t ?i prk n, .c, spemqjev3w~ lsmail branch lines, the southern rail-waycompanyextends from...

?I A'- T p. PrK N ,. C , TIU S A ,, S P EM EV3 19 .N ~ 'ISI qj w~ l NO 52 . TIE NEW SOUTHERN OPENING OF A GIGANTIC SOUTHERN RAILROA ENTEIRPRISE. The New Soulliern Itallway 001nianY "n(1 ?00* the Many itsillroads ti,at Enter Into itN Composition-Iteduced Fixed Chargos and a Good Ilusinen Outlook, Niew YOR1K, Sept. 6.-On Saturday, the 1st instant, the reorganization of the Richmond Terminal system was deflnitely and formally completed, and the last of the many properties which under the plan of reorganization have lost their unhappy and unfortunate identities and become merged in a new - and propitious enterprise, pased into the possession of the Southern Railway Company. Last Saturday, therefore, markk for all practical purposes, the completion of the reorganization; and a conalderation of the situation is, there r opportune, particularly when It is rne in mind that the event is the most notable that has taken place in the b~itory of American railroads, and thatints bearing upon every South- ern business interest is of vital import- ance. The Southern Railway Company op- erates 4,500 miles of railroad and about 150 miles of water line. With the ex- ception of 491 miles all the system is owned by the company, and the here- tofore complicated and expensive plan of control by majorities, wholly tim- practicable and unfortunate in its op- eration and sure to make enemies among the minorities, is done away with. The old Richmond Terminal Company did not own any railroad at all, and the much vaunted (but intrin- sically worthless) Itichmond and Dan- Ville owned only 145 miles. The rest of the Richmond and Danville system was made up of some thirty separate companies, ranging in length from six to 552 milts. Efficiency and economy were impossible on this basis, which also afforded good opportunity for ob. jectionable methods of accounting. The organization of the East Tennes- see was more compact, but it, too, left much to be desired. As a result of the reorganization over thirty corporations, whose affairs and securities were interlocked in every conceivable way, and in almost hope- less confusion, are united in one com- pany. Thirty Boards of Directors and thirty sets of separate accounts disap- pear simultaneously. The original plan %Vas dated May 1, 1893 it was Issued on ay 23, 1893, and the response of se- curity holders was prompt, andi by the middle of June, 1893, success was as- sured so far as their corporation was concerned. The summer and autumn of 1893 par. alyzed the South, in common with the rest of the country, and railroad earn- .,ings shrunk greatly. New conditions diai pew complications were presented, and the problem became one of dealing with bankrupt receivers as well as bankrupt corporations. By strenuous efforts everything was held together, and as soon as possible some amend- ments to the original plan were pro- mulgated, mainly to solve the financial problems of the receiverships, and also to cut down the Interest charges of the reorganlzed company pending a return to normal conditions. These amendments were made public on March 1, 1894. and they were so rea- sonable in character that they were quickly accepted by the security hold- 3rs, and the reorganization was at once pushed forward with such rapidity that within four months the new company was formed, and now, within two months more, the last of the proper ty comes into its possession-OO miles of railroadi which, exactly six months ago, had almost dropped to p~ieces, anid which but for the strong hands that held the properties together (luring all the financial troubles, would have dirop- .ped to pieces, are now brought into one compact andi eficient company.- The new company Is organized under a charter granted by the Legislature of Vrnasupplementedl by its confor m- ity to the laws of' all the othier States in which it owns property. The reorganizition hasi invalved two trustee(' saep, viz.: Richmond and WVest PoInt T1erminal Railway andI Warehouse Company. Trustee's sale under S per cent col- lateral mortgage. TLrustse's sale undier1 5 per cent. col - lateral mortgage. One receiver's sale, vize Richmond and West Point Te'rminal Railway and Warehouse Company. Ten foreclosure sales, viz., covering Richmond and Danville and1( its leased lines. last Tennessee, Virginia and (Geor- gia (under twvo mortgriges). Charlotte Cohiumbiai and A ugusta. Columbia and Greenville. Louisville Southern. Georgia Pacille. Western North Carolina. North western North Caroliuna. Oxford and Clarksville.' Clarkaville and North '-arolinia Six conveyances without foreclosjur ie viz.: Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio. Richmond, York River andi eAea- poake. Washington, Ohio and West(ern. Piedmont. Statesville and Western. Oxford and II~enderson. And ve understand that some half dozen itnor sales anid as many more conveyances of other kinds are now in progress in order to perfect the wvork. Prior to the reorgan ization, the proper- ties now merged into the Southern *Railway Company were covered by about seventy separate mortgages. About fo~rt.y or Usu mnlrtnae hayc been eliminated in one way or Ailo~r. Described briefly, and ignoring many smail branch lines, the Southern Rail- way Company extends from Washing- ton, or,'.more properly, fronm'Alexan- dria, Va. and from West Point and Rtichmondl, Va., via Salisbury, N. ,, to Augnsta and Atlant'l, Ga.; and thence to the Mississippi River at Greenville. At Salisbury another main lIne crosses the State of North Carolina by way of -- Asheville; thence over t~o K~noxville and Chattanooga, Tenn., andi from there to Rome, Ga., where it dividies, one line going to Brunswick and the other t~o Meridian, Miss. Another line runs from Louisville to Lexington and1 Ilur. gin, Ky., there connecting with the Cin cinnati Southern. The Cincinnati Southern and Memn phis and Chiarleston were includl ini the plan of reorganization as orIginally promulgated, but were dropped from the amended plan, as the security hold *t.., )- era failed to accept the terms offered. 'They have not bettered their condition by their refusal, and the general im- pression Is that, sooner or later, these lines will be acquired. The Southern Company is also (xpected to control the Georgia Central when reorganized. Among the most important cities reached by the Southern Railway are Wachington, 1). C, Alexandria, Vra., Charlottesvilie, Va;, Richmond, Va, Lynchburg, Va., Danville, Va., IRa- leigh, N. C., Durham, N. C., Greensbo. ro, N. C., Statesville, N. C.. Asheville, N. C., Salem-Winston, N. C., Charlotte N . C , Columbia, S. C., Spartanburg, S. C., Greenville, S. C, Augusta, Ga., At- lanta. Ga., Macon, Ga., Brunswick, Ga, Bristol, Tenn., Louisville, Ky., Lexing- ton, Ky.. Knoxville, Tenn., Chattanoo- ge, Tenn., Rome, Ga., Birmingham, Ala., Anniston, Ala., Columbus, liss, and Selma, Ala. The lines of the company, located as they are, reach and scrve all of the di. versilled interests of the South. In the way of mineral, they penetrate Its two great coal fields, viz, the Kentucky and Tennessee coal fields on the north and the Alabama coal fields on the South, and from these are able to supply all the States traversed by them. They also reach the great iron industiles of the South at Knoxville. Cleveland, 'Ihat- tanooga, Anniston, Birmingham, and intermiediats points. Iron is made cheapir in the United States, or, for that matter, in the world. On the wes- tern division of the system there are over thirty iron furnaces. Through inl. numerable small brancl'es the com- pany goes int o the very heart of the lumber territory in the States through which it runs. It is able, of course, to draw cotton from every direction, not only on Its own lines, but from its con- nections, and it penetrates the S(ctions of North and South Carolina and Georgia which are occupied by cotton mills. The growth of cotton mills along the line is, perhaps, one of its most remarkable features. ight through the hard times new mills have been going up, especially in North Car- olina. Its lines in Kentucky enable it to control its full share of the tobacco business at Louisville, and, in addition to this, it penetrates in every direction the country in which tobbacco is grown, especially in the neighborhood of Oxford and Durham, in North Caro- lina, and aiong almost the entirelengtht of the former Western North Carolina RUailroad, which is now a part of its system. By way of Augusta and its connections to Vlorida it does a very large share of the garden truck busi- ness in the Southeastern States. it is most. direct paosenger line flom Wash- ington to Atlanta and all the intermed- lat.e points, and also as short as any line to Florida. The old Pi'edmont Air fLine, which is a part of the system, has long beena famous. The properties embraced in the reor- ganization had bonded and floating debts of about $135,000.000. This now rediuced to a bonded debt of $94,60,000, including su llicient bonds (which are reserved) to take up all underlying bonds and stocks of the 491 miles of leased railroad. The company will also issue about 80,000,0C3 more bonds dur- ing the next two years, to purchase ad- ditional eluipment and improve the properl.ies, which will make the total bonded dept of all kinds $1,00.000,000. The plan of reorganization wisely pro- vides that $20,000,000 of bonds addition- al (to be strung out through a series of years) may be issued hereafter only for the further development of the property. The interest charges before the re- organization wore about $7.503,000, per annum, and sinking funis were about $t$00,000, to 8700,000 prr annum additional. The new company's chares are $4,100,000 for 1894, 700,000 for 1895 and $5,40.000 for 189I. Thie old comp~aniy was always in such (lire financial straits and had such large lixed charges tihat it could not airord to spend a cent on the property where such expendlituros could possibly be avoided, and in this way it reaily lost business. Furthermore, its fInancial necessities led it to-litigate all caimns of shippers for lost or damaged goods, suchl litigation in nine cases out of ten having for its object simply to procras- tiniate andl delay paymnent. Tile new company, or-ganlizedt as it now is, can, o1 course, follow a (dilferent policy, andI by f air treatment of shippers is sure to enlarge its bulsiness. Another interesting feature is that, notwithstanding the nominal control of tile former Easst Totnnessee, Virginia and Georgia and lRichmond andi Dan- vylle systems by the now defunct Ter- mlinal Company, there was no actual controJ~and tile two companies did not cooperate even In tile ordinary inter- chlange of business. Th'le jealousy be- tween the two was so great thlat they preferred to turn business ever to some ouitsidie conlnection rathler than give it to each other. Another feature is the consolidlation of the blusiness organi-zationls and the red uction of expenses at j uncti, n points were the D~anviile andl East Ten- nessee have each mlaintained seperate orgai'z. tions heretofore. In several of the Southern States, legislation has been bittelly hcstile, and it must 1)0 admitted that the way these coimpaniles were condiuctedl pro- voked such legislatior,. As a result of the reorganiztion there is already a mIuch better toel Lug In this respect, a~4 it is certain t~o grow as t he coin. mu l~ty is better servedi. Ter, ible liinanter. ~VA:~~A 1AIll.,, Se-pt. 5.--A t the~ As- Silton C.( shaft, about seven miles moig, of here n early hour this about 200 feet fo the botto, he wirs cable broke ad the cagetoil tho fl')bottom, demolInhing te ceri fll in TIwy the shaft is 1O0 nctde mli engineer became confused at the ltap and losing contr-ol of 11is engine contyecpdb upnrms1' wh~~1ithibuihlingt wasl ns'ued for41- . . TLw on tihe st oc,(( 8:j6 jll tihe (onti lCv tuiii (lobe,,. Thue loss onl 1 the .oblk lyS $ I,50 and ll wa pro'he ., O & it bing sved. he co tools t fur4i *' l~ Sen~y Trap1 onl .ih-t. LM w. Oi' chlieri, the( freslhest can1' dv l)i ineman all kinlds oftnn~d 'oil A DARING EXPLOIV. HOW MOBY CAPTURED A UNIOt GENERAL AT FAIRFAX. True Tale of the Oon(tdkorate War Thal Read. Like F.etion-Some Confedorate Enter the Union Uampn and oapture Number of Men and Horses. ItTHITMOND, Va., Sept. 6.-To thosi who know nothing of the hardships o war, there ever hangs over a battlefleb tmist of romance, shrouding its mos ideous details in the poetry of fiction &nd even those who have felt thi fhock of charging men, and heard th .annon's roar that seemed to shake thf verylfoundation of earth, in after year look buicli with a certain tendernes upon those "days that are no more"- wen though those days were passed ir 1he cramped bed of a dirty prison hos pital, or on the long, hot marches o nidsummer. But bravery command u r admiration, and the deeds of tli nen who fought in the Civil war ofter ival the dauntless courage of Charle :nange and are as exciting as the ex loits of Richard on the sunny plaint f Palestine. Perhaps one of the mos inique adventures of the war was th 3apture of General Stoughton by Mosb' tnd the affair reads more like the raidi f Robin Hood than an event in th( prosaic times of the present. In the spring of 1863 General Stough .on was encamped at Fairfax Court louse with a large number of men, an< ;he doughty warrior had determine< :o put a stop to the depredations o Wosby, who kept the Federal troops I1 .4orthern Virginia in a constant stat )f terror by his numerous and sudder ,aids. All this part of VTirginia wa: nown as "Mosby's Confederacy." ler he ranger chief gave the enemy som inpleasant surprises in the shape o ,aids en sleeping encampments, th ,apture of their wagons and the de itruction of their railroads, ised in sup lying them with men and food 5toughton had grown weary of thi .ruitless efforts of others to capture th iwift-moviEg rebel, and he was decide( ,hat he would bag Mosby or lose ever5 nan he had in the attempt. One night., early in March, Stoughtor lad a little supper at his headquarteri -a neat little supper that sent the gal ant general to bed in an excellent iu ,nor,and made him quickly forget tha war's alarms were ever likely to disturl Jie slumbers of a votary of the laugh ing, vine crowned god. It was a col sight, and the rain that had set in ear ly in the day continied to come dow: in a ceaseless pour that made the worl ne dreary, watery waste. The Unioi non never dreamed that any one woul renture out after setting the usual son inels to plot( through the mud at theli )osts 'about town. By 11 'o'clock the little village wa ilent and the Federal camp wrappec n slumber, but down the road near th amous field of Chintilly a party o: lien on horseback were stealing hrough the woods. No one spoke . vord, and the only sound in the dark less was the splashing of the horses ioofs in the pelting rain through th ,ossing trees. And as they stole along n the night, wrapped in heavy cloaks md with their hats pulled low 'ovel 'heir brows, they looked liki tome band of conspirators creeping or ,heir way to assassinate some sleeping L'oe. On nearing the town one of them ciu he wire that ran to tho station near b5 md thus the Union troops were sev 'red from all communication vith theli 'rienuds at a distance. It was mid~nigh whlen the cavalcade entered the village md as they tramped (down the mudd' road no one saw them or heard a soun( rrom the foes thus dlaring to ride int< ~he very face of the slumbering enemy l'here was no light in the to Wnl streets md only now and then a faint glean ~rom a half shut window wonuld trembli ~or a moment on the smoking sides o ~he rangers' horses, or be rellecte( >ack from the pistols in their belts. Oai reaching the center of the villagi Mosby halted his men, and dividini hem into two detachments, sent ont luietly to secure the horses, while with lix mon he took lis way to the heat lnarters of tihe Commanding General 'le house was old-fashioned Southerr nansion, about 100 yards from the roat md set back in a pretty grove of trees L'he rangers quietly openied the gate md troting upl to the house, dismout d and ran up on thle porch. With lerce jerk Mosby rang the bell. A window in a room above flew ul mnd a sleepy voice demanded who wal elow. ''A courier with dispatches for Gen ~ral Stoughtoni," replied Mosby, as hi notlioned to the men not to move. Th'le window fell, the ofllcer ran dowl md In a moment the door stood open "You are my prisoner," wvhisnerei Niosby to the astonished Federal,~whc eing unarmed, dared not make an: resistance. Then, leaving one man t' guanrd the captive, the ranger dlashet ipstairs and strodle into the rooni where the General lay sleeping. Wit] I rough shake Mosby aroused him. " What in the dlevil Is the matterT nquired Stoughton as he sprang up it led. "Stuart's cavalry is in possession o ,ho town," Mosby quietly replied. "Stuart in town," Stotughuton ex ~laimed in astonishiment, still mistak ng the men about his bed for his owi roops. 'Why, I thought you had cap tred Mosby." "Oh, no; you have not captured Mos ay," coolly remarxed the (Chieof, "bit Niosby has captutred you you 1had( bes seIt ill quietly and come with me." lFinding himself a prisoner in thi innds of the very man to whose cap utre lie was aworn, and believimr tha Iilnrt's troops hadl the town the Uhnior for~ Bral made no attempt to resist, bu ied (quiethy. In a few minutes hi ...Mosb~y dcend~h~ed the steps, and rting horses that stoodi outside ar soon jolnedl the rest of the rangern were awaiting Mosb~y's arrival at leeting phle in the center of the hi . 'C r it was found that the night'i I., had securedl 58~h'urses and 32 pris 'ago -and all this had bean accomn 'd without a blow bueing strtuck, i ,a ired or any alarm being given t< (tny 'at of the camp. In fact, thi rs pushed noiselessly out of towi 4,~ heir prisoners ann their horses -n u oul dreamed that the guerrilh .was stealing away with thel '.-. les from beneath their ver) noses. By daybreak the troop was miles away. In passing th3 enemy's last outpost they mounted a bluff that overlooked the road and gazed anxiously in the di- rection of Failfax. Hut not a foe was in Bight--there was nothing in sight, except the water soaked hills and the gray light creeping down in the brown valleys below. And with a sigh of re. lief the troop again took up its march to the South. No pursuit was made, and by noon the next day the men and horses were turned over to General Fitzhugh Lee, who was then stationed atBrandv Station. And so closed one of the most amusing incidents and dar- ing exploits of the Civil war.-Dis- patch. THE CONGRESSIONAL NOMINEES. Counting the Votes of Congressional Van- tlidates in Ewch Disirlct. 3 COLUrni A. S. C., Sept. 5.-The State Denocratic Executive Committee met last night in the btate Rouse. State Chairman Irby called the committee to order shortly before 9 o'clock. Secre- tary Tompkins and Treitsurer Jones were on hand. A. II. Patterson of Barnwell and 11. 11. Townes of Edge- iield,sent in their resignations as mem- bers of the conimittee and the real gna- tions were accepted. The committee proceeded to tabulate the votes of Congressional candidates in each dis- trict and to declare the result. The following is the vote for each district and the candidates wha received a ma- jority were declared the nominees of the party: FIRST DISTRICT. Win. Elliott. Sullivan. Charleston......... 1,257 1,457 Georgetown........ 553 116 Beaufort........... 219 17 Williamsburg...... 350 34 Colleton ........... 256 1 Berkeley.......... 15!. 1.10 Totals............ 2,937 1,789 SECOND DISTIICOT. W. J. Talbert. . Iampton.........................1,248 Barnwell........ ...........1.584 Aiken-....................1,21 Edgefeld. ..........2,058 Total....................... 6,411 'rITIM D IST RIT'. A. C. Latimer. Abbeville............ ............2,348 Newberry ........................1,111 Anderson.........................2,657 Oconeo ............................1,380 ... kn............ ...........1,4313 '.iothl........................ 8929 FOURTIl DITRIuT. Wilson. Duncan. Johnson. Greenville....1,789 295 1.435 I/jtrens......1,31 54 838 Fairfleld...... 232 454 7 1Spartanburg.. 2493 81 404 . Union........ 670 504 24;3 - ltichland..... 398 308 696 Totals.....),!I03 15 * 3.628 Wilson's majority over alli1,579. FIFTH DISTRICT. T. J. Strait. D. E. Finley. Spartanburg..... :314 77 York .......... 71; 1,094 Cbester.......... .15 131 Lancaster.......1,375 4;31 Chesterfield ...... 859 542 Kershaw ......... 9:10 286 Union ..........: 0:1 91 Totals ......... 5,442 2.655 Ma jorit.y for Strait, 2.787. SINTIT DISTRI01T. Jolin L. Mei]aurin. Clarendon............ .7811 Darlington........... 76i8 Marlboro............. 880 M arion............... 1,571 Ilorenc............. No report Williamsburg..... 411 Total...............5,20s .SE v EN'rII DIRTU[C'r. J1. Wmn. Stokes. Lexington.................. 1,493 Orangeburg................. 2,135 Sutr........ .... ............ 1,078 Colieton--...-..................... 1,586; iHerkeley....................798 otln.....................2127 The Reformers aind the aniti-Tillman- ites each held a primary in IBeaufort county, and the quiestion camne before tecommittee of coua ting the vote for Congressional candidates. Each side claimed to be D~emocratiu.. Thie com- mittee decided to count all the votes in each of the primaries for Sullivan and lIitt. IBefo.e adjourning the comn- mnittee passed a resolution asking the railroads to give reduced rates to delo- gates wiho will attend the State con- vention this month. - A Rorror of the saluda, W IILLI AMS'rON, S. C., Sept. 4.---While RL. V. Acker, trial justice, was fIshing two miles below Peizer today he dis- covered the body of a man floating in Itie water and caught on an overhang- ing limb. Without further inves- tigating the matter he came to Wil- liamiston, summoned a jury of inquest andi returned to the scene. Frank Lan- der, together with three other men, Iprocured a boat, went out to where the ,body was floating. tiedi a rope around it and towed it to the bank. Careful Sinvestigation and expert testimony could ascertain nothing with certainty as to the race or color of the man, the bodIy being in such a state of decompo- -sition, but it is believed that he was a white man, lie was barefooted, had on black pants, a very old coat, a leather belt and overalls. It is thought that the man was murdered though no marks of violence could be dletected. There is a camp of hands very near whore the body was found who probably know more than they will tell. The man was evidIentiy put in the river blelow P'elzer mill as his body could not haye passed over the (dam. TJhe jury will render Itheir verdict tomorrow.-Greenvlie News. Kied a Tramii,, IHEND)EHSON, Ky., Sept. 4.--Two Itr amps entered the farmhouse of .John (Gillespie, near inks City, on Green Iriver, and, finding his wife alone, they dlemanded food, which sihe refused, when they helped themselves andl plim- dered the house. On her husband re- turning and ascertaining of the robbery, he armed himself with a shotgun atid, accompaniedi by a neighbor, went on the trail. They came upon the tramps near Congleton, McLean county. The rillanis drew their pistols and refused to surrender, whtereu pon the pursuers opened tire, fatally wounding one, the' othnr nefeting his eape.a THEY 1DO NOT AGREE. COLONEL YOUMANS AND GENERAL EARLE ON INDEPENDDNTISM. Vhe Former I@ In Favor of Opposing Till- man, Evans and all Otlher Candidates of the Iteformers While the Latter Opposoe Huch Action. COLJMur A, S. U, Sept. 6.-The fol- lowing cards appeared in the Register of today: Editor Register: Your communica- tion of the first inst. received this af- ternoon and in accordance with your request I reply immediately, in this communication addressed to me you say: "Knowing you to be a staunch and uncompromising foe of aught that tends to disturb white unity and white supremacy, and that your words carry weoight and influence, I ask that you write the Register a letter giving your views upon the new Independent movement about to be started and out- lining the duty of the hour. Hoping ror an early reply, I am," &c. As to the "white unity," that was listurbed four years ago, when Gover- nor Tillman, conceiving himself to be Lhe only man with the nerve and the brains and the ability to array the common people against the aristocracy, for the accomplishment of his own sel- [lsh purposes, spread discord and divis- ion among the white people by inau- gurating what, he chose to term a fam- ily quarrel in the State. As to "white supremacy," it should be remembered that whilst negro dom- [nation in the reconstructed States has been one of the most marked features f the policy of the Republican party that the Northern Democracy, through all of the political vicissitudes of the last quarter of a century, has been the unfaltering friend of the South. It was due to its persistent demands that white supremacy was restored in '716 and in '77 to South Carolina and Lousi- ana and its aid was treely given to de- feat the force bill and to repeal the election laws. On the other hand all of these new political organizations which have sprung up like Jonah's gourd, and will wilt as soon, have gen- erally acted with the Republican party aginst the interest of the South. The Greenbackers, many of whom were elected in part by denouncing Demo- crats, whom they were trying to defeat as not sufliciently Democratic, when elected were found voting with the tepublicans in the interest of all meas urep, dragooning the South in favor of negro domination. The Populist and third partyltes are no exception to this rule; they went over bag and baggage into the camp o our enemies during the consideratior or the lIotise bill to redico the tit) burdens of the tariff and placed them selves uinder the leadership of the gen tinian from Maine, Mr. Reed, and Mr Boutelle to prevent the Democrata from even considering a bill designed to lift the burden of tariff tixation from the farmers of the South. They joined the Republicans in a body and voted almost solidly against the repeal of the 10 per cent. tax on State banks, a measure which if it had been enacted into law would have given great ilnan. cial relief to the South. These new de- partures, whenever they have taken place in the South, have nearly always resulted in an appeal to the negro and a termination within the iRepublican ranks. Witness Mahone, McL]ane, Tom Watson and R. F'. Kolb. The originator and autocrat of your political faction, for he dictated to it not only as to measures but men, has admitted that he was half Populist in the canvass of '92; that he is now like McJane a Greenbacker, and has served notice on the voters of tile State of is early expectation to desert the Demo- cratic party. I think tis "new Indle- pendent movement about to be start- ed" biy Governor Tillman and those pledged to support him should be met by an immediate reorganization of tile Deomocratic party in tile State and that tile "duity of tile hlour is for every D~emocrat who hlas any manhood or political princIple or owns any proper ty that binds him to the State or inlter- eats him in its welfare to aid tis refer, mation withl all of his might. As to placing a Democratic ticket iri tile loid at tis late day I stand con. firmed in my opposition to it, were ii not for the bloody lawlessness of the present administration and the promisE of its continulance by tile legatee-i policy of outrage and bloodshed which if persisted in seems to ine inevitab3 bound to precipitate tile State into al the horrors of cival war, it cannot bi reasonably presumed that freemen wil forever tamely submit to having theli private premises ransacked and thoui private packages torn open and scatter ed by the pimps, underthugs and plug uglies of any set of nondescript petty tyrantu,. or even allow II. R. Tillmnan tc blow open their iron safes and~break down their doors. Hlowever, upon thiu question I am willing to b)e governe& by tile combined wisdom of those witii whom I have been politically associa. tedh. L,. W. YOUIMANs. Fairfax, S. C., Sept. 3, 1891. Editor Register: The liutier confer- ences, as reported, are supposed to in- dicate that having been defeated at the recent primary elections, the Genera] will now organize an Indlependent movement, inm order that lhe may halve another chlance to ba returned to the Senate. Such a movement would lbe "conceived in sin and brought forth in iniqulity." Surely there must be some mistake in tile pulbliheld reports for it is hard to believe that Senator Butler and his frmient~s, many of whom have proved their manhood, couirage an Jf pa- triotism, in war and in peace, W' .rld enter upon a venture so fraught with evil to the State. Senator I lampton in 1878 declared that "all Independent was worse thian a Radical ." 'I~he con- ditions which inspired this forcible ex. pression remain unichaniged, 5o let tile word lie again passed down the line, "an Indiependeont is worse than a Itadi- cal." An indiepandlent movement against tile organized l)emocracy cold~ sulcceed only by forming a coalition with the black ltepubllicans, andl this wold eventually result in their restoration to power. Shall white men be rulled by negroes'? Shall the State lbe again dom- inated by ignorance and vice? Shall we have negro judges presiding over our counts~? Shall South Carolinians be again subjecto.l to the insults, suf- fering and humiliation experienced by thmem in the dark d ays omaia ism ? If not, then rise up in your might and put down a movement which to gain a temporary advantage would open Pandora a box and flood the State with evils which will be fast- ened iot only upon you, but also uperi your children. The duty of the hour compels every Democrat, whether Tillmanite or anti Tillmanite, to fight now on common ground to sustain white supremacy. Jos. 11. EARLE. THE DEATH ROLL SWELLS. rho Work of Burying the Dead and Oar- Ing for the Living. P'INE CITY, MinnD., Sept. 5.-Thie general executive committee in charge of the relief work in this section, has made a report of the dead bodies re- covered thus far as follows: Iliickley 271, Sandstone 77, Miller (often called Sandstone Junction) 15, between Skunk Lake and Miller 12 Pokegama 25, on the timber camps 50 Total 450. Ghouls are at work in the vicinity of Sandstone. Today a party from Du- luth under James Bailey came down to help bury the dead and while searching around at noon, came upon a gang who had broken open and rifled some safes and when Bailey and party met them they had just found a cistern from which they had hauled fifteen dead bodies and had robbed them of jewelry, rings trinkets, etc., and were throwing the bodies back into the well, Bailey and party were unarmed, and the ghouls took to their heels and escaped. A frame powder magazine at Sand- stone, a portion of which was left standing and which was empty was torn down for material for coflins. The fire was seen by the Sandstone people four hours before it struck the town and everything was packed up in readiness to move to Kettle River, east of the village. Before anyone was aware of the real danger the lire came upon the town from the north, east and west and liring the whole town in- side of live minutes. Many were un. able to reach the river and died in thf streets. A blacksmith burned to a crisp in his shop, where he was shoe ing a horse. So sudden was the Ilrn not a thing was saved and in thirt3 minutes the whole town was swept o1 the earth. Those who reached the river remain ed most of the night. The survivor are entirely destitute and have no even clothing to their backs, excep such as is provided by the relief com muittees. Whole families are wipe4 out. President Sam 11111 of the easteri Minnesota branch of the Northern l.i cilic came up from Ilinckley thi morning and took a northern traf over the St. Paul and iIuth roat Mr. Hill took the )uluth Road t within nine miles of Sandstone an walked over. The big eastern Minn( sota bridge over the Kettle river has steel arch in the middle 180 feet lon and is still intact, though wooden ar proaches are burned. "The scene of death and ruin alon the road is a terrible one," says Mr 11111, "not a sign of life is anywheri to be seen, all is blackened, charret mass of ruins. Dead animals and hu man beings are everywhere and the) are buried where ever found. In on old well was found twenty-flve snake! and forty or flIfty field mice all togethel alive. There were many peculiar fed tures of the fire. In one place, when all else was burned and blackoned al around, we found a wagon with the hay in the box intact, while the horsei were dead. There is yet to be closed up on Minnesota, a gap of twelve mile' between IIinckley and )uluth eight miles, of which are between IInckle) and Sandstone. There are four mile in St. Cloud direction, which will bi closed up by tomorrow. I noticed it one place some freight car wheels wern melted, while not three hundaed feel away was another car untouched. J1udge Nethaway, of Still Water, ha: been one of the most active in relie! woric, and has been all over thme sur rou~nding country. lie found the fain ily of Jack Itobinson, man, wife an< seven children all dead and hardly re cogr.izab~le and also found .J. 0. Row ley, agent of- the Minnesota an< Winnipeg. Several miles northwest oj llincley today he came to a spol where a farm house had stood. Ir front was a well and over to the lefl could be seen live human bodies an< h lodies of several animals. .Judgi Nethaway went at once to the well t< see if anyone was there, and fount dlown in the bottom, a little 12-year-ol< Iboy in eight in~lhes of water, who ha< llvedi there since Saturday with nioth ing to eat. T1he little fellow was pull ed up and said lhe had been put dowi there when the lire was seen, andi ar "awful bad smoke had passed over hin andI it was awful hot." Ile asked the judlge if he knew where his fathei and mother were, and his dog. .Judge Nethaway took him on his backt tc where he could be fed, while other par ties went~back after the flive bodies. A niorrble Murder. A NDERSON, S. U., Sept. 4.-Barbari ilall an old colored woman, was shol andl killed last Saturday morning aboul 1 o'clock by her two grand sons, Law rence Rutledge and .John Andrew Rice The circumstances of the tragedy ar1 as follows: Gilbert Rutledge, the steil father of' the two boys, had given thenr a severe thrashing, and they after arm ing themselves with a shot gun loade(1 with buck shot, went to the Ihall we man's house, where their stepfather was, with the purpose of wreakinj their vengeance on him. She refused them admission. They then fired al the door, behind which she was stand, ing, Th'ie shot passed through the door and entirely through the old woman making a hole in her chest as big ai an egg. A number of negroes were arrested, but after hearing the evidenci at the lnflumest all were released except the boys ablove named and they arn now ini jail, held for trial. flurned HIs Harreim. M ERKE'r, Tex., Sept. 5-A great re vival under the auspices of the Met ho dist church has b~eenl going on here Among the converts was J. W. hlrooks a saloon keeper. To p rove that he wal sincere in his professions, Brooks tool his entire stock of liquor out into thi public square, poured the liquor out andl set ire to the boxes and barrels ie also consigned all his licenses t< the flames. A crowd of 500 witnessed tihe per formance, which was coniducte< with impressive religious exercises ani Binuing. The stock o goods as v DESERT THEIR PARTY. LOUISIANA PLANTERS GO OVER TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. A convention 01 sugqr Growers beat and Denounce the Tariff as to sugar--In a.. tional Politice They WI1 Act With Re- pubHloans, NEW ORLEANS, La, Sept. .-The sugar planters convention in this ity today was the most remarkable gather- ing in many years, and the first serious break in the Democratic party in twen- ty years is now actually threatened. The convention declared in favorof'an alliance with the Republican party on national issues and two and possibly three Congressional Districts, compris- ing the sugar region, are endangred to the Democrats. There were proba- bly three hundred representative m6p resent at the convention and, as near- y all of them are men of wealth with" large influence and with power to con- trol a considerable following, the ac- tion they have taken cannot be under- estimated. The meeting was called to order by Richard McCall, one of the leading planters of the Third District, and Mr. E. N. Pugh of Ascension, a near rela- tive of Justice Nicholls, was made chairman. Among thuse who partici- pated in the discussion were Mr. W. E. Ilowell, a prominent Democrat of Li Fouchere, II. P. Kernochan, who was a naval ollicer under Cleveland, Albert IEstopinal, Democratic State Senator, who may be the planter's candidate in the First District, G. P. Anderson, a wealthy planter of Plaquemine, James A. Ware, Democratic Representative In the Legislature from Iberville, Col. J. ). ]till, Capt. J. Pharr and others. Mr.John Daymond was the only speak- er who strenuously opposed secession from the Democratic party. Messrs. Ilowell, Weems, Kernochan an- Wil. kinson, brother of Collector Wilkinson, were appointedl a committee to propose a plan for the collection of the bounty on this year's crop. The committee re- ported and their report was adopted. The convention then took up the political questions. McCall, Pugh, Kernochan, Estopinal, Ware and others advised an alliance with the Republi- t can party. They said that they had t been betrayed by the Democrats, and that the only hope of protection for sugar lay in a joining of hands with the Republicans. They realized the full Import of breaking with the Dam- ocratic party, but feeling that the ne- gro question was no longer an issue land that the white race would forever govern the Southern country, they said 0they had reached the conclusion that d self-preservation required an ailhliation with a party that would give them the protection necessary for the prosperity of the Industry which is the backbone of the State. The fellowing committee was ap- pointed on resolutions and it may be said that the gentlemen named are among the wealthiest and best known in the State: Messrs. J. A. Ware, H. McCall, D. L. Monnot, Charles Mat- thews, Louts Clark, B. A. Oxnard, Charles Godchaux, D. S. Ferris, G. P. Anderson, L. J. Sully, Charles Magin- nis, Wyley Thompson John Dymond, W. 11. Chafee, G. Breaux .ionore Duga1, W. P. Flower, Gen. *. Il. Bia- hand, T. Su fMa and Capt. J. N. Pharr. The committee reported elaborate resolutions, setting forth that the white people of Louisiana and the planters for many years had been loyal to the Democratic party through victory and defeat, but that the State had been be- trayed and a blow struck at its chief industry .by that party, and caused its absolute ruin, and that the nomination of protection candidates and their elec- tion had become a necessity. The res- olutions were adopted by a rising vote. It was decided to meet again on the 17th of September in this city when the plans of the sugar planters will be per- fected. It was also decided to nomi- nate a candidate in the thlree sugar districts and to atihliate with the R3- publicans. The report of the committee on reso- lutions ffhich was adopted at the out- set declares: A crisis has arrived In the politics of our State. Very many of us who for many years co-operated withl the Democratic party and have loyally su pported its candidates have done so withl the belief and with the aurance that that party would maintain a fair protection on the products grown by us. We had personal and positive as- -surance from the Democratic candi- -date for the Pr'esidency. drover Cleve- land, (luring the late Presidential cam. paign and we likewise had the personal assurances of the leaders of tile Demo- cratic party to the same effect. Drc'perate Plot. FnANKl.owr, Ky., Sept. 15.-News of a threatened outbreak at the penitenti- ar y has just been learned. Tih e UDat- field-Mc~oy gang, of Pike county, and James F. Little, of Jireadoes and life men, were concerned in tihe plot, which was made known to Warden Gieorge on Sunday by a prisoner who chanced to overhear the men talking. It was their purpose to make an attempt this week as the guards and prisoners were going to supper. With four large knives made from files ground to a keen edge and point, they intended to kill the guards and take their weapons, kill the guard on the wall between tile male and female wards, and make their es- cape by passing over the wall. The warden placed the plotters is irons and in separated cells. All soon confessed each saying that the others were the traitors, except Wick Tallant, who held out for thirty hours before he re- vealed the hiding place of tile knives. Besides Little and Tallant, G~eorge W~est, Htockingheiler, Mc(Joy, Cook and a dozen others are known to have been in the plot. coat nim His ire, BIRMINGHIAM, Ala,, Sept. d.-Near Newaite, Tallapoosa county,' James Ashley and his son Robert went into. ,the field where Robert Cross, a young ,farmer, was harvesting. Robert Ashley held Cross while his father fIred seven C, bullets into his body. Ashley fired as long as Cross breathed, remarking, "I ,iam going to shoot as long as there is .breath in the d-d rascal's body." Cross went to church with Ashley's daughter I Sun'day and kissed her. She reported I the matter to her father and the mur- I der resulted. A posse is in piultn o -the Ashleys and if caught, it is likely that they will be ly-ched

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Page 1: T ?I PrK N, .C, SPEMqjEV3w~ lsmail branch lines, the Southern Rail-wayCompanyextends from Washing-ton, or,'.more properly, fronm'Alexan-dria,Rtichmondl, Va. and from West Point and


p .

PrK N , .C,TIU S A ,,S P EM EV3 19.N~ 'ISI qj w~ l NO 52 .TIE NEW SOUTHERN


The New Soulliern Itallway 001nianY "n(1

?00* the Many itsillroads ti,at Enter Into itNComposition-Iteduced Fixed Chargosand a Good Ilusinen Outlook,

Niew YOR1K, Sept. 6.-On Saturday,the 1st instant, the reorganization ofthe Richmond Terminal system wasdeflnitely and formally completed, andthe last of the many properties whichunder the plan of reorganization havelost their unhappy and unfortunateidentities and become merged in a new

- and propitious enterprise, pased intothe possession of the Southern RailwayCompany. Last Saturday, therefore,markk for all practical purposes, thecompletion of the reorganization; anda conalderation of the situation is,there r opportune, particularly whenIt is rne in mind that the event isthe most notable that has taken placein the b~itory of American railroads,and thatints bearing upon every South-ern business interest is of vital import-ance.The Southern Railway Company op-

erates 4,500 miles of railroad and about150 miles of water line. With the ex-ception of 491 miles all the system isowned by the company, and the here-tofore complicated and expensive planof control by majorities, wholly tim-practicable and unfortunate in its op-eration and sure to make enemiesamong the minorities, is done awaywith. The old Richmond TerminalCompany did not own any railroad atall, and the much vaunted (but intrin-sically worthless) Itichmond and Dan-Ville owned only 145 miles. The restof the Richmond and Danville systemwas made up of some thirty separatecompanies, ranging in length from sixto 552 milts. Efficiency and economywere impossible on this basis, whichalso afforded good opportunity for ob.jectionable methods of accounting.The organization of the East Tennes-see was more compact, but it, too, leftmuch to be desired.As a result of the reorganization over

thirty corporations, whose affairs andsecurities were interlocked in everyconceivable way, and in almost hope-less confusion, are united in one com-pany. Thirty Boards of Directors andthirty sets of separate accounts disap-pear simultaneously. The original plan%Vas dated May 1, 1893 it was Issued onay 23, 1893, and the response of se-

curity holders was prompt, andi by themiddle of June, 1893, success was as-sured so far as their corporation wasconcerned.The summer and autumn of 1893 par.

alyzed the South, in common with therest of the country, and railroad earn-

.,ings shrunk greatly. New conditionsdiai pew complications were presented,and the problem became one of dealingwith bankrupt receivers as well asbankrupt corporations. By strenuousefforts everything was held together,and as soon as possible some amend-ments to the original plan were pro-mulgated, mainly to solve the financialproblems of the receiverships, and alsoto cut down the Interest charges of thereorganlzed company pending a returnto normal conditions.These amendments were made public

on March 1, 1894. and they were so rea-sonable in character that they werequickly accepted by the security hold-3rs, and the reorganization was at oncepushed forward with such rapidity thatwithin four months the new companywas formed, and now, within twomonths more, the last of the proper tycomes into its possession-OO milesof railroadi which, exactly six monthsago, had almost dropped to p~ieces, anidwhich but for the strong hands thatheld the properties together (luring allthe financial troubles, would have dirop-.ped to pieces, are now brought into onecompact andi eficient company.-The new company Is organized under

a charter granted by the Legislature ofVrnasupplementedl by its conform-

ity to the laws of' all the othier Statesin which it owns property.The reorganizition hasi invalved two

trustee('saep, viz.:Richmond and WVest PoInt T1erminal

Railway andI Warehouse Company.Trustee's sale under S per cent col-lateral mortgage.

TLrustse's sale undier1 5 per cent. col -

lateral mortgage.One receiver's sale, vizeRichmond and West Point Te'rminal

Railway and Warehouse Company.Ten foreclosure sales, viz., coveringRichmond and Danville and1( its leasedlines.last Tennessee, Virginia and (Geor-gia (under twvo mortgriges).Charlotte Cohiumbiai and A ugusta.Columbia and Greenville.Louisville Southern.Georgia Pacille.Western North Carolina.North western North Caroliuna.Oxford and Clarksville.'Clarkaville and North '-aroliniaSix conveyances without foreclosjurieviz.:Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio.Richmond, York River andi eAea-poake.Washington, Ohio and West(ern.Piedmont.Statesville and Western.Oxford and II~enderson.And ve understand that some half

dozen itnor sales anid as many moreconveyances of other kinds are now inprogress in order to perfect the wvork.Prior to the reorganization, the proper-ties now merged into the Southern

*Railway Company were covered byabout seventy separate mortgages.About fo~rt.y or Usu mnlrtnae haycbeen eliminated in one way or Ailo~r.Described briefly, and ignoring many

smail branch lines, the Southern Rail-way Company extends from Washing-ton, or,'.more properly, fronm'Alexan-dria, Va. and from West Point andRtichmondl, Va., via Salisbury, N. ,, toAugnsta and Atlant'l, Ga.; and thenceto the Mississippi River at Greenville.At Salisbury another main lIne crossesthe State of North Carolina by way of

-- Asheville; thence over t~o K~noxvilleand Chattanooga, Tenn., andi from thereto Rome, Ga., where it dividies, one linegoing to Brunswick and the other t~oMeridian, Miss. Another line runsfrom Louisville to Lexington and1 Ilur.gin, Ky., there connecting with the Cincinnati Southern.The Cincinnati Southern and Memn

phis and Chiarleston were includl inithe plan of reorganization as orIginallypromulgated, but were dropped fromthe amended plan, as the security hold

*t.., )-

era failed to accept the terms offered.'They have not bettered their conditionby their refusal, and the general im-

pression Isthat, sooner or later, these

lines will be acquired. The SouthernCompany is also (xpected to controlthe Georgia Central when reorganized.Among the most important cities

reached by the Southern Railway areWachington, 1). C, Alexandria, Vra.,Charlottesvilie, Va;, Richmond, Va,Lynchburg, Va., Danville, Va., IRa-leigh, N. C., Durham, N. C., Greensbo.ro, N. C., Statesville, N. C.. Asheville,N. C., Salem-Winston, N. C., CharlotteN . C , Columbia, S. C., Spartanburg, S.C., Greenville, S. C, Augusta, Ga., At-lanta. Ga., Macon, Ga., Brunswick, Ga,Bristol, Tenn., Louisville, Ky., Lexing-ton, Ky.. Knoxville, Tenn., Chattanoo-ge, Tenn., Rome, Ga., Birmingham,Ala., Anniston, Ala., Columbus, liss,and Selma, Ala.The lines of the company, located as

they are, reach and scrve all of the di.versilled interests of the South. In theway of mineral, they penetrate Its twogreat coal fields, viz, the Kentucky andTennessee coal fields on the north andthe Alabama coal fields on the South,and from these are able to supply allthe States traversed by them. Theyalso reach the great iron industiles ofthe South at Knoxville. Cleveland, 'Ihat-tanooga, Anniston, Birmingham, andintermiediats points. Iron is madecheapir in the United States, or, forthat matter, in the world. On the wes-tern division of the system there areover thirty iron furnaces. Through inl.numerable small brancl'es the com-pany goes into the very heart of thelumber territory in the States throughwhich it runs. It is able, of course, todraw cotton from every direction, notonly on Its own lines, but from its con-nections, and it penetrates the S(ctionsof North and South Carolina andGeorgia which are occupied by cottonmills. The growth of cotton millsalong the line is, perhaps, one of itsmost remarkable features. ightthrough the hard times new mills havebeen going up, especially in North Car-olina. Its lines in Kentucky enable itto control its full share of the tobaccobusiness at Louisville, and, in additionto this, it penetrates in every directionthe country in which tobbacco isgrown, especially in the neighborhoodof Oxford and Durham, in North Caro-lina, and aiong almost the entirelengthtof the former Western North CarolinaRUailroad, which is now a part of itssystem. By way of Augusta and itsconnections to Vlorida it does a verylarge share of the garden truck busi-ness in the Southeastern States. it ismost. direct paosenger line flom Wash-ington to Atlanta and all the intermed-lat.e points, and also as short as anyline to Florida. The old Pi'edmont AirfLine, which is a part of the system,has long beena famous.The properties embraced in the reor-ganization had bonded and floatingdebts of about $135,000.000. This now

rediuced to a bonded debt of $94,60,000,including su llicient bonds (which arereserved) to take up all underlyingbonds and stocks of the 491 miles ofleased railroad. The company will alsoissue about 80,000,0C3 more bonds dur-ing the next two years, to purchase ad-ditional eluipment and improve theproperl.ies, which will make the totalbonded dept of all kinds $1,00.000,000.The plan of reorganization wisely pro-vides that $20,000,000 of bonds addition-al (to be strung out through a seriesof years) may be issued hereafter onlyfor the further development of theproperty.The interest charges before the re-

organization wore about $7.503,000,per annum, and sinking funis wereabout $t$00,000, to 8700,000 prr annumadditional. The new company's charesare $4,100,000 for 1894, 700,000 for 1895and $5,40.000 for 189I.

Thie old comp~aniy was always in such(lire financial straits and had such largelixed charges tihat it could not airordto spend a cent on the property wheresuch expendlituros could possibly beavoided, and in this way it reaily lostbusiness. Furthermore, its fInancialnecessities led it to-litigate all caimnsof shippers for lost or damaged goods,suchl litigation in nine cases out of tenhaving for its object simply to procras-tiniate andl delay paymnent. Tile newcompany, or-ganlizedt as it now is, can,o1 course, follow a (dilferent policy, andIby fair treatment of shippers is sure toenlarge its bulsiness.Another interesting feature is that,notwithstanding the nominal controlof tile former Easst Totnnessee, Virginia

and Georgia and lRichmond andi Dan-vylle systems by the now defunct Ter-mlinal Company, there was no actualcontroJ~and tile two companies did notcooperate even In tile ordinary inter-chlange of business. Th'le jealousy be-tween the two was so great thlat theypreferred to turn business ever to someouitsidie conlnection rathler than give itto each other.Another feature is the consolidlationof the blusiness organi-zationls and thered uction of expenses at j uncti, n

points were the D~anviile andl East Ten-nessee have each mlaintained seperateorgai'z. tions heretofore.In several of the Southern States,legislation has been bittelly hcstile,and it must 1)0 admitted that the waythese coimpaniles were condiuctedl pro-voked such legislatior,. As a result ofthe reorganiztion there is already amIuch better toel Lug In this respect,a~4 it is certain t~o grow as t he coin.mul~ty is better servedi.

Ter, ible liinanter.~VA:~~A 1AIll.,, Se-pt. 5.--At the~As-Silton C.( shaft, about seven miles

moig,of here n early hour thisabout 200 feet fo the botto, hewirs cable broke ad the cagetoil thofl')bottom, demolInhingte ceri fll inTIwy the shaft is 1O0 nctdemli engineer became confused at theltap and losing contr-ol of 11is enginecontyecpdb upnrms1'wh~~1ithibuihlingt wasl ns'ued for41- .


TLw on tihe st oc,(( 8:j6 jll tihe (ontilCv tuiii (lobe,,. Thue loss onl 1the .oblk lyS $ I,50 andll

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& itbingsved. he co toolst

fur4i *' l~

Sen~y Trap1 onl .ih-t. LM w.

Oi' chlieri, the( freslhest can1'dv l)i

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True Tale of the Oon(tdkorate War ThalRead. Like F.etion-Some Confedorate

Enter the Union Uampn and oaptureNumber of Men and Horses.

ItTHITMOND, Va., Sept. 6.-To thosiwho know nothing of the hardships owar, there ever hangs over a battleflebtmist of romance, shrouding its mosideous details in the poetry of fiction&nd even those who have felt thifhock of charging men, and heard th.annon's roar that seemed to shake thfverylfoundation of earth, in after yearlook buicli with a certain tendernesupon those "days that are no more"-wen though those days were passed ir1he cramped bed of a dirty prison hospital, or on the long, hot marches onidsummer. But bravery commandu r admiration, and the deeds of tlinen who fought in the Civil war ofterival the dauntless courage of Charle:nange and are as exciting as the exloits of Richard on the sunny plaintf Palestine. Perhaps one of the mosinique adventures of the war was th3apture of General Stoughton by Mosb'tnd the affair reads more like the raidif Robin Hood than an event in th(prosaic times of the present.In the spring of 1863 General Stough

.on was encamped at Fairfax Courtlouse with a large number of men, an<;he doughty warrior had determine<:o put a stop to the depredations oWosby, who kept the Federal troops I1.4orthern Virginia in a constant stat)f terror by his numerous and sudder,aids. All this part of VTirginia wa:nown as "Mosby's Confederacy." lerhe ranger chief gave the enemy sominpleasant surprises in the shape o,aids en sleeping encampments, th,apture of their wagons and the deitruction of their railroads, ised in suplying them with men and food5toughton had grown weary of thi.ruitless efforts of others to capture thiwift-moviEg rebel, and he was decide(,hat he would bag Mosby or lose ever5nan he had in the attempt.One night., early in March, Stoughtorlad a little supper at his headquarteri-a neat little supper that sent the galant general to bed in an excellent iu,nor,and made him quickly forget thawar's alarms were ever likely to disturlJie slumbers of a votary of the laughing, vine crowned god. It was a colsight, and the rain that had set in early in the day continied to come dow:in a ceaseless pour that made the worlne dreary, watery waste. The Unioinon never dreamed that any one woulrenture out after setting the usual soninels to plot( through the mud at theli)osts 'about town.By 11 'o'clock the little village wailent and the Federal camp wrappec

n slumber, but down the road near thamous field of Chintilly a party o:lien on horseback were stealinghrough the woods. No one spoke .

vord, and the only sound in the darkless was the splashing of the horsesioofs in the pelting rain through th,ossing trees. And as they stole alongn the night, wrapped in heavy cloaksmd with their hats pulled low 'ovel'heir brows, they looked likitome band of conspirators creeping or,heir way to assassinate some sleepingL'oe.On nearing the town one of them ciuhe wire that ran to tho station near b5md thus the Union troops were sev'red from all communication vith theli'rienuds at a distance. It was mid~nighwhlen the cavalcade entered the villagemd as they tramped (down the mudd'road no one saw them or heard a soun(

rrom the foes thus dlaring to ride int<~he very face of the slumbering enemyl'here was no light in the to Wnl streets

md only now and then a faint glean~rom a half shut window wonuld trembli~or a moment on the smoking sides o~he rangers' horses, or be rellecte(>ack from the pistols in their belts.Oai reaching the center of the villagiMosby halted his men, and dividini

hem into two detachments, sent ontluietly to secure the horses, while withlix mon he took lis way to the heat

lnarters of tihe Commanding General'le house was old-fashioned Southerr

nansion, about 100 yards from the roatmd set back in a pretty grove of treesL'he rangers quietly openied the gatemd troting upl to the house, dismoutd and ran up on thle porch. Withlerce jerk Mosby rang the bell.A window in a room above flew ulmnd a sleepy voice demanded who walelow.''A courier with dispatches for Gen~ral Stoughtoni," replied Mosby, as hinotlioned to the men not to move.Th'le window fell, the ofllcer ran dowlmd In a moment the door stood open"You are my prisoner," wvhisnereiNiosby to the astonished Federal,~whc

eing unarmed, dared not make an:resistance. Then, leaving one man t'guanrd the captive, the ranger dlashet

ipstairs and strodle into the rooniwhere the General lay sleeping. Wit]I rough shake Mosby aroused him."What in the dlevil Is the matterTnquired Stoughton as he sprang up itled."Stuart's cavalry is in possession o,ho town," Mosby quietly replied."Stuart in town," Stotughuton ex~laimed in astonishiment, still mistak

ng the men about his bed for his owiroops. 'Why, I thought you had captred Mosby.""Oh, no; you have not captured Mosay," coolly remarxed the (Chieof, "bitNiosby has captutred you you 1had( bes

seIt ill quietly and come with me."lFinding himself a prisoner in thiinnds of the very man to whose caputre lie was aworn, and believimr thaIilnrt's troops hadl the town the Uhniorfor~Bral made no attempt to resist, bu

ied (quiethy. In a few minutes hi...Mosb~y dcend~h~ed the steps, andrting horses that stoodi outside

ar soon jolnedl the rest of the rangernwere awaiting Mosb~y's arrival atleeting phle in the center of the

hi .

'C r it was found that the night'iI., had securedl 58~h'urses and 32 pris'ago -and all this had bean accomn'd without a blow bueing strtuck,i ,a ired or any alarm being given t<

(tny 'at of the camp. In fact, thirs pushed noiselessly out of towi4,~ heir prisoners ann their horses

-n u oul dreamed that the guerrilh

.was stealing away with thel'.-. les from beneath their ver)

noses. By daybreak the troop wasmiles away.In passing th3 enemy's last outpostthey mounted a bluff that overlooked

the road and gazed anxiously in the di-rection of Failfax. Hut not a foe wasin Bight--there was nothing in sight,except the water soaked hills and thegray light creeping down in the brownvalleys below. And with a sigh of re.lief the troop again took up its marchto the South. No pursuit was made,and by noon the next day the men andhorses were turned over to GeneralFitzhugh Lee, who was then stationedatBrandv Station. And so closed oneof the most amusing incidents and dar-ing exploits of the Civil war.-Dis-patch.THE CONGRESSIONAL NOMINEES.

Counting the Votes of Congressional Van-tlidates in Ewch Disirlct.

3 COLUrni A. S. C., Sept. 5.-The StateDenocratic Executive Committee metlast night in the btate Rouse. StateChairman Irby called the committee toorder shortly before 9 o'clock. Secre-tary Tompkins and Treitsurer Joneswere on hand. A. II. Patterson ofBarnwell and 11. 11. Townes of Edge-iield,sent in their resignations as mem-bers of the conimittee and the realgna-tions were accepted. The committeeproceeded to tabulate the votes ofCongressional candidates in each dis-trict and to declare the result. Thefollowing is the vote for each districtand the candidates wha received a ma-jority were declared the nominees ofthe party:

FIRST DISTRICT.Win. Elliott. Sullivan.Charleston......... 1,257 1,457Georgetown........ 553 116

Beaufort........... 219 17Williamsburg...... 350 34Colleton ........... 256 1Berkeley.......... 15!. 1.10

Totals............ 2,937 1,789SECOND DISTIICOT.

W. J. Talbert..Iampton.........................1,248Barnwell........ ...........1.584Aiken-....................1,21Edgefeld. ..........2,058Total....................... 6,411

'rITIM D IST RIT'.A. C. Latimer.

Abbeville............ ............2,348Newberry ........................1,111Anderson.........................2,657Oconeo ............................1,380...kn............ ...........1,4313

'.iothl........................8929FOURTIl DITRIuT.

Wilson. Duncan. Johnson.Greenville....1,789 295 1.435I/jtrens......1,31 54 838Fairfleld...... 232 454 71Spartanburg.. 2493 81 404

. Union........670 504 24;3- ltichland..... 398 308 696

Totals.....),!I03 15 * 3.628Wilson's majority over alli1,579.

FIFTH DISTRICT.T. J. Strait. D. E. Finley.Spartanburg..... :314 77York .......... 71; 1,094Cbester.......... .15 131

Lancaster.......1,375 4;31Chesterfield ...... 859 542Kershaw ......... 9:10 286Union ..........: 0:1 91

Totals .........5,442 2.655Majorit.y for Strait, 2.787.SINTIT DISTRI01T.

Jolin L. Mei]aurin.Clarendon............ .7811Darlington........... 76i8Marlboro............. 880Marion............... 1,571Ilorenc.............No reportWilliamsburg..... 411

Total...............5,20s.SE v EN'rII DIRTU[C'r.

J1. Wmn. Stokes.Lexington..................1,493Orangeburg.................2,135Sutr........ .... ............1,078

Colieton--...-.....................1,586;iHerkeley....................798otln.....................2127The Reformers aind the aniti-Tillman-

ites each held a primary in IBeaufortcounty, and the quiestion camne beforetecommittee of coua ting the vote forCongressional candidates. Each sideclaimed to be D~emocratiu.. Thie com-mittee decided to count all the votes ineach of the primaries for Sullivan andlIitt. IBefo.e adjourning the comn-mnittee passed a resolution asking therailroads to give reduced rates to delo-gates wiho will attend the State con-vention this month.

- A Rorror of the saluda,WIILLIAMS'rON, S. C., Sept. 4.---WhileRL. V. Acker, trial justice, was fIshingtwo miles below Peizer today he dis-covered the body of a man floating inItie water and caught on an overhang-ing limb. Without further inves-

tigating the matter he came to Wil-liamiston, summoned a jury of inquestandi returned to the scene. Frank Lan-der, together with three other men,

Iprocured a boat, went out to where the,body was floating. tiedi a rope aroundit and towed it to the bank. CarefulSinvestigation and expert testimonycould ascertain nothing with certaintyas to the race or color of the man, thebodIy being in such a state of decompo--sition, but it is believed that he was awhite man, lie was barefooted, had onblack pants, a very old coat, a leatherbelt and overalls. It is thought thatthe man was murdered though no marksof violence could be dletected. Thereis a camp of hands very near whore thebody was found who probably knowmore than they will tell. The man wasevidIentiy put in the river blelow P'elzermill as his body could not haye passedover the (dam. TJhe jury will renderItheir verdict tomorrow.-GreenvlieNews.

Kied a Tramii,,IHEND)EHSON, Ky., Sept. 4.--TwoItramps entered the farmhouse of .John(Gillespie, near inks City, on Green

Iriver, and, finding his wife alone, theydlemanded food, which sihe refused,when they helped themselves andl plim-dered the house. On her husband re-turning and ascertaining of the robbery,hearmed himself with a shotgun atid,accompaniedi by a neighbor, went onthe trail. They came upon the trampsnear Congleton, McLean county. Therillanis drew their pistols and refusedto surrender, whtereu pon the pursuersopened tire, fatally wounding one, the'othnr nefeting his eape.a



Vhe Former I@ In Favor of Opposing Till-man, Evans and all Otlher Candidates ofthe Iteformers While the Latter OpposoeHuch Action.

COLJMur A, S. U, Sept. 6.-The fol-lowing cards appeared in the Registerof today:Editor Register: Your communica-tion of the first inst. received this af-

ternoon and in accordance with yourrequest I reply immediately, in thiscommunication addressed to me yousay: "Knowing you to be a staunchand uncompromising foe of aught thattends to disturb white unity and whitesupremacy, and that your words carryweoight and influence, I ask that youwrite the Register a letter giving yourviews upon the new Independentmovement about to be started and out-lining the duty of the hour. Hopingror an early reply, I am," &c.As to the "white unity," that was

listurbed four years ago, when Gover-nor Tillman, conceiving himself to beLhe only man with the nerve and thebrains and the ability to array thecommon people against the aristocracy,for the accomplishment of his own sel-[lsh purposes, spread discord and divis-ion among the white people by inau-gurating what, he chose to term a fam-ily quarrel in the State.As to "white supremacy," it should

be remembered that whilst negro dom-[nation in the reconstructed States hasbeen one of the most marked featuresf the policy of the Republican partythat the Northern Democracy, throughall of the political vicissitudes of the

last quarter of a century, has been theunfaltering friend of the South. It wasdue to its persistent demands thatwhite supremacy was restored in '716and in '77 to South Carolina and Lousi-ana and its aid was treely given to de-feat the force bill and to repeal theelection laws. On the other hand allof these new political organizationswhich have sprung up like Jonah'sgourd, and will wilt as soon, have gen-erally acted with the Republican partyaginst the interest of the South. TheGreenbackers, many of whom wereelected in part by denouncing Demo-crats, whom they were trying to defeatas not sufliciently Democratic, whenelected were found voting with thetepublicans in the interest of all measurep, dragooning the South in favor ofnegro domination.The Populist and third partyltes are

no exception to this rule; they wentover bag and baggage into the camp oour enemies during the consideratioror the lIotise bill to redico the tit)burdens of the tariff and placed themselves uinder the leadership of the gentinian from Maine, Mr. Reed, and MrBoutelle to prevent the Democratafrom even considering a bill designedto lift the burden of tariff tixationfrom the farmers of the South. Theyjoined the Republicans in a body andvoted almost solidly against the repealof the 10 per cent. tax on State banks,a measure which if it had been enactedinto law would have given great ilnan.cial relief to the South. These new de-partures, whenever they have takenplace in the South, have nearly alwaysresulted in an appeal to the negro anda termination within the iRepublicanranks. Witness Mahone, McL]ane, TomWatson and R. F'. Kolb.The originator and autocrat of yourpolitical faction, for he dictated to it

not only as to measures but men, hasadmitted that he was half Populist inthe canvass of '92; that he is now likeMcJane a Greenbacker, and has servednotice on the voters of tile State of isearly expectation to desert the Demo-cratic party. I think tis "new Indle-pendent movement about to be start-ed" biy Governor Tillman and thosepledged to support him should be metby an immediate reorganization of tileDeomocratic party in tile State and thattile "duity of tile hlour is for everyD~emocrat who hlas any manhood orpolitical princIple or owns any property that binds him to the State or inlter-eats him in its welfare to aid tis refer,mation withl all of his might.As to placing a Democratic ticket iritile loid at tis late day I stand con.

firmed in my opposition to it, were iinot for the bloody lawlessness of thepresent administration and the promisEof its continulance by tile legatee-ipolicy of outrage and bloodshed whichif persisted in seems to ine inevitab3bound to precipitate tile State into althe horrors of cival war, it cannot bireasonably presumed that freemen wilforever tamely submit to having theliprivate premises ransacked and thouiprivate packages torn open and scattered by the pimps, underthugs and pluguglies of any set of nondescript pettytyrantu,. or even allow II. R. Tillmnan tcblow open their iron safes and~breakdown their doors. Hlowever, upon thiuquestion I am willing to b)e governe&by tile combined wisdom of those witiiwhom I have been politically associa.tedh. L,. W. YOUIMANs.Fairfax, S. C., Sept. 3, 1891.

Editor Register: The liutier confer-ences, as reported, are supposed to in-dicate that having been defeated at therecent primary elections, the Genera]will now organize an Indlependentmovement, inm order that lhe may halveanother chlance to ba returned to theSenate. Such a movement would lbe"conceived in sin and brought forth ininiqulity." Surely there must be somemistake in tile pulbliheld reports for itis hard to believe that Senator Butlerand his frmient~s, many of whom haveproved their manhood, couirage an Jf pa-triotism, in war and in peace, W' .rldenter upon a venture so fraught withevil to the State. Senator I lampton in1878 declared that "all Independentwas worse thian a Radical ." 'I~he con-ditions which inspired this forcible ex.pression remain unichaniged, 5o let tileword lie again passed down the line,

"an Indiependeont is worse than a Itadi-cal."

An indiepandlent movement against

tile organized l)emocracy cold~ sulcceedonly by forming a coalition with theblack ltepubllicans, andl this wold

eventually result in their restoration to

power. Shall white men be rulled bynegroes'? Shall the State lbe again dom-inated by ignorance and vice? Shall

we have negro judges presiding over

our counts~? Shall South Carolinians

be again subjecto.l to the insults, suf-fering and humiliation experienced bythmem in the dark d ays omaia

ism ? If not, then rise up in yourmight and put down a movementwhich to gain a temporary advantagewould open Pandora a box and floodthe State with evils which will be fast-ened iot only upon you, but also uperiyour children.The duty of the hour compels everyDemocrat, whether Tillmanite or anti

Tillmanite, to fight now on commonground to sustain white supremacy.

Jos. 11. EARLE.


rho Work of Burying the Dead and Oar-Ing for the Living.

P'INE CITY, MinnD., Sept. 5.-Thiegeneral executive committee in chargeof the relief work in this section, hasmade a report of the dead bodies re-covered thus far as follows:

Iliickley 271, Sandstone 77, Miller(often called Sandstone Junction) 15,between Skunk Lake and Miller 12Pokegama 25, on the timber camps 50Total 450.Ghouls are at work in the vicinity of

Sandstone. Today a party from Du-luth under James Bailey came down tohelp bury the dead and while searchingaround at noon, came upon a gangwho had broken open and rifled somesafes and when Bailey and party metthem they had just found a cisternfrom which they had hauled fifteendead bodies and had robbed them ofjewelry, rings trinkets, etc., and werethrowing the bodies back into the well,Bailey and party were unarmed, andthe ghouls took to their heels andescaped.A frame powder magazine at Sand-

stone, a portion of which was leftstanding and which was empty wastorn down for material for coflins.The fire was seen by the Sandstone

people four hours before it struck thetown and everything was packed upin readiness to move to Kettle River,east of the village. Before anyone wasaware of the real danger the lire cameupon the town from the north, eastand west and liring the whole town in-side of live minutes. Many were un.able to reach the river and died in thfstreets. A blacksmith burned to acrisp in his shop, where he was shoeing a horse. So sudden was the Ilrnnot a thing was saved and in thirt3minutes the whole town was swept o1the earth.Those who reached the river remain

ed most of the night. The survivorare entirely destitute and have noeven clothing to their backs, excepsuch as is provided by the relief commuittees. Whole families are wipe4out.

President Sam 11111 of the easteriMinnesota branch of the Northern l.icilic came up from Ilinckley thimorning and took a northern trafover the St. Paul and iIuth roatMr. Hill took the )uluth Road twithin nine miles of Sandstone anwalked over. The big eastern Minn(sota bridge over the Kettle river hassteel arch in the middle 180 feet lonand is still intact, though wooden arproaches are burned."The scene of death and ruin alon

the road is a terrible one," says Mr11111, "not a sign of life is anywherito be seen, all is blackened, charretmass of ruins. Dead animals and human beings are everywhere and the)are buried where ever found. In onold well was found twenty-flve snake!and forty or flIfty field mice all togethelalive. There were many peculiar fedtures of the fire. In one place, whenall else was burned and blackoned alaround, we found a wagon with thehay in the box intact, while the horseiwere dead. There is yet to be closedup on Minnesota, a gap of twelve mile'between IIinckley and )uluth eightmiles, of which are between IInckle)and Sandstone. There are four milein St. Cloud direction, which will biclosed up by tomorrow. I noticed itone place some freight car wheels wernmelted, while not three hundaed feelaway was another car untouched.J1udge Nethaway, of Still Water, ha:

been one of the most active in relie!woric, and has been all over thme surrou~nding country. lie found the fainily of Jack Itobinson, man, wife an<seven children all dead and hardly recogr.izab~le and also found .J. 0. Rowley, agent of- the Minnesota an<Winnipeg. Several miles northwest ojllincley today he came to a spolwhere a farm house had stood. Irfront was a well and over to the leflcould be seen live human bodies an<hlodies of several animals. .JudgiNethaway went at once to the well t<see if anyone was there, and fountdlown in the bottom, a little 12-year-ol<Iboy in eight in~lhes of water, who ha<llvedi there since Saturday with niothing to eat. T1he little fellow was pulled up and said lhe had been put dowithere when the lire was seen, andi ar"awful bad smoke had passed over hinandI it was awful hot." Ile asked thejudlge if he knew where his fatheiand mother were, and his dog. .JudgeNethaway took him on his backt tcwhere he could be fed, while other parties went~back after the flive bodies.

A niorrble Murder.ANDERSON, S. U., Sept. 4.-Barbari

ilall an old colored woman, was sholandl killed last Saturday morning aboul1 o'clock by her two grand sons, Lawrence Rutledge and .John Andrew RiceThe circumstances of the tragedy ar1as follows: Gilbert Rutledge, the steilfather of' the two boys, had given thenra severe thrashing, and they after arming themselves with a shot gun loade(1with buck shot, went to the Ihall weman's house, where their stepfatherwas, with the purpose of wreakinjtheir vengeance on him. She refusedthem admission. They then fired althe door, behind which she was stand,ing, Th'ie shot passed through the doorand entirely through the old womanmaking a hole in her chest as big aian egg. A number of negroes werearrested, but after hearing the evidenciat the lnflumest all were released exceptthe boys ablove named and they arnnow ini jail, held for trial.

flurned HIs Harreim.MERKE'r, Tex., Sept. 5-A great revival under the auspices of the Met hodist church has b~eenl going on here

Among the converts was J. W. hlrooksa saloon keeper. To prove that he walsincere in his professions, Brooks toolhis entire stock of liquor out into thipublic square, poured the liquor outandl set ire to the boxes and barrelsie also consigned all his licenses t<the flames. A crowd of 500 witnessedtihe performance, which was coniducte<with impressive religious exercises aniBinuing. The stock o goodsas v



A convention 01 sugqr Growers beat andDenounce the Tariff as to sugar--In a..

tional Politice They WI1 Act With Re-pubHloans,NEW ORLEANS, La, Sept. .-The

sugar planters convention in this itytoday was the most remarkable gather-ing in many years, and the first seriousbreak in the Democratic party in twen-ty years is now actually threatened.The convention declared in favorof'analliance with the Republican party onnational issues and two and possiblythree Congressional Districts, compris-ing the sugar region, are endangredto the Democrats. There were proba-bly three hundred representative m6present at the convention and, as near-y all of them are men of wealth with"large influence and with power to con-trol a considerable following, the ac-tion they have taken cannot be under-estimated.The meeting was called to order byRichard McCall, one of the leading

planters of the Third District, and Mr.E. N. Pugh of Ascension, a near rela-tive of Justice Nicholls, was madechairman. Among thuse who partici-pated in the discussion were Mr. W. E.Ilowell, a prominent Democrat of LiFouchere, II. P. Kernochan, who was anaval ollicer under Cleveland, AlbertIEstopinal, Democratic State Senator,who may be the planter's candidate inthe First District, G. P. Anderson, awealthy planter of Plaquemine, JamesA. Ware, Democratic RepresentativeIn the Legislature from Iberville, Col.J. ). ]till, Capt. J. Pharr and others.Mr.John Daymond was the only speak-er who strenuously opposed secessionfrom the Democratic party. Messrs.Ilowell, Weems, Kernochan an- Wil.kinson, brother of Collector Wilkinson,were appointedl a committee to proposea plan for the collection of the bountyon this year's crop. The committee re-ported and their report was adopted.The convention then took up the

political questions. McCall, Pugh,Kernochan, Estopinal, Ware and othersadvised an alliance with the Republi-

t can party. They said that they hadt been betrayed by the Democrats, and

that the only hope of protection forsugar lay in a joining of hands withthe Republicans. They realized thefull Import of breaking with the Dam-ocratic party, but feeling that the ne-gro question was no longer an issueland that the white race would forevergovern the Southern country, they said

0they had reached the conclusion thatd self-preservation required an ailhliation

with a party that would give them theprotection necessary for the prosperityof the Industry which is the backboneof the State.The fellowing committee was ap-pointed on resolutions and it may be

said that the gentlemen named areamong the wealthiest and best knownin the State: Messrs. J. A. Ware, H.McCall, D. L. Monnot, Charles Mat-thews, Louts Clark, B. A. Oxnard,Charles Godchaux, D. S. Ferris, G. P.Anderson, L. J. Sully, Charles Magin-nis, Wyley Thompson John Dymond,W. 11. Chafee, G. Breaux .ionoreDuga1, W. P. Flower, Gen. *. Il. Bia-hand, T. SufMa and Capt. J. N. Pharr.The committee reported elaborate

resolutions, setting forth that the whitepeople of Louisiana and the plantersfor many years had been loyal to theDemocratic party through victory anddefeat, but that the State had been be-trayed and a blow struck at its chiefindustry .by that party, and caused itsabsolute ruin, and that the nominationof protection candidates and their elec-tion had become a necessity. The res-olutions were adopted by a rising vote.It was decided to meet again on the17th of Septemberin this city when theplans of the sugar planters will be per-fected. It was also decided to nomi-nate a candidate in the thlree sugardistricts and to atihliate with the R3-publicans.The report of the committee on reso-

lutions ffhich was adopted at the out-set declares: A crisis has arrived In thepolitics of our State. Very many of uswho for many years co-operated withlthe Democratic party and have loyallysupported its candidates have done sowithl the belief and with the aurancethat that party would maintain a fairprotection on the products grown byus. We had personal and positive as--surance from the Democratic candi-

-date for the Pr'esidency. drover Cleve-land, (luring the late Presidential cam.paign and we likewise had the personalassurances of the leaders of tile Demo-cratic party to the same effect.

Drc'perate Plot.FnANKl.owr, Ky., Sept. 15.-News of

a threatened outbreak at the penitenti-ary has just been learned. Tih e UDat-field-Mc~oy gang, of Pike county, andJames F. Little, of Jireadoes and lifemen, were concerned in tihe plot, whichwas made known to Warden Gieorgeon Sunday by a prisoner who chancedto overhear the men talking. It wastheir purpose to make an attempt thisweek as the guards and prisoners weregoing to supper. With four large knivesmade from files ground to a keen edgeand point, they intended to kill theguards and take their weapons, kill theguard on the wall between tile maleand female wards, and make their es-cape by passing over the wall. Thewarden placed the plotters is irons andin separated cells. All soon confessedeach saying that the others were thetraitors, except Wick Tallant, whoheld out for thirty hours before he re-vealed the hiding place of tile knives.Besides Little and Tallant, G~eorgeW~est, Htockingheiler, Mc(Joy, Cook anda dozen others are known to have beenin the plot.

coat nim His ire,BIRMINGHIAM, Ala,, Sept. d.-NearNewaite, Tallapoosa county,' JamesAshley and his son Robert went into.,the field where Robert Cross, a young,farmer, was harvesting. Robert Ashleyheld Cross while his father fIred sevenC, bullets into his body. Ashley fired aslong as Cross breathed, remarking, "I,iam going to shoot as long as there is.breath in the d-d rascal's body." Crosswent to church with Ashley's daughter

I Sun'day and kissed her. She reported

I the matter to her father and the mur-

I der resulted. A posse is in piultn o

-the Ashleys and if caught, it is likelythat they will be ly-ched