«ntH|hte«oR)W " ft!?{fttt#*i! -a jSWS gS-4." JI it- * ! Sojably W*at with content an* wtaHo, ' toW iw^«*fiMssa*ir^ -^^ «& dr*" 3 **** » » ^ % * P°*'S«?'*f* t r; ^oc^ar^d.tadawafcaaaatiitv'spdaa, % •> Awta«gen*ln«testorifjMMweit <te"ai« * »~c,. Bettor thai fold h ttenoortienwsleep, A-ahotier wad to the land ofdraaia*.. Atraater* turjiaiSg * « # » ' W Ana Ilr* with the gnat and. good of jrara; teaaaaj^-aaatj^th^p^gj^ ta's £»«raaaS Thewo>H'igr«»tdrlun»%lllnntel4, -^ A^3^4MrW«W^^Mu«»ai^45r •* c 3 . Tfte blearing*th«tne«r wewhoqght nor LOWESTI LfVING RATES .« Our Stock consist* or a general Btotlc or i. Woutd «BHOBrie» to tbt Clt&war of Hilont and Tlcinlty thai BEAVER & LADIES' CLOTHS, FOB CLOAKS, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS^ Gloves, Hosiery, Truaks, Traveling Bigs, Abo a floe Stock of Remember we aball . Giro a call beforebuylng t 'and If we"do not aelt 7 0 a we will help yftu to buy cheap or tome one else. Oar Tailoring ! Department Ii managed by t^*~ ,t; mania foi -—- -W&—- offlcejsjIoEigett&ii; them. One day the recruit was ittleafit wren-feet high; he accosted him i TOt?}f^^niHMry life ctod'a targe.boqntjr. so J elighteftPat, that ho immediately consented! ^e#^rman,'*heTlrJpg7flell.not give you ad that don't Inuar jnwordt»tSerman, at all I" j aWV said the sergeant, "three words trill be time. The kins knows every man in the Guard* '*B&$$$mftl''*» wiU rid? the MmccVyounVustreply/ttte^ w^ks; finally i£3Wflfa«^^«ted5^th5<cloth*ir<Ha tations^ bat never dreamed of learning questions. In 1 t"TIrr«, weeks," said the Irishman. ' , ! asked his ] ..__,„ pyqj^|||ol!& «n, a king after hie understood the facta of the case. ••a?* i& $g@ 2STO. 3, JSULGZbEl •BX.OCZLP %*>• .TfttR^ofe attendant oa keeping*largepublij establislimeirt^rrlideliffrM^e cares of alan. ,. laffi? Jfor^i&taWj^ncigw^prottchedfthe ol amarlbeja?^^!^^^,. .. 4 J , !3SipttS' r ,SR}d the master. . , ^ m _ n _ _*__,„„_ - ''mffJP^onlihfiW t^e'rriMter.'iffquinngly. j ^WS; f'%aa jgrj'^|e apples, when MB. Johnsen .toteme^to bring one of dem out-4 ' **wllif?ialdflxe master impatiently. ^b«leJM^ftlli^arid9=bjiDke:'lt^ $onj' earelesp Halone, October 20, ISM. •"-diCA - Q. Moses. Jr., t^r K l t O ^ ' l BLOCK, '*•!.. 1 '»•;.- - , j V , f^ ,y•.'.,_._«. ift" 1 ..* -** , tV'' -'•"^'"''l I«ktnap^'iiBliek > llaloae, whertthejwlllteep on hand, and pannractura to order, ail kind* of .:V '"•?*; * ' •••• Gold.tola Statin; •' . .••-•' ! Thay Kara on hand iba bertaatortment af mmsmswmm Lamp s, CMipjQ9y«,;B.tmiera, lanterns! &c., &c. K t QOOAS; i «$ o?!^lii t^iWiW4i. • t Wholeaala of BetaU. The trade loppllad oa rauonab Wa bare engaged a good Plumber, and will attend ta .all EooingaEdEave Spouts! ThayglTa partltnlar attention to Rooflag and pnttlng ap _ , .1 Iar« Bppnta.^ x . .«, »* «»'») - '•a-t'i-V, ; fV i i*i » • I ? Sap Pans, Conductors and Backets J •! k I <i P ! <•? E S ***=•»•>•»* /." Wa ara ready to iopply taorder. Sap Boiler*. Oaadactara and Tin Bueketj at mederaU price*, for CASH READY PAY! •5».K\JUi- OASH SAID FOB Furs, Pefts, Bags and Barter of ,.. j ( ,«^ 4eiorintipiu|, Pnrehaitra are) raqneated ta call and utalii onr goad*, «tocfcandpjle««.f)*fQr«parcha«lDgel<ewhtr». t. D. t. BOPIM. ' GEO. O. OCKMT. •fi^n-.f^.^iW-a.. SB. OLA KK A CO. a^oliGS, Oiobl HlW «T 3E9 "OIT 3E3 X a Z t . "ST, "" ^e^led^ifare! Musical Instruments! s«^.z«ro"sr GOODS §5ftU^0>tSsl SgieSm.tt»%fpftt3ifp jfKSffl Tea Sets. Cake Baskets, Castors, BUTTER DISHES, SYRUP CUPS, Spoon —and olders,Goblet8, Call Bells fi it- IIIi If- 'ehls attention to repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, WIU, Ca!«TIN0« TBI RfaloBe FciUiiry and Hacbiie Bisiiess WHITTELSEY, PERKINS & CO. All ordera and bulneaa cntruittdtothe New tfam will reelave prompt atttntion. Oar mATRRlAlV * WORUrlAMHniP "'•^ C wt.iblh,r ; tt,. X S ^'' J,f -- Malone,8eptlBthl8«8. O. MOSES, Jr. ' September 20th r 1S04. S9T © "tier S t y l e s Cnlea* itharwlit ipHlally arrang«a. Wa Invito for IMji MAHUFAGTURIH8 E8TABH8HMEHT, A; aonllautae* of Uiai pablle patronage and aapHWlj Jhat ' of onr own Caontj. 0RDKB8 WILL B$ MOHVTO Af Tffll afAOBTKB BHOt 0» ciTHARmakTHMT. ' •'Well, what then S" asked the landlord «COT? :1 : artjjaKi,. ^J : |P*fe'r« T 5<• ?s, v'^' 53 *«& 3 "^ I ^ ran fe^ ^OsJ i5*5^'"^^'i4!l ; 'i-iii^t»^> i **.&i*-^i'^iS3 3^ ; .. «• > J f^ J ^tffpplBM^f^Wa«ltsdn, the cetebrai ; ^aJn^oBtelPmiPwIjaf tmf is,eit" ^'.'<l0^$SiWSfBl^-j^ei^m. e«fjs4 ^ s 4 sJjsoJj t-'^Pl^#*la^#Sfle1chlffii^u1tuli. lotontfie^ovelotegtbe hot coals, where it dis-: Balmoral anil Hoop Marl*! I«dit3i' ItittM'&Cliildren'ttBootaftShaef, X^ Ii BBAJV:BB» i^»3- ? •• ftU s*n •Sl3aW ay fi»i efollowirt* from'the Germanto^ i ":^^^P | e irfthe^eellar, donft ^i^rllPtuiy^Sf^ iwrSwiticfo^.litmw, shavingi, iaff.cPActed ft^itefifti therh H&^^eTroTor war prevent whieffcaus&all the mischii e?*?,a/^ * t HIRTf & dRA^WERSl tPattwnts, mmMM *»» OTHBB 6001)5 ^TrW(«B0!U8 TO MBSWOS, . Pk& to ^4 b '9«^5T . ••IBpgaftbe -• ,,- , •.-fe?<«f>C£ JfxK>?jr lt*£»AlaS i !'. • £ Vasrjr f^w^aw-'^aasb iPrioeart! •a.|'iif*al, BaTiag formed a Partnerablp wIU Hiram «.& CJiarlea B. Eerkina, —BOTH— PR*CTICAfc M£CHAIUC9, Sewing Maelii :^l ,^jsiwa ^*« SffiS :*«~»^^>'aa^;^|»r«A;i^'#f x ; - - . 1 WM«h aw laatalW an* aUracUw arid which wa cff«rTety= ' "" . *haaii'fcirthtTlnie»; ' . *4 . 1 1 ' ^ . WaaaTaalao a, Large Variety of Oloalcs, Oloaking-s^ •-. : Wteptllnntt.nnd• Shawls, .;. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, , . } Xfgggfft-ORffillll X300P9t . CA«HHGSG WOOJL lTABNi, %3fc$lERY, 6LOVJSS. FANCY ARTICLES, &c. - Wa b»»» alio »Ttry Large Stock of Titr^ir^r'ai, ^ jDeniins and Bleeched Cottons, '••ajbtta J«B*:tatf Vhlck'wa.ca* aaUTary Cheap. ,WaaaVt»a^Uaai«»»ar»fal)yA»CTt»dgtoeltof LOT M S -JO*- t ' FLANNELS FOR SHIRTING TTzxca.©!? S l a l x r t s , T I K S wotavitotta Special J%.ttention Or ear Caeiomere ta eu JF^JLZL* STOCK! "Witt tb» tinrmne* IJitt ,w» wm.fleU-onr 6MC*I at Popular Prloeci, ' Aa* gira them the beneflt'of the f - LOWESt MAR1CET PRICES. W , 0.<JDIOKItfSON fcBBO. laalane,Q«!jS,l«Si v .-.1."=-;-' f>?"t:-rJ *-j ^ i ^i»- ;,^ , iteiy:pvEL,_ .erHmue, 3J3y»Mi^'#f>rftua^ryi and •Ooodac;-,.! : • Drnj^. Jtadicl 't. H.wifcoxnotonly of err"lli anal large and wtU ae> lecUd atock ef'Dragarkacfclnca,Cbemlaatoy JCatsntlal 011a, Ao.ibntbaaaacaaopktadl i«8»»okandiaxtaadad'their w - Hitytbatlat^aappTr d^ltrawiUi ontnrpaaiedtacmt^; * ^'ilndtiitrjri •nlrgr.pSrw rtranctand. . bu|lne«wUl*nabl*«ntt« aall,goodfc»t.*oll«tlB;a ; prpat tBat<Su*«Jiera.wlllOadJti Sithelradrantafe t»«ira Wm a call before making their pn -chaiaa elsewhere. Riytlclanawill find it te i halr-advantag* to giT* hlm-thalr P *lS*criptkiba «r*fal5/« afiouideillaiid -prepared at all iioori. , If Uedlclnea ara tded out of bmineta honra, Cat- loner* will reotWe attentlo i by,c*TJlDgfot- tht wadertlgned •ffjki dweljlnf%9jm *t0. p.JlUlbbarJ,; I Bis Stock comprlaea 8ITH 'ORTIKS, TKTJSSCS, STRBAV B0OPE8, aPgetHgQB^pl NDAQrlSj QfTH'ttASTIO aad SaVEHOlTHETIMafld: IOOBI^>SCTBHand GLASS BTKINGJCa of erery all*, B taABT PUHPS, PK^SABIIS. .it>i.'.ii.ii .... f . .. ., COMBS; In almost averj variety, KCBBBB and HORN DBK&IK6, CIKCLB, BIDB md BACK-COMBS^IVORy and BB08HK8-IOOTH and MftU AM«BI^ljr&BE6T' lab POBTiri, HATH, WHI8KBIS^ CLOTWtndBOorBRUSBES oftTeryStyW; PIR1DMI ST—JACQUES and BARNET'S KITKAOTa of nearly aT*r < kind j COLOONBBi' to fancy •tjlei, larga and small *ii< , abb COLOGNBmade at the Store to suit Farchasers. i good Assortment of VAROY SOAPS always on hand. Erery variety of PORT^MON. NATES, Oi.LV and U0B00C 0 WAlUTS, SMITES, PIPES, My Stock ofPATEMTHEl aOIKEBUieoiqprlsadof nearly all (boss In ns* at present. " FAMILY DSTE COLORS eMmi^effif'i^'dW packagl.^*pt •ivthi DASH DRUG 5T0BB. PURE WINISife LIQUORS For ITEDIOIHAL FUBP0S1X always on hand. FRESH CKoice Coiifectioiiery A good Assortment of CHOICE CANDIES will be found at my Store. KERaSllNE OIL! ISSDBlWBfiHkOJr" . A<tDA„GOgD. ALWAV8 OCiDEI¥§Bl7B«II RAILROAD. . |f#^4^fc«ii*ste of TiTno.-i««r, . . ¥»•%«• * I* " * WtSftftB' ARKAifGEJrBNT. QQiP^^^^I/lJBlQPk .| Commencing>ednesday,Dec.7,m64. - ' - .-".< (Banning:Time,Tvyel^e Minates Paster than ' AT WHOlstSAEE A2TO BfTAIl.; WOAl T^- •* «. ,• - ^ . f * ( aja- Ezratss Ta«w adlLno^Bt^p-a* IWIJ.SMTJOKS. Two tBfQD0B j i;ii4pfp^it.r t j[Sundays Excepted.) "i «* l**Jst^ie^f^!ss?^^^ fl n ?§1!! r «An i ,BQStONAia>BEWyOBK EXPRESS. MJ'JEA »T ACT €*/ * «i MJJnL'MMfjnL . Leare Ogdensbarga at &A0' A. ».; (breakrast at Malone) HArlngpurchased tbfe property formerly known aa Knapp' Block, on'the west slab of tbarJrsr at , the Junction of, MAIH, COURT $n> DUANE STEEETS, totba; vllltge'of ITalbne, andjiarlng thoroughly repaired and fitted up the same, have remoired their entire swekof ISTOTHK *• BASEMENT S T O K E t " Wheycan-b*e'foafid"theVes^Wre,*th'« eniapest tfrwerles and the largest stock In Franklin > County. Onr stock con* iiitsta parts* follows: r^*- nq^mi^ T\ RING 200tbIVol<5lC)B'"^l 6 Tons ot- goor4ProY<?nder f<?r Horee Feed. PORK, LARD AND BUTTER. T e a s firona 8 to 1 3 SnilliaifiriB. FISH OF ALL KINDS. Sugar, Fine and Coarse Salt TOBACCO, STARCH BY THE BOX. Soap auad Candle* by the box, Earthenware fBA BY 7BB 0HE8T, AND ALL KlKDff OP CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIL. MEAT MARKET AT COMMERCIAL BLOCK LEWIS 4 CLARK-have also a nice meat market at- tached to their Store where can be found all kinds of Fresh Meats, Fresh Fish, Ac. WOOL MARKET at < omraercial/Iilock. LEWIS k CLARK will also pay cashforWool. Sheep Pelts, Beacon and Veal Calf Skins. Also Cow Hides. Wood' & lumber Yard, t CommerciafBlock LEWIS A CLARK wllrply-cash for Wood, Shingles and Lumber at their Wood Yard. CASH PAID FOR FAT CATTLE ANDSHEKPby L. A 0. *'< »\ if i »=*»»3 ON HAND. FAIRBANKS'PATENT SCALES. - - EEWIS^OBAIlBru-rthe'bnTyaKefiirfof the* Safe of Fairbanks* Scales in Jthertown of Malone, where they will rurnteh all kinaVdr^Bcalea at the factory prices. No charge for freight. v Hy Goods are all warranted PURE and GENUINE, and " ------ -•—• them will please Tetorn them d. any person dissatisfied with . in POTSDAM and the parchsse money will be refande V.T?, February 8, f 868. To (A* Citt*tn$ of Malone aid facinily : We the* undersigned, Physit lans of tho village of Potsdam, do hereby certify that we are well scquainted with Mr. K. H. Wacox and haT* been for sc era! year* past, during which FEAUKLIN COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. The-depository for the sale of Bibles of the Franklin , County Bible Society can he found witblhe Treasurer A. C. Lewis, at the 6tore ot LEWIS A CLARK. AU Kinds of Bibles sold at New Tork cost price. M MALONE, FRANKLIN CO. , it ' 1 .< • • *s . * s i Ua**4-tl tl»«» N e w NnbajtittAte -FOI- t n fsflfqapp" 8 , '{4rn:'r» -.;,-T- •. r,A in the United States. For Stil£itfjaffn*^ifa,Mrovgkout the ,.- v - Aa^nti'fc^WiOo'Be. egfakll^A *a«ill'sa^>»/*i«*tiL'aaatasf4*> ^ ' a l v " * 1 s ^ » ^ a .''ssta«jtj*sat>sa> katalMaaasm a t f t a a m «was«M ' :-'," . -- -^'> <"- "? •• - ' ' - *tlWp «alLaBdaja^lni|jt attheStera of Th;*|>o«ralhroBgkont tba iity ftadlt th*,oio« saleable , 'While-'*—^ t £!*?*.*,*•***?r Ivhue •^metmmiiftA rutmirig a,jnuek.-oi» -*. ^.'j«'iWrf.it4»fIi*%*».a 1 0. CHAIkA^AjSgfcfrifS frit " ' '• - - - • " A* •£> ^IMA *$ M A Nl r | Would re*perilr«y aimnunsrtoHlie'citlsen* of Halone* aid Tlclally, that ha nsa taken the shop formerly kept by ^ *•»«?*** %ap«> to gr*s)fcl*attention tb-*U call* -J ; inftU line of buslncji. j bJttaalnaas andflattershimself that he can giro entire sat- isfaction toAU his cmwoiert.^ „,. ^,« ,^,».. . . ; t --:A^WMa*«^-^Jaw*^aad>P»W«i.,WA*ft»^ oa hand, and will be sold at the most ressonsble prices, and aaya^ r n«Vti^'«8qd, ifll M ap*>Ue«, akrect from the manuTactorers, on the shortest norfte. ^* •>-." ' Ha will Jbe pleased to retain tha patronage of all Mr. »fA*VoM oswtMB*»^adfrl«»^/a««riH be happy i» hara all call upon him who may need Ms «r»rce». _ , ' FOR 8ACE. A oointuodlous and'welifinished SBE^xvuataii©, iCffaliftaavm^ j CAWTwi'tE,. ; ^w^W^M -' ;-..-.#.WalIBt.,:%«3fark.--, i Capital *isrtBurpIuiI,.l;.'.,r> w » J ^,.. w...i'l|0,W*.W Done L. STOM, B«'y. S.' U. ROKItNBADGn, PVesf. HUTUIL IHSttlWWE COMPANY, :. -•-.'iifag!-?. ^riam %/*y/ *ysfy-.T^ - y |: ' iftnr^dli&atnetetFait^tho*^^ ^ ofSenatorial flehlfcFw^ a w«maii traitor." Herirjri^d|>ersiftdedher into tl|e qaiet," she answoged; - 'That Senator is a trail-, -^»»d aJt|«h^tr«it«r«w#i!d beiluii|'<«rt of tliii .tOTetftoaniMaifassij^f • >,' ;.AJsS^,,^mAre^Ji»ldiertothe "beloved of Ida soul," »ald to hare; l>eeB%feR»pted, "coa ttias»aoti» t«|t«*i!ii-iMr^^ . -Mmtfo^t&^^a*^^ llwd » mud • 'fitdamibi*iliy^o%W *ilh £H&#*ffi^t&tftnm *hh*y bar- •i->#w^a»»* !•*»-• ipsa Uart»saj SMtv biaoaita aqt, *MUm IwWta. J*w:iwal^PUw<r. f Ww.~ |ag•yoo. , ' . * (toesry buirnea*flftesnyears. ,:,0, ^^B^Pat^|M<@«:--' , , ,, . 4 .fiKa*i«kiwsf>!^^ El^GYi T T.^coJMglTWr»rr'.x 0 ^t.«tW^loc:;.^rh r sr. "• • '"" - ;»«|-ii^'n4**a!e»hiifcia^»pWis.«- i ::!:'.,; -j'..••'• a^*^ _.W*.«^tea*-|lWwi1SHs^ *.f thi (f^P»a«8ihe|anw war aaptemioa*, ahd ttfrtj-tho ^^^.-^-« —IPfxTtr^rAT^I^Oe'flafflj-^^Innatf, ; 0h&. IVevr and Elegant T«R ^ m AT THB yo^ravora^^nVideratlori knd pi«trpnage,J 3 ^Hi'KoWinws^ld. D|; y p.oa4S«a,M.I}i' -.'A | p"r^lTT'.,February loth, 1868. IMttWne Furniture Ware, Booms! tfolly concur In the foregiing certificate of Physicians, thaaald E. B. Wilcox basing been In my employ about four yean,and cheerfullyxecomm :ndWm*.one worthy otyour ' copBdenc. and (upport. C. M. PECK, Druggist, Potsdam.N. V. WEST SIDE OF THE RIVER V. B. 11. WILCOX, Oppoalte Mlf ler Honsc, Ktaloue. HaloneJuue 2,1864. THE GREATEST BATTLE OF jrni HASBEEH i^.ii / T U B - V I C V B K X FOUGHT I . HV *>UJtSl it3 t-T. Has now o^lmf&^thelAr^tind'.raoBt Elegant j^ssortment or 1 offeredforsale In JSortherp Jfcjr Tork, to which Ae In- vitesthe attention of all'pur.chasefs. Call ^ i d ^ m d fop. Yourselves, Black WalautSofaA -^ •' Walnut«»Iarble Top Tables, Oak Extension do CiieatnutChamfier Seti Il'sKes, "Wash 8 Umbrella Sta " '< » .» a t S * ' K p J ' « « W . Mattres»t8, Mahogany •*^ i3rfS *eSalrsfL^Pj-rlor Mirrors. Wal- out Chairs,; Walnut Mould- ings, Cane Seat Chairs, " •- THE-WE8T 8IDE OF THE RIVER AHEAD i !.1 ITISN0WANKSTA1ILI8HBDFACTTHAT | , ReTblviayJSpncCGRstfWOaklffnihL ,.„ Chsfrsi-ToflicelCnafil. OylUFrinlesiSiUftiKa^Bar- m .Chairs, Stools^ Jtqod Seat Dining, CrfallsT Missis? ytkite.moaSHin^ KWcbehJChalis.pblldrep's { ' ' High-CbatrsfBo'ok Oases,,.ChII* dren's OfSee Boom ,01 r *.-• -.-t^r - I • ' ' Oases,».CJ)Ii-. - . _•> . a t ' M i a f O l ^ C ^ B s U ' ^ MM l"sfl .|Lu.wCh»lrj,BMks, Black Walnut Caskets; .-aJedsteads, all •$!$$ffi$&ft fee and aell cheapef*' ban any other Grocery uiS Provision House In Malone. Gire «s a Call. W. F. AMSDEN. 3Dt> bUltr. F I . O U B , « ! l e a p at A. & Co'». 10b t>bla. POKK, CI» sap a t A. * Co'«. o IIOICE BUTTER DBUCSANDiaEDICiNE9,at A. & Co'..! IOXCB IiItlUOBtl G. W. FISHER. ; ;cBIack.WalJ3tit-Cofi)ra, Cutternut Comn^ehcrryXWiDS. BURIAL CASK AND CASKETS, ANP CHEESE, at A . & Co»a, at wboleaale only at A. et CJ6'*J i.jfiJiStfi'-.'.'l "'S3 • .- »-,T«8!ih«'.li ^s.< '.> : Ji ,»^MM^S^f^ tt ^jyiP-^ h i 0l -4^ o J' ::; 'sr£t^Ka^^PEt^t^Q3»^lfcB^ ,' - > .-•: f . * FUTURK; REMOVAL,-1 " t. : x^O MORE W. F. Amiden A Co bar* adopted the BeadyPa y &ymt&m. 1 •. :f/«t" •'» * A,:v* "if. # - * WeshallsellGi make It an object for all to traUo with us. Coma and see. Malone May 11 1684. CREDIT! W. F.AMBDKSACO; itUlaiw., open a* fi bnt"J»Ta."—i'fei«»o*rff*^snu*Wca)t, V»l , Aa»*absVtu»f«rc«ire»ltIa.«np^rto.anyth!nr«K>Wfa »ii»^iCsl«s»S»S^rt^^^ ^i| l,lurf.K(rt»«a^^'o4*a^a^aW |>a^Bgj?IStaist^cf|i%K...^ T ^Pv^ '>^!T"w. f 'ST'^i»-. »^^,^n»UtW«-^-^/fl9t»l,- : .Kawark, N. .?.;"• " ""*'!•*•--- + -^" tt«"«)ir*» : fl*aa,.«»»*ot*»slal^ FIKOH * THOMFSOH, Ksw Basso, Conn.' i HaloHeJAnettilSfi*, 'i >;' H. IT. TOBY. •*ir ««#'#•!«•* arriring at Rouse'* Pornt»tl0.80-A w.; Burlington 1.80 r si., Troy and Albany a85*. a., New York 6 A. «., next morn Whit* Hirer Junction 5 T. at, Concord T.40 p. u , and Boston Il.TiW. ,,, 1 , BECO^P TBA1N. TUROCQH MAIL. Leare Ogdenibursh at 13 «., (dine at Malone,) arriring at Bousr**Bofnt'Bt<5.*l Kit.. St. Albans? p. »., (supper; Bm-llngton>o,»;ii,, Butland 12.80 A. «.. Troy 4.60 A. U., and Sew York WlSff A.M. W. Birer Junction 1 A. u., Concord 8.80 A. it,arriring atBoston at B.89 A., M. Passengers by thlf.toain take Sleeping Cars atflw Albans for Boston, Iroy, Altisfly anff-^ew 1&rk. Thts'traiti* connects with M. 4 C. B. R. at Boose's Point, arriTlDgat.Montreal at Dr.u. fB3BD TRAIN, ACCOMMODATION-to Malone only. . Leas;* Qgdenpburgh .at 4 f,«., arriving at Malone 10.4.'> p. w. *•'•"•' I BETUt5N|NG. Lt*Y«Bostonat T»A. tu, Concord988 A. «., White River Junctiott,J?j«,t^lie.. pew^Yprk 10.45 r. u., Troj s A. U., adtlatfdlS.*ST. »l., - Bnrllnfet0n-4.2frr. » . , St. Albans 6 p sr, (Supp'er,> Rouse'* Pojnt 1.15 p, H. arriving at Ogdensbutfib *t 12:45 A. a , connectinKwith night express train on Grand Trunk3BalIway,fbr all points srest, and wiUiOttswa and Prescott RaUwayjforjtJttaw* City. Leare Bo»to,n at 5 P. u.. Concord S p. u White River Junction 11.40 p. n. New York at 8.80 p u Troy 1 o p u RutJand 18 3 0 4 . at, Burlington 4.8O A. M., St. Albans 0 A' M ' (Breakfast) Rouse's Point T.I3 A it., arriving at Ogdensburgh at 18.49 p. a., connecting with Day Express on O. T. Railway for West, and Ottawa A Prescott Railway, for Ottawa City. Sleeping Can on all night trains from Boston, New Tork and Troy. ^ Malone, Dec. «lh, 1864. Q. V. HOYLE, Sapt VEEJffONT CENTRAL RAILROAD. Winter Arrangement. NOTEMBER 14, 18G4. TRAINS GOING SOUTH AND EAST! Day Express leaves Ogdcnsburgh at 5.80 a. ta., for Bur- lington, Lowell and Boston, and .'or Rutland, Troy, Albany and New York via Troy. Night Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 11.80 a. nx, for Burlington, Lowell, Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Near Haven and New York via Sprlogfleld and for Rutland, Troy, Albany and New York via Troy. With sleeping cars be- tween Rouses' Point and Boston and Springfield and Rouses' Point and. Troy. TRAINS GOING NORTH AND WEST. Mail Train leaves St. Albans at 6.00 a. m., for Boston, Worcester, Sprlngfleld New Haven, Troy, Albany and New York. Trains leave Boston at 7 00 a. m. and 5.00 p. m., foi Ogdensburgh. St. Albans, Nov. 18, IS64. G. MERRILL, Sapt. QUICKEST TIME ON RECORD! flBfi&Hfll jjSgVSRQ-.flSfiSlBl^aiT i^E^^^9( ^fcbjg^gsLj, ^P^V^aT^affi^it^^^rw^T^r^B Through to-Chicago In 28 Hours! Person's going to the West ran have their choice of Boat or Railroad, from Ogdensburgh. Trains leave Presrolt on the arrival of the Train from the East. P. CLARK, AGENT, MALONE, I* always ready to sralt on all persons going West. Ha - ; sells Tickets to Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Cleveland, Cincinnati anil all points West, New Yorkjda Ogdensburgh, Water- town and Rome, and • ? Y. Central R, R's. ' FARE FROM OGDENSBCRGH TO NEW YORK *b M> " ALBANY 0 4.1 . _ And.also to Montreal, via St. Lawrence River. ' j/alone.ilay 12, lS6i-tf. HO FOR THE WEST! &! ?ER80Ji8 WISHING TO PROCURE^TICKETS FOR Tlffc WEST, ARE INFORMED THAT I\ H. SHIELDS, —AT THE— JuTalone Passenger Depot l , ,. , JSAtpNSFQK. ALL THE DIFFERENT ROUTES. Grand Trtmk, J?iopellers, Samia Linej)f ' .Steamers, J,ake Shore, &c M &c. j - '• ' •BE SURE AND GIVE HIM A CALL AND BE PUT ON Wag. BIGHT TRACK. , IgGAl { ATORTIS£IETO. v • . -•s^i.*. !X*< ;' . 4. "* •' ^1 T*~, . •. ( .g@ -lifOKTCAGE,SAI.E.~Derault lias been made. In lVJI tKi bayment'oT'xhe'* money secured by a mortgage diltol.the first day Of May, JS60, executed by Jnhfa Savige. then of the town of Moira, In the County of Franklin and_ Staeeor>New5£6r*yiw Martini. McNafl.Hten of thelsame* place, which mortgage was recorded in the 6(Hce of tho -Olerkibfsaid Countyi-InL!Herl4 of! mortgages «t pajje-fii). fln theJSth (day of June, 1881, at 2 o'clock. P.. M. The said mortgage has been duly assigned' to Wilbor Austin, of the toWn afo're5»Iqj,'andthe sgmeis now owned by him. The . flftx^nedqllarsand eighty-three oentsj principal and interest, which tlio whole amount unpaid thereon.' No-sult or pro- ceeding has been commenced to recover theamount36cnre«L by said mortgage, HT any part thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hefeby given, tha| by vjrtue of the power of8>le In 1 sail) mortgage contained, arid recorded as aforesaid,'and in «:'^urstiattce br.'thes'tatuteiin sneh. ctse-made «ndjprovhted, the said, mortgage, will he fareclased.by.a.sale of the prtn. IsesiherWrt'dM'crtbea/aria-ttift-same will bo sold, atpublio auc«onr«!^he SfOBMOofiSS ih» flouryiptBie, ln,the3g«aj ot MalopW, In said County of Franklin, on the 21st day or Jan iiary^iiexl, at; ten o'clockS in .the forenoon. The" Miff prim - ls^Jtre.dewlbedl^Aafd mortgage as follows.; Aft that- traWbrparcM otMor.sltijalelfftheTown of Mofra afore- said, being part* or Lota numbers 110 and H.T-.andfloa of Potter GofT* survey ot said town, made A. D. 1817, and |own-. 9Sh, by W«».%A •by*afintrV JjSfy-^i^^f " a . y »g«ii»»d,pnLrhe Ball-ana West acros* laid - -" - -. . . _., iots," far je^ojjgte6oHW.fj»fe41»e SJaJ^r.-roadrto copt*n)jU»ipyfflTe acres of land, and no more. Dated the 27ih day of October, 1861 ' •» ^ ., W1LBEE AUSTIN, Assignee. W,K*slmr«xt:,'Attoraey; .-t''.' •*-**>' *?* ::>*?. 1!-M^?jft E:.'j"-V**\ ,^-"tu^"^yH%"5 *MT' Would respectfully annouifce to-' the clUJeni of Matontan'3 . -! vicinil.v,'th»t-theyiaTe•JuBt:Mtarned:froBl««w , ^ J s 1 r...~„~ - 'York ; -wItif«l«rge*nd'suptrlorat<)Ck:-or-•' •• -.; :m> WWefcttfjMjBtf aeil «fcWe-tow4st ; , nosslbla pO&ifrfttet ._-- .t(..":"_ S-flrtKeWSSSwSbrk. .'•''< ->---»--.,:> I , ? fflfj^^vna"saiFfh*s*^ic%irrjiH^ . li.t:-; %w^^^s^m^ WMcb is. tfto -,.J»rges)" .evet*r<mgbt.4nto,th!».mMtea. We *«• Salted"- •' 1•it'%0i&lkT&eii&Sk w THE BEAi we£-ps l og A.A*ton-Br«adweJl,,decease.d,for the; payment orhlsdobt-s. v Brf'WtBI bran^erdeY-of J Bintf "A.; Paddbck,'Sarfoj<kte nf S»afiviu*orjSt»j»igjni5gla»ofJS«t: 5fprjt„aoUio?ixftijthe sals of certain real » t e ^ or Aaron Brpadwell, late of.Mays- vmefln'thee«e6f«airfornis,deceMedj iiiteatuEe r forithc payment of hli debts, I, the undersigned, the admInisua,ior or tbo goods, chattels and credit) drsafd decease'iJ,'Will, on tte,^e.»»nt|i aay*S*ftoa|2 nrat, at ten ofclonif mtaforenoo'nfat th?dwliingS'uie thereon, sell, at pEs6 Me, the I*MjRMd^mSl**«Soitft^^^ -srft;. : AJf;aiat certain *lece of land, situate;, lying and being .at Hogans- ^ " P i in We WirtAr-Bombay tb <Ssald Conwy,*aaAieieii Ww^Sm^^at'fa^^l^U^d so ;er erk'b .«ncSfo^»l^n«reWo>e<fions«*ed. to, Hcman W^Tucicr %WpanjTB3gW"indVire»1>yorad recdrded In Affcierk's office;Sftji6'i;iianliATo^iald,.Jn:Bookof Deeds So;Ifli at pages 515 and MB, aa lies sontherly of a line commencing in tho easterly line or St. Regis Street, at a pointflv%chains tblrty-dghtHnks.southerly from ani«»h treevStandiog io ibe sontfi-westerly corner of the comer lot eommonlyfcaHed the frame dwelling houi* thereon.—Dated November JAMESN. BEDELL, Admii attir itor. .rtr-caj rMNa djA^^i iaaHW.a? , :W*I«TS- if*i*v : %'i*»i , i»i;'•*« iitA*«raTav*- s ^1 8 ' ,s »-'"'. Aa : t^t.4..^«^fc4^'lMWBP»*v*>+ lied amount, opon a* favoraaiaserau a* «aa a* e*tal»*«l In In! the past y*ar.- FALL WIDTHS AND 1* ».! r '-"i'. * H . £ KINCi'l. ;""'"- y .. '»H#iifar*St - It s»ak*t a dteWrdly palataW* sabtthut* for real Java Yfj M r t s a i a i i iar, ^c«**.-irr«.-»»w**» , « Horn* Saw***.', - * sann*7y ww w^wt^Kf vtw** % DaTABLB, Ja». I4.iata.-tf *«r4i lsto --- r a^*^b«wi»dri^ri^ , »*T"i»«««»*, itwakitison* .PfJVrt^r«,fMiH«Bf. * f ?* ,,w * Wrtl>,w,,,rt *l*L«!£i»»- - «LL.* „A K1! i A!tBaT»,'v.» , r»»ld»a». | ; , »BI»«*M«Br», B**tatar», Md. irjd, , ' I Your MaH <Mh*totpokaa «* ia ih« UfhMt t»rms, in, »4^nf M>«n>rJa»aasaa*a Urijt/«ffe* a^vw aswa^esyr ] -talactty. ------ .4 iylendlaaajoj^inent.of„ Franklin County, noHce Is hereby given according to Franklin County, _ law, to all peisonsTiaving claims tgaiost the estate of Timo- thy Burnt, late orB«UMnJid«ee*ied,that they arc required .1 ^-^t.. .v. —,. _..t '^rooAiiM thereot to tbe Sob- —Idenc^inlBeltniB^^^foilciaid, on '^tiLsMh' aeas^lWBdl JWIawmt, TUBIDHERI^rmA^ESfStVr - EBlf > «iVEW,'ftecoraTn]; to ,Ttog.cJlIm» 'agsitBt-Ashbt'l, .'par ltob^«Iber,.t^«,«i*ie^i«6r.th*UM*^^ the said deceased v »t his bfllce'ln Malone, *fbrts*Id,-6n 01 oM»e'aW«hd^'^'Ja|aajyjS[%xt.: : --'* •'*.-• a ;;?>,-; ^'^:jr' " ! ^t>r'»3*C'^:: i c3 , *i^%%m$^' } m^£B& Paddock, Surrogate 0' **«*•*? a*w> aecardiag to lagainattlie estate of John Alvortl, saterof Cbatwwiay, Ateeasei, skat th*y Art refluirert A «0OJ) A#S0RTM»rf Stmt RW5HVW, A* w. iff. * m* K. ktnii« D.N. nextwetAa.SM'y. Wn.G. DlCXWW*. Jr«*A0r. d.taah- a»AharHs4 agatrt. ws^ wM law*. #Jl»Jfao«vaid% t » > «rt^a«^>a* t aa. tfcatr t,.,| .gaiilalalw aaal #1 Malsu,Har«k,iaM. *»;s; aoim««xwst, WAWJW * MM*, Brooklyn, H. Y. 4tf4M»a>fat «** Tattv Aagast A - l » . —', ; Thry «i!i be ahletnavft-theto g»da*muchltWfhin tliey eat)' have liieoi n»B>ir«et«r«d. ' ' .x. o '3p: t ; . c- E.. t i ; *!*5^f "^ t * I ^^' ll ^JRl>^^ AOsflTBO.Al i- i^'au.-a^a£i*-.ttC- J : wm'&Of&Mm'Wm*- - -»sif. -'•flisii 1 "?!^ |]C^.I»*4iilf^^^»a^ ; -r^ - m M D F N M wt«Maagimiiig**wai/' SS*t«!l»&yM»IB^^ «' J Mah.si.aect. S,1»M. »• wt**j»* tHi B4aaja*eMsual.i .flaa5^as»a.Ait*««4a fltataaagjayiWr WUTH,Exe«tor, l ! • -ti I I

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Page 1: t P mmsmswmmnyshistoricnewspapers.org › lccn › sn83031566 › 1865-01... · •nrnutTun cot*. B*U*r thaa frand'enr, tyattat* ' |»k_A«d«tT«A ^1«*»ar*athaV ^ rAh*artthaixsaf«Un«lgnbot,»wo«,

•nrnutTun cot*. B*U*r t h a a frand'enr, tyattat*

' |»k_A«d«tT«A

^1«*»ar*athaV ^ rAh*artthaixsaf«Un«lgnbot,»wo«, •

Wia»*ymp»thI»tUTfe«ntH|hte«oR)W "

ft!?{fttt#*i! -a

jSWS gS-4." JI

it-* !

Sojably W*at with content a n * wtaHo,

' toW iw^«*fiMssa*ir^ -^^ «& dr*"3**** » » ^ % * P°*'S«?'*f*tr; ^oc^ar^d.tadawafcaaaatiitv'spdaa, % • •>

Awta«gen*ln«testorifjMMweit <te"ai« * »~c,.

Bettor thai fold h ttenoor tienw sleep,

A-ahotier wad to the land ofdraaia*..

Atraater* turjiaiSg * « # » ' W Ana Ilr* with the gnat and. good of jrara;

teaaaaj^-aaatj^th^p^gj^ ta's £»«raaaS Thewo>H'igr«»tdrlun»%lllnntel4, - ^ A^3^4MrW«W^^Mu«»ai^45r • •* c3.

Tfte blearing* th«tne«r we whoqght nor M«

LOWESTI LfVING RATES .« Our Stock consist* or a general Btotlc or i. Woutd «BHOBrie» to t b t Clt&war of H i l o n t and Tlcinlty tha i


Gloves, Hosiery, Truaks, Traveling Bigs, A b o a floe Stock of

Remember we aball

. Giro o» a cal l beforebuylng t 'and If we"do not aelt 7 0 a we will help yftu to buy cheap or t o m e one else. Oar Tailoring

! Department Ii managed by


,t; mania foi - — - -W&—-

offlcejsjIoEigett&ii; them. One day the recruit

was ittleafit wren-feet high; he accosted him i

TOt?}f^^niHMry life ctod'a targe.boqntjr. so

JelighteftPat, that ho immediately consented!

^e#^rman,'*heTlrJpg7flell.not give you ad

that don't Inuar jnwordt»tSerman, at all I" • j aWV said the sergeant, "three words trill be

time. The kins knows every man in the Guard* '*B&$$$mftl''*» wiU rid?

the MmccVyounVustreply/ttte^ w^ks; finally i£3Wflfa«^^«ted5^th5<cloth*ir<Ha tations^

bat never dreamed of learning questions. In1

t"TIrr«, weeks," said the Irishman. ' ,!

asked his ] ..__,„

pyqj^|||ol!& «n, a

king after hie understood the facta of the case. ••a?* i& $g@



.TfttR^ofe attendant oa keeping*largepublij establislimeirt^rrlideliffrM^e cares of alan.

,. laffi? Jfor^i&taWj^ncigw^prottchedfthe ol

a m a r l b e j a ? ^ ^ ! ^ ^ ^ , . ..4

J,!3SipttS'r,SR}d the master. . , ^m _n_ _*__,„„_

- ''mffJP^onlihfiW t e'rriMter.'iffquinngly. j ^WS; f'%aa jgrj'^|e apples, when MB.

Johnsen .toteme^to bring one of dem out-4

' **wllif?ialdflxe master impatiently.

^b«leJM ftlli arid9=bjiDke:'lt $onj' earelesp

Halone , October 20, ISM.

•"-diCA -

Q. Moses. Jr.,

t^r K l t O ^ ' l BLOCK, '*•!.. 1 '»•; .- - , j V , f ,y•.'.,_._«. i f t"1 . .* -**,tV'' -'•"^'"''l

I«ktnap^'iiBliek>llaloae, whertthejwlllteep on hand, and pannractura to order, ail kind* of

.:V '"•?*; * ' •••• Gold.tola Statin; •' . . • • - • '


Thay Kara on hand iba bertaatortment af

mmsmswmm Lamp s, CMipjQ9y«,;B.tmiera,

l anterns ! &c., &c. K

t QOOAS; i « $ o?! lii t iWiW4i.

• t Wholeaala of BetaU. The trade loppllad o a r a u o n a b •

Wa bare engaged a good Plumber, and will attend ta .all

EooingaEdEave Spouts! ThayglTa partltnlar attention t o Rooflag and pnttlng a p

_ , .1 I a r « Bppnta.^ x . .«, »* «»'») - ' •a-t ' i-V, ; fV i i*i » • I ?

Sap Pans, Conductors and Backets J •! k I <i P ! <•? E S * * * = • » • > • » * • / . "

Wa ara ready to i o p p l y taorder . Sap Boiler*. Oaadactara and Tin Bueketj at mederaU price*, for




Furs, Pefts, Bags and Barter of ,.. j ( , « ^ 4eiorintipiu|,

Pnrehaitra are) raqneated ta call and u t a l i i onr goad*, «tocfcandpjle««.f)*fQr«parcha«lDgel<ewhtr».

t. D. t. BOPIM. ' GEO. O. O C K M T .

•fi^n-.f^.^iW-a.. S B . OLA KK A CO.

a ^ o l i G S , O i o b l

H l W «T 3E9 "OIT 3E3 Xa Z t . "ST,

"" ^ e ^ l e d ^ i f a r e ! M u s i c a l I n s t r u m e n t s !

s« .z«ro"sr G O O D S §5ftU^0>tSsl SgieSm.tt»%fpftt3ifp

jfKSffl Tea Sets. Cake Baskets, Castors,



olders,Goblet8, Call Bells

fi it- IIIi If-'ehls attention to repairing

Watches , Clocks a n d J e w e l r y ,


RfaloBe FciUiiry and Hacbiie Bisiiess

WHITTELSEY, PERKINS & CO. All ordera and bulneaa cntruittd to the New tfam will

reelave prompt atttntion. Oar

mATRRlAlV * W O R U r l A M H n i P

"' •^ C w t . i b l h , r ; t t , . X S ^ ' ' J , f - -

Malone,8eptlBthl8«8. O. MOSES, J r .

' September 20thr 1S04.

S9T © "tier S t y l e s

Cnlea* i tharwl i t ipHla l l y arrang«a.

Wa Invito for IMji

MAHUFAGTURIH8 E8TABH8HMEHT, A; aonllautae* of Uiai pablle patronage and aapHWlj Jhat

' of onr own Caontj.


•'Well, what then S" asked the landlord «COT?:1

: a r t j jaKi , . ^ J : | P * f e ' r « T5<•?s, v '^' 5 3 * « & 3" I

^ ran fe^ ^OsJ i5*5^'"^^'i4!l;'i-iii^t»^> i **.&i*-^i'^iS3 3^ ;.. «• > J

f^J^tffpplBM^f^Wa«ltsdn, the cetebrai

; ^aJn^oBtelPmiPwIjaf tmf is,eit"

^'.'<l0^$SiWSfBl^-j^ei^m. e«fjs4 ^ s 4 sJjsoJj

t - ' ^ P l ^ # * l a ^ # S f l e 1 c h l f f i i ^ u 1 t u l i . lotontfie^ovelotegtbe hot coals, where it dis-:

Balmoral anil Hoop M a r l * !

I«dit3i' ItittM'&Cliildren'ttBootaftShaef,

X ^ I i


i »3-

? • •




ay fi»i efollowirt* from'the Germanto



| e irfthe^eellar, donft

^i^rllPtuiy^Sf^ iwrSwiticfo^.litmw, shavingi, iaff.cPActed ft^itefifti therh H&^^eTroTor war prevent whieffcaus&all the mischii

e?*?,a/^ * t

H I R T f & d R A ^ W E R S l tPattwnts,


* » » OTHBB 6001)5 ^TrW(«B0!U8 TO MBSWOS,

. Pk&to ^4b'9«^5T . • • I B p g a f t b e -• ,,-

, •.-fe?<«f>C£ JfxK>?jr lt*£»AlaSi!'. • £ Vasr j r f ^ w ^ a w - ' ^ a a s b iPr ioeart !

•a.|'iif*al, BaTiag formed a Partnerablp wIU

Hiram « . & CJiarlea B . Eerkina, —BOTH—


Sewing Maelii : ^ l , ^ j s i w a

^ * « SffiS

:*«~»^^>'aa^;^|»r«A;i^'#fx; • - - . • 1

WM«h a w laatalW a n * a U r a c U w arid which wa cff«rTety= ' "" . *haaii'fcirthtTlnie»;

' . * 4 . 1 1 ' ^

. W a a a T a a l a o a, Large Variety of

O l o a l c s , O l o a k i n g - s ^

•-.: Wteptllnntt.nnd• Shawls, .;.

Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, , . • } Xfgggfft-ORffillll X300P9t .

C A « H H G S G WOOJL l T A B N i ,

%3fc$lERY, 6LOVJSS .

FANCY ARTICLES, &c. • - Wa b»»» alio »Ttry Large Stock of

Titr^ir^r'ai, jDeniins and Bleeched Cottons,

'••ajbtta J«B*:tatf Vhlck'wa.ca* aaUTary Cheap.


LOT M S - J O * -

t '

FLANNELS FOR SHIRTING TTzxca.©!? S l a l x r t s ,



S p e c i a l J % . t t e n t i o n Or ear Caeiomere ta e u

JF^JLZL* STOCK! "Witt tb» t i n r m n e * IJitt ,w» wm.fleU-onr 6 M C * I at

P o p u l a r P r l o e c i , ' A a * gira them the beneflt'of the f-



.-.1."=-;-' f>?"t:-rJ *-j i




3J3y»Mi '#f>rftua ryi and •Ooodac;-,.! : •

Drnj^. Jtadicl

't. H.wifcoxnotonly of err"lli anal large and wtU ae> lecUd atock ef'Dragark ac fclnca, Cbemlaatoy JCatsntlal 011a, Ao.ibntbaaaacaaopktadl i«8»»okandiaxtaadad'their w-Hitytbatlat^aappTr d^ltrawiUi ontnrpaaiedtacmt^; *

'ilndtiitrjri •nlrgr.pSrw rtranctand. . bu|lne«wUl*nabl*«ntt« aall,goodfc»t.*oll«tlB;a;prpat tBat<Su*«Jiera.wlllOadJti Sithelradrantafe t»«ira Wm a call before making their pn -chaiaa elsewhere.

Riytlclanawill find it te i halr-advantag* to giT* hlm-thalr P*lS*criptkiba «r*fal5/« afiouideillaiid -prepared at all iioori. , If Uedlclnea ara n« tded out of bmineta honra, Cat-loner* will reotWe attentlo i by,c*TJlDgfot- tht wadertlgned •ffjki dweljlnf %9jm *t0. p. JlUlbbarJ,;

I Bis Stock comprlaea 8ITH 'ORTIKS, TKTJSSCS, STRBAV


. i t > i . ' . i i . i i . . . . f . . . .,

COMBS; In almost averj variety, KCBBBB and HORN DBK&IK6, CIKCLB, BIDB md BACK-COMBS^IVORy and

BB08HK8-IOOTH and MftU AM«BI^ljr&BE6T' l a b POBTiri, HATH, WHI8KBIS^ CLOTWtndBOorBRUSBES oftTeryStyW; PIR1DMI ST—JACQUES and BARNET'S KITKAOTa of nearly aT*r < kind j COLOONBBi' to fancy •tjlei, larga and small *ii< , abb COLOGNBmade at the Store to suit Farchasers. i good Assortment of VAROY SOAPS always on hand. Erery variety of PORT^MON. NATES, Oi.LV and U0B00C 0 WAlUTS, SMITES, PIPES,

My Stock ofPATEMTHEl aOIKEBUieoiqprlsadof nearly all (boss In ns* at present. "


eMmi^effif'i^'dW packagl.^*pt •ivthi DASH DRUG 5T0BB.


CKoice Coiifectioiiery A good Assortment of CHOICE CANDIES will be found

at my Store.



OCiDEI¥§Bl7B«II RAILROAD. . |f#^4^fc«ii*ste of TiTno.-i««r,

. . ¥ » • % « • * I * " * WtSftftB' ARKAifGEJrBNT.

Q Q i P ^ ^ ^ ^ I / l J B l Q P k . | Commencing>ednesday,Dec.7,m64. - ' • - • .-".< (Banning:Time,Tvyel^e Minates Paster than '

AT WHOlstSAEE A2TO BfTAIl.; W O A l T ^ -•* « . , • - ^ . f * ( a j a - E z r a t s s T a « w adlLno^Bt^p-a* I W I J . S M T J O K S .

Two tBfQD0B j i;ii4pfp^it.r tj[Sundays Excepted.)

"i «*

l * * J s t ^ i e ^ f ^ ! s s ? ^ ^ ^ f l n?§1!! r«An i ,BQStONAia>BEWyOBK EXPRESS. MJ'JEA » T A C T € * / * « i MJJnL'MMfjnL . Leare Ogdensbarga at &A0' A. ».; (breakrast at Malone)

HArlngpurchased tbfe property formerly known aa Knapp' Block, on'the west slab of tbarJrsr at

, the Junction of,

MAIH, COURT $n> DUANE STEEETS, totba; vllltge'of ITalbne, andjiarlng thoroughly repaired

and fitted up the same, have remoired their entire swekof


B A S E M E N T S T O K E t

" Wheycan-b*e'foafid"theVes Wre,*th'« eniapest tfrwerles and the largest stock In Franklin > County. Onr stock con* iiitsta parts* follows: r^*-

nq^mi^ T\

RING 200tbIVol<5lC)B'"^l

6 Tons ot- goor4ProY<?nder f<?r Horee Feed.

PORK, LARD AND BUTTER. T e a s firona 8 t o 1 3 SnilliaifiriB.


Sugar, Fine and Coarse Salt TOBACCO, STARCH BY THE BOX.

S o a p auad Candle* by t h e b o x , E a r t h e n w a r e


MEAT MARKET AT COMMERCIAL BLOCK LEWIS 4 CLARK-have also a nice meat market at­tached to their Store where can be found all kinds of Fresh Meats, Fresh Fish, Ac.

WOOL MARKET at < omraercial/Iilock. LEWIS k CLARK will also pay cash for Wool. Sheep Pelts, Beacon and Veal Calf Skins. Also Cow Hides.

Wood' & lumber Yard,t Commerciaf Block LEWIS A CLARK wl lrp ly -cash for Wood, Shingles and Lumber at their Wood Yard.


*'< » \ if i »=*»»3


FAIRBANKS'PATENT SCALES. - - EEWIS^OBAIlBru-rthe'bnTyaKefi irfof the* Safe of

Fairbanks* Scales in Jthertown of Malone, where they will rurnteh all kinaVdr^Bcalea at the factory prices. No charge for freight. v

Hy Goods are all warranted PURE and GENUINE, and " - - - - - - -•—• them will please Tetorn them

d. any person dissatisfied with . in


and the parchsse money will be refande

V.T?, February 8, f 868. To (A* Citt*tn$ of Malone aid facinily :

We the* undersigned, Physit lans of tho vil lage of Potsdam, • do hereby certify that we are well scquainted with Mr. K. H. W a c o x and haT* been for s c era! year* past , during which

FEAUKLIN COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. The-depository for the sale o f Bibles o f the Franklin

, County Bible Society c a n he found w i t b l h e Treasurer A. C. Lewis, at the 6tore ot LEWIS A CLARK. AU Kinds of Bibles sold at New Tork cost price.


• MALONE, FRANKLIN CO. , it ' 1 .< • • *s . * s i

Ua**4-tl tl»«» N e w Nnbaj t i t tAte

- F O I -

t n


, ' { 4 r n : ' r » - . ; , - T - •. r,A

in the United States.

For Stil£itfjaffn*^ifa,Mrovgkout the

, . - v - Aa^nti'fc^WiOo'Be.

egfakll^A *a«ill'sa^>»/*i«*tiL'aaatasf4*> ^ ' a l v " * 1 s ^ » ^ a .''ssta«jtj*sat>sa> katalMaaasm a t f t a a m «was«M ' :-'," . -- -^'> <"- "? •• - ' ' -*tlWp «alLaBdaja^lni|jt attheStera of

Th;*|>o«ralhroBgkont tba iity ftadlt th*,oio« saleable

, 'While-'*—^t £!*?*.*,*•***?r • Ivhue •^metmmiiftA rutmirig a,jnuek.-oi»

-*. ^.'j«'iWrf.it4»fIi*%*».a10. CHAIkA^AjSgfcfrifS

frit " ' '• - - • - • "

A* •£> IMA *$ M A Nlr| Would re*perilr«y aimnunsrtoHlie'citlsen* of Halone* aid

Tlclally, that ha nsa taken the shop formerly kept by

^ *•»«?*** %ap«> to gr*s) fcl* attention tb-*U call* -J ; inftU line of buslncji. j

bJttaalnaas and flatters himself that he can giro entire sat­isfaction to AU his cmwoiert.^ „,. ^,« ,^,».. . . ;

t--:A^WMa*«^-^Jaw*^aad>P»W«i.,WA*ft»^ oa hand, and will be sold at the most ressonsble prices, and aaya^rn«Vti^'«8qd, ifll M ap*>Ue«, akrect from the manuTactorers, on the shortest norfte. ^* •>-."

' Ha will Jbe pleased to retain tha patronage of all Mr. »fA*VoM oswtMB*»^adfrl«»^/a««riH be happy i» hara all call upon him who may need Ms «r»rce». _ , '

F O R 8 A C E . A oointuodlous and'weli finish ed


i C f f a l i f t a a v m ^ j

C A W T w i ' t E , .

; ^ w ^ W ^ M -' ;-..-.#.WalIBt.,:%«3fark.--,i

Capital *isrtBurpIuiI,.l;.'.,r>w»J^,.. w...i'l|0,W*.W Done L. STOM, B«'y. S.' U. ROKItNBADGn, PVesf.


:. -•-.'iifag!-?. ^riam %/*y/ *ysfy- .T^ - y |:

' i f t n r ^ d l i & a t n e t e t F a i t ^ t h o * ^ ^ ^ of Senatorial flehlfcFw^ a w«maii

• traitor." Herirjri^d|>ersiftdedher into tl|e

qaiet," she answoged; - 'That Senator is a trail-,

-^»»d aJt|«h^tr«it«r«w#i!d beiluii|'<«rt of tliii

.tOTetftoaniMaifassij^f • • >,'

;.AJsS^,,^mAre^Ji»ldiertothe "beloved of Ida soul," »ald to hare; l>eeB%feR»pted, "coa ttias»aoti» t«|t«*i!ii-iMr^^

. -Mmtfo^t&^^a*^^ llwd » mud • 'fitdamibi*iliy^o%W *ilh £H&#*ffi^t&tftnm *hh*y bar-•i->#w^a»»* !•*»-• ipsa Uart»saj SMtv biaoaita aqt, *MUm IwWta. J * w : i w a l ^ P U w < r . f W w . ~

|ag•yoo.,' . *

(toesry buirnea* flftesn years.

,:,0, ^ ^ B ^ P a t ^ | M < @ « : - - '

, , ,, . 4 .fiKa*i«kiwsf>!^^

E l ^ G Y i T T.^coJMglTWr»rr' .x 0^t.«tW^loc:; .^rh rsr . "• • '"" - • ;»«|-ii^'n4**a!e»hiifcia^»pWis.«-i::!:'.,; -j'..••'•

a ^ * ^ _ . W * . « ^ t e a * - | l W w i 1 S H s ^

*.f th i (f^P»a«8ihe|anw war aaptemioa*, ahd ttfrtj-tho

^ ^ ^ . - ^ - « —IPfxTtr^rAT^I^Oe'flafflj-^^Innatf, ;0h&.

IVevr and Elegant

T«R ^ m


yo^ravora^^nVid eratlori knd pi«trpnage,J

3 ^Hi'KoWinws^ld. D|;y p.oa4S«a,M.I}i' -.'A |

p"r lTT'.,February loth, 1868. IMttWne Furniture Ware, Booms! t f o l l y concur In the foregiing certificate of Physicians,

thaaald E. B . Wilcox bas ing been In my employ about four y e a n , a n d cheerfullyxecomm : n d W m * . o n e worthy o t y o u r ' copBdenc. and (upport.

C. M. PECK, Druggist, Potsdam.N. V.


B . 11. WILCOX,

Oppoalte Mlf l e r H o n s c , Ktaloue.

HaloneJuue 2,1864.



i^.ii / T U B - V I C V B K X

F O U G H T I .

HV * > U J t S l it3 t -T .

Has now o^lmf&^thelAr^t ind' .raoBt Elegant j^ssortment or

1 offered for sale In JSortherp Jfcjr Tork, to which Ae In-vi testhe attention of all'pur.chasefs.

Call ^ i d ^ m d fop. Yourselves, Black WalautSofaA - ^ •' Walnut«»Iarble Top Tables,

Oak Extension do CiieatnutChamfier Seti

Il'sKes, "Wash 8 Umbrella Sta "

'< » .» a t S * ' K p J ' « « W . Mattres»t8, Mahogany • * ^ i 3 r f S * e S a l r s f L ^ P j - r l o r Mirrors. Wal-

out Chairs,; Walnut Mould­ings, Cane Seat

Chairs, " • -



, ReTblviayJSpncCGRstfWOaklffnihL , . „ Chsfrsi-ToflicelCnafil. OylUFrinlesiSiUftiKa^Bar-

m .Chairs, Stools^ Jtqod Seat Dining, CrfallsT Missis? ytkite.moaSHin^

KWcbehJChalis.pblldrep's { ' ' • High-CbatrsfBo'ok

Oases,,.ChII* dren's


Boom ,01

r *.-• -.-t^r - I • ' ' Oases,».CJ)Ii-. - . _•> .

a t ' M i a f O l ^ C ^ B s U ' ^ MM l " s f l .|Lu.wCh»lrj,BMks, Black Walnut Caskets; .-aJedsteads, all

•$!$$ffi$&ft fee and aell cheapef*' ban any other Grocery uiS

Provision House In Malone. Gire «s a Call. W. F. AMSDEN.

3Dt> bUltr. F I . O U B , « ! l e a p a t A . & C o ' » .

1 0 b t>bla . P O K K , CI» s a p a t A . * C o ' « .


D B U C S A N D i a E D I C i N E 9 , a t A . & Co'. .!



;;cBIack.WalJ3tit-Cofi)ra, Cutternut Comn^ehcrryXWiDS.


A N P C H E E S E , a t • A. & Co»a,

a t w b o l e a a l e o n l y a t A . et C J 6 ' * J

i.jfiJiStfi'-.'.'l "'S3 • • .- »-,T«8!ih«'.li ^s.< '.> : Ji ,»^MM^S^f^tt^jyiP-^hi0l-4^oJ'

::;'sr£t^Ka^^PEt^t^Q3»^lfcB^ , ' - > .-•: f . * FUTURK; REMOVAL,-1 • " t. :

x^O M O R E W. F. Amiden A Co b a r * adopted the

B e a d y P a y &ymt&m. 1 • •. :f/«t" •'» * A,:v* "if. # - *

WeshallsellGi make It an object for all to traUo with us. Coma and see.

Malone May 11 1684.



itUlaiw., open a* f i


V » l , Aa»*absVtu»f«rc«ire»ltIa.«np^rto.anyth!nr«K>Wfa »ii»^iCsl«s»S»S^rt^^^ ^ i |

l,lurf.K(rt»«a^^'o4*a^a^aW |>a Bgj?IStaist cf|i%K... T ^Pv^ '> !T"w.f 'ST'^ i»-.

»^^,^n»UtW«-^-^/fl9t»l,-:.Kawark, N. .?.;"•

" " " * ' ! • * • - - - + - ^ " tt«"«)ir*»:fl*aa,.«»»*ot*»slal^ FIKOH * THOMFSOH, Ksw B a s s o , Conn.' i

HaloHeJAnettilSfi*, 'i >;' H. IT. TOBY.


« « # ' # • ! « • *

arriring a t Rouse'* Pornt»tl0.80-A w.; Burlington 1.80 r si., Troy and Albany a 8 5 * . a . , New York 6 A. « . , next morn Whit* Hirer Junction 5 T. a t , Concord T.40 p. u , and Boston I l .T iW.

, , , 1 , BECO^P TBA1N. TUROCQH MAIL. Leare Ogdenibursh at 13 «., (dine at Malone,) arriring at

Bousr**Bofnt'Bt<5.*l Kit . . St. Albans? p. »., (supper; Bm-llngton>o,»;ii,, Butland 12.80 A. «.. Troy 4.60 A . U., and Sew York WlSff A.M. W. Birer Junction 1 A. u., Concord 8 . 8 0 A. it,arriring atBoston at B.89 A., M. Passengers by thlf.toain take Sleeping Cars atflw Albans for Boston, Iroy, Altisfly anff-^ew 1&rk. Thts'traiti* connects with M. 4 C. B. R. at Boose's Point, arriTlDgat.Montreal at Dr.u.


. Leas;* Qgdenpburgh .at 4 f,«., arriving at Malone 10.4.'> p. w.

* • ' • " • ' I BETUt5N|NG. Lt*Y«Bostonat T»A.tu,Concord988 A. «., White River

Junctiott,J?j«,t^lie.. pew^Yprk 10.45 r. u., Troj s A. U., adtlatfdlS.*ST. »l.,-Bnrllnfet0n-4.2frr. » . , St. Albans 6 p sr, (Supp'er,> Rouse'* Pojnt 1.15 p, H. arriving at Ogdensbutfib *t 12:45 A. a , connectinKwith night express train on Grand Trunk3BalIway,fbr all points srest, and wiUiOttswa and Prescott RaUwayjforjtJttaw* City.

Leare Bo»to,n at 5 P. u.. Concord S p. u White River Junction 11.40 p. n . New York at 8.80 p u Troy 1 o p u RutJand 18 304 . at, Burlington 4.8O A. M., St. Albans 0 A' M ' (Breakfast) Rouse's Point T.I3 A it., arriving at Ogdensburgh at 18.49 p. a., connecting with Day Express on O. T. Railway for West, and Ottawa A Prescott Railway, for Ottawa City.

Sleeping Can on all night trains from Boston, New Tork and Troy. ^

Malone, Dec. «lh, 1864. Q. V. HOYLE, Sapt


Winter Arrangement. N O T E M B E R 1 4 , 1 8 G 4 .

TRAINS GOING SOUTH AND E A S T ! Day Express leaves Ogdcnsburgh at 5.80 a. ta., for Bur­

lington, Lowell and Boston, and .'or Rutland, Troy, Albany and New York via Troy.

Night Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 11.80 a. nx, for Burlington, Lowell, Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Near Haven and New York via Sprlogfleld and for Rutland, Troy, Albany and New York via Troy. With sleeping cars be­tween Rouses' Point and Boston and Springfield and Rouses' Point and. Troy.

TRAINS GOING NORTH AND WEST. Mail Train leaves St. Albans a t 6.00 a. m., for Boston,

Worcester, Sprlngfleld New Haven, Troy, Albany and New York.

Trains leave Boston at 7 00 a. m. and 5.00 p. m., foi Ogdensburgh.

St. Albans, Nov. 18, IS64. G. MERRILL, Sapt.

QUICKEST TIME ON RECORD! flBfi&Hfll jjSgVSRQ-.flSfiSlBl^aiT i^E^^^9( ^fcbjg^gsLj,

^ P ^ V ^ a T ^ a f f i ^ i t ^ ^ ^ r w ^ T ^ r ^ B T h r o u g h to-Chicago In 28 H o u r s !

Person's going to t h e West r a n have their choice of Boat or Railroad, from Ogdensburgh. Trains leave Presrolt on the arrival of the Train from the East.

P. CLARK, AGENT, MALONE, I* always ready to sralt on all persons going West. Ha - ; sells Tickets to

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Cleveland, Cincinnati anil all points West, New Yorkjda Ogdensburgh, Water-

town and Rome, and • ? Y. Central R, R's. '


. _ And.also to Montreal, via St. Lawrence River.

' j/alone.ilay 12, lS6 i - t f .




JuTalone Passenger Depot l , ,. , • JSAtpNSFQK.


Grand Trtmk, J?iopellers, Samia Linej)f ' .Steamers, J,ake Shore, &cM &c.

j - ' • • • '


, IgGAl{ATORTIS£IETO. v •. -•s i.*. !X*< ;' . 4. "* •' ^1 T*~, . •. ( .g@

- l i f O K T C A G E , S A I . E . ~ D e r a u l t lias been made. In lVJI tKi bayment'oT'xhe'* money secured by a mortgage diltol.the first day Of May, JS60, executed by Jnhfa Savige. then of the town of Moira, In the County of Franklin and_ Staeeor>New5£6r*yiw Martini. McNafl.Hten of thelsame* place, which mortgage was recorded in the 6(Hce of tho

-Olerkibfsaid Countyi-InL!Herl4 of! mortgages «t pajje-fii). fln theJSth (day of June, 1881, at 2 o'clock. P.. M. The said mortgage has been duly assigned' to Wilbor Austin, of the toWn afo're5»Iqj,'andthe sgmeis now owned by him. The

. flftx^nedqllarsand eighty-three oentsj principal and interest, which 1» tlio whole amount unpaid thereon.' No-sult or pro­ceeding has been commenced to recover theamount36cnre«L by said mortgage, HT any part thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hefeby given, tha| by vjrtue of the power of8>le In

1 sail) mortgage contained, arid recorded as aforesaid,'and in «:'^urstiattce br.'thes'tatuteiin sneh. ctse-made «ndjprovhted,

the said, mortgage, will he fareclased.by.a.sale of the prtn. IsesiherWrt'dM'crtbea/aria-ttift-same will bo sold, atpublio auc«onr«!^he SfOBMOofiSS ih» flouryiptBie, ln,the3g«aj ot MalopW, In said County of Franklin, on the 21st day or Jan iiary^iiexl, at; ten o'clockS in .the forenoon. The" Miff prim -ls^Jtre.dewlbedl^Aafd mortgage as follows.; Aft that-traWbrparcM otMor.sltijalelfftheTown of Mofra afore­said, being part* or Lota numbers 110 and H.T-.andfloa of Potter GofT* survey ot said town, made A. D. 1817, and

| o w n - .

• 9Sh, by W«».%A •by*afintrV

J j S f y - ^ i ^ ^ f "a.y»g«ii»»d,pnLrhe Ball-ana West acros* laid - - " --. . . _., iots," far

je^ojjgte6oHW.fj»fe41»e SJaJ r.-roadrto copt*n)jU»ipyfflTe acres of land, and no more.

Dated the 27ih day of October, 1861 ' • •» • ^ ., W1LBEE AUSTIN, Assignee. W,K*s lmr«xt : , 'At toraey ; •

.-t''.' •*-**>' *?* ::>*?. 1!-M^?jft E:.'j"-V**\ , -"tu^" yH%"5 *MT' Would respectfully annouifce to-' the clUJeni o f Matontan'3 . -! vicinil.v,'th»t-theyiaTe•JuBt:Mtarned:froBl««w ,^ J

s 1 r...~„~ - 'York;-wItif«l«rge*nd'suptrlorat<)Ck:-or-•' •• -.; •

:m> WWefcttfjMjBtf aeil «fcWe-tow4st;

,nosslbla pO&ifrfttet

._-- .t(. .":"_ S-flrtKeWSSSwSbrk. .'•''< ->---»--.,:> I , ?

• fflfj^^vna"saiFfh*s*^ic%irrjiH^ . l i . t : - ;

%w^^^s^m^ WMcb i s . tfto -,.J»rges)" .evet*r<mgbt.4nto,th!».mMtea. We

*«• Salted"- •' 1•it'%0i&lkT&eii&Sk w THE BEAi we£-pslog A.A*ton-Br«adweJl,,decease.d,for the; payment orhlsdobt-s. v Brf'WtBI bran erdeY-of JBintf "A.; Paddbck,'Sarfoj<kte nf S»a fiviu*orjSt»j»igjni5gla»of JS«t: 5fprjt„aoUio?ixftijthe sals of certain real » te^ or Aaron Brpadwell, late of.Mays-vmefln'thee«e6f«airfornis,deceMedj iiiteatuEerforithc payment of hli debts, I, the undersigned, the admInisua,ior or tbo goods, chattels and credit) drsafd decease'iJ,'Will, on tte,^e.»»nt|i aay*S*ftoa|2 nrat, at ten ofclonif mta fore • noo'nf at th?dwliingS'uie thereon, sell, at pEs6 M e , the I*MjRMd^mSl**«Soitft^^^ -srft;. :AJf;aiat certain *lece of land, situate;, lying and being .at Hogans-^"Pi in We WirtAr-Bombay tb <Ssald Conwy,*aaAieieii —

W w ^ S m ^ ^ a t ' f a ^ ^ l ^ U ^ d so ;er

erk'b .«ncSfo^»l^n«reWo>e<fions«*ed. to, Hcman W^Tucicr %WpanjTB3gW "indVire»1>yorad recdrded In Affcierk's office;Sftji6'i;iianliATo^iald,.Jn:Bookof Deeds So;Ifli at pages 515 and MB, aa lies sontherly of a line commencing in tho easterly line or St. Regis Street, at a point flv% chains tblrty-dghtHnks.southerly from ani«»h treevStandiog io ibe sontfi-westerly corner of t h e comer lot eommonlyfcaHed the

frame dwelling houi* thereon.—Dated November JAMESN. BEDELL, Admii attir itor.


r M N a djA^^i i a a H W . a ? , : W * I « T S - if*i*v:%'i*»i,i»i;'•*« iitA*«raTav*-s^18',s»-'"'.

A a : t ^ t . 4 . . ^ « ^ f c 4 ^ ' l M W B P » * v * > +

l ied amount, opon a* favoraa iaserau a* «aa a* e*tal»*«l In

I n ! the past y*ar.-


1 *


* H . £ K I N C i ' l .

;""'"- y .. '»H#iifar*St-

I t s»ak*t a dteWrdly palataW* sabtthut* for real Java Yfj M r t s a i a i i iar, c«**.-irr«.-»»w**»,« Horn* Saw***.', - *

sann*7y ww w^wt^Kf vtw** %

DaTABLB, Ja». I4.iata.-tf *«r4i

• l s to--- r a^*^b«wi»dri ri ,»*T"i»«««»*, itwakitison* .PfJVrt^r«,fMiH«Bf. *f?* , ,w*Wrtl>,w,, ,rt*l*L«!£i»»- - «LL.* „A K1!iA!tBaT»,'v.»,r»»ld»a». | ;, »BI»«*M«Br», B**tatar», Md.

irjd, , ' I Your MaH <Mh* to tpokaa «* ia ih« UfhMt t»rms, in, »4^nf M>«n>rJa»aasaa*a Urijt/«ffe* a^vw aswa^esyr ] -talactty. - - - - - -

.4 iylendlaaajoj^inent.of „

Franklin County, noHce Is hereby given according to Franklin County, _ law, to all peisonsTiaving claims tgaiost the estate of Timo­thy Burnt, late orB«UMnJid«ee*ied,that they arc required .1 ^-^t.. .v. — , . _..t '^rooAiiM thereot to tbe Sob-

—Idenc^inlBeltniB^^^foilciaid, on '^tiLsMh' aeas^lWBdl JWIawmt, TUBIDHERI^rmA^ESfStVr -

EBlf>«iVEW,'ftecoraTn]; to ,Ttog.cJlIm» 'agsitBt-Ashbt'l, .'par

ltob^«Iber,.t^«,«i*ie^i«6r.th*UM*^^ the said deceasedv»t his bfllce'ln Malone, *fbrts*Id,-6n 01 oM»e'aW«hd^'^'Ja|aajyjS[%xt.::--'* •'*.-• a ;;?>,-;

^'^:jr' " ! • ^t>r'»3*C'^::ic3,;»

*i^%%m$^'}m^£B& Paddock, Surrogate 0 '

**«*•*? a*w> aecardiag to lagainattlie estate of John

Alvortl, saterof Cbatwwiay, Ateeasei, skat th*y Art refluirert

A «0OJ) A#S0RTM»rf Stmt RW5HVW, A* w. iff. * m* K. ktnii« D.N. nextwetAa.SM'y. Wn.G. DlCXWW*. Jr«*A0r.

d.taah- a»AharHs4 agatrt. ws^ wM law*. #Jl»Jfao«vaid%t»>«rt^a«^>a*t aa. tfcatr t , . , | .gaiilalalw aaal #1

Malsu,Har«k,iaM. *»;s; aoim««xwst,

W A W J W * MM*, Brooklyn, H. Y.

4tf4M»a>fat «** Tattv

Aagast A - l » .

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