t i c purchasing is not coughs i o at the store 4ii · thirtysix inch fine brown domestic by bolt...

= T 44 = Purchasing is Not 1 Compulsory at the Store OFJ Como in and compare if you dont feel like purchasing its all right too wbnrc showing our lines of Spring Laces Embroideries Madras Cloths Ginghams Porcals Etc and would be glad to have you visit us Compare our qualities and prices with thoso of other houses thou buy I where your judgment tolls you is tho best place Special Prices for Ten Days THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE HOUSE Thirtysix inch fine Brown Domestic by bolt 4tfc Good Apron Check Gingham 50- 1lftyfourlnch Turkey Red Table Linen 15- 0Seveuelghthsyard V5 Bleached Cottonno starch 5C Good 554 Table Oil Cloth I5c t Colored Carpet Varp j8c IrJVhIte Carpet Warp ic F Best Quality Prints 5C Tblrtyslxlnch Sea Island Pcrcals loc II Fine Zephyr Gixgbnms loc Elegant Astortment of Madras Cloth loc Special drive on Lace Curtains joe 75c ft per pair J5Cileus Boys Madrid Cloth Shirts 500 New Assortment of Neckwear 350 Latest Mens Collars 150 two for 350- Mena Fine Shoes f Ioo Better Grades same 3 oo to SJ 50 Ladles Pine Shoes 125 to 350 We are not Prepared to Quote You Euerytliine Nor do wo caro to do this As wo stated in the outset come in and sco us compare what wo have with tho goods and price of others then decide You are not compelled to buy If wo do not soil to you wo will only thank you for tho courtesy you hnvo shown us in looking through our stock WE WANT YOUR PRODUCECash Prices Paid f Our New Home Is ono door from c A D Whites L J Grocery 1FlavtfOrd Republican FRIDAY MARCH 7 Drink Cocoa delfclons Singer Office Fresh lot of Cranberries at Singer Office Cucumber Pickle extra tine Singer Office Try our Mince Meat so nice Singer Office Hitching room tree at B B Collins Cor table Mr Perry Crowder Rosine wsa in town Wednesday Mr Jell Boatd ol Narrows was in town Wednesday Mr R B Everly Matanzaa called to led us Monday Mr D J Duncan ol Greenville la in town this week Fresh Oysters and Celery alwaytfon hand at Singer Office r Mr C H Rogers Balietown was among our callers Monday Mr Judson Rowe of Rockport L 1Awent to Leltchfield Sunday Mr H D Smith Fordsvllle was in town the first of the week C R Martin jeweler mind watch hfrfmakerit Williams drug store J 1More blue and white pound prints r Carson Gos Rev Henry Burch of Breckenrldge county WaS in town Wednenday Mr fan Rojers went to Fotdsvlllc Tuesday and returned Wednesday THEY CRUSH THE POWERS This U written In mlOOctobar Th long ol summer la quits gon Fadlof leaf withering tree nl the rustling com In the field are agna of the iuou Pog frost rain lIowtho1 flTS coming To itmember lMtwlnter of 1900 and 1901 The weather ras cruel Ah I the thoua ands it killed ami tho hundred ot thou audj it maimed And crippled Oh the rough grasp it laid un men afworkv0Bxta at home children in cribs and cradle Coughs that bekrn before TbkgiIng Day re racking nclt riDg them itU yes and IPQWlDIl worn theydlg deeper Into 0 the I throat and ll1Di1o Msny were cared by using Bensons Foroo Pus ten For lie lid healing power ot these Plasters b wonderful They con- quer the complaints fTHATUE K1LLINI THE PEIPLE No other platter no other tnedlcln or liP plication can compu with them Cough rheumatism kidney and liter troubles uthma Inflrt enra rttjeif pit go down befor Bensons FlasteriliM a snow imag In tho tan You cant throw moneraway oa a Bensons 1 Plaster b going to us Uea this JeaSOJI BuInSkSeeztain7SgStth0g- enuine All druggists or w > win prepay noeUge on any number ordered t J United States on receipt of USe each Sbl117 Johnson lUg CData NY 1Ii U All kinds of nice Cakes and Crack- ers fresh at Singer Office Fresh Fish and Oysters served dnr log court at Singer Office Nicest and freshest line of Candl la Hartford at Singer Office Use GrapenuU and Postum Cofle and get well Singer Office Mrs John U Ragland of Pleasan Ridge is reported to be seriously ill Oranges Lemons Bananas Pears CocoanuU and Apples at Singer Office Remember you can get the nicest Hot Lunch in Hartford at Singer Of- fice Mrs Dresden Dean of Sulphu Springs Iswe are informed quite tick Attorney O B Likens is alstlng the prosecution in the Davis murder trial Mrs Hiram Babbit of near Dundee is the proud mother of a 16 poum boyDr A F Stanley who was In Frankfort last week returned home Sunday The grand jury Is busily at work grinding out indictments against the lawbreakers Mr Carr James Balzetown was s pleasant caller at TUB REPOBUCA office Monday When you have feathers and egg to sell briny them to the Eoonom Dry Goods Store Mr tee Luce who halbeen vlsl ting in Indiana for some time past bas returned home The Economy Dry Goods Store II the place to buy tobsceocanvass- new A lot just received We have lots of blue and whit prints on hand now CARSON Co Judge Owen came over Tuesda and will gOon the bench at the COB clusloa of the Davis murder trial Every man wears Suits So don fall to come to our Clothing opening March 1415 igoa CARSON Co Mrs Maybelle Smith of oulavllle- Is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs U J Reid of Rockport this week If you have a hose cowor othe stock estrayed land or other propert ton sale advertise it In Tits RBFOI tICAN Mr Alex Barnett and wife went I Owenaboro Wednesday where the wIlt visit relatives the reminder c the week j Capt AB Stanley Wyiiox ws ln town Monday and kindly tremer THE RSPCBUCAM a visit toot anctutnV Coughs II My wife had a deepscaled cough for three years I purchased two bottles of Ayers large size and cured her com ¬ pletely J H Surge Macon Col Probably you know of cough medicines that re ¬ lieve little coughs all coughs except deep ones The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty years Is Ayers Cherry Pectoral Tim ilm I iicict Afldtg- WiCat O zr detOr Ii hi ikIi lhn 4o is ha MTI Ii n Ir lou not lo tallo It then dont 1110 It lit know IMM It with him Wcaravtltlnr 0Ie ATER CO Lowell Mill Ames Buggies the best oa the market for sale by A C Taylo Hartford Kr Mr C T Whitflnghlll Trisle waa a welcome visitor at TUB Rurui LICAN office TJaday I Call on A C Taylor Liveryman Hartford Ky for special bargains In Buggies and Wagons Cream Brick and Limburger Cheese Bologna Sausage and lion less lIam at Singer Office Wagons Bngges Phaetons Surrle and all other kinds of vehicles ror sale by AC Taylor Hartford Ky Mr M N Porter of Beaver Dam bought a number of mules here Mon- day paying good prices for good stock The present grand jury is said to be the most Industrious painstakln and conservative one empaneled here for sometime Rev Mrs Woosley of Canty vllle delivered two sermons at the Presby terlan church here Sunday morning and evening Our restaurant department will be running over with good things to eat during Circuit Court Call and lee as Singer Office Mr Dan Stone an old friend of our boyhood amid the wilds and wastes 01 old Grayson was a welcome visitor to our sanctum Tuesday When you come to Circuit Court leave your horse at BD Collins t Cos stable Careful attention given stock left with them If you need Letterheads Envelopes Statements Cards Posters Etc send as your order Clean print newest styles and the best material Mr Hardin Porter of Grayso county was in town the first of the week and remembered THE R PUB KICAN In a substantial way Notwithstanding the almost impas- sible condition of the roads a larg crowd waa in attendance at the open- Ing of Circuit Court Monday If you wear a pair of our fJ pants your can go way back and sit down and they do not bag at the knees CARSON Co Sunday afternoon near Trisler Mr Robert Shreve andMUs Sallie Gran were happily united In matrimony Rev Pomfrey Garden officiating Dont forget our Clothing opening March 415 All the latest pattern and styleo llsplayed Prices to suit your purse CARSON Co A splendid line of new shoes jus received Browns 5 star 5 a special- ty Also a special line of baby shoe at The Economy Pry Goods Store The fairies brought Circuit Court Clerk S A Anderson a wee bit of an office deputy last Thursday night Its Sams first boy and he is prow of him Mr Thos H Benton formerly 01 Ohio county but now of Louisville In the employ of the Louisville St Lonls Texas Railroad was in tow Moday Esq Jas A Park USstore keepe gger who lisa been on duty at Ca neyville for several months is sl home to spend several days with hi family here Miss Mary Crahan of lions Branch went to Cecelia last Frlda to be present at the funeral of he I BlBterinlaw Mrs Kate Craban wh died in that city Mrs J E Davidson left Tuesda for the bedside of her lather Esqulr PH Alford ot Horse Branch wh approaching lifes end of dropsy t the heart Mr Wilt Embreyof Balzetowutoo refuge from the storm last Friday I- ttmlUshed and suffered serious inji collapse ol the shed dui ing the storm See In another column the card 0 Mr T F Johnson Notary Public Sulphur Springs Mr Johnson Is capable officer and will give you goo r work Give him a trial All accounts due this paper on ant icriptlon must be settled at one This action la i8e necessary becan y ot the recent change In the ownershl i ofjkkepaper Fair warning Judge Owen was sick the first IS the week and did not come over unt d Tuesday In the meantime the bi Ir elected Judge J S Glenn spec jnijge and the court proceeded S L stand Call on Carson Droll Moores oldII Mr Jno C Riley went to Lonlsvlll I Wednesday Mr S L Stevens Cromwell w- In I town yesterday Ex Coroner L W Hunt of Nar- row I was tn town Tuesday Miss Annie Lyons of Haynesville is visiting friends in Hartford this week Carson Bros carry a general line 01 eatables Cheese Sausage Sardines Oysters etc I When you come to Hertford dont forget to call on Carson Bros Moore old stand Carson Bros have moved into their new store second door from Bank or Hartford Call and see them Mr Henry Carson who has been In the East for the past week purcbaaln a spring stock for his store here has returned home Will Cox who shot mud killed hi wife and then shot himself at Evani vllle Monday died at that place Wed nesday The bodies ol each wet buried at Evansvllle The foundation of Dr L B DealJs new business house to be occupied by TJ Turley Co has been laid and the structure will be complete by the isth of this month Mr Jas P Thomas who is holding a clerical position in Surveyor ol the Port Barnetts office Louisville haa been appointed Secretary of the Boar of Civil ServlceCommissIoners of that city Mr John Lamb a farmer living at Sulphur Springs came near losing his residence by fire Tuesday but the fire was extinguished before mud damage was done The huse tool fire from the outside and its origin cannot be accounted for The case of the Cotnth vs Cap Da- vie charged with the murder ofj Miller has taken up practically the whole time of the court this week At the time of going to press the case was in the hands ot the jury and the jury is expected to bring In a verdict this morning The editor of this paper desires to acknowledge Indebtedness to Dr inc Mrs A F Stanley for an invitation to a splendid dinner yesterday Hon E P Neal and Col and Mrs C M Barnett were also guests The doctor and his good wife know how to eater tain in an uptodate style Mr J Edwin Rowe known locally as the Commonwealth has been slightly Indisposed this week and 01 account of such Indisposition was in capacitated to give proper attention to the business of the Commonwealth County Attorney Barnes is at hi post looking after the welfare of the Commonwealth The stockholders ot the Hartford Publishing Company met at the office of the Hartford REPUBLICAN Monday and elected the following officers foi the ensuing year President C M Barnett Vice President Nicholas Bar rats Secretary and Treasurer S A Anderson Editor and Business Mas ager Jno H Thomas Mr William Fleaner of Cromwell left Tuesday for his new home In Ok lahoma He chartered a cu and mov ed most of his property to his ne quarters taking all of his house hold effects six mules farming Imple- ments and corn sufficient to feed hi teams while making a new crop Cost of car for transportation 19000 Mr Fleaner was one of the county best citizens Kind friends and good citizens or Hartford I sincerely thank you one and all especially Mr Ragland fo the many courtesies and kindly favors you have shown me during my short stay among you and while I reslgi my position as Deputy County Clerk and leave your pleasant little town In pursuit of other business I hope to be f stilt remembered as a citizen oi your town Your very truly LH CONDIT I A certain citizen of this city had been away from home for sometime r came in on the noon bus Monday After he had dinner he was about to start down town when his wife asked 1 him to put on some cleam linen The good lady opened her husbands tray ellng bag to get Jt for him when 101 r what did she find a case ot well pack- ed r ladies clothing Explanations were of course in order and the dum founded husband stammeringly ven 7 tured the suggestion that the bus man had handed him down the travel ing bag of a lady passenger Instead 01 I his own The incident is closed be tween the husband and wife but It has furnished incident fora many I- C merry laugh on the streets I A pleasant surprise awaited ou Foreman Mr J A Anderson whet he returned home for dinner Iron Sunday School last Sunday Snndaj r was Mr Andersons thirtyseconc birthday and while he was uway al- a Sunday School Mrs Anderson pre Ii pared a nice birthday dinner for bin and Invited a number of friends ti join her In giving her husband a stir prime reception Those presex were Mr Andersoda parents Mr and Mrs R A Anderson Mr one p Mrs R M Walker Dr J R Pirtle wife and children Judge JP Mllle f and daughter Miss Norma and Mr It and Mrs Alex Barnett The dlnne Lr and afternoon were dellghtfully il joyed by all present This waa on of these little incidents L wielyalL lection that tempts the batchelor to seek a content In County Court Silas Renfrew motion tor new road Commissioner filed and con ttaJuedI J H Robinson motion for new road Norwood Brown filed excep- tions ¬ and case continued- F O CofTman motion for new road continued for report ot opening Geo M Maddox motion for new road same order J A Park motion for new road Commissioners report filed and con ¬ tinned Kit C flyers motion for new road road established and K C flyers ap ¬ pointed a commissioner to open road L B Loney qualified as Deputy County Court Clerk T F Johnson qualified as Notary Public of Ohio county I N Lanham qualified as guardian of Ada Baize W F Sanderlur LP Bennett and O S White qualified as Deputies County Court Clerk TVP Crowder qualified as Police ot Rosine with T J SmlthurctyI Marriages Mr Robt B Shrive Shreve to Miss Sallie Grant Barretts Petty Mr Geo P Fields Echols to Miss Kate K Sheffield Echols Mr W B Nanney Prentls to Miss Mattie E Burgess Prentls Mr S A Bishop Smallhouse to Miss Ellen Bishop Centertown Mr James Stewart Horse Branch to Miss Millie P Haynen Horse BranchMr S Jeffries Westerfield to Miss Leora King Westei field Thos B Austin Beaver Dam to Miss Norma Brown Rockport Jno Densy col McHenry to Miss Ollie Pnckett col Taylor mines ala Wbcre Reigns the Law lu Ma- jesty ¬ Sublime Circuit Court began Monday withc the following officers present Com ¬ monwealths Attorney J E Row Circuit Clerk S A Anderson andc County Attorney W H Barnes Ow ¬ ing to Illness Judge W T Owen was unable to be present and the clerk thereupon proceeded to hold an elec ¬ tion which resulted In the election orI Judge J S Glenn as special Judge The following named gentlemen were empaneled as grand jurors E Crabtree S L Baled FM Reynolds F A Shaver H AStum J P Had J W Craig M J Williams Hender son Aihby and J P Walkerforeman Jerome Allen sheriff and W T San defur clerk Also the following named were em ¬ paneled as petit jurors J W Baker S K Allen D H Thomas A L Knott J M Brown Birch Shields Peter Shown Jf P Hill Everett Chapman T Jahn Frank Foreman Luther Brown J W Pate W EMor ¬ ton E E Rogers J H Iglehart S J Paxton TW Barrett Lafe De Weese and W C Overton Comth vs Robt Owen on motion ol Comth Attorney this offense was reduced from housebreaking to tres ¬ pass and the defendant confessed fine ol 5000 Judge Owen arrived In town Tuesday evening but as Judge Glean as Spe ¬ cial Judge had presided through a portion of the case on trial that of Comth va Cap Davis the regular judge declined to preside during the remainder of the trial The Davis case has been a long and tedious trial and the jury will perhaps take the case this morning The grand jury brought in an In- dictment ¬ Wednesday against the bank robbers Gray Marsh Mills and Kealy charging them with house breaking and the court made an or ¬ den setting the case for the twellth day of the present term The grand jury also returned an In- dictment ¬ against Herman DeckerFon Decker Clarence Mason and James Byers charging them with breaking into the storehouse of WtUttinghill Whlttlnghlll at Trisler Some time since a certain attorney here brought suit to settle a partner ¬ ship and sell a partnership boat on the waters ol Green rivet Suit was begun and prosecuted with diligence judgment was rendered for a sate and the attorney was congratulating him ¬ seton a speedy settlement when the news came that the defendant in pos ¬ session had cut his guy line and drift ¬ ed down into the region oftbe Father of Waters What to do with the case Is puzzling the attorney and furnish ¬ ing amusement for the bar The boat is a family boat nnditrronjd cost more to tow it back than the boat Is r worth and so long as the boat is be ¬ yond the courts jurisdiction nothing can Je accomplished Moral A lIst boat in the hand Is worth two in Arkansaw a Farmers of Ohio County Until our permanent quarters are completed we will occupy the Fogle building with a full line of the best I field seeds that can be had and also breaking plows The famous Oliver Chill Plows and other lines of the I best steel breaking plows manufactur ¬ ed We will also put in a big line of wire and nails We expect to be open- ed t In our new quarters opposite First National Bank about the isth March with a complete line of farm Ing implements road wagons and r the best buggies and Barries that can be manufactured Soliciting your r valued patronage we are yours for JmslnesM fJ TDJHBYCO 32 Hartford Ky 1 Catarrh t The cause exists In the blood In what causes Inflammation of the mucous membrane- It Is therefore Impossible to cure the disease by local applications It Is positively dangerous to neglect It because It always affects the stom ¬ ach and deranges the general health and Is likely to develop Into consump- tion ¬ Manr hare ben radically and permanent cured brlioodatianaBarilla It cleanse thi blood and bai a peculiar aJleratlre end tonic effect It Lonr California Junction Iowa wrltee I bad catarrh three yean lost mj appetite and could not eleep My heed pained me and I felt bad all over 1 took Hoods Sanaparllla end now bite a good appetite sleep well and have na symptom of catarrh Hoods Smnmpmrnim Promises to cure and keeps the prom ise It Is better not to put off treat meritbuy Hoods toda- yPROTRACTED SPREE Leads W B Cox tp Kill ills Wif and Attempt to Commit Suicide Evansvllle Ind March 4 Fol- lowing a protracted spree which had been going on for some time W B Cox murdered his wife late this after- noon lathe presence of their littli daughter and then attempted to taki his own life The man Is In a hospit- al unconscious and will probably die during the night The family came here from Ken- tucky their home being in the vicin- ity or Livermore Cox Isamembei of a wealthy family and has at atl times since coming to Evansvllle a year ago been amply supplied with money His father was a wellknowr physician and his mother was a Miss Rowan Mrs Cox was Miss Vellthe SmithCox has attracted much attention in police circles here and has Ire quently been arrested and fined los drunkenness Today tragedy followed a quarrel the husband being on a spree Neigh bors knew that a row was going on this was followed by pistol shots When the police arrived Mrs Cox was dead upon the floor with s wound in the back of her head and another in her breast and her dress was on fire Cox shot himself in the head but was sitting up with the revolver in his hand The little girl was stand Ing in the middle ol the room crying Courier Journal With an Apology to the Lawyers- A wellknown wag living severs mitts out of town was along with a score of other witnesses In a murder trial here this week standing jut outside the door opening into the court hall when the conversation fi nslly shifted to a discussion of the lawyersurn bet a pint ol peanuts said the wag that there isnt one it ten of them who can tell how many pounds ol onions it takes tc make II bushel The bet was duly taker and as it was nearly noontime the lawyers soon came out for dinner The wag stood by the door and asked each of them as he came out how many pounds ot onions it took to make a bushel andas the wag In the midst of a hearty chuckle only en of them knew This is a boss 01 the lawyers a a The Grand Jurymen We went before the grand jury yes terday in the interest of our readers and secured the following biographic of its members- P P Walker Foreman aged 65 Democrat a Baptist welghs so lbs and has nine children W F Sanderfnr Clerk age 47 Re- publican Baptist weight 140 flit ha five children Jerome Allen Sheriff age 50 Re publican Baptist weight 150 lbjhai eleven children- SL Baird age 78Democrat Meth- odist weight 125 lbJ has seven chil- dren J P Harl age 65 Democrat Chris- tian weight 130 tbs has nine chll drentwo sets of twins F A Shaver age 58 Republican Methodist weight 158 lbs has fou childrenH Stum age 55 Democrat Methodist weight 155 lbs has five childrenJ Craig agt 55 Republican Methodist weight 123 tbi has ten children M J Williams age 52 Republican Baptist weight 140 tbs has thre childrenF Reynolds age 42 Democrat Baptist weight 186 rbj has om childH B Ashby age 41 Democrat Baptist weight 160 Ibs has IQur chll drenE Crabtree aged 33 Democrat Methodist weight 155 lbs The jury Is composed ot seven Dew ocrats five Republicans seven lisp tlsts four Methodists one Chris han Mr Harl lathe only Chrlstlai on the jury but we dont mean to oa the other eleven are not good men The Methodist are great on chicken but when it comes to getting on I DapthtI are not numerous in Ohio county bu anywaywe seldom hear of a Chris tlan on a grand jury ROSIN KY March 6Editor Hartford Repub- lican lIatlordfXyMr L P Crowder of this town has recsntl been appointed Police Judge of tb C tttr- I Q O I O I 2 fIt will pay you to consider the money question 4 tit expenditures and returns which you need 2 to consider We will answer them all to your en 3tiro satisfaction We will toll you about good a I things at right prices and toll you about getting a full value for every cent you spend with uo WO I with assurance of a 4Ii s at the right prices a t CLOTHING J Our Spring Samples k madetomeasure Cloth- ing ¬ I are in And already our regular trade is pro ¬ I paring for the opening I Let us measure you for a Jfc nice NEW Spring Suit pv Perfect fit guaranteed 09 Our readytowear J Clothing has just arrived J and our Clothing Depart ment is first with the car I ly Spring Styles Every ¬ thing of latest styles cuts thef L Ii 4- a DRESS GOODS C fQuite a variety bf now Wash Fabrics for early 4 wear aro on our shelve ready for your in 4 4Madras I Also the greatest lino of Embroideries Insertions I and Laces over shown in this whole county Ev J orything for tho Ladies is right in line with the 4- Si latest Spring fashions 4- I FARMERSTobacco seed is now in proga lIress 4Tobacco I or Field Seeds Oliver Chilled Plows E- ctEPBARNESBRO i i liBEAVER DAM KY 4 ailil town of Rosine went to Hartibn yesterday took the oaths and gave bond with T J Smith as his surety We have been in need of such a mat as 14P Crowder as Judge of our lit tie town for some time With such s man as Mr Crowder and a good bondsman there can be no doubt that the village of Roslne will come to the front and be lawabiding citizens and as I am an old citizen ol Roslne feel that the time has come fore change and the change for good is in- sight When you have lawabldlni citizens for your officials good Is bound to come and may the Lord be with L P Crowdner and the law abiding citizens ol the once thrlvln village of Rosice Ky OLD CITIZEN 4 Carson BrosT- HE Grocerers Will run a lunch stand dur ing Court in their now hous Mooros oldstand No O7O2 Report of the Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Hartford at Hartford in the State oi Kentucky at the close of busi ¬ ness February 2519 2 ItESOtfRCES loan > nelllrouulMUtD811 U H Iloodt tu secure drtolaUotu Z000P Hanking house furniture and flitnr 1s31OG Dnt toni National Dunk not rtwrr RtOUIMMatIOtI Due tram apprortd rcwrrnl acenti 1J4090 Cheek and ottur rbllm4UG1 Notes or other National Ilankt aooOI Fractional peper currency nickS and DtMMa2 Itvru MOSEY IUIUTK IS DeaL tus sPICIa 11 I Legal 48U7 now 10MCOJ netUmptlon rand with U B Troaiur r5pur oent ot circulation ItGOo TOTAL l Ill i HIT TI llnml 69Q3M LIABILITIES Capital stock pldIAMMnooooc SunpIoafuznd r IJM- OUailUlded profile fMcxp nM and taiM pldM 851 National tank note outetanding ISOOO Dae to Klato flank and Vanktre m IidlTldiaUepo r lt bI tto ebkM CTSM6 I Tina wrtlflcatw ol depoell 96464 TOTALrM81I L Rdc otKuntockJi1 jjJ c RltwCwbler or th above niatd banS tdo solemnly iwear that the abort etatement L to tht best or my knowledge sod belief JcIIILUealiltrlu- bocrlbe4 and iworato before me this 411 day ot Starch 1601 Stout R Busy Notsr PablU- ily commissiOn explrrl Flbruer10IPoo CuiasvrAUt1V TLoalrrll a Dilative IDIitctet- eJPJrtcro e t air1a Ti1ph- oiA AND TelegraphCOMPANY INCORPORATED Operating exchanges and toll lines in Kentucky IndlanoMIsalsslppl and connected by its Long Distant line thlrtyliveStates an exchange inllartford and surround ¬ ing country They wish to make their service comprehensive and valua ¬ ble as possible and make a specialty livingin distance of the exchange Rates and other Information may be obtained at 1 the exchange over Williams drug store Hartford Ky C P NOWUN Manager ROUGH RIVER- TELEPHONE I Ir h 1 COMPANY ytix- coxroiuTXD t1 I ti I Talk being cheap and necessary you should patronize home folks where you can buy your own phones and build your own lines and be in talking distance with the whole conn ¬ ty and business points generally by only paying a reasonable rent to the Rough River Telephone Company or they will be at the whole expense If you say so We connect with all In- dependent ¬ Companies For panticuV lars call on D M Manager Hartford Ky THE NEW YORK WORLD ThriceaWeek EditionAI- ¬ most a Daily at the Price of a Weekly The 1mldrntlol campaign I our but th world ROP oa just the same and It Ie tall olaewe To learn this Dews bit a It I promptly ceO I Impartially all thatjon hay to do I to look In the columns ot nbc TbrlceaWetk Edition ot the New York World which come to th b crlber 1M time a I Th ThrlcaWwk World dlll ore ci a pub Uobr ot Stat news bcs RInD It clrcnlatlon wber eVertha EnglUb lanfrtiag U ipokea and you wantitTheThrkeaWek World regular eubecr- iptIouprIcetonlyt00eryecr We offer this I nnequalrd newspaper TIC RsruBLKAX to Mtkeroa year for 16- 0Tblrol1llaroabrlptln price of the two pa preo is 1200 iNptice to Subscribers Kmdly notice the label on t ypur paperarid if your time has expired please send in your renewal Remember it takes money to run a novspa s per May we hear from you CAS XI C nXA Bean the ihi Kiod Yts Hati Liwsys Bought r lId

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Page 1: T I C Purchasing is Not Coughs I O at the Store 4Ii · Thirtysix inch fine Brown Domestic by bolt 4tfc Good Apron Check Gingham 50-1lftyfourlnch Turkey Red Table Linen 15-V5 0Seveuelghthsyard

= T 44=Purchasing is Not

1 Compulsory at the Store


Como in and compare if you dont feel like purchasing

its all right too wbnrc showing our lines of Spring

Laces Embroideries Madras Cloths Ginghams Porcals

Etc and would be glad to have you visit us Compare our

qualities and prices with thoso of other houses thou buy

Iwhere your judgment tolls you is tho best place


Thirtysix inch fine Brown Domestic by bolt 4tfcGood Apron Check Gingham 50-

1lftyfourlnch Turkey Red Table Linen 15-0SeveuelghthsyardV5 Bleached Cottonno starch 5C

Good 554 Table Oil Cloth I5ct Colored Carpet Varp j8cIrJVhIte Carpet Warp ic

F Best Quality Prints 5C

Tblrtyslxlnch Sea Island Pcrcals locII Fine Zephyr Gixgbnms locElegant Astortment of Madras Cloth locSpecial drive on Lace Curtains joe 75c ft per pairJ5CileusBoys Madrid Cloth Shirts 500New Assortment of Neckwear 350Latest Mens Collars 150 two for 350-

Mena Fine Shoes f IooBetter Grades same 3 oo to SJ 50Ladles Pine Shoes 125 to 350

We are not Prepared to Quote You Euerytliine

Nor do wo caro to do this As wo stated in the outset

come in and sco us compare what wo have with tho goods

and price of others then decide You are not compelled to

buy If wo do not soil to you wo will only thank you for

tho courtesy you hnvo shown us in looking through our stock


f Our New HomeIs ono door from

c A D Whites

L J Grocery

1FlavtfOrd Republican


Drink Cocoa delfclons SingerOffice

Fresh lot of Cranberries at SingerOffice

Cucumber Pickle extra tineSinger Office

Try our Mince Meat so niceSinger Office

Hitching room tree at B B CollinsCor table

Mr Perry Crowder Rosine wsa intown Wednesday

Mr Jell Boatd ol Narrows was in

town Wednesday

Mr R B Everly Matanzaa called

to led us Monday

Mr D J Duncan ol Greenville la

in town this week

Fresh Oysters and Celery alwaytfonhand at Singer Office

rMr C H Rogers Balietown was

among our callers Monday

Mr Judson Rowe of Rockport

L 1Awent to Leltchfield Sunday

Mr H D Smith Fordsvllle wasin town the first of the week

C R Martin jeweler mind watch

hfrfmakerit Williams drug store

J 1More blue and white pound printsr Carson Gos

Rev Henry Burch of Breckenrldgecounty WaS in town Wednenday

Mr fan Rojers went to FotdsvlllcTuesday and returned Wednesday


This U written In mlOOctobar Th longol summer la quits gon Fadlofleaf withering tree nl the rustling com Inthe field are agna of the iuou Pogfrost rain lIowtho1 flTS coming Toitmember lMtwlnter of 1900 and 1901

The weather ras cruel Ah I the thouaands it killed ami tho hundred ot thouaudj it maimed And crippled Oh therough grasp it laid un men afworkv0Bxtaat home children in cribs and cradleCoughs that bekrn before TbkgiIngDay re racking nclt riDg them itU yesand IPQWlDIl worn theydlg deeper Into

0 the I throat and ll1Di1o Msnywere cared by using Bensons Foroo Pusten For lie lid healing powerot these Plasters b wonderful They con-quer the complaints


No other platter no other tnedlcln or liPplication can compu with them Cough

rheumatismkidney and liter troubles uthma Inflrtenra rttjeif pit go down befor BensonsFlasteriliM a snow imag In tho tanYou cant throw moneraway oa a Bensons

1 Plaster b going to us Ueathis JeaSOJI BuInSkSeeztain7SgStth0g-enuine All druggists or w > win prepaynoeUge on any number orderedtJ United States on receipt of USe each

Sbl117 Johnson lUg CData NY



All kinds of nice Cakes and Crack-ers fresh at Singer Office

Fresh Fish and Oysters served dnrlog court at Singer Office

Nicest and freshest line of Candlla Hartford at Singer Office

Use GrapenuU and Postum Cofleand get well Singer Office

Mrs John U Ragland of PleasanRidge is reported to be seriously ill

Oranges Lemons Bananas PearsCocoanuU and Apples at Singer Office

Remember you can get the nicestHot Lunch in Hartford at Singer Of-


Mrs Dresden Dean of SulphuSprings Iswe are informed quitetick

Attorney O B Likens is alstlngthe prosecution in the Davis murdertrial

Mrs Hiram Babbit of near Dundeeis the proud mother of a 16 poum

boyDrA F Stanley who was In

Frankfort last week returned homeSunday

The grand jury Is busily at workgrinding out indictments against thelawbreakers

Mr Carr James Balzetown was spleasant caller at TUB REPOBUCAoffice Monday

When you have feathers and eggto sell briny them to the EoonomDry Goods Store

Mr tee Luce who halbeen vlslting in Indiana for some time pastbas returned home

The Economy Dry Goods Store II

the place to buy tobsceocanvass-new


lot just received

We have lots of blue and whitprints on hand now

CARSON CoJudge Owen came over Tuesda

and will gOon the bench at the COB

clusloa of the Davis murder trial

Every man wears Suits So donfall to come to our Clothing openingMarch 1415 igoa CARSON Co

Mrs Maybelle Smith of oulavllle-Is visiting her parents Mr and MrsU J Reid of Rockport this week

If you have a hose cowor othestock estrayed land or other propertton sale advertise it In Tits RBFOI


Mr Alex Barnett and wife went IOwenaboro Wednesday where thewIlt visit relatives the reminder c

the week j

Capt AB Stanley Wyiiox wsln town Monday and kindly tremerTHE RSPCBUCAM a visit tootanctutnV

CoughsII My wife had a deepscaled cough

for three years I purchased twobottles of Ayerslarge size and cured her com ¬

pletelyJ H Surge Macon Col

Probably you know ofcough medicines that re¬

lieve little coughs allcoughs except deep ones

The medicine that hasbeen curing the worst ofdeep coughs for sixtyyears Is Ayers CherryPectoral

Tim ilm I iicict Afldtg-

WiCat O zr detOr Ii hi ikIilhn 4o is ha MTI Ii n Ir lou notlo tallo It then dont 1110 It lit knowIMM It with him Wcaravtltlnr

0Ie ATER CO Lowell Mill

Ames Buggies the best oa themarket for sale by A C TayloHartford Kr

Mr C T Whitflnghlll Trislewaa a welcome visitor at TUB RuruiLICAN office TJaday

ICall on A C Taylor Liveryman

Hartford Ky for special bargains InBuggies and Wagons

Cream Brick and LimburgerCheese Bologna Sausage and lionless lIam at Singer Office

Wagons Bngges Phaetons Surrleand all other kinds of vehicles rorsale by AC Taylor Hartford Ky

Mr M N Porter of Beaver Dambought a number of mules here Mon-

day paying good prices for goodstock

The present grand jury is said tobe the most Industrious painstaklnand conservative one empaneled herefor sometime

Rev Mrs Woosley of Canty vllledelivered two sermons at the Presbyterlan church here Sunday morningand evening

Our restaurant department will berunning over with good things to eatduring Circuit Court Call and leeas Singer Office

Mr Dan Stone an old friend of ourboyhood amid the wilds and wastes 01

old Grayson was a welcome visitor toour sanctum Tuesday

When you come to Circuit Courtleave your horse at BD Collins tCos stable Careful attention givenstock left with them

If you need Letterheads EnvelopesStatements Cards Posters Etc sendas your order Clean print neweststyles and the best material

Mr Hardin Porter of Graysocounty was in town the first of theweek and remembered THE R PUB

KICAN In a substantial way

Notwithstanding the almost impas-

sible condition of the roads a largcrowd waa in attendance at the open-

Ing of Circuit Court Monday

If you wear a pair of our fJ pantsyour can go way back and sit down

and they do not bag at the kneesCARSON Co

Sunday afternoon near Trisler MrRobert Shreve andMUs Sallie Granwere happily united In matrimonyRev Pomfrey Garden officiating

Dont forget our Clothing openingMarch 415 All the latest patternand styleo llsplayed Prices to suityour purse CARSON Co

A splendid line of new shoes jusreceived Browns 5 star 5 a special-

ty Also a special line of baby shoeat The Economy Pry Goods Store

The fairies brought Circuit Court

Clerk S A Anderson a wee bit of an

office deputy last Thursday night

Its Sams first boy and he is prow

of him

Mr Thos H Benton formerly 01

Ohio county but now of LouisvilleIn the employ of the Louisville StLonls Texas Railroad was in towModay

Esq Jas A Park USstore keepegger who lisa been on duty at Ca

neyville for several months is sl

home to spend several days with hifamily here

Miss Mary Crahan of lionsBranch went to Cecelia last Frldato be present at the funeral of he

I BlBterinlaw Mrs Kate Craban wh

died in that city

Mrs J E Davidson left Tuesdafor the bedside of her lather EsqulrP H Alford ot Horse Branch wh

approaching lifes end of dropsy tthe heart

Mr Wilt Embreyof Balzetowutoorefuge from the storm last Friday I-

ttmlUshed and suffered serious injicollapse ol the shed dui

ing the storm

See In another column the card 0

Mr T F Johnson Notary PublicSulphur Springs Mr Johnson Is

capable officer and will give you goor work Give him a trial

All accounts due this paper on anticriptlon must be settled at oneThis action la i8e necessary becan

y ot the recent change In the ownershl

i ofjkkepaper Fair warning

Judge Owen was sick the firstIS the week and did not come over untd Tuesday In the meantime the bi

Ir elected Judge J S Glenn spec

jnijge and the court proceededS


standCall on Carson Droll Moores oldII

Mr Jno C Riley went to LonlsvlllIWednesday

Mr S L Stevens Cromwell w-


town yesterday

Ex Coroner L W Hunt of Nar-


was tn town Tuesday

Miss Annie Lyons of Haynesvilleis visiting friends in Hartford thisweek

Carson Bros carry a general line 01

eatables Cheese Sausage Sardines

Oysters etc I

When you come to Hertford dontforget to call on Carson Bros Mooreold stand

Carson Bros have moved into theirnew store second door from Bank orHartford Call and see them

Mr Henry Carson who has been In

the East for the past week purcbaalna spring stock for his store here hasreturned home

Will Cox who shot mud killed hiwife and then shot himself at Evanivllle Monday died at that place Wednesday The bodies ol each wetburied at Evansvllle

The foundation of Dr L B DealJsnew business house to be occupiedby TJ Turley Co has been laidand the structure will be completeby the isth of this month

Mr Jas P Thomas who is holdinga clerical position in Surveyor ol thePort Barnetts office Louisville haabeen appointed Secretary of the Boarof Civil ServlceCommissIoners of thatcity

Mr John Lamb a farmer living atSulphur Springs came near losinghis residence by fire Tuesday but thefire was extinguished before muddamage was done The huse toolfire from the outside and its origincannot be accounted for

The case of the Cotnth vs Cap Da-

vie charged with the murder ofjMiller has taken up practically thewhole time of the court this week

At the time of going to press the case

was in the hands ot the jury and thejury is expected to bring In a verdictthis morning

The editor of this paper desires toacknowledge Indebtedness to Dr incMrs A F Stanley for an invitationto a splendid dinner yesterday HonE P Neal and Col and Mrs C M

Barnett were also guests The doctorand his good wife know how to eatertain in an uptodate style

Mr J Edwin Rowe known locally

as the Commonwealth has beenslightly Indisposed this week and 01

account of such Indisposition was incapacitated to give proper attentionto the business of the CommonwealthCounty Attorney Barnes is at hipost looking after the welfare of theCommonwealth

The stockholders ot the HartfordPublishing Company met at the office

of the Hartford REPUBLICAN Mondayand elected the following officers foithe ensuing year President C MBarnett Vice President Nicholas Barrats Secretary and Treasurer S AAnderson Editor and Business Masager Jno H Thomas

Mr William Fleaner of Cromwellleft Tuesday for his new home In Oklahoma He chartered a cu and moved most of his property to his nequarters taking all of his house holdeffects six mules farming Imple-

ments and corn sufficient to feed hiteams while making a new cropCost of car for transportation 19000Mr Fleaner was one of the countybest citizens

Kind friends and good citizens or

Hartford I sincerely thank you oneand all especially Mr Ragland fo

the many courtesies and kindly favors

you have shown me during my shortstay among you and while I reslgimy position as Deputy County Clerkand leave your pleasant little town In

pursuit ofother business I hope to bef

stilt remembered as a citizen oi yourtown Your very truly


A certain citizen of this city hadbeen away from home for sometime

rcame in on the noon bus MondayAfter he had dinner he was about to

start down town when his wife asked1

him to put on some cleam linen Thegood lady opened her husbands trayellng bag to get Jt for him when 101

r what did she find a case ot well pack-

edr ladies clothing Explanationswere of course in order and the dumfounded husband stammeringly ven

7 tured the suggestion that the busman had handed him down the traveling bag of a lady passenger Instead 01

I his own The incident is closed be

tween the husband and wife but It

has furnished incident fora many I-

C merry laugh on the streetsI

A pleasant surprise awaited ouForeman Mr J A Anderson whethe returned home for dinner IronSunday School last Sunday Snndaj

rwas Mr Andersons thirtyseconcbirthday and while he was uway al-

aSunday School Mrs Anderson pre

Iipared a nice birthday dinner for binand Invited a number of friends tijoin her In giving her husband a stirprime reception Those presexwere Mr Andersoda parents Mrand Mrs R A Anderson Mr one

pMrs R M Walker Dr J R Pirtlewife and children Judge JP Mllle

f and daughter Miss Norma and MrIt and Mrs Alex Barnett The dlnneLr and afternoon were dellghtfullyil joyed by all present This waa on

of these little incidents



lection that tempts the batchelor toseek a content

In County CourtSilas Renfrew motion tor new road

Commissioner filed and conttaJuedIJ H Robinson motion for newroad Norwood Brown filed excep-


and case continued-F O CofTman motion for new

road continued for report ot openingGeo M Maddox motion for new

road same orderJ A Park motion for new road

Commissioners report filed and con ¬

tinnedKit C flyers motion for new road

road established and K C flyers ap ¬

pointed a commissioner to open roadL B Loney qualified as Deputy

County Court ClerkT F Johnson qualified as Notary

Public of Ohio countyI N Lanham qualified as guardian

of Ada BaizeW F Sanderlur L P Bennett and

O S White qualified as DeputiesCounty Court Clerk

TVP Crowder qualified as Policeot Rosine with T

J SmlthurctyIMarriages

Mr Robt B Shrive Shreve toMiss Sallie Grant Barretts Petty

Mr Geo P Fields Echols to MissKate K Sheffield Echols

Mr W B Nanney Prentls to MissMattie E Burgess Prentls

Mr S A Bishop Smallhouse toMiss Ellen Bishop Centertown

Mr James Stewart Horse Branchto Miss Millie P Haynen Horse

BranchMrS Jeffries Westerfield to

Miss Leora King Westei fieldThos B Austin Beaver Dam to

Miss Norma Brown RockportJno Densy col McHenry to Miss

Ollie Pnckett col Taylor minesalaWbcre Reigns the Law lu Ma-


SublimeCircuit Court began Monday withc

the following officers present Com ¬

monwealths Attorney J E RowCircuit Clerk S A Anderson andcCounty Attorney W H Barnes Ow ¬

ing to Illness Judge W T Owen wasunable to be present and the clerkthereupon proceeded to hold an elec ¬

tion which resulted In the election orIJudge J S Glenn as special Judge

The following named gentlemenwere empaneled as grand jurors ECrabtree S L Baled FM ReynoldsF A Shaver H AStum J P HadJ W Craig M J Williams Henderson Aihby and J P WalkerforemanJerome Allen sheriff and W T Sandefur clerk

Also the following named were em ¬

paneled as petit jurors J W BakerS K Allen D H Thomas A LKnott J M Brown Birch ShieldsPeter Shown Jf P Hill EverettChapman T Jahn Frank ForemanLuther Brown J W Pate W EMor ¬

ton E E Rogers J H Iglehart SJ Paxton T W Barrett Lafe DeWeese and W C Overton

Comth vs Robt Owen on motionol Comth Attorney this offense wasreduced from housebreaking to tres ¬

pass and the defendant confessed fine

ol 5000Judge Owen arrived In town Tuesday

evening but as Judge Glean as Spe¬

cial Judge had presided through aportion of the case on trial that of

Comth va Cap Davis the regularjudge declined to preside during theremainder of the trial The Daviscase has been a long and tedious trialand the jury will perhaps take thecase this morning

The grand jury brought in an In-


Wednesday against the bankrobbers Gray Marsh Mills andKealy charging them with housebreaking and the court made an or¬

den setting the case for the twellthday of the present term

The grand jury also returned an In-


against Herman DeckerFonDecker Clarence Mason and JamesByers charging them with breakinginto the storehouse of WtUttinghillWhlttlnghlll at Trisler

Some time since a certain attorneyhere brought suit to settle a partner ¬

ship and sell a partnership boat on

the waters ol Green rivet Suit wasbegun and prosecuted with diligencejudgment was rendered for a sate andthe attorney was congratulating him ¬

seton a speedy settlement when thenews came that the defendant in pos ¬

session had cut his guy line and drift ¬

ed down into the region oftbe Fatherof Waters What to do with the case

Is puzzling the attorney and furnish ¬

ing amusement for the bar Theboat is a family boat nnditrronjd costmore to tow it back than the boat Is

r worth and so long as the boat is be ¬

yond the courts jurisdiction nothingcan Je accomplished

Moral A lIst boat in the hand Is

worth two in Arkansawa

Farmers of Ohio CountyUntil our permanent quarters are

completed we will occupy the Foglebuilding with a full line of the best

I field seeds that can be had and alsobreaking plows The famous OliverChill Plows and other lines of the

I best steel breaking plows manufactur ¬

ed We will also put in a big line of

wire and nails We expect to be open-

edt In our new quarters oppositeFirst National Bank about the isthMarch with a complete line of farm

Ing implements road wagons and

r the best buggies and Barries that can

be manufactured Soliciting your

r valued patronage we areyours for JmslnesM

fJ TDJHBYCO32 Hartford Ky


Catarrht The cause exists In the blood In

what causes Inflammation of themucous membrane-

It Is therefore Impossible to cure

the disease by local applications

It Is positively dangerous to neglect

It because It always affects the stom¬

ach and deranges the general health

and Is likely to develop Into consump-



Manr hare ben radically and permanentcured brlioodatianaBarilla It cleanse thiblood and bai a peculiar aJleratlre end toniceffect It Lonr California Junction Iowawrltee I bad catarrh three yean lost mjappetite and could not eleep My heed painedme and I felt bad all over 1 took HoodsSanaparllla end now bite a good appetitesleep well and have na symptom of catarrh

Hoods SmnmpmrnimPromises to cure and keeps the prom

ise It Is better not to put off treatmeritbuy Hoods toda-


Leads W B Cox tp Kill ills Wif

and Attempt to Commit


Evansvllle Ind March 4 Fol-

lowing a protracted spree which hadbeen going on for some time W B

Cox murdered his wife late this after-

noon lathe presence of their littlidaughter and then attempted to takihis own life The man Is In a hospit-al unconscious and will probably dieduring the night

The family came here from Ken-

tucky their home being in the vicin-

ity or Livermore Cox Isamembeiof a wealthy family and has at atl

times since coming to Evansvllle a

year ago been amply supplied withmoney His father was a wellknowrphysician and his mother was a Miss

Rowan Mrs Cox was Miss Vellthe

SmithCoxhas attracted much attention

in police circles here and has Ire

quently been arrested and fined los

drunkennessToday tragedy followed a quarrel

the husband being on a spree Neighbors knew that a row was going on

this was followed by pistol shotsWhen the police arrived Mrs Cox

was dead upon the floor with s

wound in the back of her head and

another in her breast and her dress

was on fireCox shot himself in the head but

was sitting up with the revolver in

his hand The little girl was standIng in the middle ol the room crying

Courier Journal

With an Apology to the Lawyers-A wellknown wag living severs

mitts out of town was along with ascore of other witnesses In a murdertrial here this week standing jutoutside the door opening into thecourt hall when the conversation fi

nslly shifted to a discussion of thelawyersurn bet a pint ol peanutssaid the wag that there isnt one itten of them who can tell how manypounds ol onions it takes tc make II

bushel The bet was duly takerand as it was nearly noontime the

lawyers soon came out for dinner Thewag stood by the door and asked each

of them as he came out how manypounds ot onions it took to make abushel andas the wag In themidst of a hearty chuckle only enof them knew This is a boss 01

the lawyersa a

The Grand JurymenWe went before the grand jury yes

terday in the interest of our readersand secured the following biographicof its members-

P P Walker Foreman aged 65Democrat a Baptist welghs so lbs

and has nine childrenW F Sanderfnr Clerk age 47 Re-

publican Baptist weight 140 flit hafive children

Jerome Allen Sheriff age 50 Republican Baptist weight 150 lbjhaieleven children-

S L Baird age 78Democrat Meth-

odist weight 125 lbJ has seven chil-

drenJ P Harl age 65 Democrat Chris-

tian weight 130 tbs has nine chlldrentwo sets of twins

F A Shaver age 58 RepublicanMethodist weight 158 lbs has fou

childrenHStum age 55 Democrat

Methodist weight 155 lbs has five

childrenJ Craig agt 55 RepublicanMethodist weight 123 tbi has ten

childrenM J Williams age 52 Republican

Baptist weight 140 tbs has thre

childrenF Reynolds age 42 DemocratBaptist weight 186 rbj has om

childHB Ashby age 41 Democrat

Baptist weight 160 Ibs has IQur chll

drenE Crabtree aged 33 DemocratMethodist weight 155 lbs

The jury Is composed ot seven Dewocrats five Republicans seven lisptlsts four Methodists one Chrishan Mr Harl lathe only Chrlstlaion the jury but we dont mean to oathe other eleven are not good menThe Methodist are great on chickenbut when it comes to getting on IDapthtIare not numerous in Ohio county buanywaywe seldom hear of a Christlan on a grand jury

ROSIN KYMarch 6Editor Hartford Repub-

lican lIatlordfXyMr L PCrowder of this town has recsntlbeen appointed Police Judge of tb

C tttr-I Q O I O I 2fIt will pay you to consider the money question 4tit expenditures and returns which you need 2to consider We will answer them all to your en

3tiro satisfaction We will toll you about good aI things at right prices and toll you about getting afull value for every cent you spend with uo WOI with assurance of a4Iis at the right prices at CLOTHING

J Our Spring Samplesk madetomeasure Cloth-



I are in And alreadyour regular trade is pro ¬I paring for the openingI Let us measure you for a

Jfc nice NEW Spring Suitpv Perfect fit guaranteed

09 Our readytowear

J Clothing has just arrived

J and our Clothing Department is first with the car

I ly Spring Styles Every ¬

thing of latest styles cuts

thefLIi 4-a DRESS GOODS CfQuite a variety bf now Wash Fabrics for early 4

wear aro on our shelve ready for your in 44MadrasI Also the greatest lino of Embroideries InsertionsI and Laces over shown in this whole county Ev

J orything for tho Ladies is right in line with the 4-Si latest Spring fashions 4-I FARMERSTobacco seed is now in progalIress4TobaccoI or Field Seeds Oliver Chilled Plows E-

ctEPBARNESBROi iliBEAVER DAM KY 4aililtown of Rosine went to Hartibnyesterday took the oaths and gavebond with T J Smith as his suretyWe have been in need of such a matas 14P Crowder as Judge of our littie town for some time With such sman as Mr Crowder and a goodbondsman there can be no doubt thatthe village of Roslne will come to thefront and be lawabiding citizensand as I am an old citizen ol Roslnefeel that the time has come forechange and the change for good is in-

sight When you have lawabldlnicitizens for your officials good Isbound to come and may the Lord bewith L P Crowdner and the lawabiding citizens ol the once thrlvlnvillage of Rosice Ky OLD CITIZEN


Carson BrosT-


GrocerersWill run a lunch stand dur

ing Court in their now housMooros oldstand

No O7O2Report of the Condition of the


Of Hartford at Hartford in the Stateoi Kentucky at the close of busi ¬

ness February 2519 2


loan > nelllrouulMUtD811U H Iloodt tu secure drtolaUotu Z000P

Hanking house furniture and flitnr 1s31OG

Dnt toni National Dunk not rtwrrRtOUIMMatIOtI

Due tram apprortd rcwrrnl acenti 1J4090Cheek and ottur rbllm4UG1Notes or other National Ilankt aooOI

Fractional peper currency nickS andDtMMa2Itvru MOSEY IUIUTKIS DeaL tus

sPICIa 11I Legal 48U7

now 10MCOJnetUmptlon rand with U B Troaiur

r5pur oent ot circulation ItGOo


Capital stock pldIAMMnoooocSunpIoafuznd r IJM-

OUailUlded profile fMcxp nM andtaiM pldM 851

National tank note outetanding ISOOO

Dae to Klato flank and Vanktre mIidlTldiaUepor lt bI tto ebkM CTSM6

I Tina wrtlflcatw ol depoell 96464

TOTALrM81IL Rdc otKuntockJi1

jjJ c RltwCwbler or th above niatd banS

tdo solemnly iwear that the abort etatement L

to tht best or my knowledge sod beliefJcIIILUealiltrlu-

bocrlbe4 and iworato before me this 411

day ot Starch 1601

Stout R Busy Notsr PablU-ily commissiOn explrrl Flbruer10IPoo

CuiasvrAUt1VTLoalrrlla Dilative IDIitctet-eJPJrtcroe


air1a Ti1ph-



INCORPORATEDOperating exchanges and toll lines

in Kentucky IndlanoMIsalsslppl andconnected by its Long Distant line

thlrtyliveStatesan exchange inllartford and surround ¬

ing country They wish to make theirservice comprehensive and valua ¬

ble as possible and make a specialtylivingindistance of the exchange Rates andother Information may be obtained at 1the exchange over Williams drugstore Hartford Ky

C P NOWUN Manager




Ir h1





ti I

Talk being cheap and necessaryyou should patronize home folkswhere you can buy your own phonesand build your own lines and be intalking distance with the whole conn ¬

ty and business points generally byonly paying a reasonable rent to theRough River Telephone Company orthey will be at the whole expense Ifyou say so We connect with all In-


Companies For panticuVlars call on D M ManagerHartford Ky


ThriceaWeek EditionAI- ¬

most a Daily at the Price ofa Weekly

The 1mldrntlol campaign I our but thworld ROP oa just the same and It Ie tall olaeweTo learn this Dews bit a It I promptly ceO

IImpartially all thatjon hay to do I to lookIn the columns ot nbc TbrlceaWetk Edition otthe New York World which come to th bcrlber 1M time a

I Th ThrlcaWwk World dlll ore ci a pubUobr ot Stat news bcs RInD It clrcnlatlon wbereVertha EnglUb lanfrtiag U ipokea and you

wantitTheThrkeaWek World regular eubecr-iptIouprIcetonlyt00eryecr We offer this

I nnequalrd newspaper TIC RsruBLKAX toMtkeroa year for 16-0Tblrol1llaroabrlptln price of the two pa

preo is 1200

iNptice to SubscribersKmdly notice the label ont

ypur paperarid if your time

has expired please send inyour renewal Remember ittakes money to run a novspa

s per May we hear from you

CAS XI C nXABean the ihi Kiod Yts Hati Liwsys Boughtr lId