t each writing

Teach writing Group 8

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T each writing. Group 8. 1 . Why we need to teach writing ?. Ten Reasons Why Students Should Write? a. Main reason: Students learn English by writing it. b. Other reasons: To consolidate an expression language skill To explore the functions and values of writing To clarify thinking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Teach writing

Group 8

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1. Why we need to teach writing?• Ten Reasons Why Students Should Write?

a. Main reason: Students learn English by writing it.b. Other reasons:

• To consolidate an expression language skill• To explore the functions and values of writing• To clarify thinking• To stimulate imagination

-to give them more thinking time• To express ideas in different formats• To encourage creativity• To search for identity• To enhance feelings of enjoyment and accomplishment• To practice the mechanics of writing

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Writing for learning (focus on language itself)

- aide-mémoire- practice tool- write something they have been learning

give reinforcement to students

- have student write sentences in preparationenabling activity

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Writing for writing (look at the whole text)

• Text include~ - appropriate language use - text construction - layout - style - effectiveness

• developing the students’ skills as writers

• real-life: e-mails, letters, reports

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2. How to teach writing?

• The kind of writing we ask students to do will depend on their…

a. age b. level c. learning style d. interest

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• In order to help students write successfully and enthusiastically in different styles, we have to consider three separate issue:

• a. Genre• b. the writing process• c. building the writing habit

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a. Genre

Genre analysis (help students see how typical text within a genre are

constructed, and this knowledge will help them construct appropriate text of their own.) – Depends on what genres we think they need to

write in• Discourse community

– The decision we need to make is which genres are important and/or engaging for our students.

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Guide writing (help students produce appropriate text even with fairly

limited English.)

• As their language levels improves, we need to make sure that their writing begins to express their own creativity within a genre, rather than merely imitating it.

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Let’s be a translator!!!

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b. the writing process

writing for writing- (real world)• linear process - planning what we are going to write, - drafting it, - reviewing and editing what we have written - producing a final version

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• do all of these things(plan, draft, edit) again and again, sometimes in a chaotic order

- plan, draft, re-plan, draft, edit, re-edit, re-plan,

etc before we produce our final version.

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c. building the writing habit

many students either think or say that they cannot, or do not want to write

• lack confidence• think it’s boring• believe they have nothing to say

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We need to ENGAGE them!!!

From early levelsactivities which are easy and enjoyable to take part in

Then, writing activities would be…• not only become a normal part of classroom life• but also present opportunities for students to

achieve almost instant success

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In order to involve themselves in the writing process with enthusiasm, we need the Inducement…

• Some topic they are interested in• Encourage them• Give them the motivity

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• Instant writing (make students comfortable when writing, give them thinking time)

– Where students are asked to write immediately in response to a teacher request

• Using music and pictures(stimuli for both writing and speaking)

– Get students writing freely, in an engaging way.

• Newspapers and magazines– Offer a range of possibilities for genre analysis.– Show students a story and have them respond to

it in a variety of different genres, and for different audiences.

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• Brochures and guides– Engage for children and teenagers as writing serious

pieces of work.• Poetry– Younger learners not afraid to have a go in different ways– Older learners to be more creative

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• Collaborative writing– Students gain a lot from constructing texts

together.• Writing to each other– E-mail interview– Live chat– Pen pal (=mousepals, keypals)

• Writing in different genres– Getting the students to think together before they

attempt the task- brainstorming ideas- will be a major factor in their success.

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• All these ideas depend for their success on students having a chance to share ideas, look at examples of the genre, plan their writing and then draft and edit it.

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What Students Can Write?

– Lists– Diary– Logs– Journals– Classroom, newspaper– Letters– Notes– Advertisement– Instruction– Warning Signs– Plays/Skits– Poetry

– Essays/ Compositions– Written Conversations– Cards– Book/ Story Reports– Observations– Commercials– Directions– Jokes– Riddles– Stories– Additional verses to Songs– walking journal

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3. What to teach?

Writing sequences( show arrange of level and complexity. It will be seen that

work on one skill is often preceded by- or leads on to- work in another {speaking or reading})

• example1– postcard (pre-intermediate/ intermediate)

• example2– email interview(pre-intermediate upwards)

• example3– writing a report (upper intermediate)

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4. Correcting written work

• Avoid over-correction problem• Use written symbols– (like S=spelling, WO= word order) p.241

• Use editing tool(when they use electronic media)

• Give responding

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Happy Mother’s Day - At least 10 sentences- Keywords: love
